#ive never attacked the person over it because a) its not that big of a deal and b) ive also been inspired to take on traits by other muses
felixcosm · 9 months
3 and 23?
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
If one person in the generic* man fandom has a generic woman oc, it is stealing their design if you also have a generic woman oc.
ship you've unwillingly come around to
Stanley x Bucket. The Bucket is untrustworthy and hasn't really done much for Stanley. Stanley is settling in that ship and there is absolutely no chemistry whatsoever.
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stevestark · 4 months
Eddie only gets told snippets of everyone else's Upside Down experiences after Vecna, like, the sanitized version. The story told by each person but omitting the most personally traumatizing parts. Which means he doesn't know much about Steve and Robin Versus The Russians. Not in its full, gory detail.
So he doesn't think anything of it when Steve has a day off and wants to hang out, just asks if he minds coming with him to Indianapolis. Steve says yes immediately because he just doesn't want to spend another day alone in his big empty house, even if it means several hours in Eddie's deathtrap of a vehicle.
But then they get there and Eddie is parking outside a tattoo parlor and saying he got a last minute booking with his favorite artist and that he's so excited to cover some of the scars he has from the bats and Steve can barely hear him over the fuzziness that seems to be filling his entire brain.
He lets Eddie guide him into the shop, watches Eddie and the tattooist make small talk, follows Eddie to the table, sits on the stool next to him, and tries to look anywhere but at the tattoo gun.
Eddie doesn't notice at first, too jazzed about the idea he and the artist have come up with, blabbering about how he can finally take his shirt off at the lake again. It's not until the line work is done that he realizes Steve's breathing has gone shallow.
He asks the artist if they can take a smoke break before filling the tattoo in with color, and he gently takes Steve's hand and pulls him out back to ask what's wrong. Steve's too deep into a panic attack to answer, so Eddie just puts Steve on the side opposite his new work and pulls him in close, squeezing him as tight as he can and just gently shushing him, running his hand through Steve's hair.
After a few minutes, Steve's breathing easier, and Eddie asks him again if he's okay.
"I'm fine, I just... I hate needles. Ever since the Russians drugged me and Robin. Can't be around them."
Eddie frowns, realizing this must be one of the parts of the story he knows they were keeping from him. "Why did Russians drug you?"
Steve sighs, pulls out of Eddie's grasp, and sits on the ground against the back wall of the tattoo shop. "Dustin picked up a Russian transmission, summer of '85. We translated it, found their secret base under the mall, and realized they were opening the Gate back up. But then we were seen, and to buy time, Robin and I let ourselves get caught so Erica and Dustin could escape and get help."
Eddie sits next to Steve, their knees bumping. "Erica Sinclair? God, that kid really is the most badass of all of us."
"Yeah," Steve laughs. "Anyway, the Russians beat the shit out of me, asking who do you work for and shit like that. Didn't believe me when I said Scoops Ahoy. So they brought in this Doctor and he drugged me and Robin to get us to talk. Just straight up jammed a big ass needle full of mystery drugs into my neck. Ever since then, needles freak me the fuck out. They had to strap me down in the hospital just to get an IV in me when Robin insisted I get the bat bites checked out."
Eddie runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Steve. I never would've brought you here with me if I knew."
"I know," Steve says quietly. "'S'not your fault. I'm trying to get better at being open about things like this but it's just..."
"Hard. Yeah. I wake up screaming most nights, and I can tell Wayne feels bad because he doesn't know what to do. Because he doesn't know what's causing it."
"Yeah," Steve sighs.
They sit quietly out there for another ten minutes before the tattooist comes back out to see if Eddie wants to keep going, and he glances at Steve, sees the way he's gone pale and rigid, and shakes his head. "Sorry, man, think we're gonna have to pick this up another time."
Eddie stands, grabs Steve's hand and hauls him to his feet, and walks inside, never once letting go of Steve. He sets an appointment for a few weeks from now, on a day he knows Steve is working, and they leave the shop.
The second they're in the car, Eddie sees the color returning to Steve's face, and he drives aimlessly through the city, finally stopping at a combination bookstore/cafe.
"Come on then, big boy," he says with a teasing grin. "I do believe I promised to teach you about Hobbits."
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0w0tsuki · 7 months
Hey Ive seen Baeddel used in a lot of your posts but like,, other than a definition of the word I cant really find much on what it means like discourse-wise.
I know its something relating to transfems but other than that im lost x.x sorry for the bother
Basically it started out as an old timey slur for trans women. The word "bad" is rooted from it. In the early 2010s a group of trans women adopted the term and had a community for a very short time before it collapsed and not much information is left over.
Some say that had abusive dynamics. Some say they were just talking about transfeminism like they do now. My sibling swears up and down from their personal experiences with the initial group that they were a group of grifters using queer politics to fundraise for tumblers first big scam, The ARK(C?) Project.
A bunch of anti-transfeminists in their efforts to create the magical word that will allow them to terf-jacket trans women without having it called out as such happened upon the term and used the lack of concrete history/the fact that most of the subjective history isn't too charitable to this original group to fabricate a conspiracy theory that these original Beaddels were an evil cabal of bigoted trans women who never really went away and now operate and sow intracommunity discourse from the shadows for the explicit purpose of weakening the holy divinity of TransUnity.
And while some of them moved on to other terms like "TIRF" and "Neo Radfem" a good portion of TransUnity/Transandro anti-transfeminists have latched onto the term and have doubled down on their intent to use it to create a category of trans women that it's ok to exclude. Out of all of the anti-transfeminists that have come out of this new wave, the ones who build their politics around "Anti-Beaddelism" are some of the most mask-off exclusionists of the bunch. Like look at how they talk about Beadels
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They will list how these groups have a bunch of ties to nearly every anti-queer group they could think of. And then they warn White™(Because everytime they attack trans women they have to pretend like it's a race thing to distract from the transmisogyny) that they mean to need to maintain a sense of hypervigilance around their transfem sisters and read into every laugh, every joke, and every word for the possibility of finding Beaddel rhetoric. This is a manipulative abusive tactic to keep the transfems within their sphere of influence to reach other to other transfems and rely on TME people to tell them what's right and provide community.
I remember on sailorportia's "Anti-Egg discoursers sound just like my conversation therapist" post I saw one of these people referring to the notes section as "full of beaddel dogwhistles" and inviting people to "take a look and educate themselves". Not specifying what the dogwhistles are or how they are dogwhistles. Just vaguely gesturing at the notes section and inviting you to regard anything a vocal trans woman as a crypto-beaddel and anything they say as "beaddel dogwhistles"
These communities cultivate a sense of paranoia. They encourage constant scrutiny regarding anything a trans woman says. Their leaders sell themselves as protectors of the community whose exclusion is a necessary evil to keep online trans communities safe. They are incentivized to keep the term Beaddel definition murky but representative of all the evils they attribute to trans women.
The term in the modern day is largely prescriptive and moreso defined by the reactionary "Anti-Beadelism" movement than it is defined by its history. Only a few trans women have reclaimed the term. When anti-transfeminists talk about Beaddelism they aren't talking about an organized group or community, they are referring to a bunch of individual trans women they have branded with the beaddel slur.
Currently I don't think reclaiming the word is a good move. Not that I disagree with it or think trans women shouldn't reclaim it. It's just that it will do more harm than good for as long as exclusionists control the narrative on its definition. I've seen mutuals have their posts on general transfeminism get completely discarded out of hand because they had Beaddel in their profile name or bio.
Because like it or not the current definition of Beaddels that gets passed around was written by current ex-terfs/transandro nothorses bro and cites TERF resources in their definition. This is the same dude who's responsible for the foundation or the current TransUnity echo chamber and used the influence from creating that community to try and redefine TERF to include trans women for the purpose of TERF-jacketing.
