#ive been working on this since like 2pm
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pidgeonlaguz · 19 days ago
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saw this shirt and decided immediately that i needed to put sylvain in it, all spiraled out of control from there
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howellfag · 1 year ago
me: can we just fucking answer these questions its one in the morning you know the answers its not fucking difficult just fucking write it down i want to go to sleep
my brain: i want to fuck the opening riff of new religion
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diah-the-demon · 4 days ago
rlly hope that if i go into the city tmr my boyfriend will also be going to the lgbt group tmr
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waitformereprise · 1 year ago
went over to a friends house for brunch this morning & we went to one yarn shop and now its 4pm
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grumfield · 6 days ago
wait approximately how, like, intense was the camino? ive been planning to thruhike the appalachian trail for a while (5-7 month full experience, so like, LONG AND GRUELING lmfao) so im like working my way up to it and the camino sounds like a very different experience but also a really cool thing i could do to see if a multi-month-long trip like that would be even remotely tolerable (<- hasnt spent more than a couple weeks alone on a trail before <- the time hasnt been there)
YOOOO congrats on planning the thru-hike, that’s baller, app trail is really intense, very hype for you.
As someone who hikes quite a bit the Camino is physically and mentally easier, I think, than wilderness hikes, but really are a good buildup to that experience because it’s a middle ground between the sort of dedication you need to complete a thru-hike while being a bit more comfortable because there’s an entire infrastructure in place (with hostels, free food, etc).
With exception to the first day (most challenging since it’s all uphill over the Pyrenees) the average day looks like…wake up at 6am, walk along a path either through forest, farm fields, or towns while talking to people or listening to music, stop for a snack at a coffee shop in every town which are approximately every 4km from each other, arrive at your final destination for the day at around 2pm, look around, go to your hostel, hang out with people, eat, rinse and repeat.
This isn’t to say it’s not intensive—it is—but it’s a lot more inherently pleasant of an experience than a thru-hike is because you end each day in a warm bed with a 5 course dinner. It’s also one that’s very accommodating to injuries and disability (the age discrepancy of people walking it is usually like, twentysometgings, mid life crisis folks, and 80 year olds so there’s a lot of support services, like taxis for example, that take you from town to town if you want one)
It takes about 40 days to do the traditional route with some wiggle room for sightseeing. You adapt really quickly to the pace and it’s a super beautiful experience. Highly recommend. Every day is just one I felt grateful for being on the earth. It’s physically demanding but just truly a phenomenal experience if you can swing it because so much of my focus was a lot on how awesome humanity is and how much beauty we build and how long we’ve been around…truly the anti-doomer vacation. A silent, cloistered gave me a sandwich the same day a kid showed me all of his Sonic memorabilia. Hard to feel bad when stuff like that happens on the regular
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tiktaalic · 2 years ago
I hope these questions don't annoy you, but whats it like working in a lab?
I'm considering the same career path cause I really like my lab classes so far
Not annoying! from what ive seen there are 3 or so types of labs, which are labs in the hospital, which are obviously a faster pace (did half of my preceptorship in one), reference labs, which get a fairly high volume since they're doing testing everybody's sending out for (did other half of my preceptorship in one), and privately owned labs which pick up samples from clinics urgent cares nursing homes etc (both of my jobs have been with private labs).
I like it! It's very routine. I have my set of tasks i do when i clock in and my set of tasks i do at the end of the night and in between I'm just sticking samples on the machines and releasing results. and there is imo enough variation to it to keep it interesting - troubleshooting failed qc, or double checking criticals, or having to do manual difs. if you're liking undergrad lab work I'm assuming you're doing stuff like pcr and gels and micro plates? which is a lot of what molecular departments do in a lab besides micro which is micro. I currently work in the core portion of a lab, which is hematology, coagulation, urinalysis, and chemistry. You really only break out the microscope for urinalysis and hem. we have a micro department that handles all the cultures, and a molecular department that does molecular testing. lots of labs have small micro factions and do lots of micro send out instead. the last lab i worked at did that. the hospital i did my preceptorship at would do plating, but then send all the plates out to be read and send out all the blood culture tubes to be cultured elsewhere. the lab I'm currently at does most cultures in house.
re: education to work in a lab you have to be ASCP certified. After I got my biology degree, I enrolled in texas tech's CLS certification program, which was 3 semesters of classes (preceptorships were the majority of the coursework the last semester). I didn't mind doing it because I was a fresh graduate and I didn't want to Career Hunt or go to grad school. so 3 sems to get a guaranteed job sounded great to me. Since I had my bio degree, I had most of the baseline credits out of the way. chem biochem ochem cell bio genetics etc etc. And the 3 sems I did were lab specific courses like blood banking, clinical chemistry, molecular methods, immunology, phlebotomy, lab management, clinical micro and hematology. there are tons of post bachelor's cls programs, and tons of them are delivered online so that you can chip away at it part time while working.
