#its alfons
kurishiri · 18 hours
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17 . . . alfons main story
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— cw: mentions of child labor or abuse, implied animal torture and death, symptoms of dissociation and depression (?)
—— Alfons’ POV ——
After Kate had left the pub,
I stayed behind, drinking whatever and whenever I felt, playing around in the night streets, and by the time I returned, Roger gave an earful, much to my displeasure.
I spent time around the vicinity as I pleased before returning to my room and catching up on some sleep that playing around at night had robbed me of,
and before I knew it, morning had come around.
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Alfons: ‘You went and meddled even more, because that’s what you wanted’...
Lying down on the bed, I ruminated over the words from last night, leaving a bad taste.
After all, they were words that rang too true.
Alfons: ...Indeed, I had so much fun playing around with her that at some point I found myself closer to her than I ever thought.
A: She never felt discouraged in the slightest, even when she followed me around to places that should instill fear in her, and on top of that she would even fight a battle within a fire...
A: Now that I think back, perhaps she really had grown out of needing a ‘convenient illusion’ like myself.
She was someone who could live in reality in earnest. She could give her love to someone, and she could find her happiness.
——She could realize what I could only ever dream of.
—— Flashback ——
Alfons: hah... hah...
I left the boy named Roger behind, running for the orphanage that had kicked me out.
‘To die without leaving his mark on anyone’s memories.’
In other words, the fact I had been born, and the fact I will die... nothing will be left behind. Such was the my life.
The moment I had heard those words, I thought of the corpses of those nameless children, thrown out like they were garbage——
And I was struck with a fear that shook me to my core.
(But, that cat will surely remember me.)
(He wouldn’t ever forget me.)
That was all I wanted to check on. I just wanted to feel that warmth on my fingers once more, driving me to run as fast as my feet could take me.
When I knocked on the door of the orphanage, which was in poor condition, the head nurse answered.
And from behind her——a cat approached.
Cat: What’s with the noise?
Alfons: Oh, thank goodness... hey, don’t you remem——
Cat: ...Wh—it’s you!
Before I could finish my question, though, the cat threw a punch at me.
Alfons: gh!? B-but why...
Cats couldn’t hit people.
Wait, no, in the first place, cats——could not wear clothes. Nor could they speak words.
(So why is this cat wearing clothes and speaking?)
A throbbing migraine hit me then and there, causing me to close my eyes.
And when I opened them again, there before me stood——
the director of the orphanage, with a foul look.
(Ahh... that’s right.)
(I remember now...)
(My cat had long been——)
—— Flashback ——
It had happened on a certain day when I had made a small mistake.
And the director, knowing I wouldn’t react the way he wanted even when harassing me, instead aimed for the cat I had held so dear.
Seeing the cat become more and more of a lump of flesh right before my eyes, I felt my head start to throb in pain.
(This isn’t reality. That isn’t my cat...)
I said to myself, ‘The one who’s being hurt is not myself,’ as I always did.
All to escape to a convenient dream.
Such a habit, at that time, cast upon me a convenient illusion.
(My cat would never be killed by the likes of that director!)
(It’s the cat...)
(Yes, that’s right... it’s the cat who killed the director.)
The director, seeing me suddenly becoming devoid of all emotions despite having broken down crying just before, approached with a nervous air about him.
——In my eyes, though, it was a cat that approached me.
Alfons: I knew you could do it, my kitty cat.
And then I gently pet the back of its neck, as I had always done.
Then, after having peeked into the room that had gone quiet, the head nurse let out a cry.
Meanwhile, the cat let out a purr as I pet it.
Perhaps, the scene that was reflected in the head nurse’s eyes was that of the director down on all fours, purring as I pet him.
Truly, what a pitiful scene it was.
But, even so, to me, the director was killed by the cat, while the cat still lived on.
—— End flashback ——
——That is, until the moment I woke up from that convenient dream.
Director: Did you come here to get beaten again!? You... you bloody monster——!!
(That’s right...)
(The cat had actually died.)
(And I... I couldn’t bear such a thing.)
(Just to run away from the suffering, to somewhere less painful...)
(I had made myself think that the cat had never died in the first place.)
Even though I wished that it would remember me, even when I died, because I loved it,
I also chose to forget about its death for my own sake, however heartless that may have been.
Besides that, I had also heard at some church sermon that ‘love was not meant to be given while seeking something in return.’
In the end, in order to forget all the pain and suffering, I may have only pretended to love.
After all, I had used that cat’s life as I found convenient before throwing it away...
...so how was I any different from the people at the orphanage, who would use others for their own gain before throwing them out?
I had no memory thereafter of where I walked,
just that when I had come to, I found that I had left the orphanage, and I was wandering around the night streets of London.
(If only I hadn’t returned to check on the cat... I could still believe ‘it’s still living, and it still remembers me.’)
(And then I could still stay as the me ‘who could love the cat.’)
(I would have rather just stayed mad...)
(If I didn’t find out what actually happened... if only...)
If you find reality to be unpleasant, you need only seek out an escape.
But if I couldn’t even escape from it anymore——
What other choice did I have but to fall into madness?
—— End flashback ——
Now that I thought back on it, perhaps it was at that moment I had given up on any idea of living in earnest and any prospects of wishing for that so-called happiness.
And as I wandered the streets of the city at night on a whim, I found myself showing the people I met the momentary dream they wished to see.
