#it's basic decency
snarky-magpie · 2 months
Ok putting a fanfiction on another site doesn’t mean you’re doing to hell sure it isn’t right but it’s not the worst thing in the world
First off, I was talking about monetizing fanfic. Which isn't the worst thing in the world, sure, there are plenty of more awful deeds you can commit, but you still put the whole fandom community in jeopardy by selling fics because fanfic already exists in a legally grey area. How long do you think people like JKR will tolerate other people profiting from their IP? One day, their patience will reach its end, and they're gonna take fanfic authors to court, and we're all going to pay the price for it by losing our favorite authors or hangout spots like AO3. So please, I beg you, don't do it. Not to mention it's nasty to the fic authors who poured their work, imagination, time and sweat into their writing for someone else to profit from it. So. Just no. Second, and tbh it boggles the mind I even have to address this because to me, not doing so seems like common decency, if you're posting fics to other sites against the authors' express wishes, you're a dipshit (talking in general, not about you, nonnie). Again. Don't do it. Respect the authors. It's the least you can do to repay them for providing you with free entertainment, please and thank you.
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thissisatitle · 1 year
*post a Rufus/Elena piece where we see Rufus being clearly attracted by Elena in it*
rando in the tags: they have to talk about Tseng, anyway Rufus is dating all the tu-
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hilacopter · 6 months
conflating diaspora jews with the actions of the israeli government is not okay, yes, but have you considered it's not okay to conflate israeli jews with them either
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Jason: *dies in an excruciatingly painful but heroic way because his dad screwed up again, saving the lives of a literal God, his ex, a random girl and his dad's fucking ego*
Zeus: um chile anyways so-
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
person not involved in The Discourse: wow both sides on this need to touch grass lol theyre both wackos
side A on The Discourse: i would like to exist in peace
side B on The Discourse: everyone on side A should kill themselves
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greenglowinspooks · 20 days
Imagine, if you will, Respawn ending up in the least important town in all of Illinois hoping to lay low for a while whilst planning to completely wreck Damian’s shit only to get shot at by some rogue government agents, kill said government agents, accidentally out some meta kid to the entire town while he tries to keep him from killing more government agents (who have not stopped shooting at either of them), save him by coincidence while making his escape, and having to flee the state with said weird metahuman kid (he’s like the third person to ever treat him like an actual human so he decided not to leave him behind) on the world’s third-worst roadtrip in order to rock up to Batman’s actual house to convince him to clear their names and get rid of the anti-ecto acts, with his only point of bartering being him pinky promising that he’ll definitely stop trying to kill Damian this time
And all of this happens over the course of like three days
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featheredadora · 1 year
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lovelessrage · 1 year
Shoutout to mean aros. Aros that are a hard pill to swallow. Aros that aren't palatable. Aros that are angry, cold, and distant. Aros that don't want to be "good representation". Aros that don't love and don't care what's said about it. Aros that do love and don't care who understands it. Aros that don't sit right with alloromos. Aros that want to be left alone and don't want to talk. Aros that are loud and opinionated and refuse to shut up. Aros that are bitter. Aros that don't want to answer questions about their labels. You shouldn't need to be warm and approachable to earn respect for your aromanticism and avoid harassment from arophobes.
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Just David Tennant standing up for common sense and basic human rights.
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and this is just scratching the surface.
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redwinterroses · 2 years
Bringin' this back with the discussion of Tango on tumblr and cc boundaries in general:
Please be aware that Tango is very much not a fan of being depicted with demonic features in general, and specifically he dislikes being shown with horns.
In this clip he expresses that being drawn with horns "bothers me a little bit, I'm not gonna lie" and in this one he semi-jokingly says "no it doesn't bother me" while nodding and mouthing that it does. (For those that might have problems processing body language and unspokens, it's pretty obvious that he's trying not to make a big deal about it, but that he's not a fan of the idea.)
Respecting a creator's wishes is good fandom etiquette, especially when it's something as non-impactful as requesting to be portrayed in fanworks with or without a certain feature. Especially if there's a chance that he might actually be lurking, please keep this in mind.
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
Hey TSAMS Community
It's really fucking weird to stalk people's accounts to try to see if they make content that doesn't fit your fictional morals and even weirder to put people on blast for making content you don't like. I've literally seen friends get "called out" on Twitter for making content in this community and now this?
And you can interpret "this" any way you want, I'm not going to specify on what exactly I'm talking about and it's very likely that whatever comes to mind isn't what I'm talking about. In fact, this is purposefully vague to make you do a self-check and a fandom check about your morals and how you're acting in this community. So lets cover all the bases of what this could possibly be about.
Making block lists and publicly reaching out to popular creators with them makes you look stupid. If you have an issue with someone or a concern about someone reach out in private. Messages exist for a reason, not everything needs to be public, and fandom drama is exhausting. You're more likely to get blocked by popular creators if you do that.
MINORS STAY OUT OF NSFW SPACES HOLY FUCK! Do not send hate or "call out" nsfw creators for making, gasp, nsfw content. Do you know how fucking stupid you look?!
Adults restrain yourselves when you see a minor voice an opinion you don't agree with. They are children, and them having a view that you disagree with is not the end of the world, they are still learning. It's our job to be positive role models in fandom, and some of you are really fucking disappointing me.