A nice thing about it is that you can get work literally anywhere. I moved to a town with a population of 90k. Applied for 3 jobs as a brand new graduate. and got 3 offer letters. the payscale's pretty variable, depending on where you are, but it is nice to know that i'm certified in like. 47 states and could get some sort of job in any of them no problem. i think once you've been certified a year you can get cali state certification, which is the route a lot of people go since cali is on the high end of the pay scale. it'll depend on what the lab you're at is like, obviously, but it is pretty difficult to get day shift positions since what a lot of places do is open internal applications for any night/evening shift people who want to move up. I work an evening shift of 2pm to 11pm and i really like it. A very common complaint i see is that there's no like... career ladder. if you're a bench tech. you're a bench tech. which sometimes gets parlayed into section leader, or section manager, but that's a years of experience thing.
My plan is to work in the same place for a couple of years so I feel more experienced, and then to take a few travel contracts which are shorter term higher pay. again, they're available pretty much anywhere, but sometimes the tradeoff is lower compensation or a worse shift or being in the middle of nowhere america. but i think it'll be fun to get paid to bop around the country for awhile. I like my job and I like that it's very secure, but I do plan to go back to school for Something Else at some point and probably shift careers. My review: good thing to do in your twenties! good thing to have under your belt in general. very dependable.
if you have other questions in general or about anything I said you can 100% msg me! Ik I had a lot of trouble finding info when I was looking into this as an undergrad
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r-ene · 1 year ago
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09.06 to 09.09.23
>> days 25 to 28 days of 100 days of productivity
most days ive just been job hunting since i have so much time on my hands having only monday and tuesday with classes, but ive been more exhausted than i used to when i was waking up 430AM to attend 730AM to 2PM [about 7 hrs] daily for 6 days that now, my eyebags basically look like eye luggages, hahaha
productivity list
finished interview video for intro to psych at 430AM from 1050PM of 9/5
submitted the interview
job hunting
made transes for a board review ppt sent by a beloved prof of mine [cardiorespiratory anatomy and physiology]
gave luna and hoshi a bath
something i regret doing that results to me being less productive than i used to be (even during my gap year 2020 i was more productive on a daily than now) is not making my to do list before bed.
and if i were to graph my daily ... mood ?? mind ?? i feel it would just make a wave between 3 - 6 (10 being having the best mood, 0 to being a complete slump) haha. working on that, hopefully it improves to 6-8 on a daily.
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rk-ceres · 2 years ago
Neglected PT.2
George Weasley x reader
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George makes an effort to fix things between you two
It was now late in the day you havent moved Ron and George busied themselves making reservations setting up the bedroom and planning he glanced up to the clock and sighed out 2pm. “thanks for your help today Ron” George sighed out obviously still having an off day “anything for you George. Wish Y/n a happy birthday for me” he gave George a smile hurt hit him square in the gut he quickly shooed Ron out of the house finishing the rest of the house and made dinner, once the clock hit 5:30 he washed the rest of the dishes and rushed back to the guest room where you havent left all day he softly knocked on the door “Love?” He called out opening the Guest bedroom seeing you still in tears “ive got a surprise for you” he whispered “can we talk baby? Can we try and fix this? I was wrong” he sighed out walking into the room “im so sorry” he whispered “i dont want to talk to you. Im hurt, and I am so angry at you…but mostly hurt and I dont know how we can fix this you really hurt me last night and i need time” you said turning to the wall “I know Y/n, you don’t need to talk to me yet. just listen” he sighed out “i dont have an excuse. Im so sorry i forgot, but it stops today.” He walks around the bed to where you was laying crouching to meet your eyes “Everything it stops ive made arrangements and youve got me. We’ll work on us. Ive given us a week. things just got away from me. I want to make this right, and i want you to know that i took off the rest of the week and part of next, tomorrow at seven in the morning i drop you off at madame cordelia’s spa, youve got an all day session shes going to do your hair and make up im getting your nails and toes done, seaweed wrap and mud bath. Massages and steam rooms. your outfit is in the closet for the evening, we’ve got reservations at six for the new restaurant on fifth, the one youve been talking non stop about after that we’re going to see the new Keanu Reeves movie first showing. Thursday is going to be us going to the arcade, icecream shop in muggle london and a fairy boat ride, Friday is me taking you to