After all, in order to live in this world that knew no kindness, a place one could escape to was needed.
To those who gathered around me, I figured this hand that could cast a convenient illusion on them was that very place.
(Just what am I doing all of this for?)
(Maybe I thought at one point... I could feel like some savior, who used his Cursed ability to show a sweet dream to those with a weaker will?)
Whenever I would plaster a smile on my face, spouting things like ‘let’s forget about reality and indulge ourselves’ while touching the backs of their necks, I would hear my own cold voice.
I was positively fed up with the me who would cling onto a fake love, who saw no hope in change for the better.
(But, well... I couldn’t care less anymore.)
If I was going to just up and disappear from this world, forgotten by all in the end...
Just like a single piece of candy, wouldn’t it be alright to wrap myself in a sweet dream for as long as I was living?
And then, if I could, I wanted to disappear from this world without leaving even the smallest trace of myself in anyone’s heart.
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After all, the more clear any trace I left behind became, the more that would leave behind an open hole in the heart that could never be filled.
Alfons: ...I think I’ve had just about enough of this blasted sob story.
—— Kate’s POV ——
(“To die without leaving his mark on anyone’s memories”——such was Alfons’ tragic fate.)
I had always felt a sense of fear as I listened to Roger’s story of the past.
It was as though a black darkness that would swallow everything in its path whole was creeping up toward me.
(When Alfons dies... at that moment...)
(The members of Crown, the friends Alfons would play with, the people in the slums, me, anyone and everyone...)
(...will all end up forgetting about him.)
His name, what he looked like, the scent he gave off... and the fact he even existed in this world altogether.
Roger: ...Among the testimonies of people who’ve experienced this unnatural memory loss,
R: there was an account of having always felt like in their heart that they couldn’t remember something very dear.
R: And when they had a sudden urge to go into the ‘empty room’ in the house, they said they shed tears the moment they entered the room.
Kate: ...!
Roger: If I had to guess, that person had been close with one of the bearers of the ‘Curse of the Mirror.’
(When I had first met Alfons, I was more than fine with forgetting all about him...)
But now, at this point, just imagining how each of the memories borne between the two of us could fall from my fingertips and scatter on the ground,
I felt a pain I could hardly bear.
Just then, I was reminded of——
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[1] The blue mallow tea
[2] The pie-throwing festival (+4 / +4)
[3] The fact we had drank together
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The pie-throwing festival.
(I had thought he was going to take me somewhere shady,)
(but it would have never crossed my mind that we would end up participating in this odd festival that was held in the park.)
(When I had talked with Alfons, when we laughed together, and even when we touched each other in that way...)
If he were to die, I would no longer be able to remember any of it.
(Is that why...?)
(So that’s why Alfons——would never step deep into anyone’s life. Nor would he let anyone into his.)
He never sought anything more than a fleeting relationship.
And he would never connect with any person or place.
It was all because if he had made himself at home by someone’s side, or in their heart, then someday——
That would be left behind as nothing but a blank space, with no way to remember what had filled it with color in the first place.
Even if I asked Alfons himself, I would think he would simply laugh it off and say something along the lines of ‘well, if that is what you think, then perhaps that may be so.’
But, thinking about that, I felt his speech and mannerisms had some coherency.
Kate: ...So, about his fate...
K: Is it really possible to change it?
Roger: I know as well as you do. That’s well beyond me.
R: All that’s still being researched.
(Roger was saying that he had been researching this ever since before he had met Alfons.)
Kate: ...And how long has it been that way?
Roger: ——From the time I was a five year old kid, up until today.
(Wow, that is a long time...)
Even while under Her Majesty the Queen, a place that perhaps had the most documents related to the Cursed ones,
Roger, who was also a Cursed one himself,
didn’t know of a way to escape from their tragic fates.
That truth seemed to weigh deeply on my chest.
Kate: ...Thank you, for telling me all this.
Roger: Well, it’s not as though I intend to go back empty-handed.
Kate: Huh? ...wah—
With one hand, he pulled my waist toward him, his lips at my ear.
Roger: With this, you owe me one.
Then when he subsequently kissed the lobe of my ear, I pushed back against Roger’s chest on instinct.
Kate: W-what do you think you’re doing...!
Roger: I brought you medicine to help with a hangover, didn’t I? You can just consider this payment for that.
R: Well then, catch you around, lil lady. And take care of yourself.
With a shrewd smile, he left the room, leaving me alone once again.
Kate: Alfons’ tragic fate...
He was just like an illusion whose surface I could only graze my fingertips upon, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he would fade away from my heart like an actual illusion?
He had no desire to live, and so perhaps he wouldn’t mind if such a day came around tomorrow.
And at that time——would the feelings I had for him fade away as well?
(...I would hate that.)
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I should have been searching for a way to bury this love to the grave.
But, no matter how much anguish this heart of love inflicted on me, I didn’t ever want to forget.
I wanted to hold onto these feelings close to my heart forever——even now, I found myself deeply wishing for that.
(I don’t want these feelings to become an illusion.)
——Around the same time, in the corner of the castle, the gears of a certain plot had begun to move.
Surrounding an elderly gentleman donning a blue ring were the other members of the parliament, their faces seeming nervous as they spoke in low voices.
Parliament member Goa: ...Have those insolent twats who put out the fire of purification not been caught yet?
to be continued…
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꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ tags🏷️ ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ @drachonia @.comment, send an ask off anon, or dm to be added or removed!
