#but you have to do it for adolin
swagspren · 1 year
Okay I’ve been thinking about Adolin fashion and something that is so funny to me is that nobody (that I can remember (probably Shallan is at some point)) is like “wow, Adolins outfit looks so good.” They’re like “you look stupid” and he’s like “it’s fashionable.” I know he’s not exactly surrounded by fashion appreciators, but I think it is so much more awesome that he is dressing fashionably and receiving little to none of the positive feedback. Like he’s really doing it just for him and that’s how fashion should be <3
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isdalinarhot · 4 months
Thinking about how according to wobs the whole decision to kill Ialai in row was just like “oh I didn’t want to have to worry about scheming bad guys on Roshar that are just naturally scummy when we could be focusing on characters who are Evil Because Of Odium so I just unceremoniously killed her off to make things easier haha! it’s not like anyone cares about her both in universe or out!” I Care. I Care, Brandon. I Personally Would Have Liked To See You Do Literally Anything Interesting With Her. What if I started biting everything and everyone.
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carriagelamp · 9 months
ADOLIN: qu'est-ce que vous voulez faire aujourd'hui? SHALLAN: n'importe quoi KALADIN: pourquoi ne lui tutoies-tu pas? elle est ta femme?? ADOLIN: elles* KALADIN: c'est ce que j'ai dit??
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windrunnered · 5 months
(love ur pfp btw)
kaladin makes me go insane and he needs to understand that hes in love with adolin and adolin needs to be in love with him too and it needs to be a real live triangle and i havent even read rhythm of war or finished oathbringer(though im very close)
thank you!!! blendy-pens is a great artist! 
never have i been more glad that i try to be rigorous with my tagging because boy do i reblog spoilers. hopefully you have row spoilers tagged so i don’t tell you all the secrets by accident, my friend!! i thought it was a forreal love triangle in my head from just sheer will and a speckle of headcanons. kaladin -> adolin -> shallan -> back to kaladin, you know?? my vision!!
i’ll always hold it to dear to my heart that after that wor duel that adolin and kaladin are basically boyfriends. “adolin gets gloryspren when he sees kaladin and kaladin gets joyspren seeing adolin” headcanon my beloved. i just slightly prefer kadolin to shakadolin because i know how to write shallan the least, i just love them sooo much. there’s so many feelings for them in oathbringer!!!!
i shan’t say anything about rhythm of war but they’re definitely boyfriends in rhythm of war too. in my heart they’re real
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femmefaggot · 8 months
We should, barring more complications, be getting Our pay set up soon. You should message Us any donation posts.
I am not able to promise more than five to ten dollars, depending on how many people We send to, however We will do what We can.
You may send posts on behalf of others as well. I should mention that you are in no way taking away from Our livelihood by doing this, if that makes it any easier for people. We would spend the money on video games and substance abuse.
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knightsgaydiant · 1 year
god, I know I’m getting old because I keep being like buT cAn’T you sEE it fROm DaliNAr’s/LiRin’s pOV??
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Me: my least favorite trope for the last book in a series is when all the characters are split up in separate places
*both mistborn eras ended this way*
*stormlight 5 will at least start with all protagonists in different places and will possibly only take place over 10 days*
Me: well fuck….
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lostandbackagain · 2 years
why do y'all pronounce shallan Like That like everyone's pretty united on stressing the first syllable and saying a as ă in tsa characters' names so why is shallan different
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tanihanya · 5 months
adolin: did i murder sadeas?
adolin: yes.
adolin: did i enjoy it?
adolin: yes.
adolin: would i do it again?
adolin: yes.
adolin: but have you considered
adolin: sadeas was a weasel-faced cowardly little bitch
judge: so true bestie i officially declare you as innocent <3
(just saw the tags in your reblog of the "did your comfort character commit a crime" post btw in case you're wondering where this came from lol. hope you have a great day/evening/insert appropriate time of day ahaead of you ^^ )
LITERALLY how the trial would go
Especially as the only judges able to punish him are literally Dalinar and Elhokar at this point
I think (outside of Sadeas Highprincedom) Dalinar is literally the most upset out of everyone somehow
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nevertheless-moving · 6 months
adolin half teasing kaladin while out for drinks sometime in Urithiru: you know your feats on the shattered plains aren't quite as impressive now that I've seen more of your magic glowing powers thing.