the carnival. We’ll ride the ferris wheel and we’ll play all the games i’ll let you beat me in bumpercars too, Saturday we’ll be in Paris, i booked us a hotel there til Tuesday morning. We’ll explore France and it’ll be just me and you, ive got everything planned i packed your suitcase with everything youll need for our week baby. if i didnt muck this up too badly. Please come back to our room. Im really, really sorry Y/n/n. I know that ive been neglecting you and your needs and youve been taking care of me making my lunches waking me up with kisses keeping our house clean bringing me dinners and loving me when i havent been treating you the best.” “You havent” you cried harder “it feels like youve checked out and didnt want to tell me youre breaking up with me. You forgot my birthday. I know youre busy and I love that youre living your dream and that you take care of the both of us but im important too one night was all I wanted and you yelled at me. Seven months of me supporting you every way I know how to support you and I get yelled at” “I know love and im so sorry i didnt mean to forget” he whispered cupping your cheek
k “im not asking this to hurt you im not trying to start a fight but you got defensive and i need to know. I’m are you seeing somebody else?” Your voice broke his eye’s dropped “no. Love. Its just been work. Theres no one else for me. Its just you.” He cupped your face in his hands “trust me. Its just you baby” he cooed softer “today? All i wanted? Was you to notice me. I just wanted you to spend time with me just flirting and harmless fun. i wanted you to touch me. Its been seven months since we’ve had sex since youve touched me. am i not enough anymore? am i not pretty enough? did i let myself go after hogwarts? Am i not what you want or is it just you being busy because i cant do this anymore i cant keep feeling like im being replaced” you cried more “i can live with” you hiccuped “i can live with being a part time lover but its killing me George” you cried “you not being here? Its killing me” tears made its way down his face while letting your words sink in “im sorry, youre not a part time lover. I want you Y/n/n just you. Youre it for me” he wiped your tears away tears in his own “its just work i swear. ‘Ve hired an accountant and another person to run the shop while we have our week. Then i have to go back and train. But i’ll be home with you. Every day at five.” He pointed to the ground “every day at five i’ll be home and in your arms telling you how much i love and need you, I’ll have weekends off.. and Saturday will be our day. I promise you” he looked into your eyes filled with hope as he brushed the tears from your face “am i still the one? Are you still going to marry me one day?” You asked softly insecurity written all over your face George’s eyes softened as you leaned more into George’s touch he smiled at you “yes baby.. youre still my only one. im sorry for yelling at you. Im sorry for not making the time before it was too late, im sorry for being an idiot, im sorry for making you feel like you arent enough… is it okay for me to show you how i feel? Let me make it up to you?” He asked looking into your eyes “are you finally going to make love to me?” You asked tears still streaming down your face again “not in here. But yes. We can have sex tonight. Just not in our guest bedroom love. If we’re having sex. Its going to be in our shared bedroom” He said straightening out his back as you sat up “im sorry i yelled at you. I shouldnt have yelled back” you looked back “we can talk about that after” he said handing you a small package Ron picked up for him on his way here to set up “put this on love” he smiled softly as you sat up “give me ten minutes.. then come to the dining room.” He said still looking at you you nodded to him biting your lip you opened the package and gasped he had bought you the dress that you pointed out at already Boux’s it was a 1300 galleon dress that you dreamed of wearing it was a 1920’s style red dress with a slit that came up to mid thigh you smiled and put it on he had bought the matching make up palette and accessories for you
you slipped on the gloves and finished the red lipstick walking out into the dining room, he had transfigured a wall into a big movie screen smiling when he saw you “you look exquisite love” “not so bad yourself handsome” you ran your hands over his black suit “thank you..” You say softly “this isnt a fraction of what I have planned. I spent all night last night working on it, Happy Birthday my love… youre the best thing thats ever happened to me and im sorry that i dont show it enough. If you left i wouldnt know what to do or how to breathe without you” he smiled “i heard you.. talking to Hermione… I was outside the door. I came back to check on you, and i did talk to your brother. We went out and got coffee at that new Cafe. It didnt make things worse. Ive worked things out with Harry, and he was really kind, and threatening. But its all worked out and better. He actually helped with the reservations and called in a few favors for our Paris vacation. Gabby’s picking us up from the airport and to our hotel.” “He didnt seek you out did he?” You asked softly “no baby. I called him.” George said looking into your eyes “im so sorry baby, id notice… i noticed your