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mxzyuu · 1 month
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Kate saw a whole new world that day
320 notes · View notes
lnkedmyheart · 3 months
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Double ouch
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raptorhoundrune · 8 months
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conqueror of shamballs has me in a chokehold rn
ive been daydreaming about a happy silly universe in which alfons does Not die and the three of them are together because i think that life could be beautiful
also my little sister and i think that 03 ed and al's age difference is hilarious and keep talking about a modern au in which al is shitty gen-alpha ipad baby brained (also strange ed thing in the image please be careful)
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325 notes · View notes
lycemagee · 12 days
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Does anyone have a theory?
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honeybyte · 2 months
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flaw/less, in fact
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typewriting-robin · 4 months
Victor: Who broke it? I’m not mad. I just want to know.
William: I-I did, I broke it.
Victor: No. no you didn’t. Harrison?
Harrison: Don’t look at me. Look at Liam!
Liam: What? I didn’t break it!
Roger: Huh, that’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?
Harrison: Suspicious...
Liam: No, it’s not. Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken!!
Ellis: If it matters... but it probably doesn’t. Jude was the last one to use it.
Jude: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!!
Ellis: Oh really. Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Jude:  I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles; everyone knows that, Ellis!
William: Ok... ok let’s stop fighting. I can pay for it.
Victor: No, who broke it?
Alfons: …. Elbert’s been awfully quiet.
Elbert: Really?!
Alfons: Yeah! Really!
Elbert: Oh my God.
(Everyone in Crown is bickering)
Victor: I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Victor: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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rhymo-s · 8 months
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Because you were like the sun, in a world where everything is gray and cold, you seem so bright compared to everything.
I always wondered if those crazy and fantasy filled adventures you always told me are really true, you were always too dazzling, too golden for this kind of world.
Im not a star, im not even a moon, but even then why can't you see me? Im always here
I wonder if there'll be a day where you can look at me for who i am, not the ghost of someone when you look through me.
i can't, won't, not, be the one you're looking for,
I wish you could look at me
I wish i had more time
I lo I know you'll leave someday, away from this place you call a dream that you will soon wake up from, and back to a world you call home, to a world that lost its sun.
Even as my life come to an end, i will still be here, im not just a part of a dream you'll leave behind, im real
Please I hope that when you wake up, you don't forget me.
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makiswirl · 2 years
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twitter requests fo today (❁´◡`❁)
339 notes · View notes
A couple months ago i was going off to a non-warframe-player friend about how much i love the prex cards bc i am an art nouveau bitch through and through and That Shit Right There Is It and also specifically dragging in Mucha pieces for comparison and they were very endeared by it and said something about "wow look at you webweaving <:)"
Anyway i feel so fuckin vindicated over Eric namedropping Mucha when talking about prex designs
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rosesbelle · 6 days
i always feel like jean should have a bob and not the alfons cut but then i see her and she has the alfons cut. and i just have to accept that
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kurishiri · 17 days
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09 . . . alfons main story
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— cw: minor elbie rt spoilers, dub-con (as usual, will try to put in between dividers), they don’t go all out but it gets pretty suggestive .. just to be safe i’m gonna put that banner down.
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Kate: H-hey, wait a minute. I need to get in touch with Roger first!
Alfons: He will fare well even if you leave him here.
Just like that, Alfons pushed me into the carriage before he turned to look up at the sky and shouting.
Alfons: Roooger! Don’t worry about us and just leave when you want!
(What does he mean, ‘don’t worry about us’...!)
Alfons: Now that should be more than enough. Let us depart.
Alfons went in the carriage after me, and when the door closed with a thud, the carriage started to move.
(He said what he said, but I sure hope Roger picked up on Alfons’ message...)
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Alfons: As I have said, he will be fine, I assure you. He is no longer a child.
A: Why, in fact, we are talking about a brute who enjoys boxing and other such roguish sports? You could kill him ten times over and he would still be thriving.
In contrast to me, who kept looking back from where we came out of worry, Alfons looked more than relaxed as he sat across from me.
Kate: But, I was the one who had asked him to come along, so you know, I feel it’s a little rude to just leave first...
Alfons: Ahha! Yet again you are ever the serious one.
Alfons clapped his hands in applause.
I couldn’t even be angry at such a gesture anymore, having gotten used to it at this point.
(It doesn’t look like the carriage will stop anytime soon... and as Alfons said, I’m sure Roger will be fine.)
(I will just make sure to apologize to him later. Profusely.)
I was taken aback by how we were suddenly just returning to the castle, but as I recomposed myself, I looked over at Alfons once more.
The scene I had just witnessed, and the story I had heard from him——the questions I had about him were endless.
Kate: Um, Alfons... is there a reason you call yourself a noble?
Alfons: ...That... I suppose one thing led to another, and here we are.
A: You see, I had heard that nobles lead quite amusing lives.
A: After being taken in by that doctor who had a taste for children, I found myself in and out of various nobles’ estates, and just as I was relishing in the small share of merits I could get,
A: there came a fateful day when we were at Lord Elbie’s manor for an examination that the doctor died.
Kate: What!?
The shock hit me more than I thought, causing my eyes to widen.
Alfons: Here I was thinking to myself ‘whatever should I do from tomorrow onwards,’ when Lord Elbie proposed that I live with him.
A: And so, here we are.
