#its intense its rewarding its entertaining
ultra-violetra · 8 months
if this purgatory event is so “bad for the server” then why have more ccs been logging on than ever 🤨 why has the qsmp tag been trending every day 🤨
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ozzgin · 3 months
Can I have yandere Aka Manto x Reader? I see you write Japanese myths, cuz why not?
Yandere! Urban Legend x Reader [Aka Manto]
You never know when you're going to meet your soulmate. It could be on a beach at sunset, on the last bus home, in the elevator of an office building...Or in a public bathroom after you just finished your business. Nevertheless, this urban legend monster has its eyes on you now.
Content: gender neutral reader, urban legend, part horror part comedy, gore!, monster romance
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"Are you deaf? It's occupied!" you shout one final time, giving the door a swift kick to emphasize your presence. That's what you get for using a public restroom. Your coworkers had convinced you to try out another bar after the company dinner, and you might've had one too many cocktails. Thankfully most of the drinks were watered down, although it is exactly because of this detail that you're now hovering above a toilet seat with a full bladder. On a Friday night, in the partying neighborhood of the city, so it could explain the persistent stranger - possibly even drunker than you - who keeps rattling the lock of your stall.
To your horror, the handle begins to turn, and you hear a click. You scramble to get up and secure the door, but it's too late. With your pants halfway down, you gawk at the bizarre individual squeezing his way in: a tall figure wearing a red cloak and a mask. "What the Hell?" is all you can mumble to yourself, awkwardly gathering your garments in order to preserve your remaining ounce of dignity. Out of all the things to happen tonight...Alright, calm down. It's most likely a crackhead. You cast your eyes down and focus on the floor tiles, with patterns strategically chosen to hide as much grime as possible.
Pretty. Almost too pretty to kill. He might just take his time with you and savor the moment. Of course, you'll have to answer his question first. With bureaucratic efficiency, he pulls out two rolls of toilet paper and extends them to you. "The red one, or the blue one?" he asks with theatric gravity. What in the Avon samples Hell is this, you think, fidgeting nervously and avoiding any eye contact still. If you ignore him, he should lose interest.
A minute passes in heavy silence. His ghastly arms begin to tire, so he lowers them with a disappointed creak of the joints. "Y-you have to pick one", he insists. Damn it! Perhaps you've been told what to do if approached by mischievous spirits like him? Ignorance means you keep your head, though he was hoping for a gory night of entertainment. You can almost feel the intense stare coming from behind the eerie mask. The tension becomes unbearable, so you finally decide to push your luck. You will not spend the night stuck with a deranged pervert looming over you in a public bathroom.
Without further delay, you shove him aside and open the door. He lets out a surprised hum, observing your daring gesture and almost expecting you to run for your life. To his even greater shock, however, you stop to wash your hands with a relaxed whistle, completely unbothered by his presence. What happened to the fear, the terror, the dread? You peek at his reflection in the mirror, and your lips curl in a mocking grin. Maybe it's the alcohol finally hitting your nervous system, but all you see right now is a pathetic charlatan who tried to intimidate you with literal toilet paper. A good-for-nothing scoundrel interrupting the innocent from their much-needed bathroom break.
In fact, the more you consider your situation, the more your chest puffs with outrage and bravery. You pay your taxes, you help the needy, and this is how your civic deeds are rewarded? By having your stream cut midway? Unbelievable. Unacceptable. No other soul shall suffer your fate tonight. "Wretch!" you cry out, turning towards the aggressor and continuing your demands: "Evacuate the premises at once!"
You might not understand it yet, but your act of defiance has sealed your fate. The hooded monster smiles, relishing the words that have closed the gap between your fragile body and his blasphemous claws. You have spoken to him; thus, he can do with you as he desires. And yet, his murderous fingers hesitate. Your entrails should be splattered across the rarely polished porcelain by now. What's holding him back? He tilts his head in contemplation, but any intention to ponder his feelings is quickly discarded once a loud shriek pierces his ears.
As it turns out, someone else had been using the neighboring stall and was alerted by your little argument. Their finger is pointed at the cloaked creature, features twisted in disgust and fear. "Can't you tell we're busy?" The mysterious man inquires sarcastically. On second thought, this should be enough to satisfy his cravings.
With a snap of the fingers, the frightened bystander is torn apart by invisible hands right before your very eyes. Their limbs detach with surreal ease, and blood splatters everywhere in hot, sticky bursts. In your petrified daze, you are reminded of nature documentaries: blurry snippets of sharks trashing their victim around, fleshy chunks coming undone from the violent handling. Within seconds, the bathroom is quiet again. The walls and ceiling are drenched in fresh blood, and occasionally, fat droplets collapse into a puddle with resounding echo.
It all falls into place. The hooded creature claps its hands, startling you back into awareness. "That's what it was!", he says with enthusiasm. He approaches you with quiet steps, cushioned by the meaty remains coating the floor. He places one hand over the mask, removes it, and gives it a shake as if to clean off the crimson fluid. You involuntarily gaze at his face, taken aback by the handsome traits. Is this the appearance of a ruthless ghoul who butchers mortals for amusement? You wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for the hot trickle of foreign blood trailing your skin.
"I think I've fallen in love with you", he confesses with a wide, saw-toothed smile. You feel a clawed finger tracing your cheek affectionately. "Well? What're you so silent for? You were quite cheeky a moment ago!" he continues tauntingly, gripping your chin and forcing you to look up. "Or have you seen what happens when you misbehave? No, no, darling, I'd never! There are other ways in which I can ruin you."
You're suddenly very cold. With dry lips, you eventually open your mouth to speak: "I'm not leaving here, am I?"
"You could, but that would make me very upset."
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izvmimi · 3 months
cw: canon deviation. time-skip (post demon slaying). babies. fem!reader.
“And what are you looking at?”
Genya is known for how intimidating he can be, but the round-cheeked, giggling child held at eye level between his hands right now will never see anything other than a loving father no matter how intensely he pretends to glare at him. The giggly ball of dough, practically hairless still despite nearly three months and a half in the world, kicks its feet and Genya smiles, helplessly charmed, before blowing a raspberry into his cheek and lowering him into his lap.
“Those Shinaguzawa family genes are no joke,” your friend jokes. She’s been watching the baby carefully for the past few minutes since she and Tanjiro entered the home, bearing gifts of cloth diapers and handmade quilt blankets, among other soft things. Genya is quickly defensive, reminding her for the nth time that your son has your nose, but you laugh to dispel the tension. After all, she’s right. The baby’s eyes are practically the same as his father's and his uncle's, although when he smiles ear to ear, his eyes close like yours do. 
“He looks just like his daddy,” you agree. You’re still setting your dining table for six and your friends have gotten up to help you pour tea for six, and collect plates of dorayaki, senbei and edamame to set at the table.
Sanemi chuckles, adjusting his sitting position on the tatami.
“I mean, I think we deserve that much,” he says, gruffly, as he supports himself. You know what he means, and nod solemnly without additional comment while his wife squeezes his shoulder before disappearing to follow you. Your friends have congratulated you after the birth of your first child multiple times, having taken turns assisting you right after delivery, but you haven’t seen them in a month or so, and adjusting to your new life has been rewarding but difficult. One of them fills your pantry with dried goods while the other scans the premises for anywhere that she can clean or reinforce. You thank them, a smile on your face.
“We’re doing great. Genya takes good care of me, don’t worry,” you remind them, and they have no problems believing it. 
Your baby thankfully isn’t fussy, and Genya is a surprisingly adept father, quick to learn the basics of bottle feeding and diapering, and making sure your house is clean and comfortable to live in. Living in relative poverty as a child made him work hard and be frugal, experiencing tragedy made him thoughtful and protective, and he does his absolute best to take care of you. 
He’d always promised to take care of you as long as you both lived.
When you return to the entertainment room, your friends and you settling next to the men you’ve chosen, you lay your head on Genya’s shoulder, thankful that he’s the one that you chose, and he chose you just the same.
Sanemi and his wife stay the night, and once everyone has turned in from the night and your son is sleeping peacefully in his bassinet, you lay in bed, wrapped warm in Genya’s arms. 
“We need a nephew or niece of our own, don’t you think?” you muse. “Gotta get them in the sack faster before they can’t catch up to us.”
Genya snorts, pressing his chin on the soft of your shoulder as he holds you closer. 
“That’s their business,” he murmurs, gruffly. “By the way, tell your friend to stop calling our kid ‘tofu’.”
You giggle. “Has it been bothering you?”
“Yes or I wouldn’t be bringing it up right now.”
“I think it’s cute,” you tease, turning in his hold. He’s surprised by the sudden movement, you can tell, by the red in your cheeks. “What?”
Genya blinks, then kisses your forehead. “Nothing.”
“Is something on my face?” you ask. 
“No. You’re beautiful.” You beam at this, then pull the covers tighter around your body.
“You’re a good dad, Genya,” you remind him.  You’re not sure that he needs to hear it, but you want to reassure him. He’s heard tip after tip from his older brother today and you overheard Sanemi telling him his mother would be proud of him. You hope it sinks in because she would, and you wonder if he’s still mulling over the thought.
The sweet child nicknamed ‘tofu’ to his father’s chagrin sleeps through the night with parents that love him more than anything on earth, because they love each other more than life itself.
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sillysiluriforme · 9 days
So glad you liked the other Chloe submission, thanks for the informative and entertaining response and the kind words from the comrades!
As before no worries if not interested but I did have a couple more thoughts, though be it these one's likely relate very specifically to teen Chloe so may not be useful/interesting but still.
Oh quick aside:
Not sure how prevalent Sabrina is, but the fact we see her dad encourage her master servant dynamic with Chloe, because it fits his definition of being "Useful" to society and how... Low key unhinged Sabrina can get about her usefulness not being utilized or acknowledge (Like with Marinette) is very interesting. Her & Chloe finding each other in canon is just like two people with hilariously complimentary but deeply unhealthy ideas forming a circular relationship of mutual self destruction.
