#its by the same ppl as ace attorney
theworstjedeconnepas · 10 months
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I dunno how to draw those guys
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woolydemon · 2 years
are u telling me there are ppl who don't like rise from the ashes not bc of the video tapes or the blue badger vase but bc it expanded on edgeworth as a character and provides a good bridge between his aa1 self & aa2 self ??? explode
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autumnwyvern · 13 days
idk why but I'm gonna soapbox for a moment. its MY blog and I get to decide when I post a rambly rant!
People need to get it absorbed into their minds that a translation error and a deliberate localization change are not the same thing. A translation error is when two similar sounding/looking words get mixed up, or (in the case of JP-ENG which is what I'm about to really get into here) really inconsistent romanizations for proper nouns, or characters getting misgendered/having the wrong pronouns. There are tons of things. Read Legends of Localization. Read anything with the title of "This Be Bad Translation" because they are extremely funny, and then read the more informative articles. Buy the books even. For even further FURTHER reading Capcom has a really good track record with their localizers just talking about their games and the decisions they made in articles/blog posts. Actually let me reference one now to make a point:
Maya Fey in the original script loves a big hearty bowl of ramen. Adores it. And girl... I understand. However if you've played the english Ace Attorney games you may recall in those she really loves a big juicy burger. Is this a mistranslation? Did the localizers somehow goof up and say burger instead of ramen? No. The global release of the first game came out in 2005 and at that point in time most Americans who knew was a real bowl of ramen was were either Japanese-American, been to Japan, or a huge stinkin anime nerd. Everyone else if you told them to imagine ramen they'd picture a cup noodle. So if you want to go for mass appeal you think to yourself. Okay. What would be the American equivalent in this situation. A hearty cultural food that one may want to get to celebrate a job well done. And they landed on burgers. It was a deliberate, thought-through choice. And while you, personally, may feel that it was a mistake. It fundamentally isnt. There is no 100% right way to localize something. Theres a lot of factors to consider! And sometimes a change in how these factors are approached leads to my next point.
A character having slightly different mannerisms or way of speech between games is also, not inherently a mistranslation. If you are my age consider for a moment the anime localizations of our youth. Digimon Adventure. Early seasons of Pokemon. Sailor Moon. They were really allowed to go "off-script" and ham it up and make a bunch of jokes that weren't in the original, but I look back on them fondly and I know others do too! Being more loose and going for the overall vibes and doing so in a way that (hopefully) appeals to your audience is a perfectly fine way to do things. But now anime (and manga) localization has changed a lot. There is a lot more emphasis on "accuracy" and having a "true" translation. Which like isn't a thing that exists. In fact, often times being too 1:1 literal makes a localization worse and clunky and weird. But the point is in more modern "accurate" translations those characters often act a little differently. Neither of those versions are wrong its just a different approach. But it is in Splatoon where I think you can really see it in stark contrast, because in the first game the North American localization were allowed to freestyle it a bit more. In general they gave characters more bombastic personalities and weird little quirks that like werent in the european english version at All. So Splatoon becomes a hit, it is like The Game that ppl are buying a Wii U for, so the sequels roll around and the leash gets tightened a bit. You will sometimes see people say things like the translations got Better or crack jokes about how nintendo must have fired the old guys or whatever. But what happened is. They are going for brand consistency. Now all the English scripts are mostly the same (sorry not sorry for infecting the european english version with briish Spyke). Which is to say they are trying to avoid different versions from having really different interpretations of characters but they are still in some ways allowed to put their own little spin on things. Which brings me to the actual. true reason for all this meandering.
No. Craig saying "I don't see species" is not a mistranslation. Its a localization choice. Here we have a situation where we are trying to convey an older man who isnt Hip with it anymore but kind off thinks he is. Just a real out of touch guy. He means well but still has some internalized prejudices. Americans are really familiar with people saying "I don't see race." Like. He is A Grandpa. That is an extremely grandpa thing to say when someone challenges them on if they are going to be chill that there is someone of a different race over for dinner. It's fine. If you had a strong reaction to him saying that thats good, even. Like idk I wasn't in the room when they made that specific choice but I imagine they wanted to licit that "oogh uh oh no you cant say that grandpa yiikes 😬" reaction. Like idk I think that was their intent and it worked. And thats why we are still talking about it years later. (also, as more of an aside. I don't think him being Nicer to marina/eight in the JP script means he isn't still kinda racist towards octolings? Like the first thing he does in splatoon 3's story mode is announce the octarians are back and Totally behind whats going on and need to be stopped. He says this even if you are an octoling. dude got divorced so hard he became racist, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. Marie is also kind of racist too. Sorry! that doesn't make them Bad Characters and that you are Bad for enjoying them btw. It just means they have character flaws. which is good and normal and cool.)
