#it's hard to think of specific examples but like... there are a lot of comments that just kind of have that vibe y'know?
I think... there might be a small issue in system spaces where everyone is assumed to be white-bodied by default. And I get it, because I know white is seen and treated as the default a lot of the time, but please do make an effort to remember there are folks of lots of different ethnicities and skin tones in this community, and a lot of different cultural upbringings besides. I really enjoy the diversity of this community and I'd hate for it to get brushed aside just for some assumptions. So, let's try not to assume what people on the internet look like or where they're from (or anything else, honestly), okay?
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
im doing one for shinon too bc he deserves it
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shinon radiant dawn vc: my mom never hugged me
shinon path of radiance and radiant dawn vc: -treats greil like a respectable father and never mentions his own father literally ever-
shinon radiant dawn death quote: (smiling portrait) “Ugh... This is...such a crock... What a... boring way to die... Co... Commander... Greil... I... I... I'm...” (is he implying “I’m coming to see you again”, based on the quote and smiling portrait?)
#DCB Comments#shinon is one of those characters where the fandom focuses on one single negative trait#and they blow it up completely and pretend it's the only trait he ever has had and ever will have#meanwhile there's a gold mine of information you can figure out just by reading his lines and thinking about why he acts like that#like the whole want for money to live well when they're clearly not super well off mercenaries#or when he takes weapons from dead enemies and gets scolded for it but like can they even afford new weapons regularly?#the way he acts implies he grew up poor and has always been poor and STILL IS but he's there bc he cares about greil#and eventually came to care about everyone else and cares a lot about kids which they had rolf who rly respected shinon#he does what he can to help them raise money when they need it but fact is they always need it#in his quote versus oscar in chapter 18 oscar asks him if promotion is so important and he says it's everything#he clearly has no ill will toward oscar but for shinon getting promoted and getting money in that promotion will help him live well#he's tired of being fucking poor. he doesn't see an issue with wanting to live like you know a normal person should#but ofc everyone sees that he argued with janaff in two supports (which btw janaff egged on HARD and talked shit abt greil#and he also used racist rhetoric back at shinon so like... that whole argument was a two way street#but the fandom ignores that and just calls shinon racist even tho in their A support shinon specifically catches himself#from using a racist term and changes the term he uses so he's not being rude bc he learned he was wrong abt laguz through janaff#and janaff learned he was wrong about beorc through shinon. it was a very development heavy support chain for both of them#the fandom hates on shinon for ''being racist'' even tho he's one of the few non-main characters to actually get full development#and has a complete story from beginning to end between both games and comes out better for it)#i mean that's only a couple examples of things that aren't even hard to read into but ppl like to reduce him to one trait#and one trait that actually gets better and develops through both games. oh no a flawed character who has to have a development journey AAAA#guess what he's perfect specifically bc he's not a boring already perfect and flawless character#he has to get angry and get annoyed and learn from others despite being a grown adult. he has to have negative interactions to grow#he doesn't get to cling to the ADORED main character and get a gay paired ending and be loved for it#which no offense to soren that's not his fault that's the fandom's fault for treating them both the way they do for stupid reasons#i.e. would soren rly be so loved by the fandom if he wasn't tunnel visioned at ike#yes i will take forever to write this out slowly with my injured arm JUST TO GET THIS POINT ACROSS!#HE IS A FANTASTIC CHARACTER EVEN WITHIN THE TELLIUS CAST AND I WILL FIGHT FOR HIM11!!111!!!1!#also i wrote this earlier between those asks no im not that speedy lel. much less with a bandaged arm l e l
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borderlinereminders · 2 months
If you’re someone who needs reassurance from loved ones that they love you, that’s really valid. But the way you ask for it matters. Hinting at it with comments like “nobody loves me” can actually be hurtful to your loved ones. It’s also a good idea to try and reassure yourself first!
The truth is that for a lot of people, giving reassurance constantly is exhausting. It can lead to issues in a relationship over time, and negative feelings on both sides because they may end up avoiding the other person. This is especially true if someone doesn't ask for reassurance directly but hints at it with things like "No one cares about me."
My advice is if you are finding yourself struggling is to first try and self soothe either with skills or things that have helped in the past. Here is my post on self-soothing ideas! And if that doesn’t work, then ask for it in a healthy way.
Some other examples.
Keep screenshots, letters, cards etc that affirm you are cared about by your loved ones. You can even ask someone to give you a recording of them saying it that you can listen to. Bonus: Keep these things in a self-care box that you can use in times of crisis and pull out that has other things in like affirmation cards, favourite treats, self care items, etc.
Examine the evidence. By this I mean try and keep a list of things they've done to show they care about you. For example, I have a list of things my partner has done for me besides saying "I love you" of both big things and little things that I can read when my brain decides to be rude to me and make me doubt he cares.
If the other person has done something specifically to make you feel they don't care, it's important to step back and look at the situation and check the facts. There's a difference between someone lying to you or doing something intentional and someone not replying to you because they got busy. Here’s my post on checking the facts!
Here’s a post on Challenging Irrational Thoughts!
ACCEPTS is a really good skill for distractions! Here's a post on it.
TIPP is a good skill if you are needing to calm down in immediate crisis. Here's a post on it.
If you're having urges to accuse your loved one of not caring, consider Urge Surfing (here's a post on it) and then using a skill or plan that helps you.
If you aren't able to self-soothe that's so valid! It really is. I recommend trying it because sometimes you will be able to. But then sometimes you won't be able to and that's okay. In this case, if you need to get it from someone, ask directly for it instead of doing it in a guilting/passive aggressive/hinting way. You might say "Hey. I know you care about me, but my brain is being rude. Can you please give me some reassurance?" instead of "Sorry I'm such a bad friend/person/burden/etc".
It might also be worth having a conversation when calm with the other person to establish some boundaries and ideas for communication.
For example, if your friend regularly feels drained by you asking for reassurance, they could set boundaries on how often they're okay for you to ask for it.
You both might decide that they will try and message you randomly to offer reassurance because it can mean a lot when that happens.
This might be where they send you messages/recordings/etc that you can read in times of need.
If the friend is doing something specifically, even unintentionally, that makes you question things then it's really valid to have a discussion about it! I recommend using some I-Statements or other communicative skills to talk about it. Even if they aren't doing something wrong, it's still valid to talk about your feelings and see if you can come up with a solution. For example, maybe it's really hard on you that they disappear randomly for a couple days when their energy levels plummet. And this causes you to spiral and think they're ghosting you or etc. In this situation, maybe you and your friend come up with a solution where you establish a single emoji (specific for this purpose) that the friend can send with low energy that says "Hey. It's not you but I'm feeling drained and need to not reply for a bit."
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11cupids-tarot11 · 5 months
How would your future spouse treat you on your moon cycle? <3
I was having such bad cramps when this question suddenly hit me and I figured we'd all love to know, right? Even though I get very cranky and like to be alone during my time of the month hehe.
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1 -> 2
3 -> 4
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Pile 1- Wheel of fortune, queen of wands, queen of swords.
So this person will literally try to pamper you, whatever that may look like for you. I'm hearing they'll respect all of your boundaries and will grant all of your wishes, they're very supportive. I'm hearing they don't like seeing you in pain and they understand how uncomfortable this time frame is for you.
I think this person is naturally caring and easily can read human emotions and they're giving therapists vibes tbh like they could work in that field or maybe for some I'm picking up on massage therapists, this person just seems like they know humans enough like maybe they studied it or it could just means they've studied you so well they know what you need (I said 'want' at first but was directed to switch it to 'need'. Someone's fs here likes being in charge lol) . Either way, I think they'd love to be your massage therapist around this time. I'm hearing anything to make you feel good.
