#it's like that one scene in the good place that goes
teddybeartoji · 2 days
18: mdni; fem!reader
toji fucking you with his fat tip.... 
laid there under him, you can do nothing more than to just let him toy with you – one of his hands is resting on your hip, rubbing circles into your skin with his thumb while the other on his rock hard cock, pumping it at a leisurely pace. he spreads the precum that leaks from his tip and rubs it all over himself and the simple act has you squirming. his scarred lips are pulled into a smirk and his cheeks are adorned with a deep flush, his green eyes now darker than ever as he tries to burn the scene that’s unfolding in front of him into his memory. 
biting down onto your own finger, you try to be patient but it’s so, so hard when he’s looking at you like that. with that hungry look in his eyes. a bead of sweat trickles down the side of his head but he doesn’t bother to wipe it. there are teeth marks all over his neck, hickeys and lipstick stains all blending together into a beautiful masterpiece for him to admire tomorrow morning. 
“c’mon… ”
he meets your pleading gaze and the corners of his lips pull even further back. he tuts under his breath while sliding his cock between your folds, coating it in your slick and mixing it with his precum. “no manners whatsoever… ”
the speed of your answer makes his chest swell with pride. you wriggle your hips in hopes of convincing him to finally put it in, but all he does is give your thigh a squeeze. 
he doesn’t give you what you want, no matter how sweet you sound.
every little sound that tumbles from your wobbling lip goes straight to his cock and toji realizes that this just might be the hardest he’s ever been. his balls are so fucking full and he can’t wait to fill you up like you deserve, but the sight of you being all disheveled and flustered is way too good for him to just fuck you. he needs to push you a little, he needs to play with you a little. 
pressing your hip back into the mattress, toji leans over your body to place a haste kiss to the corner of your lips and chuckles when you chase after him. cute.
with his hand wrapped around his cock, he lines himself up with the entrance of your sopping cunt and takes a mental picture of your face the second he pushes in an inch. the way your back arches off the bed, the way you crane your head back to give him the perfect view of your neck. clutching onto the sheets below you with one hand, you try to even out your breathing. very fucking cute. 
but he presses in only enough to watch your tight little hole to swallow the tip of his cock. 
no more, no less. 
he groans at the way your cunt around him, all desperate and needy, begging for him to push in further. 
“pl– please… ” he feels your fingers wrapping around his wrist, your nails digging into his skin at the immense pleasure running through your body. “more, toji, more.” 
with a smile, he pulls out. 
your eyes shoot open and you raise your head from the pillow, confusion painted all over your pretty face. toji just laughs, his voice raspier than usual.
“you’re so impatient, hm?”
at his teasing tone, you throw your head back again and puff out your chest with a small pout on your lips. “and you’re so fucking mean.”
toji loves it when you bite back. 
so, he grants you another kiss – this time to the joint of your exposed neck, right to your pulse point. his dick ghosts over your clit when he lowers himself down onto you and you let out a hushed little gasp. you tug at the dark hairs at his nape and lean up into him the second you feel his lips against your skin. 
but continuing on with his ‘mean’ streak, he doesn’t stay there for as long as you’d hoped. whining when he pulls back away, you try to keep him there with you with your arms still hooked around his neck. but you’re too weak, already too fucked out from his mind games and it takes almost no effort for him to escape your grasp. the quiet laugh he lets out makes you want to sulk even more, it makes you want to hide under the covers – there’s a witty remark somewhere on your tongue, still finding its way when toji grabs onto your limp hand and brings it to his mouth, only to teasingly bite at your fingers. 
his hips jerk forward as if they have a mind of their own and his dick twitches almost painfully when he sees you jut out your lip; with your eyebrows scrunched and your eyes low, toji compares you to an angry little kitten. he has to fight the urge to bury you below him again, the desire to kiss you all over so strong that he almost forgets his aching cock and his full balls. 
“aw… well, aren’t ya just adorable… ” 
his words come out like a coo and you try to yank your hand out of his grasp but to no avail – he keeps you there, big fingers wrapped tightly around your wrist as he stares at you. it’s hard not to feel shy under his gaze, despite all of the years you’ve spent together, and now he’s not letting you hide away either – completely bare and awaiting, toji can’t help but admire all of you. from your eyes to your neck, from your tits to your now precum coated tummy, he loves everything he’s seeing. he can’t get enough of you— 
of his darling, of his best girl. 
with just one move, toji pushes past your folds again and sinks his leaking tip into the warmth of your cunt once more. you moan in harmony, your voices mingling together as you melt into each other. toji lets your wrist slip from his grasp but he doesn’t let you go entirely – he intertwines your fingers and then rests your linked hands against your middle, smoothly giving himself a bit more leverage to play with you as he wishes while still holding onto you, while still being sweet to you. 
he sucks in a sharp breath when he pulls out and sees your hole clenching around nothing – she weeps for him, she cries for him, pleading for more and more and more. and toji can’t refuse her, he can’t refuse you, so just as before, he pushes in his fat tip and nothing more. 
it’s not enough, but the sensation is something akin to tickling and you can’t ignore the way it’s making you feel. your back arches off the bed again, only for toji to push you back down onto the mattress and there’s this weird pressure growing in your lower tummy even though he’s not even fully in. it feels good and you hate to admit it. you do want more – you want nothing more than for him to just fill you up, to feel his heavy balls against your ass but your thoughts and wishes get all tangled up in your head as he keeps doing it over and over again.
in and out, in and out – toji’s addicted to the way you feel around him. his tip is so fucking sensitive and your tight and warm walls are far from helping him keep his sanity. he listens to you mewl and cry out his name, but he has no intention of stopping this. 
“fuck– ” 
every time he moves, the slick sound coming from where you’re connected reaches your ears and you feel your body burn. it’s filthy, it’s fucking obscene – it’s ridiculous how wet you are from this. you dig your nails into toji’s hand and he raises his gaze from your pussy to look at your face instead. a layer of sheen coats your skin and toji’s tongue darts out to lick over his lips on instinct; 
“does it feel good, baby, hm?” he looks like an animal, feral and hungry, with the way he’s staring at you. grinning widely when you give him a faint nod, he spits down onto your cunt and starts rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb. your eyes roll back into your head and your lips part in a silent moan as the sudden wave of pleasure rips through you. 
it hits you embarrassingly fast and incredibly strong, and toji has to use both of his hands to hold you steady as you squirm under him. his eyes grow wide at the sight of you writhing, amazed that he managed to pull such a reaction with so ‘little’ effort but it’s not like he’s doing any better – as your orgasm takes over your body, you clench around him so hard that toji can’t help but push in another inch. his hips stutter and his teeth sink down into his lips almost hard enough to draw blood. but he doesn’t stop. 
he can’t stop.
so, with the added inch, he fucks you through your high. his thrusts get more desperate, his breathing grows even quicker and he’s left panting like a dog above you. never having let go of your hand, he now presses it into the mattress right next to your head while the other grabs onto your waist – his hold on you is bruising and it feels way too fucking good. 
“wait, toji– i, can’t… ”
suddenly, you feel overwhelmed; with tears brimming at your lash line, you feel the weird band in your stomach tighten and tighten. your words get stuck in your throat as toji sinks further into you, his fat cock bullying its way into your sensitive cunt like it’s made for it. “no– it’s too much!”
toji lets out a breathy chuckle. 
“‘too much’?” he teases while pushing in even deeper. “thought ya wanted more, doll?”
the slick sounds coming from in between you are something out of a porno, filthy and messy, and toji’s obsessed. his own hands shake as he holds himself above you and when he finally feels his thighs ghosting against yours, his lips pull into a wicked grin. 
with one last thrust, toji bottoms out fully and his balls press against your ass just as you dreamed before. you’re sure you can feel him in your fucking lungs and it’s so fucking much. tojo gives your hand a squeeze and rolls his hips into yours before pulling back out and slamming them back down. 
the whole bed shakes under you; the headboard smashes against the wall in the same rhythm as toji pounds into you but you’re already too blissed out to be worrying about the complaints you’ll surely receive in the morning. and it’s not even that he’s fucking you fast – he’s fucking you hard. there’s so much want behind his every move that you’re unable to think about anything else other than him. 
him, him, him—
“look at me.”
your teary eyes meet his dark green ones and your second orgasm comes crashing down on you harder than the last. just like before, it hits you so suddenly that you don’t even have the time to warn him. but toji knew – he knows your body better than you do and he knows exactly what buttons to push and what words to use to have you unraveling under him.
feeling you gush around him a second time is more than enough for toji to finally let himself follow you into that state of pure ecstasy; he drops closer to you and buries his face into the crook of your neck with a loud groan as he paints your insides white.
pumping you full, just like you deserve, his fat balls twitch as toji gives you his all. the remaining energy drains from his tired body as the seconds pass and he doesn’t even try to keep himself up any longer; slumping against you, toji rests almost all of his weight on top of you with a lazy grin on his face. your sweaty bodies stick together, chests rubbing together as you both try to catch your breaths.
craning your neck a little, you press a kiss to toji’s head and mirror his lazy smile when you feel him snaking his arms around your middle. you don't even try to move, knowing that you'll be stuck there under him for a while. not that you'd even want to leave...
why would you when you can listen to your beloved snore right there on top of you like a big bear after fucking your brains out? with your hand in his damp hair, it's easy for him to let his eyes fall shut, his heartbeat calming down as he melts into you.
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wonderjanga · 24 hours
Billy and the Robins
Marvel has met all the Robins up until now. Like, let’s say Billy has been doing this for like eight maybe ten years. This Billy as Marvel met Dick a year before he became Nightwing, met Jason all the way through until his death, met Tim, and met Damian. He’s also been able to connect them to their new vigilante identities almost immediately. Now, Damian still is Robin and of course, Tim going from Robin to Red Robin isn’t too hard to figure out but I can see him doing this to the other two:
*Nightwing just joins the Justice League and all is looking swell so far. His first mission is with Captain Marvel and he remembers the dude being pretty nice. The mission goes well and they’re on their way back to the Watchtower.*
*Two are talking about whatever*
Marvel: *Pauses mid convo and stares at Nightwing a bit before he does a little finger snap* “Oh! That’s where I know you from! You’re Robin! Dude, it is so cool you became your own hero. The blue’s awesome.”
