#ive got a scanner baby
the-corvus-luna · 8 months
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transparent image for fun!
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Scanner testing time!
I've been wanting to get a good image of the paranormal group on the back of this book!
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instantarmageddon · 1 year
Sometimes when kids don't wanna let me see their bear to scan it, I just let them hold it and scan the tag. And every once in a while the parent will flinch and move like they think the little red light is gonna do something to their baby
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shesthewindandsea · 5 years
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“Crowley took the mug. His hands rested over Aziraphale’s briefly, as he did so, and his breathing crashed to a stop. So soft. The mug was bordering on hot, but Aziraphale’s hands were warm, and so incredibly soft...”
If Not Now, When | Chapter Four
By @ineffablefool
Good God, I don’t remember the last time I drew fan art but this was so worth it. Make sure y’all check out ineffablefool and everything he’s written!! All of it is gold (just so happens that I like hands and I really like chapter four)
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3vendeadimthehero · 4 years
One of a kind Loki x reader (series) Part 2
I actually was surprised by how many people seemed to be liking the first part, so I decided to go ahead with the second part. 
The moment you dropped to the ground, Loki was running to your side, eyes wide with shock. One minute you had been fine, tinkering with your suit, the next the room was shaking and you had passed out.
Others had heard the commotion and of course, the first person to run into the workshop was your father, Tony.
"Y/N!" He screamed, rushing to your side and practically pushing Loki out of the way, all he felt was rage and he wanted someone to blame. So, of course, he blamed Loki. "What the hell did you do to her?" Tony yelled, kneeling by your unconscious form and cupping your cheek.
"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up. Come on, baby. What'd he do to you?" He demanded, not like you could respond, you had fainted, you were completely unresponsive.
Loki hadn't said anything, hadn't defended himself for a moment as he just watched Tony try and get you to respond to him.
"I didn't do anything," Loki finally said after a moment.
"Yeah! I told you to stay the hell away from her. I knew letting you into the compound was a horrible idea and the moment we do, what happens. MY DAUGHTER is HURT!" He screamed, getting up from the floor and moving closer to him. His eyes were filled with rage.
"and I DIDN'T DO IT!" Loki bellowed back, feeling rage boil within him as well. If Tony wasn't careful he could start a fight he didn't want to begin.
"Oh yeah, explain the shattered glass, my tools everywhere. Clearly there was some kind of struggle, genius,"
"You be careful of what you are insinuating,"
"What that you hurt my little girl?" Tony made one flick of the wrist and part of his suit enveloped around his hand, the same hand that then gripped Loki by the throat and forced him into the wall.
"What. did. you. do. to. her?!"
It was at that moment that the rest of the avengers in the compound had all began to wake up and come down to see what the commotion was. First it was Peter, followed by Natasha, Bruce, Wanda, Steve, Bucky, and then lastly, Thor.
"Mr. Stark what's going on here," Peter's groggy voice stated as he sleepily walked into the room, rubbing his eyes. He quickly stopped at the scene before him, running over to your side where you lay unconscious.
"Woah Y/N! Woah! Guys! Y/N's in trouble! She won't wake up!" Peter yelled.
Bruce was the next to get to your side, everyone else had to fight Tony to get him to let go of Loki, who was rather offended that Tony didn't believe him about what had happened.
Loki huffed when Thor yanked Loki away from Tony and Steve and Natasha held back Tony.
"Does someone care to tell me what the hell is going on at three in the god damn morning!" Natasha snapped. "What the hell happened!?"
"Ask. him." Tony managed to garble with Steve holding him in a choke hold.
All eyes then moved to Loki, who in response rolled his eyes. "I didn't lay a hand on her. She was working on that.. and she started.. to go rigid, the room shook. She broke the glasses. And then she fainted." He told them.
Tony opened his mouth to spout out something when Bruce piped up.
"Well, she never let us examine her after HYDRA. She didn't remember what happened, Tony. I mean they did experiments on Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, who's to say they didn't do something to her too, we need to get her to the lab, do some tests,"
"You cool if I let you go, or are we going to have to pin you down again?" Steve asked Tony with a raised eyebrow, reluctantly he tapped out and he was released by the other avengers and Thor stepped out so Loki could move freely as well.
All sorts of tests were done on you, but it wasn't exactly rocket science in discovering abilities, it wasn't something that just showed up on a scanner, the only other person who seemed to understand what you were going through was Wanda, who had explained to the rest of the team how it was difficult to control abilities at first, how it could overwhelm a person.
You slept through the rest of the night and didn't wake until evening the following day. When you did, you had been alone. Your father had gone to get burger king for when you awoke, other avengers were training. You were alone save for one individual that you didn't expect to wake to. Loki.
He wasn't staring at you or anything, rather his attention was drawn to a novel that he was reading, one of your favorites.
You scanned the room for a few moments before you decided to get his attention.
"That's got a sad ending," You said, voice a little scratchy, you immediately reached for the water your dad had already left for you for when you awoke.
"Not every ending is happy," came Loki's response. He swiftly closed the book, placing it on a side table before standing and making his way over towards you. It wasn't that he cared for you, he wasn't sure he was capable or deserving of anyone caring for him back, but rather he was curious of your condition.
You, personally hated hospitals, and after being captive by HYDRA, any type of isolation or captivity made you nervous, anxious. You were already pulling at wires, taking out IV's, monitors, everything you were attached to had to go.
"I'm not sure if that is a wise decision, Y/N," your name sounded foreign on his tongue and it made you stop for just a moment. However, you're just as stubborn as your father and immediately began resuming what you were doing.
"Didn't know you even knew my name," came your snappy response. "what do you care anyways?"
You stood too soon, the type in which the room around you begins to sway, the ground moving beneath your feet and your vision begins to fill up with hazy clouds.
"Woah," You said, throwing out your hands for balance.
Loki said something snappy back to you in regards to your original comment but it went unheard by your lack of balance and before he could come out to try and help you, Tony had arrived home.
"Don't even think about it," Tony growled at Loki, making his way over to you to make sure you were indeed okay.
"You okay, you stand up too quickly? You really should have just stayed in bed until we get this figured out, Y/N," He warned.
You shook your head at him in response. "No. I'm not gonna stay in bed all day. I'm fine. I feel fine. It was nothing, alright just forget about it," You responded, removing your hand from his and moving to walk away.
"It wasn't exactly nothing though, was it? You collapsed. OKay that doesn't just happen for no reason. and You're different,.. you've been acting differently," Tony knew PTSD better than anyone, you had helped him through it after the events of New York so he knew what it was like. But to you, it was different. He knew what was causing him to panic, you, on the other hand, you didn't. Which, in your opinion, made it a million times worse.
You paused in the doorway, one hand on the frame, your back turned to his as he spoke to you, his words only built up a rage within you, made your skin crawl with anger.
"Come on. I KNOW what you're going through! Why won't you let me help you, Y/N?"
He turned around, hand still resting on the doorframe when you finally snapped at him. "How can you KNOW what I'm going through? I don't even KNOW what I'm going through! I have literally no idea what the hell is happening, or what happened to me okay! They took that from me! Whatever happened it had to have been important otherwise they wouldn't have wiped my fucking memory and that makes it WORSE! At least you knew why you couldn't sleep at night! I don't! So just let me be and stop pretending that you know what I'm going through!"
Halfway through talking Tony had tried to raise a hand to signal you to stop your rant, to stop talking. You had thought he was trying to make you stop your rant so he could speak which only made you angrier. You only stopped rambling when he screamed your name, finally getting your attention.
"WHAT!" You snapped.
"Look..." He said, finger pointing to where your hand was resting on the doorframe. You gasped when you saw it, hand moving away from what you had been touching. The entire time you'd been talking you had been causing ice to come from your fingertips, freezing everything around you that you had been touching.
"Oh my god.... Did ... Did I do that?"
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mattiekaart · 3 years
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ive been filling the last few blank spaces of my sketchbook with baby digimon. unfortunately since they are such small drawings, my scanner absolutely massacres the quality and wrecks the colours. it’s still good colouring/shading practice though! ive been really dissatisfied with my cell shading as of late and i know it’s because im spotting mistakes that i didnt catch before but i havent figured out yet how to fix them. frustrating!
i like to add tiny differences to the digimon i draw, usually in the form of adding extra stripes and markings. this babie got some of those, as well as toe beans! look at her go! she’s on a mission
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hailbop1701 · 4 years
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Doom: To Hell And Back
Chapter 6: Promises
Hello my loves. Chapter 6 is finally complete and I wanted tell you that you're all amazing and I hope you're doing well in these trying (dumpster fire) times. ❤🖖
Sarge put his hands on his hips, “Go finish the autopsy, and tell me what you find. In the meantime, Reaper, Kid, pairs, cover formation. Sweep the corridors. Go. Destroyer, you and Portman stay here. Shut the airlock. Maintain a perimeter.” his eyes swept over each member of the unit. We all nodded and started to move, you passed Portman and saw that he was anything but compliant. Huffing, you follow Sam and Duke down the long hall toward the infirmary. “ -how in the fuck will we get back home.” Portman’s voice echoed behind you. You rolled your eyes and followed Duke and Sam taking note of the change in direction. “We going the long way?” You asked with a mixture of confusion and amusement. Sam grimaced, “I can’t even explain it. You’re going to have to see for yourself.” she said and Duke grumbled under his breath. 
Walking through the backdoor of the infirmary you stopped in your tracks when you saw it. There, stuck in the center of the nanowall, was another creature, “what in the-” you muttered, moving closer. Sam had stuck an IV in its arm and the demon hummed and purred but otherwise didn’t move or make a sound. “I think it likes you (Y/N)” Duke said with a snort; you shot him a glare before making your way over to Sam who was pulling on another set of gloves. 
“Oh I got that blood sample from genetics,” you said pulling out the syringe and holding it up. Sam smiled pointed to a terminal on the other side of the room, “I put all the data on that.” she said before turning back to the body on the table. You quickly strode over to the terminal and sat down, uncapping the syringe you carefully deposit some of the tainted blood on the scanner. As that was being analyzed you looked through the data Sam put together. The more you read the more concerned you became, ‘It came from the same source.’ you thought clicking through each data file. “Transferred by saliva and blood,” you whisper and quickly pulled up the new sample when it finished. “It’s the same.” 
You got up and jogged over to Sam and Duke, “The blood samples are the same; they come from the same source but the computer doesn’t know what the source is. I think the demons are the scientists..” you said out of breath. Sam and Duke looked at each other. “Look at this,” Sam said and pointed into the open cavity of the demon corpse in front of her. You peered in and frowned, “It has human organs, and the appendix is gone.” you whisper and Sam nodded almost enthusiastically. Duke shook his head, “So, whatever that source is, it’s turning people into monsters?” he asked, sounding none-to-pleased. “Yes. That’s pretty much it,” you said with a heavy sigh. 
Biting your lip you looked over at the demon stuck in the nanowall. You slowly walked over to it and you watched it carefully. Cocking your head to the side you shifted to its left side. ‘The ear is gone.’ your eyes widen, “this is Dr. Carmack!” you gasped and Sam rushed to your side. “Oh my god,” she whispered. A snarling broke the stunned silence between them all, slowly looking over you saw Goat standing at the window that separated the morgue and the rest of the infirmary. “What the fuck?” Duke yelped, stumbling back. Goat roared, making Sam scream and cover her mouth. Duke gripped his weapon and half raised it. You cautiously moved forward and stood a few feet from the glass window. Goat cocked his head to the side curiously, his nostrils flared and he placed a hand on the glass. He stared right at you and hit the window leaving smears of blood. He suddenly jabbed two fingers into his neck wound and brought the bloody fingers to the window. He wrote a single word before slamming his head into the glass repeatedly until he collapsed again. You shook and stumbled toward the morgue door with Duke on your heels. Pushing the door open you knelt next to Goat, hesitantly you placed two fingers on his wrist. Nothing. 
You looked up at Duke and shook your head, and the man sighed rubbing a shaking hand down his face. He froze for a second staring a the window. Frowning, you followed his gaze. The word Goat wrote: 
You sucked in a breath and shut your eyes to get rid of the stinging. You refused to cry, “I made him a promise. I guess I really need to keep it.” you said quietly getting to your feet. Duke was silent for a second and he looked at you for a long time before it seemed he came to a decision. He put his gun on the metal table next to him and slowly pulled you into a hug. You stiffened but relaxed and hugged him back, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help him.” you whispered and winced when you remembered Johns's words from before. Duke gave you a gentle squeeze and pulled back to look at you with a sad smile, “It’s not your fault baby girl. Don’t forget what Reaper told you.” he said,  almost scolding. You laughed and patted Duke’s arm "You caught that, huh?" you asked and he grinned, "Oh yeah I caught all of that. You looked cozy." he chuckled. You rolled your eyes, "We're friends...I think and that's it." you said dismissing his line of thought. He huffed and gave your shoulder another squeeze before picking up his gun again. “You know, you kinda remind me of my little sister,” Duke said glancing at you. You snort and shake your head, “Is that a good thing?” you asked as you both walked back to the main room. Duke chuckled, “Depends on the day. Nah, she’s a badass lady, she’s an MD in Seattle.” he said and you grinned. “No shit, that’s where I’m from.”  
Duke opened his mouth but Sam bolted over to you, “The demon on the table is Dr. Willits.” she said clutching a tablet to her chest. She turned the device around and showed you Willits medical file, “He got his appendix removed and his DNA came back positive.” you whisper and looked at the table. Duke growled annoyed and started to mumble to himself; Pinky broke his personal rant, “Lost Portman on Comm. and all I’ve got on Destroyer is a wall.” 
Huffing in frustration you briskly walked over to the terminal you had been using; looking through the data you thought maybe there was a way to make a cure. There was a presence behind you. Glancing up, you see Sam standing at your shoulder reading over the data. “Do you think we could cure it?” you asked and she pursed her lips.
“I mean it could be possible, I just wish I knew how,” she said in a whisper. On the other side of the room, a door banged open and the boys flooded the room. 
“Destroyer?” Duke said pain lacing his voice. “And Portman,” John said walking in with Portman over his shoulder. He gently dropped Portman on the floor and pulled the dead man’s dog tags from his neck. “What the fuck happened?” you asked voice raising a little; you watched as Duke helped Sarge gently lower Destroyer to the ground. “I got him, I got him. I got you, man.” Duke sobbed quietly. You gripped the table in front of you and started shaking, ‘Destroyer he was such a gentle giant.’ you thought sadly and broke your gaze away from the two long-time friends. You took a quick look over at Portman’s prone form and winced, ‘he was an ass, sure but he didn’t deserve that.’ you gritted your teeth trying to calm your haywire nerves. 
“What the hell is this? And whose goddamn blood is on that window?” Sarge’s sudden yelling made you wince. His baritone brought your pounding headache back to the forefront of your mind. Sam and Duke were quiet, sighing you looked up into Sarge’s raging eyes. “Goat’s. He killed himself,” you said evenly, Sarge set his jaw. “What do you mean, he killed himself? He was already dead.” he hissed losing his temper. You glared about to reply,  your own temper at its edge. “It’s true. It’s Goat.” Duke cut in looking at Sarge before shooting you a look, “He was changing into one of these motherfuckers and he killed himself.” he continued,  standing up. 
Reaper strode over to the table you were hanging onto and dropped an ID badge onto it with a clatter. “We found two more scientists at the dig. Thurman and a balding guy with glasses,” he said and moved around the table to stand next to you; you breathed deeply again and loosened your grip on the metal. “Dr. Clay.” Sam offered the name of the other scientist and the room was quiet for a few seconds, “Did you check their necks?” Sam asked, eyes darting between the two dead men. “We were conducting a firefight, not an autopsy,” John said frustrated. You sighed and Sarge stepped forward, “We came up here to find six scientists. Four are known dead and Dr. Willits is probably KIA somewhere down in that sewer. The only one missing is Dr. Carmack. Has Dr. Carmack showed up yet?” 
Duke snorted, “Oh, he’s shown up all right.” he said and Sam nodded toward the body stuck in the nanowall. “Look at the left ear.” she said and continued with and gestured to the autopsied demon, “I think this other one is Steve Willits. I checked the med records, it’s a match,” she said holding up her tablet. Sarge looked angrier than before, “What are you people working on up here?” he shouted and Sam recoiled. You glared at Sarge again, feeling almost protective of the doctor. “We’re analyzing bones, artifacts. We’re not doing anything like this,” she said defensively crossing her arms over herself. “Then what the fuck is that?” Sarge snarled, pointing at Dr. Carmack. Sam shook her head, “It must be a genetic mutation, something environmental or viral. I don’t know. It may even be reversible.” she said with a slight shake in her voice. Sarge glowered “It’s irreversible.” he hissed. Sam shook her head again, “Not necessarily.” she said but Sarge pulled out his sidearm and stalked over to Dr. Carmack, he shoved the barrel under Carmacks’ chin, “Dr. Carmack’s condition is irreversible-” the shot rang out in the closed space with finality. You moved to do something but Reaper grabbed the back of your shirt and gently held you in place. Sarge looked Sam in the eye, “- because Carmack’s condition is that he’s dead.” and Sam flinched and glared at her feet. 
Sarge looked over at the wide-eyed rookie, “Kid, you and Duke get back to the dig and you make sure those other dead scientists are really dead.”  he said and both soldiers left without a word. John slowly let go of the back of your shirt and moved to stand a foot in front of you. You both watched as Sam got raked over the coals by Sarge; Sam glared and finally shouted back, “I’m telling the truth.” 
Sarge pointed to the terminal, “What were you downloading? What were you sent to protect?” he asked through his teeth. “The research data.” Sam said exasperated, “Research into what?” Sarge asked venomously. Sam shifted and walked toward the terminal, she sat down and pulled up the contents of the disk. A video popped up on the screen, your stomach dropped and you turned pale. “Sometimes I hate it when I’m right.” you mutter. John huffed in disbelief, “You did call it.” he muttered as the video finished. Sam sat there dumbfounded, “What in the hell did we just see?” Sarge asked, anger still present in his voice. 
“Genesis, chapter 1.” John muttered and Sam’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. “It doesn’t make any sense,” she whispered deflated. John’s eyes softened slightly, “You trusted them. They lied to you. They used you, Sam.” he said softly. Sam turned in her seat to face her brother, “If he perfected xenogenesis…” she whispered trailing off. John got frustrated and snapped, “ Christ, don’t you get it? It’s this place. It’s hell. It always was. This shit ends here.” he moved to grab the disks but stopped when Sarge moved forward, “What are you doing?” he asked tensely. Both John and you looked at Sarge like he was insane, “We need to destroy these disks.” John said firmly. 
“That’s UAC property,” Sam said numbly and you shook your head. “Fuck the UAC, we should destroy the disks. If we take this data back-” You said voice rising ever so slightly, Sarge scowled at you “We take the data back.” he said cutting you off. “Sarge, do you not see what’s going on here?” John asked incredulously. Scowl still in place Sarge turned his head to look at Reaper, “I didn’t see shit. And I ain’t paid to see shit.I have my orders, and so do you.” he growled and snapped his head towards Sam. “Is this everything?” he snapped. Sam flinched and stuttered. “I-I have three more to download.” 
“Then do it,” Sarge said, voice icy. The Kid called for Sarge over Comm. and you looked over at John worriedly. He looked back at you with a mirrored expression, “This is insane.” you said lowly to him and he sighed and looked over at Sam who was working quietly. “I don’t know what we can do,” he whispered back to you. “Move out. One of the dead scientists is missing.” Sarge ordered making you break eye contact with John. “You just wanna leave her here alone?” John asked angrily, and Sarge waved it off like it wasn’t a problem. “She’s got a job to do,” was all he said before heading to the door. Sam,  who had looked up from her work a while ago, had a look of fear flash across her face. Reaper pulled a small device from his vest pocket and pressed it into his sister's hands, “Look, this Portman’s comm. You call if you need help, okay?” he said and she nodded. 
“Will you be alright?” you asked, concern coloring your voice; Sam nodded and gave you a small smile. “I’ll be okay. Please be careful, both of you. Take care of each other.” she said, looking between you and John. You both nodded, “see you soon,” you called over your shoulder before disappearing through the door. 
“This is gonna go to shit,” you muttered to Reaper as you both jogged down the corridor. ‘Oh, I hope you’re wrong this time,”
“No promises!” 