Anyway, an interesting thing to me is how while Chloe does replicate the abusive behaviors taught (Andre) or demonstrated (Audrey,, Gabriel & Emilie) to her, she had already softened them without any real moral or empathic guidance.
Andre: He explicitly taught her cheating, extortion & threats are moral goods, and she does use them to try and win at things. But she doesn't actually utilize them that often or with as much intensity.
& like her father she uses money/gifts to compensate for shitty behavior but unlike him does, ya know, do things with Sabrina & is invested in their relationship outside of Sabrina's use as a tool.
& while she did use Sabrina as a shield in Zombisu, she also protected her in Ladybug, so its at least mote mutual as I cannot envision Andre doing anything for Chloe that really risks him.
Audrey: She's been impersonating her mother for years in a bid to earn her love but it didn't work until someone else made Audrey decide it was worthwhile & even then didn't seem to amount to much.
So while like Audrey she is antagonistic, haughty and rude, Chloe did actually demonstrate the ability to feel guilt (Zombisu but others too) & when Akumatized in the early series was not terribly murderous.
Compare that to Audrey who happily mulches her husband and daughter despite AKuma usually avoiding hurting their loved one's outside of indirect harm done by their warped attempts to protect.
Gabriel & Emilie: She clearly fucking hates that Adrien is making friends with people she hates and who hate her and is possessive of the relationship.
Yet until everything goes to hell, she doesn't really do much to try and stop him or undermine said relationships either. That is to say, she's already far less possessive & controlling than Emilie of Gabriel are.
Conclusion: So yeah while definitely not good, she had seemingly without much if any guidance, already made the abusive traits she picked up less toxic than those demonstrated by the adults around her.
Note: Also I always feel compelled to note this, but it is low key creepy Andre has been rewarding Chloe for impersonating his wife.
Like even if he's just instinctively recreating the dynamic he had with Audrey; not sure on that as they do seem to argue a lot.
Or is just using Chloe as an emotional crutch/ego-soothing proxy for Audrey's approval... Its still deeply messed up & unhealthy.
you're so smart @clemnoir was right you deserve sloppy head
I love thinking about child development when it comes to fictional characters, it's so fun...Also i don't care how much the show tries i will never have empathy for andre i hope he explodes into a fine mist
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owlf45 · 11 months
I finally finished all 900 pages of Dune in its glory, and it’s one of those books that is so easy to put down but so rewarding to finish. It’s a must-read but it’s also a book I’d never recommend.
Reading published works after it, though, is like plunging into an ice bath. As uninspiring as Dune made me feel, it was expertly crafted, and I imagine it's not meant to make your heart race with excitement. It's made to make you think. Not a single sentence felt wasted. The work had antagonists better fleshed out than most main characters of other series. There are plots within plots within plots, secrets within secrets, hidden weapons, reasonings, prophecies, rumors, plans, decades and centuries of political and religious schemes that go so deep, that no visual adaptation could ever truly encapsulate the work that every single character did to try and strongarm the world into their own vision. Every character was deeply intelligent and involved in a world so vast, that it felt like 900 pages was dedicated to a microcosm, rather than its entire universe.
It does not make it an easy read, but it makes everything reading after a difficult read.
Dune didn't ask you to understand everything it said. It simply said, "this is what happened as it would happen, and maybe on the fourth read, you'll get it". It doesn't always guide the reader through its worldbuilding. It simply invites the reader to witness how it would be, in all of its messy glory. Characters don't stop to think or question or ask what, for example, the 'Bene Gesserit' is, they simply know and talk like they know. It's incredibly frustrating. Even with the 80 page index, it's not an easy journey.
But I'm beginning a new trek with Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn— with 650 pages and an immense world of its own, it shouldn't be too hard to dive into it. But it is. Unlike Dune, it feels like a world that is trying to convince itself (and its readers) that it exists. It asks you to compromise on the intelligence and strength of every background character it introduces. It tries to tell you, this is what it is, this is what it looks like, believe it! As a reader, I accept it as part of the worldbuilding. Dune didn't ask you to believe, it told you what the world did and allowed you to take it or leave it. Other books don't even come close to Dune's ability to make you feel like its world is unquestionable.
And that's not necessarily a bad thing— I don't need to be overwhelmed with lore that complicated again. I don't need an 80-page-index and relentless lore. I'm also more emotionally invested into Mistborn than I am into Dune (despite not yet finished with Mistborn), because Mistborn makes you sympathetic to the characters and their relationships. With Dune, the protagonists are quiet in their affections, and there is little sympathy to spare; emotions are tools as seen both by the characters and the narrative. Every single character is a politician.
Though I am not as emotionally invested, Dune is a book that is passively entertaining; not enjoyable, but deeply satisfying. Most of all, it makes me think. It's made me think more than any other book I've read in a long time. It is the ultimate book that celebrates human nature as much as it cautions against it. I'm not a changed person, but I might be a better writer after it, which is always, always exciting.
It'll be another decade before I read anything as intense and long as Dune. But it's a book you can't escape from. It's a book that forces you to admire it; and that power, in itself, is admirable.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I have been thinking about FCG and Imogen's dynamic and how much it changed and i have talked about it in tags a couple of times
Like it changed from both of them going "there is something really wrong with you and you don't realize it, so i will help you fix it" to echother. And now they are both very much on a standstill and kinda waiting for the other to the other to "come to their senses"
I have a feeling that something is going to happen and they are gonna start arguing and snapping at each other, because there is a really fun tension forming between the two of them and their own arrogance is keeping them at bay
So here's the thing: I don't actually think FCG is acting this way towards Imogen! I think it's mostly one-sided and coming from Imogen, whereas FCG is kind of just rolling along doing their own thing.
FCG's arc so far has been one of learning their purpose and the truth about the demise of their party, which was obviously traumatic, but they were met with the support of Bells Hells and Imahara Joe and encouraged heavily to make their own path - and found a deity who represents exactly that: possibility, change, and chance. While his path towards faith has definitely been a weird one with its share of incorrect assumptions, it's also helped him through a lot of difficult circumstances, and it's been rewarded with the attention of the Changebringer. They also met FRIDA and were able to make a strong connection with them very quickly, and while they're still figuring things out, there's a sense of peace about it. FCG still does care about other people, but he's started to consider his own needs in a way he previously didn't and tentatively embrace personhood, and can see a way forward.
Imogen, on the other hand, despite learning much more about the source of her powers, knows less about what she wants now. Originally, she hoped to learn where they came from, and she wanted to be rid of them - or at least, she thought she wanted to be rid of him (Imogen's feelings about power lead me to believe she never actually wanted to be rid of them entirely, just, understandably, the downsides). She now knows that she is Ruidusborn, with all that entails...and the party is fighting most of the Ruidusborn, and the source of her powers. And, to be clear, I absolutely think the party is right, but Imogen finds herself wanting the thing she thought she didn't want (Ruidusborn powers). And whereas the party has largely been tolerant, if not always enthused with FCG's explorations of religion, Imogen feeling out the Ruby Vanguard was met with vehement opposition. Which, again, is fair, because FCG is saying some theologically incorrect and perhaps annoying to some but ultimately harmless shit about a canonically good-aligned deity, whereas Imogen was entertaining siding with a murderous group of cultists responsible for the deaths of Orym's husband, Orym himself, Fearne, and Laudna; but I can see why she felt upset about it.
I think Imogen is intensely jealous of FCG, actually, and she knows it's irrational, which only makes it feel worse. FCG is embracing personhood in a way she doesn't like, but that's the whole point of personhood, isn't it? To make the choices that are right for you, considering the needs of your friends but not erasing yourself to accommodate them. FCG has received support, and even a relationship with someone who can uniquely understand them - in fact, even more so, after this last episode, in which FRIDA has also killed at the command of Aeor. FCG, when unsure about their purpose and agency, received gentle guidance and encouragement to take their time and figure out who they wanted to be. Imogen, when plagued with doubt, has received none of that. She's been yelled at by Ashton and Orym (again: valid of Ashton and Orym, but we're focusing on Imogen's perspective and the fact that she probably even realizes they were right, but that doesn't help her actually feel better). She's constantly told by her closest friend (whose own darker power source was seemingly eliminated without ill effects) that she's "very capable" or that she's always been able to make her own decisions, both responses which give Imogen no room to actually grapple with that doubt and have a chance to address it head-on.
FCG didn't know what they wanted at the beginning, and has found an incredibly validating purpose and a companion who understands many of their struggles. Imogen got precisely what she thought wanted - she even now has a magical item that does take away some of the worst effects of her powers - and it's unsatisfying. She's full of resentment and she knows it's misdirected. I don't even think she's waiting for FCG to come to their senses. I think she just wants to feel what he feels and have what he has, but pursuing the gods isn't right for her, so she's lashing out.
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fujowebdev · 1 year
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After an intense 30-day campaign, The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development has officially raised $18,039. 🎉
We're immensely grateful for your trust and support, and look forward to the journey to come 💜
As we salute this feat, let's now cheer for those who made it happen.
✨Final Spotlight: The #FujoGuide Team ✨
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You’ve already met many of our amazing contributors (if you need a refresher on our spotlights, find them at the end), but today we want to focus on those behind the scenes and highlight the incredible team that made our success possible.
While the hot men did a lot of heavy lifting in attracting (😘) people to our cause, a lot goes into successfully hitting ambitious goals like ours: planning, organization, research, marketing, and writing (omg so much writing).
It's impossible to accurately list everyone's contributions. This Kickstarter campaign, pulled off in only 2 months, is the collective work of an incredible team of people who came together with a mission: make programming accessible to fandom in the most hilarious way possible.
As project lead @essential-randomness found out, setting up a Kickstarter is a daunting task, even more than it seems to those who’ve never run one. Thankfully the @bobaboard community came together to her aid and managed to pull off the seemingly impossible.
Together with Slogbait, who did incredibly vital work, like setting up deadlines, budget, & rewards, a team of Kickstarter connoisseurs researched similar projects to understand what would go into making our campaign a success: the incredible @a-brilliant-loser & @elfwreck.
