#ive always wanted something like this hihi
terresias · 1 year
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made a new miraculous, miraculous du poisson, but hijab friendly :3
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nordsea-horizons · 3 months
Welcome to Starview Island🍂 DA-6042-4103-7741💛
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a little info-post about my new finished island Starview💛 so.. i finally finished this island! it has stayed with me through two pretty long periods of burnout from the game, so in a way its the most long-time coming island ive ever made! i also changed my mind many times and this island turned out very different than i had originally planned!(like it truly just started bc i wanted to make a trainstation in the game🫢)
its a farmcore island with a little farming sim story of leaving your “shitty” job in the city and taking the train to a cozy little farming town✨ so i have left outfits to fit this little story hihi!
i also at some point got the sweetest note/comment on a picture from this island where someone said this was the kinda island they would want to load up and let their daughter play on, which is the absolute cutest thing ever! so in case that might be something people do, i have also left tools on the island for the first time ever! so you actually can clean up grandpa’s farm and plant new crops(or you know, eat the crops and destroy the island.. whatever works for you lol)
hope you guys like it!!!💛💛💛 i tested the dream address on my other switch and literally every single farm character i made spawned in the “city” lol so it might be a chaotic experience but it makes sense when u look at where each character live🙃
also this is one of my switch lite islands so the villager houses are the standard ones since i dont have the dlc! i did do all the character homes you come across tho💛 if you take pics of the island i would always love to see🫶🏻
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tallyica · 1 month
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ive tried posting this probably 100+ times but tumblr wont let me so ima make this intro short
thanks @hetfeildsslut for this idea (black album james dating reader with child from past relationship and meeting the child)
word count:: 2,342
warning: none just fluff
I took a deep breath as I removed the key from the car's ignition, my three-year-old son, Tyler sitting in the back, babbling to himself a bit as he sat in his car seat, mindlessly looking out the window.
Today would be the day that my current boyfriend, James, would meet my son.
I was both excited and also horridly nervous. 
I knew that James would be an excellent father figure to him, but I just couldn't shake the feeling of worry. Maybe rockstar and family-man don't blend well in lifestyles.
Things didn't go well with my ex for a long time, and things only got worse after I found out I was pregnant.
I undid my seatbelt, stood up, and stepping out of the car, going to the backseat door to grab Tyler, his wiggly limbs, and smiling looking straight at me.
His joy brought me slight relief, making me calm slightly. I smiled back at him, undoing his car seat as I scooped him up,
“You ready, bud?” I asked him, holding him close to me as we began to walk into the house.
He just smiled and held onto me, “Yeah!” 
His joy always brought me joy, unlocking the front door as I walked in, and setting him down to go find somewhere to sit.
He waddled away, going towards the couch and staring at the TV, giving me some time to prepare for James’ arrival.
I didn't know what we were going to do, I hadn't necessarily planned anything other than to meet at my home. I didn't know what he was expecting us to do.
Maybe we should eat? I could cook something quickly, or call someplace and order for delivery.
I have no reason to be so... distressed, about all this. I just want to make sure everything goes well.
Food seems like too much work, what if he isn't hungry? Maybe we can just sit here and talk instead.
Before I could plan an alternative, a knock was at my door.
It had to be James.
I was so, so nervous as I walked up to the door, my thoughts a mess. He told me that he would come after his practice with the band, which made me think more.
I didn't want the only men and fathers in my son's life to be temporary and fly in and out the door constantly, I needed someone who could help parent him, show him how to be a man, comfort him, and just love him.
I knew Tyler didn't understand or probably cared he lacked a dad, as he didn't understand what a dad was, or what it was like without one.
However, I also knew it was only a matter of time until he got older and kids found out he didn't have a dad, oh how he'd get teased. I couldn't let that happen to my baby.
I trust James, and I love him, and I know he’ll be a great co-parent or dad for Tyler. I was just so worried, about rockstar life, touring and partying, practicing and recording, and having to make a slither for being a family man, to love and care for me and him.
I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the door, opening it to see James with a smile on his face, which relieved me slightly, at least he was excited about this, probably more than me.
“Hey, beautiful, is now a good time?” He asked, glancing in, his eyes searching for my son.
I nodded, “Yeah, we just came back from the store.” I answered with a small smile, looking up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek as I looked down, seeing a little box in his hand.
“What's that?” I asked, glancing down at the messily, yet colorfully wrapped box.
“Oh, it's a toy for the kid, I thought it'd be nice, y’know?” James informed me with a smile.
I nodded, smiling sweetly at him, “You didn't have to, that's so sweet. He’ll love it, whatever it is.”
He nodded, “Mhm, just hope he’ll love me.” He said, looking down at me. His words made my heart melt.
I stepped aside so he could walk into my home, glancing around the kitchen and living room in search of my son, which I noticed. “He's probably in his room playing, do you want me to go get him or just come to him?” I asked, standing beside him.
James shrugged, “I mean, I think it’d be easier if I just g to him, maybe less intimidating than dragging him out, y’know?” He responded, and I nodded, walking him to Tyler's bedroom, which was right down the hall.
I stopped in first, James standing in the door frame as I walked closer to Tyler, who was just driving his toy cars around on the floor.
“Hey sweetie,” I said to him as I sat down next to him, grabbing his attention.
He noticed James's figure as he walked further into the room, still standing near the door.
“Mommy, who is that?” He asked me, slightly shy about James’ presence.
“That mommy’s friend, James. Can you say ‘hi’ to James, buddy?” I asked Tyler softly, and he shied away from James a bit, moving closer towards me. Even though it was a negative response, James wasn't hurt, still smiling softly. He walked a bit closer to us, sitting down on the floor near me, putting down the box and pushing it towards him a bit.
“Hey buddy, I got you something,” James said gently with a smile, lightly tapping the box. Tyler looked up at me, basically asking if he could go grab it, especially since James was still probably considered a stranger in his mind. I nodded, and he slowly unhid himself, walking towards James and sitting in front of the box, tearing away the poorly wrapped paper and revealing a toy dinosaur.
Tyler's face instantly lit up, “Dino! Dino!” He cheered, anxiously tearing the toy out of the packaging so he could play with it, earning a light chuckle from James. It was a green T-Rex toy, which is his favorite dinosaur.
The moment made my heart melt, a smile on my face as I watched Tyler gleefully play with his new toy dino, still sitting in front of James.
“What do you say to James, sweetie?” I asked, hoping he could learn manners even at a young age.
Tyler smiled, finally looking at James. “Thank you, James!” He said with a smile, going back to play with his new toy.
“You're welcome, bud,” James said, continuing to watch him with a smile before Tyler got up and quickly scurried to his toy bin, bringing out a blue triceratops toy as well, bringing it to James.
“Play, James! Play!” He said excitedly, handing him the toy, and James nodded, joining in playing with the dinosaurs, both of them rawring at each other as they pretended to fight the dinosaurs, making Tyler giggle and smile.
I just watched, the sight bringing me the greatest joy I had experienced in a while, seeing my son so happy with a man that I hoped one day he may call ‘dad’. I never had any luck with dating, especially after people found out I wasn't just single, but a single mother. And I never expected, of all men, James Hetfield, widely known rocker, and partier, now my boyfriend and the potential father figure of my son.
They played with their dinosaurs for another 20 minutes, Tyler sometimes making his climb up James’ body, the toy stomping around on his arms and shoulder.
After a few more minutes, Tyler was starting to get a bit hungry, and I assumed James could eat something, especially after band practice and playing with a three-year-old.
We all moved out to the kitchen, I gave Tyler a bowl of carrots and some hummus, making James a quick meal as he was starving, watching the two of them eat together as Tyler rambled about random and silly things, asking him goofy questions as children do.
I didn't say anything, I was just happy to listen to them as I cleaned up the kitchen, washing the dishes as I eavesdropped on their conversation.
A few weeks later
As the weeks went on, the three of us spent more time together, almost like family playdates. Tyler would beg and ask when he'd get to see James again, which made the both of us so happy that Tyler enjoyed being around him, even if he was timid in the first moments.