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ghostlyfanparadise · 3 years
I set down on the edge of my bed and sign to him ‘I’m sorry about everything’ “it’s not you fault” he says as he sits next to me then I sign ‘do you want kids’ he takes my hands and say “I’ve always thought about it but never really talk to someone about it so yes do you” he asks ‘I never really thought about’ I sign and he nods his head then he pulls me close I rest my head on his shoulder then he says “well there’s an opening on my team and I’ve talked to weir about it she said as long as you’re ok with it but I understand exspetly with right now you being pregnant and all” I sign ‘is it ok if I wait until I have the baby’ and he nods his head yes then he asks me “is there anything else I need to know” I shake my head no I start to feel odd “are you ok” Lorne asks I shake no he stands up and helps me to the infermry when I get there he tells becket what’s going on then he helps me to the scanner when the scan finishes the look on Lorne’s and beckets face scares me then becket radio’s McKay when he walks in and look at the scan his face also show pure horror I try to stand but I can’t move my legs so I use my arms and put them over the edge of the scanner Lorne walks over there and sits next to me the he says “the scan shows that the metal rod has grown bigger if we don’t remove it now you will die” I look at him then sign ‘well the baby be ok’ “yes” he says and I nod my head ok he then picks my up and puts me on the bed when becket puts something in my iv everything goes black when I wake up I see Lorne in the chair next to me studying me looking at me I move my hand and Lorne says “your awake” I nod my head yes he takes my hand and says “the surgery was a susses we were able to deactivate the device but when we did something happened to the spinal cord and now your parlize from the wraist down but it might be temporarily” I look at him and sign ‘is the baby ok’ “the baby’s fine” he says and he smiles I sit up and Lorne helps me some people then I sign and ask ‘how are you be honest’ “I’m fine” he says and I nod my head no he’s lying he then takes both of my hands and say “I’m fine it’s just been a long day” I nod in agreement and he smiles ‘you can sleep in your courtiers if you want’ I sigh to him and he says “I’m staying here with you” and I nod my head ok then go to sleep when I wake up I don’t see Lorne and I’m glad he got out of here this place sucks and I can’t wait to leave when becket walks over and says “he’s out for coffee and since your all healed your leaving this place” he says and I smile a little when Lorne walks in he smiles at me then hands the doctor a coffee and takes a sip of his and then says “are you ready to break out of here” I nod my head yes and he smiles a little he walks over and rolls a wheelchair over to me he goes to pick me up but I refuse help he moves it over closer to me I sit up then put my legs over the edge then I hold up my whagnt and turn so my backs facing the wheelchair then I let my self down and turn around my wheelchair and sign to becket ‘thank you’ and Lorne translates then he says “just doing my job” then we both leave I stop for a second and sign to him ‘you can go to work I’m ok’ he looks at me for a second then asks “are sure I have the day off” ‘you’ve been missing a lot of work and I can take care of my self’ I sign to him and he says “ok well if you need anything don’t be afraid to get someone to contact me” and I sign to him ‘well do’ he smiles at me then leaves I take a deep breath and then go to McKays lab to see if he needs help when I roll in he’s not there and zelinka says “he’s on a mission” so I nod my head and leave to my courtiers
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capricornus-rex · 5 years
His Spark of Light (4 - End)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by: @stellar-trinity​ | Prompt: Clingy! Cal Kestis
1 | 2 | 3 | Masterlist
4 of 4
One of the things you told him while catching up was that you’ve volunteered for two tasks—medical work and mechanical work. After having your snack break over space waffles and fruits, you stood up from your seat but Cal snatched you by the wrist.
“Stay with me, please?”
He cooed and then flashed his puppy eyes at you—knowing that it was one of your biggest weaknesses—and you were having an internal battle whether or not to give in. He pulled you in until you sat on his lap. Cal has been behaving like a big baby around you ever since you rejoined the crew.
“I really missed having you here,”
“Sweetie, I won’t be long anyway. Plus, I’ll just be in their med-bay,”
He clicked his tongue and playfully whined like a toddler, “Noooo…”
You chuckled, brushed away the red fringes from his forehead to kiss it, and stood up—his grip on your wrist remained secured.
“Would you like me to help though?”
“That’d be great, come on. We need all the help we can get with the tech in the medical bay. You’re a better mechanic than me,”
You dragged him while he still has your hand in his clutches. The two of you went out of the Mantis and told Cere that you were going back in the base to help with the fighters set up their medical tech.
A fighter stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw you and Cal coming to her general direction.
“Oh, [y/n], I was about to look for you!”
“Yeah, have the shipments of the medical tech arrived?”
“About an hour ago. We need help in setting it up for the patients,”
You turned to Cal, “That’s where you come in. Let’s go,”
Both of you marched through the halls with you on the lead. The medical bay is located in the farther end of the ground floor just past the conference hall. Cal surprisingly kept his grip on to you all the way, you didn’t mind, though it was sort of a neat discovery on your end.
The medical bay’s doors retracted at the push of a button. Most of the tech has been set up but Cal helped out in configuring them until they’re functional for use; you were busy in tending to the patients’ wounds such as replacing their bandages and plastering their wounds with Bacta strips.
You and Cal have made quick work with the things needed to be done in the medical bay. Cal even managed to revive a decommissioned 2-1B medical droid that only needed a new processor, further impressing the doctors and medics in the room.
“Oh, that’s incredible, Cal!” you sincerely complimented his handiwork with the then-decommissioned medical droid, leaning against his arm as you examine it rebooting and making itself aware of its surroundings.
“Nah, it’s nothing. I fix up droids pretty quick,”
You gave him an affirming pat on his chest as the droid’s sounds gradually changed from distorted garbles until it became a monotonous yet coherent voice.
“System rebooting. Registered name: Eye-Em-Nine. Scanners optimal. Hello, my name is IM-9, 2-1B Medical Droid at your service.”
“Awesome work, Cal!” you gleefully said, shaking him by the arm.
“Well done, [y/n] and Cal! Thanks for configuring these old things. Now we can treat patients with better medical quality,” the doctor commends.
“Glad to help,” Cal beamed.
“How are you feeling, [y/n]?” the doctor asked you casually while poring over a patient’s records chart.
“Better actually. Cal here replaced my bandages earlier,”
“Good man. Oh, by the way, as a reward—here, have these,”
The doctor fished out something from the stock cabinet. He approached you and placed two stim canisters on the palm of your hand. The pair of green vials glowed and their light twinkled in you and Cal’s eyes. BD-1 even peeked over Cal’s shoulder to look at it.
“Oh, but Doc… we can’t… we can’t take these,” you stuttered. “The patients need it more than we do.”
“Oh come now, I insist,” the doctor gently pushes your hand back away from him. “Besides, we have enough for the patient—and another shipment well on the way. Please accept my quite small token of thanks,”
Seeing that you can’t talk your way out of it, you caved and decided to express your gratitude.
“No, it’s quite a big token, Doc. This is gonna come in real handy sooner or later,”
“You’re welcome, [y/n] and Cal,”
BD-1 chirped curiously when the doctor dismissed himself to accommodate a patient in bed.
“How many stims you got left in you, buddy?” you asked.
BD-1 trilled in a soft rhythmic tone—as if counting—and then replied with one loud chirp.
“Oh, well, these are gonna restock your storage real quick,”
BD tilted his head slightly, ejecting the small tray for you to place in the stims in. when you slid the vials into the slots, the tray retracted into BD-1’s head and then the little droid played a string of happy-sounding tones.
“With you, BD, we feel unstoppable,” Cal cooed and fist-bumped with the tiny droid, and you patted his head.
Now with the job done, you exited the medical bay and saw that there was still little sunlight shining through the windows. The fighters and their commanding officers were busy as usual in different sectors—the communications, the strategical planning, and medical efforts to name a few.
The lightbulb in your mind suddenly flickered on and you had an idea. The thought was at the tip of your tongue moments ago and you finally remembered it.
“Oh! Follow me. I wanna show you something,” you grabbed him by the wrist and let go as soon as you felt his feet carry him.
Cal was impressed that you managed to memorize the layout of the temple without a map. Four days isn’t usually the threshold for a person to have memorized an entire place with all its twists and turns. He was able to keep up to your pace as you sprinted through the hallways; you could have been easy to lose with the blind turns and sharp lefts and rights, but Cal stayed close.
“Where are we going?” he huffed as he ran.
“You’ll see!” you heaved as well.
Cal followed you up to the third level of the temple. Both of you finally finished the flight of stairs from the second floor. He hoped that the run was at its end. You two stopped to catch your breaths, you went ahead towards the open balcony.
“This has been my favorite time of the day and favorite thing to do ever since I got here,” you said as if daydreaming.
Cal walked up to your side and saw what you meant.
The view from the third level balcony of the temple was a breathtaking spectacle. The powder blue sky had a royal blue gradient as the sun began to set. The most prominent part of the view is Yavin itself, the red planet blanketed nearly half of the evening sky, accompanied by a multitude of stars and puffs of clouds while dusk comes in. The trees were transforming into silhouettes when the sky grew into a deeper shade of blue, and the stars were multiplying tenfold.
You gestured a nod, “Look down there.”
Cal followed and saw how small the fighters and the ships—including the Mantis—appeared. He couldn’t believe that both of you have gotten this high up in the temple. He stole a glance at you, he watched you stare at whatever’s happening down below and alternately look at the sky—though you stared longer at the sky, looking at it as if the sight came from a dream.
He stood closer to you as he looked down below.
“When I got here, most of them were wounded, they returned with their ships barely holding it together. Even if I wanted to leave, I felt the need to help them,” you thought out loud. “And then, one of their leaders said something. He had a speech for his soldiers. He said something like, ‘the tiniest of sparks could even ignite the largest of infernos.’ I overheard him say that and I can’t help but think, I wonder which one of these fighters is the tiny spark that would light up the blaze.”
“Well, who knows? Maybe one of the people you saved might be. You’re a hero too, [y/n],”
You smile while slightly shaking your head, “I never thought of myself in that high regard,”
“They could’ve died without your help,”
“That’s literally what you said back in Kashyyyk when we got there,”
“Yeah, and even if I keep saying I miss you every day when you were gone, now that you’ve told me about this, I’m proud of you. You saved lives, that’s a really big deal,”
Your cheeks flushed in color while you try to fight back a smile by biting you lip, “Really?”
“Yeah. Come here you,”
Cal pulled you in close to him again, you were really pressed against his body and he encased you in his embrace while he rested his head on the top of your head while both of you continue viewing the evening scene of Yavin IV. Your small arms attempted to wrap the broad of his back as you returned the hug and he planted perhaps a dozen of kisses all over your forehead and cheeks.
“I think I should go on solo trips more often,”
“Why so?”
“So you’d hug and cuddle me tighter than usual like this,”
Albeit being a half-joke, Cal still went for it and thought of a breakeven.
“How about I just smother you more often so you don’t leave my side ever?”
You rolled your eyes in a pensive manner, and then you smiled when you’ve reached a decision.
“Not a bad bargain.”
Cal beamed, leaned closer to you and kissed your lips, shortly but sweetly. He slicked back the loose hairs on your hairline, exposing your forehead and planted another kiss there; and then he rested his cheek over your head again as both of you enjoy the scenic evening view.
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deamstellarus · 5 years
In Viata Asta (3)
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Pairing: Stucky x Reader Word Count: 6k Warnings: Uhm…none? Maybe injuries and language?
A/N: Sorry this update is so late! My work schedule was shit last week so I was behind on editing and posting. So! I thought posting a little early would help make up for it, and it’s the longest so far? Also yes I know, this gif doesn’t have that much to do with this update but I love how it looks.
Series Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
You woke up to murmured voices and mechanical beeps. You were in a bed in a very white room. You could only assume it was the infirmary of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. Several IVs were attached to your arm. A woman with long dark hair in a bun and a white lab coat jotted something down on a clipboard beside you, then took her leave silently. Something was making your brain feel hazy. Your bets were on the strong antiseptics in the air, but it was more likely whatever pain meds they were feeding you. Your hand was bandaged now, your back probably was too for how tight it felt. You started to sit up in bed.
“You don’t want to do that, zvezdochka. With your luck, you’d probably pull all your stitches.” Natasha sat next to your bed in an uncomfortable chair, staring intensely at the screen of her tablet. She set it down on the small side table next to you, and pushed a button on a remote. Your bed shifted you into a seated position. She held a white cup with a straw to your lips. You drank greedily, the cool water soothing your dry throat. 
“How long...?” You croaked. 
“Only twenty-four hours. You lost a decent amount of blood but we got you back soon enough.”
Then why did it feel like you were laying on fire?
“Your back was practically shredded from the rocks.” Had you said that out loud? “You needed a few stitches but you’ll be fine. The boys should be back in a few minutes with snacks, if you’re hungry.”
You nodded. Or tried to; your neck was stiff. Natasha went back to her tablet, so you closed your eyes for a few more minutes before Steve and Sam’s voices echoed through the otherwise quiet space.
“Look who’s up. Miss Rough and Tumble.” Sam’s toothy grin lit up the room.
“How are you feeling, Blue?” Steve’s ocean eyes were filled with concern. He looked perfectly okay. As if he hadn’t almost drowned in an evil river. Stupid super soldier serum.
“Just peachy, Cap.”
“I thought we had a deal.”
“Sorry… Steve.” You smirked. Your stomach grumbled. Loudly. He chuckled and plopped the white paper bag he held on your lap. You opened it, smiling to yourself when you found a couple buttery croissants and one of those twisted glazed doughnuts. Natasha was giving away all of your secrets it seems. You chose a croissant, biting into the warm, flaky pastry. It was glorious.
“I see you still can't go very long without getting yourself into some kind of trouble," a familiar voice said. 
"Sorry, sir,  I—" Steve started before you cut him off.
"To be fair, I was doing fine on my own until these hooligans showed up." You muttered, mouth full, lazily gesturing to Steve, Natasha, and Sam, who stared at you indignantly.
"Don't be like that, Baby Blue!"
Fury looked unimpressed. "Excuses are—"
“...just lies we tell ourselves to justify doing something poorly." You finished his phrase, then swallowed. "It's nice to see you too, Nick."
"Nick?" Sam gasped.
"What, did you think his name was just Fury?"
"He doesn't exactly like when anyone calls him that," Sam grumbled.
"Aww, Nick! I knew you were going soft on me." 
Fury grunted, but eventually relented and came over to pat your shoulder until you flinched at his touch.
"Heal up, Agent. We’ll talk about the incident when you’re standing on your own two feet again," he said as he walked to the door.
"Not an agent," you called after him.
"We'll see about that." He threw out.
You pouted. You knew it was unbecoming of you, but this is what you'd been dreading. You didn't want to come back to S.H.I.E.L.D. That time of your life turned out to be so traumatic you ended up in a cabin by yourself for two years. But the reality is, you knew he'd get his way in the end. He always did.
As far as doctors went, Dr. Alexandra Marks was patient and kind, and clearly had years of experience dealing with agents that tended to make reappearances in her infirmary. She was thorough with her diagnostics and made sure to emphasize what you could, but more importantly could not, do while you were in the recovery phase. Stitches, a heavy dose of fluids, and an advanced topical solution to help “speed up cell production”, and you were patched together the best you could be. Supposedly, they had a machine that was designed to generate skin, called the Cradle. It could have prevented the scarring, but it was out of commission due to an update or something. To be honest, it sounded too much like a cross between a crazy science experiment and a magic trick. Just the thought made you wary.  
“While you’re still lucid, I need you to give me a report of what happened,” Natasha said after Dr. Marks and the boys left. She attached a keyboard to her tablet, pulling the kickstand out so the whole thing could rest on the bed tray. “It’s just better to do this while it’s still fresh in your mind.”
“Yeah, I know.” You frowned at the screen. Blips of the incident flashed through your mind. “Honestly, I’m not too sure what I actually remember. It feels like it’s all a blur.”
“Any little detail helps,” she pushed. “Anything at all.” 
Weren’t those guys just Hydra goons though? But if that were the case, then why did it feel like there’s something more to this?
“What aren’t you telling me?” 
Her face went through a series of micro-expressions that you would have missed had you not known to look for them.
“Is it not Hydra that came after us?”
“We don’t know. But… it doesn’t look like it at this point.” She sighed. “Just write the report for now.”
So you did. Any little thing you could remember from the men to the river, you included in your retelling. For the most part, you didn’t remember the men standing out in any way more than they seemed out of place in the general store. The majority of the normal clientele wore flannels, sweatshirts, or thick hunting jackets. The sleek black jackets and black caps they’d been wearing made them stand out. That being said, everything was nondescript, no labels, no logos. Pretty generic bad guys if you were being honest. The only thing you could think of was the small tattoo on the side of one of their necks, but you hadn’t been close enough to see the actual design. 
Maybe that was just you being paranoid and projecting. The tattoo was probably just a tattoo. 
A couple hours later, Dr. Marks released you, with a promise that you wouldn’t do “anything unnecessary like your troublemaker friends.” You snickered at that.  
Natasha gave you a tour of what you now learned was the Avengers Compound in upstate New York. Apparently, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been running part of the agency out of the side buildings that were part of the campus since they re-established, while there was still a segment in D.C. She pointed out the different buildings and rooms during the brief tour, but you were distracted, rightfully so, by the sheer amount of agents that gave you judgemental stares the entire way to the main Avengers building. You steeled your nerves; you wouldn’t give them anything more before you could physically defend yourself.
You stepped into an elevator after Natasha, the smooth doors sliding silently shut behind you. You allowed your shoulders a break from the stiff, upright posture you’d taken.
“You alright?” Natasha asked.
“Ignore them. The most fun the majority of them have is over rumors and gossip.” Natasha said. “F.R.I.D.A.Y., third floor please.”
“Of course, Agent Romanoff,” a voice responded from above.
“A.I.?” you questioned. Natasha nodded. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. is one of Tony’s creations. She’ll help you with anything you need.”
“Huh, well thanks in advance then, F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“It’s my pleasure… I cannot find your identification in any system, miss. What shall I call you?”
“Oh, you can call me Blue?”
“Very well. Enjoy your stay, Blue.”
The doors opened, revealing a hallway that lead to the left and right of the elevator and seemingly wrapped around the perimeter of the building. In the center, you were able to look down over a common area of sorts, with a variety of couches, tables, an oversized TV, and a kitchen off to the side. Natasha turned to the right, passing several doors before she stopped.
“This is your room.”
The door in front of you was a glossy white with a biometric scanner to the side. 
“Put your hand to the scanner,” she said. You did. A blue light shone through your hand, then with a soft click, the door slid open. The room was bigger than you thought it’d be, but knowing who owned the building, you didn’t expect anything less. There was a plush bed on one side of the room, a desk with a swivel chair on the opposite wall. Tall windows allowed natural light in the space. A fluffy rug and long drapes helped make the room less cold and clinical. But that wasn’t what drew your attention the most. 
Draped across the bed was the plush purple blanket Clint had bought you when you were first brought back to headquarters. It was so, so soft. On top of that was your green duffle bag. It was the one thing you took with you everywhere. It stayed stocked and ready for if you needed to leave at short notice.
“Thank you, Natasha.” 
“Of course,” she nodded.
"No chance of me going back to the cabin, huh?" You asked. Because as lonely as it had been there, it was yours, for the most part, and had become your safe place.
She shook her head. "Sorry, Blue. It wasn't discovered yet, but now they've seen your face, they know you're in the area. We can't take that chance."
You knew that, of course. She only confirmed it.
“There’s an ensuite bathroom behind that door, and a walk-in closet next to it,” Natasha pointed out. “It’s not the cabin, but it’s a good place to stay. You’ll like it here,” You nodded. 
She pulled you into her arms, her hands holding you like she didn't want to let go. 
"You scared me, zvezdochka," she whispered into your hair. 
"I know. I’m sorry.” It was rare for her to show so much emotion. As long as you’d known her, Natasha had always kept her feelings hidden.
A cough at the door disrupted the mood. 
“What does a guy have to do to get the famous Widow to hold him like that?” The man leaned against the door frame, dressed in jeans and a vintage band t-shirt. It seemed far too casual for such a well-known billionaire.
Beside you, Natasha pulled away and rolled her eyes. Like a switch, her blasé facade was back in full force.
“Tony, this is Blue. Blue, Tony Stark,” she introduced.
“What kind of name is Blue?” 
“It’s a nickname,” you said.
“Uh huh.” He squinted at you. “And your real name would be?”
“Leave it alone, Stark,” Natasha growled.
“I just find it strange that not only is there no record of her in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s database, but I can’t find her anywhere. Not a name, a city, a school, medical record. Nothing.”
Natasha bristled. Her eyes were narrowed slits. “I said leave it alone, Stark. She’s a personal friend of mine and Barton’s. Leave it alone.”
Tony glared at Natasha for a moment before yielding. 
“Fine, but we’re talking about this later.” To you, he said, “Welcome to the compound, kid.”
He took his leave, and Natasha shook her head. 
“He doesn’t like when he doesn’t know everything about something or someone. Unfortunately, he will get his way eventually. He’s pushy, but it comes from a good place.”
“Don’t worry about me, Tasha. I can handle him. Besides, I am living under his roof for now, he has a right to know what he wants to know.” 
“Only if you want to.” She puts a hand to your shoulder, before she walks to the door. But his inquiry did make you wonder…
“Why isn’t there a SHIELD file for me, or at least Agent M?”
“It may have gotten...lost when I released the files to the public.” 
“You deleted mine instead of yours?” You remember she had a list of aliases, most from before she joined “the good guys.”
She shrugged. “It was time for a new chapter anyway.” She waved it off as if it meant nothing, but she risked her own neck so you could remain nameless.
“Thank you, sestrenka.” She was always looking out for you.
“Dinner is at six. You’ll meet most of the rest of the team then. Take a nap, you look like you need it.” She winked.
“Tell me the truth, how bad does it look?” You tilted your head, indicating your back.
“Eh, it’s just a few stitches.” With that, she left, copper curls bouncing behind her. And really you had no choice but to take a nap like she said. Especially when the bed looked that comfortable. __________
Natasha lied. That was your only thought as you looked at your body in the mirror of your bathroom. It was not just a few stitches. Forty-seven in total. You cringed as you read off the report FRIDAY supplied. Hearing it from Dr. Marks, and reading it off the report, hadn’t quite prepared you visually for the reality of your injuries. From what you could tell, your back was covered in black zig-zags, reminiscent of Frankenstein's monster. At least as much as you could see that peeked out from underneath the white bandages and gauze. Plum-colored splotches covered your body. In addition to your back, your right hand also received six stitches, and your sprained ankle was now wrapped. And there were bags under your eyes. You looked awful and felt like a walking bruise. 