face when i yelled at you.” He sighed out “thatll never happen again. Ever. I didnt like it. I didnt like any part of it it made me feel like shit, youre not my annoying clingy girlfriend Y/n/n. Youre my everything darling i love you even if ive done a crappy job at showing you. Please dont leave me… please i can change ive already changed some things i really do want to fix us, im serious about you and i want you too feel that i am too and i do want to spend time with you on your birthday. I made your favorite” he pulled out her chair and played the movie “im not leaving. Im sorry” you looked down “i thought that i was alone and needed to get it out” tears started to come your eyes “No baby this is my fault and my fault alone you dont apologize” he cupped her cheek “thank you… for making dinner” you said softly “its the least i can do, baby. Id like to talk more about what was said during our fight. But i want to be clear that im not mad at you, im not mad that we fought, my anger and outburst wasnt because of you, it was because i had a really tough day, and i took it out on you. It was wrong and i shouldnt have done that. Is that okay if we talk about this? Theres three major things i want to revisit if possible” He asked looking into your eyes as he dished out the food you gave him a slight nod “i.. i dont know where to start to be honest with you. So im just going to dive in with what you accused me of. It was definitely warranted and i dont blame you for thinking it. I didnt realize how little ive been home, and how it could look like ive been entertaining another woman” he cleared his throat “id never, ever, ever. Do that to you baby. Theres no one else other than you Y/n. Youre the only one i’ll ever want and need” “im sorry that i jumped to conclusions i…. I was insecure” you said softly his mouth pulled into a straight line
“no baby. Dont do that. Dont apologize. Your feelings were and are valid. I wasnt home. You didnt know where i was. I havent reassured you or anything like that, you accusing me like that you werent yelling. Your voice wasnt angry when you asked about it and i wasnt hearing you. You communicated right. You calmed yourself down calmly asked me a question and i got defensive and i could see where you’d think i was hiding something baby. Im not hiding anything from you. You told me what was an honest fear. It wasnt you being insecure i hadnt been home. Which brings me to my next point on this topic youre right. Ive not touched you… or said i loved you since the baby got here and it wasnt because i was punishing you. It was because i… i thought that i could handle this myself. Both branches of triple W and keeping up with the paperwork. The products. But as things progressed it…. It got out of hand if it were you i wouldve done worse than just asking a simple question you were communicating how you felt and your fears and i wasn’t listen ing how i should have been. I was fighting when i should have been comforting and open to talking about it” he sighed taking a bite of food “i believe you. I believe that you werent you last night and you arent seeing anyone else.” You said softly “i just want you to make a point to love me the right way i know things have been tough on you and im trying but” “but you’re neglected and im an arse” he joked you both smiled at each other. “next most important thing i want to discuss is i want to address what i said about money. its not just my money. My success. My empire baby its ours. I shouldnt have thrown that in your face that i make more. It was below the belt and im sorry.” He sighed “ive only ever wanted to share my life with you. Since that day my mum helped you and Harry into that platform i knew that you’d be my entire life. And everything that was and is mine would be yours too” he looked up into your eyes “ive only ever saw the money as ours George. All of this is ours.” You smiled at him taking his hand in yours he chuckled “i know you didnt mean it. Because i know you George Weasley.” “howd i get so lucky?” He asked “I also do. I remember, and see it all. Everything that you gave up for our relationship and us but most of all what you gave up for me..” He spoke again after a few moments of silence “everything that you’ve sacrificed for me since the war, the… the wall that almost took you and Fred…” tears sprung to his eyes as he talked he quickly wiped them away “im sorry. That you had to sacrifice it.” He said you looked up from your food “you sacrificed a lot for me too, you rescued me and Harry second year, you fell out of the car breaking my fall when Vernon pulled me out you bruised three ribs and a broken arm for me…. You stayed up all night studying with me you do just as much for me as i do for you dont apologize for that, you dont have to apologize anymore George; i forgive you, and we can work on us. I dont want to leave” you said softly “third most important thing i want to tell you is that im still the George that promised you a wedding and kids if you want them Y/n/n. I want to marry you, i want you to know that i do have something planned so its coming okay? You dont have to worry about where you stand with me. In my heart. Cause of one fight. Im here. Your George is still here. Even if he was being a prat. Ive planned your proposal and its coming okay baby? Its coming.” George finished his meal “anything else you want to talk about before we kiss and make up?” He asked “i…. I want to say that im sorry even if you dont want me too. I was wrong for yelling. I didnt like it. And I think that when we get to that point again we should take a break and come back to talk when we can rationalize better” you looked down “i think thats a great idea, we okay now?” He asked you softly “we’re okay” you breathed out “i want to have sex… is that still on the table tonight or are we waiting til we work this out more?” You asked softly
