#it's been... a while... since i've done any long form animation
weksey · 4 months
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little gif for fun
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jnnul · 4 months
mr. brawn and ms. brain
sum: you hate athletes. eunseok is an athlete. eunseok is in love with you. it doesn't take a genius to see that there's an issue with this equation. after a one-sided love for the past three years, eunseok is saved when the two of you are partnered to work on an english project together. which means that eunseok's first step of getting you to fall in love with him is done. next step: get you to give him the time of day... word count: 9.6k a/n: hehe i've been working on this for so long i can't believe it's finally out lol i hope that you all enjoy reading this as much as i loved writing this! <3 someone teach me how to make visually pleasing banners. quick note: feedback, comments, etc. GREATLY encourage writers! if you felt any sort of way (in a good or bad way!) about this fic, pls leave feedback warnings: mentions of reader's insecurities, sungchan being a horrible/amazing friend, simp eunseok, uhh love :D
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EUNSEOK SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT TRYING TO WRAP HIS MIND AROUND YOUR SHEER GENIUS WAS A BAD IDEA. you were just so much smarter than him; he didn't know why he thought that he could even comprehend the meaning behind your actions anymore.
at least, this is what song eunseok gathers from your animated gestures and anger stained tone as you continue to motion at eunseok semi-offensively.
he's only half-listening (he's perfected the art of the blank stare) and you know that he's not listening too. but eunseok figures that if yelling at him to your heart's content is what would make you feel better, then he was glad to be your not-really listening ear.
"...and you know that i can't do it all on my own!" you yell finally, your distress coming to a climax. eunseok winces when your voice reaches a decibel he didn't know to be humanly possible. your chest is heaving and eunseok, from this, is now well aware that you're upset the fact you had to work on the partner project by yourself last night.
but he didn't know how else to explain to you that he had a soccer match last night that he couldn't just skip out to work on the project - even if it was a project that would more or less determine his grade in the class.
your arms are crossed against your torso, eyebrows furrowed as you wait for eunseok to say something. he's sat in front of you, looking akin to a statue, while you're standing up, glaring down at him and from this angle, eunseok is once again reminded of just why he lets you get away with saying pretty much anything to him.
eunseok is so incredibly in love with you that it takes every fiber of his being from telling you that any time the two of you were together. which was less often than he wanted but more often than you had had in the past so he was willing to take the wins he could get at this point.
"so you want me to the work on the project, that's it, right?" he says slowly and you damn near want to strangle him in that moment. you knew that eunseok wasn't dumb and that he had only sat through your entire lecture because you weren't going to let him hear the end of it anyway but would it kill him to at least pretend like he was remorseful?
"yes," you say finally, with an exasperated sigh. "i just want you to work on the project with me."
the corner of eunseok's lips twitch imperceptibly upwards in a soft smile before it disappears, bringing him back to his much more familiar bored expression. i just want you to work on the project with me.
that had to mean something, right? you wouldn't add the 'with me' without any particular reason, right? you actually meant to indicate something with that 'with me', right?
in all honesty, you're hadn't thought of what you were saying all that hard and had just said everything that came to mind in an attempt to rid yourself of your anger and eunseok knows that as well.
he's been in love with you for long enough to know that you didn't actually mean anything when he formed these delusions on his own but he couldn't help himself.
eunseok has loved you since the moment he saw you sitting inside the classroom, earbuds in your ears as you flipped through your notebook filled with notes while he was outside on the soccer field, squinting up at you against the relentless sun, three years ago.
he wasn't sure what it was. at first, he was sure that it was just the chase. the classic 'unattainable' trope where he was only attracted to you because of the challenge that you presented to him.
but it was strange.
eunseok wasn't a really big fan of cheesy clichés or overplayed poetry about something that he was sure didn't exist anymore but everything had changed when he saw you.
your looks, face, beauty - none of that seemed to be what clicked within him. the moment that you turned your head to peer out the window, your eyes landing on his, it was like his entire soul was breathing a sigh of relief.
if eunseok was any less of a realist, he would've genuinely believed that the two of you were soul tied lovers from previous lives.
the only issue was that eunseok was pretty sure his soulmate would give him the time of day. which you pretty much refused to do. it was like you were allergic to his type or something.
you kept to yourself in general, and didn't really have many friends but at the very least, you were friendly enough to those around you. no one really had anything bad to say about you bar the fact that you never allowed anyone to overtake you on your throne seated comfortably as number one in the whole school.
except for eunseok's friends. they all knew about eunseok's hopeless love for you and for the life of them could not understand why. you barely glanced in his direction in general, and seemed to always glare at any round object that could be used for a sport - and those who carried said offending objects.
which naturally meant that eunseok and the rest of his friends (all of whom unfortunately played some sport or another) were blacklisted by you.
he'd been curious at first why you had so much prejudice against sports and then one time, had seen you be forced to run laps around the field. needless to say, after he saw you nearly trip and fall on your face at least four times in one lap, he was vaguely aware of what prompted you to stay as far away from such activities as possible.
in fact, eunseok was relatively sure that he was going to have to graduate high school without ever actually having a proper conversation. until the fateful day that your english professor had assigned you and eunseok to work on the same project together for a final grade.
it was a simple research paper, but both of you had to submit outlines and drafts that showed how much you each contributed to the project, as well as how much of the project was done with each other - all of which contributed to your grade.
eunseok had thought that this was it! this would be his in!
he was wrong. to be honest, eunseok could count on one hand the number of conversations he'd had with you after starting work on the project together. and could count without any fingers the number of those conversations that were about anything other than project division.
which is why, when you're standing here, arms crossed against your heaving chest and looking at him with those eyes, eunseok has nothing running in his mind other than just how much he wants you to know what he feels.
"eunseok! are you even listening to me anymore?" you ask, waving a hand in his face. eunseok blinks before clearing his throat. he reaches out a long arm to pull out a chair in the desk next to his and indicates for you to sit down on it.
you eye the chair warily before sitting down, folding your skirt underneath your thighs as you sit gingerly, as if you were expecting it to explode.
the sight would normally make eunseok just roll his eyes for anyone else but with you, it makes him smile.
"okay, i'm sorry. with the game last night, i forgot to my part for the draft due friday. but i promise, i'm still going to make it up to you and finish all of the stuff i needed to do as soon as possible," eunseok says. you watch him for a moment before nodding and moving to get up out of the chair as eunseok rushes to come up with some reasoning to get you to stay with him a little longer.
"although, are you sure you're going to be able to finish the section by yourself? i had some issues with the first half of pride and prejudice because of the characterization and the time period," you say, although the last half of your thought seems to be much more reluctant than the first half, as if you didn't want to admit that you had any academic weaknesses to eunseok.
but eunseok barely pays it any mind, jumping on the opportunity as soon as he recognizes it. "oh...yeah, honestly i don't know if i can do it by myself. since we both have access to the late night study room anyway, do you wanna finish it together tonight?"
eunseok watches as the gears turn in your head, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you debate the possibilities in your mind. and even as you do, he tries to control the erratic beating of his heart at the chance of spending so much time with you.
if he could explain his feelings to anyone, which eunseok was not gifted with the vocabulary of attempting to do so, he was sure that they would ask if he was ripped straight from the novel the two of you were assigned to work on.
to be honest, eunseok thinks as he rests his temple against the heel of his palm, watching as you pull out a timetable and consult it with utmost seriousness, even he found it kinda silly.
well, not silly as in his crush on you was dumb per se (although, there were times where he realized just how unfounded his feelings truly were). more silly like i didn't even know these kinds of feelings could still exist in people.
silly like how a child discovering the world for the first time might be - awkward in their gait but curiosity shining brightly in their eyes, learning how to be human for the first time.
he knows that his whole 'true love' or 'soulmate' semantics were not for the weak of heart - and most definitely not for those who were too embroiled in the 'love' of today's day and age. but he couldn't bring himself to care.
it made him want to be a better person for you. to be the man that you would glance at in more than just passing. to be worthy of your love.
"alright. i'm scheduled for an english tutoring session but i'll ask them to meet me tomorrow instead. maybe i can use some of the stuff that we learn during our project," you say with a sigh, crossing out some of the timings written in your schedule and rearranging them.
eunseok's eyebrows furrow. "you take tutoring lessons? oh, like a private tutor?"
you eye eunseok strangely, as if you weren't sure if he was making a joke or not.
"no...i teach people. i tutor for english, mathematics, and some other subjects as well. it's how i'm adding to my resumé." the chair makes an awful noise when you push it back to stand up.
"oh," eunseok says. resumé? for what? college admissions? god, he really needed to start getting ready for that. his csat score was not high enough for him to even dream about getting into a good enough school for you to recognize him.
or, you know, secure brighter future in such a competitive job market. but that was mostly secondary.
"yeah. so..." you trail off awkwardly, toeing the ground with your arms behind your back. the sight of you being awkward or unsure of yourself was foreign to eunseok but nonetheless endearing.
"yeah. so i'll see you tonight then? after classes end?" eunseok prompts you and you seem to snap out of whatever reverie your mind was in.
"mhm." it's absent-minded and almost an afterthought, as you make your way out of the classroom, pausing at the door to look at him before leaving.
classes end a couple of hours later, and eunseok is left waiting anxiously in the study rooms.
you'd agreed to meet after classes but eunseok realizes that he'd never asked for a specific time or your number to communicate with you, meaning that he'd been stuck in the study rooms for the past hour, unsure if and when you were going to show up.
eunseok had been productive with his time, of course. he'd tucked away the soccer ball he'd brought to school into one of the lockers in the back and popped a breath mint. not for any particular reason, but he didn't want you to think of him in the stereotypical 'jock who doesn't partake in hygiene'.
he'd even tried to make progress on the pride and prejudice chapters he'd been assigned (by you) to write about, only to give up three sentences in.
the one thing that eunseok had done incorrectly, however, was drinking too much water. see, eunseok had a strange habit of chugging water every time he got nervous. needless to say, about an hour of sheer anxiety of when you were going to show up made him down the whole waterbottle.
which was not good because now, eunseok had to relieve himself and you were still nowhere to be seen. and he couldn't just go use the restroom and come back because he was pretty sure you'd just leave and assume that he bailed on you if he left his post in the study rooms.
eunseok paces around the room, hoping that time would move faster if he moved faster (time-space was in same dimension after all, so technically...). he's taken about twenty-three laps around the study room when he finally hears the door click open and you enter the study room somewhat cautiously, looking worse for wear.
"I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" eunseok manages to holler before sprinting out of the study room, not wanting to look back and see your undoubtedly bewildered face as he makes a mad dash for the men's restrooms.
it's not until eunseok finally relieves himself, washing his hands in the sink that was lower than his hips that he realizes what he'd just done.
eunseok berates himself more than once or twice in the bathroom, pacing back and forth once more when he realizes just how much of an idiot he must've looked like as he sprinted out of the room like a crazy man.
"it's ok. it's ok! having to use the restroom is natural! everyone needs to! it's not like y/n doesn't, right? don't worry, you look fine. you're so hot, she'll forget it happened."
you didn't forget. when eunseok slinked back into the study room, you can barely keep the silly smile off your face, trying your best to look understanding and apologetic instead.
"i'm - i'm so sorry for coming late eunseok. i heard there was soccer practice today so i figured you'd be late and decided to help mrs. kim with creating the study set for the upcoming math test," you explain, unable to keep the lighthearted giggle out of your voice.
eunseok offers an embarrassed half-grin as he waves you off.
"don't worry, i wasn't waiting long. i just got here too. uh, i asked coach to cancel practice since both captains wouldn't be able to make it," eunseok says, looking busily through his backpack in an effort to prevent you from looking at his red face.
"you asked the coach to cancel practice?" you ask incredulously and eunseok tries his best to act nonchalant.
"yeah. i mean, you're right after all. academics are more important than sports - it's not like i plan on going pro or anything so i figured that i should sit down and make some headway on this project," eunseok says with a shrug, and it brings him a strange sense of satisfaction when you glance at him as though you were suddenly looking at him for the first time.
"you don't plan on playing in college? i mean i've heard that you're good enough for it," you say, and you sound genuinely curious, rearranging the books in front of you.
"i mean i plan on playing in college but i can't exactly get into college just on sports. i'm not that good. i still need to have good grades and scores to get in," eunseok says and you frown, deep in thought, but eunseok can tell that it's not in a bad or malicious way.
"i'd never thought you would care that much about school," you say softly and eunseok can't help but shoot you a lopsided grin.
"we're not all just dumb jocks, y/n," he responds, his voice just as soft and he realizes just how much he likes the taste of your name on his tongue.
"yeah. i guess so," you say finally, offering him a small smile.
eunseok thinks he can die happy when he sees it.
the two of you don't become best friends over the next couple weeks. in fact, you still don't have too many conversations with him other than about the project, but it's more than eunseok has been awarded with before.
you talk to him in between classes now, when you see him in the hallways, and ask him about soccer practice. eunseok always blushes, casting his eyes towards the windows so that he had something to look at other than your intelligent and probing eyes.
he even sees you wave at him during soccer practice, when you're headed out early for tutoring and eunseok nearly dies of heart attack, tripping over himself as he rushes to wave back.
wonbin didn't let him live that down for a full week after the incident occurred, laughing and waving in exaggerated motions every time he saw eunseok.
he even went as far as going up to you and asking you to come to one of the upcoming soccer matches, all in the name of good fun.
eunseok had had to literally tackle wonbin to the floor in order to keep him from spilling any vital information ("please come to the soccer match because our captain has been crushing on you since his first year and we can't see him like this anymore.") but it was clear that the message came through incorrectly.
"you don't want me to come to your match that much? i thought we were better friends than that, eunseok," you said with a frown, and eunseok had to scramble to his feet, kicking wonbin with his foot.
"no - no! it's not that. i do really want you to come to our soccer match. but i kinda wanted to be the one to ask you. you know, because you're so busy all the time and i thought you might say yes if i asked rather than this idiot," eunseok had explained, tripping over his words in an attempt to make sure that he didn't hurt your emotions.
you'd stared up at him, your face unreadable. that was the one thing that eunseok didn't like about you - he could never truly predict exactly what you were thinking unless you said it out loud. you were infamous for your poker face and it made eunseok incredibly nervous.
little did he know that that was the exact reason that eunseok made you nervous.
"i'll come if i have time," you had said simply, turning on your heel to flounce away.
"you're an idiot but goddamnit, i love you wonbin," eunseok had said, descending onto the right wing to tackle him to the floor once more with a hug.
"alright! i get it! get off of me, cap!" wonbin said, pawing at eunseok's arms to relieve himself from the bearhug he was trapped in. he'd just laughed, wrapping his arms around wonbin even tighter.
which brought eunseok to his current predicament.
not only had you come to the match, but you'd brought some of your friends with you. eunseok doesn't really recognize any of them but by the way that you're laughing as you're talking to them, eunseok figures that that you must be pretty close.
"if you could stop staring at the love of your life and finish warm-up drills, that would be great, cap," wonbin says and eunseok shivers, startled by the right wing's sudden presence.
"yeah. uh, team! keep up the drills for just two more minutes before debriefing," eunseok yells, finally forcing his head away from your direction to face his team.
"i invited her because i wanted to give you a chance to impress yourself in front of her. don't make this rare opportunity into a mess," wonbin suggests with a smirk, saluting to eunseok as he ran to sungchan to finish the last few drills with him.
"that brat. and he still wants to be captain next year," eunseok grumbles under his breath, begrudgingly joining the rest of the team. as much as he hated to admit it, wonbin was right.
getting you to come to this match was already more than eunseok had ever had in the past; there was no way that he was going to let himself fuck this up. that would be so incredibly embarrassing.
"alright!" eunseok shouts, clapping his hands and waiting for the team to huddle around him. "i don't need to remind anyone that just because our team has been doing well, we still need to play at our best, right? you all know how to play soccer so just do what you've been doing and don't let it get to your head. good and bad plays both."
he extends his hand out to the center of their huddle, and the rest of the team also extends their hands, chanting their school's soccer cheer before dispersing to discard any extra gear or possessions.
eunseok looks one last time to where you were sitting, just as a quick 'good luck glance' and he's startled to see you already staring back at him. you cock your head and smile slightly, offering him a thumbs up and eunseok feels as though he'd already won the match.
"seok, i've got an idea," sungchan, eunseok's fellow captain and one of his closest friend says, slinging an arm around his shoulders.
"what bullshit are you stirring up now?" eunseok says, his voice flat and unimpressed. sungchan grabs his chest where his heart was, as though he'd been shot, dramatically stumbling backwards.
"here i am, offering to relieve you of your pining and you say i'm stirring up bullshit," sungchan gasps. eunseok rolls his eyes, grabbing sungchan's jersey to pull him forward.
"what? match is starting soon," eunseok says, unable to keep the smile out of his voice.
"i'll make a bet with you," sungchan says. "if i score more goals than you do, you have to ask out y/n. but if you score more goals than i do, then you don't have to."
"this feels like a stupid bet. i'm not doing it," eunseok says, but he can already feel himself being swayed. he'd liked you for so long - at this point, he was just looking for the slightest push in the right direction to ask you out.
"alright fine. you don't have to. y/n's pretty cute, honestly, and she's hella smart too. so i'll make you a different deal. if i score more goals, i ask her out. if you score more goals, i won't ask her out," sungchan says, a devilish smile on his face.
eunseok's eyes look as though they'd burn sungchan to smithereens if they could but sungchan barely shivers, offering him a shit-eating grin and turning to blow a kiss to you.
"what the fuck? i should've known that you were up to something stupid," eunseok growls. "why the hell would you ask her out?"
"it's only an issue if i score more goals than you, right?" sungchan says, jogging backwards to join the team again, never breaking eye contact with eunseok.
eunseok knew that sungchan was a loyal friend and there was no way in hell that he was going to ask you out - even as a joke or as a push to get eunseok to confess his feelings - but eunseok was pissed. the idea of someone else confessing to you before he ever did made him see red.
the team barely sees eunseok the whole match. which is strange, because he's in for the entire match, but they barely even see him, his red uniform appearing as streaks up and down the field. he scores goal after goal, running towards the goalpost at speeds they'd never see the usually laidback captain move at.
and sungchan was no better than him. although his heart wasn't in it nearly as much, sungchan was hot on eunseok's heels, the two of them on opposite ends of the field and being the two people that the team relied on the most the entire match, carrying the entire team to victory.
which is why when the scoreboard reads 5 - 0, the team is shocked, but sungchan just has that stupid grin on his face. not only had eunseok scored one more goal than sungchan, he'd also gone mad, ensuring that the opposing team didn't score a single goal.
"what the hell did you do to cap?" wonbin asks sungchan, and the older boy just nods in your general direction.
"gave him the push he's been needing," he says, smirking with satisfaction when he sees eunseok jogging over to where you were sitting, after shaking hands with the opposing team and thanking the referees.
"thanks for coming, y/n," eunseok says, out of breath and sweaty when he reaches to where you were sitting. "i honestly didn't think you were coming - since sports aren't really your thing."