“The meeting will be starting in fifteen minutes, Blue,” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice startled you.
“Thanks.” You’d have to get used to never quite being alone alone. 
Dinner passed by pretty well the night before, by your standards at least. Tony had apologized for his aggressive questioning, with a nudge from Pepper Potts, however wary of you he may still be. That was alright for now. Steve and Sam had taken the initiative to make you feel included in the conversations, though you were more content to observe the people around you. You were introduced to Col. James Rhodes, who had a dry sense of humor and held himself like a military man, and Dr. Bruce Banner, whose alter ego was a stark contrast to the mild-tempered man that had sat beside you. By far, the most fascinating member you’d met was Vision, an android with an English accent who reminded you vaguely of a curious child. 
Now you were heading to a meeting Fury requested you attend. A loose-fitted tee and a pair of sweatpants and you were on your way out the door, wishing you’d had the forethought to have packed makeup in your duffle bag. While you never needed it on the mountain, it would have helped make you look marginally more presentable and less dead. Especially on the walk through the interconnected buildings to the conference room where you stuck out like a sore thumb. Maybe Natasha could take you out to pick some things up soon.
You cracked the door open. Eight and a half pairs of eyes followed you to the empty seat next to Sam. You were the last one there. Of course. Fury stood at the head of the table, Maria Hill next to him, arms behind her back. She raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at you. Steve, Natasha, Tony, and three agents in uniform filled out the rest of the table. A projection screen behind Fury exhibited pictures of several men you didn’t recognize. 
“Now that we’re all here, let’s begin,” Fury said. He pointed between two of the five pictures on the screen. “These two men matched the facial recognition we were able to get off the cameras at the general store where the Captain and Agent M were first shot at, amongst civilians. There were no casualties in the store.”
You squinted. The men looked familiar now, especially without the hats to obstruct their faces. In the right image was the man you’d known to have the tattoo. Now that you could see it, on the left side of his neck, the small symbol looked like three triangles overlapping.
“They were found dead in their vehicle on the side of the road, SUV wrapped around a tree. This is confirmed with the reports Captain Rogers and Agent M gave upon arrival.” He pointed to the next two images. “These two were killed on sight by the extraction team in search of the Captain and Agent M.” He pointed to the last of the five head shots. “This last man was interrogated briefly by Agent Romanoff before he was terminated.”
“So were they Hydra agents from the mountain base?” Steve asked, confusion clear on his face.
“Not exactly,” Fury said.
“He wasn’t Hydra,” Natasha said. “He said Hydra was a group run by hot-headed leaders with imperfect ideals. He said what they were was bigger and better than Hydra could ever hope to be.”
“And who are ‘they’?” Steve pressed.
Natasha shrugged. “He didn’t say, just that there were more of them and now that they had a ‘confirmation,’” she made quotes with her fingers, “they’d have all they needed soon enough to execute the program. He didn’t elaborate on what the program was or what exactly they’d confirmed. But before I could really press him for more, he killed himself. Cyanide tooth capsule.”
“Long story short, we’re led to believe these were not Hydra agents that tracked the two of you down. There were no markings on the body that would express allegiance to the group, nor did any declare their motto.”
“So what are you saying?” Sam questioned.
“I’m saying there is another organization who has at least one of the two of you as their target of interest and until we know who they are, you need to watch your backs.”
“No offense, sir,” one of the agents began. “But what would terrorist organization want with her?” She was pretty, blonde, and had an intense look about her. She wasn’t outright rude, she had a point at least; you’ve basically been in isolation for two years. Besides, she had to be more than capable to be in this room to begin with; that didn’t mean her comment didn’t irk you. You pushed down the urge to get defensive, and schooled your face into a neutral mask.
Simultaneously, all eyes were on you.
“At the moment we’re not quite sure,” Fury admitted. “Agent M’s official history within S.H.I.E.L.D. is otherwise non-existent as far as the database is concerned. However, that doesn’t mean no one would recognize her if they worked under S.H.I.E.L.D. before the disbanding.”
“You think this group is a bunch of ex-S.H.I.E.L.D., ex-Hydra rogue agents?” Steve interjected.
“Anything is possible,” Fury said. “For now, it’s best to assume Rogers was the target and Agent M was just an additional person of interest by proxy.”  
“Keep your eyes and ears open for anything that could be related to this organization.” Maria advised. “If there really is another large-scale terrorist group among us, it’d be best to nip it in the bud as soon as possible.”
After the briefing, Fury held you back, as most of the others left the room. Maria relaxed by his side, her shoulders not quite as taut.
“You’re reinstated as an active agent, effective immediately, Agent M.” Fury held your gaze with his good eye. 
“I never said I wanted to come back to S.H.I.E.L.D.. In fact, I distinctly remember telling you I never wanted to be put in that situation again.” You glared back. The fingers on your left hand dug into your palm.
“We all have to do things we don’t want to do.” His large hand cupped your shoulder. “Just because you run away from something, doesn’t mean it goes away. You are good at what you do, and I refuse to let you waste your skills anymore.”
“But I—” He cut you off. 
“You’re not the only one who’s lost someone, Blue.”
He rarely called you by your nickname. It was always ‘Agent.’ You sighed. As difficult as Fury has always been, he’d never given you bad advice. He was the one who fought for you to stay and train to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in the first place all those years ago. 
And yeah, maybe he was a tad softer on you than on the others. You’d seen him as a father figure of sorts. If he thought you should be reinstated and otherwise get your head out of your ass, then you really couldn’t argue.
“I knew you’d see it my way.” Fury smirked, patting your shoulder twice heading towards the door. “As soon as you’re cleared for it, you’ll start training. Rest up. This little incident tells me you’ve lost your touch.”
You sat on a couch in the common room a week later, skimming through the data, searching for anything you could connect to an unknown terrorist group. Without a name, it was hard to even associate what little frays you did find, and you were led to dead end after dead end. You set the laptop on the seat beside you and pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes. You looked to your Stark-issued phone for the time. It was well past midnight. This wasn’t the first time you’d been unable to sleep this week due to your mind racing about the implications of an unknown group trying to bring devastation for whatever reason they’ve deemed justifiable. The bad feeling in your gut only intensified the more frustrated you got at the lack of information. You really wanted to punch something, but you weren’t cleared to do more than brisk walking, lest you pull a stitch and elongate your recovery period.
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself some water. The cool liquid did nothing to soothe your restlessness. So instead, you paced the halls, a habit you picked up since you arrived. You passed the entryway to the lab. More specifically, Tony and Bruce’s lab. The other common occurrence you’d noticed every night were the lights in the lab always being on this late in the night. It seemed like Bruce usually went to bed early in the evening, preferring to start his day earlier than most. Which left Tony as the only possible night owl. 
You hesitated by the door before pulling it open and wandering through the cool-toned lights in the lab. Classic rock played softly through the speakers. Tony stood at table at the far end of the room, back hunched over. He was poking at something that caused small sparks to shoot from the device. His masked face was probably still too close to the object. 
You pulled out a stool from a neighboring table smoothly, just enough to make some noise, not enough to startle him. The masked tilted up, then focused once again on the task at hand.
“Not asleep, Agent M?” He said with an ever-so-slight sneer.
“You can call me Blue, you know.” Tony hadn’t warmed up to you like you’d hoped in the past week. He’d been distant, always in the lab. Natasha assured you that was normal for him though, so you took her word for it. 
“Do I know that?” He snipped. He worked in silence for a few moments, then he put down his tools and flipped up his mask. His eyes were rimmed in red, most likely from exhaustion. “You know, I just find it odd that everything was all fine and dandy until Rogers and Co took a trip to Washington State. Now there’s a new terrorist organization we have to look out for, and you show up with no official identity in any database on the planet, and one word from Fury and we’re supposed to just be okay with that? I’m not exactly a big believer of coincidences.”
“Just ask what you want to know, Stark. I don’t want to always feel like I’m tip-toeing around you.” Because it was annoying. 
“What’s your history with S.H.I.E.L.D.?” 
“Natasha and Clint were on a mission, found me as a teen in an abandoned warehouse. Brought me back to S.H.I.E.L.D.. I was an agent for three years.”
“What made you leave?” His gaze shifted elsewhere.
“Bad mission. I lost people I cared about.” His eyes found yours. “And with Hydra discovered inside the agency and S.H.I.E.L.D. dissolving, I just got out while I could.”
He was quiet for a long time. Absently, you twirled a random screw between your fingers.
“Tell me about the mission.”
You squeezed your eyes closed, sighing deeply. You recalled your worst nightmare like it was yesterday. You opened your mouth to begin when he put a hand up.
“Sorry. You don’t need to tell me.” He waved you away. “I can be insensitive when I’m tired.”
“It’s alright, I understand. Long story short, it went really, really wrong, and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was young-”
“You’re still young, kid,” he quipped.
“-and I already couldn’t remember my past. Losing people, people I was especially close to, was too much.” Your breath shuddered. “I didn’t want to have to go through that again, so I left. Fury kept tabs on me, same with Natasha and Clint. But I swore I wasn’t going to be an agent anymore.”
“And now, here you are.”
“Here I am.”
Tony nodded. He got up unexpectedly, shuffling over to a hidden cupboard that housed a coffee maker. He came back with two mugs, steam spirals swirled in the air. You took a sip. Minty.
“It’s a peppermint blend. Some candy cane Christmas bullshit I got in a ‘thank you’ basket over the holiday. It’s barely coffee, not even caffeinated, but it tastes nice. Supposed to help clear the mind or something.”
You shrugged. Because it was good.
“So… you don’t remember your past?”
“I don’t even remember my name.”
“That must be tough.”
“Mhm,” you agreed.
“Listen, I’m sorry for the rough start. Genuinely. I spend so much of my time trying to do the best to defend against the bad, that I sometimes jump to conclusions and can be…”
“Overly suspicious?” You supplied.
“No worries, Stark…”
“Tony,” you smiled. “I would have thought the same thing. I mean hell, I almost embedded a knife in Captain America’s head when I first met him.”
“I want to do that sometimes and I’ve known him for years.” He chuckled into his mug.
“So we’re good?” You didn’t want to just assume. A heart to heart doesn’t always form a friendship, but at least maybe you’d be on good terms now.
“We’re good, kid.” He smiled, a genuine grin on his lips. “Come on, you can help me test this new version of my gauntlets.”
Huh. Maybe you were wrong. __________
Another week passed before you were cleared for active duty. The scarring was… definitely there. Harsh, red lines spider-webbed around your back. Apparently, it healed faster than Dr. Marks anticipated, especially without the cradle. She seemed convinced the shorter recovery time meant there was a high chance the scarring would fade quickly as well. You weren’t exactly a vain person, but it didn’t look pretty as of now. At least you could cover it up easily. 
You were placed into a random group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Group C apparently, and were given a schedule that listed off times for hand-to-hand combat training, weight training, endurance training, and shooting practice. You were convinced Steve loved to see you and the other recruits suffer as he pushed you all to run the laps of the course around the compound. The first day, you were dead after three miles, collapsing on the ground when the muscles in your legs gave up and lying on gravel sounded like a better idea. Steve only ordered you to get up and run again. You might have grumbled something about seeing if you’d ever save his life again.
Now you were able to keep up with the group. You found it a necessity, as you’d overheard in the locker room how they didn’t like you because you were “definitely sleeping with the Captain” or why else would you be there. You’d caught a stink eye more than once, and decided you had to push harder and tune them out. The chatter was useless. You knew the truth, so their opinions didn’t matter, but you didn’t want Steve to be accused of favoritism. He didn’t deserve any unnecessary backlash. 
By far, Natasha was thrilled to have you in training again. 
“You’re having too much fun with this Natasha,” you groaned from the mat. 
You were constantly being thrown by her, taunted that you’d lost your reflexes from being out of practice. You always ended up sore and bruised after a session. The snickers of the other agents really pissed you off, but you couldn’t exactly bite their heads off. Plus, even when you were in your best shape, you weren’t always able to out-Natasha Natasha; you’d only done it a few times. You knew first hand the rest of the agents in the room couldn’t do that. And you’d out-fought enough of them to know that.
“You’re making it easy on me,” she pulled you to your feet. “Maybe you should practice with someone with a little less agility for now?” She tilted her head to Sam, who’d over heard as he sauntered in and pulled a bitch face at her.
“Oh that’s low, girl. Real low.” But he joined you on the mat anyway.
Sam’s strikes were powerful and quick, like a boxer. He shuffled his feet, throwing punches at varying intervals. You dodged and blocked what you could. He got in a few hits before you picked up his pattern. That was the problem with most people in hand-to-hand. The body naturally wants to move in a rhythm, just like in running, but it’s too predictable in fighting, which is one of the reasons it was so hard to fight Natasha. She was slippery as a snake and it was hard to anticipate her next moves at the speed she moved.
You swung your arm out, your fist clipping him in his unprotected ribs, jumping out of range after. He stumbled back. You took the opportunity to rush him, diving low last minute to the space beneath his legs. You half-turned in your crouch and kicked your leg out, knocking him off balance and crashing into the mat. Finally.
“Adequate,” Natasha complimented. “But I’ve seen you do better. That was sloppy.”
You nodded, panting. She was right, but you’d take then win. It would take you a while to get back to what your skills had been, but even you had to admit. The ache of your abused muscles was actually rather nostalgic. __________
It was well after dinner when a knock at your door had you sitting up, causing the ice packs to tumble off your body. You sighed.
“Come in!”
Natasha stepped in, eyeing the ice packs. 
“Have we been too rough on you?” She teased. You didn’t take the bait.
“Nah. Just not used to it yet.”
Natasha nodded. “Just wanted to let you know Clint and the others are almost here. The quinjet should be landing in five, if you want to join us.”
“Of course.” You stumbled off the bed, and slipped your shoes on as you followed her to the hangar.
The hangar was cleaner than you would have thought. Relatively spotless and spacious. You and Natasha joined Steve, Sam, and Vision by the marker number 1 just as the rumble of an engine made the quinjet known. The noise echoed loudly in the space as the jet landed smoothly in its spot. The engines cut off, and with the high-pitched whir of the propellers winding down. The door opened down into a ramp. At first, no one came down, then there was a stumbling, mummy racing down the ramp toward you. Clint scooped you up into his arms, twirling you around, rambling a mile a minute.
“I thought Tasha was messing with me when she said you were here!” He was shouting in your ear, but you couldn’t get a word in edgewise. “When did you get here? How long are you staying? Wait! Are you back for real?”
“Barton, I’m pretty sure she can’t breathe.” Natasha’s voice cut through his excitement.
“Oh, right.” He plopped you down. You staggered before you caught yourself.
“It’s good to see you too, Robin Hood.” 
His eyes flitted over you, not overlooking the bruises from training this week.
“Geeze, you look awful. What happened?” 
“What is with the two of you?” You looked between him and Natasha. “You can’t just tell people they look awful when they’ve been beaten up. Besides, you’re one to talk,” you sassed. Clint was covered in butterfly bandages and deep purple bruises. “Can’t you go on one mission without coming back like you belong under a pyramid?”
“‘S not my fault.” Clint scratched the back of his neck. You stared at him pointedly. “Well, not all my fault.”
“Some things never change.” You grinned.
“Blue, this is Wanda Maximoff.” Natasha held her hand out to a girl around your age, with long auburn hair and sparkling green eyes. She looked at you hesitantly.
“Hi, I’m Blue.” You did a little wave, then immediately regretted it for how dumb you probably looked. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” She enveloped you in strong arms. She had an accent you couldn’t place, but it wasn’t so thick you couldn’t understand her. “I’ve heard quite a bit about you from Natasha and Clint. It’s nice to match the face with the name.”
You smiled, because she seemed very sweet. You could already see yourself being friends with her. You noticed Vision hovering just behind her, and when she pulled away, her hand reached back to find his. That was cute. You also now had questions, but that was for another time. You certainly weren’t close enough to just ask anyway.
Behind you, Steve was embracing a man with shoulder-length brown hair. He looked just as built and strong as Steve, maybe an inch shorter in height. Steve’s eyes were closed, his lips were moving, speaking too low for you to hear. The intimacy of their moment had you assuming they were more than friends. Definitely together. You wondered if the public had that knowledge, but it was more than likely not. The media would probably have a field day with that info.
Steve opened his eyes, meeting yours with a smile before he stepped back and called out to you.
“Hey Blue! Come over here and meet Bucky!”
His companion turned around and the breath caught in your throat. You did a double take. After all these years, you never thought you’d see him again. Maybe you’d dreamed you’d find your long lost friend, hoping that you both hadn’t changed too much to pass each other on the street someday without realizing. But you would recognize those eyes anywhere. 
Before you could open your mouth, he spoke. 
“Ingeras?” _________
A/N: Just now realized I haven’t given any translations for words so far, but I will from now on!
zvezdochka (Russian) - little star sestrenka (Russian) - sister, sis ingeras (Romanian) - angel
In Viata Asta Taglist:  @rvgrsbrns​ @artsyspacebee​ @thelovelydreamer17​
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streetlites · 5 years
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“Is this really necessary?” I asked, sitting up in my bed.
“Probably not but if I have to come out all this way to check up on you because you didn’t want to stay in the clinic, you’re going to sit still for it,” the older woman chastises me and readies the scanner on her wrist.
I let out a small sigh, lean back and allow her to pass the small machine over me. When I came-to that day of the windstorm,  I found myself in the small clinic in town with Rene asleep in the chair at my bedside. I would have been fine there, but I started to notice that people would go out of their way to avoid me. Everyone except my family, Rene, and Vita – the woman currently slowly sweeping her arm up and down my body.
Her wrist beeps and she reads the display on it, “Well, you’re a little dehydrated, but that’s nothing drinking more water can’t fix.” She taps her arm and it fades to a dull blue. “But if you’re not feeling well, I could set up an IV drip for you.”
I cringe. I hate needles. I especially hated being attached to the IVs in the clinic and was happy to be released after two days – ‘exhaustion’, Vita had called it. “No, I’m fine.”
The older woman harrumphs and snaps closed the bag containing her more invasive instruments. “Have you been eating more, like I told you to?”
“I eat plenty as it is,” I counter.
The look she gives me is unimpressed, “Biotics have higher caloric needs than most and that barrier you held really took it out of you. Your mother has vitamins for Nessa and Sammy?” I nod. “Start taking them, too. I ordered some specially made for biotic support but they haven’t come in yet; you can come and pick them up when they do.”
“I only did it the once – how do we even know I’m a biotic?” I ask. I want this to go away. I want to live my normal life. I want people to stop looking at me as if I’m dangerous.
“Because people who aren’t don’t make barriers,” she quips, “not even ‘once’.” She frowns as she looks at me, “What’s this about?”
“Didn’t you see how people looked at me? Like I was going to hurt them or something! I don’t even know how I made that thing to begin with – I wish I never did!”
“If you hadn’t made it, you and Rene would have died.”  She shakes her head, “Is this why you haven’t been helping me in the clinic?”
“If I went there, people wouldn’t come in and you know it,” I mutter.
“Of course they would. You’re the best at setting broken arms, a real soft touch compared to me. I know how people are but you just have to give them time.” She gestures at the flowers and cards on my table, “Look at Rene, pulling up his mother’s flower garden and running off with her vases – he doesn’t have a problem with it.”
“Rene’s different.”
She sighs, “I guess. I don’t know what to tell you – I’ve heard some things, and,” she trails off, rubbing at her jaw. “Everyone knows you and your family are good people.”
“But they don’t trust me anymore,” I say flatly.
“It’s the damn superstition. I tried explaining to people that you can’t do any of the stuff they think you can. Hell, you couldn’t even use your biotic energy at will even if you wanted to. Not without an implant. What you went through – Well. You got lucky. Really lucky.”
“How do you know?”
“My brother was a biotic,” she admits quietly.
“Yeah, he was murdered when we were teenagers. But that was not too long after The War on Earth. I want to think that people are different now, and maybe they are because no one’s been coming up here –“
“And if they aren’t?” I interrupt, a cold feeling creeping through my body. I just thought that maybe they’d shun me – it certainly felt that way. But to be killed for it?
It’s quiet for a few minutes, with me staring down and my hands and Vita tapping something into her omnitool. “There’s a biotic commune, Vigilance, that Brian trades with. I asked him if he would take you to them. He said he would.”
“But my family,” my voice cracks. I’ve never left my family, there was no where to go other than off-world and, even then, no one here has the money for it.
“I know. It’s up to you. I think if anyone were to get violent about it, they already would have so,” she shrugs. “I’ll tell him you’re thinking about it. You know what day he stops by?”
I nod, “Thursday mornings.”
“Okay. Think it over, maybe talk to your parents about it. See what they say.” She makes a quick motion with her wrist and the omnitool fades completely. “If you decide to stay, I can always use your help at the clinic.”
“Yeah, see you, Vita.”
 I laid in bed for a while, thinking about whether I should go or not. Living in a commune for biotics wouldn’t be much different than living on Patience, except there wouldn’t be anyone afraid of me. But if I moved, I probably wouldn’t ever see my family again unless I could somehow convince Brian to bring me here to visit on occasion. I could imagine making so many trips between all these colonies by yourself could get lonely, maybe he wouldn’t mind taking someone along once in a while. I’d talk to my parents, see what they’d say – I think they’d agree if they knew I’d come back for visits.
