#its just ketchup
gampiyah · 2 years
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its octobr!!!
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starryarts · 3 months
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they'll find each other again, eventually
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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wearing each other's merch ;)
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 2 months
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For @everfascinated ‘s prompt: “Having hot dogs together at the summer air show/barbeque” :D
Transcription below
J: Haha! You’ve got something on your face…
B: Huh?
J: I’ve got it baby, just stand still for a second.
B: btw you’re getting a sunburn
J: yeah, you are too
B: welp
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tategaminu · 2 months
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July 13th: Promise
I had the phrase "[I promise] I won't let anything happen to you" in mind ya know? even tho it seems something happened to him, hah. This is based in an screenshot from Their Own Desire movie (ref below). I saw it and thought it was very them coded.
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skradio · 2 years
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upon us, no flowers grow
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tokyasu · 6 months
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ikevil x bg3 ? cleric of selune!Kate x warlock!Jude
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moldy-flowers · 1 month
Naruto au where Jiriya comes back to Konoha to adopt Naruto like he promised to do but somewhere along the way they get Tsunade back in the village and Tsunade becomes Sasukes caretaker (She adopts him but neither are comfortable calling eachother mother and son yet so they stick with "The Lady in my house who cooks bad" and "the brat who doesn't appreciate good meals when he sees them")
Then at some point when Naruto and Sasuke are genins Jiriya and Tsunade get married and now Naruto and Sasuke have to live together. There's a really emotional scene of Sasuke having to say goodbye to his old home and its like "oh god its really all over they're not coming back I'm not coming back I can't just leave them behind I need to let go but I just can't do it" and Tsunade calls Sasuke her son for the first time and he totally doesn't cry!!!
Forest of death but Sasuke Sakura and Naruto already know who Orochimaru is, Sasuke knows absolutely not to trust him so the curse mark doesn't really affect him too horribly but it does lead for a lot of tension in the group. Also after being the girlboss she was born to be Sakura decides she can't be protected anymore and bc Tsunade is like, right there she asks her if she can be trained and Tsunade says yes obv. Hiruzen dies purely because i hate that guy but Orochimaru also dies to Jiriya and Tsunade also because I really really hate him too.
Theres the time when Kisame and Itachi visit Konoha and Itachi hears Naruto refer to Tsunade as his mom and Sasuke as his brother and hes GOT to know what's going on so he spies on them and learns that Sasukes been adopted but he sees this moment of Tsunade announcing she's pregnant (what a shocker she was 🤏 that close to never having to worry about pregnancy ever again but Jiriya just couldn't keep it in his pants for another 2 years, the manwhore.) And itachi sees Sasuke realising he's gonna be an older brother and being super happy about it saying he's gonna be the best big brother ever (Hades hangs his laundry on the bar its so low all he's gotta do is not kill everyone and he's already better than Itachi) and Itachi is like "ah man but how's he gonna get stronger there's no hatred in there i need him to do my suicide for me!!!" But Jiriya noticed he was there and confronts him a little later but see Jiriyas a little smarty pants and has been living in Konoha for years and always knew there was something fishy with the massacre and danzo so Jiriya just bluffs his way to the truth (Phoenix is that you?) And he's like "look Sasukes ur brother but he's my son now, he has enough nightmares and enough trauma and enough trust issues to last him a lifetime feck off and if you wanna die so bad then kill yourself and don't use your brother as a tool for ur suicide" <- I may be projecting a bit but ANYWAYS Itachi and Kisame have to leave Konoha bc Naruto is under watch by Kakashi, Tsunade and Jiriya and they are NAWT winning that fight.
