#its old but i kinda like it still qwq
nikoco11 · 4 months
can you pls… tell me how you get your colours like that… its so nice and desaturated but also jus fuckkk man i need it you’re so cool
hello! ur username is fun!
i just pick desaturated colors n they turn out desaturated HAHH but i also try to avoid any high contrasts.
for example, instead of using pure white, i pick grays (more yellow grays for warm, more pure grays for cool). instead of black, i lean more towards gray again or brown.
this also makes it look super fun when i do add actual harsh contrasts, like an all black shadow or a bright color. rlly fun effect!
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like this ^^
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just a general avoidance of the top corners of the color square, sticking to the middle!
there’s also a lot of random layer adjustments i make all the time that essentially do the same thing just faster (lower contrast, lower brightness)
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here is also my old color guide from 2021 that i still kinda follow to this day. start super dull, add vibrance later
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Hello! Many people have said this but ill say it too, I LOVE YOUR COMIC SO MUCH ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
I really wanted to ask you about how you do the backgrounds? (Something i struggle with) whats the process? Like from start to finish, also, to do the rise backgrounds do you use reference from the show and generally real photo of ny? Or do you come up with them? And last question- The shadow and light on the background- Like HOW
i know it’s a lot of questions but i’m just so curious qwq and wanna learn to be better, thank you again in case you read this and respond, in case you don’t, i hope you have a nice day and a wonderful life uwu keep up the great work! (≧◡≦) ♡
Backgrounds are a really broad subject and I'm always a little overwhelmed when asked this question. Just like drawing the human body, backgrounds take time, repetition, and practice!
My answer got a bit long, so it's going under a read more :) but if you digest info better in video format I found this on youtube
It pretty much goes over everything I wanted to say, but in a much better way. I wish I had found it before writing all this out lol
ok, first of all, I'm not a teacher nor was I built to be one of those cool helpful art tutorial people who do a full coloured tutorial filled with illustrations. This is just going to be a messy "how I do backgrounds / environment layouts from start to finish." kinda thing.
... lets start with a sight tangent.
Sketch from Life!!!
If you want to get better at backgrounds I recommend doing some sketching out in the real world!
When I was first getting into doing backgrounds I went to cafes and parks to just sketch the buildings and objects. Sketch rocks, flowers, clumps of grass, garbage cans, bottles, tables, street signs, etc. If you are drawing a tree observe how the trunks twist, how the bark flows, or how the leaves are bunched.
If you can't leave the house the same still applies! Sketch the interiors of your house, the walls, or common objects like chairs and bookshelves. How are objects stacked? items on the floor?
If you aren't comfortable with drawing outside or in public you can take some photos to draw from! They are good for practice and you can use them again as references later. Alternatively you can find pictures online of buildings and objects to sketch as practice.
All spaces have objects in them, it becomes easier to draw those kinds of spaces when you already have spent time observing and sketching them.
ALSO! They don't have to be good sketches! It's just to build out your mental catalogue and strengthen your perception of perspective.
now the actual thing...
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(the pictures used for this are my own. I dug them out of my 2022 folder)
Backgrounds have slightly different rules based on what you are making them for. Videogame Environment Concept Art vs Animation Layouts vs Comic Backgrounds vs Illustration backgrounds.
They all follow the same basics, which I will go over here, but the intention and function of those designs are going to be different. It's all about how you set up the scene and what it's purpose is!
Brainstorming and Thumbnailing
I like to think about a location as though it is a character. An abandoned old house with creaky sagging floorboards is very different from a futuristic space ship with sharp metal floor panels. A gas station has a very different feeling from a library.
I usually start by asking what is this location's story? Why was it built and for what purpose? What kinds of things does this room need to fulfill that purpose? You don’t need solid answers, but its good to be thinking about it while you are working.
Next, sketch some ideas for how this place is going to look. For me, this usually involves drawing the idea from multiple angles and then making lists & small sketches of the objects I think should be filling the space.
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Example: The main character of my original work is a Wanderer. They collect a lot of things on their travels, but those items have to be small enough to be easily carried in a backpack. I wanted his room to be in the corner of an attic, walled off by curtains, and filled with trinkets. You can see some of my brainstorming above.
I only look for references after I've done some sketching and planning; this is to solidify my idea first so that I don't accidentally copy anyone else's work. I will make a moodboard with pictures of lighting, colours, items, rooms with specific ceiling beams, old chairs, etc. basically whatever I feel fits the vibe.
Honestly, I don't use references as much as I should. For ROTTMNT fanart I look at backgrounds and screenshots from the series to study the style. I also reference actual photos of NYC to get a feel for how Rise condenses the visual information.
In general, it's good to have references of real life objects/locations, because there are so many details like cracks in pavement, stickers on polls, crowning on buildings, fancy fencing, weird chair legs, etc. that you might not think of. It's the imperfect details that can make a location feel more alive.
Once you have your chosen sketch we move to.... the infamous perspective boxes. Doing backgrounds is just learning to be comfortable drawing So Many boxes and carving items out of them.
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Many better artists than myself have made videos on perspective, vanishing points, and all the technical bits. Videos like THIS ONE and THIS ONE are helpful (this post is great too!!). There are probably a lot of classes to be found on Skillshare or Schoolism. I learned a lot of this in my college art course, so I can't give you a specific video which helped me.
You can get by and be a good artist without learning this stuff. There are quite a few successful artists who have admitted they never bothered to learn perspective (one of these people even made a whole graphic novel series).
I personally avoided properly learning this stuff until I was in my 20s because I thought it would be boring and difficult to do. tbh I really wish I had learned it earlier because it's so much fun to make those silly little boxes imo. It looks scary and complicated but, just like drawing humans, it just takes time, repetition, and practice to develop the knowledge and skills.
You have your boxes and lines! Cool! Now to make a scene out of it. Fill in the details, get everything placed were you want it! Generally, the lines of each item will point back towards the horizon line, but they can have different perspective points.
Generally you would want to clean it up and get your room completely sketched before doing the lineart. I tend to combine the steps (not recommended)
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I've mentioned how I do this before. Closer objects have thicker lines and more detailed inside. Further objects have thinner lines and less detail. I didn't quite achieve that balance with the image below, but it's close enough.
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Colours and Shading will have to be a separate post. In the meantime, I highly recommend the book "Color and Light" by James Gurney. I used to borrow it from my local library and a good chunk of my knowledge was learned from it :)
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sunbearsophia · 5 months
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Sorry again for how few and far in-between my Tumblr posts are, guys! I'll try and be more frequent with them!
It hit me a while back that for all I talk about my Next-Gen on Twitter, I hardly ever talk about my fan kids here on Tumblr! So, I decided to throw together a ref sheet for my main girl, Emmy, to get started on that and introduce her to y'all!
Her full name is Emilia Luna-Ophelia Barrabas-Darling, but almost everyone calls her Emmy for short. She was named after her late grandmother on Eduardo's side, although Laurel was actually the one who suggested it when she was born. (Eduardo absolutely cried when she suggested it, not that he wasn't already sobbing lol.) Her middle names were each chosen by one of her parents. (Luna for Eduardo, Ophelia for Laurel bc her mummy's a Shakespeare geek and we love her for it aaaaa.)
Probably 21 in the reference, definitely college-aged!
Working in retail currently to pay the bills, but saving up to attend art school when she gets the chance, wants to work as a background artist in animation.
Is generally a really friendly and outgoing person, extremely open with her personality, interests and affection, much like her mom. KNOWN for her hugs that could throw out someone's back, just generally really kind and chill, basically a big ol' puppy lady. She's also pretty stubborn and abrasive, however, and does have a temper on her, however. Aside from just generally getting grumpy when she's tired, exhausted or frustrated, she is just as willing to throw some HANDS when someone's pissed er off, just like her old man.
A pretty artsy-fartsy kinda gal, but not so much a snob about art, more like she'll happily ramble about art techniques and history when the subject is brought up. Also has a love for dancing, sports and Shakespeare.
Is extremely close with her family, she adores her Mummy Laurel and is a MASSIVE Daddy's Girl for Eduardo, she never misses the chance to see and spend time with them, and always wants to make them proud. (Her dad was her inspiration to start drawing when she was little, and always thinks of Eduardo and Laurel both as her heroes.) Also loves her little brother Leonardo, and is very protective of him, mess with him you mess with HER. >:(
Also loves her Uncle Mark and Uncle Jon with all her heart, they basically were third and fourth parents to her ever since she was a baby and she knows she can always go to them for anything. Very close to her other uncles, too, but out of all of them, she's closest to Jon and Mark. Also loves her Grandmado, and misses her terribly as an adult.
