#jade guanyin
makedonsgriva · 2 months
im once again going to talk about the jade guanyin and shen qingqiu symbolism because it roundhouse kicked me in my face and I can’t get over it
The necklace makes its first appearance when Binghe is being bullied by Ming Fan. This is also the first time we see SQQ actively standing up for LBH, actively attacking Ming Fan and gang and scaring them away from LBH. This is also how he acquires the necklace and keeps it with him.
Every time the necklace is mentioned afterwards, it is the system suggesting the necklace as a means to pacify LBH’s anger. However SQQ doesn’t feel it’s the right time to use it. Also each of these scenes are extremely emotionally charged, with SQQ facing a choice to show his true emotions or fake it. SQQ keeps the fake jade pendant with him and fakes his emotions. In all of these scenes, had SQQ revealed his true feelings it could have actually changed the entire trajectory of the story. I’m talking about their reunion in Jinlan City and the water prison. Had SQQ shown LBH just how devastated he’d been after he’d pushed LBH into the abyss, we all know LBH would’ve crumbled like a sandcastle.
And in the end when SQQ finally gives the pendant to LBH it is also the time he finally comes to terms with his feelings for LBH, when he decides that he needs to show LBH that he has always been his first choice and that he is so loved by him. This is the time when he lets go of the fake exterior he showed to everyone.
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dadodo · 3 days
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some of the gorgeous costumes from the 1986 Journey to the West series
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Alsowe beentalkingin the notes, but this deserves its own ask. Imagine, just a moment, Xiwangmu and Jade Emperor's reaction to Wukong's miscarriage. Both when the event happens... and later on, when a very pregnant Sun Wukong stands before them pleading for sanctuary when the Lady Bone Demon threatens him and his second unborn cub, and during the proceeds, they discover who Wukong's mother was.
On one hand, the Jade Emperor's actions had directly led to Wukong being on that Journey, had he and the Buddha not sealed him under the mountain or had he been more patient or merciful towards Wukong, more understanding, the monkey might never have lost his first born. The sheer guilt he must have felt when he learned of the miscarriage.
On the other, Wukong is now standing before him, humble in a way he had never seen the monkey in his entire life, pregnant with a rainbow baby, and pleading for help to keep them safe. And then, shortly after pledging his assistance, he discovers that Wukong had, in fact, been his spirit grandchild this entire time! This means that child he still felt guilty and remorse for all these years later... enough to promise one of his greatest enemies of all time his protection... had been his firstborn great-grandson.
And that's just the emperor. That's nothing on how Xiwangmu feels. She'd already inadvertently cursed her female heirs to have difficult pregnancies, and now she discovers that false to the sole male heir that are capable of procreation without a partner amd he had already lost a cub once.
Prev. Lots of talking in the Notes.
Recap: Once Macaque realises that LBD will stop at nothing to be free and enact her plans for world destruction, he decides that he must find a way to prove that he's sorry to the person he's hurt the most. So he asks Guanyin to give him the Circlet to ensure that he can never hurt Wukong, his child, or his friends, ever again.
This act convinces Wukong (and somewhat the others) that Macaque is being honest in his remorsefulness. But he isn't quite back to speaking terms just yet.
Of course LBD still gets loose, manipulating a fiery little bull calf who just wanted his family to be happy and whole again in to using her Skeleton Key.
And with Bull still imprisoned and Wukong too weakened in his condition to free him, there's no chance of reforging the Samadhi Fire.
So Sun Wukong, along with his reincarnated Pilgrim brothers and his new allies (and his former-mate, arrested by Nezha), comes before Heaven and Hell seeking help in saving the world.
The courts ask him for why he cannot defeat the White Bone Spirit as he'd done before, only for the Great Sage to reluctantly explain that he is with child and cannot fight her in his condition.
The silence inside the courtroom is deafening.
For you see, Xiwangmu was privy to the loss of Wukong's First Egg the moment he cried out to the Heavens at also losing his mate. She had not known he was able to carry young, but was heartbroken on his behalf nonetheless. The Jade Emperor too felt remorseful, the monkey he had punished so severely sobbing into his wife and daughters' arms at the loss of both his child and mate. The Jade Emperor find himself crying too, him and his wife know the pain of a parent losing their child all too well.
