#its mostly just an edit of the Haha Funny
hyperrealisticblood · 1 month
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dopscratch · 1 year
My Slugcat Designs
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gaze upon the glory of my slugcats, i have gone full mollusk :)
feel free to use with credit! also show me if you do hahaha
fun design details/headcanons under the break
edit: find out why they're all tubemammals instead of felines here
All of them are mostly Smooth Creatures, no fur in sight. Also all of their limbs can be retracted into their bodies because slug. They each have a maximum of 3 fingers and 2 toes, though some have none at all. They are all toothless and instead possess radulae. Some have beaks and some don't, but I haven't decided which ones. The hunter is the only one with a confirmed beak. Beaks are all dark in color.
Monk is Tall because I said so. Lonk. Also I noticed its tentacles are slightly larger than survivors. Also I like the tall little sibling thing because it's funny to me.
Survivor is very average all around. Maybe slightly on the short side.
Hunter is squid. That is all (Not really). Hunter is an absolute beast and I really liked the idea of rotating colossal squid hooks instead of claws. Also squid worked really well for its long legs form :) Edit: As its rot progresses, its orangey color fades (read: parts of its skin start peeling off) and it becomes pinker like its ingame sprite until it becomes that sickly pink of Hunter Long Legs!
I thought the Spanish Dancer really invoked the tattered ribbons of the explosion spears. Also I know it's an aquatic slug and Artificer is terrible in water but I think the flailing to swim around really fits it haha. Also its a skunk because of the whole chemical weapon theme.
Gourmand is an absolute unit. It is very round. I don't have much else to say about it.
I love axolotls but they're overrated, so instead of having the gills of everyone's favorite neotenic Mexican salamander, Rivulet is an octopus. It can use the pink tentacles around its face to hide its big silly eyes if its scared. It can also stretch them out to look bigger. the space in between is webbed, just like in an octopus, though the webbing is not always visible when the tentacles are folded back or in a relaxed position. It has suckers on the back edges and can twist the tentacles around if it wants to use them to grab or hold something near its face. Its arms and legs can extend to great lengths but they cannot support Rivulet on land very well so they usually stay short then (or will only push it up a short height). A siphon on its underside lets it move faster underwater and it may spray water with it playfully.
Spearmaster is also very long like Monk. The spears are pulled from underneath the shell rather than straight out of the tail.
Saint is a sea sheep, complete with the silly closely placed eyes. Its "tongue" is just a tentacle. Also it's short. And a raccoon because I just felt like it fits.
Nightcat is a scaly-foot gastropod because I said so. I think that since it's a pretty mysterious creature it can get a pretty mysterious feature, though with a generally basic silhouette.
Enot/Inv/???/whatever you wanna call it is just cuttlefish. A wild, crazy creature whose colors, shape, number of arms, and texture are never consistent. It is dense and will not float well. Usually its tentacles and limbs have a bit of a curl to the ends.
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I think a flamboyant cuttlefish was perfect for its design, and I chose a yellow mongoose because a) silly creature and b) it's not actually a mustelid so it kinda fits how incredibly weird this guy is.
and that is all, hope you enjoy my slugcats.
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sawyer-is-eepy · 3 months
as a punk, its the least fucking punk thing to call someone a poser. what 90% of anti-endos want is for endos to stop calling themselves systems (its a medical term) and to get the fuck out of our spaces. calling yourself a system (short for system of alternate states of dissociation) when you dont have did/osdd is ablist. ablism is NOT punk. listen to actual fucking trauma survivors instead of circlejerking every other ablist around
hi, sorry, i've mostly got it okay but i don't have my glasses right now and can't see very well. trying to still type properly but it's a bit hard, so i'm sorry for any typos ! ^^
i get why anti endos are wanting a space thats exclusively for cdd systems, but terms can change and adapt and evolve(and they are!) the thing is, more and more research is being done on endogenic systems and a lot of said studies are referring to endos AS systems. medical studies and such!
plus, not trying to say you're lying or anything because i can't prove you wrong, but i'm, not even entirely sure system was ever ACTUALLY just exclusively for cdds because it's just that previousloy, there was no research on endos so maybe now that more stuff is coming out about them? but if you do have stuff about the original usage of the term i'd be glad to check it out! i
and about your spaces, again i do understand why youd want a space sepcifically for traumagen/disordered systems. but the thing is, a lot of times those spaces completely exclude a lot of traumagen systems ANYWAYS!! yall exclude proendo traumagen, and exclude traumagenic systems that aren't disordered! and because a lot of those spaces have become "haha funny lets just h\ate on endos and fakeclaim a ton of them!" and also putting "proendos dni" on a lot of your posts you exclude anyone who could benefit from resources and/or potential friendships, as well as fakeclaim "real" systems! you create spaces that are filled with hate and anger so people don't feel safe expressing themselves.
tumblr is usually better about fakeclaiming stuff from what i've seen, but literally everywhere else(ESPECIALLY reddit tiktok and yt) are all incredibly hostile toward endos, and often how that manifests itserlf is fakeclaiming literally any system, ever. INCLUDING traumagen ones.
my MAIN issue with anti endos is how yall want a safe space but your spaces are so filled with hate and you consistently bar yourself from actually ever receiving any criticism. you create echo chambers, basically
safe spaces are no5t places for people to post hate without having to get called out. safe places are not for you to go "there's no science to back endos!" and then ignore any attempts to share science behind endos by saying "youre invading our spaces! you broke the dni!"
