#its similar to cyrus but also not lol
dayundying · 2 years
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Picked up my Borderlands OC/self insert and resuscitated him so I could make him work a job at Hyperion. I just wanted to
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: How to Heal Your Broken Heart
Hello beautiful people! If you are currently going through a romantic break-up, I send my love to you. 🫶 But here, I will give advice on how you can deal with your grief. I am not a therapist so if you feel like you need to contact one, I would highly encourage that you do that. If you resonate with this reading and would like a more personalized reading, please read my guidelines and message me privately so you can receive one. Without further ado, please select your pile!
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You need to acknowledge that this was meant for you to happen! There is nothing wrong with being single, lovely. Sometimes things just don’t work out and that’s okay. Right now, it’s time for you to focus on bigger and better things without someone by your side. You could have been with your partner for years and one day things just ended. It happens. But the best for you to do right now is to get your hair and nails done. Get to know yourself as a person, not as a partner. You have so much personality, Pile One. You need to take up more space on your own. You don’t need someone to conquer the world with you. I feel like you honestly just have to get used to being by yourself so find literally anything to do by yourself. Read, go for a walk, buy yourself flowers, take yourself on dates. Spend more time making yourself the main character instead of finding ways to antagonize your ex.
Cards Used: Ace of Cups (RX), Four of Wands, Judgment, 7 of Discs, 9 of Swords, 9 of Cups.
extras: fancy dates. peach smoothie. alice in wonderland. benedict cumberbatch. “lumberyard.”
Pile Two: You got a lot of cards, which means that you need to listen up. Pile Two, when was the last time you’ve been outside with your friends? You may have spent a lot of time in isolation in your previous relationship. You don’t have to do that anymore. Your girls are waiting on you. It is best that you go to as many parties that you can find to avoid going back because you don’t need to be with a manipulative liar anymore. I would also suggest that you go to a jewelry store and go spoil yourself. The codependency in your last relationship was abnormal and it’s time that you realize it. I feel like this person took the light away from you and you’re slowly but surely gaining your power back. Your energy is similar to Pile One but I feel like the focus for you is to empower yourself. Adopt the mindset that things will work out for you. Assuming the worst possible outcome is going to work for you. You have to let yourself shine because no one is dimming your light anymore. Surround yourself with positivity and please please please make sure you’re around people that make you feel comfortable and like yourself. Right now is a crucial time for you. Treat it as such.
Cards Used: 6 of Discs, 9 of Discs, King of Discs, Princess of Wands, 8 of Wands, 4 of Cups, The Magician (RX), The Hanged Man, The World, The Emperor, Ace of Wands, 3 of Cups.
extras: “party hard.” tiger print. mr rogers. sofia the first. birthday pin. red dot.
Pile Three: I feel like this pile has to get their body in check. Have you been having physical health problems as of lately? I feel like you need to see a doctor. I am getting the image of someone with a fever getting their temperature checked. It’s almost summertime, this shouldn’t be happening! So first things first, take your Vitamin C. Once you take care of your physical health, you should affirm that everything will be okay. Expose yourself to new places, people and things. Take a getaway trip for the weekend, maybe longer. I think you should also write affirmations on post-its and put them up around your house. I feel like this pile went through a mutual break up but it still hurts. This will sound weird but you’ve been through worse so this shouldn’t break you, lol. I think that’s your spirit guides way of saying to stay optimistic about your situation. There’s an advantage in your situation. You will find more things to laugh about when it comes to your situation. Another thing that I suggest that you do is remove your ex’s energy; their clothes, pictures of them, any and everything. Get it out!
Cards Used: 4 of Discs, Temperance, Queen of Cups, Princess of Swords, 2 of Swords, 5 of Swords (RX), The Sun, 6 of Discs, The Star, Ten of Cups, Queen of Discs
extras: cameras flashing. candied yams. apples and oranges. dominoes pizza. hot flashes. quince.
Pile Four: I’m not going to lie, it may be time for you to consider taking the extra step to getting your mental health in check. If you have been feeling like ending it all, then please talk to a psychiatrist. They may prescribe you with medication. I feel like you need that extra boost. Shit feels stagnant with this group. It’s all about personal accountability with you guys. Yes, it sucks to have your heart broken but how will you fix it? How will you recover? I think you should get in touch with your family. It’s been a minute since you talked to them, hasn’t it? You might feel like they will mock you for going through it or say “I told you so” but they won’t. They’ll be angry about the fact that you were cheated on & manipulated. You were too good and too pretty for your ex, Pile Four. Any plans that you had with them are gone and it’s time to accept that. You may have a hard time moving on but it’s best that you are supported by those who have your best interest at heart. You absolutely can do it. Turn your pain into art. Make music, write poetry, draw something. Do anything to keep your energy moving and flowing. You should also get physical. I channeled Dua Lipa’s song for you as well. So get in the gym & build your physique, begin a cardio routine, just do it!!!
