#it's like 65% gay
swagspren · 1 year
Okay I’ve been thinking about Adolin fashion and something that is so funny to me is that nobody (that I can remember (probably Shallan is at some point)) is like “wow, Adolins outfit looks so good.” They’re like “you look stupid” and he’s like “it’s fashionable.” I know he’s not exactly surrounded by fashion appreciators, but I think it is so much more awesome that he is dressing fashionably and receiving little to none of the positive feedback. Like he’s really doing it just for him and that’s how fashion should be <3
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ashtxeman · 3 months
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Oh Henry Hidgens.. You aged like a fine milk.
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eikichi-supremacy · 5 months
"make my death count yusuke" sick twisted some might even call it evil
what do you MEAN he says "make my death count okay" in episode 63 but yusuke remembers kuwa saying his first name in episode 65 shaking you what could this mean. that perhaps yusuke wanted to hear him say it just this once before he won't get to talk to Kuwabara ever again? what could this mean I'm asking
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spideyachilles · 10 months
twt got it first, but here are some sneak peeks into the zoro animation I'm working on!!
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I'm almost halfway done animating it,,,, BE EXCITED !!!
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californiaquail · 11 months
just learned that my friend's brother in law who as far as i can tell is like a far right drug and alcohol addict (?) who caused extreme disruption and drama last time he was here and also my old french horse trainer boss are both coming for thanksgiving y'all.........☠️
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freebooter4ever · 4 months
I think they didn't read the rest of Baker's letters because they just weren't really that gay lol. The "dirty" bit was probably the gayest they could dig up 😭 the evidence in this doc is really shoddy. Then again, if it was solid it wouldn't take a century to clock him
Sigh, yeah. Its so complicated. :( Like im all on board to accept any gay sports heroes who tear down the stereotype of gay men having to be effeminate and non athletic. And I absolutely hate when society will blatantly erase a very out and open historical figure's homosexuality or queer identity for mainstream stories/movies (cough stupid effing bendydick cucumbersnoot). We see this happen especially to women who were known to be lesbians during thier lifetime, and then modern biographers just gloss over that. So it's believable that it could have happened to this hockey star!
Unfortunately i kind of doubt it. The ONE big 1917 quote they actually gave from the letters between the supposed lovers was the hockey guy overseas writing to his friend back home about how he never understood the huge amount of affection his friend bestowed on him until now when he's missing him so much. And then he talks about the photo. This totally sounds romantic, and like someone discovering their sexuality for the first time (he was in his TWENTIES it is completely plausible if he was anywhere on the demi or ace scale that this guy just never thought about romance till now). But i think it ruins the 'researcher's theory that he and his friend were living as open lovers in 1914-1916. And it definitely feels in the podcast as if they are glossing over details in order support their theory and hoping nobody bothers to actually go do the research themselves. Another thing i found in my very cursory research last night is that apparently his friend introduced him to the woman he would get engaged with back in 1915 - she didnt meet him in the war!!!. And this guy wrote home to his dad about how he wanted to have a 'long talk' with his dad about his failed engagement. That totally sounds like the set up for potentially being a beard situation. But instead of presenting the facts and speculating on those words and letting the listener put them together the podcast barely uses the real words of the hockey guy's letters and tries to spin a narrative around it that doesnt feel real.
And i 100% do not believe this man committed suicide because he was afraid to return home and face homophobia. And the podcast just presents this like it's plausible and not their own wildly subjective opinion.
This is why it's so important to check sources and to always seek out as close to primary sources as possible.
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beldaroot · 2 years
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"i need your help, professor!" - witch hat atelier chapter 65
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kinvicted · 1 year
the way i just like physically recoil when ppl call me richard
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ephemeral-winter · 1 year
I am so intensely not a visual artistic media person like while I was on hinge just now trying to think of a way to start a conversation I remembered that normal people watch a Lot of tv in the course of their daily lives yet in the past month I’ve increased my watching to literally just 1 (one) episode of a show each week and I feel overwhelmed like my life has just been taken over by the moving image
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neonacidtrip · 1 year
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[image ID: a screenshot of a discord chat with username “wenge (when-gay)’ carrying out a one-sided conversation expressing her reluctance and fears regarding driving at 1:08 a.m. the other person in the conversation’s responses are not shown]
#when your boy politely suggests you move to the next difficulty level in driving#we were both speaking but i was typing my answers because i dont have my voice right now#i think in order he said 'you need to learn to drive faster' & when i asked how fast he said first 25 (wont kill me) then 40 (will kill me)#he then said we move from 40 to 65 to which i hit him with 50 50 50 what happened to 50#the keysmash happened when he told me to drive to his house#in other words you can see the moment my brain short circuited#i normally feel bad sharing text conversations but i dont feel bad here because its only my responses#the only one being blasted is myself for being a cant drive gay#i get that there arent many 30 zones but 25 to 40 is a lot okay#i went on a 40 road exactly once and it ended quite terribly. scared the driving instructor#why do highways have to exist why do highways have to be 60+ zones why me just why#i said merging because i thought that would be the next difficult skills to tackle and he was like um no#and hit me with the 'you need to learn to make turns at more than 2mph before you worry about merging lanes neo'#25 to 40 is a lot and im not even on 25s yet i am still in 10mph zones. i have to graduate up to 25 still#we started on 25s and he was like hmmmmmmmm maybe i over estimated you lets go to the 10s#like a disappointed teacher discovering the kid who bragged about ice skating actually cant ice skate at all#i cant drive i cant dance i dont know karate.... face it... im never gonna make it#neo rants#photo post#i know i need to drive and not hide behind mcr references but i just really dont like driving#i will get there slowly but surely but that doesnt mean i cant whine and cry about it on the way there#like sailor moon intended#also i took 3d6 psychic damage because after all the fighting about the plans for the car he suggested my own original idea to me#my idea was to leave the car with my mom and now hes presenting this idea the very first idea i suggested as if he came up with it#i cant live in this society
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bembembembis · 2 years
everyone shut up i have a day of fallen night
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cuntwrap--supreme · 3 months
Doing my RCA training for the post office today and it's just stupid people here. It's so painful. We're an hour off schedule because so many people couldn't do basic paperwork. They keep asking ridiculous questions (ie, when asked if they have a vehicle for the job, they reply yes. When asked if it's right hand drive, they ask, "Why would I need a right hand drive car to go to work in? I'm not in Japan."). Many of them showed up late and were scolded for it, and are bitching about being scolded for being late now that we're on break. One lady won't stop grunting and smells like bad pussy and I don't do repetitive sounds and bad smells (thanks, autism) and we're only an hour in. Only 7 hours to go. If there's a god, the pop-pop sounds from down the street was a gun and we'll be able to be done for the day.
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waitinqroom · 6 months
the bar for men at my uni is so disgustingly low that i told my friends a guy walked me back to my dorm last night and didn't make any moves on me and they all cheered
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onequeerruffian · 1 year
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I'm sorry what the FUCK is going on on this ad???
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cerona10 · 1 year
Hnggg resisting the urge to watch wrestling again
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thyfavouritegay · 2 years
ough the blorbos in my brain are giving me headaches
if that’s the case then which motherfuckers found their way into my knees ?
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