I'm hearing for some, around your moon cycle you get mood swings maybe? Your entire energy changes enough for this person to catch on and they'll know before/when you're on your period because of this. Maybe you're usually very chill and calm and around this time you're just more cranky than usual like me lol and your person will try very hard to just make sure your okay and not taking their head off? Lol, the way your person talks is very funny, they're very funny and so so sweet!
I think this person will treat you so well simply because they love you, you're their baby and they respect you so much. You're literally their queen. They love you so so much 😍 they want me to leave this rose emoji for you 🌹 (I think they're very giving, it's just in their nature 😭)
Other messages- my sweet girl, lots of chocolate and warm towels, hugs and I'm picking up on those who would rather be left alone for moments at a time they understand, they'll check up on you occasionally and will still be very affectionate (u can't refuse their hugs I'm hearing no escape lol 🤣😭 they're very cute. I think they like compliments? They might blush and smile a lot?) The type to randomly kiss ur forehead or cheek when ur literally just ✨chillin✨ just because.
Let me know how it resonates in the comments below! Leave a suggestion for the next pick a pile!
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Pile 2- Ace of swords, temperance, the fool and the hermit.
So I think this person actually doesn't know much about a women's cycle, I think for a specific few they're the only child or maybe they just didn't grow up around a lot of feminine energy so this just isn't their field but I'm hearing they'd try damn hard to make sure everything's okay!
They'd follow your lead on this, like they prefer to maybe watch you from afar during this time? Like sometimes they don't know if they should bother or if they could help at all so they'll probably just straight up ask if there's anything they can do. This person isn't immature about it, but they do feel a bit awkward during those days? (I'm actually dying at ur person, they hardly know how to describe anything?)
Okay, for example, say you're having very bad stomach cramps and you've been in bed all day complaining, they would probably let you stay in bed as long as you'd like and would peek their head in the doorway to silently check up on you because they don't know if they should disturb you or not.
I think they'd love it if you just told them or ask for anything you need, I think they'd rather you rest and use them as a servant 😜 (ur person wanted me to add that, they felt very serious until now? I'm dying) until you feel better, they'll try different approaches tho, I don't think it'll always be this awkward. I think when you two have been together for awhile they'll pick up. I think then they'd mix up their own home remedies, and their own strategies by now, they're not very specific on what this could be or what it could look like because I think this person doesn't really want you to know?
They really want you to feel cared for and like they're there for you as much as possible so they're constantly thinking of new ideas for you!
This is not an 18+ reading and take it how it resonates but I think a very selective few wouldn't mind having intercourse on their moon cycle? 👀
Let me know how it resonates in the comments below! Leave a suggestion for the next pick a pile!
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Pile 3- Death, Ace of coins, The tower, Page of wands
This pile feels different, I was getting the energy of your person being shy and excited to have their turn for the reading 🤣 maybe this person isn't someone who you see romantically at first, could be a roommate a friend but you do know this person or they will come into your life at some point and you guys will have some kind of friendship from the start. It's giving secret admirer tho.
With the death card I'm thinking y'all could've just made it official, it feels like this is something new to them. Maybe it makes them feel a step closer to you? They think it's very cool you're trusting them enough at a time like this. They really value it.
I think they'll be the type to really go all in, ask you probably 20x a day "What do you need?" I saw that scene from Aladdin, when the genie is explaining how tired he is of being in the lamp and he's like "What do you need?Poof! What do you need? Poof!"
This person is trying to charm you and maybe show you they really care for you by doing this, I'm hearing 365 days a year they'll be like this tho, not only when you're on your moon cycle. I think they want you to be vulnerable with them or can't wait to see more vulnerable sides of you.
Let me know how it resonates in the comments below! Leave a suggestion for the next pick a pile!
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Pile 4- The moon, Kight of coins, Temperance, Kight of swords.
My pile 4's energy is different, I think this person could be older than you? This person overall isn't someone who's very cuddly or could even be very hard to read so moments like these really show that side of them in their own way?
For example, say you ran out of pads but your stomach hurts too bad to go get them yourself, your person wouldn't be thrilled to shop in the women's section but for YOU they will, they'll go get your pads and make sure they're the right size and everything (I'm hearing he'll literally call you and ask what size he should get).
They're very serious when it comes to you, they have dedication and it shows in the oddest ways possible.
So for your time of the month they'd be very chill about, the other piles felt all jittery and nervous like they were scared to mess up but your person is smart, he'll break down those walls for you, if you just want to cuddle in bed they'll hold you as long as you like. I'm hearing they're actually kind of "softer" at the right times (I'm sorry I can't think of a better word right now)
You'll love how this person will treat you and your needs and I'm hearing symptoms as well, they're very comfortable and reliable. He's like your big giant teddy bear! 🧸
Let me know how it resonates in the comments below! Leave a suggestion for the next pick a pile!
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chigirizzz · 1 year
❝𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐲❞
synopsis: how your fist kiss with him is like
characters: gojo, yuji, megumi
tags: gn! reader, not proofread as always (it's 3am for crying out loud)
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gojo is a tease and that’s no news for you, it’s not new to anyone. this man’s actions and words either make someone respect him or desire to kill him.
yet, it surprised you how much he could tease you before and during your first kiss.
gojo fucking satoru made sure to make your life hard as hell after finding out how you, even past your mid twenties, never had a kiss. 
“never,” you responded by repeating the word in a cold tone of voice, arms crossed and sending him a dead glare. however, he did not felt intimidated by you—
—instead, he just burst out laughing and looked at you like you were a middle schooler still finding out about life.
that’s how your memory can recall that day. god, you hate him!
and you hate how you never got to experience such a magical moment yet!
but patience is a virtue, right? that’s what people say. and that’s what you’re thinking right now as gojo’s big hand imprisons your head movement by holding your chin firmly. his hold isn’t too strong and neither too loose—perfect to give his lips the chance to dominate yours and perfect for you to free yourself and slap him if that’s what you wish to do. 
but you don’t do that, so his lips curve into a malicious smirk, which gives an electrical shock to a certain corner of your brain—which makes your mouth let it escape a satisfying sound to his ears.
he’s enjoying this. he’s enjoying this so much and so are you.
today was like any normal day, including the newest jokes and teases from gojo satoru about how no one ever felt attracted to you enough to kiss you. although you know the white haired male never wanted to hurt you and it was just teasing, the comment he told you today really hurt you, making you sad and defending yourself to gojo (and calling him stupid).
he listened quietly to your rant. his blindfold made it difficult for you to understand how sorry he was, though.
gojo moves his hand from your chin to the back of your neck, his body language now a bit more rough—his lips more angry for yours by the way he tilts his head slightly to side, guiding you on your make out session, occasionally leaving a chuckle when you desperately try to follow his movements.
you are so cute and he feels so superior in this exact moment.
one of your hands moves by itself to grab the cloth's fabric that covers his chest when you suddenly feel his teeth on your neck. he wasn’t doing anything special yet, just mouth slightly open with his teeth ready to give you a hickey.
“hm.” despite him answering your call, gojo didn’t pay attention very much; instead, he chose to snuggle into the warm skin of your neck, searching for comfort. wanting to be close with you. 
the hand that was close to his chest is now on his back, patting awkwardly but softly. “i…” you cleared your throat. you’re pretty sure he could feel your nervousness. “i hate how you make me feel.”
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no words to describe how adorable he is.
this sweet boy took you on a date to the oceanarium with a full plan inside his pants’ pocket:
take a shower
after shower, use the best perfume/deodorant (not axe!!)
go to y/n’s house to take them to the oceanarium
look for the best train seat available for y/n (has to be next to the window!!)
pay for the tickets
tell y/n lots of fun facts
kiss y/n
kiss y/n… kiss you…
now that’s a hard task.
in the three months you and itadori yuji were dating, no one had any complaints. the two of you were going at their specific pace, but still able to get out of your comfort zones, just for each other.
kissing you is an example of yuji getting out of his comfort zone—that, and he just loves you very much; the boy just wants to express himself. he cringes at how he stepped away from you awkwardly when you tried to kiss him on the day he confessed to you.
