#ive wanted her for almost 10 years 😭
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sachi · 10 months ago
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☆ Hatsune Miku // VOCALOID "Senbonzakura" ☆ 1/8 / FREEing ☆ July 2014 ¥9,981 ☆ Sculpt QuailEGG Illustration Itto Maru
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sweetlady555 · 7 months ago
My Personal Solar Return Observations Pt I
I just got into astrology more and I’ve been suupeerrr into solar return observations lately and this is what I have observed from my own chart! My birthday was 2 months ago and the solar return is SOLAR RETURNING .
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Moon in 8h in Aquarius SR - TONS of family secrets coming to the surface. Almost concerning? . Im finding out soo much stuff about my parents . My home environment is also changing a lot, my dad used to be home a lot and now my dad has like completely abandoned me lmaooo . such a strange uranus energy since aquarius is ruled by uranus . Ive been feeling more independent lately and sometimes I dissociate and pretend im living in LA in my own studio alone and away from my unstable family 😍….. I have my chart ruler in here too haha (pray for me) 😊 so this year is definitely going to be transforming AF . Im sensing it everything feels too intense lately 👁️ ..
Cancer Rising SR - I’ve been dealing with a lot of family stuff over the years (toxic relationships that r still ongoing lmaoaoa) and im noticing that instead of digging myself deeper or being depressed, i’ve been nurturing myself more and turning my space into a cozy sanctuary and not into some bed rotting mess😹. Ive been improving my current living situation compared to the past so theres definitely nurturing myself more , saying affirmations in the mirror , working on my self care , getting offered help from my step-family.
Sun in 12H in Cancer SR - I got into astrology a lot of spiritual stuff . Also communicating with my spirit guides more often etc .. I definitely do feel more connected to my spirit guides now I feel im being guided and protected a lot this year . everything feels like its just meant to happen and i mean that in the best way . Getting vivid dreams, ive been writing them down more a lot lately and they’ve been giving me insights on my subconscious and even slight deja vu? I remember I dreamt of me and my dad in my aunts car and 2 days later she had called me and gotten upset because my dad took her car and hadnt brought it back after she let him borrow it for a few hours. Even though my sleep schedule is so bad i love dreaming more now because the universe always gifts me with something meaningful and beautiful in my dreams🙏. Also I been listening to music like A Looottttt more lately EVEN WHEN IM ASLEEP😭 im like oohhh whos playing this banger and i wake up and its just music thats been on shuffle for the past 9 hours 💀
Venus 12H in Cancer 10° SR - finding out what i want in relationships , although i do feel like its becoming hard to connect with others in that way ..? does that make sense ? ive been doing lots of self love affirmations that my dreams consist of love and harmonious energies 😹sometimes ill think about love and a boyfriend and really want it but the next day ill be like wow i love myself so much i really cannot see myself with anyone😇.. lots of creative solitude , being more open to recieve love from my family members AFTER REFUSING multiple times ( it makes me icky sometimes still ) learning compassion and forgiveness for others , im a scorpio moon in my natal so ive held grudges since 6th grade i never cared 😭😭😩.. but this venus in 12h is like reversing the effect… 👁️💧
Venus Conjuct Asc in Cancer SR - GLOW UP PLACEMENT 🙏 i was sexy before but its like my sexiness increased by like 10x . People are noticing it too!! i got told “bros evolving” on one of my posts 😭😭 I also feel like im finding my own personal style aswell! . I also see my body changing (in a good way)
Sun conjuct Asc in Cancer SR - confidence on 1000!!! feeling self assured , nobody can really tell me anything bad about me TO ME and think ILL believe it cuz i wont!! i know who i am thankqqq😛
Mercury 1h in Cancer SR - i feel like this placement helped add onto me becoming so self assured in myself and figuring out who i truly am . Ive been studying and researching about myself a lootttt too !! Ive been getting a lot of gut feelings and just proceeding with them and usually i wont and ill just go with logic but idgaf anymore because usually these gut feelings usually lead to something so worth the outcome whether it may look good or bad!
Mars 11h in Taurus 12° SR - I have lots of amazing goals and things im looking forward to for this year!! I feel so eager to just GO FOR IT but taurus is a slow and steady sign so thats just how i been moving lately .. in silence too cuz there be haters all around 🤐
Pluto 7h in Aquarius 1° SR - ive been unfriending a lot of people to make new friendships idk if thats a bad thing but all the past people i feel are secretly plotting against me… most likely that 1° because i heard that could represent enemies? take that with a grain of salt but anyway ive been more clearer about what i want in friendships aswell which is goal oriented people who just want to get rich and make something for themselves!!! Im tired of the self limiting beliefs and the envy!!!
Saturn 9h in Pisces 19° SR - I start my senior year this month and I plan on graduating early , saturn rules discipline and structure but also setbacks . i feel like this school year although i have that vision i feel like im gonna have to put a lot of work this year lmao i hate school so much i was supposed to go to summer school but i ended up not going to get my mind right before the school year started which has really helped tho imo . i wanted to drop out but at the same time my pride is too high and i feel like this is a great opportunity to build discipline, time management and responsibility for the goals that ill have after i graduate. ive already been setting the milestones and all which is the saturn and pisces influence comin thru 🙏
Neptune 9h in Pisces 29° SR - the 29° usually the “fame indicator degree” can also represent a start to completion/ending of something , since i would be focused on graduating early for my senior year i could see this as me graduating early and completing that academic journey and preparing and embracing a new journey . i feel like this would most likely be spiritual because i caaannooottt focus on school and astrology and spirituality all at the same time because 9 times out of 10 my focus is on astrology and spirituality i needa get my priorities straight😭😩😹..
Just wanted to note this but while reading your SR chart its important to look at your South Node aswell because it can show you what lessons and patterns you need to review / past influences & comfort zones . 1h nn = 7h sn , 2h nn = 8h sn , 3h nn = 9h sn , 4h nn = 10h sn , 5h nn = 11h sn , and so on
North Node 10h in Aries&South Node 4h in Libra - The SN 4h Libra and NN 10H Aries could show that I have to balance my growth and comfort and moving towards new opportunities. With South Node in the 4H in Libra, I may find myself relying on familiar comforts from my past . The south node here might show that I might fall back into old family dynamics . my step family is offering for me to move in with them to help me get back up on my feet and this is such a good opportunity but they did this before though last year and I ended up moving back with my neglectful dad and I just fell depressedddddd . ill prolly release my old patterns where I would be moving away from family support because last year my mom offered to help me and support me and i ended up being manipulated and i fell depressed again then went to my step dad for help so i can get ahead and i went back with my dad and got even more depressed lmaoo but ill see how this ends up playing out. With the north node in the 10h in aries , i’ve been really focused on building my own unique self image instead of just catering to what others expected of me . Ill be looking forward to the goals I have planned out while actively working on them . With the influence of Aries too, bold and courageous, I’d most likely be taking risks to pursue my goals and stepping out my comfort zone. Probably by being SO FED UP with my controlling dad that I just take that leap 💯
this is my first observation post i was gonna go to sleep but i was dedicated to finish this tonight, i hope this was insightful to many of you and may this year bring all of us sweet blessings ⭐️
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misunhye · 1 year ago
MISUN @ MMA 2023
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LEFT to RIGHT red carpet / ceremony && performance
misun came here to STUN!
