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Ind. DBH. Muses. Group Promo. Feat: Pri. Sel. Mutual Excl. Non-Sel. 18-21+ content
1. @theveryfirst || Chloe RT600 || Non-Sel. 18+ 2. @denicdlife || Rohan RK900 || Pri. Sel. Mutuals. 21+ 3. @ruthlessnessisyourdesire || Sixty RK800-60 || Pri. Sel. Mutuals 21+ 4. @rob0badge || Multimuse Connor, Gavin, Sierra, Markus || Pri. Sel. Mutuals. 21+ 5. @creatorofclay || Elijah Kamski || Non-Sel. 18+ 6. @celestial-trepidation || Deimos RK900 || Non-Sel. 18+ 7. @noblecne || Arya RE400 || Semi-Sel. Mutuals. 18+ 8. @bluebloodstained​ || Connor RK800 || Pri. Sel. Mutuals. 21+ 9. @risefrxmtheash || Ash WR400 || Sel. Mutuals. 18+ 10. @cherry-delights || Vian || Non-Sel. 18+ 11. @itisnothingtodie || Simon PL600 || Non-Sel. 18+ 12. @jadedindreams || Jade Winthrope || Pri. Sel. Mutuals. 21+ 13. @creation-is-chaos || Corvus DeVille (RK800-61) || Pri. Sel. Mutuals. 21+ 14. @lover-of-wolves​ || Connor Griffin || Pri. Sel. Mutuals. Excl. 21+ 15. @vexeddetective || Gavin Reed, Lucifer RK900 || Semi-Sel. 18+ special request promo || follow these babes 
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leaderawakened · 4 years
🔥 people thinking they're not part of the problem when it comes to female muses (coming from someone who writes male canons so don't @ me)
[ ooc. ]
*ding ding* Please come, ladies and gentlemen- and otherwise. Come and let me speak to you about the obvious female muse hate that has ran rampant in the "role-playing community", more famously known as the RPC ™️.
As a community, people should do better when it comes to doing right by female muses-- OC and Canon. Often times, the muns of these muses will talk of their experience, and they are often made out to be "overreacting" or being told that "it's an unfortunate thing in the rpc, but what can you do?". Comments like those contributes to the problem, because it makes our concerns invalid.
Listen to the complaints being made without thinking that the muns are making empty complaints. Better yet, interact with those muses. The community doesn't HAVE to be that way. YOU ARE the community. Make the community change for the better.
Female muses deserve the same attention and dedication that their male counterparts do. If you can come up with 10 thousand headcanons and hundreds of AUs for a character like "Nines" aka RK900, you can at least put a percentage of that effort into female muses. You are possibly part of the problem.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
A shiny green wrapped box sat delivered to the private home of one Elijah Kamski. The card atop read: enjoy these homemade chocolate and mint cupcakes for your donation to the DPD fund. It helps us for the holiday season immensely.
How kind of the DPD to recognize his contribution so privately. It was a kind of respect that Elijah truly appreciated, especially considering he was the reason for much of their grief lately. If they knew that, he was sure the cupcakes wouldn't have looked as good as they did... But he wasn't one to turn down sweets offered to him.
He gave a smile as he took one of the cupcakes and bit into it, giving a satisfied little hum, " Mm. Certainly better than cookies, " he mused to himself.
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bluebloodstained · 4 years
[ NEW DIRECTIVE ]: @jadedindreams
MISSION OBJECTIVE: Retrieve the Data Cells from Codename: Ivy
Rain pounded the pavement hard enough to cause RIVERS in the weather-cracked road, black as pitch only until the flashes of lightning illuminate the CHAOTIC world. But far underneath the Hazard Zone, the sharp white noise of the storm was only a hum against the ROAR of Connor’s motorbike as he chased the hacker.
[ TRANSMISSION TO -- HOLLAND FROST ]: I’ve got eyes on her, heading out of the Detroit Sector. In pursuit.
The Undergrounds were almost empty save the two THIEVES. It was a network of access tunnels connecting the Safe-Zones for transporting goods and RESOURCES between them. At this hour of night, there weren’t many workers or convoys, which meant it was the PERFECT time for a heist.
They managed to get past the checkpoint--simply barreling through was much easier when you had a STOLEN ID badge to allow passage onto the Highway. But getting out is much easier than getting in, anywhere. The way Connor saw it, she likely had two options. To get CAUGHT at the next checkpoint, or to risk going above ground into the Hazard Zone, in the middle of a DEADLY storm. Whatever her decision, he was ready to chase her to the ends of what was left of Earth after the Calamity. Holland would not be disappointed.
mentions: @cyberneticxcollective 
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Gen is without a doubt the protagonist. She can carry a whole crew and then some.
[ Plot Vibes // Accepting ]
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“You’re only saying this because you like my new Chanel heels, aren’t you? I can always gift you a pair, babe.” 