youre right, ableism is VERY not punk! but you claim to protect trauma survivors when you ignore the proendo traumagens and the endos WITH trauma!! what about the endos who had to go through trauma and want to speak about their trauma but are silenced because its "sCiEnTiFiCaLlY ImPosSiBlE!111!!11" ? what about the traumagenic systems who just waant a space to be able to communicate with other trauma survivors but they arent listened to because they support something else???
you create hateful spaces, we're gonna call you out on that bullshit.
i'm sorry about the endos who invade other tags but i feel like this time it's at least a little justified.
edit: i can see slightly better now so i fixed some of the typing errors. sorry if i still missed any
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km really do have incredible chemistry. It’s noticeable even just within the 2 minutes JK dropped into JM’s watching live, or through the comments and their reactions. their gimbap making lives are so comfortable and funny. ppl use bickering as an example of chemistry a lot which personally i don’t really see, but when km bicker it somehow feels intimate. there’s an undercurrent of trust and understanding to all their interactions and don’t even get me STARTED on the tones of voice…sorry this just went full delulu haha so I will say all this could be true without them being a couple, but needless to say I expect their travel show will be a really sweet and comforting watch! So I’m really looking forward to it cus I need some of that. you are right that most of the interactions we saw from them recently were indirect, so it makes sense there’s a sense of excitement and anticipation to see them together and totally at ease. from what we’ve seen they appeared to be filming a lot themselves with supplementary camera work, so I’m really curious what the vibe & premise will be.
Oh, I'm really curious about the format as well. It will probably be mostly vlogging style, with hand held cameras used by KM and probably some other establishing shots, full and wide framing if they had other people filming them. But given the BH/Hybe style, I expect an editing mess made by a team that barely knows the basics. It's not something they excel at. Even Jungkook does a better job, although he's not into it anymore.
Jungkook's camping vlog is most likely the way the travel show will look like as a finished product.
As to their chemistry, bickering and all that, I always got the sense that we are seeing the surface of a dynamic full of inside jokes and an established and well rounded relationship in which we only get some glimpses of. They come across as people who know each other extremely well, what clicks, what doesn't and all this to be but a really small part of their lives because they don't show us more.
I've seen other people saying they either don't expect "jikook moments" or they warned other fans to lower their expectations. It's this mantra that gets spread each time there's something to be released, particularly Memories. I found that nonsensical because it's not like it comes across as KM doing "something" that constitutes a moment and then they don't do it on other occassions. They behave the same with each other in every instance that I have seen. There is no switch that changes behavior. Everything can be called a "moment". It's not fiction, in which the story leads to an important, defining scene.
Take ITS 1 for example. The mosquito incident is considerent a moment, right? It shows up on twitter from time to time, gets discussed and so on. Do other KM interactions not count as "moments"? Are they boring? Is there no "action"? I enjoy them being drunk out of their mind, but also talking about nothing important while they go to eat. They could be the most boring guys on that travel show and I would still be excited and I would enjoy it. It could be a repeat of Jungkook telling Jimin a story in detail about sand fleas and I would be entertained for the simple reason that I like to watch them be with each other.
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loudestcloud · 7 months
Original date made: February 15th 2024
Song: I'll make a man out of you from Mulan
Arc: Wano (Full spoilers)
One piece edit number 30!
YouTube link
TikTok link
Instagram link
(Originally posted here)
All edits of mine can be found under #Loudestcloud
👇🏻 Editor's comment 👇🏻
Hey hey hey!!! This was supposed to be silly haha funny but as usual, it became a longer cool thing. Also that Jack eye transition? Not planned at all, little just happened by the clips being used next to each other. My process is not linear, the first clip I used was the first cos the words are what made me make it but the second was Tama, I just go all over as I please. Alao spoilers included for even me cos i am at around 1060 so I sacrificed my eyes for this but NOT THE AUDIO so the drums are still gonna be nice and new for me. Also this somehow passed the copyright check on TikTok and that is SO silly, its literally Disney AND One piece but that's okay cos YouTube would never.
Also, it was only now when adding tags that I noticed the only Big mom clip os ger being ran over so, sorry girl, didn't mean to do you so dirty.
EDIT: I forgot to say that the first ever One piece AMV I found by myself as a kid was one to A girl worth fighting for so this brought back a lot of childhood joy. It was really bad and I mostly remember Usopp as Ling and Sanji being the part for Chi-Fu then Zoro being the reply to that, it was so grainy and poorly cut but it was fun and that's all that ever matters.
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oh-cosmia · 4 months
12, 17, 19 <3
hiiiii alex <333
12. a trope you’re really into right now
haha well im gonna interpret "right now" as something i got into recently... dragon romance (YOU KNOW). also doomed friendship/friends-to-enemies arcs. does "the banality of evil" count as a trope?
17. talk about your writing and editing process
okay so uhhhh for fic specifically its like. if its a new fic or a oneshot i write down a really rough summary like, i just ramble in my word doc as if i was telling someone this outline. sometimes if i already rambled about fic ideas in someone's dm's ill just copy paste it and use that as an outline. this was basically how me and mal wrote the outline for wedding fic, and also i did this with me and liz's dms when i first drafted solo au. and then i just start writing and keep fleshing out the outline till its done.
