#it's her equivalent of a snow day
taoofshigeru · 2 years
Sage: Father, can I ask you something?
Dr. Eggman: Yes, Sage, what?
Sage: You said you still don't want me to simulate any contingencies where you team up with Sonic? Because you would 'never, ever, absolutely under no circumstances' team up with him again?
Dr. Eggman: Of course.
Sage: And you're still too busy to hand-sew me that dress with all the bows and roses that I wanted?
Dr. Eggman: Don't have the time. Got a big evil plan in the works.
Sage: And you're absolutely certain you can fully control The Embodiment of Darkness Itself, which we are currently sailing towards?
Dr. Eggman: Naturally.
Sage: I see.
Sage: Shall we make a bet, for fun?
… …… ………
Sonic: Yo, Sage. Nice to be saving the world with you again. Cool dress, by the way.
Sage, doing a little twirl: Thank you. Father made it for me.
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kat-of-the-night · 1 year
People who protest against bizarre multiclass choices just don’t get it sometimes I WANT to combine the hubris of a wizard with the innate superiority of a sorcerer but with the thematic elements of a lawful good warlock with an evil patron
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sinnersweets · 7 months
DogDay x Reader part 11
<;-----part 10, part 12----->
A/N: Ik DogDay has human looking hands but I just like calling them paws and the term for the equivalent of a finger to a dogs paw is called a digit so I used that in the story. Okay I'll stop talking now.
I sat on the examination bed in anticipation. It’s been four weeks. Four weeks of being trapped at my parents' house. Four weeks of having to deal with my mother pestering me every day. Four weeks that I worried that Damian might not be at Playcare anymore. And four weeks that I haven’t seen DogDay.  
A knock interrupted my thoughts. “Miss Y/N?” The door opened and the doctor came back with the x ray results. I’ve been doing everything I needed to heal properly and return to work. “Alright Miss Y/N, good news! It seems like you are healed up completely and no longer need to wear a boot.” “Yes!” I covered my mouth and apologized for my sudden burst. 
“No need to apologize. Seems like this is an early Christmas present for you.” “Indeed, it is.” I was overjoyed then. I can finally leave my parents' house and go back to work! The doctor prescribed me some medicine just in case I felt any pain later. I thanked the doctor, went to the waiting room and saw my dad looking at a newspaper. 
“I’m back.” He looked up from the paper and smiled before folding down the paper. “Hey kiddo. What’s the verdict?” “All healed up.” He smiled and nodded while standing up to leave the clinic. “You know your mom will be hurt that you’re all better; she’s hoping you’d stay with us till’ New Years.” “Sorry not sorry.” My dad knew what I meant when I said that, and he understood why I said that. “Just be careful when you go back to work.” “I will.” 
Unlocking my door to my place felt so nice. I smiled and sighed as I walked in and shut the door behind me. “Hello home.” I said to no one in particular. I noticed that by the door there was a lot of mail. I should’ve had one of my parents come by and collect these for me. I picked them up and started going through them. “Junk, junk, junk, more junk-wait a minute.” I went back to the previous envelope and took another look at it. It was addressed to me; Angel. 
My heart began to race as I ripped open the envelope. “My darling Angel, it has been almost four weeks since we last spoke. I hope that you are feeling better and that you will be able to return to us soon. Yes, that’s right Angel; us. Damian is still here.” My eyes were watering up as I read. Thank the stars Damian was still there. “And don’t worry my Angel; BB has stayed far away from me. Her helper Edward was a little peeved that we kinda sorta ruined her fur, but I don’t really care.” I chuckled. I knew he would be upset with that. 
I finished reading DogDay’s letter and went out to the fabric store for his gift. In his letter he said he had a gift for me and that he was excited to give it to me. I looked up a pattern online for what I wanted to make for DogDay and hoped that they had what I needed. Shopping near Christmas is a very hit or miss kinda situation. 
I was practically jumping in excitement as I saw Playcare. It looked so decked out with decorations. In the center where the statues of the Smiling Critters were at was a Christmas tree. As I got lower into Playcare I could see garland wrapped around the Bron lamps. There also seemed to be snow. Not real snow but fake snow for the children. The cable car soon came to a halt, and I exited while carrying DogDays gift in my hand. 
There were some children running around, sleighing down the hill, building snowmen; it warmed my heart to be back. I looked around and spotted Damian up by the duck pawn with Miley. I smiled and started making my way up to them when I heard Hoppy call out to me. “Hey you’re back!” She hopped over to me and gave me a tight hug. When she set me down she shouted, “Hey kids! Angels back!”  
All the kids that were outside stopped in their tracks and looked over to me and Hoppy before saying, “Angel!!!” The kids ran up to me and surrounded me while asking me questions and hugging me at the same time. “What happened?” “Why’d you leave?” “Did you die?” I did my best to hug each child that came up to me. “I had an injury and needed to go away for a while and no I did not die, haha.” “Miss Y/N!” I looked up and saw Damian was in the back of the crowd.  
I excused myself from the kids around me and made my way towards Damian. Once I got close Damain tackled me in a hug almost making me lose my balance. “You’re back!” He said while crying. “Damian! I’m so lucky I got to see you again. I was afraid that you wouldn’t be here; but after reading DogDays letter and knowing that you were still here, I was counting down the seconds that I could return to you both.”  
Hoppy tapped on my shoulder while saying, “Don’t mean to interrupt but I wanted to tell you something.” I let go of Damian and turned to face Hoppy. “So, you know how in the show Belle and the Beast waltz? Well, I heard from CatNap that DogDay has been wanting to do that scene with you and so he and Sarah have been practicing since she’s about the same height as you and he can't remember how you guys waltz before. They’ve been practicing once a week, and you are here on the day that they practice so I think it’ll be a good surprise to have you be seen by DogDay then.”  
I really wanted to see DogDay now, but I liked what Hoppy had suggested. “Okay, I’m in.” She clapped her hands together before grabbing onto my hand and leading me to the school. “Awesome! Now we just have to hide you until bedtime; that’s when they rehearse.” Damian and Miley followed behind me as we entered the school. “Where is DogDay?” “He’s been couped up in your office. He assigned me to your guy's group. You not being here really took a toll on him.” My heart sunk when she said that. He would probably be a little better if I had written back to him. Once I see him, I’ll explain why I couldn’t and hopefully he won’t be upset. 
Hoppy led me into the cafeteria and told me that this is where they practice at. “Mmmk, now you’ll just wait behind these curtains for a while while I go and find Sarah to tell her about the plan.” I gave her a thumbs up and she took Damian and Miley back with the rest of the kids. They both said they wanted to stay and watch, and she said they could if they could solve a math problem, she gave them. They both groaned in disappointment, but I chuckled. I’d have to have either Sarah or Hoppy record us, that way I can show them later. 
Once they left I sat down behind the curtain still holding DogDays gift in hand. I then thought about what to give Damian. After a moment of thinking I thought of the perfect gift. I wouldn’t give it to him tomorrow since I didn’t know how long the process would be, but I knew he would happily wait for it. I got on my phone and searched up how to adopt a child from Playtime. 
I fell asleep while waiting for DogDay and Sarah to come and the sound of DogDays voice woke me up. “Angel should be back any day now so let’s do our best tonight, Sarah.” “Um before we start, I have a suggestion. Why don’t I go put on something similar to what Y/N will be wearing, that way you like don’t step on her dress when she’s here.” “That’s a great idea Sarah! I really appreciate you helping me out with this.” “No prob.” I heard Sarah saying while popping her gum. 
I listened closely as Sarah left the cafeteria but then heard another set of footsteps near me. “Psst.” I looked over and saw that it was Hoppy. “Here.” She handed me the dress that Belle wears. “Go ahead and change. I’m gonna go out there and dj.” “Thank you. Oh, and here, take my phone.” I handed her my phone and she winked at me before leaving to give me privacy to change. 
“Hey there boss.” I could hear Hoppy say to DogDay. “Hoppy? What are you doing here?” “Oh I’m just here to dj. Sarah asked me to help with you guys tonight.” DogDay didn’t say anything but I’m guessing he was okay with this. “Now you just face this way alright?” “Um why?” “Don’t question me.” I then heard the music start to play. Suddenly, my hands felt sweaty. “Alright come on out!” I swallowed and opened the curtain.  
DogDays back was to me. Once I saw him I felt calm and no longer nervous. Hoppy was grinning and she pulled out my phone and started recording. “Hey that looks like Angel's pho-” DogDay stopped mid-sentence and slowly turned around. He turned and once he saw me his tail began wagging. I stepped down from the stage and walked over to him. Once I got close to him, I curtsy and said, “May I have this dance?” He wiped away a tear and bowed while saying, “It would be an honor to dance with you, Angel.”  
I motioned him to come a little bit closer. “I don’t remember the dance.” I whispered while laughing. He laughed to and said, “Not to worry Angel.” He picked me up and had one arm around my waist; and the other paw held my hand. “I’ll lead~”  
The whole moment felt magical; even though it was really just DogDay waltzing. Once the song had ended, he dipped me down and stared at me with such happiness. He then lifted me up and then we both saw CatNaps tail lower above us holding a mistle toe. “Go on! Kiss her! You know you want to! Haha.” Hoppy was still recording us. “You don’t have to tell me twice Hoppy!”  
DogDay closed the gap between us and kissed me on the lips. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. After a while we pulled back for some air. “I’ve missed you, Angel.” “I’ve missed you too. I’m sorry that I didn’t respond to your letter. I had no idea that you sent one and-” DogDay put a paw finger (digit) up to my lips while saying, “Shh. We can talk later. Right now, I just want to kiss you~” I smiled against his paw finger (digit), and he moved it away and kissed me again. “Oh I’m totally gonna show this to BB and KC.” 