Has ADHD and dyslexia, so she often uses word processors and audio books to help with the latter and tends to plan and schedule her days in advance and stick heavily with routines to avoid losing focus with the former. Still has her struggles but knows she's supported and loved by those around her and is too stubborn to let them win.
Loves avocados, just like her dad. It was one of her first words, and to this day, her and her dad have a designated day all for eating avocados all throughout. (HC BY THE AWESOME @tamaraskabr ITS SO WHOLESOME I LOVE IT QwQ) Other than that, she loves basically anything mint chocolate, she's a simple woman lol.
All the tidbits I've got for now! Plan to follow up the post with some sketches of her other outfits I've worked on! For now, hope this gives some insight on who she is so I can share more art of her on here with context!
she's my goober daughter and i love her sm lol
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
Lemme feed you. Got the idea from your pfp.
Imagine this: Reader is not a very showy person when falling in love. As in they won't go out of their way to hint at their feelings. But they still can't stop their eyes from trailing on Zhongli. Or wanting to spend time with him if the opportunity arise.
What Reader doesn't know is, Zhongli is all the same attracted to reader. So then, begins their pinning for each other, but not too obvious either.
Zhongli who is more in touch with his feelings, although he still has his doubts concerning immortality and erosion, wants to court reader.
But keep in mind, he has been alive for thousands of years and his take on dating is the (old) romantic kind. He wants to help reader if he can, to give gifts to reader and to cherish reader while being able to see them bloom and grow.
If reader likes Crystalflies (or is a traveler in desperate need of crystalflies like me sob), instead of simply capturing them and giving them to reader, he would use his elemental energy to attract crystalflies. (It is said that the crystalflies are attracted to elemental energy.) And by attracting crystalflies, he is secretly hoping that it would also attract reader's attention and maybe allow them to spend time with each other.
Cue the crystalfly resting on Reader's hair and Zhongli using this as an excuse to remove it, the tension between the two of them rising and they go for a kiss.
(Or, the crystalfly rests on Zhongli and Reader being a total goof and squash the crystalfly for its core. xD Handprint as it's like slapping a mosquito.)
I kinda wanna go not anon, but I feel like I have been stalking your acc quite a lot recently QwQ
I love crystalflies (as you can imagine hehe) and yesssss I do think they kinda... feed off of elemental energy, so they're always attracted to their element, be it just big concentrations of energy, ppl with visions or, of course, the archons themselves and their statues
PLSSSS it's making me think on this scene
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(ok but reader smacking zl for a core sounds kind PFFFFT-HAHAHAHAHA)
also abt the anon thing pls do what you feel comfortable with, no worries no worries ^^ <3 ty for this fluffy thing and the support hehehee ilu
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bmpmp3 · 5 years
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what up squad i was looking at a bunch of my old sketches i never finished and i found this spoopy Ieyasu that I think i was gonna make into some edgy eyestrain gore art or something and bruh im losing my mind over the seven (7) surprisingly thoroughly rendered eyes near his shoulder and the rest of the eyes which are....less so
in my defense it is just a sketch hjkfldsdjfksldksa qwq
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stargazer-balladeer · 2 years
“Make way for Prince Jamil” [Twisted Wonderland]
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- Jamil Viper x GN! Reader
Notes: Inspired by me answering an ask. Also, apologies if this is kinda messy and all over the place qwq Hope ya’ll still like this! 
Warning: Few curse words
Song: Prince Ali - Aladdin
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He knew when he saw the parade of animals that consisted of elephants, monkeys, peacocks and even performers amongst the variety of animals that he would regret the moment where he told Kalim about his crush on you…
“It’s time to impress your crush, Jamil!” Kalim cheered, seemingly more excited than the said-man who was still staring at the parade in disbelief. He knew that the oldest Al-Asim was extra, but isn’t this a bit too much?! “K-Kalim! Why’s there a whole parade here?! I thought I told you to not meddle in my affairs?!” Jamil practically screeched at Kalim who flinched at the tone of his vice housewarden before his bright smile returned, making Jamil groan seeing it making its great return. “I wanted to help you duh! It’s what friends do, right?” Kalim innocently said, not seeing any issue with his rather extravagant idea. Jamil sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to calm himself before he lost his composure. 
“Yes, this is what friends do. But not to this extent! Why do we even need a whole parade to impress them?! It’s not like it’s their first time visiting and it’s certainly no special occasion to make excuses for this kind of attraction!” Jamil explained, clapping his hands together while staring deeply in the ruby eyes of Kalim. The young heir blinks before nodding slowly. “Hmm… I guess it would look suspicious…” Jamil heaved a sigh of relief hearing that but maybe it was a bit too soon because the next moment he’s choking on air. “Let’s just say this is for a party!” This utterly, blubbering fool-!
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Jamil wearily smiles as he shifts uncomfortably on top of the elephant where Kalim used to stand during their trip to the oasis. He’s not used to being up there without Kalim, who gave him a thumbs up and promptly left him using the excuse that he needed to entertain the guests - i.e: scarabia students, first year ‘one-brain-cell’ group, and more importantly, you. He gritted his teeth in frustration and embarrassment. Why did he have to suffer like this? Who the hell did he pissed off in his previous life to deserve this treatment? Why did his mouth have to betray him and slip the one thing he didn’t want Kalim to know-
He sat up straight when he suddenly heard Kalim’s voice in a megaphone, making him raise a brow. Was this part of this so-called plan? Wait what was even the plan- “Make way for Prince Jamil!” One blink. Two blinks. Three blinks. Yep it’s screeching in the head time. He could feel his face heating up at what Kalim said, feeling all eyes on him now. Ahh too bad Kalim took away his hoodie or else he would’ve pulled the strings so hard to cover his face. He was dressed in one of Kalim’s garments, one given to him unexpectedly by Kalim who forced him to wear it. 
“Say hey, it's Prince Jamil!” Kalim’s voice screamed in the megaphone once more, making Jamil wince before gulping when he heard people start yelling out ‘hey’. Honestly, he couldn’t bear to look straight in your directions or else he’ll burst from embarrassment. Ugh whyy- He could feel the elephant moving now, making him hold onto the golden pole that’s holding the cover over him to stabilize himself. When’s this nightmare ending-
“Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar!” Kalim’s voice sang in the megaphone but Jamil noticed he sounds considerably louder than earlier, peeking over the edge in front of him, he could see Kalim dancing already with the animals. Jamil sighed, putting a palm on his forehead. Of course Kalim would do this. “Hey you, let us through it's a brand-new star. Oh, come be the first on your block to meet his eye~!” Jamil folded his arms in front of him, letting his index finger tap on his arm on beat. Even though he despises Kalim for his servanthood and his own naivety, he gotta admit that Kalim can hold a tune. “Make way, here he comes! Ring bells, bang the drums - You're gonna love this guy!”
“Prince Jamil, fabulous he, Jamil Viper!” Jamil jumped back when confetti started to appear out of nowhere around him, but he couldn't help but crack a smile. As much as this is embarrassing, it is kinda fun. “Show some respect, boy, genuflect, down on one knee.” Jamil could see Kalim doing some flips here and there. It looks like he was enjoying himself. Jamil kinda wants to join him instead of sitting there looking pretty. “Now, try your best to stay calm! Brush up your Friday salaam - Then come and meet his spectacular coterie!” 
Unable to help himself, he glances at your direction which is a bad mistake since he locks eyes with yours making him flustered and quickly glancing away. But wait, what was that glimmer in your eyes when he locked eyes with you? “Prince Jamil, mighty is he, Jamil Viper! Strong as ten regular men, definitely!” Jamil rolled his eyes at the exaggeration of Kalim. He knew that Kalim was referring to that one memory of them together where Jamil managed to make Kalim believe he can lift 10 men, of course that was before the whole servant fiasco. “He's faced the galloping hordes - A hundred bad guys with swords, Who sent those goons to their lords? Why, Prince Jamil!” 
