#this was fun ty!
halchron · 4 months
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alias / name: layla
birthday:  feb 18th
zodiac sign: aquarius
height: 5'2 lol
hobbies: rping / writing, playing video games, reading
favorite color: purple
favorite book: the song of achillies by madeline miller
last song: redecorate by twenty one pilots
last film / show: watching the new atla movie rn... can't say i like it
recent reads: the song of achillies lol, but also wuthering heights for class
inspiration: the books, games, and music I enjoy, basic stuff really
story behind url: anachronism + halcyon = an idyllic and peaceful time that no longer exists in the current era
fun fact about me: i'm getting my master's degree in english literature, and i'll hopefully be done this year <3
tagged by: @adureus ( ty ! ) tagging: whoever wants to do this
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
Ooh, since you’re a currently practicing bridesmaid, here’s a hypothetical: if Dan and Blair were to get married, who do you think would end up being in their wedding party, and what do you imagine the vibes would be like? It struck me how funny and strange it would be from the outside looking in that Blair’s best friend and likeliest maid of honor pick and Dan’s best guy friend and likeliest best man pick are each other’s first loves and publicly significant exes, and that just made me wonder what the rest of their wedding party would end up looking like and what sort of bizarro wedding events would be born out of that lol
lol practicing bridesmaid....i've no idea what i'm doing I just do what the bride or MOH or Wedding Doula* tell me to do.
*bride's bestie from grad school is a bridal shop manager for a wedding dress designer so she works in the wedding business and knows all.
but to answer your question..........i don't think dan and blair would really have attendants at their wedding?
i guess the dair wedding for me depends on the context and shape of how they get together/what they want their wedding to be. so like, if we're going with canon (up to s5 because I am who I am), where blair had the big blowout white wedding that became a total disaster, I don't see blair much wanting to repeat that pageantry, especially since to her, she really frames her relationship with dan as Different. ("done with fairytales...time to be real again etc") which is why I really just envision them eloping. because they are also very aware of the...ouroboros that is their family & friends & exes so I foresee them choosing just not to fuck with that at all and elope in private.
but, that does open up its own potentials for drama and/or hilarity. Maybe they do ask a couple people. Maybe the only person they feel cool having witness is Nate and/or Dorota. what happens when they have to tell everybody else? I bet Rufus and Eleanor go nuclear. Alison & Harold & Roman are happy/relieved they don't have to worry about a Wedding. Lily's bummed to miss out planning an Event. Serena is amused but also grateful to be spared the mixed feelings of that particular wedding. Jenny and Eric sit in a corner and watch it all go down with popcorn.
but if we're doing a canon divergence that happens prior to Blair's royal wedding.......I don't know. I still think they might avoid the attendants question --- or maybe dan's would be vanessa & jenny and blair's would be serena & nate. I've explored a little of these possibilities in the wedding fic of the miloverse
okay wait, that's actually hilarious. Serena & Nate plan Blair's bachelorette, and I see it going very similar to the one we see. dive bar, shots, blair getting arrested for drug possession & harassing an officer (vanessa, who's definitely also at that party, is like "waldorf, I've never liked you more.")
vanessa plans dan's and it's basically just a weed fueled weekend film festival, he gets really sappy and emotional like, "I just love her so much, and she's marrying me." and jenny and vanessa are falling over each other trying not to laugh. and nate has long since fallen asleep because he cannot do subtitles.
what else can I make up? dan and blair have a plurality of parents so they form cliques. eleanor & lily (plus rufus and cyrus just holding their purses and cracking jokes) and harold & roman & alison talking about art and film and hogging all the good red.
uhhhhhh blair can do whatever she wants but jenny claims sartorial control over dan. blair allows it, one less thing for her to worry about.
georgina is told nothing/sent nothing/no announcement, no invite, but she sends a gift anyway. it's sex toys.
they have the wedding at The Strand. they probably sneak off together before and after the ceremony.