A/N: Reunited at last.
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jaeedraszaerysz · 1 year
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SFW 💕💕
It would probably take him a while to trust you if you hadn't known him very long.
If you grew up with or close to the Starks he tried to befriend you before Robb did
He would always be scared that he would steal your heart away
You would spend hours mocking the men and women of the courts
When Robert Baratheon came to visit you both sat outside taking the piss out of all the Lords and ladies and any twat who dared speak low of either of you.
Tyrion Lannister defos assumed u were a couple and when you told him otherwise, he just shook his head.
Catelyn would probably despise you for being so close to him.
Ned would love you though, thanking the gods silently that the boy had someone by his side.
He would probably have kissed you before he left for the nights watch and spent his nights wondering whether leaving you was worth it all.
When you eventually found your way back to him it was rather chaotic.
You were probably interrogated by tormund on arrival
Atleast until Jon saw you, never forgetting your face.
You probably punched him square in the face and then proceeded to have a huge, westeros equivalent of Oscar worthy, makeput session infront of everyone.
Ghost, when not growling at random twats, would act like a second protector when Jon wasn't by your side.
Arya either loves you or hates you
Sansa is, just like her father was, happy Jon has someone.
Bran doesn't care. He's too busy wheeling around doing seven eyes Sparrow shit or whatever he called it.
You and Davos defos spend ages tryna talk some sense into him.
He always seems to be holding you in some way
Whether it be your arm, hand, waist. He would probably play with your hands or you hair often.
Is always bloody staring
Like never stops
His eyes are for you and only you
Takes. You. Everywhere.
Like no debates. He goes, you follow. Or vice versa.
He took you with him to meet with ramsay and if he made any comment whatsoever it was straight up a routine by now.
Death stare, holds onto you twelve times tighter, kills the offender within 24 hours.
Loves it when you fall asleep on him because he's happy you feel safe with him.
Head kisses.
Need I say more?
Everywhere anytime.
Head. Fucking. Kisses.
Walking past. Head kiss.
Sat next to him at dinner. Head kiss.
In an extremely serious situation requiring your full attention. Head kiss.
Dying. Head kiss.
It's like his fucking bread and butter.
When you first met daenerys it was bad vibes.
Like very bad.
No clue why she just doesn't sit right with you.
Either grows to love you or ends up hating you with a passion.
No in-between.
He dreams of having a normal life.
He would want three kids, two boys and girl so they could protect their sister.
Maybe another direwolf or four. One for each and one for you.
Can't sleep when you aren't next to him.
Teaches you to sword fight extremely early on in your relationship.
If you were ill or pregnant he would never leave your side.
Never ever ever never.
He's convinced that you could have a hundred children and you would still be the person he loves most in the world.
Would do anything for you.
Minors DNI below this line.
NSFW ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 (implied female reader)
Worships you like no one else
Touching you always.
Passes it off for his hand on your back but in reality he's secretly caressing your ass, or will have his arms under your cloak, passing it off as a hug, and will gently squeeze your boobs.
Neck kisses.
His favourite thing in the world.
Loves to leave marks on you wherever he can.
Has definitely kissed every inch of your body
Gives no fucks about scars or hair or anything of the sort.
Lives laughs loves your boobs.
Will lay with his face buried in them at any time.
Minor inconvenience? Someone was being a twat? He's tired?
Boob pillow.
Will eat you out for hours.
You have any problems at all? Sit on his face.
If he's had a bad day he will legit just stuff his face between your thighs.
His fave place.
Says that if you suffocated him it would be an amazing way to go.
Probably prefers giving but he will never say no to receiving.
His dick is probs like 6-7 inches.
Takes tormunds advice very seriously.
Loves to see how many fingers you can take before he stuffs you.
Will go for as many rounds as you need.
Always a gentleman, making sure your comfortable and that your satisfied.
Cockwarming he loves.
Cuddles afterwards.
He will slide out of you and pull you onto on him, pulling the blankets up and wrapping his body around yours.
Calls you love but with his gorgeous deep voice.
Has a sexy asf morning voice.
He's so whipped for you he can't function somedays.
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juuuulez · 5 months
🎧 | are we still friends?, michael berzatto.
don’t get green skin (green skin), keep contact (keep contact) / don’t say, "goodbye, smell you later" (bye, later) / nah, i can't / i don't want to end this season on a bad episode.
writing this was really fucking brutal for me. i’ll do something nice and sweet another time because this was rooouuughh.
Established Mikey/You, platonic Richie/You, generally just sad stuff.
request a playlist roulette here!
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Being with Mikey was warm. That’s the only way you could describe it. Warm in the way he’d look at you, the way he smiled, laughed. His tendency to touch everyone. Kisses on cheeks and hugs from the side. You wanted that in your life, you welcomed it, warmth and love.
But now it’s cold and the cold is biting. It’s harsh and relentless, seeping through layers of black silk, penetrating the nice coat you bought for this occasion. The cigarette between your lips flares with each inhale, a reddened spark you cup your hands over, in futile hopes that it’ll give off heat. It doesn’t.
“Nice shoes.” You remark the second they’re in your vision, black and shiny. It’s not like you look up, either, staring down at the pavement and Richie’s pointed dress shoes. But you know it’s him: you can smell his cologne mixing with the smoke in the air, creating a scent that’s harsh and bitter but seemingly appropriate.
“Thanks,” He mutters, following your gaze. “Tiff bought ‘em.”
You want to make fun of him. Make some stupid remark, berate him for folding so easily, for doing what she says with no complaint. It’s what you would’ve done, what Mikey would’ve done: Lettin’ her make you pretty, huh? What— you gonna be wearing lipstick next? It’s so close yet so far, you can basically hear it, and you’re sure Richie can hear it too.
“She around here?” You end up asking instead.
And Richie shakes his head, already lighting up a cigarette. “Had to go relieve Eva’s babysitter. Some fuckin’ thirteen year-old from our street.”
“Yeah, well, one day she’s gonna be that thirteen year-old.”
The silence settles between you again, thick but not suffocating. Just there. You’re fine to leave it that way, you’ve been standing here regardless, leaning against a brick wall in the parking lot across from the funeral home. Five cigarette butts have fallen to your feet, and you intend on adding to the pile.
“Heading home after this?” Richie asks.
You don’t look up because you don’t want to see the look on his face. Worry. You hate worry, because you lived in worry. A perpetual fear, an anxiety settled deep in your gut, making your skin tingle and itch. But Mikey never seemed to mind; he taught you not to worry, to laugh more, to care less.
Look where that got you.
“Dunno,” You shrug, dropping the cigarette butt to the floor. It sizzles on some residual snow, which you squish down under your nice heels. “Was gonna try and back out of the lease.”
“Thought you loved that place?” Richie is quick to counter, “Y’know, green tiles and whatnot.”
It was a little apartment, one you’d found after hours of hunting. The green backsplash in the bathroom had caught your attention, and you’d spent days chatting anyone’s ear off about how you’d style it.
But now you shrug it off, appearing indifferent. “It’s not that big a deal.”
It’d been five weeks. Five weeks of domestic bliss, or, your equivalent to that. Of finding little trinkets and unique homewares to furnish the new place. Of getting excited after work, because you get to come home to your boyfriend, instead of an empty bed.
Boxes were still shoved into most corners of the place, not yet unpacked. For a moment you wondered if that was the intention. That, in not unpacking, Mikey was saving you the grief of eventually removing his presence from your place. He was making it easier, cutting out the middleman.
“Maybe Chicago isn’t for me.”
The words slip from your mouth before you can stop them, and you’ve finally looked up, meeting Richie’s gaze. It’s odd because he’s looking at you, and not at the same thing, like his mind is elsewhere. You get it. Your mind is also elsewhere.
“Fuckin’ stupid,” He mutters, shaking his head. “That’s bullshit and you know it.”
So you shrug, another cigarette pinched between your teeth. You don’t remember lighting it. This weird haze has you on autopilot, you’ve been in it all morning. Maybe all week.
“I dunno. Might be good to get away for a bit.” You try to justify.
“Nah, fuck that. You’re not goin’ all alien on us,” Richie continues to contest. “There are people here for you. Y’know.. Tina ‘n all the cooks, and fuckin’.. fucking Fak, and Nat.”
“Natalie said—“
“I know what she fuckin’ said, it’s bullshit.”
Richie flicks out his cigarette, letting it drop into your little pile. His jacket is ironed and those shiny shoes are covered in snow, and for the first time in ages, he looks nice. You notice it. You notice the effort he’s put in, despite everything, and you know he feels the way you do.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen,” He begins. “You’re gonna come to The Beef once a week. Eat a sandwich, talk to us, ‘n shit. And you’re gonna come to family, too. Always.”
There’s a grimace on your face at the idea. Stepping foot in the restaurant seems like a colossal task, let alone attending family. Because that’s the thing, you weren’t family, not anymore. You’d hoped that one day you would be, for certain, a Berzatto. And now that wouldn’t happen.
“I’ll try.” You end up saying, even if dread builds in your stomach. It’s the most you can do.
Richie seems to understand, letting the silence linger for another moment. “C’mon,” He sighs. “We’re getting a drink. I’m gonna pull one smile outta you tonight.”
The notion of smiling, today, seems foreign. Yet you obey regardless, following along as Richie’s hand finds your back, and he swipes the cigarette from your mouth to throw into the snow.
It ends up being a good night. As good as it can be, at least. Each memory shared, each story told is laced with an underlying bitterness, something that settles on your tongue and behind your eyes. It’s thick and equally cold as the air; prickling like goosebumps. Richie feels it too. Everyone does, but you convince yourself that it’s not forever, that it’ll go away and the warmth will return.