Cards Used: 6 of Cups, Ten of Discs, King of Wands (RX), The Empress, The Star, Death, 9 of Discs (RX), Ten of Swords, The Chariot (RX).
extras: agent of chaos. black ops. nike. “that’s not my forte.” acting. self-righteous. fake smile. eye bend.
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buddygrouse · 7 months
can you tell us about paradise park? I've been interested in the premise behind your ocs for a while!
thank you for asking! it warms my heart to know people are curious about my ocs
the premise of paradise park is that at some point in the near future Earth is officially declared 'terminal,' by a coalition of corporations and dominant world governments after a dramatic worsening in atmospheric quality and large weather events. Conservation and climate efforts are officially ended and the Earth is given another 10 years of livability in its current state.
Space travel and extraterrestrial living are still the domain of the ultra-rich, so large companies begin marketing a variety of other options for people who cannot afford to leave Earth. One of the more affordable options is created through by Havensoft: a company created through partnership between a large private medical company and a game publisher.
Over the next ten years, Havensoft creates several MMO style worlds that fit a variety of themes (Paradise Parks), with the intention that humans can upload their consciousness to the game while their bodies lie in life support stasis. They will remain there until exterior sensors detect that Earth's atmosphere has recovered enough to support human life. Though there are a few other companies offering similar services, Havensoft claims to be able to directly extract the human soul. Their focus is on preserving the mental health of their players and each player is also given a Companion Pet(name pending lol) to help monitor and maintain their mental state.
The story centers on Cyrus, a resident of the fantasy-themed Paradise Park, who wakes up in a snowbank at the far edge of the world map with no memories, no Pet and the intense focus of the non-human Administrator of the park.
I didn't touch on any of the other main characters or the actual plot but this is already several paragraphs longer than I intended! always happy to answer oc questions
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sapphirepastries · 7 months
Octopath Traveler Yuu and Dorm Leader Stories
by stories, i mean what has each of them go on their respective journeys. im replaying octopath traveler 2 again, and i figured i might as well get some sort of solid base for each of the twst traveler's stories xD
riddle's story would most likely be about him chasing down a criminal. as the hunter, he brings order to both the forest and the town. i'll probably have his starting town either be in the leaflands or toto'haha. the criminal could be disturbing the ecosystem wherever they go, and riddle will have none of that. it's the duty of a hunter to keep the ecosystem balanced, to take only what you need
leona's story will be about taking his kingdom back, like hikari. farena has been usurped by a scheming court official and cheka's whereabouts are unknown after the coup. his starting town will be in hinouema. he lost everything and became a thief, planning to one day take back his home
azul's story is about him expanding his business. he's a successful merchant, but on his journey, he'll learn what it means to be a true merchant. kinda going the opposite direction of partitio's story in which a successful merchant will see just how important it is to share and share alike. his starting town will probably be in the brightlands or harborlands
kalim's story is basically the same as agnea's only he's doing it undercover because he's the son of a very wealthy noble family that's comparable to the rondwell family and roque brilliante. his story will differ in the fact that people are looking to take him down both in the world of dancing and in the world of nobles by any means necessary. if azul's starting town is in the brightlands then kalim will be in the harborlands
vil's story will be about finding the source of a poison. he's a traveling apothecary who happened to stumble upon a case of mysterious poisonings. this story might change, but this is what i got for now. his starting town will most definitely be in the winterlands because snow white xD
idia's story will start when ortho forces him to go out and see the world. im not entirely sure what his journey will be though. maybe something like cyrus's story where he'll have to find a missing something. or maybe he gets caught up in something and now he has to go find the mastermind. if riddle is in toto'haha, then idia will be in the leaflands which is ironic because he has not touched grass lol
malleus's story will also be about him seeing the world. im also not too sure what he will do, but i think it would be like a journey to understand people and how to be a good ruler. his starting town will be in the wildlands
finally, yuu's story will probably be similar to temenos's or maybe it'll be more like ophilia's in that its a pilgrimage. maybe going around and teaching about the sacred flame? like a traveling cleric or something. she could encounter people from the moonshade order which would be the beginning of her journey. her starting town is, of course, in the crestlands
and the big question with probably the most obvious answer: who's the protagonist? it's yuu, of course. and the order in which she finds her fellow travelers will be the same order you encounter each dorm in twisted wonderland. so we start off with riddle, then leona, then azul, and so on and so forth.
