#its an idea thats been in my head for a long while. actually writing it is so hard tho ○| ̄|_
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small oneshot turning into something longer than planned
#my art#my comic#undescribed#op vamp au#its an idea thats been in my head for a long while. actually writing it is so hard tho ○| ̄|_#dialogue changed going from comic to fic form. actually dialogue are so hard in fic form im used to small short sentences (irl too lol)#but it doesnt feel as natural in fic. mines at least. why.....#i love horror im always worried i cant do it. but that first comic turned out nice so i'll have to believe i can do it in words too smh
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Weak Point
❥ Back to the Control Center
Davos Blackwood x Bracken!fem!reader
Summary: It was a well known fact that the Blackwoods and the Brackens hated one another, the houses would die before agreeing on anything. And it stayed that way until Davos Blackwood realized he might share one thing with the Brackens after all, his weak point.
Warnings: possible ooc davos?, i also made him Willem's nephew idk if thats accurate but whatever, allusions to smut but no actual smut, men being creepy, gross, and objectifying to reader (not Davos), mild violence, Daemon Targaryen, probably more stuff I don't remember... just tread carefully. its no worse than the stuff in the show. this is also very very unedited.
A/N: so, yeah, this is my first time ever writing for got/hotd so i hope i didnt screw it all up too bad. i started this just wanting to jot down this thought i had while watching the show and ended up getting SUPER carried away. i haven't read literally any of the books though so this could be completely messed up for all i know and i apologize for any lore butchering i may have done. i hope you enjoy !
Word Count: 6.2k
He was running.
His feet pounding against the ground as he wove throughout the trees under the cover of the black night sky. He hoped the torches carried in the hands of some of the other men didn't betray him, the dim yellow-orange glow casting light upon his face and showing off the panic he'd been trying his best to conceal, hidden poorly behind a half-hearted snear since Willem had returned to Raventree hall.
Willem Blackwood had announced to the room, bursting at the seams with leagues of angry Blackwood men, that their King consort had granted them leave to do whatever necessary to bring the Brackens to their knees. To destroy their alliance with the Greens and join the right side of history, pledge their allegiance to the true Queen Rhaenyra.
At first, like all the other men and boys in the room, Davos was excited. He was practically shaking in elation, itching with adrenaline, ready to storm Stone Hedge.
To make the Brackens pay once and for all.
He imagined some sort of battle would come from the ordeal. They would go head to head once more, fight like they always had with the other house, bring them to their knees for their Queen. It would be bloody, but the potential violence against their long-time rivals was customary, expected at this point. Or maybe they'd ransack some houses along the border. Burn a sept or two, destroy some of the more important harvest fields the Bracken's relied more heavily on.
That is what he expected to come from Daemon Targaryen's indirect orders.
But no, there would be no fighting this time. Not exactly.
They were to exploit the Brackens weak points.
To poke repeatedly at their sore spots until they finally admitted defeat, desperate to have returned what was stolen from them.
Davos Blackwood did not expect to have his weak point threatened as well.
But alas, it was. His weakest point, by the name of Miss Lady Y/N Bracken, was in grave danger, and she had no idea.
It was an unlikely friendship that bloomed when the two were young, still green and ignorant to the centuries of history between the houses they came from.
A young Davos was practicing archery down by the border stones, unaware the large rocks were truly meant for something other than the simple job of being large rocks in the middle of the open field. He was only told never to cross them by his father... who had also told him never to wander near to them unaccompanied.
Nevertheless, here the young Blackwood stood, a crudely made target propped up against one of the stones, alone.
He pulled back the string, one eye closed, preparing to loose the arrow. His last arrow.
Maybe this one would actually hit the target. Every shot had found purchase on the fabric at least, just out along the outer border.
He held his breath, squeezing his eyes shut as he let go.
The boys eyes flew open at the sound of a high pitched squeal and the frantic rustling of leaves, like an animal caught in a bush. He soon realized that his last arrow hadn't hit the target at all, but instead flew over the stone entirely and landed somewhere in the woods on the opposite side of the border.
Had he hit an animal? Had he been such a nuisance at archery, but his luck so spectacular, he managed to miss the target by a mile yet make his first kill?
Davos was still for a moment, if he crossed the border to find the animal, his father would surly be angry with him for his disobedience, but would he be proud enough his young son managed to strike an animal that the punishment would be forgotten?
Surely his father would be more angry when he found his son's quiver one arrow short, and even angrier when it was explained how and where it was lost.
But just as the toe of his boot made it across the border, the rustling of the leaves returned.
What if he hadn't killed the beast with his misfire at all? What if he had only awoken it from it's slumber, and the beast he now wished he had paid more attention to when his father and uncle spoke of the miscreants on the other side of the border was angry and on the hunt for him.
But, rather than some large hairy creature lumbering out from the bushes, eyes glowing and drooling with bloodlust for the one who dared disturb it, he was met with a young girl. A child of his age, if not a year or two younger--it was hard to tell with the distance which still separated the two children. The baby fat, still stubbornly hanging onto the girls cheeks, didn't help either.
She emerged slowly, eyes curious and cautious as she scanned the area before her. Back and forth, left and right, eyes hungrily eating up each and every inch of the grass, hoping to find where the wayward arrow had come from.
Finally her gaze found his own and he found himself calling his father a liar for the first time in his life.
She was no beast, surely there couldn't be evil creatures over there as he had said. She was far too pretty for his father's claims to be true. She looked like something divined straight from the gods themselves.
Her hair was tangled and sweaty where the strands had fallen loose around her face, released from the intricate braided style on the back of her head. The courtly dress draped over her figure, torn and dirty at the sleeves and rips along the bottom of the skirt with mud caked in the lower fabric as if she had been running wild through the trees. A wooden practice sword lay loosely in her hand, his lost arrow held in the other.
She may not have been perfect to everyone, but she was to him.
She moved forward, walking slowly, making sure to glance from side to side every few steps, ensuring the two of them were the only ones in sight. She finally stopped a couple of paces before him, she raised the arrow playfully, "I believe you may've missed your target."
"Did not." he shot back immediately, kicking himself for a little for his hastiness, but too proud to let a pretty girl think he had messed up that horribly.
She smirked, shifting slightly on her feet, "Really?"
"So this is not your arrow?"
She hummed, looking down to the obviously hand-made and well-used projectile. The body bent in a continuous curve from over use and harsh slices in the wood from where a dull knife had been used to widdle it down. She played with the feathers on the end, running the soft material between her fingers, "You sure?"
She looked up, catching the gaze of the boy just an inch or two shorter than herself, "You know I can see your bow right?" she lulled, unimpressed, "No matter how hard you attempt to shift yourself in front of it, I can still see it peeking over your shoulder." she slid around the stone separating the two, leaning down to compare the arrow with the ones firmly lodged in his target, "Not to mention the arrows are from the same bunch."
Davos stayed silent, eyes narrowed at the beautiful and strange girl before him, determined not to give in.
Perhaps if he was stubborn enough, she would forget the accusation like the maids that walked the halls at Raventree did. They always gave up before too long, scurrying off back to their duties when they'd catch him doing something he wasn't meant to.
"Well alright then," the girl shrugged carelessly, returning to her full height, no longer crouched down on her knees, "Its probably for the best these aren't yours anyway. Shoddy craftsmanship," she spoke, caressing the wood once again, "I fear a blind man may have done a better job-"
"Hey!" he cut her off, stomping forward and ripping the arrow from her gentle grip, "I spent an entire moon on these!"
"So it is yours then?" she questioned softly, a winning smirk pulled across her face.
Davos could feel heat rush to his cheeks, quickly causing him to hang his head, eyes focused on the pebbles sown between the blades of grass below his feet. He already embarrassed himself enough in front of this girl, he didn't need her to see his skin flush a deep crimson as well. "No."
The two children stood before each other in an awkward silence. Both not sure what exactly to say, but neither wanting to leave just yet.
She made the first move, stepping forward and coming to a stop beside him. No longer facing the boy head-on, but rather positioned so both were looking in the direction of the target.
"So," she began, "how'd you manage to shoot so far off anyway?"
"'m not good at it yet" he mumbled, face still stubbornly pointed down, "'S why I'm practicin'."
"Well, try again."
He looked up at her confused, the flush finally fading from his skin, "What?"
"Try again" she shrugged. "You have your arrow back, so try again."
He sputtered, about to tell the girl off for telling him what to do, but the look in her eyes made him think twice. She was so sure of herself, so determined. He couldn't leave her there like a coward, he'd already made a fool of himself, it's not like it could be any worse.
But he was wrong.
It could be worse.
The second he let the arrow loose, it failed to hit the target again, stopping about a foot short of the stone, stuck in the grass.
She snorted, a hand flying up to her face to conceal the noise to the best of her ability, "Do you even know how to shoot?"
He scoffed, turning to fix her with a nasty glare, "Of course I do."
"'Ya sure?" she smiled, "Doesn't really look like it from where I'm standing"
His glare hardened, "And what do you know of it? You're just a girl."
She nodded once, stepping forward to retrieve the arrow from the grass as well as the one from the target, "Maybe, but my older brother has been teaching me for years." she spoke returning to his side with a grin, "And I like to think I'm quite good."
Davos only laughed. Like a girl would ever be allowed near a weapon, there was even less of a chance one would know how to use it.
"I'm not jesting" she insisted, eyes narrowing in annoyance, "I do know how!"
"Sure," he laughed again, shoving the bow into her hands, "Give it a shot then, why don't you."
"Fine." she dropped one of the arrows to the floor, shoulder-checking the shorter boy as she lined herself up with the target.
It took her all of five seconds to load the arrow, align the point, and shoot.
And she hit the fucking center of the target too.
She turned to face him and crossed her arms over her chest, the bow held in the crook of her elbow, with a smug smirk, "Believe me now?"
"Ok," she shuffled back to him, offering the bow back, "Your turn."
He picked the arrow up and aimed, he was about to let go when-
"Stop!" she shouted, quickly moving behind him. "Don't be so tense" she scolded, poking him in the back, "Your elbow is too high," she moved it down slightly "You use it to help aim, it doesn't always need to be completely level." She kicked the inside of his feet next, "Widen your posture, your feet are too close. It'll mess up your balance and aim."
"Are you done?" he gritted out, teeth clenching hard against each other. His arm began to ache, straining from the tension while she twirled in circles around him, giving him a whole explanation for each detail he had wrong.
"Almost" She laughed softly, moving to stand over his left shoulder, "Just two more things" He groaned again, but she only giggled soft at his impatience, "Keep your eyes open. It doesn't have to be both if that's uncomfortable but keep at least one. Shooting blind is practically a death sentence. Lastly, just remember to breathe." she stated simply, "Holding your breath will lock up your muscles. Be fluid, not rigid." he nodded once, relatively relaxed bar the shaking of his tired arm on the string. "Good. Now shoot."
He let go, and watched the whole way as the arrow soared through the air, hitting the target with a satisfying 'thunk'. It didn't hit the center like hers, but it was the closest he'd come thus far, landing on the inside of the ring just off-center.
She jumped in excitement, clapping happily as she did so, "See! You did it!"
"I didn't." he grumbled, "It still didn't hit the center."