We had gone to the beach, the park, restaurants, out for ice cream, to the movies, and even to James’ place, where Tyler got to admire and watch him play all of his guitars, which he loved.
“I wanna play! I wanna play!” Tyler said, reaching his hands out towards James’ guitar, which was the black Explorer he used pretty frequently on the road.
James gave a light chuckle to Tyler begging, “Sorry bud, but not this one. I’ll find you one to play on, ok?” James said, standing up and walking to grab one he had less of a sentimental value to.
Tyler grumbled, whining, “But I wanna play that one!” He complained to James, who was already looking for a different guitar for him to play on.
James had to use his patience, which he had with kids, but today was a day where his patience may have been a bit thinner, sighing, “Look, I'm sorry, but you can't use that one. What about this one, hm?” He asked, holding up a regular, run-of-the-mill strat.
Even though with a more simple appearance, Tyler had forgotten all about the explorer guitar, wanting only the one James now held.
“That one! That one!” He cheered to James with a smile, James already headed over to him, setting down the guitar and picking up Tyler before sitting in a chair and putting him in his lap as he positioned the large guitar for Tyler's small form.
It was a precious sight, watching Tyler mindlessly ignore James’ actual playing instructions, using his fingers to strum the chords, not understanding the fretboards or anything else other than moving the strings and the cool sounds that came from the amp after.
Though, as young children do, he was later bored by the guitar, wanting to do something else. I was in the living room, the two of them still in James’ music room.
I decided that James could use a break from a three-year-old, walking to the door as I heard them talking again.
“James, can I ask you a question..?” Tyler asked him shyly.
James nodded, “Of course, little man. What's up?”
Tyler shied for a moment, looking down before looking back up at him, “Are you gonna be my daddy?” He asked with a soft voice, embarrassed to ask.
James was slightly shocked, not knowing how to answer the question, though there was a small smile on his face, “Mmm, I don't know if that's a question I can really answer, buddy. But, I want to be, but ask momma, ok?” He said with a smile, kissing him gently on the head.
Neither of them knew or had noticed me, standing in the doorway as I watched the two of them interact, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. I didn't wanna ruin their moment, walking away before they could see me, sitting back in the living room.
It had begun to get late, nearing 9 pm, which was past Tyler's bedtime, so I decided it would be best for the two of us to go. I walked into the music room, seeing Tyler half asleep on James as he gently held him and watched over him.
“Is he asleep?” I asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake him if he was.
James nodded, “Mhm, out like a light.” He responded with a light chuckle, standing up and walking towards me, handing him to me as we walked together to his front door. Once we reached it, he opened it for me, and I stood in the doorway.
“Thank you, for all of this, Tyler really appreciates you, and, well, I do too. It means a lot, for the both of us.” I said with a soft smile, looking at James’ grin.
“Well, I appreciate you guys too. He's a sweet kid, and you're a wonderful girl.” He said to me sweetly, which made me smile more.
“Thank you, love, that's sweet of you,” I said with a loving tone, our eyes meeting and holding contact.
“I heard you and Tyler talking, how he asked if you're gonna be his daddy,” I started, taking in a breath and looking down, making James worry slightly before I looked back up to him, “And I hope you do, if that's something you wanna be, or wanna do. He really, really loves you. He talks about you all the time, you're like, his favorite person.” I said with a soft chuckle, watching as he nodded with a smile.
“I'm glad. That is something I’d love to be, a father. Even if we aren't genetically together, he's still gonna be my kid.” He added sweetly, which made me melt.
“Good, it's kinda hot, seeing you all sweet and fathery, I really like it,” I said with a wide grin, to which he laughed softly so he wouldn't wake up Tyler, shrugging as he rolled his eyes.
“Alright, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.” He said before giving me a soft and sweet peck on my lips.
I smiled softly, “Well, guess we'll be seeing you soon. I love you.” I said before walking out with Tyler, having had a successful day, and an amazing one, at that.
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krispycreamcake · 25 days
hihi could u do sakamaki with like a former (or current!) idol s/o? also i LOVED your x reader fic i think ive read it like 3 times 😭😭
Sakamaki brothers with an ex idol s/o
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Shu Sakamaki
🎻- I don't imagine he's the type to keep up to date with pop culture or any celebrities nowadays. He'll know some mainstream artists simply for the fact that he literally can't avoid hearing about them
🎻- Unless your music is suuuper popular, he has no idea who you were
🎻- Now depending on why you stopped being an idol, this could be a good thing since he wouldn't recognize you and have assumptions about you
🎻- Now on the off chance that he DOES know who you are, he'll either tease/make fun of your style of music or compliment you
🎻- I beg, do not take his mean girl bs to heart, this man listens to classical music, he of all people shouldn't be judging anyone's music. Ever
🎻- He'll definitely ask you to sing for him just so he could hear your vocal range (perhaps for other reasons than just curiosity)
🎻- Now when he does inevitably realize you were an ex idol, his immediate question is why'd you stop even though he won't voice it
🎻- He'll be glad that you told him as it relieves him of the hassle of getting in your personal business
🎻- As your boyfriend, his top priority is keeping you alive and safe, and trust that he knows how creepy fans can be. Which is why when you're out in public, he makes sure to always know where you are 24/7, keep your face covered with either a scarf or a hat or even his chest
Reiji Sakamaki
☕️- I'm sorry to all you Reiji fans out there, but his top concern is the fact that you both are involved romantically
☕️- Now I'm not saying he doesn't want to be in a relationship and all that, but similar to Shu he knows how obsessive fans can get and is slightly worried that because of that, you'll eventually find out who or what he truly is
☕️- And the only reason I say this, is because of the influence his father has due to how well known he is throughout Japan, and if anyone were to connect the dots and realize that Reiji was his son, with sufficient research, certain things mightn't add up (well that's his biggest fear at least)
☕️- If anything, he's proud that you were able to make something of yourself with your musical talent unlike a certain someone
☕️- The obvious question is why you stopped being an idol, and not like his brother, he'd outright ask you what happened
☕️- He'd do his own research on you and wouldn't even realize that he's spent about an hour and a half looking at fan pages of you and your official website
☕️- When he does realize however, he'd get slightly embarrassed by the fact that he was infatuated by a screen version of you when he has the real you at his fingertips
☕️- If you didn't tell him you used to be an idol and he had to find out on his own, he'll think you're hiding other important parts of your life from him and he'd have a bit of an issue trusting you
Ayato Sakamaki
🏀- Yours truly is dating and idol?? Of course he's bragging to his brothers any chance he gets
🏀- Jokes about how you meeting him was destiny since he wouldn't like his s/o being fawned over by the entirety of Japan
🏀- Asks you about your experiences as an idol, like if you ever had any creepy fan interactions, your type of fan base, how dealing with your managers used to be
🏀- Just know that both Ayato and Reiji are on their s/o's wiki page late up at night (day?)
🏀- Is honestly in love with your stage costumes and absolutely adores your choreography (I have a small hc that ayato can breakdance so he has an appreciation for modern dance styles)
🏀- Gets extremely jealous and annoyed that you used to be shipped with any other pop idols
🏀- Remember that wiki page thing I mentioned earlier? Yeah he'll see the recommended search being "Are your name and random idol dating?" And literally never recover
🏀- "Who do those bastards think you belong to? Ore-sama's your one true match so those other fuckers can piss the hell off!"
🏀- Badly imitates your performances as a means to make fun of you but you always end up laughing with him by the end of it and even joins him
Laito Sakamaki
🃏- He probably knew you were an idol before you did honestly
🃏- Okok jokes aside, he knows who you are and if you think you can lie to him about it, he WILL find a way to contradict you in your own lie
🃏- Honestly, he sometimes even listens to your music
🃏- Laito pegs me as the type of guy to let all your fans know who you belong to
🃏- BEFORE YOU BLOW MY HOUSE UP, yes, I am aware that that's more Ayato's schtick
🃏- But hear me out, if you were Laito and you were dating a super hot, super talented ex idol, would you not leave hickeys in places all their fans could see?
