#its ok to not have aesthetic notes trust me
puffycinnabunny · 2 months
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Best of luck with the finals, lovelies. Working on my last lab report for the semester (✿´‿`)
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lizlovestofangirl · 4 months
ur social media au’s are sO GOOD i’m so invested👀 can you do a social media au with luke castellan x daughter of hades where she’s super into poetry (like edgar allen poe, etc)
"take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die"
luke castellan x daughterofhades!poet!reader
smau - luke is y/n's muse
🎧 - the lakes by taylor swift
a/n: omg tysm and thank you so much for requesting! i added a little gracie abrams (in this au the reader's poetry is gracie's lyrics) because her writing is super poetic but i still kept the poe! i hope you like this!
*swearing, not checked so there might be mistakes*
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liked by itslukecastellan, whosannabeth, and others
yn_yln writing about you 🤍
tagged itslukecastellan
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larueclarisse UR THE CUTEST
larueclarisse AWEEEE
liked by author
itslukecastellan love you poe
yn_yln if its not obvious enough already i love you more
larueclarisse bro who tf calls their gf poe 💀
itslukecastellan what? her favorite poet is edgar allen poe
percy.jackson WOW youre invested in the dead aesthetic y/n
_groverunderwood PERCY
whosannabeth PERCY
larueclarisse wait thats really cute
whosannabeth THATS SO GOOD Y/N/N
yn_yln thank youuu 😊
percy.jackson really living up to the depressing hades aesthetic
yn_yln if you don't quit soon you'll be dead but not in an aesthetic way 🥰
percy.jackson noted
silenaaaa i love love and i love you
yn_yln ily sel
itslukecastellan oh so i make you nervous?
yn_yln shut up
rachel.edare pls write my wedding vows when i get married
yn_yln ofc
_groverunderwood watching you try and get the perfect library pic was so funny 💀
yn_yln shut up
percy.jackson HAHAHAHAHA
iamchrisrodriguez @itslukecastellan i dont think you understand how lucky you are man
larueclarisse you've put yourself on thin ice
itslukecastellan trust me i do
whosannabeth chris i know what you were going for but this was not smart
iamchrisrodriguez i know that now
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liked by yn_yln, _groverunderwood, and others
itslukecastellan does your girl write poetry about you? didnt think so.
tagged yn_yln
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_groverunderwood ok this is sickeningly adorable
itslukecastellan thanks bro
yn_yln my muse 🤍
itslukecastellan 😍
larueclarisse hes giggling and blushing rn
yn_yln fr?
whosannabeth can confirm
itslukecastellan leave me alone
iamchrisrodriguez @larueclarisse am i ur muse?
larueclarisse uh
itslukecastellan lmao
larueclarisse y/n quit doing adorable shit for luke chris is getting mad
yn_yln sorryyyyyy
whosannabeth edgar allen poe who?
itslukecastellan except shes hot too
percy.jackson good job luke a girl isnt repulsed by you
itslukecastellan stfu
whosannabeth HAHAHA
silenaaa have i mentioned that i love love?
itslukecastellan yes
yn_yln yes
rachel.edare SO CUTE
itslukecastellan i know she is
yn_yln's story
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view reply from percy.jackson:
yn_yln i'm going to kill you in your sleep (aesthetically ofc)
view reply from itslukecastellan:
itslukecastellan you make me insane
yn_yln good
view reply from larueclarisse:
larueclarisse AWEEE
larueclarisse also stop chris is on my ass rn about doing cute stuff
yn_yln just tell him a song that makes you think of him and he'll stfu
larueclarisse what song 💀
yn_yln literally any love song
larueclarisse meh
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
Will I get through all the chapters by the weekend? Unlikely. But at least I can get through a couple more tonight.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 6, Chapters 3-4 below.
Note: Several references to Stampede's aesthetic choices below.
Chapter 3: Cross X Assassins
Goshdarn, we had to start out with Legato, didn't we? This is pre-spider-smash Legato, but still.
Legato's idea of a game sucks. There's a reason Vash didn't want to play. A GOOD reason.
A;ALJSDF;LAJDL;F This sopping wet cat... I want to wrap him in a towel like a burrito and hope he doesn't kill me and feels marginally better about the world when he inevitably gets free. That's the best anyone can do for him, really, and more than he deserves.
Oh, look. Elandira's already got him wrapped up like a burrito.
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He remains alive out of sheer stubbornness to get Knives-sama to someday notice him.
Elandira reading El Gato like a book here.
Hahahahahaha, now he's literally sopping wet.
"They anger me to the point of madness!!" You don't say....
Oooooh, Double Fang I know. Trip of Death is new.
He looks soooooo bummed that he doesn't get to go play with them. I'd feel sorry for him if it wasn't for **redacted**.
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Man, all these people and their bikes. Are bikes like this practical in sand? My family was never one of those "go to the desert and ride around" types... but from what I remember, that was mostly done on quads. Eh, I guess bikes are what Nightow really wanted to draw.
LOL, they have so many guns....
That gate looks like a church door.
I don't trust this dead-eyed kid.
Dude. Don't do drugs, kids.
Pffftthahahahaha, Legato's so happy that things are going sideways with the meeting. Only he gets to be the special one!
I'm actually really looking forward to learning about the Eye of Michael. They didn't come up in '98, so their presence was a surprise to me in Stampede.
Cross assassins, indeed.
So much for their fancy gate.
Ohhh, that is definitely a ship, isn't it.
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Ok, so the dead-eyed kid mentioned this place having three towers... and the more I look at it, the more I'm getting crucifixion imagery vibes. Like, you have the prominent one in the middle that's Jesus's cross, and it's flanked by the smaller ones a little further back that were the crosses of the thieves. Maybe I'm stretching a bit. I dunno.
His ability to retain all his clothes after roiding out is impressive.
"Joe Tooth," huh? That's a terrible name.
Eyyyy, look at all those familiar-looking crosses! I'm sure that's not ominous or problematic in the slightest!
Elandira was supposed to be hosting this meeting, but Legato's taking charge again.
So much for the newcomers. Check out that mask, though. Now I know where Stampede's inspiration came from, especially given that Nightow asked them to up the tech in the series.
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Ew. Ew ew ew ew. Surely there was somewhere better for him to keep them? What the hell happened to his tongue? I have a lot of questions and I'm not sure I want the answers to any of them... but man, is this boy dedicated to his terrible, terrible game.
Chapter 4: Death Omen
Ahhhh, what a great title page of Knives! Like, he's got all the blades out, but his face is so calm, they might as well be groceries. A wonderful contrast that highlights his casual relationship with extreme violence.
So, apparently, Stampede got the inspiration for its Knives ass shots from Maximum, too.
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Also, who's letting him wander around in public??? He shouldn't be allowed out and about. No, Elandira does not count as a responsible babysitter.
Arrrrrgggghhhh, he's doing that thing where he looks too similar to Vash. A sad Vash. He looks like sad Vash.
This guy gets it. That's the doctor, right?
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Elandira, getting off on the prospect of violence.
I like how you can tell who it is just by the silhouette here.
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The doctor knew Knives as a boy? Just how old is this man??
Goshdarnit, Vash is wanted for the death of this guy, and he's just prancing around all alive like it's NBD. Rude. At least have the grace to be dead if you're gonna be involved in a plot to frame someone for killing you.
This is actually really poignant. I think it's the first solid suggestion we've had that Knives wasn't born a genocidal maniac.
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Sooooo many plants. Stampede took heavy inspiration from this, too.
Look at these skrungly boys being skrungly.
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Body horror time!
Her hair....
Knives doesn't look like he's in a forgiving mood. Can't say I blame him, all things considered.
Good to see him doing the "My name is Millions Knives and I have lots of blades" thing, I guess?
Yeah, I'd panic a bit if I saw a giant scythe manifest in the middle of town, too.
Looks like Knives is having some trouble controlling his angel (?) arm, too.
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Of course, he immediately starts putting two and to together with Vash's hair. Now if he can just make the connection that Vash using all that power is his fault.