her outfit obviously wasnt the same as dream’s 😭
for red carpet & ceremony, her makeup was pretty simple, nude lips with shimmery eyeshadow and light black eyeliner.
this was her (and dream’s) first time going to mmas so she wanted to have some fun
she enjoyed seeing other groups perform!! she tuned in the most for aespa, riize and seventeen
but she also had fun when youngji joined them at their seats lol
she practically yanked chenle down when she realized him, haechan, & renjun were the only ones standing 💀
she also kept an eye out for mark because of his leg and would often nudge him to put his weight on her but he refused
oh godd, here comes the tough, emotional part …
so she was thankful when they won one of the ‘artist top 10’ awards …
and then they win BEST GROUP¹???? LIKE… wow
she was even more thankful
her smile was soo large as she thanked czennies
she gave a short but sweet thanks to the fans and her members, saying they’ll work harder for them
she almost missed the announcement for record of the year, she JUST sat back down from going to the restroom with jaemin and next thing she knows, she hears “NCT DREAM” and her bloods rushing to her face
she almost stumbles in her heels, making her way up with the rest of her members. her jason derulo moment … that wouldve been so embarrassing but she didnt really care
mark caught her before whispering in her ear to “be careful” with a smile on his face
she doesnt notice jisung crying until she turns once she gets up there and pouts, tears brimming at her eyes
she grabs his wrist comfortingly as he looks away from the crowd and the others give their speeches
when jisung gave his speech, a tear actually fell and she wiped it away so quickly fans thought they were imagining it until someone zoomed in
she never wanted to go back to the times when they weren’t eight and when they thought they’d lose each other.
on a brighter note, the kkyu moment with the fan was so cute and funny 😭 she loves czennies so much
“czennies …” a pause because the crowd was so loud, “i never would’ve thought we’d be here as eight. thank you for always supporting and loving us, even when times were tough and uncertain. its thanks to you that we can be here today. we will come back next year better than ever, we’ll work hard for you.” she bowed her head momentarily before stepping back so jaemin could go
she giggled so hard from embarrassment when jaemin did aegyo 😭 she always gets that way with aegyo
also she did some tiktoks with seventeen’s dino & vernon, all of aespa, ive’s wonyoung, stayc’s sieun and isa, and riize’s shotaro, sungchan, & wonbin. she’s got fanssss <33
not much to say about their performance !!
when jaemin tried to pull chenle closer during their parts, she had to look away to stop herself from laughing. she could only imagine nctzen’s and idols’ alike reactions
she had a solo dance part right before poison
she was SO excited to perform poison, it’s one of her favorites off istj lol
she found it so funny they had a sweet video playing after such a cunty song
there was an after party but half of them are introverts and so they all went back to the dorms and celebrated together <33
she made sure to leave a sweet message on bubble for the fans, thanking them again
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bsdtakanenohana · 4 months ago
My Opinion On Every Single Bungou Stray Dogs Ship
Part Four- Het Ships IV
Parts One, Two, & Three
Kyoukenji/ Kyouka Izumi x Kenji Miyazawa: I think people ship this primarily because they’re the only 14-year-olds in the Agency. There’s also a bit of the “sun and moon” trope with them. Because they are the same age I do want to see them interact more. I also want to see Kyouka interact more with people who are not Atsushi. I would feel pretty eh about the ship, but as I said the primary reason people ship this is because they’re the same age… because it’s in response to a better different ship with an age gap. And ships created to counter other ships annoy me. 3/10
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I couldn’t find a gif without Tanizaki, sorry
Marklucy/ Mark Twain x Lucy Maud Montgomery: I don’t understand this one. Is it because they were both redheads in the Guild? I don’t get the appeal 😭 0/10
Marksano/ Mark Twain x Akiko Yosano: My mind is just doing “?” What’s up with these random af ships. We don’t even know anything about Mark, why do we care about him so much we’re shipping him with quality ladies. What’s going on here. 0/10
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^Her honest reaction
Morizaki/ Ougai Mori x Kouyou Ozaki: I’ve seen people complain about this ship, but I’ve never actually seen anyone ship them. I might have to rewatch/reread, but isn’t there a subtle joke about them being together and it was answered with a rejection because… yeah. 0/10
Odasaki/ Oda Sakunosuke x Kouyou Ozaki: Ooo I’ve never heard of this, they are both almost the same age and in the Mafia, but it is still random since they have nothing to do with each other. I guess I could see something in their characters that could make them have an interesting relationship (even if not romantic), but we’d have to know a little more about Kouyou first. 2/10
Odasano/ Oda Sakunosuke x Akiko Yosano: I think y’all are just shipping her with any man she interacts with or y’all like. Which is really unexpected considering how many people slap the “lesbian and hates men” label on her lmao. Uh, I don’t think this ship would work, but I don’t think it would be bad. It’s just eh. 1.5/10
Poecott/ Edgar Allen Poe x Louisa May Alcott: The two socially awkward people from the Guild, see I can see where y’all are coming from with this. While I think they’d get along, they’d definitely be those two people who go on one date and since neither one managed to bring up the other’s interests they have nothing to talk about and just talk about the weekend or weather or sit in silence for one painful hour. Maybe if they got talking about what the other was interested in they’d really hit it off. EDIT: Y’all, I completely forgot their ages I thought Louisa was 19 and Poe was 25. But she’s 18 and he’s 28 💀 so this ranking/opinion is for a few years in the future. 3/10
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She wouldn’t be this blushy with him, just shy
Ranposano/ Ranpo Edogawa x Akiko Yosano: This is another ship where I understand why people ship it, they have a good platonic relationship in canon, but I just don’t see it. I like their dynamic better as friends, I don’t see anything romantic going on between them. I really wish I could give it a higher rating, but I just can’t get behind it. 3.5/10
Shiruan/ Shirase x Yuan: This one actually makes a little more sense. But I don’t really care one way or the other, and I doubt anyone else really does. 2/10
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monalovesstarsz · 8 months ago
Maybe we could
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Genre: Non idol au and idk what else to say 😭
Pairings: Shy sick sunghoonxchronic illness shy y/n (I clearly don't know how to do this)
Summary: Y/n starts to spend a lot of time in a hospital due to her health and its super lonely until she meets sunghoon and they agree to try their best to live as regular teens.
Warnings: uhh I'm not totally sure but illnesses, thoughts of death, hospitals, depression, mentions of death (probably)
Not proof read 🙈
Chapter 2
"Uhm uh-Hi Sunghoon!"
'shit' you mentally cursed. You have never met him ever but you just said you just said his name. Why would you say his name oh my gosh!!! No way no way you had just messed up so hard. Had he known you had been following him all this time? No right? You're thoughts were interrupted by his voice
"Uhm hi it seems like you were struggling with that ?" His index finger pointed to your wheelchair. You knew he was tall but this was the first time you saw him standing up. He had always he sitting in his chair. As bad as it sounds you didn't think he could walk.
"Ohh yeah I um haven't really mastered how to use a wheelchair, My nurse wants me to learn how to use one on my own but I'm kinda tired so" you ended your sentence with a shrug.
"Ohh I can take you back to your room if you want." He smiled awkwardly again.