"i promised i would come, didn't i?" you quip, and a shy smile overtakes your face, making eunseok having to use every single ounce of his willpower to keep from squealing at how cute he found you. your friends slowly start to file out to leave the two of you standing there - you in the bleachers and him on the field.
"hm, yeah, you did." eunseok's face turns contemplative and for some reason, you rush to fill the silence, in a way that you'd never felt compelled to do with anyone else before.
"i have to admit...i had more fun than i thought," you say, choking on the words as you get them out. eunseok's eyebrows ascend into his hairline - which would be hilarious if you weren't the reason that they were doing so.
"you had fun? y/n l/n? having fun? that too, at a soccer match?" eunseok says incredulously, throwing his hands on his chest dramatically. "well, i'll be!"
you roll your eyes, but you can't help the silly smile you can feel start to form on your lips.
"i can have fun, you know. i'm not always studying and boring everyone. even at soccer games where all i see is a ball go up and down and i have no clue what's happening. i think you did well, though, since everyone was chattering a lot about your performance," you say, adding the last part to appease eunseok for inviting you.
"i don't care about what people say," eunseok says easily, waving his hand in the air as if to physically rid himself of the thought of other people disturbing his mental wellbeing.
"y/n! you have to get going; your tutoring starts soon and mrs. im is always super mad when anyone's the slightest second late!" one of your friends calls out, coming closer to physically drag you away from eunseok if need be.
even his ugliest stare doesn't work on discouraging them from approaching the two of you and eunseok figures that he should work on a mean glare instead of a blank stare; the latter wasn't helping as much anymore now that everyone just assumed that's what his natural face looked like.
"alright, alright. i'm coming," you say, stepping down the stairs of the bleachers carefully, tripping on the last step. eunseok's arm shoots out before he can even think of what he's doing, catching you as you fall.
"thank you," you say breathlessly, and suddenly, eunseok worries that you can hear the erratic beating of his heart from just how close you were to each other, your chests quite nearly touching.
"you wanna hang out some time? maybe prove that the academic queen, school topper, ms. brain knows how to have some fun?" eunseok asks, and he can feel the blood rushing throughout his body as his adrenaline is at an all-time high.
he doesn't think that he was nearly this nervous or that his heart was even pumping this hard during this match. but now, as he's looking down at the most beautiful woman he's ever seen in eighteen years of life, he can't help but feel weak in the knees and just a little too stupidly hopeful.
"i'm sorry eunseok. i'm pretty busy nowadays. especially with new people that i've been tutoring. i don't even have too much time to study myself; i don't think i can afford to take too many breaks now," you explain, somewhat sorry and somewhat sullen.
eunseok tries to keep the heartbreak from showing on his face and he nods, almost too excitedly.
"oh yeah, i get it! no worries! i mean, you are the number one student in the school! you've gotta keep those grades up!" his voice sounds fake even to his own ears and your friend winces apologetically but you don't even seem phased, flashing him a sweet smile.
"we'll 'hang out' when we work on the project next monday though right?" you ask, and eunseok nods, a plastic smile on his face.
"yeah, of course," he says, and for some reason, he can't help but wonder if you knew just how great you were at letting people down. eunseok knew that you were beautiful but no one had ever dared to ask you out, for fear of the fact that they would come second to your academics.
it's hard to ask someone out when you know what the answer is.
"well, i'll get going now then. mrs. im seems like a real tiger mom and i have my first tutoring session with her son today," you say, wrapping your sweater a little bit tighter around your body as you wave goodbye, retreating into the foggy afternoon.
"how did it go, cap?" wonbin asks, a knowing grin on his face, ready to tease/congratulate his captain on his definite success in asking you out.
eunseok doesn't even turn away from watching your figure until he's just staring at empty space and fog before saying, "tell the team we're running laps."
wonbin balks, looking in your direction to see if you'd come to save them. "but we won, cap!"
"no, sungchan and i won. the team is running laps," eunseok grinds out and wonbin immediately retreats backwards, understanding the situation a bit too clearly.
he sets off into a sprint and the team is quick to follow when they see the confusing expression on their captain's face. there was a mix of shame, heartbreak, confusion, guilt, and even some anger on his face and the team was just going to have to take the brunt of his emotions for now. he had a valid point, after all.
you were none the wiser about the soccer team's struggles until your friend, kim minjeong, looks back to see her friend, park wonbin, running in repeated circles before the fog starts to cover the soccer field. she shoves her hands into the pockets of her sweater before shaking her head.
"you know that eunseok was asking you out, right?" she asks and you scoff, pushing her slightly.
"you're insane minjeong. i think that jekyll and hyde is finally getting to you," you jest slightly, referencing her english project. "why the hell would eunseok ask me out?"
"because he wants to spend time with you? because you're a fun person when people get to know you? because he likes you, i don't know!" minjeong exclaims, stopping dead in her tracks and throwing her hands up.
"no, that can't be true," you say, but when you turn to look at what minjeong was looking at, you find that your eyes search the field until they lock with eunseok's eyes, which are trained on you and he cocks his head, causing you to shiver and face forward.
"are you sure?" minjeong asks, looking back and forth between you and eunseok as you march forward determinedly.
"i'm sure. there's no way that eunseok likes me."
you were sure that eunseok didn't like you. that was what you had told minjeong and ning yizhuo, another one of your good friends, when the two of them had confronted you again later. that's the truth, as far as you're aware.
that's what made the most sense too; why the hell would the ace soccer captain be any level of interested in a person who spent all of their time studying and tutoring? someone who was known to be a reserved and kind enough person but a complete hardass when it came to their academics?
yizhuo's words echo in your mind as you sit on your bed, having completed your nightly routine of taking your vitamins and doing your skincare.
he'd never ask you if he wasn't interested.
you hated when she was right. especially when it meant that you were wrong about something. most especially because it meant that you were being emotionally unaware of something.
you stare at your phone, as if staring at it long enough would produce the answers you're searching for - the same thing you'd been doing for the past half hour. you know that you should go to sleep soon; you didn't have any tutoring tomorrow but you were planning on using the time to study, not having had much time over the weekdays to study.
but almost against your own reason and will, your arm reaches for your phone and types out a message recklessly, pressing send before your brain has the time to catch up to the antics of your foolish heart.
you: you wanna go to the arcade with me tomorrow?
you gasp at your own message, scandalized by your sudden initiative and something so out of character for you. you couldn't remember the last time you'd spent more than a couple minutes doing something fun.
actually, that was a lie. you'd just gone to eunseok's game. and you'd had fun. it was something about him that made you want to set down your pens and embrace life. or something else cheesy like that.
your heart jumps when eunseok's response comes, not even a minute after you'd sent the initial message.
song eunseok: i'd lvoe to. song eunseok: **love song eunseok: no tutoring tomorrow?
you type out a response, looking up to check the time on the desktop computer, catching a glimpse of your reflection. why the hell were you smiling?
you: not tomorrow. they canceled since they're going to busan for the weekend. song eunseok: ohhh i see. song eunseok: then let's do it! 1pm? you: sounds good. you: :)
you cast your phone aside on your nightstand, not bothering to read whatever messages eunseok had sent afterwards, instead drifting off into a somewhat peaceful and somewhat anticipatory sleep as you dreamt of the next day.
you're uncharacteristically nervous, knee bouncing as you check your watch for the time for the third time in the past thirty seconds. much to your dismay, it was still very much 12:45 PM.
never had you been this nervous on the day of an important exam or a recital for violin. mostly because those were things that came somewhat easily to you - practice, practice, practice and you would succeed in any task given to you.
but friends? specifically friends who asked you on dates (according to yizhuo and minjeong, that's what this was)? you were somewhere between absolutely lost and crazy scared.
it's just eunseok, you have to breathe and remind yourself. just song eunseok. the stoic soccer team captain. your english project partner. the one that you've been getting a little too influenced by lately.
you consider turning around and heading home to safer territories (textbooks) and bailing on eunseok but before you can put your escape plan into action, the bane of your existence and cause for your issues appears in your vision, jogging over to you with the classic blank face that you've grown used to.
the shit-eating grin on his face that grows when he sees you already sitting on the bench outside the arcade is something that you're not used to, however, and it makes you blush at the implication.
"i'm a very punctual person," you say as soon as eunseok is in earshot, your ego smarting.
"i never said anything," eunseok retorts and you just harrumph, crossing your arms over your chest. "besides, i thought i'd definitely get here before you. you know, to practice."
your eyebrows knit together as you try to decipher the meaning behind his words. "to practice? practice what?"
eunseok's smile grows a little more bashful and sincere as he turns to face the arcade, unable to face you. "practice showing you that i'm worth wasting your saturday afternoon on instead of studying."
you fumble for words, leaping to your feet and marching into the arcade. "i'm not wasting my saturday afternoon on you! i'm - i'm showing you that i can be fun!"
eunseok just watches you enter the arcade, a dopey expression on his face and he jogs to follow you inside, slinging an arm around you in a casual motion that neither him nor you were expecting.
"you're plenty of fun, y/n. you have nothing to prove." eunseok's voice is soft and sweet above your head, and a little too sincere for you to pass over his words nonchalantly. you step just the slightest bit closer into his embrace, an action that doesn't go unnoticed by him and his grip, previously loose and lax so that you could push him off whenever, grows just the tightest bit stronger.
"that sounds like someone who's scared of getting their ass kicked in dance dance revolution."
"oh hell no. you're on, miss school topper."
as much as you hate to admit it, you have an incredible time with eunseok at the arcade. although you don't live up to your own expectations of your performance at arcade games (you chalk it up to lack of practice), eunseok exceeds your expectations.
even games that he says that he's never attempted before come to him easily, and he beats you at every single one of them, even with handicaps such as shooting with one hand for the basketball game or closing his eyes and playing whack a mole.
it's somewhat damaging to your street cred (not that you were banking on any street cred, to be honest) but eunseok manages soothe your ego by winning you three plushies at the claw machine (which he was also good at; you were starting to think that he was ai). two of them were matching so you hand him one of them, saying that it could be a good way to remember this afternoon together.
"i don't think i forget this afternoon," eunseok says when you hand him the plushie.
"hm?" you ask, somewhat distracted by the cute plushies in your arms.
"nothing," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "what do you say we go get some coffee? there's a really nice café nearby here."
"oh yeah, lets go. i love memories café; i study there all the time," you say, hugging the plushies to your chest.
"really? one of my friends works there! you should've told me before; i would've gotten you free coffee this whole time," eunseok exclaims, waving goodbye to the arcade employee that he'd become rather familiar with after all his visits to their establishment. the employee points to you subtly and gives him a thumbs up to indicate her approval of eunseok's type, and he just fake bows in agreement, walking out the arcade with a silly smile.
"which one? the tall one? i forget his name but he's pretty popular on campus, isn't he?" you say, your voice growing unsure as you try to place him in your memory.
"sungchan?" eunseok asks darkly, a troubled expression on his face. "yeah, he's pretty popular. for being pretty. and popular. and good at a lot of stuff."
"yeah, sungchan! he's the one who works there, isn't he? yizhuo always drags me to go when he's working because she thinks he's cute," you say before turning to eunseok with a gasp. "don't tell anyone i told you that! god, i can't believe i let that slip!"
eunseok chokes out a laugh, shaking his head. "i won't tell anyone, trust me. but, uh, do you think that he's cute? i mean you come to café pretty often right? is it because...because you think he's cute?"
you frown, trying to conjure his face in your mind before shrugging. "nah. i mean i see why people think he's cute but he's not really my type."
eunseok's heart leaps for joy before stopping at the end of your sentence. "uh, you have a type?"
he opens the door to the café for you when you reach it. you enter it, mumbling a quick thanks as you brush past him.
"sure. which teenage girl doesn't?" you quip, not even bothering to read the menu, already sure of what you were going to get.
eunseok scans the café, before groaning internally as his eyes land on his co-captain, flashing sweet smiles to every person that steps up to the register, never failing to make them swoon.
"care to share?" eunseok asks, shielding you from sungchan, wanting to prevent the clash for as long as possible.
"only if you do," you retort, and eunseok's stuck between figuring out how to keep you from seeing sungchan (or realistically, sungchan from seeing you) and how to tell you that you were his type, without actually saying your name.
he's saved and damned at the same time when sungchan calls out his name, and you peek around eunseok's body to see sungchan standing there in all of his tall, beautiful glory.
"sungchan, hey," eunseok says with a grumble, and you look up at him worriedly. he rushes to fix his tone, not wanting you to think that he was a salty or shitty friend.
"i see you've brought a friend," sungchan says smugly, and he extends his hand over the counter for you to shake. "hi! i'm sungchan, eunseok's co-captain."
you accept his hand, shaking it politely. "nice to meet you. eunseok's talked you up a lot. i'm y/n, by the way."
sungchan's eyes dart to eunseok at the mention of his praise, who's still brooding slightly, with a slight smile on his face. "trust me, there's no person at our school who doesn't know our resident number one academic. you haven't given up the throne since the day you stepped in our school."
you blush, trying to shrug casually. "i'm just really lucky to have the opportunities i do."
"intelligent, humble, and beautiful? how'd you get a girl like this to give you the time of day, seok-ie?" sungchan says, and it's like rubbing salt in the wound. sungchan is joking, and eunseok logically knows that he is just teasing him for finally working up the courage to ask you out three years after he developed feelings for you. but for some reason, the sweet smile on your face directed at sungchan instead of him made him upset.
"trust me, i have no clue either. she's pretty much perfect, isn't she?" eunseok says finally, and the sheer sincerity in his voice is enough for you to rip your gaze away from sungchan and to eunseok, who's looking at you with honey dripping from his eyes.
the sweetness in his eyes makes your heart race for some reason and you clear your throat, unable to turn away from eunseok for a good couple seconds before looking at the menu behind sungchan's head.
"well, uh, could i get a vanilla latte please? hot, not iced," you say, hating the quirk in your voice. eunseok's gaze is heavy on your face and he can barely find it in himself to turn away, ordering the same thing as you.
sungchan smirks, entering the order as his eyes dart between you and eunseok, both standing less than a foot apart but unable to look at each other.
"alright. i'll bring it over to your table, then. pro tip, the second floor has the best spot to watch the sunset in thirty minutes," sungchan says. eunseok nods in thanks, pulling out his wallet to offer sungchan a ten thousand won bill to cover your coffee and his own but sungchan just waves him away.
"today's coffee is on me. for the momentous occasion of song eunseok going on a date for the first time in his life," sungchan says and your head whips to see eunseok's reaction.
this was his first date? you think. but he's so popular! and so handsome...how has no one asked him out before?
almost as though sungchan can read your mind, he responds for eunseok. "he's been asked out so many times but he insisted that he was waiting for the one."
sungchan's words barely register in your mind, and your thoughts are still racing when eunseok guides you upstairs and to the table that sungchan had suggested.
"you've been waiting for the one?" you ask with an incredulous tone and eunseok tries his best to play it off casually.
"sungchan just says whatever. it's mostly because i didn't have the time," eunseok explains. and because none of the people who asked me out were you, he thinks, but doesn't voice aloud.
"hm. honestly, before you asked me out, i kinda thought i was going to die single," you admit after a couple moments of silence.
"why would you think that? we're only eighteen! and besides, you're smart, talented at violin, beautiful, and a bunch of other things i can't think of right now. anyone would be lucky to date you," eunseok says indignantly and you smile, but it doesn't quite reach your eyes.
"if i'm being honest with you, it's all just to cover up my own insecurities. in middle school, i wasn't that smart and i didn't really care about my grades. i had a crush on this kid - i think his name was shotaro? - but he didn't really notice me. i wasn't the smartest kid in the grade, or the prettiest one, or even rich enough to dress up nicely and wear the things i wanted to.
"i don't think he actually cared about any of that stuff but my own insecurities sabotaged me enough to convince myself that he wanted nothing to do with me because i wasn't good enough. so i threw myself into everything i could. violin, academics, working out - everything. i started getting quieter and quieter because i thought that no one would want to listen to what i had to say.
"and the more i did things like that, the more i got used to being like that. i got used to being alone and focusing on my academics and stuff. even minjeong and yizhuo have always been closer to each other than they have been to me. they do fun things without me and that's mostly my fault because i never truly let them in but i don't know. it's hard to remind myself that people want to be my friend.
"especially because everyone thinks that all i think about is stuff like my studies and violin. it's hard to have fun and make memories when there's no one to make memories with. i just wish that i could have days like this, where i go out and have fun and do the things i want to with someone who wants to make memories with me."
you sigh, brushing away the tears that had welled up in your eyes as you had spoke. eunseok is silent the whole time and you finally come to your senses, rushing to lean forward in your chair and explain your sudden outburst of emotions.
"i'm so sorry for talking your ear off! i have no clue what my problem is; i promise i'm not usually so full of myself. i don't know why i'm talking about myself so much - "
eunseok doesn't let you finish. before your brain can even process, eunseok's lips are on your cheek, and your entire body just freezes.
and before you can understand what's happening, eunseok's back in his chair, looking at you as if you were the one who had kissed him, rather than vice versa.
"sorry! i just - i didn't mean to kiss you without your consent. i'm sorry. i just really don't want you to continue berating yourself," eunseok says. "i really like you and it really sucks to know that the one person that you like the most - the person that you wish nothing but the best for - doesn't like themself nearly as much as you do."
he leans forward in his chair, turning his head so that his cheek was facing you.
"you should slap me. i can take it! i deserve it, anyway," eunseok says, squeezing his eyes shut when he feels a breeze descend on his cheek. but instead of the stinging of a slap, it feels as though a soft pillow has touched his cheek.
eunseok opens his eyes to see you leaning over the table to press your lips to his cheek and in his shock, he turns his head and suddenly his lips are on yours and you're kissing in this café.
it's like fireworks explode in eunseok's body, especially when you raise your hand to touch his cheek gently before pulling away, eunseok resting his forehead against yours.
"this is cute and all but do you mind doing this at home? i'm gonna lose my job and maybe my lunch if i have to watch this any longer," says sungchan's smug voice from behind eunseok, and the two of you leap backwards into your respective chairs.
"sorry man," eunseok manages to choke out, and you just hide your face in your hands, too embarrassed to look up.
"don't mind me," sungchan quips, setting down the two cups of coffee and retreating down the stairs, shoulders shaking from trying to hide his laughs.
"this is going to be all over school, isn't it?" you groan, your head letting a resounding thunk when you collapse against the table. eunseok gets up to hunt down and sungchan and swear (read: threaten) him to secrecy but you reach out, catching eunseok's sleeve.
you let go when eunseok stops to look at you, a hot flush on your cheeks. "i don't mind it, honestly. i mean, i was never expecting my first relationship to be such a public one but there's no sense in hiding things right?"