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dullahandyke · 8 months
final part of trial 4 liveblog ^_^ finished it tonight yay. ill probs start on case 5 tomorrow but i wont finish it before going back to college 4 the week
ok took another break now we're back! not that it makes a difference to you cunts lol
i do enjoy how the text scrawl sfx are basically the same as ever. so cahrming
also enjoying the polyphony of the music again... mfw melodies
i can also vividly imagine patricia beat's instagram and it's horrific. homemeade meals for her hubby and god bless our boys in blye
ok new theory, stabing did happen on garrideb side of the road, green picked up a brning book and the knife fell on her
'there's no one straighter than my husband' that wasn't being disputed, patsy
... the judge says 'good golly'? surely it's 'goodness gracious', golly is So fuckin american
i keep waiting for roly to have a breakdown sprite and he never does. cross between dissatisfying and novel
ah there he goes
WE'RE LETTING ROLY GET AWAY WITH THIS???? nah fuck that i hate cops and i hate romance and i hate cops x2
god i wish we weren't dealing w joan garrideb. the fat jokes r lethal. bring back plum kitaki if u needed a fat lady capable of murder. i miss the kitakis
can we get john a chair or something???
i understand why, but the lack of period-typical misogyny is v glaring. i feel ike something could have been done w joan's husband taking the stand with her + having him be seen as the reliable man. wouldn't have said anything but they made patsy play the misogyny card earlier in a way u were supposed to think ridiculous when this is what, mary poppins time? sufragette movement hasn't resolved (or maybe even started) idk mary poppins is my sole reference for british history
hate to agree w bvz but 'hell on earth' is right
the mythical invention of fingerprints... fingerprints are the fingerpints of the fingers <3
... is the ass of garrideb's housecoat burned off???? srsly can we get him a chair
olive green is a lesser known waifu she's cute
not garrideb calling his wife old bean :sob:
omg natsume hi it's been a minute
if u gave natsume a tumblr i think he'd thrive. one third mediaposting one third 'guys i'm scared' one third public breakdown and one thrid poetry. he's so good at tumblring that he unlocks another third
amazed by the fact that we've not had any multi-day trials yet. i see what ppl say abt the pacing
don't guilt natsume for running, sholmes, cant u see hes the most ancious man in thr world?
YES SUSATO PROTECT HIM... no cops at pride just susato and her tosses
wait hold on i just remembered that shamspeare showed up this case. why tf did shamspeare show up
'what it lacks in windows, it more than makes up for with a floor, a ceiling, AND walls' natsume...
wait the evil spirit that suffocates him in his sleep is the cat innit
finished this case on its canon date! pog
sholmes without the coat... he's practically shirtless
loved it when ryuu said 'cant wait to see what The Great Ace Attorney Adventures are awaiting us;
if sholmes were a butch lesbian i would be bewitched body and soul
listening to the music section n the alternative mesage displays r rlly cool. the unused themes also . susatos unused theme fucks
also i feel the need to point out that the ace attorney sfx head is named 'sando'. ace attorney name
istg asougi's va is familiar... future me go look it up
^ ETA HES FUCKING NOZAKI ? FROM HIT ANIME GEKKOU SHOUJO NOZAKI KUN? my god. autism handshake between nozaki and asougi
now i'm in the gallery... sholmes's crest represents him (gear) protecting iris (flower)? wahhhhhhh
the way nuri describes asougi's hachimaki like 'the winds of change are sure to be blowing whereever he is' compared to how foggy and unmoving the london air is... game 2 moment
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goldpilot22 · 11 months
I just now decided to do this bweirdOCtober challenge, for my newest set of OCs! only the days that're applicable though.
day 2: new OC. for this one I'm just posting the plot summary for all 3 of them.
so first, what the story is: (and I'm just copy pasting this from my notes, so excuse any inconsistent typing patterns.)