“that’s so cool!” you hugged the jellyfish plushie you bought in the oceanarium gift store tighter, its scent bringing you a feeling of peace. the both of you are currently outside, sitting on a bench at a nearby park, just speaking about today and listening to yuji’s fun facts about the aquarium animals. “tell me more.”
“uh, well… just a second!,” he excuses himself before searching for a piece of paper inside his pants’ pockets… he took one out of the pocket, read it, and realized it wasn’t the one he wanted. “just…—just a second! sorry!
your boyfriend is acting strange today—you noticed, anyone can notice—, but you opted to not say anything. however, you’re starting to become extremely curious.
the wrong piece of paper is roughly and badly stuffed back into his pocket, only for the panic to torment him again when said paper falls from the pocket to the ground.
“what’s this?” you ask no one in particular when you caught the paper before your boyfriend could do it.
“shit, no! give me that!”
“calm down, yuji, i’m trying to read it.”
the boy watches in horror as you slowly read the paper—the paper with the list.
that’s it, his life is over. he feels the pain of the embarrassment crushing him, getting more painful each millisecond. he can imagine how you’re gonna make fun of him, destroying his heart—
“you could’ve just told me, itadori,” your voice soothes his thoughts as you stare at him lovingly. “i would never judge you or anything.”
“after how i denied your kiss the day i confessed to you? me? denying your kiss? on the day i confessed? i’m a moron—”
the palms of your hands hold his cheeks gently. “you’re not a moron, my love—well, you are, but not in this context.”
all yuji got to say was an offended ‘hey!’ before you pulled him towards you, making him able to cross ‘kiss y/n’ out of his silly and now crumpled list.
even if there isn’t much experience between you both, you manage to work it out. it’s a simple but long-lasting kiss—at least that’s what you assume when you start to feel the need to breathe some new fresh air. but you don’t want to worry about oxygen, not when the feeling of his lips in touch with yours makes the blood vessels on your face dilate, making your blood warmer, making your heart beat faster.
you let go of him and breathe heavily, however, you do not get a proper pause because yuji starts kissing all over your face, while tickling your body too. the both of you turn into a mess of laughter and tiny kisses, completely enjoying the moment.
and perhaps you get the privilege to live something that resembles a cinematic masterpiece, as you both stop laughing and rest your foreheads against each other.
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the scenario is really simple: one minute you’re sitting side by side on the sofa while watching a terrible coming of age movie, pizza slice on your hand, all your worries forgotten thanks to the comfy blanket covering your laps, and the next minute you and the dark haired male are sitting in front of each other on the sofa, faces really close trying to mimic the stupid kissing scene at the end of the stupid movie.
“her hand was like this.”
“shut up, why do you want to make things so difficult.”
this was your idea, of course, a perfect excuse to kiss him. in months of dating, you never had the first kiss as a couple and you decided to tease him into doing it, saying how you wished to be kissed like in the ending scene of the movie and complaining how megumi could never do like the male protagonist did.
he knew you were just teasing him, but he felt the need to show you the opposite anyway.
first you were trying to position your heads and hands like the actors and sharing short kisses, until he got tired of the challenge and just pulled you for a kiss without you expecting it.
it was definitely way better than the one from the movie. it was rough at first but eventually it got softer and more romantic. he paid attention to your body language, to how you reacted to the kiss, and when his lips let go of yours so you both could breathe, he stared at you so lovingly you almost felt like melting, especially when his hand made contact with your cheek to caress it.
minutes passed and you were now cuddling each other, you laying on top of him and listening to his heartbeat and him giving you a small back massage, making sure that you felt loved (and that you didn’t say anything stupid again).
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ohnoitstbskyen · 6 months
I know it would probably bring a lot of hate comments but I am begging you to roast the hazbin character designs because I'd love to have someone properly articulate why they don't work so I could send it to people who won't believe me when I tell them. 🫠 Understandable if you don't want to get into it though.
I don't think there's that much there to roast, honestly?
Those designs are clearly an extremely specific stylistic choice, and because that style is consistent throughout the show, it ultimately feels coherent with itself.
There are trade-offs being made. Because Hazbin's design style is SO stylized and so heavy on decoration and detailing, because it puts a lot of emphasis on costuming, it isn't as good at communicating specific character storytelling as a more grounded style could be (it's kind of the same tradeoff that stuff like Genshin Impact makes).
Like, why does Sir Pentious' hat have an eye and a mouth on it that makes its own expressions? Apparently not for very much reason at all, except that Pentious has a bit of an eyes-motif going on in his design and it was one more place to put an extra eye. And that's a valid criticism of his design, but also the entire show is designed like that, so frankly it would be weirder and more out of place if his design alone didn't have that kind of overelaborate decoration going on.
It does create a situation where I have a hard time "reading" the character designs sometimes. For example, Vox, Alastor and Pentious all wear a similar style of suit with upwards-turned shoulders, butterflies and pinstripes. Now, am I meant to read that as Vox imitating Alastor due to his crippling need to replace and outdo him, and Pentious imitating the style of powerful Overlords because he thinks that possessing their level of power will finally give him relief from his paranoia and self-loathing?
Or is it just a design fixation of the creator who keeps putting their characters in suits because that's just what they like? I can't really be sure, because sometimes design elements are used to intentionally tell stories about how characters relate to themselves, their world and one another, but plenty of other times designs look the way they do Because Of Vibes.
But again, that lack of clarity is clearly an intentional trade-off - and the benefit of that trade-off is a design style that is extremely varied, wild, expressive and memorable. Hazbin Hotel seems like a very easy show to draw fanart of, and a very fun show to draw fanart of. Those designs (especially the hyper-expressive faces) are begging to be the subjects of traumatic headcanons, unbearably cotton-candy soft fluff fantasies and weird, taboo, homoerotic power dynamics. Slaps roof of character design, this bad boy can express so much vicarious emotional intensity.
It's very exuberant, very excited about itself and very self-indulgent, it's a style that prioritizes visual impact and visual interest over readability (something which the animators of the show navigate with real skill, props to them) and individual aesthetics over worldbuilding.
And I don't blame anyone for being turned off by that (I certainly was the first time I started seeing those designs going around), but I would struggle to call the show's designs "bad" when they are clearly achieving exactly what they want to achieve.
I have some criticisms, especially re: how the show treats skinny bodies as an unquestioned, desirable default, and employs fatness as a means of alienating and abjecting the audience. That sucks very badly, and is a serious disappointment, and one of the few places where the show feels like it is being cowardly in its design philosophy. But I don't have it in me to do some kind of Hazbin Hotel Sucks And Here's Why takedown, its problems are not unique or extreme enough to warrant it, at least not as I currently understand them.