"wait, wait, wait. we're in a relationship? that you're okay with being public with?" eunseok says, and he can see you visibly debate back-peddling and taking back your statement or going forward with conviction.
it seems that you've chosen full throttle when you cross your arms over your chest, leaning on the table. "isn't that what you want too? a relationship? i'm assuming that you wouldn't kiss me if you didn't want me to be something more than a friend to you and i wouldn't kiss you if i wasn't open to exploring being that something more."
eunseok feels as though he's on cloud nine, slinking back into his chair with the satisfaction of a cat with a bowl of cream.
"trust me, there's nothing that i want more than that."
as the two of you had expected, the school is quick to catch onto the budding relationship between you and eunseok and quite frankly, it feels refreshing for you to be associated with something other than excelling your academics.
eunseok breathes fresh air into your life just by his mere presence. he coerces you into coming to his soccer matches, never failing to run into the bleachers to scoop you up in his arms and kiss you like you're the only two people in the world.
the news of the resident ms. brain and mr. brawn dating had spread like wildfire, and an instagram post with eunseok spinning you and kissing you after winning the seoul championships garners over four hundred thousand views, your romance going viral. so viral, in fact, that someone had created an instagram account just to document your relationship - the account had over three thousand followers, as of the last time you checked.
you'd initially thought that the attention that your relationship spun up would cause issues between the two of you but more than anything, it caused you to work through any issues that came up with communication and healthy relationship counseling (sungchan flirting with you until eunseok finally got off his ass and apologized after fucking up - only whenever fights were about stupid things that either of you were too proud to give in about).
and just like that, months passed by within the blink of an eye. the instagram account (you're somewhat sure that park wonbin and kim minjeong were running the account from sheer amount of footage from close up the instagram page featured) posted a video of eunseok playing insanely well at a match after one of the times that sungchan had been called in reinforcements.
eunseok's dream college had extended a soccer scholarship, and he'd committed within twenty fours of receiving the offer and soon after, you committed to the same college.
when various people, eunseok included, asked you why you'd chosen to go to the same school as eunseok, rather than a bigger or more prestigious school (although this school was still top six in the nation), you'd just smiled and leaned into eunseok's embrace.
"i can study and do well anywhere. i can't make memories to cherish and share for the rest of my life if i go anywhere else." is all you say to everyone who asked and eunseok thanks his lucky stars that he'd kissed you that day in the café to be able to hold you and talk about a future with the two of you like this.
and just as fast the last couple months had passed by, a full ten years pass by. the ten years are filled with moments of happiness and sadness, laughs and tears, but filled with life that you wouldn't trade for the world.
and when you and eunseok walk together to the high school reunion held at someone's restaurant, hand in hand, looking the same as you had as stupidly in love teenagers ten years ago, next to no one is suprised.
"look who it is! it's mrs. brawn and mr. brain now," someone calls out, causing all of your classmates to erupt into laughter. the both of you just look at each other and smile, flagging down where sungchan and minjeong are sitting and taking your own seats next to them.
"by the way, eunseok, how'd you get our resident genius to go out with you anyway? or even fall in love hard enough to go to the same college as you?" someone you don't really recognize asks from the other side of the restaurant and the entire restaurant buzzes with excitement, waiting for eunseok's answer.
eunseok smiles and exchanges a look with sungchan, a teasing glint in his eyes. "let's just say that sungchan isn't allowed within ten feet of my wife."
and with that, the restaurant breaks out into cheers and laughter, everyone returning to their conversation, the attention turning to the most eligible bachelor of their grade, jung sungchan.
minjeong leans over to whisper in your ear. "it's a good thing you had a private wedding; i bet half of these people don't know that sungchan was eunseok's best man."
you shrug, laughing freely with everyone else. "half of these people also don't know that you and sungchan have been dating for the past three years."
eunseok's wedding band flashes under the light as he raises his glass to toast to the 'inside joke' that the four of you shared, clinking his beer with the three of you.
"to the bambi boy and the winter girl!"
"to mr. brawn and mrs. brain!"
"i can't believe i graduated from ms. brain to mrs. brain."
"and i can't believe that you and eunseok have been together for eleven years instead of fourteen because eunseok was too much of a pussy to ask you out when he started liking you."
"don't skin my fiancé please. you can do whatever you want after the wedding."
"i can't believe my fiancé hates me this much."
"i can't believe these people are our friends."
"i can't believe i finally scored mrs. brain."
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Mammal bias is esp rampant in the pet community. I've had pet reptiles and spiders/tarantulas since I was about 10 and being told right to me face that the animals I cared for and cherished were gross and weird and some even "jokingly" staid they would gladly stomp on.
Nothing against dogs and cats but if you wouldn't say that about someone's dog or cat why would you say that to anyone who loves their pets?
Yup yup yup. Honestly, I've always known mammal bias was a thing, and when I majored in biology it was shoved down my throat, but I kind of figured its scope was limited or not really that damaging until I got my pet birds.
Apartments list themselves as pet friendly, but they only ever mean cats and dogs (and good luck trying to find ones that have other pets listed as okay online - same for temporary lodging)
Vets are usually only trained in cats and dogs, and it is impossible to find vets for other species close by - sometimes, at all - fish literally are done a major disservice alone
Homes and group living areas like townhouses, apartment buildings, etc. are not built with the safety of non-catdog pets in mind. How many have linked ventilation systems, which would endanger birds to emissions from other homes?
Service animals can only be dogs. Because dogs were literally bred to be our obedient servants. Never mind that other animals are more intelligent, and can also be trained. Just dogs.
Heck, cats and dogs even form a binary! Are you a cat lover or a dog lover? If you say neither, you get weird looks, and are accused of hating animals! Even though that's only two animals out of the billions!
And of course there's the death threats. Whether its someone threatening to kill someone's pet tarantula, to stomp on their snake, or eat their chicken, that just comes up again and again.
Cats and Dogs are elevated to essentially human status, because they are companion animals in our society and seen as part of the family. But no one can fathom that other pets are seen as family, too, that we'd like the same level of care and respect given to them.
like take this example: many people suggest eating non-cat/dog pets on the internet, and they're hardly ever called out or criticized. "It's just a joke!" and all that. Never mind these pets are beloved animals, and not actually a threat to anyone. Meanwhile, outdoor cats are actively causing ecological collapse. But if you suggest any form of aggressive population control - not of people's pets, of feral cats - you get called a monster. These aren't even beloved animals, just the *concept* of a cat is enough to make people lose their heads. this is a blatant double standard. an actively damaging double standard.
anyways if you want a non cat/dog pet remember to research vets and housing rules for your area before you accidentally screw yourself.
I would be remiss if I didn't add an afterthought that while small mammal pets and other mammals other than cats and dogs do have better vet treatment and some other benefits thanks to mammal bias, they often face similar struggles, and this hierarchy for pets really has cats and dogs on a pedestal lording over everyone else - including rabbits, hamsters, and especially mice and rats, and all other mammal pets as well as pets in other groups.
I hate cat-dog supremacy so much it sends me into a blind rage. Like, there isn't a 24-hr emergency vet for birds within three hours of me. I either have to drive that long or wait till my (hour away!) daytime vet opens up if I have an emergency. Birds can bleed out fast. This is just negligence. And there are so many animals, not only birds, that have been bred for captivity and rely on us. It is irresponsible and cruel that we designate them second-class pet...izens.
oof, you probably didn't expect this long of a ramble, I'll leave it off there.
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works-of-heart · 4 months
A little chat about my art
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-wip of a fox Lucien Vanserra (I plan to do a fawn elain too)
Over the course of a week or so, I have been getting harassed by anons who accused me of using AI in my work, and not being a legitimate artist. Most have been very, VERY accusatory and nasty and I was tempted to make an angry post about it then, but instead I just ignored them, deleted their comments and went on with life.
Yesterday morning I woke up to the ask about AI, and while I was fed up with all these sudden asks, the person who asked me was at least kind.
I don't know where the accusations started, I thought it might have been antis, but if I'm real about it, I don't think too many are looking at my stuff, say for the few strays I had in the past. Only one negative, and one quite positive.
I do not know if people understand what kind of accusations like that makes of an artist, but it IS hurtful! If people start spreading lies, people will believe them and with enough people believing them, it starts to look like it's true.
I have NEVER used AI in ANY of my works. EVER.
All of my work has all been done digitally on my tablets, using CSP. I have been drawing digitally for over 20 years. It is fine if you do not like my work, it's totally ok if you think my anime style is ugly or childish, it's alright if you think I'm not a great artist. All of that is fine, I respect everyone's opinion.
What is NOT ok, is saying that I am stealing art. That I am a fake who uses AI and I'm stealing from legitimate artists who put work into it. I've worked for my art all my life, since I was a child, with the only aspiration to share the wonders of my mind with the world. These accusations, these hurtful things cut very deep.
I've been a fan of Acotar since 2020, and in love with Elucien ever since then. When I looked online, I found that most Elucien/Lucien art was buried under mountains of Elriel. There are some amazing artists for Elriel, truly beautiful, but they were eclipsing any that I saw for my ship. The ones I found of Elucien were beautiful! Stunning diamonds that would often get lost under the mountains of fan art for the other ships.
So when I made a blog that would be more focused on my love of Acotar and Elucien, I made a vow to fill the space with Elucien art!
That is all I ever wanted to do. Was to be in a space I can geek out with others who love the ship as much as I do, to make pieces that make everyone feel. I spent hours working on my elucien comics, just because I wanted to share these with you all, to give the feels. I am a comic creator myself, I've been working as one for almost 10 years now, it is my job. So pushing these out are works of love.
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This was my mother's day picture. I had 3 separate folders for Elain, Lucien, and their daughter. I worked very, very hard on this picture to get it out by the day, in celebration for mother's day. My work is always a bit rough in the beginning stages, but I promise, I put all the work into it. I've studied from other artists I admire, to put it into my own style, something unique to me. A style that I've drawn since HS and was constantly mocked for, because it's too 'anime' too 'asian' and not western enough. Still, that doesn't matter as long as people enjoy it, and I love what I do.
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An elucien wip of a picture that I never finished.
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A picture of a Non-Acotar work I did
Some of my work never sees the light of day... because I'm so self conscious about my work, about my art in general. I never think it's good enough, and I struggle with trying to finish them because I want to only put out what I think is worthy of being shown. Sharing my art is so incredibly nerve-wracking for me, the fear of judgment, of never feeling it's good enough. I put my all into my work, my whole heart and soul into them, and though I know I need more practice, but I am trying.
Suffice to say, I've never used any form of AI in my art, I've never stolen anyone's work and claimed it as my own. I have referenced poses every now and then, and painting styles that I've studied, but never have I EVER cheated through any of these pictures.
Had someone had a real concern, coming to me and asking politely would be fine. Thank you to the anon yesterday who was truly kind and showing concern, but I don't know where this started from. If you are concerned a work may be illegitimate, you can always DM the artists and ask them kindly, I am sure they will no doubt be willing to prove their work if only to confirm they're real. Witch hunts where you just deem someone of using AI and spreading rumors and lies does MORE harm to the art community than you think. Artists are already hesitant about uploading their work for fear it will be stolen or used, but claiming they use AI with NO PROOF, and spreading misinformation is not only doing damage and making sure they'll never want to post again, but it impacts the community as a whole.
That being said, I am still going to draw and paint and post my artwork. I have no intention of backing down. I just hope as a community we can do better and be kinder to people who are spending their free time making things and sharing with us all. It's incredibly vulnerable to put yourself out there, and just remember, we are people behind these screens.
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yandere-paramour · 1 month
Whats it like when Darling has their first time with Noelle?
First time with Noelle - NSFW
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It was hard to pin Noelle down. Ever since you moved in, you two had followed the same routine. She gently encouraged you to work less and less because it made you oh so exhausted, to stay inside for your own safety, to lay back and relax because she would take care of everything. You became a housewife who didn't actually do anything. Noelle had a woman come in to clean and cook and deliver anything that needed delivering, your job, she said, was to be adorable.
And you were. You slept 10 hours every night and usually found the time to take an afternoon nap. You ate and drank when you were supposed to and looked pleased with the praise Noelle heaped upon you when she checked when she came home. You let her dress you in soft, flowy fabrics and coo over what a lovely little sweetheart you were. You even let her bathe you and wash your hair while you lay boneless in the bubbly water.
It was a relaxing existence, albeit a boring one. Any form of entertainment you asked for, Noelle delivered. Any book, streaming service, or gaming console would be delivered, and you were free to browse the internet and try as many new hobbies as you desired. Spending your days with Sasha as company, you lived like a pampered queen, and Noelle worked hard every day to provide for you.
And that was the one problem.
Noelle worked with Ms. Atalanta five, sometimes six, days a week, and the hours were never consistent. Some days she would be gone from before the sun rose to long into the next morning, other days she would be strolling back in the door in early afternoon. This kind of sounded stupid, but it was hard to find time for yourself. Especially... in that way. It seemed that any time the heat started to pool in your core, when your fingers got itchy and started to wander lower and lower, Noelle would come in the door looking for you, and you would have to throw on your clothes and act like you hadn't been furiously masturbating. It was infuriating.
And you couldn't go to Noelle with this. Sure, you two had done some kissing and heavy petting, and while she had been under your shirt, you both had never crossed the waistbands of each other's pants. There just... weren't enough hours in the day, and Noelle really didn't seem interested. You expected her to initiate one day, and you would gladly have spread your legs, but she never did, and you were too shy to do it yourself.
You were really starting to get frustrated. When you moved in, you had brought your toys, but they must've gotten mixed with you and Noelle's things somehow because you hadn't been able to find them. And trust, you had looked. You hated admitting to this, but you were turning into a horny animal.
And the horny was turning your brain to mush. At least, that's how you rationalized it as you lay prone on the bed, blue silk panties in a pool on the floor, your fingers frantically pumping in and out of you as you chased an orgasm too far out of reach. You sure weren't shy anymore.
"And what do we have here?" A familiar voice came from behind you and ice filled your veins.
Your head whirled over your shoulder. You must've looked like an idiot, face down, ass up, fingers still inside you as you looked at Noelle, leaning against the door jamb, eyebrow raised as she took you in.
Slowly, you took your hand out, careful to keep the excess fluid from dripping on the silk sheets. You turned over, trying unsuccessfully to regain some dignity as you pulled the blankets over to cover yourself.
"Hi Noelle," You swallowed dryly, "When did you come home?"
"Just now. And to something interesting, I might add. What are we doing?" Noelle gave you a mildly disapproving look and your face burned with shame, then anger.
"This is your fault!" You exploded at her, "What the hell do I have to do to get you to touch me? I've lived with you for eight months and you never go past kissing! I'm in your bed every night in a silk neglige and no panties! Am I not attractive to you or something?"
You started to lose some steam, and tears came to your eyes, "Don't you love me?"
Noelle was silent for a minute, and you started to wilt. As small as she was, she had an incredibly imposing presence and you had never even spoken sharply to her before, let alone yelled at her like this. You had no idea why she was looking at you in that way, or what she might say or do. You didn't want to admit it, but you were kind of scared.
"Oh, baby..." Noelle looked at you with pitying eyes, "I clearly have not been taking care of you the way you needed. I had no idea, Princess."
Well, this was unexpected, "What?"
"I was trying to take it slow and really ease you in, but I guess I was a little too slow. I just didn't want to push you too fast."
"Huh? What do you-"
"Take off the rest of your clothes. On your back, legs spread. I'm going to the closet for a minute, and you will wait here for me."
"Noelle, I don't understan-"
At the sound of her authoritarian voice, you hurried to obey. You tore your shirt off and lay on your back wide open as instructed, your genitals lubricating despite your confusion and apprehension. What was she doing? Was she going to punish you? Was masturbating not allowed here? You had been punished before but never sexually, and Noelle had never made the rule clear if it even existed, but would she listen if you protested? You were unclear how important this was to her; maybe she was angrier than you'd ever seen her and she would spank you. You heard Ms. Atalanta did that to her wife and she reported it was effective at curbing disobedient behavior. But then, why would she order you on your back?
A sound came from your right and you turned to gape. Noelle was naked, every inch of her soft pale body on display and illuminated by day, making her look like a goddess emerging from the sunlight. You had seen her naked before, you both bathed together most nights, but you had never seen the harness and erect dildo she had strapped to her front. The contraption was massive, making Noelle's body look smaller in comparison, and what little ration you had left in your body wondered if it would fit. You weren't a virgin, but you were tight and unsure if you would stretch to fit that mammoth thing inside you.
You tried to sit up, but she was on you in seconds, that snake on the front of her body lining up with your hole. You stilled, and some of the fear must have bled into your eyes because Noelle paused. She put her hands on your face, making you look her in the eye.
"Are you scared? I'll stop if you're scared," She said.
"I-I'm not scared, just... will that fit?"
Noelle popped two fingers down to check you, "It'll be a little of a stretch but you can take me. I'm sure of it."
"I-I can?"
She grinned, and the love in her eyes comforted you, "You're my girl. I know you can."
With that, she entered you in one swift motion. She surprised you, enabling your muscles not to tense up until she was fully inside. You yelped, more in surprise than discomfort, and Noelle chuckled. She was right; you had been able to take her with little more than the burn as you stretched deliciously around her. She gave you only a few seconds to get used to the feeling of her inside you before she started. She was only gentle for a few strokes before she truly found her rhythm, folding up your legs onto her shoulders in a mating press so she could fuck you harder. She pounded into you roughly, the soft mattress bouncing you up and down as you struggled to keep yourself steady. Noelle's soft grunts came with every stroke and you mewled like a kitten and drooled as she took you.
It truly surprised you the strength this small woman had in her body. She mounted you like an animal, pumping away with everything she had. You could see the strain in her muscles, and you wanted her to take a break and rest before she exhausted herself, but all your mouth could say was "Yes" and "More" and "Please please please".
Ever the observer, Noelle noticed when you were nearing orgasm. She growled something dominating in your voice, commanding you to orgasm for her, and you howled like a coyote as you came. Tears rolled down your face, and you collapsed dizzy, exhausted, and sweating back onto the bed. You must've looked like a sight, fucked into a state of bliss and drenched in your own fluids. Noelle pulled out of you, looking down at you warmly as she swiped some of you off the dildo, bringing her fingers to her mouth to taste you.
"I knew you would be sweet," She chuckled, lightly pinching your cheek in a gesture of fondness.
"N-Noelle, that was-"
"I know, Princess. Try and relax, okay? Let me take care of you."
"Take... care of me?"
"You've lost a lot of fluids," She gestured between your legs, "Let me get you some water."
"No," You grabbed her arm to keep from leaving you, "Not yet. Don't go yet."
"I'm not leaving you, sweetheart. I'm just going to get you some water and something quick to eat."
You gave her your softest, most pathetic gaze, "Not yet, please? I just want to cuddle first."
Noelle froze for a second in that shocked look she always gave you when you surprised her, then softened, "Well I can't deny that request. Scoot over, baby."