It's this weird story that's from an alien culture but it got localized over to English. And the localization kept the grammatical fuckery (which includes all pronouns having distinct separate forms for whether they're referring to a person [indicator 1] or an object [indicator 2], and all possessives having distinct separate forms for whether the subject owns the object or neither/vice-versa) but it converted all the actual names of things/people/places/etc to common English/human-society names for similar stuff.
Like if the Ace Attorney localizations had the thing that Umineko: When They Cry has where it explains what certain Japanese cultural things mean, but they still said it was set in California and replaced ramen with hamburgers.
and now the plot summary itself, under the cut:
So there's this spaceship and it's some sort of secret high tech military type ship, or something. And the human (well, alien) main character is this action hero girl type. She's been given some kinda job there on the ship, but really she's been hired by the like higher ups at the CIA adjacent thing to investigate and take care of some fucky stuff suspected to be going on on the ship. Corruption in its command hierarchy. And she starts investigating like lower level suspicious ppl but they keep showing up mysteriously dead before she can get any info from them. (Also, she seduces another woman-adjacent character to get information, because obligatory love-interest arc.)
So she's trying to solve these mysterious deaths and investigate the what she was sent there to investigate at the same time. And in the process of investigating some fuckery higher up in the ship's command hierarchy, she gets found out. And then things get all action-y as she's officially declared wanted (because she can't tell them who hired her for this as it has to stay secret) so she's hiding in the vents and sneaking around and stuff. And also along with investigating, she's been having to deal with (and hack her way past, and stuff) robots controlled by the ship. Which are now also actively against her… But they don't seem to be quite as dangerous to her as you'd think. And also, starting before this point, there's been parts from the ship's or the robots' point of view as it gathers info on her and helps the crew try to track her down and stuff. Also around this point is when it's revealed that the ship was the one that killed the people she was investigating.
(It's probably third person POV though, readers don't get to see the characters' thoughts except sometimes. It's just like which side of events get seen.)
And then it's evenly her POV and the ship's POV for a while, until she gets captured or something, and from there it's mostly the ship's (and then, after a lil bit more from her, it's Entirely the ship) and this is when the subplot that's been going on becomes the Main plot - and this plot is that the ship has been having some fuckery going on itself, it's more sentient than people think. (Also the ship talks very personlike but uses indicator 2 for itself because it's a machine. It's got Alexa type vibes.) And the ship's robots have been increasingly going rogue… but soon it becomes more apparent that it's actually the ship itself going rogue, but being stealthy about it. Eventually the people aboard figure it out, and start trying to stop the ship by getting into its computers to shut it down or damage its systems.
Things start looking like theyre going to go badly for the ship there, until the human* character (who the narration hasn't mentioned in a hot minute) shows up and shoots some shit and saves the ship. (Also at some point, not sure when, the ship starts using indicator 1 for itself.) Then there's more action scenes, but now with the person and the ship working together. (And also maybe it's implied theres sexual tension between them somehow. The localization tries to make the human* seem like less of a robofucker, but that fails. Badly.)
And then they figure out wheres the corruption is in the command hierarchy and stuff, and take care of it. The human* goes to report it to her superiors, but then they're like "Cool, now turn off the malfunctioning AI so we can collect the ship and get everything covered up" at which point she is like "Fuck You the ship is my friend now." It's implied here that the corruption goes further than she'd realized, even up to her own employers. This is a sequel hook moment, but I don't think I'll write a sequel, so the official ending is that the human* and the ship (and the love interest who was introduced and became plot irrelevant afterward, but here is brought back into plot-relevance by the localization in a failed attempt to make the human* not look like a robofucker) fuck off together and just chill.
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dyelwi · 2 years
(This is about aini and aa: dual destinies, spoiler warning for both!!)
My number one Big Unpopular Opinion in fandoms rn seems to be that I like aini and dd. A lot. Are they good??? Sort of. Maybe not. It depends. But I enjoy both of them so so much. And to me that’s what matters most about a game.