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novy2sirius · 8 days
᭓ ྀུ༺ a degree theory by nikola stojanovic
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please read before proceeding
important note: this is not my info. this is all from nikola stojanovic’s theory on degrees in astrology. he has books on it that i think you can find online and download for free
trigger warnings: murder, car crashes, sex, and suicide
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sign degrees
zero degrees: 0°
the same characteristics as the sign it’s already placed in. example - aries venus at 0° is purely an aries venus, obviously aside from the house energy
aries degrees: 1°, 13°, and 25°
beginnings, leadership, taking action, fighting spirit, not giving oneself up to fate, struggle, war, abuse, labor, diligence, etc
taurus degrees: 2°, 14°, and 26°
food, money, stability, earth, luxuries, sound of voice, singing voice, etc
gemini degrees: 3°, 15°, and 27°
communication, self-expression, technology, books, siblings, neighbors, etc
cancer degrees: 4°, 16°, and 28°
home, traditions, nurture, loyalty, faith, mother, the ocean/water, etc
leo degrees: 5°, 17°, and 29°
life, children, attention, fame, creativity, strength, happiness, light, etc
virgo degrees: 6° and 18°
improvement, health, to diminish, routine, animals, acts of service, etc
libra degrees: 7° and 19°
harmony/fairness, charm, beauty, law, music, art, dancing, pleasures, etc
scorpio degrees: 8° and 20°
death, major transformation, wealth, jealousy, sex, secrecy, taxes, etc
sagittarius degrees: 9° and 21°
wisdom, abundance, college, travel, photography, success, beliefs, etc
capricorn degrees: 10° and 22°
hard work, fear, public attention, karma, father, boss, isolation, history, etc
aquarius degrees: 11° and 23°
unexpected experiences, technology, friendships, networking, divorce, etc
pisces degrees: 12° and 24°
spirituality, escapism, dreams, illusion, the sea, mysteries, the hidden, etc
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special degree meanings
supreme power: 2°
this degree is often found in the charts of people with remarkable achievements, who had extreme power, and who were highly respected according to nikola’s research
eroticism/a fun life: 5°
many sex symbols like marilyn monroe have this in their chart. nikola believed this was the best degree in general as well. he thought it indicated lots of fun and pleasure in one’s life
suicide/divorce: 11° and 23°
according to nikola the aquarius degrees (11 and 23) both indicate divorce occurring when placed in prominent positions in the chart. 11 is the only one indicating suicide though
car accidents: 15°
nikola believed that when this degree was connected to 8th house or scorpio placements it could indicate getting into car crashes
pure evil: 18°
nikola believed that this degree indicated a negative destiny for someone. he thought it was the worst degree you could have in your chart, based on his research he thought it was solely about facing hardships and nothing more. he also believed it could indicate being an evil person with no good intentions
to kill or be killed: 22°
just as the title reads, nikola believed this degree indicates being killed or being a killer. another thing he believed it could indicate was abandonment in the area of life it’s placed
clairvoyance: 29°
nikola believed this degree indicates someone that has very good intuition and can make accurate predictions about the outcomes of events
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my opinion on astrology degrees
i personally don’t believe in nikola’s theory 100%, although i do think there’s accuracy to the signs being associated with specific degrees. i have always had stronger belief in my numerstrology degree theory than anything when it comes to this subject though. i definitely do not believe 18° is fully negative like he claims since the universe is yin yang so there’s always both positive and negative ways things can manifest. these are just my thoughts though
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do you believe nikola’s degree theory? comment below!
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zsupika · 7 months
Would you mind sharing your thoughts For Love and Deepspace Boys, specifically what they need in their girls, their type? Thank you.
Love and deepspace boys' types
> my (oddly specific) thoughts on what the lnd boys' types would be
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A/N: i really like this idea, so thank you for your request! Please, whoever reads this, don't take offense if my opinion doesn't suit you to your favorite, these are all just for fun <3 also these are longer than I expected lol so take these types lightly and let me know your thoughts in the comments and/or request more stuff like that! (also I didn't proofread so excuse any additional mistakes lol it's late and right now I can't bring myself to ×~×)
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Xavier would like someone who cares about him a lot
For example if he were to come home from a long mission, seeing you jump up from excitement from seeing him again, would make him melt
And when he gets hurt and you immediately come to him with a worried face, he'd adore you so much
I feel like he'd appreciate someone who's kinda quieter like he is
He likes moments were you just lay on the sofa and cuddle with each other without saying anything
It helps him relax and makes you two feel much closer
Words can't really convey how he feels about you so he prefers to show you by his actions, kinds similar to Zayne but I do think he'd make more of an effort to say it to you directly than Zayne
He'd like someone who's good with animals
Seeing how you care about them makes him feel soft inside
I also think he's a lot more bold in intimate moments than people might think so he'd like some who knows what they want in that regard
He likes when you tell him directly what you want
He also likes someone who's playfully and gets him flustered
He feels like he can let go and enjoy himself with you in that way
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He'd like a talker
Someone who talks a lot about how their day was and who asks him questions, making it easier to verbally communicate his feelings
He'd like having someone who understand how he feels without having to say it aloud
Having a partner that accepts that his job as a doctor is hard and his priority would be important for him aswell
He wouldnt neglect your relationship ofc but as a doctor saving people is your priority
So he'd want someone who doesn't take offense in that and understands him in that regard
He wouldn't want someone who's jealous really quickly
Someone who's confident in the relationship and who values trust and loyalty would be right for him
A bonus would be if you give good massages
He just sometimes needs them to relax
He'd appreciate you so much if you do that for him
He would like someone who's independent and takes good care of themself
I think he'd like someone who smells like/uses lavender parfum
Or any floras scent really but lavender helps him relax as well
I don't think he'd have any strong physical preference but I do think he'd appreciate if you take good care of your hands and nails
He would LOVE to look at your nails if you went to a nailsalon or if you painted them yourself
Bonus points if you painted little snowflakes or similar
He'd melt
He would like someone who gets hot easily in the summer so he can cool you down with his evol
It makes him feel strong and kinda protective like he can take care of you in that regard
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Rafayel would like someone who's not very sensitive
He likes to make jokes that poke slight fun at you (in a playful way ofc) so he'd appreciate if you don't take them to seriously
Generally he'd love to have someone he can joke with
He'd someone he can playfight with cause its a lot of fun to him and makes him feel closer to you
To him it's really intimate to let someone that close to himself so he loves it if he can do that with you
He'd want someone who can appreciate the small things in life
And someone who appreciates art
Whether it might be looking at street art or going to museums, his heart would melt if you would start to talk about theories about the paintings and their meanings
He loves to see your face when you look at the drawings/paintings or whatever and would point out details that stand out to you
Bonus points if you're an artist yourself
He'd love to spend quiet time with you sketching or observing what you're doing
Physically, he'd like someone with interesting features
Whenever it may be your face, body, style or whatever, he'd like to see someone who stands out
He would want someone who talk with him when he's in the mood to and someone who he can spend quiet time with, without it getting awkward
He would love someone that teases him slightly
He'd pretend he doesn't like it but he actually does
For example if he were to (playfully) ignore you or something, he'd want you go try and talk to him until he gives in and talks again
He wouldnt like it if you just ignored him aswell.. It would bore him and make it seem like you don't care about him
Back to the physical features, I feel like one of his favorite things would be if you had an interesting mole or something like two eyecolors
He'd also like someone who doesn't complain too much
His clothes are pretty much always somehow covered in paint, aswell as his hands and sometimes face
If you were to always complain about that, he wouldn't like that
He'd need someone who laughs about it and helps him clean it up instead of throwing a fit
I think he'd also like someone who'd like to take baths with him
Not necessarily in a sexual way but just in a normal way
Basically you two washing each other, it makes him feel closer to you
He'd like someone who's comfortable with that
I think he'd also like someone who comes behind him to hug him or surprisingly showers him in kisses
It makes him feel appreciated if you'd make the first move
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allastoredeer · 3 months
I have no problem with al being a bottom, I just have a hard time with bottom king lucifer as a top. May I have examples to try and see your side?
Exhibit A:
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Dat smirk.
Exhibit B:
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Soft Top Lucifer
Exhibit C:
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Demon Top Lucifer
Exhibit C:
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That sexy shoulder bop
Exhibit D:
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Look at this guy.
Exhibit E:
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Obvious one.
Exhibit F:
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I just wanted to post this one cuz I like his smirky little face.
LOL no, seriously though, there's no specific way a character has to act or behave to be deemed a top, bottom or switch. It's a preferred sexual position that isn't dependent on outside factors, it's just what a person enjoys, and what the reader/viewer wants that character to be. That's essentially what it is. It's not based on logic, it's based on what position the fan prefers for them to be in.