Goodbye, Conrad. We hardly knew thee.
Vash senses something's wrong with his brother. I wonder if he can guess what.
You know, that really adds some weight to the chapter title, Death Omen. The Death Omen is the dark hair, but Vash has been carrying that around since Fifth Moon.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Volume 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 6: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT
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kutputli · 1 year
Extremely unfair that I sit down with pen and paper to take notes and the episode doesn’t feature My Main Man! In true fandom fashion, I will none the less proceed to make my episode reaction post all about him...
I foresee that the giant expanded cast of regulars is going to trip us up often with these either or situations - I deeply resent being made to choose between Nate and Trent. (HI TRENT!!! My favourite little smirky shit with the HAIR. You can vaguely saunter downwards on my screen any time you want, I have missed you!)
Look, Roy and Trent are my two blorbos, and getting extended interaction with them, and backstory, and deep nonverbal communication of various emotions was just delightful. And because we weren’t shown a pin, I am going to headcanon that Roy can burst balloons with his bare hands, like the animal he is. James Lance is clearly having the time of his life leaning into the comic elements of his character, and I love how ridiculous he lets him be.
Speaking of unexpected backstory... Rebecca was a bartender?! Where the fuck did that come from? She clearly and canonically comes from money. I thought she might have been a business manager of some kind, associated with Richmond, which is how she met Rupert, but this makes her qualifications to run (not just own) a football club all the more shaky. Also now she’s established that she was willing to help Rupert cheat on his wife... I have no idea why she would then be so shocked that she was in turn cheated on. And I’m sure Rupert used the same tactics with his bartender affair that he got Leslie to help him with later, so again, just how deluded has Rebecca been?
But since I’m talking about Rebecca anyway, let me drag this back to Nate, and how difficult it is to watch a show that attempts both comedy and pathos. Because it gives me whiplash being told to selectively suspend my disbelief for some situations and not for others. It’s like when you watch slapstick comedy - you know its ok to laugh at the pie in the face because EVERYONE is going to end up with that pie, and there is the shared trust that no one is actually hurt. But if a theatrical play has a haha pie moment with one character, and then flips to another where someone stumbles and then starts crying from the pain, I’m going to feel like shit for having been primed to laugh at what I thought I was told was a pratfall.
Rebecca, more than any other character on the show, has being shown doing things that get excused because of her position as beautiful, white, girlboss. Back in season 1, she walked into the locker room without knocking, surprising two players with their pants down (in contrast to Keeley, who we see asking for consent to enter right in the first episode). And now - she literally committed sexual harassment.
Bit ironic given the current British transphobic scaremongering around bathrooms, but yeah, stalking someone into a bathroom of the opposite gender and getting close to them while they are urinating, then literally negging them and mocking the smell of their urine is - sexual harassment.
And being asked to let it go because Zava seems fine with it is like letting go of Nate kissing Keeley because she said it was ok afterwards. I have been on the fence about whether to think of that as sexual harassment or not because ‘kissing someone without explicit verbal permission’ is one of those highly cultural context dependant gestures that sometimes people are happy about, and sometimes are genuinely ok writing off as an innocent misread of body language. But I certainly haven’t just laughed it off, and the show has shown Nate to have agonised about his offence afterwards. Will Rebecca even spare a second thought to the gravity of all her wrongdoings?
I have more to say, but I need to do a rewatch with subtitles on to catch all the dialogues I missed. (Is it me, or did Jamie’s accent suddenly become, like his hair, even weirder?)
Meanwhile to conclude with our regular spot of shallow aesthetic appreciation - how happy I was to see the Hot Photographer Lady from Keeley’s Vogue shoot back! Her name is Janette and she’s played by the radiant Miranda Shamiso, And I love her.
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malika-carnelian · 2 years
Idk if the 💗 prompt is open to ocs aswell, but if it is: Thalia from @thehumanhalf (if its not PLEASE IGNORE THIS IDK HOW INTERACT WITH PEOPLE)
Malika 🤝 Thalia
(Cute) girls who work with robots
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|| Hello to you @thehumanhalf ! First of all, don't you ever worry about being an Oc or a Canon character ok? I give possibilities towards all muses, and if their bio is interesting then why not giving a shot? As for the heart meme! I gave a look to your infos and it kinda inspired me in more than just a single verse, so I'm gonna reply this with more infos about what I personally think (it's gonna be a bit long tho lol sorry not sorry).
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart...
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks) 💗💗💗💗 : She is a beautiful girl in all verses where they can be both involved, plus, Malika loves her hair!
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: (how close a friend they consider them) [ TFPrime ] from 💗💗 to 💗💗💗💗💗: On a personal note, at the very beginning Malika it's not very trustful of Thalia, specially if she is a co-worker of Agent Fowler and the government, or the so self-proclaimed second in command. It is true that even Malika work under the Agent orders strightly coming from the government, but as an engineer (and even a tricky one), her mind is more settled into her personal point-of-view regarding the Autobot's and Humanity's safety than making the government or any other highterindividual happy. Although, after some time and knowing more about Thalia's real intents and projects for the future, she accept her and be a powerful ally whenever it's needed, specially after the war is ended and they want to preserve Cybertronians technology out of dirty hands. As for friendship, I see them be very close friends that speaks to each other in more than one occasion about real matters or silly ones, both at work and outside.
[ TFEarthspark ] from 💔 to 💗💗💗💗: She doesn't feel safe into meeting someone from G.H.O.S.T, even more when it's about the company asking her to work along with them. Malika is a mechanical and technological engineer, a very good one that even had private lessons from ratchet himself about cybertronians beings and how they work, only for the sake of helping them out, so how she could even share those informations with humans from the Government? Breaking in half the promise she made to the Autobot medic. Betray him? Never. She pretend to know nothing, refusing to be involved with them, even if it hurts her to not see Optimus or the others anymore like she did in the past. So meeting up with someone like Thalia could settle her in a very concerned mood, specially after a Terran has been created because of her: Silverblade. Malika tries to be more invisible than ever, but it will happen, sooner or later, that they would both end into dangerous situation where their terrans will fight along for protecting the girls, and then… everything will be more clear, realizing that they are from the same side and finally get along together, till the friendship will be formed.
[ LL/MTMTE meeting Icharibaxcode ] from 💗 to 💗💗💗: This is one of those situations where both sides are kind of confused as hell and very doubtful. More Thalia than Malika and her team, but they both have good reasons. Thalia is from her own universe, where Cybertronians being and Humans are very well known and Earth is still a safe place, when instead from Malika side it is not. Not only Malika came to the Ichariba's ship from her own universe (The TFP one) through a space-bridge where something happened during the process, but had found out that it was a human-ship protected by AIs ( Artificial Intelligent robots ), few survivals after that planet Earth got destroyed. By itself is really a difficult story to believe, but after some proofs of reality and a request of help, Thalia and Malika will finally have a meeting, telling each other their stories and try to help those few survivors to have a new home, which is the Earth where Thalia comes from.
SEXUAL DESIRE: (wanting to have sex with them)
[ TFPrime-TFEarthspark ] 💔: She isn't interested, plus has a crush on a guy.
[ LL/MTMTE-Icharibacode ] 💔: Even if it's an AI and not properly a human, Malika is very loyal to Sid and will never have the desire to seek such a thing from others.
ROMANTIC INTENT: (hoping for a romantic relationship)
Same answer of the previous one applied here!
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ok, listen up folks who like to write college peter parker: im about to tell you ehat truly is like to study engineering in a prestigious college. take notes.
classes are either the most useless thing ever or the most useful. sometimes they don't even look like anything the test is gonna be about.
most trachers are academics so they dont know how to teach and it shows.
tests arent multiple questions, they are one to four gigantic problems that will make your brain cry.
Calculators are your best friend. most engineers use the TI type. Peter has to have it.
