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sachi · 10 months ago
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☆ Hatsune Miku // VOCALOID "Senbonzakura" ☆ 1/8 / FREEing ☆ July 2014 ¥9,981 ☆ Sculpt QuailEGG Illustration Itto Maru
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year ago
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Elizabeth Báthory - 1/7 Scale by QuailEGG
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wupplespets1 · 2 months ago
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afsanfarm · 6 months ago
Benefits of Quail Eggs.
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forestduck · 23 days ago
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Quails are incredibly prolific egg layers, producing 5-6 eggs per week starting at just 8 weeks old. Learn more about th...
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adiladedesign · 3 months ago
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Customizable products for Farm Quail Eggs business such a food label sticker, stamp, Encircled Date Eggs Carton, etc.
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instantraj · 2 years ago
Bater Ke Ande Ke Fayde | बटेर के अंडे खाने के फायदे | Quail Egg Benefit...
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mekellogg · 2 years ago
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we just hatched some cute #quail because people love #quaileggs they are so tiny and cute #farmlife #kelloggskluckers #mekellogg2023 (at Fairbanks, Alaska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqEIIBpNg4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orogolddreams · 2 years ago
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𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑼𝑹𝑻𝑰𝑫𝑶𝑺 - Aji Cachucha - Aji Pimiento - Cebolla - Huevo de codorniz - Sal - Vinagre #encurtidos #vinagre #sal #ajicachucha #ajipimiento #cebolla #huevodecodorniz #pickles #vinegar #peppers #onions #quail #quaileggs #yoyoshealth https://www.instagram.com/p/CpigB_dvPeb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thequeenfarm · 2 months ago
"Welcome to Queen Farm! Your premier destination for fresh quail meat and eggs! Discover the nutritional benefits and delicious taste of quail products! Order now and enjoy [promotion/offer]! #QueenFarm #QuailMeat #QuailEggs #FreshProduce" Highlighting Quality "Quality meets freshness at Queen Farm! Our quail meat and eggs are: - Hormone-free - Antibiotic-free - Humanely raised - Delivered fresh daily! Taste the difference! Order now! #QueenFarm #QuailQuality #HealthyEating" Juicy quail meat or fresh eggs] Indulge in our succulent quail meat and nutritious eggs! Rich in protein, low in cholesterol! Order now and elevate your meals! #QueenFarm #QuailDelights #Foodie" Educational "Did you know? Quail eggs: - Boost immunity - Improve vision - Support heart health! Try Queen Farm's quail eggs today! #QueenFarm #QuailEggBenefits #HealthyLiving" Call-to-Action "Get your quail fix! Order now and enjoy: - Competitive prices - Fast delivery - Freshness guaranteed! Contact us: [phone number/email] #QueenFarm #QuailMeat #QuailEggs #OrderNow" طائر السمان #بيض# لحوم طازجة #بيض #طازج مزرعة الملكة#سمان#بيض#طائر السلوي#لحم سمان#Healthy#food # فوائد بيض السمان: السر الصحي الجديد! هل سمعت عن بيض السمان وفوائده الرائعة؟ 🍳🐦 إليكم بعض الأسباب التي تجعل بيض السمان خيارًا رائعًا لصحتك: 1. غني بالبروتين: بيض السمان يحتوي على نسبة عالية من البروتين الذي يساعد في بناء العضلات وتعزيز الطاقة. 2. مليء بالفيتامينات: يحتوي بيض السمان على فيتامينات A، B2، B6، B12 وD، مما يعزز الجهاز المناعي ويقوي العظام والأسنان. 3. قليل الحساسية: بيض السمان أقل احتمالية للتسبب في الحساسية مقارنة ببيض الدجاج، مما يجعله خيارًا ممتازًا لمن يعانون من الحساسية. 4. غني بالمعادن: يحتوي على معادن مهمة مثل الحديد، الفوسفور، الزنك والسيلينيوم، التي تساهم في تحسين صحة الجلد والشعر والأظافر. 5. تعزيز الصحة العقلية: الليسيثين والأحماض الدهنية أوميجا-3 الموجودة في بيض السمان تساعد في تعزيز وظائف الدماغ وتحسين الذاكرة. 6. منخفض السعرات الحرارية: مع قلة السعرات الحرارية، يمكن تضمين بيض السمان في الحميات الغذائية للتحكم في الوزن. 