So now there's Sun Wukong the once self-declared Great Sage Equal to Heaven, before them once more after nearly five centuries of hiding. His belly round (a "Rainbow Baby" the Ao-Long family calls it) and his eyes watery as he pleads for their help.
Macaque still receives a gruelling Trial. Xiwangmu in particular is not forgiving of the actions that lead to the loss of Wukong's first child. Luckily the Ten Kings and Kṣitigarbha are there to explain the shadow monkey's sheer guilt and grief at learning of the First Egg's existence, and how his despair was so great that something older than Diyu itself had consumed him. And how his soul soared to revive after it was announced that the child was soon to be reborn. The actions of a remorseful mate and future father (both eggs still containing his dao) wishing for penance from his immortal mate in order to reunite with them in the world of the living.
The fact that Macaque was willing to bargain his soul to a primordial Bone Demon is forgiven given his reasoning to return.
The world below continues to freeze and crumble as Sun Wukong and his allies plea for Heaven's assistance.
The Jade Emperor gives the command for the armies of Heaven to begin chipping away at the Bone Demon's corruption. Xiwangmu barely has time to come forward and bless Wukong's child when the heroes leave to join the fight.
A lot of chaos happens on the ground. The Bone Demon becomes frustrated that her threats of death and attempts of control do not work on Macaque, the Circlet on his head incapacitating him with a single syllable from Nezha, Tieshan, or Tang's lips. He smiles at the demon through clenched teeth as she tries to drag his limbs forward, accepting the pain of the Circlet if it means he can no longer hurt his allies.
The Thrall is quickly dealt with. Sandy still has yet to take his vow of pacifism when he gets his hands on the smiling puppet that's been harassing his friends the last couple of months.
So LBD decides to do the next best thing. If she needs the Harbinger's soul to complete her weapon, what's better than possessing it's power-drained parent?
Wukong and Macaque are forced to fight once more, this time in order for Macaque to save Wukong and the Egg from LBD's possession. LBD's hold is broken when Macaque grabs Wukong's hands, interlocking them with his own, and places them against the King's round stomach. Kicks so strong and healthy that both cannot help to feel and hear it. Wukong sobs with joy, his baby and his mate are truly alive once more!
LBD screams and rushes towards Wukong - deciding that if she cannot destroy this world, she will destroy the simian or his whelp once and for all.
A sky-shattering roar erupts as a massive war-form of a Spiritual Monkey endures the demoness's strike.
But it's not Wukong.
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Macaque proves in this moment that he is truly Sun Wukong's equal. In front of Heaven, Hell, Earth, their troop, and more importantly; Wukong himself.
Not much is left of LBD for the Ten Kings to collect. They grant Macaque an aquittal for neutralizing a threat to all the Realms, allowing him to remain on Earth with his mate and future child.
As the adrenalin drops, Macaque reverts to his normal form, now painted with sickly blue vines and patches of fur bleached white from the attack of death magic. Through his pain, he asks Wukong if he and the Egg are ok. Wukong wraps his arms around his mate for the first time in millennia, sobbing with thanks and relief.
The Egg continues kicking violently as it's parents reconcile, annoyed by all the disturbance. Eventually it decides that it should make it's presence known in a *louder* way.
(*Wukong still hugs Macaque tight*) Macaque, ears flickering: "What's that water balloon sound?" Wukong: "Huh? What water-" Wukong: (*look of realisation and terror as his water breaks*) Guanyin, teleporting onto the scene: "IT'S GO TIME PEOPLE."
And of course you can imagine the joy and tiredness that follows in the birth of "Little Heaven". And the uncertainty when both of their parents are put on tight medical observation, Wukong from nearly dying in childbirth, and Macaque from his injuries. All of Heaven adn Hell seems to come forward to aid the small family's survival.
Pigsy ends up being the only one able to calm and feed the crying newborn in absence of their parents. Tieshan nearly moves back into the palace as she helps tend to her brother-in-law and his family, not caring if all of the Celestial Realm sees her or her half-demon child. Guanyin sits like a vigil over the two monkeys, rarely even moving out of fear of missing their awakening.
Xiwangmu becomes suspicious of her reincarnated daughter's attitude during this time and decides to investigate some things in the Underworld. And of course you can imagine how her and the Jade Emperor feels when they discover that Wukong's own mother was the first reincarnation of the same lost eldest daughter. And that the very child Wukong had lost all those years ago was their first great-grandchild. And how much they feel guilt at the fact Xiwangmu's curse had spread to her grandson - taking his both his mother and his first child, while even nearly taking his life in the birth of his second.
