#🦋 ɑรk ɱɛɱɛ →☆
♨︎ you seem really chill and I can’t wait to start writing with you! ♕ I’m impressed with your writing! ♋︎ I feel like we’re really similar and would get along well. ♡ I have a tumblr crush on you ▲ I’ve heard good things about you
// Moe, I’m happy that I’m able to know you and I love you ♥ That really cheers me up that you think of me in a good light. I can’t wait to plot more things with you, and hopefully my procrastination doesn’t get in the way of it too bad. Your writing is awesome, and I’m more than impressed when I see one of your replies on the dash. You obviously put a lot of thought and time into your writing, and it definitely shows. And we can crush on each other, bby ♥
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Gen is without a doubt the protagonist. She can carry a whole crew and then some.
[ Plot Vibes // Accepting ]
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“You’re only saying this because you like my new Chanel heels, aren’t you? I can always gift you a pair, babe.” 
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Definitely protagonist. Gen is a BAMF. 😉💅✨
[ Plot Vibes // Accepting ]
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“Really??? I should get a purse or a belt buckle that says ‘BAMF’. It sounds very classy.”
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Protagonist, love interest :: The smart and lovely Genevieve Scott going through trials and tribulations all the while finding herself and love along the way.
[ Plot Vibes // Accepting ]
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“Awe. It’s like I’m the star of a romantic novel. It means a lot to me. Thank you.”
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[ Shipping Interest Check - Accepting ]
@creatorofclay​​ said:
💕 *sneaks in* uwu
MY INTEREST LEVEL OVERALL: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
HOW WE SHOULD DO THIS: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
DYNAMICS I WANT TO TRY OUT WITH OUR SHIP: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other -- All and anything, bby ♥
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@redicebreakerr​ said:
🍙+ bag of mints
The attorney’s mouth slightly fell agape as she looked down to the bag of mints that Hank placed into her hand. ..Was he actually serious about this? Or, was this suppose to be some sort of “odor” joke? She raised one of her eyebrows at the older man, glaring her eyes at the audacity to give her MINTS!
“...Are you trying to tell me that my breath smells, Lieutenant?” She inquired, first and foremost in a semi-accusing tone. 
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@villainxism​ said:
🍙+ Dango (Japanese sweet dumpling on skewers) // from Zed
Admittedly, her curiosity was always piqued when being introduced to new things that she could experience firsthand. She knew of some Japanese dishes and such, but she wasn’t well-versed on many of them. Genevieve was informed that the Dango was sort of similar to mochi, in a way? Mochi typically had red bean paste inside of it, but this skewered sweet dumplings seemed to have the paste smoothed on the exterior, instead.
Lifting the stick to her mouth, she took a bite out of one of the sweet dumplings-- And it was as soft as she’d expect it to be. The texture was undoubtedly nice, and it wasn’t as sweet as Genevieve assumed that it would be. The bean paste and dumpling complimented each other in her perspective. 
“Hm! It does remind me of Mochi--” Genevieve confessed before taking another bite of the sweet dumpling that rested on the skewer. “It’s sweet, but not too sweet. ..I like it, Zed. Y’know-- I wouldn’t ever mind if you wanted to share more food with me at any given time.” She stated with the biggest smile as she continued to consume the Dango. 
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@coffee-and-guns​ said:
🍙+ freshly baked macaroons
Macarons were always nice to snack on, and they were always so cute. Almost too cute to eat, honestly. Almost. What surprised Genevieve was that Lotus wasn’t annoyed with her little tactics she likes to try and pull at the DPD. Or, she at least wasn’t so annoyed that she wouldn’t give the attorney something nice to eat. 
“Awe, it’s little.. and cute. Like you.” A quick observation of the baked goods caused Genevieve to speak a certain comment. She took another look at the pink macaroon that was in her hand. It was still a little warm to touch. Fresh out of the oven, maybe? The treat found it’s way into her mouth, and she was soon hit with sweetness overload. Perhaps, she took a bigger bite than she could handle. Still, with wide eyes and a few chews, Genevieve gulped the macaroon down her throat.