A: Allegedly, it would not have been a stain of reputation to stand by Elbie’s side as a ‘servant’ waiting on him, and so I just decided to call myself a noble out of convenience.
(I-is that all true...)
If it was, the truth was more outlandish than what I would see in a short story... in fact, it was like the embodiment of a short story itself.
But the scene I managed to catch a glimpse of tonight gave credibility to it.
Kate: So, the reason why you do what you do for the people in the slums...
K: ...is it because you understand their pain, and suffering?
Alfons: If it is as you say, that I am doing it for them, then perhaps such is the case.
He would say things like ‘if it is so and so’ and ‘perhaps it may be the case’——all of which were signature words that veiled the truth.
Kate: ...This is far from the first time you’ve dodged my question.
I turned away then and there, when...
Alfons: Hehe, you needn’t pucker your lips so.
He gave my lips a small poke, making my heart skip a beat.
Alfons: For you see, your words ring so dear to me I just may not be able to resist the urge to give you a kiss here.
(He’s done much more than touch my lips, and yet——)
(Why... is this enough to send my heart racing, I wonder?)
I knew Alfons threw around words and phrases like ‘dear’ and ‘I want to kiss you’ like he said hello, so why?
I looked up at him, trying my best to throw him a glare...
Alfons: ... [smiling]
...but when our eyes met, I felt a skip in my heart once again.
(It must be because Alfons does things a lover would do...)
Memories of that sweet illusion resurfaced, and my eyes were drawn to his lips on their own——and I felt sucked in.
Alfons: ...Would you like me to do it? Kiss you, I mean.
Kate: Wh—!? N-no, not at all...
Alfons: Why so worked up now? If you want to do it, it’s fine to just say that as is, am I right?
Kate: Well, I don’t want it.
Alfons: Yes, yes, I hear you. So? Were you able to find my weaknesses?
Kate: ...
(Alfons just has a knack for ending one conversation and going straight for a completely different one, doesn’t he...)
(Because of that, he always makes it seem like I’m the only one taking anything seriously, and I always end up embarrassed.)
(I find that side of him underhanded, in every sense.)
My cheeks were still red, but I cleared my throat, pretending I didn’t mind it.
Kate: ...No, I couldn’t find any. I mean, you answered my questions just like that, without any hesitation.
K: So, I take it that you having been an orphan and the fact you use your abilities in the slums couldn’t amount to something like a weakness?
Alfons: Is that so? I wonder about that.
A: You see, aside from Elbie and Roger, I also am not sure who else knows of my true origins.
Kate: Huh!?
(...Now that can’t be true, can it?)
Kate: Are you saying not even Victor and William know...?
Alfons: Well, I suppose those two would be in the know.
A: Oh, while we’re at it, I reckon Jude may have somehow gotten wind of it too. Other than those three, though, who is in the know is beyond me.
A: And if I were to tell any social circle about it, forget about nonexistent trust, even that would crumble away, no?
(And yet, he revealed that type of story so easily to me...? Because if so...)
Kate: ...Then is that to say the people in that pub, and the people whom you refer to as your ‘friends’ are also in the know?
Alfons: Ahha! Hardly. I don’t reveal more than absolutely necessary. And that goes both ways as well.
A: Things like reality only interfere with convenience.
(...Is that so?)
So, while it might be common knowledge to the members of Crown,
whether it was due to a lack of interest or out of respect, they don’t reveal information about Alfons so openly.
And he hadn’t spoken a word about his background to the people involved in the decadent part of his life.
Or, that was what it seemed like.
Kate: ...If so,
K: why did you tell me all this then?
‘Things like reality only interfere with convenience.’
(If what he said was true——then is that to say that my relationship with him is... different than the one he shares with others...?)
For some reason, my heart started pounding in my chest as I looked at Alfons.
Alfons: Hmm... I wonder, now why did I.........?
His hand was on his chin, as if deep in thought.
Alfons: ...That is a great question. One whose answer I know as well as you.
He laughed in a lighthearted fashion, simply shrugging his shoulders.
Alfons: If I had to guess, though, perhaps it’s because you nearly moved me to tears, having followed me all the way out to such a place, I felt like telling you?
(O-oh, so that’s how it is... so there wasn’t any special meaning behind it.)
(But even so... it’s undeniable that Alfons had spoken the truth.)
With a small smile on his face, Alfons turned to look out the window.
(He has a smile... that looks like he’s not having an ounce of fun.)
(But... how to say it... it seems like this smile...)
(...I feel like it’s very... Alfons.)
The way his lips would simply twist slightly in a dry smile as if in self-deprecation... it somehow seemed fitting for him.
While thinking this... my heart seemed to feel like it was floating a little bit again.
It felt as though my fingers were grazing the surface of a mirage.
Or laying my eyes on the tail end of a rainbow.
Or being able to grasp the shape of something inherently uncertain——such was what I was feeling.
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Kate: I’ve decided to stop trying to look for your weakness on the sly.
Alfons: ...Come again now?
Kate: Because more than your weaknesses, I’m interested to know more about your true feelings.
K: I was thinking... I would like to get to know you better.
Alfons: ......... [surprised]
Before I could think, the words came flooding out.
And the moment I put it to words, I felt my own feelings become more clear.
(I... want to know more about Alfons.)
(The more I knew, the less clear he seemed to be. But I wanted to know what his ‘true form’ was like.)
