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itsseohannbin · 10 months ago
Confessions w/ BFF!SKZ
Hyung Line | Maknae Line
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© itshannjisung, 2024
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♡ itsseohannbins masterlist ♡
Genre: fluff 💕 crack 💥
Pairing: Hyung Line x Reader
Warnings: swearing. 1 joke about jumping into a ravine. i think that's it?? lmk if i missed any!!
Screenshot count: 14
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Bang Chan
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Lee Know:
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TL: @moonlightndaydreams @channieandhisgoonsquad @queenmea604 @noellllslut @newhope8 @bethanysnow @rxosies @kaiyaba
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channie-143 · 1 year ago
Hi hi hi!
I just wanted to drop in and say hello, and that your Skz text posts are so good and so funny!
Your dividers are also so effing cute😭
You say you made them yourself, yeah?
Anyways I hope you have the greatest week!!!!!
Love Hannji ♡
Thank you so much 😭😭😭!!!
Your writing is so good so that means a lot!
As for the dividers, the Skzoo ones are the ones I made myself, the rest of the ones I’ve used were free to use ones that I either used as is or made slight edits to, but I use Picsart for them!
I hope you have a great week too!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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bethanysnow · 11 months ago
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out.
Awwww thank youuu, *also sends it to you*
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 1 year ago
so, i'm not sure if you remember me,
but my blog its-hannjisung got completely deleted (i'm such an idiot) and i was wondering if I could be re-added to your taglist :(
if not, it's totally okay. just figured I'd ask.
thank you!
Hannji ♡
Of course I can re-add you to the taglist!! When I get on my computer I’ll add you!! 💗💗
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daydreams-after-dark · 10 months ago
fem!skz universe // mdni
The set is now complete!
It all started with a conversation with @noellllslut who got me brave enough to share my idea... then the lovely @kangnina gifted me with so many delicious takes on fem!skz. Thanks to her ot8 is complete. But of course there are still many scenarios that can be explored in this AU.
If fem!skz is not something you think you will like, please feel free to skip this content. I write about a lot of other skz themes between my two blogs, from dom and sub skz, to really romantic and all-the-feels full fics.
I just realised... fem!skz is kind of like Equestria Girls is to My Little Pony... kinda? maybe? No?
fem!skz universe stories and hard thoughts All content is for 18+ MDNI
↳Fem Han the skater girl
↳Fem innie // fem hyunjinnie
↳More fem innie
↳Fem Channie - dj/camgirl swag
↳buff bunny fem Binnie
↳ Angel fem Felix
↳ Fem dom!minnie (Minho)
↳ Bratty fem Seungie (seungmin)
fem!skz oneshots
↳Fem!han dildo f^cking at a house party
↳ The window across the street: male!han x fem!auntylina x fem!reader
My besties... If you wish to not be tagged in the fem!skz stuff please let me know, and I'll only tag you in my other posts (I know it's probs not for everyone and I don't want to force it down your throat)
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itshannjisung @weareapackofstrays @kangnina @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx
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itsseohannbin · 11 months ago
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Seo Changbin || behind the scenes of the DLC mv 💫
◇ If anyone needs me I will be at the local funeral home preparing for my final rest bc wtf Bin 😭
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itsseohannbin · 10 months ago
one of my favorite Binnie performances ❤️
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seo changbin gifs (1/?) — wolfgang (ot8 version)
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bethanysnow · 1 year ago
In Y/N's defense
In dedication to some of the greatest writers I know.
@kaciidubs @forlix @moonjxsung @moonlightndaydreams @skzms @j-oneproduces @dreaming-medium @candlewaxandp0lar0ids @cbini @mykoreanlove @dreamescapeswriting @1-800-shedevil @j-0ne25 @sanakimohara @hyungszn @hyunsvngs @itshannjisung @channieandhisgoonsquad @7ndipity @sweetracha @ldysmfrst
If you go to the website Archive of our Own, or Tumblr, Wattpad, or TikTok and type in Y/N you will be greeted by stories of all sizes, shapes, colours, and tones. Rich worlds created on coffee breaks, breakfast tables, and 3 am visits from a muse. Illustrious worlds to hold you close, warm your hands in the cold reality winter. Permafrost on your heart will melt eventually Y/n.
Because you as a person so complex and great are Y/N they are you, you are them, you in tandem find yourself encased in the trappings and sorrows of the other hand holding yours. The story. The characters and people you call beloved! Calling your name- that’s what it's about right? Your name? Y/N? This is about you! Darling! Let me carry your burden a little longer. Dishevel the skin that coils and folds, the one that binds. The things you carry let them go.
