#it's not thw perfect movie
blu3haw4 · 3 months
You wanna know? Who that was? You wanna know what the big dark secret was? You wanna know who answered "not yet" when asked "hey, aren't you coming out?" (FROM A LITERAL VAULT) DO YOU WANNA KNOW? DO YA?
Goddamn it i knew it would come up, I knew she'd have a literal obsession for that girl and i knew it'd be queer coded but DAMN! What was the need to hit me that hard, huh? HUH?!
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univemma · 2 years
Finally watched 'Not Lout' the other day,,, Spitelout Jorgenson count your days
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(Context i adored httyd years ago and watched rtte but recently im hyperfixating on it and rewatching it, and i literally remember nothing from the show its so fun being able to first watch again after years)
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hawkeyefrommash · 11 months
me whenever someone mentions high school reunions: you know those aren’t real, right? they invented them for Grosse Point Blank (1997)
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allmyandroids · 7 months
Aand just watched Dream Lover and of course I loved it! The character James Spader played was so well and perfectly played by him!!! But also this big and wild ride that bitch made him go thru, made me so mad at her tbh. (Kinda liked him getting "realy" crazy in the end and giving her what she deserved tbh👀)
he was sooo very handsome in the movie and he made me as always, feral ✨️💖
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angelfoodscake · 2 years
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nartml · 9 months
I get that THW was going for a sobering message of "sometimes you have to let people go" and "some friends can't stay forever", but it was hilariously unsuccessful.
It's still baffling to me, the amount of raving reviews calling it "the perfect ending".
Apart from the wild thematic inconsistencies, and the endless flaws with Hiccup's logic of "oh, yeah, I know that things have never before been this good for dragons, I know that Berk is living proof that even the most stubborn people can change their minds on dragons, I know that dragons thrive on companionship and love their humans, I know that good people exist, I know that I'm the instigator of a huge revolutionary period, butttttt..... because bad humans exist I'll lock away the entirety of the draconic population in a glorified underground cage, in the hopes that one day humans will stop being bad and learn to cooperate with the creatures that they question, or even forget, the existence of a measly decade after their disappearance. Magically.", this message plainly didn't fit.
Not just in a thematic context. I mean that it literally doesn't fit in this situation, and it doesn't fit the characters.
It doesn't even fit reality, because you have to let go of people for reasons. Some friends can't stay forever, for reasons.
Valid ones. Reasons like, you grew apart, you don't have shared interests anymore, they betrayed you in an unforgivable way, they're not good for you, they're not good to you, they died, etc etc.
Had any one of these happened? At any stage? The one thing you could, albeit pointlessly, argue is that they grew apart. That they outgrew each other.
Only that...they didn't? Did I miss something? Because Toothless flying away for, what, a day to spend some time with his love interest, is not outgrowing. Toothless finding romance does not mean that he and Hiccup grew apart.
And this isn't just about the Light Fury. I'm not discussing whether or not she's a good character (she isn't), and I'm not discussing whether or not she deserves Toothless (Ha, you're funny). Even if she were the absolute best, most perfect match for Toothless and a compelling character, it still wouldn't even remotely mean that he and Hiccup grew apart.
In fact, if you grow so far apart from your best friend that you can say goodbye to them forever, just because you found a new partner, then I really don't know what to tell you. (Except that you're probably not a good friend.)
Hiccup realizing that Toothless doesn't make him who he is, and doesn't define him, that he doesn't need Toothless in order to be someone, or even that he doesn't need Toothless at all, doesn't mean that he outgrew him. Not even slightly.
I mean, come on, I don't need the vast majority of people in my life. Arguably, I might not even need any of the people in my life. This doesn't mean I don't want them there.
This doesn't mean that I won't fight for them to stay right here, by my side.
Oh, look, how's that for a change? How about a movie where your friends refuse to leave you? Because that's what I want, and that's what How To Train Your Dragon deserved.