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unitedxfront · 4 years
jadedindreams said:                                                                
⭐⭐~~send this✨✨string to💖💖💖your favorite✨✨blogs~~⭐⭐
// You’re too kind Ash but thank you so much! This means the world knowing that i’m a fav blog hahah but we all know i’m a potato
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robobiitch-archive · 4 years
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@jadedindreams​ -- Main!Jade
DATE: JAN 12, 2040 -- AM 4:30:06...
Another double homicide. Another messy crime scene. Another sinking feeling.
Thirium and human blood exploded on the walls of the small Detroit apartment like a Jackson Pollock painting, most of it INVISIBLE to the naked eye, but Connor was forced to see it in all its glory. He scanned a splatter that slid down to a larger portion of Thirium that had pooled into the carpet, right next to the detached arm of an Android. Its fingers were still splayed and curled in what must’ve been PANIC. The skin was deactivated, and just like the Android victim at the first location, this ones limb was forcibly removed, ball-pin joint broken in half.
He walked past the mangled remains of the Android that stared lifelessly ahead, and walked over to where Jade was crouched near the human victim. She was young, maybe a few years over 20. Stabbed and practically gutted on the floor, next to a broken dresser.  SCANNING.......
DECEASED: GALLO, BRIANNA Height: 5′3″ -- Weight: 132lbs Estimated Time of Death: 11:25PM
17 KNIFE WOUNDS Internal Bleeding, multiple deep lacerations Punctures to liver, gallbladder and stomach
Connor watched her rise from the floor, her arms abover her head as a faceless murderer struggled with her, throwing her into the dresser and breaking it. The impact caused her to strike her head on the wall, stunning her, and leaving her open to attack. The murderer stabbed her over and over and over again...
Connor tilted his head as he crouched next to her, balancing CAREFULLY on the balls of his feet. “ The neighbor who called in the domestic disturbance said she knew the victims were a couple. Torn up victims, no fingerprints, careless movement... ” He turned his head to look over at Jade. “ We may have a serial murderer on our hands. ”
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diivinerose · 4 years
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asdfghjklö thank you babe ;-; you know how much of a hard time I had recently and how bad and unwelcomed I felt in this rpc so thank you for this. Biggest hugs and kisses for youuuuuu
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denicdlife-a2 · 4 years
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[ Message Incoming ]: @jadedindreams​
Ask the Mun - Accepting
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유 : A role-play related instance that you regret/are ashamed/not proud of? 
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【☆】 There is. I guess one would be just shutting down a RPG I ran with friends that caused said friends to just stop talkig to me bar the one who helped me shut it. Long story short? Me and a friend shut it down after the main mod left the mod server after being told they didn’t care about the group and remade it to get back at someone and blocked my friend. So we just shut the group down and deleted the server. And within a month everyone just stopped talking to us because we didn’t want a group running that was to get back at someone and it wasn’t fair to leave people sitting wondering what would happen with said group. 
Like it needed to be down. I just didn’t like how it came to be and that I ended up loosing a bunch of people in the process. I haven’t spoken to any of them for a long time now bar one who wanted to try and be friends again but I wasn’t up for it due to previous drama I was unwillingly dragged into.
I’ve been here 10 years so. There’s gonna be things I regret doing but that’s life for you in the end. Just gotta deal with it and move on even if it hurts.
♂ : Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
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【☆】 I used to have a routine back in the day when I had somewhat better time management and wasn’t always so tired and done. I used to do my writing at night on weekdays after school after I’d completed homework. I really just did stuff in the evenings and dedicated weekends I was free to making icons or other stuff. 
Now? A routine doesn’t exist as I’m tired and just do things when I have inspiration. The closes I really have is after work I tend to usually play games for a few hours and then do something rp related after if possible. 
I really just wing it most days and hope for the best. 
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deviated-detective · 4 years
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“Do you need help?” 
Connor already approached with the question without much other thought. She is exhausted. Dark circles and stress are two profound symptoms of lack of sleep. He realizes they have been extremely busy here at the DPD lately. Crime rates against androids have risen. With them the RK800 finds his attempt to integrate as an upstanding officer of the law, abiding by proper etiquette is - difficult. 
He knows right from wrong in a human concept. He would not be worth a small fortune otherwise. Cyberlife built him with specific features that are high quality.
The detective wrinkled his nose. A physical tick. The habit is becoming a nuance in his formulated range of expression. Cyberlife as an idea now only causes him distaste. 
“Connor.” She smiled, sighing a minute. “No, I’m alright. Just a little tired is all.” Getting up from her station, Jade handed him a data pad. “This is my result. Think Fowler would find the current analysis unexpected.” Well she can be proud of that at any rate. 
His lips twitched at her tone. It was full of mirth, playfulness. “Unpredictability is a route cause for unexpected results. Some are quite interesting.” 
“You don’t say?” Jade allowed her smile to brighten. “Oh, um. Have you seen Cassius? I was hoping to talk to him.” 