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readychilledwine · 7 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Quick authors note- It feels a little ironic to be using Rhys and Feyre for this kink since one of my favorite Eris lines comes from when he's chasing Feyre and Lucien.
“Right. Rumor has it you two have run off together, cuckolding Tamlin.” His grin widened. “I didn’t think you had it in you, little brother.”
Anyways! Traditionally, a cuckold is a husband or boyfriend of a person who has sex with other people (be it cheating, sex work, separated). In modern kink terms, cuckold, or a cuck for short, is when a man gets sexual arousal through watching his partner have sex with someone else. There is a female equivalent, cuckquean, but I made the choice to focus on poor Rhysie being left out.
This type of play falls into the voyeurism and exhibitionist category but has become a type of play that is having an increase in popularity (and hurt feelings from insecure partners). Part of the appeal of cucking is mental degradation and humiliation, another is competitive drive.
This type of play requires security on both ends and understanding from the third party involved. This typically isn't a type of play you'd want to engage in with a stranger you do not trust, nor someone who is too close to the couple. While all parties are consenting, the first time around this kink can be interesting and cause some potentially bad results if not handled with tack. Open communication and safe words are a must in this type of play regardless of if restraints or anything else gets brought in. The last thing anyone would ever want is a relationship ending over something that was supposed to be fun 💜
💕Peep the Valentines Day List Here💕
💙 Peep Bound by Fate if you haven't since Kaylee makes a brief appearance 💙
As always, NSFW below the cut
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Feysand x Helion
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Warnings - voyeurism, dirty talk, unprotected sex, surprise third party, Helion's thighs mentioned, post pregnancy body insecurities, restraints
A/N - There's a brief Kaylee appearance. Nesta would have been too jealous, Elain would have gotten shy, Kaylee is just confused on why she's getting to see Helion's thighs on a random Tuesday.
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“I would have never taken you for this kind of male, Rhysand.” Helion glanced out the window, overlooking the beautiful snow capped valley Rhysand had hidden for years.
Rhys sighed. “She needs it and I am not against it. She has not felt as confident as she once was in her body, and having not one but two high lords worshiping her may be the answer.”
A single perfect brow went up as Helion shot Rhysand a questioning look. “Did the little heir?”
“Stretch mark scarring, she's a little less toned. I think she looks twice as delicious as before, but she does not believe me.”
Helion nodded, eyes sympathetic and soft. “Motherhood is hard. She's exhausted, she's losing her sense of self, her hands probably do not even feel like her own anymore. It is understandable she feels less appealing to you lately.”
A soft knock on the door had Rhys standing, moving to it with a smile. “Hi, honeybee.”
“Rhysie!” Kaylee paused, eyes locked on Helion. “What are Helion and his thighs doing here?” Helion snorted, looking to the youngest sister with a smirk as she crossed the room.
“Mother above, Kaylee.” Azriel entered behind her. Kaylee had already gone to the bassinet, picking up her cooing nephew. “How long are we taking him for?”
Rhys and Helion shrugged, causing Azriel to pause before grabbing Kaylee. “What's wrong, shadowsinger? Don't want her to get ideas?”
“From you? Absolutely not. Let's go, baby.” Azriel took her and Nyx away before Kaylee could question the impromptu date night and the appearance of the Day Lord. “She's still adorably innocent,” Helion looked to Rhys. “You must convince her to play next.”
Rhys shook his head, eyes wide in fear. “Not Kaylee you'd have to convince.”
Surprising Feyre had been easy. She arrived home to Helion sitting in Rhysand's spot at the table. “Hello beautiful.”
The smile that graced her face was capable of moving mountains. “Helion! What are you doing here?”
He motioned towards the table. “Your mate got a little tied up, asked me to come have dinner with you.”
“Let me go grab Nyx-”
“No need to do that, Feyre. He's with that sweet little sister and her brooding mate.”
Feyre paused, “What is Rhys tied up with then?”
“Currently?” Helion set down his glass of wine, shifting in his seat and uncrossing his legs. “Spidersilk based ropes. We can change that if you would like, though.” It was then that soft tug came, calming her and letting her know that everything was okay. “He's quite pretty when he's bound up. Would you like to see?”
The answer she gave was breathless, eyes fluttered shut. “Yes.”
He stood, taking her hand in his and leading her to her own bedroom. Rhysand glared at Helion from the chair he was tied down to before smirking at his wife. “Hello, Feyre Darling.” He tried to pull at the ropes again before rolling his eyes. “When you told me to ask Azriel to tie me down, I had imagined other places, Helion.”
The lord of day shrugged, hands lingering on Feyre's upper arms as he stood behind her. “You said you watched to watch me fuck your wife,” those hands slid down bringing one of her own to his lips. “You also said you did not know if you could handle it. Restraints seemed to be the perfect solution.”
Rhys leaned his head back, smiling towards the ceiling. “Go ahead then,” he motioned between them the best he could. “Fuck her if she'll have you.”
Soft lips came to Feyre's ear as she stared at Rhys with a questioning look. “You have control, beautiful. If you want me to leave, I will leave. If you want me in your bed, I will be in your bed.”
Feyre released a breath, all thoughts leaving her mind. “My body-”
“Is wonderful, magic, and stunning,” Helion kissed the tip of her pointed ear, relishing in the way she shivered. “You created life, selflessly for the male sitting in that chair.”
Rhysand's eyes had darkened, the scent of his arousal already filling the air as he watched Helion's hands move to the bed of Feyre's dress and soft kisses continued on her ear. “I know you want to, darling.”
“My body-” Helion looked to Rhys and put a hand to Feyre's mouth silencing her before forcing her to walk to the mirror in their room.
“Look at you. Look at every beautiful blessed inch of you.” The command went straight through her, settling in her core as it did. His hands found the ties of her dress. He searched her face for any sign of true resistance and hesitation before pulling and watching the fabric fall. “You are sensational, Feyre. Your new curves fit so beautifully.” Her eyes fluttered shut, body leaning against his for the heat. “Let me show you, exactly how beautiful I find you?”
She nodded, turning in his arms. The first kiss was testing, slow and gentle to see if there'd be more than a soft groan coming from her mate. She pulled apart in time for Helion to lift her, carrying her to the bed and laying her down so her head would hang over the edge, staring directly at Rhysand as he squirmed against the restraints.
He wasted no time, kissing down her neck, smirking at the soft noises he so easily was pulling from her. “So sensitive,” he nipped gently at her pulse point, eyes looking to where Rhys was already struggling. “I'd love to worship you, Feyre, but your mate is already struggling from how badly he'd like to join.”
“Fuck him,” she whispered softly.
Helion couldn't help the feline like smirk gracing his face as Rhys glared. “We will. Later.” He flipped her below him, fingers going to the waist of her panties before bringing them down her muscled legs.
His skilled fingers found her core, running up and down before pushing in. Feyre whined loudly, eyes rolling before snuggling into the bed and pushing her hips back. Helion set a rhythm, pumping those digits into her to open her up , curling them as he needed to and saw fit to turn her into a mess.
He heard Rhys whimper, eyes rolling as his head went back and he knew. He knew Feyre was sending every drop of pleasure she felt down the bond, ensuring Rhysand felt it to. Her own moans began to increase as her hips met every movement of his fingers. “Look at your mate,” Helion commanded. “Look at your mate as you cum on my fingers.”
She fell apart easily, body and mind so ready and wanting for attention. She screamed his name, whimpering softly as she rode a wave of bliss. He worked her through the high through every second of her walls clenching around those fingers. When he finally pulled them out, he brought them to her lips, cock twitching as he got the smallest preview of what the High Lady could do.
Rhysand hadn't taken his eyes off of them. His cock was aching and leaking as he watched Helion remove his pleaded clothing before forcing Feyre onto her hands and knees. She sent him every single second of pleasure as Helion's cock pushed into her, stretching her wider than his did. “Fuck,” Rhys muttered under his breath, pulling and moving to try to free himself and at least work his cock.
She looked so pretty, mouth hung open as she moaned loudly, eyes squeezed shut in bliss. Helion's eyes met his and Rhys nodded, hoping the desperation of needing to watch Feyre be fucked and cum for another male wasn't etched into his beautiful features.
Helion gave her a teasing thrust, cock twitching at the whine that came back from it. “How do you want it?”
“Hard.” The need in her tone made his hands grip the plush skin of her hips tighter.
“As the High lady commands.”
Lightning shot through Feyre and Rhys as soon as Helion began that punishing pace. He was hitting every single one of her nerves, heavy cock stretching her wider than she'd ever been. She looked down, lost in enjoying her pleasure only to have him tangle a large hand into her hair, pulling her head back up. “Look at him. Look at how much power you have over him, at how damn desperate he is.”
Rhys was moving constantly in the chair now, growling occasionally with Feyre's moans of Helion's name. He longed to be under her, licking and sucking her clit as Helion rode her, fucking her into a mindless state of bliss.
As if sensing what Rhysand wanted, Heliha's free hand moved to her core, circling her bundle of nerves with gentle fingers. “Oh gods, yes!” Feyre was so close already all three of them could taste it. Her orgasm was humming in the air, crackling like electricity and fire. “Fuck! Keep going, please!”
Helion looked to Rhys again, seeing the male squirm, back arching off the chair as his jaw arched. A damp spot stained his dark slacks, growing by the second as he watched, as he felt. He began pounding into Feyre harder, feeling her walls begin twitching more and more.
It was as if time slowed when they both came. Mountains shaking, the sky switching from a sunset to full blown night. She was screaming his name while Rhys roared hers.
Helion fell over the ledge seconds later, pulling Feyre close to him as he did so Rhys had to watch as he made a mess of her. He allowed Feyre to lower down to the bed as his high closed.