"No, but it's closer" she spoke, excitement for the boy still heavy on her tongue, "All you need is some practice." She placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it softly, "You'll get there one day."
He hummed unconvinced, he'd been practicing for almost a year at this point, and only now was he told what he was doing wrong. He doubted he'd ever master the art of archery but that was alright with him. He'd become more skilled with the sword during his training and found he enjoyed the blade over long-range anyway.
Feeling her job complete, the arrow returned and an impromptu lesson to keep more from disturbing her peace, the girl nodded once and smiled at the boy, turning to cross back over the boundary and lift the practice sword she had abandoned on the other side.
She was about to walk away, disappearing back into the thicket when Davos finally shook himself from his thoughts. "Wait!" he ran after her, quickly catching up to her and grabbing her wrist, "I'm Davos. Davos Blackwood." he introduced himself, annoyed he'd forgotten to do so earlier.
She smiled, "Y/N Bracken."
The two explored the underbrush for hours that day, picking through the bushes for berries and telling stories to one another. He soon found out her strange state of dress, was because Y/N had fled from the hall halfway through their meal. She ran, quickly escaping after overhearing her father and some lord discussing her betrothal. It would never go through of course, the Lord too upsettened by the girl's wild display to continue the conversation.
She had fled through the hall, one of her brother's practice swords in hand and clumsily hitting the trees with it, hoping she could somehow teach herself to use the weapon so that her future would never need to be in the hands of another again.
Upon hearing the story, he quickly offered his guidance to her, promising to bring two swords to the clearing the next day as long as she would bring better archery equipment. She would teach him the art of the bow, and he would show her the ways of the blade.
Through their lessons with one another, they would ultimately come to the conclusion she preferred archery and he preferred steel, but both became skilled in the two practices nonetheless.
Lessons slowly turned to practice, and practice turned to sparring until sparring gradually turned to something more over the years.
Stolen kisses were shared in the shade of the branches. Words of affection whispered along the tall grass. Purple bruises and love bites exchanged under the cover of night and the watchful eye of the stars, easily concealed under the collars of their shirts.
They hadn't begun knowing how divided they were due to their names, but even when they discovered it, they found the years of hatred between the houses hardly held a candle to the feelings they harbored for one another.
Fear flooded his veins when the words changed from those of violence against the men and soldiers, to violence against the women. Violence against the children. Violence against her.
"It is clear that our forces no longer intimidate them," a man decorated in silver plated armor called from the crowd, "how are we to persuade them, as you say, if they no longer listen?"
"We shall change our tactics" a dark smirk slowly formed across Willem's face as he spoke to his men, "The crown allows us grace to do what is necessary to gain the allegiance of the Brackens." the name left his lips with a sneer, as if saying the name itself caused him pain, "So, perhaps we move our gaze from those who've come to expect us."
The excitement of the room changed from one of violent delight, to one of lustful rage. All men in the room, old and young alike, seemed to understand what was implied from the words of both their Lord and their King. All bets were off tonight, they were to take whatever—and whoever—they wished, just as long as it pushed the Brackens to surrender by morning light.
Davos stayed frozen upon the stairs while his Uncle spoke, and the men cheered before them. Many of which, boasting clearly of the prize they wished to gain. The prize that would give them pleasure that night, as well as potential favor with their Lord and Crown. The bargaining chip above all else, the very soul that would surely break the camel's back.
For if Y/N, Lord Bracken's most favored and precious daughter, were to be stolen and sullied, the Bracken people would surely be broken as well. Surrender would be all but guaranteed.
That's how he found himself sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him, subtly kicking rocks and twigs under the feet of his bannermen. Anything to slow them down. Anything that would allow him to get in front of them. Anything that would allow him to be the one that would reach her first.
He'd heard the way they spoke about her. The things they wished to do to her. It all but made his blood boil, the urge to remove their tongues—or perhaps their manhood—was strong. It was what they deserved for speaking about his lady in such a matter.
Yet he couldn't. He didn't care for his own safety, if he were to be hanged for defending his lady love's honor, he would do it a million times over. But the fact that the outcome on her could be worse if he were to confess, is what held him back.
He couldn't do anything in the bright lights of Raventree Hall, but if anyone were to come between his blade and his lady now, he cared not for what would become of them.
He'd kill a thousand Blackwoods if he must tonight. No one was going to touch her.
When finally made it into the halls of Stone Hedge, he was out of breath and his lungs were burning. His breaths quick and labored as he gulped for air, but he couldn't stop until he knew she was safe.
The words they levied against her echoed in his ears, filling him with a blinding rage that powered him forward, allowing the pain in his bones to evaporate from his mind.
They spoke of her as if she were a piece of meat and nothing more. The beautiful Bracken girl ripe for the taking. The forbidden apple that was all but theirs for tonight. They spoke of how they wished to deflower her. To take her maidenhead, rip it away from her and claim it for themselves. "it's what we deserve after all the Brackens have done." he remembered hearing one say, "We deserve this."
They didn't deserve shit. Hell, there were days Davos himself didn't believe he deserved her, if he didn't, then there was no way in hell they did.
He tore through the halls, the anger in his soul bright enough to light the way. He abandoned his torch once he made it inside so none of the other men would be able to follow his trial.
The screams began soon after he reached the second floor. The hushed symphony of horrific melodies carrying up the stairs and echoing down the stone halls, ebbing in on the wind through the windows of the keep, tempting Davos’ heart to beat faster in it's rhythm.
The Blackwoods had begun their raid. He was running out of time.
He cursed her in his mind, his beautiful girl more cautious than he, convincing him that their escapades should be confined to the secrecy the fields and forests provided. He had tried to persuade her to sneak into one of their homes, claiming she deserved the luxury and privacy of one of their bedrooms over his cloak on the harsh terrain. So she could feel the soft feather bed and furs beneath her back rather than the rough sticks and stones scratching her bare skin through the thin fabric. She always declined, arguing the need to keep their love in a place that matched that of which it was sewn from. Somewhere wild, free, and pure.
He always laughed along with her, choosing to ignore the fear that gathered in the corners of her eyes. He knew the real reason, she was afraid they’d lose one another if they were to enter the enemy's halls, that they’d be caught and torn apart forever. So, he just laughed along and agreed full heartedly, dropping the idea so his girl could return to her usual carefree spirit. So her worries would be carried off on the chilled evening breeze, set ablaze in the light of the setting sun.
He lived for her, and if it was her wishes to stay confined in the bugs and dirt, he’d happily oblige without a complaint, even if he ended up with cuts along his palms, skin pierced by the rocks his cloak couldn’t cover as he hovered over her body in the foliage.
But now, he was running through the large keeps halls, throwing open the doors of guestroom after guestroom in the residency hall. Panic increasing for each empty room revealed.
If she just let him come in once, if she allowed him to climb up the wall and through the window like he’d joked one evening, he’d know exactly where to go.
Davos finally approached the last room in the hall, still no luck in finding her room. The voices of his men had increased, finally making their way to the level he stood.
And for the first time in years, Davos found himself praying.
He wasn’t a particularly religious man and he hadn't been since his mother had ceased dragging him out weekly to worship the gods. He found himself finding solace in the heart trees for their beauty rather than religion and becoming more devout to the sword than the gods. But now, outside the heavy wooden door, he found himself praying quietly under his breath. To both the God’s he’d turned his back on and the ones she treasured. He prayed to both the Old gods and the new, that his own goddess would be sound and safe behind this very door.
“Please” he whispered, “I know I haven’t been the most… pious over the years. I know I haven’t followed the rules you have set for the people” he laughed bitterly, “In fact, there were times I blatantly went against you just because I could. But please” he begged, feeling a burning form in the corners of his eyes, “please, I beg you, have her be behind this door. She doesn't deserve what's coming if I don't find her first. I may not believe you exist, but she does. Please don’t fail her now.”
He rammed his shoulder into the door, the lock giving way after two sturdy blows, swinging open to reveal yet another dark, empty room.
His heart stopped, split between the feeling of devastation and unadulterated rage. The emotions clawing their way up his throat, threatening to drown him if he didn’t release them soon.
There had to be a mistake, she had to be here. Was he already too late? Had someone somehow managed to get ahead of him and steal her away before he arrived? It couldn’t be, he was the one to break the lock and sneak around the watch in the front of the keep.
He wanted to scream. To curse the Gods, curse his uncle, curse himself.
But he couldn’t.
Instead, he punched the door frame, knuckles slamming into the stones and splitting open the thin skin from the force. A muffled curse left his lips, not loud enough to reveal himself to the men beginning their descent on the hall, but loud enough to reveal a sliver of the emotions pent up and burning its way through his veins.
He was yanking at the strands of his tousled and sweaty black hair, pacing the area outside the open door. Mind racing as he contemplated what exactly he was meant to do next.
But then he heard it. His saving grace. A muffled sound, a soft mumble coming from inside the bedroom followed by the quiet ruffling of sheets.
Davos whipped around, neck straining under the speed of which he snapped to face the inside of the chamber. There, he found it, shrouded in the shadows and tucked beneath the covers was a lump, with her beautiful, wild hair peeking out and laid upon the pillowcases.
He rushed into the room, slamming the door and bolting it behind him.
It was the heavy slam that finally roused her from her sleep. She sat up in her bed, the white sheets falling down and resting over her legs as she did. She squinted into the darkness, unable to make out who it was but able to see the figure posted inside her room, the moonlight catching on the metal armor adorning the man before her.
It was normal for a maid to come into her room, accidentally wake her in the later hours as they entered her chambers to gather things they had unknowingly left behind earlier in the day. It was strange for a knight or watchman to enter, on the eve of a gathering or a feast at the keep where her father had invited many guests a guard may be placed outside her rooms but never inside.
“Sir?” she spoke, voice soft and confused, roughed slightly by sleep, “What is—”
She wasn’t able to finish her question in full before the man hurtled himself at her. In a panicked haste she reached to her bedside, reaching for the heavy silver candle holder on the table, whacking the man repeatedly when he became close enough.
“Fuck!” the man yelled, stepping back when she jumped up from the bed, swinging the candle holder before her. He reached up, one hand poorly acting as a shield before him while the other went to his brow, touching the now split skin from where she managed to strike him.
“Damn you woman” he yelled half playful and half serious, a proud smirk resting on his lips despite himself. Maybe his love didn’t need him to protect her after all. “I’m just tryin’ to help you!”
Y/N dropped the candlestick in an instant, immediately recognizing the voice that often found its way into her dreams and day to day thoughts, “Davos?” she whispered, now rushing forward, pulling him down by the neck to get a better look at the gash she’d made. “Gods, I’m so so sorry” she muttered, delicate fingers running over his brow bone and assessing the damage in the dim light provided by the moon, so focused on Davos’ injury, she failed to notice the soft smile tugging at his lips, “you–you just startled me. I’m not exactly expecting visitors in the middle of the night.” her brow crinkled in confusion, wiping away a streak of mud on his forehead and brushing through the sweat-soaked hair falling over his forehead, “And why on Earth do you look like you crawled through the riverbeds to get here?”
He laughed, exhausted and relieved to see her standing before him. Davos reached out, grasping her elbows softly, proving to himself she was real. That he did make it in time after all. “I mean, not exactly, but that's close enough.”
