#jack x allison
frakyeaheureka · 2 months
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berlingotesque · 8 months
What are your ships for Batim? :D
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VERY GOOD QUESTION- I know my answer should be rather straightforward but I feel I have to put some context to my answers since they may seem contradictory/paradoxical otherwise, so bear with me-
Sammy x Norman : Well. I think that one was pretty obvious, anyone who's seen more than 3 of my posts knows that I'd die for these two. They're just so PERFECT for each other, from their complementary personalities to the fact that their relationship allows us to delve deeper into batim's historical and social context. Sammy and Norman have one of the few relationships that develop the most during the game's lore : Norman originally complains vehemently about Sammy's frenetic behavior, only to end up lamenting to Buddy and Dot how 'Sammy isn't the same anymore'. What's interesting about this statement is that he says it in relation to Sammy's strange behavior : clearly, the two men have grown close enough for Norman to differentiate Sammy's extravagant habits from his ink-influenced behavior.
Furthermore, Sammy is a very gray character morally, a perfectionist who is extremely socially maladjusted (surely due to the fact that he's coded on the spectrum and autism wasn't properly diagnosed at the time), naturally ostracizing him. For his part, Norman comes from a rural background (which surely earns him the animosity of the people at the studio, given the historical context and the fact that he could very well be poc) and also seems ill at ease socially : to me, it's fascinating to see two characters excluded from their peers because of differences they can't change (being autistic or poc and gay) getting closer to each other, to the point where Sammy, who is deeply misanthropic, naturally compliments Norman by describing him as very bright. To me, Norman is the perfect partner for Sammy : ready to apprehend him as he is, since he's completely free of social conventions, without taking any shits from him.
I think Sammy and Norman can really get the best out of each other, during a historical period when being different was strongly proscribed. I think I'd have trouble enjoying Batim as much without their dynamic at its heart (considering how narratively rich it is) : Norman is Henry's confidant, Sammy is Joey's, both remain morally gray deuteragonists fundamentally opposed to the ink machine, while remaining fascinated by its powers. And who wouldn't love a good old enemies to lovers ending tragically with the unwitting murder of one by the other ? After all, Norman's main flaw is that he's too curious for his own good, and it was Sammy who inevitably led him to his doom..
Allison x Tom : what more can I add. She's everything. He's just Tom. I've always been drawn to characters/ships with a vibe completely opposite to the vibe of the work they originally came from, and the 'turning poison into positivity' energy that Tom and Allison bring to Batim has always fascinated me. In a world as tragic as their own, I find it touching to see these two find beauty in all the ugliness and manage to ask themselves 'what if we were happy after all ?' It's really striking and brings a narrative richness to the work, since they directly mirror what failed with Sammy and Susie : Allison is perfect, but that was never what was at stake in Tom's eyes. Tom was looking for humanity, not perfection, and he managed to go beyond the image of the muse to discover a friend, unlike Sammy with Susie. They're literally Romeo and Juliet but, well... Not dead.
Joey x Henry/Henry x Linda : oh boy. These three... Let me get it straight right away : Henry and Linda are perfect for each other. She's exactly what he needs to be happy : she's present, patient. There's no denying that he loves her immensely. But Joey... oh Joey is undoubtedly Henry's soul mate. The subtlety is that Joey can't bring him the stable happiness Linda can : Joey tugs at him, pushes him over the edge. He knows exactly what to do to push him beyond his own limits. The love Joey offers Henry is an uncomfortable but unconditional one, one that would allow Henry to go beyond what he thinks he's capable of achieving because no one knows Henry better than Joey ! And let's be honest, Batim only exists because Joey refuses to move on, to live his dream without Henry in it. He's stuck in unrequited love and refuses to learn to live with it. And that's the tragedy of this trio : Henry sincerely loves Linda but is truly himself with Joey, which prevents him from hating OR loving him (And Joey exploits this information by remaining extremely toxic and convincing himself that he can wear him down lmao). Henry is stuck with this dilemma : Existing peacefully with Linda or living painfully with Joey. And that's why I love the dynamic of this love triangle : because there are no solutions that will satisfy everyone.
Joey x Sammy : okay, don’t get me wrong : these two are HORRIBLE for each other. Does Sammy periodically want to quit just to piss Joey off? Yes. Isn't Joey's fascination with Sammy intimately tied to his refusal to forget Henry, who was a genius like Sammy? Yes. Nevertheless, it's impossible for me to read The Illusion of Living without feeling embarrassed and like I'm reading Joey's diary : whether you ship them or not, Joey is practically canonically smitten with Sammy. I sincerely don't think Joey and Sammy can sustain a healthy relationship with each other, but oh boy, surely that won't stop me from exploiting their bizarre obsessive love-hate relationship, where it's hard to determine whether they're going to throw hands or make out.
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from-thoseghosts · 10 months
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simonsrosebud · 1 month
My Freshmen Foxes post TKM
• introductions
• their studies
• kenna pierce
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hunterwritesstuff · 5 months
Can we get the ref sheets for all the characters?
Yeh, some are old because I haven't gotten to redrawing them yet <3
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God these last guys are so fucking old help me /j
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Almost forgor my pookie The Projectionist <3(This is recent-)
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internerdionality · 6 days
In honor of Fuck or Die Fifteenth of September...
Here's an excerpt (below the cut) from my current Fuck or Die fic featuring Nathan Stark, Jack Carter, and Allison Blake of the Eureka fandom, which was supposed to be a short PWP and supposed to be all ready to post today...
But as usual, I just had to take that crackfic ultra seriously, which means it's now a 60K novel and climbing. I'll hopefully start posting in the next couple of months, follow me here or on AO3 if you're interested in reading more!
“I made up a list of all the people who are cleared to know about GD-175, and have volunteered to help,” Allison said. Her voice was irritatingly soft and empathetic. Coddling him. “I thought you’d want to know that every single person who was cleared for the information—with two exceptions, both of whom aren’t at all attracted to men—volunteered.” 
Jack snorted as he took the single sheet of paper with a—very—short list on it.  “Sure. ‘Volunteered’. Heard that one before.” 
Allison frowned (still empathetically. She was starting to remind him of his third-grade teacher. Unfortunately, that still wasn’t a turn-off. Although that might just be the sex virus talking. Damn this town). 