He allowed her a few moments to breathe before pulling both arms behind her back and forcing her up. He walked her to Rhys before putting her on her knees. “Take his pants off and clean your mate. It's time we cash in on that threesome he said we could have.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr
Valentines Day Taglist:
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb
@justasillylittlegoofyguy @avajustreads
@littlestw01f @azriels-shadowsinger @acourtofladydeath
Rhys taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avajustreads
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monsoonceroom · 19 days
New Spy x Family chapter! Let's Gooooo!
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So Damian & co (but mostly Damian) are studying when the above drops. I did google this & apparently 'Mitera' means 'Mother' in Greek, so this is likely their version of Ancient Greece. Pretty neat imo.
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With Ostania's economy probably in shambles after the war, I wonder if this boom was partially because of the country's citizens hoping for a way to get back on their feet financially by selling some sweet ancient relics.
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It's nice to know that they had twitter in 1960/1970's Ostania. Weak joke, I know.
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Anyways, treasure hunting happens & while the boys are in proper attire, the 3 butlers are in suits in the middle of a freakin' forest. This would be absolutely miserable in real life. However, with this being Spy x Family, I automatically assume they're much too professional to allow even a single speck of dirt to sully their clothes & will be vaporized immediately.
Also, it looks like their hair colors are inversions of the kids? Instead of 1 brunette & 2 blonds, it's 2 brunettes & 1 blond. Also that Egeberg butler does look pretty fine.
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Shush you! Damian already knows his family life is shit; let him be happy!
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It's cute to see them explore the wonder's nature has to offer. Also did they not bring enough water, so they had to resort to drinking from waterfalls? Props for getting it from fast running water rather than a stagnant pool though.
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STRRRIKE! Maybe I'm just exaggerating, but I lowkey wonder if Jeeves can give Martha a run for her money when it comes to physical prowess. While not much in terms of what we've already seen throughout the series (especially compared to Yor) I imagine not many people would have been able to use an acorn like a bullet.
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Have some food to cheer up, Damian!
Hold up; wild-caught venison? Did the butlers hunt deer while treasure hunting? They probably brought the food with them but the image of guys in suits stalking a deer is hilarious.
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Lol, Ewen & Emile are like 'Did he just call us peasants?'.
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Damian is calling upon the spirits to guide him.
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Oh crap, it backfired & now he's possessed!
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Not to worry! A kind spider has come to help!
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Maybe the real treasure was the big ass flower we found along the way.
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A quick google search says that 'Geschocran' when translated into English means 'Projectile Crane', so nothing too crazy there considering the pistil on that thing. I checked to see if maybe the name 'Witch's Crib' had any real-world equivalent although nothing came up aside from baby cribs & witch hazel. I wonder what the in-universe lore is on the 'Witch's Crib' name?
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Goddamn kids these days & their helicopters. Back in MY day we had to wait hours in the car to get somewhere, uphill, both ways in the snow in 180 degree weather.
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More sad Damian & Jeeves trying to talk to him about it. Also no one else is home? Where the frick did everyone go? Let's see; Melinda has her own place so she's probably chillin' there, Demetrius is likely studying at a library, & Donovan is, I don't know, concocting evil schemes in his lair or something.
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Yooo! Damian's accusing Jeeves of being a snitch! At least Damian forgot he was sad.
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KSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSK Looks like Damian tried to impress Anya & then complained to Jeeves about it later. I wouldn't doubt it if Jeeves is feeding Melinda info, but alas, we have no proof.
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oumaheroes · 9 months
My soul cries out for Scotland and England being siblings; I love those two and their stormy sense of brotherhood. I may or may not be biased cos my favourite period is medieval, which is ripe for England and Scotland conflict and shenanigans.
Congratulations on 1000 followers! You deserve it!
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Thank you so much, Ballad!! And to you too Nonny, that's a high compliment indeed <3
I got a few requests for UK bros and England and Scotland as a pair, so there will be more than just this. I hope this quick little story fits the bill in the meantime!
Alba nodded in satisfaction as he tilted the horse's face slightly to the side, its rubbery lips soft and warm against his bare palm.
'Teeth seem fine.'
'Let me see.'
Alba bent to hold Albion up to the animal, settling his weight against his hip.
'Careful.' He warned as his brother reached out for the horse's nose, 'Slowly. Or she'll bite.'
'I know.' Albion said sharply, but paused his hands in mid air before lowering them carefully down on the short fur, 'I'm not stupid.'
'So what do you think.' The horse's owner, a traveller from Gaul unusual this far up north, peered at them with lowered brows. His accent was thick, more used to the Brythonic dialects of the south than the midland ones now quick on Alba's tongue. 'You take her? She's strong; good for distance.'
'She seems healthy.' Alba agreed, 'Perfect for the winter.'
'That what you need her for?'
Alba didn't reply.
The stranger raised his hands, conceding, 'Well, she is yours if you want. She can't have more foal so she no good to me, and no war mount either.' He patted his other horse on its thick neck, the creature a good few hands taller than the smaller female they were discussing. They were tied together with a long rope, the smaller horse further tethered to a loaded wooden wagon.
Alba ignored this comment too. 'What do you want for her?' He asked, switching to what he hoped was the man's native tongue, a language from Northern Gaul he had picked up from some sailors a few years ago. It was useful to know the closest ones from the mainland and he was rewarded for his rusty troubles with a wry smile.
‘125 denarii’, The Gaul said smoothly, ‘Or equivalent, if you have other currency.’
'Coins?' Alba shifted Albion's weight, his brother slipping from his grip in his attempt to lean closer to the horse, too interested in stroking her to pay any attention to the conversation. 'What about in trade?'
'I trade in coin for horses.'
'We don't use coin here.' (1)
'Then you don't trade with me.'
Alba silently cursed. They did not need a horse, not in the way they needed food or shelter, but it would certainly be useful. Winter was tightening its grip on the land and a horse would make tracking across snow and icy terrain between clans much easier. Alba and Ériu could cross the distances fine enough, but their brothers were too young to make as many long treks without either numerous breaks in between or long stops in settlements. Summer, with its days of generous light and warm weather, made the amount of travelling Alba wanted to do easier, but as soon as the days grew short it became more and more difficult to move safely at any decent speed. Mama always had them more settled at this time of year, but even Albion could feel a new restlessness in the air that hadn't been there in her time.
A mare would help.
Alba placed Albion down and felt discreetly for the pouch of assorted coins against his leg. 'Why do you want coin?'
The Gaul shrugged, 'Much of the mainland uses coin. It's common.'
'Not here.'
'Here is not the main land.'
'Why for horses?'
The man spread an arm in an arc over his wagon, the thick waterproof cover high over whatever was piled underneath, 'Everything else, I'll trade for in these parts. But horses are worth their weight in gold, here as much as anywhere else. The value is not tradeable.'
Albion tugged at Alba's trousers, 'Let me back up.'
'We have quality things to trade.' Sticking to the stranger's language, Alba kept the Gaul's gaze. Albion tugged at him again and Alba gripped the shoulder of his cloak to hold him still, fingers digging down firm. 'Cloth, dyed. Jewellery, skins, meat-'
'I only trade horses in coin.'
The man spoke politely enough but Alba could hear the note of finality in his words.
'Shh!' Alba pushed Albion away towards the horse, noting that she was still patient and calm despite the child by her feet. 'Go away.'
From his inner pocket, he lifted out the pouch which held their meagre collection of coins. They were all different: various sizes and colours, with different pictures on their sides. They found them along their travels by the sides of worn and well walked roads, usually in the south around port settlements and trade points. Albion and Ériu had a keen eye for them in the mud and grass and they had amassed a fair few.Alba selected the biggest one and held it out.
The man blinked at him.
'For the horse.' Alba said.
The man laughed loudly. Alba felt his cheeks flush and brought his hand back down, feeling wrong-footed. 'What?'
'You are serious?' The man shook his head and grinned, 'One coin?'
Alba frowned. 'You said you wanted coin. One horse, one coin.'
'By the Gods.' The man ran a hand through his hair and laughed again, 'If I didn't know you were serious, boy, I'd beat you for the cheek of it. One horse, one coin; my my.'
He huffed in amusement and gestured for the pouch, 'Show me those.'
He took the collection and tipped the contents into Alba's palm, moving the coins around with a thick index finger. 'You see the different faces and sizes? They all have different worth.'
Alba stared at them.
'They're not like pots, or furs, where the value is unique to what you’re trading.' The man continued, flipping over one of the coins, 'If one if shiny or newer, it doesn't change value. So long as it is the same weight. And the different sized coins represent different value, as well as what they’re made of.'
‘But some are gold.’
The man patted Alba hard on the shoulder, 'You need to learn money, boy, if you want to do proper trade.'
Alba forced his face to stay expressionless, 'Is it enough. For the mare.'
Alba scoffed and tipped the money back into the pouch. 'Then this has been a waste of both our time.'
The Gaul sucked at his top lip behind his moustache and jerked his head over Alba's shoulder, 'They all yours?'
Ériu and Cymru were further away behind them on the muddy track, kicking a small rock back and forth between them. Ériu caught the rock between Crymu's feet and kicked it free with a shout of victory, dashing away to gain a clear advantage.
'Yes.' Alba said, watching them.
‘Parents? Clan?’
The man nodded. 'That's a lot of you. You’re all young to be alone as you are.'
Alba didn't reply.
‘Tell you what.’ Before Alba could react, too quick even to register exactly what happened, the man hunkered down and gripped a hand around Albion’s upper arm. He tugged him closer, hard enough so that Albion tripped over his feet, ‘I’ll take this one as payment. We’ll do it your way and make it a trade.’