That's what Hiccup, and the rest of the Berkians, deserved. And that's what fit. That's what thematically fit, what fit reality, or at least the httyd reality, and what fit the characters themselves.
This movie treated the dragons as mindless pets, whereas in every other step of the way, they were treated as people.
Toothless isn't a just slobbery puppy.
Toothless is intelligent, curious, kind, understanding, funny, snarky and sarcastic, graceful, elusive, protective, loving, wary, and fucking loyal (plus much more).
I can't think of a character that has demonstrated as much loyalty and protectiveness as this guy.
And yet he was barely any of the aforementioned things in thw. He became unrecognizable.
All the dragons became unrecognizable, for no justifiable reason.
The final message shouldn't have been that your friends sometimes have to leave you, and that you have to let them go.
(The humans left the dragons just as much as the dragons left the humans btw)
It should've been that they'll fight tooth and nail to stay, even when the going gets tough, even when priorities shift, even when you tell them to go.
No matter how passionately you insist that caring for you is rotten work.
It's not to them.
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countlessofvoids · 25 days
I know I'm five years late on this and frankly this conversation is really fucking annoying at this point, but I gained analytical skills just recently, got hyperfixated on HTTYD again and have few things on my mind;
There's a ridiculous amount of bad writing decisions regarding the third movie's main antagonist and even more in the entirety of the film. However in my opinion, Grimmel's character could improve even if you kept all other aspects the same by getting rid of one plot point. And that is "drugging deathgrippers with their own venom".
One the dumbest parts of THW, only beaten by Toothless & light fury's boring romance and the movie's message. But the difference between those is those at least serve some purpose. This could go unmentioned and much wouldn't change. Sure, it shows us Grimmel uses their venom for his crossbow arrows, other than that, the "slavery" aspect is useless. All it does is make him ridiculously evil. Because the audience forgot he's not nice, apparently.
What I'm getting at is - I believe a better alternative would be the deathgrippers serving Grimmel not because they're forced to, but because they want to. Make them have genuine bond like Hiccup has with Toothless.
In universe justification: Deathgrippers are said to be intelligent dragons, so they'd probably understand that working with some creature who helps them hunt is beneficial for them. And since they're pack animals, hunting also works as a bonding activity. This would be a perfect gateway for Grimmel to make them more loyal to him. They don't necessarily need to have Hiccup & Toothless' bond (although I would personaly prefer it that way). Think of it like the speedstinger in RTTE - Despite not liking Snotlout at all, it defended him against the other speedstingers because it considered him a part of it's pack.
Writing/narrative justification: Having a group of dragons take part in killing simply for their enjoyment portrays them as intelligent creatures, which emphasizes how similiar dragons are to humans. Some are assholes just because! Also it means them dying at the end isn't a horrible way of making your audience question your protagonist's morals, since in this version they kinda deserved it.
Grimmel being friends with a bunch of dragons while hating all the others gives him depth as a character - it makes him a hypocrite.
But most importantly, Hiccup and Grimmel being parallels would be much clearer. It shows how they're the same person on different paths, that he could be like Hiccup but choose not to. Or it could lead to him being a parallel to Valka. Older person who doesn't like other people and prefers living with dragons? Sounds like Valka to me!
Now this could create a plot hole with the whole Alpha thing, since in canon they don't listen due to being drugged. However I choose to ignore that because I don't like the idea of every dragon mindlessly following Toothless no matter what personality and concept of the alpha in itself.
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Chunky!Krogan Lore
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@duoatomica hehe
And @ziggityzigg , my other chunky!Krogan lover lol
Krogan is 27-30 at the current timeline of this au, depends entirely on the story, and in fact the roleplay this takes place in. It means that this au takes place 4-7 years after Race to the Edge, 3-6 years after How to Train Your Dragon 2 and about 2-5 years After THW.