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the-owl-tree · 9 months
if you could choose any of the books to rewrite (super editions, manga, novellas, etc) which would it be and why? what would you change?
hmmmm....admittedly cheating a little here but i think i'd tweak all (add friendships, avoid unnecessary retcons, etc.) and overhaul quite a few. I'll do a handful of a few I have on the brain:
Crowfeather's Trial: If we're only allowing changes that don't impact the main line books, keep Breezepelt's anger and don't have him forgive Crowfeather in the end. The damage is done, Crowfeather can't repair that and he has to live with it. If we're allowing big changes, Crowfeather shouldn't have been made deputy after floundering all book, Heathertail should have been named. Seriously, deputy isn't a reward for being a big boy and learning to stop wishing your son was dead, it's a job lol
Squirrelflight's Hope: Honestly? Keep it mostly the same but lean into the horror of it as a set up for TBC. It works waaaayy too well. Change the trial scene so SOMEONE acknowledges that what Leaf and Squirrel did was best. Major canon destroying changes: Squirrelflight and Bramblestar split for good, the "i'm willing to attack innocent cats" thing should have been a decent enough red flag.
Bluestar's Prophecies: Tweaks, lean more into how Bluestar developed her leadership style in TPB. Make her and Thistleclaw's deputyship an actual competition, have Thistleclaw make subtle threats towards her children for their up-in-the-air father status. Make Rosetail Spottedleaf and Redtail's mom lol
i probably have more but i have these three boys on the mind so i'll hand you this for now. might add more later!
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scorpiothesaint · 1 month
@leahnardo-da-veggie tagged me in this mini character development questionnaire! she posed the questions below for one of my characters to answer. I'll be using Marty MacManus, one of the secondary school instructors in Dagmar:
1. If someone broke your favourite object, would you forgive them?
I teach teenagers -- I'm well acquainted with my things being broken. Things can usually be put back together. Now, people, on the other hand ...
2. If you could go back in time, before you were born, and change one thing, what would it be?
[He'd sit with this one a bit, because being too open about his true thoughts would Complicate Things + put a target on his back] ...I'd just make sure my ancestors ended up on the right side of history.
3. What is your personal pet peeve?
When students push back too much. At a certain point it becomes less about questioning ideas and more about questioning authority for the sake of it. I don't mean to sound like a dictator, but I do believe in decorum, and in deferring to expertise.
And let's face it: I know this town better than any human walking this Earth.
tagged (if you'd like!): @kyuponstories @mjparkerwriting @fenatics @spiritualsimtatyana2000
Your character questions are:
1. What's in your purse / bag / pockets right now?
2. Are you a parent, a proud pet owner, or both? Or neither?
3. Do you believe in an afterlife?
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thebreakfastgenie · 5 months
Genie! I had a thought/was curious. I don't know your opinion on tattoos but IF you HAD to get one, what kind of Billy Joel tattoo would you get? Lyrics? His face? A subtle nod to Billy?? I saw some girl on instagram showing of her "Vienna" Lyric tattoo, and now I have to know...
My opinion on tattoos is that they are not for me, but if I had to get one it would probably be lyrics from Vienna. I'm not sure which lyric exactly!! Or I might pick a lyric from another song because there are individual lyrics I might want on me more, but I'd want to represent Vienna as a song because it's like the pinnacle of songs to me. I would never get a tattoo of anyone's face, I don't like how those look. I'd get a lyric on a wrist or ankle, or maybe piano keys. I can't really think of anything else subtle lol.
Also this has just made me realize that as far as I know he doesn't have any tattoos. It's technically forbidden in Judaism and my former boss had a whole thing about Jews of a certain age not getting tattoos for that reason even if they weren't practicing but idk if he knew what he was talking about.
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wastelandeer · 4 months
How is Blue and Jack's relationship to the other companions? Are they close with any of them, other than their LIs? What is their dynamic like?
Bonus: Do they have any notable relationships among the other non-companion characters?
Unsurprisingly, they both get along with Karlach. Blue in a 'Tiefling lady solidarity' sort of way, Jack in a more of 'he would have died so many times had she not been there' way.
-Got along GREAT with Gale, and I can definitely see them being reading besties in a snarky and relaxed sort of way. Cat parent energy off the charts.
-She finds Halsin oddly intimidating.
-Appreciates Lae but avoids her for most of Act 1 just because Blue does NOT need someone snarking at her about the job she's doing, same with Shadowheart. Later becomes #1 Lae'zel stan in the fight against Vlakiith even though yeah, it is a terrible idea. Definitely takes them opening up a bit more for her to become closer to them because there is nothing Blue loves more than solving other people's problems.
-Thinks Wyll is just the best. Too good for her, in fact- she realizes she needs someone with a lil more snark to 'em. Of course he runs off to support Karlach what a Wyll thing to do My Gods.
Bonues: Tiefling solidarity the whole game- if you don't think she tracked down everyone in Baulder's Gate to make sure they were fine you don't know Blue. She had a list.