“I didn’t put any pressure on them, Carter,” she said. “Every person on that list knows that your life is on the line, and has willingly consented to do what’s necessary to save you. And you should know—”
“Dr. Allison Blake,” Jack read off the first name. A white wave of numbness crashed over him.  
She nodded, determination firming up her lips. “I’m happy to—” 
“No,” he said quickly. Almost without conscious thought, but a second of reflection just cemented the decision. “Absolutely not.” 
She couldn’t hide the flash of offended hurt that crossed through her eyes, and he cocked his head to the side, softening. 
“Hey. No, Allison, jeez. Not like that. Of course I would… It’s just… Look. We work together, and I’ve never wanted to make that awkward, and yeah, I’m still a little mad about you keeping things from me that could endanger the town, but… That doesn’t mean I’ve completely given up on us, okay? Let’s just say, I'm not ready to poison this well before it even, uh, starts to fill up with water? I might be letting this metaphor run away with me a bit…” 
He rubbed the back of his head, laughing self-deprecatingly. But it worked—those gorgeous, expressive brown eyes warmed, and she tilted her head down just slightly, looking up at him bashfully through long eyelashes. Hell yeah. He’d known there was something there, even if the moment had never been quite right between them. 
Which was why he wasn’t going to let their first time be some kind of pity fuck, of all idiotic things. No matter how much his dick was screaming at him not to let her walk away. 
“Look, you’re totally sure that you can’t just fix this with a needle or something?” he begged her, holding on to his last vestige of denial. 
“If you’re volunteering to get stabbed, I know it really is bad. I’m sorry, Carter,” she said, and the rueful smile with which she’d delivered the joke dropped away. “We already tried the only synthetic treatment we have, and it didn’t work for about 15% of the exposed patients, you included. Masters and Johnson aside, there hasn’t been nearly enough scientific research into human sexuality involving practical studies.” 
“—practical studies,” Jack murmured, visualizing it. 
“As a result, we really don’t have a good enough understanding of what happens to the body during sexual intercourse to be confident that we can replicate it with enough accur—” 
“You’re not confident,” Jack interrupted, “but you have some idea—” 
“No, Carter,” she said firmly. “Maybe if there wasn’t another option… Or if we didn’t have a time limit. Your viral load has already reached a near-critical level. You’ll start feeling symptoms within hours, maybe less, and after that—” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered. “Fever, seizures, death. I’ve seen it, remember?” 
She winced, and he sighed, shrugging in apology. Granted, Eureka’s death rate was something people knew when they moved here, but that didn’t make it any easier to have lost two people in one day. Especially to some kind of fuck or die escaped mutated virus.  Damn this town. 
“So, we’re not going to take a chance,” she said firmly. “You need to have sex with one of the people on that list, soon. ” 
Carter groaned, then held up the list again, only to jerk his eyes back up in shock and alarm. “Uhhh, I think you might have made a mistake here. This is mostly men.” 
She shrugged (empathetically, damn her). “You know that as the head of GD, I have access to your psych evaluation results, including Beverly’s expert opinion on your sexual orientation…” 
“Oh… come on!” Jack yelled, then cleared his throat as the complaint came out somewhat higher-pitched than he’d intended. “Is nothing private, anymore? And also, that is not what I meant by—Ooh! Plus! Beverly is probably evil, remember? She was clearly pushing some kind of agenda there—”  
“Look, Carter, I don’t care about your sexual identity or fantasies. As long as they don’t interfere with the security of GD, which is why I have access,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, if—”
“Wait a second, does that mean that Stark read this… evaluation or whatever, when he was head of GD?” Jack asked, horrified by the sudden thought. 
“Anyway,” Allison continued blithely (which meant that Stark absolutely had read it. Crap.), “if I excluded the men, the list would be pretty short. I wanted to give you all your options, but obviously you can choose one of the women. I have their headshots here, if you don’t remember what they lo—” 
“Yeah, no,” Jack said firmly, waving off the red folder in her hand. “You know what? I’ll take number seven.”
The skin between her brows wrinkled adorably.  Taking back the list, she scanned it quickly, then pursed her lips to the side. She couldn’t maintain the scowl, however, as the corners of her mouth kept twitching free. 
“Don’t say a word,” Jack said, seeing the disaster coming. 
“Of course not,” she said, lips spreading even farther, “No judgment here, Carter.” 
“Uh-huh,” he said skeptically. “Sure.” 
She shrugged, elaborately casual. “I just didn’t realize we had so much in common.”
“Yep, there it is.”  
“Methinks the sheriff doth—” 
“I will pay you ten thousand dollars to stop talking right now.” 
“—protest too much,” Allison finished, finally giving in to a wickedly wide grin. “And I pay your salary, Carter. I know you don’t have ten—“
“That’s it, I changed my mind, I want to die after all—”
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studioshenanigans · 1 year
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Happy pride month from ask-joey-drew-studios!! Remember that you are valid, you are beautiful, and that there is a community full of people who'll gladly take you under their wing when nobody else will! Stay safe gays!!! ^^
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bunbunbl0gs · 5 months
get to know me
hey everyone i would love for you to get to know me better so if you have any questions or request ask away xx
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braddocklegacy · 1 year
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Captain Britain & S.T.R.I.K.E.
In the current Fall of X landscape this is the kind of team I’d like to see Betsy utilize. The former agents who came back would act as the team “Cerebro” while Betsy and Pete recruit and train agents for the field to rescue mutants.
Harley Davis was introduced in the Captain Carter miniseries and seems like a cool character to introduce into the 616. Make her a mutant and have her seek out the Captain for help.
Tangerine is a character that only has a handful of appearances so she’s ready to be used more.
Micromax needs his redemption.
Mercury is immune to magic, has a useful powerset, and her and Betsy have a lot in common. They had a moment back in the Psylocke mini and it would be super cool for her to take on a “sidekick.”
Black Knight is just cool and deserves more.
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Sound off! Who’s ready for the Eureka fandom to be revived from the dead aka come to Retci’s show of being in love with this show and nonstop posting. Lol
Definitely have some canary in the tube tho! Can’t wait for all of y’all to see our girls. And there maaaybe a long ass story in the works as well!