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maretriarch · 4 months
idk why i feel so defensive over jojo siwa getting dunked on for being cringe im not like. a fan of hers ive never listened to a single song of hers or anything. i think its that one she reminds me of my butch little blonde haired blue eyed niece who tries very hard to be Street but also its not just the similarity between someone I already care about. i think her perma tween thing is actually kind of very endearing im sure she'll grow out of it eventually...it doesnt feel like a lot of famous child actors/online personalities where theyre purely financially driven to keep acting young she seems genuinely a little stunted. but not in like, a justin beiber shithead acting out way is crucial. shes like a kid making sure everyone knows she isnt a BABY anymore she knows this is the age shes "supposed to" grow up and pull a Miley Cyrus. but she just like. isnt there developmentally so it comes off weird and tryhard and inorganic but i think its a genuine struggle for her. i also like the way she speaks i love love her deeper voice and something about her like...brash enthusiasm reminds me of like the volleyball girls who would be nice to your autistic ass in middle school but you were scared bcs they talked like THIS!! and you couldnt tell if they were dunking on you but they werent they were just so full of genuine school spirit that your jaded 11 y/o self had already lost at that point. idk this is so extremely parasocial i just think shes a good egg lol and i like her 😭 😭 and sometimes you have to chose a celebrity to be completely delusional about. also i hate when people make vids like HERES how jojo siwa can GLOW UP and they give her like sabrina carpenter makeup and make her put her hairdown and look very extremely heterosexual and cookie cutter and blonde. absolutely not. absolutely not
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
Ooh, since you’re a currently practicing bridesmaid, here’s a hypothetical: if Dan and Blair were to get married, who do you think would end up being in their wedding party, and what do you imagine the vibes would be like? It struck me how funny and strange it would be from the outside looking in that Blair’s best friend and likeliest maid of honor pick and Dan’s best guy friend and likeliest best man pick are each other’s first loves and publicly significant exes, and that just made me wonder what the rest of their wedding party would end up looking like and what sort of bizarro wedding events would be born out of that lol
lol practicing bridesmaid....i've no idea what i'm doing I just do what the bride or MOH or Wedding Doula* tell me to do.
*bride's bestie from grad school is a bridal shop manager for a wedding dress designer so she works in the wedding business and knows all.
but to answer your question..........i don't think dan and blair would really have attendants at their wedding?
i guess the dair wedding for me depends on the context and shape of how they get together/what they want their wedding to be. so like, if we're going with canon (up to s5 because I am who I am), where blair had the big blowout white wedding that became a total disaster, I don't see blair much wanting to repeat that pageantry, especially since to her, she really frames her relationship with dan as Different. ("done with fairytales...time to be real again etc") which is why I really just envision them eloping. because they are also very aware of the...ouroboros that is their family & friends & exes so I foresee them choosing just not to fuck with that at all and elope in private.
but, that does open up its own potentials for drama and/or hilarity. Maybe they do ask a couple people. Maybe the only person they feel cool having witness is Nate and/or Dorota. what happens when they have to tell everybody else? I bet Rufus and Eleanor go nuclear. Alison & Harold & Roman are happy/relieved they don't have to worry about a Wedding. Lily's bummed to miss out planning an Event. Serena is amused but also grateful to be spared the mixed feelings of that particular wedding. Jenny and Eric sit in a corner and watch it all go down with popcorn.
but if we're doing a canon divergence that happens prior to Blair's royal wedding.......I don't know. I still think they might avoid the attendants question --- or maybe dan's would be vanessa & jenny and blair's would be serena & nate. I've explored a little of these possibilities in the wedding fic of the miloverse
okay wait, that's actually hilarious. Serena & Nate plan Blair's bachelorette, and I see it going very similar to the one we see. dive bar, shots, blair getting arrested for drug possession & harassing an officer (vanessa, who's definitely also at that party, is like "waldorf, I've never liked you more.")
vanessa plans dan's and it's basically just a weed fueled weekend film festival, he gets really sappy and emotional like, "I just love her so much, and she's marrying me." and jenny and vanessa are falling over each other trying not to laugh. and nate has long since fallen asleep because he cannot do subtitles.
what else can I make up? dan and blair have a plurality of parents so they form cliques. eleanor & lily (plus rufus and cyrus just holding their purses and cracking jokes) and harold & roman & alison talking about art and film and hogging all the good red.
uhhhhhh blair can do whatever she wants but jenny claims sartorial control over dan. blair allows it, one less thing for her to worry about.
georgina is told nothing/sent nothing/no announcement, no invite, but she sends a gift anyway. it's sex toys.
they have the wedding at The Strand. they probably sneak off together before and after the ceremony.
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autistic-sidestep · 10 months
17, 28, and 31 if u want!
