#izzy hands stan
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izzy got over it so fast because the crew made him the unicorn.
that's a huge act of love they literally gave him mobility, its not the same mobility but its the first step (ha) in a new life, that's indescribably kind.
they didn't let him fester in his lost sense of identity they gave him a new one, that's such an incredible gift to give someone, and now hes strong enough to be everything they need him to be even if they don't realize it.
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ilikepears85 · 1 year ago
Now the exclusivity period for the @izzyhandszines has ended I can show you my submission.
This is a mixed media painting and collage with what has become Izzy’s catchphrase and the spade tattoo on his left hand.
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Sailors believed being tattooed with a spade would mean they were more likely to die and be buried at sea which aligns with Izzy’s belief that the only retirement pirates get is death.
There’s a popular headcanon in the OFMD fandom that Izzy is a trans man, Con never stops showing his support for the trans community and trans fans whether he’s calling for people to vote out the transphobic Tories, wearing trans pride T-shirts to conventions or affirming fans gender identity.
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kitkatkey · 1 year ago
Izzy singing a song from the 1940s in the 1700s is peak historical accuracy, no notes
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ldrmas · 1 year ago
I hate to be a deppie downer, but I didn't hold out any hope for spn Jared/Sam stans to have empathy when we lost Castiel then lost Dean exactly next and have a show we loved all wrapped in a shitty series finale. So let's just assume that I have very little hope for this Fandom.
There's something I think is important to say, in the wake of the season finale.
And that is that Izzy Hands' death wouldn't be such a huge blow to Izzy fans if the fandom had treated them better for the last year and a half.
Losing a beloved character can be devastating. I personally have cried for days over it. (In retrospect I had Other Shit going on that made me extra susceptible.)
But Izzy fans have been through the wringer. Outcast and targeted for abuse in the fandom, accused of every kind of derangement and personal flaw, death threats, doxxing, organized harassment campaigns.
I don't even know most of it, because I'm not someone who spent time in the Izzy trenches, I still got death threats for talking about him. But I saw things that really made me disgusted with the whole fandom.
Then they got the high of being proved right by S2 in their interpretation of Izzy's character. The writers agree with Izzy fans, full stop. And just when it seemed like all the shit might be over and have been...IDK worth it? Rewarded?
Well, then he's killed off.
I understand the rage, the grief, the despair to feel like you were finally getting the thing you wanted from a show and then to have it soured. (coughTheMagicianscough)
I think it's important for the fandom, if it doesn't want to descend back into toxic sludge, to have some compassion and tolerance of Izzy fans emotional reaction. Talking shit about the fans that just experienced a great loss is not a class move.
Please try to have an ounce of empathy and humanity.
Because it's only NATURAL in in such a hostile fandom environment, Izzy fans grew deeply attached to their messed up little guy. They suffered abuse for it. That only makes things more intense.
I've been there, multiple times. It fucking sucks. We all are having a lot of emotions about the finale, and the very least we can do is to not turn on fellow fans.
I have very little hope for this fandom not turning back into a dumpster fire, because frankly the track record is POOR. But, well, figured I give it a shot in the dark.
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sunnibits · 1 year ago
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okay wait wait wait hold the fuck up. I may very well be reading into this too much but like. this picture is from the very end of ep8 right,, ARE THEY FUCKING WEARING IZZY’S GLOVE?????? or at least mimicking it???? um????
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horatiios · 1 year ago
Thinking about how carefully Ed’s body was laid out below deck, with a cloth over the face. Prepared for mourning.
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And like after everything,,why would the crew do that? Why not just throw him over board and be done with it?
But then I remembered who did need to mourn, who would have taken the time to put a handkerchief over his face,,
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godasfarasyoureconcerned · 1 year ago
edward thinks nobody loves him and has for years, but izzy does love him and has for years. i think i don’t even need to spell out how tragic that is
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ldrmas · 1 year ago
Alright I'm gonna to bed.
I'm still angry
I'm still hurt
I still don't understand why it happened
I have no hope, though I wish to pretend that I do.
Any other izzy stans wish to rant with me, you know how to find me.
I'm mad
I'm upset
I left work early for this
It's not only about what happened to him its that Stede didn't even reach out for him, didn't say anything to him, nothing
Ed didn't even look upset, didn't take his hand, anything
I'm so twating disappointed that I don't want there to be more.
Screw s3, screw this show, screw it all. You lot had your chance and just no.
I won't leave the Fandom but I'll do what I did with Spn, I'll keep creating content for a character I love and wish more than anything got a happier ending.
But do I hex this show and writers and all who had a decision on ending Izzys life in that context, you bet your twating ass I do!
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theoneandonlynikki · 7 months ago
Y'all. "Gentlebeard critical" is a tag.
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stizzysupremacy · 2 years ago
it's not that izzy hands never did anything wrong in his life it's that the wrong things he did were really really interesting to watch so i don't care
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carrymelikeimcute · 1 year ago
ofmd fans trying to pick who out of ed and izzy is the babygirl and who is satan
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consultingfujoshi · 1 year ago
"there he is" with a gloved hand, reaching out to hold ed as he pins him to the wall by his throat vs "there he is" with a bare hand soaked in his own blood, reaching up to touch ed gently as he holds him in his arms.....yea im not gonna be ok about this for a very long time actually this was fucked
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ilikepears85 · 10 months ago
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Another zine art piece for the Izzy Hands lives zine. 🦄 mixed media acrylic paint and collage on canvas.
You can get a copy of the zine here https://izzyhandsliveszine.carrd.co
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sernik-z-dzemem · 1 year ago
me watching the new ofmd episodes:
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ldrmas · 1 year ago
One more thing
Can we talk about what's worse is that Izzy didn't die by his gun? He died because he walked a man who was armed and extremely dangerous into the den of wolves. And not one person spoke up to say it was a bad idea. In fact, he died because the characters were stupid for stupid sake, which is one of my biggest pet peeves in tv tropes.
Izzy was holding the man hostage with only a single dagger, nothing else.
And both men that he trained with, also pirates he mentored into becoming an formidable crew, you're telling me that not a single one of them spoke up to say "hey maybe let's make sure Prince Ricky is unarmed!"
You're telling after staying by Stedes side and training him, Bonnet didn't once think to search the prince to make sure he couldn't pose a threat to the crew.
You're telling me that after sailing with Blackbeard all these years, disarming hundred of crews, rampaging ship after ship, Edward wouldn't once think to say; "Hey strip that fucker bear we only got one shot at this, we gotta be smart now if we wanna stand a chance."
You're telling me Fang, Jim, even Black Pete wouldn't be the one to volunteer to lead Ricky across the battlefield so that Izzy wouldn't be front and center in danger.
This, this is what hurts so twating much! I know you fellow izzy stans understand.
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izzyhandswhore · 1 year ago
HC of courting Izzy Hands. I imagine he would be a gift giver and acts of service kind of guy. I imagine the reader would write him love letters.
Izzy would absolutely be an acts of service type of lover. Making sure you get your tea/coffee in the morning, rubbing any sore parts of your body after a long day, picking up any of your chores he can.. I wonder what gifts he would give? Jewellery picked up from raids comes to mind. Rings, necklaces..
I think he’d love love letters. He can be weirdly poetic sometimes so I think he’s love to have words just for him that he could keep. Imagine the blush when you find a little box in his cabin and it turns out he’s kept every single one 🥰
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