we-are-inevitable · 4 months
jack kelly wouldn’t mind being in love with davey jacobs if it didn’t mean being in love with a boy. davey jacobs wouldn’t mind being in love with a boy if it didn’t mean being in love with jack kelly. that’s the difference. do u understand.
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jack-kellys · 28 days
ok director. give me your thoughts on the reconciliation of davey and jack between jack’s “betrayal” and davey’s total forgiveness before once and for all. we don’t get to See that conversation but i NEED to know your thoughts
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
yeah wow somehow i never wrote a fic of like. their in-between fix. i did write a post-strike apology fic though
send me ur newsies script issues and i'll try n reason them out
mmmmkay so. sans writing a scene or any of it. let's say the script is all we get. how on earf did davey chill?
so there's this maaaagic thing called an active scene change... that directors can literally just make up. because it's theater and no production is ever the same.
when kath and jack are coming down from the penthouse (however that looks, three stories, one tall plat, etc) they Physically run into davey during the music vamp/scene change. davey goes to come at jack, kath gets between them, explains the plan. jack can look stressed and awful and so fucking sorry. ideal world he falls into davey's arms while davey looks at katherine, bewildered. bc the thing that needs to come across is that jack was scared. sell that, make it clear the Three of them have a plan, move on.
and then after, i think the hoe-down line needs to STOP BEING SO FAR FROM JACK. fuck that. livesies got one thing right and it was that staircase Look. jack & davey should have this exchange while dave's coming down the stairs, not when he's just entering the scene, so that we have more of a like:
DAVEY stops JACK at the base of the stairs. DAVEY: Hey. JACK: Hm? DAVEY: (His hands behind his back) It's... good. To have you back again. JACK: Yeah? ...Shut up.
i think it has to be very clear that davey is making a choice and deciding right then that yeah, okay, it is good to have him back, but he better stay in line. it's good-natured but with davey's air of 'hmph!' and i think jack's visual relief before brushing it off can loosen davey adequately for the rest of the show- but that means jack CANNOT JUST brush it off. i hate that. we can only have that if we had a whole scene of reconciliation.
but yeah basically the reconciliation doesn't even need a whole scene. it can just be such an easy visual to add in, and it requires no words, and like... to the point where im like. why the Fuck have literally no productions ive seen boots of (local and profesisonal) done this. it's so easy actually. just show them talking and someone's hand on someone's shoulder. maybe the vamp is shorter than i remember but THEN JSUT- JUST VAMP THEN WTF
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cukyviho · 2 months
Jack And Jac Is Most Trusted Online
Jac and Jack was established by two designers Jacqueline Hunt and Lisa Dempsey in the year 2004 to provide contemporary wardrobe pieces with both design and comfort in mind. The collection is made from top quality organic fibres and textiles that are comfortable to wear their designs give buyers and users alike that same touch in their designs. Add modern style essentials by Jac + Jack into your clothing for any occasion, such as hoodies and dresses sweaters. Their range is adaptable and designed to fit any circumstance. By visiting the site, the user can gain details about jack and jac faster.
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daveysjackie · 1 year
okay so we’re always talking about disaster Davey, constantly on the edge of insanity, holding all the fragments together because he’s a Good Student, Good Brother, Good Son, Good Friend (by we i mean @we-are-inevitable all day everyday). And how Jack is the one that helps him hold on.
But. What if they never happened?
Sure they’ve passed each other and they have common friends. But Davey is oh so busy and there’s an essay due tomorrow and my parents anniversary is coming up and i was going to surprise them and I still need to buy Les a birthday gift and he really doesn’t have time for a boyfriend.
Jack is always at the edge, trying to reach for Davey’s hand, to pull him out of his self inflicted hurricane of Responsibility but Davey can’t, won’t reach out because he’s convinced he can get the hurricane under control.
