#it's more than just him but if he's so great why tf didn't he return the episode count
crystal-lillies · 4 months
God. I. mm. I really want to like this series bc Ncuti and Millie are doing so well but mm. mmmm. I'll keep holding out until the end of the series. and also. RTD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WHY WOULD YOU LET THEM LESSEN THE EPISODE COUNT TO EIGHT??? EIGHT????? EIGHT????!!!!!!
Jodie's 13th doctor was held back by the cutting of episodes why the absolute holy fuck would you allow them to be cut any more. doing Ncuti's run dirty in ways that Jodie's had but worse!! WORSE!!! and if this is a wider BBC decision to cut the episodes and you wanted more, I'm sure you could have EASILY rallied tidal waves of support to pressure the BBC into giving Ncuti more episodes. Would I still have been a little bitter in that scenario that he would get the proper amount that Jodie lacked? Probably! But I'd have been happy for Ncuti! He deserves that much!
What the FUCK is the problem with longer episode runs across the board?? Short-form is great when it's done well for a limited series (and even then, "done well" is the key phrase) but it's not good for everything! Serialized TV shows need to fucking BREATHE.
I'm so sick and tired of the corset-compressed shows with 6 episodes, 8 episodes, 10 episodes, of things that WOULD have a decade ago gotten 15, 20, 22 episodes, or more! and would have thrived off of it!
Character arcs, story arcs, worldbuilding, all the Good Shit(tm) being shunted into little boxes and trimmed of any ounce of fat, but then the lean meat isn't even that good because it was rushed out by compressed writing rooms and overworked staff.
it's just one thing after another like, Moon Knight was amazing but an anemic SIX episodes. It was paced relatively fine, but it felt overall like a movie cut into six pieces rather than a TV show. And it was helped by everyone giving great performances and the origin story being pretty tight. Then Ms. Marvel REALLY suffered with her series ALSO being only six episodes! and her story felt a lot more like a teen coming of age fantasy that needed more room to breathe. Iman Vellani and her costars did a fantastic job, but I was left feeling like the story was missing pieces, and it needed. more. room. to. breathe.
Do I even need to mention Percy Jackson and NATLA? Both had young relatively green cast members give their all in a severely compressed version of a good base story, and we all are praying that the showrunners will learn from their mistakes.
Is this just "the way things are in streaming now"??? because for the most part, it sucks! and who the fuck decides "oh for streaming, we're just going to do super short seasons now" because they're stupid! Look at Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi! We're getting weekly drops in an era of all-or-nothing, AND we're 20+ episodes in and still not at the end! And it's GREAT! DO MORE LIKE THAT!!
jfc sorry this turned into a rant but god damn I'm so upset Doctor Who got sucked into the gross streaming trend of fewer episodes too. it just ruins so many good stories.
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bloopitynoot · 11 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 6
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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Here we are on book 2!
I took a couple days off because my body was perishing (read: my uterus was being a little bitch) but I am back :D
Today's tea is an apple crumble with milk and sugar and my little reading buddy (Charlie) has returned for this chapter Extra Needy and sporting his new necktie.
Let's get into this long chapter:
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And we start three years later! I was wondering if there was going to be a time jump and there is! :) p9
Why is everyone so thirsty in this world RE: Ning YingYing p10
Oh dang. I really want to know what's making people melt into skeletons p13
Shen Qingqiu is such a vibe" I know I am physically useless, but i'm also a walking encyclopedia so I bring that to the party" p14 honestly same
So many corpses in the water!! p18
Oh shit, what the heck Wu Chen's legs? p22
RE: Wu Chen I did lol at "Great Master, you call this a bit uncomfortable?!" p 22
this totally feels more like a curse than a standard plague p24
why am I laughing so hard at "fuck me, with this speed, they wouldn't lose to a runner doing the 100-metre hurdles! 'Old Lady'? Yeah right! I must be blind!"p26
oooo! Gongyi Xiao is back! p28
Baby is back too!! Luo Binghe! pp29-31
omg and now there is a height difference! Shen qinqgiu being the smol one p32
Re: on the subject of thinking it was a curse like 15 pages ago, it is not a curse. I don't know why I thought it would be literally anything other than demons LOL this is the plot of the entire fictional universe of this book p37
Luo Binghe still only has eyes for Shen Qingqiu- even after being tossed into hell p38
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I truly love the inner monologue of Shen Qingqiu's thoughts vs what people just kind of assume he's feeling. SQQ: Luo Binghe has brainwashed these disciples, he is definitely coming for me, I am fucked. Everyone else: this poor man misses his student so much, he is so hurt that Luo Binghe didn't go back to him.
LOL at Luo Binghe's hatefire at seeing SQQ and Gongyi Xiao bonding together p42
I can't XD SQQ: I have a huge announcement guys, Luo Binghe is back!!!! Everyone else: who tf is that? RIP p44
no shit that demonic activity increasing in frequency is 100% indeed a bad omen. p47
I'm crying SQQ thinks Luo BInghe is about to kill him p48
not the magpie bridge reference p50
This man is just crushing his windpipe for funsies -> why do I feel like this is their dynamic? p50
SQQ is actually an idiot. This fool is continuously operating under the assumption that nothing in the story has changed and the original story is guaranteed. If he heard these words and responded appropriately he'd probably be fine RE: "Then why did you tell me not to put too much weight on race and that no one is intolerable to the heavens" p55
Goddamn is Luo Binghe just going to keep beating the shit out of SQQ?? pp57-59
He really made him drink his blood (side note: when this is all said and done, I need to read some vampire aus) What even is that blood going to do to him?? (do not actually tell me, I assume I will find out soonish) p59
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I am once again here to talk about how utterly Fucked SQQ is. He still has 0 idea that Luo Binghe has absolutely claimed him p65
Oh dang. Still, even after all this, SQQ has not shaken his original fate of being hated p69
Bro should have let Qi Qingyi finish that sentence. Re: out of his mind with grief" also probably would have changed some things (even if he was embarrassed as hell) p71
omg so much happening in this scene rn AND then Shen Qingqiu's ex shows up out of no where?!?!?!?!??!!? p73
this man truly cannot catch a break p75
holy shit not even his ex- his wife??????? p75
oop, we have SQQ backstory reveal p77
But also with this reveal: it's a little weird for her though. Like her family takes in this kid from the street, makes him a servant. He continues to serve them, his "family" starts to view him a sibling, AND THEN they get betrothed (not married). Like what. This is wild poor guy- weird because sibling dynamics, also he was their servant. I think she is the weird one honestly. p77
okay, well, he did kill her brother LOL p78
the water prison does not sound good. p81
he really wants to try and last a month there??? best of luck buddy, he cant even handle riding in a carriage without a snack p85
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Bonus picture with no notes!
I'm actually so excited for the water prison- it sounds vile, but I need to know how he get's out/how his relationship with Luo Binghe progresses.
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mewmeomei · 1 year
streamer!twst : savanaclaw (platonic ver.) edition !!
romantic ver here!
heartslabyul , savanaclaw , octavinelle , scarabia , pomefiore , ignihyde , diasomnia + bonus
a/n: sorry in advance for literally this whole fic i don't even know what im writing anymore after the second sentence of leonas
desc: what if they stream? and what if you're their friend??
characters: leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, jack howl
(gn! reader)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
leona kingscholar !
tbh.. i cant really see him streaming
so he wouldn't stream
but without him really knowing he's a pretty famous uh
sleep streamer 😁
yeah so ruggie needs 💲💲💲
so he thought that secretly streaming leona sleeping will be a great income source
and yes it is
and now leona is even more famous than he already is
almost everyday there will be a stream on twsts streaming platform
of leona sleeping his life away in the botanical garden or in his room
he gets like plenty of donations each stream of people thirsting over him sleeping
well after a few days of getting secretly put on live he found out
well why wouldn't he 💀 clips of him sleeping are literally all over the internet at that point
he IMMEDIATELY knew who was secretly putting him on live
ruggie didn't have a good day that day
actually he felt kinda good about the fame he was getting so he didn't tell ruggie to stop streaming him.. sleeping
well now he occasionally glances at the small hidden camera
his chat goes feral and gives him even more money 💀
ofc all the money goes to ruggie
but in return for helping ruggie earn even more money he gives him more work than usual 🙈
fair enough ig
and ruggie informs him whenever he put him on live
he looks at the chat of his livestream whenever he's not sleeping on live
gets concerned
also he sometimes pulls out his chess board just to play with the viewers
he wins everytime ofc
gets even more donations
at this point ruggie is rich
he has over 2m followers 💀
honestly if leona sleep streams are real id actually watch every one of them.. haha
farena probably asked him why tf he's streaming himself sleeping
"aren't you already rich enough"
"it's for charity"
farena never brings it up again after asking
cheka sometimes crashes his stream
like barge in his room, screams, land himself on top of leona
he sometimes frown VERY hard when chekas here or he's like straight up rethinking his whole life
goes viral once again
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credits to org artist i jst added hair ❤️
with (name)!
actually came up with the idea for leona sleep streams
gets 30% of the money from the stream
also the mod for his streams
they also got confronted by leona when he found out the idea was originally theirs
now whenever he passes by (name) they get slapped by his tail
sometimes sneaks to wherever he's sleeping to adjust the camera
and then takes a close up pic of his sleeping face and shows it to chat
chat worships (name) just bc of that
^once they tried to get a even closer picture of his face
leona suddenly snores
(name) flinches and then the phone just cutely slipped out of their hands and then landed right on his face 🥰
he immediately woke up and started glaring at (name)
they ha ha'd then runs away with leona on their tail
ruggie was also there and he thought this was perfect content material so he grabbed the "hidden" camera and started chasing the two of them
leona caught them after a few seconds and put (name) into a temporary paralyzed state 💀
"first the whole stream idea and then this? heh, you're really brave, herbivore."
ruggie bucchi !
aside from managing the leona sleeping stream channel
he does his own streams too 🥰
i think he'd be a mukbang streamer that rants a lot
he only streams whenever he has like a table full of food
and its always around his dormates so there's constant fighting in the background
he streams with his crusty phone that somehow is still working
screen quality is probably always 144p 💀
and he streams with those cheap ass earphones
the mic quality is so crusty his streams are actually funny
"yea so leona isnt as- 🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇 -am nam nam nam nam"
his livestreams summarized
he still managed to get like 400k+ followers.. like
you almost cant see bro, you almost cant hear bro, and there's sweaty beastmen wrestling in the background
honestly you cant even tell whats going on
he sometimes films other beastmen and gives commentary after eating
it turns to national geographic real quick
im running out of ideas so heres a drawing
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with (name)!