He cupped a hand around Albion’s head to stare into his eyes, critical and cool as if assessing an animal, ‘He seems strong enough to grow into something worthwhile.’
‘Get off him!’ Alba’s voice cracked, surprise rendering him younger, and stepped forwards, one hand going to the dagger by his side.
The man put up a hand, eyes still on Albion, ‘Calm down. I’m only looking.’
‘He’s not for sale.’
‘You want to trade rather than pay? This is at least a fair exchange.’
Albion, the shock of being tugged about by a stranger finally having worn off, twisted sharply and bit down hard on the man’s wrist. The Gaul reacted in kind and stood with a yelp, sending Albion flying back with a wet thud into the muddy ground.
‘Vermin!’ He kicked out at Albion where he lay sprawled, catching him in the stomach.
Over Albion’s cry of pain, Alba heard Ériu shout something from behind him, then the sound of running.
The man returned his attention to Alba and cradled his wrist, his eyes flashing, ‘It was a true offer, made in kind faith. He would have had a better life with me and you’d know it, if you weren’t so damn foolish. Food, shelter; not this.’ He gestured to Alba’s worn clothes, travel stained and haphazardly repaired.
‘We don’t want the kindness, sir.’
‘Then by your own death be it.’ The Gaul shook out his hand and swung himself up onto his horse. Clicking his tongue, he kicked at its flank and moved them off without a look back.
Alba lunged forwards and quickly dragged Albion out of the way of the wheels before they could clip him, hoisting him into his arms.
‘You’re alright.’ He told him, more to make it true than anything else, ‘It wasn’t that bad.’
‘What happened?’ Ériu came panting beside him, looking from Alba to Albion and then at the retreating caravan, ‘Did he-‘
‘Leave it.’
Ériu reached for his dagger as Cymru came breathless and horrified by his side, ‘Who does he thi-‘
‘Leave it.’ Alba, grabbed his arm. ‘It’s not worth it.’
He felt Albion press his face into his shoulder, arms tight about his neck, and swallowed back something hot and bitter, ‘He’s not one of ours.’
Ériu’s expression soured into disgust, ‘I don’t think that should change anything.’
‘Doesn’t matter what you think.’ Alba turned away so that Ériu couldn’t see the shame and anger on his face, ‘It fucking does.’
Alba opened his eyes and stared at the dark ceiling of their makeshift shelter. The campfire Ériu was guarding outside made the shadows jump, the outlines of the branches supporting the skins above their heads jumping and lengthening into nothingness.
‘What, Arthur.’ Alba turned his head to find Albion, wide-eyed and watchful between him and Cymru.
‘What that man said earlier-‘
Alba turned away. ‘Go to sleep.’
‘Is that how people see us now?’
Albion’s voice was quiet, smaller beyond trying not to wake Cymru fast asleep on his back. Alba rolled back to face him, ‘See us like what.’
Albion shrugged, a small movement under heavy furs, ‘Alone.’
More than simply alone, Alba knew he meant. ‘Alone’ as something bad, something less than. Something to be pitied. He cracked the knuckles of one hand with his thumb under the covers as he thought of what to say, ‘We are alone.’
‘Mama was alone.’ Albion said quietly, ‘She used to say so, before we were here. But-’
‘Mama was grown.’
‘She wasn’t always.’
‘Before then, there were more. Mama was the last one of her family before we came along.’
‘It wasn’t a bad thing then, though. For her to be alone.’
‘Were you born?’ Alba raised an eyebrow even though Albion likely couldn’t see it, ‘How do you know.’
Albion stayed silent. Alba thought of his belly, the purple bruises they had found bloomed into his pale skin from the boot that caught him earlier, and reached for his brother to gently pull him closer, ‘We are alone. That’s our fate now. Believing it to be good or bad won’t change it. It just is.’
‘I suppose.’
‘Nothing wrong with being alone, anyway.’ Alba tucked Albion’s head under his chin, his hair cool from the chilly air, and closed his eyes, ‘We’re alright on our own.’
‘We need to get better at it.’
‘I’ll take your advice when you can stay awake through a watch.’
‘...That was one time.’
‘The only time we let you try.’
Albion huffed and shifted closer. ‘I don’t want to go on watch anyway.’
‘Then I don’t want your advice.’
Albion fell silent, and Alba listened through Cymru’s snores as his breathing slowed and deepened. Every experience had something to learn, Mama had always said, and the day’s teaching was a valuable one, as hard as it was to take. The world beyond their lands was unknown, and something they’d need to learn to read and understand if they wanted to work with it successfully.
The next day, Alba spread the illegible coins of foreign kings onto the ground and began to learn.
(1) Celts and trade. Celtic peoples used a bartering system of trading goods, rather than using money. Coins were used to store or show wealth but were also just as often used in jewellery. Celtic nations on the European mainland did eventually start minting their own currencies, followed by the British Celts much later, but it was a system quite late to take compared to their contemporaries
You can read more about it here, though as always please do your own research!
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My redneck neighbor Doug watches 'The Bad Batch': The Outpost
As per many people's requests, I've collected a series of texts and Facebook messages from Doug when he watched certain episodes of everyone's favorite Copy Paste Boi show.
Some he was quite pithy on ('Ryan-from-Accounting goes fast but not fast enough to get away from the Bitch Wife Laura'), and others...well, he got excitable, to put it mildly.
Here's one of the more deranged ones, Season 2, Episode 12, 'The Outpost'. Or as Doug calls it: "The Daddy Warcrimes Christmas Special."
CW for Language like you wouldn't believe. Doug says "you'll need a permission slip from your momma to read this, I guess."
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Daddy Warcrimes is waiting by the Empire's equivalent of a windowless van, because comfort is just not his thing and he really wants the experience of smuggling cocaine across the border one of these days.
Some bitch who looks like she works at a bank is telling these clones that their extended warranty is up. I wanna bring her a bag of pennies and make her count it before I deposit it because I'm sick like that.
So here comes in SOME BLOND JACKASS. Mother of Hell do I hate this guy. Can I just tell you how much I hate him? I hate him like I hate the Crimson Tide, like I hate February, like I hate my mother-in-law. Hate hate hate. 
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So Daddy Warcrimes, SOME BLOND JACKASS, and some homies get into Floating Probable Cause to lay waste to an unsuspecting Third World country or whatever.
Well, I was wrong! Looks like Elsa and her frozen fingers took over this dump. Disney owns both, so why not. The cold never bothered them anyway. Nope, they’re at somebody’s nasty old storage shed. Why does this remind me of visiting my sister in Wyoming?
Oh, who is this no-frills, salt-of-the-earth, son-of-a-bitch? Is that tanned Kurt Russell? No? It’s Sassy Park Ranger! I like him already. If he was my boss I’d actually show up to work on time and sober, or late and hung over, either way, it’d be a good time with the man. He just seems cool and chill and a nice dude. I bet he’s got homemade beef jerky in his locker and his beard always smells like cigar smoke. 
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OH SHUT UP STUPID BLOND JACKASS, Jesus Christ I’ve never wanted to hit someone with a folding chair so hard in my life. CALL HIM COMMANDER.
Aw, Sassy Park Ranger’s being nice to Daddy Warcrimes, maybe Daddy Warcrimes will share the Columbian nose candy in the back of the van with Sassy Park Ranger, and Sassy Park Ranger won’t ask about the sobbing family Daddy Warcrimes is probably holding for ransom in the back. It’s all about understanding each other. 
This is truly the Daddy Warcrimes Christmas special, snow and friendship and stuff. I hope this doesn’t end up with Daddy Warcrimes 86’ing Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer from the sky, that would traumatize the children. But this is the same studio that produced Bambi so who knows. Didn't he try killing a kid the first episode?
Oh man, Sassy Park Ranger’s lost a lot of his men, that’s real sad. Only two left, Jesus. SHUT UP BLOND JACKASS SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.
(I won’t repeat it, but the amount of times that SHUT UP was texted was….something else- Dr. MM)
Sassy Park Ranger’s taking Daddy Warcrimes on a hike around the place in the middle of a blizzard, probably going to say hi to the yeti hooker they all frequent and show him how to write his name in the snow with pee. He’s such a good guy. If they go sledding I’d be so happy.
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Oh, shit! Daddy Warcrimes remembers that he has a job and proceeds to cop some poor bastard in the leg so he can follow the trail of blood in the snow. What in the Fargo am I watching here, does Steve Buschemi show up at one point now. No sledding in this one, I guess.
Well there goes Sassy Park Ranger and Daddy Warcrimes on a heartwarming romp following a crippled burglar in the snow as he bleeds to death. Kevin McCallister would be so proud. Well, now, they found a dead body already. You know, at this point, if Daddy Warcrimes capped Santa in the head this show wouldn’t be less wholesome. 
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Aw shit Daddy Warcrimes stepped on a landmine, but Sassy Park Ranger watched his training videos that HR made them sit through and disarms it. They’re having a nice convo, I really, really like Sassy Park Ranger. If he dies I’ll be so freaking mad. 
(I said nothing, FYI - Dr. MM)
Aw shit, they found the bunker of crazy white people with guns in the snow. It’s confirmed: the Daddy Warcrimes Christmas Special takes place in Wyoming. Are Daddy Warcrimes and Sassy Park Ranger facing off my brother-in-law and his branch of the VFW near Laramie? Those guys need hobbies besides doomsday prepping and getting drunk in the snow. It ain’t right. 
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“After all we sacrificed”…man. I feel right here. Is this the child friendly version of Enemy at the Gate? Shit. Please these two bastards need to survive. I need a beer and I wanna hug my wife.  
Dr. Meat Muffin, please don't tell me you're letting your babies watch this show. They need that dog from Australia who has fun with her daddy, not this.