Cut to years later and Davey feels like he might finally be in a decent place. Still burdened but ready to let someone - let Jack in. Only to find out how much he missed. Jack’s happy…with someone else. Perhaps they’re just engaged but it’s pretty serious and Davey is hit with the realisation that he’s just let someone incredible slip away
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Captain Jack Harkness - the episode - makes me so feral 😭🥺
But like
In a soft way iykwim
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thefactsofthematter · 2 years
u asked and i will deliver. if u want to write this feel free to change literally anything but
model davey! he graduated college with honors, has a degree in poli sci, and was literally about to go to law school before being signed to a modeling agency- thus starting a turbulent relationship with his family. he starts doing runways and soon moves into print works and even in his short time of modeling he’s become a frequent in some of the most well-known fashion magazines. this is great, this is amazing- but it has an impact on his mental health that he wasn’t ready for.
enter jack kelly, the makeup artist that somehow always seems to work with davey; jack is known for his bold editorial looks and impeccable work, yet he has quite the image in the industry. he’s stubborn, he’s unorthodox, he’s got quite the temper, but his work speaks for itself. jack is the guy who never wears makeup to shoots, he never dresses up unless it’s something important, he’s got piercings and tattoos and a list of bad habits following him wherever he goes.
anyway blah blah they fall in love they indulge in bad habits and reckless things they get better and boom they’re everyone’s favorite powerhouse couple!!!
ohohohoho JAC!!! i’m obsessed!!! god a model au just tickles my brain the perfect way and this is everything @we-are-inevitable
here’s a fun (or possibly fucked up? idk those are synonyms to me sometimes) little one shot! tw for some mentions of disordered eating - as one might expect from a model au
David Jacobs is a nice person.
For all twenty-three years of his life so far, he’s told himself that. It’s been mostly true— he’s never had much of a temper, he treats people with empathy and kindness, and he’s never been demanding or high-strung. He’s normally a pretty chill person who’s easy to please, and who genuinely likes to help people and make them happy.
Nothing about the past year has been normal, though, and he’s starting to realize it might be messing with him a little. Just a few weeks ago, parents were bitching about how much he’s changed, and he thought it was bullshit… until he suddenly catches himself storming away from his personal assistant (which he has now, by the way,) after shouting:
“Just stop talking and figure it out yourself! Can you fuck off and leave me alone for two fucking seconds? Oh my god.”
And then he’s off, out the back door of the set, to sit on the fire escape and try to cool down. He knows he’s being an asshole, but he’s at the end of his rope— he hasn’t eaten an actual meal in three days, there’s makeup caked all over his face and too much product in his hair, he’s sick of people touching him and telling him what to do, and fucking Romeo won’t stop reminding him how busy he is by asking stupid questions about his jam-packed schedule for the next few days. He has a runway show tonight that’ll go to at least midnight, and a 5 AM call time for a shoot tomorrow, and then an afternoon flight to Paris— he doesn’t care which of the two hotels Romeo booked he actually stays at, because they’re both five stars anyways, so it shouldn’t be this much of a hassle to pick one and cancel the other, and it’s something that should be able to get taken care of without needing to bother him about it.
He instinctively goes to rub at his eyes once he’s outside, but he freezes when he hears:
“If you fuck up your makeup, I’m not fixing it for you. I hope you’re done shooting in there.”
His head snaps to the side, and he sees none other than Jack Kelly.
He’s leaning against the wall, with half of a foil-wrapped bodega breakfast sandwich in one hand and a coffee in the other, obviously on a break. He’s still wearing his makeup-stained apron over his clothes— comfy-looking joggers and a t-shirt that shows off his tattoo-covered arms— and he’s got a Givenchy beanie perched almost precariously high on his head. He doesn’t seem pissed, mostly amused, but Davey has heard rumours about his allegedly quick temper; fucking up his work would be a good way to get on his bad side.
“Sorry,” Davey sighs. He folds his arms over his chest to keep his hands away from his face. “I think I’m done— they might want more shots once they look at what we’ve got, though. I don’t know. I have to get out of here soon for a fitting uptown either way.”
It was Jack who applied the fancy, editorial eye makeup that Davey nearly ruined— his apprentice does the base layers of foundation and whatnot, but it’s Jack’s artistic vision and skill that people pay for when they book him for stuff like this, so he does the important parts himself. He takes his sweet time, snapping at people when they try to rush him, which is why Davey spent over an hour in the makeup chair this morning.
It’s probably the tenth or-so time Jack has done his makeup, but they’ve barely ever conversed, both of them too busy being pulled in a million different directions by everyone else on set.
“Busy day, huh?” Jack chuckles. His nose crinkles a little when he laughs, and it makes his septum piercing wiggle. He takes a bite of his sandwich and then talks as he chews. “What were you yelling about in there?”
Davey very nearly rolls his eyes.
“Nothing,” he mutters. “It’d just be nice if my assistant would fucking assist me sometimes, instead of asking me a million questions about every stupid little thing. He drives me insane, I swear.”
Jack quirks an eyebrow.
“Fire him, then.” He shrugs. “You’d have to start calling your own Ubers and picking up your own coffees, though… might be tough.”