I got up and went into the hallway. It was quiet downstairs, but that didn’t necessarily mean that my parents had gone to bed yet. I started down toward the stairs but paused when I heard my parent’s voices coming from their room and I would have gone back into my room except I heard my father say my name. I crept up to their door, careful to keep my steps light and to avoid the middle which tended to squeak when you put weight on it.
“Well, what are we going to do? We can’t just abandon Mia!” That was my mother’s voice – who said anything about leaving me?
“I didn’t say that we were! I just told them to give me some time. I’ll see what I can do about selling the farm, maybe that’ll get us some money together to leave and move somewhere else.” I frowned, he was going to try to sell the farm?
“Baby, they’re not going to let you do that –“
“They’re going to have to. I’m not going to let them just push out my baby girl and we’ll need some money if we’re all going to move – we can’t just up and leave without it and starve. I’ve been looking at a few other farming colonies, but they all want some sort of monetary commitment before they let you join.”
“And what about Mia? Will they be okay with her?”
“Vita said that Mia can’t control it; it just came out because she was in danger. So, if we keep her close, no one has to know.”
I felt myself shrinking against the wall – the community was trying to kick me out and my parents were willing to give up what they’d worked their entire lives to build to be with me. But that would mean that I would have to spend the rest of my life hiding in the house, never to have a life of my own. Not to mention that my entire family would have a harder life because they’d have to start over with nothing. But if I left…
If I left, they wouldn’t have to.
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x15 Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  good night babe
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
1  2  3  4   5  6  7  8  9  10   11   12  13 14
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Giulia: Oh the music is the stupid episode kind of music
Nat: awww
Zee: Baby dean
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J: I didn’t want to leave it there. And I didn't want to just kill it.
M: I’m looking for a new home
Giulia: I can be your new home bb
Nat: NO
Zee: Bamf Jack!! Two words I never thought I’d use In the same sentence
Nat: We're in Lawrence aren't we
Zee: In what year?
Scooby doo matinee 2$ . WHAT
oh look a Metallica poster. I still have that CD 
Giulia: oh look My aesthetic
Giulia: That James Dean vibe tho
What’s this stupid music.
Zee: Charming acres???
Nat: "Where Everybody's Happy" Are we in Pleasant Ville?
I don’t trust shit.
Zee: Splash
Nat: Brain-mush
Nat: Well, good morning to my breakfast
Giulia: TRUEST REACTION on supernatural EVER
Giulia: he loves that snake
C: *knocks* Hey Jack?
J: I’m good Castiel. [OMG DAAAAD stop breathing on my neck]
C: [sigh, semi-soulless teenagers]
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Giulia: What’s up with the all black
C: How's the snake?
J: I don't think he's feeling well. He won’t eat.
well...doesn’t snakes eat rarely tho? like....once a week or something?
Zee: He misses his previous owner
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C: He's been through a lot of changes in a short period of time. I guess that's something you have in common.
Nat: He's going dark
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Zee: Concerned dad
C: Jack, you killed Michael. You consumed his grace.
but also.....right now I’m that granny that mistook Cas for her 3rd husband , : “you are so pretty Charles”
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Nat: I feel different now.... YA THINK
J: You want to know how much of my soul I had to burn off to kill Michael.
Yeah fuck I wanna know ok.
Nat: How could he know?!
Giulia: can’t cas look it up
Nat: He could stick his hand in there.
Giulia: HE COULD
Nat: That sounded wrong
Giulia: IT DID.
Zee: Deep inside. There I made it worse
J: I try not to think about it.
I don’t like that hollow stare Jack, I swear to fucking god Imma slap your soul back into your body.
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so I’m listening to the ep with my headphones and BOOOOOOY DID I HEAR THAT SIGH [cranking up the volume to the max and goes back]
Nat: I could eat him alive. And the sandwich
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A wild Castiel appears.
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C: Oh. Thought you, uh, were gonna sleep until the cows dragged you home.
D: That's not the -- Never mind.
THE *claps* DOMESTICS *claps*
AWE Cass asked about Rowena. [ what was the ship name again? Rostiel?, Caswena?Witchywings?
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D: I think they're both full of crap.
Of course they are, this is Supernatural. Cue painful montage! 
*jazz hands*
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Giulia: Poor sam
Nat: Sammy :(
Giulia: They were his people
Sam and his fucking trembling lips
Nat: Aw Baby let me hug you
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[Dean eating]
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Giulia: Das me
Nat: I'm still hungry
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Zee: Damn that mouth. It’s big
Giulia: What does it do tho ? wiggling eyebrows
Zee: It eats!! Everything
S: Yeah, well... I'm leaving in ten.
C: Maybe I should go with him. And you can stay with Jack.
D: Why do you think he'll talk to me?
C: Well, because he looks up to you.
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Dean don’t you roll your eyes at your hub. It’s impolite.
D: I was not great with Sam, you know, when he was, uh...
STOP right there. Don’t give me flashbacks
D: Well, how am I supposed to figure that out?
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Cass, your Misha is slipping out, put that voice back into the cave it came out of 
C : Just talk to him. Get him to open up.
Audience : * SNORTS * yeah riiiight
C: Sleep until the cows come home.
D: There it is.
C: That's the saying.
Nat: I'm hungryyyyyyyy
Zee: We’ve established that Nat
Giulia: I’m eating nuts
Zee: I bet you are
Nat: Nut juice. Food against hunger and thirst. New Bumper sticker
Awe Cas is driving BB. [but where is the pimp mobile]
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S: I'm good, honestly
UUUUUH Cas baby, get me all tingly with your sarcasm
Also write that under the series main title as a warning really. 
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Listen Sam, baby, I can hear your voice breaking, stop with the bullshit.
C is like....you can fill so much bullshit in that moose body
S: we don't have as many Hunters as we used to.
Zee: Cas learnt how to use his badge
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Giulia: Lame
Nat: "We're FBI..."
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Look how cute my baby is...look at him *sobs*
C: Was it more "Scanners" 1, 2, or 3? 
OH WOW, IS CAS BEING DEAN RIGHT NOW?  (because I’m all for it.)
Giulia: I bet dean made him watch that.
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Nat: Charming Acres
Nat: I don't wanna live there
Giulia: I DOOOOO
Zee: It’s creepy ffs
Nat: It's all shades of fucked up. I mean, look!
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C: It's like we're stepping into a Saturday Evening Post. I look at them sometimes after you fall asleep at night. They're very soothing.
I had to google that , not gonna lie. Also....HOW FUCKING CUTE IS THAT?! 
Zee: Foxy wife
S: What was that?
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Giulia: i love that time, minus the racism and patriarchy and the war.
Nat: What is wrong with these people
Giulia: Living my dream ok
Zee: Oh shut up babe
Nat: I don't like perfect
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Giulia: Cas and his bed hair
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Zee: Something fishy, lass
Sammy likes them milkshakes tho
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Is it just my impression or Cas is running out of fucks this season?? I love it.
Zee&Nat: We take care of each other.
mmm, don’t like that
Zee: Don’t like the way that sounded
Giulia: suspicious
Mayor: They said something about an aneurysm or something?
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Zee: His head exploded
Nat: His head exploded
Zee: Gotta love Cas
Giulia&Nat: Like a ripe melon on the sun
Sam panicking.
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S: "Like a ripe melon on the sun"?
C: It was an apt metaphor.
As I said : Angel out of fucks
S: Okay, well, maybe next time try to be a little less...apt.
C: The entire town is so strangely picturesque.
Giulia: I KNOOOOOW! , Can I go there?
Nat: We wouldn't let you
Giulia: Dat dress.
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Nat: Bonding time
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Jack just gave the snake the cookie crunch , sobs so pure....for now
J: I think he’s sad
Nat: Have you tried bacon
Bacon....the solution to everything. I mean....not wrong, it’s delicious.
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Giulia:  so dorky
Sniffs Chinese food
D: Well, anyway, you and the, uh, snake...want to go for a little dri-ive?
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gets mice .
Nat: mice scare him?
ok but Dean is that squeamish sometimes . It’s hilarious.
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...because the mice scared me and I need confort. Also I’ll probably avoid Chinese food for a month so there’s that.
Nat: Ahhh... Jack really talks to that thing
Woman: Not people. Men. I only rent to young men. It's not proper -- young women living alone?
*looks at Castiel*
Woman: You know.
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...C i like....what
me: sHe fLirtS
Nat: Ya still wanna go there, @Giulia
Zee: She’ll say yes
Giulia: YEAH. Y’all can’t stop me
Zee: See? I’ll tie you down bitch just watch
Nat: Ya CAnT LiVE oN YOuR oWn
Giulia: I’ll work at the diner
Time for some SNOOPING 
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Giulia: So much hand porn for me
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C: - they're...surprisingly passionate.
Sam with a tiny ass cup ready for some gossiping: Passionate how?
Castiel without a speck of blush: She spends, uh, quite a bit of time talking about the -- the shape and the heft of his --
Zee: Such a tiny cup
Please tell me there a DICK PICK in there lol
S: It's getting late, Cass. And you're right. I-I probably need some rest.
oh noe
C: You want to stay here? 
S: Why not? Ms. Dowling's making pot roast.
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Nat: I can smell head explosion
Zee: I can smell the bleach they’ll use
Nat: And there you go
Giulia: NICE  I can live in that fantasy idc 
Nat: You won't have us
Giulia: I wouldn’t know
Zee: Impossible. We’re seeped in your bones
Giulia: You can’t miss what you don’t remember
Nat: Yo head's going to explode when you remember, Giuls
D: Why don't you grub up? We still got another couple hours.
J: I'm not really hungry.
D: Give him one of these. I bet he's never had that before.
J:  I don't think you have a firm grasp on what snakes eat.
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Zee: Uncomfortable dean
D: Yeah, I always thought they were kind of cool, though.
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Nat: Aww...adorable Dean
Giulia: I thrive out of these moments
Zee: Road trip with dad
D: Mm. Well, it's not the snake that's dangerous. It's their...bite.
J:  Is -- Is that a saying?
D: It is now.
Nat: hahah... is Dean looking with one he's going to pick?
Nat: Dad move
Giulia: Was that really a way to test jack? With CAKES
Nat: Dean move
Sam’s room is empty
Giulia: Weird Sam time
Zee: Not good
Nat: I told ya
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Giulia: Das me jamming
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Giulia: He so awkward
Giulia: HALLO!
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Giulia: No i don t eat.I'm looking for my partner.
Mrs B: Oh. The very nice, the very tall fella?
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Castiel angel of the lord? more like Castiel angel of I’VE RUN OUT OF FUCKS
Mrs.B: Hm. He said he's going for a walk. [pause ]  And a milkshake.
Giulia: Still me jamming,  ‘He’s got tan shoes with pink shoelaces’
Nat: yeah i mean, what's with her. all of a sudden a new husband?
Nat: My partner
Giulia: I’m looking  my partner
Nat: The tall man - yes the very tall man
Zee: The very tall. Man
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Nat: Mr smith is gone long live Mr smith
Giulia: I would like a martini yes
Zee: I was waiting for this
C: Hair? ---He has beautiful hair?
Giulia: HE HAS
Nat: he has beautiful hair
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Nat: what
Nat: the
Nat: fuck
Giulia: i’m loving this cas
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C: I'm so sorry, but last night, his head, um --
Giulia: he had to pause
Giulia: That laugh was creepy
Nat: How about that martini?
Mrs. Smith : No...my husband he’s good.
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Nat: OH god... no I need a drink
Giulia: ...
Giulia: EW
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Nat: That pony tail
Zee: I don’t like this
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Nat: Honey, make me one too! Dammit
Giulia: SAME I NEED 5
Zee: A round of martinis please
C: This is not your house.
Justin!Sam : 
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Justin!Sam :  You're right. This is my wife's house. I am simply living here.
Giulia: OH YOU
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C: Something terrible's happened.
you right, those hair happened
Justin!Sam: I'm feeling adventurous.
Nat: Rawr ?
Giulia: NO
Giulia: I CAN T
Zee: I can’t process
Justin!Sam : So that's a no-no on the hooch?
I think Jared had too much fun in this. I WANT ALL THE BLOOPERS PLEASE PLEASEEEEE
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Giulia: I’m laughing so much
Nat: You watch your mouth
Zee: Skedaddle
Nat: I don't wear a hat , dammit I.... uh
Zee: Bitch
Justin!Sam : Sir, using language like, uh, "H-E-double hockey sticks" --
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Nat: Wash your mouth out with soap?
Giulia: GUYS, I haven’t had this much fun on spn in a long time.
I can’t breathe
Zee: I’m dying here
Nat: Double hockey sticks?
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Nat: ZETa
Zee: What?
Nat: Giuls is willing to leave us and go live there
Zee: As I said. Not possible. The amount of the insanity that she has shared with us won’t let her
Donatello : Ah, I am just the picture of health. Except for my prostate. It's shaped like a papaya.
also...do you guys think the Winchester get their prostate checked? or do they call.....Doctor Novak? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
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Nat: Dena really doesn't like snakes. Dean. Not Dena. Well, maybe Dena too. I wouldn't know
Giulia: We don’t judge
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Zee: Never
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Giulia: I LOVE HIM
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Giulia: God sister snacked on it
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Giulia: That’s a big ass cup
Nat: That's a big cup
Zee: Black hole
Giulia: ...
Giulia: This succession of texts is cursed
Nat: Not going there, Giuls
Zee: Again. I concur
Giulia: I ain’t said shit ya pervs
Zee: YET
Nat: You were thinking it. That's enough
Giulia: You two were thinking it too , get off that high horse
Zee: offended gasp
J: And when it was gone, how did you -- how'd you feel?
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Donatello: Like...the galaxy. You know, Jack, our galaxy's all bright and shiny and spinny, but in its center lies this very large black hole.
Donatello: I'm all bright and shiny, obviously. Not so much spinny  But inside? Empty.
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Donatello : Losing your soul doesn't make you bad It doesn't make you anything. It's, um... an absence of...of pity, of empathy...of humanity.
J: I know I don't feel...nothing, but I don't feel the same, either. And maybe I just don't know what nothing feels like. Mostly, I just don't want Sam and Dean and Cass to worry. I just -- I need time and space to figure things out on my own, but everywhere I go, there's someone looking over my shoulder.
Giulia: I get that boo 
J: Sam and Dean are the best men I know.
Donatello : whenever you don't want them to worry just think "WWWD" -- "What Would the Winchesters Do?"
Giulia: Pew pew pew pew pew pew. That’s what they’ll do. Sex stares. Bitchfaces. Bacon. Rocking off. Kill monsters. BOOKS. 
Zee: Kicking asses, taking names
Giulia: Kick names , take ass
Nat: there goes giuls
Zee: Oh babe!!!  Right there
Nat: I should not engage in this convo because it's going to be dirty
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Zee: He’s not like you?!
Donatello : I suppose the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a soul?
D: Donny.
Donny: What?
Nat: He seems ok
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Donny: Jack's probably the most powerful being in the universe. [Creepy music starts to play....I sweat]  I mean, really, who knows what's going on inside his head?
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Giulia: I like donatello
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D [ with the anxiety of a thousands suns ] : ...thanks
Zee: Erotic musings
Giulia: Cas saying “steamy” and “erotic” is making me tingling
Zee: Rip it from your ...
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Giulia: And this too
Nat: Of course it's him
Zee: What are you ?
Nat: Sam's so tall
Zee&Giuls: The squint
Zee: Giuls shut up
Mayor: and no matter what I did, people would turn to drink or drugs, they'd move away.
Giulia: Oh boo hoo .Let me do drug in peace.
Mayor: ...And you know what happened next?
C:  No, but I have a feeling you're gonna tell me.
[I’m all out of fucks anyway ]
C: I won't hurt you, Sam.
Justin!Sam:  Golly, I told you my name is Justin!
Giulia: GOLLY
Nat: Justin!Sam is this a thing now?
Giulia: i hope
Zee: Giuls. That’s all for you. Cas kicking ass
Giulia: I know I’m sweating. Look at this shit
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H    O    T
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C: Fight this! 
J S: Why? I'm happy in Charming Acres.
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Giulia: THAT’s US
Nat: That's us against Giuls
C: Sam, I know you want to be happy. And I know what it's like to lose your army. I know what it's like...to fail as a leader, Sam. But you can't lose yourself.
You have to keep fighting.
You can't lose yourself, because if you do, you fail us. You fail all of those that we've lost. You fail Jack. Sam, you fail Dean.
Nat: make me cry
Giulia: omg I’m crying
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Giulia: I’m cryiiing and I’m tired of seeing Cas and that fucking blade like that ok.STOP IT. [ going into MOC Dean ptsd ]
Zee: Lool
Nat: OH no no brain explosion please
Zee: I’m god
Giulia: We met god. God has a beard
Zee: God has a beard
Giulia: God is ma dad
Nat: NO
Zee: I like her now
Giulia: make his head go splat
Zee: Vegetable
Giulia: Psh lame
Nat: hey, not bad huh?
Giulia: Laaaaame
Zee: You needed the splat!
Nat: you know lame when you get there giuls
Zee: Nat. We’ve established we won’t let her
Giulia: BuT ThE dREsSeS
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Giulia: God dean
Nat: Dean stop being adorable
j: It was...illuminating
D ... the fuck, stop talking like your angel father.
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D: Heard you wore a cardigan.
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C:  Yeah, I told him about the cardigan.
S: Great. Thanks.
D: And the wife.
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Giulia: What about the ponytail
Giulia: Wait, Cas and dean talked about it on the phone [dies]
D: Well, not a lot of happy goin' on around here.
Nat: Wow, Dean feel a stab in his heart
S:  I hate this place right now. I hate it.
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S:  Everywhere I look, I see them. I see Maggie. I guess that's why, uh -- why I was so desperate to get out of here, why I kept running us ragged. But I got to stop that. I-I can't keep running. I -- This is my home.
This is our home.
Dean, I think I just need some time.
Giulia: Yeah same
Nat: Sammy babe
Zee: How couldn’t they have
Giulia: Awe this is the hurt Sammy season. Again
D:  Okay.
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Giulia: STAPH
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Giulia: WITH
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Giulia: THAT
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Giulia: LOOK
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Giulia: JARED
Zee: Sam needs a million years in therapy
Nat: You need help
Giulia: NO
Zee: Oh no
J: Sam and Dean would help you, so -- so I'll help you.
Nat:. Nah, Dean wouldn't
J: I'll help you see your friend again. 
Nat: No
Giulia: NO
J:  In Heaven.
Nat: What
Giulia: JAAACK
Nat: Jack
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Giulia: THank god cas saw it
Nat: Wtf
Zee: Yeah. That wasn’t good
Giulia: Oh shuttttt uuuup
Giulia: PROMO
Zee: Dean in a suit. Alien vs predator
Nat: Creepy, me likey
Giulia: Eh
Nat: OK babes, i gotta go. Nat: See ya! it was a pleasure.
Zee: Always
Giulia: Go have some milkshake
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl  @destiel-honeypie      @mariekoukie6661      @dragontamerm       @closetspngirl    @rainflowermoon     @mattiecat       @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2    @jacks-word-of-the-day     @4evamc       @dammitsammy     @legendary-destiel   @winchesterprincessbride    @destielhoneybee    @castiellover20   @jacks-word-of-the-day  @ravenhg @evvvissticante 
37 notes · View notes
jflashandclash · 5 years
Traitors of Olympus IV: THE LAST CHAPTER!!!
           Their lunch went over the amount of time Pax had allotted, but there was no way he would cut it early. The appreciation on Merry’s face and the relief on Kally’s were worth every second of catch up he had to play, even as he bantered into the phone.
           “Are you suggesting this meeting is more important than my own affairs?” Pax let the iciness slip into Santiago’s voice. The other end of the line went into panicked silence. Everyone thought Santiago had disappeared for good, but he couldn’t yet. Not when there were so many unresolved legal issues to attend to and so many people Pax could mess with.
           Other than his phone argument, the van had been marked with uncomfortable silence. Alabaster spent the time doing his jaw stretches and exercises. Pax wanted to make a comment about a few other ways to work out Alabaster’s jaw, but—after one very awkward bathhouse incident where Pax forgot who he was—Pax had promised to check the mirror before he tried hitting on anyone. Or give tackle hugs. That had ended well with Axel.
           Axel couldn’t stand to look at him when he did this. He didn’t even like hearing Pax talk. Some disturbed part of Pax enjoyed it, like Muahahha! This is how if feels! But, Pax knew that was about as fair as betting against Prometheus or Tyche.[1]
On the note of feeling vindicated about triggering Axel’s trauma and why, Pax admitted, it was unfair, Pax had chosen to hang the Triple A Chimera masks in their throne room. That way, he would cringe every time he caught saw the Leonis Caput helm and had to rub the stump where his hand used to be. Call it the espresso shot of incentive for whenever he wavered on their cause or thought about painting weasels instead of going to one of Santiago’s business meetings.
           Axel didn’t choose to see Santiago again the way Pax chose to see the helm. Axel had voiced his opinion on the matter very thoroughly and with a lot of violent gum chewing. If Pax kept this up, and they found a way to attach an electrical plant to Axel’s mouth, Pax suspected they could power the entirety of Camp Othrys (Remastered) with his vehemence.
           As their white van pulled alongside the other pharmaceutical vans, Pax ended the phone call. He grinned at the others, shuffling to his feet. No matter how often he turned into Santiago, he never got used to the limp.
           “Good news everyone!” he said.
