#its mostly my guy friends calling me and my bestfriend that
thewholeproblem · 6 months
When I was in college my friends used to say 'aadman' (आदमन) when referring to women instead of 'aurat' (औरत) and I honestly think about it a lot.
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goldfades · 5 months
I’m just saying…. headcannons for paige with a bestfriend to partner who’s an introvert.
And I mean those introverts who seem quiet but the moment they get comfortable around you it’s over, but like only they get to see that side.
Paige seems like an extrovert that adopts introverts, like just imagine her having to drag her partner out of their room all the time cuz they’re a damn hermit.
─ warnings | mention of drinking, teasing, fluff, nothin' else?
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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honestly, you are so right in that assumption
she definitely gets closer with more introverted people, bc opposites DO really attract
when you guys first met it was your freshman year at uconn, at first you'd probably think she's WAY too much ─ maybe even cocky LOL (but who can blame her she's the best)
but when you spend more one on one time with her, you realize she's really funny and sweet
because you're so quiet, paige would be naturally drawn to you cus she gets to know you
so she just pesters you until you eventually give in and hang out with her
from that point on, the one is never seen without the other
you guys would always be together
but like... usually, you're just WITH paige so people don't really acknowledge you cus you're so quiet
but then paige would like force you to socialize
"this is y/n, i promise she's fun you just gotta put a little liquor in her-" "PAIGE."
she would push you toward her close friends the most, def like ice, azzi, nika and kk
and then you eventually would get really close with them, you all have your cute little friend group
you and ice would make fun of paige and kk together, you and azzi are kinda similar so you find yourself hanging out with her alone a lot more, and nika would force you out your shell a lot too
after a couple months of being friends, paige would definitely find herself catching feels
like i've said in my other headcanons, she just thinks you're such a big source of comfort for her and it slowly just becomes full-on adoration cus
she adores you
and you compliment her personality so well she is just like "i NEED to have her right now"
she ends up confessing one night after a really terrible game and then y'all kiss ...
and the rest is history 🤗🤗🤗
jk here's some relationship headcanons
again, you are so right nonnie
like i mentioned, one is never seen without the other
so you're always tied at the hip, especially at parties
at first she has to force you
like FULL force
she calls backup ofc ice and kk come and then its 3 vs 1
they end up winning
and this happens time and time again, you just get so worn down you'd rather just endure the damn party then listen to all three of them scream at you
which was the goal 🥰
and you're definitely the sober one 95% of the time so you will be taking care of a very drunk paige
(maybe some separate headcanons for her if yall want)
and sometimes even ice/kk but it's mostly just your girlfriend
anyway, yeah you take her home, take of her and then get her into bed
and when you try to leave she will be so dramatic, she forces you to stay with her
you don't mind cus you love cuddly paige
but the 5% when you're the one who's blackout drunk, paige is gonna take such good care of you
because you're so introverted when you're sober, you're probably gonna be such a rowdy drunk
yes im her shes me
so paige makes sure you don't get into trouble and gets you home safe and sound
but if you do something stupid, she will never ever let you live it down
"remember that time you jumped into the pool and-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP"
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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nieceeee · 3 months
Okay current fics that are in the works or coming up. This is my accountability list so yall....hold ya girl accountable lol
All fics are black reader and black coded just so you know. But let me know which ones yall excited to read
For The 1st Time: arranged marriage: ony x reader - angst, fluff
You knew that this was your destiny. From the time you were born. Ony knew it as well. But the problem...neither of you knew each other. Ony was set to be one of the most powerful men in his industry and to solidify that, your father promised you to him. But how the hell was he supposed to marry someone he's never met...
If you want you can watch on your video phone: nerd!gojo x camgirl reader - smut
Gojo was more reserved about his personal life than most people. From the outside he was a standup guy. Mostly quiet to those who didn't know him. He kept his head low, his grades high, and his mouth closed. But Gojo had a very nasty secret. Because deep in his mansion, with his doors bolted shut Gojo has an obsession. One that just happens to be the melanated girl that sits in front of him in class. He never spoke to you in public but the thoughts he had about you in private would make a porn star blush. But Gojo failed to realize one little thing. You knew exactly who your favorite streamer was, it was only a matter of time until you addressed him about it...
Lovers and Friends: gojo x virgin reader - smut, angst
Gojo and Geto have been friends for years and that didn't change when you had come along. A few years younger than them when your mom married Geto's dad and the duo became a trio. It had always been you three whether you liked it or not. Gojo never viewed you as a little sister but you were always someone he knew he would protect no matter what. So when you approached him with your offer, needless to say he was shocked. Initially he refused but you knew as well as he did how convincing you could be.
My Little Secret: Ony x reader - angst, smut
You and Ony had never really solidified your relationship with one another. It was all "my man my man my man" when yall were alone but in public, nobody knew the dirty little secret you shared. Not even Ony's little girlfriend. So when he pulls up to the party with her on his arm, will you be able to keep that secret under wraps? If he doesn't tell, you won't tell..
Indefinitely: babydaddy!eren x reader - heavy angst
Things with you and your baby daddy were fine as far as you can tell. You both had moved on and managed a great coparenting relationship. Everything seemed okay...for you. Eren on the other hand was seething. Because not only had you moved on, you had found someone new. So when a chance encounter between your new boo and Eren come to a head after he sees him with your son, you forced to make a tough decision that will pivot you and Eren's relationship forever.
Wanna Be: bestfriend!ony x reader - slight angst, fluff
“Not trynna hear you tell nobody that I’m just a friend. Just trynna make sure I’m the body that you call your man…” Ony is your best friend and its been that way for years. He was your safe haven as much as you were his. You've always shared a connection with one another that many didn't understand. But recently Ony has been struggling with his feelings for you. Things that he used to feel don't quite feel the same anymore. And he's forced to come to terms with reality...
Liquor: drunk!armin x reader - smut
There's something in this liquor. It has to be. That's the only reason he was like this. Because there wasn't any other reason why the cute, quiet blonde boy that stuttered anytime you approached him had you pinned up like this, tears falling from the corners of your eyes...
Mirror Staring Back At Me: bestfriend!eren x reader - smut
He knew better. He knew not to get involved in your relationships. He knew his place at your side. But Eren couldn't help it. Not when he saw how they tried to destroy your confidence. You standing in the mirror with eyes of uncertainty. You picking yourself apart from their words. So he did what only a good best friend would do. He showed you right there in your mirror exactly how he felt about you and how you should to...
All Things Ya Man Won't Do: ony x reader - fluff to smut
Most of your life your relationships have been transactional. You learned early on that nothing you get comes for free, especially with me. It was always a give and take. So when you got with Ony, you expected the same things. For every gift he got you, you made sure to double it because that's how the game goes right? Well Ony wasn't having that. He was going to get it through to you by any means necessary...
A Rock and a Hard Place: choso x reader - fluff, suggestive
This was it! You were going to get in shape. And what better way that to do something fun like...rock climbing? Why the hell did you let your best friend talk you into this? Heights were not your strong suit. But a little help from the cute instructor may take your mind off things...
SPIN: ony x reader - smut
"Ass or tits?" was the question asked of him. "Titties all day. Yall can keep that other shit." Ony has always been an assertive man. He knew what he liked and what he didn't like. He knew what turned him on and what he pulled away from. He was always certain in his decisions. That was until you came along. The moment you stepped into his life, everything Ony swore he wasn't interested in was flipped upside down...
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itsseohannbin · 5 months
• Like A Volcano | Part Six | • SMUT MDNI
Han Jisung Mini Series
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© itshannjisung, 2024
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♡ itsseohannbins masterlist ♡
Series Masterlist
Chapter Genre: Crack💥 Angst⚡️Fluff 💕Suggestive Themes 💋
-Bestfriends to Lovers Trope-
Summary: being best friends with the kings of kpop always has its ups and downs, and when you're offered a spot on the next European-American book tour to promote the publishing of your new book, there's one kpop king in particular who just doesn't want you to go.
Pairing: Idol!Han Jisung x Female Reader x Bestfriend Skz
** Includes two of my own original female characters, both whom are romantically involved with two of the members. Chan x Jo / Minho x Ash **
Warnings: Swearing. brief vulnerability over the trauma yn went through. good guy Jisung (srsly why can't all men be this incredible?). tooth-rotting fluff throughout but mostly towards the end. the boys do not use honorifics. reader is called jagiya & princess SMUT; making out. dry-humping/grinding. breast/nipple play. dirty-ish talk. soft!dom Han. brief dom/sub reader. praise kink. slight doting. fingering. anal play (f rec). edging. unprotected sex (dont do this). p in v sex. reader is on the pill, though it is not mentioned. failed pull out method/cumming inside. multiple positions. hair pulling (m rec). crying during sex. biting. overstimulation (m and f rec). flaccid-fucking. multiple orgasms.
I think that's everything. lmk if I missed something!
Word Count: 11k (lol whoops)
Screenshot Count: 8
**this chapter is edited and revised**
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The second you stepped foot back inside of your apartment with Jisung by your side, a wave of anxiety stabbed you abruptly in the gut. Not because of what was yet to come once the two of you eventually reached the bedroom, but because that same helpless feeling you felt earlier in the night had returned, hitting you at full force despite having Jisung glued to your side.
Your eyes darted around the living room nervously as you dropped your keys onto the table by the door and discarded your shoes. You expected something to jump out from the shadows at any given moment, though logically, you knew nobody else was in here. 
Still, your body tensed as you strode further inwards, your jaw clenched in anticipation as the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, waiting for something to happen.
A big part of you still felt Seojun lingering in every corner of the one-bedroom apartment you rented out, and when a gust of wind blew in through the cracked window and sent your curtains flying about, you nearly screamed in surprise. Fortunately, all that left your mouth was a small gasp, causing Jisungs arms to wrap around you in an instant.
“It’s alright, Jagiya.” he cooed softly in your ear as his arms tightened around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder. “He’s not here. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
Your eyebrows shot upwards in surprise at his words, causing you to turn in his hold and look at him in confusion.
“How did you-?” you paused and squinted at him, the pieces forming together quickly inside of your mind. “Minho, that bastard.” you finished with an annoyed grunt.
Obviously it was Minho.
Jisungs hand came up to hold the back of your head as he pulled you into a hug. 
“Please don’t be mad at Min, okay? When he, Chan, Jo and Ash left in a hurry this morning I knew something was going on. I practically forced it out of him the second they got back home.” he explained. "I didn't want to believe it until I saw for myself, so I'm sorry for what I said back at the club. You didn't deserve the way I spoke to you. I was just hurt and confused."
You swallowed roughly at the news, wondering how much Minho had told him.
“How much do you know?” You asked, barely registering the coldness that seemed to seep into your words. You bit the inside of your cheek as you waited for Jisungs response.
“He didn’t tell me the details.” he reassured you, his arms still holding you in a tight embrace. “Just that that asshole was hurting you. He didn’t even tell me you were home.”
You nodded slowly, lost in thought. 
Despite wanting to be mad at Minho, you knew you couldn’t be. Your friends always had your best interests in mind, even if it didn’t seem like it at times, so Minho telling Jisung meant he was confident Jisung wouldn’t say anything to anyone, especially not to the others.
Though, you knew with how nosy and protective they all were, they’d all find out the truth eventually. It wasn’t like you were planning on hiding it from them, you just wanted to avoid the topic as long as you could. But right here, right now, you couldn’t think of any reason not to tell Jisung the details of what you went through.
You trusted him with your life, and this, whatever this was, was forever. He’d never leave your side again and you knew you’d never leave his.
“Do you want to know?” you asked softly, almost whispering as your head dipped and your eyes found your feet. You wouldn’t push it upon him, but you knew letting him know you trusted him with everything in you was important. He needed the reassurance, needed to see how serious you were about him, about this, about whatever came next for the two of you after tonight.
Jisung was silent for a moment as his fingers found the cast on your arm, causing your eyes to lift up anxiously and meet him once more. He looked pained and unsure as he stared at the plaster, as if the answer to your question was more than just a simple yes or no, because in all honesty, it was. 
This was about more than just finding out what makes each other tick, it was about being vulnerable and opening up about the trauma you worked so hard to push away. It was about giving someone the opportunity to destroy you and trusting them not to. It was about handing them a ‘get out of jail’ free card and then praying they wouldn’t use it, that they wouldn’t leave, that they’d stay.
It was scary. 
No, it was fucking terrifying, but for Jisung, you would do anything.
After a couple of short, thoughtful breaths, Jisung gave you a sad smile. 
“Not unless you want me to know. And even then, I won’t pressure you into telling me.” he answered, softly kissing the tip of your nose. “Just know that I’m not going anywhere, okay? No matter what you went through and who you become because of it, I’ll be right here. I’ll stick by your side while you work through this and do whatever it is you need of me to help. We’re in this together.”
It was like a flame had suddenly ignited inside the depths of your heart at his words. Like someone had poured gasoline into your veins in an attempt to bring you down, and Jisungs words, his encouragement, was the match that lit you on fire and allowed you to fight back.
The sentiment was short and sweet, one that anybody else would have laughed at and waved off as him being too cheesy, but to you, it meant everything. You could feel the sincerity and truth behind each vowel, each consonant, and it made your heart burst with a form of emotion you’ve never felt before.
It was more than the happiness and joy you felt when you were surrounded by your friends, more than the excitement and anticipation you endured when you walked out on stage and found thousands of fans staring back at you. It was more than any pain and sadness you felt during your time away.
This was it. This was true love. And you found it in your best friend, just like you always hoped you would.
A smile broke out onto your face and an unexpected sob escaped your throat as you stared into Jisungs big, beautiful eyes. The ones that held so much adoration, so much joy, so much respect. You saw galaxies upon galaxies inside them, the chocolatey brown nearly hypnotising you as they sparkled in the dim light.
In that moment, you wanted him, needed him, in every way possible, but the words got caught in your throat and all that you managed to squeak out was a small “Thank you Ji.”
Jisung smiled back at you, a laugh seeping from his lips.
“Anything for you, Princess.” he whispered. Your heart skipped a beat.
“Anything, you say?” you then raised your eyebrow suggestively, causing his gummy smile to fade into one of his signature smirks.
The way his eyes darkened as if on cue had a fire stirring in your lower belly.
“Absolutely anything.” he chimed back without hesitation.
And those words of affirmation were all you needed to pick up where the two of you left off at the club. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to you, swiftly connecting your lips to his. Immediately, he scooped you up and wrapped your legs around his waist as his tongue pushed against your lips, demanding entry.
Before you knew it, you were straddling Jisung on the couch, your tongues both slowly and lazily tasting each other, exploring the expanses of what the other had to offer. While your fingers threaded through his hair, his hands explored you at an achingly slow pace. It was like he couldn’t get enough of you, his movements neverending as he memorised every inch of skin he could find.
All traces of wanting to rip his clothes off had exited your mind the second he sat the two of you down. There was no rush. You guys had the rest of your lives to jump into the sheets with one another. This night, however, would be one you both would remember for eternity, and the both of you cherished every breathing second you had as if it would be your last.
Every breath was slow, every touch delicate and teasing, every smile and giggle against the others lips dissolved into another long, searing-hot kiss. The two of you could stay like this for hours and still neither of you would be completely satisfied.
You weren’t sure how long the two of you sat like this for, just holding each other while your tongues battled for dominance, but when Jisung eventually pulled away, the two of you were breathless and exhausted.
You didn’t say a word as his big eyes found yours, his hands finally teasing the hem of the shirt you had on, a look of question in his eyes. He was silently asking permission to go further, to touch more of you, and you hoped the half nod and smile you sent back his way would suffice as an answer as you were still struggling to catch your breath.
Jisung didn’t give you much time to do so before he captured your lips once more and put his hands to work.
When his large, calloused hands dipped beneath the fabric, a jolt of electricity shot across your skin and a gasp fell from your lips into Jisungs open mouth. He smiled against you before reaching his hands higher, his fingers softly tracing up your spine until he came into contact with the clasp of your bra.
With one flick of his wrist, your clasp was undone, and he wasted no time bringing one of his hands around to slip under the cup and grab ahold of your breast.
With his other hand, he pulled your shirt over your head while he gently kneaded you in his palm, your bra following shortly after. He pulled away from your lips and leaned back to briefly stare at your now naked chest in wonder. 
“Jesus Christ Jagi,” he whispered delightfully, his thumb coming up to run across your already hardened nipple. Your body jolted at the sensation, causing an evil grin to lift the corners of his mouth while a puddle formed in your panties. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
A blush crept to your cheeks, but instead of feeling insecure and shying away from him, you felt your ego boost to a whole new level.
Jisung brought his face to your chest and delicately kissed the cluster of scabs that sat at the crevice where your torso and arm met. You expected the old cigarette burns to hurt when his lips came into contact with them, but you felt nothing but neutral sensitivity. The action was so intimate and soft you almost lost your senses, but then Jisung was back to the task at hand an instant later, the soft, sweet moment gone. 
“Does that feel good, Princess?” Jisung asked as he rubbed his thumb across your nipple once more, watching the way your head fell back while a moan escaped your lips. You nodded in response, your hips seeming to have a mind of their own as they swung back before dragging forwards against the bulge in his pants that didn’t seem to fully go away ever since you kissed him in the club.
Both of you moaned noisily into the emptiness of the apartment as you repeated your actions several more times, the two of you feeling the wave of pleasure you both so desperately craved but were too nervous to insinuate up until now. 
“That’s it Jagi, lemme’ hear those pretty sounds.” Jisung mumbled as his other hand came up to cup your other breast, his thumbs now both circling around your nipples simultaneously.
Your jaw fell open and your eyes squeezed closed as pleasure shot through your body at his actions, another moan eliciting itself from deep within. With his thumbs gently playing with your nipples and his dick growing harder and harder against your core, you swore you were on cloud nine. A laugh escaped Jisungs throat as he watched you seductively grind against him.
“That’s my girl.” he praised softly, smiling up at you. Your eyes popped open at his words, the praise sending chills straight down to your pussy, and he flashed you another evil grin before bringing his face back into your chest. 
He wasted no time in clamping his mouth down around one of your nipples, his tongue expertly running over it as his now free arm folded around you, holding you against him and causing a halt in your hips movements. A high-pitched cry left your mouth when he pinched the opposite nipple between his thumb and pointer finger, his tongue still working wonders against you.
It had been so long since you had any of this, felt any of this, that you weren’t sure what to do, how to react. No one had ever touched you like this before. Seojun barely spared you any type of physical affection when the two of you got intimate, and if he did, it was brief, never lasting long enough for you to even get worked up over.
Jisung was bringing you into unfamiliar territory, and quickly at that. Despite his strong hold against your lower back, despite wanting to melt into the way his tongue slowly worked your sensitive bud, blowing at it and nibbling when he needed to breathe, you couldn’t help but wiggle. You needed to feel this on top of the added movement of your hips grinding against his. You needed to feel that warm, fuzzy feeling build up in your tummy that you haven’t felt in years.
“Ji.” you cried as your hands flew up to tug at his hair, trying to pull him from your chest. Jisung mumbled a soft ‘hmmm’ in response, his attention solely focused on your breasts. 
“I need more.” you whined. The way your lower lip jutted out was more than a little pathetic, you knew that, but with the way Jisung was pleasuring you right now, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Jisung pulled away from you then and craned his head back to stare at you. 
“What’s wrong, Princess?” he doted, his fingers pausing in their attack on your swollen nipple and coming up to tug at your pout. “You want more?”
You cried against his touch.
“I need more.” you emphasised, your hips still struggling to move against his firm hold. "I need you." 
Jisung paused to brush a strand of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear and giving you a firm kiss on the lips before he released his hold on you.
"God, I want you so bad Princess." he whispered as his darkened eyes sparkled into yours. You swung your hips back and grinded hard against him, continuing your previous assault on the boner in his pants.
"Then fucking take me already Ji." you begged.
Jisung let out a small sigh and brushed some more hair from your face.
"I can't." he pouted. “Even though there’s nothing I would rather do more.”
You quirked your eyebrow and smirked at him as your hips continued their slow movement against his.  "Oh, and why is that Ji?" you teased around a small gasp, bringing your face to his jawline where you began planting soft kisses. 
Jisung sighed once more, his body growing tense under you, and you immediately stopped all of your movements. You pulled back to look at him, your eyes widening in concern as you took in the anxious expression that had suddenly fallen upon his face and the way he was nervously chewing on his lower lip,
“Ji, Baby, what’s wrong?”
Jisung swallowed roughly before his gaze fell to your shoulder. He pulled his lower lip into his mouth completely, his breath shaky as he gave you a slow response, the anticipation killing you.
“I just,” he paused before his eyes found yours again, his once darkened pupils now dilated with worry. “I don't want you to feel like I’m taking advantage of you. We both have alcohol in us and I don’t want our first time to be made on a drunken decision that you’re gonna’ regret in the morning.”
His honesty melted your heart but his insecurities threatened to disintegrate it completely. You hadn’t even thought of the fact that the two of you were running on alcohol and adrenaline alone. You were completely consumed by him that you didn’t even stop to think about what he wanted, what he needed.
It was your turn to reach up and tug at his pout.
“Han Jisung, the man you are.” you whispered in complete awe. Jisung’s lower lip jutted out further and he blinked up at you through his long lashes.
“I’m sorry, Bubs.” he whispered. Instantly, your hands flew up to cup his face, forcing him to tilt his head back and look at you completely.
“Hey. None of that.” you lightly scolded. “Never apologise for speaking your mind and telling me how you feel, okay?” Your eyes shone into his so intensely Jisung thought he might cry. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint you and his anxiety was quickly making him feel as if he was.
He swallowed hard again, his eyes darting between yours. The two of you stared at each other intimately for a moment before he nodded, his body relaxing slightly beneath you.
"I will never regret you." you then added, making sure he understood every syllable and that he felt the truth behind your claim. “Never.”
A small breath of relief left Jisungs mouth and he nodded again, the reassurance charging him like a battery. That’s all he needed to hear.
“Thank you Jagi.” he whispered, his face leaning into the hands that were pressed against his cheeks. The warmth that radiated from your body mixed with the smell of you was soothing and comforting to him, so much so he suddenly felt tired and exhausted and like he could fall asleep right then and there.
You noticed his eyes closing, his body melding into yours, and you leaned forward to plant a kiss on his exposed forehead. Jisung smiled and opened his eyes slightly to beam up at you.
“I’d do anything for you, you know that, right?” you asked softly, your thumbs running delicately against his cheek bones. Jisung's eyes sparkled at your words, his lips tilting upwards into another one of his signature smirks.
“Anything?” he mimicked your words from earlier, causing a giggle to escape your lips. God, he could listen to that sound all day.
You gave his cheeks a small squeeze.
“Absolutely anything.” you quipped back before placing another kiss on his forehead, followed by one to his nose. Jisungs smirk broke out into a smile before he carefully hoisted you off of his lap and held his hand out to you while he stood from the couch.
“Come shower with me?” he asked, his eyes glimmering with joy. You stared up at him, your mind still trying to process how he managed to get you off of him and on to his feet so quickly.
“What?” you asked out of habit. It wasn’t that you hadn’t heard him, you heard him loud and clear, but your brain was foggy as the adrenaline from your lewd actions began to simmer.
Jisung took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet when you took too long to do so yourself. He wasted no time planting a kiss to your cheek before pulling you towards the bathroom door, that damn evil grin appearing on his face once more.
“The sooner we shower and clean up, the sooner we can go to sleep, and the sooner we go to sleep, the sooner we can wake up and do what we’re both dying to do right now.”
He didn’t even wait for your answer as he opened the door to the bathroom and pulled you promptly inside.