Oh shit, avalanche! 
Oh no, Sassy Park Ranger. Oh no, oh no. Oh, Daddy Warcrimes.
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Thank Christ they made it! They’re gonna save him! They’re gonna save him.
Wait. What. 
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Yay! Daddy Warcrimes finally took out his gun and 86’d that FUCK. CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY!! YAAAAAAY!!!!!
Man...I hope this ends okay for Daddy Warcrimes. I hope his brothers aren't just dicking around somewhere warm while he and the other bros are out dying.
Guess that'll be next episode?"
....Doug snapped SO HARD watching 'Pabu'. Brace yourselves.
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ad-hawkeye · 8 months
a big list of my favorite little alkaid moments
[modern] being found absolutely conked out in the snow on the mountain. that's one way to have a meet cute i guess.
[modern] alkaid's "morning call service" where he calls mc each morning pretending to be a hotel help desk staff member reminding her to wake up... only to keep it short sometimes because he can't bring himself to wake her up
[modern] whatever sort of Beep inside joke they have going on where they pretend to make a reservation or selection for each other
[modern] alkaid requesting to do the ET finger touch thing when talking about aliens with mc
[modern] mc claiming that she's the dangerous one of the two when it comes to her and alkaid.
[modern] beanie and sparkles having cat play dates. alkaid also using "sparkles would like to see beanie" as an excuse to see mc.
[modern] the only time this alkaid had a murderous look in his eyes was when someone tried to hurt sparkles.
[modern] "hey don't feel down! as long as you try your best, you can definitely become a horrible person!" "......! well if you really think so, then i'll give it a try."
[modern] alkaid being a natural flirt to the point where he doesn't even realize he's doing it sometimes, but being unable to take what he dishes by getting blushy or bashful when mc flirts with him instead.
[modern, halloween] alkaid absolutely struggling to put on the angel wings for his costume and needing mc to help him get the second wing on.
[modern, halloween] mc lamenting that she can't resist eating some of the candy she makes and alkaid being like. oh no. no, that's not falling to temptation, that's just taste testing. and it is Totally your duty.
[modern, halloween] alkaid apologizing for being too forward even though all he did was say he liked mc's bouquet for him the most. someone lock this man up, we are NOT safe with him on the streets.
[modern, princess day] alkaid being "deathly terrified of screwing up" bartending for princess day for mc so he practices.. for hours…. and hours…
[modern, love day] if mc chooses to look at the scenic photos alkaid took at the carnival, alkaid will jokingly claim the ones of him and her are now his and yoink them away from her
[modern, love day] alkaid saying mc can act like a cat when she visits his place, only for her to meow at him and step on his foot
[godheim] alkaid asking for a hug before he overexerts his magic and then goofily proclaiming that he's "so scandalous!" before giving mc another side hug.
[godheim] mc and alkaid's banter where alkaid initially says "good girl" to her for keeping her eyes closed during his magical overexertion, only for mc to say "you're being such a good boy" to his frozen body in the carriage, where his eyelids just barely twitch in vague annoyance.
[godheim] speaking of being frozen. he heard and saw everything mc did while he was in that state. so that was definitely him responding to her. he also remembered her kissing him. he refuses to answer mc when she asks if he was conscious.
[godheim] zack calling alkaid out on wearing his old mage outfit simply bc mc likes it. alkaid just smiles and is like hey. quiet. you might wake her up and she'll hear. that's not how you treat the guy who saved your life 🥺🥺
[godheim] alkaid's support for ayn and mc during ayn's route and helping the two of them escape.
[godheim] during the hunting event, alkaid has to be forced into participating by lars' orders. even then he still doesn't participate and proceeds to buy all of the meat at the market place with the money he and mc made off of his magic tricks. he claims this is definitely not cheating. mc agrees.
[eden] there's not a ton for eden since that world's alkaid is the equivalent of a sopping wet pitiful cat, but there's something endearing about alkaid learning all of his social graces and dating etiquette from old books. the prefect had to sit and watch all of this like some sort of long suffering older brother forced to play dolls or whatever
[eden] alkaid panicking and running off when mc asked him to find the missing boy who called for help.
[eden] out of all of the things he could have chosen to wear, alkaid picks out this like. coquette?? pretty boy tuxedo? WITH a cunty little earring? good for him... good for him!
[eden] he also makes a bunch of little model dioramas with houses, gardens and people in them. if he ever went to the modern world he would LOVE michael's.
[eden] in his epilogue, alkaid remade his little lantern with him and mc in it because she was the only one who could stir any kind of feeling in him after losing his emotions. he gets very embarrassed if she finds this out.
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wall-legion · 8 months
Fan Tree Concept: Shiverpeaks Tree
So a few days ago I was consumed by the idea of "to be loved is to be changed" and started developing the idea of a seed being carried to the Shiverpeaks and taking root there, resulting in a coniferous Tree (and by proxy, sylvari). More information under the snip!
So the basic facts about this tree are as follows:
Like the Pale Tree in the Tarnished Coast, this tree has an avatar: it is male presenting and has been named Pinefather. (I think he sounds like Patrick Page but that may change!)
The seed was planted by a Shining Blade human monk named Laird, after he was separated from the rest of the Shining Blade and nearly died from frostbite/exposure. He was saved from this fate by a norn warrior named Sif, and in the process of her helping him to recover the two fell in love. Laird planted the seed he had taken from the same cave Ronan had found the Pale Tree's seed outside the abandoned haven where Sif cared for him, and the Shiverpeaks tree has grown through the remains of that same haven.
The sylvari from this tree have body patterns and "hairstyles" more akin to the trees you would find in the Shiverpeaks: think pine cones or tassels, maple leaves, birch bark, etc. Less tropical and more "humid continental".
Unlike the Pale Tree, the sylvari from this tree only drop four times a year and thus are sorted by the time of year that they are "born": Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
Because of Sif's influence on the seed and their proximity to the norn, these sylvari have their own version of the Spirits of the Wild. They are the Spirit of Rain, the Spirit of Wind, the Spirit of Sun, and the Spirit of Earth. Instead of the Dream, the sylvari commune with these spirits before they awake into the season they're "born" into, and the spirits inform the sylvari of what to expect of the world they're about to join: for example, a Winterborn sylvari might hear "I am Earth. I am frozen and the seeds sleep within me."; "I am Sun. I stay out as long as I can, but I must be fair to the season."; "I am Rain. I fall as snow this time of year and blanket those sleeping within Earth."; "I am Wind. I shake the snow from Pinefather so you do not catch a chill before you awake." Finally, the season the sylvari awakes into is equivalent to the Pale Tree's time of day. And while these are not true for every sylvari born in these seasons, these descriptions are fitting for most sylvari from the Shiverpeak tree.
Springborn sylvari are said to be naive but charming, the kind who will ask a thousand questions about something and then have a thousand more by the time you've answered the first set.
Summerborn sylvari are thought to be naturally gifted at the arts and entertaining other, and there are stories that the first Summer child climbed down from Pinefather's branches by dancing.
Autumnborn sylvari tend to be caretakers: they care for the crops, they care for the sick, or they care for the animals who help them survive. Because of this, Autumnborn are thought to be more serious than their siblings.
Winterborn sylvari seem to be the most shy of the Shiverpeaks sylvari, as they tend to be quieter or more secretive. So there's what I have so far! If I figure out anything more, I'll post it by reblogging this post!
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sadlvrgrrl · 1 year
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a potential daemon targaryen love story
full version
𝘸𝘤: 209
𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Daemon Targaryen, the rogue prince of Westeros was far from pure. He was ruthless, stubborn, arrogant, and most of all, powerful. His blood was equivalent to a dragon, forged from the fiery pits of the seven hells. He was the deliverer of chaos and destruction, and no one was able to tame his savage inferno.
All until one; her.
She was the epitome of ethereal, a beauty so delicate, so pure in a way that she was too perfect for this world— too perfect for him. She was an angel forged of the purest light with hair as bright as the moon, skin as white as snow, and her eyes—
her eyes held magic.
Full of light, full of innocence, full of stars.
Starry eyes that had him hypnotized.
Starry eyes that had him vow to do anything in his power to keep their light kindle endlessly. 
Starry eyes that made him stumble, but it was her smile that made him fall.
She was a blessing from the gods. A wish upon a shooting star. If he could, he would tear the whole world apart just to rebuild it brick by brick to a standard he deemed worthy of her existence. Worthy of her light— worthy of his light.
(𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅...?)
a/n: posting this because my aemond story is taking longer than expected ._. this is not my best work (because i dont have any) but i do love me some daemon, and surpriiiiiseee, this is another hotd x lotr crossover because i am obsess and unhinged. i do not know if i will be continuing this story (reason: this is a pretty old wip that i've been kind of avoiding for a while now and the writing is kinda yucky too) but we'll seeeeeee :)
update: guess who's posting the final version...(not me) jkjk, I will be in a few days haha, just gotta do some rewriting here and there and boom; signed, sealed, and delivered it's yours (to read ofc...pls dont steal my work, that is a big no no)
update: full version is posted!
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sneaky linking with lorcan, but they have to keep it a secret so seeing him with other girls makes resder jealous👀
I started KoA and God save my soul... these males have a chokehold on me. I'll never be the same.
This side of me
Your head fell back as you chased the last bits of your orgasm. Rocking your hips while straddling Lorcan. His big rough palms squeezed your ass as he too growled. He was rarely audible in the bedroom. The first couple of months all you heard was yourself crying out in pleasure. If you were lucky one two praises from Lorcan but that's pretty much where it would end. Now more often than not he allowed himself to fully enjoy whatever that you two had going on.