Nightwing: *Has a mini-heart attack* “Wha? Psshh… Dude, I’m not Robin.”
Marvel: “Uh… Yeah you are? You guys have the same” *gestures to Nightwing*
Nightwing: “The same what?”
Marvel: “You know. The same” *gestures to Nightwing again* Nightwing: “You do know that doesn’t tell me anything… right?”
*Zatanna, her father, and Constantine are unavailable to help with a magic artifact. This led Bruce to begrudgingly ask Billy for help. At the scene are Bruce, Billy, Damian, Cassandra, and Jason. Bruce is briefing them on something Marvel isn’t listening to as he stares at Jason trying to figure out why he’s familiar.*
Marvel: *cuts Bruce off* “Aren’t you Robin number 2?” *ignores the stares as he looks at Jason.*
*silence from literally everyone*
Marvel: “Holy moly. You’re like 6’2.” (He says as if his Marvel form isn’t like 6’11. I love freakishly tall Marvel) “You used to be so tiny!”
Red Hood: *Gets hit in the face with a flashback*
(Recently adopted Jason)
Jason: *sitting on a couch in one of the Watchtower’s rec rooms eyeing a box of donuts on a coffee table.*
Marvel: *walks into rec room with the intent to steal said donuts as food for Billy. Sees Jason.* “Robin?” *Walks over.* “You look… different.”
Jason: *fumbling for words, slightly surprised a hero came up to talk to him* “Oh uh- I’m not Robin- Your Robin. The Robin that you know.”
Marvel: “Yeah, well, that’s kinda obvious. You’re all skin and bones, kid.”
*The joke was met with no laughs and a look of hurt.*
Marvel: “Not- not that I’m saying it’s a bad thing! As somebody who frequently lived on ketchup sandwiches and sugar water at your age,” (as if he isn’t still that age, and still lives like that) “trust me when I say, I’m not making fun of you.” *grabs the box of donuts and offers it to Jason* “Look, why don’t you take one of these, or maybe a couple. I saw you eying them when I walked in. I’m sorry if you got upset at what I said.” *really doesn’t want Jason to cry*
Jason: *grabs two donuts. Chocolate and strawberry* “Why?”
Marvel: “Why what?”
Jason: “Why’d you live like that at my age?” (He finds it surprising this guy, this hero, lived like that at some point.)
Marvel: *contemplates whether or not telling Jason is a good idea for like 3 seconds before he throws it out the window* “I was homeless.” *shrugs*
Jason: “Oh. Me too.” *nibbles on one of the donuts*
*After a while of awkward conversation, Marvel soon gets Jason to open up and they branch away from the topic homelessness and spiral into other topics. Jason goes back to Bruce with a smile on his little face*
*After that, and a couple more encounters between the two, Marvel was the first person Jason bee-lined too at the Watchtower. Of course, not before saying hi to Wonder Woman. Greek heroes hold a special place in his heart for some reason.*
//End of Flashback//
*Under the helmet, Jason’s face slowly reddens in embarrassment and he just facepalms, not caring that he hit the metal of his helmet as he went through memories upon memories of little him following Marvel around like a little duckling.*
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justagalwhowrites · 2 days
Halcyon - Ch. 17: You're Sorry, Great. Awesome.
You and Joel throw Sarah a birthday party. Things don't go as planned. A continuation of Halcyon from the prologue through Ch. 16, a modern no outbreak AU TLOU fic found on Tumblr here.
Tumblr media
(I am BEGGING HBO for some flashback scenes this season PLEASE.)
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: SMUT! Unprotected P in V sex. Fingering. Kind of aggressive sex. Modern No Outbreak AU, No use of Y/N, Slow burn, 18+ only, Minors DNI
Length: 7k
AO3 | Main Master List | Prologue | Previous Chapter
“You gonna come for me?” 
Joel was everywhere, fucking everywhere, deep inside, pressed tight over you, arms looped around beneath you, his breath hot against your ear as he sucked wetly at your neck. All you could do was whimper below him, clawing at his skin as you scrambled to keep him close. 
“There you go,” he said, voice low and quiet and rough. “Fuck, gettin’ so damn tight on me, you’re close baby, lemme feel you.” 
You angled your hips as best you could below him so that every thrust reached deep and every motion worked your clit. 
“Joel,” you breathed, desperate and too close to your climax to care that you sounded pathetic and needy. “You feel so good, fuck, please, please, please…” 
His thrusts grew harder, sloppy, panting breathlessly against your skin. 
“Love makin’ you feel good,” he said, sounding half out of his mind as he did. “Fuck, love makin’ you come, you gotta come for me baby, I need it, c’mon honey, please, fuck, I love, I love…” 
Your orgasm hit you hard, making you cry out, pressing your mouth into Joel’s shoulder to muffle the sound of your pleasure. 
“Oh fuck,” he groaned, his hips stuttering. “That’s right, keep comin’ for me, gonna fill you up, fill you up so fuckin’ good, leave you drippin’ me all damn day, fuck!” 
He pressed deep and you could feel the heavy throb of his orgasm as he spilled into you, his come hot and thick on your most sensitive places inside. The feel of him pressing himself tight against you, clinging to you like you were all he wanted, made you come again around him, this orgasm more subdued as you focused on just how damn good he felt inside you. 
“Holy shit,” he panted, going limp on top of you as both of your orgasms eased.
“Tell me about it,” you said, breathless too, trailing your fingers up and down the broad expanse of his back. 
He laughed a little. 
“Fuck I love startin’ my day that way,” he said, pushing himself up from you and kissing your forehead as he slid out of you, a thick thread of his come and yours connecting your bodies for a moment before he collapsed at your side. 
You waited, as you always did, for him to decide how close the two of you would be after. But he tugged you against him, so your head was on his chest and his arm was around your shoulders, giving you a squeeze. You draped your arm over his broad chest and snuggled closer, breathing in the smell of his skin. You always liked having time like this with Joel but you were extra thankful for it then, the stress of getting ready for Sarah’s birthday pool party easier when you had a few reliable orgasms every day. Now that the day had arrived and you had a list of things that still needed doing, it seemed necessary to soak up that closeness with him while you could get it. 
“Me too,” you said quietly. 
“Speaking of starting the day,” he said and you could hear the smile in his voice. “You ready to have about two dozen tweens crash in on us for the afternoon?” 
You snorted. 
“As I’ll ever be,” you said. “I think we have everything except the cake and a few snacks but we should check again before one of us goes to pick it up.”
“See, logistics like this are why I never did this before,” Joel teased. “So much easier to just show up at a bowling alley or some shit where they do it all for you.” 
“She’s going to have so much fun though,” you smiled a little, remembering going to Party City with Sarah a few weeks before to find things for the party. She’d excitedly picked all the purple butterfly covered decorations and invitations, beaming as she did, her front teeth still a little too big for her face. “You’re going to have cool dad points for months off this.” 
“Fuckin’ better,” he said and you nuzzled closer to him as you laughed and he sighed. “I’m gonna miss this, Goldie girl.” 
“What, starting your day fucking someone?” You teased even though it stung knowing that’s all it was. 
You and Joel had thrown yourselves fully into the friends with benefits arrangement over the last month. You fucked every day, usually before he went to work - when Ellie’s early morning cries got one of you out of bed for at least a few minutes to settle her before returning and getting tangled in each other - and again in the evening when Sarah and Ellie were both asleep and you could take your time - pulling orgasm after orgasm from each other until you passed out, naked and sweaty and slick with come. You loved it. Far more than you should love it, so much that you had to fight to keep from saying it and ruining everything. You’d finally found some way to almost have what you wanted, you weren’t about to wreck it just because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. 
But it was all ending soon, anyway. Anna had a release date from the inpatient program you’d gotten her into and, after talking with her and her doctors, you’d decided that you and Ellie would move into Anna’s house for a while. That meant leaving Joel’s and his bed and the comfort you found inside his space. 
“Don’t act like you’re not gonna miss that, too,” you could hear the roll of his eyes as he spoke. “But I more mean doin’ stuff like throwing this party with you. If you weren’t here, I’d just be stressed about it if I were doing it at all. But you’re here so I can look forward to it and how happy it’s going to make her and I’m going to miss having you here to do that shit with.” 
“I’m not going far,” you said, smiling a little into his chest. “But I get what you mean. Taking care of Ellie was so scary at first but you’re here and now, it’s not. Because I’m doing it with you.” 
Joel trailed his fingers up and down your upper arm and you just lay there with him, feeling his warmth and the softness of his skin and wishing you could find some way to be this close to him all the time. 
“You could just have Anna move in here,” he said and you laughed. “Hey, I’m serious!” 
“I know,” you said. “But no, not the best idea for this stage of recovery, that’s a lot of upheaval when she’s already going to be adjusting to life outside and as a mom. But once I bring Ellie there, Anna’s going to be seeing a therapist daily and if she’s getting overwhelmed, she’s going back in. Who knows, I might be back here before you know it.” 
“Hate that you’re makin’ me be against you showing back up here,” he said, just as the alarm on your phone started to ring. He groaned and you rolled to turn it off but you were only away from him for a moment before he pulled you back with a little yelp. 
“Hey!” You laughed into his chest. “C’mon, we need to get going…” 
“We got time,” he said, his voice husky, his hand skimming over your side, fingers trailing up to your breast. 
“Joel…” you breathed, sounding just as needy as you felt and you tried to avoid the twinge of shame that crept in with that need. 
“C’mon,” he said, tilting your chin so he could kiss you. “Lemme have you again. We got time.” 
His hold on you tightened and so did the knot in your stomach and you knew you couldn’t say no to him. You never could. 
“OK,” you said softly. “We got time.” 
You were both still breathless when Sarah knocked on Joel’s door about 30 minutes later and you turned to muffle the almost maniacal giggle that slipped out of you as she spoke. 
“Hey Dad?” She called to you both. “Can we have pancakes?” 
“Sure thing, baby girl,” he panted. “Just… five minutes.” 