-*Points at Lae'zel* "I have to ask my mom first"
-Gets along with Shadowheart and tries to take her advice but she can be confusing. You just implied it was a good idea and now you're telling me to stick to my convictions?? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? They have weird childhood best friend energy. Amnesia buddies who can only talk about their problems with each other and are somehow crap about it with anyone else.
-Orin: "I would have left you alone but you had to do and make it personal. So. Think we all know where this is goin'."
-Gortash: The Throne room scene was hilarious because I imagine Jack wanting to completely forget his past, so he was 1000% ready to throw down with this guy for his bestie. Then he started giving off weird energy and Jack had to switch to doing the mental math of 'Did...did we hook up what is this??' and match it up with what he knew of his past self.
He was five layers deep into doing this
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When he noticed Karlach was getting mad at him and he had to switch into calming her down before he got his ass beat.
He decided to not think about it anymore past that. Probably best for everyone.
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hesperidia · 5 months
Tysm for the tag @kyouka-supremacy! this was fun to do <3
Were you named after anyone?
I wasn't, iirc my parents came up with my name on the go
Last time you cried?
Last month, january was tough
Do you have children?
Nope, not planning to either
Do you play sports?
I don't right now, i used to take swimming classes a few years back (and i like handball, but haven't played in years)
Do you use sarcasm?
I try not to, i always come off as too serious and people misunderstand me irl
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Honestly their height
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm not that big of a movie watcher (really should watch more movies) but really i don't have a preference
This question made me black-out for a second (?. I've been told i make a really good tiramisu, if that counts
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Drawing, reading, playing video games and scrapbooking. (i'd count writing but i don't do it often)
Do you have any pets?
Yes! I've a dog <3
How tall are you?
155 cm
Favorite school subject?
Literature and chemistry
Dream job?
I don't really have one? Though i really wanted to be an illustrator back in high school, so that might be it
Tagging: @calicocoffee101 @akutaguavaa @daz4i @bienamados @dickggansey no pressure though!!
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chersoyei · 1 year
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was tagged by @chinzhilla to share my coloring before and afters <33 ty for tagging!
i’m not gonna tag anyone but if anyone wants to do it and say i tagged them go for it :o)
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girderednerve · 1 year
rules: 🎶 when you get this, list 5 songs you've been listening to & tag 5-10 ppl
tagged by @baeddel
"cumberland gap" by jason isbell & the 400 unit. it is about coal country. i make no excuse for my preoccupations
"the man was burning" by jake blount
"silicosis is killin' me" by josh white (then performing as pinewood tom). this song is from 1936 and it is about the hawks nest tunnel disaster. as i am always saying we should all spend more time thinking about industrial dust disease. but also i genuinely think this is a good blues song
"lolo 13" by laura jane grace. stuck in my head all the time. truly one can believe that it came to her in a dream
"the ghost of tom joad" by bruce springsteen, the one with tom morello
i stress about tagging people but if you see this post & are even slightly interested in sharing your music please feel personally invited to do it & tag me, i'd love to see :)
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pingo1387 · 2 years
All parts for 8, 10, and 15!
8. Which oc has a lot of supernatural rumors spread about them? 
If we're talking the actual humans/non-powered ones, Helena, because she’s dating a territorial and often aggressive nature spirit. People tend to avoid her because of this. 
8a. Are any of these rumors true? 
The rumor that she’s dating the Sea Witch is true, but the rumors that the SW gave her supernatural abilities and immortality are not true. 
10. If your ocs were watching a scary movie or something similar, what would scare them the most? 
Ruby dislikes horror in general, but particularly jumpscares and not knowing where or when The Killer is going to come out. Brook is fine with horror, but doesn’t like existential horror, or isolation horror, where either the protagonist is all alone (seemingly) or a small group is completely cut off from the rest of the world. 
10a. Which ocs stick together after watching it because now they’re jumping at shadows? 
Ruby and Brook definitely stick together :) Nicole laughs at horror when she’s watching it, but will seriously consider sleeping in her parents’ bed that night. 
10b. Which oc is completely unfazed? Does this come as a surprise to anyone? 
To no one’s surprise, Daisy B is completely unfazed. Horror doesn’t scare her (not much does), so if she watches it, it’s for the plot. 
15. Which oc would win Best Costume? 
I think Ruby would win for a Poison Ivy costume, but Brook deserves the credit because they’re the one who made it. 