“Ooh.. I forgot just how sweet those actually are. ...Would it be silly of me to think that this whole dish of macaroons are mine?” 
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@theyearningtofly​​ said:
🍙+ almond crush flavor pocky
“I know what this is!” Genevieve brief exclaimed as she tapped her fingernails on the box of Pocky that Asuka had presented her with. Although, she’s never tried this almond kind before. But, she actually adored almonds-- So, the woman could only assume that it would pretty tasty. After opening the box, she pulled out one of the sticks and took a bite out of it.
The most perfect chomp that she’d ever made, to be quite honest. As she chewed on the bit that she had in her mouth, she smiled to Asuka while offering the box to her in means of sharing the yummy treat. It was awfully kind of Asuka to even think to bring Genevieve anything. 
“Hey-- Pocky is always good and fun to snack on, in my experience. I don’t think that only one box is going to hold me off. Maybe two boxes.” She said, only to take another bite of the pocky stick. “..Maybe ten boxes. --It’s good!”
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@resentfuldrcgon​​ said:
🍙+ Zongzi (Sticky rice dumpling)
The steam seeping from the dumping that had been presented to Genevieve was certainly enough to send her spiraling into a bit of a daydream. Honestly, she couldn’t recall ever having a.. sticky rice dumpling before. Or, Zong-zhee, is what WuXian called it? Wait-- Zongzhi. Pulling at the string that was surrounding the dumpling unwrapped the delicacy like a Christmas present.
Picking up the chopsticks that had been provided, the woman practiced using them with a few flexes of her fingers. It’d been a while since she actually used these particular utensils-- And that was probably obvious with the couple times she failed grasping onto some of the rice. Nevertheless, she finally managed to get some of the rice and filling into her mouth. Oh-- and it was spices galore! In the midst of her chewing, she gave a little happy dance in her seat as she tried to decipher the individual tastes. 
“Oh, my-- Goodness. This is amazing, Xian-Xian-- Is this.. Wait.. I’m pretty sure I taste mushrooms? And pork?” She questioned before taking another bite of the flavorful dish. 
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@detroitfortune​ said:
🍙+ mint chocolate brownies
An offering of brownies was definitely enough to cause the woman to let her guard down a little bit more. Who could say no to chocolate, after all? A brief contortion of her lips proved that she mulled over the offer in her head-- even it was only for a second or two. They certainly did look scrumptious and unique; No sort of brownies that she’s ever seen before. 
Carefully, Genevieve settled her designer briefcase onto the chair beside where she stood. Reaching her hand out towards the platter, she picked up one of the brownies with a mint-colored center. But, before she even took a bite of the dessert, she diverted her eyes to Callum. 
“..So, .. is this from one of your secretaries?” She asked, actually quite curious on what he would say. A slow bend of the brownie caused it to break into half in her hands. Awaiting his response, she lifted one of the halves to her lips and took a bite into the brownie and -- BOOM! That striking hit of the cool mint tingled in her mouth. It reminded her of a certain candy-- No. She recalled a particular ice cream. 
Despite her probing inquiry, she gave him a bit of a smile as she continued to indulge in the sweet treat. 
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@diivinerose​ said:
🍙 + filled chocolates from Main!D (filled with alcohol 👀)
Once Daniela presented her with those delicate candies, a massive smile became quite obvious upon her face. Of course, her mind wandered on what the special occasion was for such a lovely treat. Peeling the lid away from the beautiful box, Genevieve gave a slight shimmy of her shoulders. Almost like the portrayal of an excited child, the attorney plucked one of the chocolates from its container.
A simple bite into the gooey candy earned a groan in satisfaction. The chocolate was the richest that she’s ever had the luxury of savoring! Oh-- And that small hint of alcohol caught by her taste buds? It was like the cherry on top. As she continued to chew, Genevieve’s smile grew broader than it had been before. 