For the world is a dangerous place...
let the authors and scribes of your phone, computer, or tablet if you must give you the sword to seal away the darkness- at least for today, for an hour or two. For the next five minutes.
These tomes break spines better than any best-seller, it holds out fruit and asks you to taste. For freedom is in oranges and pomegranates and whisps of an answer you don’t know yet till part 13.
In defense of Y/N she holds the suspension of disbelief in the rafters and tugs you on stage for the spotlight that can safely be yours. To experience lifetimes of happiness and sorrow and intimate acts beyond comprehension... He is sorry if you do not find him realistic. They aren’t meant to be.
For the main character is you, your plight is theirs, hers, his, all of it in the palm of your hand. Their hand, Y/N doesn’t mind to shelf those thoughts you keep hidden in back rooms, in crawl spaces, they let you play with the ichor of your soul and dissect it, shine a light through it, see if you can heal the wounds.
Only if you allow them to.
Read. This is not a bargaining chip or a sales pitch, there is no bill on the way out.
This is a pillar of culture. Literature in its best forms is transformative, makes you reflect, and heals the parts of yourself you didn’t know were broken.
In Y/N’s defense, you are real and they are not, but the emotions you feel reading great works are. The love you feel is real. The tears shed, the hiding under the blankets, that’s real.
Things don’t need to be realistic to be real.
So is Y/N.
I kept seeing posts disparaging X Reader or Y/N fiction and it bothers me so much. We as a community must hold steadfast in this storm for our art, our release is just as great and important as anyone else. Do not let them tell you differently. Do not let them sway you. You are brilliant as stars do shine and laughter is had.
You are loved.
You are loved.
You are beautiful.
You are needed here in this community.
Make no mistake about it. I love you so much.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 8 months ago
Pairing : OT8 x F!Reader
TW : highly suggestive through most of them ; it’s just crack humor ;
Word Count : about like… 26 pictures???
A/N : I haven’t posted in a bit and I wanted y’all to know I’m still writing! I’m still posting! It just takes a bit longer than usual!
Request : nope!
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Lee Minho
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Seo Changbin
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Hwang Hyunjin
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Han Jisung
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Lee Felix
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Kim Seungmin
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Yang Jeongin
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Perm Taglist :
@whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin
@his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67
@randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @lixpixstix
@felixluvr915 @wordsofkpop @kayleigh-28 @szkstay @spnwinchestersd @fleatree @yehsehneeah @vampcharxter @iloveksmohsomuch @lvlnijiro @neteyamsmate4life @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @delululi @insertsomethingaboutanimehere @karlitaburrito @laylasbunbunny @chimicurri-a @bandolls
@moonlight-the-writer @smutdumpskz @extrhotjne @manuosorioh @yeonjunsfox @jazziwritesthings @itshannjisung
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newhope8 · 1 year ago
Question ... ?? 🦋💜
@itshannjisung @channieandhisgoonsquad @queenmea604 @minnieprincess85 @hyunsvngs @frenchkisstheabyss
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itsseohannbin · 11 months ago
He is literally so so so perfect stop it 😭❤️
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© 🍠 | do not edit and/or crop logo
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daydreams-after-dark · 10 months ago
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I’m just popping on to say that I was a little unsure starting this side blog earlier this for my extra delulu thoughts… but I’ve just seen I have 200 followers over here! 🎉🥳 yay!!!
Thank you to those who share my filthy brain!!! 😈💋💋💋
Also… Han’s fingers in this pic…imagine them glistening with your juices. 🤪💦🤭 Ok… I’m off to bed.
X. Sorsha
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itshannjisung @weareapackofstrays @kangnina @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx
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itsseohannbin · 1 year ago
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Han 🫧 msg: 03052024
💬: "have some food"
Tags: @moonlightndaydreams @channieandhisgoonsquad @newhope8 @noellllslut @queenmea604 @bethanysnow @yxnjinsduality
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itsseohannbin · 10 months ago
happy dwaekki ♡
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Changbin | SKZ Code Ep. 49
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bethanysnow · 11 months ago
Get to know me~
Tagged by @itshannjisung
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❣ Who is your favorite Kpop group?❣
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These dorks! Stray Kids. I also love BTS and Block B. I haven't gotten super into girl groups yet, but I am inching my way with Itzy, Twice, and Mamamoo! If people have song recommendations please let me know!