She stepped back, eyes wide as saucers. Her sleep muddled mind, finally beginning to catch up with what was going on. Part of her thought it was all part of some strange dream, getting attacked in the late hours and suddenly her forbidden lover is standing before her in her bedroom.
But it wasn’t a dream. This was real. So what in the seven hells is he doing here?
“You can’t be here!” she whispered harshly, “I–What? Davos, you need to go.” she sputtered rushing to open the door and shove him out, ushering him back off to raventree, “My father could–”
He reached out, catching her wrist and yanking her back away from the door harsh enough her back crashed into his chest.
“Stop.” he cut her off, spinning Y/N around so they faced one another, “You can’t open the door.”
Her eyes grew even wider at his words, fear slipping into her gaze and he hated himself for being the one to put it there, “Why not?” a crash erupted not far down the hall, the sound of one of the vases clattering and shattering down onto the floor followed by a group of men, maybe three or four at least, cackling. She jumped, clinging onto his arms, her grip tight and nails cutting into his skin, “Davos? What’s happening? What’s going on?”
He looked anxiously up at the door as the footsteps grew louder, shifting Y/N and holding onto her with one arm while the other drifted to hold the pommel of his sword, “It’s a long story.”
“Care to share the summary then?” she bit out at him, but her words were less harsh than she intended, the fear coating the statement making it far less intimidating than she’d prefer.
“You’re in danger.”
“Well, yeah, I kinda gathered that.”
“This is the only one we haven’t checked,” they heard a deep voice say from through the wooden door. “Ya’ think its this one?”
“It’s gotta be” another spoke, tone giddy in a horrific kind of excitement, “It’s the last on the hall, surely the Bracken Brat is in here.”
Davos spun on his heel, looking into her eyes with such intensity Y/N was unsure if she wanted to run or drop to her knees, “I have an idea. I need you to play along.” she nodded immediately, she trusted him with her life. Davos smiled softly, leaning down to place a long, tender kiss on her forehead, “Just remember I love you, ok? I’ll explain later, I promise.” she nodded once more, lifting on her toes to place a soft kiss on his cheek.
His gaze hardened a harsh sneer screwing up his features, the grip he held on her wrist tightening, “Stop struggling! I already told you, you can’t worm your way out of this one Bracken.”
Y/N turned, swiping her arm across her vanity, a collection of glass jars and pots tumbling from the surface and crashing to the floor, “No!” she screamed, “I won’t! You can’t make me!”
The noise from the hall silenced, and both Y/N and Davos smiled. It was working.
“Oh,” he laughed darkly, walking her closer to the door, both of them taking turns at shoving the furniture to fake the struggle, “I most definitely can–”
“My father–”
“Fuck your father” he sneered, reaching up and helping her mess up her hair further than the slight bedhead she still had, and stretching out the neck of her pale nightgown. He then grabbed her robe, throwing it haphazardly over one of her shoulders, “He can’t help you now, the Blackwoods are taking our revenge. The Brackens will finally fall once and for all.” and with that he swung open the door, tightening his grip on her wrists to drag her through the door frame.
“What’s this?” Y/N laughed, overexaggerating her breathing to further fake the strain of the struggle as she faced the four men outside her door, “Is Willem Blackwood's little nephew so incompetent they needed to send four men just to make sure he could get the job done?” she snarked, trying to pull herself out of Davos’ grip.
He growled, spinning her around and yanking her back against his chest, caging the girl in with his arms tight around her waist and arms. “What do you want?” he spoke, ignoring Y/N and looking directly at the men.
“We were coming to get her,” One spoke up, gesturing at the girl with his sword, “but it seems we missed all the fun.”
“Nah,” another added, stepping forward gleefully and running a hand over Y/N’s hair, “he just caught her, we can still get a turn later boys.” he smirked cruelly, dirty fingers dropping down to caress her soft skin.
Y/N shifted at the Blackwood soldier's words, glancing up and seeing the expressions of sick joy on the other’s faces at his statement.
So this is why Davos had broken into her room. She could hear the sounds of what could be happening to her from the maids down the stairs, but no, Davos had reached her first.
She moved slightly, subtly pushing more of her weight against his chest, seeking comfort in the small gestures, that he wouldn’t let that happen to her. He gripped her tighter when she did, to both assure her she would always be safe with him, and to keep him from relieving the men before them of their heads.
“It’s just a shame young Davos beat us,” the youngest of them, a man looking to be in his late thirties, whined, “I had plans of all the ways I wanted to take her and ruin her for the first time. See her scream as I–”
“No.” Davos grit out, cutting the man off swiftly, clenching his jaw harshly between his words and a glare that could cut through iron shifting among the four men “None of that will be happening. She is mine. She is my prize for tonight.”
“No!” he yelled, sneering at the men, “I am the nephew of Lord Blackwood, you will not disobey me and my claim. I fought and won her. I claimed her. She is mine. My prisoner and I am not keen on sharing.”
Y/n did her best to keep up the act. To keep the look of fear and anger on her face and struggle to get out of his grip. But something about those words and his tone of voice made her melt inside. She knew they weren’t all true, she wasn't a prisoner, but something about the way he proclaimed her as his made her think it wasn’t far from his true feelings.
“I will be the one taking her back to Raventree. Go find something else. You will not be laying a single finger on her, am I clear?” The four men begrudgingly nodded their heads, walking back down the hall with wounded egos.
Davos “dragged” Y/n all the way through Stone Hedge and back out the main door. He found an abandoned horse not far from the gate and quickly helped her up on the saddle.
“You’re really taking me to Raventree?” Y/n whispered as he too, hauled himself on the horse, settling behind her. His arms wrapped around her to grasp the reins.
“Well I kinda have to” he responded playfully, words hushed into her ear, his breaths tickling her skin, “Wouldn’t make much sense for me to take a prisoner and release her that quickly now would it?”
“So that’s all I am to you huh?” she hummed as they made their way through the trees, the cold night air pebbling her skin through the sheer nightwear, “just a prisoner?”
He leaned down, kissing her shoulder, “Nah, you're much more than that.”
“You sure?”
Davos bit at her ear, watching with a smirk as she shivered, one she’d surely claim was from the cold, “I’m Positive.”
They reveled in the moment of relief and playful joy that encompassed them on the journey back. They both knew it wouldn’t be before long when the reality of the situation would set in. The fear would return to her bones and he would need to fully explain in detail what was going on. They would need to come up with a plan on how to move forward.
But for now, it was just the two of them riding through their forest on horseback.
Davos swore he would be there for her when it came time for her to shatter. When she would feel safe enough to cry for the fate of her people who couldn’t be saved as she had once they found their way to his chambers for the night, and however many after Y/N Bracken was to be a “prisoner” at Raventree.
He swore that when she broke into millions of tiny pieces, he would be there with hands ready to bleed as he held her tight and helped put all the shards back together in the intricate puzzle that was her soul.
He would always be there for her. He would always protect her.
He swore it upon the old gods and the new.
#davos blackwood x reader#davos blackwood x bracken!reader#hotd x reader#hotd fanfic#hotd x y/n#davos blackwood x you#davos blackwood x y/n#hotd x you#benjicot blackwood x reader
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Okay so I read your entire fic in three days and I LOVE IT!? ITS SO GOOD!?! I am supposed to be studying for finals and instead have spent 72 hours definitely not doing that. I originally got into your fic because I saw your drawings from different scenes and OH MY GOD THEYRE AMAZING. The way you draw Seb makes me want to bang my head on the table (in the best way ever)…that boy does things to me. The whole thing is just uGHHH chefs kiss amazing work love it love you amazing
LMAOO but fr as a procrastinator and horrible student myself, im pleased with this theme of interfering with ppls schoolwork/thesis/whatever else to read my fic...im dragging yall down with me...just stop using your brain and enjoy sexy seb aha😜 (ILY TOO GOOD LUCK ON UR FINALS)
@jstfndmthngs omg thank you for such a long and in depth ask i hope u dont mind i just screenshotted it and cut it into 2 BAHAHA but THANK YOUU im glad youre enjoying it so far!! 🥹💖AND YESSS BAHAHA IVE ALSO BRAINWASHED YOU TO SEE SEB AND CLORA WHEN YOU SEE A BLONDE + BROWN HAIR COUPLE mission accomplished😈😈 and I LOVE THAT YOU DAYDREAM ABOUT SEB AND CLORA TOO!!! people thinking about your fic/art when theyre not actively reading it is the highest honour fr...😭🙏 AND BAHAHA I REMEMBER THAT COMMENT THREAD ABOUT LEANDER AND HIS LITTLE GARDEN PATCH LMAO and him and seb competing as neighbors/dads over who has the better yard...LMAO im putting in my oneshot that leander lives close by, i might try and find a way to allude to that if i can LMAOO speaking of IM GLAD YOURE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE ONESHOT 💖💖 ive been working on the outline every day the past few days and its 24k words AND THATS JUST THE OUTLINE😭😭LIKE DAWG i was planning on this oneshot to just be short and sweet BAHAHA but i forgot im fluent in yappanese...then i just kept thinking of cute pregnancy moments i wanted to add so it spiralled....BUT ANYWAY I HOPE I CAN FINISH IT SOON!!🙏 also im so impressed you only read 1 chap of my fic a day BAHAHA i admire the self restraint bc i could never...but i feel you with wanting to make things last. LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU CATCH UP!!🥳AND TY AGAIN!!💖💖
omg anon this is diabolical...at first i was imagining it as seb being the one caught in the time loop and going crazy, but i actually think its better if its clora... because the idea of seb watching her slowly spiral into semi-insanity while knowing its bc of some weird time shenanigans and he doesnt know how to help would also make SEB go crazy BAHAHAH. i dont think ill ever write this but i just wanted to tell u i love this idea LOL
aw TYYYYY!!! i’m honoured u think so omg😭���💖 you sent this a while ago (before all of the recent family posting ive been doing) BAHAHA so i hope youre enjoying the kid content bc u manifested it girl🥰 and trust me i aint doing work for the fandom, the fandom is doing work for ME!!! by continuing to humour my brainrotted ass😔🙏
"they're my legal parents now" followed by "so anyway can you draw them going down on each other" LMFAOOOOO💀💀💀thank you i love you anon. and i HAVE been wanting to draw this for a while so YES!! i just cant guarantee when...but the day SHALL come rest assured🫡😇
#ask#goddammit as i was answering this ask i just remembered a scene i wanted to add to my oneshot that i forgot to include in the outline#GOD!! THAT MEANTS ITS GONNA BE EVEN LONGER THAN 24K WORDS!!! HELP!!! NO MORE!!! NO GOD PELASE NO#i rly should have expected that a oneshot all about seb being excited to get clora pregnant and then being overprotective would ramble on#ive been googling so much stuff about pregnancy and side effects and what happens during which trimesters#i really dont want my search history to think im pregnant LMFAO
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hello. I am INSANE over this chapter I literally SCREAMED. I SCREAMED WHEN THIS CAME OUT. also the long ass ask I was writing somehow got deleted so I have to rewrite it haha I love my life.