With data on our side, we started building. A fundamental part of this process was the research on expenses and manufacturers for the book and potential merch. Here, Candle provided us with his expertise in publishing and helped us understand the best options available.
At the same time, @tempural, @mizunotic helped us untangle the questions surrounding merchandise. What is popular with our audience? What are the best manufacturers around? What beautiful items can we afford to deliver to our amazing supporters?
Next, it was time for the practical setup: project lead @essential-randomness provided the first draft of our amazing campaign story, while @enigmalea and Heidi whipped it into the beautiful shape that will forever be immortalized on our Kickstarter page.
To decorate our riveting narrative, we needed graphics to match. As is April 1st tradition, project lead @essential-randomness got together with trusty pinch-hit designer CatBathingSun to create character cards and other campaign graphics, including the ones you saw on our socials.
But no Kickstarter campaign page is complete without captivating reward tiers. @a-brilliant-loser led this charge, coming up with our creative "GIT"-based naming and taking care of other copy needs. On the art side, @cmdonovann contributed the Boba-tans decorating our limited tiers.
Launching the campaign was a lot of work on its own. But that work, while important, could not have pushed us to these incredible heights without our incredible social media and marketing team, who worked tirelessly this whole month to reach and inspire old and new supporters.
While many people worked on this, we want to first shout out the amazing work of @owlpockets, who whipped our content calendar into shape, taught us social media strategy (and alt-texting), and helped us navigate the unknown waters of relentless promotion.
Then we have project lead @essential-randomness who spent an uncountable number of hours devising our marketing strategy and writing the threads that entertained you during this campaign.
As she herself writes, "May she now finally get to go back to coding, instead!"
But she could not have done it without collaborators like @elendraug, @enigmalea, and, again, @owlpockets, who painstakingly reviewed and improved her drafts and provided immense support throughout this extremely intense, exhilarating, month-long tour de force.
There are many other contributions-smaller, yes, but not less integral to our success. Like @thebiballerina, who first helped us wrap our heads around the inner workings of social media strategy, or @cmdonovann who kept our Discord updated on the week's happenings.
And then all the people who supported us with small (and big) bits here and there, like our very own Secret Final Boss, @thunder-the-ranger-wolf, Tovanish, @madgastronomer, Cante, Mantra, @PamuyaBlue, @playerprophet, @ignitiondork, @nianeyna, @codeargent and so many more.
Our artists, obviously, like our art director @brokemycrown; character designers @sgt-spank, @mappapapa, and @ymkse_art; illustrators @ikam177, Ererifan915, @kiwipon, @catter-bug, @admiralexclipse, and @tempural. Sensitivity readers, like @admiralexclipse and @angelfeast.
And then our project organizers, like our aforementioned anonymous contributor and @enigmalea who worked tirelessly on logistics and wrangling and showed up repeatedly to pick up all the dangling bits and pieces that a project this ambitious inevitably has.
Last but definitely not least, our project lead and director @essential-randomness who brought-and kept!-everyone together, oversaw and pitched in on every aspect of the project, designed our notepads (she's proud of them), and provided the initial investment that made this a reality.
And with this, our last spotlight comes to a close. We'd pitch the Kickstarter link here, but we're done with that for now. ;)
Thank you everyone for your incredible support. This campaign blew all of our expectations out of the water, and we'll forever treasure this experience.
We'll be back soon with more updates on the road from here. We're incredibly excited to get to work on delivering what we promised, and also pumped to get a small vacation break before we do :)
Find our previous spotlights here ⬇️
Spotlight on Localhost HQ
Spotlight on Browserland
Zine Demo
Backer Rewards
Thank you all, The FujoGuide Team
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drowningparty · 2 years
Recent WLW/GL Series Guide
Going to start a compendium for all things wlw but until then, so everyone is in the loop, will recommend some recently completed and currently airing shows I think people should check out:
Lulu (2022, Philippines) A really great, feel-good show, low budget and a little ridiculous but I love the main couple so much! Watched this with a friend and we both really appreciated how real they and their relationship felt, you could tell this show was made with love. A young woman decides to get away from it all following a break-up, deleting her social media and taking over her family’s sleepy beachside B&B, only to fall for her one-and-only guest, a mysterious tomboy with a pet cactus. When the pandemic hits, they are forced to spend lockdown alone together. 8 episodes, about 30 minutes.
Sleep With Me (2022, Philippines) Excellent series about two young women navigating dating and disability. Love, love, love that they do not exist in isolation, and that their relationship isn’t their entire world, they have friends and families and a job, and how very clear it is they love each other. Also the disabled wlw rep really got me as a disabled wlw its hard out there this series was so important to me. 6 episodes, about 30 minutes each.
Pearl Next Door (2020, Philippines) Spin-off GL webseries featuring a side character from a more popular BL series, filmed like a video blog as the main character, Pearl, navigates dating during lockdown. Very bubbly, bright, but I just felt like I was eavesdropping on a private video chat and couldn’t get into it myself.
Chasing Sunsets (2020, Philippines) Another low budget GL webseries about women falling in love during lockdown, but darker than the last one, deals with  heavy mental health themes, content warnings are on the tin, meant to be educational as well as entertaining.
BetCin (2021, Philippines) An internet famous couple on the verge of a break-up have to pretend to still be in love to win a #relationshipgoals award with a 10 million pesos reward. Still need to watch this but I’ve heard it’s not very good, too L-Word and behind a paywall. Romcom. 8 episodes.
She Makes My Heart Flutter (2022, Korean) New mini-series which fast became a favourite about the dynamic between an aunt and a niece, both lesbians, who both end up working at the same women-only book cafe/bar, the Dickenson Room. Both are at very different places in their life, with the outgoing young niece a popular university student, easily falling in and out of relationships and open about her sexuality, while the shy, beautiful, but intensely private aunt has long been nursing a crush on the same woman, but is afraid she may be straight / not interested. Both help each other navigate romantic relationships, as well as being closeted to their extended family. 5 episodes, 11-16 minutes each.
Our Relationship Ended Before It Began (2022, Korean) Very cute mini-series, an overworked barista develops a crush on her tomboyish boss, doesn’t know what to do about it. Extremely sweet, but too short!
Girlfriend Project Day 1 (2022, Korean) Fun little mini-series, but too short! They are working on funding a season 2. Episodes only 5-9 minutes long, and only 5 altogether, but worth a watch. Two university students, one outgoing, one shy, have to pretend to be in a relationship for a psychology project,  decide to try dating for real.
Welcome to the Lesbian Bar (2023, Korean) 5 episodes, 6-7 minutes, mini-series follows lesbians in a small bar in South Korea. Loved this one, very sweet, very realistic, wish the episodes were a little longer / we got more but really love what we get, good representation of different relationships and dynamics, and also has two butches/toms! The head bartender is wonderful, helps tie together different, unconnected stories.
Love Tech (2021, Korean) Started strong but lost me by the end. Still, it might be your cup of tea! A short black mirror-esque exploration of a dating service that dictates your life, including when and where and how often you go on dates and when your relationship ends. Two women try to game the system.
Nevertheless (2021, Korean) They aren’t the main characters but there is a very sweet best friends to lovers side plot between two female students at this art college which is so good I don’t think anyone should miss it. If you, like me, have no interest in the main plot, there are also compilations available online of just their scenes which I highly recommend, and gives you a movie-length show all your own. Explores coming out a little too, in a quiet way. It’s an art school.
My Fairy Ghost (2022, Japan) Only 4 episodes but really well done. A young novelist struggling to find inspiration for her next novel meets and falls in love with the ghost of an artist who needs her help. Excellent content, liked and subscribed, beautifully done. Loved this!
Six Survivors (2022, Japan) 6 episodes, 24 mins each. Contemporary scifi romcom with young zombie survivors taking cover in a mall and trying to ride out the worst of the apocalypse. Extremely cute, has some gay + bisexual female characters and a love triangle between three of them. There is a little blood and a few supporting characters become zombies, but very light on the actual horror, mostly a character study. Pretty fun.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (2022-2023, Japan) 12 episode first season, second season currently airing, anime, really great series for sci-fi fans even if you know nothing about the franchise (I went in blind and had no trouble), entire first season available on youtube w/ subs, and the dub has just started airing if you prefer dubs. Two girls at a dueling mobile suit school in space become engaged, start a company, and learn about the horrors of war. Not to be missed. (cw: violence, gore, murder, doppelgangers, psychological abuse, childhood trauma, death of family members, child endangerment.)
The Executioner and Her Way of Life (2022, Japan) Another anime that aired last year, 12 episodes, a joy for fans of unhinged, violent women slowly falling in love. The plot is contrived, but good for fans of adventure fantasy. Basically: a magic assassin / priestess is told she has to end the life of an isekai’d girl who can magically control time before she becomes too powerful. It doesn’t help that the girl she’s trying to assassinate falls in love with her, and seems to be impossible to kill, no matter how hard she tries. Contains a nice twist halfway through which made me love their dynamic. (cw: murder, gaslighting, backstabbing, manipulation, bullying.)
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady (2023, Japan) 12 episodes, 20-25 mins each, extremely gay and breezy fantasy comedy drama! A young princess who gave up the throne steals her brother’s fiancee so she can have an assistant for her magical experiments. Very fun, contains magic and a vampire. If you enjoy it, there’s also a light novel / manga.
Yuri Is My Job! (2023, Japan) Recently started airing anime based on the manga, gay schoolgirls work at a themed cafe where they pretend to be gay schoolgirls, everyone is putting on an act and everyone is into someone who is into someone else, a light comedy that purportedly gets more dramatic as it goes.
I’m In Love with the Villainess (2023, Japan) also translated as I Favour the Villainess, currently airing anime adaptation of a yuri manga, kind of unique for having a protagonist who self-identifies as a lesbian and there’s even a fairly frank discussion of sexuality in an early episode. Anyway, it’s got magic and a pseudo-historic setting (it’s in a video game, and, as I have mentioned, there’s magic). Should have 12 episodes, around 20-24 minutes each.