(name) occasionally joins him in streaming
they eat together while talking shit about certain people
sometimes they steal each other's food when the other is distracted
chat always tells on them
it's usually ruggie stealing (name)s food
once they got so fed up they just took ruggie's whole plate and ate it
he was so upset :(
let's just say chat threatened (name) till they reluctantly gave their plate of food to ruggie
he immediately went from "sniff how could you you monster 😞" to "lmfao sucks to be you😹😹"
a food fight probably broke out once in savanaclaw while ruggie nd (name) were streaming
ruggie was holding onto his phone for dear life forgetting hes on live 💀
you could see him getting hit by food and even more blurry images because of him running away 💀
afterwards chat could see them both covered in food
ruggie just slowly eats the food off of his body while he and (name) side eyes each other
chat kept screaming at him to stop
someone donated 1k just to try and get him to stop 💀
"what? these are still edible. this stream was a major fail, tho."
jack howl !
fitness streamer
if he decides to stream he will do workouts inside his room
before starting to workout he'd literally scream "LETS GO!!" with a shit eating grin while doing that fist thing 😞
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^this grin
his camera quality is weirdly high
you can see his skin glistening and shit
he got fitness motivational quotes appearing on his stream every 5 minutes 💀
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finding these quotes took 30 years off of my life
he talks to himself while working out so you could hear "oh yeah i feel my abs" or something along the lines sometimes 💀 (when he said "oh yeah thats workin my abs" in the tsum tsum event i literally wanted to die)
his chat is serious & supportive of each other and um its well uh er uu nm
unsurprisingly he does have simps
they're his top donators
although he doesn't quite understand why they give him money jst because hes attractive 💀
sometimes drags his friends to workout with him and its funny seeing the guests struggling to keep up w him
chat could see jack being jack and then the guest dying behind him
"please let me go.." "im sure you can still move for a bit!" "I CANT MY LEGS ARE GONNA DIE" -probably ace
with (name)!
a victim too
jack is nicer to them for some reason
there's a bias here 🧍
but still (name) looks ready to ascend to heaven at the end of each stream
once they actually tried to crawl out his room
wowzers they did it
suddenly they gained their leg strength back and starts running full speed
that time jack has his camera on his head
he was doing a pov stream LMFAO
he found out immediately and he went up and chased after them
its like those parkour videos because of them running up and down with jack flipping over tables 😭
then it turned into hide and seek 💀
although it didn't last long cuz jack could literally smell (name)
he then lifted them up over his shoulders as they try to wiggle out of his grasp 💔 #save(name)
but after getting back he just let them sit there and watch him work it
(name) was so happy they donated like half their money to jack before getting refunded 💀
that stream made him go viral LMFAO
"yeah.. sorry 'bout today. wont force you to do it if you don't want to anymore. still, ill invite you to join me tho."
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addictedtosickfics · 1 year
My boyfriend caught his first cold in our relationship
My boyfriend went to a wedding on Friday and came home with a hoarse voice from all the singing and screaming.
On Saturday, his throat was just still a little sore, but that's normal after screaming every song you know.
When I came over on Sunday, he greeted me with a hug and almost instantly told me that he was going to be chewing gum a lot that day because his throat hurt. I told him that was fine, of course. Though I did think it was weird that his throat still hurt on Sunday afternoon when the wedding was Friday night.
The day was normal, but when we were winding down for the night, I asked him if he wanted me to stay over. Because even at that point when he was pretty sure it was just from using his voice too much, he still didn't feel great.
He said that he wanted me to stay over and that he would call out of work tomorrow. And he was glad he called out because he got a horrible night's sleep. He got up once to take some ibuprofen, and then we cuddled for a bit when he returned. He slept very fitfully and got up another time to get a spoon of honey because the meds did nothing for him.
When morning came, I woke up alone in bed, which is not entirely unusual because he gets up much earlier than me, but that morning I didnt hear him doing anything upstairs.
I got up and went to the living room and to my surprise he's laying cuddled up on the couch. And he was passed tf out.
So I refilled his water bottle, laid down on the other side of the couch, and watched tiktoks on silent until he woke up.
He woke up dazed and I asked him why he went to the couch as I switched the blanket he was using to a comfier one from bed. And he said that he didn't mean to fall asleep up there. He just woke up, went upstairs and decided he was going to be awake. But he eventually sat down on the couch and fell asleep again.
We cuddled for a little while before I told him I was going to run to town to get breakfast for us.
I ended up picking us up some donuts, but I got him some cough drops and a chamomile mint tea from caribou as well.
When I got back, he was much more awake. We ate our food. His voice was just as bad as the night before, if not worse, but now he was also sniffly.
He took a hot shower after we ate. I sat on the couch again, but I could hear him coughing from the shower, and my heart just ached for him.
The rest of the day was filled with cuddles, movies, sniffles, and nose blows (which he mostly excused himself to the bathroom to do, unfortunately)
The few times he did blow his nose in front of me was with a paper towel when we were eating lunch. His blows were always very soft and he almost always pinched his nose from the middle of his bridge down in a swiping motion that was really rough on his nose because he was using paper towel.
It left his nose so cute and red though. A few other things of note are that sometime after lunch, he decided to take his temperature, and he had a low-grade fever. And for those of you who like it (me included) the night I stayed over, he said out loud that he "might be getting sick" and then when his dad called him the next morning to ask why he wasn't at work (life360) he told him that he was sick.
Also, he knows about my kink, but I honestly think he forgets about it sometimes and I don't know if I should really remind him right now haha.
But yeah I'll post again if anything happens when I go over today. No sneezing yet, just absolutely adorable fluff
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
The 8th Princess of Sea
Chapter 3
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I hid behind a rock so I can see what will happen. I couldn't hear good but as i heard a girl wants to have a better life and he wants something in return. Good mind. When they finished there deal with just a blink they disappeared. I started looking for them but couldn't find them.
"Hi there" a high voice said.
I looked up and saw Rumpelstiltskin standing on rock and looking at me. I blushed a little and got away from rock and looked at him with shy eyes.
"Not very talkative as I can see"  he said.
"What are you doing in water on night??" He asked.
I showed him my tail and he just smirked.
"Oh a mermaid I see".
He looked at me carefully, like he was studying me. His eyes met my necklace, it had pink shell and pink pearl inside.
"Pink pearl? Colour pearls only have royal mermaids. Who are you???"
"Mmy ...naame ..iis.. Koko" I said.
"Are you scared of me??" He asked
I nodded as no. He got a little bit confused.
"I like you... Your story is interesting" I said and he looked at me shocked.
"How do you know my story, princess??"
I dressed myself and left my room immediately. I rushed over to a Mr. Gold's shop because Im still confused how he left my room this morning. I got inside and saw him standing on the other side of counter.
"To be honest I love more a view of your boobs when you don't have anything covering them, my dear" he said not looking up.
"How tf did you leave my room this morning?! You couldn't jump out of the window because you walk with fucking cane" I asked still shocked.
He looked at me now and started walking towards me. When he got a few centimeters away from me  he pulled me by waist to get closer to him. Our lips almost met again.
"It's a secret dear, but you don't have to worry the only thing that is good is that your manager didn't see us" he said and smirked.
Oh God I love when he smirks. I looked at him with my blushed face and shy eyes.
"Oh God how I love when you look like this" he said and kissed me.
We were kissing for two minutes and than a bunch of people came into his shop.
"Rumpelstiltskin!!!" A blonde girl said.
I jumped a little and looked at them.
"Miss Yamanaka?? Is that you?" A mayor said.
Oh my God no... I gave them a little smile still embarrassed.
Mr. Gold pulled me closer by waist again into a hug so I don't have to face them. I hugged him and closed my eyes, all of the sudden I felt sleepy and Mr Gold took me in his hands.
Rumpelstiltskin pov
I had a great moment with Koko when miss Swann and the others came into my shop. I remembered from Enchanted Forest that Koko would calm down with hug so I pulled her into a hug and put her to sleep because she still doesn't remember anything about her real life. I took her into my hands and walked to back room to put her to sleep. When I got back the group was still waiting for me.
"How can I help you people?" I asked surly angry.
"What are you doing with that poor girl Rumpelstiltskin?" Emma asked.
"That's Koko, the youngest daughter of King Triton"  I said.
"that's nonsense King Triton's youngest daughter is Ariel" Snow White said.
"No it's not. He has 8 daughters but his youngest ran away, nobody knew why" Regina said.
Everyone were looking at her now.
"It's true. Do you people know a story about The Devil's Triangle??" I asked.
Henry stepped closer to me.
"That's story about Koko. She didn't like how her father has never gave her attention so she ran away to be with her aunt Ursula, but than she got mad at her aunt for not giving her legs and she ran away somewhere in the ocean, but than sailors started to die on specific spot in the ocean where people started to think that mermaid had to do something with it. It was Koko???" Henry asked.
"You are smart about fairytales" I smiled at him
"Yes it's true everything that Henry said but he doesn't know some details"
"Koko loves storys, but because her aunt didn't know much storys about Aurora, Cinderella or you Snow White, she would tell her storys about Regina, Jafar, mee. As she told me she loved my story, it was her favourite. One night when I was making a deal with poor girl, I spotted something in the water. That night I met Koko"
"My aunt Ursula knows you. She told me about you, your story is very sad. You didn't have a choice. You are not a coward". She said and came closer to rock again.
I looked at her shocked. Why is she like this? She should be scared? She looked at me with her innocent blue eyes. At that moment I felt her hand on my leg.
"You should be scared of me... Im The Dark One...."
"But I know your story, you are not that scary at all"
I looked at her and saw that her pearl started to glow. She looked at it and became sad.
"I have to go, my aunt is calling me. Will I meet you again??" She asked with tears in her eyes.
"Don't cry dear. Let's meet here tomorrow at midnight, what do you say?" I asked and smiled.
She just nodded. She jumped from sea and kissed my cheek and ran deep down in the ocean. I was standing there for a few minutes and came back to my castle, thinking about her.
They all looked at me different. Snow White, Prince Charming, Emma and Henry looked at me with melting eyes but Regina looked angry.
"Have she ever sang to you?" Regina asked.