7. مضادات الأكسدة: يحتوي بيض السمان على مضادات الأكسدة التي تحمي الجسم من الأمراض المزمنة وتدعم صحة القلب. اغتنم الفرصة وجرب بيض السمان اليوم لتجربة فوائد مذهلة لصحتك! 🌟 #بيض_السمان #صحة #فوائد_بيض_السمان #تغذية_صحية ل ترغبين في التركيز على فوائد بيض السمان للشعر والبشرة، إليك بعض الخيارات *التركيز على فوائد بيض السمان للشعر "بيض السمان سر شعر قوي ولامع!" هل تعانين من مشاكل في شعرك؟ بيض السمان هو الحل الأمثل! غني بالفيتامينات والمعادن الأساسية التي تغذي فروة الرأس وتقوي بصيلات الشعر. يعزز نمو الشعر: يحفز بصيلات الشعر وينشط الدورة الدموية في فروة الرأس. يقلل التساقط: يقوي الشعر ويحمي من التقصف والتساقط. يمنح لمعاناً وحيوية: يجعل شعرك أكثر حيوية ولمعاناً. جربي قناع الشعر ببيض السمان وزيت الزيتون وستلاحظين الفرق! *التركيز على فوائد بيض السمان للبشرة "بيض السمان... وصفة طبيعية لبشرة نضرة وشابة!" تبحثين عن بشرة نضرة ومشرقة؟ بيض السمان هو سر الجمال الطبيعي! غني بالبروتين والفيتامينات التي تغذي البشرة وتجدد خلاياها. يقلل التجاعيد: يحارب علامات الشيخوخة ويقلل من ظهور التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيقة. يضفي نضارة: يمنح البشرة إشراقة ونضارة طبيعية. يغذي البشرة: يوفر للبشرة الترطيب والتغذية اللازمة. قناع بيض السمان والعسل هو الحل الأمثل لبشرة متوهجة! whats app :+20 12 82348289
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mainquestcebu · 4 months ago
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Hear ye, adventurers! The gates of The Faire shall soon open, and within await the realm’s finest artisans!
🐣 QuailEgg Craftz Hi, I'm QuailEgg, but you can call me Quail for short. I'm an artist, making a variety of artworks, stickers, and crochets. One of my favorite creations is the mushroom crochet, but I also enjoy making animals, especially the adorable Capybara. I also specialize in creating custom made dolls. Additionally, I offer art prints and stickers, including Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) dice designs.
🎨 Trink.Arts Hii, I'm Phoebe from trink.ARTs. I sell stickers, accessories, and my highlight is the handmade bead figurine of characters.
🍰 CakesnCats Hear ye, hear ye! Ready your weapons, don your armor, and gather around, adventurers! Journey forth and claim your treasures before they vanish into legend. Leave no stone unturned in your pursuit of rare and uncommon artful relics crafted by the Light Cleric herself, Maui. The holy magic of CakesNCats awaits you in the realm.And Maui is expecting you.
Gather your coin and ready your party—this is but the first wave of creators, with more to come. See you at MainQuest Cebu on October 26!
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year ago
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Wu Zetian by QuailEGG
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wupplespets1 · 3 months ago
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adculinary24 · 5 months ago
Research: Feathered Game
Week 6
Amuse Bouche: Sous Vide Duck Breast, Pear Chutney, Bitter Lettuces (Frisee, Chicory, Endive).         Appetizer: Root Vegetable Boudin Stuffed Quail, Spiced Blackberry Compote.   Entrée: Roast Pheasant, Quail Egg, Succotash and Gastrique
Part 1 Introductions
Method of cooking/technique to discuss:
Sous Vide
Learning Objectives:
Identify and Distinguish Game Birds: identify the characteristics of quail, pheasant, and duck, understanding their unique flavors, textures, and cooking requirements.
Apply Proper Butchery Techniques: demonstrate proper butchery techniques for game birds, ensuring minimal waste and optimal presentation.
Master Cooking Techniques for Game Birds: skillfully execute a variety of cooking methods such as roasting, pan-searing, and braising to cook quail, pheasant, and duck to perfection.
Balance Flavors and Accompaniments: pair game birds with appropriate sauces, seasonings, and side dishes, showcasing an understanding of flavor profiles and complementary ingredients.
Critique and Reflect on Cooking Outcomes: critically evaluate your own and peers' dishes, providing feedback on flavor, texture, presentation, and cooking technique while reflecting on areas for improvement.