For more Context of the state of the world:
in this AU The dragons never left. Because the third movie’s ending is STUPID AS FUCK and I will die on this rock.
Viggo Grimborn is alive and well.
Drago is fucking dead as hell lmao. (Krogan also does NOT know this.) Grimmel was the person they faced in the time frame of what would have been the second movie as the main villain and ended up falling to his death where he broke most of the bones in his body upon contact with the water.
Night Furies are also not extinct because Grimmel is stupid and definitely did not kill every single one of them because he is LITERALLY JUST A SINGLE GUY.
Anyways! The background:
Krogan managed to escape Drago Bludvist at the age of 23. He spent about a year and a half running around trying to figure out what, exactly to do with himself, considering the fact that he was, for the first time in his life, truly alone. During this time, doubt began to creep into his mind, about the fact that he was worthless by himself. That without someone to aid him or guide him, that he was incapable of being useful or worth anything.
Krogan decided to settle somewhere in a forest. There was a village nearby, however he tended to ignore the village in favor of teaching himself how to build things. It put his mind to work and distracted himself from his… entirely unwanted thoughts. Over the span of a few months (with a bit of struggle and intense anger at initially being unable to figure it out, Krogan was able to get the frame of a house up. It wasn’t much, and it was starting to get cold, but he continued to work on it, collecting mud and bricks and wood to his best ability to build the walls and the roof. When he was finally satisfied, he moved on to building and sculpting doors and everything else he needed.
Getting glass was quite surprisingly… not very hard, at least for Krogan. All he had to do was collect sand and throw it in the kiln he had been using to heat his home. and when he was done, he would simply shape it into panes with his bare hands. For whatever reason, he simply thought his skin was far more heat resistant to fire and high temperatures due to the amount of time he spent around forges and dragons. He has a few burns, mostly from Deadly Nadders, however most fire really did not phase his skin very much. In fact, this was incredibly useful for how he made his windows, and how he began to fire the mud bricks he used for his fireplace, as they are both hand sculpted. In several of the window panes there is a clear imprint of some of his fingerprints, permanently there and lovingly crafted into the very glass itself.
As time goes on and the structure is built, Krogan continues to try and distract himself from everything else that was raging in his head, as well as the… other habits he has began to pick up, because of the fact that simply burying himself into his crafts of painting and building and chopping wood for more projects and crushing up beetles and flowers and other items to make pigments for his paints just was not cutting it anymore. And it hadn’t been, not for a while. They did not stop his thoughts. His thoughts of horrible hatred and terrifying pain and fear. That he was useless. He had no direction. That he needed anything and everything to be perfect otherwise he had to start all over again in ripping everything he just worked on apart, nail by nail. It was probably what lead to his home becoming such a large part of him, a perfect getaway where he could just do whatever he wanted within it. Staining wood, making furniture and building a home for himself. Most every inside wall at some point has been painted over with some sort of mural and then repainted again and again according to Krogan’s whims and trying to “fix” things about himself and his so-called work.
About two and a half years in, Krogan gets into a fight with a man in the middle of the streets of the town and ends up getting a new, deep cut in his face that ends up scarring and damages his right eye enough for a cataract to form. Due to the fact that he does not inherently want to go back to killing people (even though he does end up killing the man), he faints and wakes up being cared for by the town’s healer, a nice woman who he quietly pays for her time and resources, and quickly escapes back home, despite her efforts to try get him to stay and heal because of his injuries and her fear of a concussion.
He ignored the fact that binge eating and alcoholism were beginning to affect him. It really wasn’t a big deal after all. He hid the changes to his body, hid them from the world, despite the fact that on all other accounts, he had become a complete hermit, spending his time toiling away in his garden, and only really coming out of the cove to collect booze or seeds for the garden that was beginning to grow far too sizeable for he himself to use all of the products… at least the ones that were not turned into paint, or the fibers of the plants into more canvases for his work. More books, more journals to stuff even more knowledge into them.