"She did once, why?"
"She is a mermaid Rumpelstiltskin, she made you fell in love with her just so she can kill you"
"Lisa... It's alright darling" Snow White said.
I looked back and saw her standing there, terrifying. I made a few steps to her but she got few steps away.
"Who are you people??" She asked with tears inher eyes.
Reblogs, likes, comments are appreciated
Tags: @bellarkeselection, @sunflowerleii, @micheleamidalajedi <3
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dean23456 · 9 months
Mary headcannons (long read) (potentially messed up?)
she's my 2nd (or 1.3) favorite character. So I have a lot for her. Like last time if there's any other headcannons of Mary and are similar at some parts, I may believe it.
This is kinda the backstory of Mary. Also I hope the sad-ish backstory doesn't come off as laughable.
. Since I believe she and James are adopted, there's an explanation for that other than her parents are dead.
. Her biological parents were kinda meth heads? I'm not sure how to explain but they weren't parent material. Anyways before Mary was born, James wasn't in the best house life. They really didn't care for him.
. Then her biological mom got pregnant with Mary but then the neighbors called the police when they noticed the living conditions James was in. Then after she was born they were put up for adoption. She was born in oniontown or whatever tf it's called.
. This is kinda more of Skip but he felt like he was lonely, so he decided to foster and saw James first. He thought he was an only child and then saw baby Mary. He immediately decided that they were the ones. He did finally adopt them like 2 years later.
. They weren't rich (same goes for younger Sue but she was a little bit richer) but did decent.
. She and James had a brother-sister that play fight dynamic type thing. But this kinda stopped once Mary got into high school.
. Mary was kinda the kid that was kinda there. But she was bullied. Mainly due to her weight and personality. She, despite not really interacting with anyone was a really nice person. When James found out he stopped this. He couldn't help as he was going into college or something.
. Mary's last year's of high school were the best cause a teen Sue (she doesn't know this was her) often beaten up the bullies and then got the bullies expelled.
. In the future Mary searched up the bullies names and apparently they didn't do so good after high school. She smiled and laughed at this information.
. She always knew she was good at art, but is the best at painting. Which lead her to paint houses, papas logo signs and so on.
. Anyways she bumped into Sue blah blah blah ok time for her perspective. It's not a whole lot different but anyways......
. She didn't realize she might be in love with Sue till like the end of tacomia like Sue. Even though it did halt her work it wasn't as bad as Sue. She wasn't sure if she wanted to admit it or not.
. During the boat ride to calypso Island, it was not easy for her at all. She would get seasick at one point, but got over it. After this she kinda got over her fear of sailing.
. After Sue said she wanted to date her, she felt happy asf, this was one of the happiest moments of her life so far.
This is kinda just like random stuff
. Mary is around 23 to 26, I'm not entirely sure but around here. I'm not a fan of her and Sue being like 40.
. She's either between 5,6 to 5,8 (I'm not sure) and weighs between 180 to 216 pounds (not entirely sure where.)
. She got pinto and garbanzo when they're around 8 weeks old. She found someone online giving away free pugs. She really liked dogs as a kid and still does.
. Despite improving a lot during high school, she still struggles with body dsymorphia. This was a big fear she would get rejected for if Sue wasn't interested.
. She and Sue didn't like Allan at first because of his personality. But when Mary connected with Allan they became great friends. Allan helped out when one of her high school bullies one day tried to beat her up. The bully was charged for attempted assault.
. Her friend group is just Sue's friend group. And maybe the other art characters.
. She started learning the bagpipes because she was always interested in them. She's slowly improving.
. She's also good at the piano.
. After papa louie: when pizzas attack the reason why she was with prudence because she was dogsitting pickles and prudence was just returning.
. She didn't return to papas pizzeria till like later, but eventually got over it, but then that one day........
. Her favorite color is blue and purple.
. Her favorite foods are cherries, strawberries, raspberries, chocolate and steak (or just beef).
. Not sure on her least favorite foods.
. She's a bit ditzy and an airhead, but not an idiot.
. She's either pan or bi. I could add this for Sue to but i don't see her really as pan or bi.
. After learning that Skip adopted her and James she found out very little about her biological family, basically just stuff from the first headcannon. She is very slowly learning more. All she found out is that after being up for adoption they moved somewhere else (doesn't know where) and that's kinda about it. She doesn't know If they're alive or not.
. She sometimes when Sue is like annoyed, mad, off to do something just sometimes at random, will kiss her on like the cheek or lips. Sue will be shocked or smiling.
. She used wears crop tops in public, but before Allan helped Mary, the bully made fun of her saying pretty hurtful things for her to not wear them in public anymore. She still wears them.
. Im not sure how her voice would sound.
. People think that she, Cooper and Greg are related in some way, but aren't.
. She's part Irish, she learned this when she was younger, thus why she celebrates st. Patrick's.
. Sue pretended to like Mary's bagpipe at first, this is when she was bad however. She does like them now.
. Shes very sweet and kind. If you know her, it's kinda sad that she was bullied.
Thats all I could think about for Mary headcannons. Will update if I think of more.
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it (SPOILERS) pt.1
Before I even start let me say that they should've just made it another 12 or 10 or hell even an 8 episode mini series
Should've opened with Isaac instead of Liam and Hikari in Japan smh. He was the last one to have the triskele box, how tf did Liam get it? (I do understand that Daniel Sharman couldn't be in the film but still...at least give me an explanation)
I don't care what they say, Hikari was supposed to be Kira and Hikari wasn't supposed to even exist. Liam and Hikari are clearly what Scott & Kira Should've been, minus the restaurant in Japan, if they'd done the right thing and brought Kira back in the last season. He said he'd wait for her😭. (Though I Stan the actress for not coming back when they were going to pay her white female castmates more than her. Honestly fuck them for that)
Why does Liam own a restaurant in Japan. How did we get here in our lives. Liam u supposed to be protecting Beacon Hills. Also idk what career I though Liam would get but it definitely wouldn't have been restaurant owner. I can see him as a coach maybe (at Devonford Prep in honor of Brett; huh maybe I did know what career I thought he'd have🤔)
Damn y'all really keeping Nogi with teas and spices. Ig hiding it in plain sight works idk 🤷‍♀️
Why Liam fall like that 😭
Damn Nogi really reminding me of the Witch from Narnia when she appeared in that ice wall thing in the second movie
also if Nogi can talk through that thing, why hasn't he manipulate someone into setting him free already
Though that Nogi was like a regular fly, not a firefly...
Scott being call "The Alpha" like they'll never know🤫 also like I thought Monroe went international w/ her hunting. Ain't no way Scott's just chillin all carefree enough to put his name on a business.
Yeah Scott save that doggie...oh and the little grl too. Also this would've been better plot wise if this was a flashback of Scott saving a little Hikari, it would explain how she's randomly apart of the pack now
Love how Scott's animal clinic looks like a mixture of Deaton's vet place and Derek's loft
Scott talking about having kids one day was how I knew they'd give him Eli at the end. Like wtf, he should be raised by his family, by other born wolves who know about the werewolf history that Derek did. Like hello we got great uncle Peter, auntie Cora, and hell even cousin Malia. Derek WOULD NOT want his SON raised by an ARGENT!
"I didn't see it. I took my eyes off the road for like two seconds to change the song on my ipod"
Wooo spooky 👻
I said ah oop jump scare Chris "I never use the front door" Argent
Poor Chris no parent ever deserves their child to die before them
Bardo! and who stayed up all night doing research about Bardo for you, huh, Mr. McTruealphaman. KIRA!
Yes papa Argent, say fuck
Well Jeff Davis said he wanted the timeline to work out so that Eli was born before Derek returned to Beacon Hills in an interview (idk where it is and I'm too lazy to find it) and after the series finale timeskip in the last season it was 2017, its now 2026 so technically it's been 11 years Scott my boy
Look at me out here fixing the timeline for everyone😁
"I got a feeling the real answers are in Beacon Hills" Yeah no shit Chris, everything's gotta do with Beacon Hills
Scott your the alpha. Be the alpha. Quit asking other people to to decisions for you, for the love of God
So Scott I understand why you left Beacon Hills but are we going to address what happend to Monroe and the internatipnal hunters Corp? No?...okay then
Chris why did you leave mama McCall. Jeff u really out here breaking everyone up. Should've got w/ Papa Stilinski so Scott and Stiles could be brothers fr "oh what could've been"
Why the pack break up? not gonna give me an explanation again...okay I'm sensing a pattern here
Yeassss!!! Business woman Lydia, we knew u could do it. And she looks very snazzy in that white outfit with her ponytail if I do say so myself. Funny how the banshee's business has to do with sound lmao it's perfect.
Lyd!😭 Thats Mrs. Martin-Stilinski to you! Shit at least call her Lyds so that you don't sound like your calling her a lid💀
Damn u think Lydia would've learned to look at stuff by now before handing it out. Nah but on a real note I feel like she should have a better understanding of her abilities by now, and have expanded on them, and had more control of them but that might be just me
I SAID ITS MRS. MARTIN-STILINSKI Ray or whatever ur name is!
Oooo the automatic writing again
Yayyy Eli Hale! In my head Eli is a nickname for Elijah, just like Derek is a nickname Frederick (if you known you know🤣)
Hale Auto?! Ain't no way. Derek ain't a mechanic. I refuse. Terrible career choice for the man. He's rich, he ain't even gotta work
Maybe Malia could be a mechanic but I doubt it, ooo a Park Ranger would be perfect.
Love how Eli just hotwired that jeep😂. Oh and just let me say this here and get it out of my system. Eli is similar to both Stiles and Scott when they were younger but he is NOT STILES. Yes he's sarcastic and a little delinquent but do you guys know how many teenagers are sarcastic little delinquents? Alot. It's a teen thing. I was the same way (minus the crimes😂) and still am sarcastic af. Love Eli as Eli, not a mini or replacement for Stiles. Love u guys to death but we went into this knowing there was no Stiles.
Jeff Davis: No Stiles.
Us: No Stiles?
Jeff Davis: No Stiles!