🃏- Think of all the drama you could cause, hearing all their futile guesses on which famous idols could have done it
🃏- He would have a fielddddd day with you, listening to all the gossip about the kind of person you are when he knows none of it is true
🃏- Like all others, he's painfully aware of how weird and obsessive fans can get, so he takes time out of his day to scour the sketchiest of accounts making sure none of your private info is leaked
🃏- He follows you around like a lost puppy just to make sure you aren't idolnapped
🃏- Genuinely sings your songs really well and has at home duets with you
Kanato Sakamaki
🧸- I don't think he keeps up with pop culture THAT much, but he knows general artists
🧸- When he finds out who you are (if you decide not to tell him) he would be pissed ngl
🧸- It's not like he's just a random stranger that you just met, you're supposed to love him and trust him with any and everything
🧸- He'll probably ask you to do some dark twisted thing to prove yourself to him
🧸- He's so in love with your style, like he WISHES you were still an idol so he could sew your outfits
🧸- Actually scratch that, he still makes them for you when you need to do a random ad that a company paid you to do
🧸- He treats you as his own personal mannequin
🧸- From hair, to clothes, to makeup, to nails, he'll do it all
🧸- He asks you to sing with him and it's become his favourite activity
🧸- Sitting on the balcony edge at night with no one to disturb the both of you as his hand cradles yours, your both voices singing in absolute harmony, he physically cannot get enough
🧸- "Mother would make me sing until my vocal chords bled, I doubt you had to do anything as extreme, right doll? Besides, I'm the only one who should be causing you pain."
Subaru Sakamaki
🥀- I know he doesn't look like it, but he's very up to date with pop culture
🥀- He could spot you instantly in a crowded room
🥀- Yes, he's one of your biggest fans ever
🥀- He literally knows the lyrics to most of your songs and would sing them at karaoke
🥀- If you don't mention that you're an ex idol, he'd be glad since that gives him less of an opportunity to embarrass himself
🥀- Stays up thinking about how he's literally dating his idol
🥀- This however makes him wayyyy more of a tsundere than he already is
🥀- He'll act like he knows absolutely nothing about you but somehow knows your favourite colour, animal, food and whether you prefer coffee or tea
🥀- Yeah he will pretend he's never heard of you before but you'll soon catch on when you hear him humming one of your songs when he doesn't think anyone's around
🥀- The only person that can confirm your suspicions are Shu since it wouldn't be the first time this has happened
🥀- Once everything was out in the open, he'd slowly become just a tiny bit more confident in himself and ask the age old question "Why did you quit?"
🥀- Gets jealous with how many of your fans are freaks that make thirst edits of you
🥀- Please reassure him that he's enough for you
🥀- When you're dating a literal pile of talent, you begin to second guess yourself
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sweetracha · 9 months
I've never sent an ask before and I'm a little nervous but you seem super nice and sweet!
I was wondering if you could do mommy!Jisung fic or HCs or literally anything you want, ive been reading your Felix and Minho ones and ohemgeeeeee I love it so so so much! Please don't feel pressured to do this you can totes ignore it if you want, thank youuuu😘🫶 mwah
Do I sign off with something, idk- byeee
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Mommy! Han Headcannon
Warning: Mommy Dom Han, ANGST, Description of Panic Attacks (Based on my personal experience with them, they manifest differently for everyone), Little note of punishment, mostly fluffy with a hint of smut.
The mommy thing came as a complete surprise to both of you
It wasn't planned, it was discussed, it wasn't even noticed at first
While most things like these are born out of excitement and fun
This one instead came out during a terrible situation
The kitchen floor you sunk down on was cold and bit at your exposed thighs, sleep shorts did nothing to protect you.
Your shirt felt too tight like a snake slowly constricting around your throat
Your heartbeat screamed in your ears and lurched in your chest
Breathing was nauseating
The room was expanding and shrinking all at once
The bubble around you was shrinking
but it wouldn't pop
You poked it, hit it, screamed at it, did everything you could
it wouldn't fucking pop
You closed in on yourself, seeing the ledge and knowing you were going off
your nails sunk into your flesh as you held on for dear life
"Baby? FUCK! baby, why are you on the floor"
Han came home a bit later from the studio, fully expecting to find you waking up from your afternoon nap
When he turned the corner to set down his things there you were. White as a ghost and shaking.
Immediately he pried your hand from your arms and held them in his.
He kneeled down and hissed from the freezing tile.
"Baby, shhhh. I need you to listen. Can you hear me? It's just panic sweetheart, nothing is coming for you."
"Bubble, closing, fast"
"No, it isn't. Look I'm in the bubble, see. If I was able to get inside the bubble then the bubble isn't closing, it's getting bigger. I'm here, baby I'm here." A gentle hand cupped your face, slowly bringing your eyes to his.
Glassy eyes looked back
"Mommy is here?"
He didn't even question it, if this is what you needed then this is what he would give you
"Yes baby, mommy is here. come to mommy"
You had no memory of what happened that night and Han was afraid to approach the subject
It was a secret he kept, eating him alive
Every time he looked at you he wanted to blurt it out
All Han ever wanted to do was to be your safety, clearly Mommy was that comfort you needed
He picked at his hand and rubbed his legs raw while watching a movie one night
You could tell from his fidgeting something was wrong, his anxiety was building.
"Hannie, What's wrong baby?"
"NOTHING!. sorry nothing is wrong"
"Han...What is it"
"I can't tell you!"
"You can tell me anything, you know that. Jesus you just watched me have a full-blown panic attack last week! Speak to me"
"I need it"
"Need what"
"Y-You want to call me mommy? Han that's not a bad thing-"
"No...I need to be yours, please" His eyes are now made of the same glass as yours.
Slowly Mommy Han came in and out of your lives
It was clear Mommy was saved for those special nights
Those nights when you needed a bit more love
Where he needed a bit more reassurance
Where you both needed a bit more comfort
Sex with Mommy was soft and sweet
Slow and loving
Praising with no underlying degradation
He would kiss every inch of your skin light as a feather, not to overstimulate you
Cumming wasn't always something that happened either
No, Mommy Han just needed to be there with you and to love you
This didn't mean Mommy Han went without disciplining you
But whereas others would spank, overstim, or deny
He simply scolded you. A bit of humiliation mixed in.
"So worried Mommy wasn't thinking about you that you had to go and send me that little picture hmm? I bet it eased your mind, putting your sexy body in mommy's mind but an act like that can't go unpunished can it? Now Mommy is going to call Chan and Changbin back to finish the meeting you so rudely interrupted. You my dear are going to sit on my cock like the good little thing I know you are and be quiet. Got it?"
While the meeting was long and punishing to you, Han made sure to stay as still as possible.
Han would tease, but Mommy would never.
Soon you wake up to Han slowly thrusting into you, a blank screen indicating the meeting had ended.
"Shhh pretty baby, go back to sleep. Mommy has you. Uh Uh, Mommy knows you'll be good for him and go right back to sleep, right baby? Shhhh just like that. Goodnight baby, Mommy loves you"
That last part didn't need to be said
You never doubted Mommy's love for you
Every time Han made sure you knew
Just how much Mommy adored you
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The Sweetest Batch: @goblinracha @kaciidubs @channieandhisgoonsquad @comet-falls @ddyskz @jiminskies @j-onedrabbles @lixiesweetbrownie @marrivmel @caitlyn98s
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wttcsms · 1 year
Hihi i saw ur request box was open & i just couldnt resist! A big confession to make here, uhh ive been such a big fan of u and yr writings and also u were the v first fanfic blog i came across a couple years ago so yea, u literally open my third eye to a whole new world of fics👉👈 🥺
i feel like you havent written angst in a while–and bc i miss ur angsty haikyuu fics– sooo could i request post-breakup college!au with atsumu or iwai (honestly anyone who'd best fit the scenario cuz i trust ur characterization👌) abt the aftermath of the breakup, them seeing us on campus and unconsciously following us with their eyes, reschin to help out on instinct only to realize theyre no longer together, thinking about what could've been just reminisce reminisce
ahhhh im sry honestly dont know how to expand more on the idea
thank you for stealing my ficvirginity😃
pairing atsumu miya x f!reader word count 2.1k content contains exes still in love, college!au, mutual pining author's notes hi <3 i remember you (eycee, right?). don't be a stranger! you can always dm me and say hello :) thank you for the constant support. not sure if this fic is angsty enough, but i wanted yours to be the first req i do <3
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“Hi, welcome in! Let me know if— Oh.”
