#it's the headcanon itself that annoys tf out of me
number1villainstan · 11 months
Chisaki: My day was fine. Chisaki: Hari's, on the other hand-- Kurono in the background: THE NEXT PERSON TO CALL ME A TWINK IS GETTING STABBED
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berrycake99 · 1 month
On Alastor's sexuality:
Ok so a thread I NEVER thought I'd have to make, but shit's getting out of hand and I am a little bit annoyed now.
For the longest time, I've defended Alastor ships because I really don't have a problem with random fanart/fics, regular fandom stuff...
But it's getting ridiculous, the latest post I've seen is headcanoning Alastor to be "bi-romantic", ofc getting rly defenssive if someone just says ANYTHING else.
The 'hypersexualization' of his character doesn't lay in him being portrayed in very sexy fanart or fics. It's the fact everyone's using Alastor for claiming their sexuality to be more valid, straight up jumping over his entire character. He is a beautifully written complex morally gray character and ppl only seek to see "wELL wHaT hIS seXuAL pREfErEncE iS", is it really that important???
Even if he's not confirmed aro, he is still asexual and just slamming any other title before ace to make him into your sexuality and then gripping onto it so effin hard is childish.
And you can't even make the argument of his sexuality actually being somewhat important to his character (like how for exemple, Vox being bisexual and having internilized homophobia is important to his actions and relations to others in the show, or how Angel being hypersexual is important part of his story with sex-work industry - I know hypersexuality is not a sexuality, but here too the "sexual" identity/part of a character is valid to include in understanding their psychology, do you see where I'm going?)
In regards to Alastor, nothing of sexual nature is really important to his role in the story. I don't mind anyone having fun and making any type of story they like, I do not think that is 'erasing the rep' because the ace-spectrum in itself is a spectrum and is very different for anyone, and everyone is valid.
What is erasing the rep is just making "headcanons" of his sexuality based on your own to make you feel better that you portray as factual. The reason I always say I don't mind is bcs I say the 'fun' doesn't change the show's flow. But some ppl actually do want that to happen, which is not okay.
You can't make an artist change their oc to fit your own standards. At that point, you're self-inserting.
Ppl are being as disrespectful to even harrass the VA into making a statement to explain to y'all that it ain't happening nothing will be canon and chill tf out. And then they still make the "ok no sex scene but there will be romance we have 2 more seasons to go!"
Did everyone forget Vivzie confirming Alastor will be single throughout the series after pilot or???
Not everything needs to have romance and sex in it..I understand these are important factors for ppl in general which is why I encourage everyone to make their own story, that way you have full freedom of expression to say it the way you want it to be. But expecting the show itself to change into your secific place on the ace-spectrum is just very distastefull.
Not to mention this is done only for the characters with no precisely defined sexualities, but mostly Alastor. Imagine someone going "you can't tell me Angel isn't bisexual. Look at the way he looks at Vaggie in this screenshot!" everyone would loose their shit. But for Lucifer, who is still unclearly straight/pan/bi or Alastor who is ace, ppl go "OMG AN EMPTY SPACE! OPPORTUNITY TO SELF-INSERT!" Stop. Again, how is this important to the story..
No shade to any RadioApple, RadioDust, StaticRadio, whateverRadio shippers. I myself find some of the fanart cute and I understand. But please don't try to force the idea of a non-canon dynamic you like onto every ace person irl and the show itself. That is very stupid. Make a fanfic, enjoy the show. Alastor will probably have an amazing lore in the future. He is more than his sexuality.
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devildomsvixenmc · 2 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Reacting to MONTERO (Satan’s Extended Version)༉‧₊˚.
Characters: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Diavolo, Simeon
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Crack, Angst (veryy slightly)
Memo: Originally only had 4 characters in this headcanon but I expanded it
You’re in the Devildom EXCHANGE PROGRAM afterall, so it’s only right for you to share some human music with them! What song is even better to introduce to them than none other thee MONTERO by Lil Nas X?
he SLIGHTLY finds the term “Satan’s Extended Version” amusing but will be confused WHY Satan is in the title???
will definitely feel the “falling from grace” part deeply - like he’s relating soo much
MC tf you just reminded him of his fall
but on the brighter side, Lucifer will use the song to tease Satan
“Oh Satan, did you know there’s a song named after you?”
“It’s Montero (Satan’s Extended Version), you might want to check it out”
*cue a book thrown towards Lucifer’s face
Leviathan spends a hell lot of his time in the internet so he already knows about the song before you introduced it to him
once you play it, he'll literally go WHOOOAAOAAOHH (the one you hear in the game T_T)
will rave about the cultural and internet impact of the song
"LMFAO and normies got sooo mad at him!"
he's actually happy you both share some interests even if it's like this
now your chances of being called a normie by Levi is lowered (but not zero)
may have heard about the song before but hasn't heard the song ITSELF
so when you tell about Montero to Satan, his curiosity peaks
finally!! he gets to EDUCATE HIMSELF on what's the deal with the DAMN song but-
did he just read "Satan's Extended Version"?
yes Satan, you did :/
now he's baffled at how unshameful humans can be
like he's going to laugh but at the same time be taken aback by the FRICKIN TITLE
Satan doesn’t mind the song but the only reason he's angry is because he has nothing to do with the song but is titled after
the moment Asmo sees the title, he'll go straight to gossiping mode
"oh my, who knew Satan is in cahoots with someone"
if you're watching the music video, Asmodeus will definitely do a lap dance as well :D
both of you are just vibing
that is, until Asmo decided to share the song to Satan
finds it amusing, will definitely bring it up to Satan during one of your “Anti-Lucifer” meetings in the attic
Belphie kind of thinks that the song title will (maybe??) upset both Lucifer and Diavolo so he’s not against sharing it to them as well
a bit of spoiler for Diavolo but he’s not upset about the song and its title
anyways, Belphie will just go back to sleep after the song finishes
it will take DAYS for him to finally wake up and tell it to his brothers, especially Satan and Lucifer just to annoy them
really enthusiastic because it's going to make the exchange program more successful, right???