if its a chapter in a longer or ongoing work, like db:
prewriting; i need to know what main events happen in this chapter and also what key information is dropped. in chapter 11, something big happens, the steward shows up! thats something thats gonna build up to something in future chapters, so it was necessary to introduce it now. another big thing happens, when min encounters a denizen whose suffering he was complicit in. those are the big things that Have to happen, but then also in between that i want to drop some pieces of information that will become relevant in later chapters. when i get an idea for something gay i will find a way to work it in-- like, i didn't Need to make min kabedon ryan in ch11, but i had a vision. i had a dream. i did that for ME
writing; okay so first i lay down . then at 9-11pm i write in stimuwrite and then copy it into a word document later. then i lay down some more. if im REALLY feelin wild and i get into a groove i just keep writing till i pass out at 2 or 3 am. sometimes i go to my favorite cafe if i need to Lock In. writing is just mostly cleaning up and expanding on my outline. when i know generally what the trajectory of the chapter is and what stuff i need to make happen, everything else i kind of make up on the spot, like, the car settings and denizens are based off of whatever ideas or images were interesting to me recently. if i see an opportunity for fun banter or interactions i'll just throw it in. if i think of something funny or gay i'll put it in too. idgaf
editing; most fun part. so first i lay down. then i get up and look at a random scene of the wip. i edit it a bit. then i lay down. then i review the whole thing and fix any obvious #cringe moments or typos or fucked up syntax. then i lay down. then i edit some more until i can bear to show someone else
peer review. i show my trusted friends the fruits of my labors. they tell me if the vibes are off. they leave comments on my docs and reactions that help me gauge if my intentions/tone came through the writing. also frankly showing my friends a wip is nice bc the writing process can be very lonely and its a good motivator to show people and get amped up to finish
illustration; i've probably been sketching ideas up till this point, but i usually pick scenes if they're either important enough to the plot that i want to give an extra "oomph" to the moment, or if i just really have a strong image in my brain during a scene.
publish it. lay down again. sleep for a week. start thinking abt the next chapters
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hermitw · 3 months
i want to hear more about your theory surrounding yuki, kenjaku, and todo if you don’t mind 😭
Haha omg I'll have to remember. It's mostly vibes but I'm good at making connections sooooo
The most solid evidence and vibes first: Todo had those false memories with Yuuji, just like Choso did. Todo also gets those with his celebrity crush but he doesn't try to force a relationship with her, he still has more of a sense of boundaries and reality there.
They are also pretty rough on even those closest to them, kenjaku manipulating his sons and allies into killing each other obv but Todo got his scar from Yuki's intense training, and Todo beats his classmates half to death for not sharing his taste in women (I do feel that it's not fair to make a lot of connections between her and todo since she did raise him to adopt her worse personality traits, like being weirdly intense about that question). But even before they met Todo was beating up older kids, and Yuuji was also beating up the school bullies so it seems to run in the fam.
Kenjaku and his relatives (known and alleged) also share the same sort of aloof insanity, not worried about the societal norms and going after whatever they want without worrying what anyone thinks. They're also very blunt and honest, whether it's about their back getting musty or wanting to be called brother, they don't have much of a filter. Choso and Yuki both showed up in Shibuya like, "what's up I'm not actually on your side." which is very much the way that Todo showed up at the exchange event.
I think its sus that Todo and Yuki just happened to meet each other and there was no context given about his family. Like they just let a young child disappear with some strange woman on a motor bike.
Kenjaku, Yuki and Todo all have this strong personality of doing whatever they want to, without hesitation in the face of authority. Yuki using her special grade salary to travel overseas and reject missions, Todo kicking the door (or was it the wall? I forget) down to leave the principal's meeting. Kenjaku...I don't even have to give an example there.
Also that frame when yuki and kenjaku fight (I'll attach it below) screams parent/child interaction to me.
Since then (today actually) I decided that Coach Takagi is Todo's other dad, he's probably trans and the theories of Rock Lee and Guy Sensei from Naruto are enough evidence to convince me tbh (also tenten I love her but this isn't about that). Coach Takagi is a chaotic rulebreaker, he's more problematic than the students, and I think Kenjaku would see that man and think he looks like fun. I think that Todo inherited some traits from him as well.
Sooooo we know that Kenjaku's motive for everything is that he's just playing a game, looking for a good time, something to be interesting or funny. We see this in the manga but to avoid spoilers, just look at the way he was always playing with the curses - soccer with Jogo's head, Life (as he was manipulating his sons into taking each other's lives ugh), mahjong etc. And they're always chilling in Dagon's domain at the beach, or the playground, it's very recreational (I used to think it was just games to psychoanalyze and vet his curse allies tbh).
All this to say that I 100% believe that he slept around. We know he was pregnant and maybe that's part of the reason why Yuuji is his favorite son.
Todo and Yuki are older than Yuuji - from before Kenjaku was in Kaori's body, so it works with the timeline.
I think that he would have not kept watch for any other potential offspring, but part of him hopes that more and stronger sorcerers or curse users will show up to make things more interesting. Actually, they could have grown to be the people he used like Junpei and Yuuji (that speech he gave at the end of the Shibuya incident). Edit: I think kenjaku was looking for descendents of the old three major clans, like Yuuta (who is also from Sendai) and likely hit Rika with his car.
Hope this made any sort of sense - I am currently rereading the manga again so if I come across more evidence I'll be sure to gather and reblog w that eventually!