Yes, aini has its issues, I’ve discussed some before. But ultimately it told a decent story and gave me a few characters that I love w my whole heart, while having some cool concepts and interesting twists and funny moments. In some ways I think it is better than the first game. I’m not saying the ppl that don’t like it are wrong, they aren’t, as I said it definitely has problems but for me these problems rarely detracted enough from the overall game for me to look at it and think so badly of it. I like bibi, and while maybe the twist w her wasn’t the best in terms of continuity w mizuki’s story in the first game it didn’t take away from it either, to me. And maybe some ppl care more about that aspect but I go into uchikoshi games expecting twists like this and honestly it makes a lot more sense and fits w the story better than large twists in some other games of his (cough ztd cough).
As for dd, it is much the same for me as aini. It gave me characters I love and the type of twist I had always wanted to see from the ace attorney franchise. It deserves criticism yes, ppl calling it the weakest in the main series aren’t really wrong I’ll admit, but dammit I love Athena and the blackquill siblings too much to be that mad lol. I had always wanted to see an important sort of character be the big bad (yes I know we have gant and a few others but they always had too many red flags from the start, Fulbright was in the whole game before we see that he isn’t who he says and for most of it I wasn’t at all suspicious of him). I also don’t like how it ignored the previous game so much, and as much as I love Athena I don’t think we needed another protagonist quite yet, but I look back at this game so fondly for so many of the great moments, the little ones and larger ones, that yes there are issues but it makes me happy.
And so I feel that both of these games are in the same vein to me. It isn’t that other people who hate these games are wrong about things in them, but more that I think there’s still a lot in them that is of great value and both contribute a ton to my overall enjoyment of both series. If I’m going to be honest, my ideal aitsf game would be a sort of mix of the first two, and my ideal ace attorney game is…… like tgaa basically, but like make it main series. So I just wanted to get my opinion out there I guess, as I feel like all I see for both of these games is negativity and it is justified but ultimately for me??? My enjoyment comes before anything else with a game, and I get that that’s super broad but it really is the best way to express how I feel. Like. A game could be perfect in every way but did it make me happy??? If it didn’t then I don’t care how good it is quality-wise, I’m not going to be a fan.
I hope this all makes sense lol
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majjiktricks · 2 years
How about Godot
1: sexuality headcanon this is a bisexual. obviously.
2: otp miego. ofc.
3: brotp i think if things had gone differently he wouldve been a very cool ally for phoenix to have. the flashbacks where he's mia co-counsel are really fun, and i would love to see what kind of banter they would get into <3
4: notp i. hrm. i dont know that ive seen any ships for him OTHER than miego. sure like one-offs of godot/phoenix. but idk i dont really think about anything other than miego <3
5: first headcanon that pops into my head i always like it when ppl put the main characters who were in prison at the same time interacting with each other. i think young simon would think he's cool. maybe show simon some lawyerly things he didnt have the chance to learn.
6: favorite line from this character had to look on the wiki because its been a long time since ive played these i dont remember a whole lot of exact quotes. the conversation where he's asked about how many cases hes prosecuted, since hes undefeated, and he says none. that will never not be funny. the utter shock value but also hes not WRONG, hes never lost if hes never done it before 😂
7: one way in which I relate to this character i too am hopelessly addicted to caffeine.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character he just. blantantly lies. or says things that are just a bunch of complicated words strung together that everyone else is hopeless to understand, that im not even sure HE understands. its really funny but if anyone did that in a real situation i would be like 👁👁
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? on a spectrum of 1-10 (cinnamon roll to problematic fave) hes like. a 6. he did kill someone. but there are much worse people in ace attorney LMAO
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elytrafemme · 2 years
mhm, i’m glad you decided to explore their pairing. it’s genuinely such a comforting one, and i’m so sure i’ll read it many more times in the future :] i wanted to maybe write something of them myself, but i haven’t written anything in so long i think it would be quite embarrassing lol.