“Mm-- It’s really good. Very sweet...” She gave her initial judgement on the treat after swallowing the bit she had in her mouth. “I would say that it’s the sweetest thing that I’ve ever had, but.. nothing is as sweet as you, babe. Heh-- Thank you.” 
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@creation-is-chaos​ said:
💙Main verse considering in the soulmate au he still takes a bit for it to pull his feelings out 💘college 🌦human verse - he works at stratford tower in his regular human verse and let her profession fuel this with office scandals 🛠❣️ I'm thinking maybe their supernatural verses for this. werewolf and witch hmm 
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[ Connection Meme ]
// I respect Corvus’ character and his extensive development that he’s had. Of course, I wouldn’t shy away from the fact that he is a problematic muse, nor that he is a difficult muse to romance-- in more aspects than one. That is what makes roleplaying fun and unique in experiences. So, I would love for them to be a slow burn lovers in their main verses. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
We have so much plotted for our college verse, and I think that Genevieve would always try to be his friend because of how much of a social butterfly that she is in her college verse. To be honest? It would be so cute to see them end up like this. Because they are on opposite sides of a spectrum, where the social hierarchy is concern. Still, with Corvus being the way that it is, I have no issue with plotting some trouble in their paradise. *insert sneaky face here*
Oh, Corvus working at the Stratford Tower would probably peeve her when it comes to their media reporting on certain cases that she’s involved in. Let them come to some sort of agreement, a mutual benefits of each other, if you will. Corvus to Genevieve would be some who could release certain propaganda, or even investigate theories to an extent. And Genevieve would have Corvus covered on legal bases! 
Oooooh, Werewolf x Witch! I honestly could see the two of them meeting under the full moon. Both of their energies would probably be heightened and enlightened by the full moon, just in different ways. I’m not sure about Corvus, but if Werewolf and Witch factions are feuding, she would want to hide their relationship and their intimacy. It may be a disloyal move, but she would even hide the presence of a mark from him. *insert eyes emoji*
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@resentfuldrcgon​​ said:
🌻 friends like siblings ⛅️ friends of circumstance
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[ Connection Meme ] 
// Being a sister is one of Genevieve’s favorite things, and she loves all of her siblings. Adding WuXian into that mix in would honestly make her day. She would be that friend-sister that calls him everyday to make sure he’s okay, and take him shopping on occasions. Of course, she would always stick up for him if he’s in any trouble. I’d think the two of them would be pretty inseparable to the point that people think they are legitimately siblings! 
Despite the harsh impressions of her main verse, Genevieve is a bit social, and WuXian seems to be, too. Due to this similarity, I think it wouldn’t take much for them to be friends at all, no matter the majority of circumstances. It just seems like the two of them would hit it off pretty well! Plus, I’m all for my girl getting some nice friends. 
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@mxssionsuccessfxl​ said:
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[ Connection Meme ] 
// I said it before, and I’ll say it again: You can never go wrong with a good, ol’ slow burn. And honestly? With Connor -58, I can see it no other way. He seems mostly set in his pre-deviancy ways, and he’s pretty blunt. So, I think all he needs is time to actually start to form these distant emotions, and let them blossom into something more profound, which will all be new to him. He may even be doubtful or deny his feelings for this human woman? Genevieve would probably think that he truthfully does not like her in that way, and that he’s more interested in doing his job there. Which, she wouldn’t complain at all. But, she would be stuck between mixed signals, and may think that it’s all in her head. 
In other words? Let’s do it. : )))))
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@redicebreakerr​​ said:
🌵Hank being Connor's biological father in the college verse ;)
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[ Connection Meme ] 
// It would definitely be interesting to see College!Gen interact with Hank. She’d want to be supportive of a healthy and positive relationship between her boyfriend and his father, but she also would like to just observe Hank’s actions and observe what he says. Of course, she wouldn’t want to leave a bad impression on anyone, especially where Connor’s family is concerned. So, would be kind to him, maybe even invite him out to places to get him to spend more time with Connor ( if Connor would be up to it ). 
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