You could practically hear her frown through the door. 
“What are you guys doing in there?” She asked. “You sound weird.” 
“Just… gettin’ ready for the party,” he said and you snorted. He pulled you tight against him so your mouth was pressed tight to his chest. “Be out in a minute.” 
Once the two of you left the quiet privacy of his bedroom, things moved quickly. You bounced and fed Ellie while Joel made breakfast for the three people in the house eating solid food. After you ate, Joel cleaned up while you put Ellie in a baby wrap and worked with Sarah to decorate the living room and the pool. She carefully decided where she wanted the gift table and where the snacks should be, what games should be out, where goodie bags should live, stepping back and considering everything with a serious look on her face that you had to fight to not giggle at. 
“OK,” she said after a while as she surveyed the space and gave a firm nod. “I think it’s perfect.” 
“You picked a good set up, kiddo,” you smiled, not even irritated that you’d swapped the gift table and the snack table’s positions four times. “Everyone’s going to have a great time.” 
“I hope so,” she said, beaming. “I can’t believe I get a pool party! I’m going to go get ready!” 
You and Joel left Sarah at the house to do her hair while the two of you took Ellie to pick up the cake and the last few things you needed at the store. 
Your niece was strapped to your chest and you were halfway down the chip aisle when you ran into Alyssa, the friend at work you’d made at the start of the school year that you hadn’t spoken to in months, too wrapped up in everything with Ellie and Anna and Joel to do anything like maintain a relationship with a coworker. 
“Oh, my God!” She beamed at you, pulling you in for an awkward hug with Ellie to the side. “I haven’t seen you in… shit, months? How’ve you been? Busy, I see!” 
“Yeah,” you laughed a little. “I’ve had my hands full taking care of this one. My sister’s… sick.” 
“Well, she’s an absolute doll!” She smiled broadly, leaning in to Ellie who beamed back at her, smiling her little gummy smile. “Hi there, cutie! Are you keeping your auntie from writing the next great American novel? Are you totally worth it? I think so!” 
“OK I got the cookies, too,” Joel said, coming up behind you and putting his hand on the small of your back, reaching around you to drop the packages in the cart. “Don’t know what kids don’t like fuckin’ cake but…” You cleared your throat as your cheeks got hot, feeling oddly exposed at the idea of having someone see Joel’s casual intimacy with you like this, Joel’s face near yours in a place you might kiss him if the two of you were at home. “Oh. Hi. I’m sorry, have we met?” 
“Yeah, hi,” she smiled, straightening and looking Joel up and down in that way she had. “I’m Alyssa, we ran into each other when you came by campus toward the start of the school year. Good to see you again! It looks like you two have gotten…” 
“Oh, no,” you laughed quickly, eyes darting to Joel, hoping he wasn’t panicking at the concept of being with you. “No, no, we’re… he’s been helping with Ellie here, he has a daughter so…” 
“Yeah, I’ve just done it all before,” he said, an odd twinge in his voice. “Don’t mind helpin’ out.” 
“That’s so nice of you,” Alyssa said, still watching Joel closely. “God, there’s just something about a man who’s good with kids…” 
“We are in high demand,” Joel said, a new flirtatious edge to his tone that made your stomach get tight. “Sorry to pull this one away but, speaking of kids, we got a birthday party to get back and finish settin’ up for…” 
“Oh, of course,” she smiled, waving him off. “Sorry, I don’t want to keep the two of you on a Saturday! But… you know, if you two aren’t…” 
“We’re not,” you said, probably too harshly, not able to look at Joel as you said it. 
“Then maybe we could have a drink sometime,” she said, as though you hadn’t spoken. “She’s got my number, if you’re interested.” 
“Uh,” Joel said and you forced yourself to glance his way, his hand still on the small of your back. “Yeah, alright, I’ll… I’ll let you know.” 
“Looking forward to it,” she winked before looking back to Ellie. “Goodbye, sweet girl!” And then she looked to you. “So good to see you!” 
“Yeah,” you forced a smile. “You, too.” 
You watched her go before turning back to Joel. 
“Sorry, that was…” you searched for the word. “Awkward.” 
“Yeah, think you could have denied that a little harder,” he said wryly and you glared at him. “What? Don’t think I’m that embarrassing.” 
“You know you’re not embarrassing,” you rolled your eyes. “I just… don’t want to tie you down.” 
“You don’t tie me down,” he said. 
“That’s sweet,” you said, grabbing the biggest bag of Doritos and adding them to the cart. “But… you know, the lists did include helping each other find a stable relationship and -” you looked around quickly, lowering your voice as you did “- we both know that friends with benefits is not that.” 
“So you’re gonna set me up with your friend?” He asked, sounding almost annoyed. 
You frowned. 
“What, are you going to pretend like she’s not your type?” 
He just looked at you for a moment, his jaw tight. 
“Never mind,” he said. “Let’s just go get the cake.” 
“What?” You asked, following after him as he took over pushing the cart. 
“Nothin’,” he said. “Don’t worry about it.” 
“Joel,” you caught up with him. “Is everything…” 
“It’s fine,” he snapped as the two of you got to the bakery counter. “Just drop it, alright? Jesus.” 
“Fine,” you muttered as Ellie started to fuss against you. “Dropped.” 
But you didn’t want to drop it. You tried to find a way to bring it up again but Joel was still surly on the drive back to the house, his mouth still in a thin line as he carried things in from the car. 
“Are you really going to be like this all day?” You asked quietly as you set the cake on the table in the living room next to the butterfly themed plates. “Because…” 
“I’m not bein’ like anything,” he said. “I’m fine. I don’t know why you keep askin’.” 
“Because you’ve been acting weird since the chip aisle,” you said. “And Sarah’s been looking forward to this for like two months.” 
“She’s my kid,” he said, defensive. “I know that she’s looking forward to it, alright? And I have not been ‘acting weird.’” He put the words in air quotes. “I’m just stressed about making this party happened, not everything is about you and what your people think, Goldie.” 
You pulled back from him, his words sharp. 
“I’m sorry that my coworker thought we were a couple,” you hissed, keeping your voice low. “We’re not in high school anymore and while you night think anyone would be a better option than me but not everyone is going to just assume that you could never want me!” 
“That’s what you think?” He asked, stepping closer to you, his hands on his hips, his shoulders feeling unreasonably broad. “You think that’s why I’m upset?” 
“Aunt Goldie?” Sarah said, running into the room, a sarong in her arms and wearing the swimsuit you’d helped her pick the week before. “Can you help me put this thing on? I can’t figure it out.” 
“Of course, kiddo,” you said, taking the sarong and giving Joel a look. “Come on, we’ll get it figured out.” 
You left Joel with the snacks and went to help Sarah, trying to shove Alyssa and Joel’s shitty mood out of your mind. 
Sarah was happy. 
Joel kept reminding himself of that. 
Sarah. Was. Happy. 
That was the important thing, that’s what mattered, that’s what the two of you had been planning and working on for weeks, throwing Sarah the party she’d been begging him for for years. 
And now it was here, Sarah was happy and he had a grill full of burgers and hot dogs, a backyard full of 25 pre-teens and a handful of parents who’d volunteered to help make sure no one drowned. 
Including the dad of one of the kids in Sarah’s class. One who had a decade on you and Joel and was apparently single and deciding to make that your fucking problem. 
And Joel wasn’t sure how long he was supposed to stand here and watch you flirt with that fucking guy. 
It was bad enough, getting hit on in front of you at the fucking grocery store and watching you rush to dodge any connection you had with him. No, now he also had to deal with this fucking asshole who was - frustratingly - not really an asshole at all. 
Tim was a guy Joel had met a few times, one of the few hands on dads in Sarah’s class. They’d chaperoned a few field trips together and Joel liked the guy. Or he had, anyway. The pair hand bonded over their daughters’ love of Taylor Swift and learning how to do hair and their shared apprehension of the coming teen years. He was good natured, an invested father, a guy he’d have liked to grab a beer with sometime. He’d been meaning to try to get their kids together and see if he could actually, maybe, have a friend outside of you and his brother. 
And then Tim saw you and everything changed.  
Now, Tim was making Joel’s fist clench and his stomach tighten because he was making you laugh. You were in your swimsuit, one that made Joel want to touch every goddamn inch of you, Ellie in your arms in her little sunhat and you were laughing at something Tim was saying, that fucking smile of yours making his heart ache. That fucking smile holding so much promise when it was made for that guy because smiling at him was different than smiling at Joel.
Because, really, how would he measure up to someone like fucking Tim? The guy who actually made good money, who had bothered to go to college, who didn’t need to wait to accidentally knock someone up to get his shit together. And you obviously had a thing for guys who were older, Tim’s graying hair and casual ease making Joel feel at least a little lacking before let alone now. Of course you’d be interested in him over Joel. Why wouldn’t you be? 
“You alright?” Tommy asked, sidling up to Joel by the grill. 
“Fine,” Joel muttered, still watching you. Tim held his arms out and you passed him Ellie before reaching to grab a can of White Claw from the cooler next to you, smiling and cooing at Tim and Ellie as you did. Joel ground his teeth. 
“You sure?” Tommy said. “Because think that burger would disagree.” 
Joel frowned, looking down to find the patty on the corner of the grill smoking, the dripping fat from the meat making the fire flare up below it. 
“Shit,” he swore, quickly sliding the spatula below the burger and moving it away from the flames. 
“That one’s yours,” Tommy teased, taking a sip of his beer and looking out toward the pool. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Joel said, taking stock of the rest of the grill to make sure nothing else was on fire. 
“Goldie’s lookin’ good,” Tommy said after a moment. 
Joel’s grip on the spatula got tight. 
“Guess so,” he said. “I see her every day so… wouldn’t know.” 
“Oh I think you know,” Tommy said. “Looks like she’s gettin’ awful cozy with that guy over there.” 
“Hadn’t noticed.” 
“Really?” Tommy said, brows raised. “Guess you were… what, starin’ at the fence behind ‘em then?” 
“Fuck off, Tommy.” 