The relationship was messy. If you could even call it a relationship. Your two had been at each other's throats before you had even joined the cadre. Shit only went worse when you did. Lorcan had a big ego. That meant that losing in training to you was as equivalent to someone pulling his pants off and laughed at him. Maybe even worse. He never wanted to listen. There was one way - his way that things could go. And while boys most of the time just let him go, you called him out on his bullshit.
That's when the tension thickened. Soon you two were practically snarling at one another, thangs out. Knifes pointed. "I bet on my monthly pay, they'll be fucking before the first snow falls", Fenrys chuckled, followed by the two men who stood beside him. "I double that and say that Lorcan will bite her first", Rowan added, a smug smile on his face as he drank water from his pouch. "Our princess will slip up first", Gavriel chuckled.
Just their gossiping was cut short as dagger penetrated the wall they stood against and they found your attention turned to them now, snarling Lorcan long forgotten. "I'll eat your flesh for tomorrow's supper", you threatened them. You knew your words didn't scare him. If anything your reaction fueled the fire but maker were you frustrated? "Hormonal much?", Fenrys chirped but you quickly moved to run towards him, making the white wolf let out a shriek as he took off himself. Gavriel and Rowan laughing even louder now.
"Fuck", Lorcan growled as your hips stilled, way smaller body collapsing on his chest. This was against the rules but he moved to wrap an arm around your naked frame. "So much for a secret when you scream so much", he teased, making you pinch the skin on his side, "As if you weren't roaring yourself", you quickly turned your head to the side, "Do I even have window still". Lorcan rolled his eyes but let himself close his eyes, taking in a couple of steady breaths. He had told himself that he was never going to fall in love. Relationships weren't his thing... but there was a but now. He simply couldn't ignore the weight of your body in his arms. And as much as he wanted to lie about it, his arms felt empty throughout the day when you weren't in his embrace.
You were sat by the side table at the tavern you all had stopped mid-task. Lorcan had been on the next round of drink duty but for the past ten minutes, you had been watching him in a sea of females who had surrendered him by now. "What did this poor table do to you?", Fenry's voice pierced your head making you blink a couple of times as you looked down. Your claws were in full display. Leaving sharp deep lines on the surface.
A tinge of jealousy ran through you. Sure, he owed you nothing. You two messed around for most time but... "You know that he is an attention whore. This means nothing", Gavriel said softly but you only scoffed, "Why would I care? He can fuck them all if he wants". You stood up quickly. You thought about just going up there and ordering everybody a new drink but midway towards the bar you halted and moved towards the door. You needed to clear your head. You needed fresh air. This place. Lorcan. Everything was slowly suffocating you.
"Where are you going?", the voice made you stop, "Our room isn't even towards that side", it continued. You turned around quickly, "Oh, sorry. Thought you wanted to bring a handful of bitches with you", you sassed. Lorcan smirked, "You're jealous, huh", he purred. You narrowed your eyes at him, "Fuck yourself. I might just find someone for myself too", you spat.
But before you could take another step, Lorcan was in front of you, hand around you through. Just so he would keep your eyes on him, "No one is touching you", he growled. "Hypocrite. You just had...", you started but Lorcan tightened his grip on your throat, "No one else gets to see sides of me that you do", he said through gritted teeth, "Now get your cute ass back inside, before I slither the whole taverna", his finger moved over your lip and before he could say anything world you leaped forward. Crashing your lips onto his.
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writemekpop · 2 years
Do-Over | Johnny Suh
Summary: You give your kid’s deadbeat dad Johnny one last chance to step up. A snowstorm puts him in danger of letting you down yet again.  
Genre: Baby daddy!Johnny, ex boyfriend!Johnny, angsty 
Word Count: 1.2k
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Johnny laughed at his reflection in the rear-view mirror. In his homemade costume, he looked like a turnip.
He was determined to go all the way for yours and his daughter Rakha’s play. He would make awful jokes, he would hold little Rakha on his shoulders, he would point her out to the other parents and say, That one’s mine!
He was ready to finally step up and be a father to his kid.
The bouquet of long-stemmed red roses for you was a bit much, he now realised. They were the floral equivalent of a confession of love. Maybe he should leave those in the car.
Thick snow piled up over everything. The world looked a day old.    
The dash on his bust-up Ford Fiesta said 5:40pm. He might just make it to Rakha’s end-of-term play in time…
Then he turned a corner, and cursed. He had just hit a mile-long stretch of road where the snow had not been shovelled. The land ahead of him was as blank and lonely as a piece of paper.  
There was no way to get through.
He whipped out his phone and tried to call you, but there was no signal.
He let his forehead fall forward in frustration.
He would never forget his last conversation with you.
“Just one more chance. Please.” he had begged, trailing you as you strode to your car. You strapped Rakha in the backseat without looking at him, then got in the front.
He held the car door open so you couldn’t shut him out.
You looked coldly up at him. “She barely recognises you, Johnny.”
“I’ll be at the next recital. On time. Early – early, in fact.”
When he saw that glint of steel in your eyes, he remembered why he had fallen in love with you. Your words cut like razors, but even as it ached, he loved you for it.
“Go get some sleep, Johnny,” you said. Your nose curled. “And a shower.”
You tried to close the door, but he stopped you one last time.
“Y/n” Johnny said quietly. “When will I see you again?”
You let out a shaky breath. “Fine. She has an end-of-term play. But if you don’t make it to this one… I don’t want to hear from you again.”
You stood at the back of the tiny church, glancing at the clock. You kept picturing Johnny thundering through the doors, blurting out apologies in his bull-in-a-china-shop way.
But he was nowhere to be seen.  
You still worried about Johnny. You would never tell anyone this, but it was true.
Every night, you would get up at around midnight, leave the bed without waking your new boyfriend Mark, and walk out onto your tiny balcony. Standing there, you would silently ask the universe where Johnny was. If he was still living in his parents’ basement. If he was eating alright.
If he still thought about you.
Then you would go back to bed, without ever telling a soul what you had done.
The curtains opened for the play, and you applauded with all the other parents. You watched Rakha’s little face fall when she realised Johnny wasn’t with you.
That was when you realised. Just like Rakha, you had still secretly believed that Johnny would show up.
Of course, he’d forgotten.
You felt like an idiot.
Johnny felt a fire burn in his belly, despite the freezing air in the car.
He would get to that recital if it killed him.  
It was a blizzard now, but he was only about twenty minutes’ walk from the church.
He pushed his way out of the car and started the slow trek, using an old map to shield his head. The wind howled in his ears. Each flake of snow was a tiny blade.
He couldn’t feel his fingers, but he was determined to keep going. It wasn’t just his baby girl he was fighting for.
It was you.
“You know what my husband Mr Giant likes best? Little girls on toast,” a girl in Rakha’s class shouted. “Quick, Jackie, hide!”
Rakha, who was playing Jackie in Jackie and the Beanstalk, jumped behind a cardboard cut-out of a pot.
There was silence.
That was when you realised your mistake. Unable to resist Johnny’s pleading, you’d let him play the Giant in the school play. It was a tradition that one parent would take part in the play with the children.
Rakha’s face started to turn red. Her eyes flicked to the door and back. The sight was torture for you.
You were rigid in your seat. Should you jump up and be the Giant?
Suddenly, the double doors at the back of the church slammed open. Everyone turned around.
A six-foot tall, monstrous figure limped into the room. It was shaking, and covered with snow and mud.
Its voice thundered through the room. “FEE-FI-FO-FUM! I smell the blood of an Englishwoman!”
All the kids squealed with joy. Even the teachers were laughing.
You were the only one not smiling.
Johnny’s half-hearted attempts at parenting were almost more painful than if he just disappeared. They made you hope. And hope was a road that led nowhere.
When the play was over, Johnny lifted Rakha up onto his shoulders. She proceeded to pull his ears and try to control his movements like a puppet.
When Johnny saw the look on your face, he put her down.
Your arms were crossed. “The play started at six, Johnny. Not six forty-five.”
Johnny explained everything about the snowstorm, and how he had to abandon his car.
You didn’t want to believe him, but you had to admit he was telling the truth. And… it was a little sweet how he’d learned all his lines.
Johnny smiled.
“What is it?” you said.
“I just realised how I remember this church.”
He walked into a dusty music room filled with old pianos and organs.
He turned to face you. “Have you really forgotten? My 18th…”
You chuckled, your face heating. “Oh my god. Was it really this room?”
Johnny pretended to lay himself seductively over a grand piano. “My very first time.”
“Shut up,” you said, grinning. Then you saw that he was serious. “I was your first?”
Johnny came close and placed his hands on your waist. You placed yours on his shoulders, just as you used to do.
Johnny leaned slowly down and kissed you. His lips were unbearably sweet.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked quietly, though you already knew the answer.
“I want to try it for real,” Johnny said. “I want us to be a family.”
You wished you could be like your daughter Rakha. You wished you could love Johnny effortlessly, for love’s sake. Without having to remember all the times he had let you down.
It wouldn’t be that easy. You were a parent now.
But then, why it felt so natural so be in Johnny’s arms, despite the years you had spent apart. Johnny was your home. It was as simple as that.
“How about… we start with the Easter fair, and we can take it from there?”
Johnny was about to protest, but you put a finger to his lips.
You grinned. “Just to warn you… that costume of yours did not exactly hold up in the rain. You might want to put that jacket back on before somebody calls the police.”
Smirking, you walked away, leaving Johnny in that little hall.
They say you cannot choose your family.  You could not choose whether or not to love Johnny.
You would always love him.
It was as simple as that.
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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lundenloves · 5 months
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.