Your voice falters, recognition and maybe even something similar to embarrassment flits across your face, and a split second later, you go back to smiling like nothing’s wrong. Like the two of you haven’t spent the better half of this month actively avoiding each other at all costs, even though the sprawling acres of the University of Tokyo suddenly feels too small. The entirety of Japan has felt too small ever since it became his mission to never cross paths with you ever again. 
This mission of his started just a little over two weeks ago, on the very same day you decide to use his heart as your own punching bag. The worst part of it all, though, is the fact that he doesn’t even hold any type of contempt for you. It’s a cruel sort of joke; sometimes, Atsumu Miya feels like everything bad that happens to him is just some sort of sick punchline in a sitcom instead of real life. 
Usually, when girlfriends find out their high school sweetheart is going to be a wildly successful (and rich) professional athlete, they’ll do anything in their power to hang onto him.
You decided to snip the invisible string tying the two of you together, and you did it so effortlessly, so quickly, that Atsumu had to make sure that he hadn’t been imagining the last four years of your relationship. 
He’s got his hands shoved in his pockets, and he’s torn between staring at you like a total creep or looking at everything in the campus bookstore but you. He settles for the former, scared that this will be his last opportunity to really look at you. 
Neither of you is saying anything. It’s a Saturday and so no one else is even in the bookstore this morning, and Atsumu wants to say something, anything, but he’s never been that great at carefully picking his words, and he’s scared out of his mind that he’ll say something stupid and prove once and for all that you had been right to break up with him. Better yet, he wants you to say something. He wants you to give him a better explanation instead of the bullshit you told him in his apartment. 
We just want different things.
What does that even mean? He thinks he would have shouted out that question, if only your little break up speech hadn’t caught him so off guard. Different things? The two of you wanted different things? Sure, Atsumu likes to sleep in a freezing cold apartment, and you need the room to actually be at a reasonable temperature. And maybe Atsumu has a penchant for overly fried, greasy foods when all you want (and deserve) is a fancy dinner. Maybe Atsumu wants to be at a sports store instead of browsing aisle after aisle in Sephora, but he doubts these different wants have accumulated so much that you felt you had no choice but to break his heart. 
“Hey, Miya.” You say it softly, dropping the perky customer service voice you greeted him with before you turned around and realized who he was. And he flinches. He fucking visibly cringes at the way you speak to him, walking on eggshells and going back to formalities like he’s barely above a stranger to you.
(Did you know that he wanted to make that your last name?
Do you know that he still does, even now?)
“Hey,” he replies back, curling his fingers into fists inside his pocket. He thinks his voice comes out all scratchy, like how it always sounds when you don’t use your voice nearly enough. He clears his throat awkwardly. Everything feels awkward; everything feels wrong. He says “hey”, but what he really means to say is please don’t call me Miya; you know the color of my toothbrush, you don’t have to call me Miya. 
“Were you looking for something?” 
Subconsciously, Atsumu finds himself seeking you out. He walks by another girl on campus and almost breaks his neck with the speed he turns around to catch a whiff of the perfume wafting from her body because he swears it’s the same fragrance you favor. He walks by the building that houses all the classrooms for your specific major, even though it’s located on the opposite side of his own classes because he secretly hopes against all hope that he’ll run into you, and you’ll see him and fall in love with him again. He goes to the same restaurants the two of you frequently ate at together, and he orders your usual because you can never finish your entire meal and always have him finish off the leftovers for you (and the food is always good, but somehow it doesn’t taste the same when your utensils haven’t touched it first). And he doesn’t even need to be here, doesn’t even care enough about his stupid class to go out of his way to buy the study guide, but he knows you’ve started picking up the weekend shifts at the campus bookstore, and suddenly, he cares enough about passing to get the damn study guide. 
He shrugs. “Just some stupid workbook to study for an upcoming exam, but it’s not that serious.” 
“Oh. Is Dr. Furata giving you a hard time again?” 
“How do you do that?” Atsumu blurts out, wanting to kick himself for giving too much of himself away. You already own every centimeter of his heart and maybe his soul. You don’t need anything else from him; he’s almost certain there’s nothing left for him to give you, but he can’t help but impulsively ask the damn question that’s been running through his mind ever since you left him behind. 
Did you know that when you’re confused, your brows furrow together, and you get this adorable, endearing crinkle in between them? Do you know that he still finds that same expression as cute as he did when you still called yourself his girlfriend? 
“What are you talking about?” 
How can you just stand there and act like you never crushed his heart? How do you wake up in the morning and not feel like your life is missing something important, like you’ll never feel whole again? How can you keep him wrapped around your finger, and then have the audacity to not even realize it? How did you let him go so quickly? 
Practicing caution, he swallows hard before clarifying, “How do you know everything?” Because if you can act like he’s just a polite acquaintance, like he’s nothing more than another fellow classmate, he can try to play pretend too. He can act like there’s not enough history between the two of you to fill up every damn textbook in this stupid store. “Yeah, Dr. Furata’s been on everyone’s ass. Somethin’ about midterm grades being worth a quarter of our overall grade.” 
“Believe me, you’re not the first victim of Dr. Furata’s to come wandering in the store. I think I have a few more of the workbooks he suggested in stock. Let me go check.” 
It’s instinct at this point for Atsumu to just follow you. If he uses his imagination, it’s almost like he’s back to browsing in a makeup store, walking aimlessly in every aisle, following you loyally because he’s happy to have you lead the way and he doesn’t care where he ends up, so long as you’re there with him. 
But this isn’t an afternoon date with you. This is him following a bookstore employee. After you find that study guide, which is really nothing more than his flimsy excuse for seeking you out, you’re going to ask him “card or cash?”, ring him up at the register, and he’s going to walk out that door and have to act like he’s still not in love with you. All the while, you’re doing fine. You’re fine right now, and you’re going to be fine when he leaves, and you’re probably going to be fine, five years down the line, when you’re happy with someone else and Atsumu is alone because in this little hypothetical, he still hasn’t gotten over you.
He is trailing behind you in this bookstore, and your back is facing him, and he’s panicking because he doesn’t think he’s capable of not loving you. 
Just two weeks ago, you knew him better than anyone else in the world, maybe even better than Osamu, perhaps even better than he knows himself. Now, you just give him a polite smile as you grab the small stool to reach the books located at the very top of the shelf. 
“God, I hate the way we organize everything in the store.” You say, lightheartedly complaining. He knows you do. He knows because he’s known you for nearly a decade. The two of you have grown up together. You made this same complaint sprawled out on the couch in his apartment. 
When he doesn’t reply, you look down to see if something’s the matter, only to do it too quickly that you find yourself losing your balance. Before you can come crashing to the floor, Atsumu is quick to catch you, and you pretend that his protective embrace isn’t comforting. You pretend not to notice that he’s wearing the cologne you bought him for Christmas last year, and you continue to pretend that you don’t miss him at all, that you don’t still love him. 
And for a second, the two of you both pretend that you’re still with each other. That it’s perfectly okay to savor this intimate moment, that his arms wrapped around your body right now isn’t awkward in the slightest. He’s staring at you with a sort of starstruck, boylike wonder, and it’s so familiar, so sweet, because it’s the way he always used to look at you. His lips part slightly, like he’s about to say something, and—
The loud ring! interrupts whatever moment the two of you are sharing, and you nearly jump out of his arms. You hear the distinct footsteps of another student, and you adjust your shirt before remembering where the two of you are — what the two of you are. Not a couple. Barely even friends. Just a bookstore employee and a student that needs a book. That’s all the two of you are allowed to be.