“I’m just sayin’,” he said. “Like to think I know you pretty well seeing as you’re my brother and all. Just calling it like I see it. Calling it like I’ve been seein’ it for 20 years.” 
“Well, you’ve been seeing wrong,” Joel said. 
“Don’t think that’s it,” Tommy said. Joel opened his mouth to argue but Tommy didn’t give him the chance. “Look, if you really want to sit on your ass about it forever, that’s on you. I’m just saying that it sure seems like now is a damn good time to work your shit out with her. Either that or decide to just be a miserable asshole forever because you’re stubborn. No skin off my back.” 
“You, what, think you know everything because you’ve found a woman who will stick around?” Joel snapped, fighting to keep his voice low. “You’ve been in a relationship for five goddamn minutes, don’t sit there and…” 
“Hey guys,” you walked over, smiling, Tim still at your side with Ellie in his arms. “ETA on burgers? Think I should go get all the condiments set out?”
“Not a bad idea,” Joel said, fighting to keep his voice even. 
“Want help?” Tim asked. 
“If you can just keep holding the wriggly one, that would be amazing,” you smiled, touching his arm. His fucking arm. You looked back to Joel. “I’ll get everything set out… Are you OK?” 
“Fine,” he said through clenched teeth. “Why?” 
“If you say so,” you said, turning back to Ellie. “You be good, squrimy wormy.” 
“She’ll be an angel,” Tim smiled. “Don’t even worry about it.” 
Joel and Tim both watched you go inside, Joel struggling not to think about the sway of your hips below the gauzy wrap you’d tied around your middle like a skirt. 
“Kids seem to be having a great time,” Tim said, looking out toward the pool. “I know Lucy’s been talkin’ about nothing else all week. Kid was born in December but I can already tell she’s going to be begging me for a pool party for her birthday all the same.” 
“Glad I was able to pull it off for Sarah,” Joel said, looking determinedly at the grill. 
“Well, you had help,” Tommy said and Joel shot him a glare. He pressed on like nothing had happened. “Sure it’s a lot easier when you’ve got your best friend there pitchin’ in…” 
“Yeah, she was saying you two have been putting this together for a few weeks. If you don’t mind my asking,” Tim said, leaning closer to Joel and angling Ellie away from the heat of the grill. “What’s… what’s goin’ on there? Are you two…” 
“Nope,” Joel cut him off. “Just… we’re just friends.” 
“Cool,” Tim nodded slowly, looking toward the house as you carried plates of burger toppings out to a table covered in a purple tablecloth. “Because damn if she isn’t something.” 
“See, that’s what I’ve been sayin’,” Tommy said, giving Joel a look. Joel just glared back. 
Tim wasn’t looking their way, his eyes glued on you. 
“I still can’t believe she wrote that book,” he said, sounding a little awed. “I still think it’s the best thing I’ve ever read. Must have been a hell of a trip to read that already knowing her.” 
Joel was quiet, just flipping the burgers and taking a drink of beer. 
“What was that like?” Tim asked when Joel had been quiet too long. 
He glanced up at him, the annoyingly perfect fucking image of him holding Ellie while looking like the exact kind of person you’d go for making him hold his beer bottle a little too tight. 
“Wouldn’t know,” Joel said, looking back down at the grill. “Haven’t read it. Don’t read much.” 
“Oh,” Tim said, sounding surprised. “Well, you should. It’s amazing. She’s…” 
“Something,” Joel cut him off, knowing he probably sounded like a dick but not caring enough to stop it. “You said.” 
“Thank you for that,” you said, walking up and wiping crumbs from burger buns on your hands on your swimsuit. “Way easier when I’m not holding an infant but I’ll take her back now. Hi baby girl! Were you so good?” 
“She was a dream,” Tim said, putting Ellie in your arms. “Makin’ me wish I had another one.” 
“It’s the cuteness,” you said, smiling a little before looking down at your niece, letting her wrap her tiny hand around your thumb. You nuzzled into her head and kissed her. “She’s tricky that way.” 
“Might be,” Tim smiled, watching you with the baby. “But still, real hard not to miss it. Wouldn’t mind having another one.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, looking up at him with raised brows, holding Ellie against you. 
“With the right person,” he smiled a little and if Joel had to watch this shit any longer he was sure he was going to break something. 
“Alright, burgers are up!” He yelled toward the pool, ignoring the fact that Tim was standing close enough that he flinched. 
Joel hung back as the kids clambered out of the water until everyone had a burger and you found him, a slight frown on your face. 
“Are you sure you’re OK?” You asked. “Because if this is about earlier at the store…” 
“Don’t they teach you smart college types that doing the same thing over and over don’t get you different results?” He snapped. “Stop asking.” 
“Sorry,” you said, sounding hurt which made Joel’s jaw tighten. “Just try not to miss out on the good shit from today because of… whatever that is.” 
You didn’t wait for him to respond, you just went to find fucking Tim, that hurt look melting off your face when he said something that made you smile in that fucking way you had, where you started slow and then it spread so your whole face shined, the way that Joel loved so much. 
Joel stuck close to Tommy and his new girlfriend, Maria, for the rest of the party, trying to focus on Sarah and how she really was so fucking happy. He tried to ignore you. He tried to ignore the side eye from Tommy and the way you were looking at fucking Tim like he hung the goddamn moon. He tried not to think about the fact that, soon, you and Ellie would be leaving and this semblance of a family that he’d fallen into wouldn’t exist anymore. It would go back to the way it was before, just him and Sarah, and you’d go off and live your own damn life with Tim or someone like him. 
The frustrating thing was, it wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t know what he’d be missing. When it was you and fucking Brad at least, Joel didn’t know any better. He didn’t know how good it could be with you. He didn’t know what he didn’t have. Now it would always be there, hanging over him, covering his memory of this time with this bitter patina that he couldn’t shake. 
Tommy and Maria and fucking Tim stayed after the party wound down and helped clean up, you putting Ellie in her bouncer as you laughed at something he said. Things were back to normal - or close to it, a cake with a purple frosting border only half eaten on the kitchen counter and a few bags of trash by the door waiting to go into the big bin in the garage - in no time at all, something Joel was thankful for because that meant that Tim would probably leave soon. Hopefully. 
“Where did y’all get that cake, anyway?” He asked following you inside as you put a sleeping Ellie in her playpen, Joel just a few steps behind. “It was really good.” 
“H-E-B,” Joel said even though he knew Tim wasn’t asking him. “Nothin’ crazy.” 
“Thanks,” Tim smiled over his shoulder toward Joel before looking back to you. “It was good. Really.” 
“There’s tons of extra,” you said. “Want to take some home? Lord knows I don’t need it and if Sarah eats it all we’ll never see the end of the sugar high.” 
As if to prove a point, Sarah and Lucy, Tim’s daughter, shrieked in glee over something in the back yard. 
“That’d be great,” Tim said. “Sure Lucy’ll enjoy it.” 
“I’ll wrap some up for you,” you smiled, leading the way to the kitchen. 
“Try not to break your jaw clenching it like that, brother,” Tommy clapped him on the shoulder. Joel glared at him. “We’re gonna head out.” 
“You know where to find the door,” Joel said. 
“Know where to find your attitude, too,” he replied. “Try not to screw yourself over here, Joel.” Tommy left before he had a chance to argue, his arm around Maria’s shoulders as he led her to his truck. 
But Joel, for a change, decided to actually take his brother’s advice. He didn’t want to screw himself over. He wasn’t ready to lose this with you, not yet. 
He went to the kitchen to find you standing next to the cake, your body angled toward Tim’s, closer to him than Joel was happy about. 
“So I’ll call you,” he was saying, a crooked smile on his face. 
“Sounds good,” you smiled back, handing him his phone. “It might be a bit, a lot going on right now, but…” 
“I can wait,” he said. “Something about good things coming to those who do…” 
Joel cleared his throat and you almost jumped away from Tim, eyes a little wide, almost like Joel was your dad and you were in trouble. 
“Get what you needed?” Joel asked, brows raised, hands shoved in his pockets. 
“Think so,” Tim said, pocketing his phone and picking up a plate loaded with cake and covered in plastic wrap.”Thanks for having us, it was a great party.” 
“Thanks for comin’,” Joel said, wishing he’d just get through the niceties and get the fuck out of his house. “Know Sarah liked having Lucy here.” 
“Lucy had a great time, too,” he said before turning back to you. “Think we’ll get outta your hair but… talk to you soon?” 
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Looking forward to it.” 
Joel walked Lucy and Tim out to their car, Tim handing his daughter the plate with the cake before turning back to Joel. 
“Look,” he said, all polite pretense gone from his voice. “I feel like I did something in the wrong here and I don’t want to try to steal another man’s girl…” 
“She say we were together?” Joel asked, brows raised. 
“No, but…” 
“Then there you go,” Joel said, a little to harshly. 
“Well then I must have done something else,” Tim said. “If it’s just that you’re protective of your friend, trust me, I meant it when I said she’s somethin’ because she is. I don’t know if it’ll work out but I’m not gonna hurt her.” 
Joel clenched his jaw, trying not to picture someone else touching you the way he did, someone else pulling the little sounds of pleasure from your lips the way he did, loving you the way he did. Just the passing thought made his stomach turn, his blood hot. He wanted to tell Tim to back the fuck off because you belonged with him. But he couldn’t do that. Because it wasn’t true.
“Good to see you,” Joel said instead. “Drive safe.” 
He didn’t wait to see them leave the driveway. Instead, he went to find you. Because maybe you didn’t belong with him, maybe you couldn’t be his in the way he wanted but goddammit if there wasn’t something in him you apparently wanted. You wanted it enough to be his friend, to ask for his help, to fuck him when you didn’t have another option. There was something in him that you thought was worthwhile and there had to be some way to make you remember that.
Joel stalked back inside to find you reorganizing the fridge, Ellie asleep in her playpen in the living room. You glanced his way as you put a plate of leftover burgers back in the fridge. 