100% will joke about the title "I didn't know Satan was this influencial in the human world"
Diavolo honestly enjoys it soo much because it's exposing him to another culture!!!
Barbatos sees both you and Diavolo talking about the song and doesn't mind
but once Lucifer knows about this, well he'll definitely mind :D
oh, why so unholy, MC? (just kidding)
will literally BELIEVE that Satan has something to do with the song when he reads the title
might even text Satan about it: Stan. Did you crate a song with a hummus? Blair just showered it to me. 
(Satan. Did you create a song with a human? Blair just showed it to me.)
if you make him watch the music video, he’ll be reminded of the brothers’ falls 
might even be reminded of his own demotion
but Simeon’s praising the message of the lyrics and how well-written it is
might use it as an inspiration for his writings :D
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jkgnggj · 1 year
for the ask game!! what do u think about makokuu :3c (i am so obsessed with them i need to know)
LMAO ok so this one's hard bc it's like, I ship it and I don't. Like I do like the ship and I can see them together they'd be so good but bad for each other but like in a good way yk? But I don't actively seek fanfiction or fanart or content for them yk? But I do like the fanart I've seen so I'll say I ship it 👍
1. What made you ship it?
So idrk when it started or how but it's just the thought of the two older brothers who annoy their younger siblings together is so silly to me. Like I probs heard or saw sum fanart or a meme about the ship and I was hooked like "at first I was like mm makoku as a joke but bro I dont think it's a joke anymore" < like that
2. What are your favorite things Abt the ship?
Oo ahh that's a hard one ummm I like how they annoy tf outta each other. And they're in denial. Like they're not even friends idek if they ever met like it's so far from canon but at the same time they're like equals to me in a way. They're like idk foils or something idk how to describe it they're like complementary to each other. Like they're opposites but also super similar and I love that sm. I am a big sucker for opposites attract and enemies to lovers pfft if u couldn't tell </3
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Unpopular opinion? Hmm it's a toughie bc like I said I don't think Abt them a lot like I don't concoct headcanons or scenarios with the sillies :( I will say this tho, I don't like or dislike the characters individually. Like I don't hate them tho I don't care or mind if other people do. I won't defend them or their actions but sometimes I do think some people make them out to be even worse than they were shown to be. (I think the reason why this happens is bc those people either relate to the struggles of Kokomi or kusuo bc they've had similar experiences in the past) and that's totally fine and reasonable bc again these are just fictional characters u can hate or like them or project onto them all you want and that's valid. But I am not makoto or kusuke hater nor apologist, like I said before I don't really mind their characters and that in and of itself is probably an unpopular opinion bc u either love em or hate em :/ but yes u can expect no judgement from me whether u enjoy or hate the characters.
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izzyliker · 3 years
Hey, asking you this as nicely as I can but can you give the immediate victim blaming a break. The absolute lack of respect you have for the people tmc abused is genuinely disheartening. Yes, he’s a shitty person, you’re entitled to hate him but immediately going “well you should’ve seen it coming earlier lol we’ve been saying this” is just ASTONISHINGLY shortsighted and cruel. Have your opinions about him and the situation all you want I would just ask that you please keep it to yourself due to the many many people he’s hurt that are still on here and can see you disparaging them.
ok, that is not what i have been saying. "well you should've known" is not an accurate summary of my feelings on this matter but apologies if thats how it came across. i have been in an abusive relationship where the person did a lot of the same things and i, too, defended that person without considering how it impacted other people. i almost lost my best friend because of how i acted as a result of keeping him in my life while people around me kept telling me to get tf out. i know.
what i am is im frustrated and annoyed by how long people were willing to publicly and passionately defend this guy while apparently fully aware what kind of shit he was doing to other people, many of which is detailed in the callout itself, and how this is now being framed as news. before the document itself was published all me (or anyone) had to go off of was vague posts that amounted to a "callout trailer" and almost all of the information on it was shit that was 100% completely public knowledge. 20+ people being aware of all that goddamn stuff and not one of them publicly stopping associating with him is frustrating. it comes across as spineless and yes, like one anon told GD, gaslighty (although i have my own issues with this being used on a large scale instead of in interpersonal relationships but i understand where they were coming from). his lesbophobia, transphobia (strange that none of the transphobia towards trans men was mentioned?), and panphobia/aphobia/biphobia were widely documented and seeing that on a callout post as if it were news was extremely tiring.
ive since read the callout. the interpersonal actions seem to have been horrible but sadly im not surprised (by which i dont mean "and neither should you" but rather. my spidey senses for this sort of behavior are pretty accurate most of the time and i did see this coming. this isnt me saying im Better than these people or that they shouldve as well but rather that i have learned to identify people of this genre.) by any of them.