His drunken binges sometimes ended with over thirty pages of sometimes… blatant nonsense or just awkwardly scribbled notes wallowing in his own self pity and hatred. It wasn’t like he went through and re-read any of his own work half the time, anyways, unless it was specifically to study whatever bug or animal he had recently discovered or written about. Exploring the forest surrounding the cove, he came into contact with plants that he noted down, and even if they weren’t entirely important in their usage for medicinal purposes, he’d note down their location if he found them interesting enough to come back for seeds from them.
Around this time, he’d continued to make himself new clothing in between everything else. Hunting, fishing, skinning animals, killing the occasional raven for its feathers to sell to merchants in the town. He was still wary of the faces that would stare at him as he came into town, their voices seeming to multiply and expand into a hoarse sound of racket and laughter at his mere appearance. He had begun to stop ignoring his appearance. He’d changed, of course, he knew that, his hair was growing longer, more unkempt, and his mind was desperately screaming for more release. More time.
The dome was constructed about three years into all this. By this point, the mania is beginning to fade, if albeit slightly, however he still doesn’t understand the manner of his thoughts. His needs, his wants. He is still, for the most part, entirely reclusive, not preferring to appear in town unless he needs to sell something, due to the anxiety that rages on in his body towards his self image. Mirrors are for the most part, removed from his home. He doesn’t need reminders as to what he looks like constantly staring at him in the face. His ability to sew has gotten better, and he has started to make himself increasingly more complex outfits and clothing whenever he can, in between the bouts of being drunk, though the need to binge has been waning. Alcohol does everything the food does, if not more with the extra, happy buzz it gives him. It is not true happiness, of course, but it definitely does the trick to make people think he is okay.
And he is completely fine with that.
(Mainline lore coming up)
Viggo Grimborn arrives at Krogan’s home unexpected. He practically lets himself in, and during this time he has been searching for Krogan. He doesn’t know WHY he wants to see the man considering the fact that last they left off, it wasn’t exactly on the best of terms, and he is entirely 100% not at all shocked at finding out that Krogan is very much 100% not thrilled to see him in any way shape or form.
Of course Krogan has changed since the last he’s seen him, but Viggo finds everything about the changes endearing and alluring. It still looks like His Krogan, but slightly different. And he is fine with that. Of course he really does not understand the turmoil Krogan is going through, especially with the extreme depressive episode he’s in, so the… particularly disheveled state of Krogan’s home is unsettling, considering he knows Krogan to be an incredibly neat individual.
Krogan doesn’t take his jabs to heart of course, he has too many other things already on his metaphorical plate, and Viggo can’t help but wonder what some of the frustrated looking paintings scrawled across the walls on canvases that are scattered in their nature, mean. He is allowed to stay, for the time, Except he really doesn’t get to talk to Krogan about… anything. The man doesn’t talk to him, if only in the way of grunts and moderate insults, which, fair enough, Krogan must seem to think Viggo hates him, based on their last interaction, but it feels so hollow and empty to watch his… friend spiral the way he is.
And Viggo doesn’t mean to snoop. He doesn’t try to, but Krogan is… kind of a mess at this point. It isn’t his fault that he stumbled upon the piles of discarded, unfinished paintings that were depicting Viggo himself, and in quite a few of them, there is another man, of whom he can only know is Krogan. He would have had a more solid idea if the faces of the portraits hadn’t been burned out and smudged with charcoal. Even the seemingly newest one, they all depict Krogan as having the body he used to have, even though… according to Krogan’s notes that have been seemingly drunkenly scrawled across the backs of some of the later portraits, that is not what he looked like. The hatred that bled from the words of a man who had always seemed to hate himself, seemed to bleed and boil over into pure self loathing and disgust at “everything he had become.”