Noelle slipped the harness off her hips and dropped it on the floor to clean later. She slid in behind you, tucking her body around yours, and you curled in response to her becoming the big spoon. It was safe here in her arms; she was so much stronger, smarter, more ambitious than you. It was easier for you to just settle in her arms, content to be a pretty pet for her to love and care for and occasionally reward with a good fucking. Maybe the necklace she gave you was her inconspicuous way of collaring you, her way of marking you as hers before others, or even you, knew for sure.
Noelle whispered about how good you were, how well you took every little thing she gave you and how perfect you looked with her cock spearing you in half. You listened, her words liquefying your mind and the pleasant tingling in your used genitals soothing your body. You would be sore later, but now you were snug in her arms, the hormones of your orgasm and the soft song Noelle hummed putting you to sleep.
She kissed your forehead, and you made a soft, sleepy noise in response.
Noelle chuckled, "Go to sleep, angel. I'll be here when you wake up, and you and I can have a long conversation about new expectations when you wake up."
You made a confused sound, and she patted your head and hushed you.
"I know, Princess," Noelle pacified you, "I know what you want and I promise, I'll do that a lot more often. I'd give you anything, remember?"
You gave a small happy wiggle and snuggled back in, pleased that your amazing girlfriend knew you better than you knew yourself, and had promised to fuck you like a dog in heat more frequently.
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dinogoofymutated · 5 months
So I'm warming up to the idea of Cable now with this new animation style. And now I can't help but imagine a mutant reader seeing him shirtless for the first time 👉🏽👈🏽. Maybe she's helping him treat a wound he cant reach on his back and he's too worn out to rely on his telekinesis for it. Sure she knows that he has a metal arm. Techno-organic viruses were nasty business. But she never imagined she'd get to see the stark contrast of metal and flesh up close. Just a tender moment where she gets to see him at his most vulnerable. Preferably sfw. Sorry if this is too long winded or specific. Really love your writing and enjoy what you share with us regardless if u choose this one or not 🫶🏽
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SFW!Cable/GN!Reader OOOOGHHHH when I tell you I have been thinking about this since you sent me the ask!! I've been dying to write this but forced myself to follow a schedule :( I've never really been a Cable girly but this scenario has been in my head non-stop! I just hope this fic does the same to others!!! Speaking of which, I hope this isn't too OOC for him! This also might get a pt 2 with some smooching 😘
Read pt. 2 Here :)
-Ps- Heads up, finals week is coming up for me and I have a lot of essays and work to do. my writing is sadly going to slow down a bit. I don't think I'm going to close requests for now but it's not out of the realm of possibility! TWs: Can't really think of any. Gross depictions of techno-organic shit. As always, Reader written while picturing fem! but no pronouns mentioned. The reader is short in this one, sorry to all my Amazonian friends.
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    Prime sentinels were like wasps. Squashing one could be relatively easy with the right tools, but it was difficult to handle multiples at once. It had been a rough day, and your ears were still ringing from the sounds of blaster fire when you got to the safe house. Your hands are shaking from the adrenaline, body exhausted from overusing your mutant powers. Bruises are forming all over you, and despite the pain and soreness, you know you got off easy compared to Cable. 
    He’s got an arm slung around your shoulder, using you as a crutch as you help him limp over to the table- although you’re sure you’re not a very good one, too short for him to properly lean on. His gun clanks on the floor as he sits, grunting as the movement sends shooting pains through his body. You can tell his left arm is aching, the techno-organic virus fighting to beat the telekinetic powers keeping them still. You weren’t the only one who overdid it today, but you also weren’t the one who had to keep a virus from eating you alive.
    Once Cable is settled, the routine starts. You cautiously make a round through the safe house, making sure blinds are drawn and entryways secured. Usually, the task was split between the two of you, being faster and safer than it would be alone- but he would take it over when you were badly hurt. It was only natural that you would do the same. You feel the sting of anxiety and worry in your heart. Cable had saved your ass today. He had done so many times, but normally the fighting wasn’t this extreme. You had been stupid, and he was suffering the consequences. 
    A series of pained grunts lead you back into the kitchen once you’ve finished, and you can tell Cable is pissed just by the tone of them. You’re facing his back when you walk in, noticing the large red stain that spans across the width of his shoulders. You try to hide the worry on your face as you approach him. He has the medkit sprawled out on the counter, sorting through the various items in it.
    “Can’t believe this thing doesn’t have a damn mirror.” He grunts. You hum in response, looking him over before examining the items on the table.
    “What do you need a mirror for?” You ask, voice coming out a little hoarse. You clear your throat, must be from the smoke earlier. Cable sends you a look, tossing his head towards his back. You mouth an “oh” before looking at him, unable to hide your worried expression. You’d seen him stitch his wounds up with his telekinesis before, when the fight was all guns and no powers. An action like that was child’s play for someone of his capabilities. For him to actively avoid it, and the way his arm seemed to be bothering him more than normal… It made you worried. It made you feel guilty. 
    You look down at the suture kit, open on the table from where Cable had unzipped it, and then look back at him, wordlessly asking. He gives you a cautious look for a moment, before it shifts into something much softer. He doesn’t bother nodding, choosing to simply take his shirt off instead.
    You blush a little but quickly get to work, grabbing a pair of gloves and pulling them on. They’re too big for you, meant to fit Cable’s sturdy hands instead of your own smaller ones. You try not to get distracted by the sight of him shirtless as you pick up what you need and get behind him. The air has shifted between the two of you, forming into something a little more intimate. Something that builds itself on words unspoken, truths that neither of you is quite ready to communicate yet.
    His back is broad and beautiful, dotted with scars and bruises. The gash on his shoulders is from a stray blast, starting at the top of his left shoulder and ending at the lower shoulder blade of his right. 
    You’re not sure if you had been ready to see the cut-off between flesh and metal.
    The cords of metal attach to the skin of his shoulder in a way that makes your skin crawl. They sprout from underneath the skin, winding against each other in a way that makes no clear sense to you. The top layers of skin are rough, keloid scarring having formed at the impasse of skin and metal. It's horrific, the way the virus has both eaten and forced its way under the skin. The top of the gash is somewhat deep, the deep inner cording revealed by the wound cutting through the top of his skin has you unable to look away despite the horror that has taken you.
   “I can feel you staring, you know.” Cable’s rumbling voice causes you to snap back to reality.
    “Right. Sorry. I didn’t mean to…” You trail off, not fully able to place the words. He sighs, and you mistake it for annoyance. You quickly get back on track and begin to disinfect the wound. Cable hardly flinches as you do so. You’re overly cautious as you stitch him up, focusing on each stitch being perfectly placed. You know they wouldn’t stay for long. Cable had a habit of tearing his stitches. You hope that maybe you’d be able to keep that from happening this time.
   You place both hands on his shoulder blades when you are done. The nerves have worn off as the pseudo-doctor in you took over. You’re trying to examine the stitches, but find that your attention keeps being drawn back to that stark contrast of his shoulder. If Cable notices, he doesn’t say anything. You glance at the back of his head, trying to gauge what he’s feeling. 
    Your left hand drifts a little. Cable shudders as your thumb gently traces that line of scarring, the metal of his arm feeling extra cold compared to the heat of his skin. You’re waiting for him to say something. To tell you to back off. To grumble and shake you off and avoid speaking to you like he used to when you first started to work together- when he was so determined not to get attached. 
   But he doesn’t say anything. Not at first, anyway. The tenseness of his shoulders slowly gives as the gentle touching morphed into more purposeful touches, working the stiff muscles- what was left of the organic ones, anyway. 
    It’s intimate. It’s quiet. It’s… nice. Part of you wishes it would last a little longer. Part of you wishes he would let you touch him like this more often. 
    Cable stiffens again as the thought crosses your mind, recoiling away from you. He stands suddenly, turning around to face you. His towering stature used to make you nervous out of fear. Now you’re nervous for a completely different reason. Part of you had forgotten about the glimpses he takes into your mind. A flicker of anxiety ignites when you realize how much he might have seen. The two of you just look at each other for a moment, his brown eyes hard compared to the softness from earlier. You hadn’t meant to think so much. You didn’t think he was horrific. It was the virus. What it was doing to him. The energy and effort it takes out of him. That was what scared you.
    Cable was used to the stares. The horror. Most recoiled at the sight of his flesh. It only made sense to him when you did too.
    But Nathan… Nathan wasn’t ready for the depth of your thoughts. The care in your eyes. He wasn’t ready for the depth of his own feelings. The ones that cause such a storm within him. The ones that cause him to be stupid. The ones that make him focus more on saving you than the goal of every mission.
    “Is this… Are we okay?” You ask. He didn’t need to be a telepath to sense the fear that has swelled within you. Most of your emotions were always written on your face. It made things easier for him when he didn’t have to search for your thoughts. That hardness in his eyes softens yet again, and he glances away for a moment. 
    “... Yeah.” Is all he says. His heart feels light when you finally smile at him, even though an underlying nervousness still resides behind that smile. You let out a relieved sigh, and he can’t bear to look at you any longer. Instead, he sits back down. He faces away from you, giving you the space to finish taking care of the wound on his back. 
    You don’t realize how late it is until you’re finished, and the mess on the counter has been cleaned and contained back in the medkit. The two of you sit together as you eat. The food isn’t great- consisting of an MRE that’s not exactly as advanced as the futuristic weapons and technology would lead you to believe. He doesn’t say anything when you lean on his shoulder, or when your breathing evens out, having fallen asleep on his side.
  The aches and pains don’t really bother Nathan as he carries you to bed, but the thoughts of you, your feelings, your thoughts… Those keep him awake longer than any wound would.
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kikkiou887 · 6 months
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I wasn't planning on getting this any more detailed than "he has a coat and it moves" but for me personally there's a rule (which I didn't choose) which says "if you work digitally, you get a complicated piece of art done" that's why I can't draw sketches digitally, I don't know if I got any posted
But since I have spent some time on this gif and it's almost seamlessly cycled, I decided that I'll post it online
Btw while working on it I've been thinking about how every second artist on tumblr doesn't only draw but also animates, from what I've seen many ppl here are somewhere on a scale from "I have one short gif posted" to "I have dozens of 10+ seconds long gif for you to choose from"
Idk if it's actually common across all platforms or not, but tumblr sticked out to me when it comes to animating in some form :P
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
OOH OOH OOH!!!! what if you did citrine!y/n tries a spell and accidentally gets hurt and harry gets all dominant and like “you should have asked for my help! this is why you don’t do spells by yourself!!” and also maybe sarah catches harry doing magic at one point??!?
wordcount: 5.5k+
"Hey, honey." 
(Y/N)'s chirped greeting elicited only a small smile from Harry's features, not at all the reaction she was used to from him.
"Hi, sunshine," he responded, sounding drained. Though it took a second for his aura to kick in for her, the second it did, she could see just how muted the colors were compared to the vividness she was used to from her Flame. 
"What's the matter?" she asked, shifting her car into drive to take them back to her apartment for the night. 
Harry heaved a sigh in the passenger seat, running a heavy hand through his hair. "Jus' a long day. I like the record store, and I've been getting a handle on training, surprisingly, but 's jus' a lot to get used to. Haven't done anything like this in decades." 
"Oh, H," she crooned, reaching across the center console to lace her fingers between his, "But after you're done training, they're going to cut your hours back down, right?"
"Yeah," he breathed out, looking to her with softened eyes as he squeezed her hand, "Jus' feels like 's so far off; I miss you. I've barely even had time with Bonnie and Dande this week." 
Running her thumb in quiet circles over the warmth of his hand, (Y/N) sighed. She ached in her chest, knowing how much he was hurting. He loved his little animals, so she was sure that this past week alone had put a lot of strain on his heart. "I know, but it's almost over. They'll be so excited to see you when you come home this weekend, too. It'll be special since it's been a little while." 
A small smile touched at the corners of Harry's lips at the idea of his girls getting the jitters from being excited to see him. "Right," he breathed, "I'll have to make something special for dinner for them." 
For a flicker, Harry's aura reappeared, filling her car with his divine light. Vividity had returned to the rings haloing his form, even if the drained, beige ribbon was still wrapped around the very edge. She hoped he would be able to feel how content that made her to know that he was feeling even a little better. 
"We'll have to do something special together, too," he told her, bringing her hand up to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. 
"I'm sure you'll think of something," she said, looking to him from the corner of her eye as she kept her attention on driving. (Y/N) had already been thinking about something she could do to make this week up to him, though she was sure Harry had different ideas than she had had swirling around. 
She just hoped her idea worked out the way she wanted.
(Y/N) was out of breath by the time she made it up to Harry's meadow. 
Looking out on the wide open space, despite the cottage and the flora filling the space, it felt so empty without Harry there. He was like the sun of this space, everything revolving around him and bending to his will out of nothing but love. Even Bonnie, who was curled up on the porch of his house, looked bored out of her mind since her dad wasn't there. 
"Hi, sweetie," she greeted the mountain lion with a pass of her fingers over the fluff between her ears. Bonnie only huffed before laying her head back down on her paws. "He's coming home tonight, you know. He'll be home a lot more now after this." 
As if she could understand what (Y/N) was saying, Bonnie looked up with her big eyes, nose puffing. A twitch came to her ears as if she were perking up at the news, keening into (Y/N)'s petting hand. "Me too," she told her, "I'm excited too, sweetie." 
With a lingering pet, (Y/N) pushed through to Harry's cottage. He'd barely been spending any time here this past week, having taken to sleeping at (Y/N)'s place through the nights so he wouldn't have to go too far to get to work on time. The area was just as she was sure he had left it the previous Sunday: records out of place with Pink Floyd on his player, his kitchen a little bit of a mess with crumbs from his breakfast he made himself before rushing out, and his bed unmade. The little divot at the end of the bed still remained from where she was sure Dandelion had been sleeping since her dad had left. 
After toeing off her shoes by the front door, bag dropped just beside, (Y/N) started on her first step of her plan. Harry was getting off of his final training shift in a little over an hour, leaving with just enough time to execute her plan to dote on him after such a long week. She was going to clean up his cottage (possibly even weed his garden if she had the time), make him some dinner, tend to his girls, and make sure he had the most stressless night imaginable as he adjusted. More film for his camera was stowed away in her tote bag, along with ingredients for the night's dinner, and a spare change of clothes as she planned on staying the night with him. 
Her sweep of the cottage started by his record player. She sheathed the opened records and replaced them in his beloved crate that was becoming a little too full for comfort as his collection had been non-stop growing since she came into his life. Just as she made a mental note to grab him an extra, she stopped herself with a small smile. He would be able to get himself another crate at work. 
After placing one of the records she had introduced him to on the player, the needle finding the divots a moment later, she started on the real work. Her first stop was the kitchen, cleaning up and putting away the mess he'd left out as she hummed along to the crackling song filtering through the space. Just as she'd began rifling through his cabinets in prep of getting dinner together later, she heard a digging at the front door. Tiny feet patting against the wood along with bumps against the front door gave away who would be waiting for her the second she made her way to the screen door. 
 A pair of fluffy white ears peeked over the paneling of the door, a set of dark eyes and a puffing nose following after as (Y/N) grew closer. "Hi, Dande," she crooned to her friend, propping open the door for the bunny to pad on in. 
As always, Dandelion greeted her with a pat of her head against (Y/N)'s ankle before she scampered off in favor of reclaiming her spot on Harry's bed. Dande hunkered down with a puff of her nose, her little feet tucked under the white puffball of her body before she trained her eyes on (Y/N).
"Harry's coming home tonight," she told the bunny, resuming her work in the kitchen as she collected utensils and cookware to help her later on in the night. Peeking over her shoulder with a pot in hand, she saw the familiar twitch of Dandelion's ears and the slow blink of her eyes in contentedness. 
She hoped Harry knew how loved he was by his little creatures. 
Dandelion was quick to fall asleep as soon as she got comfortable, leaving (Y/N) to herself as she puttered around the cottage with tidiness appearing in her wake. Making his bed was the hardest part, having to move Dandelion from her cozy spot as she fixed the bedding. Though she did seem happy with the fluff of pillows she left her in, a nest for her to rest in until her dad made it home. Fixing up the mess of his comforter led her to kneel off the side of his bed, tucking the bedding into the mattress. The angle offered her a peek under his bed, finding the aged spine of a book, cracks showing in the binding with the gold lettering having faded some. 
(Y/N) had seen the book once before when he'd first revealed his secret to her. He offered her the volume as a way of answering questions she didn't know where to begin with. This was the same book she found all the information there was about Twin Flames and what her love was going to be like now that she'd found her forever person. 
She couldn't help herself but to slide the book out of hiding, carefully opening the front cover to show off the table of contents. The pages were thin and weathered, Harry having shared with her that it was in his family for centuries before his mother passed it on to him when he left the coven for his own nomadic adventures. This was the book that carried him through his years along, almost every page, spell, and potion having been committed to memory.
Instinctively, she wanted to open up to the page describing Twin Flames, reread the details that had been lost to time since she had opened this book months ago. Just as she ran her fingertips over the edge of the page, one of the sections on the table caught her eye, an idea blooming in her head.
Around the same time he had let her read his book, he'd also pointed out a few spells and rituals that didn't need the prerequisite of being a witch to perform. They were usually for beginners, people who had very recently found their powers and couldn't properly tap into them, or for someone like him who had struggled to get a grip on his magic while he waited for his Flame to balance him out. When she had asked if these could be things she could try out, she could remember the way he gave her a bubbly smile, excitedly telling her he'd love to show her how to perform these rituals. 
Despite his excitement, that had been something that was pushed to the wayside when she found all the information about their Alignment Ritual, and dropped from her mind the more time went on. Now, looking at the page, having thumbed to the beginner spells without thinking, that same excitement was reignited in her. 
Harry always used his magic to help take care of her, to make her days easier and the load on her shoulders lighter. Looking at this page, faded cursive and aging drawings, she wanted to do the same for him. Surely there could be something in here like the tea he was so fond of making for her that took the ache out of her feet after long serving shifts, or the sachet he would place under her pillow if he knew she was having trouble sleeping. 
With her heart a flutter at the idea of indulging in the things she was sure Harry hadn't had anyone do for him in as long as it'd been since he left home, she carefully set the spell book down on the kitchen counter. She needed to get a few more things done, then she would dedicate her attention to her first try at magic. 
The rest of (Y/N)'s chores came quickly. She finished cleaning the cottage, made dinner for the girls—Dande a mushroom salad using the sprouts Harry had tucked away in his fridge, and a chicken salad that he had already had chilling for Bonnie (she was sure it wasn't very satisfying for the mountain lion, but she would eat anything her dad had a hand in)—, and started dinner for the two of them now that Harry only had another fifteen minutes remaining of his shift. He was much more used to the trek up to his cottage, making it a quick walk for him, so she hoped she could have everything done and still warm for him by the time he would be joining her. 
After flipping the record to B-side, (Y/N) started on dinner as she hummed along. While she wasn't quite as talented as Harry was in the kitchen, she hoped he would still be satisfied with her attempt at a vegan batch of Jade Noodles for him, complete with her own version of the sesame dressing. He loved peas enough that she hoped with the extra pods she added in, he could forgive any mistakes she made. 