Kate: That’s why, I think if it meant I could know more about you...
K: I... wouldn’t mind becoming your ‘exclusive fairytale keeper.’
Alfons: ...Well, I’ll be.
The corners of his lips lifted to form an arc.
Alfons: If that’s the case, would it be safe to say that you would accept me doing these kinds of things with you?
Kate: ? What do you mean, ‘these kinds of thi’——
All of a sudden, his breath felt so close to mine, and before I knew it, Alfons’ eyes were right in front of me.
Kate: Wh—!?
K: No, that’s... this and that are different.
In a panic, I pushed the palm of my hand on his mouth, stopping the inevitable kiss in its tracks.
Alfons: ...Hehe.
But apparently, that was enough to stop him, because——
His warm tongue licked my palm.
Kate: Eek...!?
On instinct, I pulled my hand away with a start, while Alfons laughed teasingly.
Alfons: Was it not the case that you were hoping to grasp my weaknesses because you were unable to avoid things like this, or am I wrong?
Kate: I-I mean, I would be able to prevent it as long as you didn’t touch the back of my neck.
Alfons: So you say, but I do find it doubtful you were able to avoid what I did now?
With his hands on the sides of my legs and leaning forward, he stared at me in mirth.
I could see his red tongue from the gap between his thin lips,
and I felt like a prey about to be eaten at any moment now.
Alfons: Oh, yes, come to think of it, when we did naughty things at the back of the pub, I hadn’t used any of my abilities.
A: And yet as far as I recall, you still became loose and wet here, no?
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[1] Because of you. (+4 / +4)
[2] That was my fault.
[3] It was that strange smoke.
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Kate: T-that... I’m pretty sure it was all your fault.
Alfons: And why is that?
Kate: Because you frequent such strange places... it’s all on you.
I was sure Alfons was looking at how red my ears were while wearing an amused smile.
Alfons: Then, in this case, whose fault is it?
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Kate: ——mn...!
Just when I thought he took my wrists, restraining them, this time he took my lips before I knew it.
Kate: Mngh... mn——
Even if I wanted to resist, I couldn’t, with the way my hands were bound.
With the way he pulled me toward him, I nearly fell off my seat.
Kate: ah... ngh...!
At the mercy of his tongue, which knew how to indulge in pleasure, my body, having been touched by him countless times, seemed to melt then and there.
He had let go of my right hand, but no longer able to resist, the most I could do was grab onto his coat.
Alfons: Perhaps the fault lies with the shock of having seen something so strange, or perhaps it’s because of the shaking of the carriage...
A: If you wish for these kinds of explanations, I could go on all day.
A: And if you so dislike the idea that you will lose your dignity if you don’t resist,
A: then I will not mind at all if you aaalways feign resistance.
His left hand stroked my thighs before dragging up my skirt——
Kate: Hah... ah, ngh... no...
My heart sped up as if in anticipation, and pleasure started to rise to the surface.
Alfons: Since this relationship will end after only a month... let us enjoy ourselves, Miss Kate.
His sweet yet husky whisper stirred my stomach.
Alfons: After all——you do so love pleasurable things like this, do you not?
Kate: N-no, I... I don’t...
He wasn’t even touching the back of my neck.
And yet, I still couldn’t avoid his palm that touched me.
(It isn’t as though I love pleasurable things.)
(I was never that shameless.)
(This is just... because the one who’s doing this to me is Alfons...)
He had this influence over me, blurring the line that rationale forbade, and driving me crazy. It was all because of that.
——Yes, it was all Alfons’ fault.
(That’s how it always is... it’s Alfons’ fault that I end up drowning in so much pleasure I couldn’t think straight...)
(And when it came to something like what Alfons was thinking and feeling as he did these things,)
(there was no room for such things to cross my mind, even a single time.)
He said that he ‘loved pleasurable things,’
but I wanted to know whether he really thought these things truly felt pleasurable to him——
Such thoughts seemed to bubble up from inside me, only blurring the line of rationale even more.
Kate: ah... n-no, we can’t do this... not in a carriage...
Alfons: ...Then, where can we do this?
Kate: Ah——
At some point, I realized I had ended up accepting his actions itself, causing my body to become hot with shame.
Alfons: Your bed, perhaps? That said... I do find myself wondering if you will be able to hold yourself back until then?
Kate: ah... I-I...
His lips brushed against mine, which were slightly agape.
It was as though he was sealing off any excuses.
Alfons: Shh... there is no need to give me a clear-cut answer.
A: When all is over and done with, you can simply blame it all on me. Then you won’t have to worry, yes?
He slowly pulled up the hem of my skirt.
But, upon feeling the cold air on my legs, I grabbed my skirt.
Kate: W-wait a minute, I’m serious when I say doing it here is——
Alfons: Ahha!
A: Saying ‘no’ from the very start, are you insinuating that you know what it is like, even though you have yet to even try it?
He swept my hands aside before lifting my skirt up to my waist.
Kate: No——
His fingers tried to get into a place even deeper inside, and I tried my best to stop him, when...
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Kate: Waah!?
Alfons: Whoops.
The wheels of the carriage bumped on something, causing them to jump.
And though I was already barely sitting in my seat, I lost my balance there,
falling in front of me right into Alfons’ chest.
Kate: I-I’m so sor——
In a panic, I tried to push myself away, but then at that moment he wrapped his arms around my waist,
setting me on his knees with a bright smile on his face.