Programing is a bitch. If peter doesnt have a breakdown bc his code doesnt work only to find out its bc he left an opened parenthesis then its not realistic
There is not that much of tinkering until the very end of the career (at least on my college)
Most homework takes WEEKS to finish. I get that peter is s genius, but they are long snd take a lot of willpower to get through.
Notes? Messy. Trust me, there are not aesthetic or decent notes.
All kids have watched at least on anime and love videogames. We are nerds.
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brainjuicey · 1 year
u know what pisses me off about like. rape culture in conjunction with QT movies? it's that, like. women don't get to be unreactive/unresponsive, sex culture really is all about the woman's performance (externalised) validating the man's performance (internalised). so in some ways it's really the opposite to the man penetrating the woman. but that's silly.
my problem personally is that men don't want to actually acknowledge the submission of male power in the sexual setting, it's just not as interesting to them I guess. but on a broader note, my opinion is that women don't get to be stoic and ultimately in Inglorious Basterds, the woman who is supposedly revered for denying the PerfectGermanBoy throughout most of the movie, and celebrated for being cool headed and cold hearted, when she decides to "seduce" the Nazi (it's really rape though) in order to manipulate him as a last resort, is shot down ruthlessly by a man who has made himself appear meek and immature, and her death is a triumphant moment, on the side of the Nazi, and it's like. I fucking knew you weren't being genuine about that whole "she's a cold woman but she's allowed to be like that" when really it's "she has an unimaginably tragic backstory that makes her the way she is and ultimately she gets what's coming to her". i can understand nuance of morally grey characters but I really don't think that's what the point of the movie is. I think the point is "wouldn't it be cool if she was shot down and the Nazi actually won? wouldn't that be cool?". now I only have my own speculation given the context of the plot of the film and other QT films, his historical treatment of women and their sexualities for the benefit of the aesthetic, plot, male chrs, and his own personal fetishes. disclaimer I'm not well versed in this at all. just my preliminary and slightly uninterested, unimpressed opinion.
(btw!) let's totally not forget the death of B. Von hammersmark at the hands of Landa, it was so unnecessarily and graphically sexual, and again with the feet!. and given Landa's sexual aversion, the only logical conclusion is that the entire scene is for the benefit of the intended audience and/or its creators. bruh. makes me sick so see the degradation of specifically women like that so blatantly glorified also I will never forget the scene at the vets with BVonH with the bullet hole in her legs and the clear lack of empathy given to her even from the film's pov, not just the chrs, and how unbelievably inhuman her chr was portrayed there. like she's screaming from a leg wound and then talking like nothings happened with his finger in her bullet hole and everyone is just like this is normal and also I still don't trust her, after she killed an innocent man for them!! and it adds Nothing to the movie!! it's literally just to make her unimportant!!. and the whole thing is "well she's a woman on her own so we treat her however we like". no literally. literally. sickening. you sicken me.
that scene where Hitler says to Goebbels in the theatre that this is his best one yet and Gman starts crying. that is so obviously a satirical self-insert of himself and ?who miramax? producers anyway.
anyway I watched that film high as balls one time and paid such close attention to it I think I developed a genuinely deeper, richer understanding a film making because it made me see all the faults in what i thought was supposed to be one of the most progressive contemporary mainstream filmmakers right??? right??? bro dude was coked up to high heavens while making that for sure.
Michael Fassbender was supremely unlikeable too.
ok but my overall point is, this is a pervasive issue in a greater sexual culture, socially and in pornography. people lack empathy for women, and women aren't allowed to deny a performance for the sake of a man trying to fulfill his own masculinity. god gender theory makes me fucking depressed. why can't everyone let themselves be wild and passionate and free without any connotations of their own self-expression treading on the toes of anyone else's identity?
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bambambunny · 1 year
I made a squad of clone ocs
notes: I made their descriptions in like a day so it might be really simple. Under the cut cuz its long.
Ori’vod (CT - 149 - 2348 )
Chill eldest brother
Ain’t too worried about getting promoted
Just wants to take care of his little bros
The sweetest ori’vod
A transferee who is bringing all the wisdom 
The others like to joke that he’s more of a jedi than their general
He has the most disturbing knowledge anyone could come across
Stickler (CT - 354 - 2875)
Staff sergeant 
In charge of everyone but he stays with sarge, Toolkit and Extra
The most talented I think
Or at least the best at war
He’s a stickler for the rules lmao
Will not take care of himself no matter what anyone does
Sweetie (CT - 354 - 3153)
Sergeant 1
He’s kinda worried for Stickler honestly
Tries so hard to take the stress off him
Ori’vod keeps telling him that you can’t force someone to relax
that goes against the very essence of it.
If Toolkit is the one begrudgingly taking care of his brothers, Sweetie’s the one who does it with his full chest
The name was a joke but now it’s just a proper description
He kinda hates it lmao but there’s no backing down from this one
Bumper (CT - 354 - 4029)
Sergeant 2
In charge of Calix, Ritz, and Slinky
God bless his soul
Not like he’s any better
Angry little sht this one is
Everyone’s worried that he’s gonna pop a vein or something, well, everyone except Calix and Slinky 
They live for that sht
But even then he’s the one that makes the weirdest plans, it’s like he has a personal vendetta against the clankers like chill man
He’s called that bc he can and will ram his entire body into a crowd of droids
Honestly the name is an understatement 
He wouldve shot krell if he had the chance
Calix (CT - 354 - 4346)
He chose his name by himself which is a little try hard but ok
Will NOT let Ritz touch his armor
Get ur grubby aesthetic hands away from my pile of sht thanks
It’s purposefully awful
In fact he’s gotten quite good at making garish stuff
Fckin LOVES spacecrafts like you would not believe
Every time someone needs to go out and fly a starfighter he’s your guy
He’d be so good at Mario Kart
Ritz (CT - 354 - 4347)
Got his name cuz he’s fancy
Well, look
ever since he got out of the tube it’s like he’s been dreaming of customizing his armor
Calix gave him the name 
After a while everyone comes to consult him about what they should add to their armor
Every after deployment he touches up his armor so he looks as shiny as the day they shipped him off
Even on active duty, every chance he gets he’s cleaning his armor
Extra (CT - 354 - 4445)
It’s cuz his number was so close to being perfect
The team medic
So tired of everyone’s sht
He’s like Sweetie but he’s not nice
Actually the only one he’s nice too is Sweetie
Everyone else can go fck themselves
Slinky (CT - 354 - 4478)
Mischief personified
He knows every which way you can fck with the enemy
Great with stealth missions, he just takes way too long cuz he’s so busy being a terror
The only one who falls for his tricks now is Calix
He does try some practical jokes at Stickler but that didn’t go well
He kisses up to Toolkit so much it’s wild dude
Toolkit (CT - 354 - 5744)
The baby of the group
Cuz he knows damn well his vode are the worst and they cannot be trusted to take care of themselves
So he has a backpack filled with everything
Like he’s got them cheese crackers, anti-acidity pills, headache tonic, mints, 2 extra toothbrushes, and virtually every tool known to man
He goes wherever he’s needed most cuz he’s the utility man.
Either on the main ship or on the ground.
They're all part of the 338th naval legion which has like 0 info about which is perfect for me bc I get to do whatever I want.
It was originally just Ritz and Calix but then i researched how many soldiers count as what division. The US army says that a squad has 9 members so I had to buff it out.
I'm still working on their physical appearances and their armor. I also have some incorrect quotes if yall want, just lmk.
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shanhelingmoving · 3 years
not to b the mutual that logs on to complain <3 but yeah i hate latching onto a character bc i Know i'll get all annoyingly possessive why can't i just b normal 😔
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thatgirl4815 · 2 years
Ep4 vs. Ep5 Aesthetics
I’ve seen this topic come up again and again, and I can’t resist addressing it any longer: the romanticism of the love scene. I have seen a lot of discussions surrounding it from radically different perspectives. Yes, aesthetically, it was beautiful. Free Fall instrumental version? Sign me up. Not to mention the cinematography, which could be a whole separate post on its own. But we already have many lovely posts about that, so I won’t belabor the point. 