Boys gonna pop a damn wheelie in fucking Roscoe
Love how Parrish just calls Mason instead of tailing him
I'm fucking dead💀they was all too scared to tell Derek (me too thou bc sourwolf is scary😶)
Why is Mason a deputy? Feel like he should be working at Lydia's, like he's right under her is what I'd say he should be doing. I could see Corey, his husband, maybe being a deputy though. *gasp* or a cute little school teacher🥺
I stand by what I said earlier, Malia should be a park ranger and I add to that by saying that she should be the consultant and not Derek (though i understand they had to reintroduce his character) she spent a lot of time in those woods, and she's more intune with her animal side than anyone else
Derek still sexy af
serial arsonist...wolf pack also has a serial arsonist. I swear to God they should've just made it a spin off instead of its own thing
You definitely should call Stiles, he's head of his own supernatural devison in the FBI👍
Love how Derek was like a fugitive for most of the series and now he works w/ the police. Eli taking up that criminal mantel now😂
I mean...is it really grand theft auto if he took it from his own dads shop🤷‍♀️🤣
Derek's got ptsd from the jeep
Eli wanted to race that grl, I now headcanon that's how he flirts. Just like his daddy he's like haha look I'm better than you at something "you wanna see some real speed bitch" (flashbacks to when Derek flirted with Paige by being an ass with that basketball, like grl just wanted to play her cello in peace and quite)
Love how Derek just like slashed the tires. Really said "i don't think so. My names Derek hale. I go way back" (I'm so sorry to anyone reading this)
Part 1-5
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the sequels? I think Force Awakens was good and set up the franchise for potential but the last 2 were done dirty. The characters were great but their writing wasn't. They deserved better
omg i have so many thoughts about the sequels bro so read if anyone cares.
i personally liked the last jedi the best. i don't really remember why but i found i was more interested in it than the other two. the first one was okay but the rise of skywalker WAS ATROCIOUS!!!
idk what they were thinking, i really would've preferred if they just kept the ending at return of the jedi and did a different kind of trilogy yk? like they could've done something high republic related or post empire but not skywalker related LITERALLY ANYTHING cause in my opinion the sequels ruined anakin/vaders story. having palpatine come back basically meant anakins sacrifice in the end meant nothing. like wtf
i fucking hated what they did to luke. i don't really think trying to kill his two best friends son was accurate. i get he was in a trance or whatever the fuck he was smoking that night but like bro. luke was such a great character and was my absolute favourite as a kid and they ruined him and for what?
you're right though i did like the characters but the writing was straight POOOPPP. i still like by the fact finn should've been a jedi, like stormtrooper turned jedi would've been CRAZYYYY!!! also why tf didn't we get finnpoe? they were perfect together but NOOOOO WE GOT REYLO! i don't give a flying fuck about reylo.
i really liked ben/kylo. i did like that he joined the sith cause it was so sad we know anakin would've been so upset about it too. i wish we got an anakin force ghost scene. kylo was probably one of the best sequel characters and like ugh idk he could've been so much cooler though yk.
rey was mid i dunno. i wasn't mad she called herself a "skywalker" though because she really looked up to both luke and leia and like why tf would she want to associate herself with palpatine 💀
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DC Weirdness and Stories
No. No thing before the meat and potatoes. We are going into this. NOW.
I don't know what the hell DC is on but they need to stop. Especially with the comics.
"Ray, tf wrong with the comics?" I'LL TELL YOU.
DC taking really silly and fun characters and making them bad. What do I mean by that.
Well I eluded to this in my other posts.
Plastic Man.
Mad Hatter.
EVEN BATMAN have been written once or twice as horrible beings without a reason for this.
"Ray, why is this bad? Sometimes it ties into the story." YES, THIS IS SORTA FINE. HOWEVER.
Take this for example.
Gotham. Yes the show Gotham.
I praise this show for the odd homosexual behavior between Riddler and Penguin. Fun. Great. Unexpected? Yes. Oddly well done? Yeah.
However. I hate what they did to my boy. My rotten soldier.
Mad Hatter, my second favorite Batman villain. A silly little Wonderland man. Doing weird Wonderland things. Villainy!
Gothams Jervis is so silly and interesting. His design makes me happy. Everything is fine.
Then they dropped HEAVY IMPLICATIONS that he mentally and sexually abused his sister then returned to silly Hatter like they didn't just pin a horrible thing to a normally goofy villain. Like that sh#t didn't happen???
It's almost like making Condiment King a Serial Killer (do not get any ideas please.)Ok. Fine but thats one example. There can't be more...
Righ- WRONG!!
Arkham Origins and a bit of City.
For those who know, I'm sorry, I agree that he is a bit better in Knight.
For those who don't, Well I'm also sorry.
- Alice is badly traumatized in Origin by being forced to stay with Hatter and by how badly he treated her. How bad? She cries hysterically when Batman saves her, which made me extremely uncomfortable.
- City (might be wrong, haven't collected everything in the Arkham games yet) interview tape reveals that every Alice that Strange brings to Hatter, he kills them. Yeah.
It's really bad, except for Knight. He's a bit better in Knight.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with making Silly Goofy Batman Villains dark, just don't pin dark subjects to villains that wouldn't do that in the first place.
But thats just Jervis. Surely- YOU ARE STILL WRONG.
My favorite DC Superhero, other than Booster Gold, is Plastic Man.
This funny lil scumbag (affectionate) is great. Until they make him a scumbag (derogatory.)
Ever want a story with Plastic Man just being a d#ckbag? Want to see him make unneeded jokes about women mainly Wonder Woman? No? Too f#cking bad, bucko!!
This is a minor case but sometimes. Only rare times it happens. I get that he's a former villain but SO IS BOOSTER GOLD. BOOSTER GOLD LITERALLY STOLE ALL HIS HERO SH#T. HE DOESN'T DO THE SH#T PLAS DOES.
"Ray, he's in it for the mon-" SO DID BOOSTER GOLD.
I'm emotionally tired about this. If you have more to add on this garbage fire. Go ahead and tell the tale. Cause damn.
Next post of this series will dip into a more fun note. More Riddlers! Specifically cool Riddlers. (Why yes I will talk about my favorite Riddlers Jim Carrey and Frank Gorshin.)
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kaepop-trash · 3 years
drabble where johnny and y/n hook up in the recording studio? 😁
This is so emotional and for no disernible reason other than that I wrote this at 5am before going to bed. Johnny wearing TF Noir Extreme should be canon, that fragrance is just so entirely him go see the notes if you don't believe me. I hope you like this.
Warnings: Penetration, Not really unprotected sex because reader is on the pill but still heads up, Read between the lines type of Breeding Kink, Just some heavy one-sided angst, Why is this so angsty?
WC: 2.8k
(Y/N) knocked on the studio door, taking a moment to gather her breath before entering.
The first thing she saw was Mark lying on the couch before her eyes drew to Johnny. He sat in front of the workstation, tweaking dials with his back facing her. Her breath suddenly felt a little lighter being in his presence after the days without him around.
"Hey, (Y/N). How have you been?" Mark questioned, making her turn to him as he sat up.
"Good. How was home?" She asked him, watching from the corner of her eye as Johnny turned.
"Great." He told her as he reached out the packet of gummy bears he had in his hand towards her. She smiled at the gesture, stepping closer to take a few from it, thanking him.
Mark didn't move the pack away, "Our flight was delayed so Johnny just bought a lot of candy at the airport. He said you like the sour ones," He pointed at a colourful bag behind him, "Take them." He offered, turning back to her with a smile.
She nodded, deciding to take the gesture at face value. That was the decision she'd emerged with after the week and a half Johnny was away and she felt practically sick with longing.
Johnny never did these things out of any particular intention, so taking it like the afterthought that it was for him was the right decision. Even if the sheer thought of him having her as his afterthought was just as bad.
She boxed that away to the corner of her mind.
"What brings you to the studio this late?" Mark asked, doing her the favour of breaking her out of her spiralling thoughts.
"He asked me to come." She pointed at Johnny, avoiding looking at him the same way she avoided having his name on her tongue.
"Oh." Mark's eyes lit up with some kind of understanding, turning to Johnny. "You made her stay late just to hear the songs?" His voice raised the way it did when he was confused.
"I'm always here late anyway" She shrugged.
"Oh hey, is that (Y/N)?" She heard Taeil speak from inside the recording booth, giving her a wave. She returned it with a smile.
"Are you here to get a sneak preview of the album before it's announced?" He asked her, making her grin sheepishly while she nodded.
It was all a lie of course, she wasn't here for an urgent listen to an album. She waited till this late because she couldn't wait till tomorrow to see him. She was here because she missed him.
"Hi." Johnny finally spoke as he swivelled his chair, his voice making her shiver more than the air conditioning he had yanked up like he always did. She took a quick breath, having no choice left but to look at him.
"Hey." She gave him a weak smile that she hated. "How was your trip?" She recycled the same question she asked Mark, looking down at her feet. She gazed over his form, tired and wrapped in his all-time favourite hoodie, which made her want to bury herself entirely in him, till the lines blurred. She had to look to the floor.
"Good." He told her, voice small as his eyes stayed on her. She watched the chair beside him being turned, "Come sit." He patted on it. She shuffled for a moment before giving in, walking towards him and sitting down.
"Do you want to hear the song Mark wrote for Taeil? It's his best work yet." That made her look up with a surprised nod.
"Of course!" She turned to Mark with a smile. "You're finally writing more music." She gave him a grin, one he returned with a sheepish one.
"Johnny's relentless." He rubbed his neck, flustered.
"As he should be!" Tail chimed in, "You're the only one who's unconvinced by your capabilities." He scoffed, voice echoing through the recording mic. "In any case, can we finish this song before you give (Y/N) a run through? I don't want my vocal cords to stiffen." He added as he immediately started a warm-up routine.
She watched the process with focus, fascinated by the details of music production she had never thought about. Johnny didn't say anything every time Taeil said he wanted to redo a part, only encouraging him each time with a silent nod. She watched as Johnny discussed with Mark how each line should be enunciated, and how he could tweak a certain portion of the music to make Taeil's voice stand out more in the section.
She watched everything with abject fascination. As much as she'd seen Johnny sit in corporate meetings, using the skills he learned in business school, she realised that this was the first time she'd seen him for what he really wanted to be, what he was the very best at. This was Johnny as a music producer.
And he was radiant.
"Are you cold?" Johnny's voice brought her out of her straying thoughts, making her realise that she was shivering.
"I left my coat downstairs." She shrugged, running her palm over her arms.
Johnny shook his head with a soft snort, taking his headphones off. Without being promoted, he took his hoodie off and extended it to her.
She sat back like she needed to distance herself from the gesture, "No, it's fi–" He clicked his tongue, reaching his hand closer to her.