It's why me and some other trans women have been picking up the words trasfeminism to refer to discussions of transfem issues and anti-transfeminist to refer to these new wave of transfem exclusionist. It denies the exclusionists the ability to define our politics for us to outsiders. Also note: If the term trasfeminism picks up in use your going to see a lot of these people switch from "Beaddel" to "Radical Transfeminist" as their go-to anti-transfeminist TERF-jacketing slur
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aihoshiino · 10 months
ive seen interpretations of both but do you think ayumi's abuse of ai only started once the stepdad starting to uh make eyes at her or if it already was a thing before but escalated due to it?
I'm pretty certain and always have been that Ayumi was abusive to Ai the entire time she was in her care - 131 just clarified the shape of it and its point of explosive escalation.
Even prior to that, I was pretty firm in my reading that Ai did not have anything resembling a normative upbringing in her mother's household. Even before we have any of the details about that relationship presented to us, Ai says herself in chapter 1 of the manga no less that she has 'always wanted' a family because she does not have one. As 131 tells us, Ai didn't leave her mother's house until she was nine or ten years old at the very least. She was raised by Ayumi for ten years and still considers herself to be a person who never had a family.
We see this clarified in chapter 8 where Ai more explicitly talks about her abuse: Ayumi abandoned her to the care system after her arrest, which Ai frames as preferable to "getting hit", making it more or less explicit that Ayumi was, in fact, physically violent towards her outside of the incident we hear about in 45510. However, the most damning part of this scene to me comes from elsewhere:
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"I don't remember ever being loved."
Even by her own mother. Ai has no memory of ever being loved by Ayumi. We get a reiteration of this idea during Ryosuke's attack on her, as Ai says over and over: she doesn't understand love. She doesn't know how to love people, no matter how desperately she tries.
This by itself is all very alarming before you ever account for Ayumi's violence. Remember that Ai cannot be any older than 11 or 12 years old here and yet this is still how she chooses to describe herself: as a person with no memory of ever being loved. As an antisocial liar, a people-hating liar. A twelve year old child should not be able to even think of herself in these terms, let alone articulate them.
There's a lot of other small hints scattered around, too— Ai is implied to have some anxieties relating to food security and she is shown to be quite short and slight even by the standards of an average Japanese woman, which possibly implies a history of not being fed enough or not having access to food as and when she needed to eat. During her big Ai research session, Akane even directly says that, with the way Ai's personality turned out, there's no way she could have come from a good home environment.
Ai's personality isn't the only red flag here, though. Ayumi herself and the way she talks about both Ai and her abuse of Ai when Aqua finally speaks to her in person paints a very clear picture of the sort of mother she likely was, even in the short amount of time that we have page time with her. I did a much longer analysis of her in a previous post but to TL;DR it, Ayumi spends the entire conversation simultaneously backpedalling at breakneck speed from any claim of agency and responsibility in her abuse of Ai while also placing the blame of that abuse on Ai herself.
Not only that, but here's something I just caught on reviewing the chapter right now — Ayumi never even actually admits to abusing her daughter. Pay attention to how she describes the series of events: She became angry at her boyfriend, jealous of her daughter and then… their family just 'fell apart'. There is a glaring hole, a missing step in this process and that missing step is her violence towards Ai. The closest she ever gets to acknowledging any sort of mistreatment is her saying that she would just "wind up hurting" Ai if they were together again, which is about the most understated nothing sentiment imaginable. Of course Ayumi can never atone for what she did. She can't even fucking admit it.
The way Ayumi disavows herself of agency while centering Ai as holding responsibility for her own victimization and abuse combined with Ai's own personality pretty much makes it explicit to me that Ayumi was emotionally abusive to Ai for all her life. Specifically, I think Ayumi was probably the sort of mother that is colloquially referred to as a "narcissistic mother" - specifically, I think she falls under the umbrella of 'covert narcissist'. While discussing this type of behavior, psychologist Craig Malkin said "Covert narcissists feel special because they believe their pain is more important than others". Covert narcissism is defined by jealousy, difficulty maintaining meaningful relationships, projection of insecurities onto others (in this case, from mother to daughter) and an inability to handle criticism or cop to their own behavior. Sound like someone we know?
Another big tell is just… honestly, looking at any list of the long term effects of this kind of abuse on children. Growing up under this kind of parenting leads to a whole host of issues, but most relevant to my point here is as follows:
Hyper-vigilance towards other peoples' feelings
Poor emotional intelligence; specifically, a lack of comprehension of your own emotions
Unhealthy desires for validation from other people and tendencies towards codependency in relationships
Perfectionism and/or self destructive tendencies, either separately or in parallel
Low self esteem, poor self image, high levels of self doubt and self criticism.
If you're reading that list and going wow! this is basically just a Greatest Hits of everything wrong with Hoshino Ai! then congratulations because you successfully completed my thought experiment for me. I've described the effects of Ayumi's abuse as running through Ai like fault lines before and this is the sort of thing I mean.
I also don't want to leave it unspoken that like… violence the likes of which Ayumi subjected Ai to does not come from nowhere. A normal, loving parent does not escalate to putting fucking glass in her daughter's food no matter what the hell else is going on in their life. It's unclear whether Ayumi's physical abuse of Ai was something that only started after the incident with her stepfather or if it was an aspect of the ongoing abuse she subjected Ai to all her life, but I simply don't think it's possible with everything the manga has laid out, explicitly and implicitly, about their relationship that Ayumi was ever a loving mother to Ai or that the two of them ever had a remotely normal relationship. In a horrible way, Ayumi's abandonment of Ai was the kindest thing she ever did for her, because it means she finally got the fuck out of her life.
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emmetofthestars · 8 months
Yes please!! A summary would be greatly appreciated!! An thanku for the helpful tag,, will be looking forward to a tag for yer blu team if you make one!
ive gone ahead and tagged (most) of my blu art under #emmetsis blu!
i also totally forgot that i have a carrd for my blu team and for two extra ocs... but because its rather empty it makes more sense i write something new. the carrd does have pronouns though.
to be more general first, blu team are my blu merc ocs and they are all clones of red team. along the way of cloning and growing they gained their unique personalities. so while they are clones, they are by now completely different people. as a result of respawn machines being a thing in my story, they all generally do not take death seriously as there are no real consequences to it, aswell as the existance of their medic. i think this is a bit of an important thing to add.
jay is the teams scout. not loud and brash at all, unlike red scout. shes not very enthusiastic about the war and she sees no use in it all. shes a close friend with crawford, and they both hang out and skip out on work. the two of them rarely go places without eachother. she likes lemon soda and sour tastes in general :3
carl is the soldier. unlike his red counterpart he is not confident or headstrong. he fears alot of things from small animals to the outside, aswell as people. he keeps his helmet on desperately as light hurts his eyes to the point of headaches. he always gets alot of scrutiny from charon. while there are sufficient bedrooms at blu base, he instead lives in a windowless storage room, in a sort of pillow-blanket fort.
gary is the pyro. bearing no lick of red pyros bloodlust and arsonist nature, gary does not fight. though they know how to fight back, they do not like seeing people in pain and will never attack first. while they arent an arsonist, they love water to almost a similar destructive degree. they would flood their bedroom to the brim with water, if they could. they like to sit at the bottom of lakes.
achilles is the demo. she does not dabble in explosives, but rather swords. he has a fascination with books in general and books about mythology of all sorts, peculiarly achilles of greek mythology, which they named themselves after. also has a particular fascination with cutting peoples heads off, but not out of malice, just out of pure love to his sword and shield, his half-zatoichi and splendid screen. she thinks shes pretty awesome.