“I should probably go check up front and make sure they don’t need any help.” You tell him, biting down on your lip. “Anyway, did you need anything else, or would you like me to check you out right now?” 
He blinks a few times, as if still in a daze. “Uh, yeah, sure.” The tips of his ears are flushed a light pink. “Y-yeah, I’m done here.” 
The two of you practically race each other to the front of the store, and you step behind the counter to scan his workbook. He drums his fingers, looking around the store. When he’s nervous, he likes to be moving. You know this. 
Just looking for an excuse to use his hands, Atsumu mindlessly picks a pack of gum off a nearby rack and slides it towards you so you can also scan it. You know you shouldn’t say it. You know it’s supposed to be a clean break. Instead, you tell him, 
“Actually, if you want, I have the fruit variety flavor.” 
“Huh?” This catches his attention. 
You reach into one of the boxes that have just been shipped to the store, rummaging through a tiny one before revealing a shiny, new package of gum, this one advertising all the flavors based on tropical fruits. “Would you rather have this one?” 
“Oh, yeah!” As if truly forgetting what the two of you actually are (exes, strangers with too much history, two people still pretending like they’re not in love), his eyes light up. “How did you kno—” He doesn’t finish the question. He knows the answer to the question. 
You’re quick to finish ringing him up, the “polite strangers” illusion being completely shattered. It’s obvious, really, that there are always going to be parts of Atsumu that still live deep inside of you. You can only hope that this isn’t the case for him. 
You hand him the bag, and when he grabs it from you, your fingers just barely graze each other’s. Atsumu is scared — scared that this might be the last time he ever feels your touch. 
And because you’re a glutton for punishment, you find yourself telling him,
“Don’t be a stranger.”
You can’t tell who’s more devastated: you or him.
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mitsuristoleme · 7 months
Ayo it's me !
SO uhhh
Damn that's my first time requesting something and I'm actually nervous, so it's about that nightmare thing I talked about, so maybe I thought you could write something (like anything it can be very short), IF you can write for Choso (if you don't i get it) comforting reader after a very realistic nightmare and reader is still scared after waking up because it was basically taking place in that same room and still feels like they're in the nightmare (I don't know if it's clear, but basically waking up still scared and having trouble calming down and feeling reassured because what if it's real)
Rereading this I'm realizing it's confusing, but hopefully with that post you answered to you understand a bit ;; and if you don't write for Choso maybe you can do it with any other (adult) JJK character, I'd be fine with it!
hihi! sorry this took so long D:
i really hope i managed to write what you described
this is my first time writing choso (and anything nightmare related in general) so forgive me if he’s ooc😭😭 and im also sorry this is a bit short, ive been pretty swamped with finals
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cw: nothing particularly??? reader has a nightmare, no pronouns used, not proofread
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you shot up in bed scrambling for your glasses, your blanket pooling around your knees as cursed energy rushed to your raised fists, ready to fight.
“sweetheart?” came a rumbling voice from next to you, making you flinch.
“hey, hey, its just me. just choso. whats wrong honey?” your boyfriend’s words were followed by a warm hand gently tugging you back into a sleeping position.
he pulled your face into his chest, careful to not smoosh your glasses, a soothing hand running across your back.
you nodded, letting yourself fall limp in his hold, trusting choso enough to take care of any threat.
“you wanna talk about it baby?” he asked, as he leant back to look at you in the dim lighting provided by the barely cracked open door of the bathroom.
“not really.”
he hummed, gently taking your glasses off to rest them on the dresser on his side of the bed, switching on the lamp while he was at it.
“the light make you feel safer?”
you could tell he wanted to say something else, but you really didnt want to talk about the horror plaguing your dreams.
your bedroom was supposed to be your sanctuary and the stupid nightmare had ruined every ounce of safety you felt in your bed.
you tugged your boyfriend closer, hand reaching up to tangle in his hair, that he’d started letting down from his ponytails while slept.
he draped his arms around your waist protectively, something he did often, especially in public (you’d come to learn that he was incredibly protective of people he held close to his heart)
“i gotchu,” he mumbled into your hair.
you sighed shakily against the crook of his neck, a few tears escaping your eyes as the adrenaline wore off.
before you could register the loss of his warm hands from your waist, his thumb was gently wiping away the tears from your face and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
he held your face, thumbs catching the wetness as it fell, kissing you gently, and staying there until you stopped crying.
“cmere,” he said, rolling you over his chest to his side of the bed, further away from the door, “no facing the door tonight, ‘kay? we’ll keep the lamp on so its less scary for you, yeah sweetheart? and if you still cant fall asleep, ill stay up with you.”
you began to protest, but he cut you off.
“aht, aht. i dont need to sleep, and even if i did you’re more important. so shush and cuddle me.”
you smiled softly at him, making your way into his waiting arms.
“thank you choso.”
“anytime, love.”
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please dont repost or copy my work without my permission
reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
check out my masterlist
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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sparklingdemon · 21 days
hey hihi! ive been curious for a bit (and honestly. probably shouldve asked sooner) .. how do you feel abt ppl making their own adaptations/takes on your pokepasta ocs? do you enjoy it? are there certain ones that you prefer arent touched on like that?
its mostly curiosity but also i feel like its best to ask bc im one of the mods on a blog where leaf takes a LOT after fallen leaf but with a fair amount of deviation all the same and. i realized recently that despite u still being active and present online i never thought to inquire about that,, im so sorry njakljndnjk
hey hey it’s all good!! i think what you’re doing with missing numbers is really cool!! it always gets me really excited to see bits of fallen leaf in missing number’s leaf bc i’m just like “look gary there i am! there’s my story!!” i think combining fallen leaf’s story with abandon lonliness is INSPIRED, and it’s so so cool seeing fallen leaf be put in alongside the other more “classic” trainerpastas. it makes me happier than you’ll ever to know to see her get representation alongside all the others who have been there so much longer than her, bc it makes me feel like i wrote a story that fits right at home in the golden age of pokepasta.
that being said, i’m usually pretty chill with fan interpretations and reimaginings, or AUs that have my characters in them! “death of the author” is a real thing, and people are going to do whatever they want with my stories/characters regardless of if they realize i’m still an accessible person that can be asked permission or not - so i think it’s important for me to have a healthy/supportive outlook about it.
but… at the same time, i still don’t like it very much when people use their reimaginings to “fix” a story, to remove the “cliches” that made the story what it is.
for example, if you took BRVR out of pokemon channel and made the game take place in pokemon yellow instead, or removed the death/gore, then that’s not really BRVR anymore to me. by taking the “pokemon channel” out of “pokemon dead channel” or taking the “DEAD” out of pokemon dead channel, then you have essentially made a brand new story/character, but given it my character’s name.
so i think what i don’t like is when a reimagining comes from a place like that, where it doesn’t try to keep the spirit of the original story in mind and instead wants to “fix” it.
BUT, i should clarify how this is only a pet peeve of mine! i’m not going to tell people, “no, you’re not allowed to reimagine my story The Wrong Way™” - because ultimately i care more about people having fun with my stories and art in whatever way they want to, even if it’s something i don’t personally agree/vibe with.
of course that’s not what i think you’re doing w missing numbers at all!! i think it captures the heart of the OG stories very well, even when seen through an “in-universe” lens. i’m really really excited to see more from it!!
as for if there’s certain characters i’d rather not let anyone touch, i feel like the only one i have right now is cody, but only because their story is still ongoing and people still don’t fully know them as a character yet. it’s very easy to misinterpret a character from a story that’s still ongoing, after all!
but other than that, my answer is go wild!! do whatever you want with my pasta characters and i’ll generally be pretty hands-off about it! the only rule is have fun!!
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resident-cake-anon · 6 months
hi luna !! do u have any ideas/info abt golden petals in other aus, like modern aus? 🤔 id love to hear abt them!!