“baby. We’ve worked it all out. We talked through everything. Its better now isnt it?” He asked with brows furrowed in confusion you nodded your head “yes. We can have sex tonight. Im ready for that if you are” he offered a small smile the movie was done he stood up flicked his wand the dishes clean themselves pulling her waist closer to him he led you into the bedroom he stopped in front of the door letting you open it “go get in the tub” he whispered in your ear his fingers dragging down your zipper you turned the handle and pushed open the door your eyes widened the entire bedroom was covered in red roses teddy bears rose petals the room was lit by enchanted candles hanging from every corner of the room George brought his nose to the crook of your neck “the bath is ready for us” he said pushing the dress off your shoulders dropping it to the ground his fingers digging into your hips spinning you to face him noses close together and for the first time tonight. George kissed you sweetly bringing his hands up to unclip your bra your hands slowly undid his tie and worked on the buttons of his shirt and trousers you took your own knickers off “lets go take our bath” he whispered into your lips “please master i need you” you whispered
Next part contains smut
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cymothoid · 1 year ago
s-so ive been working on one specifc refsheet since like. 2pm
im not even done.
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yrbutchgf · 2 years ago
i got into work for my opening shift this morning at 8am. the morning manager tried to send me home at 2pm bc it was slow. i decided to swap clock-out times with one of my other coworkers so i could stay for shift change in case the night crew ended up needing things. 4pm rolls around. restaurant fucking explodes. i bust ass and essentially open a second time with the amount of prep work i do. i look at the clock. it's suddenly 6pm. i find my section manager and tell him ive made a list of the things they'll probably need so he can help them out, since it's getting up on 10 hours since i clocked in and i haven't even had lunch. manager says it's ok if i take a ten minute break. the way i stared at him. OSHA is literally beating the door down with a battering ram as we speak. TEN MINUTES ON A DOUBLE? ive now been at the restaurant for more time today than i have slept in the past two days. TEN MINUTES??? A TEN MINUTE BREAK??? ON A DOUBLE??? im ACTUALLY pretty sure that's illegal like ACTUALLY like FOR REAL YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE AN HOUR BREAK IF YOU DOUBLE UP TEN MINUTES ARE YOU INSANE but my restaurant was part of the top 100 places to work 10 years running so everything's fine HASHTAG CHEESECAKE ROCKS.
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vamos-chilli · 10 months ago
ok so my flatmate decided to have a party without telling anyone and i worked 9 hrs today and haven’t been able to make my dinner since ive been in so all ive eaten today is a tesco meal deal and ive just closed sky go to still her them in the kitchen at what point is murder okay. at what point do i say hey you suck and you should kill urself bc all ive eaten is a tesco meal deal at like 2pm and it’s now 11 and i hate you
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itsclearance · 1 year ago
guys im at work and ive been having horrible anxiety since like..... 2pm..... the bees trying to escape my chest need to chill tf out or im gonna have a breakdown
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anotherfauxredhead · 2 years ago
The Post-Bisalp Diaries, Part One
It's been one week and a day since my tubes went off to a better place, and I gotta say: my healing process has gone...better than I thought. I'm not sure why, but here's what I've done since the surgery:
*Day Of (Right After Surgery)*
Let me preface this by saying I am a Keto eater (been so for four-plus years) and I can fast for hours in between dinner and breakfast. I last consumed solid food around 10:49PM the night before. I broke my fast shortly after 2PM (5 hours after I had the surgery; I got stuck at the hospital for a little while) and I. WANTED. FOOD! This wasn't bland-ass foods I broke my fast to. I had scrambled eggs, French toast, ham, cereal, some chocolate, and a Quest protein drink. (All sugar-free/low-carb, by the way.) I'm sure I consumed almost a day's worth of calories for my late AF breakfast, but I didn't care. I was happy to have food again. Throat was sore from the tube they stuck in there during surgery, so I also loaded up on low-carb ice cream (Rebel is my bestie for ice cream cravings).
Along with my lunch (also eaten hella late), I also took the first dose of Ibuprofen I was prescribed.