Waking up the next morning beside Jisung was a strange and unfamiliar sensation. Not because you had someone in the bed next to you, that much you were used to by now, but because of the sheer level of intimacy that was shared between the two of you as your limbs tangled together in peace. 
You never woke up in another person's arms before, their face pressed into the back of your neck where their breath tickled you softly. It was strange to wake up engulfed in another person's scent, their arms wrapped tightly around your torso as if they were scared you’d disappear if they let go, even in their sleep.
It had been a long time since you woke up feeling this calm and at peace.
It had been a long time since you felt this safe.
You blinked your eyes open and glanced over at the alarm clock on your bedside table. It was only six in the morning. You let out a small groan. 
You were careful not to jostle Jisung too much as you reached blindly for your phone. You were happy to see you hadn’t received any more messages or calls from Seojun, but the twelve missed calls from Jo and the endless group chat messages left you feeling just as crappy.
You had totally forgotten to text the group last night to let them know you and Jisung were together and safe. You stifled a sound of guilt as you lazily swiped across the screen to read the messages everyone had sent.
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You let out a small sigh, laughing silently to yourself at your friends and their antics. You debated texting them back, but Jisung shifting his body behind you had you dropping your phone to the table once more and turning softly in his embrace.
He lay on his back, his one arm still tightly wrapped around you while the other was now thrown across his forehead, trying to block the sunlight that poured into the room. A cool breeze blew through the open window, causing him to squeeze you against his warm body.
You rested your head onto his shoulder and glanced up at him, admiring him as he slept. 
He was absolutely exquisite.
His skin was glowing against the early morning sun, making the small scar along his forehead and the mole on his cheek stand out prominently. There were bags under his eyes, only slightly lighter than they were the night before, and his long eyelashes cast shadows across his cheeks beautifully.
The scar beside his eye was practically begging for you to run your finger along it, so you did, reaching up gently and making sure your touch was feather-light. With a mind of its own, your finger then moved to trace the bridge of his nose down to the tip before slowly running along the plushness of his lips. 
Your face began to heat up as you thought about his lips and what else they were capable of other than kissing you senseless, and you were so wrapped in the thought that you nearly jumped when Jisungs fingers dug into your side lovingly a moment later, signalling he was awake.
You grinned up at him and poked his mole, causing a smile to breakout across his face, his eyes still closed.
“Good Morning Princess,” he whispered, his voice raspy from sleep. “Did you sleep well?”
With your finger still prodding at the tiny beauty mark, you sighed.
“Better than I have in years.” you told him honestly. Jisung just smiled and brought his other arm around you again, pulling you up so you were laying on top of him, your legs now tangling with his.
You rested your hands along his naked chest, your chin propped on top of them as you melted into his touch and watched as his eyes opened slowly. He looked down at you as one of his hands reached up to brush his knuckles softly against your cheek.
“You’re so gorgeous, Jagiya.” he murmured. “I love you so much.”
You didn’t need to say it back. Jisung knew just from the twinkle in your eyes how deeply you felt for him. It made his heart pound in happiness.
The two of you were silent for a moment, staring at each other in wonder as you both got lost in thought. You felt breathless knowing he was yours now, completely and undeniably so.
You were so scared he wasn’t going to want you back after everything that happened. You were so sure you were going to tell him how you felt and he would just turn around and leave you in the dust, much like you left him. 
The fact that the two of you were here now, clinging to each other while you both tried to rid your bodies from sleep, was an absolute dream come true. It couldn’t have turned out better.
You impulsively reached one hand up to trace your fingers against his lips once more, your mind once again swirling with thoughts of him pleasuring you with it.
“I was so worried I wasn’t going to get you back.” you whispered, trying to mask the blush on your cheeks.
Jisung grabbed your fingers and kissed them gently before resting his cheek against them. 
“I was so worried you weren’t going to come back.” he answered just as quietly, his eyes staring into yours. You gave him a cheeky grin as you scooted up his torso, bringing your face level with his.
“Yejun told me about all of your late night endeavours. You’ve been pretty busy since I’ve been gone, huh?” you teased before planting a kiss to his cheek and nestling your face into his neck. You breathed him in as his arms wrapped tightly around you, holding you in place. 
A sigh left his mouth at your words and he let out an embarrassed chuckle.
“Yeah, I’m not proud of who I became when you left. Losing you was the worst thing that ever happened to me and it was obvious by my actions that I didn’t give a single fuck about those girls or their feelings.” he mumbled. You could tell by the tone in his voice he was severely disappointed in himself, so you lifted your head from his neck and poked his mole again as you stared into his eyes.
“Hey, those girls were lucky to have been underneath you.” you joked. Jisung gave you a soft smile and pushed some hair out of your eyes again as he answered, causing your heart to leap in your chest.
“And yet, none of them stood a single chance against you.”
You dimpled up at him, feeling speechless at his cheesy words before planting a tender kiss to his lips, though Jisung suddenly had other ideas in mind.
As you pulled your face away from him, his hand came up to hold the back of your head, halting you so he could chase you with his lips and pull you back down.
Despite the forty-five minute shower the two of you had the night before, where you did nothing but make out relentlessly in between washing each other's bodies, you still felt your stomach flutter when he pushed his lips against yours.
Despite the hour or so afterwards that you guys spent just holding each other in bed and kissing, never reaching past second base, you still felt your heart thump excitedly in your chest when Jisungs tongue slipped past your swollen lips and battled against yours.
Kissing him now felt as natural to you as breathing, but it still left you feeling breathless and weak to the butterflies that filled your tummy like it was the first kiss all over again. Well, second technically.
But, unlike the many kisses that were shared the night before, this one was quick to become needy and desperate. Gone was the long and slow exploration of each other's mouths and in came frenzied desire as you two clung to each other, both acknowledging it was now morning and you were free to do what you so desperately longed for all night.
With his tongue still battling yours, Jisung removed his hands from your head and let them roam down your body until they were cupping your ass. He squeezed handfuls of your cheeks into his palms, his nails digging desperately into your skin, causing you to hiss in delight as he pulled you against him. You could feel his bulge growing hard against the inside of his boxer briefs, and you felt excitement shake your bones when he lightly lifted his hips to push himself against your core.
You moaned noisily into Jisungs mouth as his hands then slipped further down your ass, his fingers reaching to prod lightly at your panty-covered core from behind. He wasted no time sliding your panties aside and running a finger teasingly along your folds, a groan leaving his mouth as he felt how wet you already were for him.
“Princess,” he mumbled against your lips, his hips pressing up into yours again. “You’re already so wet for me and I haven’t even done anything yet.” he teased as he slowly inserted the tip of his finger into you, only slipping far enough in to reach his first knuckle.
The feeling of just the tip of his finger toying with you had a whine slipping from your mouth as your hips began to grind against his.
“Sungie,” you groaned. “Need you so bad.”
Jisung grinned up at you in awe as he hugged you tight to his chest, his eyes sparkling in excitement when he slowly inserted his finger further into you. The most delectable sound left your mouth, encouraging him to then pump his finger in and out at a snails pace.
The feeling of his clothed dick pushing up into you mixed with his finger softly sliding in and out of your pussy had your legs shaking and your breath caught in your throat. He felt so damn good you could cry.
Jisung mocked the pout that fell onto your face with one of his own as he stared into your eyes, gauging your reaction to his actions.
“What’s wrong Bubby? Feels good, huh? You like it when I touch you like that?”
All you could do was nod in response and let your face fall into the crook of his neck, your breathing heavy.
It had been so long since you’ve been this worked up by something that wasn’t yourself and your own fingers. It was almost painful to feel your orgasm building so quickly.
Unexpectedly, Jisung slipped another finger into you at the same time that he dipped the tip of his thumb over the opening to your anus. A loud, almost pornographic gasp escaped from your throat at the unfamiliarity and foreign sensation.
No one had ever touched you there before, and while you never saw yourself as someone who would enjoy anything to do with that part of your body, you couldn’t deny the absolute euphoria that rattled your bones as Jisung repeated his actions once more.
“Is that okay, Princess?” he whispered, watching you intently for any signs of discomfort. You nodded quickly against his neck before lifting your face to come level with his again.
“Mm'do it again.” you begged before you pressed your mouth to his, the kiss immediately becoming sloppy, teeth clashing against each other as your resolve began to slip.
“Anything for my girl.” Jisung murmured back before he dipped his thumb into your opening again, his fingers moving in time with it.
The heat in your belly grew at double the speed as Jisung worked his digits inside of you. You felt manic as his hold around you loosened, allowing you room to move your hips against his all over again.
Within minutes, the three different sensations all working against you in tandem had you practically screaming, begging for relief. It was all too much.
Just as your head began to grow foggy and the heat in your stomach was on the verge of exploding, Jisung pulled his fingers out of you and flipped you onto your back, stopping you before you could reach your release.
A cry left your mouth involuntarily at the sudden loss of contact.
“What the fuck Ji?” you gasp, your breathing coming out in spurts.
Jisung smirked down at you from where he was hovering over your body on his forearms, his legs tangled with yours as he pressed his erection into your thigh. His silver-blonde hair fell into his eyes as that wicked smile spread across his puffy cheeks.
“Sorry Jagi, but I don’t want you cumming yet unless it's around my cock.”
A growl left your mouth unexpectedly.
“Motherfucker.” you ground out around clenched teeth as you pushed him off of you. Jisungs eyes widened in surprise but he obeyed you without a hassle, allowing you to push him back against the headboard and straddle his thin waist.
“Let’s see if you’re as bratty and submissive as everyone thinks you are.” you half-threatened, your hands working quickly to slip off his boxers. His thick, hard cock bounced back lightly against his stomach, causing you to pause and stare at him in wonder as you threw his boxers somewhere behind you.
Jisung bit the inside of his cheek at your hesitation, watching you nervously as you stared down at him. 
“Is it okay, Jagi?” he whispered out. Your eyes flickered up to his and you saw mountains of insecurity in them. Without a pause, you nodded your head and licked your lips, your eyes travelling back downwards.
“It’s fucking perfect Ji. Can’t wait to feel it inside of me.”
A small sigh left his mouth, his shoulders relaxing at your reassurance. 
“How’s your pull out game?” you then asked as you continued to stare at him, saliva pooling in your mouth at the mere thought of having him pumping inside of you. Jisung was quick to answer, his insecurities gone as quick as they came.
“As strong as it needs to be, why?”
“I just wann’ feel you raw.” you answered around a huff as you slid your panties off. The shirt Jisung was wearing the night before hung loosely around your body, barely covering your naked skin. Jisung swore he could cum right then and there from just the sight of you.
“Yeah?” his muscles tensed at the thought of having you wrapped around him with nothing separating your bodies. He moaned lightly just imagining it.
You licked your lips and nodded swiftly in response as you straddled his hips, his dick throbbing deliciously in between the two of you. 
"Yes. Please. Just let me feel you." You cried. You reached up and grabbed a handful of his hair again and pulled his head back roughly, your eyes shining into his.
Shamelessly, Jisung moaned into the feeling, staring up at you as if his biggest dreams were coming true, because they were.
He always dreamed of being with a dominant girl in the bedroom, but all of the females he’s ever been with insisted on him using his dominance over them. Sure, there was nothing he loved more than bending someone over and fucking them into submission, and he couldn't wait to do that to you, but he longed for the chance to let someone direct him. He yearned to let someone be in control for once and use him to their heart's content.
 And alas, here you were, doing exactly that without even being asked.
As if you needed to be any more perfect for him.
As if he needed to be more in love with you than he already was.
“There’s no one like you Jagiya.” he whispered in awe before he wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips against yours. You positioned yourself over his dick and pulled his hair roughly once more, earning another whimper from his mouth before you lowered yourself down onto him.
The stretch was slow, excruciatingly delicious. He filled you so perfectly you nearly came from the skin on skin contact alone. Jisung must’ve felt it too because he squeezed his nails into your hip bones and helped pull you down completely until your pelvis was flush with his, a hiss slipping from his lips as euphoria hit him.
For several long seconds, the two of you froze, both crying out in pleasure at the highs that were already building from the naked sensation of each other's bodies against one another.
It made you feel delirious, the way he fit inside you so flawlessly, the tip of his cock pressing against your cervix delicately. Your hips twitched with anticipation, causing his dick to press further into you and you couldn’t do anything except let your head fall to his shoulder as a whine left your lips.
“Ji, Baby,” you cried. “You feel so good.”
Jisungs breathing was already laboured as he focused on not cumming inside you. Your walls clenched around him so effortlessly it was almost as if your bodies were made for each other.
“I know, Jagi. I know. Your pussy feels so good around me, it’s making me fucking crazy.” he whined.
"Are you good to go?" You asked, barely holding yourself back from grinding your hips down onto his. Jisung took another deep breath and nodded, desperate to feel you. 
You smiled against the skin of his shoulder as you then began to rock your hips, riding him slowly, allowing both of your bodies time to adjust to the feeling. Everytime you'd rock your hips forward, you'd yank Jisungs hair, causing him to whimper and buck his hips up into you, which in turn only encouraged you to move again, desperate for that friction. 
It was a vicious cycle that had you both whining with pleasure as you made love to him. Because that's what this was. You weren't fucking him, you were pouring every ounce of love you had for the man underneath you into each roll of your hips, and you knew, you felt, the loving pouring back into you from him as he thrust his hips upwards to meet you halfway. 
It didn't take you for long to reach your high again. The knot in your stomach tightened quickly with each movement and you were whimpering into Jisungs ear desperately despite being the one in charge. 
Jisung pressed his lips to your ear when he felt your pussy clench around him beautifully. He smiled against your earlobe as he tightened his hold around you.
"That's it Princess. Cum all over my cock." He whispered. That sentence alone, hearing the dirty words slip past his lips, is what sent you over the edge and you did exactly that. You came, hard, drenching him in your juices as a loud gasp fell from your lips and you dug your nails into his shoulders. 
Your legs shook violently as Jisung continued pressing his hips up into you, extending your orgasm into one of the best highs you've ever had. It had been so long since you've had one that tears immediately formed in your eyes and pooled down your cheeks. 
You shoved your face into Jisungs neck and sniffled, trying to stop the tears from flowing. Tears of relief for reaching the high you were barely able to accomplish on your own, and tears of happiness because Jisung was the one beneath you, making you feel this way. 
You always dreamed of this, of him being beneath you, on top of you, inside of you. You spent the last year and a half with another man, fantasising about this one specifically, and having those fantasies finally become a reality was absolutely mind altering. You've never been happier than in this moment.
Jisung stopped his hips movements when he felt your tears wet his skin, and he pulled away slightly to look up at you in concern. 
"Are you okay Princess? What's wrong?" His big, brown eyes were full of worry as he watched you cry. His dick was still hard inside of you, and yet all he could focus on was your emotions. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You apologised as you wiped at the wetness on your cheeks. Jisungs hand came up to help wipe the tears that were spilling over uncontrollably. 
"What are you apologising for, Bubs?"
You hiccuped and shoved your face back into his neck, feeling heat flush your cheeks in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry. I'll be able to keep going in a minute. I just-” you hiccuped again. “I just haven't had one of those in a long time." You explained. 
"What, an orgasm?" Jisung was briefly shocked at your revelation, but it quickly turned to downright annoyance when realisation hit, but it wasn’t directed at you.
"Wait, that asshole never…?" He trailed off when he felt you shake your head against his neck. The two of you were quiet for a couple seconds as Jisung pulled you impossibly closer to him, his dick still twitching restlessly.
“How long has it been since you had one that wasn’t your own doing?” he asked quietly, his heart breaking for you. You took a shaky breath and mumbled your answer into his shoulder, feeling your cheeks flush even more.
Jisungs eyes nearly bulged out of his head, and he was glad you stayed nestled into him. The last thing he wanted was his surprise to be mistaken as pity and have you get even more upset than you already seemed to be.
“Oh, Princess.” he doted as he tightened his hold on you and flipped you onto your back unexpectedly with ease, his dick still burrowed deep inside you. The second your head hit the pillow, your eyes widened with worry and you began to shake your head in protest.
“What are you doing? No, no, no. I’m on top. I’m always on top.” you felt panic begin to grow inside your chest, but it faded away just as quickly as you saw the reassurance in Jisungs eyes. He pulled a hand out from beneath you and wiped at your tears, brushing his fingertips lightly against your cheekbones before kissing them promptly.
“Just take a deep breath Bubs” he whispered. “How about you let me make you feel good, hm? It’s the least I could do for the love of my life.” he cooed. You stared up at him in confusion for a moment, trying to process what it was he said.
He wanted to take over and fuck you?
The idea of being on the receiving end felt so foreign and strange to you. You’ve been the dominant one for so long, you barely remembered what it felt like to let someone else be in control. You stared up at him with your big beautiful eyes, a look of uncertainty in them, and Jisung’s heart nearly broke all over again. 
It was at that moment he vowed to himself that he would always do everything in his power to give you as many orgasms as you wanted, whenever you wanted. Anything to get that look of insecurity off your face.
He brushed his fingers against your cheek again when you still didn’t give him a consensual answer to keep going.
“Let me take care of you, Bubby. Let me show you what it feels like to be with a real man. One who loves every square inch of you, inside and out. Just lay back and let Sungie do all the work, yeah?” 
The amount of promise and emotion in his eyes had you choking on your next breath. A feeling of excitement brewed low in your stomach, one you hadn’t felt in forever, and you nodded eagerly. You didn’t realise how badly you were craving this until now.
With a satisfied smile, Jisung pulled out of you completely and kissed your forehead before repositioning himself. He took your one leg and laid it flat against the bed, moving to straddle it as he hoisted the other up onto his shoulder. Your body twisted slightly with the movement, leaving you half on your side and leaving your pussy tight and ready for him.
With his hand cradling your leg, he turned his head and kissed your calf softly before positioning himself at your entrance.
“Are you ready Princess?” he asked. You nodded breathlessly, eager to have him fill you up once more. Jisung sent you one of his sweet, gummy smiles before he turned his head and bit roughly into the muscle of your calf, his dick pushing into you at the same time. The pain and pleasure of both actions mixed together so perfectly you let out a string of curse words in response.
The position he had you in was new, one you never tried before, and while your butt ached from the way your body was twisted, you couldn’t deny how good it felt. His dick was pushing against your cervix so flawlessly you nearly passed out from the pleasure alone.
“Oh my fucking god,” you cried as Jisungs hips began to rock into you. The friction of his pelvis rubbing against yours from how deep he pushed was blinding, his mouth only adding to the intensity as he licked and bit at your leg.
You let out a loud squeal as he pulled himself half-way out and slammed back into you again. 
“I told myself I was going to take my sweet ass time with you, but the way your pussy is clenching around me right now is making me fucking feral Princess.” he breathed as he picked up his pace, his hips rocking more forcefully into you.
You let your head fall into the pillow as another round of obscene sounds left your throat. Jisung’s head had fallen back in pleasure as he cursed under his breath. You were so perfect for him. He wanted to take care of you and absolutely destroy you at the same time.
“My god, you’re so perfect for me Jagi.” he groaned as his face fell downwards so he could stare at you. You were looking back at him already, your face contorted into a look of pure bliss as he fucked you senseless. He felt his high approaching but he forced it back, wanting to make you finish at least once more before he did.
Luckily for him, you were close, and when his hands came down to wrap around your thigh, his nails digging into your skin as he pulled you even closer, allowing him to go deeper, you shattered.
“Fuck Ji, baby. I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” you cried loudly as you exploded around him, your walls squeezing him deliciously. Jisungs hips halted as he pressed into you as far as he could go, wiggling slightly to help overstimulate you. He paused there, watching your face melt into a puddle of pure satisfaction. 
“You’re so good for me Princess.” he reached down to cup your chin, forcing you to look at him as you shook in sensitivity. “Keep your eyes on me, okay? I’m not done yet.”
Before you could process his words, Jisung manoeuvred himself once again until he was snug between both of your legs, looming over you in missionary. His dick automatically slid back into your slick cunt and he wasted no time chasing the high he had been holding back.
He thrust into you hard, his dick sliding delightfully against your walls, his eyes never leaving yours and yours never leaving his. You had barely come down from your previous orgasm, the oversensitivity building another one up so quickly it was overwhelming. But you didn’t dare ask him to stop. Not when he was making you feel so heavenly.
“Fuck Jisung. Fuck, fuck fuck. Your dick feels so good inside of me.” you whimpered as he continued to relentlessly slip in and out of you, the overstimulation perfect. “I’m gonna’ cum again.”
Jisung let out a hearty laugh as his face fell into your neck, his lips and teeth gliding against your skin as he squeezed your hips and tried to hold you still.
“You gonna’ give me another one?” he teased, to which all you could do was nod in response. His question quickly sent you over the edge again unexpectedly, your body floating in bliss as the white hot pleasure threatened to blind you.
 “Holy shit, Bubby. Your pussy feels amazing sucking me in like this. You’re so fucking tight. Shit.” Jisung’s movements faltered as his orgasm approached quickly. “Shit, Princess, I’m gonna’ cum. Let me out.”
Instead of allowing him enough room to exit and cum all over your tummy, you wrapped your legs around his slutty waist and squeezed him closer to you. Jisungs eyes widened in panic, his hips stuttering again.
“What’re you doing?” he squeaked as he tried to hold back his orgasm long enough to escape. The pout on your face would have driven him over the edge if your next words hadn’t.
“I want you to cum inside of me Ji.” you whimpered, staring into his eyes.
“Wha-?” Jisung stuttered over his words. He was feeling so frenzied he barely managed to slow his hips down long enough to make sure he heard you right. “Are you - fuck - are you sure?"
You nodded quickly, feeling tears form in your eyes again because of how desperately you wanted to feel him. “I wann’ feel you fill me up. Please Jisung. Make me yours.”
The affirmation was all he needed. Jisung nodded and pressed a kiss to your lips as he bucked his hips, picking up his pace once more. The small break in his movements, the unintentional edging, left him absolutely pussy drunk. He began slamming into you with so much force your body was moving up the bed with every thrust.
“Oh Jagi,” he moaned. “I’m gonna fill you up so good. Gonna give it to you so nice. Fuck. Tell me how much you love me Bubby. Tell me you’re all mine.” he begged desperately.
The oversensitivity from your orgasm had you feeling unhinged, barely able to keep your eyes open, let alone form another sentence to respond.
“‘Mmmm love you s’much Ji. More than anything else in’he world. I’m all yours.”
“Fuck Jagiya. I’m fucking cumming.”
A second later, he exploded. His load shot into you at neck-breaking speed, painting your walls and filling you to the brim. He had waited so long to fuck you, there was so much of it. It spilled out of you so easily, and yet, Jisung couldn’t get enough of those pretty sounds leaving your mouth.
He squeezed his eyes shut as he forced his hips to continue a slow thrust forwards, extending his orgasm impossibly more, the overstimulation driving him crazy. 
You let out a whimper as you felt his dick slowly softening inside of you. Regardless, it still felt amazing pushing inside of your pussy, and you knew if he kept thrusting into you like that, you’d cum again from the feeling of it alone.
“You got one more in you, yeah?” Jisung asked lovingly as he pushed the hair off of your sweaty forehead. Your eyes barely opened, a soft cry leaving your mouth as you nodded, desperate for that high you suddenly felt absolutely addicted to.
“Of course you do, that’s why you’re so good for me.” he praised as he continued to fuck you while his dick softened. It was rubbing so delicious into your swollen clit, a mixture of your juices and his spilling from you and onto the bed sheets.
“Gotta’ make sure my Princess is satisfied.” Jisung lips found yours and he brought you in for a long, slow, burning-hot kiss. One that was no longer rushed, no longer delirious and desperate. One that, much like the night before, held mountains of love and adoration and happiness. One that showed you just how much you meant to him, how much he needed you, how hard he fell for you.