HIHI CLARA!! I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS <33 this ended up being a really long post im sorry.. im a professional yapper
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❦. i see them as being college kids w their academy selves
❦. catalina is always really pushing herself in her studies, maybe she would even be double majored so she ends up doing LONG study sessions in the library
❦. claude is there to check up on her though ofc, ryan put the idea in my head that he would come see her in the library between classes to give her food and a kiss and it rotates in my mind CONSTANTLY
❦. claude’s always posting cati on his socials, ppl are kind of sick of it but they’re too cute for them to say anything
❦. BUILD LEGO FLOWER SETS TOGETHER.. not a doubt in my mind that they do that as a sleepover activity while watching a movie they take an hour to decide on
❦. i see claude as being involved in a lot of clubs maybe a leader of one (my gut says chess) and catalina always makes time in her busy schedule to show up at their events to support him!!
❦. they go on dates to the closest boba shop, especially when cati needs a break from her study sessions
❦. catalina gets the same drink every time while claude always tries something new (he lets catalina have a sip hoping she can widen her palette) + he gets a snack that they can share
❦. catalina insists that she pays but claude always seems to trick her into letting him do it, she always feels guilty but claude doesn’t care, he has the money to spend
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❦. rapunzel and flynn fit these two SO much there’s a reason why i see the light is on the golden petals playlist
❦. catalina basically lives the rapunzel story in fe3h, basically locked away in the monastery unable to leave all that much and wanting to explore the world
❦. also rapunzel being born from a flower??? yea. iconic. and so catalina coded..
❦. the power to heal, all the flowers in her braid, her generally excitable nature, the overwhelming GUILT of leaving home idk so much lines up
❦. also flynn rider is literally the blueprint that defines all f/os i have/will have in the future.. i have a type and it is DEEP-SEATED in my love for flynn rider
❦. fake aliases, rouge-ish but charming personality, being seen as an outsider or weak as a child and turning to putting up fences as a defense mechanism??? sign me up apparently,,
❦. but most of all i think the way the two’s relationship develops in the movie is so perfect and reflects how golden petals would grow closer, learning to trust each other and eventually willing to sacrifice themselves for the other
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❦. i love alice in wonderland so much and golden petals fits into the story pretty well too!!
❦. catalina is so similar to alice aaa her imagining up a whole world like wonderland bc the rules and regulations of sophisticated society bore her is just so fitting
❦. in this au ofc alice wouldn’t be a child i could definitely see catalina in wonderland as her academy self bc she uses escapism as a coping mechanism sm
❦. also catalina and the scene of alice singing w the flowers… love it sm
❦. in wonderland, catalina would then meet claude as the cheshire cat!! i think he would be more helpful than the original cheshire cat but still mischievous in his own way
❦. i think he would often mess w the others they find along their travels in wonderland to get a laugh out of cati, pulling a prank on lorenz as the mad hatter always seems to do the trick
❦. at the end of their story, i believe catalina would be woken up by her classmate, khalid, ig she dozed off during class…
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❦. this au exists only bc im an actual sicko over sleeping beauty not bc i think their roles fit, this one is just for ME
❦. i actually made sleeping beauty au art before golden petals.. was called golden petals so the love runs deep
❦. bucket assigned the three good fairies to hilda, heather, and marianne and who am i to disagree!! it think they’re quite perfect actually hehe
❦. instead of them being aunts to briar rose they would more likely be like older cousins
❦. catalina as briar rose would definitely want to explore outside the woodcutter’s cottage and the forest and so meeting claude was sort of the perfect gateway!!
❦. claude as prince philip is so nice too.. i wholeheartedly believe that he would throw away his royal title to run away to be w this girl he met in the woods over someone he’s been betrothed to since birth.. it makes sense to me
❦. also white wyvern -> white horse that he bickers with.. love it
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burplewrites · 10 months
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hihi im burple
i love writing and i just joined tumblr like a month ago (ive had this account(?) for like a year though) and i wanted to write my little one shots and share it with the community!! i might not have stuff rn but i will soon!!
if you like my writing, i am opening requests (yay) but i do have some things that i will not write..
nsfw (genuinely do not feel comfortable with that)
self harm fics
homophobic/racist/ableist fics
i am open to pretty much writing anything else, but i do have the right to deny writing a fic!!
i write for…
our life beginning and always (cove, derek, and baxter)
our life now and forever (tamarack and qiu)
i can write one shots for those characters, but just note that if you wanted someone like liz or lee (from ol:ba), it might be a little ooc!! i don’t mind writing things for them (or any character in those franchises) though, it’s completely fine!! disclaimer: every character might be a little ooc now that i think about it.
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this is my first time doing something like this and really using tumblr so please be patient and kind to me!! (when i have enough fics, ill try making a master list!!) Also please feel free to give me suggestions about my writing! I am open to corrections and tips!!
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dexiiexox · 11 months
Bestfriend headcanons for Nick Sturniolo💜
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a/n; Hihi! First time writing for Nick :))👍 might be off, but these are just what I imagine so enjoyyy :> and I know for a FACT that there are so many words Ive spelled wrong in this one, but Im too lazy to proof read it :)
Nick Sturniolo x reader (platonic)
warnings: none?
summary: headcanons of what I imagine being bestfriends with Nick Sturniolo would be like!
I firmly belive that Nick would never jugde you if you’re close friends, he might not always agree on certain topics, but he would never jugde you
And that is also why you guys have such a close bond, you guys are able to tell eachother everything, wether it’s realationships, concerns, drama, something that’s recently been going on, anything, doesnt matter, you guys tell eachother
I just know he would take your concerns very seriously, he would always be there and listen to you rant to him about anything and nothing
And he would have no problem telling people off if they were out of line.
It had been a pretty stressful week and on top of that some of your "friends" had been acting so wierd. You guys hadnt hung out in a while, and you guys had decided to meet up since you had some openings in your schedual. But when you guys had hung out they had just been somewhat rude to you the whole time and made snarky comments. About the way you spoke or what you said.
You brushed it off in the start, but it just carried on and it honestly hurt. You just decided to stay quiet for the rest of the evening and left after you guys had grabbed some food.
You had just gotten home to your apartment, when you got a notification from your phone. It was a Snapchat notification, from a group.
You had been added in a groupchat with those same "friends" you had hung out with. There was one long message from them telling you they thought you had been acting wierd the whole evening. They stated that they thought it was rude that you werent talking much and left so quietly. They meant that you had changed.
You didnt really understand why they said that, where was all of this coming from? You hd been nothing but nice, despoter their comments and behaviour. You just sighed deeply and didnt bother to respond. All you wanted to do was shower and done off on the couch for the night.
You we’re able to take a shower before the doorbell rang. Getting dressed fairly quick, you went and opened the door. You we’re met with concerned Nick, now feiles written in his face.
I can definetly imagine Nick calling you or FaceTiming you whenever he needs to rant about shit that just annoys him
I was sat at my desk, browsing through random stuff on my laptop.I was in my own little bubble, listening to some slow songs and just mindlessly scrolling. That was until a loud ring startled me and brought me out of my daze.
It was a FaceTime call from Nick and I could see his face on screen. I pauses the music and answered the call.
"Hey-" I was cut short.
"Holy fuck!" Nick was basically screaming through the phone.
I was taken a back by his loud voice.
"Whats up?" I asked concerned seeing how bothered he sounded.
"Chris has been a fucking idiot all night." he let out a huff as he layed down on his bed. I just laughed a little.
"What’s he done now?" I gave Nick a questioning look.
"Oh boy if you knew, kids spilled my whole fucking Snapple in the car" I could clearly hear the annoyance in Nicks voice. I just giggled a little imagining how that scene wouldve looked like.
"And he’s jumping around like a damn monkey! He jumped back ONTO me!" He raider his voice again. I burst out laughing at that point and Nick ended up letting out a few giggles as well.
"Hellooo? Isnt that crazy?" He asked still giggling lightly.
"Sounds like Chris to me" I smiled back.
From there the conversation just went on, Nick rambled some more about Chris' shananigans in the car before we started talking about everything else that came to mind.