daisy is the heavy. he has the same protective nature over people, and though he looks like a big softie he will not hesitate to strike if he recognizes a threat. but when somebody he trusts hurts him, its hard for him to let go. tries to learn how to knit and anything adjacent. when not, just likes to talk to people or take walks. he does not carry a minigun, he sticks to his shotgun and melee.
minnie is the engie. minnie is minnie. minnie builds mini sentries. sometimes teleporters. rarely dispensers. but mostly mini sentries. minnie can say four words: mini, sentry, teleporter, and dispenser. anything else? tough luck. even then, minnie does not speak enough times for anyone to remember what it sounds like.
charon is the medic. whatever inner issues red medic had manifest strangely in charon. not a very good medic- they dont respond to their teammates cries, charging into battle on their own with secondary and melee. they are extremely (hypo)critical and aggressive, and they get physical fast. however, when they are done screaming about whatever it is that their team has done wrong THIS time, they regret what they did, silently berating themselves. and the very next day, they would scream again, and regret it again. the day after that, and after that. they dont talk to anyone at length, not even achilles. they dont apologize, as they have no faith left in themself.
crawford is the sniper. (ill most often refer to him as crow.) unknowingly a drunkard- she doesnt actually know what alcohol is, just finds it tasty. he is as loving of the outdoors as his red counterpart, particularly of heights. she will climb any high building or abandoned pylon, with no regard to safety or her own life, just to feel the wind in her face. would also eat most foods if hes curious, even something such as pure raw meat- he is not aware that meat needs to be cooked. also a literal night owl. she sleeps at day and is wide awake at night.
iris is the spy. though she does her job as best she can, he is in no way as tenacious as red spy. he rarely disguises, and resorts instead to cloaking with the cloak & dagger. the pressure of their job gets to them, they are hardly energetic and often cant even find the energy to hold long conversations with people, or even say anything - the most she will do is approach people to ask them a technical question, then leave. and as a result of an "incident" with the red medic... its only worsened since then.
wow this was a long one..... i love infodumping.... :) some of this is POSSIBLY bound to change but in general their roles are pretty set in stone. i am still actively writing them though.
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indestinatus · 2 months
Hi, different anon, i dont know who sent the others. i want to say some things but please don't take any of this in the wrong way. ive followed you for a long time, you're well liked and well respected in the tiva fandom for good reason however, i agree with the anon that there has been a change that has nothing to do with your life commitments (which im happy for you BTW!)
You said its overwhelming on twitter because of the number of people there now but this isn't accurate, if there were a large number of people being kind on there then there wouldn't be a problem but these people are continuously unkind to anyone who isn't in their "troops".
You reference "tiva fights" on twitter but i don't remember a time before the spin-off was announced that there was drama on this constant scale like this in the fandom. you say you won't support "content stealing or random rudeness" yet the only people you now interact with on twitter are the very people doing this (i think this is an issue the anon was talking about).
You say you've made real friends here over the years and that's true! but like the anon said its like you've dropped these friends and are only focused on the people who are intent on tearing this fandom apart for their own egotistical gains.
Your "new" friends have created nothing but trouble since they appeared when the spin-off was announced. they have been rude, insulting, belittling, condescending, aggressive etc towards anyone who doesn't share their mindset. they gang up on people who say one thing they don't like and are also attacking random people not in the fandom who comment on announcement tweets. either you don't know the full extent of the damage they've caused inside this fandom to people who are friends with you (which is fine because there are many people who can explain it to you), or you know what they've done to people and you simply don't care. i think the ambiguity of this particular part is unsettling people because it seems as if you're condoning what they've done.
I think you yourself are a really nice and kind person but the friends you've now got are affecting the way people see you. i saw also you had quote retweets from hawaii fans and that's because your new friends have done nothing but attack them for months, so now you are receiving it too because you associate with them.
Overall it just seems like there is confusion to you not talking to these new people at all to suddenly they are the only ones you talk to. I know you can't control what other people do but this is more of a reflection of what your friendship with them is presenting.
hello, anon. this ask has made me immensely sad.
first of all, who am I in the grand scheme of things. for you to be monitoring my activity and debating who I should be talking to like... I admit I am a person moved by fandom. In the ncis fandom, especially the tiva fandom, there are waves of activity both here and on other socials like twitter and instagram. I've spent almost 2 years not posting on twitter and only making content for tumblr, both gifsets and fics, and talking to the fandom in here. Likewise, when it's more active there I tend to float toward where people want to talk about it. And who share fandom content and who are actually excited about what I also share.
I talked about some stuff you allude to in this ask only in my private twitter which means you're one of my closest friends in the fandom, and it makes me sad. And no, I never categorized myself in any friend group. I don't take sides in fights inside a fandom (which, idk if you know this but the ncis fandom was really big in 2010s and every big fandom has fights and wow do I even need to talk about the drama back then) and if you monitor my activity so closely I think you also know I wasn't aware of the details of this until a few days prior. Since then, I've collected myself again and I haven't shared content I know is from other people whom I respect and I don't interact with arguments about cancellations and other drama like this. I hate it. I'm here to talk about fictional characters and share stuff I'm excited about.
that said, I haven't dropped any friends. I'm not inside any "new troops". from what I remember, I tried my best not to be "rude, insulting, belittling, condescending, aggressive" against anyone. My real friends from this fandom know who they are and we talk constantly, they have my private phone number and my personal instagram. we support each other. I don't know anything other than seeing a few friends talking about having their gifs been stolen (so no, it's not like "I simply don't care") but also idk if I'm interested in fandom drama. since then, I voiced my opinion about taking someone else's content as one's own and focused on making my own content again, sharing the ones I know are from people who created them and staying silent.
since the spin-off news dropped I've been overwhelmed with the number of new people who suddenly arrived in this fandom and also with the zero amount of time I now have to create fandom content about stuff I'm so excited about. I didn't even have the time to digest this news and am constantly bombarded with new things and no time to process them like I wanted to. no time to make the gifsets, fics, or talk to people like I did before and also who aren't as active anymore anywhere. it breaks my heart to be excited about stuff in a way my life doesn't allow me to be.
anyway, after this whole ramble, I hope you realize I hate fandom drama and that is why I post my content, voice my opinion, and make myself scarce. if you want to explain what happened or simply talk to me, feel free and I'm OK with being judged. but also I don't intend to be as active anymore currently because of things like these and asks like these from anons. I'm sorry. if anyone wants to talk about tony and ziva, let me know.
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autocann1bal · 2 years
whoever asked for my lockwood and co playlist, you are in for it :)
so ive decided to give the link to the playlist as well as come up with scenarios for each song so this is. gonna be a big doc. (also book spoilers)
heres the link to the actual playlist (ps if anyone knows the artist please let me know!!)
luv l8r - mom jeans im going to be honest, stole this from a fic, not much to say, just a song that reminds me of them
september - sparky deathcap the instrumental just gives cozy vibes, like something theyd listen to together whilst reading in the library, possibly cuddled up on the couch who knows. maybe even a cheeky little george pops in to bring them more tea, and sees them cuddled up on the couch and smiles before leaving the tea at the door as not to disturb them (alternatively: he joins them bc romantic locklyle + qpr george is a wonderful thing)
buzzcut season - lorde LOOK IDK ITS JUST SO THEM I CANT EXPLAIN IT THEYRE JUST SO. its a song with such a nostalgic feeling and i feel like it fits them, its a sort of montage song, at least to me. its a song that reminds me that theyre kids, because they really are just kids being put in these awful situations.
stars will fall - duster yet another library song, less romantic this time id guess, more just all 3 of them reading respectively in the library. lockwood probably reading old newspapers, lucy some sort of novel, and george either reading his comics or researching for a case.