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lovediives · 16 days
anything for you oomfie
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but yeah, my demon s/i, radican was turned by muuzan and he had been running around mindlessly. he doesn't really.. kill humans or eat them per se? but he does mess with them and roughs them up a little. he eventually gets assigned to work with the clones. (aka h4ntengu) and at first hes like "holy shit my boss aint shit." and then with tengu gets his head shopped off and he becomes two baddies hes like "holy shit my boss IS shit." and is like haha i totally wasnt making fun of you or anything behind you back with d0ma. please. dont hurt me.
but eventually. he ends up meeting all four of them. he gets a long with the more "positive" emotions but the negative ones. sheesh. hes always getting into trouble. but he manages to make it work.. aka he realized that as long as hes on k5raku and ur0gi's good side... he can get away with a lot of shit. (HES SUCH A DOOFUS) radican loves causing problems on purpose with his boss(bosses? hes not sure either) and each clone has a different way they view him. ur6gi: thinks hes funny. purposely tries to get him to do dumb shit that will mess with the other clones. he knows radican gets scared easily sometimes so he will scare him. strangely enough, probably the one who doesnt have the "strongest" romantic feelings for him because hes mostly there for fun than anything. k4r4ku: insert nsfw comment here. but yeah, he finds radican rather hilarious as well and tries to get him to loosen up a bit because he notices radican is tense around him. tries to get him to get his confidence up and likes to run his fingers through his hair (thats gay) kara really likes to cup radicans face in his heads. def the most affectionate. s3kido: oh boy. has so little patience for him. but its so tsundere of him <3. im talking that hes like "you are the WORST subordinate." and radican is like "but you were thinking about me, right?" and hes twirling his hair and s3ki grabs him by the hair or something and he can see that stupid smile on his face. and then they kiss or smth YAY! s3ki struggles so badly with his feelings for him because they make him SO MAD but he wants radican so much so its okay. aiz3tsu: well. radicans biggest target for no reason. like aiz would probably kill him if he could. but he doesnt. the two of them cuddle like a lot. and aiz will drag radican to be alone just so he can order him to shut up and hold him close or smth. probably manhandles him the most because hes so done with his bullshit. but the two of them go on "dates" the most. funny
long ass text. lemme pause here thank you <3
edit: here is radican's ref again for people who havent seen it yet...
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utilitycaster · 1 year
@burr-ell replied to your post “Just saw someone posit that Bor’Dor is secretly a...”:
hold up i think im missing something, what's moon theory??
So: it's been long enough and we've gotten enough actual moon lore since that I no longer go full Kill Bill sirens, and I've had several dubious wine cooler freezer pop...things so let's do this.
The basic gist of the most well-known moon theory is that Fjord is from the moon. I do not recall if it specified which moon. I am not, to be honest, entirely sure if the people who put forth this theory were aware that Exandria had two moons. I think they were aware it had multiple moons but I am not positive that at the time of the theory they could name them.
Of course, there is lore. I'm not up on all of it and as mentioned, drinking, and it was like, not quite three years ago when it reached its height and I haven't rewatched the video that caused this to circulate on Tumblr since. If you want to watch the full video, which is very stupid and poorly edited, you can watch it here.
Anyway: the theory was that Fjord, a half-orc, was actually one of the space orcs from the Spelljammer setting, which are "cleverly" called Scro. (This is also the origin story on why I immediately assume that anyone super into Spelljammer has the cognitive capabilities of a grilled cheese sandwich, an assumption that has not yet failed me.) The reason why was that he was "too small" to be a half-orc (he's on the small side but, contrary to what fanartists will have you believe, well within normal bounds of half-orc sizes) and also he was too smart to be an orc. This, when you realize this video was made in August 2020, ie, many discussions about racial essentialism in general and in D&D specifically are being had, really gives you a sense of the brain trust we are working with here.
The basis of the theory beyond that is...incomprehensible. It mostly rests on panels in which Matt is like "yeah Spelljammer sure does exist" or the fact that Travis, when asked point blank if Fjord was from the moon, gave the sort of "what the FUCK" stare one might expect. Apparently the video is about other moon theories as well but I could not tell you what they were because it's mostly just a series of (poorly) edited clips in which the moon is mentioned. There is no thesis. There is no argument. It's the Moon Moon of YouTube videos. I do distinctly remember that Keyleth being a Circle of the Moon druid is mentioned for no particular reason other than the word "Moon" is there. It's essentially a compilation of times the word "moon" exists. It's so fucking stupid. It also, as I recall, and I want to note at this point that I've done a significant amount undergrad-level work in astronomy and cosmology so you can see how painful this is to me, rested heavily on not understanding that the Astral Plane and Outer Space are different locations. But it is almost an hour long, and again, it aired in August 2020 with all that entails, so it unfortunately caught on like Circle of the Moon Wildfire.
Anyway. The point is that some people took "if you can't blind them with brilliance, dazzle them with bullshit" very much to heart and there was a month or so in the CR fandom where everyone was like "lol Fjord is an alien from the moon haha" which very much sucked, but fortunately, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, the shipping discourse of Rumblecusp served as a fucking balm in comparison since at least it was fandom bullshit as usual rather than a no intelligent life on this planet scenario, though it was definitely being unfunnily joked about for quite some time after. I'm sure it has pockets of supporters somewhere but I think anyone watching Campaign 3 can feel confident that it's been soundly debunked.
Anyway I searched my blog and I found this from that era which, if I do say so myself, is pretty funny.
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runthepockets · 11 months
I think the "death grips fans are mostly suburban white teens because they find black people funny by default" a bit of a reach. I'm not defending the behaviour but it's pretty common to find a picture of a reclusive, enigmatic and highly talented artist doing something mundane and relatable funny. People find the pic of david byrne eating cereal funny. The issue of self-obsessed tiktok teens ruining shows is an ongoing problem across the board rn tbh
Yeah, sure, but Talking Heads fans don't go out of their way to get David Byrne's personal information-- like his address or the name of his estranged father-- on Facebook. Talking Heads fans don't ignore David Byrne's "no" when asked to take pictures in public. People don't make horrific collages of David Byrne posted up in pictures with his loving family because "a weird guy having a nice family hahahah SOOOO whacky!!!!". People don't mash Talking Heads songs up into edits of stupid anime openings with the joke mostly being "haha, look at this dumb angry gorilla thing and its contrast with this cute, innocent thing, isn't this hilarious." Talking Heads fan don't talk about Talking Heads like they're little more than litmus tests of edginess or with huge veneers of irony rather than, like, artists who had vast influence on New Wave music. People still respect David Byrne's artistry and don't fucking throw water bottles and glow sticks at him at shows. Even when he's intentionally being goofy with it, like when he dances in those big suits, they still admire his earnestness and relate to him. They still see his humanity.