Xiaotian - the "Little Heaven" - is almost literally a rainbow in the lives of everyone who encounters him from then on.
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fistfuloflightning · 5 months
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In all honesty, they hadn’t been enemies at the beginning, not until Shen Qingqiu had pitted them against each other. Then they became rivals. But it’s an old, old trope and Ming Fan is tired of fighting. Each go-round is the same thing, each life a painfully familiar path, no matter what changes. Sometimes he lives, sometimes he doesn’t—sometimes at Luo Binghe’s hands, sometimes not.
Those times are the worst, because Ming Fan can never forget those large, horrified eyes watching him die.
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Is Six Ears an Aspect of Sun Wukong?
I've seen some people claim that Six Ears is not an aspect of Sun Wukong's mind. They either ignore the references to "one mind" and "two Minds" (and the Buddhist philosophy behind them), or they just say it's allegory and nothing more. Well, there are actually internal story details from chapter 58 that support the close connection between the Monkey King and his doppelganger.
1) The Bodhisattva Guanyin and her “eyes of wisdom” (huiyan, 慧眼) can’t tell them apart:
The various deities and the Bodhisattva stared at the two for a long time, but none could tell them apart (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 106). 眾諸天與菩薩都看良久,莫想能認。 [And later:] Pressing his palms together, our Buddha said, “Guanyin, the Honored One, can you tell which is the true Pilgrim and which is the false one?” “They came to your disciple’s humble region the other day,” replied the Bodhisattva, “but I truly could not distinguish between them …” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 114). 我佛合掌道:「觀音尊者,你看那兩個行者,誰是真假?」菩薩道:「前日在弟子荒境,委不能辨 …
2) The tight-fillet spell works on both Monkeys:
Asking Moksa and Goodly Wealth [a.k.a. Red Boy] to approach her, the Bodhisattva whispered to them this instruction: “Each of you take hold of one of them firmly, and let me start reciting in secret the Tight-Fillet Spell. The one whose head hurts is the real monkey; the one who has no pain is specious.” Indeed, the two disciples took hold of the two Pilgrims as the Bodhisattva recited in silence the magic words. At once the two of them gripped their heads and rolled on the ground, both screaming, “Don’t recite! Don’t recite!” The Bodhisattva stopped her recital … (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 106). 菩薩喚木叉與善財上前,悄悄吩咐:「你一個幫住一個,等我暗念緊箍兒咒,看那個害疼的便是真,不疼的便是假。」他二人果各幫一個。菩薩暗念真言,兩個一齊喊疼,都抱著頭,地下打滾,只叫:「莫念,莫念。」菩薩不念 …
(If someone disagrees with this one, they need to show where it says Six Ears is faking the pain.)
3) Both the Jade Emperor and the imp-reflecting mirror can’t tell them apart:
Issuing a decree at once to summon Devariija Li, the Pagoda-Bearer, the Jade Emperor commanded: “Let us look at those two fellows through the imp-reflecting mirror, so that the false may perish and the true endure.” The devaraja took out the mirror immediately and asked the Jade Emperor to watch with the various celestial deities. What appeared in the mirror were two reflections of Sun Wukong: there was not the slightest difference between their golden fillets, their clothing, and even their hair. Since the Jade Emperor found it impossible to distinguish them, he ordered them chased out of the hall (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, pp. 107-108). 玉帝即傳旨宣托塔李天王,教:「把照妖鏡來照這廝誰真誰假,教他假滅真存。」天王即取鏡照住,請玉帝同眾神觀看。鏡中乃是兩個孫悟空的影子,金箍、衣服,毫髮不差。玉帝亦辨不出,趕出殿外。
4) Only omniscient beings like Investigative Hearing (Ksitigargbha's mount) and the Buddha can tell the two apart:
[T]he Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha said, “Wait a moment! Wait a moment! Let me ask Investigative Hearing to listen for you.” That Investigative Hearing, you see, happens to be a beast that usually lies beneath the desk of Ksitigarbha. When he crouches on the ground, he can in an instant perceive the true and the false, the virtuous and the wicked among all short-haired creatures, scaly creatures, hairy creatures, winged creatures, and crawling creatures, and among all the celestial immortals, the earthly immortals, the divine immortals, the human immortals, and the spirit immortals resident in all the cave Heavens and blessed lands in the various shrines, rivers, and mountains of the Four Great Continents. In obedience, therefore, to the command of Ksitigarbha, the beast prostrated himself in the courtyard of the Hall of Darkness, and in a little while, he raised his head to say to his master, “I have the name of the fiend …” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 112) …地藏王菩薩道:「且住,且住。等我著諦聽與你聽個真假。」原來那諦聽是地藏菩薩經案下伏的一個獸名。他若伏在地下,一霎時,將四大部洲山川社稷,洞天福地之間,蠃蟲、鱗蟲、毛蟲、羽蟲、昆蟲、天仙、地仙、神仙、人仙、鬼仙,可以照鑒善惡,察聽賢愚。那獸奉地藏鈞旨,就於森羅庭院之中,俯伏在地。須臾,擡起頭來,對地藏道:「怪名雖有…」。 [...] Smiling, Tathagata said, “Though all of you [Guanyin] possess vast dharma power and are able to observe the events of the whole universe, you cannot know all the things therein, nor do you have the knowledge of all the species” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 114). 如來笑道:「汝等法力廣大,只能普閱周天之事,不能遍識周天之物,亦不能廣會周天之種類也。」 […] [After the Buddha explains the ten categories of life and the four types of celestial primates (see the introduction here), he says:] As I see the matter, that specious Wukong must be a six-eared macaque … (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 115). 我觀假悟空乃六耳獼猴也 …
In short, the twin monkeys are so hard to tell apart simply because they are representations of the true and illusionary minds (refer back to the article) within the same person.
So what does this say about Shadowpeach? I know LMK is a separate entity from the novel, but applying canon to this ship would make it more self-love, right? I'm sure those with creatively perverted minds know what I'm taking about.
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
Dream Journey 2 Princess Iron Fan (2017) 大梦西游2铁扇公主
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Director: Tan Qiao Screenwriter: Tan Qiao / Zhang Yinli / Zhou Fengping Starring: Xie Miao / Huang Yilin / Li Xiapei / Jiu Kong / Ma Jingjing / Wu Yijiang / Zhao Tieying / Jin Yana / Xiao Yuewen / Mo Meilin / Youyi Genre: Drama / Action / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2017-01-30 (Mainland China) Duration: 91 minutes IMDb: tt9842404 Type: Reimganging
Sun Wukong (played by Xie Miao) is entrusted by Guanyin to go back 500 years ago to get a tear from Princess Iron Fan (played by Huang Yilin) ​​to restore the magic power of the banana fan. Unexpectedly, Sun Wukong lost his memory after returning to the past and became Princess Iron Fan's little follower. At that time, the banana fan was taken by the Bull Demon King (played by Ma Jingjing) and Jade-Faced Fox. Princess Iron Fan led Sun Wukong to fight with them many times, but all ended in failure. Sun Wukong was also seriously injured in the process. His courage and persistence gradually moved Princess Iron Fan's cold heart.
However, at this juncture, the Bull Demon King proposed to Princess Iron Fan. Sun Wukong knew that he was not as good as the Bull Demon King, so he left sadly and planned to pick an immortal flower as a wedding gift for the two of them. The magic power of the longevity flower allowed Sun Wukong to regain his memory.
Source: https://mov-10.chinesemov.com/2017/Dream-Journey-2
Link: N/A
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maidenofthecloud · 11 months
Hi! I hope you're doing fantastic. Your poetry about the clouds and sun is so ... POIGNANT. Are you excited about LMK S5? How do you think it's gonna start out? Would you prefer for it to be high stakes right away or low stakes but slowly building up to it? Do you think we'd see any other JTTW characters in it, or maybe in later seasons? What kind of character do you want to see in the next season, in terms of personality and role?
Also, I absolutely hate doing this but could you please ask @loupsbane why they've blocked me again I am absolutely baffled on why this keeps happening to me.
Have a great month, eat your meals regularly, don't skip your breakfast or medicine!
first of all thank you
Are you excited about LMK S5?
yes I am very excited for season 5
How do you think it's gonna start out? Would you prefer for it to be high stakes right away or low stakes but slowly building up to it?