branzy's messy family is so important to me idk why. Like wdym he literally got exorcized. branzys aunt. how I love you,,, (this also gives sm information to me atleast about his past. like yes his aunt was a criminal but branzy was interested in it. he wanted to learn how to find loopholes in the law and he does it almost daily now. this also makes me think branzy knows sm obscure laws like "oh yeah no thats legal only if u have two broken bones")
LET THEM USE BRANZY AS BAIT PLEEEEASSSEEEEE. it's such a good idea and I've had it in my mind since chp 11. let him have his enrichment (crimes). I want them to use as bait I want branzy to talk circles make leo minute parrot distrust eachother make them have doubt in eachother which leads to them messing up and eventually their demise. I also want branzy to get injured during this "conflict" weather tgat be a scratch or him being kidnapped, something to show that yes, while it did work it also had it's consequences smth rek and clown have been so worried about
ALSO ALSO I would actually die happily if rek encourages branzy to talk around them, reks known branzy for DECADES he knows about branzys crimes,his past, the fact that his mind breaks down in confined spaces and that branzy can be trusted in this scenario. like yes he would probably go "I trust that you can do this since you've done it before but if this goes wrong I will kms & then clown. please be careful"
clown getting a bigger look into branzys mind.. jjshsjsj
the whole : "it's what you want from me. you want me to be perfect and polished" + "branzy you're shaking." + "can we call rek?" FUCKKKKK MY HEART. that entire sequence just. Wow
clown drugging him?? But the "rek can't know. he'd make a thing out of it. It doesn't need to be a thing" WHAT. THE FUCK???? call back to chapter 12 or 13 when rek said smth like "you'll turn to substance abuse before the week is over" ... I AM DEAD. IN MY COFFIN
the immediate relief that branzy feels like. What goes through ur head man☹️.
overall sorry for the long ass comment.. I have so much more I wanna yap about but it'll be too long (in chp 12 when branzy says smth like "[...] or take on a fake idenity--it's worked well before--" + "yes branzy I remember" WHAT WAS THAT.) this chp makes me weak and I love it waiting for the next one like a dog waiting for it's owner
me when my business partner(? WHO I STILL HAVENT KISSED YET OR MADE ANY FORM OF EMOTIONAL COMMUNICATION WITH BCZ IM TOO EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED FOR IT) tells me about his family and insults my family crepe recipe so I drug him. yes in that order. again sorry the long ask😭😭
LOOK i am BEGGING you guys to write asks or comments on google keept or sticky notes or literally anything that isn't a website that can just up and delete it!!!!😭😭 this is the THIRD time a reader has lost a comment and its horrible😭😭
anyway cough cough. branzy's messy family is a result of me thinking "ok so why is he like this" and im wanting to write a document that just. really breaks down his character. but yeah i like giving the characters backstories because !! that's who they are
yeahaaaaaaaaa so i think clown kinda steering branzy away from seeking reks support is maybe the most foul thing to me. hurts my soul because branzy is already horrible at seeking support arhghghghghg not okay. theyll figure this shit out anyway [pretend that there's a whole paragraph here that got beeped for spoiler reasons hehe but one part of your wishes for future chapters is spot on :P]
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First off I need to just mention that your Uknighted dream art is top tier elite and i am in love. Like you have no idea.
Okay, now thats said, do you have any soft ot3 headcanons/scenes that you can imagine happening but can’t figure out how to write etc etc.? 💕
God is all of them an option bc the answer is all of them
I SWEAR I. HAVE SO MANY IDEAS AND THOUGHTS TAKING UP SPACE IN MY BRAIN (Both for ukd and for the entire family tbh) that i just CANNOT bring myself to draw or write or anything. If i had the time to be able to draw everything that popped in my head it would be OVER for yall i stg. And then theres my in progress fic i have up right now which i last updated in like (checks notes) January but i swear i’ve been THINKING about updating it again and that counts right
- Ummm. this is just something i find very funny but i absolutely love the idea that before they “Formally” announce their relationship, the public have just been spreading rumors left and right about the princess’s “affair”. cass and rapunzel somehow NEVER notice this but for a while it seems like eugene cant go ANYWHERE without someone either awkwardly being like “Soooo how are things going with the princess ^_^;;;” or just straight up asking “Hey is your wife cheating on you?” with no hesitation.
and eugene, being the attention whore he is obviously just Went with it and was like “Well yeah duh. Who do you think set them up”
before long literally EVERYONE has heard about it. rapunzel’s fucking Parents have heard about it. people in other KINGDOMS have heard about it. Meanwhile eugene’s having the time of his Life. He’s got disguises just to go in and listen in on the servants’ gossip. at this point he’s just started Making shit up and every day he’s spreading a proposition thats somehow even more absurd than the last. Most of them don’t even make sense. Like “Oh yeah no the reason rapunzel and cass are always sneaking off together isn’t because they’re having a steamy love affair it’s actually because they’ve been making blood sacrifices to the underworld to make sure zhan tiri never returns. Just girl things yk?”
“No see you’ve got it all wrong thats not cassandra at all. That’s shorty. He and rapunzel are having a book club together. It’s not going very well because shorty keeps eating all the books.” Or his personal favorite, “Wait you thought RAPUNZEL was the one having the affair?” gets them EVERY TIME.
Cass and rapunzel finally declare things officially only for everyone to become even MORE confused and they finally realize eugenes been fueling the fire for the past 3 months and he had just Assumed they were already aware of it
eugene: ….Wait you guys didnt know about that?
raps: i
raps: NO????
eugene: um. Oops
- this is kind of random but i PROMISE its going somewhere bear with me. In my head eugene is NOT the captain of the guard because a character becoming a cop is literally a fate worse than death. instead i like to imagine he does some kind of social work and is also an author…Eugene has a rlly strong connection to literature and is a great storyteller, hes got a flair for the dramatic and a strong imagination and seeing how much the flynn rider books meant to him in his childhood, i think he’d absolutely want to create something like that for other people 🥹
Anyways one of my favorite ideas w them is a modern au where rapunzel and eugene are both starving artists who are making a webcomic together…Eugene is still trying to publish his first novel and is writing for the comic in the meantime. theyre aspiring towards turning it into a graphic novel. Cass is literally just forcing everyone around her to read it. You’ve already read it? Read it again /J. She’s their number one hypeman but she’s trying to act sooo chill about it to keep up her Cool stone cold butch aesthetic. She’s like going to cons with them and hands out business cards and helps sell merch and she has a side account on twitter where she gets into heated arguments with anyone who hateposts about it.
Bonus points: it’s a fantasy comic about a lost princess, her knight girlfriend and her rogue boyfriend and is loosely a reference to the events of the canon show
- OH OH something that DEFINITELY fits this category has to be the girls taking eugene to the lagoon for the first time…….I think cass and rapunzel still spend a lot of dates there just the two of them, and no matter what it is very much Their Spot ™, but after things become official it just. Doesn’t really feel right to keep it exclusively between them anymore. i have a LOTTTT of thoughts on this…..rapunzel bouncing around and showing everything to him and cass just being dragged along for the ride…picnics together by the water while cass and raps are eagerly telling him all the stories of what he missed out on. it’s their quiet place i think they escape to whenever they don’t want to be bothered at the castle LOL. eugene officiates the cassunzel wedding there….. not to mention if/when they have kids 🥹 Augh. They make sooo many memories there i think🫶🫶🫶
- Not a specific scene so much as just a silly hc but rapunzel LOVES it when they “fight” over her. Usually it’s just a playful thing and rapunzel finds it so cute and endearing. They have the exact same banter every time and the same fake “duel” for her hand and raps will NEVER get tired of it
- oh and SPA DAYS. God cassandra’s self care routines by herself have always been SHIT. I love that girl but i think she absolutely reeks. Her hair looks like something died in it and whenever it gets too long she just grabs the nearest sharp object and cuts it off in one swoop. Eugene and rapunzel are UTTERLY horrified by this and they do not let that shit fly as soon as she’s living with them. They have little self care nights at least once a week, sometimes just with the three of them and sometimes the rest of the family gets into it too, it depends on the day. eugene helps do her hair for her and they pick out all sorts of fancy products for her skin and her curls and just absolutely SPOIL her. at first shes kinda whiny about it but once she realizes how much better she feels on a day to day basis she reluctantly apologizes for ever doubting them
#God sorry it takes me so long to answer these asks i need like to set aside at least 3 hours just to gather my thoughts#And then they just sit in my drafts and i progressively add onto them over a period of like 2 months#tts headcanons#tangled cassandra#uknighted dream#new dream#cassunzel#princess rapunzel#eugene fitzherbert#ask#tangled asks#pansy rambling again#tangled the series#rapunzels tangled adventure#tangled
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Ok so first off I'm just going to say that i know next to nothing about the fancasted Slytherin boys but i have been unable to get Mattheo Riddle out of my head for the last few day so here we are now
Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!reader Warnings: Use of Y/n, cussing, possible bad writing.( lmk if there's any others i should add)
The summer before your sixth year at Hogwarts was spent bettering yourself in all the ways you thought were flawed. You were tired of being the odd one out in your circle of friends. You wanted the love that they had. None of them understood when you told them you wanted the fights they got into, they'd tell you you're romanticizing it too much and that it wasnt all love and roses, but you understood that, you wanted the dark parts as well as the light parts - you wanted to learn how to fix a fight. You wanted everything, but no one else seemed to want it - actually, thats not true they wanted stuff like that just not with you. With you they wanted to use your body then get rid of you by morning. You didnt like it it but you'd decided long ago that maybe its all you deserve, all you'll ever receive from anyone. Until HE was partnered with you on a project in potions class. All was well in your little fake world until HE started flirting with you anytime you'd work on the project together.
Everything was fine until one day he got a dare from Draco. "hey mate, noticed you've been hanging around with that one hufflepuff" Draco smirks at his friend whilst sitting down at a table the others had set up for studying in the library. "care to tell rest of the class if she's really as good as everyone makes her sound?" As Draco spoke Mattheo could feel his jaw tense. "And what the hell are you on about now Malfoy?" "Oh you know just the fact that your crushing on a whore." Draco leans back folding his arms across his chest before Mattheo kicks the chair out from underneath him. "And how many girls have you used for the same thing Draco? You have no right to speak about someone when your the exact same." Mattheo raised his voice looking down his nose at the blond boy. "Oh don't believe me? Give her a month, hell she'll probably be trying to jump you after a week of being just plain nice." Draco moves to his feet while speaking. Mattheo continuing to look down upon Draco says a quiet and simple "fine." before pushing the bleach blond twat back to his seat and reclaiming his to go back to studying.
Over the week following that night Mattheo let his affections pour down on you, he'd gotten to know you and he let you see parts of his soul that no one else had been able to. After the month was up and you hadnt done anything about your feelings for him and Draco realized he was wrong he started spreading the knowledge of the dare to anyone he spoke to. Gossip wasn't much of a big thing at Hogwarts so when there was big news it tended to spread like wildfire, but often got skewed along grapevine.
