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@resentfuldrcgon​ said:
“Aiya...” he tosses his blueprints on the ground and sighs, “just because I’m an Omega I get looked down on. They had the audacity to try and shut me up! Me! No I’m going to kill them!” He frown before sighing, his scent turning sour, “Maybe I should just go home and be the proper Omega...” // from modern wuxian to alpha Caleb.
“Do you always let people tell you what to do?” 
A good question in need of an honest answer but Caleb is already aware of it. Can this be anymore obvious? He wrinkled his nose. Now that is the scent of someone torn down and bitter his senses are to be believed. Trust him. Alphas do carry that extra perception on their surroundings. 
“WuXian be careful.” A low growl hums on his breath. “You tested the board of directors. Do not test me unwittingly. I can smell you.” No threat at all. Simply a warning against riling him up. After all he deals with the same bullshit. “Here.” Offering to take the blueprints off the floor, he gathered them while crouching down. His eyes lifted up to the omega prompting a grin. “Hm. Are you positive you are not an Alpha? With that attitude you certainly do enjoy pissing off my type.” 
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theyearningtofly · 4 years
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@resentfuldrcgon​ asked:
“Sooka!! Sooka!!!” He came running while waving his arms, his robes flowing around him as he stopped in front of her, “people are staring at me and I don’t know why? Is there something on my face?” //cross-over WuXian xD
Asuka raises her brows, before turning her head to look around to check; yes, people are staring. Then she looks at the top of his head down to the tips of his toes. He looks like someone straight out of a novel. She looks at him with a deadpan stare.
“Cause you look like an isekai protagonist,”
But then she grins, wide and mischievous as she reaches up to pat his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it. All we have to do is give you a little makeover. And...a little haircut. I know just the place.”
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goldnfortune · 4 years
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Mun & Muse Questions
@resentfuldrcgon​ said:
11, 16,17
11. Do you like the mun?
“The mun isn’t too bad,” he admits. “OK she’s pretty fine in my book. She doesn’t make me do anything outlandish that is beyond my character. Except maybe when she writes my warlock version?” Callum had to be honest. He thinks that persona is a total dick but don’t get him started on that demon one. “I don’t like him. I would fight him if it was possible but that’s fighting with myself in a way. I don’t recommend it. Envy can just burn. I really hate that guy.” 
16. What’s one thing mun does that you’re grateful for?
“Separating me from Connor.” Yeah that guy is obviously his own big deal. According to some of his ships but Callum is glad to break out on his own. Besides if he can cuck Connor for a change with Asuka @theyearningtofly​ that’d be great. “Honestly I’m glad to have my own space. People look at me and think ‘oh he’s just another exec type’ but I’m an archaeologist at heart. I’m adventurous. I’m not about the money. I’m for using it to preserve history but I’d give it up in a heartbeat. I’m grateful I get to show who I am.” 
17. What is one thing you wish mun would let you do?
“Let me drop Cyberlife altogether.” Callum shrugs. “I have plenty of hobbies with treasure hunting and antiquing. That itself will keep me making money to travel to those places. So what’s the difference?” He glared at the mun. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Mister executive but you know I want to do what I actually love right? I just got into this because it was easier to take up and offered me a better opportunity financially. Just let me do what I truly love. Is that too hard to ask? Also I want to punch Satan in the face. It doesn’t have to be as Envy. I just - don’t like that Corvus. He’s goddamn weird.” 
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royalsofnight · 4 years
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@resentfuldrcgon​ said:
“I don’t remember who I used to be.” // Vampire Wuxian
150 Angst/Horror Prompts
Words he once spoke a long time ago. They struck him. They tore at his lost innocence. The Prince could sympathize if only for a fraction of a lifetime. Once he was a fledgling born out of living and into dead with burning in the back of his throat urging him to drink blood. He still finds it uncomfortable to this day. That heat will never go away. In his older age it is manageable with his levels of control but the quench of thirst never stays. 