It was passionate, feeling his tongue glide over yours as his dick lazily pushed in and out of you, your orgasm building as quickly as the others had. His hands slowly trailed up underneath your shirt and he softly caressed your breasts, his fingers moving to play with your nipples as his swollen lips left yours and latched onto your neck. He licked the sensitive spot right below your jawline before biting it gently and before you knew it, another orgasm hit, an exhausted cry leaving your mouth.
“That’s my fucking girl.” Jisung praised, his hips stuttering to a halt as you came around his cock one last time. 
He watched you with pure adoration, loving the way your face twisted up in pleasure as you came around his semi-hard dick. You looked absolutely gorgeous, hair sprawled out across the pillow, body slick with sweat, your eyes barely open as your jaw fell slack. 
You were so beautiful he felt himself growing hard again already. He would've loved to keep going, fucking you like this for hours until you were both spent and exhausted, but the pained look that spread across your face when he experimentally bucked his hips forwards once more told him you were done for.
Jisung carefully pulled out of you as you tried to catch your breath. He smiled down at you before he rolled onto his back and pulled your naked body on top of him. You barely had enough energy to look at him, so you settled for resting your head across his chest. 
Jisung wrapped one of his strong hands around your waist while the other played with your hair softly, his fingers brushing through the knotted and sweaty strands.
The two of you laid like that for a while, both silently catching your breaths. You listened to his heartbeat pumping softly in your ear and it was so comforting you were sure you would've fallen asleep if Jisung hadn't spoken up into the silence that engulfed the room.
"So I've been thinking."
"Uh oh. That's dangerous." You teased. You twisted your head to smirk up at him as he grinned down at you and pinched your sides in retaliation. An adorable squeal escaped your mouth then as his fingers proceeded to gently tickle you, and Jisung swore your laugh was the most beautiful sound ever to exist on earth. He'd listen to it for eternity if he could. 
"You're a jerk." He mused, planting a soft kiss to your forehead. You beamed up at him and pinched his cheeks.
"You love me." 
Jisung didn't bother denying it. He simply just beamed back at you before leaning forwards to plant another kiss to your face, this one on your nose. 
"More than you'll ever understand." 
He paused to take a deep breath, brushing your messy hair away from your face before he continued on with what he wanted to say. 
"Anyways, as I was saying. How would you feel about moving into the house with the rest of us?" 
Still staring up at him, you arched an eyebrow and gave him another sly smile despite the way your heart rate rose quickly at his question.
"Han Jisung," you tsked. "That's a big step. We aren't even dating yet." 
You expected a pout to appear on Jisungs face at your joke, but you were surprised to find him smirking back at you instead, his tongue prodding the inside of his cheek in amusement. 
"Really? 'Cause I thought it was pretty obvious that we were after I had you practically screaming my name just a minute ago." Your jaw dropped in surprise at his upfront teasing. Jisungs smirk deepened as he caught your reaction before he mimicked you in a high-pitched voice, moaning with each word as it left his mouth dramatically. 
"Oh Jisung! Oi Papi! You're so good! I love you so much! More than anything else in the world! I'm all yours! Take me, take me!”
You smacked his arm and tried to hide your giggle around a hard glare, but failed miserably. “Alright, alright. It wasn’t that dramatic.” 
Jisung let out a laugh of his own at his theatrics and snuggled you closer to him.
“Seriously though, Bubs. Move into the house with us. You practically live there already. We can turn the guest bedroom into an office for you and you can stay with me in mine. We’ve been dying to have you move in for years now.” he explained as he rubbed a hand slowly up and down your back. 
Electricity shot through the ends of his fingertips as he trailed his fingers along the curve of your spine. You melted into his touch as you stared up at him, your fingers coming up to prod at his adorable mole again. 
Moving in with Jisung and the rest of the family seemed like nothing but a green flag. You did already spend all of your time at the house rather than your own apartment, and you knew each and every member of your friend group would be absolutely over the moon if you moved in. But, you were an introvert at heart, and although you loved your friends dearly, you knew you’d miss your cherished alone time and private space.
“I don’t know Ji.” you whispered as you stared at his beauty mark, unable to meet his gentle gaze. Jisung’s grin softened as he searched your eyes for any sign of you being uncomfortable with his request. He was relieved to find none but he did notice a hint of uncertainty in them, which he knew came from your introverted nature.
“I know you always said you enjoyed having your own space, but I’d feel a hell of a lot better if you moved in with us. I wouldn’t have to worry so much about Seojun showing up out of nowhere and catching you when you’re home alone.” he whispered.
You didn’t want to see the look of disappointment you knew would come to his face when you turned down his idea, so you settled with biting your lip as if you were still undecided.
“I don’t know. I need space for all of my stuff, and you and I both know that the guest bedroom is desperately needed for the amount of parties you idiots throw during your off time. I’ve seen more naked bodies in that bed than I care to admit.”
Jisung let out a small huff and curled his mouth to the side as he fell into another thought, taking your response seriously. You waited patiently as you watched the gears in his brain work in double time while he tried to come up with a better solution.
“Well, what if we move out and get a place together? I can keep you safe.”
Your heart jumped at the proposal, warmth spreading throughout your limbs as soon as the words left Jisungs mouth. You were taken back by how quickly he managed to come up with the idea, almost like he had been debating it for a while. 
The second the words reached your ears, there wasn’t anything you wanted more, but you still found yourself shaking your head and giving him a pointed look.
“You wouldn’t hurt a fly, Ji.” you stated, as if that was reason enough not to. Jisungs eyebrows furrowed and he gave you an artificial look of disgust.
“Excuse you, but if Seojun ever dared to show up around here again, you can bet your sweet ass I’d put him in the hospital.”
You let out a thankful smile before you sighed.
“You don’t have to feel obligated to move in with me to keep me safe.” you spoke, your voice soft and quiet. Jisung scoffed at your words and shook his head as if what you said was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard.
“Princess, I’m not doing it as an obligation.” he paused to catch your chin in between his fingers as you began to turn your head away, forcing you to look him in the eye. “I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for me, okay? For us. Because now that I have you, the thought of not waking up next to you or coming home to you from here on out makes my stomach turn with anxiety. I don’t want to go another day or night without you by my side.”
You swore to yourself you weren’t going to cry again for the rest of the day, rest of the week even, but after seeing the honesty and sincerity and absolute devotion in his dark eyes, you felt the tears begin to form. The two of you were silent for a moment as he let his words, his emotions, sink in. 
This was it for him. You were it for him. There was nowhere else he’d rather be.
 You pouted up at him in astonishment.
“You’d… You’d move out of the family house and find a place with me?”
Jisung smiled down at you and wiped at the tears that were threatening to spill out of your widened eyes.
“Baby, I’d marry you tomorrow if I could.”
You swallowed roughly, choking back a sob at his words. It was definitely too soon to be talking about marriage, but the underlying commitment and unspoken promise in his voice rocked you to the core, rendering you speechless.
“I’m also going to sit down and talk with Chan and the managers to see what I have to do in order to bring you along with us whenever we travel for tours and performances and such.” 
You blinked up at him, the surprise from his previous statement only making you more emotional. You weren’t expecting that.
“What?” was all you managed out. Jisung brushed his fingers through your hair and let out a hearty laugh.
“What? I was serious when I said I didn’t want to go another night without sleeping next to you.”
Your eyebrow shot up in question.
“Is that really a good idea?”
Jisung shrugged his shoulders and pulled your naked bodies impossibly closer together, revelling in the feeling of your soft skin on his. He could never get enough of this, enough of you.
“Ash and Jo come along with us. So why can’t you?”
It was your turn to scoff and let out a laugh. 
“Ash has to, she's the head of make-up. And Chan threw an absolute fit when it came to Jo and that barely worked. How do you know they’ll let you?”
“I’ll throw a bigger fit.” Jisung answered, as if it was obvious. A smile broke out onto your face and you shook your head at him as he continued speaking. “I’m an idol, Baby. They have to let me. Plus, if the sex continues being this incredible, I won’t survive without it. And I can guarantee you none of them would want to put up with my cranky, stressed out ass if I’m forced to go months without you. I swear to God, there’s nothing more stress-relieving than being balls deep inside of your perfect little pussy.”
His voice had gone deep and husky, and you could feel his dick growing hard against your leg once again. Butterflies set off inside your stomach at his words, his tone. His one hand tightened its hold around your waist while the other guided your face towards his, his nose tracing yours.
“You’re so dramatic.” you whispered, your lips hardly brushing his. 
Jisungs hand held your head in place as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You immediately melted into his touch, his scent, his taste as he opened his mouth and ran his tongue along yours lazily.
“Not dramatic. Just hopelessly in love.” he whispered as he pulled away and beamed up at you, his eyes sparkling with that familiar look of lust and love and happiness. You pulled further away from him and prodded his mole again with your finger, deciding it was your favourite thing to do.
“And what happens when this honeymoon phase ends Ji?” you questioned with a quirk of your brow. Jisung turned his head and caught your finger between his teeth, biting it playfully as his hand began tracing the curvature of your ass.
“Oh trust me. It never will. You’re my destiny, Jagiya.”
You practically swooned.
“Damn,” you breathed, fanning yourself dramatically, ignoring the flush that engulfed your cheeks and spread to your ears. “You love me that much?”
Jisung squeezed your ass into the palm of his hand, unintentionally pulling you against his hardening dick.. You could see the heat and desperation growing in his darkening eyes, causing a ball of fire to brew in the pit of your stomach.
“More than you’ll ever understand y/n. My love for you is like an eternal flame. It burns brighter than the sun and hotter than any desert on earth. It is truly and utterly endless.”
At his confession, you moved to abruptly straddle his waist, his words igniting a fire in your core. His dick pushed deliciously against your opening. Jisung let out a whimper as you lightly rubbed your pussy against the head of his cock, teasing him as you sent him a knowing smirk.
“You mean like a volcano?” you inquired. The smile that broke out onto Jisungs face would forever be imprinted into your eyelids as he connected the dots to what you were saying. He shook his head at you in awe, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly to his chest as he pulled you down onto him. He filled you to the brim in one motion, ripping a loud cry from your throat.
“You’re damn right Princess. Like a Goddamn volcano.”
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as mentioned in a previous post, I will not be writing/posting a Jisung POV anytime soon, but I do want to eventually do a bonus chapter, whether that be a pov or a time jump, idk yet. i will make an announcement about it closer to the time i do, so watch out for that.
Thank you all so much for reading and joining me on my journey of reposting this fic. As my first one, it is still so dear to my heart and I'm thankful I had that chance to go back and edit what I wanted to. I'm so much happier with this version than the original on my old blog. I hope you all love it as much as I do!
Taglist || @sungshineworld @collisvng @ihrtlix @queen-in-the-shadows @cassidymb121
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wiltedkyinn · 1 year
blunts and parks
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synopsis; you went to phoneix, arizona for your fifeteen brithday trip. being blown off by your so called bestfriend opens now doors and new friends.
pairing- madeline mcgraw, mason thames and miguel cazarez mora x gn reader.
here i am, currently waiting for my bestfriend, junior, to meet me at the park. it feels as if its 113 degrees but it was only 94 with no wind and straight sun. it probably wasnt the best idea to go phoneix in the middle of the summer. i look out to see if he is atleast at the park. instead of seeing him i see a group of 3 of familier faces walking around. its was 2 boys around the same height and a girl that looked no younger then 14. the buzzing from my phone snapped me out of my thought. i answered it already knowing a who would be on the other line.
"yo im staying with valerie for the rest of the day" i could hear a girls voice in the background talking about money to go somewhere. "what was the point of bringing you on my brithday trip"  i mumbled. "we can hang out later. i gotta go." his usally loud voice was smaller. then there was slinence. groaning i look around again, im on the swings covered with some shade i found. i find the small group by the tables near me, their backs facing me. i started to rummage in my jackets pocket, knowing what to do to make me feel better.
pulling out the small tube i always carry around along with my lighter and airpods. putting in my right airpod and turning on whatever playlist that i was listening to last started to play. thinking about the group again before popping open the top. i slowly started to get up from the swings, i headed my way towards the small tables. the closer i got the more i was able to hear the voices. it started to mush with the song i was listening to. "sorry but do yall care if i light this? its a blunt" my voice a little raspy due to not having any water on me.
the trio looked at me then back at eachother before the girls nods speaking, "yeah we dont have a problem with it." giving them a small smile "thanks," i walked back to the swings. thinking about the group again, i had forgetton my glasses while packing so it was hard to see even if i was up close. i couldnt quite make it out but they looked familiar. the girl, who i mostly looked at reminded me of the actress Madeline mcgraw, the girl who played gwen in the black phone movie.
pushing whatever i was thinking about to the side so i could focus on the cone shape pre-roll. igniting the red lighter, i rotated the joint in the fire. i brought it up to my lips and took a hit. inhaling and then exhaling. i focused on the song that just started playing, pink + white by frank ocean. i started to inhale again only to be stopped seeing a shadow figure walking up to me. i grabbed my phone and turned it down a little, loooking up i was met with the same girl from before. "hi im maddy and me and my friends were wondering if you would like to join us? the suns getting a lil stronger."  she pointed towards the table she was sitting at. "oh uh sure, and im (name)" as soon as i got up to stand i realized how hot it actually was, the heat was overwhelming. "should i put this out or do you guys wanna smoke it with me?" i asked as we both got closer to the park table. "if you teach us how, sure!" her smooth voice stayed upbeat.
i took the free seat next to the tan boy with long dark wavy hair. "mason, miguel this is (name), (name) this is mason and miguel." suddenly it snapped, they were the actors from the black phone. the 2 boys said lil hi's. i took another big hit, then tapping it so the ash falls off. i look at mason, since he was on my left infront of me. "well mason do you wanna hit this?" he thought about it for a moment then nodded his head.
"so how do i do this?" his brown eyes looked at me for help. "so you just suck on it till you get enough smoke  and then you take another breathe to actually inhale it." i tried repeating what my older brother taught me a while back. seeing succesfull as he exhaled a cloud while coughing. he handed it to maddy while still trying to catch his breath. holding back my luaghter i remembered the first time i smoked. i look over at maddy and she seemed pretty hesitant, "its okay if you dont wanna," i told her she looked at me then at her hands. she brought it up to her lips and took a breath. she exhaled same as mason except she was able to control her breathing a bit better. she passed to miguel, and when he exhaled he was fine. i figured maddy and miguel did better since they were in some type of sport or exercise.
when i was passed the blunt they stared at me. i took a hit normally and exhaled normally. i started to feel a wash of an euphoric state take over me. i could already tell mason was high. his eyes were red and glossy. i hinted at him to take it but he nodded his head side to side. i did the same with maddy and she took it. "so are you from here?" miguel asked. "nah im here cause its my brithday trip. but im from las vegas," maddy raised her brow "why are you alone on your brithday trip?"
i was handed the joint again, "me and my friend, junior were supposed to hang out today but he bailed on me to stay with his girlfriend." shrugging while i spoke. "thats a dick move." mason snipped quickly. i agrred with him, i did pay for juniors ticket and hotel room. we stayed like that for a while. luaghing and coughing. "(name)!" our peaceful moment interrupted by a forgien voice.
i looked behind me to see a girl with curly brown skin and deep brown skin. valerie, juniors girl. i never officially met her, as she and junior were long distance. "valerie? what are you doing here?" as i got up to hug her. while i didnt know her face to face we have talked one in a while. "junior said we were meeting here today to hang out with you." her voice held some confusion while my head wasnt even processing. "he told me that he was hanging out with you for the rest of the day. you were there when he called me?" i became genuinely confused.
"i havent even seen him today, so hes spending a dat with someone he lied about being his girlfriend?" her voice was hurt while her face was stotic. "oh-" "i cant beilieve he's putting me through this agian" her usal confident voice gone, becoming bitter more as she spoke. she pulled out her phone and calling who i would imagine was junior. she stromed off into her car for some privacy.
"what the hell" i looked back at the intoxicated teens next to me and they laughed, i shrugged it off. "how old are you turning (name)?" mason asked his eyes werent red anymore, but still glossy. "fifteen" miguel turned his head towards me with a semi-shooked face. "i thought your were like eighteen, you look so much older" the other two nodding their head in agreement. my phone started to buzz again. answering it automatically i was greeted with junior yelling. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING TELLING VALERIE THAT I WAS WITH ANOTHER GIRL?"
"its your own fault for using me as an excuse junior, plus its on you for cheating." he began to yell again but i didnt see the point of talking to him, so i hung up. "i should be leaving soon, it was nice meeting yall" giving them all a smile. "we should hang out again," maddy said. "here give me your number and ill send it to the boys" maddy extend her hand to me, her phone dail already open. swiftly putting my number in along with my name, i gave it back. "call me when yall wanna hang out" i gave a small wink and walked away.
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linguisticpink · 2 years
In Borderland| 01
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“Asami would walk with me and Ichiko to our workplace, then wait for us outside before our duty ends.” Sora taps her feet on the ground along with her fingers through the metal bars in the rooftop as she's squinting her eyes while looking around the busy city. “No, no. She has a job.”
“Of course, Ichiko works at the Museum just 20 minutes away from my workplace.” looking at her watch.
“Oh, Asami? she's teaching Judo and Kendo privately.” she stated, “Maybe an hour? I keep telling her to commute but she won't, saying she likes to warm up before teaching students.”
“Mostly, she teaches highschool girls... She teaches guys too.. but they used it for beating other students.. sooo she stops teaching them.”
“Why should I tell you about our monthly salary and expenses?”
“To know if we're doing a good job…” Sora facepalmed. “About dates too?!”
“Mom, isn't that too much?” she protested, but it seems like her mother is persistent. She wasn't planning on telling her but then a familiar voices speaks up. “Ichiko Mom's there?”
“Asami's Mom too?” Sora could only massage her temple as she whispered ‘sorry’ to her bestfriends. She couldn't reject their request since majority wins. She's going to expose them, but of course not their secrets. Just the little informations.
“We earn six hundred thousand yen a month.” Sora irritatingly scratches her head and let out a deep sign.
“For our place, we're doing very well. So Mom, I'll hang up now.”
“And we don't have time for relationships, bye.” she may sound rude but that's their normal conversation with her mom. Her mom would always get her frustrated after the calls ends. Why would they wanna know about their relationships? They can't even take care of themselves.
“That's what I am telling you to set your phone to do.not.disturb.” Sora smiles as Asami arrived beside her.
“As much as I want to, Mom would still do anything just to talk to me. She'll probably call you or Ichiko and ask about anything.” Sora replies as Asami laughs at her friend's frustration. “Oh right, our moms asked about our situation.” they stares at each other for 5 minutes, having a conversation with their eyes.
For five months, their parents filled their phone call history.
“Did you go to Ichiko?” Sora asked. “No, I didn't but I told her to go to our usual café in Shibuya.”
“Right! I promised to treat you,” Sora laughed, “I almost forgot.”
“Forget everything but that.”
After Sora changed into her clothes, they decided to save money and walk to their meet up place. But as they were near the busy highway of Shibuya, Asami spotted a certain head. Without hesitation, she hook her arm around Ichiko's neck. Sora slaps Asami's back as she senses Ichiko panicked, “Did I say stop doing that to us! You're giving us trauma.”
“I'm doing this for you to learn what to do if some stranger strangle you like this.” Asami releases Ichiko's neck and ruffles her hair. This causes Ichiko to do violence by kicking Asami in her shin. “Don't touch my hair.” Ichiko warns as Asami rubs her leg.
“Ah.” Asami almost loses her balance and bumped into someone. “Sorr…” she trails off as she turns her head to the person, they lightly bowed and keeps walking like nothing just happens, their hands inside their jacket packets. Their hair
“Hey, you okay?” Sora called the mesmerized Asami who followed the man she accidentally bumped into.
“Did you see that beauty?” she asked, hypnotized.
“Yeah, I did.” Ichiko answered, also in dazed.
“What are you two talking about?”
They got distracted when fireworks blows up in the sky while the sun still at its prime.
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yamamusics · 2 years
Happy New Year: The Great Transition
A single leap from 2022 to 2023, yet it is a huge leap... For starters, 2022 was a huge chaotic mess filled with so many ups and downs. It's such a time at which people return to a somewhat "normal" life. Probably due to quarantine, a lot of us were like freed rabid dog doing what probably only God knows what.
2022 has been a huge character development phase for many. It was also a year of a lot of new beginnings... and endings. It's a year of "Relife", a year of taking back what time we can salvage from Covid that we lost, particularly those with our love ones (please use condoms)...
To me 2022 is a clusterfuck of emotional and mental damage as well as a ungodly amount of subtle blessing. I met tons of great people, mostly temporary but some became mainstays. It was also a year for me of outgrowing my safe zones far more than I expected. 2022 was chaotic but fun. Of all the 25 years of my life this would probably be one of my top 3 years in life lol.
In the area of love, 2022 was also ups and downs. I broke up with my ex at January. I met the woman I could confidently call one of my bestfriends. Lastly I met a woman who I fell in love at first sight but has traumas of her own... That being said, I still thank these people particularly the first two as they taught me many things about myself that I didn't know.
In the area of friends, nothing much has changed aside from most of us turning workaholics and having lesser and lesser time to hang out. But at the same time, I met a few friends on my list which became my mainstays. I truly wonder how on earth did I make these people my friends...
Lastly, to myself, I still think about a lot of things. But this time, I started to think about what future I want for myself. A lot of things changed including my environment and thus I had to adapt. 2022 brought to me... Adaptive change, one that made me tougher and more resilient. I thank 2022 for all its lessons and hardships as well as its blessings and curses.
For 2023, I believe that it is a transition. From a very chaotic time to a more organized one. From reckless abandon to prudent wisdom. From holding on... To letting go.
New Years Resolution: Avoid Recklessness, Increase my Langit Points, Pass Exams.
~I look forward to 2023, to what it would bring. May we all find our luck even greater at 2023~
And to my mainstays... Thank you! There are no words to describe how much you guys mean to me...
To my family... I'll live the best way I can
To my bestfriends... SALAMAT SA MGA ADVICE NIYOOOO....
This is all for now, Ian Lemuel Rafael, signing off from 2022 and logging in to 2023.
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idontfriggingknoww · 2 years
beautiful nightmare - billy hargrove
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Paired up: billy hargrove x fem!reader
summary: youre having a good time with billy. but your mother woke you up.
note: just a peace offering for the eddie one lol, btw credits to vaniciaileen for this HOT gif!! enjoy ;>
warnings: light!smut, curse words, not proofread.
"mom i don't want to go there!" your mother asks you to accompany her to the common pool where billy hargrove your "childhood crush" working.
i have a little crush on him since were kids, he's your only bestfriend because the kids on your old hometown does'nt like to make friends with you.
but everything changed one day when him and his father left the town. youre so sad when you heard the news that his mother left him to his father. everytime when you call him to play, his father always says "he does'nt want to play, you can play with the other kids there."
every night i always here his screams and my younger self dont know about a thing about what his father doing to him.
so when they left the town im so sad.
im so excited when were leaving our town and moving to hawkins. because i can make friends there, i hoped. and yes i got friends there!
nancy - i met her in my biology class, were seatmates and well, were always partners when were having a project. and we always study together.
steve - i met him when i applied to starcourt, i worked with him and robin. he's nancys ex, but he's a good friend and i think he's not moved on abt him and nancy. but thats there problem. not mine so, lets move on.
robin - as i said we three met in starcourt. she's good, but her mouth won't stop blabbering. he's like eminem when she's talking. maybe she already win against eminem. but even though she's like that, she's a good friend of mine.
anyways, back to the story..
so yeah, i got friends. and they are the friends that stoped me when im about to strangle my childhood crush apart when i saw him again after many years, i miss him so much!