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userlaylivia · 2 years
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frakyeaheureka · 2 months
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druidgroves · 2 years
ok here r all the new tags if anyone is. curious :^)
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
yesss love, just saw that ur accepting requests heheheh 🥰🥰
Could I request a Minho x fem reader one, where the gladers are all chilling and having fun together by a lake in the deadheads (similar vibes to bonfire night) and some gladers decide to give her a “proper greenie welcome” by picking her up and throwing her in the lake. However, she can’t swim and tries to resist them but they don’t believe her so still throw her in. She almost drowns, crying for help and Minho jumps in and rescues her. Minho carries her out, and gets mad at them, almost picking a fight.
From here she sees Minho in a different light, could end in spice, if you’re willing, if not then it’s algds hehe 🙈
nah this is so cute lol ; also I do only write they/them / gn readers so I apologize 😭😭 but I'll try and not really specify gender at all to keep it really ambiguous ; i also dont write smut but i tried to make it a little like?? makeout? idk ; thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also I've seen at least one of ur other reqs to other creators and they're so 🙏🙏 trust me when I say writers love u
MINHO ; sweet memory
summary ; you find yourself looking at minho in a new light after almost drowning
warnings ; language, almost drowning, slightly heated kissing (?)
track ; wildflower and barley, hozier & allison russell
word count ; 1.7k
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You were the newest Greenie welcomed to the Glade. But, lucky for you, you remembered your name on your first night here. The amnesia was still getting you good here and there, but by the time the sun set on your second night, you were adapting well enough. A large group of you Gladers sit out on some logs in the Deadheads, the sun softly setting over the horizon of the maze walls as you sit around a little bonfire.
A small kind of lake structure sits beside the group, the soft sound of the streaming water filling your ears instead of all the other boys around you talking and chattering over drinks. You sit beside Minho, the Keeper of the Runners, sharing a drink with him. You took small sips here and there, just trying to fit in with the others under the blanket of trees and brush around you. Minho sits the glass jar back on the ground between his left leg and your right leg, talking to Fry a few feet away.
You're more focused on the water than anything else now as the boys talk loudly.
"What's the Greenie looking at?" Gally asks, an eyebrow raised as he talks in almost a mumble, looking between a few other Gladers.
Newt, sitting beside Fry, shrugs. Ben looks over at you, studying the dazed look in your eyes.
"Shank seems focused on the water," Ben speaks, giving a little shrug.
Gally's eyes light up as some invisible light bulb flicks on in his head. "Why don't we give them a proper Greenie welcome?"
"What're you suggesting, shuckface?" Jack sighs, sitting beside Gally.
A smirk tugs at the wannabe tough-guy's lips as he looks at you. You don't notice, as you're still zoned out, staring at the water.
"Let's throw them into the water for a minute"
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Gally's plan had been set into motion behind mostly everyone's backs. Ben didn't say a word, considering he didn't actually think they'd be mean enough to throw the newest Greenie into that deep water. Newt and Fry hadn't heard as they'd been bickering about food, and the others, Winston, Minho, Eric, Adam, and Scott hadn't heard either.
Gally stands up, setting his special drink down. Jack, and Doug follow his actions, standing up and setting their definitely alcoholic beverages down. They sneak their way over to you, and stand over you, their shadows cast over you as well due to the fire.
You look up at them, shaking yourself out of your trance-like state.
"Can I help you?" You ask kindly, not wanting to start any drama.
Gally grabs you by the shoes, then Jack and Doug lift you up at your shoulders. They pull you toward the water, where you try and squirm out of their grip and fight back, but are unable to. The attention of the others is caught as they watch and laugh, thinking that your desperation to get away is to just not get wet and cold, unknowing that you couldn't swim.
Minho is the only one concerned, not knowing he was the only one to know that you couldn't swim. You'd brought it up when you first met him, explaining how you weren't much of a special soul, and that you couldn't swim or climb trees, or run that fast like some others could. It was a little dimwitted comment that clouded his vision in the moment.
"No, no, no, please! Please put me down!" For some reason, you didn't want to admit that you couldn't swim.
Doug hands over your other shoulder to Jack so he and Gally could rock and throw you into the water, standing off to the side. You continue to shout in protest as they begin rocking you side to side like they were reading a jump-in jump rope.
You look down at the water, fairly still, but clearly deep. You wouldn't be landing on rocks and busting your ass, you'd be drowning in five seconds if they didn't put you down.
Minho stands up, deciding to intervene as he sets his drink down. "Hey!"
"I can't swim! Put me down!-"
They toss you into the water, listening to your shriek of terror as the water splashes beneath your crashing weight. You reach your arms up as you'd fallen in on your rear, and kick your feet rapidly under you, unable to feel the bottom on your feet.
Being soaking wet was the least of your worries as you felt the water rush into your mouth, struggling to keep your head above the surface. You choke up the dirty, muddy water, trying to use any strength you had left in you to call for help and keep yourself floating.
Minho, now wide-eyed, quickly jumps in after you, realizing you truly couldn't swim. The water splashes under his weight like it did yours, and by the time he resurfaces, you'd fallen under the surface, water quickly filling up your lungs.
Newt quickly rushes forward, Frypan and Ben following him. Newt shoves Gally.
"What're you thinkin' klunkhead?! They said they couldn't swim, yet you throw them in that deep water!" He shouts, looking for an answer or at least some remorse.
Minho pulls you out of the water, the help of Fry and Ben leading you back up to land. You cough up a fair amount of water, completely dripping wet. Your clothes cling to your cold skin, weighing ten times their normal weight.
"What is wrong with you? Are you that shuckin' stupid?!"
Fry pulls Newt away from Gally before he potentially ends up in the slammer. Doug and Jack share unsympathetic looks, same as Gally. He uses the excuse that he didn't know until you shouted it at the last second, and it was just an innocent prank.
The second in command steps away from the three boys, rushing to your aid. Your legs hang over the little ledge, feet still emerged in the water. Minho is slapping your back, trying to help you cough all the water in your lungs and throat out.
Minho rubs your back softly as you finish coughing, your face pale, your eyes clearly showing the adrenaline rush and panic.
"You need the Med-Jacks, Greenie?" The blonde asks, one knee in the dirt while the other leg supports him.
You shake your head no, leaning forward as you pound at your chest and cough on command, wanting to make sure your airway was clear of any water or debris. Minho quickly stands up, stomping toward Gally to repeat the same things as Newt, the two essentially swapping roles.