I, like many others, was a bit hesitant when reflecting on the end of Ep4 because as much as I liked the aesthetics and cinematography, I also felt a degree of guilt for enjoying it while one of the participants was so obviously not there (or, at least, not fully there). So why did the creators choose to execute this scene so beautifully, when they have proven time and time again that they know it was a moral transgression on Kinn’s part?
Picking Apart the Aesthetics
After watching Ep5, I understand the cinematographic choices much more. As many others have pointed out, the love scene shows a lot more of Porsche than it does of Kinn. Seeing how the show frames a lot of its scenes around the perspective of one character, it makes sense now why the scene felt so romantic. We see Porsche up close the entire time. We see his facial expressions. Meanwhile, we get only a few side shots of Kinn. This leads me to, at least initially, view the love scene from Kinn’s eyes.
Now we come to Porsche’s flashbacks in Ep5, particularly when he’s in the bathroom. Now, I don’t have a whole lot of evidence to back this up, but while there is still an emphasis on Porsche (he’s reflecting on how he felt in that moment, after all), Kinn seems more visible overall in both this scene and in Porsche’s flashbacks a little later in the episode. The shots themselves look similar to the shots included in Ep4, but the strongest difference between Ep4 and 5 is the music. In the bathroom flashback scene, everything is tense. Porsche is literally playing with fire, he’s afraid, he’s confused, perhaps even angry. He sees himself in a state of what looks like bliss, but the way it is shot (paired with the music) makes everything uncomfortable. He even looks a bit crazy in that shot, which is probably an accurate reflection of how Porsche is feeling as he recalls it (it’s also a bit blurry, unlike the Ep4 scene, showing that even though he remembers what happened, he can’t trust it). 
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This leads me to two quarreling interpretations of the full love scene shown in Ep4. That 1) like I said before, the scene is shown more from Kinn’s perspective or 2) the creators wished to emphasize that while it was happening, it felt romantic for Porsche too. If this is the case, then the romanticism was intentional to reflect Porsche’s bliss in that moment (leaving him even more confused later). Of course, we know that he perceives it much differently when he is sober, but I think that’s the point. We’re then left with Porsche’s conflict: are the drugs fully responsible for how he felt, or are there real feelings beneath that? I think that’s what he is battling with for much of Ep5. (Note that I’m not arguing whether he thinks the sex was consensual or not, but rather, if there was any subconscious desire there.)
Ok, so it’s fully possible that that made no sense whatsoever. But it’s worth considering not just how beautiful the cinematography/aesthetics are (believe me, I could talk about them all day), but why they were shot that way in the first place. I don’t think it’s merely that the creators wanted to show their love scene in a positive light but...these are the leads, after all. Nobody wants to watch the leads have a grotesque love scene when we’re supposed to be rooting for them. 
Anyways, I think there’s a fine line between appreciating/understanding the aesthetics of the love scene and acknowledging that the sex itself was wrong. There’s just so much to unpack here. I want to know how others interpreted the scene from Ep4 and how it was portrayed in Ep5, because even after writing this post, I’m not sure how to think about it. 
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sapphicwhxre · 3 years
i read fics just as much as i write them so here are some of my favourites. tysmsm for this milestone, i love you all <3 quick note: i didn't re-tag anyone if i recommended more than one of your works because of the tag limit.
───────── girls ─────────
hermione granger
tuesdays - @stupxfy
probably one of my all time favs for hermione. it's just so well written and adorable and fluffy and yes.
if i could tell her - @hellounicorn
pining, pining, PINING. the way these emotions and hermione's described is just... art. perfection. there's a happy ending and it is so worth the build up.
darling dearest - @dracolvr
fluffy goodness. read to be hopelessly in love with hermione ─ which, let's be real, we all are.
november rain - @pansydaisy
uhm i love this one sm. it's so simple but amazing ─ everyone has their days like this and having hermione to cure them? it's what everyone needs.
i need more - @15-dogs
i sobbed the first time i read this. it'll break your heart but it's so amazingly written that it's worth the sadness. actual gut wrenching / mindblowing writing.
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
the title. need i say more?
honeyed eyes - @minty-malfoy
HEAVEN. being hermione's first kiss as friend? but both of you idiots liking each other? oh my god, sign me up.
hugging her from behind - @pastanest
again, the title. read to feel 🥺💙
grey days - @pepperimps01
PANSMIONE 😌😌 it's angsty with a happy ending and i love it sm. this does such a perfect job of capturing pansy and hermione's relationship growing and having its ups and downs with just a few paragraphs. honestly so good
grenade - @hellounicorn
another one that'll make your heart shatter. but in the best way. these are the fics i live for where the you can't help but feel like it's really happening to you and hermione and god it's so fucking powerful. underrated writing right here in general. and also pansmione is the loml so it hurts in that way.
honeybees - @pansydaisy
fluffy aesthetic heaven.
lead the way - @teacup-tai
more pansmione but this is pure filthy thinking and satisfies all the sexual tension dreams pansmione shippers have.
two queens in a king sized bed - @shysneeze
domestic christmas morning with hermione and it's angelic.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
one of those blurbs i never imagined i'd read or love so much. not to mention it's spot on and adorable.
pansy parkinson
right and wrong - @starrkidmalfoy
a first kiss and the overdone trope that i will never get sick of, the bitch who's soft only for you. the descriptions in this are perfection and the writing is beautiful <3
messed up - @writseo
toxic, messed up love fics will be the death of me. insane how well you captured it all and i just yes damn fucking props.
pansy parkinson imagine - @moonlight-imagines
dating pansy would include - @lotsoffandomimagines
ABSOLUTE POWER COUPLE SHIT and to this day, pansy saying "jealous much?" when being scolded for pda remains iconic.
grey days - @pepperimps01
as i said before: PANSMIONE 😌😌 it's angsty with a happy ending and i love it sm. this does such a perfect job of capturing pansy and hermione's relationship growing and having its ups and downs with just a few paragraphs. honestly so good
new rules - @silversslytherin
excuse me this is immaculate ─ pansy is the best friend and the second you see that she's also the best s/o, you're done for. perfection.
study "dates" - @turning-dreams-into-chaos
the title is self explanatory and this whole thing is fluffy heaven <3
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
read the title, thank me later.
lead the way - @teacup-tai
more pansmione but this is pure filthy thinking and satisfies all the sexual tension dreams pansmione shippers have.
traitor - @hufflepuff-writings
a masterpiece where pansy chooses the wrong side in the battle of hogwarts. this ties up so well and the writing is so powerful.
back alley love potions - @a-simple-imagine
this actually hurts but in a beautiful way. watching pansy give draco a love potion is such a fucking concept and this is executed incredibly.
my little bunny - @emmamarie7708
pansy making you do this is so dirty yet she's slightly sweet and i am a sucker for it. god is a woman and her name is pansy fucking parkinson.
pansy parkinson imagine - @moonlight-imagines
i'll let pansy beat people up for me all day. they put me in madame pomfrey's, feel my girlfriend's wrath.
ginny weasley
blissful - @enyastasia
fluffy ginny goodness. the friends to lovers? the amazing kiss? 🥺🥺🥺💞💞 this fic lives in my heart <3
bubble pop electric - @hunnypot-imagines
this is hotter than a lot of actual smut and the chemistry is so... wow. ginny weasley owns me.
dear ginny - @alyssamalfoy
how does this short ass letter manage to make me feel so much. it's sorcery but i don't even care, it's beautiful.
wildflower - @pansydaisy
will i ever get tired of cheeky i love yous? not when loves like ginny weasley and ayli's so so pretty writing exist.
all i want - @hellounicorn
ouch. fuck you harry :) quite possibly the best ginny fic i have ever read. insanely talented writing, i genuinely feel every touch of emotion you put down and you need to know how amazing that is. keep breaking my heart.
linny hcs - @bluebirdlinginthenest
who doesn't need good linny content in their life?