Once she got to a good stopping point on the food, letting everything simmer, steep, and sweat, she excitedly reached for the open book on the counter. Thumbing through the amateur section, she tried to find something that didn't look too complicated, but would help Harry when he undoubtedly came home exhausted.  
(Y/N) perked up when she saw a potion detailing out something about the release of toxic energy. The mixture promoted its consumer to release the negative energy from their system, leaving them light and refreshed. Rejuvenating, it had been described as with several lines slashes underneath the word. This would be perfect, she figured, knowing just how much stress Harry had been carrying even prior to starting his job. Every bit of nervous energy and stressed pinch of his nerves would be gone in no time if she made him this. 
The ingredients listed under the sketch of the potion seemed easy enough to gather. She knew Harry had a lot of things lying around his cottage and growing in his garden. She had yet to see him out of anything he needed, so she had no reason to believe he wouldn't have everything listed on the page. 
Double checking on dinner, she made sure to reduce everything to a barely there simmer with lids on every pot and a cover on the beans that had already been blanched before she was out the front door with the spell book in hand. The potion called for sprigs of plants she had no idea how to pronounce—most likely in Welsh as Harry had explained to her was one of the mother tongues of his coven. But, one flick through to the glossary showed her drawings of each plant that was needed. 
It was easy to compare everything to what he had growing in his garden. Flowers that looked like lavender sprigs were quickly plucked, a silent thank you given to the flora that Harry had taught her. Chamomile-esque blooms joined the fray along with something that smelled like fresh snow when she brought the petals to her nose. Each fragrance was calming, leading her to believe she was on the right track. Peppery leaves were collected, the scent especially spicy compared to the gentle flowers that were forming a bouquet in her grip. But, glancing over the potion recipe, it seems this was all the right moving parts to get together. It wasn't until she reached the final ingredient that (Y/N) hit a snag. 
The name had been something completely undecipherable, having worn away after time. She tried her best to make out the faded letters as well as she could before she turned to the glossary once more. When she thought she found what she had been looking for, a drawing of a berry-like fruit colored the small section given to the ingredient. It looked like a pomegranate, a deep red color with vining purple veins, pockmarked with baby pink swatches that looked like stars. (Y/N) had to crawl deeper into Harry's garden to get a better look, trying to find something that looked similar to the drawing. 
A pinch touched at her brow when she couldn't find anything matching the reference picture. Harry always had everything, surely his plot of land was a witch's dream with the way he stocked up on everything, but he didn't have this? The closest (Y/N) could spot was a small fruited shrub that grew in a tiny patch against the wall of the cottage. The berries looked closer to that of a blueberry, tiny and purple with black spots. Perhaps they were her pomegranate berries that just weren't quite ripe, yet? 
Sitting back on her heels, (Y/N) pulled the book to sit on her lap as she glanced back and forth between the berry patch and the photo she had been searching with. They were similar enough, she thought. Besides, this book was very old and a little discolored anyway. There was a big chance there wasn't even a berry out there like the one drawn, with the way time could have altered the image and sullied the colors. 
With that in mind and the ticking time clock of when Harry would be on his way, she plucked a handful of the berries off the bush, adding them to her collection. From what she remembered from every time Harry let her sit in on his rituals and potion-making, he preferred to do all of his craft outside. It tied him closer to the Earth, he had told her, the lack of barrier between him and the lush ground that took care of him gave him more positive energy and a stronger tie to the cycle he was attributing to with his magic. That was why she grabbed all of her supplies—a small  crystalline bowl, a mortar and pestle, and a tiny pouch to steep the mixture into a tea when done—and immediately made her altar out by the river that ran through the meadow. 
The running water made for a gentle symphony to play through her ears, calming her some now that nerves had arose over the fact she was actually going to make a real life potion. Before Harry, she'd only seen this kind of stuff in cartoons and movies, and now she was going to get to try it for herself. Hopefully, Harry would be impressed. 
With the spell book splayed open in front of her, (Y/N) followed every step. Grinding up the leaves and flowers, she watched as a paste formed under the cool moonlight. Flower petals ran bright streaks through the forest green stems that made the majority of the mixture, flora smells being tamped out by the peppery aroma of the added leafy greens she ground along with them. By the time everything almost began to resemble a dough (a very odd texture, but (Y/N) didn't have the place to question it really), she transferred it to the bowl and added a touch of water from the running river as was called by the recipe. 
(Y/N) watched in awe as the paste began to change, leveling out into something thick like honey and sweet smelling like brown sugar, studded by tiny, white flowers that floated along inside by a current she couldn't see. If not for the fact she was on a time limit, she could have stared at the mixture for hours, watching the flowers play like fairies in the forest-hued potion. But, knowing that Harry would be due back within the next ten minutes had her hustling to reach for the faux-blueberries to be added to the bowl. 
With a few prods of the pestle, the berries burst, inking the mixture a deep plum shade. As per the instructions, only a few grinds of the utensil was needed before the potion was meant to steep under the moonlight. (Y/N) couldn't keep her eyes off it as she watched the ingredients work their own magic with each other. The current that had formed to float along with those tiny flowers had flourished into a rolling boil. Thick bubbles burst with spatters of the mixture landing out on the blades of grass cradling the bowl. 
Just as (Y/N) leaned in, wanting a closer look at what was happening with her first potion, the mixture seemingly took a turn. Those black spots that marred her berries began to spider out from the skins of the faux-blueberries. Their reach continued until everything was snuffed into a deep black, the crystalline bowl turning into its own tiny void in the middle of the meadow. Glancing at the spell book, (Y/N) knew this wasn't quite right. By now, the berries should have stained everything into a lighter lavender shade. Ones of those tiny flowers was supposed to have bloomed into a large floret to hold the potion like a teacup waiting for the consumer to sip from its petals. That was definitely not what was happening.
The thick tar that had become her potion bubbled with viscous splatters, those tiny droplets of rouge mixture clinking to the ground below it until (Y/N) swore the color was being sucked out of the lush grass. As much as she wanted to investigate the growing puddles of grey, the fact that the potion had begun moaning and groaning, screaming out in echoed whispers had the full of her attention. She could even make out faces appearing in the bottom of the bowl, the features looking something akin to the tragedy masks of Greek theater. 
Fear stunted her limbs as she watched the potion take on a life of its own, boiling until it overtook the crystalline bowl it was held in with spider-like limbs. The long reach of the spindly legs attached to the earth below, sucking the life out of the plots with the grass running grey and dying. The negative energy she was supposed to be banishing with the help of this potion was seemingly conjured instead, ready and willing to take from her as it sugglishly drew closer to her. With every scream of the potion, (Y/N) felt a zing go up her spine. 
Her breathing grew panicked as that anxiety-induced fight or flight reaction had be activated. How was she supposed to fix this? How was she supposed to kill energy? She could only get away from it. 
Even then, that seemed to be a struggle with the way she couldn't get to her shaky feet with her eyes trained on the sludge that was coming her way, terrified faces gaining more and more detail in the goo. 
She could only manage a tiny whimper out of her throat when one of the boney pulls of the potion attempted to reach for her ankle. 
The sound of her heart rushed through her ears, loud enough to make her aware of the beats per minute she was sporting, but no where near loud enough to drown out the freakish screams of the sludge. As a passing thought, she hoped Dande and Bonnie had made a getaway—their sensitive ears couldn't take this. 
As if she was performing another act of summoning, from the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a familiar mountain lion appearing through the treeline. In tow was an even more familiar man, his eyes wild and hair pushed behind his ears as he looked down at where his shirt was caught in Bonnie's teeth. 
"Suns—" Harry's voice was cut off the second he caught sight of the debacle playing out in front of her, the protection spell he'd put over the meadow most likely drowning out the panicked screams of the potion for anyone who hadn't crossed into the clearing. She watched as he sized up the menace tearing towards her, the sentient potion gaining traction with each move, every blade of grass shriveling and losing color in its wake. 
Something shifted in his demeanor that (Y/N) never seen before, his jaw steeling and his shoulders squaring before he disregarded the pull of his pet. On heavy feet, he approached the out of control potion, confidence in every step. He never once seemed bothered by the seething negative energy that practically came off the concoction in waves, even going so far as to tamp splats of the potion out under the soles of his sunflower decorated boots. 
She wished she could have heard the spell that left his lips, but there was no way she was going to hear anything over the pounding of her heart and the agony that punched through her eardrums from her created monster. Still, she could see his lips moving, the low rumble of his voice as he held his hands out before him. A blinding light formed like beams of sunshine in the palms of his hands, rays touching the very edges of the potion. 
Harry spotted the source of the monster with a graze of his focused eyes before he flicked the sunlight towards the crystalline bowl. It was a delicate move, as if no thought had gone into it beforehand, but the destruction was intentional. The toxic screams of the potion transitioned into harrowing shrieks as the goo was burnt to ash. Flicks of sunlight were beamed over every inch of the rouge potion, getting rid of every evidence of the mishap—even the decaying grass came back to life—aside from the sheen of sparkling, purple ash that covered the ground. 
The cries tamped down until there was only silence, a shattered bowl, and ash left in the meadow. 
The light in Harry's hands died down as soon as he brought his palms together, his chest heaving though his face stayed stoic. The scene looked something serene as (Y/N) felt her rabbit-heartbeat settle in her chest. 
Her borrowed spell book was carefully laid out on the lush-again grass, the crystalline bowl was split right down the middle, and the used mortar and pestle were delicately placed on a tuft of grass. The moonlight bathed the moment in a cool blue tone, calming. Harry even seemed to be something of a statue, marble-esque if not for the rise and fall of his chest. 
He didn't turn to look at her, eyes trained in the same spot they had been since he spotted the monster.
Rising to her shaky legs, (Y/N) fisted her sweaty hands together as she tried to get a grip on her surroundings now that there wasn't the blockage of the insane screams clouding her thoughts. 
It was as if her voice brought him to life, the way he turned on his heel. His hair flopped over his forehead with his jaw clenched tight. His nose flared as he let out a harsh breath. "(Y/N), what were you thinking?" he seethed through gritted teeth. 
Her eyes widened at his tone, never, ever having heard him speak like this. She floundered for a response, mouth dropping open though no sound came out. 
Harry took a stride towards her, eyes fierce. His aura flamed around him in raging crimson ribbons. "What were you thinking trying out a spell without me here?! There are dangerous things in that book, (Y/N)," he pointed accusingly at the spellbook opened behind him, "Do you even know what you just did? What you just conjured?" 
"Harry, I—" she squeaked, her voice falling flat as Harry shouted over her. 
"No, you don't! That thing could have killed you, (Y/N)!" His voice boomed through the meadow. (Y/N) wouldn't have been surprised if the walls of his cottage shook at the volume. 
"I-I'm sorry, Harry," she whispered, her words almost inaudible in comparison. 
She watched as he Flame all but shook with the anger inside him, his hands in tight fists at his sides with his muscles drawn taut. "Don't you ever go through my book again when I'm not here. Do you hear me, (Y/N)?" 
His authoritative tone drew a nod from her immediately. 
Silence befell the clearing once more, static filling the space as (Y/N) tried to ward off the tears burning her eyes. 
Sucking in a stunted breath, (Y/N) tried to find her words despite the heat of Harry's gaze pinned to her. "I-I didn't mean to, Harry," she choked out, "I promise I wasn't playing around with your book. I w-was only trying to make you one of those potions you make for me—something to help relax you and everything. I-I thought I picked an easy one, I'm sorry." 
All the air seemed to blow out of Harry's body. His shoulders deflated with the strong planes of his chest relaxing. The steel in his eyes lessened and lessened until there were only jade pools left, the clench of his jaw unwinding until his features were left sweetened and round. His aura dulled until nothing was left but a melancholy blue and the sickly green of fear. 
"C'mere, sunshine," he crooned, voice especially soft given the last time she had heard it. 
It didn't take a single thought for her to be launched into his arms, wrapping her own around his middle with her face tucked into his neck. "I'm so sorry, Harry," she wailed, her words a little mushed as she cried into his chest, "I'm so, so sorry." 
"I know you are. 'S okay, 's okay." His chest rumbled under her ear as he tired to soothe her. He pet his hand over her hair while the other arm stayed steady around her waist to keep her flush to his form. 
"I-I swear I was only trying to help," she pleaded, eyes clenched shut with tears rapidly leaking through, "I th-thought I did everything right." 
Harry held her tighter to his chest, pressing a lingering kiss to her hairline. "I know, lovely. Don't cry, okay? Everything's alright." 
"Bu-But you're mad at me," she hiccuped, clutching his shirt tightly in her fists, "I didn't me—" 
"I know—I promise, I believe you, sunshine. I know y'didn't mean to, and I forgive you, okay?" he cooed, using his grip on her waist to peel her away from his chest, "I'm not mad, alright? I jus' got really, really scared, but I shouldn't have shouted at you. Especially now knowing what y'were trying to do for me." 
"But, I should have waited for you," she whispered, the only volume she could manage without her voice giving out. 
Bringing his hand that had been caressing her hair to her cheek, Harry brushed the pad of his thumb over her skin in an affectionate run. "Y'should have, yeah," he smiled at her, the curl lopsided, "But I shouldn't have shouted at you like that, okay? 'M sorry." 
"It's okay," she peeped, a pathetic sniffle following. 
His face turned serious then, his hand cupping her cheek in his palm. "Can y'do something for me, lovely?" 
She only gave a quiet nod.
"You've got to promise me you'll never do anything like that ever again, okay? That really, really scared me, sunshine." Harry's voice cracked as he reached her petname. His eyes shone with tears as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I don't know what I would have done if Bonnie hadn't found me to get me up here faster. I don't ever want to have to think about that again, okay?" 
"I promise, I promise," she bubbled out, harsh sniffled sounding between her words, "I'm sor—"
Harry shook his head at her, petting her cheekbone with his thumb. "No more apologies, okay? I've forgiven you, just like you forgave me. We don't need to worry about that anymore. I jus' want to make sure you're alright now." His eyes scanned over her form, drawing down her body as much as he could without pulling away. "It didn't get you at all, right?" 
"No, no," she shook her head, a lump forming in her throat as the memory of the creature reaching towards her returned, "I-It tried, but you stopped it." 
"Thank the Moon," Harry murmured to himself, dropping a kiss to her forehead as he let out a sigh that fanned across her skin. 
He held her under the moonlight as she bundled herself against his chest, cooing to her with reassuring words and promises that everything was alright. He wasn't upset with her, he'd said, only scared. He loved her to bits and pieces, and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he hadn't made it to her in time. He loved that she wanted to try something to help him, his sweet girl always doing anything to help him. He loved her, he told her after almost every sentiment, the declaration reciprocated in her watery tone each time. 
He hummed against her hairline, the tip of his nose skimming the messy strands piled on her head.
"Does this mean the universe is upset with me? Since I did bad magic?" According to the vague grip she had on the balance and rules that went into witchcraft, what she had done with the inky mass she created, she figured that balance would be out of wack now. Karma and all the things would be out to get her.
A smile could be felt against her skin, a huffed laugh ruffling her hair as Harry shook his head. "No, no, sunshine," he crooned, peeling back to get a look at her eyes, "She knows y'only had pure intentions, no reason to punish you over not knowing what y'were doing. You've got nothing to worry about with that, okay?" 
(Y/N) gave him a pathetic nod, exhaustion filling her limbs over the events of the last twenty minutes. Harry settled her against his chest, cheek smushed into his skin as he hugged her to him—her rock, she thought. 
"I made dinner, by the way," she peeped out, eventually having found her voice through her raw throat. 
"You did?" Harry chirped, a bright smile in his town she could hear and feel against the crown of her head. 
"Mhm," she hummed, the sound a bit nasally, "Jade noodles. I even made my own sauce and everything." 
"Stars," he sighed out, peeling away from her, "We can't let that go to waste then, can we?" 
Looking up at him, (Y/N) could see the sheen of recently shed tears that covered his eyes, sparkling just like the stars twinkling above him. His aura haloed his form in baby pinks and serene greens. He loved her, the confirmation in the shades. 
"No," she said, agreeing with him as she shook her head with a tiny smile.
"C'mon then, sunshine," he crooned, "Come eat with me, then we'll take a bath together, yeah?" 
Seeing him looking at her like that, full of adoration and devotion, (Y/N) almost felt like her plunder had been worth it. (The creature was really scary, though, so she wasn't sure anything could be worth that, but this was definitely, definitely up there on the list of things that could convince her). 
Knowing that he looked at her like that after doing nothing more than making dinner and a mess in his yard, it only reaffirmed to her that she would do anything for him. Even that.
this was requested forever ago so thank you sm for being so patient bestie!! thank you all sm for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and if you have any ideas or requests of your own please send them in!!
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TOP 10 personal Favorite Manga.
Here's just a couple of manga that I love & just think are top-notch.
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A series that means a lot to me in many ways. When I first got into Tokyo Ghoul it was by the very first season of the anime during 2014 and upon hearing the opening theme of Unravel and seeing the first episode, I was hooked and went into the manga series right after. A nuanced morally compelling storytelling with an array of so many cool and great characters and narratives, incredible art progression from Ishida Sui, and overall just a satisfyingly great conclusion to boot.
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On the surface, looks like a regular BL series, but underneath an emotional-roller-coaster and pretty heavy story about a transwoman named J. Set in the 40s /50s, you fellow J childhood and the awful, rough bullshit she deals with in life as well as her love & massive admiration of Marilyn Monroe. Really such a good story that deals with some real heavy shit...but still so good.
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Not only one of my favorite anime adaptations but also equally as wonderfully engaging & just as well done as a manga as well. Monster is such a captivating, intense story and truly one of my favorites from Urasawa's works. Following Dr. Tenma, a talented neurosurgeon who has grips with the moral dilemma of either saving the Mayor or saving a young boy who was shot in a murder. Tenma chose to save the boy instead and while it costs him being demoted he still believes he did the right thing. Unfortunately years later discovering the boy he saves...turns out to be a killer. This series is such a banger from its storytelling to the characters and just one of the best from Urasawa's.
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At first glance of this manga, you might think of it as something of a cute slice-of-life story about a cute cartoony bird. But actually when reading it...IT'S WAY MORE DARKER and GETS A LOT MORE FUCK UP! For real Goodnight Punpun is one of those series that's start-up pretty light-hearted and a little bit goofy with Punpun being a cartoony-drawn bird amongst very average-looking humans as a young kid in the first volumes of the series. But as things move forward within the story as Punpun gets older and his family situation gets more unstable as well as his life, the tone gets more depressing as a whole. Love the dark psychological storytelling, although it definitely the type of story you can only read once in awhile or in a good headspace because it definitely can be a hard read.