“Once we enter the world of the dark grave we have already lost who we are.” Vannevar admits a hard truth. How poetic he can make it depends on the resistance the other vampire has against it. Then he does not feel weakness. There is power there. Great is the art of the Masquerade and it’s power feeds it beyond all else. “What you feel? It is no different for any of us my young Yiling Patriarch.” 
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@resentfuldrcgon​​ said:
🌻 friends like siblings ⛅️ friends of circumstance
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[ Connection Meme ] 
// Being a sister is one of Genevieve’s favorite things, and she loves all of her siblings. Adding WuXian into that mix in would honestly make her day. She would be that friend-sister that calls him everyday to make sure he’s okay, and take him shopping on occasions. Of course, she would always stick up for him if he’s in any trouble. I’d think the two of them would be pretty inseparable to the point that people think they are legitimately siblings! 
Despite the harsh impressions of her main verse, Genevieve is a bit social, and WuXian seems to be, too. Due to this similarity, I think it wouldn’t take much for them to be friends at all, no matter the majority of circumstances. It just seems like the two of them would hit it off pretty well! Plus, I’m all for my girl getting some nice friends. 
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bloomingascension · 4 years
“Lady Lotus, Lady Lotus!!” WuXian ran towards her and hide behind her, his taller frame trying to hide. “D-Dog!!” He whimpered as in front of them was a toy cup poodle and he tried to make himself smaller.
Lotus lets out a surprised noise as he tries to duck down behind her--a silly sight, surely, seeing as he is taller than her. Glancing at the fearsome beast that has gotten him so scared, she almost lets out a laugh. It’s stifled at the last moment, but a snort of amusement still escapes.
“Okay, okay, I’ll protect you,” she teases.
Stepping forward, she kneels down in front of the dog. It has a collar, and a leash that lie limp on the ground. But where is its owner?
“You lost, little guy?” she coos. She reaches out to pet it, inspecting the collar. “Felix, huh? Where’s your owner, Felix?”
Felix barks out his answer.
In that moment, a frantic looking woman appears. Her face brightens when she approaches. Calling out for the dog, her relief is obvious. Lotus grins at the reunion. After a few heartful thank yous, dog and owner resume their walk, and Lotus is left with the still hiding WuXian.
She pats him on the shoulder. “It’s okay WuXian, the dog’s gone now.”
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melancholicmelodies · 4 years
@resentfuldrcgon​ liked for a starter!
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They had already chosen to go their separate ways, so it should not surprise him that he could be rejected now.
Lan Zhan had taken on the title of Chief Cultivator, not following Wei Ying after their hard journey together. At the time, he thought it for the best. He did not want to risk the clans falling under the control of Nie Huaisang, whose intentions were questionable at best. He also saw Wei Ying as a free spirit, someone who could not be held back by the rules in Cloud Recesses.
So, they both went their separate ways. A year had passed since then. He had since regretted this decision. His days, while filled with many important duties, no longer fulfilled his spirit. While what he did was important, he felt as if he was only living half the life he could be, had he chosen to stay with Wei Ying. They might have even become rogue cultivators together, not unlike Xiao Xingcheng and Song Lan.
He sought out Wei Ying who had been traveling with Lil’ Apple. It had taken some time, but eventually he had finally found him after asking some locals if they had seen a wandering cultivator wearing all black. He had been directed up a mountain, past a forest, that overlooked a large valley. Wei Ying seemed at peace here.
“Wei Ying.” he had said. “Come back with me to Cloud Recesses.”
He just hoped he wasn’t too late.