I also imagine that Nick would need help figuring out what to wear, and sometimes you would too
Like before going out, you guys just sit on the bed while the other one tries on different outfits and get the others opinion on it
(UFHSKDNDN i just need to use this opertunity to say that Nick is SO FUCKING PRETTY!! He looks so gorgeous I dont even know where to start)
Nick had invited me to go out for dinner with him, Chris, Matt and a few of their other friends.
And as usual I had stopped by their apartment so me and Nick could help eachother find the right outfit for the night. I had brought with me a few different outfits and clothes I was thinking about wearing, but I still couldnt really figure it out.
I had chatted with the three of them in the kitchen for a while before me and Nick made out way to his bedroom to get ready.
We had spendt some time trying to find the right outfit for Nick, and we finally found it. We ended up with him wearing his red and black knitted sweater, black parachute pants, his black chunky shoes and a pair of black glasses as an accesorie.
We spendt a good while figuring out what I would wear, all the outfits I tried either seemed somewhat off or like something was missing.
"No, it looks kind of odd?"
"Yeah, I dont know about this one"
"Absolutely not"
I tried on dresses, skrits, tops, shorts, fishnets, and I tired mutiple different outfits, but nothing felt right.
"The pants made it kind of wierd"
"Ouuhh.. yeah no-.."
"I think I’m loosing my mind, what the hell is this?"
I rubbed my eyes and sighed. I went back into the bathroom and tried on my last outfit. I looked myself in the mirror and smiled. I actually really liked it, but I needed to see what Nick thought of it. So I opened the door and stepped into his room. Nick looked up from his phone and smiled at me.
"Uhh yeah! Defiently, you look good girl!"
I smiled at his compliment.
We both finished getting ready, we chilled downstairs with Matt and Chris before we all headed out for the evening.
Im too lazy to write more :)👍
Regardless of that though, hope you had a good night or day and youre worth so much💕💕
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fcknstar · 2 years
Can you do pregnancy headcanons for the amazing spider man 2 harry?
hihi! thank you so much for the request and sorry if i completed it a little late, was caught up with school work...
,, with you "
harryosborn x afab!reader ( pregnancy headcanons )
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a.n : im so so happy with the requests that ive been receiving because my brains all messed up rn, and cant really think of any ideas.. so thankyou alot
warnings : mentions of pregnancy
**lowercase intended**
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when harry found out that you are pregnant, he has nver been more happy
like a gentleman, he would massage your legs if you need, would literally give you princess treatment like he usually does.
have cravings in the middle of the night? not to worry, harry would always assure you and ask you to wake him up if you truly craved something.
" harry… " you gently shook harry. you could barely sleep, wanting to eat chocolate covered pretzels that you enjoyed. " harry..? " harry began to stir in his sleep, turning to look at you, wide awake. " whats wrong baby? " he questioned, he saw how overwhelmed you looked. " well, i uh, ive been craving those chocolate pretzels you got me the other time.. " you whispered. harry understanding that your cravings were acting up, he nodded giving you a soft smile. harry went to the local store looking for the pretzels. by the time he went there, he couldnt find any in stock. so, he decided to make them, grabbing a chocolate bar and pretzels. once he reached home, he would melt those chocolate and dip the pretzels in, letting it cool before serving in to you.
" baby, i couldnt find the exact ones, so i just got normal pretzels and dipped them.. will that be alright? " harry walked towards you with the said pretzels in his hands. you swore you felt your heart thump faster, it was as if you were falling deeper in love with him.
before you got pregnant, you and harry would split the house chores.
so when you got pregnant, he would start doing most of the house chores, since you insisted that you could at least fold the clothes despite harry advising you not to and for you to just rest.
knowing that youd get bigger in size, he wouldnt mind getting you new clothes. he, in fact encourages you to whenever you need new clothes. or he will just get you it even without you knowing.
if you were to feel insecure, he would start talking to you sweetly, reassuring that you are the most beautiful person hes ever seen ; whispering sweet things to you.
he would start working from home, but if he truly needed to get back to oscorp, he would grab some snack and food for you both before heading back home.
if he sees you asleep on the bed, he would climb in with you, gently wrapping his arms around and talk to the growing baby.
" yea i know right. and i got you and your sweet mother more pretzels! how cool is that? " harry felt a little kick when he placed his hand on your tummy. " my gosh, excited are we? don't wake your mummy up okay? she deserves this rest.. " but you were already wide awake, hearing the little chats he had with your baby. " i wonder if you are a girl.. or a boy. if you were a girl, id dress you up into a mini princess, even better, id dress you up like your mother. mini her! if youre a boy, " harry was deep in thought.. " i dont know, i dress you up as a businessman! " he received another. " definitely a boy. " harry smiled to himself. you couldn't help but giggle. harry saw how your body shook and your little laughs, turning to face you, his eyes widened. " did i wake you up? sorry.. " harry smiled boyishly, kissing your temple.
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n0bluev · 7 months
Somehow, im inspired to write that 'revision fic'. === (EDIT : u can skip but heres another snippet for u (3 separate bits that fit together nicely, actually haha) cuz hihi. THE AU: As i said, its a failed "3"rd regression context, where yjh is now in his "4"th round. The last memory he has of kdj is him dying, and to make things worse "In this round, that guy doesn't exist." is a thing, so yjh freaks out a bit but hes totally normal about this whole ordeal & the fact that he doesnt even remembers kdj's face now. Wdym! Hes fiiiiiine!
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sorry lol back to the actual post : (,hope u enjoyed that little treat tho^^)) ===
!!THAT [Somehow, im inspired to write [...]] HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE!!. I always like. do an outline for the overall story and vibe, then flesh out the start or something and cook up a little 500 (probably unsatisfying) words for fun kind of as a bonus. Keep it mostly for my private enjoyment and move on before the story comes to life. And that's okay... Yes, it would be cooler to actually write the AU ideas i get in novel or comic form instead of having them stay at just the 'sketch' & 'idea/brainstorm' phase before i get another idea and leave them to dust up in the pile,,
But yeah, its okay.
In the few years since ive started getting ideas for more elaborate aus/fics, ive noticed that my ideas improved with time. (no shit, i know, but it makes me happy! i grew up!!! i can see it.) My planning methods are better too. So all of that unfinished or abandoned stuff is not at all useless work in my eyes. And who knows, maybe one day i'll bring them back.
--> as a plus, all my fandom brainrot experiences even get transferred into my OC stuff, and frl whenever i read my notes these days (or listen to my voice memos lol) and im just like "HOW DID I THINK OF THIS WOW" or "WHEN DID I PUT THIS LIKE THIS? IT WORKS!" (not to brag or anything but my oc lore goes hard ☝️)
I DID NO PLANNING. I just started writing for orv and its. Lowkey, good ???? Dont get me wrong i only have 1.5k right now and there are clear holes i have to fill and stuff but... CLEAR HOLES! CLEAR HOLES. Sure Im used to being like "something of the sort should go there..." BUT THIS TIME ITS "THIS SHOULD GO THERE, ILL WRITE IT LATER BUT THE IMAGE IS IN MY MIND, CLEAR AS WATER, AND ONCE I START PUTTING IT ON THE PAGE ISTG THOSE WORDS WILL STREAM OUT OF MY FINGERS AS IF IT WAS A NORMAL OCCURENCE FOR ME" ,,- !??? Yo!
Anyways. Point is that somehow theres interesting stuff going on in my gg doc and the more i write the more i know where i want to go, so that's cool, i feel all powerfull for once
idk if that ease is going to stay once im done with the first scenes (ughh!!! theres so much potential!!!!!!!!) but hopefully yes. either way ill probably post it so im not baiting yall with a "um actually im writing smt rn --- *never shares with the class*" --- either 1) things go well and i write a "real fic" (!? wtf that wasnt my plan!) --- or 2) i only post the finished version of what i have now (expect around 5k? (i have no idea actually)) and we wait together to see if i pick up the idea again haha. (i do wish to write it tho! im not a 'writer' writer but i want to be one, u get me?)
