#its fucking bullshit
s0fter-sin · 3 months
i don’t understand how i can have such an acute level of pain without any renewed injury. i hurt my ribs eight years ago from constant violent seizures. i haven’t had one in over six years. so why do i still wake up some days in enough pain to make me nauseous?
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fwimmey · 6 months
Why the fuck is weed illegal, but I can go to Walmart and buy drugs for my cat?
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kaunisbaby · 5 months
As someone who also has a lazy eye seeing your comment in the tag about Joel's lazy eye and calling it cute, made me feel -as cliche as it sounds - all warm and fuzzy.
i adore his lazy eye i think his face is handsome and interesting!! my best friend has a lazy eye too and she's beautiful!! when they call characteristics like this "flaws" know it doesnt exist. its made up
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sandymybeloved · 1 year
watching an archive of a stream talking about the power of the doctor, its usually just two people who I enjoy listenening to their opinions even if I don't always agree, except they have a bunch of other people on (most of whom are fine), and one of them is an absolute knob, any time anyone says anything remotely positive they feel the need to chime in and say they don't actually like that aspect, the episode has no redeeming qualities. its so fucking annoying
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ashen--dreams · 2 months
tell me why the fuck any human that works isnt allowed to sit down on the job i got yelled at for it twice like honestly idc there is literally nothing for me to do what does it matter. what it looks unprofessional ??? i doubt a single fucking customer here gives a shit if an employee is sitting down for a few minutes jesus fuck
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collgeruledzebra · 4 months
the thing about trying to recommend fiction podcasts to someone who isn't familiar with them is that not only are so so many genres represented but also the level of production can fall anywhere from "basically an audiobook" to "major motion picture minus the pictures"
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madamemimic · 11 months
pisses me off when theres something bullshit on a professors syllabus and i complain to someone abt it and they go “oh well you should just ask the prof about it if it bothers you. maybe they can just hand-wave it.” and it WORKS. why the fuck would you put this on your syllabus if it isnt a fucking rule???
you cant just say “oh if you miss a day of class then i wont let you pass” and then when sobbing while emailing you desperately about how there was an issue with my bus and i might not be able to make it today and oh god please dont fail me its not my fucking fault please please please you go “oh no its fine :) that rule is just so that people dont slack off :) its not for people like you who actually want to come to class :)”
like, go fuck yourself. why put that on the syllabus? why lie??? makes no goddamn sense. same for late work policies - ive had professors that say they do NOT accept late work NO MATTER WHAT but then i turn in something late and they just accept it anyways. dont get on my ass for not reading every single word of a syllabus that you cant even be trusted to follow.
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alabastermask · 11 months
is anyone else getting a ton of transphobic youtube shorts all of a sudden? or did i just happen to watch some video that caused the algorithm to decide that i want to see it? i can’t think of anything that i watched so i’m assuming its just youtube pushing it onto everyone
either way it fucking sucks and i don’t have the energy to log in and report them (not that youtube gives a shit, clearly)
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itsdetachable · 2 years
My mom is getting frustrated and I don't blame her for it, bc every doctor she goes to says she takes "so many pain meds" as if they aren't the ones prescribing them to her. She's honestly taking less recently than she ever has, as she's making an obvious effort to not take that many, and she's still being 'called out' and like, docs, seriously. She's 70. Let her take her pain meds so she can function and have a life. Let her take her anti-anxiety meds so she isn't holed up in her room overcome with paralyzing worry and instead be out and about having a life. What the fuck is a life spent in bed in pain and overwhelmed to the point of inaction by anxiety and depression even worth?
Fucking hell, people want to live, give them that option and help them live. Don't constantly bombard them with "you take too much xyz" if it's meds they actually need to function.
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guys the kiss was so important especially from a narrative and storytelling perspective because it was literally Crowley taking everything that's happened between them, every unsaid intention and every unspoken promise, and making it physical.