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lanxsizhui · 4 years
“ don’t look at me like i’m a hero. you’ll only disappoint yourself. ”
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He was sat across from his father, quietly watching him. A gray gaze taking in the man. He knew that Wei Wuxian traveled often and it was always a pleasure to be able to travel with him this time. He had order tea. He had taken a liking to Chrysanthemum tea it was something Jin Ling had gifted to him and it had quickly become a favorite, he was surprised at how expensive it could be at Tea Houses. Still he was careful enough to be able to afford it. His attention was drawn to the many people during this hour that gathered. Lan Wangji would not have braved such a busy place. However, Sizhui was the Lan's Head Disciple and he had a certain reputation to live up to. Which was to say that he was capable of being social. He might not like it much, but he was capable. The boy gave his senior a look a quirk of his lips and a shake of his head followed as though to deny that statement completely. "That isn't true at all." he stated with a lift of his chin. "People have put such a high pedestal on the ideals of being a hero." he glanced around them. "Cultivators aren't the only heroes. Look here.." he shifted his perfect posture to point out a pair of dirty road worn farmers. "There are those who are unsung, those who make sure we get food. Those who do the cooking, those who do the laundry." he turned his attention completely back to Senior Wei a warm smile on his face. "My point in this is...there are many types of hero, and by definition you are still a hero." he assured him the twinkle in the boy's grey eyes was playful. "You may not think yourself so, but there will always be those who know , that you are." he lifted the tea cup up and took a sip of the tea. "Even Zewu-Jun said the Sunshot Campaign would have been much bloodier and longer if not for you." his tone became serious. He had only heard tales of it, he'd been to small to remember also the fever that had almost killed him had messed up some of his memories. He recalled enough. To be sure of his statement.
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wickedandtrue · 4 years
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Picrew Link
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Tagged: nabbed from self @jadedindreams Tagging: @coffee-and-guns @diivinerose @lavishbylaw @soulxism @wintcrcoded @theyearningtofly @rob0badge @bluebloodstained @noblecne @denicdlife @repliicantceo @rxseguided @leaderawakened @pathdiverted @asternprotocol @endvres @theveryfirst @celestial-trepidation @cherry-delights @anderson-residence (all) @thirum-stained (all) @resentfuldrcgon @trinityspared (all) @lethalxarsenal (all) @villainxism (all) @ribbcnandpearls (all) || The whole dash steal it
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deviated-detective · 4 years
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Bold the muse’s aesthetic (spooky edition) Bold all of the themes that apply to your muse’s aesthetic or mood as a character. Italics for some verses. Template from horrificmemes​
Bloodied knuckles  |  Tear stained cheeks  |  Rust  |  A busted lip  |  Claws  |  Fangs  |  A bloody nose |  Chattering teeth  |  A dark space underneath the bed  |  Scratching noises on a wall  |  Creaking metal | Fog  |  Dancing under moonlight  |  Blood dripping lips  |  Heavy breathing in the dark  |  A feeling of unexplained dread |  A figure in a dark corner |   Dirty peeling wallpaper  |  A bloody handprint on the wall  |  Sobbing in the dark | Bite marks on the skin | Eerie whispers |  A hood covering a stranger’s eyes  | The growl of a hidden animal  |  The sound of a blade being sharpened  |  A deep, dark forest | Walking on the streets alone at night | A cobweb-filled, abandoned building  | Eyes darting in paranoia | A heavy beating pulse  |  The feeling of being trapped |  Struggling to get out a scream |  Boards covering broken windows  |  A quiet graveyard  |  A gas station in the middle of nowhere  |  A road that never ends |  Heavy fog rolling in |  The scent of blood in the air |  Eerie old photographs |  Walking along traintracks at night  |  A chill going up the spine  |  Gathering crows  |  A dusty, dimly lit study  |  Mist over a deserted cobblestone street  |  Ghost towns  |  Shadows around a campfire |  The sound of chanting |  Church bells tolling  |  An orange harvest moon  |  A broken down carnival  |  A dirty stuffed animal abandoned  |  Wiping bloody hands on fabric |  Nightmares  |  Waking up in a panic  |  A power outage  |  Heavy lightning storms  |  A secret trap door  |  The feeling of being watched  | Fear from trauma |  A Ouija board set out on a table  |  An eerie doll  |  A scream of anguish and pain |  Withered plants |  A room that’s been forgotten and gathered dust  |  Owl eyes in the dark  |  Curled, dead tree branches  |  A ritual altar |  Flickering candles  |  A lantern held up in the dark  |  Fear of being followed  |  Creaking floorboards  | Repressed, horrible memories |  Clenched teeth |  Soft, echoing piano keys | An old book covered in dust  |  Many pairs of glaring eyes |  Stumbling in pitch black darkness | Being stranded in the middle of nowhere  |  Tarot cards on a table  | A trail of blood