I'm a black Death Grips fan. It makes me very happy that a black man is fronting a Rap/Punk band and has an unforgivably aggressive and loud onstage persona. I love seeing other black men recclaiming the emotions / imagery made to dehumanize them in the name of portraying their experiences and making art. That shit is fucking awesome to me. In no way am I saying that Death Grips is for white people, or that black people can't be goofy, or annoying at shows, or anything like that.
But what I am saying is that I don't know what other conclusion I'm supposed to come to when I hear about a demographic of people who have done nothing but be boundary violating dipshits who can drop 100 bucks on the fly just to go to a show and act like a dipshit all night, from throwing shit at the artist to ignoring them to play Beyblades and make Tiktoks to showing up in those stupid ass propeller hats and not even staying for the entire set other than "stupid fucking spoiled ass white boys".
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themindcastlesystem · 6 months
Introductions + purpose of this blog
Hi! We're the Mindcastle.
We're 21 years old. We're a college student studying accounting, and a gamer and storyteller on the side. Our favorite games include Final Fantasy 7-9, OMORI, Ace Attorney, Pokemon, and Tetris. We like to write fan fiction, but we're also brainstorming a couple of original projects.
You can find our stories here: - May Your Memory Be a Blessing (original story) - A Little Piece of Healing (original story with one Ace Attorney character) - Athena Cykes ~ Ace Attorney: Locks on the Heart (synopsis of our cancelled Ace Attorney fan game) - Reconciliation (OMORI fic) - You Must Carry On. (OMORI fic) - When the Sun Shines Again (OMORI fic; Ch. 1 done, ch. 2 TBA)
We're an OSDD system -- an individual with multiple identities, or altered personality states. We presently have three core identities; the rest of our alters are currently dormant, but if they ever come around to post something, it'll be clear.
Sunny (they/any): Hi! I'm Sunny. I'm the host (primary identity) of the Mindcastle. I'm a non-binary trans girl. My name originally comes from the phrase "sun-kissed", but also happens to be a close translation of our IRL name, Աստղիկ (Astrik; pronounced "Ahst-gheek", meaning "little star" in Armenian). I used to be in a lot of math and music competitions as a kid, and I have a lot of awards from them! Perfect score/1st in my state on the AMC 8 for eighth graders when I was 10, and first place in the Armenian Allied Arts Association Competition (two years in a row). But nowadays I just like to crunch numbers for people rather than solving calculus problems, so I've been finding accounting a really enjoyable field. Same with music - now I just play video game music for enjoyment (mostly by ear), and I taught myself to sing over the last ten years, though I can't promise I'm good; once in a blue moon I actually compose something myself. I also have a vested interest in clinical psychology and social activism, with a focus on how oppression and power dynamic influence people's actions and autonomy (both politically on a larger scale and personally on a smaller one), as well as communication and self-care as a form of rebellion. This will probably come up in some of our posts.
Kel (he/they): Hi, I'm Kel, resident idiot twink! My name comes from the game "OMORI", but I formed before we played it (I love the character Kel though so I stole his name sorry not sorry). I love basketball - and sports in general, but I played basketball as a kid and absolutely loved it; I was the best shooter on our team, so they called me "the sniper". I also love to write with Sunny, chat, and make stupid jokes everyone groans at. I also sometimes come around to make art for our video game projects, though it's mostly little edits of existing drawings and not actually drawing anything myself. I'm the hyper one of the group so I can be really excitable and jittery when I'm around, but I'm also just a friendly li'l guy. :)
Basil (they/any): Hi! I'm Basil! I'm non-binary. My name's also from OMORI, haha. (We all share a name with one of its characters, but I'm the only one who actually formed because of it, it's kinda funny.) I'm one of the little ones in our headspace, so I try not to be around for adult topics. Please be gentle with me if I'm ever talking to you! I like flowers a lot; I associate myself with the forget-me-not, both in remembrance of our dad's passing and the Armenian Genocide. I also like animals a lot, and I like to write wholesome stories that make me feel like I'm a little kid again. Childhood is super important to me for a lot of reasons so I like engaging with things that bring me back, like our favorite video games (Final Fantasy 9 and OMORI especially).
This Blog's Purpose
[Basil] We made this blog because we realized just how badly we sometimes want to put helpful information out there or go super deep into a subject we like. Sometimes that looks like tips we've learned about eating and exercising, sometimes it looks like sharing coping skills we learned in therapy, and sometimes it's just an infodump about a topic we find interesting or a character we really like from a story!
Like Sunny said, we really care about social activism and mental health issues, and we've made a lot of observations about how those interact with systemic issues like oppression, class structures, and power dynamics. We have a lot of knowledge about dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) specifically, and we've found it to be a really useful tool in life - both with handling our own emotions, and with becoming more open-minded to new information about the world.
We just started a communications class in college and realized because of it how much we value knowledge and communication as a tool for rebellion. We'll go into this some other time, probably, but for now what we'll say is that knowing the truth about how the world works (whether it's politics, health, relationships, or anything else) without disinformation clogging your brain can really empower you to improve yourself and your immediate environment. And sharing that knowledge with others is a really powerful way to band together and start fighting back against the system!