Lucifer could do his sexy little shoulder bop and still be a bottom. He can give the most suave, seductive smirk and still be a bottom. It's different for everyone.
But as for why I like top!Lucifer, here are a few reasons:
A) I really like it when shorties top. So often, in almost all fandoms I've been in, the default for a popular ship is the shorter one bottoming and the taller one topping. As a shortie myself, I just...ugh, I get so tired of it. Especially since the bottom is typically softened, UwU-ified, and turned into this delicate little flower. Bringing personal feelings into this, I've been very short and very thin all my life. I've literally been described as "delicate" before, and as someone who enjoys sports, running around, and is just a loud, rough and tumble person by nature, I absolutely hate it. It's given me a lot of mental and emotional issues, and a lot of the treatment and comments I've gotten has made me feel belittled, vulnerable, and weak. So, while being a bottom doesn't mean you're any of those things, short characters have been treated like that for a majority of the fandoms I've been in, no matter what their personality, stature, behaviors, or attitude was, and seeing it brings out of love of dark and negative feelings that I'd rather not re-live when I'm trying to enjoy myself in fandom. (Which is another reason why I dislike so much bottom!Lucifer because he's so often softened down and turned into this naive, dare I say, helpless little lamb. The moment Alastor overpowers him or easily manipulates him into a deal, I am outta there.)
B) Lucifer has that top energy. Can't explain it. He just does. To be clear, I don't see him exclusively as a top. He's a switch. But I do headcanon Alastor as exclusively a bottom, so in any radioapple relationship I write or draw, Lucifer will top.
and C) the most important reason: I like seeing Alastor get railed.
Alastor bottoms in all the ships I have for him and Lucifer is no exception. Besides, I find a lot of versatility and potential in Lucifer being with/fucking a sinner, especially considering his distaste of them. Makes for a good hate-fucking scenario, or a very emotional and in-depth character deep dive of him coming to terms with his own bias and internalized hatred of them and finding love and companionship in one of the very people he despised. That's some delicious mental turmoil and the perfect opportunity for character development.
(LOL there's a lot of talk of Alastor not bottoming because of his ego, and yet nobody considers that maybe Lucifer wouldn't bottom for Alastor because he's a sinner. He is the embodiment of pride after all. So, combining that with his disdain for sinners, would he really "stoop" so low as to let one of them fuck him? Food for thought).
But seriously though, when it comes down to it, I just like Alastor bottoming and Lucifer topping. Yes, bottom!Lucifer and top!Alastor has been soured for me due to popular fandom depictions of it, but even before those were popular, I simply preferred Alastor bottoming. I enjoy it more, not just for his character, but just...because. I just do.
Thing is, I don't think there has to be a list of reasons for why you prefer a character topping, bottoming, or switching. People are allowed to do whatever they want with these characters. It's fandom. This is a playground. We don't have to have a reason, we're just here to have fun.
If you can't see Lucifer as a top, Anon, that is a-okay 👍👍Thanks for asking for a different perspective though, it's always awesome when a person seeks to understand someone else's point of view. I don't know how well of a different perspective I offered, though. I have a hard time answering questions like these bcuz they just don't make a lot of sense to me. It's hard to say why I like something when I just...do. I just vibe with it.
To boil it all down, my examples/answers are all based on what I like and how I feel. I like bottom!Alastor cuz I enjoy it. I like top!Lucifer because I love seeing Alastor get railed - especially by a big, powerful demon king. Very yummy.
Also, LOL, considering Alastor is exclusively a bottom to me, anyone I do ship him with will automatically be the top, regardless of who they are XD So I guess that's an important factor to consider too 😂
I don't know how well I did with answering this, but I do want you to get the perspective you were looking for, so! My fellow bottom!Alastor truthers who are reading this, drop why you like bottom!Alastor in the comments below for our lovely Anon!
I'm curious about what you guys have to say too.
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maaarine · 10 months
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The sexual assault of sleeping women: the hidden, horrifying rape crisis in our bedrooms (Anna Moore, The Guardian, June 15 2021)
"Naming specific acts, rather than using broad – and loaded – terms such as “abuse” or “rape”, her survey asked more than 22,000 women if, for example, they had ever been spat at, or strangled, kicked or bitten.
It also asked respondents if they had ever woken to their male partner having sex with them or performing sex acts on them while they slept.
To this question, 51% answered yes.
This was not randomised sampling – the survey was widely shared online and participants were self-selected. For this reason, it’s hard to extrapolate from the findings.
The results sparked a predictably polarised online response. “This was extremely validating for me after years of thinking, ‘Am I being raped?’ I’m not alone”, tweeted one woman.
“It’s why I now jerk awake if someone even gently brushes against me while I’m sleeping, 13 years later,” wrote another.
Other comments included, “Only chance I get!” and “the other half was OK with it!”
Katie Russell, spokesperson for Rape Crisis, says she was “not massively surprised” by the findings.
“There isn’t a lot of research into the multiple ways women experience violence from known men, but we do know the numbers are so much higher than any official statistics,” she says.
“Rape myths are still incredibly pervasive. It’s commonly believed that if it’s your boyfriend or your spouse, if you’re sharing a bed, if you’re naked, if you consented earlier, then it can’t be rape.
There is a really big difference between gently waking your partner and initiating sexual activity and actually doing something sexual or penetrating someone while they’re still asleep. (…)
In Martha’s case, the rape happened once, but for some men, seeking sex with a sleeping woman is an active preference, a fetish known as somnophilia.
Svein Overland, a Norwegian psychologist, is one of the few to have studied it – his interest sparked partly by his work in prisons, trying to understand the motivations of sex offenders, and also by his work with victims of what Norwegians call “after-party rapes” – attacks on vulnerable women who were either sleeping or drugged.
Overland believes somnophilia is part of the wider growth of what he calls “one-way sex”.
His research into online porn showed a steep rise over the past decade in categories such as “sleeping sex”, as well as other forms of sex that are based on unresponsiveness, on only meeting your own needs.
(“Flexi dolls” is another example – where women pretend to be sex dolls.)
These preferences overlap with porn itself, says Overland. “With one-way sex, with porn, with masturbation, there’s no dance, no seduction, no interaction and no pressure to perform,” he says.
“The more I looked at this area, the more you see that a lot of men are afraid of having sex.
Society is becoming more pornified but, at the same time, many studies show that people are becoming less sexually active. We have young men buying Viagra, unable to keep an erection.”
A sleeping woman is no threat – she’s absent, an object, a receptacle. (…)
“There seems to be a perception that something like this is a ‘lesser crime’ because it might not be at the hands of a stranger but your partner.
But what would feel worse? Being pickpocketed by a stranger or robbed by someone you love and trust?” she asks.
“The idea that you’re asleep so it didn’t require violence is also very dangerous. Penetrating someone’s body without their permission is an inherently violent act.
“Imagine being asleep and waking to find someone going through your personal things,” she continues. “Now imagine it’s your actual body that has been intruded into.” (…)
“When I first left him, I wouldn’t sleep. I’d lie awake all night and have hallucinations – him raping me.
Those flashbacks, that trauma response, was the mind and body trying to piece things together.
Even now, nine years on, I still wake at two every morning. I don’t even need to check the clock.
We know that the body stores memories of trauma – and I think 2am is when it used to happen.” (…)
In February 2020, she told the jury: “There has never been a part of me that has not been profoundly impacted,” and that in the immediate aftermath, she suffered PTSD and had tried to take her own life.
She said she had felt “unsafe everywhere”, frightened to trust anyone, even her parents."