"Are you stupid? Can't you leave anyone alone?!"
"It was a joke!"
"A joke that could've killed someone, Gally!"
You share a look with Newt.
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"Thanks for like, helping me, by the way" You softly speak to Minho.
The group is now departing the Deadheads, seeing as the moon indicates that it's about one in the morning by now. The fire is slowly dying out, crackling as dead leaves crush under your feet while you walk away. You and the runner lag behind a bit, wanting to stay far away from Gally and his friends. Newt leads their way, making sure you're all accounted for. Gally, Doug, and Jack would only have to hope that the blonde wouldn't tell on them to Alby in the morning.
Minho nods in response to your thanks. "Yeah, of course. I mean, I know you can't swim, and it just." He holds his hands up to his head, mimicking an explosion as he opens them. "Sorry about them, really. I think they were just trying to innocently mess with you cause they didn't know, but they should've at least asked. They know that water is deep"
You nod, your hands stuffed in your pockets. You're still damp, but not as cold and not as wet, thanks to the fire. Luckily for all of you, Zart and Jeff didn't have to wake up at that hour to tend to you. They would've killed you all for that.
"Thanks for being nice to me and stuff, I appreciate it," you comment, feeling like you aren't remorseful or thankful enough as he'd probably saved your life.
"It's cool, Y/n." He lightly smiles, making sure you're able to see it.
The fact he called you by your actual name and not Greenie made butterflies rise in your stomach. You didn't even know why, just the thought of fitting in, with him, was infatuating. Your name on his tongue sounded like the most beautiful song you'd ever heard, like your brain was going to melt if you heard it again.
You both stop in your tracks, putting space between you two and the rest of the group, now at the edge of the Deadheads. You share soft smiles, exploring each other's eyes for some sort of look, which you mutually shared.
You lean against the tree behind you, trying to read his expression as he does the same. He's inches away, like he's taunting you.
"I think you owe me, actually," He smiles. Christ, he's really gonna dangle that over your head.
"How do you want me to repay you?" You ask with a soft chuckle. "Not much I can do"
He shrugs, leaning in a little closer. When he speaks, it's just above a whisper, sending a shiver up your spine. "I know that you know how use those lips of yours"
You quickly place your hands on his cheeks, closing the distance between your lips. His hands dig into your waist, pinning you against the tree. Your left hand transfers from his cheek and into his hair, tangling your fingers in it. You feel him melt into your lips, unable to not pull you any closer.
You can feel the bruises he's creating against your lips, the way he's draining your lungs of air for the second time tonight.
He pulls away, needing to control himself. "Thanks, Y/n." He smiles before jogging away, wanting to catch up before Newt discovered their lack of presence.
You watch as he jogs away, then walk behind him as he's a few yards away, a goofy smile on your face.
"Thanks, Minho," you whisper under your breath.
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johnnyutah · 4 months
average adam faulkner stanheight fan: if adam isn’t in saw xi we riot! @lionsgate @kevingruetert @jameswan #adamlives #justiceforadam #corpseinconsistencies
average john kramer fan: What people don’t realize about John, is he’s such a genius that even when he makes mistakes, he planned on making the mistakes. He is the greatest villain of all time
average jill tuck fan: Appreciation post for the Women of Saw 🩷 [the same ten photos that get posted once a week]
average lawrence gordon fan: last night i watched a 2004 tv movie about serial killers called ‘the riverman’, followed by the cheesy family rom-com ‘a castle for christmas’. today my friends and i are going to binge the entire third season of netflix’s ‘stranger things’. none of us have seen a single episode of the rest of the show and we don’t plan on it. then we might rewatch ‘another country’ together
average amanda young fan: sorry i haven’t been online in 4 weeks i’ve been too busy trying to get the new pig cosmetic in the rift [posted 7 weeks ago]
average mark hoffman fan: [underneath a gifset of costas mandylor in a republican christian propaganda ‘sci-fi’ movie] #hes so fucking hot #i would give anything to put him in a sports bra and make him do jumping jacks in front pf me i would literally do #ANYTHING #i need to make him into a marionett and fist him lol
average daniel rigg fan: Here’s a quick low effort doodle I did of Daniel! I just love him so much ❤️ [a literal masterpiece, the best art you’ve ever seen in your entire life] [3 notes]
average allison kerry fan: i am hardcore attached to ONE ship which is probably either allison/amanda or allison/lindsey and my whole blog is devoted to them. there are dozens of us DOZENS
average lynn denlon fan: okay so i know bahar is a realtor now but in her last instagram post where she’s congratulating her son on some new achievement, both the first and last words in the post have 11 letters, AND there’s an X and an I visible in the background of her post 👀?? is this a reach???
average jeff denlon fan: No seriously let me finish seriously when you compare him to the other shitty men in Saw he’s NOT that b
average david tapp fan: i’m 39k away from publishing my 40k tappsing Everybody Lives AU <3 this is going to be epic [account has been deactivated for an indeterminate amount of time]
average brit stevenson and mallick scott fan: Hey I stayed up making this instead of writing my thesis paper for grad school. Here’s a 30,000 word document about the implications of Brit’s promotion within the Marshford group and how it would lead to her eventual demise and also how she rose to the top in her group. It also delves into her relationship with Mallick, whose existence, I believe, is an obvious literary reference to an ancient Roman play read by only me and three other people currently alive. I translated relevant passages and included them in my work. I got understimulated around page 8 so I did take a break to pierce myself in the same spot that I believe Mallick would have a piercing. If you read my fics on AO3 you will already be familiar with the location.
average peter strahm fan: haha peter does CRACK cocoaine haha i think he sniffeds some drugs! why else would he be so MANIC HYPER CRAZY!!! i love my crazy JUNKIE man LOL get him some andderall STAT!! if hoffman didn’t kill him the SPEED certianly would of! LOL!
average lindsey perez fan: i love lindsey perez i’m such a big fan of the character lindsey perez
average matt gibson fan: i literally would eat garbage out of a dumpster
average ezekiel banks fan: holy shit i just finished spiral what a good movie what the hell!!! what a cool addition to the saw universe! i bet everybody else loves this as much as i do! let me take a big drink of water as i check tumblr dot com to see all the nice things people will have to say about darren lynn bousman’s Spiral
average william schenk fan: my hobbies include: being a fujoshi,
average cecelia pederson fan: [pic of cecelia yanking on the metal loop around her neck and smirking] https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT3f5IIzt5PG-M7G9_Z-gjY4gZaiUneTdMlYrFAcdBGcJo0-N-RDQcj2JfxOaBTxKa6J_DiDQNgqVpg/pub
average logan jigsaw fan: What people don’t realize about John, is he’s such a genius that even when he makes mistakes, he planned on making the mistakes. He is the greatest villain of all time
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cuttergauthier · 2 years
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Female reader x Jack Hughes
Warning: against, wedding, Alcohol, fluff Jack
word count: 5.2k
let me know what you guys think🤍
Jack Hughes and Y/n do not get along, their families are close friends. They were neighbours growing up. What happens when Quinn, Jack’s brother gets married to his fiancé Allison and both of their families keep asking them if they are bringing a date?