If I had to choose to start season 5 I would say low stakes but slowly building up to it
Do you think we'd see any other JTTW characters in it, or maybe in later seasons?
I think that surely more jttw characters will appear as new characters or in flashbacks, personally I would bet that Erlang Shen could appear
What kind of character do you want to see in the next season, in terms of personality and role?
Ugh I have a very long list of characters I want to appear and now that you've asked I'm going to ramble on about it, bad luck for you
starting with the most probable:
The mayor
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I want to know more about the character, what he was like before meeting LBD and being the mayor, getting to know his relationship with her in depth. Is he just a henchman or does he have his own motivations? what was he doing during Lady Bone Demon's confinement.
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Erlang shen
I'm really dying to see what kind of character Lego Erlang Shen is, what kind of complex character he can be, will he be a villain, an antagonist or maybe an ally? Will being a demigod be important for his character? what will his relationship with Sun Wukong be like? They will be like sworn brothers or enemies
guanyin goddess of mercy
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I really want to know what the lmk writers will do with Guanyin, how important his role would be in the series, taking into account his importance in Journey to the West, I think it would be great if it turned out that all this time Guanyin was secretly watching over MK and his friends helping them without them knowing. I mean, she always helped the pilgrims on their journey and could do the same for mk and his friends. I also wonder if his relationship with Red Son exists in lmk.
Ao bing
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I really want Ao bing to appear, I don't care how or why. basically because I think it would be cool for the fandom to see that Monkey King isn't the only one with skeletons in the closet. It would also be interesting to see Nezha face someone from his past that he thought was buried and that he would never see again
Do you think we'd see any other JTTW characters in it
characters I want to see
Taibai Jinxing (Gold star of venus) I would really like him to appear to help the protagonists
Nezha's family I would like to see Nezha's family even if it's just in flashbacks, especially muzha and LI Jing
lady earth Flow I'm really curious to know what his design would be like in the series.
Jade faced fox although if she appeared I highly doubt that her relationship with the demon Bull King would be the same as in the novel
The ones that are least likely to appear but I want them to appear so bad:
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I know the writers wrote it off for Strong Spider, but it would be great to see the spiders again. Maybe as an idea here the character of Spindrax wants to revive the spider queen or maybe avenge the spider queen, the writers could use to spindrax to show us spider queen's past and also give mei a badass biker rival (cough girlfriend cough)
Rumble & Savage
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I know that many think that the macaque is practically redeemed, if they think that that is perfectly fine. but in my opinion I do not agree with that, because the basic thing in a redemption is that the character realizes his mistakes and repents of his bad actions, Yes, Macaque helped defeat the bad guys and everything. but he has no regrets for the damage he did to mk and his friends I thought it would be great for Macaque's future redemption arc to have him face his own past mistakes and what better way to do that is face the little versions of himself who want revenge of you and they won't hesitate to hurt your loved ones in the process just to see you suffer (cough karma cough)
Bone spirits
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I really wanted to see Lady Bone Demon's army in the specials, They are literally the only villainous army not to make an appearance in the show and which I think is a big waste imagine that the mayor was not the only follower of lbd, if there were other followers and allies of her, plus it would be interesting to see more spirits or demons like LBD, besides I love his designs I mean who doesn't like skeletons with hoods.
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pompomqt · 1 year
Journey to the West Chapter 8
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So after the events of last chapter, the Buddha finally returns to the Treasure Monastery of Thunderclap. About 500 years after he subdued Monkey, Buddha says that he has 3 baskets of scriptures, one that speaks of the collection of Heaven, one which tells of Earth and one that can redeem the damned. So he calls on a volunteer from the crowd to travel east to find a virtuous believer to make the Journey to the West, to bring the scriptures back to the sinful people of the east to enlighten the people there. The Bodhisattva Guanyin volunteers as tribute. So the Buddha gives her an embroidered cassock and a nine ring priestly staff to give to the scripture pilgrim which will supposedly prevent him from falling back into the wheel of transmigration and protect him from poison and harm. He also gives her three tightening fillets, and tells her to be on the look out for monsters with great power that can be persuaded to become a disciple of the scripture pilgrim. If they are disobedient they can recite a spell that will tighten the fillet and cause them to feel like their brains will burst. Before this I think I knew that there were three fillets, one for each of the disciples, but I've only ever heard of Monkey's being used. I wonder if he is the only one who it's ever truly used on- or if he's just the most famous?
