#fullmetal alchemist conqueror of shamballa
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poptartsaysurloved · 3 days ago
awwwww he so comfy
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Okay, even better 💕
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roymustangsucks · 21 hours ago
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deleted cos scene probably
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dewdroplamb · 1 month ago
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CoS Edward sketch to celebrate me buying a new Edward plush 🗣️🩷
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cadriox · 7 months ago
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Shamballa Ed
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leondafma · 5 months ago
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the-catmans-offical-2 · 4 months ago
The offical art when it comes to Ed and Wrath are few and far between. However, there's some things I've noticed and would like to share!
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Wrath, as a human, would have blue eyes - while this is something we pretty much already knew just by watching eps 28 through 30, if you look at Ed's eye color then you'll realize that they're very close to being inverses of each other!
Also Wrath is cool colors (Blues and greens, blacks and purples) whereas Ed is warm colors (Yellows and reds, whites and oranges). I think that's another contrast or inverse between them to show who they are as characters - with Wrath being a homunculus he is colder colors like the tones of a dead body or just generally not something alive, while Ed has warmer colors like a living human would.
There's more differences between them! Wrath's iris shape is (in the picture and originally) more circular than Ed's - who's is more ovular. Wrath also has slightly larger eyes than Ed, giving him a bit of more childlike appearance though his facial shape keeps him appearing as though he is of similar age to Ed. (I remember reading somewhere once, and please correct me if I am wrong but I personally believe this greatly, that Wrath was made with the goal kept in mind that he'd be an opponent to Ed of similar age and similar in other ways as well.) Wrath also has sharp teeth whilst Ed has dull flat ones - oddly enough Wrath's ears are pointed slightly and Ed's ears are rounded, furthermore giving the visual feel that Wrath isn't human. He must appear rather uncanny to Edward or to any human - same with the homunculi in general - because he looks human but with subtle things that make him... Off.
Wrath is all smilely too, whereas Ed looks more serious or weary; Showing off Wrath's inital innocence (which stays there throughout the series until he was betrayed by Dante and Envy, and I will fight anyone on that) and Ed's lingering distrust for Wrath. Fun fact, in CoS he seems to trust Wrath more even though the two never see each other again. Oh, they're gonna be the end of me. ED FUCKING ACTED LIKE HE KNEW WHAT WRATH WOULD WANT, which leads me to believe they had a talk or just SOMETHING during ep 51 that was cut out.
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I have no idea what this image is from so please let me know if anyone knows! I've been curious for a while.
Anyway, Wrath:) He's poking out from behind Ed, and there's more things to point out between them!
Wrath is wearing dark clothes whereas Ed's wearing light ones. Like usual, Wrath's hair is down and messy while Ed's is up and neat. This is the offical art that made me realize that Ed has longer, thinner eyebrows than Wrath - who has thicker ones!
Also Wrath seems to be staring directly at Ed, but I personally can't read his expression as anything? Maybe curiosity? I'm not good with reading facial expressions lmao.
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I'm looking for a clearer image for this so I may update this post at some point to put the clearer one there if I find it!
Anyway so Wrath and Edward are standing back to back. They have a slight height difference with Wrath as the shorter of the two (I bet Ed is very happy/j)
Ed's expression is more angry or solem while Wrath's is a grin - but both can be said to look angry I'd think.
They both have a hand on their hip (Ed's in his pocket but Wrath doesn't have pockets, L) and the opposite arm resting more languidly at their side. They're both standing straight, Ed's head is tilted slightly downward while Wrath's is tilted up - no one else is shown standing back to back. Only Wrath any Ed. Al is there, standing beside Ed, but Gluttony is standing with his side to Alphonse, and Lust is more off to the side and facing the others rather than with her back to anyone. I think it is to further show that Ed and Wrath are such parallels (and Lust is standing a little to the side, possibly showing how she isn't really obeying anyone but herself - showing how she betrayed Dante and went to help Ed get Al back in exchange for becoming human again; But we know how that played out..)