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Seriously, what can I say about Berserk that already hasn't been said on some level. But this manga is seriously, I feel one of the most top iconic series within manga as well as one of the most engaging, moving, fantastic, epic storyline I've read thus far. I know the series itself is still ongoing, and I've been keeping up-to-date with this story since reading the very first chapter. Hearing about Kentaro Miura death....was tough, I knew he had serious health issues, which is why volumes would tend to go on pretty long hatiuses... but man. Another influential iconic figure in manga gone, Berserk is definitely a series any manga-lover or anime fan should read once in awhile.
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Not only one of the most beautifully mature, well-written, compelling storytelling I've seen thus far in an anime series. But as a manga, even more so, a well-crafted story on the life and times of a sad, burden-ridden, slightly bitter, depressed, old man known as Yakumo Yurakutei, who is a highly skilled and experienced master of Rakugo, which for those who don't know is an traditional Japanese verbal form of entertainment. Think of it as something like a form of Improv done by only one person playing different characters to tell a story, This series has many layers to its storytelling that's is done so well dealing with Yakumo and those in his life that has impacted him as to the type of pained almost broken old man he is within the present time. Just a overall good & bittersweet but fantastic story that's deserves to be check out more.
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It is one of the most beautifully drawn manga series that I have read so far while also being equally gruesome as well. Innocent is a fictionalized historical manga set during 18th century France about the story and legacy of Charles Henri Sanson (actual real historical figure), who is the fourth generation of a family of Executioners known as the Sanson family who are the royal Executioners of Paris. The story follows Charles rough journey towards his path of becoming the Monsieur De Paris. This absolutely such a fantastic piece of work, both in terms of the visually amazing stunning artwork and along with the historical storytelling of Charles coming to terms with his hated lineage and becoming Executioner of Paris but also showcasing the societal/political chaotic changes and upheaval of France slowly leading up to the French revolution. Although some historical aspects are obviously fictionalized, but still such a good series.
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While my feelings on the anime are highly mixed due to really, really, really not caring for the way they handled parts of the storytelling from season 2 of the anime series. But the manga, on the other hand, is a totally different story. Seriously, reading this series was a blast and just an enjoyable experience from beginning to end, as well as seeing Emma and Ray also Norman grow & and develop throughout each arc was great to witness including seeing the rest of the kids thrive and survive the outside world. For this manga was a great read, and definitely, I'll say at least personally to me was done far better then the second season flimsy adaptation.
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Truly an mindfuck of a manga in more ways than one. But still a pretty damned good and wild story, Homunculus is a story about a homeless man named Susumu Nakoshi who ends up meeting a seemingly antagonistic young medical student named Itoh Manabu to do a little experiment on him by drilling a actual hole in his skull for a total of 700,000 ¥en. Itoh, who is very fascinated with studying the human minds and amongst other things such as ghosts and the occult, but ultimately he thinks he can unlock the hidden psychic potential of Susumu brain. Nakoshi goes through the process, and at first, nothing seems to happen after going through the the operation. Until he closes his right eye and starts seeing otherworldly nightmarish monsters and shapes with his left eye when he looks at other people. This series is truly a weird but also such a highly intriguing and fascinating psychological read while at the same time being a bit of a downer, but still an excellent but messed-up good story.
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Okay, so I just recently started reading this manga series not that long ago, about a couple of weeks ago, and now I'm so freaking hooked. Atelier of Witch hat has truly captured my heart and mind with its engaging and creatively fascinating world-building involving witches and magic to the just as highly interesting characters and storytelling. Which centers around our young protagonist Coco ( the girl on the cover) who is this super adorably passionate girl who has such a huge love for all things magical /witches and deeply wishes she could become one as well, but unfortunately normal people or "outsiders" can't become witches, you have to be born into it, but that's doesn't stop Coco from trying her hardest to still wanting to be a witch. One of the things I love most about this world and how it handles dealing with magic and witches is that magic is really normal within this world and how witches tend to uses it to help and serve regular people in need or even for lighting up a cobblestone pathway also I really like how the magic system is structured in this series, such as instead of casting spells or any from of magic with words or a phrase, magic is casted by drawing, Coco here ends up in a pickle with accidentally casting magic that ends up turning her mom into stone & thus Coco journey towards witchood begins.
Seriously, even though I've just recently gotten into this manga & and its ongoing tale it's already has captivated me on so many levels and I just can't get enough of it so far wonderful storytelling and amazingly beautiful drawn artsy apart of it which really adds a lot of this series fantastical elements. Definitely a must to check out!!
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Wanted to do a list of a couple of some of my most top favorite manga series and ones were I feel other's should give them a shot at checking out if there into any of these stories. (^ _ ^)
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andreafmn · 6 months
Bound | Chapter 6
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Word Count: 4.5K
Summary: Rosalie always carried the resentment of not being able to fulfill the image of the perfect family she had in her head. But the universe had set out to grant her everything she could’ve hoped for in the most unconventional way and in the form of a witch. Can their love withstand the promise of forever or will Rosalie and (Y/N) succumb to the grapples of time?
A/N: I have had 0 inspiration to write, but I've been working on a couple of new things, especially an avatar request that came in last year 👀👀
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Two years had passed since the night that should have been her last, and Rosalie had felt it. Now that she truly had forever to look forward to, it should have felt like the blink of an eye. But she couldn’t help but feel like life had decided just to drag her along. 
It had been two years, and she still didn’t feel quite part of the family. She enjoyed Esme’s company and valued Carlisle’s mind, but Edward was worse than a weed that wouldn’t stop growing. No matter how many times you plucked it, it simply grew back. He was irritating and insufferable, and it made Rosalie’s just that much irksome. 
They hadn’t been able to remain in Rochester for too long due to the girl’s victims, and he never failed to mention it. It was as though he would find any moment he could to bother her. And his mind-reading powers didn’t help to subside his already massive ego, believing that just because could listen to the thoughts of others that he knew everything. 
But he didn’t know the true pain and sadness that lived deep inside Rosalie. If he had, she was sure he’d beg for a way to shut her mind off. There was dread and despair like no other, carried from years long before she had died. It was a darkness that she carried all by herself. 
More often than not, Rosalie kept to herself. Other than her sporadic afternoon chats with Esme or Carlisle—often both—she truly didn’t do much else. School didn’t interest her yet, especially not when her only company would be Edward. She’d rather stay home and read. Morning, noon, and night, she was found with a book in her hands. There was nothing else that interested her, not even the Cadillac that had traveled with them all the way from New York. 
It had lain untouched in the garage of their Tennessee home, a thick layer of dust covering the baby blue of its lacquer. As much as it tempted her to get her hands dirty and fix it up until it came roaring back to life, Rosalie found that there was no point to it. She would never need another set of wheels in her life—at least, not really. 
Even when it came time to feed, Rosalie would prefer her own company. When the other three would go out together to hunt as a family, the blonde remained at the house, waiting for their return. Once they had eaten, then and only then would she go out herself. There were times when Edward would extend the hunting trips just to see how far she would push things, how long she would go while she was hungry. But if he thought she’d ever give in, he was dumber than he looked. No matter how long she had to wait, she would go on her own terms. Clearly, the boy had yet to grasp how stubborn she could be. 
 Much like she had done before, that morning, Rosalie had escaped into the mountains of Tennessee to find an animal to feed on. The family had just come back from a weekend-long trip that the girl had refused to join once more. Unfortunately, she still had to feed, and the moment they were back, she was gone. 
It was a rather cloudy morning in the state, and the mist from the morning felt heavenly on her skin. She breathed in the smell of dew, pine, and soil, reveling in the senses she still had available to her. But as she walked deeper into the woods, the scent transformed and set off the dangerous hunger that she had. 
She knew the smell well but had stayed away from its taste since her turning. Iron filled her nostrils, making her stomach rumble with a dizzying need. It blinded her to all reason, and all she desired was the crimson liquid. Rosalie had never taken a drop of blood, but she could imagine how the warm fluid would feel going down her throat, coating her mouth in a flavor unlike anything she had tasted before. She could feel her fangs sinking into soft flesh, her mouth filling with the venom that coursed through her veins. It was a feeling like no other, and it terrified her to how quickly her mind turned to a primal state. 
Until she saw where the smell was coming from. 
As she came upon the scene before her, all need for the taste of blood vanished, replaced by the need to save the boy she had come upon. There, in the middle of the woods, a man who looked shockingly similar to Henry, Vera’s son, was losing a fight with a black bear. He was on the ground, covered in slashes and bites, blood clinging onto his skin like it was meant to be there. And even as the bear towered over him, claiming his life as its own, the boy kept laughing and taunting it. It seemed if he was going to go down, he’d be doing it on his own terms. 
Rosalie knew there was no possible way that the boy being attacked could ever be Henry. The babe had all but celebrated his second birthday, and there was no reason he’d be fully grown and in Tennessee. But she couldn’t help the protective instinct that took over her when she saw the man being attacked. Where she would normally allow life to take on its course, she could not stop herself from getting involved. That boy deserved to live; something deep inside told her so. 
Without another thought, she sped out of her hiding place and pounced on the bear, breaking its neck in one swift move before sinking her teeth into its neck. The smell of blood had already made her stomach turn, her mouth salivating like it had never before. Yet, her resolve was stronger than her hunger. She allowed the bear’s warm blood to coat her mouth, satiating the desire for feeding before turning to the battered man. 
“I’m dead, aren’t I?” he questioned with a smile on his face. “There’s no way I’d meet an angel on Earth.” 
“You’re not dead yet,” she said. “And you won’t really be if I have anything to do with it.” 
“An angel in real life,” he muttered. “How great my luck?” 
Rosalie took the boy in her arms like he weighed nothing. She sped through the woods with a newfound resilience. He wasn’t Henry, of course not, she kept telling herself. But she had stumbled across him for some reason, and something told her she had to save him. 
The smell of his blood taunted her as she sped through the woods to where the Cullens resided. She could feel the warmth seeping through her fingers, coating her skin and her clothes. And though she had satiated her hunger with the bear, she couldn’t help her new nature. But, the look on the boy’s face stopped any urge she may have had. 
The brunette had fallen asleep in her arms, possibly due to his blood loss. Still, his heart beat in his chest, and in only a few minutes, she’d be in Carlisle’s office, begging him to save him. Her legs carried her forward until she finally arrived at her destination. 
It was Esme who saw her first. She had been tending to the garden when the metallic smell of the boy’s blood hit her nostrils.  “What happened?” the woman questioned. “Who is he?”
“I have no idea,” Rosalie responded as they walked toward Carlisle. “I found him trying to fight a bear. Clearly, we know who was winning.”
“Oh, his pulse is very weak,” Esme said. “You’ve brought him to Carlisle.”
“Yes,” the girl stated. “Something tells me he’d want to live.”
There was no other moment than that when Rosalie understood why Carlisle had decided to change her. Minus the belief that she could be someone’s partner, she could finally comprehend his inability to let a life go to waste right in front of him. She knew she could have left the boy to perish at his own stupidity and face the consequences of his actions. But he was right there, and he looked so much like Henry. The girl knew she’d spend her eternity regretting not saving him. 
Once Carlisle had agreed, noting the desperation in Rosalie’s eyes, she remained by the door of the room they had put the boy in. For three days and two nights, there was groaning and screaming as the pain from the transition took over his body, freezing every inch of his youth and fixing anything that had dared damage his skin. 
Then, on the third night, a perfect-skinned, red-eyed Emmett McCarty—she had finally learned his name— emerged from the room. Rosalie and Carlisle then explained to him about his new existence. He’d taken a second to process the information, but he didn’t grow mad or even think they were mad. Instead, he smiled. He called Rosalie and angel and Carlisle a god. Such a hellish existence could be bearable with people like that on his side. Unlike Rosalie, he didn’t quite mind the vampire life. 
Edward took him hunting first, making it a boys’ trip. He’d been reluctant at first, questioning why Ros wouldn’t go with them. But the second he stepped outside and felt the freedom and power of his new abilities, all was forgotten. 
Rosalie didn’t mind the rest, though. In the first few days of his new life, Emmett had grown rather doting on the blonde. He’d follow her everywhere, filled with questions and gratitude. At first, she didn’t mind the adoration–she was accustomed to being doted upon. But after the 30th hour of his pleasantries, she couldn’t help but remember all the nice words people in her short life had gifted her. All the compliments and accolades she had acquired from them, and how she had believed every single one. She had believed every single one of them until it drove her to her death. So, the second there was a window of silence, she welcomed it. 
In the quiet, the girl felt a surge of inspiration. She headed to the home’s garage and uncovered the beautiful Cadillac that had been buried under a layer of dust for months. It was as perfect as the day Carlisle had brought it home for her. The blue was just as vibrant, the metal perfect and smooth—truly the car of her dreams. The best part? She would be able to bring it back to life with her own two hands. 
Once she opened the hood, she was transported to a time when she was happy. She could hear her father telling her which were the parts that made up the car, hear her little brothers running rampant through the yard as her mother ran behind them. If she closed her eyes, she could almost feel like she was there. 
Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia took her hostage. Though it was impossible, her lungs felt devoid of air, and her heart felt as though it hammered inside her chest. She slammed the hood closed and covered the vehicle once more. She needed to leave. She needed an escape. 
“Is everything alright, Rosalie?” Esme questioned as she came to check the commotion. “What was that noise?”  
“Everything is fine,” Rosalie tried to smile. “I just need to take a walk. Empty my mind.”  
“Do you want some company? I could…”  
“It’s quite alright, Esme. I think I just need some time to myself.”  
Before the woman could add anything else, Rosalie was on the move. Even if she spent most of the time alone, she needed to be by herself. It had only been two years since she had last seen her family, and still, their memory was seared into her brain. 
She wondered if they had given up on their search and declared her dead. Or maybe they were still putting up posters, hoping one day there would be new information on her whereabouts. She wondered if her brothers had begun dating and if they told those girls about the sister they used to have—maybe they hadn’t even cared to talk about it with their friends. But she held onto the hope that they held her memory fondly, that they missed the girl who would oftentimes tuck them into bed and read them a bedtime story or the girl who quietly taught them about cars when they were much too young to be fiddling with the machines. And how she wished she could still be able to do that. 
Now, she could only hope that her parents held them just a little bit closer and didn’t raise them like they had her. They were just as beautiful as her, and they were sure to be able to marry well. But she prayed they were able to simply live and enjoy the fleeting moments that made up their existence. She pleaded for them to grow up to be kind and decent men who held her memory alive. 
Knowing her family would one day grow old and pass made her heart hurt. She couldn’t withstand the thought that they’d live an entire life and simply disappear–not that she’d wish for them her immortality. They would be on earth for a moment, and the next, they’d be gone. And she would never know when or from what. That was the curse of her existence. Everyone she knew and loved would one day be gone, and she was meant to live on and on and on and on….
Not seeing her family was the worst part of it all. And that’s all she could think of as she walked back to the house. Night had come and gone, and the sun was starting to peek over the horizon. She hadn’t meant to stay out too late, but time had slipped away as she daydreamed of her past and her family’s future. The girl couldn’t help that her mind had trailed on and on, punishing her with memory after memory of the life she was forced to leave behind.
But one thing kept her afloat: the thought of Vera and Henry living a happy life with a man who truly seemed to adore her. She’d get to live everything they had both dreamed of, even if she wasn’t there to see it. And that was all she could have asked for. If Rosalie wasn’t able to have what she wanted, she was glad Vera did. 
The men had returned from their hunt. Carlisle was with Esme in the garden, telling her how it had been a success, but it would take Emmett some time to fully acclimate to their lifestyle. It was to be expected that the newborn vampire would struggle with blood lust–not that Rosalie faced much of that problem. 
 “Are you feeling better, Rosalie?” Esme asked as the girl neared the house. “You had me quite worried.” 
“Much better,” she said. “It’s just what I needed.” 
“I saw that you uncovered the Cadillac,” Carlisle mused. “Were you able to work on it?” 
“Not this time,” she responded. “I don’t think I’m ready yet to do so.” 
“Well, maybe one day.” 
“Yes,” she smiled softly. “Maybe one day.” 
She walked into the house, crossing a smug-looking Edward but giving him no mind as she headed toward her bedroom. He was the last person she wanted to interact with after the night she’d had–or anytime truly. So, she ignored his wisenheimer gaze and disappeared down the hall. 
It didn’t take long to figure out why he wore such a sly expression. Right on her dresser, a crystal vase rested, filled with blooming red roses and dazzling violets. At any given time, she would have swooned at the beautiful bouquet. But that specific arrangement made her blood boil in a way it hadn’t for two years. Anger surged from deep within her core, bubbling to the surface as destructive rage. 
Her hands wrapped around the vase as though it weighed no more than a piece of paper and smashed it to the ground, watching it explode into a million glimmering pieces. The crash resounded through the house like clapping thunder, alerting all of the vampires about her ire. 
Those flowers represented the worst part of her life and the person who had taken everything from her. Royce had showered her with them the whole time they were courting, and she had grown to despise those otherwise beautiful stems. They brought back every single memory that had soured with time, festering anger and disappointment in her heart. The last thing she wanted was to be gifted another bouquet of roses and violets that reminded someone of her eyes. And the only person who could have ever known how much she hated them was Edward. 
But she did not want to give him the satisfaction of a bigger reaction. The smashed antique vase was enough answer to his callous idea of a prank. Instead of chewing his ear off with another loud, angry rant, she remained in her room, sitting by her balcony and dreaming of a time when she was still happy. 
Rosalie couldn’t have known how much time had passed before she heard crunching behind her as someone dared to enter her room, and she knew exactly who it was.
“I take it you didn’t like the flowers,” Emmett said, chuckling with every ounce of his boyish charm. “Edward said they were your favorites. I can see now he was just wanting to get a rise out of you.” 
“I swear that boy’s only reason for existing is to try my patience,” she scoffed. “But I understand it wasn’t your fault. The flowers are beautiful, truly. They just remind me of some horrible things in my past that I would much rather leave there.” 
“Well, then, what flowers could I ever get you?” he mused. “You know if I ever wanted to make you another gift of gratitude that won’t end up shattered on the ground.” 
“Any other flower is fine,” she smiled softly. “Except for sunflowers.” 
“Another bad memory?”
“No,” she said as she wrapped her arms around herself. “They remind me of the best times in my life. But it’s a flower that can only belong to one person.” 
“Can I ask who?” 
“You will look at me differently,” she sighed. “It’s not something I’ve truly shared with anyone. And it’s not something I want someone like Edward to know.”
 “Well, it’s a good thing we can get away from him really fast,” the boy grinned. “And I promise you there is nothing you can tell me that will ever change what I think about you.”
Rosalie battled with herself. She could feel it in her gut that Emmett was true to his word and that she could trust him. But she had trusted before, and it had ended with her life. Although there was nothing more she could lose, not anymore. 
“Alright,” she said as she dug through her bedside table and pulled out a leather journal. “Let’s go.” 
The two of them left through the back door of the house and ran into the neighboring woods, getting as far away from Edward’s peering ears as they could. They made sure he had not followed before stopping by a nearby creek and sitting on a boulder. Their ears could only hear a soft stream of water and the chirping of some nearby birds, and they weren’t going to spill her most close-kept secret. 