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Alfons: See, now... the fact that you are going through such pleasurable things in a place like this... you can blame it all on the shaking of the carriage.
to be continued…
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lycemagee · 2 months
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I guess then I must post it like this? Text 👇
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NGL kinda weird is Tumblr so sensitive with certain stuff? You don't even see much lol
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honeybyte · 3 months
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dont look
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velisle · 2 months
The Meaning Of Villains' Names (ft Vogel)
Inspired by the post @.cherryisagamer made for Ikemen Prince here
Take most of these with a grain of salt, because of Cybird's weird naming tendancy as well as how names are in most cases are perceived in various ways by everyone. Also included extra information because I'm a silly little nerd.
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Name: William Rex
“William” meaning “resolute protection/protector”
“Rex” meaning “king”
William is actually German in origin. It derives from the Germanic Wilhelm, whose roots wil (“will, desire”) and helm (“helmet, protection”) combine to mean “resolute protector”
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Name: Liam Evans
“Liam” is the Irish short form of “William”, therefore same meaning as him
“Evans” meaning “the Lord is gracious”
Evans is a boy’s name of Welsh origin. An Anglicized form of Ifan, which stems from the Hebrew John, it translates to “graced by Yahweh” or “God is gracious.”
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Name: Harrison Gray (I had to go check if his last name was with an e or a)
"Harrison" meaning “son of Harry”
“Gray” meaning... it's literally for the colour. Funny how game uses the US spelling for it
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Name: Elbert Greetia
“Elbert”, a variation of Albert, meaning “noble; bright”
“Greetia”... I couldn't find any info about it. It's made up I presume.
This masculine name has Old English and German roots, coming from the name Albert. Translating to “bright,” “noble,” or “famous.”
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Name: Alfons Sylvatica
“Alfons” (there are many variants btw) meaning “noble; ready; brave”
“Sylvatica” comes from the scientific name for forget-me-nots, “Myosotis sylvatica”
Alphons is a masculine name of German origin. Composed of apalaz and funsaz, it means “ready for battle,” “noble,” and “brave.” This sweet moniker is thought to be ultimately derived from the Latin Alphonsus and boasts a wide variety of variants, such as Alfonso, Alfonzo, and Alphonso.
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Name: Roger Barel
“Roger” meaning “famous warrior”
“Barel”... I couldn't find reliable sources. Or maybe it does have an obscure meaning.
This name is forged from the German elements hrod and ger, imbuing it with the striking translation of "famous spearman."
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Name: Jude Jazza
“Jude” meaning “praised” and praised is he in the jp server
“Jazza”... I think saw a post here saying how it's a form of Jeremy? But I can't find it now. There's something similar in Arabic I found however, “Jaza” (pronounced differently, there's not much emphasis on the Z afaik) meaning “reward; recompense; good return” which I find fitting his themes of retribution for those not keeping promises and debts, how he keeps all his promises etc.
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Name: Ellis Twilight
“Ellis” meaning “kind; benevolent”
“Twilight” in its literal sense, “dusk”. His eyes contains a similar colour palette + I believe it is a reoccurring theme with him
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Name: Victoria
Meaning: “Victor” meaning “conqueror”
Victor is one of the earliest Christian names, borne (as Vittorio) by several saints and popes, symbolizing Christ's victory over death. Victor made it big in the English-speaking world during the reign of Queen Victoria, one of the few boys’ names popularized by a female version.
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Name: Darius Vogel
“Darius” meaning “possessing goodness; maintains possessions well”
“Vogel”... German for “bird”.
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Name: Nica Schwarz/Schwartz (I tried to do some research and it seems like both spellings are used. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Before we go in, I'd like to tell you that there's no single general meaning for his name. It could be the short form of something or entirely new. Both variations, i.e Nika and Nica yield separate results. And many sources claim differently. I've put together what sounds believable to some extent.
“Nica/Nika” meaning “true image; victory; very good; pure crystal water”
“Schwarz/Schwartz” meaning “black”
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Name: Ring Schwarz/Schwartz
...Cybird has made questionable choices. So I went with what sounded nearest to his name: Lynn (it's so so much cuter for him)
“Ring” meaning “a small circular band, typically of valuable metal”
“Lynn” meaning “lake, waterfall, pool below a waterfall”
“Schwarz/Schwartz”... German for “black”
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
He Doesn't Know That I Turned into an Animal - Roger Barel (Part 1)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. None of my translations are proofread until a day after posting
(Mm…I should get up and get ready)
It’s been a while since I had a free day. It was such a nice day, perfect for going out.
…And then I felt something squirming about on my butt.
(Huh? There’s something weird about my body…)
Feeling uneasy, I got out of bed and the moment I looked in the mirror, any morning drowsiness left disappeared.
Kate: Arf…arf?! (Wha…What the?!)
In the mirror was an adorable golden-brown corgi with round eyes. 
What I felt moving on my butt earlier was a short corgi tail.
(I’m a dog?! What do I do…Am I dreaming?!)
(I need to get help…!)
(I’m out in the hall now, but who do I go to…?)
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Liam: Huh? It’s an adorable little doggie! What’s it doing here?
Harrison: Did someone bring it here…?
Kate: Woof! Woofwoof! (Liam! Harrison!)
Glad to see the two, I rushed over to them.
Liam: Wow, it’s so friendly and cute. I wonder if it’s lost?