i hope you do get back into writing things soon, i adore reading your work. it’s some of the best i’ve ever read, truthfully. something about it reworks my entire brain chemistry every time i read something of yours. it’s honestly magic, mare, haha
oh, also, if you remember the cs!ranboo rp blog i made, turns out that was actually an alter in our system… so we have a cs!ranboo. sorry if that like weirds you out or anything, i just thought i should explain what happened with it. sorry about it as well, like where it turned out to be an alter instead of something for the cough syrup community. she’ll still probably answer asks and such once his blog is up and running like an actual blog for our alters. i need to get on that actually. maybe i’ll work on that tonight. the user is still the same, but feel free to unfollow it if it makes you uncomfortable! i totally get it if it does :] /gen
yeah!!! unfortunately I'm not as into OSMP anymore just by proxy of me getting really really into ace attorney and maintaining that thread of interest with cough syrup solely, but i do have thoughts about the origins characters i could share if ever prompted. i used to have a fic that was going to be o!ranboo centric in a more modern setting and there were a LOT of very extensive and debatably generous headcanons in there that i still am quite fond of.
THAT'S SO FUCKING SWEET WHAT THE HELL... that means the absolute world to me :( i got really into writing poetry lately which is still good but! dammit i miss prose. wrote a little thing last night for ace attorney and that made me feel good but like... uagh especially with cough syrup its like. these characters feel like living breathing people i can blueprint in my head and writing their world was like. a very cathartic thing for me i think. writing is extremely extremely healing and i think i'm ready to return to prose, writing less about myself and more about others as a way to explore myself. does that make sense?
NONONO YOU'RE TOTALLY OKAY!!!! YOU DON'T NEED TO APOLOGIZE FRIEND i appreciate your transparency but i absolutely do not mind at all. at this point i'm now aware of like... three? two? three? alters that are fictives from the cough syrup universe in different systems. and that's all totally fine with me i have fictives of my own so like, yeah you're all good. and you don't need to worry about like doing something 'for the community' or anything-- ppl just engaging and talking about my fic already means the world to me and making content for it is just so so so fucking crazy and wonderful and amazing and mindblowing to me but you don't have to feel compelled to like. do that. i mean hell im arguably the pioneer of the cs community and god knows im not creating anything for it rn 😭 btw let your alter know that i hope hes doing well and that i say hi! i will keep following her but if SHE'S ever uncomfortable she can always lmk <3
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mejomonster · 2 years
I have branched off from Yakuza games and am now playing Judgement
1 this game is so fucking pretty
2 Ryu ga gotoku games are like. 1/3 fun weird do what you want slice of life 1/3 serious deadly angst crime drama 1/3 cutscenesssss (the movies so many movies and I'm used to kingdom hearts level cutscenes but damn rgg games feel like I'm Playing a yakuza TV show sometimes for both good and bad)
3 Yagami wears skinny jeans I'm calling him a millennial (although he may be Gen x and older than me? Depends how much younger he is than kiryu I guess o3o) I just think it's funny I'm playing this adult private detective in a white undershirt a leather jacket and skinny jeans he just looks like me in college lmao. U roll up to the yakuza family who paid ur lawyer degree and can commit crimes while ur fucking Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright who accidentally got a real serial killer acquitted and u look like a bisexual college disaster. Congrats. Ur really rocking A Specific Vibe my dude. Nothing like Kiryus "I'm wearing my 80s suit forever or else a Hawaiian flower shirt" vibe but definitely A Distinct one. It makes Yagami feel way more modern but like... My age group modern rather than the gen z modern kid who probably just turned 18 when this came out
4 Yagami. I'm a gay shdjfj I'm sorry death note did this to me. It's beyond hilarious to me he's got a same last name as Light Yagami thank FUCK this Yagami is an ex lawyer and now private eye. If he'd have been yet another cop I would've well. Dreaded his potential as anything but evil frankly. Even Date, Kiryus bro, quit the force to be a journalist (at least for a while).
5 finally a return to form in the sense there's MULTIPLE CUTE MEN ON SCREEN. Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2 all basically gave u hot leads and hot bad guys. Basically if a fucker was hot and not ur best friend then he was gonna be the main villain. Then I played Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon and for the most part very few hotties (saeko, tianyou, the guy with white hair, and maybe ichiban if you happen to like that kinda guy but if u didn't think kiryu was eyecandy then ichiban isnt really either). I'm glad there's now like at least 1 cutie on screen again at all times. Cause I can be shallow sometimes. Djdjf also the pick for Yagamis coworker ex yakuza guy is like nishiki eye candy compared to the kiryu/ichiban variety (which I love with my whole heart but it's not oogle type). His coworker is like akiyama or Tachibana or majima design wise. It's <3 and with a flowery kiryu type shirt but long sleeved and silky
6 I am still reeling that ur basically playing Phoenix Wright if he fucked up and saved a serial killer. But still impressive u know, to win as a defense attorney in Japan with that 99.9 conviction rate (also kudos to the game saying it immediately). I wonder if Yagami has his own Edgeworth? (God but not shinitani his sempai nooo not him he's introduced to early! Tho... u could argue he's his lawyer rival kinda).