Davey is pretty sure he’s joking, but he does have a point— Romeo takes care of a lot of the day-to-day shit that Davey himself doesn’t have time for anymore, everything from posting on his social media to ordering his groceries. He does a lot more than anyone gives him credit for.
“I’m not gonna fire him. He’s a good kid,” Davey sighs. “I’m just… pissed off right now. I needed to get outside and breathe for a minute.”
Jack finishes his sandwich, crumpling up the foil and shoving it into a pocket of his apron. He then reaches into a different pocket and procures a joint and a lighter.
“Here.” He holds them out to Davey. “Chill out a little.”
Davey blinks, staring more at Jack’s tattooed fingers than what’s held between them, and then quickly shakes his head.
“Sorry, no. I don’t smoke.”
Jack laughs.
“You’re a model, and you don’t smoke?” he teases. “That’s funny, tell another one.”
Maybe it was a good thing he hasn’t talked much to Jack before— he’s really fucking annoying.
“Fine, only cigarettes,” Davey ultimately concedes. “I’m not into weed.”
Jack shrugs and lights the joint, taking it to his own lips for a puff.
“Suit yourself.”
It’s quiet for a second as Jack exhales the smoke. He’s a real picture of effortless beauty— he’s obviously not thinking about his appearance right now, but there’s something almost untouchable about how casually gorgeous he is.
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” Davey ends up adding, “but I get so hungry when I’m high. I’m on a diet right now, so I can’t do that to myself.”
Jack shakes his head.
“Models… maybe that’s why you guys are brats. You’re hangry all the time.”
“You know, hungry and angry. You get all irritable because your agent convinced you a human can survive on, like, three almonds a day, when any sane person knows that’s bullshit.”
Davey’s stomach grumbles annoyingly, as if on cue. He’s not even that hungry. He already had a coffee this morning anyways, which should’ve been enough to get him through to dinner time.
“You’re kind of a dick,” Davey remarks. He wouldn’t typically be so blunt, but his bad mood is making him lose his filter. “What’s your deal?”
Jack shrugs.
“I’m tired. People think I’m an asshole for trying to take my time and do my job right, but when I rush it and cut corners to keep people happy, they get pissed that it doesn’t look good. There’s no winning, and it’s fucking exhausting.” He takes another puff of the joint. “Pays the bills, though.”
Davey rolls his eyes.
“That hat you’re wearing retails for, like, five hundred dollars. I think it pays more than your bills.”
Jack laughs, and it’s not that cynical chuckle from before. He actually smiles, caught off guard by the remark.
“Fair point. In my defence, I got the hat for free from a photoshoot. Another perk, I guess.”
Davey finds himself smiling too.
“How long have you been doing makeup?”
“I’ve been playing with it forever,” Jack replies, “but professionally, about five years. How long have you been in the game?”
“Almost a year.” Davey pauses. “I was in school— I actually finished undergrad and got into law— but it wasn’t right. I got scouted in August, and thought fuck it, I might as well try. It worked out pretty well, I’d say.”
Jack eyes him sort of curiously.
“You gave up law school for this?”
“Got out of going to law school, more like. I didn’t want to do it.” Davey shrugs. “It was more my parents’ thing. I wasn’t that interested.”
Jack blows a ring of smoke, almost absentmindedly.
“How do they feel about your career change?”
Davey shakes his head.
“I haven’t talked to them in, like, a month, if that tells you anything.”
“Damn.” Jack offers the joint to Davey again. “You sure you don’t want some?”
A pause.
“Fuck, I guess a couple hits couldn’t hurt.”
Jack grins and passes it over.
“I knew it.”
Davey silently takes a breath of smoke. It’s been forever since he’s indulged this way, and it feels good. He coughs a little on the first hit, but his head almost immediately feels clearer, so he goes for another.
“Feel better?” Jack asks, after a long moment.
“Yeah,” Davey breathes. “Thank you.”
He passes the joint back to Jack, who stubs it out on the railing— there’s just enough left that he could relight it for a few more puffs later, once this little buzz wears off.
“We should hang out sometime,” Jack offers. “I’d like to get to know you, Jacobs.” He pauses. “Any relation to Marc?”
“Nope. I walked for him in the spring, though.” Davey laughs softly. “You’re right, we should hang out. I’m going to Paris tomorrow, but I’ll be back in two weeks— let’s plan for then.”
Jack picks his coffee up from where he set it on the windowsill.