You had been sitting in the library with Hermione studying for a test when you'd noticed she looked as if she'd had something she'd wanted to say. So when finally you'd grown restless of her bouncing knee you ask her the question you've been dying to know the answer too. "Merlins beard, Hermione what is it." She looked up at you with a look on her face as if she had no idea what you were talking about. "Hermione?" You said her name in a questioning tone and she looked as if she caved within her mind. "Well, Draco's been talking, about the many people you've been with - and i am in NO way shaming you for anything - but he's been saying that there was a bet, with Mattheo that involved you, and supposedly he bet Mattheo that you'd go along with anything if he had y'know with you, and that that's why you've been hanging around him so much." The red haired girl spoke cautiously as if expecting you to break down right in front of her. You opened your mouth to say something, the one person you didnt want to see walked in. You had completely forgotten about agreeing to tutor him. You looked at him, no longer with a look of happiness approaching your face but instead a look of animosity grew and without a word you stood and collected your books walking past Hermoine and Mattheo going to your dorm room to collect your thoughts.
Mattheo gave the Granger girl and questioning and concerned look to which she responded with a pointed one and told him to go find Draco before turning back to her studies. So he did, he went to the grand hall to see if he was eating lunch, he went to the quidditch field to see if the blond was gallivanting on his broom. And lastly - which honestly it should have been first - he checks the Slytherin common room and it's inevitably where he finds the blond lounging on a sofa. Mattheo bounds toward Malfoy and picks him up by the lapels of his uniform jacket and shoves him to the nearest wall. Matttheo on his search for Draco had heard the rumours that were going around and each one making him angrier and angrier. He wants to yell at the boy against the wall but he doesnt want prying ears hearing. "What have you done Malfoy?" His words dripping with acidity and the blonds name punctuated with a rough shove against the wall. "I know nothing of what you mean Riddle." Another rough shove to the wall and Mattheo asks the question again. "What. Have you. Done. Malfoy."
"Nothing, I was merely speaking with Nott in a not so private corridor about that bet we had. It is not my fault that people overheard." That sentence earned him another shove. "You'll take it back." Mattheo was trying desperately to know some sense into the otherwise senseless boy of what he'd just done without saying it outright but never the less Draco still figured it out. "You aren't in love with her are you Riddle?" Draco spoke seemingly disgusted at the fact. "You. Take. It. Back." Becoming more and more in pain, and the look on Mattheos face reminding him of a certain someone who can't be named, Draco finally surrendered, agreeing to take back what he'd said. Mattheo let go but kneeing him in the stomach before he left to make his point known. He then made his way to the Hufflepuff dorms to find you, and explain himself, and maybe grovel/beg for forgiveness.
When he gets to the to for the dorms he knocks, he has a friend in Hufflepuff that has been waiting for him. They let him in and tell him discreetly where your dorm is. He makes his way through the halls and up the stairs until he's standing in front of your door. Before he knocks he's wracking his brain trying to figure out what to say but all thoughts he had went running away when he heard your soft sobs through the door. No doubt because of him.
Instead of knocking he opens the door quietly (thank goodness it wasn't locked) and made his way inside, he closed the door behind. You looked up at the noise of the door closing and made brief eye contact with Mattheo before looking away again. "why are you here? I know about your bet so you can just forget about everything." Your words bitter as you snapped at him. "Love… there was no bet of the type that you have undoubtedly heard. Draco - called you something i don't intend on repeating to you, and I want- no- needed to prove him wrong. i am so desperately sorry for any pain he i have made you." Mattheo walks up your now standing form and kneels in front of you resting his hands on your hips. "I- I can't do this, I let you in. I- I broke MY rules for you - FOR you. Because I- I loved you." He shoots up to his feet and rests his palms on your cheeks. "Don't- don't use past tenses we can still have this, we can still do this it doesn't have to end just because of some pitiful joke i made in a fit of rage. Please, one more chance and if i fail you again i leave you alone forever, I- I promise." the look in his eyes told you he was sincere yet you still doubted it. The one person you'd let fully inside to see the darkest parts hurt you, but it was something small, and Draco has that effect on everybody. You pull his face to yours connecting your lips together, his hands move from your cheeks to the small of your back to pull you closer. When you pull away breathing uneven. "Is that a 'we can be together' type of kiss." He smiled wide when he finishes speaking. "oh shut up." You pull him in for another kiss.
#mattheo riddle#mattheoxreader#mattheo x you#mattheo x y/n#slytherin boys#mattheo riddle x reader#mattheo riddle x you#mattheo riddle imagine#mattheo riddle fluff
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Hi! Could I request a Yelena x reader? Nothing specific, I just like seeing stuff for her.
General Yelena headcanons
GN reader
-Despite her looks shes actually just a softy. Many people would think otherwise but seriously show this woman some love shed do anything for you.
-Cold ass feet. Youre just trying to sleep but you get assaulted by her freezing toes. They literally feel like ice cubes against your legs.
-Really resilient against the cold. Its her Russian roots I swear. Wait, yeah thats an hc too,
-Shes russian. Speaks to you in it sometimes, maybe just the pet name here and there. Makes you melt each and every time.
-If she was a dog she'd be a borzoi. You know those long and lanky ass dogs that were being memed in tiktok for a while? Yeah, those guys.
-On the topic of pets, i already posted something about this before but i totally see her having a rat with an unsettlingly human name like gertrude or something.
-The things I would sacrifice to hear this woman's morning voice LORDD. Like shes just so groggy and disoriented but she gives you a soft smile and talks to you in that deep raspy voice… my knees are buckling.
-She doesnt like talking a lot in the mornings, sadly. She needs a few minutes to feel ready to talk, but dont worry, youll still hear the morning voice, just gotta wait a while for it. It's fully worth it, promise.
-Okay but you gotta be ready if you want to hear it because this woman wakes up at the asscrack of dawn.
-Huge morning person, makes her feel productive. She sleeps at like 9 pm and is grumpy if you make her stay awake for much longer.
-Shes a loner. This woman is such a loser.
-Okay no she has that charisma and knows how to get what she wants but she doesnt have a lot of actual friends, she thinks of most people as good acquaintances at best.
-Definitely uses you as an armrest when youre standing. Its the rules.
-Huge fucking romantic but is SO awkward abt it its so cute.
-Brings you flowers and shes so flushed when she gives them.
-”Uh, here you go-” She hands you the flowers and gazes at you with so much affection and at your happy expression. It actually hurts how much she loves you.
-Not a huge fan of pda, but will indulge you if you feel especially touchy.
-That being said, loves randomly holding you in her arms when you two are just standing there. Like, waiting in a line or something? Her head is resting atop yours and her arms are around you.
-Okay so I kinda imagine her to be similar to ice bear from we bear bears they just have similar vibes
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting this, finally gave me motivation to write. Ive been wanting to write for her more but have had no ideas so I hope something like this is okay. Really tired of ppl just portraying her as a hot manipulative mommy like pls shes allowed to have a personality
#yelena x reader aot#yelena x reader#yelena#yelena x you aot#yelena x y/n#yelena x y/n aot#yelena aot
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How do you draw so freely? Its beautiful
Thank you very much!!
Assuming you're referring to how loose my sketches are, I think it boils down to mileage. Alongside the classic recommendation of reference + study, usually when I get really into a piece of media I'll draw characters I like a whole lot and it builds muscle memory, and the ones that end up in my posts usually have already been through that process to some extent.
Studying references + going through a couple dozens rounds of extra wonky proportions and nonsensical physics (definitely visible on my own posts lmao) will help with both your brain and muscle and once you've stacked up enough of that it'll become easier to intuit certain things and keep stuff looser.
(hey this got really long, so just scroll to the bottom to see my current sketch process if you'd prefer that)
In my personal experience as a hobbyist, I spent roughly 3 years butchering the loomis method until things looked even remotely to my liking. And by that I mean "layering bullshit guidelines so thick and heavy that by the time I'm done lightening it via eraser there was barely any paper left." Drawing has been and still is really frustrating sometimes but for most of it I have a lot of fun and honestly as long as you have that it doesn't really matter whatever else (again, hobbyist here. my stakes are low). Switching up medium every once in a while if you can helps keep things interesting, and drawing with a pen is good for building both line confidence and tolerance for your own mistakes.
Honestly for all of that this stuff is still RNG to me lol. Every once in a while things just Will Not Work Out, but the rates definitely gets better the more experience you have. I only post about, say, 20% of what I draw probably. The rest includes but is not limited to practice sketches, personal art, stuff too nonsensical for even tumblr, or sketches I just plain don't like.
Uhhhhh now for what you actually asked. I've grown really lax, if not a little lazy, regarding guidelines (when you've drawn a specific thing often enough it just kinda gets tedious) so now i just do these very thin and light lines vaguely hinting at a character's pose and position. The only thing I consistently do is probably the little circle to indicate the head. For more heavily stylised proportions I'll go into more details at the outline stage, mostly aiming for the feeling of it (usually how goofy it looks since thats what I use them for). For more complex poses/ones I'm not familiar with I'll do multiple iterations.
Unearthed some stuff that I probably wouldn't post otherwise (the proportions are a bit off from what i'd prefer and the lineart isn't that confident). Here i am redrawing this for demonstration purposes

gonna go in order of the photos. everything shown was done with a 0.5 mechanical pencil.
usually i start with these very thin, light lines, just getting a very rough ideas of where everything is - head, torso, pose (spine, arms, legs). i sketch largely with approximations and landmarks, keeping in mind some bullet points for the relative distance among certain body parts (e.g. make sure the elbow is always a little past the rib cage. i'll write more out at the end) rather than any precise guidelines. i often don't even clean these up - at the end the main lineart is harsh enough that they override these, and though they're visible they do not interfere with the image as a whole. you can look at any of my sketches prior to this and find them.
then i go in with hard, dark lines, once again noting the respective distance among facial features (i'm using the loomis proportions, thinking about the face in thirds)
this is so unhelpful when i just say it, but genuinely at this stage i rely on muscle memory and mileage. if you've drawn the same anime girl for a bajillion times you can probably intuit the proportions. remember that 3d things have volume and interact. ("yes, see, her bangs and eyes round out like this, two locks of hair (they're thick and well kept, so they should have a solid cylinder shape...) against the side plane of her face - split that plane of the skull in half, and the ear should be somewhere around there...")
ok for the parts where a lot of things happen (clothes, tie, the pose interfering with them etc) i just go ham. make a mess! draw everything out even if they overlap each other. so you can keep track of them. here i also bring in some light shading to make out the form of her torso.
i lighten the whole thing with eraser, but the previous lines are harsh enough that the residue can act as a new base of sorts. i think this is comparable to having a sketch layer with lowered opacity in a digital piece
i go over the whole thing again now that i've got a better idea of the form
rinse and repeat. go all in, adjust, blow the whole thing up if it looks off and then build on the remains
for the last photo, you can see that I've adjusted the right leg, since now im taking into account perspective. I uhhhhh still am not particularly confident in drawing her shoes (or any other shoes for that matter) in 3d space so once again I'm bullshitting the form with trying to wrap around its shape and to visualize the shadows. usually for these I pull up references and pray
a side note for the hands: against an earlier ask, I've mostly switched to using silhouettes and then sectioning the fingers after. here the slight shading approach also help in blocking out and making them readable without you having to stress over the minutiae of what joint should bend where.