17. what is their ultimate goal?
this is the question that made me sit on this ask since september cos idfk lmao. (im also lowkey shaking sidestep WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WAR YOU'VE STARTED THAT YOU'RE ALLUDING TO,,,) while sura IS a tactician and presumably she does have plans like expanding the syndicate? making sure she stays the hell out of the farm's reaches? this is probably where the fate/"all of this just feels inevitable" motive plays in cos honestly? [plankton voice] "i never thought i'd get this far" (in their villain career and like. living wise. lol suitag at it again) is tempering a lot of what she thinks she can achieve. this is not great when you're supposed to be the leader of a budding criminal organisation but! he's doing it anyway!
28. what do they find attractive in others? what’s a turn-off? i think it's assertiveness/confidence? but mainly being able to annoy the shit out of each other/bantering/general sense of humour.
there is a running theme across the various people sura's attracted to that being mutual annoyances to eachother. (well. idk if cigs' rey can really be annoyed back. he's the one being annoying + the outlier out of the four. ortega, chen and geek-o13's cyrus all fit tho)
most of all just being able to be… comfortable with the other person, ig. that used to be ricardo pre-hb but not anymore :/ sura's very annoyed that they're still crushing on him. something something lingering hero-worship feelings + do i want to be him or BE him 🏳️‍🌈. fun fact! in a julia verse sura would be equally smitten with charge. more femme presenting pre-hb for sure and copying the long hair to have braids just like her. and then going completely the opposite direction post-hb to distance itself from her by having its hair short.
i'll get back to you on turn-offs i have no idea atm lol.
31. what is their combat style like? it's a mix! there's definitely a stylish flair to it as argos, but they can change it up on the fly. usually they like baiting opponents with an opening move/getting a feel for the way they react before going in, similar to chen and ortega with a mysterious/functional step during the gala. sura was originally a fighterstep before i flipped them to tactician, but some of that fighty mindset is still there (hopefully reflective of their daring/caution stat being pretty balanced). even though the powersuit exoskeleton lets sura fight more directly, there's still a lot of obfuscation/dodging/momentum redirection still leftover from being sidestep. sura likes being hard to figure out. keep em guessing lol.
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kafus · 1 year
a quick roundup of some other stuff i've done in platinum because i stopped liveposting and was focused on playing lol
i defeated the grunts in the eterna city team galactic building and it wasn't difficult or anything but it was interesting to confront this part of the game again since it's been a while and i'm rusty
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the galactic grunts obviously don't understand the extent of cyrus' plans to literally destroy and remake the universe, just that by doing all this evil shit they're supposedly going to find a new energy source with the power of pokemon evolution etc and make a better world that way. it's similar ish vibes to team plasma - a lot of them although misguided and stealing pokemon and generally being shitty seem to think that their boss genuinely has a bright vision for the future that they're helping serve... their headquarters literally has a poster on the wall telling them not to question what's happening and to just follow the path laid out for them. it kind of reads similar to real life cults instilling a fear of apocalypse in their followers - not quite that drastic since its pokemon, but who wants to be left out of a new, better world?
anyways team galactic analysis aside, jupiter was easy to defeat because pepper is cracked
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it's interesting to me how much clefairy is idolized because it supposedly came from the moon in so many pokemon games? i didn't take pictures but the cycle shop guy here mentions that jupiter wanted the clefairy because the moon or space or whatever, and while that makes even more sense in this game because team galactic... space... matching themes... man clefairy is just everywhere lol there's been romanticism of space in pokemon since the very beginning in kanto (and that's not even mentioning you know, pokemon like deoxys and jirachi and whatever)
after this i backtracked and took care of a few things (like the old chateau which i just posted about)
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i got the togepi egg from cynthia and hatched it. i love how in platinum cynthia just kind of appears throughout the story as this mysterious kind woman. i know she's remembered for her tough as nails champion fight and that sure as hell makes her memorable but i think it helps that she's around before that as well
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i backtracked and got the captivate TM from this... random creepy woman in the woods?? what the fuck were they thinking putting this here. i forgot this was a thing until i was backtracking to check for cut trees now that i have access to cut post-fighting gardenia. Whyy JDFSKSFD
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lastly i checked my honey trees since i've been playing for so long i had a few ready... i decided not to reset for female combee since i'm going to be playing this game a while, might as well try to let it naturally spawn before i SR for it. i also got a wurmple from another tree but i forgot to take a picture lol
anyways i'm probs gonna clear out the trainers on cycling road and catch some guys on the route below and then stop for tonight bc i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow
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Maybe giratina is just like, not supposed to be in the mortal plane. When it's there it starts to destabilize the integrity of reality, not because of anything it actually does just because it has a passive ability to make things go haywire. Arceus probably does too, that's why it has to send Akari to stop reality from being completely destroyed if Volo's plan succeeds. Volo wants to summon giratina for vaguely similar canon reasons or something, but giratina has no actual say here, if they summoned it they had plans to trap it as well. So race against the clock to take down Volo before he pulls a Cyrus?