If we were to chuck a song to it, the song would be Time by Pink Floyd. A song originally found bumbling on the janky speaker Soap had bought for the equivalent of ten quid on a longer deployment. It wasn’t new, no, but it was new lyrically. The weight of trauma had created a thick layer of silence and the only choice was to listen intently. Eyes avoided eachothers for the realisation of relatable words,
Tired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain.
And you are young and life is long.
And there is time to kill today.
Wintering eyelashes bat under the harsh snow, landing effortlessly on each whisker before being blinked or rubbed away from a rough hand. Each man looked like a time capsule of their younger self, scars and stubble growing in thick for those who hadn’t sported a longer beard. Scars that told passed time seemed redder on Johnny’s arms, and Simon’s eyes had grown darker over fatigued nights.
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.
It seemed unfair. The passage of time during conflict, like someone had kicked you to the side, a dark hole at best that housed dead bodies and ash of those who weren’t fortunate enough to be spared from flame. War wasn’t over, war was never over. The starting gun had never shot and each soldier was pushed to the frontest of the lines — shot in the head and then forgotten about.
You didn’t matter. You were a number. A figure at best, one that Britain had bragged of, your bravery a selling point for the country. Ten or more years of your life stolen by higher ups with nothing to show for it but permanent scarring — both mental and physical — with sandgrains churning in your chest from crawling across desert floors.
Some lost limbs, some lost sight and hearing, while others lost nothing on paper.
Aside from quality time.
Nothing a fucking report could be written on.
The loss of your child’s first steps, laugh, smile, words. It took a toll. Not that anyone was to know because that wasn’t part of the conduct was it? Emotion wasn’t allowed bar the mandatory check up every quarter.
And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.
It was heavy on Simon’s shoulders especially, instigating an expected snap one Monday evening on a European border. He’d remained completely silent on comms, completing the objected mission with usual 141 finesse before breaking. He hated it. Johnny’s eyes on him and the building sympathy from Price over Gaz’s shoulder who hadn’t dared to look at the lieutenant.
“You alright mate?” Was the question asked, Soap’s harsh accent cutting the silence finer than it had to be. All he had received was a shrug. An indecisive action, one Simon rarely performed.
“What do you think?” A pin drop silence. Simon effectively laying a pitfall trap for Johnny to walk right into, he seemed to snarl with his words though they maintained a nonchalant.
Eyes narrowed. Fist clenched, anxiously flitting against his thigh with hands alternating in lift between smoking and biting his other hands nail.
Soap nodded to himself, steeling away from the situation and patting an intentional hand on Simon’s shoulder on his passing by. Silence.
Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say.
Returning home was forever a measurement of trauma. Soap’s wife knew he was game for delicate touch and love instantly, curling large arms around her and managing to adjust to civilian life within a day or two.
Price never did go home. He never had a family there like the other lads.
Within an hour of landing on the strip he would be on his way to base with dry dirt still on his face from the evac.
He couldn’t cope away from work.
Neither could Simon, but that was a known.
Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
And when I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
All the Rumors are True (or are they?)
A Bellova x Coriolanus One-Shot
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova, Oliveria, and the Solstice Festival. I also do not condone the beliefs or actions of Coriolanus or Bellova.
Summary: The Monday after the Solstice Festival, Bellova confronts Coriolanus about gossip she’s been hearing concerning him and an unknown girl doing…scandalous things in the alleyway behind the train station. 
⚠️Warnings⚠️: lots of swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, allusions to sexual acts, Bellova and Coryo are both very mean to each other in this
A/n: This takes place the school year before TBOSAS occurs, (the equivalent of their junior year of high school). Also, I HIGHLY recommend you catch up on my series, A Lady Made of Snow, before reading this.
“Miss Reginelle! Mister Snow!” 
Professor Satryia Click’s voice rang throughout the classroom, causing the two students to break their intense eye contact with each other. 
“I appreciate that you are both so invested in the discussion topic,” she began, giving them a small smile. “But please try to lower your voices and use kinder language while conversing.”
“Yes, Professor Click,” Bellova and Coriolanus said in unison. She nodded in satisfaction, turning back towards the projector screen. When she was no longer looking, Coriolanus gave Bellova another scathing glare.
“You’re infuriatingly stubborn, has anyone ever told you that?” he hissed.
“You do, almost every day,” she said, smirking. 
“And yet, you still refuse to change your ways.”
“If I did, nobody would be around to keep your ego in check.”
He huffed in annoyance. “Bitch.”
“That’s no way to show self-control, Coriolanus,” she said mockingly. “But I suppose that adds merit to the rumors.”
He tilted his head in confusion. “What rumors?”
Bellova smiled widely. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Professor Click assigned the class a short worksheet to complete by the following day, and dismissed them a few minutes earlier than usual. As soon as she’d given them permission to leave for their lunch break, Bellova quickly gathered her things and exited the classroom, trying to hold back a smug smile.
As expected, she barely made it down one flight of stairs before Coriolanus grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the crowd.
“What the fuck - get your hands off of me, Snow,” she said, faking an angry tone.
“What the hell were you talking about earlier?” he asked, keeping a firm grip on her forearm.
She gave him an obviously exaggerated innocent smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Coryo.”
Coriolanus’s eyes bore into hers, and she briefly wondered if he would push her down the stairs if he could get away with it.
Instead, he dragged her down another flight of stairs and into an empty classroom. Swiftly shutting the door behind them, he let go of her arm, but stood in front of the only way to exit the room. 
Bellova sat down on a desk, crossing her arms.   “I don’t understand why you’re so mad.”
Coriolanus walked towards her, his tall figure towering over her. She met his gaze, not a hint of fear in her eyes. 
“Tell me about the rumors you mentioned earlier, or I swear, I’ll make you pay.”
“Someone’s worked up,” Bellova said teasingly. After noticing Coriolanus’s fists clench, she decided to finally tell him. It wasn’t worth getting in a physical altercation over. “Alright fine, it has to do with the Solstice Festival last Friday.”
“What about it?” he pressed.
“Something about a dare that Festus put you up to after we were all relatively intoxicated.” She relished in the way that his body went rigid at her words. “So you do know what I’m referring to, hm?”
“What exactly are people saying?” he demanded, his voice raising.
“You and some girl did some…dirty things in the alley behind the train station. You know, kissing, some discarded clothing items, and someone ending up on their knees.”
Coriolanus’s pale and slightly hollow cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. “Fuck,” he muttered. “I don’t even know who she was. It was dark, and we were both drunk.”
Bellova was tempted to push for more details, but realized she really didn’t want to know them. She did have one question for him, though:
“So I suppose you’re not pure as snow anymore, hm?”
He looked away from her. “Shut up.” 
She scoffed. “If you’re going to become a player, just own up to it.”
“I’m not!”
“Sure, sure,” she said, trying not to let her anger ruin her composure. “But you flirted with anything in a dress at the event. I saw the way you were eyeing Clemensia.“
“I wasn’t-“
“Either get better at lying or don’t even try to, Coryo.”
He narrowed his eyes, stepping even closer to her. “Fine. If you want to talk about indecency, Bellova, let’s talk about the things I’ve heard about you and Felix.” 
“Coriolanus, you-“ 
“Is it true that he took you home with him after the end-of-year gala last year? And that you spent the night there?”
Bellova sneered, standing up to get in her rival’s face. “You know damn well that isn’t what happened. You were with me when I got into my car, for fuck’s sake!” 
“That hasn’t stopped people from talking,” he continued, smirking down at her. “People think think that you-“
“I know what they think!” she snarled, shoving him backwards. “Thanks to that bitch Oliveria, everyone is convinced that I slept with Felix just to get into the good graces of the president. But we never even fucking kissed, and we were never a couple. You know that everything you’ve heard concerning him and I are bold-faced lies.”
Coriolanus shrugged. “Yes, I know.”
“Then why the fuck did you bring it up?”
“If you have the right to get on my nerves, I should be able to do the same to you.”
She scoffed. “You’re such a child.”
“That’s rich coming from someone who’s jealous of an unknown girl right now.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“Admit it; you wish you were the girl I was with in that alleyway.”
Bellova would have killed him right then and there if she wouldn’t have gotten expelled for it.
Instead, she pushed past him, storming towards the classroom door. “You’re full of shit, Coriolanus Snow.���
He laughed condescendingly, further infuriating her.
“Who’s the bad liar now?”
She whirled around to face him, her eyes flashing dangerously. “Fuck you!” she screamed, throwing open the door and slamming it behind her.
Bellova felt her temper begin to bubble over. She knew she had to get to somewhere private, or she’d end up taking her aggression out on some innocent passerby. Rushing to the nearest restroom, she locked herself in a stall and leaned against the wall, panting heavily. 
She couldn’t understand why she was so angry. Sure, it was normal for her to be agitated when Coriolanus got on her nerves. But she usually didn’t lose her composure like that.
Perhaps it was him bringing up Felix, despite knowing the real story. He had been present when she denied his offer to bring her back to the presidential mansion. But many people firmly believed she and Felix had a one-night stand, earning her the reputation a “gold-digger”, despite her family’s already abundant wealth. 
Or perhaps it was his suggestion that she was jealous of that random girl. Anyone else would be too afraid to imply such a thing, but not Coriolanus Snow. He was a cocky bastard who thought far too highly of himself.
Or, worst of all, he could be right.
Maybe she did want to be that girl.
But it was in the past now, it couldn’t be undone. 
Of course, that didn’t mean she couldn’t find out who she was, and make her pay. 
After all, sexual intercourse on Academy grounds was punishable by permanent expulsion. If the dean somehow found out about her (and only her) escapades during the Festival…
it would simply mean that she got what was coming to her.
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TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy, @effectwalker, @mystargirl-interlude
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! If you have any one-shot ideas, pls leave a comment below or send something to my inbox!
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for “A Lady Made of Snow”!
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