drip drip drip fall - ewy a lockwood song, do with that what thou shalt :)
main character syndrome - wilbur soot another lockwood song. hes got main character syndrome and we all know it. seems a kipps vs lockwood sort of song yk? the lines "its not a problem its his niche" and "he smiles with only half his face" feel so very lockwood to me.
evans song - flower face OMLGFHKJGFHKJFJGH. its lucys song to lockwood. we get plenty of lockwood being a pathetic simp, but what about lucy? "to think i thought ive loved before, to think i fought so many wars" feels like a lucy line. she loved norrie (romantically and platonically (personal hc)), but shes never loved someone the way shes loved lockwood. theyve saved eachother countless times. i love them <3
shadow moses - bring me the horizon my playlist is. all over the place and you can really tell with this one. im not really sure specifics for this one but its definitely an angsty song so something along the lines of lucy getting ghost locked and lockwood panicking -> "can you tell from the look in her eyes/we're going nowhere"
call me what you like - lovejoy feels very "lockwood using holly as a replacement for lucy after she leaves" sort of deal. i will go more in depth on this one if anyone would like but i fear it may make the post longer than it needs to be just please dont attack me over this dhfdfgkjg.
a pearl - mitski HMHMMHMHMH necklace. the pearl is the necklace, lockwood is the war, shes fallen so deep in love. again this is post her leaving, pre her return. shes in an inn somewhere swirling the necklace around her fingers, missing him more than anything, thinking he didnt want her there. pain :D.
long long time - linda ronstadt MWAHKAHKJDFG this ones for the tlou fans. yall know :)
under the weather - corpse like i said. very all over the place playlist. yet another lockwood angst song, probably some sort of sickfic type deal, but more lockwood needs a mental health day and lucy (+ possibly george, depending on your personal hc (i am so mentally ill for romantic locklyle + george qpr)) caring for him and just. cozy vibes but also really sad bc <33
all we ever wanted was everything - bauhaus RAHHH SHOW CANON SONG. its just so them <33
blue hair - tv girl YOU CANT TELL ME THIS ISNT A LOCKWOOD SONG ITS SO HIM CMON. minus. the. misogyny yk
chemistry - kimya dawson lucy song [everyone gasps]. 'how did we end up here?/you said happenstance' hmshdhrg lucy asking lockwood how they ended up in the Consensual Workplace Relationship and they just talk and talk and talk afterwords, probably sometime late morning yk cozy just woke up vibes.
clementine - elliott smith herrhfhf scrungly soft locklyle vibes in the morning, waking up together, getting ready for the day together, they end up dancing in the kitchen to this song smiles i love them cries wails sobs
bouquet - ichiko aoba do i know what shes saying other than the flowers? no!!! is it cozy vibes? yes!! they are falling asleep after a long day listening to it i cant explain why
empire ants - gorillaz ft little dragon i. honestly do not know. another song similar to buzzcut season, feels like a reminder that theyre just kids. very well may be a lucy breakdown song who knows :)
it will come back - hozier we got our first hozier song boys. lucy leaving, lockwood breakdown, listening to this on repeat hoping wishing praying that she'll come back.  wishing more than anything.
rule #27 - drunk on pride - fish in a bird cage lockwood is constantly drunk on pride, everyone knows it, everyone feels it. this is probably something along the lines of lucy and george being worried for him as he goes into a particularly dangerous job, fully confident and all to prideful. he comes out of it alive, but damaged.
tree hugger - kimya dawson im a bitch for kimya dawsona and fluffy ships but this also is a sort of 'they all wish they where somewhere else, but are happy with eachother too' kind of thing which proabably doesnt make much sense bUT IT MAKES SENSE TO ME OK CSHHSHSHSH
https://open.spotify.com/track/1F9f5t7GZk7aJZNGZIbfqP?si=c653de10148f4de5 <- link because youre nuts if you think im attempting to type out morse code lockwood just being a pathetic simp. probably watching her dance in the kitchen, late at night when neither of them are supposed to be awake, admiring everything about her till he eventually joins in on the dancing, they dance together into early hours of the morning before she carries him (YEA SHE CARRIES HIM WHAT ABOUT IT) up the stairs to lockwoods room, where they sleep for the rest of the day :>
locked out of heaven - bruno mars Ik the song is relatively sexual but we arent going there dw. just more lockwood being a hopeless romantic and being wildly in love with lucy, lucy is his heaven and he wishes to be nowhere else but with her at all times.
teenage dream - katy perry yk i had too. again, theyre teenagers, they act like teenagers. probably the song playing in lucys/lockwoods head constantly because shes just so giddy about their silly teenage love.
answering machine - ruby haunt to much happiness, angst now. a song lucy had on repeat walking the streets of london early in the morning to get coffee after she had left lockwood and co. maybe even walking past portland row, missing it dearly. little does she know, lockwood sees her, he hasnt slept a bit since lucy left, he usually just stares out the window into the night. but one day, he sees her walking past. he doesnt get out of bed that morning.
sleep thru ur alarms - lontalius i said we where done with happiness. more lockwood mental health issues but this time its the aftermath. lucy sitting in her room after a particularly bad fight with lockwood that had turned into him collapsing in her arms. shes just thinking about everything he said.
the first punch - pierce the veil im gonna be honest i meant to take this one out but its just there now i got nothin im low on gas and you need a jacket - pierce the veil i think lucy just like this one idk
heart-shaped box - nirvana lockwood feeling awful about asking lucy for help, sitting in his room thinking about it.
safeword - tv girl lucy telling lockwood about her time in her old town. about her old home.
fine - lemon demon me when i have like 8 million songs abt them being teenagers doing silly teenager things.
chloroform girl - polkadot cadaver UR GONAN TRY AND TELL ME THIS ISNG LOCKWOODS MUSIC TASTE BE FUCKOING QUIET he likes this song :)
swear to god the devil made me do it - the front bottoms god tfb is just so lockwoodcore. its just so him i cant explain it you understnad me maybe hopefully
flying model rockets - the front bottoms HOHOHOHOHOHOHO so lockwood dont you think. dont. dont you think. please agree with me.
blondie - current joys more cozy library/morning vibes. maybe some soft domestic little kisses as a treat.
young - vacations back to the angst. more pining and mourning after lucy leaves hee hee.
pretty boy - tv girl be quiet ik they have the same name they are so drastically differnet vibes. something something lucy thinking shes not good enough for lockwood bc she grew up poor and he was a rich little bastard /aff. but yea late night angst
it almost worked - tv girl RRUUFUFU angst they are so sad sad little people lucy is a sad little lass in her tiny little town she will never get out sobs.
space song - beach house wails cries sobs screams them. i will not elaborate.
golden hour - JVKE oh my GODD lockwood is such a hopeless fucking simp. hes such a stupid hopeless little simp. for her and her only all he looks at is her shes the best thing ever shes so beautiful all he does is take her in. they are in love.
who is she - i monster he doesnt believe she exists. shes not real. shes in his dreams. hes having a breakdown :)
always forever - the cults back to happy!! they are in love!!! always forever!! they will be together forever!!!!
pretty when you cry - lana del rey god theyre so sad. george lucy comfort lockwood that is all thank you.
carmen - lana del rey oh deary. oh lockwood oh my poor bbg   
paper doll - flower face this is so lucy. shes a fragile paper doll and lockwood cares for her. but she feels like shes not enough she feels unworthy. lockwood is to good for her. 
 the night we met - lord huron OH MY GODDDD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD theyre so they mean so much to me im crying you understand i dont need to explain.
paper doll - flower face this is so lucy. shes a fragile paper doll and lockwood cares for her. but she feels like shes not enough she feels unworthy. lockwood is to good for her.