Kalidan: hm
Adolin: knew there was something weird about you. Ha. I mean i was amazed at the time, but surviving the fall from that bridge sabotage isn't really anything now that I've seen-
Kalidan: actually I didn't have my powers for that part
Adolin: what
Shallan: it's true he didn't
Kalidan: Lost syl right after prison, I got maybe a chip of stormlight while falling , just enough to not die, no powers the rest of the time
Adolin: how
Kalidan: I already explained the whole - with elhokar and moash -
Adolin: no, i mean, the highstorm -
Kaladin: yeah that was shallan
Shallan: shardblade cubby cut out part way up the wall
Adolin: and the chasm fiend? It really was already dead -
Shallan: no very much alive, very much tried to kill us
Adolin: and you-
Shallan: no that was kaladin
Adolin: what
Kaladin: I mean you did distract it, and I wouldn't have been able to do anything without your pattern blade
Adolin: you killed a chasm fiend. Without special powers.
Kaladin: I mean shallan-
Shallan: he jumped right in its mouth!
Adolin: i - you killed a chasm fiend. Without any other fighters. By yourself. Without radiant powers. You're - you're sure? No special abilities?
Kaladin: it was a pretty painful time, yes I'm sure. Did some spear katas. Noticeable difference without the bond with syl.
Adolin: you fought the chasm fiend. handicapped.
Kaladin: I guess? I dont know if it's handicapped considering, you know, most people don't ever breathe stormlight.
Adolin: you killed a chasm fiend singlehandedly. Without shardplate. And without any powers.
Kaladin: you're repeating yourself
Shallan: ...it was pretty impressive
Kaladin: you saw how messed up my leg got!
Adolin: I hate you so much.
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cosmerelists · 10 months
Pros and Cons of Stormlight Characters in the Middle Seat Next to You on a Budget Airline.
As requested by anon. :)
1. Kaladin
Cons: His legs are so long. His hair is so luxurious. His shoulders are so broad. This large, beautiful man is not trying to be in your space, but the budget airline seat cannot contain him. Pros: You started what you thought was an idle conversation, but by the end of your flight, he had diagnosed your chronic pain and become your therapist??
2. Shallan
Pros: Well, she's more of a regular-sized human and she's friendly but quiet. She seems to just want to sketch the whole flight, so no complaints! Cons: Why does she keep staring directly at a space across the plane and sketching the creepiest symbol-headed creatures you've ever seen with her eyes vaguely glazed over like she doesn't even know she's doing it holy shit is this a Twilight Zone situation where there are invisible gremlin monsters on this plane that only she can see and is it your imagination or do you hear humming from somewhere
3. Adolin
Cons: Listen, this is a budget airline, and this guy seems to think it's a fancy spa?? He's got the slippers, the posh eye mask, the luxurious travel pillow, some really nice face creams, and he seems to be video chatting with a girl even though the internet on the plane doesn't even work. Frankly, you're jealous and grouchy about it. Pros: Okay, he actually seems really sweet and he gave you some of his way-too-nice-for-an-airplane snacks. You take it all back; this guy is awesome.
4. Szeth
Pros: He is so still. So quiet. Almost folded in on himself. Barely...breathing? Honestly, you keep forgetting the middle seat is occupied, and how rare is that! Cons: You just...you think you'd feel better if he just blinked. Just once. Please.
5. Lift
Cons: You had to sigh just a little when a little kid plopped down next to you. Also, she goes to the bathroom every five minutes, and comes back with food every time. You think she might be robbing people. Pros: She complimented your butt quite sincerely. You've always been kinda self-conscious about your butt! But apparently yours is the "second best she's ever seen." Feels nice.
6. Jasnah
Pros: Like, is it possible for someone to just be really good at flying? She came in, expertly stowed her luggage, sat down elegantly, did her seatbelt, used a wipe to clean up the tray table and surrounding area, and immediately starting reading some thick tome. Do you have a crush on her? You might have a crush on her. Cons: She glanced at the book you're reading, and you know she judged you for it.
7. Wit
Cons: Does this guy EVER stop talking? Pros: Okay, actually, you found him kind of annoying at first, but that story he told you about the temple and the duck might have healed years of trauma? Did you just realize that you don't have to forgive your mom and that's okay?