also im 75% sure this is tumblr user GD. hello. if not then apologies, its just that the typing here is very similar. if it is, i think you trying to both take accountability for this and process whatever it is youre processing at the same time on tumblr is a bad idea and going to just lead to people feeling hurt and betrayed because while i truly do see where the reaction is coming from (like, truly, i understand, believe me), if you say "i take responsibility for how i acted while being manipulated" but then when people voice their negative feelings you tell them theyre victim blaming you it is going to reflect poorly on you. i dont think you understand how many people were absolutely hurt by the enabling you and your large, massively popular group of friends did for him, including the MASSIVE defense rant you typed up in defense of him when someone sent an ask to the bi jon event about him being panphobic and aphobic. whether its fair for people to expect you to immediately go into depth about it is questionable but dont invite people to do this when you obviously cannot handle it (i dont mean this in a bad way like "oh you should handle it". i mean genuinely this is how you get burnt out and possibly worsen possible future trauma. by trying to immediately placate people without having the mental resources to do so.)
i think the "we dont condone these views and never did!" without ever specifying what they were or doing any other work there is a lazy fucking cop-out. your circle was/is massively popular and a lot of people took all of you as authorities on stuff like headcanons and respectful portrayals of certain characters or identities to the point of accepting your meta as canon (something you havent really dissuaded ever), and associating publicly with someone who would constantly do this kind of shit and then defending him publicly while also positing yourself as an authority isnt something you can just "oops! we never agreed with him!" yourself out of. GD & TF specifically, you are massive blogs. you are babys first TMA blog. people in your askbox hurt and betrayed by this shit are not necessarily there to victim blame you. they are there because they trusted your word when they said "hey seraf reblogged anti pan and anti ace and weird transphobic posts" and you said "seraf is one of my dearest friends and would never do any of those things and im personally offended youd even imply that." i think you dont understand the real life consequences of the massively popular posts and sentiments he made & published and that you helped spread (despite apparently knowing that he was being a massive hypocrite and bigoted towards those groups or identities in his personal life). obviously interpersonal abuse/conflict is going to be "worse" but dear god i hope you collectively understand that "oh btw we never endorsed his views" is a massive copout and a shit apology for the hurt this association and endorsement caused. tmc has been terrorizing this fucking fandom for months with his bullshit and bigotry and you have not been passive bystandars but active enablers.
anyways, hope everyone involved gets to uh, heal i suppose, but i think expecting the people who seraf suicide baited, the groups of trans men he misgendered, the people who he targeted and harassed, the genuine fucking long lasting dysphoria he caused real people to have over his shitty takes re: transness and dysphoria, and the general shit behavior he was allowed to keep up with zero pushback from anyone in his circle of the fandom to drop all the anger or frustration they have for the people who enabled him and defended him aggressively is... unrealistic. and makes you look bad. especially when the doc doesnt even clarify which opinions you still support.
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First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 1)
Title: First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 1)
Genre: fluff, tons of it
Pairing: Sugawara/Tsukishima/Yaku/Akaashi/Kunimi x reader (all separate)
Notes: Nothing too unusual, but I thought that I’d start the posting to get something on the page. Whether it gets read, we’ll find out, but I couldn’t help myself. Onto the cliche headcanons. (I may do more of these, but for the time being, this will only consist of my top five characters in the anime). Quick note: some of these may be longer than others. 
Only a forewarning, but inspiration hit harder in certain areas, y’know. 
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Masterlist
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Sugawara Koushi
ok so
hear me out here, but I think that - for this to happen - it’d be with someone very shy.
someone that’s very shy and reserved while also remaining very aloof and observant
(maybe even a little sarcastic?)
like...he’d be attracted to their air, y’know? 
as for the kiss...
the kiss itself would be done somewhere fairly private. and a little covered in shadow
someplace like the back row of a movie theater or the hidden corner of a cafe or restaurant. maybe even out in public when nobody’s outside (read: late night walk in the park) 
like seriously, just imagine that, i swear-
the two of you would be holding hands, he’d be admiring you while you’re doing whatever you do
he thinks everything you do is adorable, and he can’t help but admire you
it’s only when you notice his googly eyes that you let him know that you know he was staring
he’d blush a little, but remain generally composed. 
the quiet would be broken very suddenly by suga
“your so cute when you’re focused.” 
little did you know, you were pouting. 
he found that the most adorable.
he continued to watch you as you turned your eyes to the floor
he couldn’t help himself. 
time seemed to slow down as you looked up and he leaned in closer. 
eventually, the two of you were staring into each others eyes
and once he peeked down for a millisecond, he kissed you
the kiss itself was very sweet, very gentle, but also had a slight bite to it? 
(how am I supposed to explain this? does this even make any sense?) 
as it got more passionate, he cupped your cheek with his hand as you gripped his shoulder lightly 
as the two of you pulled away from each other, everything around you was a little blurry 
even through the shadows, he could see that you were blushing a firetruck red
(little did he know, he was blushing the same color)
overall, the first kiss between you two would be very romantic and very sweet. 
considering it’s suga, though, prepare for a little teasing and a tight hug afterwards.