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
sexy bitch, fuck me up.
willow - @padmeamiala
ginny is the loml. her brothers can cry about it.
bellatrix lestrange
attempting to bake with bellatrix - @carters-coffee
MY FAVOURITE BELLA FIC ─ there's not enough bellatrix fluff out there but this makes up for the lack of. heaven.
bellatrix prompt - @carters-coffee
this gives me chills. she knows she's a bad bitch and that's what we love about her.
change of plans - @dumb-sbian
why THE FUCK have i not had a rainy morning with bellatrix? she can sleep and mumble something just like this and i'm still head over heels for her.
being tortured as bellatrix's girlfriend - @writings-of-a-british-fangirl
definitely a concept BUT this makes me feel some type of way and i recommend giving it a minute of your time 😌
bellatrix finding out you're a muggleborn - @carters-coffee
the beauty, the nuance omg. this is art.
bellatrix prompt - @carters-coffee
yep jealous bella. trust me, im all yours mommy <3
sex with bellatrix would include - @onegayastronaut
so short but... sign. me. up.
luna lovegood
never leave - @/deactivated
luna smut is hard asf to come by and this is my favourite. it's so luna and the pain over her not knowing, not getting that closure about how you feel until this is an amazing rollercoaster.
she - @hunnypot-imagines
the beauty of falling in love with luna, through this majorly talented writing. ten out of fucking ten. i will not elaborate but there's also majorly good association in this imo.
silver berries and flickering fireflies - @duskgrangers
i love this fic so much. she's so herself and that is why we ✨ simp ✨ and the scene set just sounds so prettyy
how the potter girls react to you in lingerie - @pottersanime
luna + this title? yes please, ma'am i am simping.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
put me in your pocket luna. im begging you.
dancing in the rain with luna - @/deactivated
only luna would get you a dress to go dancing in the rain and this is the stuff of blissful, fluffy dreams.
hugging her from behind - @pastanest
short and cute, do me a favour and read it :)
dating luna lovegood would go like - @glossymalfoy
life is NOT worth it if you don't read these cute little headcanons and imagine dating ravenclaw's baddest bitch.
linny hc - @bluebirdlinginthenest
like i said, who doesn't need good linny content?
cho chang
strawberry kisses - @pansydaisy
the only cho fic i've been able to find and it's SO WORTH IT. the cutest, it flows so well, and i absolutely love it. i need this with cho tbh.
fleur delacour
toutes les etoiles - @coffee--writes
im in love with fleur and this amazing writing. and for the first time since i started high school, my three years of taking french feel good for something.
being best friends with fleur would include - @harrypotter-imaginess
not romantic but actually so sweet pls. i want this friendship in my life so bad.
nymphadora tonks
dating nymphadora tonks would include - @imaginesforgirls
dating her + that warm little feeling of bliss that only HCs can give you
taking care of her after the war - @random-imagines-blog
this kind of hurts in that good ass way and i lovee it. they're simple hcs but i feel for tonks so much and then there's that warm lil feeling when you're the one to put her back together aand now my primary life goal is to help this woman heal.
───────── boys ─────────
harry potter
phosphenes - @minty-malfoy
ok shakespeare, the fuck?? this fic will never not get me right in the heart. the angst, holy fuck. and for once, the reader doesn't hurt harry and let draco walk all over them and it's just done so well. the transition from a toxic relationship to a sweet, loving one PLEASE. it's beautiful.
happy memories - @15-dogs
how does this manage to be so. smutty and fluffy at the same time? this is one of those short ones that has lived in my head, rent-free since i read it. and tbh any fic that includes expecto patronum is guaranteed to be good.
come back to me - @wondernimbus
right from the beginning, it's a mess of emotions both good and bad. that kind of good ass writing that hits you in the heart <3
making out with harry potter would include - @badfvith
read this title. done? now thank me later.
harry prompt - @thoseofgreatambition
harry x a sarcastic swooning bitch is an elite trope idc. short and sweet, i'm marrying this fic.
keep your eyes on the prize - @rowema-ravenclaw
first of all, showing harry up and second, pure fluff (and a little steam) right after. i also love how she writes harry in general because he's totally safe/in love with the relationship but still has that awkward lovable shyness and i just... *sighs*
always - @pansydaisy
uhm i will always love him and always reread this a thousand times so its a fit title + a good read.
late night studying - @lumosandnoxwriting
fuck studying, let his hand stay in my shirt. once again recommending fluffy bliss in the form of a short read that makes me feel things <3
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
he's so stupid. but he still loves you + this is from our resident perfectly talented writer so its a win.
cuddling after a rough quidditch practice - @badfvith
harry james potter is : b a b y
gryffindor's victory - @rowema-ravenclaw
make me gryffindors fucking cheerleader because HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. AND THE WRITING IS IMMACULATE PLEASE. just read it, you won't regret it.
draco malfoy
silent treatment - @slytherinwh0re
andy's mad talented and this is just... insert a cheesy chefs kiss. unbelievably adorable but so fucking hot and an actually good smut plot (which is rare lmfao). remind me to give draco the silent treatment every time im upset.
rewards - @malfoysstilinski
so hot PLS. hype him up for the match and get your reward, bye. so good.
reading between the lines - @minty-malfoy
i've said this a thousand times but that's what happens when you've got a mad talented mutual BLESSING everyone with beauty like this. butterflies and warm feelings all around when i read this 💓
point of view - @draconisxcaput
its angst for hermione and fluff for you but overall ethereal writing. i am never going to recover from the pure talent that this is.
im not kidding im dying - @malfoysmatrioshka
i hate being sick with a passion but this... this would make it worth it.
hogwarts express - @/deactivated
draco fucking you because he knows harry's watching. the shit of legends and god is it hot.
draco laughing at you because you can't walk after sex - @glossymalfoy
*motions to the title* fluff with this loser 😌
the cheeseburger - @slytherinwh0re
really short read but this is one of those things i just. didn't know i needed. you're missing out and haven't even realised it if you haven't read about introducing him to cheeseburgers. and that ending is so funny/in character to me i fucking love it.
four am - @malfoysstilinski
domestic draco 🥺 but also sad draco 🥺 and then fluffy draco 🥺
hugging him from behind - @pastanest
real short and it'll brighten your day <3
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
how is it that this is so stupidly adorable. i love it 💘
ron weasley
heather - @hellounicorn
always making me cry with your fics i swearrr. this is a must-read. having someone but them not really being yours is a beautiful trope and this fic absolutely does it wonderful, poetic justice. your angst is addicting.
apple pie - @pregnant-piggy
ABSOLUTE DOMESTIC BLISS I AM IN LOVE. i don't even like kids or baking that much but this made me so soft. the whole cozy, heavenly vibes from this fic yes yes yes.
jealousy - @writeroutoftime
cliché jealousy turns friends to lovers and i am a sucker for it all over again <3
shaking and trembling - @ronsbadidea
if ron doesn't finger fuck me and then make a cheeky comment about it in class later then WHAT IS THE POINT :(
mixed signals - @iamthecabbage
i've always figured ron is this awkward idiot cutie with a crush and yea, this is it.
fred and george weasley
i love you, but you don't - @george-fabian-weasley
fred's a character i really don't read for often but goddamn. it's the saddest, most beautiful mix of rejection and pain and fred desperately caring but not in the way you want him to ─ an angsty masterpiece.
cockwarming george - @roonilwazlibimagines
because of this filthy gem, i one hundred thousand percent believe that he could make me cum without even fucking me and this is just... it's a good fucking read.
would you still love me if i turned into a worm? - @minty-malfoy
their responses are so wonderfully chaotic and adorable and GOD you're missing out if you haven't read these lil blurbs.
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puffycinnabunny · 4 months
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Never underestimate psychology and its sheer amount of memorization, fellas
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myu21 · 3 years
Hello, do you have any recommendation of a good wuxia drama? I really love wire work in word of honor and would like to see more of nice action scenes in dramas. Thank you!