She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat (2023-2024, Japan) Slice-of-light, slow-paced, wholesome drama about two working, independent women who live in the same apartment complex and meet by chance. One of them loves cooking, but has no one to cook for. The other loves eating. A slow but believable, tender story about slowly falling in love over a shared love of food, would be good for fans of cooking shows as cooking is a big focus. One is just beginning to realise she’s a lesbian. 10 episodes, about 14-15 mins each. Longer second season airing now!
Chaser Game W (2024, Japan) 8 episodes, each 23-24 mins. Former girlfriends, broke-up years ago, now one of them hates the other, modern office romance, high drama, lot of tension, surprising amount of fluff for how angsty it is, one of them is married with a kid, this is a wild ride start to finish but very enjoyable if you don’t mind the fact the main couple never actually talk no one ever talks there’s no talking just a couple that’s very cute being put into a series of situations.
Stupid Wife (2022, Brazil) A woman wakes up after forgetting the last ten years of her life to find herself married to a woman she remembers hating in college with a child. Serious drama, has some darker moments, but with tender moments mixed in, you get to watch them slowly fall in love again. Completed. 8 episodes, 20-30 mins each.
Legend of Yunze (2021-2022, China) A really excellent wuxia featuring two women who fall in love, magic and demons and swordfights. The spin-off series which followed earlier this year, where they are re-incarnated in the modern day and fall in love there as well, also really delightful, and a translation of the second series is now available on youtube. (If you enjoyed this, definitely check out Legend of Yun Qian as well! It’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen and pure candy.)
Led Astray By Love (2022, China) Isekai where a woman from the modern day gets transported into the manhua she’s reading, falls in love with a politically-ambitious woman she initially believes is mute, who fears she may be a spy. Really funny, tooth-rottingly sweet, with a convuluted plot and bitesize episodes that fly by, I loved every minute of it.
Couple of Mirrors (2021, China) First season completed, but renewed for a second. Historical Chinese drama set in the 1920s about an assassin and a famous author whose lives become entangled following a murder. Mainstream, so heavily censored version of a very gay novel/manga, so keep that in mind, but it’s very clear they’re in love and surprisingly domestic near the end. (Murder mystery / police procedural focus since they’re not legally allowed to kiss, so usual cw apply: violence, murder, child endangerment.)
The Vampires (2022, China) Two young women investigate an old haunted ship and find its full of undead with complicated pasts. Very gay in a heavily censored way, surprisingly brilliant special effects and action scenes, fast-paced and engaging. 40 mins. (cw: fantasy violence, blood.)
Nü Er Hong (2023, China) Complete. Mini-series with very short episodes compiled into one hour long video w/ subs, chaotic good fun for fans of wuxia gl with sci-fi/fantasy elements, they are witch/demon/vampires from space? timeless and in love? I am biased b/c I am personally in love with Wang Laoji and women doing martial arts/being gay, but this is a fun one, if you can follow the slightly confusing plot. If you liked Legend of Yunze, don’t miss this one! (cw: blood, vampirism, misogyny, fantasy violence)
Moonlight Fills the Western Tower (2024, China) Completed mini-series, 1 hour 18 minutes. Historical romance between a crossdressing general and a spy who disguises herself as a beggar. I absolutely loved this one, very dramatic, with a lot of action and fight scenes! (cw: a lot of guns, violence, drowning, murder, drugging, some dubcon but it gets. diverted. gets very dark at times, but ultimately has a happy ending.)
A Flower for Three Lifetimes (2023, China) Completed mini-series, short episodes, 30 mins altogether. A flower becomes a real woman and falls in love with her keeper. Costume drama / xianxia.
Wicked Wealthy Women (2023, China) Mini-series, short episodes. Not for me, the plot was too convoluted and hard to follow, but I know it has a big following! A beautiful young woman marries a rich older man because she plans to murder him, quickly learns the rest of his family wants him dead, too. Rich people drama / murder mystery with a lot of backstabbing. Sequel series recently released, too, for fans! (cw: murder / gun violence, ableism, domestic violence, noncon, car accident, suicide, no happy ending.)
A Practical Guide to Being a Superstars Assistant (2022, China) Completed short mini-series, 13 mins. Contemporary romance between a rich, spoiled idol and her personal assistant, a secret fan.
Yun Zhi Xi / Cloudy Stream (2023, China) Upcoming mini-series, supernatural GL drama set in a school. Contemporary with magic / alternate universes.
Sunflowers / Feng Ling Yu Xiu (2017-2023, China) Donghua, extremely sweet animated series following the adventures of two girls who are very much in love. They are both soulmates and both extremely good at fighting and this became a favourite so fast they are so in love its ridiculous and I think about them constantly. S2 started airing this summer, and is also available on youtube w/ subs  (+ Lunar New Year Special!!!)
Dear Uranus (2021, Taiwan) Short mini-series, about lesbians and gncs at a school in Taiwan, develops into a love triangle, made by and for lesbians. A lot of fun but too short, open-ended finale, holding out they make more episodes.
Handsome Stewardess (2019, Taiwan) Okay, not as ‘new’ as the others, but new to me, and I really fucking loved this series about a tom named Holly who wants to spend her life with her new girlfriend, a martial artist, but money is an issue, so she decides to get a job as a stewardess, even though she has to wear a dress. Dramedy, has some very funny, light-hearted moments and some very sad moments mixed together, but I loved this one a lot and have yet to find anything else that can hold a candle to it. (cw: they go hard on fighting sexual harassment, which includes depicting a lot of sexual harassment, be warned; a main character also becomes seriously injured.)
Secrets of 1979 (2021, Taiwan) Not a series so this is technically cheating but this is an amazing movie by Zero Chou that I need to rave about, it’s so good and I think everyone should see it! Two university students who are very much in love spend the summer with one of the couple’s families, living and working on a banana farm. They also end up helping out a magazine all about freedom of information and expression, something the current military regime rulling Taiwan does not condone. (cw: police brutality, violence.)
Fragrance of the First Flower (2021, Taiwan) This series really was not for me, too serious and slow-paced, but I’m sure others will enjoy this series about a wife and mother in a loveless marriage who reconnects with the girl she had a crush on when she was younger, but they were both too afraid to act on it. Now they’ve grown up she wonders if she can.
Encore Martha (2021, Taiwan) Standalone short, but I think it still merits inclusion, as it’s rare to see older lesbians get a shout, and she still looks amazing in her suit! A senior lesbian tom runs into an old love, and they try to reconnect.
2PM Campus (Thai) Follows some female friends in their 20s at university. 4 episodes, around 18-25 mins each. Includes a wlw romance.
Nothing Happens By Accident (2022, Thai) 3 episodes, 8 mins. Contemporary romance. Hurt/comfort, one has a broken arm, the other nurses her. Very sweet, simple love story.
Always Be You (2022, Thai) 2 episodes, 7-8 mins. Quick and easy ‘long time no see’ contemporary love story.
From 1 Metre to 1 Centimetre (2022, Thai) 4 episodes, 8-9 mins. MC who likes to live alone gets a roommate in her dorm, thinks they won’t get along. Has a rule new roommate stays at least 1 metre away from her at all times. This rule gets broken. Contemporary romance.  
Gap the Series (2022-2023, Thai) Recently completed series with 12 episodes, nearly an hour long each, this one is so much fun, an office romcom with every fanfic trope in the book, starring a bright, outgoing young woman who falls in love with her rich, noble, emotionally repressed boss, who is being pressured into an arranged marriage. Highly recommend catching this, it’s very good, and the perfect balance of drama and comedy! (cw: mild homophobia, death of a wlw supporting character, but happy ending for main characters.)
Don’t Break My Mission (2023, Thai) 4 episodes, 6-8 mins each. Low-budget contemporary romance mini-series. One of them is trying get over the other, but keeps failing. Pretty sweet so far.
You are the Cream in my Coffee (2023, Thai) 7 episodes, 6-10 mins. Short coffee shop contemporary GL mini series, very wholesome!
You are the vitamins in my routine (2023, Thai) 4 episodes, 7-11 mins. Short GL mini-series, contemporary romance, but the couple starts out already together for a change. Sweet, wholesome fluff.
Show Me Love (2023, Thai) First episode released on youtube, the rest are pay to view. 9 episodes in total. Beauty pageant contestants fall in love. Update: rest now coming to youtube, too!
Service Charge (2023, Thai) Short mini-series, 3 episodes 5-6 mins. Contemporary romance b/w a housekeeper and an actress.
My Ideal Ratio (2023, Thai) 2 part mini-series, 6 eps, 5-10 mins. Contemporary GL romance. 170 is set in secondary school, 156 in university.
Lemon vs Melon (2023, Thai) First episode of six just released w/ subs, contemporary miniseries, a mistake leads to two women getting forced to live together, sounds like it will be an opposites attract love story.
Lucky My Love (2023, Thai) 5 ep miniseries (1 hour 20 runtime), office romance for fans of Gap, but a lot lighter/more sweet, with less angst, and less chemistry between the leads, but still a cute love story.
Be Mine (2023-2024, Thai) Upcoming GL, prologue episode out, full series will probably drop early 2024! Story seems to be an anthology, follows several wlw couples and friends in a contemporary setting.
Love in the Rain (2023, Thai) Coming soon, two teasers out! A contemporary love story, will be accompanied by three other unrelated GL shows w/ different actors, made by the same team, mostly following idols / musicians. Will update when I know more.
23.5 (2023, Thai) First episode just released, secondary school students in love. Very cute and wholesome first episode, a loner who just transferred to a new school falls in love with a more popular girl. Real sweet so far.
Blank the Series (2023, Thai) Based on the same series as Gap, follows one of Sam’s older sisters, a painter, who is being pursued by a younger woman, age gap relationship, grandmother doesn’t approve. Haven’t watched it yet and final episode isn’t out so can’t tell you if it ends happily, but people seem to be enjoying it? 6 episodes, averaging 50 mins.