"vaguely similar canon reasons" so like, basically no reason, lol
jkjk no this is an interesting idea. i do like the idea that giratina is sort of passive and has no say more say in the situation than the rest of them do, it's just being used for its power. that's interesting.
maybe this whole thing ties back into ingo and emmet's big question mark of a situation. like there's some sort of global conflict or disaster happening that's larger scale than even akari&co are grappling with right now, and giratina is like, part of volo's answer to it.
maybe, and here i'm really just spitballing, but maybe there's been some sort of realization or discovery about the nature of magic in the course of like, the studies of scientists like laventon, that has suddenly destabilized accepted understanding of it. like, the well is poisoned at the source, something's inherently corruptive about it now or something. which would also explain why the wardens get involved with akari? if they're trying to fix it, too.
and then i guess that corruption, if it exists, would have to be giratina's doing? or, or maybe, arceus isn't actually for or against giratina, but one or the other of them has been like, wounded, or sickened somehow, and it's throwing off the entire balance of reality. and akari's quest is to heal it, but she doesn't know that yet. all anyone knows is magic is getting very subtly fucky, and it isn't interfering with everyday stuff yet, but nobody wants to find out what direction it's headed in if it keeps growing.
idk or that might all be nothing. like i said. i'm spitballing here.
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megafreeman · 2 years
So, remember how I mentioned I'll do Saints Row reboot as a sequel to SRTT instead of a full reboot? Well I decided to make a whole list of what leads to the start of SRR. It serves more-so as a sequel to my unfinished fanfic Rose of Stilwater. Putting it under a read more cause its long.
First to establish the epilogue of Rose of Stilwater (which I won't even finish at this point lol). Its spoilers so don't read if you actually wanna hope I finish it one day. SPOILERS: Luchadores end up being selfish, Bloodhounds back off their partnership, Luchadores kill Anabelle, which triggers Bloodhounds allying with the Saints, after the Luchadores are defeated they became pretty much part of the Saints, as Saints ascent into a criminal empire approach similar to the Syndicate (basically Bloodhounds are what Luchadores are to Syndicate). Diesel, being a champion of Stilwater's Fight Club, gets offered by Lina to be Ultor's wrestling champion after they've been pestering her to start a wrestling career cause of the SRTT's Murderbrawl mission, and he moves to Steelport to manage his career from there, and runs Bloodhounds 2 from Saintfied Three Count, while Arron runs Bloodhounds 1 in Stilwater. Fuego betrays the Saints in favor for macho luchadores and ends up getting killed by hardened Rose at the end of the fic after learning how to be a proper ruthless leader. End spoiler.
Actual important details of epilogue: Saints become a criminal empire, getting split into Stilwater Saints and Steelport Saints. Stilwater Saints are led by SR1 Playa/SR2&TT Boss Lina after her return from Steelport adventures (who also runs THE empire, basically Saints Phillipe Loren), while Steelport Saints are lead by Viola after she proved to be trustworthy and capable leader in SRTT. Ryan leaves the Stilwater PD after realizing they don't care about the community and only care about filling reports, and that the Saints benefit the community a lot more.
Now actually stuff related to this AU
In 2016, after successfully stopping Cyrus' terrorist attack, Lina decided to run for President, she leaves the leadership of Stilwater Third Street Saints in Rose's hands after she proved herself in the fanfic.
In 2017, when Lina got inaugurated officially into White House, Rose took over the Saints full time and started running it with no limits.
Saints partnership with Ultor gets rocky as they ran out of stars to push Saints-Ultor Media group with. They wanted to make Rose into a star, but she refuses, breaking the cycle.
As Ultor are desperate trying to find new stars within the Saints, they slowly start becoming Ultor's moneypit as the profits starts stalling and a lot of projects had to be cancelled due to Lina's presidency.
They decide to instead hire Saints for a covert operation, they invite Rose to a meeting and ask her to sneak into their biggest rival's platoon, as they suspect that they have been stealing prototypes from them.
They specifically ask Rose because Ultor has been trying their hardest to stay clear from Santo Ileso after the 2001 union busting "accident". (I feel the need to note that this is an actual SRR canon) They needed an outsider, and nothing catchy for press to make headlines out of.
Ryan comes with Rose. He's bored of guard duty and wanted to see some action. He argues that he'd be great at it because of his experience as the undercover cop.
Ultor gives them fake identities with proper paperwork for them and a job to sneak into Marshall as their grunts. They are applied for their boot camp, which is where the two meet Sebastian and hit off with him.