...I've hit the upload limit for photos, so I'll reblog with additions, but in essence:
• very thin lines to map out the pose and mark where certain body parts may go
• i draw everything in approximation, keeping a few bullet points in mind and adjust as i go (which does keep the sketches loose and make it easier to vary proportions for different characters, but also make floating features more likely (evident in some of my more recent posts as well):
loomis for the head and neck
rib cage (+collarbone), then elbow slightly below it
pelvis, crotch halfway point of the whole body
legs, knees their halfway point
feet are about as long as the forearm usually
(Disclaimer: i must stress again that I'm not a professional, and cannot guarantee that these bullet points are entirely correct. This is just how i draw at the time of writing - stylized with little regard for the intricacies of human anatomy)
• with the exception of the first stage, my lines are dark enough that the mistakes get reused as base for correction after they've been lightened with eraser a little bit.
• I also bring in some shading while doing lineart to make sense of form if I'm having trouble. I use this most often for noses, hands, legs, and breasts.
• if you encounter a sketch that Refuses To Work Out, leave it. No, listen to me, Leave It. Revisit it sometimes later, if you want (for mine they range from a week to 5 months, but my sketchbooks disorganization is another matter entirely). just leave it for a bit.
• do a bunch of pen sketches if you wanna get comfortable with mistakes/build muscle memory
• once more, all-time classic: reference the hell out of anything you don't know. 100000 google images. look up a human anatomy 3d model to see what muscles attach to which bone. practice copying 1:1 things that look good to you (practice!! don't post/claim anything as your own if it isn't - this applies to my own stuff btw, feel free to trace for practice at your own risk). note again that the only reason i can only bullshit my way out of these is because i've drawn them dozens of times - the moment you throw me more complex perspectives i'll need to start the learning process all over again
#anon ask#asks#hey sorry this got So long. if u dont wanna send me asks again i understand#remember when i said my last ask was long... haha... good times...#this thing has been in my drafts for what... a year now? sorry. i'm just not sure how to articulate all this#DoNT make bets on how long until im done writing the reblog also...#junko enoshima#danganronpa#sketch#traditional stuff
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Are request still open? Can I have Reader x Caine Jax Ragatha and Kinger with a Reader thats a Centipede? Like Upper body is humanoid but Lower body is Bug?
Caine, Jax, Ragatha, and Kinger x centipede!reader !
requests are still open! theyve just been slow and the ones that have been sent in i had to delete due to them blatantly(?) rules ive repeated loads of time (mostly NSFW) </3 hope you like this anon! couldnt think of many romantic ideas for ragatha unfortunately </3
he thinks you look cool! probably tries to count how many legs you have to see if youre truly a centipede, more so does this for display rather than actual curiosity though... i think if you have any cool colors or patterns on your bug bits he might change his suit to match with you! probably makes you climb along walls in order to come get him... in fact i can easily see him making IHAs that utilize your climbing ability! legitmately gets mesmerized when he watches you walk because of all your legs just. smoothly... moving. yeah moving! if you have antennae i think he would lightly inquire about them and if they actually function... probably gives you bug based nicknames !
writing ragathas piece first but i think it should be obvious that in the beginning she would be a little put off by you for... reasons.. dont get me wrong i think she would feel bad for avoiding you... i mean shes still kind and polite to you when you guys do interact. i think overtime she either gets used to you or you bluntly ask her if she doesnt like you.. which may or may not make her feel even more guilty for her avoidance...
as for actual relationship stuff? simply because of ragathas fear of centipedes it would take her a while to warm up to you, and even longer for a relationship to blossom. usually for characters with long bodies, id propose cuddles where they wrap themselves around their partner... but i think that would genuinely make ragatha panic.. not many ideas here for romance since your form is a constant reminder of her phobia; even if its not your fault
another one that give you bug based nicknames but the way in which he says them has a mix of... mischief...? teasing...? something like that, whereas with caine he mostly says it with full adoration. jax... isnt much of a lovey dovey person.. probably messes with your antennae by poking them... kind of smirks if they involuntarily move away from his hand/finger. sits and does that for as long as you two are sitting next to one another; pulls the "im not touching you" thing if you (light heartedly) ask him to stop. imagine you were already in the circus when the pilot occurs and when jax brings up the centipedes he was referring to you... implies youre locked in ragathas room during the pilot oblivious to everything going on/j idk this was funnier in my head.. probably uses you as a running gag for that with ragathas whole... centipede thing
also counts your legs but actually does it for curiosity probably really impressed if you actually have the appropriate number of legs for a centipede! probably tries to figure out what kind you are if you mirror a real world species! ...would it be weird to ask you to go look for bugs with him..? probably awkwardly pets/rubs the top of your head between your antennae, probably lets out an airy chuckle if they flick from his action.. oh please please wrap your body around him when you guys cuddle...! it makes him feel so secure when you do that, plus the added weight around/on him helps him wind down after a chaotic day in the circus! weighted blanket but its your partner, how sweet
#tadc x reader#the amazing digital circus x reader#digital circus x reader#caine x reader#caine x you#caine imagine#ragatha x you#ragatha x reader#ragatha imagine#jax x reader#jax x you#jax imagine#kinger x you#kinger x reader#kinger imagine
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Frowning friends head canons NOW POOKIE 👿👹👺
i love you pookie. /p
you have no idea how long i've been waiting for someone to ask me this question
so i realized i've never actually written them all down and have just kinda been thinking about them in my head, so i'll put down the ones that have been floating around + add on if i come up with new ones
tw for mentions of smoking weed (its only once but still)
starting with them both:
they've known each other for a very long time, but got seperated a lot due to unstable housing. they reunited and have spent the most time together as adults (+ they live together)
100% make fun of and talk shit about other couples they see out and about
they are in love. they kiss and smooch and cuddle. physical affection is definitely their language. but only at home cause out there they gotta look menacing. they are happy with each other :3 (everyone else can fuck off though)
in a universe where they survived istg they have like almost a cartoonish rivalry with the smiling friends. imagine that "nice onezie does it come in men's" audio. that's them
stole their main outfits from some high schoolers but the rest they either shoplift or dig through the dumpsters for
halloween is the best only because they make stupid bets and competitions about scaring the trick or treaters only to have nobody come near their building (pim may or may not buy the big candy bars to give out on purpose)
when i'm thinking of a scenario/ship that's not gnargrim, they're in a qpr :3
i really like the idea that they love david bowie
gets frequent bouts of paranoia and generally has a lot of trust issues (especially with therapists)/low self esteem. took a lot of convincing himself that gnarly actually liked him and didn't have any hidden intentions
autistic. every character i like gets hit with the autism beam it just has to happen
gay + demiromantic/sexual
(sorry i can't think of more rn jfhwieifhe)
does his job good, takes it seriously, but off the clock he's probably one of the most unserious critters there is. he's my favorite of the two so i make him a lot like me🐺🌕
stoner :3
autistic. nuff said
his favorite mlp movie is rainbow rocks and his favorite episodes are a canterlot wedding parts 1 and 2 (cause they're MY favorites)
my furry version of him has a bent tail for a reason now and i'm writing something that has to do with it :3 (he also has a lot of scars that i've just been too lazy to draw on him that i'll mention in the thing i'm writing)
uses brainrot terms ironically/to piss people off
(while i do think that the ff and the sf would be enemies in a really funny way, i also like to think about gnarly & charlie being buddies/friendly with each other outside of work. i contradict myself all the time :3)
and thats all the ones i can think of for now. tysm for asking pookie :3
#ask#text#smiling friends#frowning friends#gnargrim#grim x gnarly#grimothy gromble#gnarly skipleg#grim smiling friends#smiling friends gnarly#charlie dompler#pim pimling#headcannons#sigmund silly sessions?!?
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One day I'm going to write a fic about half foots and gender on the premise that chilchuck and his wife actually tried very hard to raise their daughters separate from the worst of half foot gender roles while still falling victim to those gender roles themselves, leading to the eventual collapse of their relationship wherein chilchuck is Emotionally Repressed but also due to being the family breadwinner has a fairly full life, which starts especially conflicting with chilwife once the kids are moved out because her life is now notably emptier and she's not really sure how to fill that space. But instead of directly stating this it ends up being articulated as like... extra fussing and worrying about chilchuck (because gender is a bitch and Proper Womanhood is frankly just a different mode of emotional repression), which he brushes off because like, he's fine? Both in the repressed way but also like. Genuinely he's doing pretty alright.
Which is why she leaves after meeting his coworkers. It's like that last straw of "my husband is out here having a Life and I have what? A house thats empty most of the time?" And from her perspective he's rebuffed her attempts to reach out, and she's played this role of wife and mother for so long now she doesn't actually know how to exist and communicate outside of it so she just... leaves.
Anyways. Sorry this is long I have a lot of thoughts on that gender flipped chilchuck image and the implications it has on gender roles for half foots. And also on the narrative framing of chilchuck admitting he doesn't know Why his wife left, implying that its the truth. And also that meijack is, as far as I have seen, the only female half foot not seen wearing a dress. And how we never see a female half foot in the dungeon.
(God fuck I'm still not done, I've gotta be clear that when I say chilchuck and his wife tried to raise the girls outside gender roles, that's not even in some like... chilchuck feminist moment way. It's in a "I think its narratively tasty if chilchuck and his older brother become the household breadwinners after their dad dies, and for chilchuck to not have thoughts about this until he has three daughters and suddenly he's realizing he doesn't want them to be dependent on their husbands or sons or uncles when he dies" kind of way)
YOU!!!!!!!!! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! this ask...

"[chilchuck's] fine? Both in the repressed way but also like. Genuinely he's doing pretty alright." THISSSSS!!! this is exactly why i've started/scaffolded multiple chilfics, but havent gotten around to actually writing/finishing them; because i think he has so many hangups abt how he's been infantilized and dehumanized and used.... and his wife left him without SAYING ANYTHING and WE KNOW he's torn up as Fuck about it!!!!! there's a very real chance he feels really isolated and lonely, especially because he feels like he can't talk about it, and i dont even think he realizes!
like, i wouldn't be surprised if part of why he hates being 'treated like a kid' is because he doesn't want people 'taking care of him' - maybe because its 'his job' as the 'head of household ('oldest' in the party, in a sense); maybe because his wife used to take care of him and she left him so was it too much? was he too much work? maybe he feels like he doesn't deserve it? i wouldn't be surprised if he drinks not just to loosen up, but because it makes it easier to 'not think about it.'
like i don't think he's 'actually ok' but it's pretty well-concealed under a veneer of competence and stability that i... have no idea how to write that? like, yeah there's the drinking and the pushing people away. but also i think he's the type to drop some shit like 'i don't believe in romance because i'm unlovable' out of nowhere after being provoked/pissed off, and everyone's like '!?!;??!! HUH?!' like it's infiltrated his thinking in ways that he thinks is normal.... he doesn't even realize that his one massive blind spot is himself!
sorry THIS got long 😭 you 🤝 me > forever thinking about how passively important(?) gender is in dungeon meshi.... how, even though its unstated, different cultural expectations and associations w gender and genedered traits affect all of the characters in different ways.... getting a phd in dunmeshi-verse gender studies, brb 🫡
#unrelated to the rest of the post but this is why i hate when people say shit like 'kabru should have been a woman'#like even if you dont see/ignore how he could be written as transmasc... no ♥️#also if you ever drop the fic or want a beta I AM RIGHT HERE 👀👀🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏#gfjgdjhdjd i havent written in months but maybe after my laptop/charger is fixed i will whip smth up....#tysm for sending this btw!!!!!! have a wonderful day/night!!!!!!!!!#L.txt#L.ask#dungeon meshi#chilposting#slavchuck#long post
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please tell me more about your DID fic! don't really read much 1d but i've looked for it in the 5sos fandom ever since luke released his first solo album (idk if yk anything i'm talking about here, anyway) super curious as to what you're writing bc it's so. there's so much potential for good representation and any character inspired by louis tomlinson i feel like I would like
hi! i forgot i even mentioned it on here, i actually have no idea what i said so ill just give a bit of a summary of it. im not in the 5sos fandom, just 1d for me, but i do wanna get into 5sos more.
my louis DID fic isnt posted yet, im still writing an outline because i want to post huge chunks of it at once, if not the whole thing. im working on 2 longfics that are being posted right now, so the plan is to space it out somehow so im not actively posting 3 longfics at once.
the AU is a boarding school for young singers. i got super carried away designing a school, its a 5 year program for ages 13-18, and the fic will mostly take place during louis' 3rd year. he does go home for weekends and holidays though, which is important for plot reasons.
i set the AU up so that i can essentially use the fic to write about my life in various ways. i have, coincidentally, archived vents in my writing app that go back to 5 years old, so im drawing from major events that happened to me in those old vents to create events for louis. im planning to trickle in the PTSD and dissociative symptoms, until it comes to a head and louis gets put in therapy.