Rolling his eyes once more at Kalim, he decided that’s enough fun for the young heir. It’s time for his turn to shine! He heard many gasps as Jamil suddenly jumped from the elephant and landed near Kalim, who was as shocked as them but promptly recovered by laughing out loud. “Can’t have you having all the fun now.” Jamil smirked as he started to dance with the rhythm, letting himself get lost to the music. Kalim laughed at what his right-hand man said but said nothing as he continued singing. By now, Jamil has tuned it out as he is now focused on dancing. Maybe he wanted to focus so that he won’t mess up - so that he won’t look bad in your eyes.
Jamil’s eyes snapped at Kalim who pointed in your direction, the direction of one of the balconies of the Scarabia dorm. He glared at Kalim in return, mentally telling him ‘don’t do anything rash’. Kalim only smiled and Jamil knew he’s in it for real now. “Prince Jamil, handsome is he, Jamil Viper! That physique! How can I speak? Weak at my knees! - ow!” Jamil slapped Kalim’s head when he heard what he sang. If earlier he wanted to bury himself, now he just wanted the sun to burn on him!  “So get on out in that square - Adjust your veil and prepare! To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Jamil, oops.” Kalim let out a giggle, winking at him, making Jamil confused but the confusion was gone as soon as he felt his feet leave the ground. 
The magic carpet managed to catch him off-guard and snag the unsuspecting ‘prince’. Jamil could feel himself flying upwards, closing his eyes briefly before reopening them. To his horror, he was right in front of your face now! He stared dumbfoundedly at you, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of the water as you giggled at him. Even as Kalim continued to sing in the background, Jamil couldn’t hear him clearly now, getting lost in your eyes. He snapped out of it when you touched his face. Seeing your mischief-filled smile and your mirthful eyes, he knew you were about to tease him. “Greetings Prince Jamil~” 
He lets out a sigh, might as well go along with the roleplay now that he’s in this situation, before smiling back at you. “Greetings (princess/prince). Would a jewel like you go on a small adventure with me?” 
He swore he could hear Kalim cheering for him in the background as he helps you on the magic carpet, letting out a small smile for Kalim and mentally thanking him, maybe Kalim’s ideas aren’t so bad every time. 
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[x] Main Page || [x] Scarabia Page
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masterhandss · 3 years
How do you feel about the interactions between Katarina and Sora? And about Sora more specifically
// spoilers for hamefura x (s2)
I actually really like Sora! It's because of that that I'm really nervous about Season 2 because I don't know how the fandom is gonna react to him hjksdhfks
What I feel about Sora can be basically summed up as this:
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That's just a joke don't kill me hgsjhdf
I'm gonna keep making this joke once everyone is familiar with RufuSora, but Alan and Sora's characters are really similar kshdkjds I know they are completely different characters but the role they fill in Katarina's life is pretty much the same. Blue theme colored boys? Romantic love interests that most acts like Katarina's bro-friend? Likes her but doesn't really act on it and just reacts to the antics of everyone else? Tall bro-friend that she gives nuggies/brofists and high fives too? The tough man in the group who is laid back and cool? Sora basically becomes "the Alan" once Katarina joins the Ministry.
A lot of popular interpretations of Katarina and Alan's relationship can be applied to Katarina and Sora's relationship too, but canonized. I'm not saying only one of them can be a cool dude that Katarina is friends with of course, it's just that Sora really does fill that role now that Katarina can't see her other friends as often as of Fortune Lover 2.
Why am I suddenly making comparisons between Sora and Alan? I don't know either that was a really weird segway huh haha. You can make parallels with a lot of characters with Sora actually lmao (cough Alan and Cezar cough)
I know that from his introduction, many people won't like Sora on the fly, because I felt that way at first, but the more we see of him that more comfortable I am with his character.
Sora is a foreigner street rat who was dealt with a bad card, but being caught by the Sorcier authorities is probably the best thing that has happened to him jshdgfjs He has friends, a stable job, and was able to meet and reconcile with his old friend from his childhood.
I really like Katarina and Sora's interactions, they are very cute, fun and carefree. Because Sora isn't a noble at all, Katarina is very relaxed around him and they can talk about the outside world and having adventures together. I like that we have a non-noble friend for Katarina :DD Sora also acts like a straight-man, who constantly gives the "wow she's so stupid and dense" reaction that everyone feels while reading hamefura, just like Anne kiiiinda does. I'd even argue that Sora is Katarina's best friend in the Magic Ministry because they are co-workers and they are really comfortable with each other haha but that might just be me.
He's basically everything we want Alan to be for Katarina. Alan has kinda started to become self-conscious of Katarina after his felings started to sink in on the later books which decreases some of the "likes Katarina but is subtle about it and is mostly just a cool bro-friend" aspects of his character. I'm not saying its all gone or that Sora took all his unique character traits, because to be honest its hard to even notice it because it's not like they are ever in the same room. Don't worry Alan fans, he is still Katarina's chill bro. Again, they are still pretty different characters, don't let my dumb comparisons ruin either of them hfsjgfjds qwq
Sora's dynamic with Geordo is also funny and interesting, since they banter a lot when it comes to Katarina. It's like Geordo's banter with Keith, but if Keith doesn't give any sh*ts about Geordo being a prince lmao. I'd even argue that maybe Geordo sees Sora as big as a threat as he does with Keith (since Sora is a chad who canonically f*cks)
I think Sora is a cool inclusion to the harem, and I hope to see him interact with the other characters in the books.
Thank you for the ask :DD
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13threbagel · 4 years
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DP Flip AU doodle dump : Vlad? related? | AU by @beabaseball / @batfamscreaming
well I found few old doodle comics that i just.. don’t know how to segway to it, or what to go from there so i never continue? but i like parts of it so hav what i got so far. Couldn’t bother to clean it up too much because its.. a lot...
This one is Vlad related sorta.. The first 2 picts are Danny talking a bit of what he knows of Vlad? Vlad good at sweet talking to people and Danny didnt remember him so it’s so easy to be fooled. But kids are way smarter than ppl give em credit so Danny caught on fast n ditched his ass. Also just, tiny bit of Dadwork cause you may be able to see all possible timelines, but waiting for ur son to come back would still be very stressful
The third is supposedly continues from that story but i cant segway it but i want that sof sibling feels so have it qwq Jazz believes in youu
The last 5 is me making excuse to draw action scenes of sort lmao.. hopefully it’s kinda readable.. I like drawing action scenes~ The idea was Bitter Reunion but instead of aiming for Jack, Vlad was aiming for getting Danny back now that he knows Danny in Amity Park. That said i have no idea where in the timeline to put this episode so idk how to continue it
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: Would you draw SukuFushi? (Sukuna x Fushiguro)
maybe? *thinking face* if I ever got an idea for it, why not. I find sukuna’s obsession with fushiguro entertaining so I don’t count fanarts for it as impossible haha
Anon said: I looked and I couldn't find if you've answered this already, so apologies if you did, but how do you draw your faces? I always struggle with face shape and yours are always super good with really expressive features! Anyway, thanks so much I love your art <3
HMMMMMMMM how do I do that indeed, the basics are honestly what you’d find on any basic tutorial about drawing a face (circle, cross in the middle of it, build the face around that - I really still can’t avoid that step and probably never will). As for the expressions, to be honest with you my way of going about them is thinking them up in emoji/kaomoji form first and then go from there. Emojis and kaomojis have to simplify expressions to the max since it’s such a simple format, right? But they’re still super expressive and convey exactly what they’re trying to say with one single glance, so using them as some kind of reference sheet has helped me a lot in figuring out what’s essential to express what I’m trying to say - still working on it though! I’m rarely satisfied with my expressions, they really do make or break a drawing don’t they............ you never stop learning, I guess!
Anon said:  Ahhhhhhh I just spent like hrs scrolling thru ur oc tag and they’re all amazing I love them so much but I keep confusing the everloving SHIT out of myself cuz I too have a child who is Leo and he’s literally so different from ur Leo lol. Anyway tho ur art is amazing and it honestly just makes me so happy so ty and hope have a good day!!
OHHHHHHHHHHHH MY LEO! It’d been forever since I’ve last drawn him, I kind of miss him............... glad you like my stuff, by the way! Especially about you liking my ocs, that means the world to me!
Anon said: hi there !!! i was wondering if i had ur permission to ur ur itafushi art in one of my edits ! i wanted to be sure before using it <3 total respect if its a no !! thankyouuuu
Sorry but I’d prefer if you didn’t do that!