We don't expect to post super frequently since we're not active on social media, but when we do, it should be interesting and hopefully helpful to others!
Finally, this blog is anticapitalist, antiracist, pro-LGBTQ, pro-Palestine, and generally very leftist. You don't have to agree with us on every little thing we say, but if you aren't going to engage in good faith, or if you think select groups of people don't deserve health or safety, just go away!
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chichiricatsan · 10 months
For the Writer's ask game – I'm curious about: 3,6 and 15!
Ahh! Thank you, thank you @weer02! I hope your writing isn't causing you to suffer too much its way! Caulscott shippers unite...in our boats...on a sea of tears... ToT <3
3. The WIP you're most attached to.
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UMMM...all...of...them?? GAHH this is such a loaded question gahhhhhhhhhh D: I love them all for various reasons. I guess if I had to pick one right now it'd be the Ryan Lucan/Fem!OC one I mentioned from my first answer to some of these asks - mostly b/c it's more of a coping fic for self-projection but shhhh, we writers don't do that nooooo SHHHHH...
6. Which part of writing annoys you the most?
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Proofreading and editing, writer's block, the existential dread setting in and slipping slowly into madness as one tries to write and more WIP ideas invade like a swarm of locusts until one's mind is a buzzing static of nothingness...? Writing. I love it, but...I hate it all at the same time...?? I hate it with love of course. And in that love, I write out the hate. I am making noooo sense. Or possily the most sense. Hurgh. :T
15. Is there any scene you were/are scared of writing? Why?
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Okay, haha funny gif, but seriously, it's mostly anything to do with affection beyond holding hands and/or outside "status quo" BS. This extends to my drawings as well. I've gotten better over the years, but it's because I've cut myself off from people who've f*cked with me and my sense of worth and sexuality and everything to do with sexual...anything. I was raised very, VERY conservatively, that "ugly" conservatism, and with a lot of shaming, and that shame is so ingrained in my brain that it sometimes makes me physically sick to get over these hurdles. I had to teach myself a lot and learned things from my mother (when she didn't have her own issues to address), friends, and some of my more compassionate and patient doctors over the years (which, sadly, wasn't all that many). These issues also align with my triggers as a survivor of abuse in multiple forms, and I have to work very hard to be in harmony before I can write or draw a scene with a more risqué nature. It's therapeutic to do so, and I admit I'm more comfortable somehow drawing it than writing it, but I think that just stems from me always drawing from a young age rather than writing--a hobby I picked up more at the tail end of high school and whilst in college. I still have yet to do anything past a certain threshold. Sometimes I just don't want to for personal preferences or reasons.
But yeah... tl;dr: I can't draw/write teh sexy times easily :(
-> OG link for anyone wanting to ask me questions or have others ask them!
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ryansjane · 2 years
youtube anon here!! omg thank you!! sorry im so late with this i was busy bc deepavali + wanted to make sure id thought of everything to ask ahsjdjdkf and ofc if you decide not to reply to this i understand as well, so really no pressure at all, okay? 😊 what software do you use to edit your videos? what made you decide to start making videos? do your videos get taken down bc of copyright? how do you deal if/when that happens? what are some of your favourite kinds of videos to make, and why? how long do you usually spend on a video (idea conception, filming, editing etc)? and since i know you from this blog, even before you started making videos: do you have any advice about putting out content in fandom? bc you make gifs + write + make videos and like. idk im just wondering if you ever feel shy about posting? (not that you should bc for real everything you put out is great- including all the off pictures you keep posting… thank you for that btw i dont have social media so thats the only way i get to see his beautiful face) i guess it sounds stupid but IM really really shy and the thought of putting anything out there for anyone at all to see makes me want to hide forever sdjfhskjg but like. i kinda want to make video edits too. mostly for myself as like a visual journal thing? like its a personal project. but i thought okay since im putting in so much effort why not share it with other people too? and id love if people discovered new music + shows bc of me yknow? but yeah anyway like. how do you deal with it if you ever feel that way? thats all i can think of for now, wow this got LONG. i hope its not too much rip. and again thank you for letting me ask you these questions ❤���
hi, OOF you really had QUESTIONS lmaooooo
I use the free software shortcut to edit my videos. I hate it & it's very slow which makes my already least favorite part of the video making, editing, even worse (:
I decided to start making videos bc 1) I saw a gap in the youtube market where people who talked about bl either did reactions or short analyses without showing their faces. 2) there were many topics that were easier to tackle in a longer video than a blog post. 3) if I were to be able to make a living off of youtube (which will not happen but wish I had known that then lol) it would solve most of my problems & allow me to combine pretty much all of my interests at once.
my videos ABSOLUTELY get taken down bc of copyright, if you look through my community page I've talked about that many times.
when that happens, I always appeal but most of the time it doesn't work, which means I spent 30+ hours MINIMUM on something that will never see the light of day (: it's in big part why I'm switching to thailand focused content instead of thai series content tbh, it was very heavy on my mental health for a hobby that takes so many hours out of me every week. not worth it.
my favorite kinds of videos to film are definitely my ranking ones or reaction ones bc they demand very little preparation & scripting and are just about me rambling for 2 hours, but my ranking ones take FOREVER to edit so on that part any non scripted video is the worst haha
the time spent on a video really depends, but usually the writing of a video takes me between 3 to 6 hours, the filming takes me 2 hours & the editing takes me a good 20 hours (funny bc I hate editing so much lmaooooo.) but some videos have only taken me 10 hours (short reactions), while others have taken me well above 50 (longer commentary ones.)