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Tsukishima Kei
it’s a well known fact that this beanpole is very obnoxious and snarky
so his s/o would be very much the same
maybe not as introverted, but very much sarcastic and witty
in order to last with this smartass, you’d have to be intelligent and have thick skin
good luck
otherwise, the kiss would most likely happen somewhere very private.
like his s/o’s room or his room, or when they’re home alone. 
just somewhere very private and comfy
now here’s the thing- 
i think the kiss itself would happen in the midst of a debate
something to throw the other off, y’know?
the TV is playing in the background, probably some movie with a huge plot hole
it annoys both of you, but the two of you have two different opinions of how the plot hole could be fixed. 
you’re claiming that the timeline could be fixed had they found a certain item before a different one
and he’s claiming that the timeline could be fixed without the inclusion of either item
a whole back-and-forth ensues
the kiss itself though
that happens when you are starting to hesitate with comebacks and reasoning
you know you’re right, but he’s pressing your buttons so much
the timeline is heavily dependent on the items that you stand by, so
(though he won’t admit it, he knows that the items are beneficial to the plot, and he’s only doing this to see you get flustered and red)
since tsukki’s not backing down, you decide that you have to do something drastic
something that’ll make the smart mouth speechless
so you decide that the time is now
when he’s looking at you with that smug look on his face, his mouth just slightly opened and about to make some baseless remark
you lean in and kiss him
it’s very short, very light
but now that he is shocked, you’re happy. 
he regains his composure and tilts your head to meet him
he kisses you this time
this time, its very passionate, a little rough, and a little messy
but the both of you enjoy it very much
the two of you act like nothing happened, but it’s the little moments like that that make the two of you happy
and you two tend to kiss and get a little more clingy in private-
overall, very short and kind of sneaky. 
there’s still love behind it, of course
but there’s no real ‘pause’ or slowing of time until the second kiss
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Yaku Morisuke
i believe that this guy would be drawn to someone that’s very bubbly and energetic
not like yamamoto or lev, but very high-energy and outgoing
which also leads to the setting
who tf would’ve guessed, oh my-
so like, the team is going up against a really powerful and notoriously defensive team
and while Nekoma is going HARD
they’re still behind
the sets were even and the odds did not seem to be in their favor
you’re in the stands, next to the mini yamamoto and lev’s sister 
cheering loudly, helping lev’s sister understand the game a little better
things are getting tough, and they call a time out
when Nekoma goes to their spot to discuss
you make eye contact with yaku 
and you send him a thumbs up while mouthing ‘you got this!’
he sends you a big smile
and his upbeat mood almost completely lifts the slowly dengenerating one of the team
so when they are done elaborating a game plan following the slight loss of a flow
the members in play go onto the court rejuvenated. 
with the new energy, they’re able to snag the lead 
and, with a three-point difference, they win 25-22
a close call, but they’re excited nonetheless.
so are you and the girls that you were cheering with
as soon as they are finished lining up and people start to leave
you immediately run out of the gym and wait by the doors for your boyfriend and the team to come out 
when they do, yaku comes out a little after the other team members
it’s your squeal that shocks him
the kiss happens when you jump onto him
(think something like the falling kiss between victor and yuuri from YOI)
kind of rough, slight teeth, but very romantic and passionate.
nothing bordering on lustful, but most definitely NOT shy 
it would eventually mellow out to be more gentle and tame
the scene would lead to mixed reactions from the team, but
you can be sure that kuroo would have some smart remark, lev would have a dumb remark, and yamamoto would be fussing that he doesn’t have a girl
overall, while the kiss would be surprising and rough at first, it would calm down a lot
very romantic, very shocking, but also very memorable
ok but on another note, can something like this happen to me please-
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Akaashi Keiji
ok now
this guy would probably be drawn to someone very laidback
kind of chaotic (think quiet chaos)
and very outgoing 
like, someone like beck from victorious?
oh god, it’s all coming back to me now-
not so flirty and borderline flighty, but they’d carry the same air that beck does
otherwise, the kiss would probably happen when the two of you are in a private area of something
like a friendly outing or something, and bokuto would be acting like a fool with kuroo or another team member
so like- 
the two of you would be cuddled up next to each other silently
maybe like in a less-obvious area
someplace hidden
and you’d just be doing your own thing
playing on your phone, reading, maybe even studying with the pretty setter
either way, you’re absorbed in your work 
just as much as he is
though he has been taking slight peeks at you while you were doing whatever
it was distracting him
and he was trying to read
just imagine him thinking 
‘they’re so pretty when they’re focused’
you don’t realize that he’s staring at you, but you do eventually are made aware of someone looking at you 
with this guy being how he is, he’d probably just keep looking if you made eye contact with him
you’d laugh, he’d turn a little red
ultimately, though, he’d lean forward despite the flustered reaction.
he’d pause in front of you, just watching your lips twitch up into a small smile
a little nod would be the unspoken allowance that he was asking for.
i imagine that this would be magical
the sparks never leave even after a couple hours.
even then, the remaining sparks are like little fairies that won’t leave your side.
it’s slow, it’s soft, it’s romantic
it’s also not the most gentle, not the most experienced, not the most clean (for lack of a better word) 
but it’s everything that either of you could’ve asked for
when the two of you pull away, you giggle a little
akaashi smiles a little
(you know the one!) 
anyway, after the kiss
you two would be made aware of the people around you 
like bokuto 
who is screaming “YEAH! FINALLY!” 
you full on bust out laughing and akaashi rolls his eyes
(he may appear bothered, but he finds it endearing)
he does keep a slightly tighter grip on you after that though
overall, his kiss, in my opinion would be the best
if not THE best, then ONE of the best (next to yaku’s oop-)
very smooth, but very inexperienced
while also remaining so unabashedly him, y’know?