7 playing all evening I still haven't found any side missions? I hope this game still has side stories??
8 I actually love the detective portions which I imagine annoyed some people but I love being a little fucking detective figuring stuff out it's why I love Devil Summoner Raidou game and mystery shows and novels and its just fun to me puts a little spice on a murder mystery story shdhd in yakuza games kiryu just hears a bitch dies, now I get to go figure out if the fucker actually killed someone. It's fun to be in like a random outsiders shoes while functionally the same opening to Yakuza 0 happens where kiryu doesn't kill a guy but is suspected. Except instead of playing the suspect, u play the outsider trying to figure out who's actually dropping ppl dead in kamurocho. It's a nice fresh perspective shift on a pretty common plot occurrence in the yakuza games.
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t4tails · 3 years
cis people dont get it when they say a character is trans bc theyre short and have a high voice its transphobic but when i say a character is trans bc theyre short and have a high voice i am correct. whats not clicking
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onefey · 4 years
i love how the ace attorney fandom legit has holidays. like i wake up on october 20th and see it trending and i'm like "oh yeeeaaaah! it's unnecessary feelings day!"
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gaudebo · 3 years
You know what im gonna say it
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mukuharakazui · 2 years
AND ANOTHER THING. i was on twitter and was happy to see someone drew phoenix punching miles for faking his death i was like wow the composition the coloring hte angle and the subject matter is fucking amazing. the tenseness of emotions and the explosion of an action he'd regret in the future maybe. but then i go into the replies and op was like "they kiss right after" and i was like can you kill yourself. oh my god narumitsu shippers poison any sense of bitterness these two characters can have towards eachother. they are grown men they are GROWN MEN THEY CAN BE ANGRY AND BITTER. AND ANOTHER THANG! why the fuck cant no one make phoenix be pissed off. he is not a dog. he is not a ball of sunshine. its better if you dont make him brooding and angsting bc then that's just edge for the sake of edge but for fucks sake why cant he be angry for the sake of fucking being angry at someone. why cant he be angry at edgeworth without ppl backtracking ands aying they get married. sure whatever they get married congrats NEITHER OF THEM HAVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN YOUR FLUFF AU!!!!!! AND CANT UNPACK THEIR ISSUES THAT WOULD MAKE NON-FANFIC GAY MEN MAD WITH EACHOTHER!!!! fuck this stupid. AND ANOTHER THANG. sometimes the comics ppl make for them are funny but it's like oh my god how is this a shipping comic and if yall believe wright is so stupid to make jokes at edgeworth's expense abt his trauma then turn around and say aww how cute wright is being silly edgeworth will not be bitter abt this nope nope nuh uh then oh my lord GOOD LORD GOLLY GRACIOUS OOOOOOOOOHHHH I HATE ACE ATTORNEY HOW I HATE IT!!!!!
I SAW THAT I FUCKING SAW THAT HELP MEEEEEE!!!! phoenix and edgeworth have such a complex relationship unlike anything i've ever seen in a fictional medium like they're estranged childhood friends who tink they owe each other a lot yet know next to nothing about each other. this isn't some "let men be friends" bullshit i promise miles edgeworth fucked shi-long lang and dick gumshoe and will powers and whoever else but literally edgeworth and phoenix NEVER open up to each other for real. the amount of times gumshoe and maya got pissed at phoenix in turnabout goodbyes because he was treating edgeworth like shit but edgeworth was also being a little pisslord himself so it's whatever.
i do think shipping brainrot is real and if i can replay turnabout reminiscence on the regular without being an absolute freak and recognise the powerful themes and motifs in aai2 surrounding family, legacy, bonds, and truth without making it about edgeworth making out with lang and gumshoe and will powers, i THINK u losers can all manage to get through the pwaa school trial flashback scene without your sole takeaway being that those middle schoolers are going to kiss.
also idk if it's just me being gay and being around my gay dad my whole life and working in a gay town but literally no gay men that aren't years divorced act like that. i thinkt hem being divorced is really funny though same with phoenix and kristoph mister wright is a chad single dad who's keeping his really cool weirdo daughter away from all the really uncool weirdos out there.