I’ve been home for about a week for summer vacation and my mom won’t stop bothering me about bringing a date to Quinn’s wedding. I’ve been away at Columbia University all year, I’m also single and honestly, I wanted nothing to do with any of the boys in this town.
I have no idea what I’m going to do. I was getting so annoyed.
“Honey are you bringing a date to the wedding?” she asked for the 10th time since I’ve been home.
“Yes, I’m bringing my boyfriend!” I blurted out before even thinking. My eyes widened
“YAY!” my mom said excitedly
“who is it?” she asked
“You’ll have to wait and see” I said
“Okay, well I’m glad you’re bringing someone”
“Me to” I said before leaving the room
What the hell did I just do? I have no idea what I’m going to do, my mom won’t be to happy if she finds out I lied.
It was only 12:15 p.m. so I might as well go out for the day. I grabbed my purse and car keys and decided to go into town.
I parked my car downtown and decided to walk. I might do some shopping. I just knew I couldn’t stay home I need to figure out what I’m going to do.
I was about to enter Starbucks when I bumped into someone. When I look up I see Jack, making me roll my eyes.
“Really Y/n do you never watch where you’re going” he said annoyed
“My god seriously, you ran into me” I replied angrily.
“Whatever” he scoffed. He went to walk away but I stopped him.
“How’s Quinn? Is he excited about the wedding? I haven’t talked to him in a while.” I asked him
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him more excited” he replied
I nodded and went to walk in the Starbucks, but he surprised me when he continued to talk.
“Are you and your family going to the rehearsal too? Or just the wedding?”
“Both, I think… my mom’s been annoying me about it” I said annoyed
“thought you’d be more excited? Doesn’t every girl love weddings?” he said smirking. I could tell he was just trying to annoy me even more.
“Yes, except I told my mom I was bringing my boyfriend” I blurted out. What is wrong with me, I need to stop saying that.
He looked shocked, he was about to say something else but I stopped him.
“Look I have to go, I’ll see you at the wedding” I said leaving him outside.
I ordeJack my drink and went to pay, when someone reached over paying for me.
“you don’t have to do that…” I started to say when I saw it was Jack.
“Don’t worry about it.” He said smiling at the worker.
Why would he do that?
The worker gave me my drink and I went to leave but Jack stopped me.
“not even a thank you?” he said smirking
“why’d you pay? You want me to be nice to you?” I said annoyed
“Can we sit and talk for a bit?” he asked nervously. I looked at him confused, what was he up to.
I nodded slowly and followed him to a table.
“What do you want Jack?” I asked annoyed
“We both live in New Jersey, I know you don’t have a boyfriend, so why’d you lie” he asked
“I do have a boyfriend” I said confidently, but I knew he could tell I was lying.
“So if I ask one of my brothers or Allison they’ll say it’s true?”
“… Fine I don’t. why do you care if I lied?”
“Because I may have told my mom I was bringing my girlfriend to the wedding, except I don’t have one.” He said making me laugh. He rolled his eyes at me
“Yeah laugh it up, you did the same thing”
“I’m guessing both of our parent’s wouldn’t stop bugging us about bringing a date” I said making him nod.
“Now that I know you did the same thing, maybe we could just pretend were dating, go to the wedding together and after we fake breakup” he said.
I looked at him for second before throwing my head back and laughing.
“Okay what’s so funny about that?” he asked annoyed
I finally calmed down before answering him.
“No one’s going to believe us, we don’t get along”
“both of our families haven’t seen us all year except for Quinn when the canucks playing against us in jersey and Allison who came to visit a few time, we just need to get our stories straight”
“You can’t be serious”
“I am, we both told our parent’s we were bringing date I never told my mom my supposed girlfriends name did you tell your mom a name?”
“No I didn’t”
“then we can do this, we’ll just have to pretend to be a couple at the rehearsal and wedding”
“…fine, this better work” I Said making him smile.
“it will, are you busy later around 7?” he asked
“No why?”
“Well we need to get our stories straight so, we’ll go somewhere to talk, that good with you?”
“Sure whatever, text me later where, so I can leave without my mom asking to many questions” I said and he nodded before leaving.
This is not going to end well.
I made it back home around 5 p.m. after my coffee I thought I might as well do some shopping to pass time, since I was afraid if I went home early my mom would question me about my ‘Fake boyfriend’ so the less time home was better.
My mom made dinner so I sat with her and my dad, thankfully they didn’t ask me anything about who I was bringing to the wedding.
After dinner It was about 6 p.m, made my way to my room so I could change into comfier clothes.
I changed into a pair of black lululemon’s and my overside Columbia hoodie.
I decided to watch Netflix while I waited for Jack to text me.
I was only 10 minutes into the show when he sent me a text
Meet me at the old spot by the water.
I replied telling him I would. We would always go there when we were all in high school, it was pretty private, no one ever goes there anymore. But I remember Jack, Quinn, and some of the ntdp boys would always go there just to hang out.
It’s only about a 15-minute drive from our house so I looked outside my window to see if Jack’s car was in his driveway. When I saw it wasn’t I thought I might as well leave. I grabbed my purse and keys and made my way downstairs. My parent’s were in the living room watching tv so I couldn’t exactly leave without them seeing me.
“I’m going out for a little bit, don’t wait up, love you” I said before leaving.
They trust me so I knew they wouldn’t worry or ask where I’m going.