So as per Buddha's instruction Guaynin heads out with her disciple and body guard Moksa. As they are flying low to examine the terrain they come across the massive and evil looking Flowing Sand River. As they are examining the river and wondering how the scripture pilgrim is going to get across, they are attacked by the soon to be 'Sandy'. When Sandy tries to grab Guanyin, Moksa intercepts him and they battle for a while, before Sandy recognizes Hui'an as Guanyin's disciple, and Moksa points her out to him. Sandy apologizes and explains that he isn't a monster, but instead the Curtain-Raising General, who was given eight hundred lashes and banished to earth for breaking a crystal cup. And even worse, every seven days the Jade Emperor sends a flying sword to stab him more then a hundred times before it leaves again. This situation has led to him finding and eating travelers for food.
Guanyin tells him that she's on her way to find a scripture pilgrim, and suggests that he becomes the pilgrims disciple, in exchange she will have the sword called off, and when they succeed his sins will be forgiven and he will be restored to his former position. Sandy is willing, but worried that since he has devoured numerous scripture pilgrims, and chained their skulls together because they floated in the water rather then sank, that no other scripture pilgrim will every come this way. Guanyin instructs Sandy to hang the skulls around his neck, because when the scripture pilgrim comes there will be a use for them. I'm honestly very curious on what this 'use' could possibly be... but who am I to question the Bodhisattva? Anyways she gives him the name 'Sha Wujing' which means 'Sand Aware of Purity', and then she heads off, leaving Sha Wujing to wait for the scripture pilgrim.
A while after Guanyin and Moksa bid ado to Sandy they encounter the evil looking mountain 'Mountain of the Blessed Mound', and are once again attacked by a monster. This pig monster tries to attack Guanyin with his rake, but is deflected by Moksa. The two battle it out for a while, before Guanyin intervenes by throwing down some lotus flowers to separate them. Which leads to Pigsy recognizing her, and asking her to pardon his sin. He explains that he was originally The Marshal of the Heavenly Reeds in the Heavenly River, but because he got drunk and dallied with the moon goddess the Jade Emperor had him beaten with a mallet two thousand times and banished to the earth. Apparently he had a mistake when trying to reincarnate and ended up in the womb of a sow. After having killed the sow and the rest of the litter, he took over this mountain and began eating people. Pigsy, despite asking Guanyin to forgive his sin, initially seems reluctant to change his ways in order to earn said forgiveness, saying that he'll starve to death trying to follow the law of Buddha and that he's better off eating travelers. But Guanyin explains her quest and explains that if he becomes the pilgrims diciple, he can be forgiven from his sins. Pigsy finally agree's and she gives him the name 'Zhu Wuneng' meaning 'Pig who is aware of ability'. So with that Guanyin and Moksa take their leave, leaving Pigsy to be strictly vegetarian until the Scripture Pilgrim arrives.
After once again journeying on for a while, they come across a young dragon calling for help. The dragon explains that he is a son of the dragon king of the Western Ocean Aorun, but because he accidentally set fire to the palace his father had the court of heaven charge him with grave disobedience. The Jade Emperor hung him in the sky, gave him 300 lashes and ordered him to be executed in a few days.
So Guanyin and Moksa rush up to the see the Jade Emperor, and convince him to spare the dragons life, and give him to her for the scripture pilgrim to use as a mode of transportation. The Jade Emperor agrees, and the young dragon pledges obedience to Guanyin. So Guanyin tells him to wait in a mountain stream and transform into a white horse and accompany the pilgrim when he arrives. I wonder why she didn't give him a new name like she did with Sandy and Pigsy?
After the duo take their leave of the young dragon, they come across Five phases mountain, where Sun Wukong is being imprisoned. Guanyin composes a short poem about how Sun Wukong wreaked havoc in heaven, causing Sun Wukong to complain and demand to know who is composing poems about his faults. Which- fair reaction lol. Anyways, Sun Wukong complains about how he has been here for such a long time and never even received any visitors and asks Guanyin to rescue him. Guanyin says that she fears if she releases him, he will just cause mayhem again, but he says that he is willing to learn the proper path and practice cultivation. Guanyin then tells him that is he is willing, then she will send the Scripture Pilgrim to release him, so he can follow him as a disciple. She then offers to give him a name, but he says he already has one- 'Sun Wukong'. This works out perfectly for Guanyin who had given Pigsy and Sandy names that were also built on the word 'Wu'. So with that sorted out, Guanyin and Moksa make it to Chang'an of the Great Tang Nation, and set of camp in a local spirit's temple.