           Curiosity sparkled in Alabaster’s green eyes. He sat up on the opposite bench. “Did you get a dead body?”
           “I got a dead body!”
           Axel didn’t say a word or react as he exited the driver’s side. He didn’t wait for them either, going ahead through the back entrance’s hidden doors.
           Pax tried not to let Axel’s anger dampen his spirits. Instead, he focused on this opportunity: Axel had left Alabaster to his mercy.
Pax rose to his feet, almost stumbling on the bad leg.
           Alabaster hopped out of the van. He sighed and extended a hand to help him.
           Pax fished around his suit jacket—it became easier wearing the same clothes his dad did when he was morphing this often—and nipped a bite of his golden apple. He didn’t need to anymore. He had morphed into Santiago as soon as they dropped off the girls, but he enjoyed the sensation. Before Alabaster could withdraw, Pax morphed again.
           That way, when he staggered down and leaned against Alabaster for support, Pax looked like a voluptuous, hot chick whose curves barely fit in the now-tight business suit.
           Alabaster had a hard time looking at him. “Ajax,” he growled, though in threat or complaint, Pax wouldn’t know until Alabaster set him on fire.
           Pax grinned up at him. “The corpse is super fresh, only an hour dead. It’s the right height, weight, race, and age. How much time will you need to give him a proper, evil gimp leg and some Iago fangs?”
           That had been a fun experience. When Alabaster set to work making a mold of Santiago’s mouth from Pax’s morphed one, Pax had a hard time not trying to eat the bubble-flavored molding. Eventually, Alabaster switched the flavor to something much less delicious.
           Pax tightened his—her? Unlike Lapis, who demanded a certain pronoun, he never really cared what pronoun he used, even when his family jewels turned into… that didn’t seem fair that girl’s parts weren’t also called family jewels. They were as precious. Maybe family pearls? He’d have to consult Urbandictionary later. Regardless, her for now. Pax tightened her hand around Alabaster’s tie. The bracelet that Alabaster had made for Pax glinted along her wrist in the sunlight.
Witch boy had a much harder time rebuffing her when Pax was a girl.
           Alabaster swallowed at their proximity but didn’t withdraw. He looked exhausted, probably from hot-girl-overdrive from seeing Kally earlier. “To trick a mortal, a few hours. If the coroner identifying him ends up being a demigod…” he shrugged.
           Pax had forgotten, for a second, they were talking about altering a body. She nuzzled her face against Alabaster’s shoulder, her longer hair spill out the ponytail and across the two of them. Although the child of Hecate’s spell pouches were all by his belt now, his scent still hinted at the herbs he carried.
Other than that bathing house incident, Pax had been an upstanding gentlelady… gentleman… gentle person? Whatever. Which really meant she hadn’t had time to disrespect anyone’s boundaries, or so Pax kept telling himself. That and she feared she’d breakdown if she let herself get cuddly with Alabaster. She had to be strong. Strong Pax baby that used all that bottled up fear, pain, and anger to scheme. Muahaha.
           But Pax wanted hugs after not touching Kally the whole meal. And Pax had been so well-behaved recently. So much so, that Alabaster hadn’t set him on fire in months. Maybe…
           “So, I see you get hot and bothered by corpse talk. If I keep chatting about it, will you let me give your neck a makeover? Look at Axel. It’s all the rage these days,” Pax said. It had been so long since she properly flirted, she almost forgot to make her eyes super wide when she blinked up at him.
           “Ajax, I appreciate that you’ve kept to your promise for the last two months,” Alabaster said. “Don’t—”
           Someone cleared their throat by the back entrance of the temple.
           Axel must have doubled back from inside to give Lucius the automaton donkey a bucket of oil. He leaned against the door, arms folded, glaring, though Pax couldn’t tell if it was more at her or at Alabaster.
           Pax pouted.
           Alabaster tapped Pax’s bracelet.
           Pax’s Mist hand dissolved. The glove collapsed into nothing, leaving the red scarring of a stumped wrist.
           All his concentration faded. Pax morphed back into a boy, clutching his stump and empty glove against his chest.
           That was meaner than anything Alabaster could have said, but Pax carefully kept his pout. Making Alabaster question his sexuality for a few seconds: a victory that trumped all other loses, including that of a functional limb. Probably.[2]
           “Even if the Belizean coroner is a demigod, he isn’t paid enough money to pay attention to something like that,” Axel said, like his little brother hadn’t been trying to seduce his friend and use a van with sleeping bags the way teenagers were supposed to use a van with sleeping bags.
           Alabaster fixed his tie. The skin under his freckles was bright red despite the way he tried to glare. “If we can properly set up the body in the swamps of Belize, it’ll look more like a suicide than a murder.”
            “See, that. That’s exactly the kind of violence I want. Good ol’ autosacrifice!” Pax kept his smile strong. He refused to puff up his cheeks and pop them while thinking about autosacrifice: the amount of blood that he and Lapis had shed to contact the Vision Serpent recently. This time, he wanted to proceed as carefully as possible and get all the supernatural, visiony approval as possible before things went wrong. No more rash Pax baby.
           He led the others towards the backdoors of the temple. He was pleased to see some new recruit had graffitied kittens around the door entrance. The next hallway wasn’t nearly as cheerful—Matthias had been focusing so much on restructuring the new housing that he’d only managed to put up posters of bands for this area of redecoration.
           “Santiago is making a huge point to say he’s traveling to his home town for something important next week,” Pax said to and winked at Axel. “After that, Mr. Soon-To-Be-Legally-Pax-Patriarch, you and Lapis will never have to look at him again. Except in family photos. We should burn all our family photos.”
           Axel clenched his jaw in his best illustration of I can be hot, mysterious, AND mopey. “I don’t like that you’re doing this.”
           That was a conversation that Pax wanted to hear again about as much as he wanted to watch Alabaster cut off his useless hand again. Sure, in a few ways, he’d asked for both, but that didn’t mean he needed another bonding experience with a hatchet or a grumpy older brother.
           Nausea threatened his stomach as he thought about how much easier it could have been with Kally there. She wouldn’t have let the procedure continue without him being sedated. But, she wouldn’t have let a lot of things happen that Pax knew needed to happen.
           He shook off the feeling, jamming his stump harder into his ribs to force himself to focus. They got to the elevator at the end of the hall. It was already opening with the auto sensor Matthias had installed.
“Yea,” Pax said, “And I don’t like that my brother got attacked by an empousa and won’t tell me about it. You said you were going to find a way to easily change the subject from our updated style. You didn’t say you were going onto Vampire’s Anonymous. Did you at least give as good as you got?”
           Axel sighed. When he rubbed his bruises, his expression turned wistful. They got inside, and Axel pressed his finger into the scanner for a quick blood sample to get to the top floor. “Ajax, I’m pretty sure I’d kill someone if I tried to do this to their neck. And, I would never give you a lead that obvious.”
           Pax grumbled in Mayan. If Axel was leaving territorial marks, he could have looked into whether or not Reyna or Thalia had gotten a sudden propensity for scarves.  Pax couldn’t believe he’d been so busy that he didn’t even have a guess as to which girl was Axel’s new best friend and which was his nibble buddy.
           “When she’s ready for it to become public…” Axel trailed off. He puffed up his cheeks and popped them. “Then you’ll know. I’m not exactly fond of keeping our relationship a secret.” There was a hint of bitterness.
           Pax huffed. “Augh, that’s no help either! Is it secret because of Thalia’s connection to the huntresses or Reyna’s position as praetor? You wouldn’t violate Thalia’s vows, but you also wouldn’t want to jeopardize Reyna’s already shaky claim as praetor. And I don’t know whether or not you thought relieving sexual tension through neck play was a way around Thalia’s vows—”
           “Ajax,” Axel warned. “Girlfriend or friend, I don’t even let Jack speak disrespectfully of someone I care about.”
           “Does Jack know?!” Pax demanded.
           Alabaster cleared his throat. “I think Lapis may have let it slip.”
           Which meant Lapis knew. Dude, Axel sucked at keeping secrets. “Ha! You didn’t mention Bast! Besides, if it was her, she’s not one to get catty with the other girls, but would be prideful about her including Axel in her pride.”
           “Not necessarily,” Alabaster said. “She’s supposed to be in the Duat. She’s been sneaking off to visit us.”
           Axel’s cheeks grew red.
           Pax’s eyes widened. “Oh?”
           “It’s not Bast,” Axel said curtly, eliminating one. “She’s a bit too… maternal and and—um—aggressive for me.”
           Pax shook his head. “Ah, having a hot familial figure that wants to bang you. Now you know how I feel when I go on lunch dates with my half-sister.”
           Before the elevator dinged for the complete stop at the top floor, something phased through the shiny metal. It scurried up Pax’s pant leg, tiny nails tearing into the silky fabric, saving Pax from Axel and Alabaster’s glares.
           Between the “Aye! Aye! Aye!”s, Pax laughed. Baller, his weasel, burrowed into Pax’s sleeve, nesting into his armpit. Once the door opened, two more weasels scurried about their feet. Axel knelt down to pet Hunnie on the nose and accepted when the weasel wrapped around his hand in a battle strike. Alabaster tossed Nietzsche, the albino, something.
           All three took off after whatever the dark object was as it scuttled further into the atrium. Obsidian doors were in the wall across from the elevator doors, one ajar to allow the rodents to enter. Pax wasn’t sure what to do with remodeling the atrium yet. It was imposing, as he felt like it should be, but they also lacked something fun, like bean bags and a dartboard with Jason Grace’s face.[3]
           He really wanted Matthias to design a twenty story slide or fireman’s pole from this room to the bottom of the temple. Matthias said that would kill too many new recruits. Pax argued that it wouldn’t if they made it end in 20 feet of feathers. Alabaster said Pax didn’t understand the science of impact, but that Alabaster would see if he and Lou Ellen could make some kind of Mist buffer to accomplish the task.
           Giggles interrupted Pax’s thoughts.
           Just inside the doorway, he could see three girls duck out of sight. The sunlight in the room had glinted off their crimson skin so they looked like vanishing demons or, as Pax preferred, ethnically-ambiguous cartoon characters.
           “Huh, Euna must be tending to the—” Alabaster started.
           Pax gulped and sprinted for the door. “Cho!”
           Axel immediately caught up along his side as they busted through the doorway. “What?!”
           “I let Hiro loose!” Pax said. He’d meant it as a kind gesture—honestly, his littlest brother needed to get out from time to time, but Hiro and Euna hadn’t been in the same room since—
           They skidded to a stop inside. Everything sounded peacefully quiet. In Pax’s not-peaceful life, he knew that meant everyone had probably killed each other. The sound that shredded the peace was a blade sliding against another blade.
           More giggles erupted.
           Axel and Pax scanned the room. There had been a lot of adjustments. The massive walnut trees expanded to form a canopy over the front section of the enormous throne room. Light could still come from the square dome at the top of the ceiling, especially with the mirrors they added to optimize the amount of sun, but the atrium was still dimmer than pre-forest times.
           In the center of the room, where Eris’ pithos once sat atop an alter, was Joey’s statue, still smiling with pride. That and the throne were lit magnificently. Pax had made sure of it. Both to honor Joey and to annoy her if she could still sense the brightness.
           The two tables that had once been used for meetings had been removed, leaving the throne in the back as the only piece of real furniture.
           In a maze across the ceiling, Pax had added metal bars, like monkey bars constructed by a maniac, with ladders installed on either side of the wall to reach them.
           That’s where they found the chaos.
           A fourteen-year-old half-Japanese boy dangled from the bars beside a tree that was further from the rest. His legs bobbed uselessly under him as he scrambled to catch one of the crimson nymphs.
           Pax knew there would be sixteen of those monstrosities in total, but he only spotted about a dozen in the branches, playing Keep Away with his littlest brother.
A crimson nymph curled up in a softly sobbing ball away from the others. Near her, Pax caught sight of Euna. She was, Pax assumed, pruning some of that nymph’s branches. Although most of the branches were thicker than her arm, Euna snipped them off with single strikes.
           He knew the last nymph would be by the former fire pit, and was too small to play with the others. Euna had already named that dryad Resilience since it was a sapling stubbornly sprouting from Santiago’s tree stump.  
           The walnut trees had red leaves, like the color of the nymph’s skin, hair, and eyes. Something about not having enough light for typical photosynthesis—bla-bla-bla—chemistry—bla-bla-bla—child of Demeter. All Pax cared about was the fact that Euna had NOT decided to prune Hiro’s functional limbs.
           Axel and Pax sighed in relief. Alabaster strolled in behind them, unconcerned.
           At their hurried entrance, some of the nymphs disappeared back into their trees. Euna set her shears down, then touched the snipped off sections. The bark rippled, healing over the nubs to leave little more than a scar. She knelt down beside the sobbing dryad, gently brushing away her tears with her work gloves. “Your branches were criss-crossed. We had to pick the strongest branch, since they would have been sickly if we kept both,” she said.
           The nymph sniffed and crawled up to lean into Euna’s long, black hair that hung over her shoulder.
           Euna awkwardly patted her back. Then, she gently set the nymph back into her tree.
           Once done, she brushed her gloves on her jeans and walked towards them. The vines and leaves dangling from her hair and limbs seemed to whisper with each step. Pax loved the fact that she hadn’t learned to control the whole “god glow” thing. It meant he wouldn’t trip over her when she found odd areas to nap or that he could use her as a nightlight.
           At Alabaster’s raised eyebrow, Euna shrugged. “It’s not their fault that they’re full grown and have the mental capacity of toddlers.”
           As much as Euna looked disinterested, she had been tending to these trees, and the former-fire-pit-new-garden, religiously. Axel and Pax had been worried about their favorite homicidal Korean until they brought her into this room and the dryads flocked to her like creepy, Satanic ducklings to their mother. When they were a little more developed, he was sure they’d run shrieking, “Mom’s home!”anytime Euna returned from missions.
           The creepy blood-born babies brought Euna peace and purpose beyond murder. Plus, it sort of solved the satanic dryad infestation. Still there, but at least they were more like pets and Hiro’s playmates than unwanted rodents. (Pax heard that most people didn’t want rodents in their houses, which he thought absurd.)
           Euna smiled at Axel as she tossed something at his head from her pocket. “Happy early birthday.”
           Axel caught it, flashing a fanged grin. They’d been playing a lot of “surprise” catch to work on her situational awareness. He held up the glass vial with something gold and fleshy inside. Attached to the lid were a pair of familiar sunglasses that seemed to glow with an internal fire. “Is this—”
           “A trophy from our fight last week?” she said. “Yea. Congrats. One down. Eleven to go.”
           Axel looked ecstatic. He hugged the heart-jar close to him with one hand, then held out the other in a fist. “Pound it,” he said.
           She fist bumped him. Her dark eyes searched around in lazy confusion. “Why isn’t Kally with you?”
           “Yea, Ajax, why did we deviate from the plan?” Alabaster asked, shooting him a side-glare.
           Pax had been hoping to avoid this conversation for as long as possible. At least now he had the perfect illustration as to his reasoning. “Because you just gave Axel a heart in a jar as a birthday gift.”
           “I thought it was very considerate and sweet,” Axel objected. He stepped around the group, walking towards the back wall. As he crossed paths with Joey’s statue, he nodded a greeting, then he continued forward, to put the jar in the section they’d designated for trophies.
Pax pondered over installing a modern art piece on the back wall. They already had the Triple A Chimera helms mounted there and Phobetor’s piccolo-hatchet. If they were going to have a menagerie of random godly item and organs, you might as well shape them into a weasel.
“Where’s Lapis?” Pax asked, watching Hiro snatch at a dryad. The girl giggled and hopped to a different branch. He swung down from the monkey bars, onto the tree, not realizing how hard he’d smashed his knees into another branch. They needed to buy him shin guards or a riot shield for his legs.
           “With the new recruits,” Euna said. “How’d the talk with Reyna go about the soldiers defecting from New Rome?”
           Axel snorted. “We’re protecting defectors and her reputation is on the line. How well do you think it went?”
           “So it was the huntress!” Pax said and snapped his fingers.
           Euna gave Pax a confused glance. “Do you mean Thalia? She hasn’t been a huntress for… um…” Her eyebrows furrowed. “The middle of the sweet potato harvest?”
           The fact that time had become difficult for their sprouting godling wasn’t the part of that sentence interested Pax.
           “A month,” Axel supplied, patiently “You and I celebrated her physical sweet sixteen with her, Percy, and Annabeth about a month ago.”
           “Holy Titans,” Pax whined, “So she—”
Before he could start guessing, Euna waved him off, sprinkling him with dirt from her gloves. “It didn’t have to do anything with me or Axel.”
           Axel shook his head. “The prophecy she was trying to prevent is over and she has paid proper homage to her fallen friend. She had some other reasons, but they didn’t have to do with any current romantic intentions.” The way he said it labeled the topic clearly with Off Limits.
           “Hrm, and an argument between you and Reyna could easily end in a nomnom fest. Augh!” Pax ran a hand through his hair, messing up the gel and pulling more out of his ponytail. “How have I become such a terrible information gatherer?”
           “I don’t know. You were gone on one of your ‘business’ meetings,” Axel said.
           The first month had been insane. Pax had to meet with a lot of contacts, both in the pharmaceutical world and mythological one, to prove Santiago wasn’t dead. He and Claymore had spent many a torturous session on how to conduct a business meeting without discussing anything serious, so Claymore could handle emails that involved real dealings. And, there had been the rebranding. Pretending Santiago had found God or whatever they decided to change some of the “business” practices.
           Technically, Pax supposed, Santiago had found some god.
           Pax’s stomach clenched to think of some of the stuff that happened to him when Axel was too “busy” during their time at Camp Othrys. One glance at Axel’s bitter glare, and Pax calmed.
           “Hey,” he protested at Axel and Alabaster’s scowls, “I got this. You promised me. Six months. I know that’s an insanely long time for neither of you to have an aneurism, but I have four more months of unquestioned Pax tyranny and I think I’ve been taking pretty good care of us so far. Reese’s Sticks for everyone!”
           “Yea, but how much of that time have you spent as you?” Axel asked. His ears flattened against his hairline.
           Alabaster nodded. “You haven’t pulled a single prank in a month or worked on any art projects. Matthias has a calendar recording it.”
           Euna made a face. “How does Matthias have time for that?”
           Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, swearing prank vengeance on Matthias as soon as he had time to conduct a proper prank. He pressed the stump of his hand into his ribs. His eyes drifted to Joey’s statue, to what Hera had done to her, and to the Leonis Caput helm and to what the god of war—former god of war, he corrected gleefully—and the goddess of love had done to Axel. That was why he had to do this.
           That’s also why he couldn’t break down in front of the others. They needed a strong leader, else Alabaster wouldn’t be able to focus on cracking the curse of Joey’s statue, Axel wouldn’t be able to finally relax enough to play bump in the night with the girl he liked or set up the training regiment for their newbies, Euna… Euna would probably do whatever Euna wanted to, but he liked to think she’d have a harder time focusing on her new god-powers and sanity without him putting forward some effort.
           And, he wasn’t ready to admit to them the problems he was still in denial about, like the times he’d gotten stuck as Santiago and called Atë in a panic as he scratched and clawed at his own face. At Santiago’s face? Pax looked too much like the photos to glance in mirrors anymore. That’s when the private lessons started of How to Be a God 101. Atë had taught him how to alter a single feature on his face, so no one would notice the gashes. She had taught him a lot.
He forced himself not to tremble.
           Pax gave them a devilish smile, realizing he must have missed a response from Axel. “If I fail, you’re allowed to pull my ear off. If it works, I’m punishment-free for another six months.” He winked at Alabaster. “Then I can coddle Witch boy without interruption.”
           Alabaster sighed. “Ajax, don’t make me sabotage Camp Othrys to maintain my dignity. I will.”
           “I will be allowed to court him in polite, gentlefolk fashion,” Pax corrected. “Girls can court people too nowadays, Witch Boy.” He winked again.
           “You’re not a girl,” Alabaster said, not looking at him or Axel. Axel made the terrible mistake of thinking Alabaster was the older of the two, so would blame anything that happened on him.
           “I can if I want to be,” Pax said. This was when he was supposed to bump Alabaster’s hip if he was acting normal, but he couldn’t bring himself to, not when he had been Santiago so often. He wished he could pretend, like he had for that second by the van.
           “Kally hits hard now,” Axel observed, saving Alabaster a response. He rubbed his shoulder, the same spot that Kally had given each of them a solid welt.
           Pax refrained from touching his with his stump. He and Alabaster exchanged a glance before Pax glared at Axel. “I know your vetting process for Axel’s List of Requirements for Taste in Sexy Ladies. Don’t get any ideas.”
           Axel laughed, clearly not catching onto Pax’s threatening tone or the way Alabaster had set a hand on his spell pouches. “I’m just saying that she must still be training with Mr. Paine,” Axel said, “She must be bored, or even scared having to deal with monsters on her own. You said you were going to bring her, Ajax, and tell the others about this.” That bitterness returned to his voice. “And I think Lapis is going to kill you if we don’t have Merry start sessions with Hiro.”
           “Look at him. He’s as happy as a condor with a deer carcass,” Pax said, gesturing to where Hiro had latched himself to one of the braches and was biting at the bark. They really needed to get him down before he fell again. Hiro didn’t need the lower half of his body when he was doing the horizontal swing of the monkey bars, but he struggled more with the vertical jumps on the trees.