They're provided housing by Ultor, where they're given an apartment suite in Poseidon's Palace in El Dorado, which is owned by one of Ultor's shell companies. (thought of this because Poseidon's is owned by Ultor in SR2, so this makes it a franchise owned by the same company)
This is where they story starts but here are a few more details. They get hired to work in the museum with Sebastian, but the whole security team gets laid off after the Hummingbird Codex is stolen. During the Networking mission, Sebastian reaches out to Ryan and Rose, who are desperately trying to figure out how to get back in Marshall without reporting their failure to Ultor (Saints-Ultor, and therefore Saints biggest moneymaker was on the line), and asks them to join the Saints. They figured, they could at least destroy the Marshall if anything.
Sebastian, who named Saints after Third Street Saints (massive fanboy), actually doesn't know they're Third Street Saints until mid game plot twist reveals it.
Game ends with Saints being merged into Saints Empire, and becomes Santo Ileso Saints alongside Stilwater Saints and Steelport Saints. Despite this, they have full reign over Saints activity in the west coast.
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eeveethehyenafrog · 1 year
eevee appreciation day!! mainly because of boredom but also i’ve just been feeling this urge to make these lol.
we haven’t had many conversations together but the few we’ve had have been the funniest things ever. they always make my day (or night depending on the time lol). you have this ability to just brighten the room whether it be through your art or your memes. you, as well as other like cyrus, amber, paige etc, are all single-handedly (or…well ig it isn’t ‘single-handedly’ cause there’s a few of you-) keeping the tlos community alive in ways i could’ve never dreamt of and i am here for it.
like..it’s so much fun to be able to wake up and see a message on the server or a post on tumblr about tlos cause i only know like…2 people irl who have read the series so it always brings me such joy seeing other people, even if its online, who appreciate and enjoy the series as much as i do. again, similar to paige, i really wish this could be much longer but hopefully we can chat more in the future and here’s to making more memories <33
gift ;;
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danganronpafan777 · 3 days
Danganmon progress :3
Just finished Chapter 5!! And just realized there’s 7 chapters too?!
Here’s some notes :D (ignore happy emoticon this chapter fucking hurt)
Who the actual fuck thought that illusioning Sam would be a good idea bruh
Kami is extremely pushy about Faust’s grieving…
Cyrus is a mood tho, but Stella and Zoro got some death flags 
Wait… Doc Hawthorne…. Isn’t Hawthorne Sam’s surname?? (I only remember it cuz its also the name of a character from a book I’ve read) the hair is kinda similar too
No clue who Vincent is lol
I’m watching Blaze’s reaction of the series, and apparently the picture is a traitor reveal of the characters but as their og pokemon??
I only recognize Sam’s og Pokémon cause it was in his execution
Might be wrong, but my guess is - they were Pokémon that were turned into humans, and Sam was Doc’s Pokémon :((
Roxanne x Kami real
Vincent’s design is freaking adorable 
No one:
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This man explaining in 5 minutes what V3 took 6 trials to figure out
Kami yelling at Zoro is such a huge death flag, and I’m fully expecting some kind of Kami regret arc if he dies, but he honestly fucking deserved it 
Kami’s sick? Oh god Roxanne’s gonna kill someone isn’t she
I know none of the songs that were being sung BUT IS NO ONE GOING AFTER FAUST??
I liked Stella but Century grew on me so much the past few chaps :((((
Stella didn’t deserve that…
Century is facedown still, but I’m kinda hoping for a Hifumi last words moment
Damn… at least he’s at peace??
My guess is either Zoro or murder suicide
Maybe the tripwire was connected to the bell, and the killer pulled the other rope for the guillotine?
Cyrus and Kami (platonic) moment makes me feel better 
Okay I’m definitely leaning towards Roxanne now, she’s been debunking a lot of things and wasn’t at the Karaoke? I could’ve sworn she wanted to go
Frenchphobic Zoro lmao
Mikado costume!!! :)))
Ngl I don’t really understand his sudden want for redemption
Ngl tho, I don’t really understand why Century ever agreed to Stella’s plan at all, wasn’t his whole character about wanting to live? And finding out the mastermind?
Based Junoooo
Sylvia just became one of my favorite characters
Monoloin just joining in??
I think Sylvia’s gonna die next time tho, huge death flags
If the blackened was any other character, I honestly would’ve been pissed at them for this, but I can’t be mad at Faust
The reunion scene 😭 
My boyssss!!! I love it so much!! (But still think Maya and Flidgey deserved their own cg)
Overall: 🐟/10
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prettycdds · 10 months
I apologize for not having descriptions for my muses yet (its a work in progress, I promise!), but if there are any that interest you from a glance... Hello! 🏠
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{{ Hello !! I know a lot of your muses by name, or at least face, so let me see if I can think of something !