(unlike me, louis is getting a good parent and a bad parent, instead of just a bad parent. he gets a happy ending, so the good parent will be the one putting him into therapy)
i have more plans for the plotline after he starts therapy, but thats more of a surprise :3 the fic is also gonna include larry, so theres that, too.
the original inspiration for writing louis specifically is that one clip of him talking about how his own documentary was "mostly a surprise" to him because of his shit memory. i wrote it down a while ago as a little fic idea, but it became a bigger AU idea and now a long outline of the first few chapters.
its also just a really cathardic vent fic, to be honest. i dont write vent fics often, i usually write fluff, but writing the outline so far has given me a chance to look at situations in my past from an outside perspective, which has been really useful.
#ao3#fanfic authors#fanfic writers#louis tomlinson#fanfiction#one direction#harry styles#larry stylinson#did#dissociative identity disorder
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hiii !! recently ran into your blog and i love ur posts sm. i have this silly little thing in my mind i was hoping you could maybe write it?
Spencer (thinking mostly season 2, mostly cuz i love his glasses look) and M!Reader have been dating for a while already, like a few months to a year, and Spencer still gets flustered by him. He still gets all nervous when reader is around him, and when he kisses him. Imagine reader giving Spencer a small kiss on the cheek or smth and he becomes a blushing mess, and reader teases him about it which just causes him to become more flustered over it.
you don't have to write that specifically, just anything with Spencer getting easily flustered by reader would be really cute ^^
Smart cookie
request: yes/no
flustered!spencer reid x Tattooed!male!reader
Description: reader asks for readers help with a new tattoo he wants, and when reader calls Spencer a smart cookie Spencer gets flustered, and reader can't help himself
CW: possible swearing, needles (lemme know if theres anything else)
A/N: thanks for the support love <3 and ofc course ma biche! im actually in love with this idea of like cute little baby spencer being all flustered by reader. i think ill add some of my own stuff bc u did give artistic liberty but i hope you enjoy it!
Y/N L/N and Spencer reid have been dating for 9 months, 2 days, and 3 hours (and counting according to spencer), but he still had a tendency to get adorably flustered when Y/N would flirt with him, and especially if he called him smart cookie. Which y/n didnt quiet understand since he’d been calling his boyfriend smart cookie since practically day one of their relationship. But y/n found it adorably hilarious so it was okay.
one instance of this adorable awkwardness, was the day y/n decided to ask spencer for help with a new tattoo he wanted, something special for the two of them. Spencer had highly advised against it stating
“31% of men and 24% of women regret getting tattoos of someones name. And if even I plan on being with you for long time that may not happen angel.”
“ugh, your too sweet for me darling. But the world doesn’t deserve a hottie like you anyways” y/n replied with a wink as spencer blushed profusely
“and by the way, you cant change my mind on this spencer, im getting that tattoo. And you’ve seen how stubborn i can be, remember The Book Incident? ya thats what i thought” y/n smirked as spencer grimaced remembering the fateful incident earlier that year.
“okay my love, i wont object to you getting the tattoo, but it has to be something good, and i wanna help with it.” spencer finally relented.
this caught y/n of guard, as he had just been planning a heart with with their initials in the center. nothing special, but when y/n told spencer of this plan, he was incredulous.
“do you not know me y/n/n, thats to simple, and not romantic enough! and its something morgan would get.”
after Y/n was done laughing at the morgan comment and had regained his composure they continued their arguing over what the tattoo should be.
“its gonna be on my body!”
“the tattoo is about you and me!”
but after much bickering they came to a consensus that a simple latin phrase would be nice. Simple, yet elegant and romantic. Some for y/n, some for Spencer. now the hard part was deciding which latin phrase from spencers extensive encyclopedia of knowledge in his head.
After much discussion they decided on the phrase “Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur” spencer had translated for y/n when he asked what it meant but he already liked the sound of it without the meaning. But when spencer told him he liked it even more, he stated “we choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving.” And you were in love.
“thats it- thats the one!” y/n exclaimed with excitement. “thanks for the help smart cookie” you added with a smile and a wink. As always spencer flushed bright red when his boyfriend called him the pet name. As y/n studied his boyfriend in his flustered state, he couldnt help but notice how cute he was. His reddened cheeks and small smile as he looked away. Y/n couldnt help but get that enamored feeling of intense love and adoration that often came with staring candidly at his beautiful, beautiful boyfriend. In his thoughtful state he didnt even realize that spencer had noticed the intense gaze of his lover.
“why are you looking at me like that?” spencer questioned with a shy smile.
“cus your just too cute not too! and you deserve it” y/n responded with a sly smile. spencer once again flushed red at the flirtatious comments.
“what? Oh c'mere hot stuff I wanna give ya a kiss" y/n pulled his boyfriend into his lap and put his hands on either side of the man's face. "ugh! Your so cu-" The rest of the man's sentence was cut off by him kissing his boyfriend. Very aggressively Spencer would add, but he was to busy being kissed. Finally y/n let go of his lips and they both sucked in a large breath. But before Spencer could get word out y/n started peppering his face with kisses, using them to punctuate his words
"You. Are. A. Smart. Cookie."
If it was even possible Spencer's ears grew redder. "Thank you, y/n." Spencer responded with a small smile playing at his lips. "of course love" y/n said as he gave a bigger sweeter smile this time before leaning in for a more loving and passionate kiss. And as they kissed all that fun through y/ns mind, was Spencer.
#bau#criminal minds#bau team#spencer reid#Spencer reid x reader#tattooed!reader#Male!reader#Spencer reid x male reader#Spencer Reid x tattooed reader#Request#cute
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Damn for having so much personal advice and opinion to give, and being, yknow, theoretically, *confident dominant types* you all sure are shy and convinced on not letting me know who you are. I guess that's fine but also I'm not posting it and I would never really trust advice via an anon. Sorry. Teehee 🤭
But tbh it really has been my experience that nearly all women are truly submissives. Including self professed "dommes". I think many are submissive women who find the idea of a submissive man being dommed by a woman sexy. Like to watch in porn or imagine.
But they don't actually want to be the woman doing the dominating. Its just a sexy idea. Actually being that role is deeply uncomfortable to them, they dont enjoy it, they arent wired for it, and it isnt their personality. They're submissives who happen to also find submissive men cute. Which is fine, but, is not a domme any more than finding a puppy at the park cute makes you an animal whisperer.
"Uh i wanna domme u but also im turbo nervous and shy and hate leading conversations and dont want to pick what we do in bed and it would be great if you could do all the things a functionally dominant person would do except i call you "good boy" while you do it." Mmmk. Im good thanks. "No but like even though youre like choosing everything and in total superior position by all metrics, the activity is giving me head so that makes it dominating you". Sure.
Having been a daddy dom of convenience for a long time before finally embracing that it just isnt what i enjoy most, i have hard carried sooooo so so so so many conversations over the years with submissive women who I knew wanted to talk with me but were just wholly incapable of even half guiding a conversation. They needed their partner to always being the one picking the topic. I ask a question, she just answers it. I find another topic, she passes back. Which was fine, i was the dominant and when i really was interested in someone I put in the work.
But the amount of *dominant* women I have had contacting me who feel *exactly* the same to talk to is astounding. Im sure youre all great people but i sooooo do not have the energy or drive or desire to simultaneously be in subby space and also the one clearly dominating this conversation and in total control. Thats the opposite of what I want in a domme.
I want to be responsive. Reactionary. The one being led by the dance. Putting effort into my steps, sure 100%, but not choosing their direction. Not dictating the tempo. Not selecting the music. The sensation that the person on the other end *actually halfway knows what they might want* and is going to communicate that without me having to prompt and pry it out of them and being left feeling like I'm clearly the boss. I swear. Im not a brat. Im not trying to be alpha. But somebody has to drive this vehicle or itll explode; and in a complete power vaccuum theres just nothing i can do to stop myself from expanding to fill it its just physics at that point. And im just not really into it rn.
Anyways rant over 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 lalalalalalalaalalalalalala
New writing should be coming soon!!!! Ive just been busy with restarting some classes and another thing so I hope everyone enjoys <3 submissive women always welcome on my acc. Just dont try to domme me. Because i can tell. Immediately.
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i dont have a name for this au beyond "the gang survives au." im really bad with names. sorry
this is mostly gonna be a first draft ramble, specifically about kieran. most of this is subject to change at any time.
second disclaimer: this is also a really self indulgent au haha. im mostly listening to my pussy while writing this whole au. im doing stuff that appeals solely to me. it might not make the most sense to you, but there is an easy explanation for every decision i make, writing wise. just ask and i can explain things!!
hiiii im here to ramble about kierans role in my the gang survives au!! i will explain the premise and also get to rambling below the cut. have fun :)
this post covers only her happier, sweeter ending, as i realized while writing that this alone is so fucking much to read haha. part 2 will be linked here once its out.
tagging my kieran enjoyer army: @verdemoun @bakedcrossaintt (? lmk if thats the right tag) (ask to be tagged!!)
Some of these explainations are simple. Sometimes, it's as simple as making the bullet graze the area rather than pierce. Sometimes, I've been thinking for so long and have still been stuck. Sometimes I just change the way the dynamics work out.
Hiii okay so! Basically, the idea with this AU is that the entire gang does live, but the VDL gang crumbles all the same regardless. Yes. Everyone lives. I have been brainstorming for weeks to try and figure out ways the dead members can still go through the events of canon while living.
This, of course, means the final standoff is a lot more tense, and has a lot more peoples emotions involved, and this also means everyone lives until the events of RDR1!