"wait, you're childhood bestfriends before?" nancy asked.
"yes, why?" i asked tilting my head aside.
"sh1t! i cant believe that moron has a friend"
"what do you mean steve?" "i dont know if you already know but, he's a fvcking bastard. like bastard, with a capital B" robin accused.
"but billy is good, he's kind and gentleman, he's the only kid that made friends with me eventhough im a loner"
steve snort "well, your good kid billy turned into a fvckboy billy, a bastard billy, a bad billy. even his sister cant handle him"
and thats when i met maxine. shes a good girl, sweet eventually. i met the other kids, and they look cute. mostly dustin, he's the mood lighter.
but, i cant believe that billy is like that right now. i almost not believe it and go talk to him but i saw him with a cheerleader girl flirting and.. MAKING OUT
'omygash, omygash what am i gonna do?! im froze here, i cant move!'
i back away and ran until i get home. i didnt even go to my biology class.
everyday i always seen him with girls and his gang, i canr really believe that that is my childhood crush. that disgust me.
one time when im on my way to my chemistry class, i bump to him on the empty hallways.
he flirts with me like a fvcking bastard. omg is this really my crush before?
"oh, youre into chemicals?" he asked, i didnt answer.
tf is he saying?
i try to walk pass him but he grab my wrist and slam me to the nearest wall and lean over to my ear whispering.
"i miss you so much y/n" i look at him shocked.
he showed me a grin and walked away.
he flirts at me every chance that he'd get but i would always run. until the schools over and im working at scoops ahoy with robin and steve.
but its our day off today so my mom is bugging me to go with her to the common pool.
"i dont want to, really. im okay here" my last attempt to say no because she's so persistent.
"but honey, i just want us to have some time together"
"at the common pool really?" "yes i heard from mrs. wheeler, that there's a hot guy working there as a lifeguard" i cringed when my mom says that.
well my mom is in her 18's when she got pregnant with me, so she got the fresh looks. BUT STILL THATS GROSS!
"mom! thats gross!" "well honey, please lets just hang out for a moment? ill treat you some chik-fil-a on our way" she grinned as he bribed me with my all time favorite snack.
i groaned "fine! but we're not going to stay there long" well i guess billy is so busy with his work that he wouldnt see me, right?
i wore my swimsuit, which is a black halter highwaist. it define my curves and its not that revealing, so i feel comfortable.
as i got out from the bathroom, someone pushed me back inside and slamed me to the nearest wall.
i groaned, my back hurts a little but its okay. my problem is who the pushed me back inside?!
i open my eyes and a tanned six packs reveal on my view.
as i look up, my eyes got caught with his black ones.
"billy.." thats not supposed to be a whisper.
what's going on with me?
"hi sweetheart. looking hot, but i suggest that i should be the only one who'll see you in clothes like that" he whispered at my ears huskily.
i dont know what happened next but the next thing i know is, my swimwear's gone and his fingers are rubbing my cl!t. circling it.
i let out a shaky breath and look at him, his face are red and sweaty. his tounge got my attention poking it to the sides.
as i stared at him his face is getting closer and closer, our lips brushing eachother. his fingers rubbing my wet cvnt.
slowly he insert one finger, i arched my back as he kissed me on the neck, i gave him access to kiss me more, combing his hair and pulling it.
i moaned when he insert another one, pulling his hair a little aggressive.
his fingers pumping slowly in and out of my pu$sy, giving me hickeys all over my chest. his other hand squeezing my breast, he let out a groan when his mouth touch my ni₱ple, sucking it.
"i miss you so much, i cant hold my self any longer" he whispered as his lips fall back on mine.
his fingers pumped faster, im coming..
he looked at me with such lustful eyes while pumping his fingers hardly inside me.
"y/n" he whispered staring at me
my eyes fluttered open when i heard my moms voice calling me.
"y/n! wake up, you'll be late for your work!"
my mind is still not functioning.
what fvck was that? am i wet dreaming?!
such a nightmare! BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
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Word count: 7k
A/N: Heavily inspired from 90's rom-coms, so if your heart swoons out of loneliness it's not on me sistas -- doctor Harry my fav.
Summary: Harry's a med-student and Y/N's an art student, being neighbours with Y/N was already a living hell for Harry but when she fusses over his cat getting her cat pregnant -- he mighty looses it.
Pairing: Dentist Harry × Artist reader, Frenemies to bestfriends to lovers, platonic affection and loads of bestie fluff.
“Harryyyyy!!!!” Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs staring at the small picture of ultrasound, blinking at it several times to vision herself back into reality because the more she does the more she becomes grumpy and fussy – cursing the beast of a neighbour who got her little innocent cat pregnant.
She pulled the strings of her pyjama shorts to tighten it around her and hastily towed her feet into fuzzy slippers, giving a stink of an eye to her cat “don't act so surprised you little ragamuffin!” She mouthed at her with venom (as if trippers her cat cares), stomping her way out and writes a whole book of judgements in her rattling brain upon hearing the loud music weeping through walls.
She knocks. Huffs when it goes unnoticed and this time pounds at the door, crossing her forearms infront of her chest. Not unaware and very accustomed; of happy chatter whirling around whenever she’s trying to focus how a certain recipe goes by, his mates chanting his name from outside when he’s too occupied in whatever he's sorting out inside for their arrival, clanking of beer bottles knowing they and her have a long time to go, the music dimming in the wee of night as the door closes after every fifteen minutes and it dawns at that time –-- she always get left with one option and that’s to curse him till she sleeps.
It’s every Friday and Saturday’s story.
“Max stop that before Ni asks fo’ a dummy —-,” His neck's craned to where his friends are sitting on one of the cosy spots. His jaw popping, dimples chasmic from the smirk he’s holding and Y/N gulps then arches her brow when his attention drops down at her, “Oh .... hi, could help ya?” His cocky grin irks her – bubbling a fire in her pit and an urge to twinge his ear and drag him to her apartment, to show him what he did.
“Could you help me!?” She laughs ironically, chases her frowning gaze from the ripped patches of his jeans towards where his curls are brushing his earlobes and it kind of makes her gasp which she traps in fortunately because – he’s always wearing a hoodie, beanie or his hair up in a little fountain like bun rushing through the lobby with his thick books and laptop clutched in his arms, “Yes please .. y’could help me by transferring expenses of your cat's babies every month to me —-...um could simply have them in your apartment too if the first deal’s too bad.” She shrugs. Taking a glimpse from his shoulder of his friends bunched over eachother and he toys with his bottom wet lip, brows stringing into confusion and his bicep flexes making her flutter her eyes away as he grips the knob of the door and closes it behind him.
“What d'ya mean?”
“You’re doing it on purpose right? ‘cos there’s no way —--” He cuts her groans with a snap and runs a palm down his face, “I seriously don’t know what you’re talkin' ‘bout, Y/N.” His lips tinned into a flat line, his posture now resembling her's and she slaps her forehead with the heel of her palm.
“Then you should keep tabs of your beasty minx of a cat who got my cat pregnant!” She exclaims disbelievingly to which his eyes turns saucer and he throws his sinewy arms in between them, mimics her expressions comically, “Is that my fault? Did I get your cat prego?” She blinks up at him rapidly --- he’s such a nerve puller.
“Yes it is! You didn’t get your cat desexed —-,” She stuffs her pointer against his chest and twist it with a grit, “Now he’ll have babies left and right – like a catwhore he is!!” She aerials her hands in different directions rapidly and he takes a step closer kissing his teeth together to seethe his words.
“He’s not a catwhore!”
“Kay then take the responsibility of what he did.” She mutters tapping her foot onto the carpeted floor and guppies at him like a fish when he bursts into taunting cackles, leaning to catch the door-frame before he mushes her under his weight. ”
“Ye -‐..- you’re —- you aren’t serious are ya?” His rosy eyelids snib tightly forming crinkles to where his temples meet his cheeks and she almost pouts, how much she doesn’t want to she could never cascade her expressions.
“Oh my — .... Bambi eyed wouldn’t I’ave had free him of his ball’s heaviness –-- if I’d ‘ave enough money down me pocket?” He scrunches his nose to take a breather from laughing hard.
“Don’t call me that!” She bites at him.
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He smirks gingerly – drums his fingers against his folded bicep and presses his back to the wall tipping his chin high.
Her blush eager to creep up her neck embarrasses her further more and she hides the softness in her voice, muttering gruffly, “Shut up.” Then turns to walk back into her apartment and to slam the door at his face -- but -- his whistle for her halts her in tracks.
“Hey – Bambi, we could sign the custody of kitties if that what ye'want.”
Three weeks after. There was another knock on Harry’s door, Niall's head perks up and bangs against the bookshelf –- he was trying to keep the furry cat in his lap, for a good warmer but its more enamoured with the ‘clucks' of his daddy’s boots than the soft flesh of Niall’s thigh as Harry chucks his wallet in the back-pocket of his jeans (he was about to go outside and bring some food) and opens the door slightly to see through the trapping chain, “who’s it?”
“Harry ‘s me ....” The voice mousey and worried. Niall recognizes it in a hot-second, frowns and tries to gain snowy’s attention, “What did y'do again? Did ya get the pretty neighbour's cat prego twice, you fat farts.” He chuckles when snowy meows at him innocently and Harry's brows skews together into a scowl.
“Call him fat farts another time —- I dare you —--,” He howls. Throwing angry upset glares towards Niall – their bickering gets interrupted when Y/N slips her hand from the crack of door, pinches Harry’s knuckles and he squeaks, “Ow —- what the fuck!”
“Harry.” Her tone threatening.
Harry puffs out a huge sigh and reveals himself infront of her, he's not in mood to fight with her over their cats, or the parcel Harry forgot to give her which got delivered to him on accident like one of the thousand times (he never found anything freakish until now .. not that he goes through what’s inside, but the labels tell they’re mostly her art supplies), or why he’s been showering for an hour because she now isn’t left with any warm water —- because he just came back from UNI and is dust bones from having two exams in a row.
“Y/N —-,” His face reeks with exhaustion. His curls drowsy, escaping from his knit beanie and his eyes glazed with sea-foam. She kinda feels bad for disturbing him -- but – it’s an emergency and she doesn’t know where to go, except him.
His weary vision falls upon trippers tucked beneath Y/N’s arm, “Is she alright?” He scratches behind her ear and trippers gives out a pained yowl.
“No –-.. that’s why ‘m here. She’s spotting blood everywhere and –-- and I don’t have enough money ...,” She’s embarrassed to say least. Not meeting Harry’s eyes and he gazes her sincerely –- belly doing weirdly funny somersaults. He clears his throat, grogs out gathering all the information in his head from the anatomy of humans and animals he studied till now.
“It’s okay for spotting in pregnancies – but ‐-.. she looks very much in pain s' we shouldn’t risk it. I’ve a friend. She’s practicing vet -- we could take her there.” He offers. Rubbing the back of his neck and Y/N bobs her head vigorously, anything to save her trippers baby.
“Fine –-- yeah, Iemme just wear my shoes ... then we're good to go.” She mumbles. Harry hasn’t seen her demeanour flatter like this ever before, whenever she’s banging and barging through his flat it’s always taut and cold banter.
He has never seen her this defenceless.
He drops his gaze down at her feet and finds that she’s wearing cute pizza slices socksies.
“Is this a clinic, or weed doing zone for animals?” She didn’t try to be mean. It just happened as she takes in the wearbouts of garage, stuffed with drums and musical instruments, spray paint on walls. Harry seems unfazed though, he could be shabbier than her if he wants to –- much fouler that could make her cry.
“Told you. She’s practicing not a vet yet.” She doesn’t question him further. Grateful enough for his help. She might not admit but he isn’t that bad of guy as she once imagined him in her head.
Y/N stifles a snort when a girl with mullet shag, having a stud in her brow and the corner of her lip, attired in all black greets Harry with a hip-check, “Vas’up booger.” She grins and Harry grumbles ruffling her hair with his knuckles.
It leaves Y/N in awe. This’s what group of friends look like -- so fun and annoying, she wanted to have this since when she’s small. Sadly, it’s just her and trippers in her friend group.
“Hi there!” She waves to Y/N trying to battle Harry’s tickles away. Takes trippers from Y/N's arms and coos up at her, “hiyaa baby .. oh, she’s having lil buns inside her.” She laughs and Y/N already likes her so much. As if, she’s the main character of any vintage styled movie.
“Rori here.” She introduces herself as Harry strolls inside her kitchen to rummage through her fridge, “Y/N.” Y/N smiles –-- eyeing Harry who’s whistling and tearing the crate of orange juice open.
When Trippers purrs from a cramp, Rori snuggles her closer to herself – “Her spotting is nothing to worry about –-- maybe she’s ready to give birth. If not I’ll take her to my hospital.”
“So Harry said...” Y/N nods.
“Oohh.” Rori exclaims, wiggling her brows curiously at Harry who’s gulping down juice hungrily, “Booger got normal friends too? Thought, those were all white lies.” He almost chokes at it – downing it cautiously and blinks vividly.
“No. Just neighbours.” Yeah, there’s nothing friendly between them –-- but how it’d be like to befriend Harry. The thought makes Y/N feel snoozy and warm.
“I see.”
“Okay then! ‘m gonna keep Trippers with me for two days –-- figure out what I could do to help her and if she heals I’ll drop her by, how that sounds?”
“Sounds good!” Both, Harry and Y/N chimes together heating their cheeks up. Harry wavers his gaze away, sulking a pouty mouth and turns all stoic again.
He doesn’t want to like, Y/N. Nope. Not at all. In any case.
She’s his bedevilling, bothersome and galling neighbour who just screams at him too much for his likening.
“Would you like something to eat?” She asks him while walking back home and he shakes his head, so she nudges him in ribs, “oh c'mon let it be a thank you, grumpy pants.”
“’M not –-,” He was about to snap at her. Instead, he groped her wrist tightly and tugged her to his side –-- she squeals into his chest as a car passes by them swiftly, honking at them in anger.
Her hair wisps from the friction of Harry’s hoodie as she pushes herself away from him, surprisingly he smells incredibly sweet – that of vanilla and citrus musk, something very cosy and like a morning breeze.
A jolt buzzes through her spine at the fact she was about to get crushed under a vehicle but she grins up at him awkwardly, “Tofu then?” His peepers widen in shock and he slaps his forehead.
“You’re mad, know that.”
Harry and Y/N. Sky and earth . She sprouts buds of irises and peonies when she speaks, her touch that shines away even an intimidating person as if they're mimosa plants, those eyes --- those eyes are itself sepia of grounds on which the tiny creatures celebrates by and Harry's well ... he’s the floss of clouds hidden behind sunshine, his rains would turn her into loam and his uppish thunder would make her loathe him.
Then some gods decided to break the needles and fix it in some other clock that rotates anti-clock wise.
Now, when she’s unable to nourish her flowers he's always there to rain and stroke a tender breeze against her that makes her lush grass snuggle the roots of who she’s.
They were enemies once. Opposite to eachother in many ways but couldn’t live without eachother despite of their distances. Just like sky's a hollow sheet of nothingness without it’s dear earth.
What blossomed their friendship was Y/N's date with this cute boy that is in her ceramic class, (not a date if you’d ask so –-- more like a meetup at this coffee house near her UNI).
Turns out he isn’t that cute. His blunt hands wandered up Y/N’s thigh without her consent and before she could know that, he was groping at it –-- making her gasp and hit her knee against the table. She struggles to writhe out of the chair but he stitches his nails in her skin, “I’m not liking it – you better stop.” She hisses, palms sweaty and slipping trying to remove his grip from around her.
“Don’t act all stupid .. you were hitting at me for hours, you want it but wouldn’t admit.” He groans, rolling his eyes and she feels like crying –-- teeth clanking letting out a shuddering breath.
“I’ll scream.” She warns him.
“You’re not that innocent, you act like.” He smirks, sliding his hand down her insides and before he could reach further Y/N sneaked a fork from the table and stabbed it in his knuckles.
“Fuck.” He shrieks, “Bitch.” He almost screams but stops when everyone stares at him as Y/N’s chair fell against the floor and she stumbles inside the bathroom.
Locking it behind her. Her chest burns with tears. Her vision spins and her fingers shakes as she dials one number she could reach for anytime, it rings then goes to voicemail so her bitten lip wobbles and eyes turn glossy.
She again dials it. There’re noises behind, that of someone instructing and Harry was in his lecture hall when she called .. his heart drops because all he could hear is quivering breath ... it shudders to tight painful gasps and he’s collecting his stuff leaving his seat immediately the doctor who's teaching them Apiceoctomy stares Harry while speaking.
Once he’s out in hallway, “Hey? Y/n are y’there? You okay? What happened?” She bolt her eyes close pressing her head to cold tiled wall and yawps outta fear when someone pounds at the door. Harry runs towards the exist, “Y/N where are you!? ‘m coming .. whatever it’s just --.. just ...” He gripes at his curls pushing them back – his heart beating loud, “ – just stay where you’re ‘n don’t panic .. yeah? It’s okay.” He mutters. Voice soft and assuring.
Her breathing patterns back to calmness – something about him so consoling, so warm and she nods. After some minutes she’s telling him the address and gladly it’s not that far away from Harry.
When he reaches. There are several people waiting at the bathrooms door and he’s knocking on it lightly, pressing his ear to it and grabs the knob (in case he’d have to break it).
When there’s no-response from inside he gets it something’s peculiar, “Bambi. ‘s me Harry.” It clicks and unlocks and he’s tumbling inside while the others groans and disperses knowing it’s invain waiting.
He’s dishevelled. His curls in moppy condition and his eyes full of concern and worry –-- she feels awful for doing this to him.
“Were you crying? Did somethin' happen?” He frowns. Ducking a bit to meet her gaze level and she clears the clump in her throat, “Can we just leave .. please?” He couldn’t believe it’s her voice – the bubbliness and chirpiness of it died to frightened meekness.
Harry takes her hand and walks them outside, Y/N sucks in squeak when the same guy rushes to confront them and when Harry sees his injured hand -- everything pieces together and fury spikes through his veins.
His brows pinches together into a frown, his lips lifting into a scowl and his eyes darkens pitch coal like.
He grips her dainty fingers and moves her behind him protectively and his chest buffs out as he takes a step forward towering the guy – “What d'ya want?” He kisses his teeth together to grit vehemence and that guy lift his trembling hand infront of Harry.
“Look what this bitch —-,” Ah –-- he really pushed Harry’s bad button didn’t he?
Harry grabs him from collar and Y/N squeals rubbing his wrist to pull him back, no-use.
“Badmouth her or anyone —-" Harry sneers and if he'd be a cartoon character – fume would have been coming out of his ears and nose.
“Else what!?” Harry’s more of a practical person -- so he did what he's been learning for years now and breaks his nose with such force it almost knocks him out.
Y/N's still in shock. Walking behind him on jelly toes and a shiver spirals in her bone marrow when her sweat dries from the wind that’s blowing and hitting them in faces.
They wait at bus shelter, sitting side by side –-- thighs brushing now and then flustering Y/N, Moreso when he apologizes everytime.
There’s silence. Harry’s irritated groan breaks it –- he clenches and unclenches his knuckles .. the thin skin a bit bruised.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry –-- .. ‘s my fault.” She rambles. Taking his hand to inspect it, “I shouldn’t have called you at ---..” He frowns confused and pokes her in knee conveying her to stop worrying. Because if anyone needs to be taken care of is her and wish he could just hug her and tell her that it’s not her fault – not even a tad.
“Y/n...” He gains her attention and his gaze flickers from her snotty nose towards her soaky cheeks, “Shut up.” She chuckles at that putting his palm gently back on his thigh.
“Would you like to have, noodles? I know this incredible chinese place ...” He shakes his head. His smile small and kooky, nose scrunched up as he sniffs the air – predicting a rain coming soon.
“D'we have to eat after every tragedy that happens t’you?”
“Yup, tragedies makes me hungry.” It’s her coping mechanism if she'll be honest and that’s what she’s been doing for ages.
“Who are you, Y/N?
She jumps up. Wiggling her fingers for him to take and beams sweetly, “Bambi next door?”
“From when did ya become s' rich?” He giggles. He finds her fucking adorable as she drags him along herself excitedly – she halts infront of the expensive restaurant –- where people dressed in all kind of luxuries and bright pearls are dinning in and she arches her brow sceptically, “Did you really think –- I’ll be able to take us here?” He shoves his hands in his jeans pocket, elevates his shoulders and smiles bashfully.
“Maybe one day, who knows?” They walk towards the chinese take out and Y/N trots backwards –-- facing him all while and rolls her eyes, “’M an artist whose half of paintings goes to trash.” Harry’s eyeballs springs out of his sockets hearing her statement and he really wants to knock some senses into this silly girl.
“Oh my --.. jeez .. those paintings are ‘s good y'divvy. They're hanging onto my walls, been enjoying them fo' free —- what the actual fuck .. really your hands are magical.” He feels annoyed and sad that she felt a need to dump them, because those were some beautiful art pieces.
(“Hmm. It has some hidden meaning beneath it, H. I’m tellin' ya.” Ni would always say. Standing infront of it for hours and hours staring at it.
“Looks like a pussy to me.” Max would quip sipping his bevy and Harry would smack him in head, “Guys how ‘bout we just see it like a fuckin' painting.” He'd grumble focusing back on his books.)
“Really?” She asks shyly and he bobs his head, “Guess you could just keep them then ...” She grins up at him taking the boxes from the cashier.
“Where are we going?”
“You’d see yourself.” She sing-songs galloping over the muddy potholes and Harry looks funny doing it with his spider long legs. Their footsteps echoes in the empty warehouse and Harry didn’t expect her to be the person – that loves finding weird places and spend time there.
“Careful there.” He murmurs. Pressing a hand to her waist when she wobbles on her feet climbing the metal stairs and Harry thinks if she was this clumsy all along or it’s from what happened at the coffee house.
“Holy shit!” He cups a hand around his mouth as the traffic bustles down on the street, “You afraid of heights?” She glances back at him from where she’s standing on the cemented edge.
“Matters. If we're about to act silly and jump, then yes.”
Warmth worms up at his chest and his adam apple bobs, he barks out a laugh when she giggles demanding him to come closer to her, “Come here then you dentist the bad boi.” He tugs the fabric of his jeans from his crotch and hikes his one knee up sitting beside her, other leg swinging in air.
He listens to her hums and happy sounds as she slurps the long noodle inside her mouth, “What you’re afraid of then Harry?” Her question catches him off-guard. Nobody has ever asked what his fears are and he might be famous for an intimidating personality just because he speaks less and owns a roaring bullet –-- he’s still very nice to talk to, but he'd rather spend his time with snowy than waste his time on orgy parties.
“Snowy’s funky farts -- they're ‘orrible!! have to leave the flat fo’ a minute.” He grins when Y/N’s head lulls back and she laughs gleefully, rolling into his side to support herself, “Oh no!” She whines when her chopsticks falls and drops onto the road poorly.
“We can share mine.” He hands her his chopsticks and she thanks him timidly, “What d'you fear?” They pass it back and forth –- his lips wrapping around them as he takes a chunky bite.
Harry tries to down the food that got stuck in his throat when she said nonchalantly, “Dying alone I guess?” He chews the veggies, grimaces and shakes his head -- puts his hand over her knee squeezing it kind-heartedly.
“You’ll not.” She feels like every tulip of light around her’s sparkling – the buzz of having his company tingling her in good way, “Promise?” She asks and Harry lifts his pinky in between them encouraging her to bring her's.
She wasn’t serious about the promise thing it was more onto sarcastic side than to sincerity.
“Promise.” His dimples caters deep and his eyes crinkles when different golden lights dances against her skin making her look prettier than she’s.