! thank u see u byebye
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andromeddog · 7 months
hihi i love ur artwork. i was wondering ur opinion on this: is it considered cheating for an artist to trace what they’re going to draw? ex, someone wants to draw george luz and uses a picture of him to trace and then later on touch up details without the picture? thank you!
hi thanks for the ask! short answer is yes i think is a totally normal and good way to learn and become familiar with proportions/likenesses 👍 it’s all good with me babey. longer answer under da cut
but the longer answer. first of all calling tracing “cheating” is such bullshit because it’s been used as a method for artists for literal centuries so idk what their beef is with it. that being said i do think it should be used kind of carefully bc it can develop into a habit of relying too much on the reference and not bettering your own skills.
and maybe this is just me but also it depends on where the reference is coming from- if you’re making your own ref i say go ahead and go nuts with it. i have so many embarrassing pics of myself that ive traced to get the pose down lol. for me ive always had a hard time with feet and use my own shoes regularly to help get an angle/shape right! using like screenshots of a show or something you found online is a little trickier… idk maybe because you didn’t specifically make it? something about that sticks in my head and makes me more hesitant about leaning too heavily on it. but still i’d never say that tracing a screenshot constitutes as “cheating”
i will gladly admit i straight up do trace outside sources when i am confused about proportions or REALLY INSANE about getting likeness done but i do really try to only use it very sparingly if its not a reference i specifically made. and that’s really only in the very beginning stages of a drawing- i’ll make a loose sketch based on the ref, then refine it into a tighter sketch and THEN use the reference to adjust proportions if they are particularly off (or to see if i am off), and then im usually done with the tracing. then i usually have another refining layer and THEN i do finished lineart. i really want to improve my observation skills and knowledge of anatomy/clothing/likeness so trying to work through it without relying on tracing is my goal!
but hey thats just MY process. no one is over your shoulder telling you what you can and cannot do. even i cant tell you what the correct process is! i just think you should use the tools available to you but dont let them interfere with refining your technical skills 👍
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screampied · 17 days
hiiii. so, first i just want to say that the feeling is mutual, because i’m always looking forward to your replies to my asks, like giggling and kicking feet typa shit!!!
second of all, i’ve realized that if you do a scream theme, it would be perfect because of your username?!?! ngl i wish i was creampied by billy loomis
i used to look at those people eating and drinking pumpkin flavored stuff and i would gag, until i realized it probably taste like a famous pumpkin candy in my country, so yes, pls try it and tell me if it’s sweet and good. i’m a very picky eater and i can’t stand pumpkin, unless is for decoration and eating bits and bits of the said candy.
also, yeah, fuck scream 5. it was awful, i love gale and dewey, it was so unnecessary what they did to them, and proceeding to fucking kill him??? ain’t no way, i punched my tv.
classics are truly the best. ngl, i don’t like new horror movies, they are always lacking something. i did, however, enjoyed the movie talk to me from a24, but i saw it more as the metaphor (drgs) instead of possession, so yah…
NOW SHUT UP HIP PIERCINGS? AND BELLY BUTTON? oh i know u a bad bitch, like i can’t help but stan more. ☝️
how was your day today, btw? i finished an edit for my theme that was pissing me off and now i’m just waiting for the one person i’m comfortable with to be online so i can show and be like “gimme ur opinion 🥺” and they are sincere af so if they hate it, imma kms, i see no other option.
oh, also, this week i got a hate anon and i kept laughing because?? it’s so random, people are really miserable and funny sometimes. it’s like a certificate that their life sucks, idk.
AND YES, i’ll be showing myself for you, probably on october 1st, like nosferatu coming from the shadows, hihi.
nut anon
omg ur so sweet, hugs 🫂🫂.
FUCK UR SO RIGHT. a scream theme bc it’s literally in my url what are the chances 😋 plus my username was even based off scream omg we’ll see. that’ll be so sexy ughhhhh october hurry.
im kinda scared to try pumpkin lowkey. im also a picky eater and i feel like ill puke 🧍‍♂️ like ive smelled it and its okaaaay i guess but idk if i can handle it paha. if i do try it, ill tell u how it goes trust.
good fucking bye i can talk a whole rant about how AWFUL scream 5 is. out of all the movies, it’s the worst in my opinion. the only thing i loved about it was the opening scene—jenna ortega’s portion, she made me continue watching it 🙂‍↕️ plus she’s mother, i love her downnnnn. AND UR RIGHT. !!!!! LIKE DEWEY ?????? i get he had to die at some point but his death was so stupid. like really. just say you hate him. scream 6 totally redeemed itself tho now that is a SEQUEEEEL. only thing i hated about scream 6 was the killer reveals. the motive was understandable but dumb . LOLLL im such a hater but man ✋🏽 do you think neve is coming back for scream 7, i hope so and they better give her the pay she deserves bc i miss my final gyal 😔
TEEEHHEEE THANK YOU POOKIE 💋 i bet you’re an even badder bitch <3 my day was good !!! i was busy out half the day sight seeing and going to a nascar race showing near me which was sooooo cool. a bird shat on my car window which was totally uncool 😒. SLAAAAY omg i bet it looks so good.
booo hate anons r so unserious. i remember i got one months ago and just rolled my eyes because you could be like … saving the world ✋🏽 or idk doing crossword puzzles instead of talking shit to a silly lil stranger on the interweb. ppl be bored ig. don’t let it get to u tho bae !!!! ur amazing mwah
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dayurno · 2 years
idk if you've answered a question like this before but do you have any kandrew fic recs 😳
IVE BEEN debating whether i should update my kandrew fic recs since its been a while and they have more than 3 fics now (shocking news to me) so here you go!!!
i bet these memories follow you around by acidmeringue
ONE OF THE MOST RECENTS I READ ohhhh it was so good it was so soft it was so perfect.... when andrew thinks hes hurt kevin and kevin notices that andrew shuts down bc of it............. THE TS LYRIC TITLE i am a simple. person i really am:) no smut in this one but theres some heavy petting
So Kiss Me In The Dark by jaydreamz
AHHHHHH,,,,,,,, this one it was soooo heart fluttering to me because of the things andrew thinks about kevin as i mentioned im really easy when andrew is in love im like ihrfugjhdftfwiogjdf (foams at the mouth)!!!... its an au but a little canon adjacent too and its really sweet:) perfect if you just want something nice and simple
leave your heart at home by NanaMinyard
this was written by my friend nana and i quite like it ! canon compliant, a little breakup angst, kevin starts seeing other people when andrew pulls the "we're nothing" on him, truly very fun to me........ i love exes kandrew and i love even more when andrew is just so pathetic
But I Have Twice The Heart by sambutwithbooks for dayurno (hihi) BEAUTIFUL SAM WROTE THIS FOR ME....!!! for aftg mixtape 2023, its sooooo good and such a refreshing concept for them!! just your usual bad boy/prep au with kevin being the literal son of the mayor (:0 ! !) and andrew being the local delinquent
breaking every finger, praying that it makes me clean by orionauriga
EASILY ONE OF THE BEST KANDREW FICS EVER ACTUALLY..... theres background kandreil so if thats not your cup of tea thats fine but its a lovely lovely work about andrew and aaron and andrew and kevin, the lines drawn between those, kevaaron sobriety etc. truly beautiful and one of my favorites
missed sleep by @nanatsuyu
IVE RECOMMENDED THIS BEFORE AND ILL DO IT AGAIN! the beautiful nanatsuyu never disappoints and im always very happy whenever they post anything kandrew hehe..... an au of sorts, domestic married kandrew being old men together....... a glimpse of happiness between two eternities of darkness. etc
even if it takes __ years by @nanatsuyu
heh.... this is the last nana one i promise..... i have not personally read this one yet (its been on my list!) but i trust them to write any kandrew at any point in time so ill sign under whatever is written there. have fun
these should be enough for now! as i got this ask i thought to myself there would surely be a ton of kandrew fics i hadnt mentioned or talked about before but it seems that most of them were actually my own...... olmfaoo... um... well if youre interested in that you can check out my ao3 profile as well
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