This is not a good thing.
Many of the gang members find themselves stuck in the cycle of poverty, abuse, and violence still, by 1911. Not everyone is as fortunate as John, Abigail, and Jack Marston, or the Reverend, or Tilly. Not everyone wants the same redemption as John, either.
Due to this, John must hunt down all of his family. All of it. At least, those the law and public recognize as members of the gang.
Perhaps the cracks of the gang being destabilized started when John first left. Perhaps he can also push the gang back together for one last hoorah.
Obviously, Kieran still lets Jack out of her sight, he still gets kidnapped, they still bring him back for his party, and she still gets drunk, and nobody notices her initially wander off. This all remains the same.
As for Kieran herself, and her death, I've actually thrown together a couple ways I'd be happy with her story concluding. Unfortunately, I cannot decide which I like better! So, I decided to pull a Dutch, and make Arthur (the player) be able to decide her fate. As with most things in the game, the choices will give Arthur an honor loss, or boost! They both have the same setup, however.
Where I start changing the story, however, is that people do eventually notice her disappearance. Due to her slowly being welcomed into the gang, and very clearly forming some actual bonds and relationships, people do start to search her out. Bill, Mary-Beth, and Sean all begin to worry about her location some time into the party.
It begins by Bill being shamed or outcast in some way. He goes to bug Kieran about it, though struggles to find her anywhere nearby. He awkwardly shuffles to Mary-Beth, knowing the slight romance thats bloomed between her and Kieran, asking if she's seen the guy around. The concern begins to mount when she says, "I thought he was with you," and her brows begin to worry.
This is where Sean butts in. He's been recovering from a head wound, don't worry about it, so his role during the party has mostly been that of an observing drinker. He points out that he saw Kieran drunkenly wander towards the woods, though she disappeared from his sight behind the manor. "I just figured he went to piss! Honest! He has been gone... a long time, though."
By this point, Bill has had enough. He marches up to Dutch and explains the situation, how Kieran is gone in the woods and he knows there are O'Driscolls in those woods, Kieran has been acting paranoid about getting captured by her old gang nearly this whole time, and things are going more and more downhill for the gang. Bill is loud. He always pulls attention to himself.
Dutch responds by dismissing the worries— Kieran is strong, she can handle herself. She went and saved Arthur's life, after all. Sean said she only went to take a leak, right? Why are you, Bill, trying to ruin Jack's party? How could you be so heartless as to make everything about you? A young boy has been saved, you should be celebrating.
I am certain Kieran's loyalty would mean nothing to Dutch by now. He's simply too blinded by the blood fued between his and Colm's gang. Dutch van der Linde is, also, not an idiot. As much as I call him stupid, I doubt he even believes Kieran's insistence that she didn't run with Colm long, or didn't care for him. Dutch knows Colm. He knows the grip Colm has over his flock, the same Dutch has over his own. He believes that, one way or another, Kieran would remain an O'Driscoll, unless he gets to kill Colm himself.
Bill struggles to articulate himself— Why he's worried, why he thinks that they need to be heading out there now, that he's got this awful feeling in his gut, and some people are starting to get worried. Dutch shushes this all, spinning the dialogue in circles and attempting to get Bill to dismiss his own worries as well. If she hasn't come back by now, and there are O'Driscolls in the woods, she probably ran off with them. Use your head, Williamson.
Dutch let Kieran in initially because of his whole "feed people as need feeding" speech to her. He can't go back on that word at first, when people would bring it up. By Jack's party, I doubt anyone even really remembers it but Kieran. There is no reason to keep her around, to keep up those optics, in Dutch's eyes. She has barely been pulling in money and all she does is tend to the horses and take up more resources, no matter how little. Not many people in the gang like her even if they are warming up to her.
Bill, understandably, gets frustrated with this. Gives up, says he ain't even enjoying the party anyway. He's gonna go look for Kieran. Sean and Mary-Beth cannot follow him. Dutch invites Bill to, "be his guest."
This is where player choice is involved. This entire interaction is missable, if you want to miss it. Regardless of Arthur's involvement, Bill will go to the woods to look for Kieran.
Let's start with Arthur being there, and seeing all of this go down.
Bill will then turn to Arthur, a desperate and pleading expression on his face. "Morgan, he saved your life," Bill begs. "You at least owe it to look for him, right?"
And let's have Arthur say yes. Yes, fine, he will help Bill go look for that damned Kieran, O'Driscoll or not. With a decent sized honor boost, they mount up and head out.
Bill eventually finds a trail of footsteps in the mud, following it along with Arthur. Arthur will express his doubts to Bill, but Bill will simply brush them off or ignore them. The footsteps eventually fade into hoofsteps. This is all until there is an abruptly cut off scream from the distance, and Arthur and Bill are racing off.
By the time Kieran is found, she's tied and blindfolded on the back of an O'Driscoll's horse, much the same as you find her atop the back of Arthur's to start. She has already been roughed up, and is only letting out broken sobs by this point.
There are two O'Driscolls, and once Bill calls out to Kieran, it all culminates in a chase through the woods. Hope Arthur brought a horse that handles turns well!
Kieran's struggle quickly grows with the announcement of her saviors, though she is quickly beaten over the head for causing more of a commotion. She is not left unconscious, though she does grow silent besides sobs once more.
Eventually, the chase will burst through into somewhere more open, allowing an easy and clear shot on both O'Driscolls that Arthur and Bill both take. Bill misses, and Arthur must do a little deadeye QTE to keep the O'Driscoll from pulling his revolver and shooting Kieran in the head.
The gunshot startles the horse and Kieran falls. Bill is scrambling to help untie her and get her on her feet. Between broken cries, she's desperately thanking Bill and Arthur, trying to pull herself together from hysteric sobs. She can't stop talking about how terrified she was of what Colm would do to her, only making it all the more clear that her and Colm have more between them than she wants to admit. That they would likely tie her up, starve her, do all the most awful torture methods to her, she's seen how Colm treats men that aren't his kin anymore, and she's heard the way he spoke about Dutch and his gang. This is all too familiar to Arthur.
The ride back is condensed to a cutscene of Bill proudly riding back with Kieran on Brown Jack with him, Arthur following along. Kieran is welcomed back and tended to, Mary-Beth and Karen taking her. She escaped with only some minor head trauma, a couple cigarette burns on her neck, some awful ropeburn, and some body-wide bruises.
From here on out, she is clinging to Mary-Beth, indulging her desire to settle somewhere some day. The violence and constant kidnappings have begun to wear on her, not to mention Bill telling her Dutch's aversion to go look for her, and the lack of concern from half of the camp still, bundled with the growing guilt of letting Jack escape her sight originally... She decides she just wants anything but this.
When Guarma happens, she stays behind. Despite how Dutch seems insistent to have all hands on deck, she refuses to go, demanding why she should do anything for a gang that likes to pretend it's a family, but is the same as all the others she's been in. Dutch's gaze simple hardens into a glare and he says that they will talk about this once he is back. If Kieran does not wish to go, fine.
While the rest of the working men are gone, she is confiding in Mary-Beth more and more. They continued to get pushed closer from the stress of everything, from the constant worry, from having to pull up their bootstraps. She's quite the hand around the camp when Dutch isnt around, and she continues to prove herself to those who ever doubted her. She also grows closer to Sean, who Lenny urged to stay behind as well, to continue recovering.
By the time the boys are back in town, Kieran is well respected, and has pulled herself together to take care of the people Dutch had left behind. She stands up to him, despite being sympathetic to the struggles they all went through.
She does not involve herself in Colm's death, I don't think. I want to believe her and Sadie fight about it even— Sadie demanding to know what reason she has to not want Colm dead.
Of course Kieran feels bitter about her treatment from Colm. Of course Kieran despises the awful things he has done. Kieran also recognizes that she will never climb out of the cycle of violence she's found herself in, should she continue it. She has no druve to keep the violence going. Even survival seems like a pathetic excuse for it, to her.
This only solidifies her backstabbing nature to those who don't trust her.
By the time the caravan of deserters leaves, she's right there with them, clinging to Mary-Beth still.
Kieran thanks Arthur for everything he's done for her. Even if her life hasn't been perfect with them, and has been a lot more good than bad, she's grateful to him for breaking her from being trapped in the tide. She understands why he stays, and does not make an effort to convince him to leave. She knows the kind of hold Dutch has on him, still.
By the epilogue, she's near impossible to find. Though, there's word that Mary-Beth's got an assistant, who seems a little too old for her position. The assistant never says a word to anyone, though she certainly seems a little too familiar.
And that's her happy ending :)
#kieran duffy#red dead redemption community#red dead redemption 2#rdr2#rdr#red dead redemption#rdr2 kieran#the gang survives au#uhmmm idk what else 2 tag. 👍
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we sat outside hiding behind the back of matt's car that was parked in the garage as we took turns passing over the joint while we updated each other on our lives. we were originally hanging out with matt and chris when they started bickering on about some crap we didn't understand and was stressing us both out.
"so, what's going on with you?" i ask, still holding the joint before taking a long drag, inhaling sharply as i watch the left over smoke escape my mouth.
"ill be honest, not much has been happening . just regular stuff with the channel, but everything is slow right now." he sighs, taking the joint off me before rolling his eyes, taking a deep puff.
"fair enough, but i mean isn't it so cool that we are just down here smoking weed? imagine if one of your brothers catches us! that would be funny."
"its not like its illegal, besides we are both twenty so we can do what we want."
"well, technically it is illegal." i add in before snatching it away from him as he gives me a death stare in response.
"did i ask you to be smart? you know what i meant, its not the end of the world." he huffs, leaning his head against the car. "you have to admit though, smoking weed here feels so surreal."
"couldn't agree more." i reply, laughing as i pass nick the joint again which was almost running out, but he declines.
"just have the rest, im already high enough." he laughs, and i nod before bringing it back to my lips. "honestly, life feels great when im high with you. you're an asshole sometimes, but so am i and thats what makes us best friends."
"well that was rude, but yes, i agree. we need to do this more often, but maybe with the others though because they might get mad if they discovered we smoked without them."
"i dont think matt will get that mad since he only smokes to calm his nerves, but chris would act like a big baby and have one of his little tantrums." nick laughs.
"nothings new with him then, what a surprise." i roll my eyes, both of us laughing to ourselves like maniacs. i always had the best times with nick, sober or intoxicated. he always made life seem less stressful and scary, like all my worries just disappeared for a while when i was around him. sometimes i questioned if he was secretly magic because my negativity goes away so fast i didnt know whether to believe if he was just cursing me or something, or a blessing. i think im just crazy.
a/n: something a lil different😛 also im just adding that this is not romantic whatsoever and only platonic (unless you identify as male and want to interpret it that way then go ahead but other than that no), i was also getting high myself when i suddenly got this idea so i wrote down a summary of what i was thinking and i dont actually write about nick much so i wanted to base it off him buttttt.... HOORAY! thank u all sm for all the support again i just appreciate u all so much like fr can i kiss u (jokes) i might write another lil series involving my boy matthew but nothing has came to mind yet so keep a look out;3
#sturniolo triplets#nick sturniolo#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick x reader#matt x reader#chris x reader#sturniolo x reader
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