8. Renarin
Pros: He sat down and you were like, "Okay. Cute nerd. I dig it." Cons: You just wish he wouldn't scrawl foreboding-seeming numerals on the back of the airline chair in front of him. Is it counting down to...just before the plane lands? What does it mean???
9. Amarem
Cons: He came in and was IMMEDIATELY like, "I am taller than you and so I should have your seat." And then he just...waited? Like he thought you'd just comply??? Pros: He seems intent on pretending that never happened. Fine by you. That guy seems like an asshole.
10. Zahel
Pros: He falls asleep, like, immediately and doesn't stir for the entire flight. Cons: He's just kinda stinky.
11. Dalinar
Cons: He sits down and, unprompted, says something like, "In my youth I would always battle to occupy every armrest but now, after reading The Way of Planes, I have realized that it is the journey, not the armrests, that matter, so you can have them" and then you're like, "Dude, the person in the middle seat gets the armrests that's just common courtesy" and then he looks at you and you look at him and it's vaguely awkward the whole flight and nobody uses the armrests. Pros: Actually, after a while you do take the armrest and the tension goes down a lot.
12. Taravangian
Pros: He just kinda seems like a nice old man, you know? Kinda confused about stuff, but harmless enough. Cons: He falls asleep partway through and droops his head onto your shoulder and drools a bit and you know you sound ridiculous but it feels somehow calculated. Intentional. Evil.
13. Sebarial
Cons: The very second beverage service starts he's all, "Bring me a BOTTLE of wine" and you're like, "Oh no. It's one of those dudes who gets way too drunk on planes!" Pros: You know? This guy actually seems pretty jolly and chill. You catch yourself thinking, "I wish I could pretend he was my uncle." You're not sure where that came from.
14. Rock
Pros: He scoffs at the provided airline snacks and gets out this thermos and gives you the best damn soup you've ever had in your life. Cons: He's just a large, warm man. Very large. Very warm. Not his fault, of course, but now YOU are very warm.
15. Elhokar
Cons: Every time there is plane turbulence, he mutters something about how it's the assassins coming to finish the job. Poor dude must be really scared of flying. Pros: You feel a warm, parental feeling growing in you as you look at this sad, scared man. Maybe your mom was right. Maybe you WOULD be good with kids.
16. Eshonai
Pros: This lady is, just, SO excited to be traveling that it can't help but make YOU excited to travel. Like, you always thought plane travel sucked, especially budget airline travel, be she is so delighted by everything that you find yourself thinking, "You know, it IS pretty amazing that we're soaring through the sky right now traveling to a new land." Cons: Cons? No cons. You wish you could ALWAYS see flying through this woman's eyes.
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starry-stormy-knight · 9 months
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taken me ages but behold archive karecktors
adolin and maya beloved but also the most time consuming because i had to figure out how the hell i was going to do adolin's hair and not hate looking at it, and maya took me forever to figure out the colours lol. looked at so many references trying to figure out what dead vines should look like and what i would like it to look and i couldnt really find what i wanted lol. but what i went for was like really dried out and very very dead looking fibre. that wasnt too bad but trying to figure out her clothes that would look decent before and after she becomes a deadeye was hell for me an amateur colour theory understander lmao
i have drawn shallan before so she wasn't too difficult but i was truly torn about which version of pattern i wanted to show?? so i did a few of them hahah. i did a canon compliant version, alluding a bit to BE NOT AFRAID angel vibes. but im pretty passionate about ferrofluid-looking pattern as thats what i picture in my head (but i couldnt really find a good reference so i couldnt really do it well. it's also like, about the way it moves more than a still frame so extra challenge). and if you've seen my shallan art you know i. asdlkfjh. i originally pictured pattern as a QR code so i was compelled to continue it. @mistbjorn this one's for you because youre so right <3
syl i usually picture similar to kida in disney's atlantis when she merges with the crystal and you can see her scalp beneath her transparent hair, so thats the inspo for her. for the sylspear i designed it to look a bit like a caduceus as homage to kaladin's medical training and his dad, and like it's not that deep but i guess the swirly glowy bits are his duality and being torn between two worlds etc etc or you can just picture spren zipping about if you want lol like i definitely pictured syl was one but the other makes no sense