Do not send harassment to people for coping with their trauma in a healthy way just because you don't agree with it or understand it. This is going to blow some puritan minds, but someone who has dealt with trauma can find it to be healing to make content to help them process that trauma. They are allowed to have their safe spaces with other people who make content about horrible things that happened to them. All you do when you harass them is tell them that they need to be put down like a fucking dog for living through horrible things. That they are "impure, unclean, and not fit for society". Do not rob people of their safe spaces just because you don't like the type of content they make.
Dark fiction is valid fiction and if you don't like that don't read it.
There is a difference between romanticizing/fetishizing horrible things and writing dark content in a respectful way to victims. It's generally expected that when you make dark content you will acknowledge, either in the narrative or out of it, that it is a fucked up situation and toxic/traumatic/horrible/whatever descriptor you want to use. Refusal to acknowledge this or pretending that it is a normal situation and would be acceptable irl puts a huge red flag on you.
Tag your content properly especially if it contains topics that may make people squeamish. This also helps people who want to see the content able to see the content.
You are allowed to specify if something is supposed to be a ship or not in your posts and no one is allowed to be mad about it.
BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK CONTENT YOU DONT LIKE! It is not a personal attack to block people and not a personal attack to be blocked.
No one likes someone who hates other people for existing.
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furiousgoldfish · 13 days
'hurt people hurt people' you're saying that once someone's been hurt, all they know how to do is hurt others? Anyone who has been abused is now bound to become an abuser no matter what, because they've gotten hurt? People who are hurt are now brainless hurting machines and can't be expected to do anything else but hurt others?
If any of this was true the victims of abuse would be out there destroying the rest of humanity. Instead we are often exploited, used, retraumatized, stuck in toxic friendships/relationships, all while putting our best efforts into being kind and understanding.
Hurt people hurt people is bullshit. You can get hurt and harm nobody in response. It's what we've been doing for all of our lives. There is nobody too stupid to grasp the concept of not hurting others due to personal suffering. Hurt people hurt people is abusers excuse mantra. Most of us find zero reward in casting harm towards others.
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nsfwitchy2 · 2 months
Ngl let’s say that like. Feasibly I believed a revolution was a good idea that somehow someway was better than voting and didn’t put the lives of thousands of people at risk.
Straight up - I wouldn’t trust a single fucking one of you to lead it though.
I mean, cmon. This is the discourse website. This is the website where trans men were told they can’t use transmisogyny so they made up their own term and then I watched one of you compare them to right wing men’s rights activists for the crime of…. Making their own term, like y’all asked them to. This is the same place where trans women will also be ousted and harassed for the sheer act of…. Liking weird porn. Half this website is constantly calling for censorship because they don’t wanna see “icky nasty content made for grown ups”. This is the same place where I’ve seen people call for celebrities to be guillotined as if an actor is even CLOSE to making the same amount of money as Elon musk or Jeff Bezos. When tumblr released the blue check marks as a fun joke - half this site began likening anyone who bought them to the wealthy elite. You people can’t even handle the idea of someone using the same gender/sexuality label as you but in a different context than you personally.
I have been on this god damn website since 2014 and every year I watch you all cannibalize and tear down each other based on made up words and fictional ships. Why the fuck would I trust anyone here in a revolution?
You wanna convince me that instead of voting I should give you guys weapons and let you storm the White House? Fucking please. You don’t even know who your enemies even are anymore.
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orviposition · 1 month
shipping joongdok is so much fun until a bitch starts screaming in your ear about how you want to fuck your dad because god forbid people read "that man was my father, my brother and my oldest friend" line and realized that kdj didn't mean it literally
just because you cannot tell that the line is talking about kdj projecting the roles that were missing from his life onto the fictional character who had become his lifeline for 13 years doesn't mean that i have to think that joongdok is now incest or incest-adjacent. him admitting his coping mechanism hurt their companionship and therefore swearing to never "read" yjh again is a much more raw and important plot point than something to be used as a gotcha towards shippers. media literacy is fr dead
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batboyblog · 1 year
for no particularly reason I just want to say, war crimes are by definition never okay? murdering civilians, dropping bombs on ambulances, kidnapping children, taking civilian hostages, these things are always bad no matter the reasoning, no matter what any one on line says about "NATO expansion" "imperialism" or whatever else, nothing justifies it and if you think you can.... fuck off and die.
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bugflies00 · 3 months
if you dumb fucks call shubble ableist for "demonising depression" one more fucking time i'm going to assume you have either chosen to disregard listening to her exact words or you are wilfully turning a blind ear. she expressed on multiple occasions, during a stream where she was opening up about abuse she suffered, sympathy in regards to those struggles! she has advocated for mental health awareness! she has made streams talking about depression! for fuck's sake SHE HAS STRUGGLED WITH THAT HERSELF. so keep your damn mouths shut about her if you're going to make up garbage about her being ableist, when she REPEATEDLY SAID that she empathised but that it was not an excuse, and go back to your corner of freaks with no backbone who would rather keep supporting a man so little worthy of respect even his longest standing fans and friends have distanced themselves from him.
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