           Hiro, as they discovered, did not like looking up. It sent him into a fit. So, Pax reasoned, they would just make it so Hiro could move all around the temple without much up to look at. That didn’t work though when one of the more malicious dryads tricked him to the lower branches and he couldn’t boost himself up to climb and couldn’t use his legs to jump down.
           “For now. You know he’ll fall apart when his medication wears off,” Alabaster muttered.
           Pax couldn’t argue. “We do need a healer…” he said softly. “I just don’t know if Kally is ready for… this.” He gestured widely to Santiago’s throne room with its demonic dryads and eerie gloom and doom.
           “Are you trying to make sure someone is comfortable?” Euna asked skeptically.
           “No, I live to discomfort others,” Pax said.
           Alabaster sighed. He reached into Pax’s pocket to withdraw his phone and set it into Pax’s hand. “We need a healer in more ways than one.”        
           Axel’s shoulder slumped. “And maybe someone to keep us in check. If it ever gets to the point that you don’t feel like you can have Kally here, maybe we’ve gone too far.”
           Pax wanted to say Exhibit A and point to the heart in a jar, but he knew they were talking about his recent fad for dress up. Just one more week though. Then some poor Belizean tourists would find “Santiago Pax” dead in a swamp and his will would divvy up his fortune with his recently acquitted son, Axel Pax, as the executor.[4]
           Would that change anything for Pax though?
           There was still so much to do. Others could do it so much better than Pax, well “Pax” as himself. It had been so much easier not being himself.  
           If Kally were here, he would have to do things a different way. She could read all of them like a book. Stupid authors and their assumptions on people’s—haha—character. She wouldn’t let him do his weekly visits with his half-sister, or sequester himself in his room under the guise of business meetings, or talk to the new recruits as Santiago because Santiago was so much better as a leader than he was.
           Maybe she could help him find a balance between serious, tyrant Pax and that soft child-prankster. What he normally was. If nothing else, her presence would get Alabaster and Axel off his back. Kally would probably be so lost adjusting the first week, she wouldn’t be able to keep track of him and his movements or who he was. If he set Alabaster up as her tour guide, then they’d both be too distracted—
           What was Pax thinking?! He had to be there if Alabaster and Kally would be battling for cutest and most oblivious flirt.
           Axel had thought this through too well.
           Pax sighed heavily. He shoved the phone back into his pocket, squared his shoulders, and tried—as best as he’d learned with one hand—to smooth his hair back into a tighter ponytail.
           Alabaster tapped the bracelet on Pax’s wrist.
           Mist emanated from the silver and gold band and twisted until it formed a hand. Pax still got phantom limb spasms, but at least the Mist hand worked. He smoothed the gel back down. His stray hair, this week he took to calling it One Who Dodges Hair Ties, popped out to curl down his cheek.
           “Can I at least make an official announcement?” Pax pouted.
           Axel stepped out of the path to the throne. After a split second of her staring off into the trees, he dragged Euna out of the way too.
           Pax walked through the room. As he passed Joey’s statue, he gave their marbled friend a quick kiss on the cheek, something he’d done every day they moved her here. Had he found out that she had a crush for him before she died, he’d have teased her relentlessly, and decided to make up for it during her stone age.
           “I bought you a pre-released recording session for EXO,” he said, “I heard Suho’s vocals can crack any girl’s hardened heart.”
           He set the CD at her feet. He still couldn’t believe people bought CDs. That was supposed to be for creatures that walked the earth hundreds of years ago. Later, they would have to pull the old CD player they’d salvaged out of Santiago’s room to give her some easy listening.
           Pax continued forward, forcing himself to look at the Leonis Caput helm on the back wall. It felt right to have a heart in a jar nearby. The sight made him wonder if Alabaster had put Pax’s severed hand in a bottle of formaldehyde and it was now floating somewhere in the Witch Boy’s laboratory. Pax wished he could still move the limb despite being severed. Then he’d make it wave to Alabaster every time he knew Alabaster was in his lab. Questions to ask Atë when next he saw her.
           Finally, Pax leveled with the throne of bones that was sewn together with tendons. He’d thrown a smiling panda car seat over it. Baby steps in remodeling.
           When he sat down—bones were very uncomfortable; Pax didn’t know what his father had been thinking—he saw Alabaster mid-eyebrow raise, Axel trying not to avert his gaze, and Euna staring off at Hiro as he chased a dryad around the canopy.
           He cleared his throat. “I promise to kidnap Kally—”
           “Bring Kally with parental knowledge and consent,” Axel corrected.
           “Hey.” Pax glared at the interruption. “We’re not shooting for gold and diamonds here.”        
           Euna shrugged, proving she was paying attention. “It went well with my dad.”
           All three boys shifted uncomfortably. “You call that ‘well?’” Alabaster asked.
           “Your dad hits really hard for a mortal,” Axel said, though Pax couldn’t tell if it was a compliment or a complaint.
           “He kept up with his military training,” Euna said, “I think he’s supposed to be visiting sometime this week.”
           Alabaster and Pax groaned. Mr. Song had a very strict expectation for his daughters’ livelihood and Camp Othrys II didn’t meet it.
           “Anyway,” Pax said, “I hereby say that Kally shall come here, but under one condition and one condition only.” He pointed a finger at Axel. “You tell me which girl got your neck.”
           Axel’s jaw started to clench, but his lips curved into a tired smile. “You know what? Deal. You bring in Kally, I’ll leave hints that any capable spymaster should be able to figure out.”
           “Ah, a challenge,” Pax said. He couldn’t decide if he was thrilled or annoyed. The fact that it was a question between the two emotions made Pax wonder if Alabaster and Axel were right: he needed to relax and smell the puff pastries.
           “Assuming you have the time to take said challenge.” Axel examined his claws on his right hand. His pointer and middle finger barely had new growth from when they ripped off in the Labyrinth. Pax decided not to ask, since it was so inappropriate—
           “Is it easier to court your girl now that those fingers have become more versatile?” Pax asked.
           Alabaster choked on a laugh.
           From somewhere in the trees, Hiro whistled.[5]
           Axel’s face deepened to crimson. Those fingers curled into a fist. “Ajax, you have four months left before I can rip off your ear.”
           “Allegedly,” Alabaster said.
           “I think it was a reasonable question,” Euna said, “Those claws have gotta get in the way.”
           Axel tried to keep his expression neutral as he changed the subject. “How are we going to tell Kally about this?” He gestured to their trophy wall: trophies from the minor gods that they had killed—two tiny gods and now one major. Ta-da! Pax was really proud of them for sticking to their New Year’s Resolution. Some people went to gyms. Some people slew a deity per month.
           “Maybe we should ease her more into this,” Alabaster said.
           Pax had to agree. Glancing from Joey’s statue to the Leonis Caput helm, he felt a smile crawl onto his lips. A malicious glee made him tap the armrest of his bone throne. In an instance that made him realize just how desperately they needed Kally to keep them in check, he leaned forward and asked, “The real question is: One down. Eleven to go. Who are we going after next?”
All the Author’s Notes!
This concludes the Traitors of Olympus series. For those of you who have made it through all of this madness, I can’t thank you enough for taking this journey with me, and it has been a crazy journey. (Pax is sobbing behind me. I think I saw Axel wipe a tear away too. Nope. Nope, that’s just him showing off his claws…) I hope you were able to enjoy this ending (it is VERY different than its original conception) and I really hope you’ve enjoyed the ride! As always, I’d love to hear any of your thoughts on the series, favorite ships, favorite scenes, favorite characters, or even for you just to say a quick, “Hi!” XD You guys rock and made this possible! (I’m not crying while writing this, I swear)
By September, I’m aiming to have the first short from Tales from Mount Othrys out, the prologue to this series, so you might not be rid of me just yet. Hold onto those pitchforks!
Thank you so much to Mel, my betatester and close friend, for inspiring me and encouraging me to keep going (and doting on my babies while I traumatize them). I would have crashed and burned forever ago without you. <3
And, lastly, I wanted to write a quick dedication to my Merry: I know you’re never going to read this, but this is how I wish things could have gone for you and your Nikhil. I’m sorry everything didn’t turn out like a storybook ending—you did everything you could with what was given to you. Please, remember that, and remember to take care of yourself. Nikhil, I hope you’ve found your favorite place to jam to comedy R&B in the Elysian Fields, hanging with the other heroes, like you, who are so good at bringing a smile to people’s faces.
[1] Tyche vs. Prometheus. I think Tyche would win, because luck always destroys careful planning.
[2] Yea, I know Pax hit on him as a girl. Pax will still consider that making Alabaster question his sexuality, since Pax believes Alabaster’s sexuality is exclusively dedicated to his laboratory.
[3] Some things never change. Though Jack does think Jason Grace and Axel are now friends much to Pax’s pouty distaste.
[4] In Mel’s betanotes, she read this first as the Pokemon, “Exeggutor” and thought of an Axel version of that. I mean… Axel is both a psychic and nature type….
[5] Melbeta note, “HIRO FUCKING WHISTLED YOU GO YOU SMOL CHEEKY LITTLE PAX GET YOUR KICKS WHERE YOU CAN GET THEM XD XD … OH GOSH THAT PUN WASN’T INTENDED AND WAS MEANER THAN I EVER MEANT I’M SO SORRY!” Jack, “I couldn’t stop laughing at this. I think you understand why I needed to put this in here XD”
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Lance gets bad news, Keith gets bottomed?, and Allura gets to see...
Something was definitely going on with Lance, something that was more than simple tiredness. Lance wouldn't even look him in the eye after talking him through how to perform a scan with the castle's equipment. Keith hadn't seen anything wrong with Lance, still he'd gone ahead and set up an IV line for his mate, staying by his side until the sedatives had kicked in and Lance was out cold. Normally Lance didn't require sedatives to sleep, but Keith had a feeling his mate would insist on dragging himself up to the bridge to wait for the others if he hadn't administer under the guise of painkiller for Lance's still aching head. From the moment the machine stopped it's scan, right up to the moment Lance fell asleep, his mate stared across the room at their son's on the other bed. Maybe Lance was just trying to calm his omega down? He said it was feeling clucky... did that mean Lance wanted more pups already? He said he couldn't go through birth again, so Keith had kind of accepted that the twins might be the only children they'd have, and he'd made peace with that. Lance's health and safety came first, as well as the fact it was Lance's body, so at the end of the day, his mate had full control of what happened to it... it just confused him that Lance was bringing it all up again after going on a mission with Lotor and Shiro, both of which had slept with his mate at some point... well Lotor was a maybe, he'd definitely touched Lance, but neither of them knew how far he'd taken it.
 Leaving Lance sleeping, Keith carried the boys up to the bridge. With their energetic movements, the last thing they needed was for one of the pups to fall from the bed, or even worse, for them both too and be seriously hurt. Allura, Coran and Krolia were all standing, waiting for Pidge, or Hunk to call through
"Any news?"
"No. How's Lance?"
"He's sleeping in the medical bay, despite being in the pod, he's still a little uncomfortable"
"Nothing too bad, I hope"
"No Coran, thanks to all your help, we now know how to work the scanner and nothing came up on his scan"
"Are you sure? I mean, Coran is the expert when it comes to scans"
"That's true, but Lance and I didn't see anything"
If Keith was honest, he was just going off of Lance's previous scans and was no expert like Coran, but the scanner hadn't highlighted anything
"Perhaps it would be best to conduct another scan once Lance wakes"
"He'll be out for a while, I gave him a shot for pain... that was actually a sedative. He would have wanted to wait for Pidge, Hunk and Matt if I hadn't, he also said that Shiro and Lotor didn't hurt him. So once they've returned, we can release them"
"So do we just wait?"
"You can go ahead and call Pidge and Hunk, I doubt they'll be discussing anything too exciting"
Moving over to his console, Coran went about calling their three friends. Pidge's face filled her half the screen, while Hunk looked somewhat more relaxed
"Hey guys! How's Lance?!"
"He's good. He's sleeping at the moment, Hunk"
"I'm surprised you got him to sleep"
"Keith drugged him"
"Mum, you don't need to dob me in"
"Well you did"
Forcing an exerted sigh, Keith had no idea why his mother insisted on telling everyone 
"What does it look like?"
"We're just arriving, here let me switch view"
The scene in front of them was floating chunks of earth
"Well. It's gone. I don't see how anyone could have survived this, and we aren't reading any life signs in the area"
"Though we are getting some unusual energy readings"
"It's emitting the signals one would have expect from a black hole, and radiation is continuing to rise"
"There's no way she could have survived?"
"No. Nothing could have survived, and there's no trace of that black goop or pure quintessence"
"Alright, take as many readings are you and then fall back. We'll need to contact our allies and let them know to avoid that quadrant"
"Do we know what Honerva was trying to do?"
"She wanted to go back in time"
"Ugh. Why can't bad guys ever be original?... ow! Matt!"
"Keith, we'll take the readings and return. Do you mind if I use Green to contact the rebel forces?"
"Why are you asking him? She's my lion"
"No, go ahead"
"Guys, Green is mine!"
"No ones saying she's not"
"Then stop..."
The call was ended, presumably by Matt. Shaking his head at his friend's, Keith couldn't quite believe that Honerva was dead. Just like that...
"Hunk, just make sure they don't kill each other"
"Will do"
Ending his call, there was nothing else for them to say
"So what now?"
"We wait for them, mum, can you contact Kolivan. Let them know to avoid any missions concerning infected ships and that quadrant of space. Once that is done, why don't you guys get some rest? It'll be vargas before Pidge, Matt and Hunk return"
 Still agitated from Lance being hurt, Keith headed down to the training deck to work his anger into something more constructive than cursing Lotor and Shiro.
After waking from an amazing sleep, the only thing wrong was the cramping in his stomach. Pushing himself up, Lance slid the IV from his arm as he winced 
"Lance, lovely to see you awake my boy. How are you feeling?"
Rubbing his face, Lance yawned as he nodded at Coran 
"Oddly refreshed, I can't believe I fell asleep"
"You certainly needed it"
"How long was I out for? And are the others back?"
"Yes. Honerva's base was completely destroyed. We've decided to cordon off that quadrant of space for now, as by Pidge's calculations, it's turning into a black hole"
"I thought they happened instantaneously"
"Yes, well, this one hasn't. Now that you're awake, are you up for a scan"
"I already had one"
"There's no harm in being thorough. Young Keith only just left before you woke. He's been worried for you"
Talk about guilt tripping...
"Coran, if I tell you something, can you swear you won't tell anyone"
"Lance, what is it? What's wrong?"
Placing one hand on his stomach, Lance sank back down
"I've been feeling sick lately, and my stomach is cramping... um... Krolia said I... she said I was... that I was miscarrying. I haven't taken off my ring, so I don't see how I could be, but I need to know"
"Does Keith know?"
"No. So please don't tell him. I don't want to upset him when it might just be nothing"
"Alright, just lay back and get comfortable. You know the drill"
"I wish I didn't"
"We all wish you didn't. Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this"
Closing his eyes, Lance took a deep breath as he waited for the heat to fill his stomach.
 "Coran. You're not saying anything"
"Lance, I don't see a foetus, but there does seem to be evidence that your womb lining is "shedding". I can't not say that you were, but it is thicker than your previous scans"
"So I might have been?"
"Or it may just be your hormones returning to normal levels"
"Ok... thanks Coran. I'll um... I'll talk to the doctor when we get back to Olkarion"
Though Coran probably knew more than the doctors did
"Lance, perhaps you should tell Keith?"
"No. It's ok. If it's something serious, then I'll tell him"
Climbing off the bed, Lance was in shock. The ring on his finger was supposed to prevent this kind of thing. Internally his omega was having a breakdown over it all. He needed to see his kids.
 Heading down to the nursery, he found it empty, as was his and Keith's quarters. Walking all the way back up to find Keith and the pups was too much effort, so he remade their bed and gave Keith a call. In the background he could hear Hunk and Pidge laughing. Jealousy flared inside of him. Why did they get to be happy? When there was possibly something wrong with him... he still didn't want to believe it could be a miscarriage. Promising to be down soon, Lance changed into a pair of Keith's black track pants and one of his mates singlets. He really wanted Keith. He wanted his mate curled around him, kissing him, telling him everything was going to be ok. It was hard to choke down his tears, and it took forever before Keith came in with the boys. Laying them on the bed, Keith went to climb on the outer side, effectively blocking them in. Reaching out, Lance tugged his hand as he stared up at his mate
"Hey, what's up? Did your scan not go alright?"
"It... I just, I really want you to hold me"
Keith was confused, but still did as asked, climbing around him and the boys before spooning up behind him and kissing his nape
"Baby, you can tell me anything"
"I know. Just... I really love you Keith"
"I love you too"
"And the boys. I love them so much"
Lance placed his hand over Keith's, squeezing firmly as he did
"You're scaring me"
"Sorry. I just really wanted to see you and the boys"
"You don't need to be so upset over that. We missed you too"
"We're on our way back to Olkarion, aren't we?"
"It's still going to take a couple of quintants"
Quintants... which meant this might all pass before they reached Olkarion. He could only hope so. Leaning in to kiss Laneith, his son stuck his fingers up his nose
"That's gross"
"Do you have a problem with my snot?"
"No, but maybe it's better that it's not on Laneith's fingers"
"I haven't got anything to wipe it on"
"I'll get a tissue"
"It's fine. We'll live. Won't be baby. Yes we will, look at you, you think it's all a big game"
Laneith cooed happily, his other hand grabbing for Lance's face, capturing his hand, Lance kissed his palm as he made nomming noises
"You're an amazing mother"
"It helps these guys are so adorable, just like their daddy"
"I am not adorable"
"Sexy. Perfect. Adorable"
"I'm definitely none of those"
"You are to me"
"That's because you're weird"
"That's not nice"
"Just calling it like I see it"
For the most part, his cramping had passed during the trip back to Olkarion. With nothing to do, Lance spent most of his time down in the nursery with the boys. They loved wriggling on their play mat, and being just the three of them, Lance opted to let them play naked. It wasn't healthy to keep them in nappies all the time, and Kelance has a small rash forming from it. Even if he was in pain, he definitely enjoyed spending time with them, and reading to them, and watching them inch their way closer to crawling. So far there had only been two accidents, both of which were pee, so it wasn't too hard to clean up. 
 The evening they arrived on Olkarion, Lance was the first one off the castle, taking his pups with him while Keith dealt with finding a way home for Lotor and Matt. Making his way down towards the village, he ran into the person he was seeking out as he went
As always, Ryner didn't know to deal with perky persona, the old woman smiling thinly as she nodded
"Lance. What news from the castle?"
"Everyone's ok... hey, do you happen to have a few doboshes? I was actually coming to find you"
"What can this old lady do for you?"
Fidgeting with Laneith's blanket, Lance hated asking
"I think there might be something wrong with the ring you made for me. Is it possible you can take a look?"
"Did something happen?"
"Uh... possibly. I was... I need to see a doctor too"
"Why don't we take a walk down to the hospital?"
"Thanks. I'm sorry for all of this, especially when just got back"
 Walking tensely beside Ryner, neither of them talked as they made their way down to the hospital and inside. A few of the Olkarion came to ask how the pups were, so when Ryner took him by the elbow and led him away, he was more than a little grateful. He didn't know what to say. The pups were fine. Lead into a small examination room, the doctor was already waiting 
"I'll take that ring of yours now"
"Oh, hang on. I need to put the boys down"
Trying to appear normal, the omega laid both pups on the bed, before sliding the ring from his finger and dropping it into Ryner's palm
"I will return it to you later, if that's acceptable"
"That would be awesome. Thank you"
"No worries"
Nodding to both of them, the woman shuffled from the room, leaving him with the same doctor he had after birthing the boys
"Red Paladin, what seems to be the problem?"
"I... Ryner created a ring so I wouldn't fall pregnant, but recently I took a blow to the stomach and I've been bleeding since"
"So you think you're miscarrying?"
"I've been bleeding and cramping for the last 3 quintants. It's lightening up, but we weren't sure if I did miscarry of if it's hormone related"
"I'll need to examine you. Please lower your pants and place your hands on the bed"
Because that wasn't embarrassing... gritting his teeth, he did as he was asked.
 After being poked and prodded in ways he definitely didn't like, Lance focused all his attention on his boys
"There's no sign of internal or external trauma. You may pull your pants back up, and please lay on the bed"
Holding two pups and trying to climb onto the bed was nearly impossible and the old man didn't move a finger to help him as he did. Both boys were just as cranky as he was by the end of it 
"I'm going to perform an ultrasound. It will also measure your hormone levels, and test for any traces of lingering foreign matter"
"Um. Ok"
The look he got clearly said he didn't need to speak. Couldn't the man at least be a little nice? He was completely freaking out! And the gel pad he placed on his stomach... Oh Lordy... his whole body clenched.
 "You're not pregnant. If you were, you have already passed the foetus. There is still some lining of the womb shedding, which suggests a pregnancy has occurred"
"So I lost a baby"
The old man sighed as he nodded
"For now take comfort in the knowledge you have two boys already"
Packing everything away, just as efficiently as he'd unpacked the portable scanner, Lance was too shocked to move. The ring was supposed to protect against falling pregnant... this wasn't supposed to happen. Sliding off the bed, he mumbled his thanks, before fleeing. His omega just as shocked as the rest of him, and he didn't know what to say or do.
 Blindly fleeing up to the castle, luck wasn't on his side as he walked into Lotor and Shiro. Bouncing back, Shiro grabbed his arm so he wouldn't fall
"Lance! What are you doing out here?"
"I just went for a walk..."