"Oh no you don't have to it's okay!!"
"No it's fine I insist"
"Okay thanks."
"So uh how did you know my name?"
So close. You were so close to your room. You almost made it before he had asked that question. Quick come up with something and excuse anything!
"Oh I-uh I well.. Oh! Giselle is my nurse and she something about mentioned you!!" Not smooth at all but it was okay he seemed like he believed you.
"Ohh she was one of my nurses but what did she say?"
"Oh uhm she said that you and I were alike because we're both shy!" Not smooth once again but he believed you once again.
"Oh she told you that? I guess I can be sorta shy sometimes."
After he said that you guys had made it to your room.
"Uhm thanks for taking me back to my room oh and sorry for bumping into you earlier."
"Yeah it was no problem I don't have much to do anyway, and don't worry about earlier I couldn't get it at first either. Oh and I never asked your name?"
"Oh I'm y/n! And uh if you're as bored as me would you like to hangout with me in my room?" You don't know how you got the balls to ask him that but you did and you didn't question it. If he rejected your hangout you would switch hospitals for sure though.
"Yes I would like that haha" he showed off his smile and this time it wasn't an awkward one.
"So how old are you? You don't look older any older than me?" Asked sunghoon after sitting on the couch that was attached to the wall under your window.
"mhm? Oh I turned 16 this this year what about you?"
"Ohh we're both 16! But I'm about to turn 17 so I'm your elder." He giggled and teased you.
"Yeah yeah but we're the same age so it doesn't really count" you shrugged
"I'm still your elder though so yes it does."
"Okay fine" you said while you teasingly rolled your eyes
"If you want I can try to teach you how to maneuver a wheelchair. I didn't get it at first either and it gets pretty tiring."
"Oh yeah you should please I really need it."
"I could tell."
You shove him jokingly and rolled around in your wheelchair.
"I can drive it but I just can't turn that well."
"Oh that's tricky but I can show you how to later."
"How long have you been here Y/n?"
"Ohh it's been about three or four weeks, but I'm supposed to stay for awhile. What about you?" You saw sunghoons eyes gleamed as you said that.
"Oh I've been here for about almost 7 years. I moved here from south Korea when I was about 10 years old"
"mmm so you've been here for awhile then"
"yeah but back then I wasn't always spending most of my time here.I was a figure skater and im pretty good at it too!"
"Wowww an actual figure skater? Ive never met one before!! That's literally so cool dude you have to teach me some time!"
"Okay okay sure bro" he said the last word teasingly and you couldn't help but let a little laugh out.
"But only if you teach me how to draw as well as you." You figured he had seen your drawing book that was on your bed and the page was flipped onto your last drawing which was of two butterflies flying around together.
"Okay sure dude!" You had emphasized the last word.
You guys talked for two whole hours after that and about the most random things. You guys shared a lot in common but we're two completely different people. After that you heard a knock on your door
"Come in." You yelled quietly.
Gisellse walked in with a tray of really really bad hospital food.
"Hey Y/n it's time for dinner- Oh Heyy sunghoon!" She winked at you. 'Finally' she thought
"Oh yeah it's already 6" You said kinda sad knowing sunghoon would have to leave soon
"Oh I should probably get going now but remember our deal okay?"
"Yeah I will! I'll walk you to the elevator then."
"Hey y/n you know what Mr.lee said. You have to use your wheelchair,try to get used to it." Gisellse mostly said that so she could see you two interact. She was so curious about it. She honestly thought you two would be great friends but you both would be super duper awkward at least at first. Oh boy was she wrong. You both kinda clicked I mean it was kinda awkward at times but both of you didn't mind.
"We should hangout tomorrow again then" Sunghoon said excitedly walking into the elevator while Giselle wheeled you right in front of the elevator.
"Oh then where should we meet and what time?"
"Mhmm what about 2:30?" He said while opening your rooms door. He had a mischievous look on his face. Odd
"Sure but where?"
"I think you already know where I'll be around 2:30 you follow me like everyday y/n." He said it with a mischievous smirk as the elevator doors were about to close.
"WHAT??" You and Giselle in perfect unison.
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prettyb0ycvnt · 12 days ago
36, 37, 61 :3c
hiii :3 <3 !!
36 - have you ever liked one of your best friends?
YES!!! ough..... counting all my major crushes there's been like . 10 maybe . which is a lot but whatever! i have a list of them somewhere but 4 of them have been my best friends . and the others were people i was really close with . they were a while ago, the last person i had a crush on was my ex-boyfriend but i caught feelings for him really REALLY quickly and vice versa so there was never really a Best Friend stage before he asked me out... one thing you should know about me is that when i have a crush on someone im completely hopeless... and completely stupid... and VERYYYY very obvious. but also very scared to actually act on anything ??? so most of these crushes lasted MONTHS and months and a lot of them were very flirty and playful with me just for the banter and so i was suffering in silence soooo bad. oh my God. because i didn't want to risk the friendship but i am a YEARNER!!!!!!! doesn't help that i looked back on my messages with one of them not too long ago and realised What the Fuck she DEFINITELY liked me back (i liked her four years ago but it was for a LOOONG time 😭😭) um. im very terrible when i like someone . anyway....
37 - have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
not hated, per se!!! but ive definitely liked people who my friends have had Opinions on. like when i was sixteen and had the biggest crush on this guy in our friend group for like months and fuckkk the rose-tinted glasses were ON 😭 everyone told me He's so weird like why? You can do better??? and i was like nooo no he's so cute and nice and sweet !!!! and then i got the ick after he ate a skittle off a concrete floor. and i haven't spoken to him in like almost three years but he's proper strange . in like the lowkey misogynist racist way.... so im glad i got out of that one when i did xx
61 - what's the first thing you notice in someone?
hm. m... i actually do not know . i think i am pretty perceptive to like body language!!! when im meeting someone new i tend to focus on that. mostly because i think Oh my God They Hate Me and i need to analyse if that's true or not 😭 umm i also notice eyes a lot!!! i like eyes!!! i think they're pretty :3 my irl hasn the prettiest eyes. waow ♡
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destinyc1020 · 4 months ago
I would b curious to hear yr thoughts on Kaia Gerbers Vogue interview. Ive always liked how she had a book club, seems like a smart woman and shes always had a great runaway walk bt acting wise she just dsnt do it for me (and a lot of ppl) ☠️
-she studied at a conservatory and has a movement coach (sum form of a acting coach) which i was shocked about... i dnt think the training really shows when shes acting 😬
-She said her "Dear Dickhead" book ig post where she posted its for "someone i used to know" was a joke/the public speculations ruined the joke/wasnt meant for any ex specifically. Nt sure if i really beleive that tbh 😭
-she always talks about how ppl undermine her/may nt take her seriously. I do feel for in that aspect since ppl prob put her in the "dumb model/pretty girl" category (irl and in roles) and she clearly seems smart and willing to learn. Seems like its smthn that really affects her. Her friend/writer cast her in a play shes doing thay seems different n she seemed happy about that. Ppl prob do stereotype her bt in terms of acting i also think they base it off her skillset-which is def limited. And she JUST starter acting a couple of yrs ago so ofc she hasnt proven herself yet. Her being in a movie/show shuld b a win for her bcuz of her limited skills tbh
-Positive note: her colleagues/friends speak very highly of her and the photoshoot is growing on me.