“I’ll bring the weed, if you bring home some cool European snacks for us to try.”
Smoking and snacking are both habits that Davey should be trying to avoid— but god, would it ever feel good to unwind when he gets home from this work trip. Maybe he deserves a night to relax with a new friend.
“Sounds good to me,” he replies, against his better judgement. “I should go, but I’ll DM you, okay?”
“Perfect,” Jack says. He waves as Davey turns to head inside. “Have a great trip. Take it easy on your poor assistant, okay?”
Davey laughs.
“Will do. I swear I don’t normally yell at people like that. Just… running low on patience today, y’know?”
That’s a stretch— he runs low on patience pretty often these days, and Romeo tends to take the brunt of it, but Davey pays him to deal with it, so he doesn’t feel that bad about it. When you’re a star, there’s certain things you can get away with: Davey’s occasional bitch fits are no worse than Jack’s famous temper tantrums. When you’re at the top, who’s going to give you shit about it?
“Oh, I know.” Jack winks. “I think we’ve got a lot in common, Dave.”
Davey smiles coyly over his shoulder as he heads back inside. He knows he looks good— he revels a little in the way Jack’s gaze stays glued to him. Maybe he’s admiring his own work, but maybe he’s admiring the canvas underneath it.
“I think you might be right. See you around, Kelly.”
And then he’s immediately being hurried back into a makeup chair so someone can clean his face, in order for him to be whisked off to the fitting that he’s already late for— at this point, people know better than to expect him to be on time.
Again, he’s a star, he does what he wants.
If he wants to waste time smoking outside with Jack Kelly, nobody’s going to stop him. Maybe he’ll make a habit out of it.
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piedoesnotequalpi · 1 year
ok for the au thing !! i got Western AU and Dark AU !!
Thank you for the ask! I got distracted talking to my partner!
Anyway a bunch of this is yoinked from a book series I never finished due to it being a bit too politically conservative for my tastes (specifically the book Nowhere to Run) and I also spent far too much time browsing Wikipedia for locations. Not sure if this is what is meant by "dark AU" but it's late at night so
TW for some mild gore and death
Carbon County (MT; there's also one in Wyoming) game warden Jack Kelly was reassigned to temporarily work in Granite County, MT and he's finally almost due to go back to his normal post in Red Lodge. He'd left it in good hands--the Stillwater County game warden (Finch) and county sheriff (Charlie) have most of his duties covered and give him near-daily updates. But he'd rather be back in Red Lodge, where he knows most of the people and their habits and can use his friendship with Katherine, the editor-in-chief of the local newspaper, as an excuse to stop by the office and flirt with one of the staff writers.
However! The week before he's supposed to leave, he starts getting reports of disappearances and campsites being attacked and mysteriously murdered wildlife in Lolo National Forest, so he very reluctantly goes in to investigate. He has a penchant for getting caught up in far more murder mysteries than any self-respecting game warden should, so he's resigned himself to dealing with this nonsense yet again. On the other hand, despite the looming threat of who (or what) ever's behind all this, it is kind of nice to be out camping in the woods.
Jack had made plans with Sean Conlon, the game warden from the neighboring county, to separately make their way through the national forest (both on horseback) and meet somewhere in the middle, with the goal of covering more ground and hopefully finding more information about whatever's going on. But he's struggling to get a hold of Sean, so he resigns himself to investigating alone--he hasn't run into anyone so far--even though part of him knows he should turn back.
The day he decides to turn around, he finally finds Sean, accompanied by a backpacker with a mischievous smile who won't give his real name.
"I've been looking for you everywhere," Sean says. "We have murders to prevent."
"I've been helping," the backpacker says. "We have murders to prevent."
Jack is skeptical of the backpacker, but he's annoyingly charming and Sean seems to trust him, so what else is he supposed to do? They start investigating together, and the backpacker, who still won't give them a name beyond "Racer" and won't say where he's from beyond the UP ("What's that? The Union Pacific?" it's the Upper Peninsula of Michigan but Jack and Sean haven't paid enough attention to Michigan to realize that), brings them to a campsite, where they find a whole bunch of dead elk and also the bodies of a couple of the people who have gone missing. There aren't a ton of clues, but it's the first new information they've gotten the whole time, so they're feeling a little better about the whole thing. Being game wardens, they're used to seeing dead animals, but the decomposing human bodies are a little (a lot) unsettling.