about putting out content in fandom, you're right in saying that I've basically done every kind of content LMAO. honestly the faceless one like giffing, writing fics, making fanvids, etc. is easy? like it needs to come from a drive of wanting to do it but bc your personal image isn't really attached to it, I feel like the trial & error is easier? if you wanna stop tomorrow no one will really care? but when I started making videos that demand significantly more time & that have my face clearly attached to it, that's when the doubts started creeping in. I never feel shy bc I just haven't been shy in a while, but I do feel ashamed to talk to irl people about my videos bc they aren't successful & I've invested over 2 years of my life in them so it's just kinda pathetic LMAO. but about you being shy, you can focus on the fact that it's the internet? like if you really don't want anyone to know it's your fanvids, create a new username & post them under it, bc then literally NO ONE will know it's you. to be honest it's taken me years but I've gotten rid of the notion of "cringe" and "embarrassment" out of my vocabulary. just do what makes you happy bc people will hate on you no matter what. I just know I personally want to live my life authentically & not filter it just so MAYBE I'm not as hated. so yeah, I hope you DO get to create the fanvids you want & good luck with that! thanks for the support as well, it means a lot <3
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littlelazyaliencat · 1 year
Warning: I'm not a professional writer, I mostly just write for fun and I'll probably make some grammar mistakes here and there in some posts depending on if I rush it
Heyo, you can call me Alien. I use they/them pronouns, and I am probably gonna write or rant about my ocs that I’ll either put into a book someday or have this be the abyss they wander for eternity. ::P
I like reading, writing, art, music, and more.
👽About the blog🛸
I’ll post little doodles of my goofy ass OCs; angst, fluff, crack, whatever. You will get fed whenever my heart desires for me to write or rant about characters, because I don’t like upload schedules cuz they stress me out.
You can ask questions and interact with my characters if you want, I don’t mind. Plus, a good way to actually build info about the character. I may reblog stuff I like occasionally, but you’ll just be able to scroll past them and find what you want.
I will always, and I mean ALWAYS put trigger warnings on posts. If you see one on there, its not a joke and I always make sure its properly done.
Don’t sexualize any of my underage characters
I will default see you as gender neutral, so if you want a character reacting to a scenario that specifies whatever character yourself as a certain gender, put it in the ask
Don’t disrespect any religions unless for actual funny haha writing, not for no reason (smut is an example of where I’m okay with it)
I will fight you if you fetishize any of my MLM or WLW characters and are the opposite gender, don’t test me
I’ll add onto this more later
Masterlist is down below, will edit everytime I write something new that’s about an actual character
Nothing for now, dudes.
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intrepidradish · 2 years
Media: Jeeves and Wooster
Year/my age: 2011/21
What drew me to the media:
It was Stephen Fry (Britophile Terror's words haunt me Britophile. It's my mom's fault, Terror! Sheesh!) I was lowkey obsessed with him. Enough for it to be meme worthy since my friends edited me into images of him, loosing my shit. I was going through his work and I stumbled on Jeeves and Wooster.
The opening for the show is insanely addicting too. I still have the tune stuck in my head and will randomly hum it. Check this shit out.
It's also such a lighthearted, stupid show. It's got that perfect touch of British witticism and slap stick humor. The plots are also confusing enough to keep you watching again and again. And haha! Most of them are super duper free! You can watch them on Youtube.
What made me a fan:
The dynamics between Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry is just *chef's kiss* phenomenal. They are so funny together. I also dabbled in A Little Bit of Fry and Laurie afterward.
Oddly (not that oddly) I never made it full circle to the original PG Wodehouse stories. At the end of my time in college, I was completely gutted for energy to read or write serious anything. I bet its in public domain now, but...you know I'm just not motivated in that area right now. Maybe someday.
But! More importantly! Jeeves and Wooster was the first time I actively searched for fanfics that were romantic and gay! (Yes, I would say this is my original OTP, even before Good Omens because I actively sought it out and was like 'yes please') Also mmmm they are mostly made up of Dom/Sub undertones. Jeeves is very service top as a butler, but his class as a servant separates him from the landed gentry of Wooster (ooo power dynamics). I didn't know jack about any of that, but I did suck it up like the hungry little worm I am (through a straw, licked the spoon, rolled in the dregs to get the smell, etc etc)
ALSO regardless of reading the original stories or watching the show or even having the slimmest of knowledge about Jeeves or Wooster, you can read the fanfics. The idea of Jeeves the butler is so universal a concept for westerners, that it's very easy to pick up without knowing anything, which is great.
Have I written fanfiction for it?
Why or why not:
No idea! It probably was related to what I mentioned earlier. I was graduating college, was miserable, and completely devoid of interest to write. I thought I was a very bad writer, in fact. I still can't essay myself out of a paper bag. My arguments and frameworks don't seem to work in methodical, non-metaphorical fashions. I likely drew some very tame stuff in the margins of the my notebooks, but nothing serious or even memorable.
Opinion on the fandom:
No idea either! *clicks my tongue* I was a lurker then. I didn't comment. I didn't like. No touchy. I wanted no mark left, like stories were national parks and I was only a tourist enjoying the pristine views. I still struggle with internet finger prints, but since most internet users only visit like 10 sites max these days, their paths are well beaten, unlike the past where you could move through so many small digital checkpoints without anyone knowing where you came from or where you went. Crazy that was only ten or so years ago.