“I’m sure you already know what happened to me and why I ended up a vampire,” she said. Her fingers ran through the notebook's cover, her eyes trained on the carved details rather than the red of Emmett’s eyes. “I trusted the wrong people back then, thinking they were the ones who could give me what I wanted out of life. I never thought I would ever lose any of it. “Royce, my ex-fiancée, used to always bring me roses because of my name. Then, he started giving me violets as well because he said my human eyes reminded him of them,” the blonde explained. “I can’t look or even smell those flowers without remembering what he did to me, Emmett. And, I guess I let that thought slip by with Edward present. That’s why he told you I liked those flowers—to get a reaction out of me.” 
“It sounds to me like you don’t really like Edward,” he chuckled. “Am I right?”
“I already spent enough of my life having to stand an egotistical man who thinks he’s better than everyone just because he has some kind of upper hand,” she scoffed. “I’m done pretending I can stand that kind of behavior. Now, I put up with him for Carlisle and Esme’s sake, but I can only take so much of him. He also said I wasn’t his type. And I’m everyone’s type.”  
“You certainly are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” the boy smirked. “But what about sunflowers? Why are those special?”
“That’s what might change your opinion of me,” she said meekly, her voice breaking slightly as she gripped the notebook tighter in her hands. “I need you to promise me, Emmett, that even if you hate me after I tell you this, you won’t even let the thought of it slip. I want to trust you with this because I do feel that you’re different. But I need you to promise me that no matter what, you will keep this secret to yourself.” 
“I promise, Rosalie,” he stated. “Whatever you tell me right now, I will take to my grave… or, well, my mental grave.” 
Rosalie opened her notebook with shaking hands and pulled out two pictures and the scrap of paper she had pulled from her missing poster flyer. She placed them in Emmett’s hands with a soft smile and explained. “That’s Vera,” she said as she pointed at the first paper. “She was my best friend since we were little. Grew up very differently, but we were inseparable. She got married young. Just seventeen. And then she had little Henry,” she smiled as she pointed at the second picture. “They were the closest thing I ever got to the family I had always wanted for myself.” 
“And this?” Emmett questioned as he palmed the scrap paper. “There are people here who love her more than sunflowers love the sun. Who wrote that?”
“Vera did,” she smiled sadly. “She published that on my missing person flyer without signing her name. It was the only way we found that we could tell each other we loved one another in public. Does a sunflower love the sun? That’s what we’d say every time we said goodbye to each other.” 
“But why wouldn’t you be able to tell her…?” his voice droned on as realization donned on him. “Oh.” 
“Yes, Emmett. Oh,” she sighed. “The world has never been kind to us, and we had to find a way to live our lives without people knowing.”
“So, that means you…” 
“Yes, Emmett, I like girls,” she confessed. “And you’re the first person I’ve ever said this out loud to. Now, if you look at me differently, if you think I’m just an abomination and you want to be as far away from me as possible, I understand.”  
Rosalie was ready for the rejection, the anger, the disgust. It was how others had always reacted when spoken about the topic, and she knew it was always coming. She had come to think those things of herself at some point. She believed she was an abomination, she believed she was sin incarnate. But she was not prepared for a smile and a comforting hand. “That explains why none of my flirting has worked,” he chuckled. “Good to know it wasn’t me.” 
“W-what?” she stammered. “You don’t… you don’t mind?” 
“Why would I?” the boy responded softly. “I just recently found out that vampires exist, and I turned into one. I think there are stranger things out there, and love ain’t one of them.” 
“So, you don’t think there’s something wrong with me? That I’m perverse or that I’m crazy?” 
“I could never, Rosalie. I’ve seen girls,” he smirked. “I can understand why you’d like them. I know I do.” 
“The only person that has ever reacted that way was Vera, and that’s because she liked girls too,” she smiled. “I never thought I’d meet anyone else like that.” 
“Well, now you have someone else who will love you no matter what, Rose,” he smiled. “Obviously, I will only be a friend. But you’ll always have me by your side. You saved my life and gave me a chance to experience life in a completely different way. The least I can do is give you my love and understanding.” 
“You know, the only other person that ever knew this thought I was an abomination,” she recalled. “He told me he had taken pity on me when he’d seen us kiss once. I didn’t even know he had seen. We were always so careful. Maybe that’s what got me killed in the end. If it hadn’t…” 
“It is not up to you who you love, Rosalie,” Emmett comforted, squeezing her hand softly. “And there is absolutely nothing wrong with who you love. What that man did has no words, and if he wasn’t already dead, I’d have gone up to Rochester and killed him myself. You should be allowed to be with whoever you want.” 
“But it’s not the world we live in,” she sighed. “And now I have to go through eternity hiding who I am.” 
“Maybe not. Maybe we’ll see a world where you’ll be able to love who you love,” he said. “Isn’t that the beauty of immortality? We’ll be able to see the world around us change.”  
“It could get worse.” 
“But what if it gets so much better?”  
“You’re so optimistic,” she chuckled. “How did you end up this way?” 
“I thought I could fight a bear,” he laughed. “But, really, we won’t know about the future until it happens. So, why would we think up the worst?” 
“I guess that’s one way of looking at it.” 
“It’s better to think that things can get better rather than believing they’ll be worse,” he shrugged. “Now, come here and tell me about Vera and this handsome Henry. He kinda looks like me.” 
With a bright smile, she turned to the picture, “Well, she was the person who taught me what love could be.” 
And at that moment, by that creek, as she told Emmett all about the girl that had stolen her heart, Rosalie felt herself grow light. If someone else could accept her as she was, then maybe she could do the same for herself. And someday, maybe one day, she’d meet the girl who could love her too.
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gok1bvri72 · 1 year
I adore Len and Rin! I have been trying my hand in x readers lately by making a load of Lyney x Reader so why not make some nostalgic (for me at least) Len x Reader🤔? As cringe as it may sound I've been reading all the fics left over by the fandom of old since I was 10 I'm so obsessed with Len>< So I pretty much have a headcanon for everything under the sun about him! So this mini thing will be a breeze:>
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Len is a very cautious lover.
Used to all the memes and hate he used to regularly get back when the Vocaloid fandom was rampant; he is very hesitant with just about everything he does lest it become yet another meme and another reason to make fun of him.
As you can guess this leads to major anxiety and constantly feeling like he has done something wrong.
Please don't let him feel this way.
This being said, he is great at recognizing panic/anxiety attacks long before they happen.
He has a tendency to memorize what triggers them and avoids those places/topics entirely.
It's almost like he was built to be some form of anxiety relief android. Maybe he has some beta coding for future therapy androids?
Either way despite his physical age and mindset his is incredibly observant and can read a person pretty well.
He has a tendency to make assumptions though.
Brush his hair and don't tell him he needs to whack his ponytail off.
He'll love you.
Maybe he will let you braid it if you ask nicely.
He owns a saluki named Happy. No questions asked.
No he does not co-own her with Rin. Happy is *his* dog and neither him or the dog will accept otherwise.
If his dog approves of you 9 times outta 10 he will too.
He also likes cats, he and Rin are just allergic.
If you're someone like me and covered in cat hair 24/7, he will sneeze around you all the time.
It's cute though.
Len sneezes are adorable.
He is bad at english/kanji class please help him.
That being said he is a math wizard.
If you're like me and suck at math he can help you don't need to worry.
He would probably just do your homework for you if you ask.
Which is why you shouldn't.
Len has a problem with doing things for others so he'll do just about anything (within reason) for you if he loves you enough.
We already know he would die for his sister if I had to guess he would die for you too if you won him over.
He will take his hoodie off for you and let you wear it. He never takes his hoodies off.
Please please protect him.
Him is verr ee wholesome.
Len has some serious self doubt issues (as I mentioned earlier) so remind him that he *is* talented and that his sister isn't any better than he is.
I mentioned earlier he is good at recognising the signs of a panic attack and I think he is just as prepared to handle them as he is good at sensing them.
If you need words of comfort he can provide you with those but if you just want him to hold you while you cry he can do that too.
He actually prefers the latter because he is afraid he may say something wrong.
He has attachment issues and separation anxiety.
To certain extent he has separation anxiety with his sister and dog but it's not as bad as it is with you.
He gets so nervous and scared. He doesn't like being without you.
He is also super attached to you because you aren't mean to him.
That's probably one of the big reasons he loves you so much; you treat him like a person.
Len gets angry when people say he is a little gay twink.
He likes girls too!
He thinks no matter what's in your pants if your beautiful and kind you are beautiful and kind>:[
Please play minecraft and animal crossing with him♡♡♡
He is often littered with band-aids for no reason. He thinks they look cool lol.
Big cuddler!
Winter and autumn are his favourite seasons because he can cuddle with you in bed and wear layers:)
He has *so* many blankets and he shares all of them with you!
Doesn't mind if you fart in the bed. Doesn't run away squealing in disgust like his sister. Literally could not care less it's no different from a sneeze to him. True manliness right there.
Apple cider is his favourite!
He loves the smell so much his room has diffusers everywhere in it and they all have the scent:)
He also has his windows open a lot of the time!
So it smells like that windy-open-window-bedroom *and* apple cider!
If you open his door without expecting it, it's like being hit in the face with essence of bard. (If you get it you get it.)
Hates anything to do with zombies. They trigger panic attacks in him because he knows he would survive because he is an android but he wouldn't know how to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Not knowing what to do in certain situations enduces anixety and panic attacks in him whether it be an on the spot question from a teacher or just thinking about a situation like such his room.
He cries a lot.
I mean he is adorable and it's impossible to not find him cute when he does cry but he has one of those crying faces that makes you just feel so much guilt and a need to protect him.
Smooch his cheeks when he cries, if you do it enough he cries a little less.
Don't make him bottle up his emotions though, but also help him to stop crying because it's not very good for his eye cameras.
His eyes can glow in the dark by the way.
Every android's can.
But his are so pretty! When they glow they are a bright, electric blue that fades into a slightly deeper shade and they are *so*, SO sparkly!!
Make sure to tell him his sparkle eyes are beautiful✨✨
He has a lot of plushies.
He likes Journey to the West and is a Sun Wukong enthusiast!
He really likes Dragon Ball so he wanted to know about the design origins of Goku and you get the picture.
He doesn't quite understand all the symbolism in JTTW but he still enjoys it regardless because MONKEY KING SMASH!!!
Has a lanyard that he really likes and doesn't take off often.
He has a Vocaloid tomogatchi and the little character in it is the same Rin he has had since he first got it back when they were released.
He can't let his sister die on him!
His sister has one with him in it that she takes just as good care of♡
They may argue all the time but they really do love eachother!
Len and Rin are you best friends and Len is the best, most accommodating boyfriend you could ever ask for so please treasure him and his sister you lucky you!
Handle with care U^U
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hankbot0-9 · 9 months
Disappointment and frustration
Hellop. Never done something like this before, but here we go. This is going to be basically a large splurge of disappointment and frustration on one, particular person, Vivienne Medrano.
So to start this off, I've known about, and have been a fan, of Viv for a long while, ever since the Hazbin Polit. I've followed her work, been inspired by it, and found great fun with the characters and world.
Without Viv, I would not be a furry (debatable if this is good or bad), I would not have found characters I've found comfort in (Jackson Wells, Zoophobia), or other creators in the indie community. However, for a while now I've been seeing how Viv and her works have greatly fallen from there highs, and how Viv has, really dropped the ball in being professional.
Her tweets and general attitude have given off all the wrong vibes, and show a person who could care less about being professional. From the whole "Cain, I am your bitch" situation, how she handles ANY form of criticism that is even slightly negative, the way she tweets and responds to others etc. It all just compounds on her image, basically holding up a mirror.
Her show (or shows, Hazbis quality is to be debated when it releases), started out, in my opinion, rough yet charming, clearly having passion behind it and a fun time to watch, has degraded to a point of being a bland, misguided and unplanned mess where the main character now feels like a side character to another character who's derailed the premise and show as a whole. Don't get me started on the inconsistent animation quality, cause holy shit.
There is also the leaked, behind the scenes, screenshots stuff that, yes should be looked at skeptically, is slowly, and in some cases basically confirmed, to be true. Largely owing to her on twitter and some behind the scenes stuff that should make you do a double take. I.e. Treatment of female characters, the constant hiring of new employees, etc.
This also ties into how the Fandom treats these characters and situations, and is where a lot of my frustrations come into play. To explain, the Fandom surrounding Viv and her works is one of the most apparent toxic fandoms I have ever seen, all it takes for them to turn on you is a couple of tweets or posts about something you disagree with or being slightly critical of Viv, and they turn on you. The amount of harassment and death threats flung around is concerning to a high degree and Viv, doesn't do anything about it, not even an ask to stop, largely because she encourages it. Sure, it's not a tweet saying to attack someone, but all the likes she gives to her fans on any post talking about what someone said or done that didn't align with the greater fandom opinion, it encourages them because they see it, they see that the person they look up to has liked what they said and so they keep doing it, so they get more likes form her. It's, sad to see really. The Fandom treats these characters above people really, holding them up and parading them around like they can do no wrong, and the same is for Viv.
There's more I could say, but many have already said it before and will continue to say it until, Viv basically fades away, because the way Viv handles herself, the Fandom that surrounds her and much more, wont survive the fact that when Hazbin drops, and is reviewed, and those critical comments and reviews come about it that are even slightly negative, the Fandoms going to get bloodthirsty and destroy any good will left or they would've had with the general public.
Sincerely, Hankbot0-9... tired of, alot.
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otakusheep15 · 1 year
How Likely I'd Be to Eat TWST's Characters Favorite/Least Favorite Foods, Except I'm a Picky Eater
I've decided that from now on, all of my titles are going to be anime title length, and no one can stop me. Anyways, I'm bored and haven't done Twst content in a while, so I thought I would today. Feel free to share y'all's opinions in the comments/reblogs if y'all want.
Favorite: Strawberry tarts
Literally 10/10. I love strawberry tarts, or anything with strawberries really.
Least favorite: Junk food
Also 10/10. I eat a lot of junk food (especially on depression days), so I'm all for eating it.
Favorite: Candied violets
3/10. I don't like eating flowers, but I'd consider it since they're candied. I probably wouldn't like them though.
Least favorite: Mustard
8/10. It's not my favorite condiment, and I'm very picky about what I put it on, but I love mustard.
Favorite: Spicy ramen
7/10. It depends on how spicy and what brand of ramen. I only eat a very certain brand, and my spice tolerance depends on the day.
Least favorite: anything sweet
5/10. Depends on what sweets and how sweet. I do have a sweet tooth, but I'm more picky about sweets than any other flavor.
Favorite: Cherry pie
0/10. I cannot stand cherries. The texture and flavor makes me sick and I can hardly even look at them.
Least favorite: Raw oysters
0/10. I also hate seafood, but especially oysters. Again, it's all about the texture. They're too slimy.
Favorite: Anything with eggs
10/10. Eggs are my favorite form of protein, and I could honestly eat them with every meal. I love eggs a lot.
Least favorite: Bell peppers
4/10. I can only tolerate them when they're cut super fine and mixed in with other things. I grew up in Louisiana, so it's common to find bell peppers in basically everything, so I've grown somewhat immune to them.
Favorite: Meat
6/10. Depends on what kind of meat and how it's prepared. There are some meats I love, and some I can't stand, especially things like steak or roast.
Least favorite: Vegetables
7/10. I live veggies, but I'm super picky about them. I only really like lettuce, carrots, and broccoli, and I have to have them prepared very specifically. I will also only eat lettuce in a sandwich or in a salad, and I only eat carrots and broccoli raw with ranch.
Favorite: Donuts
5/10. I like donuts, but only on very specific occasions. I also prefer donut holes because I find regular donuts too filling and sugary. I love blueberry and red velvet donuts the most.
Least favorite: Anything rotten
0/10. I've eaten rotten food before, and it is not pleasant. I don't know who would honestly enjoy rotten food.
Favorite: Pear compote
0/10. Pears are on par with cherries for being one of my least favorite fruits. I cannot stand pears.
Least favorite: Green onions
9/10. I love green onions, but only in soups and stuff. Potato soup with green onions is always a winning combination to me.
Favorite: Fried chicken
11/10. Fried chicken might actually be my favorite savory food. I live right next to a Popeyes, and I eat there religiously. Fried chicken cannot be beat in my eyes.
Least favorite: Health food
4/10. Some health food is okay, but i can never stick with it for too long before I'm either bored or sick.
Favorite: Octopus carpaccio
0/10. I hate seafood, and I hate raw food even more. I genuinely have no clue why people enjoy eating raw meat/fish.
Least favorite: Conger eel
0/10. Again, I cannot stomach seafood. Also, eel? You can eat eel? Idk but it sounds gross.
Favorite: Takoyaki
2/10. Okay, I know I've been talking about how much I hate seafood, but I've always wanted to try takoyaki. Will I hate it? Yes, but I still want the experience.
Least favorite: Shiitake mushrooms
-10/10. Mushrooms might actually be my least favorite food ever. The texture and taste are both awful, and even the look and smell are enough to make my gag.
Favorite: Coconut juice
5/10. I'm not a fan of coconut, but I've never tried the juice, so I'm not sure if I'll like it or not. I'd be down to try it at least.
Least favorite: Curry
6/10. Would depend on spice levels, what kind of curry, etc. I can't remember if I've ever had curry, but it doesn't sound unpleasent.
Favorite: Curry
Same as before.
Least favorite: Dates
3/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to touch dates. I'll give them a slight chance because I've had worse.
Favorite: Homemade smoothies
8/10. I really like smoothies. My favorite is strawberry and banana. I'm a little more hesitant about stuff like kale smoothies, but I still like smoothies overall.
Least favorite: Mayonnaise
9/10. My house always had mayo in the fridge, and I refuse to eat sandwiches without it. I love mayo, and it's definitely a top 5 condiment for me.
Favorite: Liver pâté
0/10. Why do so many of them have an interest in raw meat? That's why all of them are so weird. They keep eating raw meat.
Least favorite: Garlic
8/10. Yes, I am that guy who enjoys garlic chips. And, yes, I put garlic in basically everything I consume. I just really like the stuff.
Favorite: Grilled meats/Macarons
7/10 for grilled meat. I like grilled chicken, but only sometimes. 10/10 for macarons. I am obsessed with macarons, especially fruity flavors.
Least favorite: Apple pears
2/10. I don't like pears, but I'd be more willing to try them since they're somewhat similar to apples, which I do like.
Favorite: Sweets
10/10. I love sweets, even if I am picky about them. I prefer stuff like pastries over stuff like candy, but I like candy too.
Least favorite: Raw fish
0/10. Again, raw meats/seafood is just such a strange concept to me. I think I've said enough on the topic by now.
(skipping Ortho bc both his fave and least fave are literally nothing)
Favorite: Ice cream
7/10. I'm sort-of picky about ice cream, but it's mostly a flavor thing. When it's a flavor I like, ice cream is one of my faves. But if it's a flavor I don't like, it's one of the worst foods ever.