I honestly haven't read her Vogue interview Anon, so I don't really have any opinion on it? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I just heard that a lot of people (just random people online) are kind of rolling their eyes at some of her comments in her interview because of her privilege.
But if you enjoyed it Anon, then great!
I just wanted to correct one thing:
And she JUST starter acting a couple of yrs ago so ofc she hasnt proven herself yet. Her being in a movie/show shuld b a win for her bcuz of her limited skills tbh
Kaia has been acting for longer than 2 years. She's been acting since 2016...so almost 10 years.
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inutaffy · 5 months ago
guys my power is oit so i dont have wifi and you try to navigate tumblr without wifi its unbearable so instead i will jsut talk ab the books ive read ummmmmm i read aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe and that book was a 10/10 it was introspective and coming of age and messy and talked about feelings in a interestinf way. and did remind me of will and mike a little bit😭 i heard it got a sequel im not readin that probably😭 ERRRMMM i read loveless, its a sapphic book, its kinda boring though tbh. its about this girl who meets her girlfriend and theyre like a perfect match for each other and theyre planning and theyre so in love and then the main character dies on new years ans becomes a reaper, and shes trying to deal with that. and reapers arent supposed to see people they used to know so they stay out of thr areas they lived in, but she saw her girlfriend poppy by her grave and well. shes dead and poppy doesnt beliebe that, and its a whole thing anyway peope die when they see grim reapers and so poppy takes charons boat and then at the end of the year the mc gets the chance to join her and the book is kinda left in a weird spot idk it wasnt a great read but i was grounded in may for like almost a week and was crying all weekend bc i couldnt see my bf and i read it in a day. its kinda empty theres no real substance to it so like a 5/10. annnddd i read they both die at the end that was like a 7/10. its not bad but i see why people didnt like it. its okayyyyy. romance coulda been built up more if thats the way they really wanted it. bc it felt like we were dancing around it the whole time. and uhhh im reading one rn for my AP Lit class and its ab a shipwreck its called the stranger in the lifeboat and this guy comes aboard 3 days after the yacht sank and claims to be god and everyone has to believe in him in order for them to get out alive. im not thay far into it i gotta lock in. im also reading mexican gothic for lit and a graphic novel called sunbeam. if you like lesbian scifi that is for you🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ its not bad its a very... quiet book? its mostly visuals tbh. it has interesting lore and well developed characters i like it but its not like action packed its very reserved and somber in my opinion.
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iworshipsappho · 10 months ago
1) what's her backstory?? 2) how is she with animals?/ any familiars? (i'm guessing there's some aquatic stuff involved?) 3) do they trust easily or are they cautious?? 4) are they comfortable with hugs and hair ruffles and physical touch in general? 5) are there any similarities between you and him???? 6) why did you chose the name ceres, which is very pretty and awesome btw? 😭🫶🏼🫶🏼
ok so here we goooo
hmm her backstory is what ive been working on for a while now, and yet i only have a few titbits here and there. one really cool thing i figured out a few weeks back is that he is ex-nobility, as in either she left nobility or was kicked out. this lil piece of information is evident in the way they absolutely loooove gold decor and jewellery. im still not sure why exactly they left, but i wanna get that sorted by this week >:)
they fucking loooove animals, to ceres, animals > human or like person interaction. her favourite animals are foxes :33 they've befriended a lot of foxes and she probably has names for each of them bc even tho he looks really stoic on the outside, he's a big softie on the inside but is just too scared to show it out. mmm also since they're an earth genasi, they live in the his world equivalent of a merge between a minecraft spruce biome and an oak biome, wait i think i have a picture lemme just check
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^^^ they live on this island !!!!
3. mmm they used to be verrryyy trusting in their teens, but something happened that made her put up a hard exterior and protecc the guy inside :((
4. again, they used to be, but etc etc happened and he hasnt really had any intereaction with people in years almost, the closest he's come to that is with the gnome village nearby who view her as a deity (i just thought of this might not be canon in the future aka in 10 mins lmfao)
5. !!!!! MMM SO we used to be the exact same person but then ceres became more ceres than me, so while yes there are a lotta similarities, he's also become a character who isnt entirely me lmao. mmm. our similarities are probably that we both find comfort in our hobbies, writing for me and wood carving for her, and sometimes would prefer to not have any human interaction, yers in their case, also they used to be like reallllyyyy talkative in her teens but then Shit Happened
6. I LOVE TALKING ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME SO HELL YEAH THANKS FOR ASKING ME HEHE SO i always wanted ceres to be associated with the earth, so immediately i thought of like greek gods who were related to earthy shit, and my first thought was demeter right, but i didnt want it to be demeter bc demeter didnt fit the vibes i was going for sooooo i went hmm whats the roman version, guess what. it was ceres!!!!! AND THE COOL PART IS ceres is also the name of a dwarf planet, its my favourite one now sorry make-make, but like its so cool bc the name ceres combines 2 of my oldest obsessions, greek mythology from when i was 10 and space shit, which i was obsessed with till i was like 7 and still retain some of the knowledge i got from like boring through 3 encyclopedias on space lmao
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wrongcaitlyn · 7 months ago
I’ll go with some of the tame ones and ask 8, 13, 18, 15, 24, 32, and 51 😭
For 8, I currently do pointe ballet, gymnastics, tap, and jazz. I also used to swim for like 10 years but I hated having wet hair so I quit. I also had almost joined field hockey but a conflict in scheduling ended that rather quickly.
For 13, I actually don’t hate anyone at the moment. I personally think it’s a strong word and nobody’s ever made me have to use it. I do apparently have my own hater though! She’s a friend of a friend and finds me annoying or something, I barely even know her though.
For 15, I know you’ve shared that you have a dog, but I honestly just wanted to say that I’m also going to be a proud pet owner since I’m getting 2 dogs and a cat!
For 18, I used to be terrified of any and all spiders. Like even the little tiny ones. One time on the day after Thanksgiving I had seen one while walking into the bathroom to wash my face and I screamed so loud that everyone thought there was an intruder. And then they saw the little red spider on the ground 💀 Howver, my fear of spiders while not as bad over the years would still not convince me to travel to somewhere like Australia unless I have to.
For 24, I know you’re working on college essays so don’t feel pressured to reply to this one lol. I would say that my best subjects are the more creativity based ones. I’d also toss in biology to that mix only because it was by far my favorite class that I’ve taken. I also did well in history (and not to toot my own horn but got a 100 on the final 🎉) but I could not stand my teacher. Like maybe it was because we were usually the first class she saw, but she regularly woke up on the wrong side of the bed when it came to my class.
For 32, my favorite color is lavender and I don’t think that’s changed for several years now, in fact I’ve heard many people say that purple is their least favorite color 😅
For 51, I’ve had an unhealthy obsession with flan for like a few weeks now but thankfully I’ve never been energized enough to actually make it myself so I get it rarely. So this was supposed to only be 3 questions but I had a little too much fun answering and went overboard lol 😭 You definitely don’t have to respond to all of these but hopefully they help distract you a bit!
thank u for the asks!!!