"Just take it. I'm not cold." He sounded unassuming, forehead creasing when she made no move to grab it. "(Y/N)." He admonished and she gave in, taking the piece of clothing reluctantly. Mark scoffed behind them.
Johnny looked pleased, turning back to say something to Taeil about a vocal run.
She looked down at the hoodie, a pleasant mint green colour and still warm from being on his skin. She ran her thumb over the impossibly soft material while her stomach turned over constantly.
Its just a hoodie, she told herself. He just didn't want to adjust the air conditioning, she added.
Holding her breath like she was about to go underwater instead of into a piece of cloth, she pulled the thing over herself.
The first thing she noted was that it was too big for her, realising with a moment's delay that of course, it was. When she finally took in her long-delayed breath, she realised that it smelled like him— that she was suddenly surrounded by his smell. Another thing that was a logical assumption to make.
The third thing she realised was that she missed how Johnny smelled, maybe a little too much. Taking a bigger risk, she lifted her palms to her nose, taking in the familiar smell of him mixed with the Tom Ford fragrance he seemingly always wore now.
As she looked up, she realised Johnny was watching her. His lips tugged at the corners and she blushed, certain that she had just been caught sniffing his hoodie.
"You're wearing the perfume I gave you." She cleared her throat, giving him the excuse.
"It's a nice fragrance." He shrugged.
"I knew you'd like it." She said proudly, pleased at her accurate assessment. Johnny smiled, giving her a nod.
It was hours past midnight.
After Taeil wrapped up his recording and Johnny finished some final adjustments to the mixes with Mark, he had spent more time making her listen to the songs after they left. She wondered where this man got his energy.
With a soft glow in his face, Johnny broke down every beat, spoke about the moments that served as inspiration and explained a few terms that would help her understand some more things that she would have never noticed in a song before. She would now appreciate every little bit anytime she listened to anything.
After the tracks ended, the glow remained in his eyes as he reached for the handles on her chair, pulling it towards him.
"I'm sorry you had to stay so long. I know you sleep before midnight." He spoke sheepishly, but the grin on his face looked anything but apologetic.
She shook her head at him, "It's fine. This was such a great experience. You're different when you are here being a producer. Compared to when you're downstairs running a company."
"Yeah?" Johnny grinned, "Good different or bad different?" He asked playfully.
"Different different." She mumbled, "You like doing this a lot don't you?" She questioned, smiling when he gave her a clear nod. "I liked seeing that. You doing what you like. I've lost sleep over less. Don't worry about it."
Johnny hummed, a smile still on his lips. It was a different kind of smile, she noted. She blamed it on the fact that he was recording all evening. It must have been the smile he had when he was doing what he loved so much.
"I thought you'd say you missed me." He clicked his tongue playfully, clearly teasing her. Yet her heart began racing, afraid that he would know how desperately she did, how she missed him far too much for it to be appropriate.
"Did you miss me?" She tried to deflect, the tempo of her heartbeat changing when he nodded. He leaned closer towards her, brushing his thumb under her eye before leaving a soft peck against her lips.
"I called you here because I wanted to see you." He spoke against her lips, landing another soft peck after he finished the words. "So yeah, I guess I missed you a little bit." He did it again.
"How was the trip?" She changed the topic, trying to distract herself from the butterflies. They buzzed so terribly that she was afraid she'd be nauseous.
Johnny smiled and she saw the first signs of exhaustion colouring his eyes. "Good. The usual. Dad wants to see the business grow more, mom wants me to find a partner. Both are immensely proud of me." He landed another peck, "The usual." He dragged his fingers through her hair and she was grateful for the distraction from the words, particularly the ones his mom said. Johnny pulled back a little to watch her face.
"At least they're proud. My parents just tell me to work at a law firm instead and always ask for confirmation that I'm not with Yuta." She closed her eyes when his nails brushed against her scalp, making goosebumps rise on the back of her neck.
"At least they don't have the worst ammunition. Now that I'm thirty, my mom just straight up told me that it's time to have kids." He scoffed, leaning close again.
She winced with a laugh, pecking his lips this time. "The horror. I would have paid to see your face. Did Mark take a video? I should ask him to act it out for me. What did you say?" She breezed through her words, hoping that her light laugh hid the fact that she was rambling from the dread his words made her feel.
Johnny dragged his fingers out of her hair, brushing it against the back of her neck till she shivered. "That I'm waiting for the right person." His lips twitched, wrapping his fingers around her neck. She tried to stomp down the way her heart dropped at the words, giving him a scoff that she prayed didn't sound weak.
Johnny looked over her face slowly, "No more talking, I want to fill you with my come till it drips down your legs." He hooked a finger into the collar of the hoodie, tugging her till their lips crashed.
He placed her on the table beside the recording mic, tugging her pants off quickly followed by his own clothes. Johnny reached a hand to stop hers as she began discarding the hoodie.
"Keep it on. You look so cute in it." His fingers wrapped around her thigh to pull her closer. "Want to hear you say my name, kitten. I almost got hard at a family dinner because I was thinking about the way your lips spell my name out." He groaned as he grabbed his length, rubbing it up and down her folds. She pulled herself closer to him, wrapping her legs around his waist.
"Johnny." She sighed when she felt him prod against her entrance.
He pulled away from her neck to look at her, "Again." He said, slowly pushing into her. Her lips parted at the initial stretch, adjusting to the feeling for the first time after almost two weeks.
"Johnny." She moaned as he slowly entered her.
"That's my girl." He groaned, finally throwing his head back and he bottomed out. They sighed in harmony. "So fucking tight." He groaned. "I love the way you feel around me so much." He praised, hands tightening on her thighs. "It's like a high." He rutted himself against her a few times before beginning to pull out. "You're like your own special kind of drug." He groaned, when he was almost completely back out before pushing back in with a little more urgency.
"Come here." She grabbed at his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. The move made him push in faster, tip brushing against her g-spot. She buried her face in his neck, moaning.
She took a dreadfully long inhale, like she wanted her lungs to be painted in his smell. "Missed you so much." She mumbled softly into his skin, hoping he wouldn't hear it.
It was a lie, she didn't just miss him. She craved him, yearned for his presence as the days dragged on and she walked by his empty office; as she slept in her empty bed and his smell got weaker each day. She was so absolutely screwed and she couldn't pull herself out of the hold of his intoxicating presence long enough to care. She had no one to blame but herself.
Whether Johnny heard or not, he said nothing, just digging his fingers further into her thighs as he increased his pace.
He took in a sharp inhale as she tightened her muscles, "Fuck, don't clench so tight I don't have the capacity to resist you right now. I'll come already." She gave him a quick nod.
Johnny groaned, hands sliding up, under his hoodie. "Such a perfect fit, do you know that? Always taking me so well, kitten." He groaned again when she moaned at the words.
To her embarrassment, she realised that her high was already building. "Johnny." She whimpered, fingers clutching at his chest.
"Going to come?" He asked like he'd memorised her every tell, letting out a throaty chuckle when he nodded. "Alright." He permitted, rather generously considering that he was never one for a quick fuck.
He even reached her clit, rubbing slow circles that threw her off the edge, one last inhale of him being all she needed.
"Oh my." Her mouth opened, pressing against his chest as her climax shattered her. "God." She groaned, eyes moist from a mix of the devastating orgasm and the crushing realisation that she was certainly in love with him. A love that shouldn't exist, a love that would ruin her because she didn't have the strength to walk away from him.
"One more." He told her as he began to thrust into her again, rubbing at her clit quickly till she felt the overstimulation give way to another knot tying itself into a noose in her stomach.
Her legs began shaking as Johnny came, the feeling of his come shooting into her triggering her second orgasm. It knocked the air out of her as she felt her insides going warm, sighing with one last utterance of his name.
"Love to fill you up with my come. Fill you to the brim." He groaned, riding out the rest of his high before pulling out of her.
She drew in a shaking breath, eyes screwed shut and face still buried in his chest. She felt afraid, like one look at him would certainly solidify her suspicion into reality. Like it would be the thing that exposed the lie she kept telling herself.
Johnny tilted his chin lower, his cheek touching her temple.
She whimpered when he fingered his come back into her. Like he didn't want to waste it.
The last thought was enough to make her pull away from him, jerking away like his skin suddenly burned her. Johnny seemed none the wiser, still fixated on watching his come drip out of her.
She grabbed his wrist, biting down on her quivering lip when he looked up, looking like he was coming out of a daze. "Too sensitive." She gave the flimsy excuse. Johnny nodded and pulled away.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled, shaking his head to himself before pulling up a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Let's go? Go grab your coat." He pulled away from her, bending down to reach for his clothes.
Character from: Chance Encounter
Mini Masterlist
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wh6res · 4 years
three's a crowd | nomin
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synopsis. picking favorites is impossible when you like neither of them.
warning. read at your own risk. abuse, bullying, poly relationship, yandere themes, manipulation, nonconsensual touching, noncon, degradation, smut threesome oop
disclaimer. i do not condone whatever tf i wrote in this nor does it reflect my beliefs or values or morals and such. it is all pure fiction and i also dont think jaemin or jeno would act like this in real life.
note. this was meant to be a new year's gift lmao i obviously got a lil carried away 👀 anyway a late happy new year to you all! we survived 2020, let's start living in 2021, yeah? lmao if covid lets us grr mwah!
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the relationship you had with the two of them was a weird one, bordering on taboo, but it wasn't as if you willfully chose to be who they wanted you to be and it took jaemin's unwanted pining and jeno's intimidating demeanor for you to fall right into their arms.
it was a joint effort on their part, you couldn't've possibly stood a chance.
"this many?" the cashier asked. "are you sure?"
stepping back and studying the whole situation, you figured you only had your addiction to caffeine and procrastination to blame. it was a chain reaction you didn't even know will lead up to your inevitable doom.
if you hadn't been slacking off during your first semester of junior year college, you wouldn't be forced to overwork yourself trying to catch up to the looming deadlines, but to be able to 'work yourself to the bone' you need your boost of energy… and that was when you met one of them.
"uhm," you scratch the back of your head sheepishly as you eye the six glass bottles of iced coffee. sure, it looks bad and you kinda appreciate the look of concern the cashier throws your way but it was none of his business.