Also! I have been saying ever since I restarted this blog that I want to add an animal crossing muse !! I just haven't decided on who yet! It was either going to be Cyrus the Alpaca ( I can't help it I love the dorky husband ) OR the japanese take on Gracie where he's a flamboyant man, of which we love a fruity king. Or maybe even Flick! I have yet to decide lol ! }}
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King Magnifico !
{{ I would just love to see him crossover into adventure time! Maybe meet the Winter King especially, it could make for a clash of personalities for sure lol. He's also just a great character to end up coming to because of his position as the "magic king", all things unusual are sort of brought to his attention, and people often come to him in hopes of lifting curses, too. Hell, any royalty period is fun for him to meet, have him meet King Dedede if you want haha. }}
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Asha !
{{ I am about to send you an ask with her lol-- but I just think she's a great muse for kirby interactions. If any single one of them fall out of the sky, she will immediately recognize them as a marketable plushie as the same thing as Star! Which means she will welcome them with open arms, especially in the post-movie verse! }}
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Rammy Ram !
{{ Taking this opportunity to offer a rare muse of mine-- Rammy! I could so easily see her running into Marceline, yet another grayscale guitarist. This one a demon ram. Temporary band mate? A friend from Hell lol? But also the wackiness of the Parappa series is very fitting for everyone in Adventure Time ! }}
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Chef Saltbaker !
{{ Salty here works great with Kirby muses or Adventure Time muses, and I feel like him and Peppermint Butler in particular have a similarity in their secretly sinister, possibly demonic, not-so-sweet side. Maybe they even know each other lol. But Cuphead's toon world is also just a great fit for all kinds of muses too! }}
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
Ohhh system ask game! We pick 5 because music is such an interesting topic to talk about. Especially for systems!
5. What sort of music do people in your system like?
We, well, uhhh most of us share some VERY similar tastes in music —
*Stares at The ¥andere/¥angire plasylist we have sitting on NewPipe currently*
— nah, we don't think that's nearly put together enough yet LOL, how 'bout we give you a list of random bullshit instead, sorry for the long long post in advance haha:
We need to add here that when it isn't THAT STUFF, it's usually its like, polar fucking opposite and so we're also going to throw random examples of that at you all too:
We ALSO ALSO ALSO listen to an amazingly annoying amount of nightcore which is something we would never torture anyone to, because we love it and we still get headaches and vague annoyance and all of that wonderful stuff if we listen to it for too long.
You would think this covers the answer "well, we listen to a bit of everything," but it does not, because we are extremely extremely particular over what kind of SOUNDS things make not necessarily in the music sense but if we can feel it and/or it's rhythms are just Wrong and/or if it's just More Basic Bullshit then we just Cannot listen to it.
And for anyone going "but you have Lady GaGa's song Telephone in here," well YEAH that's because she has consistently had a very unique sound every time we listen to her at all. We cannot stand like, most bullshit that comes from like Miley Cyrus or from emlyn and and besides the few songs from Scene Queen that Shuna happens to like, we can't stand her stuff either.
( Skip starting here if you don't wanna hear our commentary bullshit )
And we could probably say something about like, how so many (assumed) female musicians are often boxed into this kind of Thing where they all sound fucking similar when it comes to genre etc etc etc. whereas (assumed) male musicians are free to experiment as they fucking like, but we are Too Tired for this shit and we also cannot stand Basshunter consistently nor can we deal with Set It Off on a consistent basis, so while there may be an unconscious bias there on our part we highly doubt that's the only thing at play. We think the problem here/there is the Media Industry(TM) fucking sucks and doesn't allow experimentation in general because it 🚫💰 RUINS THEIR PROFITS OH NOOOOO 💰🚫 ya get what we mean?
And we didn't mean this to become a commentary on what we think of companies and shit in general but Tumblr is Tumblr, and we have also had Thoughts we have not been able to put together.
( Skip stops here if you don't wanna hear our commentary bullshit )
OUR POINT BEING that we're very particular about the sounds we choose to put in our ears, even if that differs from person to person in this system, and we are Too Tired to think about it on anything besides a scale of "is it aesthetically pleasing to us," in any way shape or form. You can blame our little rant or blame the fact we used to play the violin when we were super fucking young, wdc.
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catboy-cyrus · 2 years
What do you think Cyrus and Lysandre would think of Volo?
I'm very glad you asked Anon! I think about this kind of thing a lot, and I love the differences in these three even though their goals are super similar. Note that some of this is interpretation on my part, and that I haven't played XY in a long time (although a friend is playing it rn so I'm experiencing it vicariously through them), so I may get a detail or two wrong.
that being said, lets go! (this got long, hence the readmore)
So first, lets think about their specific motivations, since they all wanna essentially kill everyone.