tagged by: @edenslostwallflower​ <3 <3 yass thank you
tagging: @coffee-and-guns @diivinerose @stayhuman-genevieve @theyearningtofly @resentfuldrcgon @rob0badge (all) @creatorofclay @robobiitch @soulxism @wintcrcoded @lethalxarsenal (all) @villainxism (all) @ribbcnandpearls (all) @leaderawakened @pathdiverted @denicdlife @theveryfirst @rxseguided @repliicantceo (all) @asternprotocol @rxmodel @et-liliium @anderson-residence (all) @twisted-clinic @risefrxmtheash @ambitiouslyruthless​ @pleasedbyyourpain​
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creation-is-chaos · 4 years
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What Tarot Card Are You?
Your Result: Death
A cheery woman’s voice chimes from above. "Game over! Please restart and try again." The old woman holds a baby in her arms and makes to pass it to you. Will you take it?
Tagged: confiscated from @resentfuldrcgon uwu <3 Tagging: @coffee-and-guns @diivinerose @lavishbylaw @soulxism @wintcrcoded @rob0badge @creatorofclay @denicdlife @bluebloodstained @pathdiverted @leaderawakened @theveryfirst @theyearningtofly @anderson-residence (carter) @thirum-stained (eun) @asternprotocol @itisnothingtodie @finalfcrm @noblecne @celestial-trepidation @endvres @cherry-delights​ @ribbcnandpearls​ (lexi, yanli, riley) @trinityspared​ @villainxism​ @lethalxarsenal​ (logan) @ceruleanxism​ @artificialsmiles​ @rxseguided​ @repliicantceo​ || The Whole Dash > steal it
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> Everyone who commented on this: ❤
@coffee-and-guns @anderson-residence @rxmodel @resentfuldrcgon @jericholeader @theveryfirst @rob0badge​ @creatorofclay​
ILU and your muses are so wonderful and exciting. You’re all babes that I adore and I’m just aaaaa thankful to have you in my mutuals, to see you on my dash and read all of your wonderful writing. I stan you all so hard. uwu <3 <3
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goldnfortune · 4 years
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@resentfuldrcgon​ said:
WuXian dramatically dropped into the chair and poured, “I don’t understand all these long talks!! It’s so boring! Callum! Callum! You wouldn’t let your poor friend die of boredom would you?!” //from Xian’s modern verse xD
“It’s called a board meeting.” As much as he hates the monotony of them too, Callum has to make appearances. That’s what working at Cyberlife is all about. So what? He wants some excitement? Start up an argument about how shoddy of an operation they’re running down in the labs.
Oh! That should get Holland in a fit. “Why don’t you start trouble with the scientists. Ask them when their next big android line is going to cause another uprising. They will completely love that.” Nobody ever said Callum wasn’t one to start trouble. He could be in Fiji right now instead of this dreary old place. 
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royalsofnight · 4 years
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@resentfuldrcgon​ regaled:
✿ //Vampire Wuxian?
Pre-established Relationships
send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits / smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  / [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  / [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract /  ride or die  /  frenemies  / roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other - associates in vampiric affairs 
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  / friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other - possible sire potential depending on plot
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable /  rivals  /  petty  / developing into sexual or romantic tension /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  / based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  / betrayal /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other - opposing factions/kin/coven 
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@resentfuldrcgon​ said:
WuXian sneaked into Gen’s office and slipped a drawing of her on top of her desk, she had mentioned being extremely stressed and he hoped the drawing would bring a smile to her face. He waved at her and smiled brightly. “Hello Lady Gen!”