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Kunimi Akira 
now, i haven’t seen as much love for this guy 
while i may be missing it or not looking in the right place, i thought i’d contribute to the kunimi train
i think he’d go for a bookworm 
not necessarily quiet or loud, but very much to themselves.
someone whose shell would have to break 
kunimi would probably be best friends with his s/o before he even thought of wanting to date them
and much like suga, i think that the first kiss would happen somewhere slightly private
by slightly private, i mean an area that couples would be plentiful
amusement parks, regular parks, you get it
either way, the area wouldn’t change the kind of kiss
since he is so quiet, i feel like he’d find a way to just relax with you
in a place that is ironically romantic (considering he doesn’t care too much)
that being said, i imagine that this would happen on the ferris wheel 
cliche, i know, but just let me elaborate
it’d be getting dark, the two of you would have been at the amusement park with your friends
or maybe even upperclassmen
either way, you two have finally gotten a break from the personalities
and you just want time with each other
no talking, just calm and quiet 
anyway, on your search to find something quiet to do
kunimi sees the ferris wheel and notices that the line isn’t very long
(perfect for him, seeing as his laziness is a factor written in the wiki-)
he directs your attention to it in a way that involves little words, and you agree to his suggestion
after a few minutes of waiting, you two get seated and just sit in silence
throughout the whole ride (up to this point), kunimi was looking at you 
observing how the sunset makes you glow in the light 
how the carnival lights reflect in your eyes 
and he melts
you wouldn’t notice it since you are so absorbed in the view of the event
and he is absorbed in the view of you 
now, here’s where things get odd
he wouldn’t know how to approach the thought of your first kiss when it crosses his mind 
all he knew is that he refused to plan it, the idea struck him, and the timing was perfect.
he just reaches for you hand, and when you turn to look at him
he quickly leans in and pecks your lips
short, sweet, but full of love
definitely leaves the both of you flustered, but
you two do end up scooting a little closer to you after it 
and spend the rest of the night at each other’s hip
overall, the kiss is very quick
don’t let that fool you, though, especially with kunimi
the kiss is perfect coming from him, and wouldn’t be the slightest bit overwhelming
it’d leave for more calm atmosphere between the two of you 
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plutowrites · 4 years
AHHH PLUTO okok I’m definitely requesting something from my mf baby 😤❣️
Okok we already know who I’m picking this with... but to be safe Levi LMAO
My pronouns are she/they so she is fine 🤠❣️
OKOK for starters I’m an INFP ! Personality wise with people I don’t know very well they do say I’m a little blunt and I come off harsher than I mean to and I have a very dominant personality, like I’m not at all afraid to call shit out if I see it and be honest with people! But I also think I’m a very kind and devoted person! With my friends and people I talk to though I’m very loud and I feel like I can be a lot sometimes LMAO, I’m just a loud goofy person :)
I’m also very awkward though like “🧍🏻‍♀️”at its finest in social situations that aren’t with work, I’m not very good at reading social queues which is probably why I’m very blunt a lot of the time and harsh on accident cause I don’t mean to be!! I’m just talking!!
I think I’m pretty funny too 🤓
Generally people either think I’m v sweet or mean and idk where that puts me LMAO
Hobbies 🥸 this is so hard always pls but I like artsy stuff -we know this- and I really like the outdoors!! Camping??? Yeah sign me tf up ! I MF LOVE ROADTRIPS I love every part!! The long drives and the scenery and the hotel and the stupid souvenirs it’s just ugh I love it :)
Looks; ok now listen, I am 5’9” and like a half,,, I know Levi is like 5’3 on a good day but IDC‼️I love my lil shorty❣️❣️For looks idk what else to say besides the fact that body wise i’d say I’m like curvy but I have kind of muscular/thick thighs from when I did rugby -that I am a teensy bit insecure about- and that’s just kind of how I’ve always been built man 🧍🏻‍♀️ features wise I have curly black hair and brown eyes and uhhh a beauty mark right by my lip like a Marilyn Monroe one idk what else to say face wise LMAO 😶
Ok I WONT put smoothie as my fav dessert cause apparently that don’t count 🙄✋🏼‼️ so it’d have to be like strawberry anything 🤓❣️ besides ice cream 😶 like strawberry cheesecake! That’s good there we go :)
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HI LOVE I kinda went off bc you gave me so much to work with ❤️🥺 and while i was writing everything i was like damn...im starting to have feelings for bunny too LMAOO
ANYWAYSS i hope you enjoy 😘
Random Headcanons
Levi and you started dating because all your mutual friends were pushing you guys together and it got to the point where the two of you were so frustrated and were all like fine, LET’S JUST DATE
But then he started to really make you feel ushy gushy feelings…..and you started to make him feel such strong and intense emotions
Whenever the two of you hung out he would bring you snacks that he saw you eating (and enjoying) before. Like y’all will go on a hike and he’ll pull out gummies from his pocket or a random ass drink for you
“Where did that come from?”
“Just take it idiot.”
“Are you sure?”
“I brought it for you.”
 He’ll get so shy then after realizing what he said and he vows to himself to never be soft like that again but then he can’t help it when he’s around you. Poor bby just wants to make you so happy.
He loves listening to you talk and it doesn’t matter what you talk about, he just loves listening to you go on and on ESPECIALLY if it’s something that makes you excited 
You just do something to him when he sees your eyes go all wide and you start to use your hands to speak and he’s freaking out in the inside bc he thinks you’re so perfect but on the outside he looks so nonchalant as he drinking his fourth cup of tea of the day
He’s gonna look forward to your stories, and he especially loves your work ones except when ppl are making your job hard for you
He gets all annoyed that he can’t be there to tell them to fuck off 
I know you said your thighs were a bit of an insecurity for you but if you let Levi find out he’ll make sure you know he loves them and you’re perfect just the way you are
One of his favourite things to do is just lay down on them, head in your lap and he gets to just look up at you and be at peace
He doesn’t communicate his feelings 24/7, he would much rather show you how much he adores you
I feel like he’ll love to give you massages? The two of you will be watching a movie together and he’ll pull your feet onto his lap and just rubs them, or he’ll grab your hand and massage them for you
OUU you’ll be like ugh my hands are kinda dry and he’ll be like bet and leaves the room then comes back with lotion and rubs it on for you 
“I can do that myself, ya know?”