And I felt like weak trash. I don't know why--maybe its high dosage fucked with me (I also seldom take regular-dose ibuprofen), or the anesthesia wearing off, but I felt like I was gonna crash. My appetite sure did; my dinner was pre-made chicken soup and a slice of toasted keto bread. And I barely stomached it all. I'd also forgotten that the doctors also gave me some antibiotics in my IV, and it's best to counter antibiotics with probiotics a few hours after antibiotic consumption so your stomach doesn't get upset. I took a high dose probiotic pill with my dinner, and I think it seemed to help. I ended up sleeping like a rock that night.
*Day After Surgery*
Felt a little better than last night. No more ibuprofen for me! I went back to one of my favorite natural pain relievers: Terry Naturally's Curamin. YMMV, but they've worked for me when I get shit like headaches, PMS cramps, etc. My appetite still felt suppressed but I managed to have some good fats (such as nuts and avocados) with my meals that was mostly light foods (salad, cereal, soup, etc.) I kept on with my probiotic use, which may have helped in reducing gas and bloat.
As someone who likes being active and does a lot of walking, I knew I had to limit myself upon taking that first post-surgery walk. I couldn't even take the stairwell down, and I already have an aversion to using my apartment's elevator as I don't like potentially sharing it with others. (The pandemic ruined elevator rides with others for me, and there's some nasty-ass people that live in my building. Yes, I still mask up indoors.) Anyways, it was refreshing to go outside. The weather was great for walking, but all I could get was around 25 minutes before my body told me to get back home. I usually can walk for longer periods than that. Also, my neighborhood is a great place to walk/jog around, but avoiding inclines was another odd thing I had to temporarily avoid. Equally weird was seeing my pedometer clock in 4100 steps; I'm someone who can easily do 10K+ steps. But my tube-free self needed to heal.
*Days Two-Six Post-Surgery*
My appetite was slowly starting to return. I've been eating mostly clean/whole foods up until Day Five when I started craving keto processed foods again. (Do you know that there's such a thing as keto pop tarts?) And I walked a little more every day. Finally hit 10K steps on Day Six. My incisions continued to heal, and I'd be so damned if I didn't live in a state that banned CBD products.
Day Six was not just the First Day of Summer, but also the day I returned to driving. Oh, so that's what it feels like to drive again!
What happened here, by the way, was true. I know there are idiot drivers on the road, but, seriously, it felt like there were more of them when I returned to driving. What fucking gives?!
*One Week Later*
No major problems whatsoever. Back to eating the foods I usually eat. I felt a little more worn out after my walk yesterday as I ended up taking the stairwell down (the lone elevator in my building was tied up when I wanted to leave--just my luck) and walking to my favorite nail salon that was only a 10 minute walk from my home. I could've driven there, but since I live in a metro area, all public parking costs something. I chose to save my coins for a manicure--something I wasn't able to have in a while since I had to keep my nails bare for the surgery.
It's now Day 8, and I'm looking forward to celebrating some Pride festivities in the city this weekend. No ouchies or aches at the moment, and I hope it stays that way.
So there you have it: my first week without the tubes. This diary will be an ongoing project, given that I have time to write it all up. (I got other projects to work on besides this Tumblr.) Once again, I have to say I'm a little amazed that I've been healing quicker than usual. Still don't know if it had to do with my diet or the CBD gummies or sheer good luck (yeah, sure). I expected to be bed-ridden the first few days, but it didn't happen. I sat a lot more at my desk, but I wasn't sluggish to where I wanted to relax in bed almost the whole day. I'm kind of bloated at the moment (booooooo) but I hear it's common to have that after a Bisalp. The shoulder pain some women experienced post-Bisalp? Hasn't happened to me. And that bed rest pillow some suggested to invest in for post-surgery recovery has yet to be used. (I only paid $5 for it at a thrift store, so no big loss.) But I'll eventually relax on it, smiling to myself, knowing that me choosing to be sterilized was the right decision, and probably one of the best decisions my childfree self has ever made. Sometimes I think I'm a dumbass, but not this time.
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antifragi1e · 3 years ago
gonna try to reset my body clock pray 4 me
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robobrainrot · 3 years ago
Week 2 of my new job while also in school and going strong! This is the first time I've been well enough to hold a job while taking classes.
However, I won't be paid for said job for like another fucking month bc its project based work so if anyone would like to toss a coin to your witcher and send ko-fis, it would be greatly appreciated right now. 😭
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ijustwantagoodurl · 6 years ago
I’ve got a whole WEEK
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