The problem is, when they try to signal the local authorities with the location of the campsite, their radios keep running into technical difficulties. Racer seems unbothered by the whole thing, weirdly, but they decide to note the coordinates as best they can, keep going, and see if they can find anything else.
The thing is, Jack and Sean have been feeling the effects of all this time outside--they're getting sunburnt, they have scrapes everywhere, and they're definitely going to need a shower when they get back. After they find the campsite, they start to notice that Racer is as pale and clean and un-scratched as he was when they first met. And now that they think of it, they haven't seen him eat or drink anything the whole time he's been traveling with them...
And now they're in the middle of nowhere together, with malfunctioning communication gear, and it's been a week since they entered the national forest, and they haven't encountered any other living humans during that time.
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tarantulas4davey · 2 years
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
this is !!! javid au. davey pov, long distance relationship/online friends/songwriters au ????
it starts before they get together with the flirting and the pining and the blah blah blah blah blah and it’s basically. david jacobs’ elaborate plan to woo jack kelly via meticulous plans with all of jack’s irls to visit him. it’s a good time but i’m not very far into it
the title is from bugbear by chloe moriondo bc. david jacobs is incredibly intelligent but man if jack kelly doesn’t shut his mind down like a 2007 dell desktop computer <3
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ghost hunters AU/ancient rome AU !!
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
I got sidetracked searching about stuff that won’t even pop up in this post :D
Jack and David just graduated from high school and were taking a gap year (they’re dating btw)
They had been saving money for a trip to Europe
Jack want to see the arts and David wants to see the historical sites
And well, it’s Europe, a lot of haunted place and A Lot of People Died In One Place (cough, Place de la Concorde) and stuff so both of them decided to do a bit of ghost hunting
It had been peaceful so far, a little weird vibe from places, maybe a few creepy noises in the sites they visited, but all was good fun
They got to Rome, and decided to take a stroll in the streets at night while visiting the haunted sites
There were weird stuff happening during the whole walk, giggling sound behind their back, weird wind, the feeling that someone’s watching you in the dark, blah blah blah
Both of them were a little spooked but decided to continue their walk, since this might be a good sign that they had a chance to actually see ghosts or smt
As an effort to distracted David, Jack prompted him to talk about cool historical facts and stuff
They went into an alley near the Colosseum, a bunch of guys appeared and tried to mug them
But then the muggers sudden got scared by something and ran off
They turned around, and there was a transparent man in a bloody tunic floating there, staring at them for a sec then vanished
The two of them went back to the hotel as fast as possible, decided to sleep it off and leave the city in tomorrow morning
Anddd they woke up to two ghosts (very bloody ghosts, may I add) arguing in their room
Titus, the one back in the alley, and Faustus, aka Spot and Race
Both of them were gladiators, Spot was a Murmillo and Race was a Dimachaerus
(Spot was called that because the first time Race saw him he got, well, a spot of dirt on his face; Race got his nickname because he was a fast runner when they trained)
Anyway, those two were following David and Jack last night for fun, David mentioned the gladiators when he was chatting with Jack, and he said some pretty nice stuff about them so the two ghosts were pretty touched
Race and Spot were pretty bored after stuck in the same area for such a long time with only each other to talk to
They asked Jack and David to bring the two of them with them on their trip
So Jack and David went dig up some stuff because Race and Spot’s souls were bounded to those objects and they just carried the token with them while traveling
Yeah so that’s how Jack and David accidentally got two ghost friends
They actually continued the “ghost hunting” but it’s more like Race and Spot chatting to other ghosts and then gossip to Jack and David
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justatinybunwriting · 2 years
The Cookie Thief
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I've posted this drawing before on my old account, but what you may not know is that there's a small snippet that I wrote to go along with it! Since it did relatively well on another site, I figured I'd share it here ^^ Full short story is under the cut!
A blinding light suddenly peered in from the crack that was formed, which had consumed all but the shadows that were on the furthest edges of the "room." Jac's window of escape was long gone, as there was no way she could have been able to dive through the gap in the walls in time. She knew she had to accept her fate the moment she swung her head around to face the one obstacle that stood between her and the prized treasure chest.
Richard had a feeling that the little trouble maker was up to no good when he failed to catch sight of her for the last half hour. Thankfully for him, Jac had underestimated the Wile giant's exceptionally keen nose. When he opened the pantry door he could only sigh at the would be cookie thief- at the very least he didn't catch her stuffing herself with the enormous baked sweets just yet, though it was not a moment too soon.
"I don't know how you got in there," Richard said with a playful glint. "But you could have just asked."