the kholins i dont have much to say since they were not part of my original plan hahaha but i couldn't help adding them too. i lowkey struggled to make them unique but also similar because family alksdjfhs i was sketching this around a time i did a lot of face studies so it was so whack and the colouring absolutely killed me so it is what it is asldkjaklsdjf
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turttastic · 1 year
Was just struck by the overwhelming urge to rate Stormlight characters on their driving ability. I have no evidence I'm going off of vibes alone. Here they are in no particular order:
Dalinar- I think he's generally a fine driver now, though still prone to bouts of road rage when someone won't let him merge. Very bad driver in his youth. 5/10
Jasnah- I think she would be a shockingly bad driver. She seems like the kind of person that believes the rules of the road apply to everyone other than her. The type to run a red light because the meeting she's going to is important. Never uses her turn signals because if shes in the left lane it should be obvious shes making a left turn. Despite her lack of care she always arrives safely and without a ticket, somehow. Would fit right in in Northern Virginia. Also the worst backseat driver ever. 3/10
Sadeas- Good driver but employs bad practices. When traffic is heavy he uses the shoulder of the road as his own personal lane. Only person capable of surviving New York traffic. 6/10
Kaladin- Fantastic driver but kind of slow. Won't make a left turn unless there is literally no other car on the road. Always follows the speed limit and uses his turn indicators. Also the type to yell at everyone to shut the fuck up and let him drive when he's in heavy traffic. 8/10
Syl- Cannot be allowed to drive under any circumstances. Bridge 4 let her drive once and she backed the car into a mailbox. 0/10
Shallan- Shes a bad driver but better than Jasnah. Her following distance is atrocious and she frequently rear ends people, but she does at least try to follow the rules of the road. 4/10
Veil- Worse than Shallan but says she's better. Will take a turn at 60 to try and make the car drift. 2/10
Radiant- Fantastic driver who follows the ruled perfectly. Not great at responding to unexpected situations though. 8/10
Venli- Drives like a psychopath. Weaves in and out of lanes to get there 30 seconds faster. If traffic is bad she will dead ass make a U turn in the middle of the road over a double yellow to leave. 1/10
Rock- Great driver, but hates driving. Not much more to say. 8/10
Sigzil- Best driver in bridge 4, only slightly held back by the fact that he knows every obscure rule and expects everyone else driving does also. 9/10
Moash- Believes the rules of the road are stupid and there to hold him back. The kind of guy who will not let you merge in front of him like his life depends on it. Would go 100 in a school zone for fun. 2/10
The Lopen- The guy that tells you he's a great driver but starts playing pokemon go while behind the wheel because he can absolutely do both. 4/10
Szeth- Mediocre driver prone to shocking episodes of road rage. The kind of guy who would slam the brakes to make the car behind him rear end him out of spite if they were following too close. 5/10
Navani- Fantastic driver. Always has the newest lane correcting tech and such installed on her vehicle. 10/10
Adolin- Cannot stay focused on the road. Type of guy who will look over his shoulder for like 15 seconds to carry on a conversation until Shallan yells at him to look at the road. Horrible speeder. Usually manages to avoid crashing though. 3/10
Wit- Shockingly competent driver. I mean he had all that experience with Wax, so... 10/10
Gavilar- The kind of douche who lifts his truck and has his mufflers removed so he can rev his obnoxious engine whole going through neighborhoods. 1/10
Renarin- He's a good driver in small towns and on winding, narrow country roads, but cannot handle big city traffic. Luckily he knows and readily admits this. 7/10
Rlain- I feel like he's just a typical good driver. Follows the rules as best he can, goes a few miles over the speed limit on the freeway, but nothing crazy. 8/10
Kelsier- It's a miracle he's survived this long with the way he drives. He would make a left on red without hesitation. Vin screamed the first time she rode with him. 1/10
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femmefaggot · 1 year
literally so normal until the adolin in your brain wants to write a type of poetry that only has 5 canon examples then you go a little crazy
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Lines from the Words of Radiance chasm sequence that made me think I was reading a bodice ripper romance ahem different genre:
They range in intensity from "yeah that belongs in a romance" to "out of context that sentence would not be safe for work" to "I cannot believe Sanderson wrote that"
She looked disheveled, her blue dress scuffed and her hair a mess
He stared into her eyes. So intense. She felt a shiver meeting that expression. This was a man of passion.
She stumbled toward him in the darkness
She turned back to him, then looked down. Inadvertently, he’d grabbed her by the safehand. He let go immediately.