"On a cold night like this? The pups aren't dressed for such cool weather. You better get them inside"
"That's what I was trying to do"
Ignoring the angry look on Lotor's face, Lance pulled away from Shiro 
"It was just a walk. Lay off of me"
"I didn't..."
"You didn't what? Mean to imply in a bad mother?! Just leave me alone"
Shiro and Lotor could both...
"Lance, what's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong! If you've got time to stand here and yell at me, then you've got time to go away!"
"I wasn't yelling at you"
"What's going on here?"
Appearing from the castle entry, Allura walked to his side
"Can't you all just leave me alone! I went for a walk! That's not illegal, I wasn't doing anything wrong"
Allura took half a step back, concern written all over her face 
"Lance, no one said you did anything wrong"
"Shiro did. And I can tell Lotor's mad because I didn't save Honerva"
This was their first time seeing each other since the incident, that was another reason he'd stayed down in the nursery with the boys 
"Stop saying my name! God. Can't you all give me some space?"
Pushing past Allura, Lance strode into the castle, making his way straight back down to the nursery. The night wasn't that cold, and both boys were in full length onesies with beanies on. He knew how to take care of his kids. He didn't need anyone sticking their nose in his business.
After talking with Allura, Keith sought out Lance. His mate was hidden under a pile of blankets, with the twins laying on his chest. Pulling the pile back, the glare his husband shot him had him sighing 
"If you're going to hell me off, I don't want to hear it"
"Allura said you were upset. You've been upset for days... are you ready to tell me what's wrong?"
"Baby, please talk to me. Not only did Allura say you were upset, Shiro said the same thing, and apparently villagers saw you at the hospital"
"I don't want to talk about it!"
Keith flinched as anger rolled off Lance 
"Baby, I'm worried. Mums worried to"
"That's funny"
"What's so funny about that?"
"That mum would be worried. If she hadn't told me, I wouldn't have even known"
Breaking down into sobs, Lance tried to curl around their son's 
"If she hadn't told you what?"
"I... I had a miscarriage. I think I had a miscarriage, it... there wasn't any evidence of carrying... but... I was down at the hospital hoping they'd tell me I didn't. Mum smelt it on me. And. Just. I'm a broken omega, so just leave"
Keith was floored. The thought had crossed his mind for a moment when Lance started bleeding, but the ring was supposed to prevent him falling pregnant. If Lance had conceived, he wouldn't have been very far along
"Don't! Don't be nice to me! Not now"
"Hey, come here"
Climbing into their bed, Keith pulled Lance up against him, with the pups still on lance's chest as he cried
"I didn't even want another kid so soon, so I don't know why it hurts!"
"Because you love so much baby..."
"I wasn't supposed to fall pregnant!"
"I know. But we were using technology not built for our exact make up. There are no one hundred percent contraceptives"
"How come you don't hate me?!"
"Because these things happen. Your body was probably drained for your extended heat, and it didn't know what to do"
"Why me! What did I do with wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong baby. Nothing at all. I'm here, I'm here without"
Pressing kisses to Lance's temple, he rubbed his mates arm at the same time. Losing another pup was rough, but he wasn't the one who to physically deal with the effects of doing so
"I'm here. I've got you. I love you"
"You shouldn't... I'm wrong"
"You're not wrong"
Let holding his crying mate, Keith struggled to hold down his emotions, eventually giving into his own tears.
 With Lotor and Matt both leaving the following morning, Keith let Lance sleep in. His first stop of the morning after seeing two of them off, was a trip down to see Ryner and the organising a house to borrow. He make good on his promise that they'd live off the castle, and with a little string pulling, the Olkari woman had an even better plan. They were going to construct a house for them, from the ground up using vines and Olkarion technology. Keith didn't care what it looked like, to him a house was a house, he'd only stipulated that it needed to have a bath, but the rest of it was left to her discretion. Returning to the castle, he found Lance was up and about, eating breakfast in the kitchen while Hunk was baking. Blinking at him, Lance blushed as Keith walked over to his mate and kissed him deeply
"Guys, it's too early for this"
"It's never too early to kiss Lance. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up"
"It's ok. Hunk explained you were seeing off Matt and Lotor"
"Yeah. We had to piece together a ship for Lotor, so we didn't have to part with the fighter jet. Matt had his own ship, so he left first"
Nodding, Lance went back to what seemed to be space cereal
"So what's the plan now? I mean. We have no big bad at the moment... who do we fight now?"
"There's still some factions that are more than likely to cause trouble, but for the most part, we'll be continuing to offer aid and support to the planets in the coalition"
"It feels weird not having anyone to fight"
"I thought you'd be happy Hunk"
"I am. It's just... it's been one adventure after another since we came out here, and now there seems to be some stability in the Galaxy. What do we do?"
"Isn't that what I just asked"
"For now, I think we have all earned a well deserved break. We'll monitor Lotor's movements until we're sure he isn't planning to move against us"
"He's still mad I couldn't save Honerva"
"What makes you say that?"
"Because he didn't say anything. He didn't yell at me or ask me what happened in her final moments. He just accepted it"
"He is half Galra"
"Keith's half Galra and if something happened to his mum? He'd want to know"
"Keith likes his mum. I don't think Lotor liked Honerva"
"He liked Honerva. His problem was mostly with Haggar. You weren't there. I think he actually supported her trying to turn back time"
"Something like that, it can't be possible"
"It's happened before. Remember, Allura and Coran were trapped in that time rift before. I'm worried Lotor will want to pick up where Honerva ended"
"He doesn't have the quintessence or knowledge to do so"
"But he talked to her... he would have seen what she was doing. And there's probably more of that black stuff out there..."
Placing his spoon back down, Lance shook his head
"I think I might go read to the boys for a bit"
"I'll come down with you. Did you leave them sleeping?"
"Yeah. They'll probably be awake now"
Sliding off his stool, Lance winced as he wrapped an arm around his stomach, leaving Keith wishing he could do more than just watch. Hopefully Ryner would get back to him sooner rather than later, and Lance would be able to take a nice long bath to ease his pain. Taking his mates free hand, he stayed close to his husband as they left the kitchen and headed down to the nursery.
 As Lance had predicted, both boys were awake. Kelance was sucking on his hand again, while Laneith was mouthing at the soft toy bear in his cot. Not missing the way Lance was still holding his stomach, Keith guided Lance to sit before moving to lift Kelance from his cot 
"Someone's gotten bigger"
"Mhmm, they both have... sorry you had to pick them up, my stomachs still a little tender"
"I don't mind. I've missed the three of you all morning"
Taking Kelance from him, Lance smiled at their baby boy, before lifting him high and blowing a raspberry on his stomach. Kelance squealed at the action, kicking his feet out as he did
"Hey, I don't suppose you saw Ryner while you were out?"
"How come?"
He didn't want to mention the house thing until he could actually take Lance down to see it, but his mate didn't seem to notice him smoothly dodging the actual question 
"I gave her my ring yesterday, and she was going to take a look at it to see why it didn't work... she was supposed to return it to me last night"
"Oh. I didn't even notice you weren't wearing it"
"I've still got the important one on"
"I know. Does it ever feel weird under your gloves?"
"No, I've gotten used to it. I think it'd feel weirder if I didn't wear it... besides, it reminds me I have you waiting for me"
After lifting Laneith in his hold, Keith crossed to sit by Lance. His husband immediately placing his forehead against the alpha's right should and kissing his arm
"Hey, it's ok. I'm here"
"I know. I guess we know why I wasn't feeling great, and why my omega was feeling so clucky"
"Yeah... baby, you know I'm not mad at you, don't you? Neither of us suspected you might be, and mum... I can't believe she'd be able to smell the change in your hormones so soon"
"I didn't think it was possible..."
"I know baby. Are you up for helping with bath time?"
"I'm not missing bath time. I'll just sit on the edge of the shower, but... there might be some blood. I mean. Most of its passed, and it's just spotting now, but I get if it's gross"
"Lance, it's not gross, and I was there last time this happened. You have no idea how proud I am of you, do you?"
"For loosing another pup?"
"For letting me in"
"I practically had a mental breakdown and sobbed at you"
"But you told me, and that's the main thing. I love you so much"
"I love you too. Can we stay inside today? The boys have really liked playing on their play mat"
"With Lotor and Matt gone, it's just admin work, and Shiro has probably already started on that. I think mum wanted to talk to me, but she'll find us when she's ready"
Humming, Lance nuzzled his arm as he kissed it again
"Thanks. I really just need to feel safe at the moment, and while the castle's home, I still feel best when I'm with you and the boys"
Keith's heart swelled at his mates words. He wanted to sweep Lance off his feet and spoil his mate rotten, while also wanting to tuck him up in bed and do whatever Lance wanted or needed him to do. So if his mate wanted him there, he wasn't going anywhere.
Laying on the floor, Keith was spooned up against him as they watched the boys. It was a race now, as both pups had rolled onto their stomachs and were in the process of conquering holding themselves up. The moment was so magical, and so intimate that Lance wished he was filming it, but didn't dare track down a camera in case he missed seeing who crawled first. Behind him, Keith was tense, as if holding back a cheer at the boys progress... or maybe he wanted to yell at them to hurry up. They were both so close. Reaching out for his brother, Kelance fell down, while Laneith reached a chubby hand out, crawling ever so slightly before Kelance grabbed his arm and Laneith fell on his butt. Laughing at their boys, Lance reached out and lifted Kelance up 
"You're not supposed to sabotage your brother"
"Hey, he just wanted to do the same thing as Laneith"
"I think this means Laneith crawled first. Keith, how can they be getting so big? I can't believe it... our sons are crawling"
"They're not crawling yet"
"They're close enough. I don't want them growing up. They're so adorable"
"So you like dirty nappies and temper tantrums?"
"I like their chubby faces and how curious they are about everything... how about I take care of them when they're this big, and you can take care of them when they're moody teenagers like you"
"I'm not moody"
"Mhmm... I suppose you've gotten better"
Nipping his shoulder playfully, Keith reached up and took Kelance's hand
"It's being with you that did it"
"Oh, so you love our sons more than me. I see how it is"
"I don't think I'm physically capable of loving anyone more than I love you"
"Just remember that next time I do something wrong"
"If you didn't mess up, you wouldn't be you"
"Hey! Did you just insult me?!"
"Maybe. What are you going to do about it?"
"Ummm, I don't know. Actually, yes I do. You can make me lunch"
"Nope. You've never cooked for me. Not proper food"
"Probably because I didn't really bother with proper food. It's not exactly high on the priorities when you live alone"
"Keith, I was joking. If you really want to do something to make it up to me, I wouldn't say no to a kiss"
"I can cook"
"And I'm telling you I was joking"
"No. You don't believe me"
"I do. Now give me a kiss"
Rolling in his hold, Lance closed his eyes expectantly. Biting his mates lower lip, Keith cut off Lance's yelp with a hard kiss, that soon turned heated. Almost forgetting the pups were even there, the alpha rocked his hips suggestively as he dominated Lance's mouth, before breaking the kiss to smirk down at him
"Keith... that's not fair"
"What's not fair"
"You know we can't... while I'm like this"
"I know. Doesn't mean I don't love and want you"
Pouting Lance rolled back and placed Kelance back next to Laneith, wriggling his arse against Keith's half erection as he did
"Now who's being a tease"
"Me. You deserve it though"
"No maybes about it"
"I think it's time the boys had a nap. Laneith looks like he's about to fall asleep"
With his bum in the air and his eyes firmly closed, Laneith really did look like he was trying to sleep through their shenanigans. Nodding his agreement, Lance pushed himself up
"I'll place them in their cots"
"It's ok. I'm not as sore as I was before"
"You're still recovering. Let me take care of you for a change"
"You're always taking care of me"
"Because I love you"
Climbing to his feet, Keith moved both pups to their respective cots, before sweeping Lance off his feet and into his arms, letting out a giggle the omega found himself staring into Keith's eyes. He really did have the sweetest mate, even if he was starting to creep him out
"You're staring"
"Because you're adorable"
"I'm not adorable"
"You are, and you're mine. I know we can't do anything, but how about we go back to our room. I can massage your lower back for you"
"That would be nice"
 Stripping down to their boxers, Lance laid on his stomach as Keith straddled his legs from behind, if didn't take long for his alpha to have him purring as Keith's fingers gently, yet firmly, massaged his tense muscles. He knew Keith wanted more than just this, but he really wasn't up for having his mate between his legs...
"Can we do that thing again?"
Hissing as Keith worked out a particularly tight knot, his husband waited until the pain lessened
"What thing?"
"Where, you bottom? I mean... I want to make you feel good too"
"I'm fine with this"
"Have you ever considered I might not be?"
How Keith hadn't realised he was hard and aching, he had no idea
"You want to do that?"
"Only if you want to..."
"Are you sure you'll be ok?"
"Mmm, I'll be fine... besides, thinking about it makes me want to try it again"
"Hold still then"
Climbing off the bed, Lance propping himself up some he could watch as Keith walked over to their wardrobe, his husband started rummaging through it, before pulling out a small bag
"What's that?"
"After last time, I found the condoms and lube from Earth..."
"We bought condoms and lube? Why didn't I know about this?"
"Because I thought we only bought lube, it wasn't until I found the bag that I found out we got condoms too"
"Wow. You really do think of everything"
"I try... though you made it pretty hard to think"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you were so excited to be back on Earth, and so happy that I spent more time patting attention to you than anything else"
Ducking his head, Lance blushed. He might have been a tad excited at being home, and triply so because he got to experience everything with Keith. Rolling onto his side, he patted the spot he'd just vacated, while Keith paused 
"Boxers on or off?"
"That depends. Do you want me to cut a hole in them, or just pull them down as soon as you get on the bed"
"... right... stupid question"
Dropping the back on the bed, Keith hooked his thumbs in the waist band of his underwear, freeing his erection. Groaning at the musky and earthy smell, Lance crawled onto his hands and knees, over to the edge of the bed 
"Fuck you're big"
Grasping Keith's erection, his alpha moaned as he jerked it lightly, before sinking his lips over its crown. Giving a few tentative bobs, Lance pulled back so he could look up at Keith properly
"Get on the bed"
"Is that an order?"
"Maybe. I want to pounce on you and lick you all over"
Wrinkling his nose, Keith let out a snort
"Or not"
 With Keith laying on the bed, Lance's head was buried between his mates legs as he sucked his alphas erection. Having breached Keith with a lubed finger, he was trying to make the experience as comfortable as possible for his mate. Probing his finger deeper, Keith's hands grabbed his hair
Nodding around his mates erection, he rubbed at Keith's sweet spot until he started to rock hard into Lance's mouth. Risking gagging, Lance pulled back and nudged Keith's legs further apart, as he slid his finger back 
"You weren't supposed to stop"
"Just be patient"
Lubing up his second finger, Lance slid them both in slowly, Keith's back arching off the bed as he did 
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No! No... don't stop"
Grateful Keith couldn't watch what he was doing, Lance began to move both fingers as he scooted down and began to nervously lick at Keith's stretching opening. He wasn't as confident as he'd managed to be the first time around, and he wasn't even sure if he was doing it right, but Keith hadn't told him to stop. Sliding his fingers so close to his tongue, he wondered how stupid he looked as he covered them in drool. This wasn't working well enough. Pulling out his fingers, Keith groaned at the loss, so Lance moved to mouth and lick at his lovers opening
"Feels... good"
Encouraged by Keith's words, he slid his tongue in, ignoring how weird the lube felt in his mouth as he slowly began tonguing Keith's opening 
"Baby! You're going to make me cum..."
Pulling his tongue out, he thrust his fingers back in, Keith's insides clenching and rippling around him as he gasped. Sitting back up, Lance locked eyes with his mate as he fucked him with his fingers 
"Shit baby... I can't..."
Without any direct stimulating to his penis, Keith came across his stomach with a long growl. The sight so erotic that all Lance could think was how lucky he was to be the only one watching Keith fall apart beneath him, leaning in, he kept slamming his fingers into his alpha as he lapped his way up a long trail thick of cum
"Lance, I want you..."
"I need to have at least three fingers in you"
"Then hurry up"
"You sound like an omega, so desperate to be filled by me"
Growling, Keith shot up, his hand grabbing a fistful of Lance's hair as he smashed his mouth against his, kissing him hungrily until Lance whined 
"Who's the alpha?"
"You are"
"And who's the omega who's going to be fucking this alpha?"
"I am"
"Mmm, good omega"
Releasing him, Keith wrapped his legs around Lance's waist, angling his hips up as he did. Prep time was over. He wanted to be in Keith, because there was no way he was going to be able to last much longer. 
 Shimmying his boxers down to free his erection, he coated himself in lube, before lining up teasing Keith's opening with the blunt tip
"Don't forget to breathe"
Not waiting, Keith howled as he impaled himself on Lance, forcing him inside his alpha until he swallowed to the very root. Shuddering as he tried to hold off his orgasm, Lance took a few deep breaths of his own before looking up to Keith's face. He hadn't even moved and his alpha already looked wrecked 
"I'm not going to last"
Nodding, Keith's hands fisted the blankets as the alpha impatiently began trying to rock against him. Taking hips firmly in his hands, Lance rose so he could actually begin to find his rhythm. If he didn't pull out all the way, his back didn't hurt, but Keith was growing impatient for more. Flipping them over, his alpha began to ride him, and Lance was sure he'd died and gone to heaven. This was all too much. His alpha fucking himself openly as lewd moans poured from his lips, when Keith took his erection in his hand and began pumping himself, that was it for Lance. His toes curling as he came hard, Keith not even slowing down as he filled him. Wrecked from his own orgasm, he watched Keith cum across his hand, a satisfied smile on the alphas face as he immediately slumped forward and started nuzzling Lance's neck 
"Mmm, so good to me baby. I love you"
Purring, Lance kissed a sloppy kiss to the side of Keith's head. He'd supposed to be making Keith feel good, but he'd needed the release just as much as his mate had. Wrapping his arms around Keith, his alpha ground down in his lap, keeping them joined together 
"I love you, I love you so much"
Nuzzling his neck, Lance groaned as Keith's nuzzling turned to his mate sucking a painful and possessive hickey, before dropping back against him with a low laugh.
 Their post-coital bliss was interrupted by a scream as the door to their room slid open, revealing all to Allura 
"I'm sorry! Ryner's here! I'm sorry!"
"Allura, go away!"
"I'm sorry!"
Blushing bright red, Lance tried to hide from the world against Keith's shoulder. His happiness turning to embarrassed distress in an instant. Sliding off of him, Keith immediately repositioned them so he was sitting in this alphas lap
"Shhh, it's ok"
"Allura... Allura saw"
"I know"
"She saw!"
"Lance, I'm well aware of what she saw"
"But... how am I meant to face her?"
"Baby, it's fine. We weren't doing anything wrong or shameful"
"No. You don't need to be upset. It's her fault for not knocking"
"I was still in you"
"I know"
"Lance, it's ok. Let's get cleaned up and see what she wants"
"I don't feel very well"
It was true. He now felt like he was going to throw up, probably from having Keith's hands pressing down on his tender stomach, and the fact he was terrified of what Allura would say. There was also now a throbbing in his head that hadn't been there before Allura walked in...
"Give me a few doboshes before coming in"
 Climbing from Keith's lap, Lance stumbled through to the bathroom, pulling his boxers down as he sank onto the toilet and wiped began cleaning up. The bleeding was a little thicker, but not as bad as it had been, and respecting this need for a few moments alone, Keith came in as he was turning the shower on
"Are you ok?"
"Y-yeah. Sorry. I think my stomach didn't like that as much as the rest of me did"
"No. I should have said no. You're still recovering"
"I thought the worse of it had passed"
Why were his eyes filling with tears?"
With three large steps, Keith was wrapping his arms around him as Lance started to cry
"I've got you"
The release had broken the final part of the wall keeping the dregs of his emotions at bay. He'd lost another pup, and acting like it didn't hurt hadn't helped. He was just so confused, and so shocked. Nuzzling and kissing his hair, Keith whispered all kinds of things under the running water, but for the life of him, Lance couldn't say what. He just knew he didn't want to let Keith go.
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kendrixtermina · 2 years
Weekly Gratitude List
I am grateful for the joys of cave hermit life. I am going to miss this when I have a new job and have to talk to people on the regular again. (even if many advantages come with that also, such as “more cash to waste on books and candy”) I’m gonna spend at least half of all my vacations camping on my own in the wilderness with a stack of books. 
I am also grateful for my family tho and all their help & appreciation
and stimulating online discussions
i am grateful that people sometimes think my personality is hot
and my recent not so bad “Do Things” track record I think I may finish the Theory Post List tonight which is just a warmup for everything else ive been putting up and need to just do
I am grateful that I’ve actually adapted pretty well by now to taking regular walks. I was a struggle at first but now it’s actually fun. may it promote neurogenesis and blood vessel health as advertised. gotta make sure my noggin lasts me now that im over 25
the chicken & mushroom stir fry im currently munching on is delicious, i figure thats worth some gratitude points
i am grateful i got my darn scanner to work
i am grateful dor those hilarious photos of my baby cousin with sunglasses. 
i am grateful for the ability to just keep scrolling & mind my own business
there could never be a week where im not grateful for my laptop
im grateful for those two me-sized dresses. ill never get over how nice they look
0 notes
nitewrighter · 6 years
Breach Pt. II
Part 1 is here
Content Warning for some... messed up Widowmaker-related stuff.