All concentration was given to the file that laid upon her desk, and she hadn’t even noticed that she had a visitor as she continued to flip through the pages. However, as soon as that drawing found it’s way onto her desk, Genevieve’s eyebrows lifted upwards in slight surprise.
“Oh?” She quietly exclaimed her eyes detouring from the drawing to look to the person that decided to pay her a visit. “WuXian, hey--” The attorney finally spoke as she offered him a smile of her own. How could she not be kind to him? It was awfully difficult to be rude to a sweet soul such as his. “-I’m sorry. Did you need somethi--” 
Her question was interrupted by the realization of who was featured on the drawing. Slowly reaching forward to pick up the parchment, the woman scanned over the image quietly in her pause. No one has ever created a drawing like this of her before. “..WuXian. This is beautiful! I- I don’t know what to say. I’ll cherish this forever, for sure.” 
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soulxism-archive · 4 years
𝓛𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝔂 𝓬𝓻𝔂
   Demon War Drabble        Music: Requiem For a Tower 
Aiden had lost track of what day it was as he let himself drown in his grief, there was a moment he believed Caleb would appear out of nowhere and say it was all a cruel joke but deep down where his soul once shined brightly knew it wasn’t a joke and his love, his soulmate was indeed gone. 
Today seemed different, the skies were cloud heavy and an odd prickling sensation crawled along his spine as he forced himself to get up and look out the window. There he saw a flock of crows deliberately looking towards the house and there as the winds slowly picked up its strength and lighting flashed in the back he could hear the shrill of a flute. 
A shiver trembled through his body as he pushed away from the window. The flute only growing louder as the sigils he used to ward his home glowed in warning as a very powerful and dangerous being was in his proximity. Yet, like a snap of fingers the air stilled, the clouds dispersed and the crows disappeared but he could still hear the echoes of familiar notes wrapping around his heart. 
He had only seen them once, the legend of the Horsemens as he allowed them to pass the gates of heaven. Why was he there? As if the sudden unwelcomed tune turned his whole world inside out. If the Horsemen were out and about... ’You have to continue on.’ echoed the letter and he shook his head, anger consuming his dying light as he moved back to his room and pulled out a worn looking chest from the closet, covered in sigils to mask its power he pulled out his old armor, gold plated pieces. No this was the old him, he was no longer the obedient angel nor Aiden Barnes the human. This was the new him, tore from his love, lost in the abyss with the end of all on the horizon.
Placing his hands on the armor he allowed his fallen essence to bleed into the pieces, the darkness of the fallen coated the surface turning the once golden and pure armor into a black with silver and gold accents. He slipped the pieces on as his wings unfurled from behind the feathers dark as night as he walked outside and looked up. 
Answers, he wanted answers and he will get them even if he had to fight through heavens army, even if he had to destroy the gates himself. Even if he died he will get in and they will know who he is and what he was capable of. His eyes glowed gold as he took off, leaving a beating sigil for Wrath to find. With sword in hand, he climbed higher and higher. Thunder clapped at his arrival as the haunting flute wrapped around him like a curse. He allowed the resent to push him through the horde of guards, slaying his once brothers and sisters he screamed as a shock wave of pure and raw power sliced the air, cutting anyone around him in half. Blood and wings falling to earth as the screams drowned his own cry. 
Landing in front of the gate he once protected he raised his sword, dripping with angel blood as the whispers of the flute caressed his anger, his resent and he yelled to those insides, “Allow me entrance or I will destroy everything you built father! Allow me passage or I will cut the gates down!!” 
Before him, landed several other Seraphims and his lips twisted into a cruel smirk, guess it’s the hard way then, he thought as he twirled his sword and held it up to fight. If he died here on the steps of heaven he only wishes was to be reunited with Caleb wherever he was. 
mention: @resentfuldrcgon
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