Anon said:THERES A OCTOPATH TRAVELER LIGHT NOVEL AND ITS SO COOL BUT ITS ONLY IN JAPANEESE ! ;^;There's four stories with centered around pairs of characters and alfion is one of them !Idk if itll be transleted but i hope itll be cuz it sound awesome
OH I KNOW!!!!!!! I saw the art for the alfion one a while back, it looks so soft!!!! ;;;;; 8path is kinda niche as a game though, so who knows.............. let’s cross our fingers!!
Anon said:  hello, i am here to recc Skeletons by New Years Day because i think it might fit a few of your ships<3
Thanks anon now I’m emo ;;;;;
Anon said: bakubro gives the best hugs. kirishima is the only one who knows this. everyone is absolutely incredulous when the question "who gives the best hugs" goes around and kirishima answers bakugo. (bakugo thinks kirishima is the best but he benefits from kirishima bodily hugging him and he's biased)
Definitely!! He’s strong and warm after all, bet hugging him would feel the best.... the only one who shall ever know is kiri though, as I bet his hugs are only that nice when he really likes the person he’s hugging hahaha
Anon said: Hi! Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your JJK art! The colors and style are absolutely stunning.
Thank you so much!!!!!!! I feel like I’m mostly drawing for myself lately ngl hahaha so knowing you like it means a lot!!
Anon said: Hi!! This isn't a request I just really like your art! I found you from Pinterest on a kiribaku thing you drew! Your art is so cool! I wish I could draw like that!!! I'll keep looking for new art you've made :D
Aw pinterest.......................... glad you could find your way back here though!! And thank you!!
Anon said: This happened a while ago, but i wanted to say it anyway. I remember when I started watching jujutsu kaisen and I was looking for content arter finishing the first 10 episodes in less than a day and I found your first jujutsu kaisen post (it was posted that dame day) and i was like ???? One of my favorite artists got into jk at the same time than me!!! I just thought it was a neat coincedence to share! I really love your art too, you're amazing!! Happy New Year!!
It’s!!!!!!!!!!!! a pretty dang neat coincidence for me too, since it’s always nice to know at least some of my followers are still into the stuff I make hahahaha
Anon said: i think a lot abt ur art and how ive been seeing u since middle school and now im graduating highschool and we're still in the same fandoms, i hope this doesnt make u feel old but rather VERY cherished qwq
No anon this makes me feel amazing you’ve been around so long!!!!!!! I can’t believe you’re still here with my thank you so much for that!!!!!! I think I’m gonna cry a little here.......... ;;;
Anon said: Hi! I love your art so much!! 🥰 Have you read a KiriBaku fic called The Pit??
Probably not, haven’t been reading krbk fics in a while by now! I’ll add it to my for-later list, thank you so much for the rec!!
Anon said: can u believe that (sans sero) the entire bakusquad can be put into some form of punk/goth fashion? the realization was a galaxy brain moment for me. also realizing that tokoyami, kirishima, and tamaki are all varying levels of goth/emo (some more concerning than others)
Sero’s the hippie friend every punk friend group needs, he balances things out and that’s why he’s very cherished and necessary!!!!
Anon said: your bakugo drawings convinced me to finally start stretching my ears and tbh i'm extremely excited (i've had off and on thoughts of stretching my ears (again) before this so it's not as impulsive as it sounds haha)
Anon that’s so cool!!!!!!! I love gauges so much.....................glad I could give you the last push for it!!
Anon said: uhhhh, i love the style of that top left goge drawing dude!!
Anon said: i sent the dragon!kiri and bakugo tug-of-waring over a piece of meat and honestly your response is exactly what i thought
Great minds!!!!!!! hahaha
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
“6 years old until now.”
request; Helloooo! I have noticed that your requests are open so if it isn’t too much to ask could I please request gundham x reader where they are kids and are like play dating and have a fake wedding and after that have a time skip for when they are adults and actually have a wedding?
warnings; kisses, gn!reader, reader has neutral pronouns and everything, reader takes gundham’s last name, fluffffffffffffy, and maybe angst?? kinda, not really, ARGHHHG THE TITLE IS BADDDD BUT I COULDN’T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE HEUGRHRGAHGF 
word count; 1.6k words holy crap
“Gundham! Hey, c’mere I have something for you!” You beckoned Gundham toward you, hiding a ring pop behind your back. “Fuahaha! What did you need from the prince of darkness?!” Gundham deepened his voice dramatically, zooming over to you with a flamboyant smile on his face and birds standing on his shoulders. “Gundham those birds look so cool!” You beamed, carefully walking up to him, as to not scare them. “I know right!? A pack of animals were following me today!” He stepped to the side, revealing the line of rabbits and squirrels behind him.
Your jaw dropped, “Gundham could be the ultimate animal talker-to!” Gundham guffawed cockily, “Fuahaha indeed! Anyway, what did you wanna give me?” Gundham said curiously, cocking his head to peak behind your back. You nervously fiddled with the hem of your shirt, “Well, I got this for Halloween but I wanted to give it to you instead. Um, so we could get married!” Your nervousness left as quick as it came, smiling brightly as you presented him the candy ring. “Gundham Tanaka,” You got on one knee dramatically, “Will you marry me?” 
Gundham’s eyes widened before glossing over with tears, “S-s/o…” He wailed, moving his hands up to wipe his tears. “G-gundham, don’t cry! I’m sorry, you don’t have to marry me!” You panicked, moving closer to hug him tightly. “I-I’m not crying! The prince of darkness doesn’t cry!” He denied, taking the candy from your hand around his waist. “I-I accept.” He sniffled, feeling incredibly happy you proposed to him even though you two were too young to get a marriage license. 
“R-really!?” You beamed, pulling away to see his red tear-stained face. He nodded eagerly, opening the ring pop package and slipping it on his ring finger with a wobbly smile. You brightened up with an idea, tapping Gundham’s shoulder frantically, “I have an idea!” Gundham looked at you with confusion, “What?” Your smile wide, “Your animals can marry us!” You pointed at the crowd of small animals behind him, looking at them with excitement. 
“S/o, that’s a brilliant idea!” He cheered, holding your hand and dragging you in front of the animals. One of the cats had sat in the middle of you two, looking up at you expectantly. “Oh, uh, I think it goes… Do you, Gundham Tanaka, take me to be my- Er, your loving spouse?” You stumbled, unsure if that’s actually how it went. Gundham stared into your eyes with a blinding smile, “I do!” Gundham examined the ring on his finger happily, “Do you, S/o L/n, take me to be your loving spouse?” 
He crossed his hand over his chest, “I do, I do!” You giggled, leaning in quickly to kiss him on the cheek. The cat rolled its eyes at your eagerness, leaving the two of you be. Gundham flushed at your sudden peck, covering his face with his hand to hide his red face, “S/ooooooo..!”
Well then, today was the day. 
You nervously looked around the room, your breathing shallow from the many eyes on you. You gulped down your anxiousness, focusing your attention back on your beloved. As you looked over his dazzling figure, Gundham scanned yours, face flushing at how beautiful you looked. You winked at him, mouthing a, “You look so hot.” at him and giggling as you saw his already flushed face becoming redder with each second. 
The priest cleared his throat, eyes gazing over the words of his book before starting,"Gundham and S/o, today you are surrounded by your friends and family, all of whom have gathered here to witness your marriage and to share in the joy of this special occasion.” You scanned the room for your friends, smiling as they gave you a thumbs up and a tear-filled grin. 
“Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you.” You looked back at Gundham, seeing your whole future with no one but him. You knew, and had no doubt, that you wanted to spend the rest of your future with him. 
“The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great; and now falls upon your shoulders, the task of choosing your values and making real your dreams.” Gundham thought of all those old memories with you, reminiscing in them. Though he misses the old memories, he’s already incredibly excited for the new ones he will make with you. The potential and possibilities as the priest said.
“Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better people. A love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with energy and patience to face the responsibilities of life.” You looked deep into Gundham’s eyes, reaching out to hold both his hands. When you look at him, you are reminded of your childhood. Your entire life, he has experienced with you. This man had stuck with you thick and thin, and how lucky you are; You get to be married to him.  
"May you always need one another; not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness.” As the priest spoke his readings, all Gundham could think of was you. It was like he had described you to him perfectly; You had always made his heart feel full and loved, and he hopes he did the same for you too. “May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and always find love, in the pursuit of loving one another." 
A few tears trickled down your face, Gundham’s eyes glossing over as well. “Gundham,” You stopped, choking out a sob. Gundham chuckled at your inability to speak, tears falling from the feeling of how much he loved you, even when you were crying. “To me, you are still the same little boy that I had proposed to—what felt like—millions of years ago.” You reached up to gingerly brush his tears away with your thumbs, your heart swelling as he leaned into your touch.