He’s gonna fulfill his promise.
Y/N could be sentimental given on occasions and how bad the situation’s – but she bottles it up for good amount until later, it all crushes her completely and she’s unable to stand back.
Now, when there’s eerie quietness in the bus and the world infront of her fades behind in weird shapes and forms in her head because of the speed of vehicle – her mind thought it’d be best time to remorse over what happened to her and her eyes well up at that.
Harry plucks his headphones down upon hearing her soft sniffles and turns her towards him with her shoulder, “Y/N hey ....” His voice tender and dewy as he slides his palm under her jaw and cups her cheek to wipe out her tears with the mild stroke of his thumb.
His gentleness rakes out an agonising sob from inside her and she feels like her organs are clashing together.
“Shh. Bambi you’re okay now, ‘s alright you’re here with me -- shh, ‘m so sorry love —- but it’s over now, yeah? We're going home and I’ll make you chamomile tea, could ‘ve both snowy and trippers cuddle with you while I’ll get you all warm and nice inside this new fluffy blanket I just bought! – how does that sound?” He pets her hair. Brings her closer to his chest and she keeps her nose tucked against his clavicles to stop from crying and make a show.
When she nods, suckling a wet breath he swipes a loose errand of her hair behind, “Sounds good yeah?” She just hums snuggling into him.
Her arms slowly loops around his love-handles and he stows her head under his chin -- rubs her back in circles to soothe the stiff muscles, covers her ears with the headphones he was wearing before – plays acoustic version of Landslide by Fleetwood Mac and simpers when she hiccups his name, but doesn’t respond when he answers – his ears turns pink from fond and his belly overglows with butterflies as she babbles his name till she drops into peaceful sleep.
Y/N found herself in his bed with snowy and trippers ontop of her and Harry snoring on the couch – his gangly limbs not fitting at all.
She really wanted to call him and sleep on his bed, but she drowses back to slumber.
“Grumpy jerk and an actual ray of sunshine. Sorry, couldn’t process it – too much.” Rori teased Harry the last time they gathered and Y/N was there too! though the true statement was claimed after her departure.
Harry’s friends couldn’t believe that he stepped out of his comfort zone and made a new cute friend, now after one year of their friendship it doesn’t feel like they’re neighbours anymore –-- it's just one big home with an alleyway in between.
“What're y'doin', moppet?” Harry chuckles picking up the half eaten packet of crisps, chewy sour candies, wrappers of oreos and the romcom CDs they were playing before.
Y/N's sprawled on her tummy. Feetsie in air and her chin secured in her palm as she looks like she’s seriously about to take an admission in med school –-- she’s concentrating real hard on the thick book under her, eyes fixated on the diagrams of teeth – it makes Harry laugh like a maniac.
“Aish. Your books, gives me an ache.” She massages her forehead, shakes her head as if she tasted something icky and pushes his book away. Harry laughs harder at her antics wrappers flying away from his grasp and he flops onto couch –-- thighs spreading wide and back sinking into the cushions.
“Where?” His lips rumbles as he tries to hold back another fits of laughter when she gets his dirty joke and pouts, lips fluttering into a smile until she bursts into giggles joining him.
“Nope. My cookie doesn’t throb like it used to sneaking on reproduction chapters in biology.” Harry roars out a cackle at that and Y/N grins fiddling with the frizz of her socks, “Heyyyy it’s not funny –- very much sad.”
He suckles a breath in, their grins achy and big, “Stuff your cookie with some jam ‘n you'll be alright.”
“You’re gross!” She fake gags. Hunches over to exaggerate the severity and scares the shit out of Harry when she gasps loudly slapping his knee, “Harry! Harry! Oh my gosh.....ahhhh!” She gallops like a bunny towards the window and gazes up at the sky with glinting eyes, “Harry look! It’s snowing.” He trots behind her with a roll of eyes knowing what’s about to come next.
When she turns around with sparkly grin, hands clasped atop her chest and tippy-toes to beg him, Harry shuts his lids, “No Muffy.” Y/N loves eating chocolate muffins –-- eating them whenever she could possibly ... and that’s how the pet name Harry decided to call her was muffy.
“Please, it would be so fun .. we could have hot chocolate afterwards.” She mumbles tugging at the hem of his chunky yarn sweater.
“Nothing’s fun about snow angles, Muffyyyy!!” He whines. Squinting down at her with one eye and finds her all slumpy, head falling downwards.
“Okie then. ‘m going to sleep.” She mutters in a meek voice pushing past him –-- but he wraps his hand around her wrist and pulls her back to himself, chuckling with wide eyes, “You’re very dramatic and annoyin’ y’know that?”
Instead, she grins bobbing her head shamelessly, pats his chest and dashes to wear his warm jacket, “Biscuits on you -- hot chocolate on me.” She tells him slipping into her shoes with the support of doorframe.
He comes closer to her and her heart thuds into her tiny ribs as he zips his jacket she’s wearing up till her neck and warns her while pulling out her hair, “If I get sick – ‘m gettin'y sick too.”
Harry’s waiting outside the candy shop Y/N just barged in moments ago. He refused to step inside – knowing she’ll use him as a taste tester and at the end of the day his tongue would have a mountain sugar atop his taste buds.
The spring breeze flowery and warm. He shakes his head, smiles softly watching her switch aisles and guffaws loudly catching attention of an old couple siting on the bench behind -- at her eagerness when she started chomping onto the long chewy candy right after getting it from the cashier.
“That’s g'na rot your teeth even before your forties.” He tells her taking the small bag from her and walks beside her, “Your kids are gonna hate you ...” She tells him –- stretching out the candy with her teeth.
“You sure, y'were allowed colas and candies in childhood?” He teases her prodding her side so she throws it at his chest making him laugh and he bends down to pick it up and dump it in bin.
“You’ve got a cute bum.” She whistles and Harry’s cheeks bashes with blush – turns around and wiggles herself, “How's mine?” She hums glancing back at him with cheeky grin.
“Ten by two, I guess?” He bites down a smirk when she spins to face him a bit gobsmacked, “Not even five?” She grumps chin doubling as she tries to see her bum herself.
“Six then?” He giggles enjoying how she’s getting riled up out of nowhere and she stomps away from him so he jogs to catch her, “Bambi. Was kiddin'.”
“You owe me two muffins with the amount of insults you’ve caused my poor bum.” He knuckles at her hair and she slaps him away like a feisty kitten, “I take it back –-- you’re really ten by two.”
“Oi!!!” Now, she’s running behind him. His curls blowing away and his coat ruffling with the zephyr, his head falling back with the belly-ache laughter that bounces against the bricked walls of shops.
It’s Friday night. Y/N is doing her laundry. Plucking out Harry’s socks from Trippers furry ear, her kitties sleeping in bassinet. Harry and Y/N have named them Tum, Tug and Truggers –-- she sits back on her heels upon hearing her door closing and hikes the small basket on her hip trudging outside —-- she didn’t had any clothes that could make her feel warm during these days – even her socks were all soggy -- so was Harry’s, now all she’s gonna do is make a blanket fort and hide in it for hours.
She knuckles at her eyes, blinking the tiredness away to see properly who’s standing in the middle of room, “Harry?” He's wearing a graduation gown and tips his hat with a sheepish smile then waves his degree infront of her, “Guess who's a proper dentist now!?” She’s frozen to her spot –- jaw slacked and eyes blown away in surprise.
“Your bad boi!” The basket falls from her hip onto the floor scaring Trippers and she whispers an, “Oh my goodness.” Before, stumbling towards him and crashes in his arms giving him a tight loving hug. He slinks his forearms around her and squishes his face into the crook of her neck, lips tickling her skin and if it was possible for him to freeze the time and cherish it for some more he'd.
“I’m so proud of you.” She mumbles into him with a grin. He feels so worthy and every hardship he faced now feels like nothing, this's how life supposed be throughout –- but best things always bores fruit for the right time.
“How about we celebrate? Just you and me.” Just you and me. It feels nice to just her and him. Makes her heart swoon. Makes her feel like skies outside are wet and pink, “Umm .. can we celebrate here? It’s okay .... “ She shifts on her feet and he furrows his brows in confusion, lips ticked up as if he’s scrutinizing her.
“You and not goin' nutters for an outing .. seems odd —-,” Then his eyes falls over the surrounding, a heating pad beside his feet – aloe fused socks hanging to get dry, a tray of chocolate muffins, kettle on the coffee table so he puts one and one together himself.
“Oh muffy —-... pizza and cuddles then?” If he wouldn’t be aware of how first few days of her period are hell for her then who would? He’s always making her pot meals and curry rice – feeds her and gets all strict when she refuses to eat anything. She looses her appetite and transforms into something ‘if zombie had a baby with vampire -- it sure looked like you’ he'd always scold her.
Even bribe her with candies. Once they were awfully painful and Y/N really didn’t want to be all dramatic not when their friends were having a good time, she doesn’t like to be a party pooper.
But, when a stinging cramp cut through her pelvis and thighs she was hunching forward with a jolt -- all teary eyes and wobbly lips. Harry left everything and rushed towards her, sitting on his knees on the floor and cupped her throat to make her look at him when she refused to, “Y/N ‘m serious -- you rather tell me what’s happening with ye’ or ‘m throwin' you at my shoulder and takin’ you hospital —... cause fuck look at you been like this since morning ....” He was rambling and Y/N felt like drilling a hole into floor and hide herself there forever.
She was mortified and embarrassed, a terrible combination.
She wasn’t able to tell him infront of all of their friends even though it’s something very normal, so everyone stared and nodded when they left they for Harry’s room.
“Bambi are you okay? I’m not even kidding something’s not —-..” She wipes her nose and tugs at his wrist trying to shush him, when he doesn’t pushes a fingers against his lips.
“Don’t worry. ‘m good --- just —-... umm I’m on my periods.” She rubs her one feet on another and his mouth fall into an ‘o' when realization hit him and his brows clinches together sternly.
He sighs running his fingers through his hair, something he does when frustrated and whumpy.
“Should’ve told me. We could have done this later ... do you want anything? I’ve got pain —--,” His words swells on his tongue when her head bumps against his chest and her hands locks around his neck, hugging him with all her gentle will because nobody has ever cared for her –-- him being so tentative to her makes her want to sob into his chest.
He warms her in all the right places.
“How’re you feeling on scale of one to ten?” He speaks while chewing onto the stuffed crust of pizza. They’re cosied up on the sofa while Mama Mia plays on the telly and she’s cuddled up into him, he's holding her heat pad with the grip of his forearm and she lifts her head mousey-ly from his bicep and whispers – “Eightish...? Now, you’re Dr.Styles.” He giggles at her and pushes her head back against him with his finger.
“What does my being dentist has a connection to your periods?” He dips the pads of his fingers into her pudgy love handles and squeezes them -- she giggles thinking about the joke she’s about to crack.
“You pull teeth, it’s blood and I pull out tampon so it’s —...” Harry chuckles gruntly at her and tickles her more, “Oh no. I know where it’s goin'....”
“You asked for it!” She pouts at him and he squishes her lips together as if she’s a duck toy.
Then they flump back into their cuddling position and Harry rubs her tummy in tender soothing circles, it helps her relax and his breath syncs with her and she really tries not to pay attention to her bratty screaming hormones heating her skin up – her thighs experiencing a quiver and she squeaks down a huffy whimper.
“You okay?” Harry asks. When she squirms against him and she gulps -- they don’t hide stuff from eachother so she tells him honestly, “You’re really turning me on.” Harry’s heart hiccups at that and his palms still over her thighs.
“Is that so?”
He pets her hair and tries to make her stand, “Just go to washroom and jizz one out.”
“I can’t.”
“You can’t? Why?”
“Promise me you wouldn’t make fun....” He frowns and nods bringing his pinky to make the deal.
She clutches her sweater down to her knees, cheeks rosy and mutters out in one breath – “I’ve specific days for that....” Harry really tires to. He locks up his laughs in his lungs and it aches his chest, his cheeks balloons up but at last he rolls onto floor and guffaws into his elbow.
“You said you wouldn’t make fun!!!” She whines kicking his side lightly and he grabs her ankle, “This means all those times you’d be all locked up –- oh my god, you were playing with yourself.” She folds her arms. Her nostrils flares with irritation and she doesn’t even spare him a glance.
“Pet, waiting so long .. it’s a torture to yourself.” He tells her genuinely sitting up with crossed legs and she mumbles knuckling at her eyes, “just some reasons ... horny is bad.” Now, Harry feels kind of terrible pushy person and he really wants to help her out but he’s walking on egg shells here. So, he stops asking anything.
“Rori's girlfriend is a sex therapist —-“ She becomes all fidgety at that and Harry takes in her nervousness, “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to.” He exclaims waving his hands and she gulps giving him a small nod.
“Night time fo' some grumpy muffy!” He coos, brings the blanket to her chin and his pupils dilate adorningly when she asks him, “Could I snuggle you?”
“Ofcourse.” He pecks her temple and tells her to budge over before sandwiching her between him and the sofa.
That whole night all his mind could think was why horny is bad for her?
Y/N was feeling overly warm and heated, a tad achy between her thighs. She vigorously tries to focus on something else but her chest is heaving at this point, even opens the windows and let the cool air hit her but no use –- so she does what have to be done in order to get rid of the throb.
She cosies herself on the bed, switches onto hentai and throws her legs in air to shimmy her sheer white panty down.
“Oh ...” Whimpers teeny-ly when her fingers brushing up her soaking pussyfolds provides her a bit relief – her soft hands wanders beneath her flimsy shirt and touches her skin in the most arousing way possible –-- tweaks her nipples and jerks up, oozing more wetness.
“Ah! Fuck.” She moans easing in two fingers at once and cramps down at them watching the hentai porn –- but it’s not enough, she’s been pushing her fingers in and out for ten minutes now—she’s unable to get to climax.
So she groans sits up and switches to domineering audios, listens to it while fingering herself hard and she has no idea from where her mind gathered these images from -- but -- soon she’s thinking about Harry’s husky rasp, his sea-foam beautiful eyes and those rosy knuckles ring clad hands —-- imagining him holding her down into mattress and pounding into her at a brutal pace, making her sit on his cock and not letting her move –-- his fingers down her petty throat —-- him spanking her ass if she let’s out any voice out and he'd roar at her beg as she'd be lurking at her tenth orgasm –---- every plausible dirty stuff with him.
She was so engulfed into making herself feel good, lost in her own headspace and imaginations that she didn’t hear footsteps approaching and it’s like she manifested him as he stands at the door-frame with blown away pupils –-- guppy mouth and she’s squealing feeling dizzy upon sitting up this quick.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck —-... sorry sorry ... “ He covers his eyes and turns to walk away but bumps his head with a thud into doorframe.
She gasps, knees up and almost shouts, “No!” making him halt mid-track and she’s on the verge of tears, red face and shaky fingers.
“Please ....”
Harry’s eyes turns soft at that and he walks towards bed, licks his lips wet and brushes the loose tress of her hair away.
“You want me to stay, muffy?” He asks to make sure – she isn’t in haze and all fog minded.
“Yes. I want you to stay.” She doesn’t hesitate this time. Her words honest and full of plead, she needs him, she wants him, she wants to have him.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
A Night In Las Vegas
requested by this anon: “I had the BEST idea: CC!Quackity came up with the idea of his Las Nevadas character arc after going to Las Vegas and meeting Reader there. Maybe one night the reader decides to go and twitch and finds quackity doing a lore stream and the reader is like: no way, it’s the guy I met in Vegas.”
{I love this concept, sorry it took so long for me to get out}
Quackity x reader
trigger warnings: some swears
premise: after getting ditched by your friends on the last night of your long weekend in vegas you run into a very interesting guy who doesn’t hesitate to befriend you. But what happens months later when he still seems to be running circles in your mind?
{covid don’t exist here, no sir}
{for the sake of the story, readers favorite color is blue, if its not, either pretend it is, or get over it}
“You can’t just- you can’t kick me out!” You yelled. 
Your bestfriend laughed, “Just find somewhere to go for a few hours! Me and Hunter want alone time!” 
“A few fucking hours!?! Seriously?!” But your duffle bag had already been thrown at your feet, and the hotel door room was swinging closed, muffled giggles coming from inside.
Groaning, you picked up your bag, where were you supposed to go now? 
“Not that I was like- listening in or anything- but damn that sucks.” 
You jumped turning to see a man with black hair sticking out of his beanie standing in front of the door diagonal from yours. 
“Uh- yeah. Last night in Vegas and I get ditched for a random hook up,” You scoffed, “I should’ve known it would happen.” 
“That’s not cool, uh- I’m Alex.” He stepped forward, offering his hand. 
Somewhat reluctantly, you shook his hand, “(y/n).” 
He nodded, “I was going to head out for a late night wander, find something to do-, preferably away from all the hookups that seem to be happing around us right now. If you want to come.” 
You glanced around, “Seriously?” 
“Oh- god that did sound kinda creepy didn’t it,” Alex scrubbed a hand over his face, “Sorry- I- you can just forget about this then-” 
“No! I mean- You don’t seem like a rapist or anything. I’ll come with.” 
He grinned, “Poggers, you can, leave that, in my room, if you want. Just seems like a pain to lug around everywhere.” 
You bit your lip, “Leaving my belongings in a strangers room while I go with said stranger to find something interesting to do, sure- why not?”
Somehow, you found yourself wandering out of the hotel lobby, and onto the crowded streets along side Alex. 
“So.... whats your favorite color?” He asked as you walked.
You laughed, “What?” 
“We’re like, total strangers- it was a question, to get to know you.” He tucked his hands into his pockets. 
“Oh, well-” before you could finish your sentence, there was a large amount of gasps and yells from the crowd in front of you.
“What’s going on?” Alex asked quietly. 
You craned your neck to look over the crowd, gasping, “The water show! With the fountains outside of Caesar’s Palace!” You grabbed his hand, tugging him with you to push through the crowd, “This was the whole reason I agreed to this trip- but we never got to it!” 
You shoved your way through the crowd until you got to the front, pressing against the barrier to watch the fountain display. 
“Holy shit.” You heard him mutter from beside you. 
You grinned, “It’s impressive right?” 
“Imagine the coding it would take to get those things to stay on time.” 
After the show had ended, you had kept wandering for a while, up the strip, asking various questions back and forth. 
You had found out that he was a Minecraft youtuber and a law student, though you’d had to admit, you weren’t too knowledgeable on either that subject. 
Now you were both staring up at the Dave and Busters sign, “This is a good idea right?” 
He nodded, “Definitely. Come on, I’d bet I could beat you at skee ball!” 
Laughing, you followed him into the building, and up the stairs toward the arcade entrance, “Your on!” 
After buying the credit cards for access to the games, you grabbed his hand, dragging him over to the skee ball lanes. 
“Lets go!” He shouted, a few minutes later, upon realizing your score was a total of 10 points behind his, “I’m popping off!”
You laughed, “Okay, what game’s next?” 
Nearly an hour later, you had both run out of credits, and laughing, made you way up to the prize area. 
“Do you think its possible to compile our tickets?” He asked. 
You followed his pointing finger to the large stuffed dragons sitting on one shelf. 
“We need him.” You said immediately.
After picking out a bright red dragon, you began to argue over the name as you made your way to the counter. 
“What about Carl?” You suggested. 
He shook his head, “I have a friend named Karl.” 
“How ‘bout........ Phil?” 
“I also know a Phil.” 
“Hmmmm, what about Sebastian?” 
“He doesn’t look like a Sebastian!” 
You frowned, “Well do you have any ideas then?” 
Alex thought for a moment, “Albert.” 
You looked down at the dragon, “Albert it is.” 
At the counter Alex convinced the reluctant worker to allow you to use both the cards credit totals, and then you went happily on your way out of the building, stopping to take a picture of Albert in front of the sign, which Alex posted to twitter with the comment of, “Look at our son!” 
You’d staid mostly out of frame, but he managed to get about half of your side, since you were the one holding Albert. 
“Do you think any pf the buffets are still open?” Alex asked. 
“I hope so, I’m starving.” You giggled. 
~~ 12:06am
The buffet was somewhat deserted, and you and Alex had grabbed seats in one of the corners after getting plates full of food.
Albert sat on the table between you as you talked. 
“So it’s roleplay- but in Minecraft?” You asked, barley holding back a laugh.
He nodded, chuckling, “It sounds stupid, I know, but it’s like- huge. Especially since technically I’m getting back into the main lore now, with the whole project: vegas thing.” 
“Project Vegas?” You asked. 
He nodded again, “My character, he’s been through almost everything that's happened, and everything always ends to blow up in his face, literally sometimes. He’s built contries from the ground up- as stupid as that sounds- but they always fail, but this one won’t fail.
“I’m partnering with another guy on the server to set up a whole economy, he’s making a bank, and I’m making- well I’m making my own Vegas.” 
You took a sip of your drink, “What’s it going to be called?” 
“I haven’t figured it out yet,” He admitted, “I wanted to just call it Las Vegas but the names already taken.”
With a chuckle you shifted in your seat, “What about....- what about Las Nevada's?” 
He laughed, “I like that.” 
“Tell me more about this server then, I still don’t understand the story.” 
With another chuckle he launched into the story, “Well, it all started when this guy called Wilbur Soot decided he wanted to start a nation....”
~~ 3:18am
You were back at the hotel now, still with Quackity, sitting out on the balcony of his room. Some how, you had ended up having some slightly deep talk about life and death and a million other things before lapsing into silence, simply watching the blinking lights of the city. 
“What?” He asked softly. 
“You asked me my favorite color, ten minutes after we met. It’s blue- that's my favorite color.” You shivered against a cold breeze. 
Alex shifted minutely closer, “Why?” 
You shrugged, “It can be so many things. Deep and dark and mysterious but also light like the summer sky and filled with hope. There’s a million shades from happiness to anger, and to everyone it could mean something else.” 
“I like that.” He said quietly. 
You yawned, rubbing sleep out of your eyes as the car drew closer to the airport.
Alex tapped on the steering wheel in time with the music, quietly humming along. 
“Oh, I see my friend, they actually waited for me.” You said as the car pulled up to the curb. 
“How considerate.” He chuckled, climbing out of the car. 
You followed suit, retrieving your duffle bag from the back seat. 
“Well, it was cool knowing you Alex.” You said. 
Before you started to walk away you remembered, and quickly turned back to where he was standing, pulling Albert out of your bag, “Here, he’s yours. You spent more tickets on him than I did.” 
He shook his head, “Keep him. I give you full custody of our son.” 
“Oh- okay... bye then.” 
You barley made it a few steps before he was quickly catching up to you, grabbing your arm and spinning you to press his lips on yours. 
“Good luck with your shitty friends.” He breathed, before hurrying back to his car, leaving you flustered and running to catch up to your friend. 
One and A Half Months later
It had been over a month since the Vegas trip, but you still hadn’t gotten Alex out of your head. 
You had clicked, on some level, and the late night conversation you had shared seemed to keep you thinking about him.
Now, you scrolled aimlessly through twitter, checking the trending tags until you came across one called “LAS NEVADAS” 
Now that piqued your interest, and clicking on it, you found posts of people live tweeting an event- no a live stream. And not just any live stream- a Minecraft stream.
Quickly you opened a new tab, pulling up twitch as fast as you could. 
What was the name of his channel? Oh god why did you forget?
Returning to twitter you searched until you found a link, following it to a new twitch tab. 
And there he was. 
The boy who had been doing laps around your mind was actually there, talking to another character. 
“Look Sam, you and me, we could control everything. I need the bank to help fund Las Nevada’s, we can be partners.” 
You sat, watching the stream, enthralled. 
Once it had ended, you still could hardly believe you found him, quickly following another link back to his twitter and opening a direct message. 