And with that- we have all but 1 member of this five man band revealed. Thanks for reading this weeks chapter of Journey to the West with @journeythroughjourneytothewest Current Sun Wukong Stats: Names/Titles: Monkey, The Stone Monkey, The Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong (Monkey awakened to the void), Bimawen (Banhorseplague) and The Great Sage Equal To Heaven. Immortality: 5 Weapon: The Compliant Golden Hooped Rod Abilities: 72 Transformations, Cloud-Somersault, Ability to transform his individual hairs, super strength, Ability to Summon Wind, Water restriction charm, and the ability to change into a huge war form, ability to duplicate his staff, ability to immobilize others, the ability to put others to sleep, and the Fiery eyes and Diamond Pupils Demon Kill Count: 1+ Unknown Number of Minions God's Defeated: 19 + Unknown number Defeats: 2 Crime List: Robbery, Murder, Mass Murder, Arson, Theft, Coercion, Threatening a Government Official, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Forgery, Employee Theft, False Imprisonment, Impersonating a Government Official and Treason. Cry Count: 3 Mountains Trapped Under: 1 Current Sha Wujing Stats: Names/Titles: The Curtain-Raising General, Sha Wujing (Sand Aware of Purity), and Sandy. Weapon: 'Monster Taming Staff' Crime List: Breaking a Crystal Cup, murder, and desecration of a human corpse. Current Zhu Wuneng Stats: Names/Titles: The Marshal of the Heavenly Reeds, Zhu Wuneng (Pig who is aware of ability) and Pigsy. Weapon: Rake Failed Flirtation Attempts: 1 Crime List: Sexual Harassment and Murder. Current Bai Long Ma Stats: Names/Titles: Bai Long Ma (White Dragon Horse), and Prince of the Western Ocean. Crime List: Arson, and Grave Disobedience.
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byfulcrums · 8 months
Every time I fall in love with something that was inspired by a religion, mythology, etc and I get invested in the religion/mythology/idk only to realize that the OG version is nothing like the version I saw first, I die a little on the inside
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dorothygale123 · 11 months
Time for Kuan Yin 3: This Time it's Personal
Have I been talking about Kuan Yin for 3 days straight? Yes I have and I don't care what you think because this is my house and I make the rules here, so shut up and listen.
Today we're going to be taking what we've learned and become a little speculative, trying to piece disparate stories and put them together in a way that makes sense. This is in no way me saying this is actually true, just a way to organize her lore for modern authors to work from.
Let's begin.
To start with, let's start with the idea that she's the daughter of the Jade Emperor. This idea can't be any older than 1005 AD for funny reasons I'll talk about some other time, so it's definitley not an origional part of her mythology. However, I like the idea of her being a goddess that was such a devout Buddhist that she gave up her divinity to incarnate in the human realm to reach greater perfection, and it'll make some cool parallels later so we'll roll with it.
For bonus points, maybe she was the SON of the Jade Emperor and his heir, but was so pious they decided to renounce their birthright to achieve true perfection. This could even tie in to my earlier post about the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of the West's marriage history. Kuan Yin, or her original incarnation, could be the only child between JE and Tian Hou, and her/his/their decision to incarnate as a mortal could be the reason for their divorce. Such drama!
After that she went through several human lives, male and female. This can fit in several popular origins for her as different characters before she eventually is born as Miao Shan. Once again a princess whose father opposes her Buddhist faith, she goes through many trials before reclaiming her divinity on her own terms like the first-class badass she is.
I feel like this is a good arc for her. Thoughts?
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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quanronggallery · 3 months
Guan Yin & Dragon Art & Myth
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Imagine if the Trial in Century Egg was recorded, because they're in the modern day and while the Celestial Realm is very traditional I can imagine them taking advantage of some human technology and recording devices just make it easier so that their hands don't cramp as much and there isn't as much bias.