Jac huffed. "You're probably just going to give me the human sized cookies like you've always done!"
"True. But don't you think that giant sized sweets are a little bit, I dunno... bad for you? Hm?"
Jac could only give out a small groan in response. Richard then presented a hand to the smaller human, placing it palm up next to her feet.
"Care for a lift?"
"Am I goin to jail, officer?" Jac teased with a slight displeasure in her tone. Richard opened his eyes widely to that remark but he returned to his normal wily expression within a second's time.
"No? You've got to remember Jac, I have to be in the mood for that. I'm not very hungry right now."
"I'm surprised you turned that down."
Richard almost regretted what he had just said, but he snapped himself right out of it. "The only thing you're getting for this is... uh, eating a whole plate of veggies for supper. You can get one Oreo after that."
With that statement, Jac scurried to the back of the cabinet. And thus began a feeble attempt to climb up a giant sized cookie tin. Richard gave out yet another sigh before he scooped up the tiny woman in a gentle yet firm grip; squirm as she might, there was no way Jac could get out of the Wile giant's hand. When he opened his palms, Jac had her arms crossed with her cheeks puffed as much as she could fill them up with air.
"Don't give me that look." Richard replied. "You know what giant sweets will do to you."
"I'm aware..."
Jac couldn't hold that momentum for much longer, and that frown had turned into more of a pout, with a hint of sorrow.
Richard could assume that the effort she took to get to where he found her couldn't have been easy. And after he saw her turn genuinely upset about this his heart ached... almost. He glanced back at the assorted cookies in their containers before turning his head towards his best friend on his hand. At that exact time, a light bulb went off in his head.
"All right, all right." He said as he placed Jac down on the dining table.
He pulled out the tin that held the chocolate chips and opened the lid, which in turn caused Jac to have renewed sparkles in her eyes. Upon noticing, this had caused Richard to roll his. He then pulled out a single chip from a cookie and dropped it on her awaiting hands, and in a blink of an eye she devoured it with a few large bites.
"Jeebus Christ, Jac..." A slightly unnerved Richard scoffed. "You weren't supposed to warf it down!"
"That's not much different from how you eat sometimes."
"Hey! At... least Wile giants can handle it better than humans can. Next time, slow it down a little!"
"There's a next time?" Jac took that opportunity straight away.
"Uh... well! If I don't see you breaking into my stuff again before tonight, then I'll give you one more chocolate chip after dinner. But that's it for giant sweets for a while."
She shook Richard's index finger to that. Somehow, however, Richard had a feeling that she was not going to stick to her end of the bargain.
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we-are-inevitable · 2 months
woke up in a cold sweat to remind people that while davey has it better than jack and the other newsboys, he is still poor. he is still a child working on the streets. he is still a child who had to drop out of school, put his life on hold, to feed his family. he’s not well-off by any means and i am a little baffled at how many people seem to think he’s the “rich one.” in reality, they were probably struggling for a long time before davey stopped going to school- i can’t imagine esther and mayer would just spring this on him, or even want him to lose his education- and they were using every last penny to make it work but it just wasn’t enough. davey, sarah, and les leaving school was a last resort because the jacobs family is poor. they are poor. davey is not the rich one. davey is not the mom friend just because he has a family. davey is a scared teenage boy who wants to do right by the people he loves, who has the world on his shoulders, who is desperate to help his family out of the hole the systems in power have pushed them into. david jacobs is not the rich one.
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jack-kellys · 5 months
i found something in the woods somewhere, by @we-are-inevitable
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hello everyone :)
this is my art for jac's bang fic! i'm going to release more throughout the weekend, since this au is chock full of eerie artistic imagery, be it the characters of davey and jack... or the character of the forest. she is dangerous, she is loving, and i think jac wrote her stunningly!
all my love & thanks for @newsiesminibang24 for hosting this event, it’s been so fun to be apart of!!
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spongebobov · 1 year
4 daughters he give birth to my Lord
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I just thought of a fun albeit stupid lets be honest idea:
So Jac, Jack, Joe, Joseph, Aya, Nadia, Jane, and Janet are all hanging out and Aya finds a few picture of one of the many recruiter swaps they've done when Jac complains about hating his soon test of a subject not only did Jack pass but loves and Joseph complains he can't stand his dad and step-mum for another second and desires a break. Then Janet's the one who offer to simply trade places for three days (ie so she can beg Jane to help her tell Maria how she feels/know if she feels the same way and Jane's secretly like: "Seriously?")