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Hello! It's me again. I'm probably pestering you, lol. I think a lotta people give flack for the Octavinelle trio being ruthless and "behaving like a Mafia." But I think considering where they live it makes sense? They live in the ocean. And the ocean is a kill or be killed environment, where you have to the strongest and toughest. If not? You at least have to be quick witted and unable to be seen, otherwise you'll be dead. If the trio become too soft they'll be fish meat.
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I think the fandom is pretty divided when it comes to perceptions of what the Coral Sea is like. On one hand, you have the people who think of it as like living in Atlantica, which is basically just like living in a peaceful and pretty city (but underwater). Then you have the people who think the environment would be so different it would shape its inhabitants to behave differently as well. The second one tends to be a darker or grittier interpretation which aknowledges dangers such as other undersea creatures and treacherous living conditions.
Personally, I lean on and enjoy the latter, since TWST rarely ever designs purely for the aesthetic of it; one example of this is how the twins are confirmed to be bioluminescent in the Magical Archives. This is a decision that was not made “because it would look cool”, but because many deep sea creatures rely on this trait to intimidate potential predators. It would make more sense for the cold waters of the Coral Sea to change its people rather than merfolks’ cities simply being civilizations moved several leagues under, especially seeing TWST time and time again really consider the geography and history of each new location and how those inform the cultures that form there.
However, I want to state that the Coral Sea would be very different depending on which area you’re in, just like how there are nice parts and bad parts of a city. It’s not ALL nice or ALL bad. For example, the Atlantica Museum in book 3 appears to be in a more photic zone, so there’s more sunlight and it appears pleasant to be in. Even the merpeople there seem to be different than the Octatrio; they less so resemble specific sea creatures and are much more akin to being human-like. We have yet to really see how the benthic zones are—but we do know they must be harsher, since Floyd has mentioned exploring shipwrecks and various dangers there (like sharks).
I also want to point out that there are subtle signs in dialogue which could imply merpeople prefer traits that promote survivability and adaptability in the ocean. Azul’s bullies are noted to taunt him for his weight, but also for his bulky tentacles and inky tears. Now why those traits specifically??? Because these impede his ability to swim swiftly (making it harder to escape danger) and easily give away his location (if he’s in hiding or camoflauging).
I’ve seen others suggest that maybe these comments are because of racism against octopus merpeople, who are a rare kind of merfolk. This is entirely possible, yes! But thinking about it like that… Isn’t it also possible that there aren’t a lot of octopus merpeople at the moment because it’s more difficult for them to escape or to hide from predators? Which then informs and perpetuates preexisting prejudices. In this context (plus the bullying), it makes sense why Azul may have “hardened” as a defense and survival mechanism. The same goes for the twins, who were explicitly taught how to defend themselves (although this also goes into the Leech mob family theory, which is a whole separate matter) and have often made references to fighting others in the Coral Sea. Their upbringings also play a part in their personalities, but so does the environment they grew up in. Like Azul and the twins, you’d have to harden mentally or physically to some degree to ensure your survival through tough circumstances.
It’s hard to say for sure though! A lot of this is speculation based on current but infrequent lore, and the Octatrio themselves are a very small portion of all merfolk. They may not be representative of the behaviors of all other merpeople, and we should keep this in mind when referring to them as our exemplars. That’s why I’ve been hoping for a Coral Sea hometown event so we have a more concrete idea of what life under the sea is like 😭
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crossdressingdeath · 8 months
I'm thinking about Karlach and in particular her relationship with Gortash, and the more I think about it the more I really wish that she'd known he was a Banite from the start, or at least for a good chunk of her time working for him. I mean, the canon story of "I didn't know what he was, he lied to me and I didn't realize the truth until he stabbed me in the back" doesn't not work? It just feels like a very... safe option. Now, I love Karlach, I really do, she's a joy to be around. But I don't know, the whole "I didn't know what they were doing" method of letting a wonderful person work for the bad guys has been done. It's been done a lot. And it also makes Karlach feel less morally complex than the other origin companions to me! I mean, it's entirely possible she didn't even know Gortash was a criminal; his public persona would require bodyguards too. So if we assume that she didn't even know he was a criminal then her moral complexity is limited to having some friends who are devils and wanting Gortash dead, which... even just by general fantasy standards and especially when compared to characters like Astarion, Shadowheart and Lae'zel (as the most obvious examples, but personally I also find Wyll's pact with Mizora and Gale getting the orb at least as complex if not more and they didn't work for the villain, so that feels like a bit of a problem) is very straightforward. She's good. Maybe she used to be a bit naive and then learned not to be so blindly trusting through betrayal. Sure. Fine. Personally I do not find that particularly compelling, if I just saw her backstory written out without the super hard work of her writer and VA in the rest of the game my reaction to her would basically just be "Eh". And if we assume she did know he was a criminal then it feels kind of weak that the only time that even vaguely comes up is Gortash potentially making one comment about how Karlach knew what he was and shouldn't really have been surprised.
Also, an additional point, the fact that supposedly Gortash was putting enough work into keeping her ignorant that there was a noticeable drop in his ethics after he sold her is... kind of weird, because the only reason we're given for it is "He liked her"? To be clear the fact that he liked her isn't the problem, we know Gortash is perfectly capable of liking people. But... he went out of his way to deceive this one employee? To the point that people noticed a change when he was gone? Or alternately selling her specifically actively made him significantly worse, which... would also be kind of weird. There isn't even any particular reason for him to see himself in her, other than the Lower City upbringing they had very little in common before Gortash sold her (unless baby Enver was way better of a person than his current self would suggest). I feel like if Larian was going to justify Karlach apparently not realizing she was working for an arms dealer and slave trader as his personal bodyguard (so someone who'd logically be around for a lot of shady shit or frankly what is the point of her being on the payroll) with "he lied to her" more needed to be done with it.
But if she knew he was a Banite and knew what he was doing for a good chunk of the time she spent working with him that adds a tasty "I didn't think the leopards would eat my face!" energy to the whole situation! I love the idea of Karlach liking and trusting Gortash despite knowing what he was because he treated her with respect and that was all that mattered! Obviously this is subjective, I will freely admit I like my characters with a bit more moral greyness than Karlach shows, but to me at least her reassessing and improving her morals from a standpoint of "Him liking me and respecting me wasn't enough to save me because other people's lives do not matter to him" would be much more interesting than her being a perfectly lovely person from the start and not knowing what her boss was doing and getting betrayed and then continuing to be a perfectly lovely person. (I'm not going to claim that a person's morals improving when the thing they did to others is done to them is particularly ground-breaking, but I would argue it's no less ground-breaking than "they didn't know and were good all along and their boss was lying to them" and to me at least it's significantly more engaging.) And it would also neatly remove the question of why Gortash cared enough to lie about what he was doing to this one specific employee from day one (so before he could bond with her at all), which. y'know, would be nice.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
”Why do racists always invoke MLK…?”
This is a comment from Reddit. I swear to god, it’s like the redditor who wrote this transcribed all the shit my racist, entitled, privileged, Boomer parents said my entire childhood. Like, word for word.
”Why do racists always invoke MLK…?”
First, you gotta understand their position, which is “Racism doesn’t exist anymore”.  Because black people aren’t lynched, because there are wealthy rappers and basketball players, and because there was a black president, racism doesn’t exist in the US anymore.  And this is especially important; when black people get upset about their lot in life, it is because they are lazy and want a handout rather than earning their way like white people do.  When a black guy is killed by cops, he was a criminal and deserved his fate.  When a black woman loses her access to food stamps, it is because she was taking advantage of the system.  When black people get into college, it is because they are given special privilege they didn’t earn.  And when black folks talk about reparations, it is because they want to punish innocent people so they can be handed their success rather than earn it.  