My guess is by being into Jeeves during this time, I bypassed the Sherlock fandom! HAHA! Take that! I did watch Sherlock (but I gave up a season or two in), but for some reason, Jeeves took station in my heart where Sherlock would normally fill. Ultimately, I think I dodged a bullet. Thanks Jeeves!
Would you read again?
Yeah! That stuff doesn't go stale! But I should probably read the originals.
Some of his work is in the public domain. I'm not sure if all of them are Jeeves stories though.
The list of Jeeves stories are here instead:
It looks like My Man Jeeves and Right Ho Jeeves is on Gutenberg.
But, in short, if I ever came across a great Jeeves Wooster story, hell yeah I'd read it.
Master Post
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daisyvstheworld · 2 years
Day 14 - Jan 14 - Salzburg
Oh dear god lmao
Some girl checked in to stay in the bed below me at midnight and she was making so much noise.. I woke up at 4am obviously and I think I did a stinking good job at being quiet. Although on the train I realized I forgot my underwear that I washed and left to dry on the bed. Oh well, it was an old shein pair.
I remembered in the early of the morning that I needed to remove the sheets which was a whole process - THAT was what was so loud when that girl checked in, freaking crazy
Anyways, I started walking at 4:30am to the Neubegasse U station and I almost panicked bc I thought it was closed for construction.
Anyways, I eventually found it and then I got to the Wien Westbanf train station and took the train no problem to Salzburg. It wasn’t super comfortable but I fell asleep for an hour or so and got to Salzburg on time!! I walked to the hostel and put my stuff in the locker. The hostel had free coffee so I had some and charged my phone. I realized I had time to walk around a bit so I walked around the east side of the old town area and ended next to Mirabell Palace where The Sound of Music tour stop was.
The tour bus was fairly full (mostly Australians, some English, and just a handful of Californians lmao) but I sat at the front so I could be closer to the tour guide, who I initially thought was fun but she ended up giving me a weird vibe.
We started driving around the city and then went to the palace hotel where the lake scenes and back of the house was filmed. It was a BEAUTIFUL sunny day, everything was perfect. She told us a bunch of great fun facts about the movie and how it compared to the actual Von Trapp family story, which I knew some of bc I read the wiki page the night before lol.
Our second stop was the -insert- palace where the bodega from “16 going on 17” was and the yellow long wall is from the song “I am Confident” also very pretty
Our third stop was this viewpoint in Mondsee that was LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST GORGEOUS VIEWS IVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I’m soooo grateful it was sunny!!!
After that we drove into the town bc that’s where the church where they filmed the wedding ceremony was and it’s so interesting how editing makes a place look soo different. This church is PINK! It looks so dark and emo in the movie. The town is cute and I bought a goat HAHAA
I tried apfelstrudel too but they served it cold so I was like meh it’s aight. People seemed to give me a really cold shoulder for traveling solo for some reason.
When we got on the bus tho some Australian asked the tour guide if the nuns actually sabotaged the Germans cars and like of course not lady they didn’t even run away from the Germans like that, that part is entirely made up. Except the guide said it in a nicer way and then the lady responded “Yeea naur yea naur ok” HAHA Australians are so funny I was dying
Anyways; after that we watched this doc that Liesl the oldest sister filmed a while back revisiting Salzburg and Mondsee.
The tour was just absolutely everything. It was amazing and I cried.
After we got back to town, our last stop was the Mirabell Palace and Gardens where they filmed Do Re Mi except in the winter it looks quite depressing bc the flowers aren’t in bloom, its not very green, and it’s blocked off. Sad. So I just rushed to old town to see the museums and fortress before everything closed. The town was bustling which was very cool. I started with the Mozart House and it was interesting to learn about him and his family. He died super young but composed so much in his time. I didn’t realize his dad was the talent that shaped him into a prodigy and that his sister was also a super talented pianist and composer.
Afterwards, I walked up to the Salzburg Museum which was super empty and much bigger than I expected. The history was quite interesting to learn about bc music and art is such a huge part of this town, especially with Mozart being nearly synonymous with Salzburg, but the political powers have also been trying to transform the town into an economic city beyond the tourism. I remember seeing the town when I first arrived and thinking it was far more modern than I expected.
I was starving after the museum, so I ran to Billa and grabbed another Mediterranean chicken sandwich and literally SCARFED it down while hiking up to the Fortress. I probably looked like a homeless person who hadn’t eaten in days.
The hike was brutal - I was sweating, but I caught the most BEAUTIFUL sunset. I was in AWE. This whole day was incredible. Panoramic views of the city. Missed the museums though lmao. I thought it closed at 6pm but it actually closed at 5pm. Thank god I left the museum early and made it for most everything though.
After that, I just went back to the hostel, showered, and decompressed. It was only like 6pm so I was like I should be social..
so I messaged on the Hostelworld app and a girl Lana said she was down, and then I was chatting with this guy in my hostel and he also was down to come out. He ended up being kind of weird. A big of a prick if I do say so myself. Lana was super awesome though and her suite friend was also super chill - both from Australia, different parts. We ended up spending the whole night together chatting, walking from one place to the other. We didn’t stay out too late but it was like 4-5 hours together! They both had pretty cool lives
Oh- we ran into other yoho mates but they was weird
One guy who lived in Italy from El Paso, lived in Korea who was dating this girl from Guam who “looked asian but isn’t” like wtf yes she is if she looks asian. And then he kept ripping on the US and I was like ok
So we ditched them
Went to a wine bar in old town
Walked into a 50th birthday by accident
Went into another wine bar
Dog loved my cuddles
Went home
Went to sleep
Awoke remembering I forgot to book my Swiss trains and realized they’re twice the price now and cried
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