Oh, boy.
Like the other headcanons before, they had to put some ground rules, with Jack and Joe heavily emphasizing that should NOT do drugs or weed, especially since they’re mom has an uncanny ability to differentiate scents, especially weed.
Jack has to put Jac in a death grip and hissed that to not be a slut, threatening to cut off his manhood if he doesn’t.
He also told Roxy beforehand to be safe, to which the girl got her pepper spray ready.
And so it begins.
Janice honestly felt this was no different with her uncle. Jane's dad has an inkling feeling she wasn't his daughter but he can tell she's a good kid and treated her like his own
“Again? Really?”
Valerie was beginning to see through this ruse but was honestly tired at this point seeing how much trouble she gets with their guardians.
Nevertheless, she still treats them like her children. The three of them had a good time, though Grim hissed at them every time they got near. But still it was relaxing, especially for Joseph.
Until they had to do the morning workouts.
Jac and Joseph were on the floor, begging for mercy as they felt their arms like lead and panting heavily.
Vince was hiding his smirk behind his sports bottle as Zuri looked down at them in concern. Cece was openly laughing at them while Malachite was trying to help them up and Nadia giving them water. Valerie shook her head at them.
Meanwhile with the others.
Jack had a hard time in getting into Jac's character, the man was a known flirt and promiscuity. He was glad his adoptive mom is kinda cool though a little hotheaded.
He steeled himself and got to the classroom, he managed to avoid his admirers and flings. When the test started he answered thoroughly, he made sure to get a few wrong to not arouse suspicion.
Joe was starting to see why he dislikes his dad and step-mom so much. There wasn't a time where her remarks want to make him punch her and the dad wasn't helping.
So he does what he does best, getting blackmail and sure enough they was plenty of it. Turns out the step-mom was in some illegal business and had some enemies, Joe wondered if Joseph knew.
On one particular dinner, the usual remarks started and Joe did his best to stay quiet, then one of them said something that triggered him he couldn't remember who but all he knew was rage.
When his head was cleared, he found the dad on the ground with his face black and blue with his nose crooked and his hand on the step-mom's hair with her screaming a bloody murder.
The step-mom tried to call the police but Joe threaten to expose her business if she does.
Step-mom: Your bluffing!
Joe: Maybe I am, wanna find out?
The smile he gave unnerved both of them, they never seen him like this.
In the end she didn't but now both are wary of him, Joe just hopes Joseph will forgive him.
Jane was having a great time!
The house boat rocked and her uncle reminded her of her dad. Working at the diner was fun and got to learn new recipes.
One day as they were out shopping, they passed by a family with two girls and three boys, at first she thought nothing of them but she could hear them whispering and saw them glancing at their direction with disdain in their eyes.
Jame merely raised an eyebrow at them and continued shopping. She glanced at Janice’s uncle and noticed how on guard he seemed and how he kept glancing at her.
???: She’s as disgraceful as ever, and just as disappointing.
???: What do you expect from her? Of course she is, that’s all she’ll ever be.
It took a while but she realized those comments were directed to her. It pissed her off but she wanted to be the bugger person and ignore them.
Until they said how ‘she’ and ‘her uncle’ should have died on their trip.
Everything was blur but she can feel Janice’s uncle holding her back.
Once her head was cleared she saw the family cowering in fear, the father and brothers were bleeding heavily and one of the brothers was unconscious. The mother was crying and the sister were just plain petrified.
‘Sorry Janice, but I think I made you into a criminal.’ thought Jane.
Once the swap was done, everything was seeming back to normal until Joe and Jane got frantic calls from their counterparts asking what the fuck did they do.
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Name: Jacques Hart Euston
Nicknames: Jac (prefers to be called this), Hart (by classmates/waiter name), Cutie, Jaccy, Sexy (all from thirsty customers), Weirdo, Mad-Man, Axe-Man, Slut, Horn Dog (all by Wilhelm and Janet and others)
Birthday: July 26th
Age: 19
Height: 5'9-6''
Appearance: Jac is a slim toned muscular body build with porcelain white skin with rose tints and undertone with round hazel light brown eyes that looks like honey, short curly fluffy thick brown hair with a single dye streak of Valentine red on his left side to his bangs, his nails are always painted black, has a single tongue piercing, a total of five ear piercings on his right ear while he has four on his left ear, and a pair of barbell piercings on his nipples. He's usually wearing good eyeliner, some blush, and two small red hearts painted under his cheeks.