Cyrus wants to end the world and rebuild it in his own image because he thinks human spirit (aka: the ability to feel emotions) is a fundamental flaw and makes life unlivable. His issue is with the emotion and irrationality that is inherent to being a person, and he seems to genuinley believe that getting rid of that would make things better, because if you can't feel you can't feel bad, and if you dont act irrationally you won't make stupid mistakes (at least as far as I understand it), and in game its suggested this stems from him having kind of shitty parents, to whom he was never good enough. You can kind of see the progression there.
Volo wants to end the world and rebuild it in his own image because he finds life unfair, and also because he is destructivley curious. It's a mixture of thinking things just aren't how they should be and this inssesant need to know. His obsession with history has progressed to believing he deserves to meet Arceus, and his plan is just one way to get there. It's not really too clear why he's like this (as far as I know), but he is ready and willing to go to extreme lengths to get what he wants and to find out, and wants to use what he's found out about history to improve upon Arceus' creation.
Lysandre wants to end all (or most, depending on which game you play) life on earth because he believes humans are inherently destructive and ruining what he sees as a perfect beautiful world. He used to want to make positive change, but became dissillusioned when none of his efforts really seemed to alleviate the world's issues, and so decided that the issue stemmed from people. Which is certainly a decision to make, that's for sure lol.
There's certainly a degree of selfishness in all of their plans- Cyrus plans to be the only surviviour into the new world and is pushing his idea of an ideal world onto people who all disagree with him. Volo is, ultimatley, doing this all for himself. He wants to know, so he will do anything to find out, regardless of who is hurt in the process. Lysandre has just decided that everyone on the planet is unworthy of life, and plans only to spare Team Flare, which you need to buy into. Pay to win.
In short, their issues are with emotion, divinity, and humanity respectivley.
So, how would Cyrus and Lysandre feel about Volo? Well, I think they'd both fucking hate him.
Fist, Cyrus. Volo is pretty much everything Cyrus hates. He's emotional, irrational, and selfish. He lies constantly, pulling underhanded tricks, and is ultimatley doing this for his own benefit (rather than the broader benefit Cyrus sees from his own plans). They both come from a place of unhappiness in the world and personal hurt, but the difference in how they are doing it is too great. They both believe they are the one who can or must do what they are doing, and I don't think they have much room in their worldview for anyone else. Also, Volo doesn't plan to alleviate human suffering in the same way Cyrus does. He's very vauge about it (and personally I don't think he knows how he'd do it either, he's mostly in it to meet god), and I think Cyrus would fucking hate that. Plus their personalities would clash something awful. Differences in ideals aside, as people I just don't think they could get along. Volo is too friendly (even if its an act), and Cyrus would deflect that. (This is something I've thought about a lot since I'm writing a whole fic about Cyrus ending up in hisui, and Volo shows up a lot)
Volo and Lysandre would be less clear cut, but I do think they would also end up at odds. Lysandre thinks the world (minus humans) is perfect as is and should be preserved. Volo thinks the world as created by Arceus is flawed, and should be remade. Fundamental conflict of interests. I do think Lysandre, if presented with Volo, would see a guy from the past and start going on about how things must have been so perfect and beautiful back then, but upon finiding out what Volo wishes to do would definitley come around to him being someone he needs to oppose. In terms of their personalities, I think they would less directly clash, but that's mainly because they both are better at projecting a nicer version of themself to other people. They would ostensibly be amiable to each other and perhaps even look like they're getting on, but behind their veneers they would not be enjoying each other's company. There is also a chance that I think Volo could try and get chummy with Lysandre to exploit his resources and reach to get what he wants, but whether that would work is a whole other matter. Lysandre may be a little too guarded and self-assured for it to achieve anything.
Ultimatley, these three are all fucking trainwrecks of people and would definitley NOT get along in any way besides surface level similarities in their beliefs and perhaps fake kindess.
Also I know it wasn't in the question but for the record I think that if you put Lysandre and Cyrus in a room together you would have five minuites before they are trying to kill each other (/exag). They would fucking hate each other so much. Lysandre just wants to kill everyone, Cyrus feels like he knows how to fix everyone, and each's inability to understand and accept the other's veiwpoint would drive them both up the wall. (also the angle that lysandre is really fucking rich and isn't using it to do anything productive. Like in the anime cyrus is rich but fuck anime cyrus all my homies hate anime cyrus. I'm pretty sure in the games he's literally just some guy.)
Anyways, this was really fun to think about, and I hope that you find it interesting!
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flyingeevees · 5 years
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Here’s my boy !!!! Ferntili Woods ! 
Fern is a fashion student and best friends with Sisi and Res’a. He’s the number 1 fan of Dark Moon and Sisi’s band, or so he says. Fern is pretty happy-go-lucky and cheerful! He... may or may not have a crush on Sisi.
He shares his dorm room with three others! Res’a, Millie, and Cyrus! 
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