"yes. now could you, like, you know… hurry up? i'm in a little bit of a time crunch right now."
screw it. although you hardly snap like that with other people on a daily basis, it'll be a whole different conversation if you were under a significant amount of stress and today, unfortunately, is one of those days.
now can he just fucking stop asking questions and give you your six bottles of death drink to keep your fucking brain going so you can pass an eight-page essay tomorrow? thank you very much!
the guy snickered, the beeping sound of a barcode being read sounding a thousand times more annoying than it usually sounds as he keeps his hand busy by punching your items out.
you fail to notice how he studies you through the gaps of his lashes, finding you interesting rather than threatening as you stood before him with your messy hair and oversized hoodie.
"haven't seen you around university grounds 'till today," he tries striking another conversation with you. "you new? i'm jaemin."
this was your first mistake, you shouldn't have been so… downright rude when you met him. if you were granted the miracle of meeting him a 2nd time, you would've acted more nice, throwing yourself at his feet even to blend in with the rest of his fangirls you didn't even know about at the time. you would've done anything to make sure he never gives you a second glance, to never pique his interest.
jaemin is the pep squad captain. flying over colored blue mats and doing tumblings in the air with no ounce of fear. he was the best in his team, that much was evident when your friend dragged you into watching a pep rally practice. his landings were clean, balanced, and executed to the best he can at all times.
no wonder he was popular, his talent is outstanding and his looks are a bonus. his killer combo of a smile and wink after pulling off a tough flip is enough to send them squealing in their seats.
he spotted you that day and since then, he snuck the quickest glances at the bench during practices. recognizing you as the coffee girl he met during his convenience store shift. jaemin tries not to let his disappointment show too much when he doesn't see you, but of course, a pair of cold calculating eyes could see right through him.
"i saw that," his boyfriend said, hand darting forward to hold jaemin's gym bag for him. "you kept looking at the crowd. do you want to see her that much?"
"but she reminds me so much of you, jeno!" he retorts, pouting at the slight grumpy tone the other boy used. "i can't help it. she doesn't seem to give a fuck around me so she's quite interesting. maybe she can even be a great addition to our relationship!"
"well," jeno replies after a beat of silence, plastering a small smirk on his face before slinging an arm around jaemin's shoulder.
"convince me?"
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you don't like jaemin's attention. not in the slightest. and it seems that was enough reason for the reign of terror his little fanclub has subjected you too.
it wasn't the petty elementary forms of bullying like pulling at your hair or calling you names. they pale in comparison to the other things they do to you—beating you up, messing with your homework, "accidentally" dumping their food trays on you.
and you weren't stupid.
you knew exactly who was behind it, knew how jaemin spectates the whole thing from afar so that he can swoop in at the end to play your knight in shining armor.
"oh, you poor thing. do you need help?"
the first time you accepted his "help" you ended up in a supply closet near the gym during your free period, cornered and weak as your cries for help drowns under the squeaking of shoes and the booming sounds of rubber balls hitting the floor.
if it weren't for jeno appearing out of thin air and prying the boy off of you, you would've been painted blue and red from the death grip he had on your wrist, neck, and waist.
you can still remember feeling the soreness of your scalp from when he pulled your hair too hard. remembered feeling his teeth gnawing at your lips as if he wanted to tear them off.
that time hadn't been the first time you saw jeno. you've shared a few classes with him and it strikes you how polar opposites they are with one another.
while jaemin likes to bask in his professor and classmates' recognition by confidently reciting his answers, jeno would rather keep to himself. liked sitting at the last row, near the window, so he'd be the first to go once the professor ends their lecture. while jaemin loved the attention of his fangirls, jeno preferred solitude. while jaemin is impulsive and wild, jeno liked to think things through.
it was within these reasons that you decided to do what you did. but your judgement of character has never been more wrong.
you approached jeno one day in the library, tried to make yourself appear as stoic and confident as possible. but your constant slouching and averting eyes was a dead giveaway.
you came to talk to him about what jaemin has been doing, hoping there's one person left in this entire school that isn't under the cheer captain's trance. the one reasonable person that has already saved you once and (hopefully) is willing enough to save you again. the only one that probably has a certain level of control over jaemin, if the supply closet incident is anything to go by.
but you've overestimated lee jeno.
"you should've just given jaemin what he wanted."
"but—but aren't you two lovers? isn't it bothering you?"
you try baiting him, only for an uncomfortable shiver to start crawling down your spine when he chuckled humorlessly, pushing his school materials to the side while pinning you with an unreadable stare.
how can a person make someone feel so small just by a gaze alone? it was nothing like you've felt with jaemin. this is way worse.
"the only thing that's bothering me is why you're not ours yet."
you feel cold fingers creeping their way under your shirt, going higher and higher until it brushes against your bra. and when your eyes meet, the look on his face was unmistakable—what are you going to do about it, huh?
you stood up in lightning speed, the chair you've been sitting on scraping loudly against the floor.
you've never ran out as fast as you did.
and jeno swears it'll be the last.
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you tried everything in your power to ignore them for the next following weeks but it soon became useless when the two boys took it upon themselves to give you your space.
although judging by the pinpricks you feel on your back, and the constant weight of a stare you feel on your shoulders, you knew they weren't done with you yet. far from it. and for some reason, you just knew they wanted to lull you into a false sense of security first before striking again.
and while they continued to ogle at you from afar like a hawk circling its prey in a desert, you took it upon yourself to return the favor. not because you were the slightest bit interested in those creeps but maybe, just maybe, if you look hard enough you'll find a way out, a weakness.
but what you realized made your insides churn in great discomfort—although it may seem that jeno holds the reins in the relationship since his reserved nature fits the role, it's actually the other way around.
jaemin might appear too self-centered, too focused on himself to give a fuck about his surroundings but in actuality, he has quite a knack for reading people. even more so than jeno. and it was scary how he used it to his advantage, and paired up with his devoted fangirls? it was hell on earth.
you found it alarming how the two seem to magically appear wherever you are.
although you weren't in the least bit surprised. for some reason, you can't take your eyes away when jaemin's devotees flock around him (and jeno) in a circle.
it almost reminds you of a shoal of piranhas, waiting for their meal to drop into the water before ripping it to shreds with their teeth. only their "meal" isn't actual flesh but the carefully crafted words jaemin says that drive them into a sick frenzy.
one that has them doing everything in their power to satisfy him like the loyal dogs they are.
so this was how he got them to bully you?
"oh, that? don't worry! yangyang just ran into me during cheer rehearsal. no biggie. my cheek stung a little bit, though…" is what he said but really he's telling them "scruff him up a bit for me, why don't ya?"
"of course, i can't be the best all the time. haechan is just too good, maybe even better than me…" is what he said but really he's telling them "can you remind him where his place should be?"
all the while jeno did nothing to hold him back.
no matter how wrong jaemin is, how much of an asshole he is, jeno will stick by his side through and through. so as much as jaemin is a puppeteer that gets a kick for controlling people, jeno is as much at fault for looking the other way.
because in jeno's perspective, why the fuck would he do shit when he can just get off from the entertainment that comes with jaemin's sweet little mind games?
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we lost :(
you had been busy sorting through paperwork for one of your professors in the faculty when your friend texted you the results of the intercollegiate cheer dance competition. a frown paints your face, heart feeling heavy at the bad news.
in all honesty, you still supported the pep squad—you just hated the captain and his boyfriend. they've been practicing non-stop for this and prior to the weeks of the competition, jeno looked a lot more tense and jaemin less smiley than usual. you swore you even saw the latter snap at one of his fangirls.
not to mention, they paid less attention to you, too, and it was the best three weeks of your life.
tension starts rising in your shoulders, fingers absentmindedly running through the edge of the papers you had been sorting until you became immersed with your thoughts.
jaemin must be in the worst mood yet.
and jeno too, probably. if anything, that guy gets triggered the most when something bad happens to jaemin or when he catches snippets of people talking shit about his oh so "perfect" boyfriend.
jeno is a lot scarier when jaemin is in one of his mood swings, you noticed. he steps up in the relationship to offer comfort to the other boy and for outsiders? it isn't a great experience to go through—being on the receiving end of jeno's ice cold stare is a position you don't want to find yourself in after that time in the library.
he is still as much a threat to your peaceful life like his lover.
you snap out of it when the blinding headlights of a vehicle seep through the closed blinds. you hear the gentle hum of an engine switching off as the headlights vanished as quick as they had appeared. that must be the cheer squad's bus.
as you look around the empty faculty room, something in your gut tells you to ditch file sorting duty for professor kim tonight and fucking get the hell out of campus grounds as quick as you can.
after haphazardly throwing the unsorted papers back into the cabinet, you groan aloud when the keys to the office drop out of your skirt’s pocket.
the indoor gym where the cheering squad practices is right across the hallway. you sure as hell don't want to bump into jaemin. or jeno, too, if he had decided to ride along the cheer squad's bus on the way home.
you kept looking for the keys underneath the cubicles, cursing aloud when you heard the telltale squeaks of shoes rubbing against linoleum. you almost hit your head against a table when you quickly got back up your feet, darting forward to shut the lights for the faculty room.
they can't know you're here. alone. and if it meant sitting in the dark for a few hours 'till they leave, meant going back home a little later than usual is what you have to do then so be it.
you try not to react so violently when the door you're leaning on jolts when someone from outside slams their back against it.
"it's not like we didn't do our best, right guys? i don't have regrets. it might sound fucking cheesy and although i'm sad myself, atleast we did what we can."
it's jaemin. his voice clear as day.
you try peaking, craning your neck up from your place on the floor. only to see the back of his head leaning against the glass section of the door. someone else joins in on the conversation, followed by coach park himself, and you slowly tune out whatever they're saying as you stealthily start scanning the faculty room.
you curse under your breath. is there no other exit other than this door? jesus christ! even classrooms in this university had two doors—
"what are you doing here?"
the switch flickers on, basking the once dark room with light. only when you hear an echo of your name being called, did you snap out of it and quickly picked yourself up from the floor.
"i said, what are you doing here?"
their coach asks, drilling the question as he looks at you skeptically with his arms crossed. you try not to look at the people behind him.
particularly, not at his cheer captain standing on his right.
particularly, not at jeno, who stands out like a sore thumb with his blue hair, a protective arm snaked around jaemin’s shoulders.
this isn't your lucky day, too, you guess.