Though Viggo was most concerned about how on the last one it mentioned the fact that Krogan had started to harm himself again. He decides to try and shove these discoveries away, and the keyword is, most certainly the fact that he does, absolutely try to do so, though he had no clue how long Krogan had been looming behind him, watching him from the doorway, because it was really only once he heard the man approaching him, was the time that Viggo had to try stuffing the portraits away into a drawer where they had been haphazardly hidden away from prying eyes.
And it was then that Viggo noticed the bloodied bandages that clung to Krogan’s arms. The ones that were kept hidden under long sleeves for the most part. He knew. Viggo knew Krogan knew.
Viggo didn’t have any sort of problem with Krogan’s odd… obsession, over him, but the way Krogan just… stared at him with eyes that weren’t entirely there, like he was looking through him rather than at him.
He wants to help Krogan. Because the expression fills him with dread. He can understand, slightly, why Krogan has changed now.
But he didn’t want to spook him more.
And at the same time, it is no better if he leaves him to rot all alone, filled with hatred and anger towards himself. Viggo knows what that can feel like. It hurts. And he could never wish it on the man that… he finds he still loves very dearly.
His only uncertainty is if Krogan feels the same as him. And, if he will even let him inside his mind, to begin with.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 7 months
I think I've just found the perfect way to summarize why I hate THW so much:
Hypocrisy is my least favourite thing in the entire world, and fuck is that movie hypocritical in the worst way possible.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 2 years
You know what? I've found the perfect way to sum up THW while getting salty with a friend about it.
"You can talk for hours about what's wrong with this movie, but only minutes about what's actually enjoyable."
There. I said it.
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aleksiej · 2 months
in all seriousness tho, i try to be as... chill in here as i can (i say while knees deep in a hyperfixation-fueled writing of an angst ridden rottmnt au), but even the chillest of people has one (or a few) gripes with reality. one of mine is, when people antagonize other people over their preferred headcanons (i have a... post, ranting about similar stuff a bit, so as to not get into it here).
and my one of my biggest gripes with tmnt: the 2012 edition (besides the very obvious sexism, slightly less obvious racism and a milion of bad writing choices) is the space arc (not talking about it now, possibly not ever) and the MUTANT APOCALYPSE.
i. hate. the mutant apocalypse. it has ugly designs, the plot makes very little sense, everything looks like shit and worse, the leo thing is possibly the silliest thing i've seen in tmnt franchise since reading volume 4 of the mirage comics and just usghshsksndhdukdnd. bad. bad arc.
it oozes hypermasculinity in a way similar to the bayverse movies. it completely looses the martial arts aspect of the turtles and replaces it with generic gun stuff. not a fan.
april o'neil, canonically not a human.
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canonically not human, still dies with the rest of the humans. why? because, apparently.
honestly, i call bullshit. april deserved to live. april deserved to be the final boss, she deserved to be the most powerful being in the universe and she deserved better, than what the writers gave her.
this isn't supposed to be an april rant.
overall, i think that mutant apocalypse is an idea. could it be good? considering, how the fandom clings to the apocalyptic storylines in 03 and rise, i would say, yes? obviously, it was done quite badly tho, like the creators wanted to make a macho man blockbuster movie about macho apocalypse and random guys saving one girl and finding the garden of eden or some other christian thing. but the blockbuster is dead, because they're making a ninja turtles cartoon and they already killed one rat like 5 times, no shock value is left in the show. so they took the characters, but them into some fucked up, unfitting molds, broke just about every rule of thw established universe and made an arc that makes me mad every time i remember it exist.
ps.2. the only thing good that came out of mutant apocalypse was robot donnie (and maybe the blasian behavior mikey), and even still i can't look at him the same ever since i saw a post talking about how this isn't donnie, this is just a copy of his teen-aged brain in a robot body, and i have to agree, especially with how he doesn't act any different, like he's just stuck at that stage of his life forever because he's dead. anyway, still cute and has rabbit ear that now feature in every robot design i make.