Y/n: Um, this is awkward, idk if you remeber this, but we met in vegas, about a month ago, and I had no idea how to find you until the stream today
quackityHQ: uh, hi? 
qusckityHQ: proof?
Quickly you sent him the picture you had taken of him with Albert, 
y/n: uhhh, bam, proof? 
y/n: our son is sitting on my head board right now
quackityHQ: holy shit
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sunkisseddaffodils · 3 years
reunion- pt 2 (final)
Pairing: sherlock x fem!reader
Request: 'hi! can i pls request a sherlock x fem!reader fic in which reader is kinda john's childhood bestfriend, but they were separated when reader with her parents moved somewhere (to united states, for instance). so now when she is in britain again, she sort of struggles with finding a not very fancy place to stay. fortunately, she meets our johnny boi and he immediately proposes for her to stay in 221c, baker-street. so reader moves there, meets sherly and they sorta starting to fall in luv with each other'
Summary: Sherlock accidentally drags up some old unwanted memories for the reader
Genre: reader insert, angst
A/n: this is the final part of the above request. Sorry, I didn't exactly follow the request but I mostly tried to. Thanks to anon for requesting though! Enjoy!
Read pt 1 here.
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The following day, after a restless night’s sleep, Y/N sat nervously in Mrs’s Hudson cosy kitchenette. Mrs Hudson had switched on the kettle and was preparing to make both of them a cup of tea. From what John had told her, she was perfectly lovely but she couldn’t help but be anxious. It was in her nature; she worried about everything. She made sure to bring papers to prove to her that she had a monthly income. But what if that wasn’t enough and Mrs Hudson had already decided that she wasn’t good enough to stay in her upstairs flat? The sound of china cups being placed on the table brought her back from the depths of her mind.
‘What brings you to London? John tells me you moved all the way from the States?’
John was right, Mrs Hudson was delightful. Y/N felt more relaxed at the sound of her comforting voice.
‘I’m starting my training next week to be a dentist in Harley Street ’
Mrs Hudson’s eyes genuinely glistened with interest.
‘Oh? John told me you already completed dental school in Seattle? Aren’t you already qualified?’
‘Yeah in the States. To work here, I have to do an extra year before I’m qualified. I don’t mind though, I wanted a fresh start in the UK.’
A door closing behind them interrupted their conversation. Both Y/N and Mrs H turned to where the noise came from but couldn’t see who or what made it. The latter called out.
‘Sherlock? John? Is that you?’
With no response, they returned to their conversation.
‘Y/N, you seem like a lovely young woman with a bright future. Of course, you can stay in the upstairs flat!’
She smiled widely, uttering a thousand ‘thank yous’. Y/N grabbed her important documents and handed them to Mrs Hudson.
‘Thank you. I’ll take a look at these later.’
Tomorrow, Mrs Hudson gave Y/N a tour of 221c. She fell speechless as she looked around. It was the same layout as Sherlock’s but had recently been renovated to have a more modern look. The apartment was already furnished so all she had to do was move her belonging's in from storage. She couldn’t believe that she was able to afford this apartment! Especially, as it was in central London. Promptly, she strolled over to where her new landlady was waiting by the front door.
‘So I get all this for this price? That’s insanely cheap for London.’
Y/N commented while pointing to the tenancy agreement Mrs Hudson was holding.
Simply, she just chuckled.
‘I do special rates for Sherlock and John. If you’re a friend of John’s then you’re a friend of mine. I’ll do the same for you.’
She continued.
'I met Sherlock in Florida when my husband was sentenced to death. He was able to help out so I owed him a favour. ’
Her face was completely serious yet it sounded so implausible. How could a lovely little lady like Mrs Hudson have such an impossible past like that? Adding to that, Y/N wondered that Sherlock really must be a genius if he can stop someone from being executed.
‘Wait, are you saying that Sherlock stopped your husband from being executed?’
‘Oh no, he ensured it.’
And with that bombshell of a statement, Mrs Hudson disappeared downstairs leaving Y/N utterly astonished in her new apartment. She made a note to herself to remind her to ask John about Mrs Hudson’s past. There was so much she wanted to know about her life.
A few days passed and the time finally arrived for Y/N to move into 221c. She was standing outside the cafe with Mrs Hudson, waiting for the moving company to arrive along with her possessions. She glanced at her watch, anxiously. The moving people were already five minutes late. Meanwhile, Sherlock and John were upstairs having carried three boxes between them that Y/N had brought herself. John was busying himself, tidying up the flat, waiting for a text from Y/N so he and Sherlock could help her move in and set up the place. He had told Sherlock to make himself useful but looking over his way, he hadn’t. Sherlock was staring intensely at the three boxes they had placed on the dining table by the windows. John marched over there to tell him off.
‘Sherlock! What are you doing? If you’re not going to make yourself useful up here, then can you at least go downstairs to check what’s taking the mover’s so long?’
Sherlock completely disregarded everything he just said.
‘Look at these three boxes, John. What do they tell you?’
He just groaned.
‘Nothing, they’re just boxes.’
‘Fine, if you’re not going to play ball then I will just tell you.Y/N has made sure she took these boxes here herself. Why? That suggests they’re private and she doesn’t want strangers, i.e the movers, to touch them. The first two boxes are labelled: electronics and toiletries. Makes sense then for why she would want to move them herself: one’s valuable and the others personal.’
He pointed towards the last cardboard box.
‘But why hasn’t she labelled this one? I’m sure I’m right to assume that she would have labelled every single box from what I’ve seen from these two. So what’s in this box that separates it from the rest?’
John stepped away from the dining table and started fluffing some pillows on the couch.
‘Sherlock, I really couldn’t care less. There’s nothing weird going on. She’s not part of some underground crime syndicate. Just leave it alone. You can’t know everything.’
However, the crinkling of tape being peeled off from the box told John that Sherlock, was in fact, not going to leave it alone.
John raced back over to the table and seized the box from Sherlock. Soon, a tug of war for the box began between them.
‘You are not going through Y/N’s private things!’
He yanked the box harder.
‘But John, I have to know what’s in there.’
John glared at him, pulling the box back towards him.
‘Tough luck. Once again let me spell this out: you cannot go through other people’s belongings. It’s rude.’
Sherlock’s grip remained firm, however.
‘Don’t you want to know more about why she’s moved back here? The answer could be in this box. It’s strange that she just packed up and left her life back in Seattle. She obviously doesn’t have any family here. Otherwise, why would she come to you for help? And there’s also the fact I heard her tell Mrs Hudson that she has to do extra training to be a qualified dentist in the UK. Why go to all that effort when she’s already qualified back in the US? Aren’t you in the least bit curious?’
John once again dragged the box back to him.
‘Oh so now you’re not only going through her stuff, you’re also eavesdropping on her?’
Sherlock was offended even though there was a hint of truth to what John was saying.
‘It wasn’t eavesdropping! I just happened to overhear her.’
What Sherlock was saying did make John curious, but still, Y/N deserved her privacy. It was up to her if she wanted to them the real reason she moved back to the UK. John was about to tell Sherlock this when the door burst open.
‘Hey, guys! The movers are here now if you wanna come down.’
Y/N’s voice staggered when she saw the scene before her.
In a moment of alarm, both Sherlock and John had dropped the box. Its content spilt out onto the floor. An off-white ornate picture frame smashed onto the hard wooden floor, glass spraying everywhere. The picture in the frame was of Y/N and a man in front of the Seattle Great Wheel. Y/N stood in surprise as the said man was knelt down holding a rose gold diamond-encrusted ring. The picture frame was custom engraved and it read ‘For my love.’
It all made sense now to Sherlock.
However, there was no time to think more about the picture. Sherlock and John stood like a deer in headlights
‘It was Sherlock!’
John pointed accusingly towards Sherlock.
Y/N didn’t say anything, simply walked over to where the box had fallen, glass crunching under converse trainers. She knelt down to pick up the photograph. She remained there for a moment, an expression of profound anguish on her face.
John tried to help her up, but she refused. She practically ran out of the flat, trying to conceal her pain. John didn’t even have time to tell her that she had cut her knees on the glass from the floor. He grabbed a broom from the kitchen and started cleaning up the mess on the floor. He looked at Sherlock who was still in the same place. He had a look of regret on his face.
‘Sherlock there’s no point making that face now! You’re cleaning this mess up too. We’re going to make it up to her by making this apartment look really nice before she comes back.’
As he shifted the box back onto the table, he thought of his own way to make it up to Y/N.
Y/N was falling asleep at her desk, she was now four hours into writing her essay on dental hygiene. She placed her head in her hands, thinking she would just have a quick nap. Her phone ringing ended that plan though. She saw that it was Sherlock and hesitated. She still hadn’t forgiven him for trying to go through her things and bringing back unpleasant memories. It had been a week into ignoring him and giving him the cold shoulder. She let it ring out. Sherlock still didn’t get the hint and texted her.
‘Y/N meet me here. I wanna make it up to you. S.H’
That text was accompanied by a GPS location.
Y/N couldn’t think of any possible reason why Sherlock had asked to meet her here. Her uber ride had stopped outside of a manor house just on the outskirts of London. She quickly checked with the driver to make sure she was at the right place. To her bewilderment, he answered yes. Hesitantly, she strolled up to the door. She didn’t even have to knock when Sherlock opened the door. He motioned for her to follow him.
‘Sherlock, what the actual fuck? Do you live here?’
Sherlock led her through a ton of rooms. Y/N swear she could have counted there were at least five formal living rooms.
He opened a set of French doors and led her out into the back garden of the estate. Not that you could call it a garden. It was massive. In the distance, she saw stables as they walked through a formal botanical garden. Sherlock was more like running though, but Y/N didn’t know what was so urgent.
‘So if you don’t live here. Then who does?’
An undesirable thought entered her mind.
‘Don’t tell me you broke in here?’
Sherlock turned around just outside of the exit to the formal gardens, jangling keys in front of her face, a childish grin on his face.
‘It’s not breaking in if you have a set of keys.’
They had finally reached their final destination. Y/N saw that someone had set up a bonfire in the middle of a field. A can of petrol and a box lay adjacent to it. That box seemed really familiar. Sherlock picked it up and brought it over. It was hers!
‘Sherlock, you’re going through my things again. You know what, I’m done here!’
She began jogging back towards the house. Sherlock grabbed her arm.
‘Wait! Y/N. Let me explain.’
She gazed back at him intensely, waiting for an explanation.
He placed the box down.
‘I know you haven’t told me about what happened. But unfortunately, I am good at deducing things. Those things in that box came from a bad past relationship. I’m pretty sure I can guess what happened.’
He started to stammer, not sure of how to word what he wanted to say next.
Y/N wasn’t sure where he was going with this but could see he was trying.
‘John will be the first to let you know that I’m no expert on love or on relationships. But I can see you haven’t moved on. I thought it might help if you chucked all of the old stuff from the relationship on that bonfire and set it alight.’
She looked down, knowing that Sherlock was right. He had guessed everything perfectly. He had read her like a book.
‘You’re right. But I took running away from your problems to the extremest.’
She sat down on the grass, wrapping her arms around her knees. Sherlock shortly joined her.
‘He was my world. Or I thought he was until one night I returned home to see him shagging my best friend on the sofa.’
There was a moment of silence before she continued.
‘I just felt so foolish. I had to get away from Seattle. The place was full of memories of my time with him. I couldn’t stand it any longer.’
Sherlock got up and picked up the box.
‘And that’s why you should burn this stuff. He doesn’t deserve to have this much hold on you when he never cared about you in the slightest. We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. But please just think about it.’
Y/N stood up with determination. Sherlock was right. She had to burn all of this stuff to finally move on. Together they placed the contents of the box around the bonfire.
Y/N stood back as Sherlock poured the can of petrol over the bonfire. He asked.
‘One more thing. Do you have that picture with you?’
She grabbed it out of her bag as an answer and showed it to him.
‘I thought you would', he stated.
She placed the picture in the centre of the bonfire.
They walked back a safer distance from it and Sherlock got a box of matches from his pocket. He lit one up and handed it to Y/N. He could see that she was having trouble actually lighting the bonfire. He reached out and held her hand to comfort her. Y/N greatly appreciated that. She took the final step and with her other hand, threw the match into the bonfire.
The bonfire went up in ablaze. It was oddly beautiful watching the embers rise up into the sky. Standing there in hand in hand with Sherlock, she felt the weight that had been on her shoulders for months slowly lift off. The whole experience was cathartic.
Out of the blue, they heard the distant sound of alarms ringing from back at the house. Y/N looked to Sherlock for answers. He just told her to:
They sprinted, holding onto each other, seemingly heading towards a gate at the end of a stone wall surrounding the estate.
‘Sherlock! What’s going on?’
Sherlock tried his best to explain as they were running.
‘Technically I did break into this house. But it’s my brother's so it should be fine. There should be a cab waiting just outside this gate.’
‘Oh my god!’, she exclaimed worrying about the consequences to come for their actions.
When they had reached the road outside the gate, they stopped to catch their breath. Then they looked at each other and burst into laughter.
She hadn’t laughed that like in months. And it was all thanks to Sherlock.
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Obtuse | Bang Chan (Stray Kids) - PART TWO
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Summary ☆ "I don't know. I want to be his friend but then again, I don't. I mean, how can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them, you're thinking about how much more you really want?"
Genre ☆ bestfriends to lovers au, angst, slowburn, suggestive themes, college au, fluff, soft Chan x oc (Micha)
Word count ☆ 
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Idiot, Micha kept on replaying the words like the words to her favourite song, Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.
There she sat in the hospital chair beside her mother’s unconscious body, her life hanging by a thread with the help of the machine that beeped obnoxiously in the corner, and all she could think of was of the messed up realization that she was in love with her best friend.
Chan hadn't spoken a word as she'd sobbed and sobbed, even though she wasn't sure what she was crying about exactly. He'd only wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in to rest his head against hers in an embrace so firm and filled with warmth that her heart tugged in pain. He was so close that it pained her, the realization that he was so close yet so far was a blow that left a permanent bruise.
So she'd pushed him away, wiped her tears and gestured him to follow her.
He said nothing as he sat beside her, shifting every now and then as he succumbed to the dreadful silence filling the room.
And she hated it, that he was here as if this was the most normal thing for him to do. Because it wasn't. As if on impulse, Micha couldn't help but glance at his attire that confirmed her suspicions he'd just gotten out of the gym, probably having dropped everything to rush to her side.
"Who told you?" Micha asked. Her voice felt weird, strangled as she spoke.
Chan shifted and she felt his eyes on her face, the warmth of them permeating through her skin, "Felix called."
A stagnant pause ensued. In the silence, Micha forced herself to swallow down the lump of emotion stuck in her throat, forced down the feelings that seemed to have erupted through her every pore like she had just opened up a pandora's box of truths.
Go away, was what Micha's brain screamed. Go away.
But her heart protested. Please don't leave me.
Her brown orbs lifted to his side profile. Please don't leave me.
Even if I love you.
"You should go," is what she murmured out instead, "you're wasting your time."
"Don't say that," he replied, tone firm.
His silent assurance, that made it even harder to push him away. Micha didn't know how to feal with these feelings and though she wished she had stayed blossfully ignorant of them, there was no denying the cold hard truth that now blared atop her head like a red alert sign.
At some point, Micha's eyelids had fluttered closed for the next thing she knew she was squinting, disoriented and cuddled into a warmth that smelt of familiar pine and boy aftershave. Chan.
It was so familiar, laying on his chest and smelling that comforting scent of his, a scent that reminded her of home. She couldn't help but notice how well she fitted against him, the warmth of his hands casual on her waist and his nose nudging her temple and her heart skided to a momentary halt.
This was Chan. Just Chan, her best friend. Nothing else, nothing more.
So it was a relief once the doctor slid through the door, causing her to instantly jostle Chan out of the way. He stated that while her physical injuries would heal in a few weeks, though the one thing that worried him the most was the fact that her mother might not wake up from her vegetative state.
Micha would've fainted if not for Chan's strong hold on the back of her elbow and at some point, her father ushered her out with firm orders that the young man take her home.
"Here," he stuffed a few dollar bills in Chan's hand despite the latter's protests, "get some dinner. I insist."
The next few weeks were a blurry mixture of visiting the hospital while helping her father to run the family restaurant whenever she could. They took turns sleeping and watching over her mother's unconscious form, talked about the happenings of their everyday life in hopes that it would trigger something, anything.
The unforseen circumstances caused Micha to push back her internship by a semester and that so meant that she was permanently home and permanently swamped by none other than her best friend.
"What are you doing here? You’re supposed to have class," Micha asked upon noticing him slide out of the the kitchen with two sets of noodle bowls on a tray. It was no understatement to say that NomNom Noodles Restaurant was bustling with hungry customers as it was a Friday evening. What Micha hadn't expected though, was to see Chan's sloppy smile and sweaty forehead.
He shrugged, "your dad told me you could use the help."
Her heart tugged, partly churning with affection followed by this burning annoyance to get him out of her sight.
And he was helpful; he was a charming waiter that cracked jokes whenever he could, grabbing the dishes from her hands the moment she walked out of the kitchen, wiping tables he wasn't even assigned to. And all that made it harder for Micha to push him away. Oh how she wanted to ignore him, to make him understand that she needed a space, and a lot of it.
But she didn't want to hurt him. Not when he deserved so much better.
Micha was whipped back to reality when she felt Chan's finger poke her forehead, only to be faced with his dimpled grin, "earth to Micha. Customers are waiting."
Heat flushed through the back of her neck. She swatted him away, "don't touch me with your greasy hands."
"Aw shut up you," he made a move towards her, causing her to sidestep with ease, "stop it, Chan--"
She whipped around, almost bumping into one of the chairs as Chan's arms circled around her shoulders to pull her back to hug her close, "Chan!"
"Don't I smell nice? I'm just sharing it with you!"
And as if on cue, the door chimed open, both their heads whipping up with welcoming grins.
Only to face Ayeong's smile.
"Ayeong!" Micha all but shoved Chan away as she noticed the slight, barest slip of the said girl's smile.
Chan whooped and ran up to his girlfriend, cheeks flushed and eyes crinkling into crescents, "baby girl! You came!"
"And I brought company," she allowed him to kiss her cheek just as the door opened to reveal Minho and Seungmin bundled up into their coats.
Swalllowing down the sudden lump of pain, Micha went forward into Ayeong's open arms, "hey, it's been a while."
"I know!" Ayeong hugged her tight, so genuine that tears threatened to fall. Micha squeezed back slightly before quickly diverting her attention to greet the two other boys.
The restaurant was empty by the time their noodles were fresh out of the pot, meaning that they had the restaurant for themselves as they caught up on life and remembered their high school days. Micha learnt that Minho was interning at another restaurant, Seungmin had passed his Design projects with flying colours, and Ayeong had already signed a contract with the business hotel that she had trained with.
"That's amazing,” Micha said to Ayeong, "do you like it?"
"I do," Ayeong beamed, "and my superiors are nice too. They're all a bunch of guys so they aren't complicated."
"Careful Ayeong, one might think that you're gonna change boyfriends," Minho teased and caused the girl to stick out her tongue at him before leaning against Chan's shoulder.
Micha's eyes instantly shot away, swallowing hard at the knot forming in her stomach. She couldn't help it. It was like second nature to hurt herself by catching small glimpses of their entwined hands, of the adoration dripping from their eyes and she wished she could just make all the pain end.
It seemed like Minho noticed her unusual demeanour, for as they were leaving the restaurant after washing up the dishes, he'd stopped by the door to shoot her a concerned look.
"You okay, Micha?"
Surprise flitted through her face for a few seconds, "uh, yeah. Yeah I'm fine."
She saw him glance at Chan's figure before looking back at her with pursed lips, eyebrows knitted together as if deep in thought, and shook her head.
After all, who could deprive Chan of his happiness?
. ° ☆ ° .
It was safe to say that Micha fell into a routine; waking up to visit her mother in the early morning hours, replacing her father at the restaurant when it was his turn to sit at her mother's bedside, avoiding Chan at all costs even though he was practically throwing himself in her way, and locking up at around ten, nine earliest if the restaurant was void of clients.
She would've made a much greater effort at pushing Chan's helping hand away if not for the fact that her mother was mostly occupying the forefront of her mind. The truth was, a small part of her was actually relieved that Chan stayed no matter how angry she seemed, how cold she was to him. He was a big puppy constantly coming back for more no matter how much she kicked at his countenance.
And that made her feel even worse.
"Me and Aejong made pancakes the other day," Chan chatted on one late evening as they were clearing the tables, with Micha responsible for wiping them down while he mopped the floor, "she's a horrible cook. As unbelievable as that sounds."
"Why? Because she's too good at everything?" Micha knew she sounded bitter, but her tongue seemed to have a mind of its own, lashing out without control.
Chan, as oblivious as he was, didn’t seem to catch her sense of mockery, “maybe not everything. But she’s definitely very talented in many ways. I never knew she took piano lessons until she was seventeen. She passed the exams and all.” 
"Good for her.” 
“You know what’s the best thing though? I really like that she never boasts about herself. That, I admire that--”
“Yes Chan, I get it,” Micha finally snapped.
Chan paused in mid-mop, “What? What did I do now?” 
Her teeth sunk onto her lower lip as she kept on wiping down the tables instead of answering his question. 
“Why are you angry with me?”
"I’m not angry with you,” she folded her dishcloth a little too aggressively and turned to the other table. 
“Then why are you talking to me like that?” 
“It’s nothing.” 
“I said it’s nothing!” Micha finally whipped around to scowl at him and maybe it was the mixture of saddened pain whenever she thought of her dying mother along with the continuous stab, stab, stabbing of knives that pinched her heart every time she saw Chan so much as utter his lover’s name, a name that wasn’t hers, that brought tears to her eyes despite her not wanting to let him in, not anymore, not when he was one of the sources causing her pain. 
But the young man’s frustrated expression gave way to instant worry the moment he caught her eye. He made a move towards her. 
And that was when she burst into a fit of angry, heart-wrenching sobs. 
It was as though all the pain and the pent-up emotion that she’d stuffed at the back of her heart like an unused closet she could throw away the key suddenly burst open without warning, for once she started crying, Micha found that she couldn’t stop. Her tears only heightened upon feeling the warmth of her best friend’s embrace, pulling her closer and allowing her to sob her way through the tides of pain and worry and sadness that seemed to have taken over her countenance. 
Cheek pressed against the side of her head and hands softly rubbing comforting circles along her back, Micha just allowed herself to feel sorry for her state, if only for this one night where she thought that everything was slipping through her fingers; her mother, Chan. Her career. Her future. 
Once Micha had cried all the tears from her body so that there were none left, she could only rest against Chan as he rocked her from side to side, the only comfort that was holding her broken pieces together at this point. She hated it, loathed it. His kindness, his genuine concern for her. 
It made it so much harder to push him away. 
“How long have you been holding this in?” came his softened murmur against her hairline. She shivered unconsciously, hating the way her heart seemed to beat a little faster merely for his alto. Or maybe it was the closeness, the intimacy of his touch, especially in the dim lights of the restaurant with only the soft distant sounds of traffic in the distance to keep them company. 
“It’s not about how long,” Micha’s fingers unconsciously gripped the back of his hoodie, hoping to extend this moment for a little longer. Just for tonight. She continued in a mumble, “everything is...everything is just so overwhelming.”
"Want to talk about it?” 
Micha’s lips pressed into a thin line. When she spoke after her slight bout of hesitation, her voice trembled, “it’s like I’m not even in my life anymore. I feel like I’m in a nightmare-- and I can’t wake up.”
He hummed in reply, hugged her just a little tighter and kept rocking from side to side. That was all the encouragement she needed. 