"i was…" you cursed yourself for stuttering. "i was, uhm, i was file sorting for prof—professor kim, sir."
coach park looked like he didn't believe you as he narrowed his eyes in scrutiny. your nerves are going haywire and you can feel the sharp pins of their stare with how close they are.
you kept juggling your weight with the balls of your feet, hands fisting and unfisting behind your back. you want to leave. you have to leave.
"file sorting… in the dark?" he asked incredulously.
fuck this.
"uhm, you can ask professor kim himself tomorrow, coach. for now, uh, i'll be going now. i'm sorry you guys lost…"
originally, the exit is on the right side, at the end of the hallway. but no, you are not going to pass by those two while on your way out so you ducked behind a random student standing on the coach's left instead and practically ran away from the scene.
everyone had been too busy. too busy looking at your retreating form to even notice jaemin and jeno exchanging glances, too busy to notice the latter untangling himself from their captain to slip away unnoticed, his hurried steps filled with a burning purpose.
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you didn't know why you ran, but you did. your shoes practically booming against the floor as you sped away through darkened hallways. you're sweating profusely, heart hammering in your chest. you can worry about professor kim tomorrow but right now you just had to—
"why are you in such a rush, pet?"
crashing into jeno felt like crashing into a wall. if it hadn't been for his arm quickly wrapping around your waist, then you would've landed on your butt before him.
with the small distance between the two of you, jeno could see as clear as day through your eyes.
jaemin was right.
it was addicting to stare into them.
especially when he can see every single one of your thoughts flying through your pretty little head. but hey, it wasn't their fault you were so easy to read.
jeno barely conceals the wicked smirk on his lips when your hands come up to his chest, trying to push him away but to no avail.
he can see your eyes shifting from shock, to confusion, until it finally settles on fear—to which it's slowly becoming a favorite emotion of his to see on your face.
"you know, jaemin is in a really shitty mood right now. and we were wondering, maybe you can cheer us up?"
no. this can't be happening.
"jeno, please." your dilated eyes and disheveled hair made his blood run south. "let me go. you don't want me. you don't need a third party in your relationship."
you yelp when he lets you go, literally shoving you against a wall—which you found out is actually a door, as it swings open as soon as your body crashes against it.
with jeno looming unforgivingly before you in his full height, the tears stung extra hard but you won't let them fall.
if he wanted to bask in the image of your weakness then it'll be something you'll deprive from him for as long as you can.
"i don't need a stupid bitch like you to tell me what i feel." he scoffs. "don't fucking kid yourself, you little whore—i don't want you. i'm not jaemin."
the echo of the classroom door shutting closed surged through you like a wake up call.
this is really happening.
you've always led a decent life, had done nothing too questionable and you've always thought maybe life will spare you if you lived quietly enough. but the feel of jeno's freezing hands crawling against your skin felt like life itself had spat at you in the eye and left you to rot in a ditch.
"i've always liked how you wore skirts," he comments. playing with the ruffled hem of the soft fabric as he purposely grazed his knuckles against your supple thighs. "gives me easy access, don't you agree?"
you scream when he flips your skirt up to reveal the innocent pink of your cotton panties. it was as if a switch had flipped inside of you and the will to fight started coursing through your veins.
"stop! jeno! i don't want this!"
his brows furrow, grunting as he struggles to push the waistline of your skirt up higher with how much you're thrashing underneath him. you buck your hips, tried curling in on yourself, anything to prolong what he wants to do to you.
with your legs trapped underneath his, you blindly reach forward, relying on your upper body instead to push and scratch whatever your palms and nails reached.
you continue screaming like a banshee until he shoved two fingers into your wet cavern.
"stop fighting me," he sounded strained, as if he's holding himself back. you feel him fisting the fabric of your skirt and you fear he's simply going to rip it apart.
you tried responding to him, only the sound had been muffled, gurgled by the flat of his fingers pushing down against your tongue mercilessly. when you reach forward to push him away, your hands land on the apple of his cheeks, nails digging through skin.
until it slips and—
you lie rigid when red scratch marks in the size of your fingernails slowly appear on jeno's skin, his head turned to the side as he paused. your actions slowly start sinking in to him as he shuts his eyes and bit his lip 'till it looked like it was about to bleed.
oh no.
the slap he planted on your cheek left your ears ringing. all those hard earned muscles of his put to good use—if the tears hadn't fallen for the last few minutes, then it definitely started falling now.
the hit had been so strong, a few of your hair flew astray, the buzzing feeling of your skin tempting you to reach a hand up to soothe your abused cheek.
until jeno let out a low growl and your hand immediately drops limp against your body, afraid of whatever else he can do to you other than a slap.
"that's more like it," he whispers under his breath. you let out the tiniest of whimpers when his hand darts forward to fist your hair. "do you know what happens to bad girls? they fucking get busted up. do you understand me?"
his patience is nonexistent.
jeno slams your head against the floor when you don't answer because you thought his question had been rhetorical. it felt like your skull had been split in two as you wail in pain.
"are you fucking deaf—i asked you a fucking question!"
the hand that cups your jaw is painful as he squeezed your cheek with his blunt nails. your hand shoots up to wrap around his wrist, silently pleading for him to let up as you sobbed out loud. you started nodding as best as you can despite his firm grip on your face.
your reply was nothing short of pathetic. with lips forcefully pursed and the steady stream of your tears and snot rolling down your face, your response is gargled and hardly incoherent and jeno seemed to thoroughly enjoy your anguish if the condescending curl on his lips is anything to go by.
"look at you," he whispers, his face coming close to yours as he holds you down. there was something in the way jeno stared so intently that it made your skin crawl.
"i think you're prettiest when ruined like this."
with his nose touching yours, he felt too close, bordering on intimate as you felt his hand creep back up your thighs, trailing up with feather-like touches that made goosebumps appear on your skin.
you tried wiggling your legs underneath him but one sharp look from jeno is enough to make you stop.
the hand holding your face moves. coming down from gripping your face to encircling his hand around your neck.
"do you like it when i touch you? freaky bitch."
his hands trail further up, up, up until you felt him slotting a finger underneath your panties.
jeno didn't like how frozen you were underneath him as he pulls at the hem before letting go. the elastic snapping back against your skin.
the action evokes a strong feeling through the young male, promising to have you writhing and screaming and begging because by the end of all this, you'll be so needy and frustrated that you will have no choice but to give in to what your body wanted.
"jeno, didn't i tell you to play nice?"
someone stands by the door, the minimal light from the hallway creating a silhouette with his form but you knew who he was. that deep voice, with the same annoying flippant tone, is a dead giveaway.
you didn't know why you even hoped in the beginning. as if there'll be someone who can save you from these two.
you thought the flash of hurt in your eyes was quick to disappear but jeno noticed it quicker.
in a span of seconds, he pulled you up from your position from the ground and tugged you towards his lap. you haven't even gotten the time to settle on your new position when he already smashed his lips against yours.
it was messy. too much saliva. too much teeth. no tenderness to it at all.
the fabric of his jeans felt rough, not to mention the ice cold belt buckle made you severely uncomfortable as it seeps through the thin fabric of your skirt.
when you attempt to hover over his lap, jeno grunts as he snakes an arm around your waist, pulling you back down without your lips breaking away from each other. you didn't know why he let out a whine, but you understood the moment you fully sat down on his lap and you felt a tent on his jeans hitting your clothed entrance perfectly.
in a normal circumstance, you would've found everything hot and might've actually gotten off from it but not when it's him who’s doing this to you and you didn’t consent to any of this.
you start squirming again. palms lying flat against jeno's chest as you attempt to push him away and jaemin sees this as the opportune moment to slot himself behind you, caging you in between them.
“i want my turn,” he hisses and without an ounce of hesitation, jeno stops to do what he's told.
jaemin doesn't waste any second to grab your face, awkwardly craning your neck up to meet his lips in the same feverish kiss.
while jeno had been all teeth and aggression, practically forcing you to open your mouth and kiss him back, jaemin on the other hand is more soft, more romantic, you daresay. he seemed to like taking his sweet time by clutching your face, kissing you like he actually meant it.
he pulls away slightly, resting his forehead against yours as he murmurs something incoherent under his breath and then he's kissing you again.
you think you heard something along the lines of, "finally."
you've been too distracted by jaemin to notice jeno's nimble fingers quickly fumbling with the buttons of your blouse. it was only when you feel the sensation of his tongue laving against the swell of your breast did you turn away from jaemin, jerking backward in surprise.
your scream is cut off by a hand cupping your mouth. jaemin pulls your back towards his chest, molding your body against his as jeno licked and suckled all he wanted, thankful to have the other boy there to not worry about restraining you and keeping you quiet while he has his fun.
"ah, ah, ah," jaemin teases, going hard over the pleading and teary look you sent his way. it looked pathetic, he wasn't going to lie, but it doesn't mean he didn't love it. "just keep still and appreciate jeno's efforts to take care of you, alright baby?"
you don't like how he talked as if this was all a mutual thing, how he talked slowly like you were some toddler who didn't understand anything.
it's cruel how jaemin giggled and basked in your vulnerable state as he kept his eyes pinned on you while undoing the zipper of your skirt. your muffled cries of his name only serving to egg him on.
the way he stared was similar to jeno, too intently and intrusive, like he wants to burn your image of despair in the back of his head.
you whined involuntarily when jeno got bored of all the licking and thus decided to start biting and nipping at your chest instead. he was hypnotised by how responsive you were, how every little bite and nibble made you shudder.
it was a shame that jaemin had to cover your mouth. he didn't get to hear your pretty mewls but it wasn't as if he'd let the night end without hearing them loud and clear.
jaemin is fast in undressing you, feeling slightly betrayed by how quick your skirt and blouse fell under his hands.
you know what he wants, what he's going to do, and the tears fall harder when you can't dodge away from him. forced to endure and accept whatever they give you.
"you act like you don't like it but look how fucking wet you are," you bit your lip hard when jaemin starts circling the pads of his fingers against your clit, fascinated by how more juices streamed down your thighs.
"jeno, do you see this? fuck."
you can only blink in defeat, staring off to the side as you force down any noise bubbling up your throat, forcing yourself to think of anything else other than what's happening right now.
you try not to think about how they managed to tear all of your clothes off while they're left completely dressed. tried not to think about the fingers lazily drawing up and down your slit to collect your essence.
if they're doing this as a way to further humiliate you, it's working.
"slut," jeno mocked, a wicked curl on his lips when he wraps his fingers around your throat. the moment he dives down to claim your lips again is the same time jaemin pushes two fingers inside you.