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astridhoff03 · 5 months
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This Movie is definitely an underrated Gem
It’s the perfect Arc for Shrek. It’s funny sometimes and there are still the classy pop songs but this all doesn’t matter on how good this movie is. There’s Emotion, there are darker tones, there’s tell don’t show. Fiona and Shreks Releationship when they fall all over in Love again is so touching and beautiful at the same time. Puss and Donkey were hilarious together as always. The Villain was great, I really like his Modevation and the way he was spoken and portraited through the film. The Orge dance party with the rat catcher was amazing. It’s brilliant to make the rat catcher of Hameln of all people a bounty hunter when you look at the original Folk tale. The message was so good and the emotional moments hit, you care. It’s such a good ending to conclude shreks Story. surprisingly enough the guy who ruined KFP4 directed this movie. But you also have take into account that this was planned, so maybe Jeffrey Katzenberg was looking over his shoulder the whole time, to make sure he did everything right. I think this is now my favorite Shrek movie. (Sorry fairy godmother but you will always be my favorite shrek villain.) I can highly recommend it will not waste your time. Check it out and I’ll link schaffrialls review about it, because he can describe everything better what’s great about this movie than me. Hey if this movie is an underrated gem among fans so is httyd3, both movies do more things right than wrong. THW and Shrek 4 are in my opinion one of the magnum opuses of this Studio.
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tenebrius-excellium · 8 months
I just saw some THW salt again and it makes me sad. Because, you know, I am very openly wearing my heart on my sleeve when saying that THW means more to me than Httyd2. THW's main problem was Toothless. Everything else was on a scale between ok to great... whereas Httyd2 felt grand in vision, yet cold in execution to me. It had grief missing after Stoick's funeral, and some animation issues. Both movies were brilliant in some ways and severely lacking in others. In the end, it's a matter of preference, I guess. Idk if you're really wanting to talk about a 'failed movie', then please take Tales of Arcadia Rise of the Titans, but not a flawed gem that at least tried to do its predecessors justice. I will list up THW's strengths here now again, everything I truly loved about it. To me, these are the reasons why it was worth watching, and why it's worth existing.
❌ Toothless
❌ Grimmel
❌ Deathgrippers
❌ Light Fury (execution)
❌ No Night Furies
✅ The animation - so warm and festive and glowy and colorful
✅ Everyone's character designs, and I mean it
✅ the plot idea and the heart behind it (execution nahh - not so much. but you know that)
✅ Hiccstrid's relationship - sweet perfection.
✅ Astrid, especially, just by herself. Her beauty, her grace, her speech to Hiccup, her common sense. She keeps him grounded yet still supports his dreams. THIS is what I've come to see.
✅ The scenery. Like, the genius idea of making the Hidden World this giant underwater volcano. They could have used a little more lava to highlight dry places in there and create more light instead of using that weird crystal, but the idea itself, and the main entrance shot of the waterfall, were just fantastic. Also every version of dusk and dawn was so utterly magical. When Toothless found the Light Fury, and the storm around the snowy mountaincaps at the last battle - wow.
✅ John Powell's soundtrack alone - that totally saved the day - was worth the entire movie.
✅ The concept idea of the Light Fury. She grew on me. She's aloof and fell short of establishing herself, but she is a character™. It doesn't mean she has to be my favorite. But she's beautiful, and she is rooted in the dragonesque. Why not.
✅ The scene where Stoick taught Hiccup about love and loss. I personally identified with that memory very strongly.
✅ Hiccup's fall. Just...giant ouch. Maybe that's the entire point,,... that even when Hiccup's (and our) expectations weren't met; even though there were no Night Furies in the film and even though the dream of living in the Hidden World evaporated, and even though he lost Toothless to the affections of a random stranger, ... in the midst of all that forlorn hope and bitter disappointment, Hiccup still immediately chose to die for his best friend in a split second. He cares, and he is so so hurt, and it's so, so, so hard for him to let go... but he still chooses to do it. What a massive decision. What a heart.