“I mean, my mom’s a vegetable and she’s--dying,” a small sob echoed through her throat, “I know how these patients end up. I see no other solution. She’s going to wither away in that bed and I can’t do any fucking thing about it. And then there’s my degree which I’m not completing because we obviously need the money for mom so I don’t know what’s going to happen to me, to my life and to my career and just, I just can’t breathe Chan and it scares me, it scares me so damn much--”
“Hey hey,” he pulled back just enough to see another path of tears dribbling down her face, thumb reaching up to brush it away, “it’s okay, shh. Enough crying, hm? You know I hate it when you cry.” 
That only incited her to cry some more and Chan made a noise of protest before he cupped her cheek, gently wiping them away as they fell, “I know that everything sucks right now. I--I can’t even imagine how impossible everything must be for you, and I can’t tell you that things will sort themselves out because we never know what might happen.”
“But,” he continued with a gentle squeeze to her hip then and she tensed slightly at the intimacy of his gesture, “I swear it gets better. I swear it on my heart. And if you want to cry then cry, I’ll be here. If you need to shout, to scream, to punch someone, I’ll be there Micha,” tilting her chin up so that she had no choice but to gaze at him, he cracked the softest of smiles that left her all giddy inside, “I’m not going to let you go through this alone, that I can promise you.”
Swallowing thickly, it was hard not to squirm underneath the soft glimmer of his soft maroon-eyed stare. So she dropped her eyes while mumbling out a soft, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” he whispered back.
“You don’t deserve to be here, you-- you’ve done so much for me and I don’t even know how I’m supposed to repay that--”
“There is nothing,” he cut her off firmly while his hold tightened unconsciously, “to be sorry for.” 
Still, Micha’s eyes suddenly found interest in the patterns of her best friend’s shirt, knowing that there was no possibility of eye-contact now, not if she wanted to keep her self-control in check. Maybe it meant nothing for Chan to hold her so casually in his arms, but there was no denying the fact that anyone looking through their restaurant window could mistake them for a couple, and the thought caused Micha to reel back in self-disgust. 
As if sensing her inner turmoil, her best friend’s hand went up against the back of her head before he nudged her to his shoulder. And while Micha’s brain was shaking in disapproval, she couldn’t find the strength to fight against what her own body yearned for, returning back into his arms and telling herself that it was just for tonight. Tonight, she would push everything at the back of her mind and just for now, would enjoy the mere warmth and comfort that came with Chan’s arms.
Burrowing her face into the crook of his neck and taking in his scent, Micha allowed her eyes to slip closed for a moment, trying her best to engrave this into memory. 
Just for tonight, she promised herself inwardly. Just for tonight, she would be selfish. 
Just for tonight, she would imagine that Chan was hers. And no one else’s. 
. ° ☆ ° .
"Do I have to be there?"
Micha caught Minho's eye as he helped her hand through her coat sleeve. The said young man's eyebrow rose at her question as if she'd never asked a thing so dumb, "yes you do."
"But why?" She stomped her feet while whining, "I don't even like to drink. Or dance."
"It's my birthday. I call the shots."
"I hate you."
"Aw, me too," he pinched her cheek with aggressive fondness and Micha batted him away with her hands, scowling and muttering a string of curses under her breath as she trailed after him towards his car.
Minho's birthday was to be special as he was turning twenty-two, the perfect excuse to go out and drown themselves in alcohol. Felix, Changbin and Jisung had even rode all the way from their campus to stay over for the long weekend, taking advantage of the public holiday to party the night away.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Minho asked as he slowed to a stop at a red light.
Micha turned to him, "yeah?"
He hesitated for a few seconds. Then, "do you like Chan?"
It was so sudden, like ice running down her back and making her go tense, fingers curling onto the material of her dark pants. Micha gazed out at the stop light until it went blurry, not knowing what to say to make it sound truthful.
"I know he doesn't see you," Minho spoke up hurriedly, "but I see the way you look at him. I couldn't help but ask."
It wasn't like she had planned to let her secret out so soon. But he'd caught her red-handed. Her shoulders slumped, followed by the softest of sighs escaping her lips.
"You caught me," was the only thing she said.
Another pause that allowed the words to settle between them, before the light turned green and the car moved forward. A good distraction against the awkwardness sticking to Micha's heart like sweat.
"Do you..." Minho paused, "do you think you should tell him?"
"Don't you think he needs to know?" Minho turned his car down a street lined with pubs. They were slowly approaching their destination, “It’s not fair to him.” 
She kept her gaze out of the window, partly too embarrassed to face him and partly to keep herself from crying, "what good would it do?"
She was glad that they had reached the parking lot of the restaurant bar at that point, for she had no intentions of continuing a conversation that led to nowhere and, ignoring Minho’s call for her name, quickly jumped out of the vehicle and strode right up to the doors of Seniora’s. 
The restaurant was already full and she was glad that they had at least booked a private VIP spot in advance, thanks to Seungmin’s amazing organization skills. Micha weaved her way through in the dim spotlights shining atop dark mahogany tables that blended in with the darkness, trying to find their respective table among the throng of pretty, made-up girls in too-short dresses and guys who had no problem puffing out their cigarettes right into her face. 
“Guys!” Felix’s voice boomed through the jazz notes floating through the air, and Micha turned towards his voice to see him waving frantically, a huge grin on his childish face, ‘over here!”
His excitement was contagious as it caused her own lips to stretch into a mirroring grin. She bounded into his arms without hesitation, “Felix! You made it! You said you had an assignment to finish.”
“You know how convincing Minho hyung gets once he sets his mind to it,” the freckled man gave her a once over before he whistled, “don’t you look--”
“--Fucking gorgeous, Micha,” the pair turned towards the voice, seeing Changbin with open arms while she squirmed at his compliment. He was being too kind, though her sleek black jumpsuit that clung to her curves was definitely a contrast to her usual sweater and jeans. Behind him stood Jisung and Seungmin, as well as a few other of their classmates, girls and boys included.
Her eyes suddenly locked onto a familiar pair of dark orbs. Chan. 
“Hello! Hug, please?!” Changbin’s hand brought her attention back as he waved before her, scowling in mock annoyance. Micha grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck, “come here you big baby.” 
“Careful Mi, he might have wandering hands now that he sees you’re more than just a replacement for Chan,” Seungmin commented while giving her shoulder a squeeze. 
That earned the latter a glare from the said muscled man, “what? I’m just stating how beautiful she looks.” 
Micha made her rounds of greeting -- did Minho’s friend group triple by tenfold since she was gone?-- and was exhausted by the time she finally stumbled before Chan.
“Hey, look at you,” Chan offered her a dimpled grin and she swore she wanted to coo at how cute he was. Stop that, Micha gave herself a mental slap as he continued, “all I’m gonna say is, stay away from Changbin tonight.”
“He’s not going to do anything,” she rolled her eyes, “I’ve known him long enough. I’m basically his brother.” 
Her best friend said nothing, only gazed at her in that undecipherable way of his, like he was trying to solve a puzzle that couldn’t be solved.
“What?” she asked. 
“Uh--nothing,” he dropped his gaze, looked away just in time for their attention to be diverted by Minho calling for a round of shots, “alright alright everyone! I’ll open up the party, shall we?”
Before she knew it, Micha had been tugged along by none other than Felix only to be dragged to the counter where a row of shots were being filled to the brim. She didn’t have to ask, knew instantly by smell that this was definitely not water. Her nose burned at the sting of vodka permeating her nostrils and she cursed under her breath as Minho handed her one with a teasing, yet sympathetic grin.
“I think you’ll need it tonight,” Micha couldn’t stop herself from scowling at the underlying meaning in his words. She swore at him, “dick.” 
Micha hadn’t realized how monotonous, how boringly routine, her life had become ever since she flew back to her motherland. What with her mother’s situation in hospital and her running around trying to cover up all of her father’s blind spots, Micha had forgotten how it actually felt to be young, to be as carefree as she usually would be during university in-between her constant flow of assignments, how she used to get into this ‘fuck-it’ mood and hit up the arcade with the rest of the boys before winding up at one of the local bars, beers in their hands as they competed on who could chug down their drinks faster. 
So she took advantage of Minho’s birthday to let herself relax and actually pay attention to what was happening to her, around her. Just in this moment. Nowhere else. And it felt good. It felt...alive. Free.
She danced along to the music, chatted with the other girls who she now realized were quite cool and sassy in their own flirtatious ways, drank shot after shot every time another one of her friends dragged her back to the bar without realizing that maybe she should’ve kept count.
Until it was all too late. The alcohol didn’t have any effect. Until it hit her like a tow truck.
And maybe this sudden rebellious streak had manifested itself the moment her eyes lingered over the familiar pair of figures on the dance floor, chest clenching and heart crumbling at the sweetest brush of Chan’s fingers against Ayeong’s forehead. Micha turned away just in time to halt the tears burning through the corners of her eyes and she impulsively made a grab for Changbin’s arm before pulling him along with her, “let’s get another drink.” 
“Are you sure Mi? You kinda look tipsy already--”
“It’s on me. Now stop being a wuss and come on.”
Seniora’s was filled to the brim now that it was almost past midnight and the sea of bodies aided to calm the storm threatening to split her heart into. It made it easier to breathe, easier to push back the thought at the back of her mind as the alcohol paved its way through her blood and thrummed against her veins. 
It felt good. Too good. And Micha wanted this numbness to last forever.
. ° ☆ ° .
Unfortunately, it didn't.
"It's alright, you're alright," Changbin's soothing alto comforted her as she kept on throwing up the contents of her dinner, continuously dragging her hair back to hold it up and out of the way.
"Oh god--" Micha's stomach lurched "I'm sorry--" she couldn't stop herself from vomiting once more and boy, was she glad that Changbin had dragged her out of Seniora's just in time.
"So?" Felix called from the corner of the small street in which they were hiding from curious eyes. No point in giving people something to talk about, "how is she?"
"Holding up," Micha called back despite the sour taste in her mouth. When it felt like she wasn't going to pass out anymore, she slowly dragged herself upwards, throwing Changbin's concerned expression a weak smile.
To which he replied, "you look like shit."
"Thanks Changbin. That's exactly what I need to hear," Micha rolled her eyes, feeling his strong arm wrap itself around her waist. She allowed herself to lean into him just this once, fearing that she might trip over her feet and fall flat on her face if she wasn't careful.
They stumbled over to Felix who, upon giving Micha a once-over, stated that she was to be sent home at once.
"I'm fineeee guyssss," Micha whined through slurred words, "pluss, I really wanna...dance y'know?"
She swayed a little for good measure, only to stumble and she would've landed flat on the sidewalk if not for Changbin's arm holding her upright.
"I'm bringing you home," Changbin's tone was firm.
"Nooo, I don't want to go home yet!"
"Micha, you and I both know that you're too drunk to make those decisions right now."
"But Changbinnieeee I just--I really want to--" and as soon as the picture of Chan's face flashed before her eyes, she felt her resolve crumbling into the form of tears, "I want to...forget about him--"
It hurt too much. She couldn't keep it together. It was like she was forcing herself to hold in the pain burning through her loins and no sooner had had she tilted up to meet Changbin’s eyes that she burst into wretched sobs.
She felt him still for a moment, arm hesitantly tugging her closer, hand wrapping around her head in comfort, “h-hey,” he peered into her face, slightly panicked at her outburst, “what--what’s the matter?” 
“Mi?” Felix’s voice joined in. Warmth swept over her side, “Mi, what’s wrong? Do you not feel good? Do you want to go home?” 
Micha nodded, and felt herself getting tugged to Changbin’s chest. That made her cry even harder, for while his scent was nothing short of comforting, it wasn’t the warmth she was looking for.
All she wanted was for Chan.
But he wasn’t hers. And he never will be.
“I got her,” she heard Changbin’s words over the raging storm tossing her heart aside. Warmth circled her shoulders -- his leather jacket, no doubt -- and she allowed his hands to steer her away from the loud bass beats of the restaurant bar and she had to give that to him. No matter how much of a bad boy he was, no one could possibly deny him of his heart of gold. That Micha was pretty sure of.
They were halfway up the street with Changbin flailing for a cab when a familiar car pulled up their street. Its window rolled down, causing Micha’s breath to halt in her throat.
“Need a ride?” Chan’s eyebrow was raised in amusement, only to drop in concern upon noticing her pale composure, “what the--Micha?!” 
“No,” Micha quickly stuffed her face into Changbin’s shoulder, “Changbin, please...” 
The latter, as confused as ever, nudged her towards the car, “come on Mi. Chan’ll take you home.” 
"Not the time, Micha. Seriously, get in the car.” 
“I said noooo--”
Too late, for Changbin simply whipped her up in his hold, walked right around to the passenger door while ignoring her trying to sock him one, before plopping her into the seat. He slammed the door in her face and waved goodbye, “see you tomorrow, loser!”
Great. That was exactly what she needed. To be alone with Chan.
“Well someone drank a little too much tonight,” was the first thing he said the moment he pulled onto the street, a little smirk sent in her direction. Micha only sighed heavily, before leaning away to look out of the window pane. 
This was painful, sitting here with Chan with all those unresolved feelings burning her loins while he sat, totally oblivious and charming and just so breathtaking that it physically hurt her fingers from stopping any attempts to hold his hand, just touch his skin, just-- feel him. 
“Where’s...Ayeong?” she mumbled against the glass.
Just the name caused her chest to tighten. 
“I dropped her off with the other girls. They’re having a sleepover or something.” 
“She’s not spending the night with you?” 
“Ohh how dumb of her,” the words rolled off her tongue so easily now that there was alcohol swimming through her veins. It actually felt good to know that Ayeong was not to be with Chan that night, “it’s her-- it’s her lossss.” 
“Oh you are so drunk.” 
“I am...” she hiccuped and threw him a scowl, “not drunk!” 
Chan chuckled, reaching over to ruffle her hair playfully and that simple act merely got her heart racing, “I’ll see if I have some extra aspirin to give you for your headache tomorrow--” 
"Chan, can I--can I tell you something?” 
He stopped at the red light and as his head turned, eyes finding hers in the darkness of the morning hours, a surge of courage suddenly overtook her.
She wanted to blame it on the alcohol even though deep down Micha was certain a small part of her had always wanted to let her best friend in on the most deepest, darkest secret she wished she could carry to her grave.
But this secret that had been eating her from the inside out, was something that was making her heart to burst at the seams. And while she never even imagined of hurting Chan that way, she knew that this was inevitable. It had to be done, for her to move on from it. Because she’d realized then and there, that it would be impossible for her to just bury those feelings away, no matter how hard she tried.
So that left her with no other choice.
“I think that,” her hand rose up as if on instinct to poke his cheek then, eyes drooping with sleep, “I think I....might be in love with you.” 
Tagging: @allyg-onz​ @elysianxshepherd​ @rindomo​ @freckledquokka​ @maedesculpaeusoubi​ @missskzbiased​ @seungoclock​
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Sudden change of plans
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You, ned and Peter were messing around at the mall, going to every shop and not buying a single item when you suddenly get your period...and you weren't prepared. So ned and Peter try to help you out whether you like it or not.
Pairing: bestfriend!peter Parker x reader,  bestfriend!ned Leeds x reader
Status: bestiesss
warning: language and talk abt periods (idk if thats a warning tbh)
"NED NO YOU IDIOT" y/n cackled at her idiotic best friends, it was their 7th time playing this stupid game in the arcade and they wouldn't stop unless they've won, idiots.
"no no nO NO NO" Peter fumbled with the controllers trying to save his poorly animated character's life even when there's no hope "GODDAMNIT" he hit his closed fists on the control board frustratingly, ned looking like he's about to cry while y/n resumed cackling.
"The fuck are you laughing at?" Ned turned at his abnormal girl best friend, unamused.
"You honestly think this game would let you win?" She continued snickering while her idiot of a best friend glared at her.
"Even with my spidey senses I couldn't do it, yeah the games a scam ned." Peter finally agreed
"Thought your Peter tingle only senses danger?" Y/n placed her arms on each side of her hips, raising her left eye brow teasingly causing peter to roll his eyes.
"Okay it's ned we're talking about, if he couldn't win a game that's danger to every human stepping foot on this arcade. and for the 100th time its not called a PETER TINGLE" Peter objected
"You wasted half of your points on this piece of shit!" She swatted Peter on the back of his head causing him to groan so he poked her side, knowing she gets really ticklish. "PETER" she yelped. Now her turn glaring at him, while he kept giving her his shit eating grin.
"Okay will you guys stop it before I actually lose my shit!" Ned spoke rubbing his forehead tiredly, probably from staring at that game for over 20 minutes.
"So we ready to go eat?" Peter interjects
"Yes oh my god this crappy game got me exhausted" ned groaned ready to leave the arcade
"WAIT" Y/n stopped on her tracks and they all stopped too, they're eyes full of concern by the sudden outburst. "we forgot the prizes" she headed to the cashier where they'd give out the prizes in exchange of a specific amount of tickets. The prizes range from 25 to probably 3000!! And She felt very confident about her score.
"Y/n you scared the crap out of us I thought something happened to you" Peter tickled her sides again, huffing like a child.
"I'm fine, moooom" Y/n said jokingly, connecting her arms with both of her best friends "now let's go get prizes!" She squealed
"It's no fair! We both wasted half of our points on that game and you managed to get over 500 points?" Ned complained to Peter walking out of the arcade
"What can I say? Super powers do really pay off while playing basket ball" Peter smirked jokingly bumping their shoulders
"INCOMINGGGGG" the boys hear a voice presumably to them when Peter felt a sudden yet familiar weight on his back, unknown legs wrapped around his torso. When the familiar vanilla and cinnamon scent hits him, He recognized it was his favorite girl in the world. His best friend, girl best friend to be exact and as cliche as it sounds his all time crush.
The moment he laid eyes on her, he was mesmerized. Not just by her beauty but by her kindness and understanding. For example the day they met. It was on a subway. Peter was softly humming to his favorite tunes, enjoying the bright morning of New York City before it gets crowded in the evening when he suddenly got a text from ned.
His fingers clicked the message and his eye brows furrowed in confusion and mostly regret of staying up an extra hour on patrol, he silently cursed at himself fingers fumbling over the glowing screen infront of him. His mood was ruined. his sweet, relaxing morning turned sour and bitter.
"Hey, you okay?" His head perked up at the sweet angelic voice, he turned around to be met with the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. "I saw your demeanour suddenly change after you checked your phone. Not as if I'm a stalker or something it's just I see you here all the time, usually happy, but today you looked a bit off?" From that moment he knew he wanted her to be in his life. His girlfriend, best friend. Hell, if she was just an acquaintance he'd be fine with it.
"Y-Yeah yeah, I'm fine. It-it's just my best friend reminded me of a biology quiz we're supposed to take today and I completely forgot to study for it" Peter laughed sheepishly then looked back at his phone, his hand absentmindedly going up to his mouth.
"Hey don't do that" she held his hand, moving it away from his mouth to make him stop biting his nails. Her voice filled with concern, even though they just met she looked like she's been taking care of him for years "it's not good for you, I'm sure you'll get this quiz sorted out" her eyes never left peters. A few seconds passed when Peter slowly nodded, smiling like crazy. feeling as though today's troubles were gone. Out of the door, thrown out of the window. She gave him comfort, she gave him hope, and most importantly, she gave him love.
And that's why peter would always feel giddy whenever y/n makes sudden gestures. Like jumping on his back, or resting her head on his lap while watching a movie, absentmindedly holding his hands while walking and a lot more. She gave him affection any person would love to have and he was lucky for that. And we all know damn well how he appreciates it.
"I TOLD YOU I GOT A LOT OF POINTS" y/n yelled not caring about the people staring at her.
"I still don't know how you do it- is something wrong?" Y/n jumped off of Peter a little too soon than normal so obviously Peter took notice of it and asked about it
"Y-yeah I'm fine, it's just my stomach hurts a little" she nervously laughed but continued walking ahead of them as if she's saying it's okay. Peter and Ned looked at eachother confusingly but shrugged it off.
"Now, food court?" Peter suggested
"Hell yeah" y/n and Ned said in unison, both of them jumping from excitement when y/n stops and silently curses at herself
"Ow shit" she mumbled, clutching her stomach. Her eyes squeezed shut.
"Y/n/n are you sure your okay?" Ned asked looking at Peter once again
"Yes yes I'm fine it's probably from the slushies we took before the arcade. Now come on!" She continued walking silently cursing at herself while rummaging through her bag. She can only pray that whatever is happening to her is not what she thinks it is. seconds later she starts to feel a pang in her stomach and she assumes it only means the thing she didn't want to happen, is happening.
"shit shit shit" y/n silently cursed, feeling another painful cramp in her stomach. "ugh" she crouched done once again closing her eyes shut.
"y/n, are you okay?" peter frantically sprinted to her side, carefully helping her get back up while he rubbed her back.
"ugh yeah im fine, can you just check if there's anything behind me" there's one thing that she knows for sure will make this mess even harder....it's worried peter.
"uh okay?" he backed away a bit, scanning her back to see nothing "all clear, i guess?"
"oh thank god" y/n thanked the lord above for not wearing those white shorts today AND that she has a plaid jacket wrapped loosely around her waist.
"y/n, what is going on?" ned buts in, eyes scanning her already tired body.
"uhm uh we gotta go to the supermarket, like...right now" she quickly said, connecting both of her arms with her very confused and oblivious (idiot might i add) best friends, while walking sloppily as if she had one leg. peter gave ned a look concerned by the abnormal behaviour his best friend was giving off
"okay, why are you walking like that?" he suddenly picked up on the rhythm of her walking, its probably not a walk at this point, it was like someone was shoving her over and over again.
"you boys are simply oblivious" she rolled her eyes
the minute they reached the supermarket that was thankfully inside the mall, y/n immediately not really but sprinted inside.
"why are we in the supermarket, hun?" ned asked eyes scanning over the isles looking for whatever y/n was looking for.
"okay i guess it'll be easier if i just told you guys" y/n began sighing frustratingly. y/n managed to miraculously cover all signs of her getting her period in front of the boys for months, which obviously lead to them not asking about it since they practically think she's now immune to it or some shit, coz they literally, never ever seen her distressed or in pain from the so called once a month shinanigans. "you know all girls have this and i-i never spoke about i- ow holy shit" a rather painful cramp interrupted her confession, making her bend over slightly holding her stomach. "these mother fucking cramps i swear to god-" the boys heard her whisper.
by the looks of it, ned got the idea of what she was trying to say. no wonder she's been 'hiding' it. coz he's seen what the cramps did to his sister, and wow did it look terrifying just by seeing her in pain. usually with the vanilla tub of ice cream and the messy bun. so whatever y/n was doing it was nothing compared to what he's seen before.
"spit it out y/n im getting worried!" peter on the other hand...was oblivious as fuck. he didnt have a sister or a mother to begin with, but luckily and gratefully his aunt may was there to help. he obviously knew what a period was, and how it works...for the most part. but he never saw a girl experience it or talk about it at least.
"goddammit peter im on my period!" y/n thankfully whispered shouted at the concerned boy, now eyes wide open from the confession.
"and here comes the mood swings" ned spoke while peter gulped, obviously not knowing what to do.
"huh?" peter and y/n both said in unison
"i have a sister you know. and let me tell ya, it gets ugly" he visibly shivered but walked ahead leading the way. "now come on, i know where to find, whatever you call the thing that you stick up your vagina" ned shrugged like it was the most normal conversation he had in his whole 17 years of existence to which y/n was very grateful for
"wait, chloe got her period?" peters voice croaked, eyes now as wide as saucers. his head was spinning still trying to process what his best friends said. how did the little 12 year old girl that played barbies with him got something that looked pretty terrible. and what the fuck is the thing that you stick up your vagina? there was only one thing that he knew sucked that blood out, and it was a pad, he might have to add that he forced aunt may to stop talking about it since he got so uncomfortable and awkward, so maybe that's why he has no clue on what they're saying.
you predicted peter would act like this once he somehow found out, like right now. but wow was it entertaining for you to see him this confused and horrified in a way. you were still in pain, forcing your feet to walk, as your head started hurt. yay more symptoms.