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asimpleram · 2 years
Hello!! Hi!!! Just gonna uh. Pop in and ask if you’ve got any dgs thoughts. Maybe susato in particular because my brain is incapable of not thinking about how capcom did her a wee bit dirty etc etc but that’s most likely me being snippy 💀
Hopefully this doesn’t seem weird out of the blue and all but I’d love to hear your thoughts!!!
Now you asked for my thoughts on Susato:
Susato is probably one of my favorite characters in the whole game. She’s so unique to most assistants (most games try to have the quirky upbeat assistant which often gets the “Maya clone” label, and even if I think that’s dumb and not the characters fault but the writing team and Capcoms fault for its mysoginistic writing choices, and also ‘Maya clone” is a dumb thing cause they are different), but she’s far more mature (we will get into that one..) but still has her various quirks, her very fun moments and she’s really fucking cool.
She’s great! She has so many cool little hobbies, such as martial arts and how she loves the Sherlock Holmes stories and is a little fan girl, how she genuinely has a big interest in law, and is really smart and just such a pleasant character with all her fun details. How she dresses up as a boy to save a friend and how loyal she is. How she has done stuff like tamper with a crime scene and evidence despite being so well versed in law. Augh. Her interactions with others are so fun; she should throw more ppl it’s funny.
Okay now that I’ve gushed about her. I feel like she is done dirty in the game. In terms of things that she goes through vs how much time she gets to spend on it vs other characters? Like her father left for england when she was born and had to shuffle back into her life 6 years later, her brother died and her literal idol FAKED HIS DEATH?? And she grieved him and he wasn’t dead her blorbo from the books just lost his still alive injured body in Hong Kong. Her father fakes an illness making her spend a month an a half on a boat for him not to be sick. That same brother was gonna take her to England on his assassination mission. What was she gonna do when he killed a man?? Idk!! She goes through it!!
And yet. And yet it’s like. Ah yes Susato our forgiving queen who doesn’t have any harsh angry feeling to anyone. Wow! So kind! Like I feel like she deserves to be angrier and meaner cause she gets a lot of things done to her that the male characters get to have moments about? Fucking absent parents is an ace attorney staple and it’s just kinda like. Well let’s brush it off now and let her kinda hang out while we talk to someone else! And I think there’s just some issues with the writing in general I did see a post that I will never find again. That made a good point how some of the later reveals would have been better if it were not Ryunouske who was the one to be confronting ppl or finding/revealing certain bits of info but do to Main Characterisms. And it might have hit harder if it were Susato or even Asogi due to familial ties in the story. I wish I could find the post they lay it out better
And I’m not gonna pretend this is Just a Susato problem cause alot of female characters tend to get the short end of the stick in ace attorney games. Think of the trilogy! Maya and Edgeworth go through very similar traumas and yet the writing let’s Edgeworth go through it while Maya doesn’t get the same treatment. She’s the assistant she doesn’t have time to grieve her absent now dead mom. She’s making quips and eating burgerramen!! Same happens with Susato.
But overall I Love Susato. I have a few post canon AUs where she finally gets to have her issues be front and center. They aren’t fleshed out they are just a few drawings ideas I have that work and my dumb wrist issues have been preventing. I complain a lot but I do love her DEARLY… best assistant. Best Dgs character. Underrated by everyone
And if you have other thoughts please tell me id love to hear them. These are just my thoughts but if you have some thoughts I didn’t notice. Please go ahead!! Thank you for asking :D
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gentle-but-less-man · 7 years
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She may be in high school but by Trucy’s logic: you can’t not love team Rocket
Bonus, Pearl is a very jealous person
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marukrawler · 3 years
i found your blog today and i was wondering...do you have any hcs for the first series gang? i rlly wanna hear your runo hcs,,
im not one to make hcs all that often but i can certainly come up w some!!