Least favorite: Full-sized cakes
3/10. Cake is okay, but I could never eat a full-sized cake. Also, cake is one of the desserts I'm pickiest about, so it's not a preference for me.
Favorite: Tomato juice
5/10. I don't like tomatoes, but I do like smoothe tomato soup (never chunky), so maybe I'd like tomato juice.
Least favorite: Marshmallows
10/10. I love marshmallows so much. The texture makes me very happy, and I especially love the big ones that take multiple bites to eat.
Favorite: Mushroom risotto
0/10. Again, I cannot stand even the thought of mushrooms, so I doubt I'd like it in a risotto. Maybe I'd try it for Silver though. Maybe.
Least favorite: Lilia's cooking
-10/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to even humor the idea of trying Lilia's cooking.
Favorite: Salmon carpaccio
1/10. Seriously, why is there so much raw seafood mentioned in this game?? I gave this one 1 point because I do like salmon, but I still wouldn't eat it.
Least favorite: Black coffee
2/10. I do not like coffee, black or otherwise. I'd be willing to give it a try since it's been a while since I've had it, but I doubt I'd like it.
Favorite: Canned tuna
7/10. I like tuna, and I honestly wouldn't mind it from a can, but it's not my favorite type of fish.
Favorite: Wild game
5/10. Depends on the type of game and how it's cooked, but it wouldn't be the worst thing to try.
Favorite: Raisin butter
1/10. I dislike raisins very much, but I'd hesitantly try it in butter because I do like butter.
Favorite: Vichyssoise
3/10. I don't like leeks, but I do like potatoes, so maybe it's balance out and I'd like it. However, I'm also a pessimist, so I'm giving it a low score anyways.
Favorite: Raw eggs
2/10. Here in America, eating raw eggs is very dangerous, so it's a no from me, but I do know people in other countries eat raw eggs, so maybe I'd like it.
Favorite: Chicken gumbo
10/10. Like I said, I grew up in Louisiana, so of course I love gumbo. I don't like seafood gumbo, but chicken gumbo is easily top tier for me.
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lemonisntreal · 9 months
heyo! Just found your blog and I was scrolling through your stuff and noticed your AU tone deaf. And I haven't found anything about what it is or what your idea is behind it. So I wanted to ask if you could give me an introduction to your AU!
Oh! And I absolutely love your artstyle and how you draw Buster! Anyway, hope you drink enough water and have a good day/night! ;)
Dear god this has been in my drafts for a while-
Hiya! Sorry for that lack of info lol, I'd been inactive for a long time, and the time that I actually WAS posting consistently was back when things were still being sorta fleshed out. But I've got a pretty good idea of how every single part moves at this point, so sure :D I'll give a not-so-brief summary lol [under a cut because I couldn't not dump multiple paragraphs teehee ~_~]
Tone Deaf is like a dystopian version of Sing, if I were to put it super duper simply. One where Buster's issues get more emotional focus, and we get actual bonds with the cast because the movie forgot to do that.
Buster is, also, a lot more unhinged, fair warning. This fic's gonna contain violence and tackle some darker subjects [adjacent to grief and denial more specifically] so if it feels like I jumped a lot of sharks, it's because I 100% did.
It kinda started with me noticing how, in the actual movies btw, smaller characters like Buster and Mike had more difficulty getting around places. This led me to ask myself about how species differences could lead to struggles for certain animals since the city just isn't built for everyone [this is NOT Zootopia]. Ash's quills, and Meena's towering size were things I noticed too that would be massive problems, realistically. So after a lot of pondering, now we're here.
The world of Tone Deaf in present day is in a post-war period that's lasted about 50 years now [Crawly is actually a veteran from this war- which was more like complete and total anarchy if I'm being real, since there weren't really any sides until near the end...]
Long story short, the wealthy capitalized off of the war and taking people prisoner- so they purposefully kept it going. A resistance ended up forming to stand against this [Miss Crawly being one of the generals, with that classic missing eye] and after their army stormed the unsuspecting stronghold, the war finally began to conclude. It still took around a year after that to release all of the prisoners of war, and by the end of it all, the damage that had been done to some races was permanent. Even extinction-level in some cases- some animals just straight up don't exist anymore because of it.
Back to Calatonia. Laws that are in place to protect animals from tearing eachother apart are still relatively new, and the criminal underbelly of Calatonia is kinda out of control. Animals get kidnapped/poached, smaller animals are at a huge disadvantage and have basically no power [politically or otherwise], endangered species are a very real thing, poverty is a huge issue for most of the population- and in the middle of all this is Buster Moon.
He's gonna be the main perspective. And the story will also serve as a slight character study on him, mixed with my own grittier and batshit insane changes/headcanons/alternate universe ideas on his backstory. He's a ray of sunshine with a lot of bottled-up feelings that will kinda really take control of the story.
Buster has been arrested multiple times. He's been put in unsuccessful therapy. He's still grieving his dad. He's committing crime and compulsively lying about those illegal actions too. He has emotional difficulties that he hasn't dared try touching on in years, and he has issues with letting go- which, is kinda how all of his new problems come to be.
The threat of his theater being repossessed if his show isn't a success gets a LOT more emphasis too.
But on top of that is the added threat of Buster getting sent out of the city if he can't get his business up and running. Remember how I mentioned endangered animals?? Well Koalas are one of them. One of the big ones, actually. He's the only Koala in a city of almost five hundred thousand, and it's been that way for almost half a decade now. It's been causing issues for the people in charge for half a decade now. Koalas have government-protected settlements far away from here due to their numbers being so few, so if Buster loses the theater? That's the next step for him.
But, to help this poor dude through all the stress of life is the found-family he develops with the cast he hired. He helps them for a lot of the first act, and then they give back his kindness in the second. They connect through their similar experiences, as well as their shared passion for music and performance. And by the end, maybe Buster's okay. Or maybe he's had a complete downward spiral [not gonna speak of act three ����]
Other characters have also had a shift in their dynamics. Things in the story have changed. Like for instance- Gunter already knew Buster and was a close friend of him and Eddie before the show, Judith is now the mayor and a main character, Pete has been put in place of the banker in charge of Buster's accounts, Buster unfortunately gets involved in politics, Mike actually gets to bond with the cast- actually the cast gets to bond with the cast point blank period [idc what you say, this just straight up doesn't happen in the canon movies], and to top it all of is a generous helping of angst with a few acts of violence sprinkled in 🤭
The actual Act I summary is this right now:
Buster had been in tight situations before-- suffocating situations, even. He’d been in every kind of trouble imaginable, he thought. With family, friends, local businesses, the law. But he'd always wormed his way out, either through loopholes or by charm. Or usually just by stacking another lie on top of his already crumbling facade. But this time it's gonna take more than a cover-up to fix this. ‏‏‎ Buster’s dishonesty takes him too far once again, a simple typo causing him to unintentionally land himself in a wager that could cost his very life. He has two months to fix this- to ACTUALLY fix this. And the worst part is that he hadn't even meant to lie this time. ‏‏‎ The First Act of Tone Deaf.
TLDR; Buster learns to love again after experiencing the horrors of animalkind firsthand and being healed by theater kids LMFAO
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forgetfulslasher · 2 months
Headcanons about "The Obsessed"!
Since IDK released his new video of The Obsessed showing off some of its new forms, I've been thinking quite a bit about its biology! So I've compiled something of a list regarding my headcanons about it. While some things have been omitted as to avoid spoilers for my fic "Obsession", when that is done I will add these details back in.
*Note; The Obsessed's spider form will NOT be appearing in "Obsession", and probably will not appear in anything I choose to do with it in the future (and if it does, then it will be heavily tagged). I do not want to exclude anyone who has arachnophobia/an aversion to spiders from the main story, and so there's no need to worry about that.
With all that said and done, let's begin!
The Obsessed, as we have come to know it by, is part of an unnamed species of monster. While many cultures have their own names for this specimen, the denizens of the Redwoods simply choose to call it "The Obsessed". This species is NOT common, with at most one inhabiting an entire biome, while most biomes don't even have it at all. They are incredibly territorial and very dangerous when angered, and will typically kill off any apex predators in the area that it sees as competition. Anything it cannot defeat it will live in uneasy peace with, unless the competitor threatens The Obsessed further, in which it will leave in an attempt to find a new home similar to its first one.
Though there is only one species of The Obsessed, its genetic makeup allows it to modify its body as it grows to better suit its environment. For example, a Redwoods Obsessed has slightly reddish skin, while a cave Obsessed would likely be the color of obsidian. These modifications become more extreme as it grows, which becomes a double-edged sword. On one hand, these changes allow the Obsessed to completely dominate its home environment. On the other, these changes might become so extreme that leaving can actually kill it by overexposure, and even if it survives, it may still be incredibly weakened. An Obsessed will not leave its home except for dire circumstances.
First of all, The Obsessed tends to be pretty reclusive in nature. It will only allow itself to be seen when it wants to be seen, and does a lot of hiding because of this. They tend to be nocturnal but can adjust their sleeping schedules when needed.
As one can expect, The Obsessed is known for becoming scarily infatuated by certain things. Or, rather, obsessed to the point of violence. However, the object of its affections can change depending on what interests it most. In the Redwoods, humans are what it sees to be the most interesting, so a Redwoods Obsessed usually only becomes infatuated with humans. Meanwhile, an Obsessed that lives in biome where no humans frequent might take an interest in a certain animal species, or maybe even a structure or plant species. As long as they can keep the specific thing that they have their eyes on to themselves, they will be happy. However, The Obsessed does NOT like to share, so "keeping something to itself" usually means isolating that thing from everything about it, and killing off anything that competes for that attention.
The Obsessed is incredibly intelligent, although how they display that intelligence varies on what it sees often. A cave Obsessed would not be able to understand human language or write human words the way an Obsessed that's been around humans can. However, a human-acclimated Obsessed would not be able to, say, understand wolf howls the way that an Obsessed that's always around wolves would be able to. For human-acclimated Obsessed, The Obsessed is usually able to see importance in certain objects, phrases, animals or people and adjust its actions toward them accordingly. That is to say, it knows that flowers mean love, screaming means fear, and that people usually like their pets. Basically, as long as it repeatedly sees a behavior, it is typically able to understand it.
Finally, Obsessed are violent. Incredibly so. Like I said before, they don't like to share, and that applies to both biomes and the object of its affections. Furthermore, if an Obsessed does not feel like its being paid attention to enough, it will usually kill the object of its affections and seek out a new one. The Obsessed wants the eyes of its obsession to be on it whenever it wants, and not a second sooner or later. Their clinginess can extend even in death, and past obsessions may have their graves vandalized or even destroyed if The Obsessed sees them get too much attention from mourning loved ones. It is incredibly hard to survive an Obsessed loving you, especially if you have ones you love.
The build of an Obsessed depends on how long it's been alive, which I shall go more in-depth with below. It also depends on what biome it lives in. For the sake of simplicity regarding the lifespan, I will only talk about the Redwoods Obsessed as it is what we are all most familiar with. But some parts of them remain the same no matter where an Obsessed lives. All Obsessed start off vaguely humanoid in nature and obtain more monstrous traits the older they grow. They all have very long fingers and legs with two bends in them (think like a Demogorgon from Stranger Things-- THAT is what their legs look like). They also all have certain defense mechanisms to help them hide from prying eyes, such as emitting a black smoke that makes the world around them darker.
0-50: This is the first stage of an Obsessed's life cycle. It is not known if they are born via egg or live birth, but they raise themselves. A young Obsessed is about 5' (five feet) tall and a dark gray/black in color. It has two eyes that glow very faintly, but its smile does not yet glow. Young Obsessed are incredibly skittish and you usually won't see one at all. They spend their early years getting a lay of the land and observing the local wildlife-- including humans. They learn an incredibly amount during these early years. Behaviors such as gift-giving typically start at this age.
50-100: An Obsessed will usually choose their first obsession around this time. It may take some a couple decades to realize what they actually like, but an Obsessed will always have at least one obsession before reaching 100 years. During these years, the Obsessed grows taller, stronger, and much more violent. They go from being scrawny little cowards to capable of taking down a full-grown grizzly bear without even breaking a sweat. Both their eyes and teeth glow brightly in the night, a warning sign that warns others to stay away. They become capable of emitting a thick black smoke to conceal themselves. In the case of the Redwoods Obsessed, it's skin gains a dark reddish tint and it starts growing fur/hair-like projections out of its body.
100-200: The first monstrous traits start to appear during these years. The Obsessed may grow taller, but always stronger, to the point where some believe it to be virtually unkillable. Their eyes and mouth are capable of glowing red or yellow when angered. In the case of forest and Redwoods Obsessed, they will start to take on the attributes of spiders (with climbing on trees/the undersides of caves being a behavior that they start exhibiting during the 50-100 years). Their arms split in two to give them six limbs in total. They begin to grow six more eyes, although they are sensitive to light and cannot glow/must be hidden.
200-300: The Obsessed reaches its final form. Two of the arms that the Obsessed has (aka, half of the set of four it gains once they split during 100-200) shift so that they are behind The Obsessed's shoulder and moreso on its back. Redwoods and forest-based Obsessed sprout six more spider legs from their back, giving them twelve limbs in total. These limbs fold up against its back when not in use. It is able to move incredibly fast, and its speed is unmatched along the trees. It now has eight eyes which are all capable of glowing, though it may hide the six new ones with a flap of skin during the day. There is nothing you can do to fight this. If you become its next obsession, you can consider everyone that you love already dead. And if you anger it, then you sure as hell better be prepared for what happens next, because your death will not be pretty.
Death: If an Obsessed somehow dies of a natural age and not due to the violent life it often lives, it will simply go to sleep and never wake up. Everything about it will disintegrate, even its bones. All that will be left is a thick black dust which smells of copper and ink, eventually carried away by the wind or stained into the ground by the rain. If you find a large patch of ground or grass that stays stained black no matter what, with the dirt many feet below being stained as well, then you know that's where an Obsessed has died.
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7ban-sama · 8 months
hello 7ban-sama !! i have a question.. about the mahou shojou tbhk au - so… if nene was captured by the evil horse twinsies??? would they maybe… corrupt her..??? what would happen to her ? would they take all her magic away.?????
Hiya. *placid smile* I'm being asked about my silly horsies... wow...
Ah but yes, Nene is being captured by them in my art... Well. Historically I've really liked shoujo as a teen, so I've read and watched a handful of magical girl things. I'm a fan... I even like ah, specifically the cheesiness of villains flirting with the heroine. So imagine my delight, that AidaIro would have the Yugi twins as some sort of dastardly villain counterparts to mahou shoujo Nene-chan...!! So exciting!
Kidnapping was my most immediate thought, I wanted to see it. 9.9 I imagine that Amane has been taunting Nene for a while on her adventures, but it's never felt too 'serious' to Nene... The twins, they are strange, Tsukasa like fangirls over Amane being cool, and Amane doesn't seem like he's taking anything too seriously either. Cycle of: they banter, they battle it out, they all go home at the end of the day. (The twins tf into unicorns and trot off together. Or, Amane like rides, Tsukasa, hyaa.) Episodic, whimsical. So at first when she's captured by them, she thinks this will be rote, that she will be rescued eventually or outsmart them. The twist is this is going to be permanent... (Like if this was an anime you were watching, you'd be shocked, wait what do you mean she's not going home? What? What happened to all the other stuff?)
I think the first thing Amane does is strip her of her power, like break her wand... I imagine that what lets Nene transform is some bond with Yako (?) as she seems to be standing in as a magical companion of some sort ww, but I think she would be channeling her abilities through the wand she's wielding. Breaking it would mean she can't cast spells etc. for the time being, and while being kept away from her companions she can't get help recuperating her ability. She will stay in her magical girl form until she is fully exhausted physically, however.
Nene still believes things are normal at this point, she thinks she will endure whatever... Random evil things they will do, use her as bait, or try and abuse her powers, huff huff-!! What she can't predict is that it has nothing to do with that... Amane has come to covet her, wants to steal her away. Imagine he hasn't even consulted with his 'faction', this is entirely personal, his own desire. It's... Amane, so he's become convinced that Nene is so into him, she's just playing hard to get at this point. Enough games though... Done with playing games.
While Amane is thinking all of this, Nene is... further behind, she may sometimes wonder if he "likes" her, but also doubt it since he's... evil?? Pfshh... So— while she is bound in rope, and Amane begins rambling, implying that this has been a long time coming, she is not thinking the same things he is. As he. Like starts, groping her, jkjfgh... and Tsukasa is behind her, restraining her, being instructed to move her around for Amane. Instructed to touch her as well! Confusing, disorienting, wait where am I-? That's how Nene feels.
I do imagine it being, fully noncon, something sprung upon her, ignoring any of her protests. Gets treated like she's being a difficult mare. Further restrained and made to wear (functionally) fetish gear, in the form of horse gear like, bit, halter, hobbles. Passed between the twins, run ragged. My vision, is VERY EXCESSIVE...!! But the point is that Nene is a normal girl, she had 'normal' expectations of what this dynamic was. Not ready for what Amane wants of her! The next shock would be that they don't release her at the end of this, even as Nene-chan has gone back to her normal, non-magical self. Just carry her off into the lair, keep her...
At this point, I do think of corruption...!! Both psychologically and magically. The first stage is just... excessive... sex... so much sex kfjfghg kind of mind-breaking Nene through this all. I think it's a little grim initially, really, because Amane has to process that she really was um, unprepared, and I think Nene would become despondent realizing she just won't be going home? And none of her team has found her or come for her... She doesn't feel valuable to them yet, and now she doesn't know what they're capable of, so there's this nebulous dread... Amane is kind of like, moody yandere, why aren't you happy to be trapped with me forever. But well, persistent as well, not going to let her go... Over time though I think Nene uncontrollably feels the allure of villain romance, and the, mystic being, unicorn, parts, like wait. I'm like their fair virgin maiden they couldn't resist. *really thinks about it* ... also it's crazy sex but also it feels good, there's just a point where it's like ahnghh wait but what IF this is my life. Forever now. HM.............
The magic part however... I actually owe it to my wife, she came up with something really interesting — a sort of magical horn that could TF Nene into a unicorn as well. But Amane would have to stab it into her skull. Simultaneously it would mind-wipe her, reduce her, made into a beautiful horsie as well... I thought of an extreme ending where Amane and Tsukasa give up their human forms and give up all they were doing, to live with this unicorn Nene. It'd be a crazy commitment though so it's the final note in their story, if that came to pass. Like Amane realizing he doesn't want anything else but to be with her and Tsukasa in some magical forest eternally together.
Ultimately I think they'd all have magic still, between them all. It's just that they're giving up the powers specifically granted by whatever their little familiars are, and whatever destiny they are tied to. It's like a story where the main character and the villains escape out of their roles... I mean, really it's a dumb hentai, but you know.
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