“Sarah’s showering,” you said. “But then she wants to open presents and asked if we could watch a movie after, I told her that should be fine but…” 
Joel didn’t give you a chance to finish. Instead, he grabbed you, rougher than he should have but he couldn’t bring himself to care, pulling you away from the fridge with a surprised but quiet yelp as he pressed your back against the wall. He forced his knee between your thighs and pulled your mouth to his as he kissed you, harsh and sharp, devouring you and your needy little sounds. His hand tightened on your chin, holding you still so he could press tongue into your mouth, his other hand grabbing your thigh and hitching it over his leg, opening you to him. 
He shoved the gusset of your swimsuit aside and thrust two fingers inside you, your tight heat wet and welcoming and he didn’t ease his way to that soft, sensitive place deep in you. Instead, he pressed in hard, his palm against your clit before he pulled his mouth from yours, everything wet and messy. 
“Joel,” your eyes were wide, searching his. “What…” 
“You think he can do this to you?” He rutted his cock against your hip. “Think he can make you come like I do?” 
“Sarah’s home,” you whispered, your panting shifting to a moan as he pressed harder on your clit. “Fuck, Joel, you can’t just…” 
“I can hear the shower,” he said harshly. “Answer the question. You think he can make you feel like this?” 
To prove his point, he added another finger, stretching your tightening walls and making you gasp, fingers scrambling against his shoulder as you looked down to the place he was entering you. His own come from the morning was sliding over his skin and he was almost pissed about that, that you’d even look at another man while you were still full of him. 
“I…” you looked back at him, pupils blown, lips shiny with his spit and yours from when he kissed you. “I… I don’t…” 
“Think that fuckin’ guy can fuck you like I can?” He asked. “Think he can make you feel like I do? He can’t and he fuckin’ won’t.” 
You moaned, desperate and uncontrolled and buried your face where Joel’s shoulder met his neck. His cock ached in his swim trunks, leaking and angry and he rutted it against you but he knew he wasn’t going to find relief right now. He didn’t care. 
He felt like a man unhinged, the thought of you with someone else, touching someone else, in bed with someone else, loving someone else pushing him on. He couldn’t give you much, he fucking knew that, but there had to be a reason you’d stayed in his bed the last month and he was going to goddamn well make sure you knew it. 
You came then, your pussy throbbing hard around his fingers as you moaned, voice cracking as you did. He stilled inside you, his hold on you easing so that his palm was more cupping your sex than pressing into it, savoring the feeling of your pleasure on his skin as your come soaked him. Your whole body went limp and he had to hold you up as you panted for breath. He eased his fingers out of you more gently than he’d done anything else since he’d started touching you, carefully tugging your swimsuit back into place over your leaking slit. You whimpered against him, sounding fucked out and exhausted. 
Joel carefully adjusted you, holding your face in his hand, your eyes wide and mouth open as you took shaky, uncertain breaths. 
“What was that?” you asked quietly. 
Joel didn’t know how to answer. 
“You OK?” He asked instead. 
Your eyes raked over him, still wide and shocked, and he lowered your leg back to the ground, giving you a chance to stand on your own again. 
“What do you want from me, Joel?” You whispered. 
“Hey Dad?” Sarah yelled from her room. “Do we have more of that hair stuff?” 
His jaw tightened. 
“Go,” you said, reaching around him to hold onto the counter for balance. 
“We’re talkin’ later,” he said, watching you for a moment before going to help Sarah. 
He did his best to focus on his daughter while she opened her presents from her friends, you smiling and taking notes about who got her what so Sarah could write thank you cards, never once looking at Joel and he had this sinking, raw feeling in his stomach that he might have ruined things, actually ruined things this time. You stayed on the opposite end of the couch from him as the three of you watched the Hunger Games, careful to never even brush against him when you got up to get something. So different from every other time the three of you had sat here, you casually leaning your head on his shoulder or touching his leg to get his attention. 
“Thank you, Dad,” Sarah said as he tucked her into bed - something he was sure she was going to start insisting she was too big for any day now. “That was the best party, everyone had such a good time, it was so fun to see everyone!” 
“I’m glad you had fun, baby girl,” he smiled, smoothing her hair back from her face. “I know you’ve been wanting that for a while.” 
“Yeah, but I know you’re busy,” she said. “It’s OK that it took some time.” 
“Well, I should never be too busy for you,” he said. 
“Probably right,” she said, scrunching her nose. Joel laughed. “I love you, Dad.” 
“Love you, too,” he smiled, reaching to turn out her lamp. 
“Oh, tell Aunt Goldie I love her too?” She said. “I forgot to…” 
His heart clenched. 
“Course baby girl,” he said. “I know she loves you, too.” 
“Duh,” she smiled. “I’m the best.” 
Joel laughed. 
“Don’t let it go to your head.” 
He started back toward the living room to find you but stopped when he saw the light on in his bedroom. He paused at the door, wondering if he should knock even though the two of you hadn’t had that pretense in weeks. 
But he just opened it, moving quietly and closing the door silently behind him, finding you emptying the drawers that had become yours in the months you’d lived in his house. 
“What are you doing?” He asked quietly. 
You looked up, your eyes finding his and narrowing. 
“Goldie…” he moved to touch you but you pulled yourself away before he could. 
“Don’t,” you snapped, packing your things into the suitcase that had been tucked away in the space between Joel’s dresser and the wall for so long he’d almost forgotten it was there. 
“Look, I…” he began but you cut him off. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” You asked, all but throwing some shirts into the suitcase. “What was that!” 
He sighed, not able to look at you for a moment. He wasn’t sure how to answer that. What was he supposed to say? Sorry, the thought of losing you to another man made me lose my mind for a minute? Now that you don’t need as much help with your niece I wanted to remind you of the one other thing you seemed to need me for? 
“I…” he broke off. “I’m sorry.” 
“You’re sorry?” You asked, brows raised. “You’re sorry, great. Awesome. What do you want from me, Joel? Do you want me to never date anyone so you can fuck me when you’re bored? Do you think I’m going to just live here forever so I’ll be at your disposal whenever you need to get off?” 
“That ain’t…” 
“I want to be with someone who loves me!” Your voice was thick, wet. “I want a chance at loving someone and I want them to love me, too, and I can’t do this with you, Joel! I can’t upend my entire life because we’re doing whatever this is, I can’t and I don’t want to.” 
His chest got tight and you just shook your head, going to get more out of the drawer to keep packing. 
“Anna is about to come home,” you said. “I was already going to leave soon. I’ll go tomorrow, spend a few days in my own damn house in my own damn bed and then go to her place.” 
“Goldie,” he whispered, stepping close to you, taking your face in his hand. You at least didn’t pull away from him this time. “Just… stay.” 
Your eyes searched his for a moment and, for half a second, he thought you might say yes. 
“I can’t,” you said softly. “I’m sorry.” 
Joel just hoped you couldn’t see the pain in his eyes as you went back to collecting your things to leave him behind yet again. 
A/N: I really wish I could explain what came over Joel here but I can't I'm sorry I think he possessed me and this is what happened SORRY
Thank you for being here and for reading. I love you!
Taglist: @kaseyconnour
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c-kiddo · 2 hours
Read annihilation because of you, loved it!
Any more book recommendations?
aw glad you liked it :D
the rest of the series if you liked annihilation of course (tho its not quite as neatly well told they are good and i rly liked them as well. some rly rly good scenes especially the kind of whole run-up to the end of authority and a bunch of stuff in acceptance) . . others:
split tooth - tanya tagaq (heavy but very good, also nice illustration) into thin air & into the wild - jon krakauer (i liked both a lot) jonny appleseed - joshua whitehead (loved this sm) little blue encyclopedia (for vivian) - hazel jane plante (weird and lovely and caring. made me cry) underland - robert macfarlane (i feel like this goes with the weird fascination with abandoned and underground strange places thats in Annihilation but its nonfiction. instead of the tower its salt mines) comet in moominland - tove jansson (moominpappa at sea is one of my other favourites but this is the first novel. first book is technically moomins and the great flood but comet is rly good) the living mountain - nan shepherd (love anything appreciating mountains like this. i love the cairngorms too) our wives under the sea - julia armfield (this is pretty similar in vibes to annihilation, just the domestic came-home-wrong thing instead of travelling into the place that changes you, and the deep sea instead of swampland area x.. i have to assume the author read annihilation bc its v similar energy. i did like it a lot. leah is so me fr)
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richarlotte · 2 days
New in the life?
One of my older friends is currently in some sort of flirtation with a major player, and I’ve been living for the gossip. None of it is particularly groundbreaking, but it is interesting, and I do think it’s worth reading. 
1. No OnlyFans, no Fansly, no FanFix, and no private Snapchat. The better the player, the more scrutiny is on the girlfriend, especially if he’s a good player at a good school. It’s the same with (most popular) players to an extent as well; your social media needs to be clean with nothing more than modeling photos, nothing that could be considered more than soft (bikini pics are okay, full lingerie shoots are not), and no other links. If you’re with someone who’s pulling in NIL, has sponsorships, or is going to go into the league, you can’t be a liability, and if you are, the team will shut it down immediately and make sure you get dumped.
2. These guys aren’t necessarily looking to get married, but they’re also more religious and a lot more controlling than you’d think. We have a friend who went from playing college basketball at a state school to the NBA; he makes just under $10 million (before taxes) every year, and we’ve always known him to be religious. It should be obvious by now what I’m going to say, but I’ll say it anyway: he and most of his younger teammates are players on the road, but they want to control the image of the girls they’re with publicly and use God and their potential to do that.
3. The bigger and better the team, the more they have to lose. These are players with millions of dollars attached to their names; these are men who sell merch and have fan groups, and there are people who have quite a bit of money tied up in the future of these men. The second you become a real issue, you’re going to be on your way out. You don’t mess with the money; you never mess with the money, and the only people who don’t understand that are people who know what it’s like to have money. You don’t mess with the contract, you don’t mess with the outcomes of games, and you do your best to fly under the radar of watchful eyes.
4. There are 100% handlers. Whenever she goes out on dates with him, they have to go to specific places, they have to be seen at certain events together, and they can’t do a lot of the activities you’d think they’d be able to do. He also has private accounts, he’s not allowed to post normally on his public social media, he’s not allowed to post with her, and he has to be careful about seeming devoted to the game. He’s under the impression (and probably has been told) that the big leagues will only want him if he’s unattached and completely devoted, so the man he makes himself out to be on social media and in interviews is very different than the man we’ve all met. He’s being told what to do by his coaches, their assistants, and by NCAA lawyers.