8 - DAMN you do a lot of sports, im like the most unathletic person ever😭 but i used to do gymnastics, ballet, dance, cheer, and basketball, and then quit pretty much all of it in 4th grade when i broke my arm :) do not regret it though!!! im not made to be an athleteKSDF
13 - tbh i dont think so either! at least not people i know irl, i dont think i actually know enough people that i dislike to hate them. im generally not a social person so if i find someone annoying,,, i just dont spend time around them. and if i dont hang out with someone, i dont see why i'd know them well enough to hate them, if u get what i mean? anyway, i try not to waste time hating things, it gets boring
15 - yes i do! and OMG i want a cat so bad,,, maybe one day i'll be able to get one, but for now i'm very happy with my dog <3
18 - AGREED you could never make me move to like arizona or australia,,, i dont think im necessarily scared of spiders in the way that i'll run away from them, but what i AM scared of, is when there's like a small insect or bug or smth and it MOVES. like idc what it is but if out of the corner of my eye i see smth small moving, i'm out of there.
but funny story, once i was in the car in a parking lot, and was like just getting inside - i look down, and there's a spider like the size of my thumb literally crawling up my shirt. i was screaming like a maniac and the guy in the car next to us was like ???? and my mom was also like wtf??? ended up literally throwing my shirt (dont worrry, i was wearing a bra underneath) out of my car to get the spider away from me, it was literally nearly on my neck. i think ive been a bit more frightened by spiders since then just bc like,,, holy fucking shit,,, but i know its not as bad as some arachnophobesSJDF
24 - i actually really dont mind answering this question! though ngl i could just copy and paste one of the college essays i wrote last night, even though that one was a *bit* of a lie. i said computer science, which is pretty true, but i think my strength is even more in just any math subject. i'm going into ap calc bc and ap stats this year and have always been in advanced math! a bit of an odd strength for a fanfic writer i know, but i'm a math nerd deep down. i actually really enjoy it :) and i pretty much barely get by with an a in my other classes, science/english/history have never been my strongsuit... it's really just mathSDFJ
32 - pink! specifically pastel pink, or a sort of like mauve pink? yea, if u could see my room, i have a lot of pink stuff around here. but also mostly, i tend to stick to neutrals, beige/black/white and stuff, idk i actually really like how those lookDSJKF
51 - PASTA. im being very autistic with this answer bc u dont even understand like the extent to which i love pasta. im a very VERY picky eater and so i have three meals that i have on cycle - pasta with parmesan, pasta with meatballs, and pasta with pesto sauce + chicken. i literally eat those every single day for lunch and dinner. since second grade, i've gone to school EVERY day with a pasta with parmesan cheese thermos. like genuinely i do think i am the #1 stan of pasta and i don't think it'll ever changeSDJF
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jenoutof10 · 11 months ago
Hi.... If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
hi! i definitely dont mind, this is such a fun ask so i'm SO SORRY ive only answered now 😭 also im horrible at explaining my thoughts so please bear with me...
1. jujutsu kaisen
i can go on and on about jjk but I'm trying to keep this short so I don't go on an endless rant. OKAY. i love the power system of jujutsu, it's simple but also pretty flexible and creative, i love the historical and traditional aspect of it + how it ties into clan culture, i love how it branches into barrier techniques, reverse cursed technique, binding vows, etc. for characters like gojo in particular i love how he's pictured as the strongest and how akutami shows the gap between him vs all other sorcerers, like he was in a whole different league and how his birth changed/tipped the balance of the world of jujutsu. i love the whole "saving others" thing like how yuuji wants to save everyone, megumi wants to save good people, nobara wants to save the people who mean alot to her, gojo thinking abt how he can only save people who want to be saved, geto wanting to save sorcerers from non sorcerers, etc. i like how the series has aspects of history (like how sugawara no michizane was a sorcerer and how his descendants include the gojo clan is ⅓ of the three main clans of the series, and basically the entirety of tengen (lol)). i love the anime adaptation and how crazy the animation is (when s1 came out i was alr baffled but after watching s2 and looking back at s1 im even more impressed at their development), the manga's artstyle i was a big fan of but now not so much (the scratchyness and alternating thick and thin rough lines around the time of shibuya arc were PEAK). besides that as a buddhist myself, the multiple buddhism references in the series really cemented my love for it as it felt familiar and it feels like ur getting a shout out esp since most shows feature themes of catholicism and christianity.
2. blue lock
i'm honestly unathletic af idk why im here. i think what hooked me was the whole individualistic + egoist concept and the elimination setting (like squid game) 🙏 for me blue lock's prime is [2nd selection, 4v4] until the end of [u20 arc], i really liked the art style during that period! sadly, i feel blue lock has fallen off ever since the current NEL arc, it feels as if theyve deviated from the original ego concept (fuck this whole "protagonism" thing man wtf) and the artstyle has undergone changes im not particular to. also the anime wack af.
3. bungou stray dogs
im going to be honest. i did NOT like bsd. s1-s3 was too all over the place for me and i really did not get the series at all, i actually thought it ended but then they released s4 & s5 in 2023. almost a year since s4 came out, i came around to watching it and i got HOOKED, i think a big factor was that there was less fillers and a lot more action scenes, plus the detective vs mastermind thing truly popped off in s4 + s5. besides that, i enjoyed the introduction of new cast and the return of previous ones (now as allies). sure, there's plot holes and the anime cuts off a handful of scenes but it WAS an incredibly enjoyable watch. plus i'd say bsd has mountains of content (atleast in comparison with other serieses) because besides your usual manga, anime, and occasionally stage play adaptation. you have the alt univ. BEAST, light novels like stormbringer or 55 minutes, wan!, and even bsd gaiden (which has nothing to do w the main series)
4. haikyuu
THE classic. it was the first anime i got into when i started quarantine and it brought back my animanga phase. i love how the characters all have interesting stories to tell, their own motivations and personalities. lots of teamwork, teambuilding, found family(?) aspects, plus all the themes have their own specific themes which i dig a lot (ex. inarizaki and their foxes + shrines). plus i love how this series captures the thrill of watching sports, it MIGHT be overexaggerated to some but i get lightheaded when theyre at match-point and on the verge of losing so it does provide some kind of high. OH and i like that they show realistic wins and losses.
5. hunter x hunter
i have not read the manga but this show was serious to me. i'm a sucker for meta and power systems, and nen is like... actually insane. i love the characters SO MUCH, the variety of designs and appearances, how the series shows the way they grow throughout their adventures and experiences, the way they show a character's relationship with the rest of the cast, etc. it also gives a somewhat nostalgic vibe? i love the opening, endings, OSTs + narrator. it truly does feel like ur tagging along on their adventures, it was a real tearjerker for me tbh.
6. avatar: the last airbender + the legend of korra
i think atla is an amazing show bcs 1. cool setting and world building 2. the cultural references 3. cool dynamics 4. character personalities and development 5. cool power system and fighting styles 6. found family etc etc... ITS A COMPLETE PACKAGE. im p sure not much are fond of tlok but i love it. i think some reasons include the fact that korra isnt like aang, but i think thats what makes tlok interesting, korra is 17 when the show starts and the show continues to follow how she grows and develops into a fully realized avatar both physically and spiritually. i also think its bcs of how they modernized bending and how lots of the cultural aspect is lost but i think its an incredible and interesting way to showcase real life modernization.