Harrison: It’s a corgi, right? Roger’s “Ale”* is also a corgi.
Liam: …Then I wonder if this pup’s Roger’s corgi? Let’s ask. Are you Roger’s?
Liam crouched down to meet my gaze.
Kate: Arf…arf! (No…I’m Kate!)
Liam: Hm. Sorry, I don’t understand, I don’t speak dog.
Harrison: …Then why’d you even ask?
(I’ve really turned into a dog…)
It’s not due to Alfons’ power or a dream…
(How did this happen…?)
Harrison: For now, let’s bring it to Roger.
Liam: Roger, you here~?
Roger: What, you get hurt again?
When Roger turned around and saw me in Liam’s arms…his eyes widened with surprise.
Roger: You…!
(Maybe Roger realizes that it’s me?!)
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Roger: You’re soooooo cuuuuuute!
Roger smiled widely and began petting me everywhere.
Roger: Who’s a good dog? You are!
(So aggressive…!)
Roger: You’re so cute…Can I give you a kiss?
Kate: Grrrr (Ab-so-lute-ly not!!)
Roger: No? Then can I smell you?
(What kind of compromise is that?!)
In my confusion, Roger buried his face in the neck and took a big whiff.
Roger: Ahh…the smell of dogs…! The best medicine out there!
(I’ve never seen Roger like this before…)
Roger: Phew… So, who’s dog is this?
Liam: I thought the little one was yours. It’s not?
Roger: Nope, not ours. We don’t have a lot of dogs. So…Are you lost~? You poor thing~
With a smile…No, with a lovestruck look on his face, Roger started petting me again.
He was probably concerned about me being a lost dog…but petting was his priority.
(This is my first time seeing Roger be so affectionate with a dog, and it surprised me at first. But now…I don’t know…)
(It feels so good getting pet…)
Liam: Ah, the doggie’s wagging its tail! Looks like it likes Roger.
Roger: Oh…you like me? Haha, you’re so cute!
He suddenly lifted me out of Liam’s arms.
Maybe it’s because he’s so used to handling dogs, but the way he picked me up gave a sense of stability and security.
Roger: Hmm…
Kate: …?
Roger: You don’t have any, so you’re a girl.
Kate: Yip! (Don’t look!)
Roger: Oops, sorry.
(Even though I’m a dog, I can’t believe you looked at my butt…)
(It somehow feels like I lost something important…)
Roger: Don’t look so down. I won’t do it again.
Harrison: So, can you look after the dog, Roger? We got a mission.
Roger: With a dog this cute, I can take care of countless of them. Oh, that’s right. Have you seen the lil’ lady? I wanted her to help out with an experiment, but she wasn’t in the dining room at breakfast.
Harrison: Nope, haven’t seen her.
Liam: She has the day off so she’ls probably sleeping in?
Roger: Then I’ll let her sleep.
Kate: Arf arf! Arf arf! (I’m right here! Here!)
Roger: I know. We gotta find your owner today, don’t we?
(You didn’t understand me at all…!)
And so Roger went around asking everyone in Crown about the corgi.
But I’m not a lost dog, so there’s no owner to find…
Roger: If no one knows you, then you must’ve wandered in from outside.
Kate: Awoo…(It’s not that…)
Roger: I’ll find your owner so cheer up.
Roger patted my head as if to make me feel better.
(Ugh…I really can’t resist this feeling…!)
My short tail started wagging and Roger smiled at the sight.
Roger: You’re getting used to me now. Will you let me kiss you soon?
Kate: Grrr! (No!)
Roger: Not yet…Well, a girl’s kiss should be saved for a prince, shouldn’t it?
(I wonder if Roger’s being so romantic because he’s talking to a dog…)
Roger: Well, since you’re from outside, there’s someone I want you to meet. Be a good girl and wait for a moment?
Kate: Arf! (Got it!)
Roger: Oh, a nice response.
Roger petted me, attached a collar around my neck, tied a leash to the stair railing, and left.
A while later…
Roger: Sorry for the wait.
Kate: Arf! Arf…(Welcome back! Ro…ger…)
???: Arf! Aarf! (Who’re you? Never seen you before!)
When Roger came back, he brought a corgi with him.
The corgi circled me in excitement.
Kate: A-arf…?! (The dog’s talking…?!)
???: Arf? Arf! (What’re you talking about? You’re a dog too!)
(That’s right, since I’m a dog now, I understand dogs…)
Roger: This guy’s Ale, my family’s dog.
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Ale: Arf! Woof?! (I’m Ale! What’s your name?)
Kate: …Arf (...I’m Kate)
Ale: Woof! (Nice to meet you!)
Roger: Ale’s got a habit of circling around any dog or person he meets for the first time. I brought him over from my folks’ place to have him check if you’re from around here… But it looks like it’s the first time you two are meeting. So…you’re not from around here. This is bad.
Roger scratched his head and sighed.
Roger: Nah, can’t give up now. Let’s go on a walk. Dogs know how to find their way home. Maybe you’ll remember on a walk.
Thinking I was a lost dog, Roger took me out on a dog walking route.
Of course, Ale was with us.
Roger: Anything ring a bell?
Kate: Awoo…(No…)
(I’m making trouble for Roger by looking for a nonexistent owner…)
(I need to work on making him understand that I’m Kate…!)
(And to do that…)
Roger: What’s up? If you’re running off like that, then…Do you know where your home is?