“As you stand here in front of me, with those same tears staining your beautiful face, it makes me realize that I had wanted to marry you ever since I was 6 years old. 6!” Gundham laughed at your exclamation, “I already knew I was going to marry you, because I did and still truly believe that you are my soulmate.” You ended, face and nose red from the overwhelming feelings you had. 
The priest looked over to Gundham with an encouraging smile, “S/o, when you proposed to me with that... dreaded candy ring, I remember being extremely happy from it. Even though it was nothing but candy, it had meant so much to me because it symbolized so much.” You grinned nostalgically at the memory of the ring pop, squeezing his hands. 
“You are, the perfect ruler for me. I love you so much, i can’t begin to even put it in words. I owe everything to you, for you have done so much to make me happy. You’ve always stayed with me no matter what, from 6 years old until now, and I am forever grateful for that. I love you so, so much S/o.” His voice cracked at the end from the emotion hitting him. 
You pouted, lips trembling from his heart-felt vows, you just wanted to kiss him already damn it. Letting out a shaky breath, you looked at the priest expectantly. The priest took a breath, "Now then, what you’ve all been waiting for,” A few laughs echoed in the large banquet, some cheers scattered in the crowd.
“Do you S/o L/n, accept Gundham Tanaka as your lifemate and one true love, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for him in times of plenty, as well as times of need, to soothe him in times of pain, and to support him in all endeavours, big and small, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest faced you, “I do.” You said without any trace of uncertainty, you have never been so sure of something in your life. 
You took Gundham’s ring from the pillow presented to you, grabbing his hand gently as you slipped his ring on, smiling up at him. He was glad to see a ring on his finger that wasn’t made of candy, but he would’ve gotten married to you with anything
"Now, do you Gundham Tanaka, accept S/o L/n as your lifemate and one true love, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for them in times of plenty, as well as times of need, to soothe (him/her) in times of pain, and to support them in all endeavours, big and small, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest faced Gundham, “I do.” Without missing a beat, Gundham responded with no hesitance, grabbing your ring of the pillow and slipping it onto your ring finger carefully, bringing up your hand and kissing it. 
With trembling lips, your lips curved up into an uncontrollable smile whilst you looked at how pretty the ring looked on your finger. Gundham eyed your pretty lips as an excited smile of his own found itself on his face as he waited for the priest’s next words. 
"Family and Friends,", the priest clapped his hands together, "I present to you, for the first-er Second time, Gundham and S/o Tanaka!” Everybody laughed and cheered at the priest’s slip up, whooping the two of you as Gundham cupped your face and brought you into a gentle, emotional kiss. You laughed and cried into the kiss, eagerly kissing him back with as much emotion he gave you. 
note; oh god its almost 6am- um, i hope you all enjoyed this long ass fic because dear lord, it took so long to finish qwq well anyhow, i hope its to your liking! 
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
Sukitara (with and without past sukka) and kyalin (with and without past tenzlin) qwq for the ask game 👉👈
with past sukka-dont ship
1) i dont ship sukitara because i genuinely think they would be like the best gal pal duo. to me ive always seen them as super close best friends and they remind me of me and my best friend because my best friend is katara to a goddamn t. (she thinks im zuko but our dynamic is such a suki katara friendship) and idk i rlly just prefer them as best friends
2) maybe is the ship didnt remind me of my best friend and i i could ship it more. also if past sukka is in the equation i rlly dont think katara would date sokkas ex. i dont see that in the equation i dont think shed do that to him because i have a feeling sokka could be kinda weird ab that like bro thats my sister. hed be supportive ofc but also like,, i think itd be awk.
3) just as all the other ships i dont ship if i saw a rlly good argument as to why they could work or maybe a rlly cute fic or fanart of them my opinion could be easily swayed! my opinions on ships change all. the. time. i used to not shup zutara and then i saw the CUTEST fanart for them and decided “i need to read a fic for them rn to see if i actually like it” and the zutarians reccomended so many amazing fics and now i firmly ship zutara! who knows i may ship sukitara tomorrow lmao
sukitara- without past sukka
kinda ship??? idk im neutral ig on this
1) i like the idea of it but idk im still linda sceptical ab it. i still see them as best friends hut also... best friends to lovers is an ELITE TROPE. like theyd already be so close and know everything ab one another and just add love and romance to it? omg so cute. shit i think i may have just changed my own mind ab it LMAO
2) seeing as there is no past sukka in this form of the ship i like it a lot better because siblings dating exes always sits weird with me. like if i dated one of my sisters ex boyfriends that would be soooooooo weird to me. but thTs just me!! and since there is no past sukka thats not an issue anymore. okay yeah ive changed my mind i do ship sukitara with no past sukka lmao. i think if sukka was a ship at some point in whatever universe theyre in theyd end up married lol. i dont believe in past sukka. its sukka or bust for me. but not past sukka means sokka and suki are shipped with other ppl in my little universe im thinking of. i dont know if any of this makes sense oopsies.
3) i guess since ive decided i ship this now something i dislike about the ship is the fact that ive literally seen maybe one (1) piece of content for them and that was as a minor minor minor background ship for a zukka fic. if i rlly wanna ship this im gonna need more content lol.
kyalin with past tenzlin and without past tenzlin
1) i ship this so hard because even watching lok for the first time the first time i saw lin i thought she was gonna be a lesbian and then they said she used to date tenzin and i was like,,, wtf. im sorry i could never picture the two of them together. but kyalin makes so much sense in my fantasy. when i first saw fanart for them i was like omg this is gorgeous.
2) i like this ship because theyre both badass milfs. i like old wlw relationships because so many wlw relationships are between teenagers or young adults in lretty much any fandom and this gives fans a fanon glimpse of some lasting loving older wlw (for lack of better word) representation (ik its not representation since it isnt canon but its the best word i can think of) and i think thats so heartwarming and cute because we deserve stories of wlw relationships that last past teenage and young adult years. lifelong loves people!!!
3) i genuinely dont have anything i dislike ab this ship. i see content for them a LOT and i dont rlly read lok fics all the much but im sure if i did i think id see a decent amount of kyalin stories because of how popular they seem to be on tumblr. also suggestion: kyalinzumi. i saw some art for the three of them once and even tho i lowkey ship izumi wnd bumi ii i thought oh my god this is SO CUTE. and i loved it. just something to think about. i love milfs lmao.
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squeiky · 4 years
This is kinda a rant about my day and my birthday, moms, and shit so like, ya'll be warned.
I got to hang out with my friend today :)
Its the best before birthday party ever!!
Which is funny, beacuse i usually always enjoy the day before my birthday, and not the day of my birthday xDDD
There was this huge wind that knocked out almost everything on out picnic table xD I BLAME THE PLANES!! THE GIANT METAL BIRDS IN THE SKY! ):O!
And we biked everywhere!! We where so tired xD so we sat down and talked about stuff (but i cant tell you what we said.)
It was a very fun day.
We even watched some tick tocs.
Now tomorrow.. Is my actually birthday. I am not so hyped for that.
I have had a few nice birthday days, but as far as i can remember I only had 2 soo..
I prefer my before birthday days anyways.
Im so tired from all the biking and walking and my mom brought way to much food and drinks...
Ughh and tomorrow i gotta wake up early?! Seriously??! On a birthday?!
Apparently i have to go to church, to pray to god or what not.
The thing is, im not that much of a religious kid. I don't hide it either.
And im pretty sure this is either another one of her get together with her friends or... My one friend that could come over :>
Most likely her friends, and not mine... Not that i dont mind it, but im tired, and my stamina is completely demolished.
And everytime i go to place that has alot of people, indoors, in a place i am unfamilar in..
I get a panic attack. Especially now, during the pandemic and isolation.
My mom made to go to church before, and we had to do all these things, and i dont like it, i panicked untill it was over and most people where gone...
The only thing i like about the whole thing is its lovely echo, and its music(its really a lovely composition, i admire the hard work and talent that's put into these things. A lot of stuff like this gets over looked by many. I don't care if its a gift from God, that shit is a gift and should be appreciated and not overlooked.) Other than that, i wish i just stayed home...
Like, I really don't want to do all these things.