Skip to shippuden era Sasuke v/ Itachi fight but Itachis been skipping out on his meds!! (He did it because he's a nerd loser guy who thinks "oh man sasuke isn't angry or filled with hatred and overall living a really terrible and unfufilling life he's probably so weak i need to stoop down to his level") Oh no so hes really super sick and Sasuke has picked up a lot from Tsunade so he knows Itachis time is near and although Sasuke really wants Itachi dead he's like "fuck it, dude you absolutely ruined my life and gave me trauma I'm never ever going to recover from sometimes I still wonder if my friends or family are going to turn around and kill me do you know how fucked that is why the hell did you even do that I don't want some bullshit excuse tell me" like he absolutely chews that loser (derogatory) out and Itachi is like, "kk ill tell u everything" and Sasuke is RUINED and he takes like a long 30 minutes of silence between the two just sitting there for Sasuke to go like "Itachi, I don't... think I forgive you. But I understand why you did it. I would have done it too" And its very emotional!! That moment is all Itachi needs bc he was sort of barely clinging onto life as it is and now that he's got peace he can finally die and they share a really sweet moment before he goes :(
And when Sasuke gets home and cries, (this time he can admit it cause he's a big boy now and understands it's okay to feel) to Tsunade he calls her his mother for the first time and its so ahaishahabnabsjsjnd
Anyways they all lived happily ever after the end no wars no nothing all over bye bye
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dukeofthomas · 15 days
I love goofy jason
there needs to be more jason talkin like a gen z and having a board w red string for his plans and photoshopping joker into various death scenarios. i need jason to have a batman plushie he tortures to cope w his rage. tim breaks into his house and opens the closet door just to discover like 100 pictures of robin with indechiperable rambles on them and random stickers everywhere.
he should have a poster of black mask with a badly drawn on moustache and top hat on his wall. do you get me??
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How cpuld you kill off the token twink of the group
excuse you, wally is Right There-
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rexscanonwife · 26 days
Hi it's one of those really early mornings again and I'm on the bus so I'm gonna share this pic of Anakin cause it fucking KILLS me for some reason 😂😂😂
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I showed it to my partner and they said "what the waitress sees when she brings my chicken nuggies" and YEAH THATS THE VIBE HERE
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br1ghtestlight · 1 month
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getting PUBLICALLY SHAMED on reddit as the first result for searching ketchup bread this is so sick 😭😭
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isa-ah · 10 months
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i love getting fifteen minutes into work and then having to take a thirty minute recreational ketchup-ipad-baby break.
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lonelimbless · 10 months
i was trying to motivate myself
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 6 months
(remus lupin would fail the ketchup on the counter “challenge”)
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ketchup-monthly · 2 years
as promised, a piece of a 90s live action superbat wip
“Well, Clark, he must be someone special. I haven’t seen you this worked up since you took Rachel Harris to your senior prom!” Martha giggled into her mug from where she was sitting across from Clark at the table.
Jonathan patted his wife’s hand and smiled at his son. “We can’t wait to meet him.”
Clark tensed, before loosening his shoulders and staring into his cup of tea. “Before you meet him, there’s something I need to tell you.” He took a deep breath, wondering if it was the right thing to do, revealing his boyfriend’s secret. His parents were trustworthy; after all, they had kept his origin a secret for as long as he’s been on earth.
“What is it, dear?” His mother’s face became concerned, and she reached out a hand to place it over his on the table.
At his hesitation, Jonathan’s brow furrowed and he nodded encouragingly at him. “It’s alright, son, you can tell us.”
“Bruce is...Batman. I shouldn’t tell you, but I felt you should know, with what they write about him in the papers.” Clark dared a glance up over the top of his glasses to see both his parents smiling at him.
“Oh, Clark, honey, we don’t care if he’s a Martian or dresses up in a bat costume. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.”
A hesitant smile made its way across his face. “I am, Mom. I really am.”
“Then that’s all that matters to us.” Martha stood up from her seat and wrapped her arms around Clark, patting his cheek as she pulled back. “Tell him to bring that son of his around. The poor boy looks like he could use some pie.”
Clark laughed. “I will, Mom.”
“Son, do you think he could help work on that old tractor when he comes by? He’s got to be good at working with machines if he’s Batman.”
Martha gently swatted her husband’s forearm. “Oh, hush, Jonathan. The man will be here on vacation, not to work! Clark, what do you think they’d want to eat? What do rich people eat? Would he like a painting?”
Relieved that the reveal had gone well, Clark felt his heart slow back to its normal speed and did his best to answer his parents questions and concerns, already knowing deep down that his parents would adore Bruce and Dick and would get on swimmingly with Alfred.
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