So somewhere there's a video recording of Wukong defending Macaque vehemently and then suddenly freezing as he realizes his baby is coming and he's in active labor, and everyone consequently freaking the hell out
Oh gosh, even if only recorded with magic or electronically by more modernized celestials, the recording of the "Trial of Sun Wukong vs Hell" would become viral across the Realms fast.
The celestial stenographer, someone who decided to add visual recordings to the trials a few centuries ago, is the one to capture the whole thing on film.
The most popular cut of the recording goes as follows;
Sun Wukong is furiously defending his mate against the celestial prosecution, his stomach startlingly round. The Six Eared Macaque, handcuffed by the Lotus Prince, is looking at the king with a mix of shock and adoration. Figures that look eerily like the historical Pilgrims sit in the stands. Sun Wukong suddenly pauses and looks down at his legs with a mix of confusion and embarrassment. Both the Bodhisattva Guanyin and the Queen Mother seemingly teleport to his side, lifting the pregnant monkey onto a cloud-stretcher as the reality of his current condition becomes clear. The entire court erupts into chaos as Guanyin declares that the King's baby is ready to arrive right that very moment! Both monkey demons shouting "WHAT!?" as the king is carried away. Prince Nezha, without much convincing, assists the Macaque in following his mate's path. The recording cuts just as the Jade Emperor himself seemingly slumps back in his throne at the realisation.
The recording itself wins over many demons and celestials that had been sceptical of Wukong's motivations. And hearing that the very same child he had hoarded immortality for was born mere minutes after the clip ended, makes a few feel a little guilty for doubting him.
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immediatebreakfast · 9 months
We then sent Devaraja Li and Prince Nezha to ask for his submission by proclaining a decree of pacification. He was brought again to the Region Above and was appointed the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven-a rank without compensation.
My wise, and content Jade Emperor. My heavenly good pal, ey mi parce... You don't need to lie to Guanyin like this.
Everyone in that room knows how that is not what happened, everyone. On top of everyone there seeing how the Jade Emperor is lying to Guanyin's face.
Would it look bad to say that the "baneful" monkey actually beat the shit out off the Devaraja Li, and baby boy Prince Nezha without breaking a sweat; to the point that the Gold Star of Venus had to go to tell Sun Wukong that you, and your court abided to his demands? Yes, but just don't lie to Guanyin.
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siixkiing · 1 year
Anytime Buddha says he is allowed to do something, this man immediately jumps on that shit like it's no buddies' business. That is his free pass to not get in any fucking trouble for whatever he is about to do, he gets to be a menace FREE RANGE and he will make hay with that XD
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
whose you’re favorite female character in the novel?
Oh, that's hard to say... I've always been a big fan of Princess Iron Fan because she is most likely the most iron-out (pun) woman in the novel, given the major spotlight and powers. She def always going to be a fav honestly I have always adored Guanyin in the series. I think they made her one of the most compelling, wise, reliable, and resourceful characters in the novel, to be looked upon with grace and respect. Especially love her working with Wukong as I think their dynamic is both humorous and still enlightening as it's like Guanyin is always trying to look out for Wukong and always trying to help him. She knew what his limits were and while can be ruthless in her judgments she always acts with mercy and compassion in mind.
I'm also a big fan of Jade Rabbit. And yes that is because of my rekindled love for Monkey King 2009. There is something about the pettiness of her story that just makes it all the more fun. Jade Rabbit follows someone that kicked her in her past life, this woman doesn't even remember this instance, follows her in her next life where she is a princess, and drops her in a monastery full of monks where she has to pretend to have lost her mind not be recognized as a princess while Jade Rabbit takes her place. Her plan didn't even really involve Sanzang, he was more of the cherry on top in a "Yeah might has well marry him while I'm at it," she was already doing this play happily before.
But while I do love her I actually really like Lady Earth Flow as well. Just the idea she adopted into the Li family and sees Nezha as a brother and King Li as a dad is a cute idea. I do like Scorpion Demon more than the Spider Sisters for the sole fact that Scorpion did make accommodations for Sanzang's lunch to make it vegetarian while the Spiders just tried to make him eat human flesh. There are some twisted boundaries that are being respected but hey at least diet is one of them. I like the idea of Nine Tails Vixen but we don't get a lot with her. And would have liked Wansheng Princes more if that Bailong story plot was an actual thing from 1987.
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Natural Hetian Jade Guanyin statue
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