When I arrived at the stop it was only 6:55 but Jack was already there. I parked next to him, he rolled down his window and told me to go in his car. I nodded turning my car off before joining him.
“so, what are we going to tell them when they ask us how long we’ve been together?” I asked him. The music was playing softly in the background.
“we can say we’ve been together for about 4 months maybe” he said looking at me. I nodded.
“yeah, we can say that being away in the same City and me not really knowing to many people, we can say you ended up inviting me to hang out with some of your teammates and their girlfriends and we just realized we never really hated each other or something and decided to date” I said
“Yeah that works, I just don’t know if Quinn and Allison will believe us.” He said
“Well Quinn did pretty much force us to hang out more this year after we argued one to many times last summer, we did try and be civil with each other” I said, he nodded.
“True… we’ll have to sit by each other you know that right?”
“Yeah, I’m not to excited about that” I said
“I’m not that bad Y/n” he said cockily, making me scoff
“Yeah right” I said chuckling
“we’ll have to dance and stuff so they actually believe us” he said, making me realize we might need to kiss. My eyes widened
“Oh god, we might have to kiss won’t we” I ask
“Probably, just promise you won’t fall in love with me if we do” he said smirking
“Like I could ever fall in love with you”
“You never know”
“Yeah whatever, are we going to meet earlier tomorrow before the rehearsal? Or are we just meeting there?” I ask him
“I’m guessing you’ll be getting ready at your place?” he asked making me nod.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to go to the rehearsal with my parents”
“It might be more believable If I go pick you up, that way our parent’s would know before we actually get to the wedding and you could ride with me, we would get there together, we’d look more like a couple if we do that”
“Okay sure, just please make it believable when you come get me” I said
“I will, the rehearsal is at 5 p.m. and it’s a 30 minute drive so I could pick you up at 4 p.m? I think my mom wants me to be there a little bit earlier since I’m one of the groomsmen and you’re one of the brides maids right?”
“yeah I am so that should fine, I’ll be ready.” I said
“Perfect then it’s all figured out” he said smiling.
“yeah, let’s just hope nothing goes wrong.”
“Trust me, everything will be fine”
“I don’t trust you Jack.” I said annoyed
“well for once just trust me” he said smirking
“Fine, I’m going home now” I said before getting out of his car.
“I’ll see you tomorrow girlfriend” he said smirking, making me roll my eyes. I wave him off before getting in my car and going home.
It’s the day of the rehearsal and I’m nervous. I just woke up its 10:30 a.m. so I made my way downstairs to get some breakfast, both my parents were there. My mom was making breakfast while my dad was on his phone and drinking his coffee.
When I got there my dad looked up at me and smiled.
“Good morning honey” he said.
“Good morning dad” I said before kissing his cheek and doing the same to my mom.
“Did you sleep well” my mom asked
“I did, what are we eating for breakfast?” I asked. I’m starving
“Waffles” she said smiling
“Yay” I said excitedly. Making my parents laugh
I went and poured myself some coffee in my cup. I’m going to need all the coffee I can get, to get through today.
Once the waffles were ready my mom placed them in our plates and we all started to eat.
“Is your boyfriend going to be riding in the car with us?” my mom asked
“Actually he’s going to be picking me up.” I said shyly
“Oh okay, you know you need to get there earlier since you’re a bridesmaid right?” she asked
“Yes mom” I said smiling
“So what’s his name?” my dad asked
“You’ll find out when he picks me up” I said putting my plate and coffee cup in the dishwasher.
“Oh come on, why won’t you just tell us?” he said pouting. My dad has always been pretty chill, he always told me as long as long as he makes you happy and treats you how you should be treated then he would like him.
“What’s the fun in that” I said chuckling.
“It’s 11:15 so I’m going to go take a shower before I have to get ready for the day” I told them.
“Okay, are you wearing your pink dress?” my mom asked
“yes” I said before going upstairs to take a shower.
I took a long shower hopping it would help with my stress. By the time I got out it was 12:00 p.m. so I got dressed into some sweatpants and a tank top. I went into my room and decided to watch a few episodes of Outer banks on Netflix before I start getting ready.
A few minutes later I got a text from Jack.
-       I’ll be at your place at 4 since I have a feeling your parent’s will have questions.
-       Good idea
After I answered him I went back to watching my show.
At around 2:00 p.m. I went downstairs to get a snack before getting ready. I didn’t want to starve before the rehearsal dinner since I know we’ll be eating there.
I decided to make myself a green smoothie, that way I wouldn’t be hungry for a few hours.
“Hey sweetheart, If you need me, I’ll be in my room getting ready.” My mom told me.
“Okay, I’m also going to start getting ready” I said, she nodded before going upstairs to her room.
One my smoothie was ready I went back up to my room. I sat down at my makeup desk and turned on my curling wand so I could do my hair first. I still had to finish my smoothie, so I didn’t want to risk doing my makeup first and making a mess.
I decided to do loose beach waves. I had long hair so I knew it would look good with my dress. Once I was done with my doing my hair, along with drinking my smoothie I started my makeup. I went with a natural look. I didn’t want to go all out.
Once I was done it was only 3:15 p.m. and I didn’t know which shoes I wanted to wear yet so I thought I would figure that out before I got dressed.
I had a lot of shoes, luckily, I found a pair of heals that were the same color as my dress. I went in the bathroom and changed. My dress is a silky V-neck knee length blush pink. I found this dress at urban outfitters about a month ago and I knew it would be perfect for this.
Once I was ready it was almost 4, I knew Jack would be here soon so I grabbed my heals and made my way downstairs.
My dad was already ready watching tv so was my mom, they didn’t like being late so they always made sure to get ready a little while before they had to leave.
I went and sat down next to them on the couch.
“Oh honey you are stunning” my mom said smiling
“Thanks mom, I did get my looks from you.” I replied smiling
My dad started laughing.
“it’s a good thing you don’t look like me” he said, my mom hit him on the shoulder making me laugh.
I looked at my phone to see it was 3:55 and Jack just texted me.
I’m leaving right now.
Thankfully he lives next door, so I put my shoes on. Once I got up there was a knock on the door.
“Perfect the boyfriends here” My dad said getting up to answer the door.
Once he opened the door and saw who was standing there his eyes widened.
“Jack?” he said looking at him, then me, before looking at him again.
“did you say Jack?” My mom asked not believing it.