Again, nothing groundbreaking, but it’s interesting. I love seeing what goes on behind the scenes, and I think it’s fascinating to see the rules that the girls who are with the more popular players abide by in order to have a chance at any sort of situationship/relationship.
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DAY 28 — 30/09/2024
The day at Valigma starts calm and peaceful, with new art being displayed in the gallery!
Pac shows Alice's memorial completely done, with a message for the deceased secretary made by all the specialists inside a book.
Choke and Tucupi also visit the place with Bankeiro Zé Silva and leave a message in the book.
Zé Silva starts talking to the trio, asking them if, after everything, they wouldn't build a bunker to protect themselves. He says he has a bunker too but he doesn't trust them to show it.
After that, Quel arrives at the place and joins the conversation. (It is said by Pac that Bira traveled to Pedra da Gávea and that's why he's missing) Zé Silva take the opportunity to do a mini quiz about Bira, asking the group when the bar opened (The answer is 1982).
After that, the group splits up and everyone goes their separate ways.
In a conversation with Choke after they met earlier, Quel discovers that in order to get wood without making Arkanya upset, she must not use electrical objects such as the chainsaw that she use previously. Choke asks the bear to stop using the chainsaw and Quel thanks her for the warning, agreeing to stop.
After that, Quel meets with Maethe and the duo go to Pac's house, where Febatista, JVNQ, Guhzera, Milo and Guaxinim met with the owner of the house, Mayor Jota is also at the place.
Jota says he saw the memorial they made for Alice and his heart sank, which is why he came to talk. JVNQ tells the mayor that this is not the time to mourn, but rather to act against Araldo before something happens again.
Jota also reveals that he argued with Araldo, which left him even more helpless and ashamed, as he felt he had no control ("It felt like I was just a puppet"). The group then begins to talk about their suspicions about the Mayor and that they didn't trust him enough. Jota asks what he could be hiding and Quel tells the Mayor that if he is really trustworthy, he should answer some questions.
Here is the transcript of all the questions asked:
JVNQ: Did you already know Bia before she had magic?
Jota: Ever since I met Bia, she has always been the way she is.
Quel: Mayor, now honestly, did you, somewhere in your conscience, know that this could be a consequence of what Araldo planned?
Jota: What did he have planned, guys? I was surprised as much as you by what happened.
Quel: So you know that Araldo manipulates Arkanya?
Jota: No, I discovered it together with you all.
Quel: And do you know how to manipulate Arkanya?
Jota: Me?
Quel: Yes.
Jota: I... [makes sounds nervously] I've studied... I've studied a good part of my life.
Quel: With Bia?
Jota: With Bia... But that's the past. Okay?
Jota says he used to use Arkanya but doesn't do it anymore and Febatista asks if he would use it again if Valigma was in danger. Jota is amazed by Febatista's speech and asks if they want him to use Arkanya again. Who says not necessarily and Jota responds by revealing that he was never a prodigal, then asking if everyone had spoken to Bia.
Transcript of an important question asked by Quel:
Quel: One question before we answer this question for you, sir. Could you tell me what happened to make you stop wanting to manipulate Arkanya?
Jota: A tragedy. Isn't it the truth you want? I was Bia's apprentice. She recruited me while I was little, but that didn't last long. She has known me since I was little, she taught me everything she could teach, but I was a child. And children shouldn't learn everything I learned in record time. I was overwhelmed... I don't know what happened, because I only paid for two years of therapy and I think I would need four more to understand what happened to me. But I carry a lot of guilt, and maybe that's why I want my city to triumph again. Here has been the scene of so many things, and knowing that I caused one of those things is a nightmare to this day. But I want the best for this city. And you all have every right not to trust me, but I do everything I can do.
Guaxi comments that it was difficult to believe him since Jota knew Arkanya and its consequences, and that Jota didn't know about Araldo manipulating Arkanya. The mayor, nervous, says that there was never a demonstration by Arkanya on Araldo's part and that there was no way for him to know. Jota says he couldn't blame himself for what Araldo did to him and continues to do.
JVNQ says mistakes have already been made and will continue to be made if they do nothing. Pac proposes to Jota that the factory be deactivated and Araldo be sent away from the city, and Jota asks how they would do something like that.
Quel finally answers Jota's question, saying what Bia said about him being her apprentice, and asks the Mayor to tell them in more detail about what happened.
Jota asks for their trust to tell them what happened and Gabe, Denix and Coreano arrive and join the conversation.
Transcript of the Mayor's response to Quel's request:
Jota: I learned a lot about Arkanya. About how Arkanya communicates, how people managed to manipulate Arkanya, how she flows, how she passes through everyone, how she is born, all of that. And I learned so much from Bia that maybe I went too far. Part of my trauma in wanting to see this city prosper again is largely because of what I caused in the past. And it is a guilt that I will carry until the end of my life. And until I not bring glory to the city again, I will always be this irreparable wreck of a human being...
Jota: When this city was at rock bottom, I tried to make it flourish again. But I was a child. Bia has never been so clear to me about consequences. I stole one of Bia's Lankyas. I tried to let the minerals in my city flourish again so the people would be happy, have money and rebuild their lives and not leave like they were doing.
Jota: I used Lankya [starts crying] and it was all over... Why do you think I've been in therapy all this time? I know I'm guilty, it hurts me as much as it hurts the families... The families of everyone who died. Half the city died. Everyone fell into the abyss I created. And no one knows that I did this, only Bia. I was just a kid...
After Jota's vent, Quel and everyone present hug Jota as a sign of empathy.
Jota reveals that he wants to correct the mistake he made in the past, and that everything got worse as a child because Bia just completely blamed him, without even helping or comforting him. He says that Bia always did that, never treated him well, and that's also why he hates her. He reveals that Bia had promised to kill Jota, and he had to run away.
Quel adds that Bia also never treated her and Maethe very well after they failed in training.
Jota says he never wants to get involved with Arkanya and Bia again, even if it would cause his death. (Jota also reveals that after manipulating a Lankya like Araldo manipulated, the person becomes weak and needs time to recover).
Pac comments on how he had seen Jota very vulnerable after Alice's death and that he was without his mask, crying. Jota also says that when he met Araldo, he had asked for money, even after everything that happened. He adds that he will try to send an email to Hugo to try to help them (He explains that Hugo works in the government, and that he could help with some bureaucracy to remove Araldo from Valigma).
After the big conversation full of revelations, everyone leaves for their homes and/or bases.
While all this was happening, Araldo calls Wuant to talk and says he can bring Alice back if he wants to see her. Araldo also tells lies to Wuant (saying that Alice's death was an accident and that it shouldn't have happened), leaving him very undecided about his words. They say goodbye at the end of the conversation.
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Pride & Prejudice: A New Musical (2020)
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god help me, I am on my knees
I adored this. It was a delight. Did they change things? Of course, once again proving that my heart is a fickle creature; changing things is terrible and insulting unless of course, I happen to like the change, in which case it is unique and commendable and wonderful.
Occasionally I come across a show that makes me wish I was rich enough to fund a vanity project solely so I can perform in it, and this was one of those.
In the US, this is currently on Tubi which is a free service and I am extremely grateful for it.
Mary and Jane are given lines that make us laugh for very different reasons, in character, which I adore. For instance, Mary is the one who announces where each scene is taking place, and gets more annoyed that it's her job as the show goes on.
There's an adorable duet with Bingley and Jane about the things they would say, if they weren't so shy. This Bingley is so shy he becomes tongue-tied, which is not the usual depiction of gregarious Bingley but I feel is still true to the heart of Bingley's character.
Caroline gives the best sign-offs to her letters, "yours ever, Caroline Bingleyyyyyyyy" in the flattest affect possible. It's passive aggressive and beautiful.
The banter between Darcy and Elizabeth is at Netherfield is so quick, which I really appreciate - makes it seem more like a quarrel, and leads to this beautiful perfect moment that is what introduced me to the show. If all you watch of it is this 20 seconds, it's worth it:
Darcy's songs are more of a pop vibe than I would have expected, but Justin Mortelliti rocks it so well I love it anyway.
There's a fantastic Collins song where all the Bennet ladies are lined up and he's singing about picking who will have the honor of his hand, and the Bennets are singing a counterpoint that is essentially oh please no don't pick me. And Elizabeth gets a fun, fairly comedic refusal song.
Lady Catherine gets a surprisingly almost jazzy song, with a chorus of servants talking about how grateful they are for her advice. At one point she makes a rebuttal and Darcy guffaws loudly until he abruptly slaps his hand over his mouth.
If you don't know the rules of musical theatre, when the emotion becomes too much for words, song breaks out, which means Elizabeth starts singing during her refusal of the proposal scene (love). This Darcy actually opens his mouth to defend himself, but Elizabeth refuses to listen. Leading to an amazing line in the next scene "I've written you a letter - since clearly I found 'speaking' far too challenging." (Also, the bitter Darcy song after her rejection? yes please. Fuckin' Broadway tenors and their ridiculous range, man, sure just pop those high notes and make my soul thrill that's fine I didn't need to have equilibrium today)
Jane has a beautiful song and reprise about how she's definitely not going to think about Bingley any more.
Cute scene where they run into each other at Pemberley. This Darcy spies Elizabeth and sneaks up on her, which is fun.
Did I become immediately obsessed with Darcy's song "The World She Lives In" where Darcy sings about how he's a better man because of Elizabeth, and listen to it on repeat? Yes, yes I did.
There's a fantastic song about being ruined that really captures the despair a lot of movies can't.
When Bingley and Darcy return to Longbourn at the end, Bingley is so shy he can't speak. He sings about what he would say, but in reality says nothing. It's comedic and wonderful.
And the writers love us - they really love us! - they gave us a scene of Darcy rehearsing what he's going to say to Elizabeth and despairing at his inability to speak in her presence: "Miss Bennet, how good it is to see you again...........and after that I'm blank. Maddening."