“Tch. Why do it when I can do it, brat?”
OMG you guys watch shows together and he would be so HURT if you watch an episode without him
He’ll come back home from work and see you watching the latest episode and his face will fall and he’ll just retreat back to the room without speaking to you LMAO
You have to promise to never do it again and give him lots of kisses. He’ll act super annoyed but he would forgive you in the first 5 seconds
GIRL he’s gonna love playing with your hair, he is lowkey (highkey) OBSESSED with touching your curls
Tries to do this at night though so he doesn’t ruin your hair for the day
Omg i’m writing a lot AHH 
Levi loves how easy it is to be around you and how effortless it is to love you
He’s not into the theatrics and he hates unnecessary drama so when he’s able to find someone he can be 100% himself around without worrying about rubbing them the wrong way with his personality...he’s so hooked
He appreciates your bluntness! He doesn’t like when people beat around the bush, he prefers someone who is always honest even if it comes off harsh! He’s the same exact way!
HE simply adores your beauty mark, you’ll just catch him sometimes looking at it (and your lips ofc) he thinks it super adorable but he also won’t be super obvious about it
He hates how much money you spend on iced coffees, he always wonders why you can’t make it at home like how he makes his tea at home
You’ll walk through the door and he sees a cup in your hands
“Didn’t I buy you an iced coffee this morning? You still haven’t finished it?”
“No, this is another one.”
“You’re 90% iced coffee at this fucking point.” 
One day he gets so fed up and he just buys all the ingredients to make your iced coffee at home and I’m not talking about him getting some basic instant coffee and some creamer, this man is ordering all the flavours you like
You like hazelnut syrup? He got it. Caramel? He ordered it. You like sweet cream cold foam on top? He bought a milk frother.
He’ll tell you he regrets it later on bc of how much space everything takes up
“Our kitchen turned into a shitty ass starbucks” 
He doesn’t actually regret it tho, he knows how much you love it and that’s enough to make him feel satisfied 
How Levi asks you to be his valentine
This man just straight up texts you! (see image below)
PLS Levi acts so hard but in reality he is so soft for you
After he presses send he constantly checks for your reply
Jumping to his phone when he feels a vibration in his pocket and then gets disappointed when it’s not you texting him back
How Levi spends Valentine’s day with you
For the valentine’s day itself he plans a road trip for the two of you and even though the destination is breathtaking and gorgeous, you can’t help but to think the best part was the journey
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hobiiwan · 5 years
could I request headcanons on young reader (who is mando's friend and helps him on missions) coming out to him as a lesbian? I rlly need some support rn😔 your blog is amazing btw!!
hey anon, i hope you know that you’re not alone out there!! sending you all the love and kindness xx don’t hesitate to dm me if you ever wanna chat or smth, hope you like this!!
you’re young, but not that young
sure, maybE you’ve got less years under your belt than the common bounty hunter but hey, work is work
you’ve got to get that coin somehow
you’ve been in this line of work for a little while now, but on one particular hunt, shit hits the fan
things don’t always go as plan, and perhaps you got a little sidetracked
you may or may not have tried to slip an extra ration pack and started a kerfuffle
you’re cornered and there are a bUNCH of stormtroopers closing in on you
so you make a wild run for it
dodging heavy (albeit inaccurate) blaster fire, you leap behind a corner, only to find yourself crashing into a heaVILY armoured man
like seriously do noT run head first into that beskar
that shit hurtED
and that’s the story of how you met the mandalorian
it took a quick moment of pleading and diving behind him as the stormtroopers caught up to you
he takes them out with ease obviousLy
but now it’s just you and him,,,, yikeS
he’s got that blaster still smoking but now it’s pointed straight at you
“heY now!!! that won’t be necessary,” you chuckle nervously, hands raised in surrender
“it was all just a misunderstandinG, i swear!!!”
the mandalorian lets out a scoff, to which you take offence
“i’m sure it was.”
he takes another look and deems you harmless, before turning to leave the situation you’d dragged him into before reinforcements arrive
he did not expect you to tail him like a lost puppy
and he definiteLY did not expect you to still be here months later
when you caught sight of the Child, you instantly light up, offering to babysit him when the man’s away
so here you are, courtesy of your shameless begging
when the mandalorian warms up to you, yall develop a sibling bond
he’s like a big brother; always making sure you eat, don’t stay up too late and keeps you out of trouble
whereas you take up the role of annoying little sister
you talk incessantly, even when no one’s around to listen and you constantLy find yourself getting into trouble
but at least u pull ur own weight
something mando is slightly impressed by
at this point, you can probably trust him with your life
but even so, there are some things that you haven’t been able to tell him
sometimes you can’t bear to even think about it because the weight it leaves on your chest is just too heavy
you know that the galaxy is vast, and there are pleNTY of inter-species relationships; people are open, to say the least
and yet you still can’t shake the thought that this is wrong; you shouldn’t be feeling this
it takes a long, long time for you to come to terms with your romantic preference
you’re not ashamed, but it just isn’t something that you’re comfortable airing out to the world, u feel
so when you decide to sit mando down one day, you want to jump out of your own skin
you’re mostly scared he’ll treat you differently; you don’t want things to change
he’s slightly confused and a little concerned
you’re fidgeting a lot and it’s making hiM antsy
did something happen? did you get in a fight? are you preg-DEAR GOD ARE YOU PREGANT
protective brother mode activated
“whaT? no, mando, I’m noT pregnant.” you splutter at the onslaught of accusationS
“in fact, you literally never have to worry about that,” you mumble under your breath
“gooD, because I’d find whoever- wait, what did you say?”