Making Memorable Memories (2023, Thai) follows several different office romances happening at the same time between different women, with different dynamics, some who have past history. At the start felt like it was going to be an anthology but then you start to see how their stories intersect, it’s nice! Low stakes, but good. 12 episodes, around 9 minutes each.
Love Senior (2023, Thai) Currently airing contemporary romance b/w engineering students brought to you by a company that mainly makes BL but seems to be branching out. If this and 23.5 do well, there will likely be more.
Anti-Christmas Club (2023, Thai) Three-part mini-series about wlw who don’t like christmas, all around nine minutes.
Sunshine in the Wind (2024, Thai) Upcoming miniseries with a sweet trailer/pilot that just released recently, and a couple that started as a sidecouple from a bl series. Contemporary florist / actress romance.
Reverse 4 You (2024, Thai) Trailer looks great but will be delayed, re-filmed, as they had to re-cast one of the leads last minute. Very excited for this one’s story, has a Life is Strange energy.
The Last Case (2024, Thai). WE HAVE A TRAILER!!!! WE HAVE A TRAILER!!!! No release date yet, but sounds VERY fun, looks amazing. Dark murder mystery thriller with modern career sapphics in their mid/late twenties.
My Marvellous Dream is You (2024, Thai). New GL from the folks that brought you Gap the Series, but this one looks a bit more art house, a bit more trippy! First episode coming 8th of May, a girl falls in love with someone she meets in a dream. I’ll update when I know more, but projected to be 12 episodes from a big studio so I am guessing full length 45 min + episodes, watch this space!
About Galaxy (2024, Thai). GL series, might be out later this year? Not much news lately.
Love of Secret (2022, Thai) A series about a family where several members are hiding innocent secrets, and things get confusing. One of the teenage daughters of the house is hiding a secret girlfriend, as well as a secret idol career. (cw: not a love story and they don’t get a happy ending, but it’s cute as a family drama, and it’s lovely how supportive her family are of their relationship while it lasts, but be warned going in, they don’t really get a happy ending.)
Stupid Boys, Stupid Love (2021, Thai) Okay, hear me out. This is a BL series set in a school, but they have a background relationship between two women, a tom/butch and a femme, which is so delightful I think it’s worth giving a shot just for them, even if you don’t usually watch BL or just want to skip to their scenes. It’s a very sweet best friends to girlfriends storyline.
Magic of Zero: Zero Photography (2022, Thai) Anthology series, first standalone episode follows the background wlw couple from Bad Buddy.
Wedding Plan: The Series (2024, Thai) BL series w/ a background GL couple who are already together. They’re sweet, but have far less screentime than the main couple so far. Will keep watching to see how it goes, but basically a contemporary work romance where two friends, a gay man and a gay woman, are trying to get married. The lesbian has a long-term girlfriend and the gay man is falling for the wedding planner. Reminds me a little of Two Weddings and a Funeral (2012).
Pluto (2024, Thai) Upcoming GL series, started filming recently, has a teaser. I believe the plot follows a woman falling in love with somone who has just come out of a coma from a car accident, and is now blind. Sounds heavy. I don’t know if it has a happy ending or not. Will get back to you. o7
Omaiseries (2024, Vietnam) Miniseries, two roommates studying at the same university fall in love, one already knows she’s a lesbian the other one’s still figuring it out. Very sweet, wholesome, I was worried by how forward the one roommate was in the ffirst installment but it settled into a very cute, contemporary love story. Very low budget but the two lead actresses do a great job, have good chemistry. Five 10-12 minute ‘marathons’ collected shorter episodes w/ english subs out so far, don’t know how long it will be when finished yet. 
My Other Half (2024, Myanmar) also “The Other Side of My Heart”? Hard to get information for this one, 7 episodes, all around 30 minutes, only just started getting english subs though so waiting for them all to get subbed, will update when I know more and I’ve watched it all!
She (2023, Myanmar) A florist who feels trapped by her relationship with her abusive husband, falls in love with the woman she recently hired. 4 episodes, 10-17 mins each. (cw: domestic violence, sexual assault in first episode.)
Badhaai Do (2022, India) A movie, not a series, but I wanted to include it! Comedy/drama. A gay woman and a gay man decide to enter a lavendar marriage to keep their respective families off their backs, while they date people they’re actually interested in on the side, and eventually decide to raise a family together. Feel good movie, explores unique family dynamics and coming out. (cw: police brutality, blackmail.)
Catch the Light (2019, India) Short 3-episode mini-series about a bisexual woman who is going blind, explores disability, sexuality, and polyamory. (cw: does feature a homophobic parent, so an argument can be made against homophobia by a supportive one.)
Gentleman Jack (2019-2022, UK) Fun while it lasted! Period drama based on the real life of Anne Lister, a womanising, opportunistic, businesswoman from the 1800s who is looking for the perfect woman to set up house with. (cw: casual homophobia, misogyny, classism, and gun violence, typical of the setting.)
Confessions of Frannie Langton (2022, UK) A dark, feminist, period drama based on a novel about a Jamaican maid in 1820s England who falls in love with her master’s wife and is accused of their murder. Heavy and tragic but well done, I do appreciate how unapologetic Frannie is about their relationship, despite the setting. 4 episodes, 45-50 minutes each. (cw: slavery, misogyny, racism, homophobia, abuse, violence, master/servant relationship.)
Hitmen (2020-2021, UK) Sitcom about a pair of middle-aged assassins played by Mel and Sue. Not a romance at all but Sue’s character is gay like her and it’s always nice having older lesbians on television. 2 seasons, 12 episodes. (cw: violence, murder.)
Renegade Nell (2024, UK) historical setting but fantasy themes, butch mc who isn’t super young but is very badass, don’t think too hard about it and it’s a very fun show, she has a female love interest near the end, unclear whether or not it will get renewed but I do recommend this one if you like escapist fantasy shows like Willow, Dickinson, Warrior Nun, Xena, etc. Haven’t seen a lot of people talking about it but very delightful, and the sapphic part was a surprise, I was more happy to see a show about a crossdressing main character in olden times honestly.
Killing Eve (2018-2022, UK/USA) Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer are brilliant, if you just ignore the last series (which was terrible) the first three are a lot of fun and I love the S3 finale. If you somehow managed to miss it, a show about an assassin and the woman obsessed with exposing her, based on a book series with a better ending. (cw: extremely graphic and visceral murders, often played for laughs.)
Willow (2022, USA) New fantasy adventure series, recently completed. 8 episodes, 40-60 mins each. There’s a very good love story between two of the main female characters, a knight and a gender-non-conforming princess, who have been best friends since childhood. Love their chemistry, not to be missed if you like fun, chaotic adventure fantasies, has the feel of a D&D campaign. (cw: typical fantasy violence, blood, a couple of supporting gays are buried in the third episode.)
Haunting of Bly Manor (2020, USA) A popular one, but if you missed it, features a wlw couple who are very sweet, up until they meet their inevitable tragic ending. If you have an issue with ghosts, horror, death scenes, or tragic endings, give this one a miss, but I will say it’s not big on blood or jumpscares if that’s the kind of horror you avoid. I had much more problem with the writing than the ghosts (it’s not great), but the couple are sweet while they last.
I’m Not Okay With This (2020, USA) Short lived coming-of-age Netflix drama cancelled after the first season about a teenage women with a crush on her best female friend who might have supernatural abilities, or might just be going insane. (cw: explores themes of mental illness, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, gore, violence)
One Day at a Time (2017-2020, USA) Sitcom about a Cuban-American family, the eldest daughter realises she’s a lesbian, comes out, and gets a nonbinary partner over the course of the show. 
Arcane (2021, USA) Ongoing, animated series about the main ensembles struggle to survive in a crumbling, dystopian city. I like Vi and Caitlyn, I think their dynamic will get explored a lot more in the second series from what the writers are hinting.
Dragon Age: Absolution (2022, USA) Another animated series on Netflix, not a love story at all but has sapphic main characters in a messy relationship at the centre of their drama and I love to see it. Only 6 episodes.
Dickinson (2019-2022, USA) The first series didn’t win me over but the last two were a lot of fun, not to miss. Escapist, surreal, anachronistic take on the life of Emily Dickinson that lets you forget the dreariness of real life if you let it. Very gay ending. 3 seasons, 30 episodes.
Harley Quinn (2019-2023, USA) Animated series, DC universe, follows Harley Quinn post-leaving the Joker and her best friend Poison Ivy, who she ends up dating, they’re both bisexual, nothing gay happens until the second season but much is made of their friends-to-lovers dynamic from the comics. 3 seasons, 25-30 min episodes, and a standalone valentines day special.
Harlem (2021-2023, USA) Ongoing comedy series following four 30-something black women in NYC who are friends trying to balance relationships with their careers. One’s a lesbian player, and another character learns she’s bisexual (with someone else).
Only Murders in the Building (2021-2023, USA) Ongoing sitcom, not especially gay but you learn one of the main trio is bisexual in the second season when she gets a female love interest. 
Warrior Nun (2020-2022, USA) Still need to watch the much lauded second season, but a supernatural action series with a sapphic endgame a lot of people are enjoying right now I need to catch up on. Sadly, was not renewed.
A League Of Their Own (2022, USA) A fun series that is so extremely gay I needed to lie down after the night club episode. Women during WWII try to become professional baseball players, start careers independent of men, and get taken seriously. A delight to watch, but period-typical homophobia, sexism, and racism peppered throughout.
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cqthqrtic · 2 years
im a new follower and ive been reading your nsfw masterlist its so good i love it! can I request U and B for fyodor and dazai?
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warnings: dazai and fyodor are warnings on their own, public bathroom sex (do not do this irl, u will be put on a sex offender registry), boot humping, degradation, boot worship, bondage.
a/n: aww tysm !! i’m rly flattered by everyone telling me how much they like my writing bc i’m quite insecure about it. i always feel like there’s more that i could have done.