Of course it's all happily ever after and I may or may not have watched it twice before even posting this. And then someone showed me a list of other P&P musicals, which I will now be watching ALL OF because I love both of those things and them converging delight me beyond reason.
Anyway. Go watch it. Just watching this made up for watching all those hallmark movies. Joy.
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just imagine theo's dad pulls up and starts acting like everything is fine with him and sunshine, he's even a little flirty making jokes about the good old times but logan doesn't buy it for a second.
she's almost completely drawn into herself, there's fear and anxiety on her scent and she's barely looking at him- she's not even rambling and that just pisses him off.
i think theo's father caught her off guard at the school entrance and she's reeling but slowly getting ready to yell at him until her lungs give out.
logan barely gives her the time to do that- he PICKS THAT MAN UP like a ragdoll, tosses him into his car and shuts the door and just glares until he leaves.
'are you alright? talk to me.'
'yeah i'm- he's been calling lately but i never thought he'd show-'
'sweetheart, i need you to breathe, okay? your heart is pounding out of your chest'
'it feels that way... where's theo?'
so he goes with her to pick up theo but he can still tell she's shaken but she puts up an excellnt front for theo and he doesn't want them to leave (he should've broken that fucker's leg off, if he can walk he can get to them) but its not like he can ask her to move in and keep her hidden in his bedroom. he thinks about doing something along those lines all the time but like... not like this.
so he invites theo and her out to dinner. theo is blissfully unaware of how far away his mother seems, he's fascinated with logan and the fact he exists outside the school. he drags him everywhere, asks him questions about the city before there were buildings and is delighted by the fact he has answers.
she lightens up a bit but is visibly weary when they get to the aparement, glancing over her shoulder every 5 minutes. it makes him twitch and want to kill someone.
it's how he ends up having a sleepover at her place but its on her couch and his clothes are still on so its definitely not what he had in mind when he pictured spending the night here but he can hear her heartbeat and somehow he doesnt mind as much
AAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS SOSOSO MUCH! 🥰 This is absolutely amazing darling!? ❤️
she's almost completely drawn into herself, there's fear and anxiety on her scent and she's barely looking at him- she's not even rambling and that just pisses him off. Ooooh that would make sirens go off in Logan's head! 😱 Like, her not being her usual self 😱
logan barely gives her the time to do that- he PICKS THAT MAN UP like a ragdoll, tosses him into his car and shuts the door and just glares until he leaves. THIS SCENE, THIS SCENEEEE! OH IT'S GENIUS😱😍
'sweetheart, i need you to breathe, okay? your heart is pounding out of your chest' I can literally hear him saying thiiiis🥺❤️
he should've broken that fucker's leg off, if he can walk he can get to them THE WAY THIS IS SO LOGAN 😂😍
theo is blissfully unaware of how far away his mother seems, he's fascinated with logan and the fact he exists outside the school. ADFGJKL-
Theo would be delighteeeed😂 And Sunshine would be trying so hard not to show how stressed out she is in front of Theo 🥺
Poor Sunshine glancing over her shoulder every five minutes❤️
his clothes are still on so its definitely not what he had in mind when he pictured spending the night here but he can hear her heartbeat and somehow he doesnt mind as much So can we all agree that her heartbeat is gonna be his favorite sound in the world? 😏❤️
This is so goooood! ❤️ I feel like Sunshine would wake up the next morning and go to the living room to find Logan already awake and she'd be like,
"Oh hi! Um-I'm gonna make myself coffee, would you like some as well?"
"That'd be great, thanks. Are you okay?"
"Uh, yeah. Are you okay? Because you know, that couch works part time as a medieval torture device so-"
"I've been through worse."
"Eh I mean, debatable because one time I fell asleep on that couch and-"
"Are you okay?"
"Having you here helps."
"Does it?"
"More than you can imagine."
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queer-enderdragon · 2 days
dear lord, okie.
rewatched both eps out so far, like just to have everything fresh in mind, and i got two things to share. first one is more music analysis from a music enthusiast who might or might not read a lot between lines, and second, a Thought i had that... well, maybe will be relevant, maybe not
so... the music,
if we take in the fact that ivory has been working on this project for at least 2 years and maybe some, and that instead of using music done by others she is doing these herself... well, wp!ivory Is the quiet type, definitely a nervous type too as it shows with her speech going a little out of her control when shes anxious, and the story itself is quiet in many aspects, including the hemlocke family trying to keep the press silent about whitepine's tragedy
but what it isn't quiet is the music
and i cant really explain what i mean unless you see what i'm talking about, so bear with me
starting with the end song of ep 2, larch. like... end songs for the episode to me now are like the silent moments we are given but the inverse. moments that tell us to listen, so that we may know more about the things unsaid, and this song... this song specifically speaks to me of something about tension. a soft kind of tension, one barely building up, a string that is slowly being pulled... because so far this is not really—or at least fully—a murder mystery, because the focus of the narrative is not yet of whoever killed mysti, of finding out who did it
is about grief, and how things just... keep moving, maybe too fast. there hasnt even been a Funeral, the servants were barely given a single day to rest, and her place as a personal maid has been filled in already with ivory. things are moving on, even if an investigation is already going on the back now
which leads me to wych elm. that is Exactly what im talking about here
the music starting sober, slow, then going into a crescendo and for a moment i thought i was maybe reading too much into it, but when i saw even the comments under the video of the song were talking about how this song sounded like grief and overstimulation...
in the scene this song plays, the camera is first on ivory, then a very fast paced cooking scene, but then starts jumping all over the manor. closed doors, parts of the outside, maids and butlers making sure everything is in shape and clean like it has always been. things Keep Happening, two days pass like a flash, the sense of normalcy tinted by how people still feeling the injury of the lost, but the world keeps moving. the signing in the song almost feels like a quiet cry. one you have to just let yourself be even for a moment, because the next you need to go back to work. the world keeps turning and is not going to wait for you and let you grieve. and then the song cuts the moment we are back with the hemlocke.
now the last new song, lacebark pine, at the start of the episode after the interrogations...
besides the sad tone, call me insane, but to me it feels like... longing,
and with how ivory just stares at the forest, where is said many "have gone missing", and how she Immediately goes there the moment no one is looking, even when told not to. how she says she was found in the woods,
this goes well with the last thought i had actually, that i've already been seeing people on youtube making videos of how they "solved" the murder of mysti
and i say to them. maybe you're focusing in the wrong things right now, or maybe, dare i say, you're falling for the distraction of the magician while she hides your card. because if you're focused enough on one thing, maybe something else might slip right behind you without anyone noticing
there's many odd things going on with the whitepine manor, it's history, the people in it, including the servants, the surroundings and ivory. the murder happening there might just be the last drop to finally set things into motion.
tho of course, i'll wait until at least a good 5 eps are out to start trying to see where this is going better, because again, ivory is making a wonderful job setting the tone of whitepine so far, but she herself did say she wanted to take this story slow instead of a more fast paced narrative like how her past videos used to be. so meanwhile, let's just set the table and get ready to eat
let her cook <3
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shannynouhoh · 24 hours
Shadows of Isolation
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pairing: Richie Jerimovich x Reader
word count: 735
notes: I don't know who is going to read this, this is only my second time sharing fan fiction writing. Bearblr Prompter sounded so good, I wanted in. Happy October.
Richie would definitely consider himself a romantic, albeit a bit rusty at this point. Always the loud and obnoxious one among a group, opportunity was limited to showcase certain skills of romance. Tonight was going to be a normal Wednesday evening, normality he has grown accustomed to since meeting her - a breath of fresh air and friend first and foremost. You invite his obnoxious jokes, you even have a few of your own up your sleeves, yet it is your acceptance that has anchored him the most. Being around you doesn’t simply prompt introspection, it encourages it. For Richie, a blessing when the rest of his life is going well, a curse when it all topples down one meltdown and one interaction with Frank at a time. 
He met you at a bowling club, long after the rest of his The Bear family left the scene. An attempt to avoid life for just one more lime soda on ice. “Last one’s paying, am I right?” you smirked returning your bowling shoes after giving them a good clean. He looks at you confused and you wave your debit card defeatedly. “That’s how it goes. Did your friends leave you to pay as well?”. Richie sips from his drink and shakes his head, “that’s some asshole friends you’ve got, sweetheart.” You nod with a smile as your eyes move toward the exit, “Naaah they’re okay.” you respond warmly. After settling the bill you turn to him, “You want some company while you finish this drink?”
That's how your friendship started, a long conversation about bowling and your respective friend groups later and you suggested to stay in contact in case the other ever needs a bowling partner. And bowling turned into billiard nights, laser tag, arcade strolls once every two weeks if you could arrange it. Richie was hesitant in the beginning, the attention he received from you felt like a set up. In his eyes, whatever your intention was, you were way out of his league and your blatantly open flirting triggered internal alarm bells. If you asked The Bear, everyone would attest that Richie’s demeanor changed over a very short period of time, and life seemed a bit lighter. And sometimes he dared to dream about those doubt-inducing what-ifs. What if she doesn’t flirt just for shits and giggles, and what if this is his second chance?
Tonight felt different; tonight, you had invited him for a scary movie night to your place—you, a woman whose laughter sparkled like sunlight through trees—welcoming him into the comforts of your home  to watch horror films on an oversized projector screen in your living room. Sharing space and sharing your passion for horror with him is totally normal between friends, but Richie’s brain has been in overthinking mode since you so casually suggested the very different plans for your treasured fortnightly Wednesdays. He toyed with the idea inviting you over many times and you beat him to it. As the sun dipped below the horizon and shadows began to dance around along the walls, Richie suddenly felt overwhelmed by a tide of self-doubt that gnawed at him like a malicious specter from one of their chosen films.