"look at how wet you are because of me," jaemin whispers hot against your ear and you feel a sick churn in your stomach when you feel his smile against your skin.
he purposely drives his fingers in and out quicker, settjng a brutal pace, wanting you to hear the lewd squelching sounds. "hear that? do you hear that, darling? that's because of me—"
"don't go talking big now, jaem," jeno retorts, pulling away from your lips to start nibbling on the back of your ear. "i was here first. did you see how she fucking reacted when i sucked on her tits?"
you're quick to catch how jeno particularly loved degrading you. but how he talks about you as if you're literally not in front of him naked made you hit a new all-time low.
you felt… filthy.
his hands find purchase on your butt—only because jaemin has already claimed the front. for now.
you close your eyes tight when he painfully squeezes the flesh of your ass. you swear, his blunt nails will paint your skin black and blue.
"i'm the favorite!"
"i'm the favorite!"
as someone who's part of a varsity team, you already knew a competitive nature runs through jaemin's veins. but never had you thought jeno would share the same sentiment. once again they prove that they're cut from the same cloth.
all of a sudden it wasn't all about claiming you as theirs anymore rather it was all about who can make you moan the loudest, who can make you cum the most, who can make you feel the dirtiest you can be.
you're absolutely terrified for the hours to come.
thankfully, they have yet to ask for your verbal opinion or validation. they let your body do all the talking—every repressed shudder and sharp gasp is enough.
but it's game over once they pop the million dollar question.
"who do you like best?"
you don't want to find out the consequences if you actually answered their question because you didn't know what could be worse.
jaemin's manipulation or jeno's aggression?
but it was all normal. trial and error is inevitable in order to build and mold you into the ideal lover for the both of them.
because adding someone new to the mix has never been easy—after all, three's a crowd.
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mocacheezy · 3 years
And the title of "Was so amusing I forgot he was supposed to represent a ruthless villain" goes to: ✨Beast Wars Megatron (1996)✨
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[Show spoilers below, but you probably know that already.]
Extra note: I am a TF newbie. This is my opinion and I don't have all the details for the many continuities that exist. I just need to scream about a purple T-Rex.
As the shows main villain, he seems more comical than threatening, but during the second and third season he:
Cut out an immortal spark from a failed Maximal science experiment, and continuously used it to torture said experiment (both for his amusement AND practicality, since Rampage would destroy him otherwise)
Called a deformed protoform ugly, "with an ugly name to match its appearance", and called it useless since it is unable to transform.
(Yeah, the above doesn't sound bad or unusual by villain standards, but these are things that had me go "What the fuck, aren't you the theatre kid of a villain? What is this?!", so if it made me react like that it's on the list. The following things also contribute to my reaction)
Set up the before mentioned protoform to an impossible task of essentially killing all Maximals and bringing proof of their deactivation as a test of its competence (bring me their heads... Dramatic✨)
By calling it useless since "It can't even transform!", he is spitting on the name of his predecessor, the original Megatron
(I am atleast 90% certain that G1 Megatron (and any other Megatron really) would take a look at it, figure out if it can hold a gun/fight/be useful and let it fight. Can't even transform my ass, as long as it can be manipulated and/or fight for the Cons it doesn't matter if it can or can't transform you copper bitch!)
Decided to cut the Maximal science experiment's immortal spark in half to create a new Frankensteined transmetal super soldier.
In order to obtain more power he took the original Megatron's spark and "mingled" it with his. And by mingled, I mean he inserted it into his own spark chamber with his own spark and kept it there. Not intending to return it to the original frame most likely.
Until the very last episode of the third season, until the last 10 or so minutes, it looked like he was going to win. I am talking the whole "Are the good guys going to win?" kind of doubt on my end.
But the real kicker and the reason why I'm so shocked?
He was in character through all of this! He didn't get "more evil" or "crazier" or "ruthless" as the seasons progressed. He wasn't "meaner" or "less charismatic". He behaved precisely as he did in the first season, same dramatics in his movements and speech and all of that!
The only difference was that he was doing something actually threatening and villainous in front of us viewers!
That's what had me staring at the screen with wide eyes; the fact I got fooled by his personality and didn't perceive him as an actual threat.
From the 3 shows I finished watching so far (Prime, Animated, Beast Wars) he threw me in for the biggest fucking loop.
Because with other Megatrons it's very clear what kind of a villain they are from the start:
Prime Megatron looks like a threat, moves like a threat, and while he has charisma, we don't see it that often. And he has dramatics, but those are mostly reserved for fights with Optimus or Unicron-poprock-crystal-candy induced hallucinations. And even then it's more like grand, over the top speeches, not silliness.
Animated Megatron has class. He is charismatic and uses this to his advantage to the extreme. He manipulates everyone and anyone, his followers are ready to fight eachother for a crumb of his praise, and a chance to be called "most loyal". He has dramatics (more than just the fact he twists his oil barrels into goblets) and he has embarassing moments infront of his troops, but those are due to circumstances, not him being silly.
I am in the process of watching Cyberverse, and so far this Megatron is a threat, doesn't seem like much of a threat when fighting the autobots, and to my limited spoiler-fueled knowledge, will become a bigger threat later on.
Take another look at Beast Wars Megatron and tell me if you'd consider this guy a threat:
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He monologues and laughs TheVillainLaugh so often, you start to expect it and just wait for it most episodes. At one point he laughs so hard he ends up choking on it. And after his coughing fit he resumes his plan monologue as if nothing happened. And it's not like the other Predacons don't acknowledge their boss' behaviour:
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That doesn't mean he doesn't have some loyal Predacons; Scorponok, Waspinator and Inferno being the ones that come to mind (also the ones that crave his approval and praise the most), with the other Preds leaning more towards treachery. But how he handles treachery or disobedience or even talking back, where it seems like he's bantering, not threatening them,
His personality just doesn't fit with the traits and behaviours the other two Megatrons exibit, the kind of traits that I started to expect of Megatron as a character.
He doesn't fit my perception of a Megatron that is a threat.
Which, considering the narrative of transformers, says alot about me and the way I essentially placed the character into a mold and went "alright, angry, commands and demands attention, can be ruthless, is stupid enough to keep a guy as his SIC/ on his team, despite multiple murder attempts and scheming".
Now, if we get into actual details, Beast Wars Megatron wouldn't count as "an actual Megatron", since the show itself is set after the Great War between the autobots and decepticons, G1 timeline. This Megatron took his predecessors name, so for all we know his name could be Joe before he changed it.
But his actions and the "destroy and conquer and lay the groundwork for future plans while you're causing mayhem" thing he has going on? That is Megatron behaviour as far as I can see.
And, granted, Beast Wars is the oldest out of the three shows I've watched (Animated 2007, Prime 2011), and so he is older than both of them, his characterization might be much closer to G1 than both Prime and Animated!
But before this becomes a full on essay full of misinformation (and more spelling mistakes), I'll just give my thanks to each continuity being it's own thing, with enough variety to keep you on your toes, while expecting how the general plot might go.
I hate that I can't even fully hate him, because he is so incredibly entertaining, so I am stuck looking @ the screen, cursing the fucking prehistoric grape lizard fidget spinner of the future, because he is so vile but he does it in style.
Here's a flattering picture of him as I seethe.
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🎉Congratulations you metal Barney on rollerskates!🎉 You are truly despicable, the worst! I hope you choke on a rubber ducky💕
[He also gets a smaller trophy for his Transmetal MegaMode (or whatever it is called officially), because its a fucking dragon. He went from a bubblegum T-rex, to a copper rollerskating T-rex that can fly, to a red and gold dragon that can breathe fire and ice. So yeah, drastic transformation wise, no competition here, as well as levels of drama that came with each alt.]
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scottstiles · 8 years
I'm conflict about the sciles because on one hand, it was beautiful, but like I didn't want them to separate??? I mean, from all the DOB stuff it was obvious that Stiles wasn't going to be in 6b, so it wouldn't have made sense for them to go to the same college and then only have Scott return and not Stiles. I just feel like it's a little ooc for Stiles not to return with his friends if Beacon Hills is in danger, so that's why I thought him dying would've been more in character. Your thoughts?
i’m not really conflicted. after sleeping on it a few hours ive woken up still pretty miffed. everybody said to me last night the sciles in this ep was so wonderful so beautiful i was gonna be so happy about it and let me tell you….i wish it had been. but i don’t think it was. and i’m gonna try to explain why.it started off promising- stiles looking for scott the second he broke out, screaming each other’s names now and then, trying to solve things together again whoohoo and all that but…i mean…i was even disappointed by the hug?? liam had to make them stop because hey there’s a man on fire over there, we didn’t get more than the few seconds shown in the sneak peek, and once again, they didn’t talk about ANYTHING. so okay, i held that in thinking we would finally get something eventually, but i was still disappointed. “wanna split up?”“absolutely not”“wanna split up?”“never again”
AND YET……? was there any more sciles in the episode that didn’t include them actually splitting up/being torn apart?!
they spend the majority of the episode being ripped into different places by ghost riders, and then i’m supposed to be happy with the final discussion being about not living together or going to the same school or even being in the same state when the beginning of seasons 5 AND 6 talked about them staying together through college?! i’m supposed to accept this?! i don’t think so.
“i need you”“i missed you”
BUT YOU LOVE EACH OTHER JUST FUCKING SAY SO. i’m sorry but boys are allowed to say they love each other. even if it’s not romantic. just let them say it god fucking damn it.
on top of it every time they get close to saying something important stiles has to make a joke instead. all this tells me is that the writers really just aren’t interested in giving us even one more second of detail about their relationship. they were done 2.5 seasons ago and they’re never going back.
ya. i’m a bit bitter.
sorry i just re-read you ask so now i’ll speak to your points a bit more-
as for them not returning together for 6b, tbqh i had no expectations. i knew they wouldn’t kill him off, but i was trying to not think about what it might be like. i expected something like this, but i expected more that none of the old mains would really be around in 6b- more like scott would turn into obi wan’s ghost for liam or something over skype and i kind of secretly thought sciles would live together and stiles would just be unable to come home for whatever reason. i could handle that. i can probably handle this as well, i mean, long distance is a great fanfic trope and if stydia could turn into fanfiction why tf couldn’t sciles….okay i’m reaching. but yeah, i have no idea what i’m gonna feel about 6b. this season was a fucking rollercoaster for me and i’m gonna need a year to recover.
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