angela - flower face can you tell i like flower face. remember lockwood being a hopeless simp?? lucys turn!! lucys turn!!!!!!! shes so simp shes so simp but in such a sad way shes os in love with him but shes so worried he'll leave.
spiracle - flower face hee hoo hee hoo lockwood breakdown. more lockwood breakdowns, but this time its before he and lucy where together. its just him panicking late at night about his love for lucy, afraid he'll end up killing her with his love because nothing good comes from letting people in. 
jupiter - flower face THEY FEEL SO SAFE TOGETHER THEY ARE HOME TOGETHER THEY ARE EACHOTHERS HOME. lucys home is with lockwood and george at portland row :DDDDDD
small world - jack stauber cozy coffee run vibes ykyk domesticity
death cup - mom jeans 'i think its bout time i warned you i might cry in front of you' oh come ON thats so lockwood this entire song is just lockwood opening up to lucy.
legit tattoo gun - the front bottoms lockwood tfb agenda is spreading. 
insomniac - memo boy lockwood insomniac real hes so not sleep the dark circles are so visible im. emotionally unstable.
post to long. need part 2.
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spinningbuster98 · 9 months
Super Castlevania IV Part 2: Is this really a remake?
I think everyone knows that, despite its title, Super Castlevania IV is not an actual sequel but rather a remake of the original Castlevania on NES.
In fact in Japan this game is simply known as Akumajou Dracula, the same title as that game in Japan. The 4 here was most likely added by Konami of America in order to sell this as a sequel to the NES trilogy in hopes of boosting sales.
But honestly: would you really have guessed that this was a remake without knowing about this info beforehand?
What does this game have in common with the original really? There’s Simon yeah sure. But he’s been given a slight redesign, now with a more greenish looking armor and brown hair. They could have named him like Jack Belmont or something and this would no longer be a remake because really the name Simon is the only thing truly tying this game to the NES original
We have completely new levels, not just these first few located outside the castle, even once you’re inside the levels are just completely different both in theme and structure
The bosses are mostly original
Even the music is about 97% new stuff, Vampire Killer is the only track returning from the original and it only plays during the first half of the final stage!
I find this aspect of the game interesting because nowadays we live in an age where videogame remakes are a dime a dozen and they very often are radically different from the originals, mainly because they serve as excuses from big companies to make a new game without having to make everything from scratch while also cashing in on the original games’ popularity, just look at all the Resident Evil Remakes!
And for as beloved as Super Castlevania IV is...it’s really no different in its approach. You can’t say it’s paying respect to the original when there’s barely any sign of it in the first place!
Really the only reason why I think people don’t make a fuss over this is because:
1) The original had pretty much no in-game story so this version runs no risk of pissing anyone off from that POV
2) It came out during a period where videogame remakes were a much rarer phenomenon so people don’t really view it in the same vein
3) It was a lot of people’s first Castlevania game or at least they grew up with it
In fact you could even argue that it’s not very faithful to the classic formula even from a gameplay perspective: after all this game completely alters the classic controls.
Now sue I know that everyone loves the multiple whip attacks and the controllable jumps...but it baffles me that everyone would consider it an undisputed improvement, implying that the previous controls were inherently broken.
Classicvania controls were designed to be like this in tandem with the level design. You could even argue that having to master these limited controls is a big part of the series’ identity at this point and I’m sure this is what the developers at the time thought too because no other game in the series will replicate IV’s controls: Rondo and Bloodlines at most give you some very limited directional whipping and the ability to stir your jumps only slightly along with the ability to jump on and off stairs, but never the complete package
By giving the player so much more control over the character you essentially take away not only a big chunck of the challenge but also some of the gameplay depth: where once you’d have to carefully maneuver around enemies in order to win now it’s usually just a metter of whipping them from whatever angle you are. Plus there’s also the fact that the crucifix subweapon has been made disgustingly broken: wanna win in Super Castlevania IV? Find the crucifix and then find the double and triple shot power ups. Congratulations now nothing save from instakill obstacles will stop you as these things absolutely melt enemies and even bosses!
Now personally I don’t really mind this too much because there’s still usually a certain degree of precision that you have to put into your whipping even with the multidirectional attacks and the platforming can still get tricky on the occasion, so i do still believe that the overall spirit of the classic is preserved here but in a new form
But it’s important to consider that it is indeed a new form, not simply some sort of natural evolution that is guaranteed to be faithful to the original. It is perfectly valid to be unhappy with how this game changes up the classic formula and it’s the main reason why I personally wouldn’t call this “the definitive version of Castlevania 1″, even though I still really like it, certainly more than the original
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1eos · 1 year
The thing about experimental groups like shinee is that not everyone is going to like what they put out and that's okay. I love them but i also didn't like the new song from what i heard so far it's simply not for me and i don't think sm is forcing that sound on them either they're just following the trends. I don't understand why shawols pull the experimental contemporary group card to force you to like whatever they put out people have music preferences and the fact that they keep trying new things is what makes their title tracks a hit or miss with people. For a fandom with such a superiority complex they definitely can't handle criticism and they find any negative opinion to be a personal attack on the group when it's not and that's why i stopped interacting with them as well. I also hate the styling for the song i'm convinced their hair stylists have a vendetta against Taemin because they keep putting the worst extensions on his head (On a side note the bsides are actually good from what i heard so far)
you're spitting truth! and its wild bc all the other experimental groups have had musical division for a while now and its never been a big thing? like there are ppl who really think vixx cute songs are the peak of their discography 😭😭😭😭 and then you have the red vs velvet fans who disagree then move on but bc shawols are so used to being in a bubble where everyone licks shinee's boots its making them fucking deranged. and its just not fun to engage w anything shinee bc the fans just suck ass so severely.
atp shawols are literally just armys w a better discography theyre being rabid over like you can't even praise other musicians alongside or instead of shinee without these emotional stunted idiots trying to 'clap back'.................................. and actually i was typing this i got an anon taking a personal opinion as a personal attack 😭😭😭😭 that superiority complex has warped it to where if u DARE enjoy anything not from the shinee overlords then you're delusional and stupid. its just suffocating.
shinee aren't perfect 😭😭😭😭😂 their current direction doesnt fit them, looks silly, and will not have the staying power of the GOOD MUSIC they did when sm wasn't just handing out nct reject music to everyone. oh and idk what taemin did to piss off the stylists but theyve been giving him the worst tracks ive ever seen not on a member of twice like oh my god.....................oh................my god..........and they won't stop. not just ONE bad sew in its been 2? 3? enough!!!!!!!!! enough!!!!!!!!!!