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I'm not really gonna talk about these here, as one of them is simply a scene redraw, and they're more Izumi focused if you look at them - with Izumi appearing somber while Ed looks weary or even fearful, and Wrath is just.. Being a kid. Running and flipping, and then in the redraw fighting Ed and Al.
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The same could be said about these!! They aren't really interacting - in the first image Wrath is asleep at a table with the other homunculi, and in the second he does appear to be staring at Ed; But again Ed isn't focused on him.
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Probably some of the ONLY FUCKING COS OFFICAL ART I HAVE FOUND with Wrath in it. Wrath and Ed are facing opposite of each other. No one, other than Wrath in the image, is fully facing at a side profile - which at first I thought represented how he had died, but Alfons is there and so is Eckhart.
Ed looks wistful, not angry but not happy. Sad perhaps, which is what he seems to be a lot in CoS. But Wrath, he looks down right angry. Yelling maybe? His mouth is opened wide and showing his sharp teeth, his visable eyebrow furrowed, he looks dirty and tired. Clearly this is during his fight with Gluttony. I love that they're seperated by the margin, representing the Gate kinda - Armestrian characters on one side, 'our world' characters on the other.
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Again, this isn't really Ed and Wrath in particular. But I want you all to really look at Wrath. He's licking his Ed arm. In a similar fashion Dante does to Lyra's arm after possessing her body, and basically asking Hoenhiem to.. Yk, fuck. While I definitely don't think Wrath is doing it out of sexual desire or reason (that is a child, that is a child, that is a child), I do believe he's doing it to mimick or copy Dante. Wrath could've seen that she liked Hoenhiem, which is putting it lightly but for the sake of the sake I'll just say she liked him, and then copied her by licking said limb out of liking Ed or desiring (non-sexually) his body/limbs. To become human.
Also jfc Envy is buff, go back to being a twink you loser.
Uhh I dunno, I just rambled a lil. Maybe I'll make another post with this? Maybe not, but this is what you get for now!! Use my ask box if you have any questions! :)
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short-wooloo · 2 months ago
This stuff is all 20 this year
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and of course the biggies
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codyis-not-cool · 3 months ago
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I think we needed more of these little guys interacting, they were so cute!! :D
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rhymo-s · 1 year ago
You have so much to do,
And I have nothing ahead of me.
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Your best american girl - Mitski
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fullmetalstarburst · 6 months ago
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Look how silly he is
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suzu-kun22 · 3 months ago
What if someone wrote an FMA fic about Ed in 1923 era Germany Except he and Alfons are Jewish/percieved as Jewish
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uvienova · 8 months ago
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I just think about it from time to time (bullshit), Ed managed to keep his promise because he was able to get Al his body back, but because theyre stuck on the other side of the Gate, Theres no way to get Ed’s arm and leg returned to him, so Al cant fulfill his promise to Ed and that fills me with despair :,(
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dewdroplamb · 2 months ago
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Wrath will b next,,
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cadriox · 5 months ago
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52October: alcohol
CoS (alt!roy)
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the-catmans-offical-2 · 7 months ago
Man I'm imagining 2003/CoS Al meeting the Brotherhood Elrics and being like what the FUCK do you mean you just gave up alchemy and everything was fine??
HE'D PROBABLY BE FUCKING LIVID ; CoS/2003 Ed would just be so done, not angry just - fuck hold on let me draw it.
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Shinji posed. Ft. Alcohol for my favorite lil alcoholic.
But oh yeah CoS/2003 Al would probably react either verbally or physically violent. I don't hold that above him.
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aquaseekerofdarkness · 8 months ago
I’ve been on a fullmetal alchemist hyper fixation (if you follow me, it would be kind of obvious) and i want to read fics that are fma03/cos and mangahood crossed over. Like both Eds and/or Als (etc) meet each other! I’ve already read @liathgray’s A Hop, Skip, and a Jump series and loved it (probably gonna reread it too)! Now I want to read something in a similar vein as it! If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, I would prefer no ships!
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