Create Advanced Sauces (Compote and Gastrique): prepare and apply advanced sauces, such as fruit compotes and gastriques, to complement the flavors of game birds, demonstrating an understanding of balancing sweetness, acidity, and texture in sauce making.
Cook Duck Breast Using Sous Vide Techniques:  expertly cook duck breast using sous vide methods, controlling temperature and time to achieve precise doneness, tenderness, and optimal flavor retention.
Prior Knowledge:
Primary Ingredient of the week:
Duck, Quail, and Pheasant
I know a bit about duck from Chef Joel Antunes’ menu this past month. The duck was sous vide and then stored, then seared on the flat top on both sides with the skin presented on top. It was served with gnocchi romaine and a rosemary caramelized fig. The duck (only the meat, not the skin so that it remains crisp) was covered with an asian inspired orange coriander sauce. From what we talked about in class, duck pairs well with orange, coriander, rosemary and asian flavors, just as chef Joel paired it. 
Quail is not something I have prepared. I have seen quail eggs in the grocery store, but not the animal itself. Here is a picture from a movie, Corpse Bride, in which I believe the dinner guests are somberly eating roasted quail.
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Pheasant is the most popular game bird, it is larger than quail. I do not know much about pheasant at all. I imagine it tastes a bit like chicken.
Part 2 Background Information
Primary Ingredient:
Part 3 Recipe R&D
Chosen Recipes:
Finishing duck breast (searing)-
Pear Chutney-
Bitter Lettuces (Frisee, Chicory, Endive)-
Spiced Blackberry Compote-
Pheasant- marinate or brine, then roast. Pull at 150°F (desired temp 155°F), 1 whole pheasant per group, split whole bird in half.
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Provided Recipes:
Sous Vide Duck-
Root Vegetable Boudin Stuffed Quail- cook 150°F (desired temp 155°F), 2 whole quail per group
Braised Duck Leg-All duck legs will be braised in one pan to be used in Module 7
Part 4 Recipes
Chosen Recipes:
Finishing duck breast (searing)- sear on flat top with oil skin side down, finish in oven at 515F (!?) for 9 minutes.
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Pear Chutney-
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Bitter Lettuces (Frisee, Chicory, Endive)-
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Spiced Blackberry Compote- 
300gr of frozen mixed berries – like raspberries, blackberries and blueberries 
The juice + the zest of 1 orange 
1/4 cup of maple syrup 
1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder
Pheasant- marinate or brine, then roast. Pull at 150°F (desired temp 155°F), 1 whole pheasant per group, split whole bird in half.
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Gastrique- (with quailegg pheasant and succotash)
2 parts sugar, 1 part vinegar. Consult the pairing pheasant list for fruit ideas. Use onion for sweet and savory
Provided Recipes:
Sous Vide Duck-
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Root Vegetable Boudin Stuffed Quail- cook 150°F (desired temp 155°F), 2 whole quail per group
marinate it in a little olive oil and orange juice with a few slices of fresh ginger and maybe some fresh thyme.
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 Truss the quail. Coat with lard/butter, roast in oven 500F or hotter, 12-18 minutes until temp reads 150F
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Braised Duck Leg-All duck legs will be braised in one pan to be used in Module 7
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Plan of Work
1-115 demos/discussion
Break down duck and sous vide immediately, 80 minutes. 130F the breasts will be cooked sous vide, the legs will be braised and stored for the following week's class, and the carcass will be used for stock
125 sous vide duck by this time
Pear Chutney on, spiced blackberry Compote, Boudin stuffing, pheasant Gastrique
245 sear duck
3-315-plate up amuse (duck, pear chutney, frisee)
345-4 plate up app (stuffed quail, blackberry comp) 
4-415 huge cleanup
445 plate up entree
5 clean up 530 final debriefs
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wholesometarian · 1 year ago
🍳 Explore the world of quail eggs and their amazing health benefits. Learn why these tiny eggs are making a big impact on nutrition. Join the Wholesometarian community for more insights at Wholesometarian.com. #QuailEggs #Wholesometarian #NutritionBoost
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sachi · 2 years ago
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☆ Mitake Ran // BanG Dream! Girls Band Party “Awakening Rivalry” ☆ 1/7 / Good Smile Company ☆ September 2022 ¥19,800 ☆ Sculpt QuailEGG Paint Fukui Junichi
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