7. jojo's bizarre adventure
jjba CHANGED ME 😭 this series is actually insane like if it was a person please get it to a mental ward. i think as an artist, it holds a very dear place in my heart. the show itself is absurd and unbelievable so it keeps you on your toes (dont mind the plot holes and inconsistencies, at some point you're just gonna have to live with it). but the selling point for me is the characters, everyone has amazing, colorful and distinct designs that match well with their personalities and overall air. not to mention the artstyle and references in everything to everything? lol. the show's different parts also feature different main casts, dynamics and storylines, sometimes they do a callback to a previous part.
okay! it was very hard choosing between the 7 of them but i think they actually were the ones that truly left an impact on me. thank you so much for the ask i finally got the chance to ramble about the stuff i consume 😭😭😭 there's a lot of media I'd love to talk about and mention so maybe one day ill make a post on hopefully all the media ive consumed.
honorable mentions:
genshin impact
i started genshin in 2021 when 1.3 came out, i was dead serious about this game during quarantine. i love liyue so much its what truly got me hooked (everything from the music, the sights, etc. for me liyue/pre inazuma was prime genshin), i enjoyed building characters and doing showcases too. started losing interest when sumeru came out and slowly stopped logging in/playing daily. the reason i wont put this in the actual list is bcs im pretty clueless about the new characters and story, nor do i have much interest in them. (i came back to do the lantern rite event, love the new liyue regions!)
detective comics
i love action and fights, especially when they feature powers, so liking superheroes makes sense 🤷 DC gets shit on alot bcs of the DCEU but the films aside i like DC better than marvel. im particular to gotham and the batfam, it's just more dark and gritty, plus there's lotsa drama going on LOL. the gotham knights cast also branches alot like to young justice (I LOVE YOUNG JUSTICE 😭), teen titans, titans, birds of prey, and ofc justice league.
chainsaw man, mob psycho 100, code geass, assassination classroom, neon genesis evangelion, trigun, fairy tail
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almalvo · 2 years ago
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E8 "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
"High Ranking Vulcan". heh. This intro though - it jkust makes me wonder the sheer potential of what couldve been for Trek. Bryan Fuller made a masterpiece called Hannibal. Not too sure on his hand in Trek - imho, it doesnt compare. ANYways. ugh i love seeing hte discovery warp downwards like that Owosekun - love her name such nice colours. consistenty good colours in this show for sure. i like how goldy inside the bridge is oh interesting. what an odd source of warp power its insanely cool though. that CANT be good for stamets. is that foreshadowing did you call her what she will become damn stamets can you be like idk a bit likeable tho please. like plenty of characters who are catty af but likeable in some way if even 1%. ugh. hi tribble. keep tribblin OO SO BLUEEEE SO PRETTYYY This is so weird to me in how this show literally comes out 2 years AFTER AOS3 in terms of production quality.
very pretty landscapes though Saru. aint no way you walkin this terrain with them feets of yours love the trees. saru is so scrawnyyy Saru literally looks amazing in any lighting no joke damn classic trek mist creature living rorschach blot Kol is so cool looking those red accents work beautifully on his face
such lovely colour grading everyones GLOWINGGG there are certainly some wonderful visuals in this show ughhhh Saru, the dust speaker is that a klingon archery set what is that HAHA i wish nah its a torture kit sorry cornwell yelling like that was kind of cringe lolll this pretty blue dust dome that ash and burnham are in is so pretty ugh something im gonna just never take seriously, "Ash x Burnham" nah get out yeah yeah however, Kirk delivered this line beyond any other human's capacity what an empty ass kiss god its so forced. another huge problem with this show is they treat these characters like we know them already but bruh everyone feels so much the stranger to me, even though we are past the halfway point of season 1. is just so weird. i am not invested in like any character, even ones i really thought i would/wanted to be but its liek the show takes them away from me i like how the klingons have a definite accent when they speak terran now L'Rell is so striking looking i love her eyes such a piercing look
see like i WANT to like this away party but like i kind of dont have any real reason to like any of these characters especially with the utter animosity stuff that never got really properly resolved. like between saru and burnham. it feels almost uncomfortable. to me the viewer watching from outside ofc. thats a really pretty flower i dont like this film style it feels too tacky so many stupid zooms so cheap feeling it feels like star trek, Teen Wolf edition. literally feels like its filmed int he same way as things like Teen Wolf that were almost 10 years earlier. its so janky. zero patience and sense to appreciate the scene itself without all this ridiculous cinematic embellishment. its so unnecessary. if even this show did this less, this show would legitimately be 7x better. saru looks so beautiful with that warm white rear light this is such a gorgeous instance of practical effects and they got the PERFECT actor to don saru Ash looks like someone ive literally known in my own life 😭 i love these red jewels on L'Rell's armour/clothing costume and design department did a great great job in this show's production - i have no beef with them.
i like saru's mouth shape its so odd. idk why i feel so detached from this show. oh dang angry saru. ferocious oml yo these are such pretty crystals] saru running in THOSE? HAAHAHAH damn had to CG him hahah that one camera shot was funny though it almost looked like the show said "yes. he can run in these". lol oh damn convincing gore i like how we continue seeing blood in trek with DISCO when i t really started in Enterprise. oh shit ANGRY SARU BRUH HE BACKKICKED HER LIKE A HORSE this stick man being so strong the way hes breaking that device literally looks like classic trek style bundle two hands together and bash DBZ style XD
really pretty tree thing though oooo the transporter circles at the bottom look SOO nice dude look at his detail up close its fucking amazing oh my god such masterfully done painting speckling im genuinely impressed damn, im sorry saru. though i think, who DOES live without fear. man costume design is wonderful. these red markings are really good they compliment their faces really well This is so odd. I have NEVER had this kind of feeling of "detachment" from a Trek production before. The fuck is happening. Ugh.
Not liking Bryan Fuller x Alex Kurtzman directing style in this show, like, at all.
I am just waiting for when this show gets better.
Cuz it's lost a lot of my anticipation.
We'll see. Hopefully.
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sweetlady555 · 7 months ago
my personal experiences/introspections with having moon square mc, moon square venus, moon square chiron, moon square neptune and moon square saturn | as i believe some of us may know moon can rule the mother, emotions, home & family etc.. so here are some of my experiences with having these aspects in my natal chart *tw : slight mentions of abuse*
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Moon Square MC 1° : when i had my first job at 16 i had these older co workers who would constantly talk shit on my name, i dont know WHAT IT IS but the day i first found out i completely shut down and cried in the bathrooms at work😭. i felt so low that it was present to the customers and co workers around my age. Its so weird because whenever i ended up working somewhere the managers would get all cold towards me? like i was literally 16 raw dogging a job because they couldnt care less to teach me anything 😭 i also felt during work i had to put on a fake persona just to be liked and it fucked with my entire identity and still to this day i still have challenges with it especially because my moon is in my 6h so I usually tend to find comfort in overworking myself but it usually doesnt end up doing me any good because of that.
Moon Square MC 1° : when it came to my family while having this placement lets just sayyyy there is a lot of conflict and still to this day. both my parents go around trying to constantly bash my image like what? my dad used to go to my school just to gossip about me to all the office ladies, they called him out obviously because ????? My parents have both talked terribly about me to others which affected how other family members see me. My family also doesnt like the way i present myself either so they choose to keep me hidden or bash on my name for that.