The movie flickered ominously as you shared popcorn and half-hearted giggles and sweet “fuck offs” mouthed at each other when creatures leapt out from dark corners onscreen and it took him offguard. Yet with each echoing shriek from your lips came another reminder of Richie’s perceived inadequacies—your stories of trips around the world with your friends, live music you’ve experienced and all these soft impressions of a life fully lived draws stark comparisons against his new solitary lifestyle filled only by weekends with his daughter and hopes of somehow turning all this shit around. He marvels at your spirited conversations but feels a heavy weight settle over him: How could someone so wonderfully alive be interested in someone like him? As anxiety washes over him, turning every heartbeat into thunderous doubt, Richie finds himself retreating further into his thoughts even as you laugh together at his wild reactions to ridiculous jump scares.
And as darkness envelopes you both, something shifts within Richie and it becomes clear to him that maybe there is no place for him in your life, not right now when all he has are glimpses of who he could be, and no real appreciation for who he is.
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my dad is aparently seeking a therapist
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jadedgenasi · 3 months
The more I think about Carla the worse it all feels. RTD did a Racism For Idiots episode and that's cool, but did anyone look over the optics of not only Ruby calling her bio mom her "real" mom in front of Carla, but sitting next to her instead of between her two moms (as in, near Carla)? How many people looked at the part where Carla without Ruby states that she only keeps kids for the money and went "hmm yeah that seems fine," like. I've watched enough British TV to know there's a huge fucking blind spot with them as a whole re racism, especially with regard to black people, but what the fuck. It tastes nasty. And it could have been solved so, so easily by acknowledging - reinforcing - that Carla is Ruby's mother. A large portion of the time we got with Carla wasn't even real, and those times were super shitty.
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mouse-fantoms · 1 month
On top of being robbed of so much Juke content we’ll never get, what I think about alot is how Juke would have been approached more if it went further.
One of the (many) reasons I love jatp so much is it makes me believe their characters are real, that they have background, they have their own goals and ambitions to them, they’re fleshed out.
That moment of Flynn going “my girls got a crush and his name is Luke” and Julie going “what no?! Luke’s a ghost😳.” And Flynn saying “a cute ghost” and Julie giving in and saying “…with a perfect smile☺️” and adding that Luke is “cute air” which implies she has indeed given this Luke crush idea some thought.
That moment of just two best friends talking about the others potential crush like that’s such a good moment bc I genuinely believe that I am watching these two genuine besties just have that kind of talk with one another bc that happens!
Like that moment we have with our friends when they’re like “hey I got something to tell you 👀” or they approach you like “so… umm… I’ve been kind of noticing your behavior lately around this person.” It’s the realistic little things like that which is why I appreciate this show so much.
Julie having the line of “what no! Luke’s a ghost!” Means so much that, on top of acknowledging “hey he’s got a cute smile, and he himself is cute” she also acknowledged “…he is a ghost though…” but then our Julie being who she is (we love her for it) went “but he still do be cute though 🥰” like this is a genuine teen girl in high school having a crush
And then later on when Reggie and Alex bring up how Luke and Julie ooze chemistry (and the way that throughout the show when Julie and Luke are being cute and them, the looks that we see Reggie and Alex give like Juke and then each other is so good bc I genuinely believe like “yeah these boys are all friends with one another so of course they’d react that way to their other friend showing an interest in their fellow friend”) Luke’s like “no come on I have chemistry with everyone I sing with” HE DOES THE SAME THING JULIE DID WHEN THE EXACT SAME TOPIC EAS BROUGHT UP TO HER! (Soulmates your honor!)
Him denying it, like Julie did, implies too that he also had the thinking of “…she is alive though and I’m not” (I mean me personally I feel like Luke didn’t truly realize he liked her until later on even if there were signs earlier, just bc he seems like the kind of person where like music was his absolute everything like even if the Sunset Curve fangirls were always like ‘omg Luke is amazing 😍’, I just get the vibe that he would never really notice the advances towards him bc he is just so consumed in music and that is his whole existence, so when Reggie and Alex see that Luke appears to be falling for Julie it’s a big deal bc they’re probably like “Luke has NEVER shown any interest ever so the fact that a girl has replaced music in his life THIS IS A MASSIVE DEAL”)
And then the moment when they’re on Julie’s porch and she tries to hold his hand but ya know CANT (huge what a gut punched) and then she awkwardly looks away and he’s like “…this is an interesting little relationship you and I have” and they’re just there for a moment just looking and smiling at each other (THEY’RE FLIRTING SO MUCH WITHOUT SAYING ANY WORDS UGH TAKE ME 😩)
I am sat there genuinely believing that these are two teenagers who even though they know they’re not *supposed* to feel a way about each other, they still do. Like that scene is their confession to one another and it’s so sweet and genuine bc in that moment where Julie tries to hold his hand, they’re brought back to reality as to what they are and yet, they can’t help but still like one another and appreciate each other bc of what the other person has changed so much in their life.
AND THEN, that scene in the beginning of the last episode how Julie asks to talk to Luke (and Reggie and Alex immediately are like “oop leave them be 👀 they’re having a moment” being the greatest friends that they are) and they’re both standing there, in each others presence, it takes a moment for Julie to say what she wants to but they’re just two kids who ended up in each others lives and they know they like each other but they know they can’t act on those feelings yet they still just have this love for each other is so enduring and charming. The way Luke tells her “anything Julie you know that” MAKES ME MELT like ugh 😩 their dynamic and friendship has grown so much with each other from episode 1 to like now and it’s so just ugh it gets me
When I think how Juke could have been approached if we had gotten a chance, I would have loved to see the new like “glowing touch” development and how that would impact their dynamic. (I just imagine Reggie just hugs Julie all the time bc he can (he just seems like such a hugger and I feel like he’d give good ones🥺) and Alex also will gives her side hugs (they just take advantage of being able to physically touch her bc they don’t know how long they’re able to do it for with their new ghost development)) I feel like Luke and Julie would just be a bit apprehensive since the hand holding thing on the porch, and maybe their hug was just a one time thing.
Would have loved to see Carlos referring to Luke as “Julie’s boyfriend” (he was there for edge of great and stand tall THERES NO WAY he’s thinking anything of than “the sleeveless one is indeed my sisters boyfriend”) would be extra great too with like Luke being in the room and Carlos just says that and Julie quickly trying to make him not talk about it bc it’s embarrassing 💀 her just being like “Carlos, he’s a ghost” and him being like “…hey with you having a boyfriend are you going to have less time with Dad and I bc you’ll be busy kissing him?” And Julie’s face just goes pale as Luke takes the time to take himself out of room meanwhile his face his like bright red
Would have loved to see when Carrie’s redemption is happening and it’s Julie and Carrie and Carrie’s like “sooooo 👀 I’ve seen how you look at your guitarist” and she immediately tries to shut it down but Carrie is like “Jules, we may not have been that close in the past year and some but we’ve known each other for how long? I can see your tells!”
I just think a lot about how this ship, even though they’re not meant to like each other yet they do and still care about each other, would have been approached more if we got the chance
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fear-no-mort · 24 days
thinkign about how alone and unloved morty was for all his life and rick was the first time anyobdy ever put such an amount of intense attention and dependency onto him . and rick had a whole new family and losing them made him stop seeing the value in other people as a whole and morty was the one and first thing that woke him up
#really long Tag rant down there#one of the most Things Ever about them to me is how morty barely even understands just how much rick loves him. more than anything#and its something ricks done on purpose hes made sure of it#because hes so weak he cant handle it#them being together is agony in avsolutely every way and sense but also theyre the best part of eachothers lives#morty because nobodys payed attention to him quite like rick has and all the exciting space adventures and rick just cause. he literally#just likes him thats it. and he never knew it#also i was thinking of this earlier. one of the reasons season 1 is soooo good to me is cuz you get to see morty grow on rick in real time#stuff like that moment where morty walks through the door and rick is instantly at the sight of him SUPER excited and he goes hey!!! but#then he clears his throat and goes Hey trying to pretend like this dumb scaredy kid isnt becoming his favourite thing hes ever known day af#er day#and goddamn night shaym aliens. in that moment where he realised morty had been fake the whole time i rlly wonder what he was thinking and#how he felt. like. oh man this is messing with me way too much this is Bad#and then he got drunk over it and yknow. that . is it post credits. i think. that scene#n literally At the Very beginning he was tired n drunk n stupid thinking like man fuck this im gonna blow this place up and do what prime#did to me. But he brought morty with him Even just at that point it flashed in his mind and he absolutely could not bear to let morty die#Breathes in#im rewatching in October bc anniversary month. i literally can’t wait im so actually impatient i considered just doing it today So hard#odiespeak
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waywardsalt · 3 months
anyways ph you know when you finish the temple of fire and head back down to the ship and find that linebeck isnt where he usually is, because he’s at astrids? what’s he doing there
#ofc the basic oh its so the player gets that scene with everyone and it prompts you to walk into that scene#but looking at it away from game stuff. hey man whats up whatcha doin over there#its interesting to me while i think abt it now#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#linebeck#salty talks#cuz like yeah he’s met her before he knows what her deal is but you kinda get the sense that he’s not too enthused?#like if anything he was put off by her somewhat ominous fortune and was like well it doesnt have to be my problem#but later he’s just. at her place. likely of his own volition at a fortune teller’s house. whats up man#its after that second meeting that you get astrid reassuring lnk n ciela that linebeck will eventually be useful too#i dont think ive thought much abt this but it is like. what was he doing there what did they talk about its interesting#just like. a little thing that is one of those fill-in-the-blanks kinda things that could be good for fan speculation#its actually funny bc i always thought abt a scene in my own ver of events where he goes to her at some point for guidance or w/e#n forgot that yeah he does just visit her during the game. i dont really get the vibe that he just showed up right before link does either#anyways on occasion ive thought abt doing that thing where you draww characters or smth from smth and assign them tarot cards and whatnot#for the ph main cast i’d do sun for link moon for linebeck and stars for ciela and the other spirits#i think that fits them. anyways linebeck at astrids whats going on there
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thegreatcrowdragon · 1 year
What are your thoughts on pitaya x royal margarine?
It was mostly a joke at first because both are dragon related cookies and also haha dragon "rider" but then it kinda morphed into an actual ship? I have no idea why though (this happens with pretty much every crackship I make)
Edit: The new dragon that recently hatched is their (adopted) child btw I don't care what happens in canon
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