"were almost there y/n/n" ned spoke skimming through the signs to find the toiletry isle
"thanks, neds" your voice was a little raspy.
"does it hurt?" peter suddenly asked, his eyes shifting from your face to your abdomen that was covered by your freezing arms. you looked at peter then at the floor a few times, trying to think of an answer that wont make him pass out.
"yes, i mean this is nothing compared to what i experience throughout the wekk. this is just the beginning stage" your eyes were squinting slightly barely walking straight since you dont want to have a chance of leaking on the supermarket floor.
peter nodded in understanding, not really but he got what you meant his mouth shaping like an 'O'.
"c-can i h-hold you?" he spoke, arms stretching once he sensed you shivering. and to be honest the supermarket was a little cold, probably coz they just passed by the frozen items. normally he wouldn't ask to give your any form of affection, but he didnt want to make you more uncomfortable than you already were.
"y-yeah yeah i'd like that" y/n replied wobbling to the side getting closer to peter, his arms hesitantly stretched over to you, but once his nose whiffed the smell of your cologne, his body immediately relaxed. his arms were wrapped around your shoulders, his head rested on top of yours while you tried to snuggle to his hoodie as much as you can. and it isnt much since you guys were walking. you hugged his middle mumbling a 'thank you' that sent peters heart thumpinggg, and made him smile like an idiot.
"anything for you"
okay i did not plan to make this a two-part imagine but when i realized this already had over 2k words i was so shocked 😂 but guess a part two is coming soon
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kyodzuken · 4 years
boyfriend headcanons - soul evans
a/n; my soul evans inspired playlist!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YntdhOZPg1wMzYBwymwWR?si=JnHvKUWRSKGghG_dDakXGA
- you and soul started off as friends
- you'd joined the dwma halfway through the year and immediately hit it off with liz and patty
- and inevitably the rest of the group
- you're shy; so seeing this big group of loud - and very talented - weapons and meisters threw you off a bit
- but don't judge a book by its cover bc they were acc vvv warm and welcoming
- 'any friend of liz and patty is a friend of ours!'
- your partner was the first to realize tbh
- you and the gang were playing basketball
- or rather you, patty and your partner sat and watched as the rest played basketball
- when they caught you staring at a certain white-haired weapon a lil too long
- and patty;; being the girl she is;;; brought it up instantly when your partner nudged her shoulder.
- '(y/n)-chan!!! i never took you as a lovey type!'
- you rolled your eyes and denied it
- but they knew
- and so did you
- that night,, maka invited everyone over
- and ofc luck was on your side
- and you were squeezed next to soul during the movie marathon
- and it didn't help your case when he put his arm behind you, resting it on the couch.
- you thanked god it was dark because liz would definitely bully you for how red you were lmfao
- you excused yourself to the bathroom
- nearly shat your pants bc ????? uh????? you were just next to ur crush???
- and he smelt rlly nice wtf y/n snap out of it
- so after composing urself and one too many splashes of water on ur face;;
- you exited the bathroom to see the group sitting down in a game of 7 minutes in heaven
- and you wanted to cry
- you either got stuck with death the kid, literally the worst dude in the entire group (blackstar), crona, or your crush.
- lose/lose situation,,, maybe except crona bc theyre a cutie
- and lowkey you were wishing you picked up a specific hairband
-  and u did lol hahahah
- so u were stuck in this small cramped closet
- and u were so deep in thought
- u barely heard when the poor boy called ur name
- ' uhh,, listen,, this is so uncool of me to say here but,, if you say no i'll just kick you out of my house.'
- jeez ok albino
- 'i like you.'
- you swore you stopped breathing
- wtfwtf????
- did he just???
- nawl
- 'uh... i like you too..' you muttered
- which ended with a 2 minute long makeout session
- his hands travelling somewhere they shouldn't
- before blackstar slammed open the closet doors
- exposing the two of you; lips puffy and hair messed up
- the teasing didn't stop for months lol
- but das okay bc deep down they knew yall were couple goals PLS
- soul has a playlist
- filled w bangers
- and everytime he's over and the playlist starts....
- whew heated makeout sesh
- he definitely has some led lights in his room
- set to red
- wink wonk
- he's the type of boyfriend to always have his hand around your waist
- and y'all are best friends doe
- cue maka getting jealous / mad bc soul started ignoring her lowkey<//3
- deserve
- ANYWAYS you guys are literal SOULmates (hehe)
- you have so many inside jokes
- the group is honestly surprised bc they didn't think you two would get along at first
- soul is the type of boyfriend to have sm memes on his phone
- like you'll text him the most specific scenario ever and he'd have a wendy williams meme for it
- and he teases u,, sure
- but it always comes from a good place yktfv
- soul is the type of boyfriend to hold ur head and give you forehead kisses
- he'd give the best hugs too
- he'd wrap his arms around your torso and place his chin ontop of your head
- whenever ur sad just text him a lil frown face
- he's at ur door in record time
- w takeout, some snacks he possibly stole from maka's stash, and his netflix password
- sometimes you guys just lie there
- basking in each other's presence
- u might hold hands but
- mostly just enjoying each other
- soft rnb or indie playing in the background (peep my soul inspired playlist juicyoh)
- soul isn't good at doing ur hair
- but he'd try
- stupid little braids while u two are watching a movie
- netflix and chill except yall acc chill
- like he literally falls asleep in ur arms awe
- and you'd sometimes ask to do makeup on him if u wear makeup
- put his hair back w a lil hairband as he mutters some shit like
- ' this is SO not cool '
- shut up white boy you love it
- expensive dinner dates are few and far between
- but thats just bc yall are not that kind of couple
- you'd rather just get takeout and watch a good comedy or horror
- you'd be the couple to start a youtube channel
- and it'd be acc funny content like,,
- people would subscribe for the couple and stay for the content
- once you did a fnaf lets play
- soul literally left halfway through bc he got scared
- cue the 'bestfriend vs girlfriend tag w/ maka and y/n'
- if ur a meister
- you've probably tried wielding soul in his weapon form
- let's say,, it didn't go too well,,, and now theres a big mark in a wall in the city
- you and soul would 100% play pranks on blackstar and death the kid
- especially death the kid
- with help from lizzy and patty you'd make the poor boy regret ever introducing you two
- but it's all in good fun and the black haired boy has gotten y'all back multiple times too
- soul loves it when you wear his clothes
- like just seeing u in his hoodie makes him ❤️ 💓 💕 💖 💓  💖💕 ❤️
- one of ur biggest pet peeves tho
- is hes constantly undermining his struggles
- and you sit him down like
- 'babe,, youre important to me,,, you need to tell me if somethings wrong okay???'
- baby bursts into tears
- you and maka are some of the only people he's open to.
- he'd definitely play you piano
- or teach you if you don't know how
- maybe you'll sing along a few times
- when you fight it's usually over silly things
- like maybe maka was being maka and he's stressed so he lashed out
- or you didn't kill the kishin you were meant to and got told off by lord death
- it always ends in apologies;; you two don't really let it get between you
- soul is the type to tuck ur hair behind your ear when making out
- or the type to give u hugs from behind
- like imagine omgomg
- you're just chilling in the hallways at the dwma
- talking to patty
- when soul just
- he just
- ugh hugs u from the back, his head on your shoulder, a soft smile on his face as he kisses your cheek.
- cutie asf y'all r cute cute cute
- all in all
- he rlly does care ab you and you just
- "right back atcha babeyy!!"
- fr though
- y'all are bestfriends but also lovers
- goals af
- manifesting a relationship like that brb
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ssamie · 4 years
suna rintaro x fem! mitsuri reader
(kny x hq)
warnings: spelling mistakes,  2k+ words, italicized words/ sentences are her thoughts, mitsuri’s hair+eye color was used.
gen masterlist.      sakura mochi.
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the next day after their rather interesting meeting with obanai, y/n had come on through the doors looking absolutely battered. "y/n-chan, what happened to you?!" atsumu shrieked as he watched her bandage-covered form enter the gym
she looked up at the team in confusion as they all started huddling around her, fussing and asking questions in concern "eh? what's wrong? are you guys okay?" she asked once they backed away to give her space
"are you okay? you're covered in bandages" suna retorted with an irked brow as he gestured to her battered body
"oh, that" she hummed in realisation "i got these from training yesterday" she explained "it's not really as bad as it seems.. obanai-kun just sorta went overboard in patching me up" she chuckled sheepishly
"are ya sure?" osamu asked "ya didn't really come home last night"
"i stayed with my friend shinobu-san last night! im sorry for not informing you earlier" she said as she bowed apologetically " 's fine. just text us next time, yeah?"
thus, their practice continued on as usual. except for the twins occasionally looming over her shoulder and continually pestering her.
"gosh, the twins are really at it today" aran grunted in exasperation as he watched the twins bicker "what're they even fighting about?" ginjima sweat dropped "i think its because osamu keeps missing his tosses" aran answered
"hm?" y/n hummed as she overheard their conversation
it's not like she hasn't noticed them fighting. well, how could she when they were doing it right beside her.
"well, i guess it is kinda hard to stay focused all the time.." she mumbled as she thought over all the missed hits by osamu "osamu-kun might be tired, if anything.." she said
"no." atsumu scoffed at her claims. "any piece of trash who can't score with those sets should just let someone else play already." he scowled
"eh?? don't be like that, tsumu-kun" she cooed nervously. she looked up at suna and aran, who were both sinply watching the exchange with unsurprised expressions.
"oi! atsumu, don't say it like that" ginjima said as he watched atsumu's retreating figure. atsumu didn't utter a word as he continued on walking, heading for the door to make his exit.
"tch." osamu scoffed as he slowly rose up to his feet, staggering lightly as he prepares to run towards the blonde
"why you.. abusive tyrannical pig!!" he exclaimed as he raised his foot to kick his twin's back
"!!!" ginjima paled as he watched atsumu fall forward with a nervous smile, while aran simply eyed them down with no emotion.suna wordlessly whipped out his phone, recording them as they tackled each other to the ground 
'ah, this might be the wrong time to think of this...' she thought to herself 
'but samu and tsumu look so hot when fighting!!!' she squealed internally 
she giggled flusteredly to herself as she cradled her blushing face 
'osamu-kun looks like a dorito.'  she nodded with a huff as her eyes raked down the boy's back 
"y/n-chan.. are you okay?" aran laughed nervously. he stared at her, blinking slowly as he watches her cover her nose as if she was fighting off a nosebleed. "couldn't be better!" she answered back with a bright grin as she gave him a thumbs up 
"ah, 's that so.." aran sweat dropped. "you look impossibly red at the moment" 
"its because i had a nosebleed, aran-kun!" she answered back, just as giddily as she sent him a dumb smile. she uncovered her nose, revealing a lone drop of blood dripping from her nostril 
"jesus christ, y/n." he sighed 
"hey" suna called out to her 
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"hwi swuna kun" she mumbled out as she continued to chomp onto her snack. surprisingly, this time it wasn't sakura mochi, and instead was a whole cup of ramen. 
they didn't really know why she had a cup of ramen sitting around, but they didnt question it. 
"can i have that" suna asked as he nodded towards the bag of chips situated on her lap "oh sure.." she said as she reluctantly reached out to hand him the snack 
"uh. are you sure you want me to have 'em..?" suna sweat dropped. she stiffly nodded as she plopped the bag of chips onto his palm. although she didn't let it go and continued on gripping onto it. 
"of course! i-im.. not that hungry anyways.." she reassured him with a smile "its fine, bunny. i can tell you want 'em" suna chuckled nervously 
"eat them." she demanded as she opened the bag and shoved it in his hands 
suna nodded and munched on the chips, eyeing her pitifully as she sulks while finishing the rest of her ramen. "are you still hungry, bunny?" suna asks tauntingly as he waves around a piece of chip by her face 
"no" she huffed, puffing her cheeks up as she cradled her stomach, which was currently rumbling from hunger "say ah" suna laughed as he pressed the chip onto her lips 
'HAH?! IS HE GONNA FEED ME?!'  she screamed internally 
she opened her mouth, waiting for him to feed her. though much to her confusion, the food never came. instead, suna swirled the chips around, prompting her to chase after it like a dog, all while wearing a taunting smirk on his lips 
'hawshakha this is embarrassing!!' she thought to herself 
she covered her face with her twin braids out of embarrassment as she hesitantly followed his hands "hmph." she huffed as she leaned in, and impatiently chomped onto the chips
suna froze in his spot as he watched her dive in to snatch the chips from his fingers. he could feel her soft lips accidentally encaging his fingertips as she pulled away, leaving his skin slightly damp from saliva 
"fuck that was hot" he blurted out 
"..." she stared at him with her doe eyes, her pale green orbs boring through his olive green ones, as she continued munching on the chips 
"me?" she asked 
"no." suna answered with a straight face. "i meant the gym. it's hot, right?" 
"uh, i guess.." she muttered with a raised brow "anyways. wanna see the twins' fight?" he cleared his throat as he pulled out his phone "hm.. i think i have some videos on my phone too" she hummed as she scrolled through her gallery 
"though, most of it is tsumu-kun lip syncing to sensual songs" she said 
"not that i mind!!" she giggled menacingly as she scrolled through the never ending album filled with atsumu's thirst traps "atsumu-kun looks good here.. " she muttered flusteredly  "here too.. suna-kun, look! his hair is tied up here" she said as she showed him a very unwanted video of atsumu's thirst trap 
"i don't wanna see that" suna grimaced "but you gotta send me that. this is godly." he chuckled darkly to himself 
"look at the fucker biting his lips" he sneered as he watched atsumu bite his lip flirtatiously "giving me very much frat boy vibes. this dude looks like he has whiteclaw flowing through his damn veins" 
"i have much more videos, suna-kun" she said as she opened another album "except these are mostly fights and random pranks i pulled on them with mrs. miya" she explained 
"send them to me" suna pleaded 
"of course!! but uh-" she cut herself off as she nervously handed him her phone "i don't have your number" she reasoned 
'hehehehhe,, type it in type it in!!'  she squirmed in excitement as she watched suna enter his contact information 
'one step closer to being his wife!'  she mentally patted herself in the back as she smiled in triumph. 
"thanks for these. yer the best, bunny" suna cooed at her 
"this is some great blackmail material." he smirked "no problem!" she squeaked out, still too enamoured over the half-assed selfie suna took to put in as his contact photo 
"you're officially my new best friend" suna said through a yawn 
she froze in surprise as she looked at him with sparkling eyes, looking absolutely lovestruck as she relished in her new title "really?!" she whisper shouted 
"mhm." suna grunted "now lemme sleep on your lap, bunny." he requested "its a best friends thing we should practice more often" he hummed out as he laid his head on her lap
"typical platonic stuff." he smirked cheekily
she nodded in response, too flustered to even reply a simple 'okay.' "catch ya later" he said as he shut his eyes and falling almost instantly. she grinned in excitement and clamped her mouth shut to contain her squeals, being careful enough not to stir him awake 
'ah, this is it! i've finally found my future husband!' she thought 
'after years of searching!!' she squealed internally
'i can't wait to tell obanai..or shinobu-san! or my mom!.. wait she's dead..' 
she hummed giddily as she combed through suna's hair, playing with it and shaping it as cat ears just for the fun of it. she was feeling perfectly fine. that is, until it had finally dawned her. 
"wait." she blurted out, her eye twitching ever so slightly 
"did i just get friendzoned?" 
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namjooningelsewhere · 3 years
The Prince Charming!!
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Pairing : Yoongi x reader
Genre: 18+
Warnings: Absolutely nothing!!!!
Summary- You are forced to attend a prestigious homecoming ball which you wanted to avoid but also which you couldn't, you didn't make in any plans on avoiding until you actually meet someone interesting and suddenly everything just seems perfect. Comfortably perfect!
The big thingies weren't quite your scene, specially when all you had to do was look like a freaking doll and stand in poise and behave and watch what you said. Naah please you were done with it.
And today happened to be exactly that kind of day. It was ball at the most affluent family of the city, The Mins. Seems like the so called prince charming had returned to his kingdom after a sabbatical and to celebrate the return his parents had hosted a ball, actually quite grand one at that.
You never wanted to go home because you knew your mother would be waiting with her battalion of stylists, beauticians to make you look like a diva, which obviously you were not. You had features that were standing out but you thought you needed to shine from within to shine on the outside.
You crept inside your own house like a thief tiptoeing to avoid any noise that would attract the attention of your mother. "Rebeca where you think you are going?" Your mothers voice boomed through the corridor. She was your mother alright.
"Give me one good reason why you haven't tried the dresses I've sent to your room? One good reason why you haven't pushed it for the fittings yet?" Umm maybe i came just now, Maybe i was busy trying to prepare for a interview that can get me something real?" You scoffed.
"Very funny, now go to your room and try the dresses and show it to me?" She said. I walked slowly to my room displaying ample amount of disinterest. "Faster now woman, The balls in the evening not tomorrow" you heard your voice once again. How does she know everything? You still couldn't uncover this mystery, You checked if hallways had cameras but nope nothing nada.
You try a lot of dresses but a red one catches your eyes. You try the red one it fit you beautifully amplifying every curve at your body and with a thigh high slits making it look picture perfect. Which also made you look perfect for the gram;).
You finished with a little bit of makeup and a shimmery nude gloss which made your lips look even prettier. You arrived at the ball with your parents and it looked it was more of a met gala type event.
As you walked to the hall you could see girls in all kinds of designers making it a high society designer store, looks like the so called prince charming had a lot of options to choose from.
You were greeted by a cheerful greeting and you grinned by the ear, you knew who it was. Hobi your bestfriend waving right back to him. You gave him a friendly hug, and he gasped for a second "Look at you gorgeous, looking enchanting!! He chimed.
Oh boy didn't have much of a choice you see! You exclaimed. The event turned out to be extremely boring with occasional dances here and there. All everyone was doing was to try finding the guy in question.
You moved to the hallway to use the powder room all you could hear was the gossips about the prince charming, "Where is he ?" I've heard he's hot!! Imagine how will he be?" You were absolutely disinterested in the prince charming and the only reason you had your ass in the room was your mother. That woman was capable of throwing you out of the window if you didn't do what she said. She was someone you would never mess with.
You scanned the room for Hobi, this guy was nowhere to be seen. And somehow you exactly knew where he would be at this moment. You fumbled for the phone but let him just be, At least he was having fun.
The ball was going in full swing yet there was no sign of the prince charming, wishing that man would appear somewhere and this ball would end, so you looked at the exit so that you could have a breath fresh air, you found a exit to a open space down towards the parking.
You moved ahead and went near the garden, and just spread your hands the air felt cold and specially it felt even cold with the strapless dress you had on. "Bored already?" You jumped at the voice behind you.
You turned behind to see a man, a magnificent man. Dark hair on his forehead dressed sharp a tux and those rings in the fingers was the highlight and his sly smile made me loose my breath for a second. Who was this you thought to yourself.
"A lot actually, but I don't seem to have a choice" You sighed. "And why would that be?" He asked. "You friends with the Mins?" You asked in a cautious tone. No he said. "Just that I find such events exhausting not to forget my mother bought me here all dolled up because she thinks I might find a good match and that's downright stupid. You exclaimed.
You could clearly say he was amused. He chuckled and that made you zone out to a parallel universe. "Oh I forgot I didn't get your name?" I didn't give it out yet you chuckled. Rebecca you replied stretching your hand in forward to a handshake.
"Lovely name" he said. Before you could say anything out heard footsteps approaching and next thing you knew he pulled you by the hand and started running towards what looked like a lake house.
I'm sorry people would have misinterpreted and this is a small group of the people here you know, they talk he explained awkwardness quite evident in his voice. "I can understand all these people do is talk. And I'm the last one to be involved. I have a quite fierce of a mother who will not tolerate any such nonsense of this sort" he laughed at my exasperated comment.
"Did someone tell you are dramatic?" He chuckled. "Yeah but then i told them not to mention it again" you laughed. "What are you doing here? Friend of the prince charming?" You asked curiosity taking over you.
"Prince charming?" He asked amused. " Yeah since he has a gazillion girls here who are here for him, must be a charmer I guess you say. He looks like he wanted to have a laughing fit, but didn't do so. "What if he was a charmer? I mean the guy has money, power, mostly looks and what if hes sexy too? Don't you find it appealing?"
"That's not what's all appealing, I mean i cant just doll up and compete for someone who i don't even know and besides my kind of love is more of a personality not the wallet or the pants or the looks. You argued.
"I'm starving!!" he says with a cute expression. Why don't you find something to eat inside I'm sure they have a plethora of options."I said "Nope food inside feels boring, Lets go out." You had your jaw open to the ground at his offer, How were you even supposed to leave this god damn place without your mother knowing.
You planned a hundred scenarios but nothing concrete came to your mind but some voice in your head asked you to throw caution to the wind and go with the tux guy. "Okay you said but there is one thing you have to do for me," You look at him innocently hoping he would agree. "Anything" He replied.
"Can you get me a pair of sneakers? I am going to have my feet cut off if i stay in these heels for one more min." He burst out laughing at your request, "This is the most unique thing someone has ever asked me to do", He chuckled.
He ushered you to the parking lot and opened a car boot to hand you over a pair of white sneakers and you unknowingly threw your heels in his boot. ?He closed it and pulled you towards his bike, You had your eyes out of your head for a minute. "Care for an adventure?" He smirked.
"Haven't you been noticing I'm wearing a gown all this time? You asked amused at this persons innocence. "Oh come on sneaker girl i know you can manage and for all you know this might be the most adventurous night of your life? Be a sport!"
You still could not believe you were doing this as you wore the helmet but it seemed thrilling and you thanked the designers to have kept the slit big enough to manage. The ride was filled with an adventure you have never tried before and most of it for the part that he was a complete stranger and still you felt the urge to trust him like it was inbuilt.
You decided to eat kimchi fried rice avoiding his amused looks for choosing something simple when you could have gone more for a gown and tux place but for what it was worth it turned out to be one of the best meals you and he had in a while. The time was passing by in mere fractions as you planned your last stop on a hilltop, starlit and quite a scenic view of the city.
The wind was blowing in your face calming all the excitement of the night it had really been an interesting one for sure. "did you dance at the ball?" He asked . "No why? You know its a shame that you are wearing such a beautiful dress meant to be to a ball but you didn't dance. I smiled at his thoughts believing that coming to this ball was a decision that was totally worth it. Even worth of getting myself killed by mother the moment i step inside the house. But it seemed worth it.
"Who said we cant change it?" he said. You were shocked when he played the song that was the most perfect fit for the night and pulled me in for a dance. You swayed in his arms like you belonged there and he danced as if you were some queen he was having a dance with. You moved as if it was just meant to be and in that moment strangely everything seemed perfect.
The ride back was just you and him discussing your and his interest and just normal things, just as normally as a night could have ended except he didn't let you go till you handed him your number. "Thanks for saving me from the ball and i had an amazing time really" you said unsure of his reaction.
"Likewise" He replied but with a peck on your cheek. He left you at the door bidding a goodbye. As you stood there in two minds, relishing your encounter of the stranger whose name you had forgotten to ask and second what was the lioness inside the house going to do with you?"
You Froze on your spot when you received a text message:
Sneaker girl, FYI I'm not a prince charming!!!
Something inside you told you this wasn't the last time you were meeting this prince charming.
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