15a. Which oc would win in the Honorable Mention category? 
Close runner-ups include Zeke’s Naruto cosplay, and Dimmi and Dammi doing the twins from The Shining. 
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Is there anything any of the holders really like that other people don’t? And not even the usual like gross and horrible shit
Ooo an interesting question!
Sylvain and Aldin like telenovelas, it's the only thing they sit together to watch. (Not holders but still a fun fact!)
Charles likes Skrillex-esc techno music and dubstep remixes of popular songs.
Ferris likes writing ridiculous, self-insert fanfiction that he doesn't let anybody except two people read.
John likes reading said bad fanfiction, and all homemade literature for that matter, then giving a fair critique of it.
Jeagar likes the taste of raisins. Which is frankly the biggest crime he's ever committed.
Daniel likes extremely cluttered and busy outfits, especially ones with a lot of accessories and trinkets.
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halchron · 11 months
bold what applies. italicize what occasionally applies. strikethrough what never applies. bold and italicize what always applies. italicize and strikethrough what applies when alone. bold, italicize, and strikethrough what applies to their most trusted.
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DEFENSIVENESS: arms crossed / crossing legs / clenched fists / pointing index finger / stiff shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth / tail lashing / pinned ears.
REFLECTIVE: hand to face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off — cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / smoker gestures / putting hand to the bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows.
SUSPICION: arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows rising or knitting together / lips pressing into a thin line / strict unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / eyes narrowing.
OPENNESS & COOPERATION: open hands / upper body in sprinters position / sitting on the edge of a chair / hand-to-face gestures / unbuttoned coat / tilted head / slacked shoulders / relaxed posture / feet pointed outward / palms flat and facing outward.
CONFIDENCE: hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steeped hands / smirking / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel.
INSECURITY & ANXIETY: chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “ whew ” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking /poor eye contact/ tugging pants or clothes / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with a writing implement / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing / tapping fingers sporadically / chewing on lip / pacing / tail twitching.
ANGER & FRUSTRATION: short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / running hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eyed glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales / swearing / tail lashing / pinned ears
tagged by: @bishonenprince ( ty <3 ) tagging: you !
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beansterpie · 2 years
thanks for tagging me @marley-manson!
favourite colour: ..... purple, or teal, or green, except really specific shades for each. it’s hard for me to choose these days lol
currently reading: Fool’s Fate by Robin Hobb, and Catcher in the Rye
last song: By the River by ProleteR
last series: uuhhhhhh I guess v3 of Love Death and Robots? Oh wait actually Over the Garden Wall lol, I recently rewatched it.
last movie: RIP I think it’s Secret League of Super Pets 😭 I saw it in theaters with my kid brother, it was silly but surprisingly fun. Before that I saw Nope, so I’ll pretend that was my actual answer haha, I liked it a lot!
sweet/savory/spicy: savory
currently working on: aaaaa griffguts comic, still on the thumbnail stage, I really gotta finish this and start on sketches! I’m also intending to do some simple full body/bust illustrations of characters for commission examples but every time I start one they keep getting away from me rip, so I need to work on that too lol. oh also ch.6 of my fic hahahahaha rip
I feel like tag memes always come to die with me because I’m terrible about tagging people, but literally if anyone feels like having an excuse to give an update abt themselves, go for it!
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sevarix-blogs · 16 days
For Lorenz and Shadowheart:
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
you know what. i think i could be in the right circumstance. for lorenz, i think it would take time but we could be besties. for shadowheart i don't think it would take as much time, and it would have to be reformed (whatever we are calling non dark justiciar) shadowheart.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
lorenz: he has at least a dozen tea sets and he picks them based on who he is having tea with
shadowheart: once she is more comfortable with tav and the others she allows them to call her nicknames (this is only bc i like to call her nicknames lol)
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
lorenz: 🫖 shadowheart: 🌑
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
ok i am not good at fashion aesthetic names but i'll try my best lol
lorenz: preppy with lots of colors shadowheart: goth but with the occasional pastel
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
lorenz: ferdinand or claude shadowheart: karlach and tav
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
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David: One of Job's sons is played by a very promising young actor called Ty Tennant. He's got a great future ahead of him, I hope, because I'm hoping he'll pay for my old folks home when I retire. This is my father-in-law, Peter.
Peter: Hello.
David: And this is my son, Ty. And Peter is playing Ty's father in this particular scene.
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shyhandart · 2 months
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