I injured my freaking leg, and im pretty sure im slowly harming myself more and more freuently-
(I had a flipping panic when i didn't hand in a assignment in on the assigned time, despite my teacher giving a heads up that I could chill on it as long as its handed in- what makes you think i can handle 30 people, im a giant ass house of singing and preaching for a few minutez?)
Im super salty about waking up early tho qwq...
I should be happy that I had this cool birthday, but I REEALLY just want alone time.
And i know a little girl is coming tomorrow to my party, and her parents practically just hand em too me, cause im good with kids..
But like, im drained. Super drained. Im probably gonna be hella sore too.
God i hate my birthday day, so im just gonna rant/vent about it here.
I know im going to get distracted, or excited, and the adrenalin kicks in and i end up not feeling a single pain or ache in my body.
But I swear, adrenalin will not heal my mental/emotional health that is slowly depleting. And i have fun yeah, but like im growing tired in the end.
Its fun, but I don't get anything out of it.
And the more i think about it, the more i dislike a lot of things.
My mom sucks, she sucks alot.
Man, shes quite the abusive person. But you can never tell. The only way you can is by how i turned out, or what my dad would tell you. (My dad is a good man. I love my dad he is the best. Mom just uses him as a way to "send me away" when im "too much for her.")
And im always panicking when she's near the little girl, that i play with. (She wonderful, and very sweet.)
My mom has told her the terrible things she told me when i was little. The things that made me so anxious and shifty.. Depressive and well... Not in a good state of mind. (I'll just sugar coat that one.)
One of the reasons why i hate my birthdays so much.
It started getting worse the more i grew older, and the more i started to learn about her. And i really dont like her, but if she knew that, we'd argue the same way we have been doing for years of my life. And she would kick me out.
So you see why i hate my birthday days.
Every birthday i dont spend with her? Well its the best time of my life. And im not even kidding on this one.
Im still salty on that one birthday, she invited all her friends, and they ordered a cake i couldn't eat. And kept pestering me to eat it. I moved on from it, i dont bring it up anymore. But im still fucking salty.
And i probably would have ate it too. But the flavor was just..not for me. And the texture?! Come on. Im pretty sure i was just picky that day, or it was an accident but i swear-
I dont even know the diffrence between friendly "check ups" and un friendly "check ups".
Y'know, the ones where its like "aww they are sleeping how cute i love them! "
" im gonna bust this door open and slap your ass beacuse you where awake for too long."
I remeber when I was little, she pulled my hair, and fucking smashed my goddamn phone cause she was "mad at me for staying up late"
She had fucking sex in the bed RIGHT NEXT TO MINE- and then lied about it. Bro i was tramutized.
It was with the fucking landlord, where the hell was my mom's mind set when i was younger?! That dude was a total creep, and he smelled like shit! Sex is stinky and i don't like it. (I was fucking 12, what do you expect? I had pillows to block my back so i couldn't look back and see that. But i woke up to this shit, like man im still tramatized. WE ARE IN THE SAME BEDROOM MOM, WTF?! IM FUCKING 12!)
I hate the house now. I don't like walking there either. Im glad we moved. (Bad memories. Always bad memories there. I don't know what the fuck my mom was going through, but she sure as hell took it all on me, i was messed up every since then. Man, i wasn't even emo, i was just some 12 yr old kid would looks out windows dramatically crying beacuse it was my only coping mechanism, and it made me feel better watching the sunsets and looking at trees.)
Man, I hate a lot of things don't i? I have this unrelenting anger, and im so glad i dont use it as horribly as my mom does, and instead used it too better myself and use it like an extra power source beacuse anger is a fuel that is uncontrollable but under the right circumstances can be be used wisely and become very nicely controlled. And i learned to control it. :) well, as good as i can of course.
I forget that I've been arguing my whole life.. So thats why im so good at having *intellegent* arguements.
Fucking expirence.
God damit mom.
I have to show u goddamn books in order for you too understand why black lives matter, or how to not scare tiny 3 or 4 yr olds about how the man down stairs will cut their tounges or how you make deals that never benefit me and i just get manipulated over and over again untill i find a way out of the loop, or why i need privacy and space in my life-
So yeah basically, im done.
I gotta sleep or else shes gonna bust in here and do shit.
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samatok-i · 5 years
sooooo this is my first request here so I spent 737484647 hours thinking on what would be a good start but I think I'll settle for something simple,, may I request first date headcannons for the boyes?
I APOLOGIZE FOR THE WAIT TUMBLR RLLY LET ME HAVE IT!!! blease accept these qwq (im breaking them up by division so the post wont be so cluttered :0)
💫 Allstars on a First Date Pt. 1💫
♡Buster Bros♡ :
-He wants to take you to the movies! He’s not picky at all about what you guys go to see because he’s the kinda guy to enjoy the experience no matter what kinda movie it was! He’d love to talk about it afterwards with you if the movie was trash or if it was really good! (when he saw Into the Spider-verse with his bros he raved about it for days) 
-(his fav spidey person is Peni cuz he’s a slut for mecha anime)
-If you wanted to pick the movie that’d be totally fine with him! (unless theres a new movie adaption of an anime he wants to see- he’d agree with your choice but you can see the Longing in his eyes as he walks past the poster and you just might hafta give in lmao)
-Definitely pays for your snacks and drinks even if you protest because he’s a huge sweetheart (need me a MANS)
-He’s no scrub either he goes for the large drink, the large popcorn. AND king size m&ms??? Do you even deserve him????? No baby I’ll hold the food tray you’ve done enough 😤
-He finds y’all good seats and takes the tray so you can get comfortable before doing so himself and immediately going to demolish the popcorn before the previews end because he’ll always be a rebel at heart
-During the movie he (subtly but not Really) shifts closer to you and occasionally leans over or puts his hand on your shoulder lightly to whisper a joke or a thought he has about the movie in your ear (stay calm Reader-chan)
-You sorta spend the rest of the movie whispering jokes and making witty comments and giggling to yourselves like adult children and Ichiro thinks your laugh when your trying not to laugh is cute
-If something funny happens during the movie he’ll laugh loudly, if something sad happens you’ll hear him sniffling into his jacket sleeve and if something scary happens he’d keep that to himself but the way the his voice wavers when he asks if you’re okay kind of gives him away (he will Jump at the opportunity to hold your hand if you ask)
-He asks to stay after the credits because he cannot miss any after credits scenes its not in his blood, that’s not the kinda man he is
-After the movie is officially over he beats you to throwing away the trash and putting the tray back
-Would also immediately fire off about what stuck out to him in the movie and what he thought it lacked and ask your thoughts about it with a glimmer in his eyes
-He set a curfew for himself that he told his brothers he’d be back by but you both have a few more hours to kill so he asks if you wanted to grab dinner somewhere
-The place he takes you too isn’t fancy or high class, it’s just a nice, warm family diner he takes Jiro and Saburo to sometimes- he promises you’ll like it! (the place is also very special to him yknow)
-”If you don’t like it you never hafta go out with me again!” he joked but when you told him in all seriousness that you wouldn’t do that to him, some sort of tension fell away from his demeanor and he laughed warmly (relieved even) and said how that was real sweet of you
-Ichiro makes good conversation over dinner- he treats you like that he would an old friend or someone close to him and makes sure you stay engaged in the conversation just as much as he is
-After dinner (he pays of course- he was quick to whip out his wallet) you both make your way outside of the restaurant and you notice how he starts to fidget by rubbing the back of his neck and shifting his weight from each leg
-He asks if you had a good time and when you tell him you did (you Better) he visibly lights up, all traces of nervousness leaving him and his smile is big and its adorable
-(If you tell him that he wouldn’t know what to do other than stutter out a shocked thank you as his cheeks color)
-He says maybe you guys could go out again sometime? If you want? It’s totally chill if you don’t tho.
-When you say yes you didn’t think his smile could get any brighter and you realize how nice it makes you feel. How fuzzy.
-”Okay cool! That’s awesome! I’ll talk to you later alright? Be careful on your way home!”