you squint your eyes and breathe in deeply
it’s okay, you think, you’ll be fine. this is who you are, and if he doesn’t agree, then you don’t need him in your life
but u kinda do
so you bite the bulleT
and you blurt it out
“i like girls, mando.”
you wait with a baited breath, gauging his reaction
to your surprise, he nods nonchalantly, “okay. what else?”
you blink
the words have left you
they’re gone
“well,,, i-uH, i just wanted you to know,,, and that i’m still me,,,?”
your heart is pounding out of your chest
fight or flight mode activated, in this house we fly
you stand to leave, but he catches your wrist before you can bolt out
you don’t know what to expect but you really hope it ends well
“thank you for telling me, kid. it probably wasn’t easy,” he speaks, and it’s soft, softer than you’ve ever heard it
softness is exactly what you need in this moment; you’re vulnerable
“you are who you are. don’t let anyone make you think differently, okay?”
wow when did u start crying
honestly me toO tf
you don’t want him to see your tears, so you bury your head in his chest as you hug him tight
you’re so relieved
you feel ten pounds lighter, like you can finally breathe again
it feels nice
after that, it’s like you and mando are actual siblings
he likes to tease you when he catches you staring at pretty girls in the market
girls are pretty, suE ME
sometimes he tries to be your wingman but he just ends up embarrassing the craP out of u
and earns a sharp jab to the arm
he lets you rant to him about your crushes and relationship problems, should you have any
he definitely notices when you practically have heart-eyes looking at cara
don’t we all
what a womaN amirite
you and mando mutually fangirl over cara dune this is a facT
you could watch her knock out stormtroopers all day
you’d pay to be one of those stormtroopers ngl
me too, reader, mE fuckiNG too
you’re so glad you decided to tell mando, because you’ve never been happier
he sees you for who you are, and if you love yourself, then so does he
you don’t have to hide yourself anymore, and that’s a blessing in itself
you’re proud to be who you are
anyone who has a problem with that,,,,,
honey you got a storm coming
aka mando, protector of lesbians
and y/n, lesbian
has a nice ring to it, if i may say so meself
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thesassiestcolor · 6 years
Anioendragon is doing ask meme and I thought you’d want to do it for STRQ?? :D
OKAY LET ME TRY THIS SHIT AGAIN bc Tumblr told me No when I tried to save a draft a few days ago but thank you for the thoughtfulness!!!
And it was Anipendragon’s ask meme that I had to look up if anyone still cares
We still don’t know anything about Summer UNFORTUNATELY so I’ll do TRQ the best I can
Favorite thing about them: he’s the protective dad trope in the best way so it’s not annoying!! He loves his kids and supports them going off to fight!
Favorite line: Burnie Burns is a great choice for him man he’s great at that underlying Sad tone and it’s best brought out in “I just wanted a better goodbye than a letter.” Like - he loves Yang! He wants her to stay but he knows she’s gotta go!
BROTP: You know him and Qrow got lit at Beacon! Blood brothers babey!!
NOTP: I wouldn’t say I ever have NOTPs for anybody but if I had to I’d say that but I’m Chibi with Cinder was kinda weird
OTP: I want to see him and Summer in their prime man there’s just infinite amounts of love between them!!
Random Headcanon: I want his semblance to be an activated stone-skin type with dragon scales, for many dramatic “I will shield you with my body” moments. let Tai protect himself and his team!
Unpopular opinion: I think the fndm gives him a lot of shit for having Yang take up the mother role after Summer died but I can’t really get angry about it. Like. Yeah having the second love of your life die would be pretty goddamn tragic I’d say
Song I associate them with: @thequibblingking13 introduced me to the fan song “Answer to Me” and I LOVE IT it sounds just like something the Williams would put out
Favorite picture of them:
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“I’ll give you amazing life lessons whilekicking ur ass”
Favorite thing about them: HER DESIGN IS RAD AS FUCK
Least fav thing about them: Can I say almost everything she does??? Lmao like, Raven’s cool af but literally every decision she has made in the show has been out of pure selfishness or apathy. M&K went out of their way to make her first line to Yang really be “so you’ve finally come to visit me” like....damn she really is that bitch huh I miss her
Favorite line: “I’ve stared death in the face over and over again and every time I’ve spat in that face and survived!”
While Raven is a Complete Bitch she’s also a complete BADASS and nothing conveys that more than this line holy shit
BROTP: Can i say Qrow again kfhdhsjajsh you know they were the weird goth siblings who only hung out with each other for a while
NOTP: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ again the thing with Cinder is a little weird but whatever
Otp: no one lol she doesn’t know how to love
Random Headcanon: With her semblance-bonds to people comes some shared pain/distress she can feel but she’s learned to ignore it
Unpopular opinion: she’s justified in her grudge against Ozpin and she will NOT be his sacrifice babey!!
Song I associate them with: I got a whole PLAYLIST man lmao but the Mains are
“Caught” - Florence and the Machine because nothing says Raven like a sensual song about possibly betraying everything you were taught for love huh
Get Free - Lana Del Ray again because being torn between two things makes me feel things
Alive - Sia should speak for itself
Favorite picture of them
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Again, Rad as FUCK design, a dramatic entrance?? Icon
Favorite thing about them: I’m a sucker for the Assholish Rogue with a Heart of Gold man!!! Qrow fits the bill perfectly! He cares about his family and regular ass people! He’ll fight you over petty shit but that’s just the Bisexual Experience!