Because there is no racism, and anytime some white person is called a racist it is likely because they don’t support simply handing success and money over to people who haven’t earned it, and not at all because they act racist in any way.  And the term “racist” has become toxic in the US lately; people lose their jobs after being called racists unfairly.  Heck, one could suggest minorities call white folks “racist” in retaliation, knowing there will be social consequences which are completely unearned.  So to combat this unfair and, in their view inaccurate, narrative they employ a couple tactics;
1) “I’m not racist, you are for even suggesting it”.  Since racism is defacto non-existent, playing the race-card is introducing a factor that doesn’t belong.  When a black person calls a white person racist, they are not only lying, but specifically targeting someone based on their race and falsely labeling them something socially toxic with intent to cause harm.  And the white person is defacto innocent because they would see anyone as insert accusation here, not just black/brown/gay/muslim/female/handicapped/immigrant people.
2) “Black people don’t know how good they have it”.  Classic myopic delusion that assumes the complete lack of racism in the US also means any ongoing hurdles faced by black/brown/gay/women/etc people are their own fault.  The fears behind CRT are great examples of the struggle to maintain this delusion, and not have people delve too deeply into history and see how cause/effect resulted in the current socio-economic imbalance.  And since there are successes in the black community, that is proof that racism is over.  Black folks had a black president, now shut up and stop making waves.  There is an attempt to show that any calls of racism are not only unfounded, but examples of success in the black community disprove systemic racism; wouldn’t MLK be proud?  And not only proud of the success, but would side with the white folks who are now experiencing reverse-racism as the lazy black folks ask for more.  Racism, they think, is simply targeting another race purposefully, and has nothing to do with power imbalance.
3) “I earned my success, so black folks need to earn theirs”.  And this is the crux of it all; white folks today don’t believe they are in a position of privilege because they work hard and their success was difficult.  Many of them come from poor families, struggled to pay for college, don’t have a family history of slaver ownership.  They see any minorities complaining as trying to get privilege unearned.  They assume that, because there is no more racism, there is balance and parity among the races.  Illegal immigrants are trying to circumvent the law, reparations and affirmative-action programs are unearned handouts, and special months/parades celebrating a particular group/race is promoting racism by giving them special attention they don’t deserve.  Many white people see themselves as victims because they don’t receive any overt benefits from being white, meanwhile minorities are showered with unearned benefits all the time.  The Great Replacement Theory is constantly being reenforced for them as they watch society take the side of minorities anytime someone attempts to call out this apparent imbalance in their favor.
But underneath all of this is the undeniable knowledge that they are, indeed, racist.  Whether it is a jealousy, or a fear of socio-economic parity, or ethnocentricity, they know that society isn’t accepting overt racism anymore.  And because of this, they have to hold back, watch what they say, watch how they treat people.  “Make America Great Again” was a call to return to a time when casual racism was fun, and didn’t mean anything, and people weren’t so thin-skinned.  Being “Woke” is forcing people to take difficult looks at the fact racism still exists, which is uncomfortable and threatens to challenge the current socio-economic stability, so terms like “woke” are being dismantled, misused, redirected into something that seems illegitimate.  There is an active, desperate avoidance of acknowledging racism still exists, because admitting otherwise means admitting their world-view is wrong.   invoking MLK isn’t done out of malicious intent, but out of desperate denial of a world that doesn’t fit their assumptions.  Many, perhaps most, white folks in the US have no consciously ill will towards minorities, and would recoil in distaste at the notion of being considered racist.  And they will spend all day explaining why they are perfectly justified in accepting a racist position on a topic and how that doesn’t make them racist because the minorities in question are to blame.  Deflection.  Denial.  Dismissal.  And then vote to prevent change.
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gloomysoup · 1 month
todays edition of snippet sunday isn't really an actual snippet tbh but i haven't done much writing this week and i had a thought today. so this is what we're doing instead.
i know the exotic dancer/stripper steve aus have made their rounds lately (specifically thinking of @ladykailitha with this one) and of course i have to hop on the bandwagon. i was driving home today when i thought of this, listening to next contestant by nickelback (shocker, i know)
so anyway all i really have with this right now is omega!steve being a stripper in a popular club where alpha!eddie works. this could also be a mafia!eddie au to add some extra spice (because who doesn't love a good mafia au). eddie is obsessed with steve from the moment he lays eyes on him. the attempts at courting start pretty much instantly. steve entertains it, for a while only thinking about how much it would benefit him to have rich powerful alpha who desires him. maybe he'll get lucky and finally get the pups he wants, with the bonus of being set for life and never again having to worry about whether or not he'll be able to pay his bills. somewhere along the way, though, steve falls just as hard. it turns out that eddie is so sweet and dorky and adoring. he dotes on steve and makes him laugh and spoils him with more than just expensive gifts.
their relationship is established, and steve is still working. he honestly does love his job. most of the time, at least. plus, it's great exercise to keep him active (and eddie definitely isn't complaining about the added bedroom benefits) eddie doesn't stop steve from working. he would never dictate his life like that. but he is there every night, not far from steve at any given moment.
the thing about eddie is that he's possessive. he knows steve would never do anything to betray him, but he sees the way the patrons of the club look at him. steve is hot, and he knows everyone else knows it too. but again, he's possessive. he doesn't like others touching what's his. so when a patron gets too handsy, or says something that makes eddie's skin crawl a little, it isn't long before they learn their lesson. he's always there to swoop in when steve gets uncomfortable, and he's always there to take steve home at the end of the night.
it takes a long time for steve to realize what eddie's been doing. it's only when he notices the patrons have been a lot less handsy lately, and he's heard fewer comments, that he starts to get suspicious. then he notices that a lot of his problem customers have mysteriously stopped showing up. he confronts eddie about it, a little mad that he would go behind steve's back and make examples out of his customers. until he sees eddie's face the next time someone makes a grab at steve's ass. the possessiveness, the jealousy, the borderline fury. it all makes sense. and honestly, the way eddie's eyes darken and his face sets instantly sends a chill down steve's spine. he's dripping by the time he gets a spare moment, and instantly drags eddie into the back room and locks the door. obviously they fuck nasty about it.
that's all i have planned but the thoughts are swirling.
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lovingseventeen · 2 years
is seventeen good at taking your picture? *ੈ✩‧₊˚
a/n: this is kinda random but wholesome lol 
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✿ “ah, you’re pretty”
✿ it just sort of comes out, really. he was taking a couple pictures but he puts your phone down for a second just to look at you
✿ he giggles when you start blushing (the pictures end up being the kind thats a little blurry bc you moved when he got you blushy, but its still aesthetically pleasing)
✿ he tries to prank you by showing you that he actually took a (very cute and giggly) selfie while you were posing (this selfie becomes your lock screen eventually)
✿ when he sees you scoff he does his specific “hahaha” laugh (y’all know what i mean) 
✿ but just as you’re about to smack his arm he swipes left and he actually took a couple good pictures 
✿ i feel like he’s the kind to be pretty diligent with taking your picture 
✿ will direct how you pose (if you want him to help) to get the best possible picture 
✿ “mm maybe turn your chin this way just a little bit” he goes, even so far as to demonstrate with his own face
✿ he really tries his best and they’re not totally bad 
✿ occasionally just crops your foot out weirdly or it’s not lined up the best 
✿ it may take another one or two tries but you’ll get there 
✿ will comment when you post that 1) you look pretty and 2) he took the picture (he’s proud)
✿ takes a million pictures of you in rapid fashion and each of them are about 2% different from each other 
✿ may be a little bit hit or miss 
✿ will encourage a horanghae hand at some point 
✿ but even though he’s taking pictures kinda fast he will be patient and take more if you want him to 
✿ i feel like he’d take pictures of you from two angles at most and ngl, they ain’t bad 
✿ like somehow, he didn’t put that much thought into them but they’re pretty good???
✿ he may not take too many pictures but he puts a lot of care into the 7 he does take
✿ says little words under his breath, maybe quirks his head as he’s figuring out how to hold your phone
✿ “hmm maybe this isn’t right” *head tilt* “is it?”