Hello~ Thanks for trusting in my judgement, and also my apologies that I've taken so long to get back to you. I don't know whether or not you can speak Chinese, so I'll try and give you ones that have Eng subs, and also try to cover all bases. Disclaimer: I love wuxia, but mostly old wuxia. I gave up wuxia after a certain someone butchered wuxia dramas year after year. So WOH was an absolute surprise to me. Therefore, I haven’t watched most of the recent productions I am recommending and I’m relying on other people’s judgement. 
If it's purely the wire work that you like from WOH and want something similar, then I recommend checking out the other works the WOH martial arts director has done. In particular, "Ultimate Note 终极笔记" has the best reputation among fellow WOH viewers. I've heard a lot of VERY good things about this show even though it's not wuxia. 
Most of the best wuxia is old, but not everyone is used to the old wuxia aesthetic. So I'll start with the recent production recommendations.
When I first began watching WOH I was SO drawn to the wuxia. I then started bemoaning the lack of good wuxia all over c-social media, and then was promptly reprimanded by some wuxia fanatics who told me there is good wuxia, just that people don’t know about it. The shows that were again and again recommended to me are: “Ancient Detective 侠探简不知" and “Love in Between 少年游之一寸相思”. I’ve only just begun watching these two myself, and I don’t want my experience to colour yours too much (though so far I'm liking "Ancient Detective" more as a successor to wuxia). Each have their pros and cons, and I reckon give them both a try and see which ones floats your boat more. They’re both relatively smaller productions, but I can tell good effort has been put into both and they aren’t just cash grabs by studios. 
Ok. Now onto a recent production of a canonical wuxia story. We are entering into Louis Cha or Jin Yong territory, the godfather of wuxia, the author to wuxia stories that get readapted every 5-10 years.
THE classic wuxia story is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Just how canonical is this text? It's the only Louis Cha novel to be translated into English. The recent 2017 production has a solid reputation as being faithful to the text, as opposed to some of the butchered adaptions of recent years. So it received good reviews. I haven't found any official eng subs, but a quick youtube search gave me the following fan sub:
Annnddddd now I'm going to recommend two of my absolute favourite wuxia stories, both by Louis Cha. There are many adaptions of these and I have spent way too many years of my youth (fiercely) debating which one is better and why. So without getting into that, I'm just going to tell you what I like.
The first is "Laughing in the Wind 笑傲江湖". It is both a layered look at the nature of good and evil as well as functioning as a political allegory. You will see WOH being influenced by ideas in this text re jianghu. This is the 2003 version I like. The music and cinematography and costumes. *Chefs kiss* Fan subbed version I found:
The ending theme song deserves its own spot in this post:
The second is "Demi-gods and Semi-devils 天龙八部". My absolute favourite. I spent years obsessing over the character of Qiao Feng. He remains my favourite wuxia character. I have also read and watched this story... too many times. Again, lots of philosophical and religious allegory in this story, lots of commentary on the nature of ambition and desire.
The 2003 version I have watched way too many times: fan subbed version I found:
Once you've got these names feel free to find the best fan subbed versions for yourself.
Needless to say, any Louis Cha story is guaranteed complex plot, complex characters, endless intrigue. Goes without saying.
The other biggest contenders to best Louis Cha adaptions are the even earlier ones from Hong Kong. However I was not able to find any eng subbed versions.
I've only mentioned one of the three titans of wuxia writing. So you can go crazy by looking into the works of Gu Long and Liang Yusheng too.
Happy viewing and do let me know how you go. 🙂
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popurikat · 4 years
Trying to make sense of parts of Future (Mystery Skulls)
Since my last analysis went so well I thought I’d make this post as well, especially because Future really did confuse me and I know others might be lost as well; so lets discuss this together! It will be lengthy as I am basically spewing my thoughts out right on the videos immediate release date (there will be a read more option after my first thought to avoid long positng). Well first things first, I wanna address that I've been curious about what kind of spirit Arthur's arm could be (since I am not too well acquainted with any canon on its background part at least) and I think I have concluded that the closest thing to it could be is a Tenome; which is a Yochai that possesses a man's body and moves the eyes to the palms. "found lurking in cemeteries, hands outstretched, as if he has only recently lost his vision and is searching for something. Get close enough, and you’ll find out in quick succession that a) he’s not blind, but looking with eyes embedded in his hands, and b) what he’s looking for is a snack." (fyi, most of my mythos information is coming from Wiki just as a heads up)
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And sure enough he found a great source for his hunger. Something he has been EYEING since the start. Which now leads me to my next points on the video...
At first watch I was convinced that each strand found on Mystery’s heart represented a singular soul bond, I thought that blue was for Vivi, Green was for the hand, pink for Lewis, purple for Shiro, Yellow for Lance, Orange for Arthur, and black and white were unknown. Which, didn’t settle right for me. SO I went in and re-watched the clip a couple more times and saw this:
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Vivi’s (blue created after she got hurt) and Shiro’s (white created after she died) strands were connected to the strands located next to them. A start and an end. Mystery’s promise to Vivi to stay at her side for generations as he was spared upon prior defeat of Mushi. And then of course we have the promise of power and sustenance for Shrio as they held a symbiotic relationship for most of their lives that was only severed due to an interference. These double strands of fate are especially clearer in the scene with Shiro in Future. As the black strand gets clearer the more she gets injured or emotionally hurt, it eventually leads to the leak of the white strand on her death. Meaning; Black/white=Shiro; Purple/Pink=Lewis; Blue/Green: Vivi; and Orange/Yellow: Arthur. And why am I inclined to believe Lewis and Arthur are apart of Mystery’s heart? Well that's because those two were the only ones fully streaming before Vivi’s and Shiro’s appeared. We know that Arthur lost an arm to Mystery and discovered his identity (ergo losing most of his trust in him) insinuating both strands to arise early on of his color scheme, as well as with Lewis’ death occurring under the protection of Mystery when they were grouped and having his soul go restless/ in pain. It wouldn’t make sense to add family members or side characters not included in the mainline story to this grouping unless they would play an important role in the finale, which isn’t likely since we have only one more video left as Ben stated it was going to be a 5 video series. I am also inclined to believe each person has two strands because of Kitsune lore: “ Kitsune keep their promises and strive to repay any favor. Occasionally a kitsune attaches itself to a person or household. They follow their word of honor. They become self-destructive if they break a promise, and when someone else breaks a promise, they become deadly enemies.” Plus, It would make sense as to why in this short battle Mystery sprouted his last 3 tails when it came to Vivi and Shiro and how their connections affect his power. (more on this in a bit) But, furthermore; if anyone else notices, the Band-Aids on the heart are also remotely located on the sections of Vivi’s and Shiro’s strands specifically because for both, Mystery has vowed to protect them and has failed. 
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Now then lets talk about a few things on Mystery’s ultimate form shall we? The final form of a Kitsune, its celestial form as shown here is called a Tenko. (yes I am aware of the Kumiho, but that is a fully evil, flesh eating, 9 tailed fox that specialize in illusions and well Mystery has never been portrayed as human). The Tenko makes even more sense when taken into consideration that Mystery’s third eye (typically a form of wisdom connected to overpowering the mortality of ones self) opens. So how was this done in such a short amount of time? “Kitsune do not accept aid from those who are not willing. they do not ask for help, and as such, most aid must come from another's initiative. Kitsune are emotional and very vengeful. Kitsune will lose their temper at the slightest provocation. Once someone has earned a kitsune's enmity, the kitsune will begin enacting revenge that can become quite extreme. On the other hand, those who have earned a kitsune's trust and loyalty will see a friendship that can last through many trials. Freedom is very important to the kitsune. They do not accept being forced into something they do not wish, and do not like being bound or trapped. Doing so weakens the kitsune.” Mystery as we know is very much controlled by his emotions, going head first into things constantly based on reaction and his inability to control his power under distress. His tails arose in the fight sequence every time he fulfilled his oath AND used 100% of his form/power. Therefore, his tails grew because he wasn’t holding back anymore, not his grievances, not his appearance, nor his hesitance in his evident distress of being bound to two entities that both required his aid.  My last note on these images comes from a tumblr user’s reverse audio clipping (https://nebulous-rain.tumblr.com/post/633555549749952512/ok-so-yknow-that-one-reversed-part-of-future). The rewind of the clip of Mystery’s transformation plays “When I’m With You”, which yes, cool a possible Easter egg to the next song! BUT what is this song about? Let me just bring up the first line of the song: “You got me hanging by a THREAD...I wish I could turn back time...I wish I could rewind life...” and before the chorus “I’m gonna make it right”. We know that this can refer to rectifying the wrongs of Lewis’ death, but more accurately to do so we need to defeat the evil inside this mutt that is pulling the strings of this whole fiasco. And this might just be the intro portion of the next mystery skulls mind you as we’ve also gotten many false starts with the previous two videos where hellbent used “every note” and future used “enemies” alongside the main song. BUT WE HAVE TWO YEARS ANYWAY, WHY BABBLE ON ABOUT THIS. LETS MOVE ON!