Kate: Arf! (Yes!)
As I ran down the road in this body of mine, Roger naturally followed after.
Ale: Woof woof! (I’m not gonna let you get away!)
And so, we arrived at—
Roger: …Crown castle?
(This is my home…so please realize that it’s me, Roger!)
Roger: The fact that we came back here…You really don’t know how to get home, do you?
(He still doesn’t get it…)
Ale: Woof woof! (I’m hungry after all that running!)
Roger: Can’t do anything else now… I’m sure you’re beat after today, so I’ll take you back to Crown.
Roger: Time to eat. You two, “stay”.
Roger left Ale and I in the dining room and headed to the kitchen.
(What will he prepare for us? Not human food, right?)
Ale: Woof woof! (Roger’s great at cooking!)
Ale sounded very proud when talking about Roger.
(Roger must’ve doted on him a lot while Ale was growing up…)
Ale: Woof? (You can’t eat until Roger gives you the ‘okay’, got it?) Arf! (That’s how you show respect to the cook!)
Kate: A-arf! (G-got it!)
Roger: Sorry for the wait. I made you two dinner.
(Roger’s cooking? T-this is…!)
He brought out plates of stewed meat and vegetables chopped into small pieces.
(It smells good...Looks delicious)
Ale: Awoo! (Come on, come on!)
Ale jumped around Roger’s feet as if he couldn’t wait any longer.
Roger: Haha, calm down Ale. I’m bringing you down to the infirmary first.
Roger: Sit, wait… Okay, go ahead!
At Roger’s signal, we started eating.
(I never thought this would be how I’d try Roger’s cooking…)
(It’s dog food, but it’s really food)
I was so mentally exhausted and the delicious food prepared with care filled my body.
Ale: Woof? Woof? (You haven’t finished your food. Need help?)
Having already finished his food, Ale nudged my plate with his nose.
Roger: Come on, Ale. You already ate.
Roger pulled Ale away, allowing me to finish my food in peace.
Kate: Arf (Thank you for the food)
Roger: You ate well. I’m glad you have an appetite. Now let’s clean this up and then…
Victor: Roger! Do you have a moment?
Victor came down to the infirmary and called out ot Roger with a serious look on his face.
Roger: Yeah. …You two be good and wait, okay?
After Roger and Victor left the basement, Ale started talking to me.
Ale: Woof woof! (Roger’s a great guy and a great cook!)
Kate: Arf (You’re right. I was surprised by how delicious it was)
Ale: Arf. Arf! (Right? Roger’s amazing!)
Ale sat proudly as if talking about himself.
Ale: Arf! Arf! (Oh! Let me tell you about the time I met Roger!)
~~ Flashback in Ale’s POV ~~
—It was when I was a small puppy.
Before meeting Roger, I lived with another man.
(I’m so hungry… It feels like I haven’t eaten in a while…)
Puppy: Awoo…(Hey, hey, is there food?)
I nudged at the man lying on the bed with my nose. But he didn’t move a muscle.
(Haven’t you been sleeping for the past few days? Why?)
(You’re cold. I guess I’ll warm you up!)
Avoiding the bottles of alcohol littered around the room, I jumped onto the bed and snuggled the man.
He usually got mad at me when I got on the bed with my dirty paws, but he didn’t say anything today.
(Hey, wake up already)
(If you’re so bored every day that you can only drink, then I’ll play with you)
How much time’s passed?
Just as I was about to pass out from starvation, someone pounded on the door.
Roger: It’s Roger! You there?! Don’t be so pessimistic about your life. I’m cursed like you— 
—Anyway, let me explain in person! If you’re pretending you’re out, I’m kicking down your door!
After shouting, there was a crack and the door broke, allowing a man with glasses to come in.
Puppy: Arf arf! (Who’re you!)
I circled around the man with glasses.
It’s a habit I still have, circling new people and dogs as a precaution.
Roger: A dog…? You’re so thin. Where’s your owner…
The man with glasses looked up at the bed and gasped.
Puppy: Arf! Arf! (He’s been sleeping forever! Wake him up!)
Roger: Ah, damn it! I was too late… If I came sooner, I might’ve been able to stop him…
Puppy: … Awoo…? (Do you mean he might not wake up again…?)
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Roger: Sorry I couldn’t save your owner…
~~ Flashback end ~~
Ale: Arf (And that’s how Roger and I met)
(It happened like that…)
Ale: Woof… (My previous owner stopped moving on his bed on the night of a thunderstorm) Arf! (I’m still scared of thunder so Roger covers my ears!)
Kate: Arf (That’s kind of him)
Ale: Arf? Woof! (Right? If you know Roger’s good points, then you’re a good guy!)
After that, Roger returned to the infirmary. 
Roger: Oh? You two are getting along well already? That’s good.
(...Huh? Why do you look so down, Roger?)
(What did Victor say?)
Ale: Woof woof! (This girl’s a good one, so I want her to be your wife!)
Kate: Yip!? (What are you talking about, Ale!?)
Ale: Arf! Arf! (Wife! Wife!)
I frantically chased after Ale who was spouting nonsense.
Roger: Haha, are you playing tag? It’s nice to see you so full of energy.
(Right now I’m glad Roger doesn’t understand dog…)
Roger: For now… Let’s go take a bath.
*Roger’s dog’s name is written as エール, which I’m translating as “Ale”
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