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Moon Square Venus 1° : I used to be really lovey with the opposite gender but I found myself becoming colder/detached when it came to relationships over the years. Im afraid of vunerability but I want to be vunerable!! I also notice within myself that I tend to go for partners/friendships that usually are older than me because I had to mature at a young age. I also tend to go for men who are emotionally unavailable #thanksmomanddad. Most of my relationships i tend to struggle with expressing the way I feel when it comes to wanting love and affection so this usually ends up with my relationships feeling detached and not lasting very long. I feel like this is also the reason why my exes only come back which is when they want a good time because they don’t see me as someone they could be with for a long time.
Moon Square Venus 1° : With my mother there was always this saying that a mothers love is unconditional blah blah whatever that is 😒… My mom kicked me out when I was like 12 because she felt like I wasn’t a good enough daughter almost like I didnt “earn” to be her daughter which is insaneeeeeeeuh …… I always had to put this perfect persona aswell when it came to my mom to be the “perfect daughter” and she loved this idea of me so much that if i messed up she would immediately disown me but im not gonna get into too much detail now 😹 my mother to me is the only person who can trigger my wounds
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Moon Square Chiron 3° : Obviously as yall can tell with the amount of moon square aspects i have it left me with a lottaa long lasting effects on me #scarred im still currently living with my parents but i plan on moving out next year, although ive tried to heal multiple times throughout my teen years, the same situations and the same feelings i had when it all first happened all come back again. but there is hope so im not too sad about it!!! With my mom, she would often come to me for emotional support, i remember i was like 10 and she would cry to me how she was gonna ☠️ herself and me being 10 i didnt know what to do but this made me emotionally mature so young. Also I felt like the roles were reversed in the household making me take the care giving role when it came to me living with my mom. My mom would constantly seek my validation and my empathy for her situations so i can help victimize her for her stupid behaviours/situations. There is nothing wrong with a mother wanting to confide in her daughter but she definitely did it to where the only intent was to help her ego or to gain control over me. While living with my parents, I also felt as if I was “unlovable” shying away from relationships because if my parents were able to see me that way what makes my partner not being able to see me that way either? Recently though I had a very nice ex who I saw 2 months ago who I got a lil too drunk with and I had opened up and told him all of this 💀 he was so sweet though despite me being so cold and detached he told me “how could anyone not love you just look at you” and it changed my perspective so bless his soul
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Moon Square Neptune 4° : Throughout my entire childhood/teens where I faced abusive family situations, I always went to escapism like excessive day dreaming and idealizing a life outside of my parents houses/other people i mean but can you blame me 😭 although i really do enjoy day dreaming its also hurt me, because i tend to think the grass is greener on the other side. i also dont feel all the way connected with reality, ive dissociated so much that its just became my normal now especially with the moon being in the 6h ruling daily routines and such. i tend to idealize people, situations and even myself like a lot to cope with these feelings, even when they arent as bad as they used to before the illusions still stuck with me, I feel like a illusion in general lol and this goes with how i see my family aswell.
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Moon Square Saturn 4° : with my parents its very very cold and detached i havent been fully emotionally nurtured by my parents since i was like 10 😭 my parents put really high standards on me and are very critical if i dont meet them or act the way they like and this would lead to extreme reactions from them like verbal/physical abuse when i was younger that I learned to put up with up until now. With moon representing the mother and saturn representing the father they tend to clash a lot. they both tell me how much i remind them of one another and thats the main reason they dont like me anymore.
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thank you for making it this far, i went in depth with this one since i have so many moon square aspects i thought it would be a good idea to share my own self observations for anyone whos looking into moon aspects!
although i am faced with all these challenges i still look forward to a new day and it’s helped me gain independence and confidence within myself and my strength so im grateful for these experiences:)
that being said
have a blessed day ੈ✩‧₊˚ ,
@ sweetlady555
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stokesy55 · 7 months ago
I love that idea of mitchy and vk arguing over who got destroyed more, it's gold 😂😂 can we extend that to all the omegas in cricket? they have a whatsapp group where they keep complaining about how possessive all their alphas are, but then it goes into an argument about whose alpha is the most possessive and rough 😂 also jossy's endgame is definitely joey, even though joey is a beta. and i think you have finny as a beta too? so the omegas who're mated to alphas, like vk and mitchy keep teasing jos and stu for missing out on the sheer power of a possessive alpha. 🤪 also if it comes to tattletaling, vk is the one who gets totally bullied by the other omegas, because he has more instances of past escapades than the rest of them put together 😂
this is a normal day in the group:
stu: 😭
starcy: why does every conversation on this group start with crying? 🙄
marn: oh look, stu's crying again, what's new? 🙄
jos: what happened??
stu: you know very well what happened 😭
vk: wait what's going on?
stu: which one of you bitches told finny that jimmy cuddles me to sleep on tours? it's only because i have trouble sleeping alone! we're only friends! i can't even feel my legs anymore 😭
vk: oh stop moaning stu, finny's just a beta! trust me, you'd be having a much harder time if he was alpha.
mark: seconded. speaking from experience here 😮‍💨
jos: hey i won't stand for this beta slander! they can get just as possessive as alphas! you've never seen how joey gets, have you?
marnus: what lies! please have you even met steve? i didn't get a wink of sleep on my wedding night, iykwim 😏😳
starcy: have you seen alyssa in one of her moods? 🥵 i think my throat was sore for the entire next week after the last time.
marky: please, neither joe, steve nor alyssa have got anything on my benny 😏 i couldn't even get out of bed after he found out about my ex-boyfriend.
vk: please, but pat takes the cake. i'm actually surprised at myself for not buying myself a walking cane yet! we've been married for 10 years now, and I'm sure ive spent at least 7 of those limping. 😭
marn: you're such a drama queen 🙄
vk: and don't even try to argue with me on this. i used to sleep with joey, benny, finny, and steve before, and i know how they are. none of them are even half as possessive as pat.
starcy: you haven't been with alyssa tho...
vk: well, never say never... ;)
stu: *screenshot* (it's a ss of the current conversation which he sent to patty 🤭)
vk: you told him?! i was kidding!
jos: 😂😂😂😂
marn: 🤣
vk: you asshole!
stu: good luck coz yours is about to get wrecked 🤣
vk: im flying back to india before he comes home, i have a match next week guys 😭😭😭
*next day*
vk: 😭
stu: *screenshot of headphones* you owe me a pair of this, vk, i could hear you screaming over in england!
marn: steve and i are his neighbours. imagine what we went through 🥲
vk: *screenshot of a wheelchair* you owe me this stu, i don't think I'll be able to move for the rest of my life 😫
stu: 😆😆😆😆
jos: lol should i send over some cushions too?
vk: you better. you have no idea how sore my bum is 😭
starcy: you deserve it for implying you would sleep with my alpha
vk: im sorry okay! there was no need to permanently cripple me over a joke!
mark: stop being dramatic vk, I've been through worse with ben!
vk: shut the fuck up, pat literally almost broke my hips yesterday. i don't think anything can be worse than that. i used to fuck ben before, and unlike with pat, i could at least get up from his bed 🙄😒
marky: want me to tell pat again?