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dazai osamu.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Dazai really appreciates people’s hips and thighs. There’s something comforting about the way they feel under his hands. They don’t necessarily need to be a certain size or shape, he just likes the way they feel. It feels natural to touch them. On himself though, Dazai’s apathetic about his body and looks. But he does like his hair. It’s easy to work with and he has no patience or motivation in trying to tame it so he appreciates that it can pull off looking a little messy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If you searched up the word “unfair” in urban dictionary, you would see “Dazai Osamu” in the definition. This bastard is so sick. He’ll be the one to get you into a bathroom stall just so he can fuck you with just the tip of his cock. He’ll coo and whisper about how you need to be patient. That he’ll definitely use his entire cock, but he won’t. Dazai lies. A lot. This is one of those times. Instead, when you’re on the brink of tears he will simply back away and tuck his cock back in his pants. He’ll give you a sweet little kiss on the lips and say that “we’re at work! shouldn’t we focus on that?” with an innocent little smile. Then for the rest of the day, he’s even more cruel. Dazai will give you lingering touches in not so appropriate places, primarily the back of your upper thighs, near your ass and crotch. He might bump his crotch against your ass, just to give you a brief feel of his hard on. He’ll lean down near your ear while you sit at your desk, typing away, and whisper absolute filth about how he could just bend you over and eat you out from the back. By the end of the work day, you’ll be on the verge of snapping. But Dazai’s cruelty will only become more blatant when you get home. He’s such a menace.
fyodor dostoyevsky.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On his partner, Fyodor loves their neck. It’s such a vulnerable part of the body, and yet you let him touch it all the time. You even let him bite it and wrap his fingers around it! The intimacy of the neck is what draws him to it. Kissing you on the cheek is chaste, but kissing you on the neck? That’s something else. It’s something he cherishes. On himself, he likes his eyes. Fyodor has very intense eyes that make people grovel when he gazes upon them. He knows what effect it has. But on you, it makes you sigh in devotion and awe. He knows what his piercing gaze does to you, so he uses it to his advantage. You think his eyes are beautiful, right?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Because Fyodor has a low drive, he has ways of keeping you entertained when he’s not in the mood. One of those ways is collaring you while you’re in nothing but a thin pair of panties and making you hump his leather boot. The catch? You can’t cum if you speak. So here you are, rubbing your drooling cunt against the sleek leather of his boot, biting your bottom lip, and trying not to whimper. Occasionally, he’ll reach down to pat your head and stroke your cheek, but overall Fyodor won’t pay much attention to your suffering. If you somehow manage to cum without making any noise, that’s great! He’ll reward you by sitting you on his lap and rubbing your sensitive clit while letting you suck on his tongue. If you do make noise though, he won’t be kind. Fyodor will cuff your hands behind your back, have you bow your head to the floor, and press against the back of your head lightly with his boot. He’ll give you a verbal lashing, saying all sorts of cruel things about how pathetic you are. You couldn’t keep your mouth shut? You’re so disobedient, you can’t do something as simple as that? He’ll punish you with a ban on cumming for a week to get the lesson to stick. Fyodor is so fucking cruel.
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moonchildbaby · 2 years
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Cobra Kai Dad!Silver
So when Terry Silver realizes he will have a legacy by blood the excitement in the Silver household will be immeasurable  
The mother of the child will be checked up daily and given the best foods and things available to keep the pregnancy running as smooth as possible and both health of mother and baby equally well
The fixation Terry has with his legacy will most definitely be a contributing factor for an intense child - parent relationship
There are upsides to it
Such as Terry spoiling his child mercilessly
It deserves only the best of the best available as a true silver
Will invest a lot of time in his child unlike other business people who often struggle coping with family and work Terry will always insure to have enough time for his kid
That also means that the child would be brought up with karate and probably will be trained as early as it can walk on its own and make a proper fist
The young Terry might have been more agressive with childcare but I feel that Terry in Cobra Kai has mellowed out in that sense as he genuinely craves for something to see himself reflected in something alive and growing and he does in some point genuinely believe in bettering his students by giving them strength (so that they can transit from Twig to Terry)
Therefore I believe that with his own child Terry would be way more patient
He enjoys them partake in other activities as well
This is one of the downsides though
Terry demandes respect and absolute focus
That not only entails his person but putting effort into everything, perfecting where possible and if not at least striving for it
There always has to be a goal beyond the goal
Ambition, as I said in a post before Terry is the perfect Slytherin
That means if his child would tend to just look into the pathway of Anthony for a second there will be punishment
Other interests aside it is never ok to miss out on training or classes. Thats why Terry let's his assistant Margaret make timetables and orders of tasks to be completed
If child behaves there will be rewards to keep up the good work
The most important thing for Terry is probably to bond with his child deeply. In that sense they have to be somewhat like him. If they aren't, he will simply mold them into himself. After all a life can be shaped on multiple occasions as he knows just to well
If they for some unknown reason turn out not to be blessed with his cunning witt or interlect oh god
He will try to make them into a better, loyal and submissive version of John then ?!
I honestly don't want to entertain the thought
Might be conscious about his age, will also look after himself even more if that is possible to ensure he will not die before his child is a "fully trained" and self existent Silver.
But let's say his child is exactly like him in this scenario
He is someone that would take their child (as a teen) to wine tastings yum
Talking. Deeply. Hours at a time
Going out for dinner or culture trips to do so
Terry wants to know everything that is on his childs mind and life, what they are interested in, what moves them,what company they keep
He will possibly even make charts of behaviour and (dis-)likes
His child will have the privilege of being multi cultured as Terry will hire teachers and language tutors from all over the world to ensure that his child will receive the best prospects of education available and will be able to walk through any door they wish
Teaching to appreciate the luxury but to work for it too
Sure Terry has a lot of money and will spoil his child in the ways he deems fit but that does not mean that his child may take it for granted. After all only a strong leader can take over his companies and Cobra Kai after him. A strong leader is only made through pain and work. After all he was too.
Will tell other parents indirectly how stuiped/ugly/annoying/misbehaved their children are in comparison to his angel
In Terrys eyes his child is his world. It's a part of him so obviously its the most beautiful thing there is
If Terry is with a partner he will be intrigued of seeing them reflected in this mini me of theirs
Eventhough Terry can be steelen his heart will always melt when his little/big one comes for company, hugging him, wanting to spend time with him exchanging ideas
Quite literally if they are on the same interlectual level Terrys child is the most important and precious thing that he owns
I can absolutely see him and his child sitting in the opera with spectacles and making some remarks about other people
Deep interlectual exchanges No 2222222 Terry will teach them everything he knows. They might even philosophy about things, even if the conclusions are kinda dubious
Cheating ? Pah So what. The kid learns that one fast
See it as a saving of resources. Only something worthy of full investment and soul is left out of that equation
Oh yeah speaking of which
Terry will absolutely flaunt his kid around especially in front of Johnny who is about to become a dad
If Terry would receive the news of the pregnancy during the same time you can bet your ass this is going t escalate into a competitive sport.
Ofc Terry wins Terry always wins in the end.
Terry will be the one watching his kid enter a karaoke standoff, play in a theatre piece, or make their own first Sand castle with the same pride as he will watch them beat their opponent on the mat - every good competition they take part in no matter how small is important and they are ofc winning because that's what Silvers do
Please don't ask me how Terry would react to his kid in their teens asking about the "Daddy" kink
He will probably have that smirk face of s5 ep.2 (when keeps on looking at chozen bro Silzen it's reaaalll)
Quote on quote "Let's just say it worked out with your mum/dad"
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I was told that in Samurai Warriors the original Japanese dialogue for Date Masamune tends to be more polite than he is in the English translation albeit still rude, and I'm not going to lie, the appeal of his portrayal in Samurai Warriors is that he's a rude, irreverent little bastard. And I started wondering why they would do that but I think it's a philosophy of interpretation thing that comes up commonly in translation work.
See, the more different two languages and the cultures they come from are and the less time they've had to influence one another, the harder it generally is to translate them into one another faithfully. And this isn't just the literal meaning of the words, it also includes things like the 'tone' of what's being said. America (the translators and voice actors were all American as far as I know) and Japan have been pretty intensely involved in each other's affairs in the past couple of hundred years (and boy, what a weird, turbulent couple of hundred years it's been), but that's basically the blink of an eye in the grand scheme of human history, especially when you compare them to their closer linguistic and cultural neighbors. A handful of lifetimes and generations, really. So while there's been a lot of progress, there's still also a lot of wrinkles that need to be smoothed out in the jump between the two, considerably more than you'd generally get when translating things between things like Chinese and Japanese or English and Spanish.
Japanese culture, for example, tends to put much more emphasis on politeness and its association with subtlety than American culture, and American culture is often more likely to reward directness over subtlety. Hell, sometimes subtlety can even been seen as rude because you're 'dancing around the subject' or 'wasting people's time' by not just coming out and saying something. So something that may feel extremely rude to your average Japanese person may feel only moderately or even mildly rude to your average American, and people aren't always sure how to best get this across in translation. Such is the case with Samurai Warriors Masamune.
While the original writers of course want him to be rude and self-interested, they also want him to still be likeable and not a *total* jerk, but in doing so he sounds considerably politer when you translate that directly into English.
So in an attempt to better translate the 'vibe' of his personality, they made him more direct and rude in English. Here, a lovely little chart I made in ms paint, my beloved companion of many years:
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So if you were to translate a lot of his English dialogue back into Japanese literally, there would be quite a shift in tone when comparing it to the original Japanese dialogue even if it basically says the same thing. Honestly I still say I prefer him being ruder like he tends to be in English because I find that more entertaining, but at the same time this sort of relativist philosophy can be so hard to 'get right' without taking away from the original intent of the words, and baby I'm all about original intent and keeping it as intact as impossible in translation. But not everything can be translated literally, not grammar, not vocabulary, and not tone. It's a very delicate balance and that's why good translation work can be so hard. So it's Complicated, as per usual.
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power-chords · 11 months
Theaters have become fond of phrases like “the audience is not yet back,” and blame also has been attached to the purported loss of the theatergoing habit during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as audience members’ newfound preference for in-home streaming.