-When you respond he starts fidgeting again like he wants to say something else and when you’re about to ask him what was up he quickly pecks your cheek before you could even register how close he had gotten. If his face wasn’t red before it definitely is now
-”I’ll call you okay? G’night!” he waves as he’s leaving and his big smile never leaves his face
-It’s arcade time! That would definitely be his first choice on where to take you
-Ichiro insists Jiro bring you over before y’all leave and although Jiro would love for his Niichan to meet you he can’t say the same for that little rugrat he’s forced to share a home with
-Of course he brings you anyway because Ichiro really wanted to meet you and Jiro can’t just say no to his older brother like that (Ichiro made Saburo promise to behave and he did so while wrinkling his nose and shooting Jiro a look behind Ichiro’s back and Jiro shot him a smug look in kind- Ichiro caught that one though and flicked his ear)
-When you reach the front door of the Yamada residence the door swings open before you could even knock
-Ichiro greets you warmly and eagerly ushers you inside telling you how much he’s wanted to meet you because “Jiro talks about you a whole lot yknow!” (Jiro makes a strangled noise of betrayal and his face goes red)
-You get an excited introduction from Ichiro and a less excited more being polite out of obligation introduction from Saburo (who’s about to make a quip at how Jiro even got someone to go on a date with to which Ichiro pushes Jiro towards you and says how you both ought to be going- “Also don’t forget about curfew got it? Have fun!”)
-When y’all make it to the arcade and get your game cards (they’re still tokens in my Heart) Jiro asks what game you wanna hit first and then y’all just sorta take turns dragging each other around
-His personal favorite games are 1v1 fighting games, racing games and dancing games- he loves the competition they bring and if you challenge him it’ll totally pump him up “You’re gonna regret it when I kick your ass!” 
-You guys go around the arcade with a new fighting spirit and try to kick each other asses at almost every game. Basketball, air hockey, hell even wack-a-mole- theres no holding back on any of them
-After you guys’ 3 round long dance battle you announce that you need a Break and he agrees (his jock ass could go for a few more rounds but he don’t wanna leave you out)
-He buys you a drink of your choice because he was informed that that was the Manly thing to do (”gentlemanly” was the word used but technicalities, technicalities) and asked if you’re down to get some food 
-Y’all both go for pizza (unless dear Reader is lack toes of taller ants then he wouldn’t mind letting you pick)
-You guys just share a big platter because Jiro’s funds are limited but he’d still like to treat you
-You guys laugh more often than you chew and take silly videos of each other eating to post on social media until you both decide that it was time to make more rounds around the arcade
-When it’s time to exchange game points for prizes Jiro loses his impulse control (read: non-existent) and picks out a bunch of dumbass shit
-”Bro I’ve wanted a kazoo for so fuckin’ long it ain’t even funny”
-If you want something a little higher on the points list but don’t have enough for he’d put back some of his shit (goodbye Creeper plushie) and say y’all could try combining points
-When its about time to leave Jiro clumsily says that he could walk you home- if you want! It comes out rougher than he intended and he can feel his face heating up but he’s determined to hold eye contact with you until you give him an answer
-He walks home with you until you both reach the front door of your place (also like how he was informed) and says he had a real good time and that y’all should definitely go again…y’know if you want…or whatever…
-You tell him you do and his face is Priceless (shock turning into something more like joy until he schools his features to look less like an excited puppy)
-Now unsure of how to end the conversation without being awkward he settles for the Bro Clap on your shoulder (totally not awkwa r d) and promises to get at you later 
-”I’ll dm you later ok? See ya!” he turns leaving you with a cool wave over his shoulder but he has the biggest grin on his face
-Oh god Saburo’s first date
-It’s his first date
-”Baby’s first date haha” “Shut up, maggot”
-He’s so nervous please help him
-He doesn’t have a clue how he was able to invite you out for the weekend let alone get away with calling it a date
-He’d be stroking his big fat ego if he didn’t feel like he was going to collapse- but he’ll be fine he has to be
-After all it’s just the aquarium! He actually likes the aquarium unlike the idiotic suggestions The Lesser One gave him (he would never go to the mall by choice). But he found the specimens kept at the aquarium to be interesting.
-Also Ichiro said he’d “chaperone” as his support (which Saburo would have never asked his Ichinii to do so in any other situation but…it’s a date. This is not his area of expertise. No matter how much research he had done on what to do and what not to do his anxiety never went away.)
-The plan was to meet the Yamada brothers at the aquarium and sure enough you couldn’t miss the two freakishly tall boys (one waving with both hands and the other meekly raising one hand in greeting)
-Ichiro took the lead, introducing himself on the way in and thanking you for taking care of Saburo (Saburo’s cheeks may have tinged a light pink at that)
-After making your way in Ichiro said he’d get out of y’alls hair and to text him if you needed anything
-Then you were both alone
-Saburo squashes the feeling of unease settling in his stomach and whips out a map of the building, asking if there was an exhibit you’d like to see first and then set off when you’ve made your pick
-At the exhibit he finds himself wanting to tell you what he knows about this particular species but he doesn’t want to annoy you or seem like he’s bragging about his knowledge (thats what kids at school usually assume- and although he Is known to brag he also like to share facts for fun)
-He starts slowly, “You know these animals are actually very interesting..”
-When you turn away from the exhibit to look at him and prompt him to speak more he’s actually startled and stutters a bit before continuing 
-You tell him that what he said was interesting and these animals were cooler than you thought!
-Oh. Oh.
-Saburo’s face feels warm as he opens the map again
-You guys laugh at the otters, marvel at the jellyfish and pet the little stingrays (Saburo was honestly a little reluctant at first but you coax him into it easily and the smile he wears when he touched one is a sweet little thing)
-He was becoming more eager to share his random information with you and you were just as entertained to listen
-He also laughs with you if you point out something funny the animals are doing
-”Hehe T-Pose crab.” “T-Pose cr a b” (these r what kids b talkin about dont @ me)
-He found himself loosening up around you qwq
-You guys eventually reach the gift shop and Saburo’s immediately drawn to these little sting ray plushies (they remind him of Mantyke from pokemon hehe) and he really wants one but…should he? In front of you?
-You catch him staring at them and then get a crazy idea: you both get one
-His cheeks flush immediately and before he can protest with something stupid you pick one up and give it to him while taking one for yourself. 
-Saburo was so caught off guard that he almost forgot to offer to pay (its Gentlemanly, Jiro, not Manly you fucking imbecile-)
-(Regardless MC BB taught them well)
-After you both snap a pic of your matching pokemon plushies, Saburo texts Ichiro asking if he could take you guys to McDonalds and Ichiro is fucking on it bro
-You all leave to get some McNuggies and make fun of the new Lion King toys because that shit is nasty (i know Hypmic is set in the near future but have you considered: i do what i please)
-It’s sundown by the time you all finish eating so Ichiro insists they accompany you home
-When you all reach your place Ichiro fakes a phone call and leaves you kids to be anxious alone
-Saburo says he hopes you had a good time and that if you’re ever free on the weekend again maybe you could hang out? If you’d like to…. (Ichiro fist pumps from behind the corner)
-You tell him of course you would and his cheeks grow warm again and he stutters out an “O-Okay!” and that he’ll keep in touch and he smiles and you smile and its cute bro
-He leaves you with a “I’ll see you at school” and a small wave
-He tries to keep his face neutral when Ichiro asks him how it went (and that his Mantyke plush is cute) but he fails horribly, a slow smile creeping onto his features
WOO finally finished these for a second time! i still had a lotta fun writing them though!! the rest of the divisions will be up shortly ;3c thanks for requesting!! 💖💗💕
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gluestickcherrybum · 5 years
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Procrastination Tip #2 - Time Management
Howdy guys! (>w<)/
Quick backstory, I’ve always believed that when we have less time we tend to appreciate it more, so in my university, I took the absolutely lunatic decision in joining and taking important roles of five different clubs just to fill up my mental space. I actually have more reasons for this but i won’t talk about it in this post. So i was a treasurer here, a president there, a secretary in this club and organizing events for that club. I know, its a headache but somehow i manage to plow through everything and still manage to do well academically. I’ve been wanting to share this for a while so here we go.
1. Know your priorities
You’d think academics came first for me, but I put my clubs first because they involved other people and not just myself. I attend almost every single meeting and make room for every club equally. Also other people get upset when you don’t put them first apparently. But hey, keep your objectives in mind when you do anything. Like I said, i had my reasons so I kept to that all the time. Second was academics. Keep track of due dates, assignments and never do things to the last minute and you’ll be okay. I put my hobbies third and before my social life because my hobbies benefit me and act as stress free breaks and I’m kinda antisocial anyway, but you do you. 