vk: don't you dare.
marky: *screenshot* too late. 🤣🤣🤣
stu: omg you actually did it.
marn: wtf mate i didn't sleep yesterday. now my morning is ruined too 😭
vk: why do you hate me so much?! 😩
(lol im sorry, this got away from me 😭🤭)
Ahahahahhah - this is a very funny idea 😂
Mayhaps a one shot spin off in the future 😘
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cheemken · 1 year ago
Actually, yeah you made me like the concept where they’re the most recent hosts for the dragons. I never watched any venom movie so I never made that connection but that’s actually cool :)
My idea for that concept was when the dragons got to switch hosts, they begrudgingly turn into stones or hide out somewhere safe. But they try do it in a place that regularly has humans come by. Or they’ll sometimes fuse with a Pokémon so they could still move around, and it gives them a better chance to find a human they want to fuse with. So the twins became the new host for the two dragons when they stumbled upon the stones/Pokémon by accident during the first few days of their journeys
As for Iris, idk if she would’ve found Kyurem in the Giant Chasm, or if Kyurem decided to hide in Challenger Cave since it’s closer to Opelucid City. But she does eventually find him by accident, whether it’s in his own form or in a Pokémon body, and Kyurem just takes the opportunity to fuse with Iris the moment he sees her
Idk how Venom fuses himself with someone. But I think the three dragons could like..turn their physical body into energy and forcefully fuse themselves with a host. And I also don’t know if the dragons would be mean to their hosts or if they try to explain the situation and why they need to fuse with them. But I think the first few months/years would be the host and “parasite” (as said by Hilbert) getting used to each other and figuring out how to live like this
OUGH but yeah, Iris is just young when she became the new host. Kyurem really saw a 10 yo and decided she was good enough. She DEFINITELY suffered the most out of the three cause I can actually see Kyurem being a bitch to her
Also yeah. Dragon scales, sharp teeth, claws, different coloured eyes. Cool shit right there. Yet Iris hates them and wants Kyurem out of her
In addition to these physical changes I imagine the three would have other changes. Like Iris’ body is cold to touch despite the effort to keep warm, Hilda’s body feels hot to touch, and Hilbert…idk actually lol. Man can cause static everywhere and electronics fuck up around him
But Kyurem wanting to fuse with Zekrom and Reshiram again and having the insane luck of choosing Iris as a host. Cause she’s gonna be responsible for the DNA splicer in a few years. The very item Kyurem needs to fuse into the original dragon again
And she’s the final gym leader in Pokémon BW. She’s going to eventually meet Hilda and Hilbert
Ive been thinking abt Iris angst in the next gen champs too and oughffhcjdjdjdjd
Your honour PLEASE homegirl can NOT catch a break like she's just ten in this au😭😭😭
No but that's fucked up imagine manipulating a child😭 Kyurem what are you doing cbxnxb
But also the features thing would be dope tho, cause like,, yeah Hilbert's w Reshiram in my hcs so imagine him having white streaks on his hair, and then w Hilda she'd have black streaks. Idk it'd be cool hahah which means Iris would have grey streaks lmfao pls homegirl deserves a break bcmxndn
SHIT THE DNA SPLICERS imagine how fucked up cjdmdbd imagine Kyurem going on abt how Iris should take the Splicers from Drayden, that they're one step closer to being fused with Zekrom or Reshiram, if they get the Splicers, then the only thing left is for them to find the other dragons so Kyurem can fuse with them again
But damn Iris almost didn't want to, and Kyurem can make her feel some sort of pain y'know, Iris is prolonging the inevitable, and Kyurem has no problems making her feel the pain of not complying to his wishes. Like she's really trying so hard, making up excuses, fighting tooth and nail so Kyurem won't just take over her body and look for the Splicers himself
Ough,,,, her meeting the twins, and Kyurem within her just going fucking crazy, telling her he senses Zekrom and Reshiram within the twins, how they're so so close, how he can finally achieve his goal in becoming the Original Dragon again, and god Iris is also trying so so so fucking hard not to show the twins that she's in pain, that everything feels so fucking cold, that Kyurem is surely gonna fucking kill her if she won't do what he wants, and how much longer is she gonna try and suffer just to stop him? A child can only take so much
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invalid-serenity · 2 years ago
What’s currently wrong in my life: (vent post, ignore)
- I’m lonely, I have not seen any of my friends in over a month
- My best friend stole $500 from me
- My mom “borrowed” over $5,000 from me (I’m too scared to do the actual math bc I know it’s more). It happened towards the end of last year when I was truly at my lowest. I was miserable, filled with anguish, literally just broken and incredibly su!cidal. I got assaulted on campus and as a result I stopped going to classes because I was fucking TERRIFIED. My parents were pissed that I wasted a semester so I got a really great job hoping they wouldn’t be angry anymore but they were still upset about me flunking the semester. They were so mad at me and I was still trying to deal with what happened to me on campus, I didn’t know what to do so every time my mom asked for money I gave it to her because I didn’t know any better ( I was in a state of psychosis -100/10 would not recommend, I could not think straight, frequent panic attacks, I would cry before going into work and I would fall apart afterwards. It was awful and I’m sorry I had to go through that). My mom saw me as her personal ATM which led to me being hospitalized ( I was already su!cidal, but that fact that my own mother saw me as nothing more than money making machine hurt like hell, that was literally the final straw)
- Currently unemployed 🤪😍
- Still living with my mom, abu$ive brother, and BPD sister. I want to move out and I’ve came to terms with the fact that it’s not my responsibility to take care of my mom. I’ve done my best. I also need to experience something new. I look forward to traveling and meeting new people. My mom refuses to take the time to better herself and I cannot allow her negativity or bad habits to influence me. I also cannot stay in my current environment if I want to thrive. I still can’t look my brother in the eyes and I flinch every time I hear his voice, it’s is definitely in my best interest to get my shit together so I can leave/live.
- Broke 🤧, like I said my bestie stole the money I was gonna use to get my certification 🌚 now I’m -$500 and with a certification to get a job
- Hungry, my mom is addicted to sugar (literally, it’s actually very scary), my siblings only buy ultra processed junk food and frozen “tv dinners”. I used to buy the majority of the groceries but now I’m jobless but I’m not necessarily at the point where I want to develop a junk food addiction (I will do almost anything for some kimchi right now 😭)
- VERY lonely, I already mentioned it but I actually feel like I’m forgetting how to have social interactions (I have autism, I literally cannot not afford to forget how to socialize. It took so long to get to where I’m at and I refuse to loose my progress)
- Still a virgin. The thing is I can deal with being a virgin, I cannot deal with having limited social interactions. If I have sex, I’ll at least have something to reminisce about (I do NOT want to think about what happened on campus). I look forward to making new friends in general but I really look forward to getting a boyfriend/girlfriend soon cause I’m going through it rn 😭
- my mom is being weird, she wants me to be sick with her (reason #467879 on why I will move out) (I love her but cmon, some time apart would do us both some good, she got a minor case of maunchensen by proxy)
Rant is over and I feel better already, typing is so much faster than writing. My journal is almost full anyways soo ☺️.
I’ll also make a post about all the good things going on in my life (I’m a positive person and I REFUSE to be miserable again)
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