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alternis · 1 year
another third eye au future evil titans thought
I do not have Details or Plot Outline but I do have a Scene and setup
so probably evil future titans is lead by evil future cass since she never had an evil arc in this au.rhey take over titans tower and Tim gets taken out of the equation and shoved in a relatively nice holding cell with one of the future titans checking up on him, and via the power of Deduction realises that the reason they're not trying to convince him to join their murder cult thinking or treating him as a potential future threat is that. he isnt involved in their future.
and bc of the psychological problems he is very quickly able to be like "ah its bc I am dead in their future. ah well, sucks but i knew it was coming"
he strikes up conversation with his captor (not sure who exactly but likely a meta) and gets them to open the cell door to talk with him (while standing in it to give them a false sense that he's still super trapped) by laying out that he knows he's dead in their future and would like details.
they're like wow forgot how creepy it was when you did that. Well I cant give you details because you just vanished one day and when we tried to figure out what was going on we realised you'd given most of your stuff away to different people. and then months later we hear that lady shiva says she killed you! what the hell
and Tim gets to be like, well if your future selves also went back and met you qs you said and this is all one big closed loop then this conversation between your future you and your timeline's me probably happened as well which means I already knew what was going to happen. and since you seem upset by me dying I'm gonna be compassionate and reassure you that I'm not entirely surprised and have been ready for this for a While. so in your timeline I probably didn't tell you bc I knew it would upset all of you, but tbh I've been living on a countdown timer for years and my time just ran out.
and the evil future titan is like wow. you have psychological problems 👍
and he's like yeah BUT let me divulge my traumatic backstory. so when i was 13 I killed a person. somebody with a grudge against my family paid a serial killer to make me his next victim. he attacked me with a knife and I panicked, picked up something heavy, and hit him in the side of the head with it. most people would say that was justified. self defence, right but? but I didn't just save my own life. that man had killed over a hundred people. by killing him, I prevented the creation of any future victims. and I'd already crossed the line by killing somebody. when Shiva offered to train me, i accepted. i knew that eventually she'd kill me, and with what she taught me i could have kept killing until then. i already had blood on my hands.
but I didn't. I never killed another person. not even when I knew it was justified, that they deserved it, that the world would be better without them. killing is a line you can't uncross. every time you kill somebody you take another step forward, until the line is so far behind you that you forgot it was ever there. ive seen a lot of people who live their life that way. I was trained by one.
you can't undo what you did. you can't escape the consequences. I can't un-kill that man, or escape the bargain I made afterwards. but you don't have to keep going forwards, either. no matter how far gone you think you are--you always, always can choose to stop. I don't think me telling you this will convince you, but you should think it over at least.
the future titans realise they've been leaning into the doorframe as they talked and tries to straighten up only for their vision to swim and their legs to give out.
surprise, the cell has been pumping out nerve gas (that he already had an immunity built up against), something he'd suggested be built into the cells as an Extra Restraint, but secretly as a contingency plan in case the other titans ever turned on him or somebody took over their base and tried to lock him up. he just had to trigger it and get them in the cell (or the doorway of the cell) long enough for it take effect. paranoia saves the day!
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nahalism · 1 year
did you ever need to take sth like antidepressants for anxiety or panick attacks? I recall you speakin about having dealth with them in the past & been wonderin if you ever tried medicating urself for it / would consider it if your nerves were getting too much 4 u at some point down the line or did you develop ur own way around those little&big pits of hell
heyyyyy <3 (this will b long but this question deserves a thorough answer so hope thats ok)
ive been strongly encouraged to take various medications over the years, particularly for anxiety/mood stabilisation, and twoish weeks ago i ended up in hospital cause literally i lost my mind, and i felt so out of it that thats the first time i ever considered not just wanting, but needing medication in order to function. however, i didnt, cause i dont like making decisions in the moment (desperation leads to desperate decisions) and because before that experience and even during it, ive never felt convinced that medication was the solution to the problems i was facing. 1) due to the physical, mental and emotional side effects. & 2) because im not convinced the people prescribing the meds even know what is 'wrong' with me.— a lot of that has to do with the nhs being a mess, (its quicker to get meds than wait thru the referral time to get diagnosed & into therapy) but also, theres a lot of comorbidity in the diagnosis ive been given, so there are multiple things to treat & in their eye's medication gives a faster result than unpacking all of that individually. the recommendation was to put me on a cocktail of drugs that can fuck up my liver kidneys and endocrine system to 'see if it will work' .. :/.
the only thing that has ever worked for me is sitting with myself and my emotions, acknowledging them, doing things at my pace in my time, and structuring my life in a way that is tailored for me and my success rather than being successful in the world or in a socially accepted way. that means having a morning routine that caters to my mental emotional and physical health, (mindful practices, yoga, gardening, sound work etcetc), and finding ways to continue that throughout the day (working creatively and limiting my exposure to people or situations that are not for me/overstimulate me).
that being said, this routine (which is still being refined and altered) works pretty well for me, but comes with sacrifices and isnt fool proof. symptoms of my mental illness still persist & without being medicated people are less lenient when helping someone they feel isnt 'helping themselves', im also still working on how to be as sociable as id like to be, and often my spirals are triggered by the very system i have in place to help me. i often face feeling like a let down, like im lazy, like im a weirdo/recluse, like im incapable of being a normal person etc etc. for example, a lot of the friends i graduated with have experienced crazy growth in their careers and have a sense of social and financial security that i dont have because they can function year round, whereas i have months at a time where i dont feel myself and have to disappear in order to keep sanity and peace in my being, lol. that, and the fact that it takes me a lot of base maintenance and effort to function as a normal person makes me feel like shit if i let it, so i constantly have to remind myself on top of the work i do daily, that whilst there are things others have/experience, that i dont, the inverse is also true, and theres beauty to me being me in my way. and .. yeah 🤷🏽‍♀️. that part is hard. but its also worth it to me and has taught me a lot
all that being said, do your own research and decide what feels right and what is best for YOU. speak to your doctors, therapists, and friends who may be medicated, or look on forums online for perspectives from both sides. [*if anyone reading this has a helpful opinion 2 offer pls comment]. the feeling of helplessness when your in the throws of whatever mental illness you suffer from can be debilitating and if taking a pill everyday or when you need it can fix that, no ones opinion should sway you from doing what you need to do to function. some of my friends who are medicated swear by medication!! (particularly when it comes to adhd meds) cause not being able to process thoughts and function is horrible and ruins lives needlessly.
so yh.. i hope this helps. as long as you do whats best for you, i have no doubt you will find your way through this and that it will be worth it. above all, know that the power of your will, your mind, and your person, is what makes you special, and so even if it takes more for you to show up than it does others, that's absolutely fine. take your time with it, and know what nothing is wasted, because you have no idea the good that can come from working out the details. most of the advice i have to offer comes from making it thru an existential crisis or bout of depression. <3
blessings 2 u love
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menalez · 2 years
This in regards to the, western radfems who don't want to stop dating men thing. Hi, I'm an European radfem so pretty privileged. And I'm also pretty sure I'm solely SSA, and even if not then I'm at least very far right on the Kinsey scale.
I remember that when I thought I was bi and I had just broken up with my then-boyfriend, I decided to stop dating altogether. Over the years I had horrible experiences with men. From rape, to just... well, you know what I mean. That last boyfriend traumatised me so much that I swore off dating *everyone.* Despite me thinking I was bi at the time. Eventually I came out as a lesbian after some soul-searching, but...
I'm sorry, but seeing this discourse and seeing OSA radfems throwing these temper tantrums gives me a goddamn headache. How can you not realise how privileged you are? Non-westwern radfems do not have the privilege to give these men the benefit of the doubt, they are going through literal hell. And the moment they dare to talk about it, there is such backlash. And what I can only describe as a temper tantrum. You can't claim you want to get rid of the patriarchy, but then turn around and do this. Being anti-porn, anti-kink, anti-beauty industry and gender critical doesn't make you a radfem if you also aren't prepared to make hard choices and put the lives of women above your desire to have a boyfriend.