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Hearts in this series have not been just for identifying the dead or for aesthetic purposes, they are the life force of each powerful legend. I am actually surprised to see Shiro have a heart as she started off as a creation from Mystery and therefore her lifeforce is just his blood and without it she is nothing. I am curious about her color pallet though, her heart is purple and pink. Lewis’ is gold/yellow with touches of orange. And Mystery’s is just red, but it has a mix of everyone’s essence within it to keep it tied and whole. Shiro’s could be colored this way in reference to Lewis’ aid to help find her creator; which would explain why Mystery surrounds himself by color as he required outside help and how Lewis’ heart is yellow in reference to how recently Arthur helped him remember his friends/hidden memories. One thing we have learned about hearts is that they can be broken repeatedly and can be ripped apart from the body, but they can be repaired too through resolution/hope. Lewis restored his heart in hellbent by using Vivi’s flower petals and finding hope that he will get revenge, only for his heart to be repaired again through Arthur’s touch. Shiro may have withered away, but her heart is essentially not broken, she’d need Mystery to restore it as it was flung into space (and that again relies on Mystery finding his sanity and finding it in himself to even bring her back). And as for Mystery himself, he’s gonna need the whole gang to reach out to him to extract the parasite within and restore balance. I really want to know more about the heart properties and how they give their users their powers as well Vivi is able to summon her strength through a material connection (bat) that function in its own way as the vessel a heart does since its connecting her to her ancestry.
NOW to finalize, I offer you two queries:
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WHO IS ARTHURS HAND REACHING FOR!? I know it seems like Mystery, but that would be counter productive for the hand demon if he has Arthur interfering with his control. Is it still after Lewis as we’ve seen previous times where his arm acts up only in Lewis’ presence and when specifically other “magic” is at play? If so, is the goal to ward off Lewis and Vivi from defeating Mystery? Is Arthur gonna use the arm to find his own power as we’ve seen when he is able to momentarily cease control of it he kinda ruins anything electrical he touches and well, electricity is currently running rampant in there.
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and lastly, I am really curious how touch sensitive hearts are, We know that even the smallest of brushes can detect memory/links to the person holding it (as seen with how Shiro managed to get soul flowers in hellbent), but the fact that Lewis was so in touch with the feeling of Arthur EVEN THOUGH ARTHUR GRABBED HIS HEART THROUGH HIS METAL HAND MIND YOU!, that he still managed to feel the disturbance instantly. So my question is, is the touch sensitivity reliant on how close someone is to someone? I would like to say yes cause when Shiro touched his heart he didn’t react instantly, he felt her rummaging his memories and was awoken, but he didn’t kick her butt by fully reforming until after she had long since stepped on his heart and then forced the memory of Mystery to arise. But yeah, its a nice little detail.
Either way, thanks for reading! Feel free to add on, comment, or even dm me about more Mystery Skulls information and theories! Love to hear them!
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Getting Off
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,075
Summary: Bucky is so good at what he does he surprised you both ;)
Author’s Note: This is for the continuation of the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club drunk drabbles and the hot prompt below as well as a request (also included below) that I got, they fit well together so I combined the two! Thank you for prompt and the request! Hope you guys enjoy this! Thank you all for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Fingering, oral (f rec), squirting, cursing, dirty talk, SMUT (18+ only please)
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“Baby girl, I promise I’m gonna take good care of you, ok? Just relax and trust me. Talk to me, I’ll do whatever you want.” Bucky’s words leave you reeling, his large body pressing you into the mattress and his hands trailing over your bare skin. You can feel the wetness soaking your underwear and for the first time you feel confident that you’re going to really enjoy this experience.
Your partners in the past were nice and all but they were never any good at getting you off. It wasn’t that they were doing anything wrong necessarily you just never felt like it worked for you, but with Bucky everything felt different. Better. Much better.
His kisses start soft at first and you let your inhibitions go, wholly giving in to him and the feel of his warm lips and calloused hands. He sits up and removes his shirt, smirking when your eyes travel down his broad shoulders and chest, clearly enjoying what you see. His lips trail down your neck while his hand sneaks under the waistband of your underwear, a loud moan vibrating against your skin when he feels how wet you are.
“Fuck, doll.” He runs a finger through your folds, collecting your arousal and expertly rubbing your clit, the pressure and motion just right and you already feel your body reacting anew. Keeping his thumb pressed to your clit he slides in a finger, curling it at just the right angle to have your hips arching off the bed.
With his lips at your ear he whispers filthy words while he slowly pumps his fingers in and out and you spread your legs farther apart, silently asking for more. His mouth works its way over your breasts and down your stomach, his hot breath fanning against your pussy as he adds a second finger. Removing his thumb, he replaces it with his tongue, gently sucking and flicking your clit in a rhythm that makes your body sing.
He looks up from between your legs, your arousal coating his lips and chin, “does this feel good baby?” You nearly cum from the sight of him but manage to shake your head yes before it falls back to the pillow, his tongue latching onto you once again. Your fingers comb through his hair and gather the long strands, tugging on them to bring him closer.
You can feel yourself unraveling, the tension in your stomach building and your head feeling light and dizzy. Sucking your clit between his lips he pushes in a third finger and your body starts to convulse with the rush of your orgasm. Bucky’s name leaves your parted lips like a chant and you feel the force of your release, your whole-body thrumming.
“Holy fuck, baby girl, you just squirted for me.” You sit up on your elbows, looking down at him just as his tongue darts out to lick your cum from his cheek. “I’ve never had a woman do that for me before. All I can say is WOW.” You’re not sure if you’re going to pass out from the orgasm or the embarrassment and let out a groan, covering your face with your hand.
Bucky crawls up your body, pulling your hand away, “oh no, doll, you don’t understand. That was incredible.” His words and the sincere look in his eyes make you feel more at ease and you smile, giggling when you notice something at the bottom of his hair. He grabs his hair and gives you a wicked smile, murmuring, “so fucking hot,” against your lips before kissing you senseless.
When he finally comes up for air you let your body go limp, your muscles completely pliant under his touch. “Tell you what, how about I get us a drink and snack before we go for round 2.” You feel far too sated to make a sassy comment, so you just kiss him and mumble, “thank you,” before rolling over and curling into this pillow. He gets up with a chuckle and throws on some shorts and a tee shirt, looking down and grumbling, “what the hell am I supposed to do with this?”
Peeking an eye open you see the large tent in his shorts and cackle, making his eyes land on you, “let’s hope no one is around.” Adjusting himself and trying to somewhat remedy this situation he heads out, lightly shutting the door behind him. You wait patiently, enjoying the time your body has to rest but as more minutes go by you start to feel the ache between your legs build and wish he would hurry up already.
You sit up and check the time, seeing he’s been gone almost 15 minutes. You start to get nervous, thinking maybe he ran off and left you here. With your mind racing through a million negative thoughts you throw on his shirt and your underwear and creep out into the hallway. You hear voices from the kitchen and quietly tip toe to the edge of the wall.