My dad nodded before letting Jack come in.
“Jack honey, it’s so good to see you” my mom said before giving him a hug.
“It’s good to see you too, it’s been to long” He told her smiling, before looking at me.
“How long have you two been dating?” my dad asked
“4 months, we just wanted to keep it a secrets for a little while” Jack answered
“well I am definitely happy you two finally got together” my mom said surprising me.
“Mom, what?” I asked confused, making Jack chuckle.
“What? Ellen and I always knew this was going to happen” She said like it was the most obvious thing ever.
I just shook my head and looked at Jack.
“we should probably get going” I said, he nodded
“we’ll see you guys in a bit” he told my parents before we walked out.
I made my way to the passenger side door and he followed me opening the door for me, making me look at him confused.
“ what? We need to make it believable” he said making me chuckle.
Once he got in the driver seat, we made our way to the rehearsal dinner.
About 10 minutes later I could see him looking at me every few seconds.
“what?” I ask
“Nothing… you look beautiful” he said
“Thank you, you don’t look to bad yourself” I replied smiling.
The rest of the drive was quiet the only sound was the music playing softly in the background. Once he parked the car. He turned and looked at me smiling.
“You ready for this?” he asked
“No, but I don’t have a choice” I said and he laughed.
“no you don’t, come on” he said as we both got out of the car.
He waited for me in from of the car. He held up his hand.
“come on we need to make it believable” he said
I nodded grabbing his hand, and we made our way inside.
Once we got inside Jim, Ellen, Luke, Quinn, Quinn’s best man Brady, Allison, her 2 other bridesmaid and her family were already here.
Quinn saw us and his eyes widened.
“NO WAY” he screamed making everyone turn their attention to us. Allison gasped when she saw us holding hands, Before running to me and hugging me.
Quinn just laughed making me chuckle.
“When did this happen?” Quinn asked us
“4 months ago”
“What?” Allison asked looking at me.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell us?” Quinn asked
“We wanted to keep it a secrets for a little while to make sure we would actually work out since both our families are friends we didn’t want to make it awkward” Jack answered and I nodded.
I didn’t except him so say that so confidently.
“Well I’m so happy for you two” Allison said hugging me again. She had a big smile.
“Thanks Alli, but today and tomorrow is about you and Quinn not us” I said chuckling.
After everyone said they were happy for us, there attention went back to Alli and Quinn.
“Can’t believe that worked” I whispered to Jack after we were alone.
“Same I didn’t expect them to believe us” he said
Thankfully for the rest of the night the attention was on the soon to be bride and groom.
I stayed with Jack the whole night when we would interact with family members.
Thankfully he was nice the whole night making me wonder why I we never got along.
“You ready to go back home?” he asked me when everyone started leaving.
I nodded.
We said our goodbyes, Allison reminding me not to be late tomorrow morning. We were meeting here at the hotel at 9:00 a.m. where the wedding would take place. They rented out a ballroom. But all the bridesmaids where meeting in a suite to get ready before the wedding.
Jack led the way to the car, we got in and made our way home.
Once we he parked in my driveway. He looked at me.
“Thanks for the drive, I’ll see you tomorrow at the wedding” I said, he nodded.
I got out of the car and made my way inside and in my room.
I did my nighttime routine and got in bed.
I just laid there in bed thinking.
I think I might be falling for him. That can’t happen we’re supposed to hate each other.
I woke up at 7:00 a.m. so I could take quick shower.
After my shower I made my way downstairs to get breakfast before I had to leave. I was glad there was someone at the wedding doing our hair and makeup, so I didn’t need to do that before leaving.
I made myself an omelette and a coffee. Once I was done eating, I went and brushed my teeth. I then grabbed my stuff and made my way to the hotel. I got there at 8:55, I went to the room we were all meeting in and knocked on the door.
Allison’s mom answered the door smiling.
“Hey Y/n, come in” she said
“Thank you” I replied making my way inside.
Allison saw me and gave me a hug
“I’m about to be Mrs. Hughes” she said happily
“I’m so happy for you” I said smiling.
“Here drink this, and you can get your hair done first” She said handing me a mimosa, before shoving me in the direction of the hairstylist, I chuckled
The hairdresser talked to me the whole time along with Jenna the other bridesmaid that was sitting next to me. She was getting her hair done by the second hairdresser. There was two hairdressers and two makeup artists.
Ellen, Jack and Quinn’s mom was sitting on the other side of me getting her makeup done.
“I guess it’s a good thing, Allison and Quinn ended putting you and Jack together to walk down the aisle. Turns out you were dating all along” Ellen said smiling
“I know right” I said chuckling
“I am so happy my son finally asked you out, I could tell he always had a crush on you” she said making me blush. There’s no way Jack had or has a crush on me, he hates me, but she couldn’t know that.
“Me too” I answered smiling.
Once I was done with hair, I got my makeup done. Allison also ended up giving me another mimosa, they were strong, if we keep drinking them I don’t think walking down the aisle will go to well.
It was finally time to put on our dresses.
Allison had chosen a long baby blue silky V-neck dress for the bridesmaids. It was a beautiful dress.
Once Allison put on her wedding dress everyone in the room ended up teering up, she was absolutely stunning.
“Alli, wow, you look stunning” I tell her smiling.
“Thanks Y/n, I can’t believe the day’s finally here” she replied smiling
“Believe it girl” Emma her Maid of honor said, making us laugh.
“Let’s get this show on the road” Her mom said
We left the room and made our way downstairs. We made sure Allison was last and you couldn’t see her until Quinn walked down the aisle. Once he did. We all got in line with Allison last.
I stood next to Jack, I smiled at him, we made our way down the aisle.
When it was time for Allison and her dad to walk down the aisle everyone in the audience stood up. When Quinn saw her, he started teering up. when she made it in front of Quinn, I looked at them and smiled. They are perfect for each other.
The ceremony went on and now it was time for their vows.
“Allison, if anyone would have told me 3 years ago that today I would be standing here, in front of all our family and friends about to marry my best friend, I never would have believed them. You have stood by my side for all the highs and lows, I love you so much and I can’t wait to see what the future may hold for us.” Quinn said Tearing up, same with Allison.