I firmly believe that they are still stuck in this patriarchal idea of what a family is, and that women can't find fulfilment without a man. Even if I woke up tomorrow, or even a few years from now realised I was bi, I still wouldn't date a man because the chance that he's going to be decent is basically none. I would also swear off dating women if it meant little girls in another part of the world would never have to go through another forced marriage, rape, or FGM.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to speak over you or other non-western radfems. This is just making me emotional and so angry.
i will disagree partially that they like Need to practice separatism otherwise they're neglecting the lives of other women, however i do think that at the very least they should consider not sitting there actively discouraging other OSA women from separatism, attacking separatists, and even being racist to eastern women for practicing separatism. the bar is very low i know but like please... at the v least do that!! ive even seen some of them insult febfems and call them self-hating for not wanting to date men & for exclusively dating women (esp if theyre lke that for separatist reasons). its baffling to me.
i can understand the difficulty to personally practice separatism. i can understand it being a big ask for especially heterosexual women. but sitting there shaming other heterosexual and OSA women for being separatists and discouraging other women from pursuing separatism etc is like. antithetical to radical feminism to me
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the falling part of the rollercoaster
A year ago i was miserable, completely and utterly miserable and i had planned my suicide for years i was self harming every day and i hated myself more than any other emotion, i wasnt myself anymore i was a rotting peel of what i couldve been. i was doing so bad and every day i encountered a new low. But then i found a friend, i found love and i truly truly foudn love in her, she has been a beacon of hope ever since she truly saved my life but not only that but she planted hope in my again, she quite literally saved me from my depression just from existing. Then the first tragedy struck, i was down 40 kgs (i was 140 before and after getting out of my depression i focused on that a lot), i was taking a gap semester before going to college and i was cured of my depression and was on my journey, my dog died and it felt like a punch to the stomach, like if mmike tyson went berserk and hit me with all his power. for almost a month i cried and i little by little started to realize i could deal with it i could learn from it and take it as a jumping pad to grow to be a better person. Then my dad died, november 24 2022, everything i had worked so hard to build was destroyed, at 19 and very unexperienced and with a very incomplete relationship with my dad and at the most unexpected moment and time with no warning my father died, a few months prior i had decided to keep distance from him cause i was scared of whatever ive always been afraid of, i miss him so much and even after all these months and trying so hard i always get back to step one ¨hes not proud of me and he wasnt and i have completely let him down¨ and ¨its all my fault¨ i hate how i feel about this and i hate he died and no one can understand the pain and the emotions i feel, no one not even therapists or friends whove lost parents no one understands it and i hate it so much. Then my other dog died and i just couldnt, i had one of the worst anxiety attacks ive ever had and i was with my girlfriend of 5 years at the time i was told and she didnt seem like she cared about that or anything else that was going on with me and i had never felt so alone, my two dogs had been with me for 14 years and i loved them so much and now i lost them both. Then a bit later my girlfriend of 5 years left me, plain and simple didnt love me anymore, she didnt really care for me anymore i could tell and she broke me truly, cause her goodbye kind of signified a true change in my life because now i would truly realize i was alone, she had someone else already and i was the luckiest motherfucker to have her and i never did deserve her but yeah she left me alone and i begged her to stay at first then garnered all my strength and said ¨if that is truly how you feel then i wont ask you to stay, i just hope you have the best life¨, lifes been hard all by myself. She left me on the first week or so of my first semester in university and through the first six months i was truly alone, i made no friends and lost most of them so i was genuienly deeply lonely with no one to care about me or for me so i just suffered and cried alone mostly. Then i was shot at twice (they didnt hit me but it hit me very deep cause it was clsoe to my home and i almost died right outside my house if not for a bush i hid in) and the next day i was sexually harassed and that traumatized me horribly to the point i almost panic everytime a man of similar age speaks to me or when someone wears a red jacket and some words are also pretty big triggers. Then i lost my tortoise jojo (she died because of a parasite) who had been one of my closest beings since the pandemic started and she accompanied me through everything and she died as well. It is now summer and im holding on but i feel myself falling over and over again and standing back up if anything seems harder and harder with every time. i wish i could write more in depth about eveyrhting and i might but not at this hour. if you read this thank you for it i appreciate it and i hope you have a wonderful life.
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violentviolette · 2 years
Do you have any cannibalism anime recommendations? Whether it’s cannibalism as a romance or cannibalism as monstrosity.
not really, there's not a lot of good cannibal anime content tbh
the big ones everyone recommends are attack on titan which i cant fucking stand like im sorry its a shitty bad anime and if its ur fav u have literally no taste. ive never met an aot fan i didnt hate. then tokyo ghoul, which the manga is amazing but i hear the anime is a blasphemous hot mess and not really worth the watch. and then parasite, which ive heard is good but isnt my cup of tea personally. after that there's not much else by way of like, cannibalism being a main driving plot point
honestly tho even tho it's only a footnote in the main plot one of my favorite depictions of cannibalism is Soul Eater. i think Asura's cannibalism and the implications of eating ones own weapon are absolutely insane like that shit drives me feral. spoilers for soul eater under the cut cause i gotta gush about it
the implications of a miester fearing their weapon so much they decide to become one with them juxtiposed against a miester who trusts their weapon so much they become one with them. Asura eats vajra out of paranoia, thinking if they become one asura can control vajra completely so he never hurts or turns against him, but this only leaves him more alone, driving him deeper into madness and fear and isolation, it's completely misguided and ultimately what makes him a kishin. it is the pinnacle of monstrosity, to consume ones own weapon is to tip over the point of no return and lost the last dregs of ur humanity
juxtiposed against maka and soul, their blood intertwining and them becomming one is instead now an act of pure trust, it brings them together to act as one, instead of isolating either of them via subjugation. neither is more in control than the other, maka doesnt eat soul, she doesnt have to. the enter eachother and mix themselves together as equals. it's an act of devotion. maka trusts soul with her life and soul loves maka with every ounce of his. she never becomes lost in the madness because he grounds her and keeps her tethered to their reality. they dance in sync, their blood mixes together, they fight as onw
which isnt even getting into chrona and ragnarok which frankly is its own dissertation lmfaooo
anyway yea watch soul eater its amazing LOL
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iknowyouliedbane · 2 years
The Story & Legend of Lord Banegrivm aka Rogueknight
Banegrivm's Discord is Banegrivm#3328 or banegrivm#3328
The Fist is his guild.Say you met him on WOW Emerald Dreams, say you noticed his lovely his armour or something. This bloke won't know what hit em.
Here kitty kitty Pumpkin where are you little mans...I heard him say in over voice chat once a long time ago. Must have cats working his magic for him.
He has been attacking me through the ether. Nothing he has stated online or otherwise, has been made a secret. He habitually blasts his personal business in chat on Emerald Dreams on a regular basis, if you are in his guild. Which I am. I am right here within his ranks. Ive seen people come, ive seen people go. Ive heard about all the victims he ruined mentally/emotionally/ etc and never gets justice served to him for his crimes. He thinks he is s leader, but he is more like the police. He is not good at being the leader is this guild, and here on discord, I have seen it all.
He vapes weed out the side dorr of his place in Mechanicsburg, PA, upper floor, he is behind 2 security doors. He sleeps during the day like a vampire. I know this because ive been stalking him for years. Im in Wisconsin but sometimes go to Pennsylvania for skiing at the family cabin, so yeah I made a pass to verify that he lives there, even though way out the way! But anyways, just to see if what I found lonline as public information, was true, which he does live there. But I dont care, I just forgot the address and moved on, but I know that he is in hiding and has no income, makes everyone here in the guild pay his way, pay for the game subscription, his stuff is all charity for him, he is not on disablility not going there, but anyways he has no income becasue he begs ofr help from me and others, and im sick of it. Now that I know that truth, i feel bad for him. Kind of, but not really, he could get a job and leave his abusvie mom who looks over his shoulder the whole time, he even made her a moderator and its creepy, sometimes I think he is living vicariously through her, like she isnt doing it, she isnt emailing harrassing emails to his rejectors, (all me again), fake accounts) and I think he is living in insanity. He doesnt have an identity anymore, he lost that when he 'lost face" with society, and now an outcast, so he lives in issolation. He dreams of taking us all to court, he said to us, that all the people who stalked him online should pay, yet, he was the only one abusing anyone. Im wise enough to know that, yet here I am, a part of his dark sick twisted circus. He has no idea he added me as a member to The Fist, and then he met Vinnchzzk or " whoever the hell that is".., after "she" left the guild I realized he had no idea that "she" was a HE. He thinks Vinn is the first version of "her" he has met. Vinn is a guy!!!!! Its a big fat joke on him!!!!! He fell for it, she isnt even a real person. April had the charactor online from a guild in another state, and her photos were used but its not actually her, she has nothing to do with the discord, guild, cuild chat, WOW, EverQuest, etc etc etc. She only was in a couple of our D&D sessions, and that whole youtube thing went nowhere fast, The Dept of Dread on youtube playing a Ravenloft campaign in 2021ish?)