✿ may be a little bit overdramatic with the lunging to “make you look taller” 
✿ but best boy energy and he’s enthusiastic to help you !!
✿ will probably get a cute candid picture of you laughing over his antics
✿ he’s probably taller than you but he will squat and/or break his back to get that good angle 
✿ also has a pretty artistic eye so i could assume that he’d get an interesting picture 
✿ he also did mention bringing his camera with him everywhere (in that one interview) so he’d probably be the kind of boyfriend that would take your picture without you knowing 
✿ honestly use his height and some funky lens to your advantage to get something editorial 
✿ another artsy boy hehe 
✿ very flexible will most definitely get pictures of you from so many angles 
✿ moves around you enough so you barey have to adjust 
✿ i feel like he’d help you filter your pictures too 
✿ who am i kidding, seungkwan will go to every extreme to get the perfect picture 
✿ ofc he knows all of your best angles 
✿ you may want to stop taking pictures but he will inSiSt he can do better 
✿ you think the pictures are fine already (he really did do so good) but he’s pointing to tell you to go back to pose 
✿ the energy may not be through the roof but he’s still putting an effort trust
✿ if he doesn’t get what you want at first all you gotta do is demonstrate what you want
✿ really, just make him stand in your place and take a quick example
✿ “so i want you to take it like this, so you see this in the background too”
✿ “ah okay i see” he nods
✿ funniest part is the practice photo and he’s just standing in it like 🧍
✿ also tries pretty hard
✿ he’s about to show you what he has so far before he grabs your phone back before you even see he screen
✿ “wait let me try again!”
✿ he gets excited when he feels like the pictures turned out well
✿ sneakily sends a couple photos to his own phone 🫶🏽
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hunieday · 4 months
Re:vale - 2D☆STAR Vol.5 interview
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
This magazine has been released in November 2016 aka before part 3!
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your hard work with the shooting and outfit change! Pleased to work with you for this interview.
Interviewer: It's been a little while, but congratulations on the success of your 5th anniversary live performance at the Zero Arena inaugural event!
Momo: Thank you very much!
Yuki: Thank you.
Interviewer: Your live concert was very exciting. Could you please share your honest thoughts?
Yuki: It was our honor as Re:vale to be chosen to perform in such a special place like Zero Arena.
Yuki: I'm grateful to all the staff who worked hard to make the show a success, to TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 for their support and their performances, and to all the fans who came to see us.
Yuki: I’m sincerely glad that Momo and I worked so hard together.
Yuki: Right, Momo?
Momo: Yeah!
Momo: I'm really grateful too! I want to thank each and every one of them as loudly as I can!
Yuki: We’re also glad we were able to cover a Zero song as planned.
Momo: And the exclusive one-night shuffle units with TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 were super exciting too!
Interviewer: Speaking of TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7, they did perform a medley of Re:vale songs, how did you decide on that?
Momo: Actually they didn’t inform us about that, it was a complete surprise!
Yuki: It sure was.
Yuki: We were as surprised as the audience, if not more.
Momo: I almost cried even though we were about to perform!
Yuki: You mean you were actually crying.
Momo: Come on, Yuki, don't reveal Momo-chan's secrets so casually!
Yuki: Fufu. My bad.
Interviewer: I see. Thank you for sharing that precious memory with us!
Interviewer: Allow me to change the topic, could you share your thoughts on this cover photoshoot?
Momo: The shoot was so much fun! There was Re:vale spray-painted on the set which was very exciting!
Yuki: It was. The letters weren't very visible in the end because we stood in front of them, but it was nice to have a set specifically dedicated to us.
Momo: And the outfits exuded our adult charms thanks to the casual jackets and hats, don’t you think!?
Momo: Right, Yuki?
Yuki: Fufu. For me at least. Momo didn't give off much of an adult vibe.
Momo: Huh!? That's not true! I was oozing with charm, right!?
Interviewer: Yes! You both looked wonderful.
Interviewer: The theme of this issue is "Secret Talk with Close Friends", so please tell us about a moment where you felt grateful for having a partner.
Yuki: I'm not good at socializing or livening up the mood, so Momo's ability to make everyone around him happy helps me out a lot.
Momo: I'm happy, but you say that all the time~ Tell me something new!
Yuki: Then show us your example, Momo.
Momo: For me, it's Yuki's cooking!
Momo: I'm really happy that he makes dishes with meat just for me since he doesn’t even eat it! I can really feel your love!
Yuki: Hmm, I see what you mean.
Yuki: Then, during our indie days when Momo and I were still living together in poverty, Momo never got mad at me even when I was getting fired from my part time jobs. I’d love to thank you for that.
Yuki: Thank you.
Momo: You went back in time out of nowhere!?
Yuki: It's about how grateful I am to you ever since we started working together.
Momo: Here it is! Yuki's handsome comment!
Momo: You're in such high spirits today, you’re making my heart flutter!
Yuki: Fufu. Sorry for always being so handsome. 
Interviewer: Since we’re already at it, is there anything you'd like to tell your partner?
Momo: Yuki, there's still a confession you haven’t told me yet, right!?
Yuki: Why does it have to be a confession?
Momo: Because we're on the cover, so it's a great opportunity!
Momo: Please give me a warm confession that will convey our relationship to those who don’t know about Re:vale!
Yuki: Wait. Don't ask me to do things outside my expertise out of nowhere.
Momo: No way... I've always trusted you, Yuki... Was I just a game to you...!?
Yuki: No, not in the slightest.
Momo: If you don't share that special confession, Momo-chan might not recover...
Yuki: Ahh, are we doing this?
Momo: Momo-chan might not recover...
Yuki: Alright...
Yuki: "Until the end of the world, you’re the one and only partner for me in the universe." …*chuckles*
Momo: Yuki, you’ll ruin everything if you laugh at the end!
Yuki: I tried my best, so cut me some slack.
Interviewer: Thank you for the passionate messages!
Momo: Actually, TRIGGER’s Gaku came up with this line for me.
Yuki: The Number One most desired Man is also handsome on the inside, isn’t he?
Momo: I respect him for being able to churn out a dramatic line like that without any shame, even though he’s our junior!
Yuki: That’s right. No matter how many times I say it, it doesn't sound as manly as when he does.
Momo: You'll sound good if you don't laugh halfway through, Yuki!
Interviewer: Now onto the next question. Where do you see Re:vale in 10 years?
Yuki: I'll be 36, Momo will be 35, and it'll be Re:vale's 15th anniversary in ten years.
Momo: I'll work hard so that Yuki doesn't replace me with a younger guy!
Yuki: Hey, don’t say something that might cause misunderstandings.
Momo: Because I'm working on anti-aging!
Yuki: You’ll still be my partner even ten years from now, right? I’m looking forward to working with you more, Momo.
Momo: Yeah! Looking forward to it too, Yuki!
Momo: If I can still be with you and Re:vale in ten years then that's enough to make me happy!
Yuki: Thank you, Momo. I’ll be happy too.
Momo: I’m gonna be a bit greedy, but I’ll also be super happy if all our fans continue supporting us in ten years like they do now!
Yuki: Fufu. Indeed.
Interviewer: Lastly, please share a message for your fans who continue to support you.
Momo: I hope everyone enjoys the cover issue featuring Re:vale.
Momo: We were able to be on the cover of the magazine and succeed in the inaugural performance thanks to everyone's support! Thank you!
Momo: You have plenty of choices with so many charming idols featured in the magazine, including TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7, but please continue to support Re:vale!
Yuki: We were able to achieve all of this, from the magazine cover to the inaugural performance, all thanks to our fans who believed in Momo and I and kept supporting us.
Yuki: We will continue to do our best to keep offering the best Re:vale, so please continue supporting us.
The End
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