Glancing around the corner you see Bucky standing behind the island, his lower half well hidden from Sam as they talk. “I swear Sam, I never kiss and tell but man, it was amazing. I just wanted her to get off and feel good and I guess I don’t have to worry about that.  Sam drops his head into his coffee with a wide grin, slapping the table and standing.
“Well, I’m happy for you both. Clearly, a good time was had by everyone.” Bucky smirks, watching as Sam empties his coffee mug and starts to walk back to his room. “With all due respect man, it was fucking hot as hell.” Sam laughs, patting Bucky on the shoulder and walking out.
You cover your mouth to stifle a squeal and rush back to Bucky’s room, throwing his shirt on the floor and ridding yourself of your underwear. With newfound confidence you lay on the bed and wait, the sound of the doorknob making your heartbeat thunder in your ears. Bucky’s eyes darken when he finds you laid out on his bed, the wetness between your legs glistening under the soft lights. Taking off his shirt, he pulls down his shorts, letting his hard cock spring free and settle against his abs. He slowly walks toward you, the bed dipping when he kneels on the edge, “I hope you’re ready for round 2 baby.”  
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @buckys-henley @breezy1415 @buckys-broody-muffin @buckys-minty-breath @buckosawrus @buckstaybucky @bucky-on-my-mind @chuuulip @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hawksmagnolia @hailmary-yramliah @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @loricameback @lokilvrr @lorilane33 @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines @marvelgirl7 @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @yansi1923​ 
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swordancer7 · 3 years
How I would have done a blackened Sonia
All right, so, I never thought Sonia was going to survive till the end of the game. She seemed suspicious to me in every trial and I felt she always had possible ways of killing the victim that were less far fetched then some of the actual killers.
She also seemed easy to kill, she is a princess with 0 real world experience so fooling her into being in dangerous situations would be easy. Being a foreigner as well, means you could get away with some bullshit saying it was just cultural difference.
I know Kazuichi is the easy route, but I think it would be interesting if she killed him.
I'm thinking specially about chapter 4, where she would have been the killer instead of Gundham. In part because when I played I thought that Gundham is was dumb to make an elaborate kill like Nekomaru's. However, I would make Gundham the most suspect person in this one case.
Since he and Sonia spent a long time together that chapter for the first time, it makes a quick correlation between him, her and Kazuichi.
The circumstances of Kazuichi's death would be:
-He is found dead stabbed on the chest, laying in his own bed;
-He is found with strange blood splatters in his suit. His arm is close to his body, but the blood splatters in his sleeve and chest form a big and unusual angle.
-his knees are pointing to the wall, close to the end of the bed, but the knife is in his chest, so if the person was sat in the bed they would have had to reach around him to kill him, or he really was stabbed while laying on his back.
In my version, I'd add more scenes to the chapter: one of some of the students playing with Gundham's hamsters, probably Hajime, someone from strawberry house and Kazuichi himself, adding a new clue:
-He has white, grey and brown fur on his hand/sleeve.
The other scene would be very minor, Kazuichi would go explore the Straeberry house together (as usual the victim spends more time with the protagonist before their death). Kazuichi and Hajime have a very awkward time since Kazuichi is clearly so suspicious of Hinata since the last trial. They never solve this weird tension and it keeps bugging Hinata after the trial because he knows Kazuichi wanted to believe him because of the talk they had during exploring the house.
During the exploration of the strawberry house/grape house there is a throw away line mentioning that Kazuichi paints his nails very poorly. Which leads me to the new clue about the body:
-Kazuichi's nails are perfectly painted black.
Someone beside's Nagito still has used the final room and someone notes that one of Kazuichi's tools is missing from his toolbox, that Kazuichi has mentioned to Hajime that he is proud to still complete (he is clumsy, he loses stuff sometimes). The elevator is broken in the grape house.
Now to the trial:
Sonia is one of the very first accused, but is quickly considered innocent since she wasnt part of the playing with the 4 devas of destruction scene. She even assumes she isnt as sad as she would be for his death like he was from previous victims, but that is shrugged off since he did bother her a lot and she was never seen being mean to him.
As I said, Gundham is suspect n°1. The fur in Kazuichi's hand/ sleeve is the collor of the 4 devas of destruction, though the other person in the scene and Hajime are also framed and considered suspects (mainly Hajme, since he also searched the houses with Kazuichi).
Out of the ones left, who else wears black nail polish? Gundham of course. Someone reveals that they did see Gundham entering his room, but all the other floors of the house where occupied and no one saw him in them beforehand.
I already told you Sonia is guilty, and I think part of the reason they move away from her so soon would be that often the game comes up with weird complicated tangents that distract from the real case, but the cases are often stupidly complicated as well, so this would get the player off their rithym by actually being one of the easiest things to explain.
"The elevator was stuck in grape house, but he died in strawberry house. The murdered probably made it stop on grape house as a red herring!" How did he do that? Idk, but they assume that's it and latter have to return and remember theres no proof of a way someone in strawberry house could make the elevator stop at grape house.
"Sonia wasnt playing with the hamsters, the fur in Kazuichi's sleeve was probably from that moment" Sonia didnt play with the dark devas, but that doesnt mean she couldn't have done it in another moment, when she was hanging out with Gundham.
"How would have Gundham gotten inside Kazuichi's room?" First conclusion is that he offered to paint Souda's nails as a excuse to get in his room.
And heres the thing: he was indeed the one who painted Kazuichi's nails, it even happened in Kazuichi's room. The someone who saw him enters his room did actually see him coming back from Kazuichi's room, but at that moment Kazuichi was still alive.
What happened was: Sonia went to Kazuichi's room after Gundham left, because she knew Gundham was going there, he mentioned it to her when they explored the houses together.
She gets in the room and plays a little with Kazuichi, pretends to be interested, gives him some affection and he ends up laying on her lap, which makes things easy when she finally stabs him.
Theres 2 ways you could play this out, the Souda x Gundham way and the non shipy way.
So if you are not interest in the shiping side, heres how I would do it: Gundham doesnt like seeing people fight, it's part of his nurturing nature, he offers to paint Kazuichi's nails as a peace offering and to explain he isnt romantically interested in Sonia, as well as to ask him to not doubt Hinata either, since he can sense (as in: knows by his body lenguage) that Hajime doesnt plan on hurting anyone, much less Kazuichi who he considers a friend.
Sonia did approach Gundham for an interest in his obscure aesthetic and the thing about raising animals that is important for courtship rituals in her country, that she mentions in her free time event. But when Gundham tells her he wants to talk to Kazuichi she is an opportunity to frame him for the murder, she is already reached her boiling point with Kazuichi, even if she doesnt show it (like celeste).
Like celeste, she has been desperate to leave the game (as she also mentions in her free time event). She feels the responsibility to come back to her country, that she cant leave her people without a governor and she finally saw a chance of escaping the island.
Ok, shippy way: Sonia is jealous of Kazuichi because Gundham tells her he has a crush on Kazuichi. And Sonia has a crush on Gundham.
She cant stand Kazuichi anymore, all her life people have pretend to be her friends/lovers to gain her trust and favours, she doesnt trust anyone who is too enthusiastic about being close to her. That's why she likes Gundham, he is mysterious and quiet and she feels she has to conquer him instead of having him lead her on for favours.
Gundham is pretty bad at expressing his feelings but (as seen in his free time events) he is also clearly starved for affection. Kazuichi seems to have a grudge against him and Gundham admires that he is so enthusiastic about how much he likes Sonia, and fuck dude, he wants someone to be in love with him like that.
Sonia is completely done with Kazuichi already, and kills him out of anger and jealousy. He got Gundham interested in him despite being annoying all the time and she feels like he was stealing Gundham from her right when she was able to conquer his friendship.
She likes true crime, she has seen lots of stories of people murdering others for love, she even thinks its romantic.
So yeah, that's it. Its kinds dumb but I think it's ok since so many of the cases in the game are already dumb.
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