“Quinn, the day we met, I didn’t feel like leaving my apartment, but my friends dragged me out. I can’t thank them enough, because that’s the day I met you. I can’t imagine doing life with anyone else. I love you so much, I can’t wait for all the adventures we are going to have.” Allison said. I whipped away a tear that had rolled down my cheek. I ended up making eye contact with Jack, he smirked, probably because I was tearing up.
The wedding officiator finally told them to kiss.
We all cheered.
I was so happy for them, I hope I get that one day.
It was time to leave the room and go outside for pictures.
We took a lot.
“Y/n, Jack get in here” Allison said mentioning to us to get in the picture with her and Quinn.
We did then she told our families to join which included hers, Quinn’s and mine.
I think she did this because Jack and I are ‘dating’ I’m afraid to know what they’ll say when we fake break up tomorrow.
Once we were done with pictures. We made our way to get food. Before it was time for the party.
“You good, I saw you tearing up during the wedding” Jack said teasing me as we sat together.
“Shut up, it was a beautiful ceremony, it’s not my fault you don’t have a heart” I snapped quietly. He rolled his eyes.
I honestly don’t know what made me snap, I’m just glad no one heard me.
I made conversation with the Jenna, she was the bridesmaid sitting next to me at the main table. I was trying to ignore Jack as much as I could since when the party started I knew I’d have to dance with him.
When the wedding party started Allison and Quinn had their first dance as I stood on the side next to Jack. I was tearing up again along with the maid of honor and bridesmaids.
After their first dance, it was the Allison and her dad, then Quinn and Ellen.
Then it was time for the bridesmaids and Groomsmen, which means I have to dance with Jack.
Jack grabbed my hand and graded me on the dance floor. We started dancing I had my head on his chest and we swayed to the music.
Once the song ended we made our way to our table. I grabbed another drink and chatted with some of Jack’s family.
After a few more drinks I was feeling the alcohol, I danced a lot and I need some fresh air, I saw Jack standing outside the balcony that was connected to the ballroom.
I went and stood next to him against the railing with a Champaign glass in my hand.
“What are you doing out here?” Jack asked when he saw I was next to him
“I just needed some fresh air, what are you doing here?”
“I Just needed to think”
“about what?”
“About how we are going to tell everyone were breaking up tomorrow.”
“I was thinking about that earlier” I said nodding.
“It shouldn’t be hard right, I mean it’s all fake, we hate each other. We can finally go back to hating each other” he said
“Right” I said, that hurt, I honestly thought maybe he’d feel differently. I finished my drink before saying “I should probably go back inside” I said avoiding his eyes.
I went back inside, he came back inside a few minutes after me, but I was avoiding him as much as I could.
Until Quinn noticed and made his way to me.
“Hey, I haven’t had the chance to talk to you yet, are you having fun?” he asked me
I gave him a fake smile before answering “Yes, you guys did a good job at planning this wedding.” He smiled
“Thank you, but it was mostly Allison’s planning” making me chuckle
“Now how about you tell me what’s going on” I looked at him confused.
“what? Nothing is going on, I’m having fun” I said giving him another fake smile.
“I saw you coming back inside, your mood changed, what did my brother do?” he asked
I let out a breath
“Were not really dating, we were only pretending because both our families wanted us to bring dates, and I honestly fell for him while pretending, but turns out he still hates me, so we will be fake breaking up tomorrow” I let it all out and honestly it felt nice to finally tell someone.
Quinn gave me a small smile.
“I know about the whole fake dating thing. Jack told me this morning, he likes you Y/n he just thinks you’d never feel the same way, he’s had a crush on you since we were in high school, he’s just an idiot who can’t admit it. Go talk to him, I promise everything will work out.” Quinn told me before leaving me there thinking.
I looked around for Jack when I saw him getting another drink. I might as well get another drink, I’ll try and ask if we can talk.
I made my way over while he was still there. I grabbed another glass of champaign and looked at him, to see he was already looking at me.
“Can we talk?” I ask, he nodded and we made our way back to the balcony.
“What do you want to talk about?” he asked annoyed
“You told Quinn about us fake dating” I said looking at him, his eyes widened.
“dammit Quinn, he said he wouldn’t tell anyone” Jack said angry about to walk away, but I grabbed his arm.
“why did you? Tell him I mean” I asked
“because I needed to tell someone & I thought he could keep it a secret but apparently not”
“So it wasn’t because you might actually have feeling for me & you just didn’t know how to tell me?” I asked softly
“Dammit Quinn, just ignore him okay, he’s lying” he said
“Oh…umm okay, I’ll just leave you alone then” I said as my eyes started watering. Quinn had given me hope, but I guess I was wrong.
“why do you care?” he asked when I was about to leave.
I looked him in the eyes before saying “Because I was hoping it was true, because that’s how I feel” he looked me in the eyes before putting his hands on my cheeks and kissing me. It took me a second before I kissed him back.
We both pulled away breathing heavily.
“I thought Quinn was lying” I said making us both chuckle.
“He wasn’t, I just didn’t think you’d ever feel the same way.” He said smiling at me.
“well I do” I replied, he pulled me into another kiss.
Once we broke apart, he put his arms around me and looked at me.
“Does this mean we don’t have to break up tomorrow?” he asked smirking
“Not if you don’t want to” I said
“I’ll never want to break up with you, I’ve always loved you Y/n” he said smiling brightly at me
“I’ve always loved you to Jack” I replied smiling. We kissed again but we broke apart when we heard a knock on the balcony door followed by some cheering. We turned around to see Quinn and Allison cheering happily, making us laugh before we went and joined them.
Jackhughes - Yourusername
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Liked by QuinnHughes, TrevorZegras and more
JackHughes - Yourusername 2 years ago we wouldn’t have thought we’d be here. WE ARE GETTING MARRIED💍🤍
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_Quinnhughes ABOUT TIME!!!
AllisonHughes Here’s Comes soon to be Mrs. Hughes🤍
TrevorZegras Congrats guys🥺
Tysmith Been waiting for this🤩
Nicohichier About time he put a ring on it, congrats you two🥺🤍
Elblue06 So excited to be getting another daughter🤍
Colecaufield to think you two used to hate each other🥺
→Alexturcotte they grew up🥺
Bradytkachuk atta boy jack!!!
Lhughes_06 Finally I couldn’t keep the secret anymore!
Brendanbrisson Your relationship is straight out of a movie!
subanator they grow up so fast😢
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