Clothing: He always dress in a typical ALT fashion style with fishnet leggings and sometimes under-top, mesh tops, cropped tank tops, normal tank tops, baggie hoodie, hoodie jackets, and leather jackets, tight black or dark blue or dark red jeans with rips, white and red high tops or red doc-martens, and sometimes always a random set of heart-shaped glasses of many colors.
Personality: He's very childish and fun as many say, a natural charmer and flirt. He is what some call "crazed" and has a bad boy like aura around him which doesn't help his flirty nature, laid back and very much full of energy like a puppy. But behind all that he's actually pretty depressed and loyal as Hell, often being the one with heartbreak and not the ones who he spends a night with. Like Sia, he has a huge temper when he gets protective and is often very jealous and mean when something goes back. Is surprisingly very good with kids and secretly wishes to be a dad one day.
Schooling: 1st Year of college, Art
Likes: Tea, iced tea, boba tea, milk tea, punk-rock, alternative rock, k-pop, girls, guys, Bourbon, rapping, kids, partying, shredding the guitar, playing the saxophone, hot tubs, walks on the beach, sex, tacos, raining nights, hiking, camping, art, painting, drawing, clay art, jazz music, roses, the gym, working out, pizza, Aya
Dislikes: Cheaters, adultery, sexism, racists, being bossed around too much if you aren't his guardian or boss or someone who cares for him, if he's bottoming for a guy and not being satisfied, cockroaches, being called a homewrecker or accused of being a cheater of "wolf", idea thieves, thieves, cat calls when he's at work, when customers try to touch/grab him when he's working
Abilities: Great cook, amazing voice, dance well, great with kids, flexibility, saxophone, guitar, high energy, fast runner, art
Story: Jac was born in a rather normal family in the deep countryside of France on a farm with his mother, his army father, his dear teenage older brother, and grandparents as a happy child, until 2008 when he was four years old the barn was burned while the father was out on deployment and later killed during the Uzbin Valley Ambush, his mother was knocked out before the fire happened and perished while Jac's older brother ran through fire to save him and ran 10 miles until he saw a neighboring farm and begged for mercy before going into a coma from his injuries. Police caught the ones who started the fire, learning they were simply robbers who took a chance for the house protector to be gone, and charged them. Jac's brother passed away after five months of holding on.
Jac became nonverbal after the whole ordeal and was taken to a orphanage where he isolated himself afraid of the outside and it's people. Things changed when he was five and overheard a little girl singing in the hallway, peeked and saw her. She didn't speak a lick of French and he didn't know English but the two became fast friends drawing, laughing, singing, exploring, her really helping the boy grow again. Then she left the following year when her family returned, never truly getting her name in the end.
Before he got depressed again he gets taken by a English family who mainly took him in for the sake of a free gardener, but through this he met the family's youngest daughter who was in her late teens mad at the world named Helena Viviladi who the two bonded and she made plans to adopt him once she's 20. That day came and she did without much argument from her family who had clear favorites, moved from England to America when Jac was 10 and met Ivan and the two became fast friends in no time. Now he's currently in collage working at a diner called "Dîner D'enfer" with Maria as a singing waiter
Name Meanings: Jacques - French for "supplanter" Hart - Irish for "bear" or "hero" Euston - Irish for "heart"
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*makes a completely different species of Skeleton Monster instead of making a Sans OC*
MMm, oldie oldie oldie. As you can see from the child with hair, there was already quite a bit of conception before this picture.
Sacrine is a skeleton creature whose species passively feeds on environmental magic. A large gathering of them can drain a forest dry within a matter of years (Like Monsters in Undertale, everything in Sun, Sacrine, and Jaqueline's universe is primarily made of magic), so they migrate.
Sun is a fire elemental, known as Fira who consumes magic by burning things. Because of this, they have to migrate like the skeleton community.
Sun and Sacrine have a Romeo and Juliet style bromance where in their communities disapprove of their friendship because they're competing for resources. That's about the extend of the Romeo and Juliet comparisons though. Sun and Sacrine don't die, but they do run away to live a life free from their families saying "No, they can't be your friend." They've adopted a few children and have at least 1 that's biologically related to them.
Sun and Sacrine met Jaqueline and Izaia when the humans were young and taught them the language of Fira and Skeletons which consists of snaps, cracks, and pops. When Jaqueline and Izaia leave the Underground and get back home, Sacrine and Sun adopt them (or at least Jaqueline)
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