He thinks he met the real girl on social media, but "she" met him from EverQuest, a long ass time ago children. Im in my 40s, so that is telling you something, I was just a kid, Ive known his ways for years now. Banegrivm, whoever this charctor is, also goes by Reverend Bob on the Ravenloft game, he narrates and does a fine job and everything, but make another person do the DMing, and he takes all the credit, we are all talking about that, and I have a lot of respect for Bane but I wont say that everything he has done is okay, its just not cool to be honest. I wont usehis real name here so i can avoid defamtion lawsuit, he is waiting for someone to do so. But I can vent myself about a fictional charactor, from a guild that im a part of, but have had not official introduction to any of these people if known for 20 years, im not even sure they are who they are anymore.
I met him online years ago, before WOW. Ive been following this for years, and he will keep yelling at him mom and threatening her if she doesnt cast spells on the women who reject him online. I think he gives her sexual favors to read tarot and give him answers. I dont actually know but that is what another tarot reader told me about them. But I have made fake accounts for him to fall victim too, like the hunter becomes the hunted, he fell victim to my collosal web, spun with love and hate, just for him. Nothing more powerful can come about than that which comes from the heart, and the heart of an earth angel is what he tried to crush with his corrupted roots of rotting hatred and scorn. He is the bane to everything that could be magical or beautiful, or innocent. He is a corruption that is is hiding with his mother, the author of the book the Throne of Piddle, he proclaimed this. Ever since the Circle of Corriander or whatever the fuck it was called, he has made me SICK.
There is an existing post from someone who knew him from the same place and they mentioned barfing or something, so < im not alone. Plus I have heard and seen the screenshots of countless professions of love then turn around and hex the same person to dust. He is a real warlock. He attacks you with his mind and searches you with the email you use for things, dud. He is not that smart. He thinks he duped his victims and the protectors of his victims, by lying about someone making a title of Banegrivm and posing as him doing illegal shit then saying Oh! That wasnt me - they made a fake handle or whatever he would say with his lack of tact. I have nothing against him personally but the fact that he constantly lies in his various online functions pisses me off to no end. Yeah, he definitely was guilty of that long convo witht he person posing as a teen, even though he fell for that bait...He tried to say online that he was innocent and has a problem even being around children because he is afraid of being a monster in other people's eyes, avoiding judgement either way if he is guilty of child-grooming or not, he is still in hiding and hiding his drug habit from his own mother, she is his narcissistic supply, and between her and his grandmother who he claimed raised him, he publically says he is special, and this si how these women raised him to think of himself, as better than other, since his father and soon thereafter stepfather abandoned his mother, (gee I wonder why that would be, maybe she was crazy and couldnt get away from her mother, generations of insanity and narcissism)
Im the kind that keeps freaks monsters and the like up on my wall. Sure I had to add him, to get in his circle, but its all part of the hunt. The hunt for the truth.
So yeah its not great looking for whoever wants to judge me go ahead but i know that as long as he keeps looking up these tumblr pages with his name, he will know that we know ;)
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littleviolence2016 · 2 years
inspired by @b1mb1b00
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1) i would rather not say
2) 7-10
3) i dont have one but would like one - i know when i get one despite me wanting one its gonna be really hard for me to open up because im not the best at being vulnerable and thats like the most vulnerable thing i can do - leave someone in charge of my inner child - i have 2 partners but i never like brought it up to them ya know like 1 is aware of what cgl is the other absolutely no idea & i dont wanna ruin our dynamic
4) build a bear workshop & mcdonalds - i love stuffies and wanna see how they’re made and be part of it itll be so sick & mcdonalds has the best chicken nuggets and fries fight me about it im right yeah they aren’t dino shaped but i can get over it they are the best AND i get a free toy and there’s no catch its great - another would be chuck-e-cheese i wanted to spend my birthday there again but haven’t had the money to i love games alot and maybe i can finally win something at the top of the prize wall even big me would want a chuck-e-cheese date okay i love games and pizza id always prefer chuck-e-cheese over dave and busters
5) i only have sippy cups & stuffed animals & toys - i would like more when i live in a bigger space i dont really need much because im a bigger boy but id like mostly food stuff like plates spoons i like the spoons with the plastic handles alot they have to be teaspoons cuz tablespoons are the devil they attack the senses in my mouth in a /neg way it’s awful who would do that to help regress maybe some of the handles spoons can be cute i dont want the bowl part plastic though thats also evil to me personally and i like the bath tablets that make the bath colors too and shower crayons i want those and blankets i love thoses and yeah i want more things when its safe
6) i dont know i dont think so i am into petplay tho does that count?
7) not that much different than big me i guess you can say even MORE childish than i already am (ik thats not the best word cuz they’re a child duh) i guess more baby like - like playful, bratty, causes problems on purpose im more quiet than big me but i also don’t have anyone i trust enough to talk to in that state so im mainly going based on my alters which i don’t say much
8) coloring because drawing frustrates me when it doesn’t go on the paper right
9) i don’t know that many 😿 i just met @adorableblindemo and they r real sweet
10) it depends - most times it’s voluntary but in really high stress situations i can regress usually then i tend to get mute like nonverbal i have select mutism and also other stuff its just scary
11) yeah thats what i would consider my voluntary is most of the time because i dont have a space that would allow me to even think about regressing fully
12) no
13) mac & cheese, cereal, chocolate milk/hot chocolate but if its hot chocolate it has to he more warm than hot because im a punk
14) love them adore then need to protect them
15) not really im usually rejected so i just don’t anymore i actively avoid it even
16) idk really i’ve never been called like pet names ive vibed with just nicknames
17) kids shows & having things in my mouth
18) no because i don’t really have a safe space so i always need to b on like high alert to switch back into big mode asap
19) its so hard to find like a side that i vibe with all i see is the stereotypical stuff (younger/baby regressers who r and super pastelly & like preferred not alternative baby things and have baby gear like diapers and pacis) i dont see that many middle regressiors or ones who like alternative pop culture things
20) i can’t find that many for fandoms im in but the ones i do i really do like i wanna make a masterpost one day mainly for myself cuz i wish i could find them easier its like i gotta dig for content
21) very - im real sensitive the air could blow the wrong way and im jumping
22) i mostly indulge in rpf so i don’t have anyone fictional per say just blorbos from bandom and select tv shows
23) no different than my room now really i wanna beanbag
24) ive never realky tried it before it looks fun but im kinda shy
25) i want my childhood/innocence back it was taken too soon i wanna nurture that side of me when things were simpler and protect it not have to think about how hard things are now and how i can’t really get help for it because i simply cant afford it
26) yes mainly my comfort artists (mainly mcr & waterparks atm)
27) no i don’t have a cg i tried making a chore chart that i printed from a blog on here but forgot about it a few weeks in
28) like i said in #7
29) ive been told i had the potential to be and i think so because when im big i do tend to be more protective, parental, nurturing and just overall alpha like
30) i dont know what to say rly but hey if you like the content i post lets be friends i’ll try not to bite
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