I doubt you’d look good in the traditional short trousers and open vest. Or, rather, you’d probably look too good. It might be a little distracting for the other bridgemen.
“Storms,” Kaladin said. “You’re not drawing a picture of you wearing one of those outfits . . .”
“Yes, of course,” she said. “I’m drawing salacious pictures of myself for you after only a few hours together in the chasm.” She scratched at a line. “You have quite the imagination, bridgeboy.”
She sat up and stretched sore limbs, checking to make sure her sleeve hadn’t come unbuttoned in the night or anything equally embarrassing.
She blushed deeply.
There was a sort of rugged handsomeness to the fellow. Like the beauty of a natural rock formation
But Kaladin’s intensity, that frightened her.
This bridgeman was proving himself different. The way he watched her, the way he thought.
Perhaps she should spend as much time wondering about this man’s motives as he apparently fretted about hers.
Why did he lose control when talking with her?
She sat back on her knees, holding up her sketch. She brushed aside an unruly lock of red hair.
Well, onward, then.” She took a deep breath. “Through soreness and exhaustion we go. You wouldn’t be willing to carry me a little ways . . .” He glared at her. She shrugged with a smile. “Think how grand it would be! I could even get a reed to whip you with.
"when we get out, everyone will cheer me for being a hero for rescuing you.” “Better,” Shallan said. “Except for the fact that I do believe that I am the one rescuing you.”
Shallan smiled, and they continued on, keeping a brisk pace. “I am glad we’re down here,” she said, “because by now, Adolin will be worried sick about me—so when we get back, he’ll be ecstatic. He might even let me kiss him in public.” Adolin. Right. That dampened his mood.
He whipped Shallan in front of him and thrust her into a fissure in the wall.
The chasm fell silent. Kaladin could hear only Shallan’s panting and his own heartbeat.
Slowly, Kaladin twisted about, putting his back to Shallan. She held him from behind, and he could feel her tremble. Stormfather. He trembled himself.
He was suddenly aware of her pressed against his back. Holding him, breath warm on his neck. She trembled, and he thought he could hear in her voice both terror and fascination at their situation.
He clung to Shallan, but their wet hands started to slip.
Kaladin pulled against the wall of the alcove, his injured leg smarting like nothing else, Shallan clinging to him. She was a warmth in his arms, and he held to her as much as she did him
He continued on, talking of his days as a slave, of his attempts to escape. Of the men he’d gotten killed for trusting him. It gushed from him, a story he’d never told.
When he finished, they both let the silence settle on them, and shared warmth. (This makes it on the list for what it sounds like, but even more importantly it comes from a place of emotional intimacy after he bared his soul to her)
Kaladin looked toward her. In a flash of light, he saw her eyes as she looked up from where her head had been resting against his chest, beads of water on her eyelashes. With his hands around her waist, hers around him, it was as close as he’d held a woman since Tarah.
“And so,” she continued, pressing her head back against his chest
For now, he wanted to think—though he was still glad for her presence. And aware of it in more ways than one, pushed against him and wearing the wet, increasingly tattered dress.
He shifted to move to climb down, but realized that Shallan, curled up against him, had fallen asleep.
This list is incomplete because at least half of the lines in the chasm sequence are open flirting and also I didn't include all of the mentions of Shallan’s dress tearing (or of her removing parts of it to make bandages). And all the blushing.
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readingwitharthur · 4 months
In case you didn’t noticed i’m here to say i finally finished oathbringer, book 3 in the stormlight archive series, and my oh my do i have thoughts about it.
okay so for starters, i felt like the story dragged a bit too much, i get that that’s sanderson’s style but man i was so fricking bored for half of the book.
now the parts i really enjoyed:
. the failed attempt to save kholinar (rip elhokar, you’ll be missed)
.the whole shadesmar sequence was so well written, meeting adolin’s shardblade spren was a fun surprise
. kaladin not being able to swear the fourth ideal??? had me almost throwing my kindle out of a window, felt so bad for my boy kal 😔
. dalinar “i am unity” kholin, can i call you daddy?? because my man you made me feel things no one else did
. shallan, veil and radiant being the best dissociative identity disorder trio ever and holding off odium’s army
. renarin you’re like a son to me, if anything happened to you i would off myself immediately
final considerations: it’s a five star book? yes, and i won’t lie, sanderson continues to amaze me with this freaking book series, that being said, to rythm of war i go
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