He's taking their arrangement and every other bullshit excuse they've ever used to hide how they feel about each other and throwing them out the window to put their feelings into an undeniable physical action that holds a lot of meaning to humans in order to be absolutely sure that Aziraphale knows exactly what he means when he says "we could have been Us." He wants to be absolutely sure that there are no misunderstandings between them and know that Azirphale will be committing to this decision with absolute reassurance that he's been understood and rejected anyway.
he's taking a human action with so much meaning and so much importance, and he's using it as a way to desperately make Aziraphale completely and undeniably aware of what he's stating. No more charades and no more lies or cover-ups. There's no denying this thing between them now, and Crowley did it the human way. Because he and Aziraphale love humanity and it's everything to them in their own ways.
There's a reason we saw a kiss between Crowley and Aziraphale, and not Gabriel and Beelzebub, despite them both being undeniable foils.
and really if you just think about that isn't it so god damned beautiful?
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paranoidblankets · 2 years
Just fought with my mom 😁
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lunarflare64 · 2 years
Streaming services shouldn't be allowed to make their own stuff. I'm serious, they should have no stake in the market of the media itself, only in the distribution. Netflix movies? Shouldn't exist. Disney's *gestures* bullshit? Should be illegal. A streaming service should be completely unbiased. Because once bias comes into play there's basically no god damn point.
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joicecubes · 23 days
im feeling especially unwell today about the fact that ford was canonically the one who was the most committed to helping stan get his memory back after weirdmaggedon. i’ve been thinking about it nonstop. that he’d fall asleep next to stan watching old videos of them as kids, that he’d recount as many memories he could think of, that he spent all that time apologizing too?
like as much as they were both in the wrong for everything that happened to drive a rift between them, i feel like this is when ford would finally be able to come back down to earth and realize how much he’s failed stan. because there’s a sizeable chunk of stan’s life, aside from the 30 years he was in the multiverse, that ford knows nothing about. and how does he explain that? how is he supposed to admit to a completely unknowing stan that the reason they were apart for so many years is because stan broke his science fair project? ruined his chances to go to that college, of course, but he made it alright regardless, didn’t he? and what did stan have to go through as a result? all ford knows is that hes been to prison in three different countries. that he once had to chew his way out of a trunk of a car. his life must’ve been so difficult, he was kicked out as a teenager after all, and ford had done nothing to reach out. held this pointless grudge for over a decade.
i just can’t imagine the sheer amount of guilt ford must be feeling. to be the one to recount these memories to stan, it would give him this kind of perspective that he never had before. ford runs from self-reflection. he doesn’t think about the ways he’s wronged the people he cares about because it scares him to come face-to-face with his failures. but now he’s forced to come to terms with the reality of their situation, and the reality is that stan didn’t deserve the harsh consequences of his mistake. the reality is that, no matter how responsible stan was for selfishly ruining ford’s dream, it was ford who so stubbornly kept the distance between them. he was right to be angry. but in turning his back on his brother, his best friend, the person most important to him in the world, ford has fundamentally failed him.
ugh. i need to write a fic about this
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lizzybizzyart · 1 year
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i know pyrrha’s shirt game is off the charts
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cloudyydraws · 9 months
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more mario and luigi doodles but i took their mouths away
+ extra unfinished stuff under the cut
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harasharaved · 1 year
The fact that Judaism is trending because of both the wave of bomb threats on synagogues and Bradley Cooper's Antisemitism Adventure (his huge fake prosthetic nose, and him basically stealing the story from a Jewish man) is so infuriating and so exhaustingly typical.
The fact that I see Judaism trending on Tumblr and immediately think "oh no. Something Bad is happening to us." We're never trending cause it's fucking good. I never get to be excited, it's just cold dread.
The fact that Antisemitism is getting worse everyday and the only ones who ever talk about it are other Jews. The fact that no one else fucking cares. The only ones who support us are other Jews. Even when gentiles talk about Nazis or white supremacists they don't want to help us. We're just their prop, the canary in the coal mine and the perfect victim.
The fact that everyone's uncomfortable with Jews still being here. Reminding them of things they'd rather forget.
The fact that it'd be easier for them if we were all dead. Then they could tell stories about our people, dressed in offensive caricatures, without us making a fuss.
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