Connor shook his head. “I haven’t seen him. Though last I did he was on call with Detective Reed.” 
“Oh,” she drawled expecting that to go well. “OK. I’ll see later then. Thank you, Connor.” 
He blinked as she moved by him. Taking her belongings from the work station, he assumed she was heading out for her lunch break. Connor moved in the opposite direction. Taking the DNA record for proper storage, he scanned, analyzing each component. Remarkable how gifted she is in discovering new pieces left undetected from others. As an android he is designed to scout out information, reconstruct and preconstruct events; her talent is natural. 
Connor paused. Overhearing voices, he narrowed eyes on the loud source of obnoxious banter. 
“Maybe next time you won’t slow me the fuck down, Tin Man.” Gavin sneered at the RK900 before heading for the breakroom. 
That is enough to cause a glare. “Cassius,” the android called out to the other. “Ms Winthrope wanted to talk to you. However, I believe she went to lunch. Though it seems you have been busy with Reed.”
@wintcrcoded || Torn Between Truth And Consequences || Plotted || feat: @jadedindreams​
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bloomingascension · 5 years
Fluffy and soft, the stuffed teddy bear may be a cliche for some. But as Lotus brings it close, hugs it to her chest, she can certainly understand why it became a cliche.
“Jade…this is so cute!” Her smile is bright and happy.
She steps close, pressing a kiss on Jade’s cheek. “Thank you.”
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leaderawakened · 5 years
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@jadedindreams​​ said:
Sneaking up behind Markus with her secret weapon in tow made for a stealthy move. She's as quick as a cat, swooping up behind with him unaware and sliding an arm around his waist. Leaning against his back in the surprise half embrace, Jade holds up the container in her hand. "Guess what I have? An experiment in thirium baking. At least, I hope it is." The cookies were nice to look at any rate. "Try one of these or maybe you want to taste me? Hm? I've heard I'm quite the cookie..."
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He’d been looking out of the window, staring down to the city that was below them. Detroit was beautiful to him. It was his home. Markus couldn’t help but be a little fascinated by its charms. But, the android was so lost in his focus that he very well didn’t notice anyone in proximity to him. So, the sudden pressure against his back and the arm wrapped around his waist certainly did surprise him. But, the culprit’s voice did soothe him into a calmness. 
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“Cookies are meant to be delicious.” Markus remarked while turning around to softly place his palms against Jade’s cheeks. It was no secret that he found her beautiful, and often wanted to indulge in her. “So, I could see why they’d call you a cookie.” The deviant leader leaned down a few inches and gently pressed his lip into hers. Indulged, he most definitely did. He could have continued to kiss her for the remainder of his life, but.. he was considerate towards her own needs. She needed to actually breathe to continue to live. The thought brought forth a bit of a laugh from him, but he ultimately pulled away.
“And, yes-- I would love to try one of your experimental cookies-- I’m, like, the best test subject, if you’d ask me!” Markus reached up to the platter of sweets offered to him and picked up a sizable one. It was the first that he has ever seen of thirium-based cookies. Lifting the cookie up to his mouth, he took a single bite out of it and begun to chew. His eyes narrowed as if he were really judging them, but he soon nodded his head to Jade. It was weird.. They started off crunchy, only to melt in his mouth into liquid thirium. His Grace, quite like the mad scientist, wasn’t she?
“Hm?! Okay-- You’ve got me interested. I think they are really good-- It’s the first time I have even heard of something like this, so... you should market them. A great way to replenish thirium. I, uh.. I can’t taste food, as a whole. But, I had an idea.. I think.. if I can reroute certain feelings and attach them to specific ingredients, I can.. taste? If that makes sense? Like.. the feelings that I get when I hug you would be.. chocolate chip-- I don’t know. Maybe, it’s weird and.. stupid.” 
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creatorofclay · 4 years
♡ ♡ ♡ ♢♢♢
♡ - I love everything about your blog. Just EVERYTHING.
♢ - You’re one of my favorite blogs.
// ASHHH. Right back at you, my darling, my friend, my waifu for laifu. Any chance we get to write or chill is blessed and I'm glad to have you here uwu 💕
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bluebloodstained · 4 years
[ INCOMING TRANSMISSION ]: @jadedindreams​
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[ MOE ]: ASH MY RUTHLESS QUEEN!!! You know you’re hands down one of my main bitches, and I love you. Big smooches to you and all your beautiful muse babies UwU
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rk800isalive · 5 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
Look at all these good beans.
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anderson-residence · 5 years
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@jadedindreams said: “you’re going to get yourself hurt.” (Carter) protector / protectee starters
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"If I get hurt then so be it." Being damaged was less than ideal but it would be worth it if he could snag the culprit. It was his first case and he was bound and determined to get his job done if only for the sole purpose of not being able to handle the possibility of failing to his predecessor ever again. If Connor could do this job then so could he! Abs he do it twice as efficiently!
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