Genji’s eyes snapped open with a start to the familiar lights of the watchpoint infirmary.
“Easy!” Mercy said as he jerked and winced in the infirmary bed, “Easy...” she put a hand on his shoulder.
“What happened---London---?” Genji looked around.
“There was an EMP attack at the memorial,” said Tracer, standing at the foot of his bed, “It... took a pretty heavy toll on your prosthetics.”
“Master?!” Genji spoke in alarm.
“Zenyatta’s hard drive is responsive, but repairing his body is taking some time,” said Mercy.
“Kuso...” Genji swore under his breath, then suddenly perked up in alarm, “Rei wasn’t hurt, was she?” said Genji.
Mercy wasn’t making eye contact with him.
“Angela---” Genji sat up in bed, “Where is Rei?”
Mercy’s mouth tightened and tears welled up in her eyes.
“Angela?!” Genji put his hands on her shoulders.
“Talon took her,” Tracer said, and Genji broke his sight away from Angela to look at Tracer. “It... it was a fake-out,” Tracer went on, “I thought they were trying to assassinate Zenyatta... but... by the time I figured it out...” she trailed off, “...I wasn’t fast enough.”
“Do we know where she is?” said Genji.
Tracer’s eyes met his and her brow crinkled. She didn’t know. Angela didn’t know either.
“Several miles outside Reykjavik,” Hanzo’s voice cut through the air and the three of them all looked over to see him in the doorway of the infirmary.
“What?” Mercy and Genji spoke up at the same time.
“How--How do you know?” said Tracer as Hanzo walked over.
Hanzo made eye contact with Mercy and something seemed to shift in his expression. A slight twitch of the eyebrow that told her ‘You’re not going to like this.’ He took a deep breath and folded his arms, “You...uh... you may remember a couple of months back when Rei got her wisdom teeth removed--”
“You had a chip put in my daughter,” said Mercy.
“...I didn’t activate it,” said Hanzo, “It was... a precaution.” Mercy kept a skeptical gaze on him, “Rei has the dragon,” Hanzo said firmly, “You can’t simply let a Shimada dragon run around unaccounted for.”
Mercy huffed. “We’ll need to talk about this later, I supposed for now, we need to figure out what our next step is...”
“...and what Talon’s plan for Rei is,” said Hanzo.
“Changing the world?” said Aedan as an unconscious Rei was lugged up onto a wheeled stretcher and a labtech hurried in with another IV.
“Leveling the playing field---call it what you will,” said Moira with a shrug, “Overwatch already has two people capable of wielding the Shimada dragons--that hardly seems fair, doesn’t it?”
“So... Rei’s going to join our side?” said Aedan. He remembered the look on Rei’s face, the pure fear and revulsion at finding out who his mother was. “She’s a Talon psycho! She’s a monster!” he remembered Rei’s words in the elevator back in Oasis. “...it’s going to take a lot of convincing,” he said quietly.
“Lucky for us we’re very persuasive,” said Moira with a smile.
“Do you think Project Widow can still proceed with this level of sedation?” one of the labtechs said, inserting the IV needle into Rei’s arm and taping it down.
“Project Orphan. We’re calling it Project Orphan,” said another labtech, “God, what year are you living in?” 
“We won’t know until we get the EEG scanners set up again,” said Moira, “Get her back to Lab 9, I’ll rejoin you in a bit.” She looked to Aedan, “You’ve had a bit of a shock, Aedan. You should take it easy for the rest of the day.”
“Right,” said Aedan, walking off.
Aedan didn’t take it easy.
He scrolled through a terminal in the lab records room. “Project... Widow...” Aedan said, typing into the archives before leaning back in his seat. A single file appeared on the screen, and he had seen it before. A lab report on Amélie Lacroix. It was all text--just notes on sedative levels and physical responsiveness, various nutrient intakes and EEG scans. Still, it ended with the final notes of “Subject Amelie Lacroix has successfully adapted to Mnemosyne’s treatments and should be field ready within the next few weeks, should physical conditioning show equal success.”
“Mnemosyne,” said Aedan, typing the name into the archives, “I’ve seen that before.”
 Two files appeared on the screen now--- ‘Project Widow’ and ‘Subject Six.’ He knew Subject Six. He opened the file, where dozens of document files and audio files were. He knew these files well. He opened a video file.
“Good morning subject six!” Moira’s voice was downright chipper as the camera zoomed in on an Amnio-tank where a cluster of black cells were shaping and re-shaping themselves. Moira gave a sigh of satisfaction. “Subject Six is showing marked improvement in cellular integrity compared to his predecessors. I think I should increase the calcium intake just so--” Aedan clicked out of the video and opened a much later file. There wasn’t a cluster of black cells suspended in the amnio-tank, but rather what appeared to be a five-year old boy, parts of his body dissolving into black and reshaping themselves.
“Artificial aging is proceeding smoothly,” Moira’s voice sounded over the video, “I’ve gotten permission to take the Mnemosyne out of cold storage so that Subject Six--Aedan... So that Aedan can have a childhood. Seeing as he hasn’t actually ever been conscious, there should be no resistance to Mnemosyne’s treatments,” He saw Moira’s hand press against the glass of the amnio-tank. “I can give him everything I never had. I owe him that much, bringing him in to all this.”
“Heartwarming, isn’t it?” a gravelly voice spoke behind Aedan and Aedan nearly jumped a foot out of his seat.
“Is sneaking up and scaring people all you’re good for anymore?” muttered Aedan bitterly, glancing over his shoulder at Reaper before turning back to the monitor.
“It’s not going to be like that for her,” said Reaper, stepping forward, “You’re watching your own baby videos---” he gave a glance to the screen with some revulsion, “Well... the closest thing you ever had to baby videos---so you can negotiate and rationalize what they’re about to do to her.”
“They did it to me---” Aedan started.
“They did it to a blank slate that became you,” said Reaper. He set down a small data drive on the desk next to Aedan, “You need to see what happens when that tech is used on someone who’s already someone.”
Aedan looked at the data drive, then looked at Reaper. “What are you trying to accomplish with this?” he asked.
“If you’re going to be a part of this organization, there are things that you’re going to have to learn to live with,” Reaper pointed at the data drive, “That’s one of them.” With that he turned around and walked off.
“Creepy, decrepit old...” Aedan muttered under his breath as he picked up the data drive and plugged it into the terminal, “’Things you’re going to have to learn to live with,’” he imitated the gravel of Reaper’s voice then scoffed, “Please,” he said with a roll of his eyes as a window with several video files opened on screen. He opened one of the video files to see a pale woman with dark strapped down to a table wailing and rapidly talking in French. Aedan typed in a ‘Translate Audio’ command.
“Please--Please--I don’t know anything---I can’t tell you anything--I don’t know anything about my husband’s work--I have money---My family has money---Overwatch has money---I haven’t recognized anyone’s face--You can let me go--” she was hyperventilating and straining against her straps, “Please don’t kill me, oh god, please---”
“We’re not going to kill you, Mrs. LaCroix,” a calm voice spoke from behind the camera.
“I don’t KNOW anything!” she wailed, “Gérard never talks about his work--” 
“Please hold still--” the calm voice spoke again, but she broke out into a full on panic now, her limbs writhing desperately.
“What--? No! What are you doing?!” A labtech was approaching her with some kind of headgear with dozens of wires trailing off of it, as another approached her with a large syringe, her body spasmed as the syringe went into her neck and the apparatus was brought down on her head, “No--Get away from me! Let me go! No! Stop it! STOP IT! PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP! GÉRARD! GÉRARD! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP--”
Aedan closed out of the video, then looked at the other videos in the file. He swallowed hard and clicked the next one. The next one was of Amelie Lacroix, sitting in a chair. Her eyes had changed, no longer wild with panic.
“Word association and response test,” a voice offscreen spoke, “Trial Seven.”
“I understand,” Amélie’s voice was flat, “Please proceed.”
Amélie suddenly jolted and spasmed in her seat as an electrical buzz was heard, and Aedan flinched back in his owns seat at her severe convulsions before she was still again, head hanging down.
“I’m sorry...” Amélie said softly, “I’m sorry...”
“Prep Mnemosyne for another treatment,” the same offscreen voice spoke.
“You don’t have to do that,” she looked up at the camera with hollow eyes. Her expression was blank but a tear ran down from one eye and dripped off her chin, the rest of her face shrouded by her dark hair, “You don’t have to do that. I’ll kill him. I’ll do it. Please don’t put me in that thing again.”
“You need to understand, Widow, there can be no hesitation.”
“I’ll do it. Please. I’ll be good. I’ll be perfect.”
“We know you’ll be,” the voice off screen spoke comfortingly before Amélie spasmed and thrashed in her seat with electric shocks again. Aedan closed out of the video and looked to the third one. He took a deep breath and opened that one.
The next video was of Amélie standing calmly on top of a plastic tarp, a handgun in one hand. A whimpering man with a bag over his head was brought in from offscreen and shoved down to his knees in front of her. Amélie considered the man with a bag on his head with a blank face.
“Trial nine,” the voice offscreen spoke. An electric chime was heard, Widowmaker put her gun to the bag and fired. Blood spurted out the other side of the bag and the figure went limp on the ground.
“.19 seconds. Good. Getting there. Bring in the next prisoner.”
Aedan paused the video and then sat in his seat silently for a few minutes. “...someone who’s already someone,” he said quietly. He remembered a girl in a yellow dress in oasis, bright eyes and wild hair. He looked at Amélie LaCroix on the video, frozen in time and dead behind the eyes and for a heartbeat the images of the two women were superimposed on each other. The light out of Rei’s eyes. 
It’s not going to be like that for her.
There are things you’re going to have to learn to live with.
Not Project Widow, Project Orphan.
Lucky for us we’re very persuasive.
Aedan stood up, knocking his chair back, and took off running. Lab 9. He had to get to Lab 9. He didn’t even know what he would do when he got to Lab 9. He pushed past labtechs and guards, reeled sharply around corners, even faded briefly to avoid several labtechs pushing a large dolly with old Omnic tech on it down the hall. After a few minutes of harried sprinting with absolutely no idea what he was going to do when he would get there, he noticed several labtechs hurrying alongside him. Another breach? he thought, No, there would be guards if it were another breach. He skidded to a halt on his heels alongside a group of several other labtechs standing at the observation window looking into Lab 9. One of the labtechs was screaming, holding a stump of a wrist.
“What the hell is that thing!?” the labtech shouted hysterically.
“Holy shit...” one of the Labtechs said, looking in on the window.
Rei was strapped down to the table, eyes closed, but with ribbons of yellow light coiled around her.
“Stop being a coward and get Mnemosyne on her,” said Moira.
“With that shit coming off of her?! It just took off Capęk’s hand!” shouted another labtech.
“Then sedate her,” Moira said with an eyeroll, “Use the tranq darts if you must.”
“We pump any more into her and her EEG is going to drop below the threshold for Mnemosyne to have any effect,” said another labtech, “It would be like trying to brainwash a rock.”
Moira did a half-scoffing snarl and threw her hands up. “Fine,” she said, “This session is scrubbed. Get Capęk cleaned up and re-sterilize the lab. We’ll attempt again when we’ve figured out a way to circumvent...” she gestured at Rei and the lights coming off of her, “...that. Bloody Shimada... ‘The dragon becomes me’ indeed,” she muttered, shrugging her labcoat off of her shoulders. Aedan faded and disappeared down the hall before Moira could see him outside the lab.
Aedan observed the nanite amalgams in his lab. He wrote reports and analyses. He read. He listened to his music. He cleaned out Creggan’s hutch. He cleaned his room. He stared at his walls and pondered posters and fairy lights and yet a part of him felt like he was only puppeting himself, forcing himself to go through whatever motions he could go through, like disassociating from himself was all he could to keep back a massive, oppressive wall of burning, rotten feeling. Occasionally the thoughts slipped in to his conscious mind.
They’re going to lobotomize her.
They’re going to kill everything that makes her her.
They’re going to make her destroy everything she once loved.
And you have to live with this.
This is one of the things you have to live with.
His stomach was in knots and he distracted himself by fixing dinner. He was a good cook. Cooking was just chemistry, after all. Heat catalyzing reactions. Salt, fat, acid. It was an intersection of science and creativity that he could distract himself with. He was squeezing lemon over two plates seared chicken and arugula when Moira entered the apartment with a huff and bitterly kicked off her shoes, muttering under her breath in Irish.
“Good timing,” Aedan tried to inject as much cheeriness into his voice as possible as Moira stretched and rolled her shoulders, her brow furrowed with frustration. He held up a plate and her expression instantly softened.
“Oh a thaisce...” Moira’s hand went over her chest, “What would I do without you?” she said as he set the plates down at their little dinner table.
“I assume cold cereal with a side of sleep deprivation,” said Aedan, smiling a little and grabbing an already-opened bottle of riesling from the fridge and pouring a glass for each of them.
“You’re a chancer,” Moira said with a grin, elbowing him.
“Rough day, I take it?” Aedan said, as they took their seats.
“Abysmal,” Moira pushed her red hair, graying in some spots, back from her face, “I’ve a mind to just send you off to Oasis if Talon is going to insist on continuing to saddle me with these sorry excuses of lab assistants.” She brought her elbow on the table and rested her chin in her hand as she sipped her wine, “It’s not their fault, I know that. You’ve no idea how frustrating it is... the very thing you acquired an asset for being the one thing that keeps you from using that asset.”
“What do you mean?” said Aedan with semi-feigned ignorance. He knew what she meant.
“Bloody Shimada dragon,” said Moira, fiercely forking some arugula and taking a bite, “There are so many laws of physics and physiology that it breaks and yet--Oh a thaisce, you’ve outdone yourself---”
“Thank you,” said Aedan as Moira washed down her arugula with another sip of riesling.
“Where was--Oh yes. So many laws of physics and physiology that it breaks and I’ve spent hours reviewing what little footage we have of her father and uncle and it only leaves us with more questions than answers.” 
“It must be a sight to see, though,” said Aedan.
“It’s...” Moira grimaced, “...bright,” she said, “It took Capęk’s hand clean off, so we know it’s useful. But the way it behaves...It’s able to activate itself almost independently of her... like an immunoresponse, almost, but...” Moira sighed, “Here I go prattling on. Taking my work home with me.”
“...we live where you work,” said Aedan with a slight smile.
Moira chuckled, “So we do,” she said. The smile shrank from her face as she eyed Aedan’s plate. “...You’ve barely touched your food,” she said.
“Mm?” Aedan found that he was just pushing his arugula salad around the plate.
Moira huffed, “Here I am going on about this wretched girl when she was threatening to break your neck just hours ago. I’m no good with people, it seems... not even people like me.”
“It’s fine,” Aedan said with a shrug.
“No, it’s not. I’m sorry about that ordeal earlier,” she sipped her wine, “...monstrous girl.”
Aedan remembered the look in Rei’s eyes and the sensation of her heart thumping against his back. “...she was terrified,” the words slipped out of him.
Moira stopped mid-sip and looked at him skeptically. “...are you feeling all right?” she asked.
Aedan bit the inside of his lip. “...I’ll be fine,” he said, picking up his plate, “I’ll... I’ll eat this later.” he said, scraping his plate into tupperware and putting it in the refrigerator. Aedan lingered at the refrigerator, staring into it.
“...say you can’t use Mnemosyne on her,” said Aedan, “Say... there’s no way to brainwash her. What then?”
“Well I suppose we’ll have to cut our losses and take a new approach,” said Moira with a shrug.
“So... we’d give her back to Overwatch?” said Aedan.
Moira nearly spat out her wine then. “Give her back? A girl with the Shimada dragon? Aedan, she’s a weapon that we can’t afford to give them.”
“Right--” said Aedan, “Of course.”
“We’ll have to find out all we can from her before we dispose of her...” said Moira.
“...You mean vivisection,” Aedan said quietly.
“Yes, if Mnemosyne doesn’t take, we’ll vivisect her,” said Moira.
“I--” Aedan paled briefly, “We can’t just kill her!”
“We aren’t just killing her, that’s what vivisection means,” said Moira, “Besides,” she spiraled her wrist and a biotic orb alighted on it, glowing yellow, “We can keep her alive as long as we need.”
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briamichellewrites · 3 years
Mike was supposed to be leaving to go back on tour. Instead, he had been admitted into rehab by Linsey. She found him unresponsive and called 911. There were empty beer cans around his body and he was not breathing. Paramedics worked to revive him before putting him on a stretcher and transporting him to the ambulance. Because she was pregnant, they all wanted her not to stress out too much because it could affect the baby.
He was given an IV to administer fluids and his stomach was pumped. Linsey called Brad to let him know of the situation. He took the information he was given and called their tour manager. There was no way in hell he would be able to go back on tour with them. Why was he drinking again? He had promised them he could remain sober.
He didn’t have a good reason. There was nobody he could blame but himself.
The next morning, Phoenix said goodbye to Jayde with a hug and a kiss at the airport drop-off. He got his bags and went inside to find the rest of his band. After they all gathered, they noticed they were missing one. Where’s Mike? They were informed that he would not be joining them. Only Brad and Rob knew why. Because they had a flight to catch, they would have to be told later.
Brad asked Phoenix how Jayde was doing as they walked to the check-in counter. She was doing a lot better. They both went to bed early and she was in her normal mood when they woke up. Did they talk about what happened? He shook his head no. That would be beating the dead horse. She didn’t bring it up, so he didn’t feel a need to mention it. Ok. They were worried about her due to her episode. So was he but he figured something must have happened in her brain.
“She mentioned going to see her brother. He had reached out to her because he has a baby. She seemed excited about that.”
“Oh, what’s his name. Graham? Something like that. I know who you’re talking about. The ex-boyfriend brother.”
He laughed. “Yeah.”
At security, they waited in a long line for the bins to put their shoes, belts, book bags, laptops, and whatever else they had. A TSA agent checked their driver's license against their boarding pass to verify it was them. David Farrell, Joseph Hahn, Bradford Delson-Bourdon, Robert Delson-Bourdon, Chester Bennington. After going through the body scanner, they got their bins and moved to the side to put everything back on quickly.
They arrived at the gate ten minutes early. Because they were taking a private plane, they chose their seats in the back. Their tour manager came and made sure they were all there. Ok. When they were in the air, they were told what happened with Mike. Was he ok? Yes, he was. He had checked into rehab that morning after being discharged from the hospital. How long was he going to be there? Six months.
“His girlfriend is my soon-to-be ex-wife. She must have been the one to find him”, Phoenix said.
“Is she pregnant?”
“Yeah. It’s not a fun situation to be in. I’ll text her when we get to the hotel.”
“And Jayde”, Chester asked.
“I better tell her. That way, she can get out whatever she needs to”, Rob said.
Instead of canceling the entire tour, they were going to bring in replacements. The situation was not ideal but at least Mike was getting the help he needed, especially since he was going to be a father. He needed to be sober for his baby.
Yeah, I know. I saw it on TMZ. I don’t know how the hell they know about it but whatever. Anna wants to meet up. I have no idea why but I’m going to go over to her house tomorrow afternoon. Graham invited me over to meet my niece. I didn’t know I had a niece lol. Anyway, I’m tired so I’m going to take a nap. I love you. – Jayde
Graham. That was his name. Graham something or other. Rob could never remember who was who in her family. What he did remember was that he was the son of her parents. He had been given up for adoption when he was born, so he didn’t have to go through what she did. They should have done that for her. Her life would have been completely different if she had grown up with Jon and his family. Even though he would have missed out on having her as a daughter, he knew she would have been happier.
He would never regret adopting her. She and Brad were his family. Even with her mental health issues and drug addiction, he would never want to go back and do things differently. The little girl next door was now a woman and he was so proud of her!
Dad! I won a Grammy! That had to have been his proudest moment. Fifteen years old. He watched along with the rest of the country as she went up and accepted her award. She had been so nervous that she didn’t know what to say. That whole night had been a dream come true for all of them. Eight years ago seemed like a lifetime. He wished he could go back and keep her fifteen forever.
He opened his eyes and saw Phoenix sitting down across from him. How long was he out? He only meant to close his eyes for a moment.
“If you're going to ask my daughter to marry you, the answer is no”, he joked.
“Uh, I’m older than you.”
“That’s exactly why I would say no. What’s up?”
“How much do you want to bet she’s going to kick Mike’s ass?”
“Verbally, yes. Physically, no. If she ends up dating someone else…”
“I'll be ok. She deserves someone who treats her right. That’s all I want.”
“Someday, Phoenix you will be fighting off the boys. Good luck.”
He laughed. “I'm not ready for that. I might need to ask you and Brad for advice.”
“They’re not teenagers yet. Enjoy it while it lasts.”
Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park Enters Rehab for Alcoholism!
Mike had gone through a nasty hangover in detox. He had been given medication to help with his symptoms but all he wanted to do was sleep. Nurses came in every so often to check on him. In a couple of days, he was scheduled to be admitted into the rehab facility to start his treatment. Six months. That’s what he committed to. He had let his band down by not being there. I’m sorry was not going to be enough. He should have gone to rehab a long time ago.
He thought about Linsey and their baby. When he was discharged, she would be close to her due date and he hoped he would be able to be there. She gave him a copy of the ultrasound for his room. The baby was his motivation to get sober and work through whatever was going on in his head that led to him drinking in the first place. He was not going to be a deadbeat dad. That was a promise he intended to keep.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @jovichic-bonjovi4ever @borhap-au @beneathashadytree @duffs-shot-glass @geo-winchester
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