❣ Which member sparked your interest first?
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This artsy motherfucker. I saw a couple tiktok edits of this man and I needed to know why an anime character had come to life. Then I found out about SKZ, read some fanfiction, and by the time I looked up Chan had stolen me and I now am holding a wolfchan. Like you have to understand, I study art and dance and all of this stuff, I am going to school to work in museums, like this is my shtick! HE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON I'VE EVER SEEN!! AND I'VE MET TOM HIDDLESTON
❣ Who was your first bias?
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For stray kids its Chan, I am the mom friend, he is the dad friend and together we make a happy family.
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THIS DORK! EVERYONE SAY HI TO P.O (Pyo Ji-hoon) I love him with all of my heart, I will always be in debt to him as my first-ever Bias. I know he is an actor now BUT THIS MANS VOICE?!?! GAHHHHH He could give felix a run for his money like thats the vibe he is. Where normally hes this, like a college professor, suit-wearing dorky big grinned man and his voice is that of a rocker who smokes a pack a day
❣ Who is your current bias?
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LOOK AT SASSY PANTS THINKING HES SO COOL! I-its chan guys. Im basic bitch I know. BUT LISTEN Ey ey ey, we all need a 5'7 man to tell us he thinks we're pretty. Even though he embodies being 6'1.
❣ What makes them your bias?
It is hard for me to really describe why. Not just because I picked him, or I like him the most, but being a fan of Stray Kids, meeting the people I have, all of the members but especially Chan make me want to be better. I want to be able to go up to them and say "Because of you and your inspiration, I now have achieved X" I want to participate in life and do things again. I want to go to therapy, I want to work out again and fight my eating disorder. I am creating art, and writing songs???? I've never done that before and they aren't awful! Life is brighter because Stray Kids and Chan are in it. I look at the moon every night and think of something Jin (bts) said, that its the same moon and look at it and think of him. Just these little reminders that while the world seems to feel so big and scary and nothing is going right, you are a speck on a floating rock in space. Just like them.
Also Chan says he doesn't love himself, he doesn't think hes attractive. So it makes me feel validated that maybe I'm not as ugly as I think I look??? Because if hes as prince charming as he is maybe im not as bad looking as I think I do?
❣ Who is your bias wrecker?
Uhhh all of them????? There isn't a wreck-ER its you are wrecked by all of them! It was Hyunjin for a while, now I think it's Minho??? It switches on the daily honestly??? I will take anything and anyone of them.
❣ Which member(s) are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
Felix/Han I love me some soft boys. Also I am 5'9, plus size, and very no-nonsense. The idea of these tiny men getting me to....do things...and uh trying to get me flustered just- yea does good for the soul. I love like reverse expectation fics? Like the big tall scary one is the subby sweet sunshine gf type and the tiny brightly colored talkative one is the super scary dominate teasing one. Its great.
❣ When did you first discover this group?
Last fall, I had just gotten out of a situationship and the band that brought me to it wasn't putting out music and I wanted to find joy again so I tried to find what I was into prior to rock music and that was kpop. Looked up groups that were popular, got back into BTS and then Stray Kids were in my recommended and the rest is history
❣ Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
No! But if they come to Washington you know I will be there. I am going to see Enhypen this month with a friend of mine though! First kpop experience
❣ What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
Case 143
Red Lights
My Universe
Tortorus and Hare
Social Path
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I tag @kaciidubs @7ndipity
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 8 months ago
Pairing : OT8 x F!Reader
TW : unhinged ; chaotic as usual ; suggestive/smutty in a crack type way ; Felix is kinda sad if you squint ;
Word Count : 30 Pictures!! (Technically 31 but I had to crop Jeongins together)
A/N : You didn’t ask for more… but here are more!
Request : NOPE!
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Perm Taglist :
@whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin
@his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67
@randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @lixpixstix
@felixluvr915 @wordsofkpop @kayleigh-28 @szkstay @spnwinchestersd @fleatree @yehsehneeah @vampcharxter @iloveksmohsomuch @lvlnijiro @neteyamsmate4life @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @delululi @insertsomethingaboutanimehere @karlitaburrito @laylasbunbunny @chimicurri-a @bandolls
@syuuji @moonlight-the-writer @smutdumpskz @extrhotjne @manuosorioh @yeonjunsfox @jazziwritesthings @itshannjisung
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