There is some truth there. High-quality TV shows like Hulu’s “The Bear” have made inroads with the former theater audience. Painfully for the theater, the massive improvement in TV mostly has flowed from theatrically trained writers and actors, who then compete on the opposing team on an unfair playing field. One widely acclaimed episode of “The Bear” even featured a chaotic and traumatic family dinner party, not far removed from a strikingly similar scene in Tracy Letts’ iconic Steppenwolf play, “August: Osage County.” Although “The Bear” is centered on a restaurant and chefs, it often has felt like its true gestalt was Chicago theater; it featured similarly intense acting and drew from themes that Chicago playwrights have been writing about here for years. For less reward.
When Letts wrote “August: Osage” in 2007, Steppenwolf had that aesthetic space to itself; now it has new competition. Adding to these woes, the domineering rise of team-written, long-form TV has made audiences more impatient with exposition: it’s more relaxing to watch characters you already know have their Season 5 adventures than to have to get to know a whole new crew who may or may not appeal.
“Not yet back” may be overly optimistic. There is evidence audiences are very much back at live entertainment, just not at most nonprofit theaters. The concert giant Live Nation posted record-breaking revenue of $3.1 billion in the first quarter of this year — up 73% from the same period last year — with nearly 20 million tickets sold. Concerts are very much back, and more than just Taylor Swift. People got out of the habit of flying, too, but leisure airlines have had a record-breaking summer. Restaurants mostly have recovered and have raised their prices to boot.
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kiranapassionategamer · 5 months
Top 5 Real Money Ludo Games You Must Try in 2024
Looking to spice up your gaming experience and win real cash? Dive into the exciting world of real money Ludo games! With countless options available, it's crucial to know where to start. That's why we've compiled a list of the top 5 Ludo real money games you simply can't miss.
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Here are the Top 5 Real Money Ludo Games to try in 2024:
Ludo Supreme
Ludo Supreme League
Ludo Turbo
Ludo Ninja
Ludo King
Ludo Supreme
Ludo Supreme, also known as Ludo Supreme Gold, has rapidly gained popularity as one of the most engaging formats for playing Ludo online. In this modern adaptation of the classical game, 2-4 players can participate, and the game introduces a unique twist – there's no need to roll a 6 to start. All tokens are in the open from the beginning, and safe spots add an intriguing layer to the gameplay.
What makes Ludo Supreme stand out is its limited-time format, adding an element of urgency to each move. Cutting opponents becomes a strategic move, earning players extra points. The game combines the charm of traditional Ludo with contemporary features, making it a must-try for enthusiasts seeking a fresh and exhilarating experience.
Ludo Supreme League
For players seeking a competitive edge, Ludo Supreme League provides a unique online leaderboard tournament experience. A spin-off of the popular Ludo Supreme game by Zupee, this league format introduces a leaderboard where players compete to claim the top spot. The participant scoring the maximum points and rank high in the leaderboard emerges victorious, providing an additional layer of excitement.
What sets Ludo Supreme League apart is its instant withdrawal feature, allowing winners to enjoy their winnings promptly. If you're ready to showcase your Ludo skills and aim for the top, this league format offers a thrilling opportunity to compete against a diverse pool of players.
Ludo Turbo
Ludo Turbo, another creation by Zupee, shares some rules with its counterparts but introduces a turbocharged version of the classic Ludo game. The gameplay is fast-paced, maintaining the same level of competitiveness as traditional Ludo. Utilizing a dice to determine token moves, Speed Ludo Turbo ensures an exciting online experience.
Daily tournaments and rewarding prizes enhance the overall appeal of Ludo Turbo. If you're a fan of quick gameplay and the thrill of daily competitions, this version offers an enjoyable and rewarding Ludo experience in the digital realm.
Ludo Ninja
Breaking away from conventional Ludo norms, Ludo Ninja introduces a diceless gameplay style. Players can see the upcoming dice values, requiring them to strategize their moves based on the information at hand. The player accumulating the maximum points within limited moves emerges as the victor.
To dive into this innovative take on Ludo, players can download the Ludo Ninja Apk and embark on a journey to win real money. The anticipation of upcoming dice values adds a layer of skill and strategy to the gameplay, making Ludo Ninja a distinctive and captivating choice for enthusiasts.
Ludo King
Ludo King has rightfully earned its title as the undisputed king of online Ludo games. Boasting a seamless blend of nostalgia and modern gaming features, Ludo King has become a household favorite. Its user-friendly interface, cross-platform playability, and various game modes make it an ideal choice for players of all ages.
Real Money Ludo Games : Final Words
The world of real money Ludo games has opened up a realm of possibilities, combining the charm of traditional gameplay with the excitement of online competition. Whether you prefer the time-limited intensity of Ludo Supreme or the diceless strategy of Ludo Ninja, these top 5 games offer a diverse range of experiences for players seeking both entertainment and potential rewards. So, roll the virtual dice, strategize your moves, and embark on a journey of Ludo excitement in the digital era.
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alyjojo · 8 months
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Love Reading 🤼‍♀️ - November 2023 - Virgo
Overall energy: 6 Wands
How you will meet: 9 Swords
How they will treat you: 4 Pentacles
Long-term Potential: The Empress
You’ve got a Twin coming in, it could be rekindling an old flame or even meeting them for the first time, either way it’s a very intense connection full of PASSION 🔥 heat 🔥 probably conflict too 🔥 You can’t seem to have one without some of the other with these. This person could have player ways about them, or you do, or that’s the experience you’ve had with them before - there are other people in the background creating competition and it’s being entertained = conflict.
You could work together, or be friends initially, maybe both. Or these are the people causing problems. The heat & attraction definitely makes its appearance before the emotions do, it’s more of a rip each other’s clothes off sort of connection, than a love letters & flowers kind, at least initially. They treat you in an emotionally closed off way, could be holding grudges or just protecting themselves, depending on which side of this conflict they’re on. Either they’re trying to get over hurt you’ve caused them due to other people, or they’re guarding themselves from the conflict & backlash of you being pissed at them for doing the same thing, hoping you’ll heal from this. One of you could be pretty possessive and combative, with good reason - Knight of Wands being immature and following their wand wherever it gets excited today, as opposed to yesterday and the day before that. Again, could be a player. Or a flirt.
If you’re reuniting, it’s more hopeful for the long term. If you’re just meeting them or newly involved it’s…kinda cringe, they’re really immature and not ready yet. Or you’re not. Long term potential is a possible pregnancy and single parent life - Queen of Pentacles, that could be you. This can also be growth in career, making a name for yourself, receiving all of your rewards and growing beautifully, but pregnancy is the most obvious story. Could also be them. Be very careful 🙏 A runner is going to run, if they haven’t already, or if not a Twin then they’re the type to move along quickly, or one could be returning.
Messages -
Their side:
- Sexually Driven
- Quietly Observing
Your side:
- You’re the perfect person for me ❤️
Oracles -
Their side: Twin Flames 🔥
- Yin/Yang Balance
- Union & Duality
- Complement
- Polar Opposites
Your side: Phoenix 🔥
- New Phase & Rekindle
- Renew & Growth
- Changed Mind
- Rise from Ashes
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Capricorn & Leo, earth/fire
Overall energy: 2 Pentacles
Current: Ace of Cups
Challenge: King of Pentacles
How they feel about you: 10 Cups
How you feel about them: Knight of Swords rev
Outcome: 10 Wands
You two are on totally different pages 💯 It’s looking like you’re the problem, though you may have a valid reason for that, I don’t think it’s being expressed in the healthiest manner. There could be squabbles going on about who is doing what, relating to chores even, who is busier, what roles each person should have and who contributes what. Your person seeing you as 10 Cups shows you’re the one with the issue, and you make them nervous because you hesitate, stay to yourself, keep yourself busy, and they never really know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking of what’s got to go and what can be tolerated or worked around, where necessary tasks are involved, because 2 Pentacles shows you’re extremely busy as it is, juggling 20 different things and can’t seem to find balance - Justice, that’s the goal. Fairness. If they don’t help enough, they need to.
There’s a new beginning here, could be a hobby or some passion of theirs, they’re really enjoying themselves and to you it’s gotten to the point of selfish. They aren’t doing as much as they could for the home, the kids, seriously getting chores, dishes, laundry. It’s like you support this person in their interests, you may even like what they like, but it’s a really busy time and there is a lot to do so can we please turn off the 15 hour tv binge and get the house in order before people show up? Like, THEM, specifically, because you’re busy. Could be switched too, apply however. The challenge is probably work ethic, someone is daydreamy and coasting along with no motivation and it’s driving (I assume you) mad. Could be you too, and you’re dealing with another earth sign.
They’re over the moon for you, very happy, they see you as everything they’ve ever wanted. I’m assuming you haven’t spoken your frustrations out loud, because they seem to be oblivious to your concerns, this is showing they don’t even know you’re mad at them. It can also show they’re enjoying themselves and aren’t sure how to direct or lead in the way you want them to. Basically, if you’re acting like everything is fine, why would they think otherwise? If you think they’re just going to wake up and realize it on their own, no. This could also be referring to a child too, maybe you want them to do more chores or be more responsible and your partner lives in lala land. Could be their child.
You feel like you have to be a dick to get your point across and you really don’t want to. You could see them as argumentative and would rather not deal with that side of them. Or you just don’t communicate well, it could be something that’s a real challenge for you, like why should you have to ask for help, they should just be helping? It’s just going to keep building, you feel like you’re doing it all. Outcome for mid-Dec is more of the same 😑
You’d rather pull teeth than speak up. Or you’ll just do everything yourself and feel victimized, frustrated, let down, as you continue juggling everything for everyone. To them it’s like wow I have the perfect person, and to you it’s like ffs, because you need balance. It’s a giant elephant in the room this person doesn’t pick up on, is that on purpose or not, I’m not sure. You don’t want to be mean and you don’t want to get yelled at if you say something, but fair is fair and you can’t keep up this energy forever. Gonna make yourself sick, you know it too 😷
Messages -
Their side:
- I love you ❤️
Your side:
- I want to approach you but don’t know how.
- I will surprise you.