2. Time blocking
Now that you know what’s important for you, you can visualize what you need to spend your time on. Make a schedule starting from what time you target to wake up (mine is 4 am) to when you plan to go to sleep (11:30pm). Make a mark at every 30 mins instead of an hour to better divide your time. Now block off the times when you’re definitely occupied such as classes, meetings, dance practice etc. and you should be left with spaces of time when you’re free to do other things. You can fill these spaces with Pomodoros chock full of tasks to accomplish or designate little tasks and set how long you think you should you should spend doing it (ie decluttering my room [10 mins], hanging laundry [5 mins]).
3. The 1.3.5 Rule
If you don’t have a specific schedule for the day like a weekend or when you’re free all day, do not waste it. To inhibit a productive lifestyle, you must be consistent or at least be able to keep up that momentum. But you definitely don’t want to overwhelm yourself by stuffing it with endless chores that would end up demotivating yourself. That’s when you use the 1.3.5 Rule meaning for each day you should do one big task in which if you finish this task, your day will feel complete and satisfactory (ie starting that one assignment, or mopping your whole house), 3 medium tasks to make your day feel better and more productive (ie laundry or revision or smth) and 5 small tasks that should only take a short amount of time to fill up the rest of your day (ie calling a relative, printing out something)
4. DO NOT neglect sleep or eating
This has been something that i desperately try to tell a lot of people, i know some people feel more accomplished because they're actually sacrificing something that seems like a luxury to them. Cut it out. That’s your ego talking. Sleep is important. Period. Some people even think im “carefree” for actually getting enough sleep but no. I sleep because I need it. It’s important. Make sure you eat healthily too. Eat them veggies, you’re not an incompetent 6 year old. Drink that water. Trust me, your body will thank you for it. Plus it will help you work efficiently and your body and focus will work optimally. It’s only damaging to regret these necessities. As well as this, if you’re a Muslim or any other religion will daily responsibilities, please please please, don’t neglect prayers, don’t forget amalan sunnah every now and again because they say if you make time for God, He’ll make time for you (in which for me means im less prone to distractions but Wallahua’lam). (>w<)
5. Know your distractions and yeet them
If you’re as antisocial as I am, then you can definitely check social media off your list ahaha (qwq). Whatever you do in your fun time, whatever de-stresses you and whatever isn't in on top of your to do list is your distractions. Use apps or extensions to limit using your gadgets and restrict them to your break times or reward yourself with them once you check off everything on your to do list. If you’re planning to do them as a break be sure to have time constraints too in case you go overboard. Remember, taking breaks is not the same as giving up on work. If things get too hard, take a breath and keep at it. I believe in you! 
6. Be consistent
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Consistency is key. If you use a bullet journal, I’m sure you’ve heard of a habit tracker. Frankly, its a spread that keeps track of certain habits to have on the daily. But if you don’t use a habit tracker, the Seinfield Method works just as well. It’s a very similar method devised by the man, the myth, the legend, Jerry Seinfield. Jerry Seinfield is a comedian and he pressures himself to consistently write a new joke every single day. To keep up with this daily habit, he keeps a calendar on his wall with a large red marker beside it. Each day when he wrote a joke, he would mark an X on the calendar. His goal was to not break the chain of X’s on his calendar so to keep himself accountable of his own progress.
7. Find what works best for you
By now you’re probably thinking I’m a complete maniac with calendars and timings and strict habits and all that. Yes, I am a maniac and that is what works for me. For my finals i practically did repeated Pomodoros from 4 am to 11:30 pm stopping only to eat, shower, and pray every single day of revision month before the finals and my roommate thinks i’m straight up insane. Yes, I did lose touch of humanity and that’s why I don’t condone this behavior to anyone. Please find out what works best for you, i find that my head is a bit clearer early in the morning because i’m naturally a morning person, but some people prefer to study in the evening and that’s okay. Find when your brain feels most active and you can work on the harder tasks at that time. UwU
Okie dokie lokie. Sorry for the long post, as usual i try to explain stuff as much as possible. My finals are around the corner so wish me luck QwQ
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bmpmp3 · 4 years
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doodle of an old oc who was from this one closed species on dA ‘cause i was thinking about him, his name is Klavdii and he is an alien and he is stupid, he had a girlfriend (another person’s oc) and a best friend (my own oc) and a little brother (another person’s oc) who was dating his best friend which is pretty wild now that i think about it..................didnt own the brother but i did own some guy he was pals with djgnfjekrgfs
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masterhandss · 3 years
Hi, im just finishing vol 1of hamefura LN and... am I reading wrong or Katarina has considerably internalized homophobia? She describes keith falling for Nicol as a tragedy and going astray, and her view of girlfriendship.... does this continues in future novels?
Uggh that's kinda hard to say, and I feel like I might not be the right person to ask about something like that hgjsdf
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I don't remember Katarina saying that Keith hypothetically falling in love with be a "tragedy", did she use that word? The only thing I remember is that she said that although she'd prefer it if it Keith didn't fall for Maria, falling for Nicol might be dangerous for him. When I read it, I guess I kinda did get the idea of Katarina thinking that marriage between two men must be taboo, but not necessarily that she disapproves of it. Since she knows she's in Fortune Lover, she's assuming that same sex is the norm given the game, setting and time period. I feel like she meant it with good intent, for all she knows maybe Keith would get kicked out of the family is he pursued the son of the prime minister instead of focusing on becoming the next duke qwq.
Also, Katarina mentioned that it'd be bad for Keith to fall for a handsome boy, but when she assumed that Nicol might be in love with a married woman or man during her birthday party, she didn't seem to reject the idea (I guess because it's Nicol, charmer of both genders lmao), moreso just worried if her friend's feelings will ever bear fruit if its someone he felt like he couldn't attain. Maybe she was only open to the idea because it's Nicol, or maybe she's actually okay with it in general, who knows?
I think Katarina just has a heteronormative way of thinking rather than her having internalized homophobia (unless the two of those are the same?? I don't know I'm not socially aware enough for this qwq).
I've heard things about Japan is a country that's still sort of behind the times, still using old technology and is still pretty heteronormative to some extent. I doubt she had any opportunities to identify her sexuality or the kind of partner she wants when she's just living her life to the fullest and having fun. She didn't even get into anime and manga until middle school, only thanks to Aachan's influence.
From Volume 2, we find out that Aachan's taste in light novels and manga is the kind where she can project herself onto the protagonist in order to imagine herself having fun adventures with friends of her own, so probably a lot of shoujo or shounen series. Plus by high school, Aachan was really into otome games. I'm basically saying that not even media could have influenced Katarina's way of thinking, considering that Aachan (who is the one to provide and suggest the series they get into) seems to just only read NL content. Katarina knows Sophia reads BL novels when they both got older, but mentioned while she isn't completely disinterested in them, she feels like it's a dangerous rabbit hole to fall into. She was even a little bit transphobic to her co-worker in the magic ministry Laura (who is a transwoman) but not because she didn't approve of it, it was just kinda new to her because she didn't encounter things and people like that in her previous life.
We can only really grow to accept and understand feelings and perspectives like that by getting exposed to it, so you can't blame Katarina for being mostly heteronormative when she's never encountered stuff like that before.
I don't know, I feel like a lot of people in their youth these days are really able to identify or have courage to bring themselves out there thanks to the encouragement of the people around us and the influence of the media we consume. If Katarina doesn't have those media to help her, then she'll have to rely on her own self-discovery and the encouragement of her peers.
When it comes to her views on girlfriend-ship, we already know that Katarina adores and loves her friends regardless of gender (Maria being the biggest example), and whether or not she's just extreme in her appreciation of others or if it's a sign of her attraction to girls depends on the reader. Her worldview probably won't change unless her female friends finally become forward about their feelings instead of waiting for Katarina to figure it out on her own, if we get a clear stance on Sorcier's view of same sex marriage and relationships, or if we see a same sex couple in the story through Katarina's eyes. As the reader, we know/can speculate that Katarina likes both men and women, but she herself doesn't know that yet.
Since she's someone living in a Fantastical Middle Ages where the country is lead by a monarch, you gotta give her some slack for not assuming everything gets an OK in this new life & setting of hers.
Whether or not this is something that continues in future novels is something I can't really say. She maintains the same way of thinking that she does right now in the manga and anime as she does in the novels, nothing really changed aside from the fact that maybe she had picked up one or two tame BL novels due to being forced to by Sophia.
Again, I'm probably not the right person to ask when it comes to something like this. If I said anything wrong or insensitive, feel free to correct me! I'm not socially competent nor analytical enough to dig deep into Katarina's psyche qwq
Thank you for the ask! qwq
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