✅ When Hiccup tickled Toothless' snout to wake him up. It's kinda sad that this felt like the first real, unscripted, intimate connection between them in the entire movie, but here it finally is. They were chiefing too much before this. There was no time for just the two of them anymore. This, again, being the point of the movie.
✅ Toothless looks out to the sky, then back at Hiccup, then back out there... nuff said. No words required.
✅ Hiccstrid wedding? What an unexpected blessing!??
✅ Hiccstrid has kids?? Toothless is okay??? Their older designs weren't butchered?? I was so afraid they'd be bad but they weren't!
✅ The credits walking us through all three movies again. Oof, that nostalgia. Wow.
I'm so grateful for all three movies. And that includes THW.
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1000dactyls · 2 months
I really really love all your httyd hcs!! It's amazing! But I wanted to ask, have you read the books? Their quite different from the films but on one of your notes you emphasise how hiccup is well a hiccup and therefore even when he's grown past teenage years he still should be slim, willowy and tiny and in the books they do this!! They're always emphasize how hiccup and fishlegs (kinda the same as show kinda different) are the runt of the tribe even though Hiccup constantly running around getting into adventures and riding dragons won't do much for him psychically he's not weak but he's a hiccup even when he's king of the wilderwest he's still him and I really love your hcs writing about that!! Anyway, if you have read them, ignore this but can't wait to see more :^)
:D it makes me really happy to receive this ask — though i’ve only been fortunate enough to read the very first book in the series, it always stuck out to me how atypical he was to the rest of Viking society (the squiggly ass drawings of him also helped to cement this impression). I love the movies a LOT but a core part of hiccup’s character for me is how different he is from everyone else — he’s never going to be able to just “power through” something, he has to think of a different way to solve his problems. and I think we lose a little bit of that Difference in the later movies. which is lowkey why i don’t acknowledge thw, but that’s a different post.
though httyd isn’t a bastion of perfect representation, i think hiccup’s story and the world he lives in offers a lot to think about when it comes to disability narratives. there’s other readings of the narrative too that extend to queerness, race, etc. but hiccup immediately being identified as different, as Other, because of his scrawny stature and lack of “proper Viking mindset” is very striking to me, and though at the end of the first film he gains his village’s respect, i wanted to maintain that initial social construction that defines his character. in the same way book!hiccup never bulks up, i feel like movie!hiccup also shouldn’t. :B hence the scrawniness of my hiccup interpretation
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nartml · 9 months
I really, really don't like how Toothless' design is in THW. (How most of the designs are, really.)
It's too. Perfect.
And no, I don't mean the "perfect" that I use to describe Toothless' design in 1.
I mean perfect in the way that it's too smooth, too round, too literally flawless. Where are the markings? The visible scales? What is up with his eyes?
Was he adorable? Yes. And that's a problem, because they made him adorable in the way that a dog is adorable.
Goofy, clumsy, slobbery, constantly playful, often demanding attention. And that was all he was for the entire movie. Which is ridiculous. They gave him such puppy eyes. And while he always had them, they weren't on his face 24/7.
Toothless isn't a dog. He's a Night Fury for fuck's sake.
You know, aerodynamic, sleek, stealthy, intelligent, aerodynamic, deadly, cautious, loyal, aerodynamic, protective, graceful, snarky, aerodynamic.
I mean, sure, in 2 his design was also changed. He became a bit rounder, in a way. But nothing like in THW.
He still had visible markings, and he was plenty aerodynamic, deadly, protective, loyal etc. His personality was right there, it remained perfectly intact, even through the slight changes in his appearance.
(And even if he was a bit more excitable in it, five years of constant fun with your best friend will loosen you up whether you like it or not.)
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febo-asoma · 2 months
That thing they say about a mutual posts being worth more than any review is true as fuck man all those men kissing left me googling what RRR is already
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