Oracles -
Their side: SELF-INDULGENCE 🕯️
- Self-Worth & Value
- Time to Heal
- Shadow Work
- Self-Appreciation
Your side: SUNGLASSES 🕶️
- Watching/Looking
- Perception
- Stalking
Signs you may be dealing with:
Strong Pisces, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius & Gemini
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subir-astrologer · 7 months
Saturn in own house is not necessarily harmful as per vedic astrology. It depends on the sign, house, and aspects of Saturn in the birth chart. Saturn is the planet of discipline, responsibility, and karma. It can bring delays, obstacles, and challenges, but also rewards, stability, and maturity. Saturn in own house can indicate a strong sense of duty, loyalty, and perseverance. However, it can also cause rigidity, isolation, and pessimism.
According to KP Vedic astrology a planet gives its results as per the significances in that horoscope. The planets will give results during its activation period and so it will differ from person to person as per their horoscope and the placements of the planet with respect to other planets of the horoscope.
Some of the effects of Saturn in general of own house for different ascendants are:
For Aries ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in law, administration, or politics. The native may face opposition from enemies, competitors, or authorities. The native may also have a late marriage or a serious partner.
For Taurus ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in finance, banking, or management. The native may have a stable and secure income, but also a lot of expenses. The native may also have a loyal and supportive partner, but also some conflicts or separations.
For Gemini ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in communication, education, or journalism. The native may have a lot of travel, learning, and networking opportunities, but also some delays or difficulties in these areas. The native may also have a partner who is intelligent, witty, or well-traveled, but also distant or detached.
For Cancer ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in real estate, agriculture, or hospitality. The native may have a strong connection with their roots, family, and homeland, but also some challenges or responsibilities in these areas. The native may also have a partner who is caring, nurturing, or domestic, but also conservative or restrictive.
For Leo ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in entertainment, sports, or leadership. The native may have a lot of creativity, charisma, and confidence, but also some struggles or hardships in achieving their goals. The native may also have a partner who is fun, playful, or romantic, but also demanding or controlling.
For Virgo ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in health, service, or analysis. The native may have a lot of skills, efficiency, and diligence, but also some stress or health issues. The native may also have a partner who is helpful, practical, or organized, but also critical or nagging.
For Libra ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in law, art, or diplomacy. The native may have a lot of balance, harmony, and justice, but also some compromises or conflicts. The native may also have a partner who is attractive, charming, or cooperative, but also indecisive or superficial.
For Scorpio ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in research, transformation, or occult. The native may have a lot of depth, intensity, and power, but also some secrets or fears. The native may also have a partner who is passionate, loyal, or mysterious, but also jealous or possessive.
For Sagittarius ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in religion, philosophy, or travel. The native may have a lot of wisdom, optimism, and adventure, but also some limitations or challenges in these areas. The native may also have a partner who is cheerful, generous, or spiritual, but also irresponsible or dogmatic.
For Capricorn ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in government, business, or engineering. The native may have a lot of ambition, authority, and achievement, but also some pressure or loneliness. The native may also have a partner who is mature, responsible, or reliable, but also cold or distant.
For Aquarius ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in science, technology, or social work. The native may have a lot of innovation, humanitarianism, and originality, but also some eccentricity or detachment. The native may also have a partner who is friendly, progressive, or unconventional, but also unpredictable or rebellious.
For Pisces ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in spirituality, healing, or art. The native may have a lot of compassion, intuition, and imagination, but also some confusion or escapism. The native may also have a partner who is sensitive, romantic, or artistic, but also unrealistic or deceptive.
The readers should note that this is in general to understand the nature and behavior of the planet and can not be applied straight forwardly as it will vary from person to person as per the placement of the Saturn with respect to other planets.
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ofthcshvdes · 11 months
     As soon as that ticket had fluttered down and landed on her doorstep, Min had known it would be a risk to enter, although she’d considered it. It appears, however, that she hadn’t need worry about the semantics of putting herself forward as some unknown entity had put her name forward without her knowledge. The official letter informing her of her participation (and the billion phil resignation price) had been met with a frown from Min and fretting from her husband, although after many discussions they had both agreed that her participation wouldn’t be such a bad thing, it may even drum up her business.
     She’d sat in that waiting area calmly, staring ahead and ignoring the ruckus around her. Those others that had been nominated against their will were either mumbling to themselves, praying to the divines or sobbing at various levels of intensity, those that had volunteered were bragging about their past victories in combat, their prowess or their experience, trying to intimidate the others around them. Min simply sat patiently and waited for her name to be called, ignoring any attempt to draw her into conversation- she wasn’t here to make friends, after all.      Finally, her name was called and she stood, walking calmly to the staff who smiled brightly at her and gestured for the shade to follow “okay, before we get you into the pre-combat area- we just need to go over the ground rules again and make sure you know what’s good- and what’s not! We want this to be a show for the people, after all!” and the petite blonde went on to repeat the rules and regulations she’d already signed her name away to and agreed upon multiple times previously.      It was a sick kind of entertainment, Min thought idly as the girl wittered on, watching people bludgeon and maim each other for sport, there was something very primal and barbaric emanating from the very premise of the tournament, she could see objectively why there were so many who were campaigning against it. Finally, free from the explanation of rules she was well familiar with, she was asked to select her chosen weapon, as she hadn’t bought her own, and she lifted the a short sword from that table laden with choices, testing its weight in her hands before putting them down and plucking the two small daggers and twisting and spinning them in her fingers, they’re sharp and well crafted. Min nods and tucks them under her belt, heading towards those iron bars and waiting for them to rise and introduce her to her first opponent.
     There’s a roar from the crowd as her name is announced, Min steps out into the arena in her simplistic clothing comprising of a black turtleneck, black trousers and combat boots, she doesn’t look to the stands, she’s not here to gain fans or fame, after all. The uproar when her opponent is announced however, severely dwarfs that of her own. She takes in the appearance of that Knight that approaches, his glistening armour shining silver in the early evening sunlight, the sword at his right hip sharp and embellished, left handed Min thinks to herself idly, his shield embossed with a prominent crest. There’s a slight twitch of Mins brow as she considers the officials decision in putting them together in a match, they couldn’t be more opposite, him so gaudy and her just wanting to sink into the background, they had surely decided this would bring early interest to the Glitz Blitz.       They meet in the middle of the arena and shake hands, he’s much taller than her, easily clearing 6′3, his handsome face pulled up in a smirk as he squeezes Mins hand too hard, trying to intimidate her perhaps? The MC holds the mic to his mouth and asks if he has anything to say to his opponent before the match starts he offers a snarky retort about perhaps bringing a weapon, when the mic is held in front of Min, she pauses for a moment before giving her response in casual monotone “you should have worn a helmet.”, a sentence that the crowd rewards with a raucous laughter and applause.
     They stand across from each other in their allocated zones, waiting for the sound to signify their match begin, he’s waving cheerily at the stands, blowing kisses and winking at the flashing cameras, he surely knows how to put on a show that’s for sure. Min, on the contrary is studying his armour for weak spots, she can see it’s made of a high quality metal, however, it’s light enough to allow him to move so it should be a simple task to prise the joints apart to separate the pieces if necessary. Plus, that ego of his and the need to get his face out there has given him the false sense of security and bravado to opt for no helmet or head protection.      The signal sounds and he smiles at her before drawing his sword and charging. Min waits, unflinching, until he’s a few feet away, and she ducks to the side, moving with the swing of his sword as her leg swoops out and side swipes his own, sending him crashing into the dirt. She’s already rolled and on her feet, sprinting in the opposite direction, she hears him curse and his armour clanking as he gets himself up, she’s already poised and waiting for him to retaliate.      She’s dealt with his type before, they’re overconfident and they believe its their goddess given right to win any challenge presented to them. They often rise in ranks due to blood ties, rather than skill, and have far too much faith in their mediocre sword skills. She can see from the rage in his eyes that he’s offended by the mere idea that she outsmarted him even by this amount and he charges once more, although there’s a difference in his footwork this time, he’s trying to be more calculated in his approach.      She doesn’t want to drag this out too long- humiliating her opponent wouldn’t bring her any joy nor pride, Min plucks one of the knives from her belt and throws it towards her opponent, it sails past his head, missing by millimetres. There’s an uproarious screaming from the crowd and she can hear the announcers voice over the system- something about a close call, however it doesn’t distract her. He, however, is distracted, his eyes following that blade and turning as it barely misses slicing his chiselled face. It’s just the moment she needs and Min darts forward. He turns, smug grin half capturing his features as he begins to snark a retort at his opponent, but she’s already there, in his space, second dagger in hand.      They make eye contact, his grey-blues widening in surprise to see her so close, her brown-black irises calm and heavy-lidded as her lips brush against his ear delicately “you should have worn a helmet” her voice is low and only he can hear those parting words. He can’t react, her dagger is already buried deep in his throat and she uses the momentum of both of their movements to swing herself around him in a neat circle, landing on his other side and slashing her dagger out in a flurry of blood that sprays in an abstract pattern. Her opponent had skidded to a halt, his body stuck in his last motion as she lands carefully in front of him, his hand still clutches his sword.      The arena is silent, everyone in the crowd seemingly holding their breath as they await the conclusion to the events that just unfolded so quickly in front of them. The knights eyes blink in confusion once before Mins foot springs up and the crack of bone being split echoes around them, his head is sent sailing away from his body that crumbles down in front of the woman a split second later. It lands with a dull thunk a few metres away and rolls, before landing, frozen in an everlasting expression of confusion and fear.      The crowd erupts around her, she can hear the announcer mentioning something that sounds like “first blood”, but she ignores it all. Walking towards that thrown dagger, Min plucks it from the ground, carrying one blade in each hand as she heads towards the exit, she catches a glimpse of herself on the big screen, covered in blood spatter, and wipes her face absently with her hand. She continues walking, ignoring the MC who waves her over for an interview, heading straight back into the competitor waiting area where she knows she’ll now be residing with a mark above her head, and much more difficult challenges awaiting her.
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