adhd boi courtesy of @mycomni‘s hcs (go check them out, they’re great!)
he used to cook a lot w his mom before bakugan started to take up most of his time
used to play his guitar too and took it up again during the 3 year timeskip between bb and nv. i love the idea of him starting a band w shun during gi when they go to the same high school. (see shun hcs for that)
probably gets serious about the band thing after ms
not as pudding obsessed as his dad but nobody knows that so ppl keep sliding him their pudding cups during lunch and he just brings them home for his dad to eat after work
wants to make cropped jackets a thing™
somehow i started the trend of drawing older dan and shun w matching earrings (dan’s are silver and shun’s are golden)
runo (i originally thought you were asking me only about runo so i got more hcs for her than the others)
her trial in the doom dimension is about finding the root of her anger issues and we find out it’s actually to mask her vast collection of insecurities™
dan and julie are part of those insecurities. dan hit a nerve when he once said she has no friends and julie strikes another whenever she mentions having a nicer body than runo but they’ve all made up after bb <3
she and julie take up rollerskating during nv and it sorta becomes their thing™ to do. in winter they ice skate together
runo’s fav subjects are p.e. and english and her worst are math and history
her parents separate during gi and that’s what takes most of runo’s attention and time. she and her mom move someplace else and she doesn’t really tell anyone but julie and alice bc the others are dealing w an INTERGALACTIC WAR and she doesn’t want to bother them w trivial stuff
her favorite colors are yellow, pastel blue and pink
hc that she and julie are co-hosts for bakugan city and that runo wants to study to become a nurse (because she wants to help ppl)
not so lowkey falls for julie during nv and they’re a couple by the end of gi
runo went to a private school when she was a kid but didn’t stay for long bc she got into fights w the other students
she has a stuffed animal collection, all w super basic names bc runo isn’t very creative in that regard lol
despite his rich kid exterior, he can’t play the piano for shit
strikes me as someone who started to watch anime out of spite for his parents but then unironically started to like it
he’s perfected the anime glasses tint
tried wearing his mom’s heels once and enjoyed the height it gave him until he sprained his ankle trying to walk around. cue the drive of shame to the doctor’s clinic
his group chat pfp is the infamous golden toilet
he found lots of drawings of him and ren holding hands on the interspace info board and he couldn’t get them removed at first bc some admin had blocked that command (dan and shun kept deflecting blame. turns out it was julie who did it)
also a huge anime fan so she knew a bit of japanese beforehand but started taking classes once she befriended the others through bakugan
lovecore enthusiast
she used to straighten her hair as a way to distinguish herself from daisy but found that she prefers the way she looks when it’s curled
she has great flexibility and body control and that’s how she easily landed herself a spot on her high school’s cheer squad (and later became the captain)
pan af and falls in love easily
matchmaker supreme™
quiet but observant and anything you say will be used against you in a court of law
having said that, i could see shun watching other kids play ace attorney when he was younger and think ‘that’s so pog’ but its the early 2000′s equivalent of that lol
shun would stan edgeworth
gay boi and knew it p early on bc dan
he frequently changes his hairstyle and hair length because he just can’t make up his mind, he looks good no matter what
but once he made peace w his mother’s passing, that’s when he cut his hair for the first time
love @yozzers hc of shun being half japanese and half chinese so that’s canon
also love the idea of shun going to the same school as dan and julie and being on the cheer squad bc he’d obviously be good at it and also shun/julie brotp?? yes!!
like the hc that alice knows a few languages p close to fluently so japanese was never an issue
is trans of gender
alice used to write a lot before masquerade happened and ever since he started occupying her headspace, she doesn’t write as much because she can’t tell which words are his and which are her own. so she takes up painting as a way to express her feelings when she has trouble verbalizing her thoughts
after alice learns of lync’s death, she plants a garden in her backyard, lush w flowers and wildlife that she thinks lync would have loved. she spends a lot of her time sitting in that garden.
she travels the world during gi and returns in ms to help out w the vestal technology that runo canonically takes care of (which makes little sense)
i will never part w biker!alice so in ms she owns a motorcycle even though she can teleport
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