Least fav thing about them: He’s gotten so self-blaming and emo over Ozpin it’s getting actually annoying like it’s bad when I want my favorite character to shut tf up but hhhhhhere’s hoping it’s not Like That in Atlas (it seems like we’re past that as of the finale anyway)
Favorite line:
“If you were one of my men, I would have you shot”
“If I was one of your men I’d shoot myself”
All of Qrow’s V3 lines are treasures but this one is the whole package: ICONIC, rude for no reason, dramatic af, Vic Mignogna’s V3 sexy sexy line delivery (@Vic do this voice again pls), says this as he’s planning to get sloshed again!! Everyone I know say this was the line that made them like Qrow!! What more could you ask for!!
BROTP: Again, Tai bc they got Lit together like those Good Dude Bros (Or summer bc in my Headcanon they were tight on a whole other level)
NOTP: people who ship him and Tyrian and freaky af but I so respect that it’s just not up my alley man but Alcohol Poisoning is a brilliant name
OTP: not to be emo but there’s so much subtext with him and Ozpin it’s actually funny
Random Headcanon: he LOVES going to casinos because he can let him semblance run wild and get PAID
Unpopular opinion: He didn’t kill Summer even by accident bc Summer’s smarter than that
Song I associate them with: A LOT omg I could probably write a dissertation on how every Bastille song can relate to him jejshs but some Highlights:
Happier - Bastille because I’m Emo (for full emo experience; check out the stripped version!)
Voo Doo Child - Jimi Hendrix because you gotta have that Classic™️ rock with badass lyrics
Out of my Head - Wombats for those Alcohilc Feels
Hands - Barns Courtney for those Golden Beacon Days
Favorite picture of them:
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Okay this is a gif but hell yeah!!! What an introduction!!
This is really really long but I love them and they deserve it thanks so much for the ask!!!
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playmakiing · 6 years
001 for firestormshipping and datastormshipping, 002 for Yusaku? {scxlbxrner}
.ship & character meme. // still accepting!
ooc // I already did Firestorm here!
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did:
Honestly, other DSShipers and fanfic got me shipping these two, since I ended up skipping most of season 1 in order to see Takeru, whoops?
my thoughts:
There are so many dynamics between these two that this ship doesn’t have to be romantic on both ends, and that’s something I enjoy in a ship?  Datastorm is no exception to it!
What makes me happy about them:
That this is a protag x rival ship where the initial basis of their connection is not simply because they duel each other in a card game.  While yes, it’s the card game that brought them together ( in the worst of ways, thanks Dr. Kogami for kidnapping your son’s friend ), there’s more to them than just dueling.
What makes me sad about them:
That Ryoken didn’t accept Yusaku’s marriage proposal
All jokes aside, what makes me sad isn’t necessarily the ship itself, but the fact that there is so much hate directed at it by people who have nothing better to do than hate on fictional ships.  Blacklist and move on, dumbasses.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I haven’t really seen anything, but I’ve seen some people write Ryoken in such an ill-manner way?  Like, there is just something about the vibes that makes me think that the author doesn’t actually like Ryoken or DSS.  But I could just be imagining things, I dunno.
things I look for in fanfic:
Currently literally anything, I will read just about any fanfic that peaks my interest in terms of plot.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Yusaku with either Takeru and Jin, and Ryoken with Spectre, Takeru, and Jin ( who is kinda based on the soulmate AU, go figure ).
My happily ever after for them:
Getting tf out of Dodge–I mean, Den City–and seizing a new future together.  Just accept the marriage proposal already, damnit Ryoken!
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Ryoken is the big spoon and Yusaku is the little spoon!
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Yusaku just likes being around him, and Ryoken ( in the beginning at least ) likes to get food into this guy because god he is too skinny and needs a better diet, Yusaku please.
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:
I would gladly die for Yusaku, I really love the premise of his character, the complexity of his psyche, and his development!  This is another dissertation on Yusaku alone.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Takeru, Ryoken, and Jin mainly.  There are other ships I would read of Yusaku, but those three are ones that I love the most.  And of course, polying of those three is very B)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Kusanagi & Yusaku, I love their dynamic!  Please start calling Kusanagi your friend already though, c'mon Yusaku!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Yusaku isn’t boring or edgy ffs, I’ve seen people complain about how bland he is or how edgy he is, and it’s like…first of all, “Yusaku” is supposed to be bland, he is literally trying to pass under the radar in his world, but even then there is so much under the surface with him?? Just look deeper?
And how is it “edgy” that he’s trying to get revenge against the people who fucked his life over with torture and starvation and shit when he was a young child?? People deal with trauma differently, as VRAINS has clearly outlined.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
This may sound random, but I still wish we could have seen some evidence of fall-damage shown in the real world after Playmaker’s second duel against Go.  This dude took a massive landing, he’s gotta be feeling that.And also for him to lose and have It’s Time to Suffer.  Because, ya know, I like angst, sue me.
my OTP:
If I HAD to choose just one ship?  TakeYusa…but god I love all the ones I mentioned earlier, I can’t choose just one!
my cross over ship:
This is currently more of a BrOTP than a romantic one, but Yusaku and Judai, if only based on the two different threads I have with Judais right now.  There’s so much potential!
a headcanon fact:
Yusaku sleeps better when around others, and this never really goes away in his life.  Often times if the atmosphere is peaceful and whatever task he’s on doesn’t have his complete focus ( and there is at least one other person in the room ), he will doze off.
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