#it's all fun and games until you remember that the canon couple has a FIVE HUNDRED YEAR AGE DIFFERENCE
megamagimugi · 1 month
He's-a Gone
Luigi time! To suffer, that is.
(CW: character death)
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This is obviously a sort of comlementary piece to I Was-a Too Late. But it's more than just that as it also illustrates a certain fun, dark what-if idea I had. Please keep reading if you're intrigued!
Luigi's Mansion, the first game. Everything goes the same as in canon until the final boss fight, when Luigi defeats King Boo in his Bowser costume. After King Boo comes out and Luigi intends to suck him in, the villain laughs and reveals the truth: Mario's painting was an illusion, so was everything Madame Clairvoya saw. All just to mess with Luigi. Meanwhile the real Mario wasn't just captured by the Boos, he was immediately killed by them on their King's orders. The only physical thing that's left of him in this realm is the five items Luigi found - hidden by the Boos for Luigi to find, another part of King Boo's sick game.
Luigi is able to finish the fight despite his shock and grief, fueled by the anger King Boo never expected from him. After getting out of the painting the plumber discovers that it is indeed empty, no Mario or anyone else in the portrait.
Heartbroken and guit-ridden, Luigi goes back to Professor E. Gadd's lab and gives him back the Poltergust 3000. He doesn't even want to stay long enough to see what is going to happen to the ghosts. Of course the Professor tries to offer some semblance of comfort, but we all know it's not his forte.
So Luigi leaves, only taking Mario's five items with him. He notices that the mansion has disapeared without a trace. The reality of it all finally hits him, and he practically collapses onto a nearby tree's large root protruding from the ground, putting down the precious items around himself, only leaving the matching red hat and the letter in his hands. He should have known something was off. After all, the Mario he saw in the painting was wearing his hat and both gloves.
Looking at all these items, to his growing horror he can't help but imagine what exactly might have happened to his brother and what his last moments might have been like. He hugs the hat to his chest and rereads Mario's note several times, knowing that the brief warning was his brother's last words to him.
Luigi can do nothing but cry for the beloved brother he couldn't save, desperately wishing it was his warm, living and breathing body pressed to his chest rather than just a couple of his belongings.
But Mario is truly gone, apparently having met such a horrific fate that not even a single part of his body is left in the physical world.
[Good night]
…I'll leave the rest up to your imagination ;) Sorry if I got carried away with my description. Occasionally even I enjoy being a little dramatic, though I'm no writer whatsoever.
Yeah, I'm not apologizing for making this one - I was nicer to Luigi than to his bro, at least here the Mushroom Kingdom and everyone in it (except for Mario lol) is still okay!
But alas,
You can no longer play as Mario
Rest in spaghetti, funny wahoo man.
@federthenotsogreat I'm tagging you because you said you wanted more Mario art like I Was-a Too Late, thought you might like this one too!
@drones-of-innocence Also tagging you because you were interested in my idea.
Edit: Tagging a few more mutuals who might want to see this based on their reaction to my previous angsty work just in case, feel free to ignore. Or ask me to remove the tag if you want, no problem.
@silenzahra (remember, no rush) @c-lavanda @jell-o101 @stripetkattelalala54-gf
@luigixfanxayjay @itsavee4117
And you @giddlygoat just because you have a Luigi's Mansion AU and I thought you might appreciate this... Also because I'm a fan 👉👈
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babiebom · 8 months
apologies for my absence- holiday periods are tiring lmao how were they for you? unfortunately we have yet to watch the fnaf movie, as our group is one that is exceedingly difficult to make plans around because we're all busy 💀 but then there's the one guy who doesn't want to leave his house lmao luckily, iv'e been pretty good at staying away from spoilers, so i've got that going for me. on the other hand, i'm planning to go see Trolls 3, and my mother and sister recently went to see the new Wonka movie. Though from what i've heard from a friend, Wonka's no good :// Yeahhh, if i actually commit to the mod, i'd have to learn pixel art and reteach myself code and programming 😭... i used to be somewhat decent at it. oooo yes i love a good choose your own adventure! they're so much fun and i've actually coded 1 of my own :,) it was through Visual Basics though, so the formatting was a bit weird for me lmao if you're going for a visual novel type of look and playability, I'd probably recommend Unity or itch.io? in my experience, Unity is probably easier to use.. theres another website/app i used but i can't recall the name sadly :( if i do i'll get back to you though! i don't have that much of a detailed request this time, but perhaps some fluff and love languages between rasmodius and the reader? or like hcs of rasmodius's evolving interest/thoughts arund the reader before finally getting together? i'd perhaps request nsfw/smut stuff too but tbh i just don't have any ideas 💛 tysmm :D -🔮
A/N: I’m glad you’re okay!! Honestly I’ve been sick these past couple of weeks (I caught pneumonia and had it for a month before going to the hospital. I thought it was a cold oopsies) I haven’t watched anything new recently but I am watching the third season of singles inferno with some friends. And I guess until I can figure out how to make a visual novel I have to write the fic out lmao sucks for me because I think a game would be better but oh well. What can I do? And like always I’ll try to do both!! Check back for the second one!!
Tw: cursing, slight nsfw but no full on smut. Let me know if there’s something I missed!!
Wc: I have no idea! But these are headcanons so 10+ is the goal!!
Sdv Masterlist
Okay so there are five main types of love languages.
Physical touch, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Quality Time.
I would also like anyone reading this to remember that these love languages are how you want to be loved/receive love not how you show love to others.
I do think that Rasmodius is very connected to himself
And by that I mean I think he knows himself very well, or at least he thinks he knows himself very well.
And for a long time I think he probably thought that Quality Time and Physical Touch were his main two love languages.
I mean idk if it’s canon but in my opinion I do think he cheated on the witch with Caroline
And I’m not gonna go into it here because this isn’t about them, but I think it might’ve had to do with that and his own struggles with temptations.
And I also think gift giving is canon for literally every single character in stardew because that’s the main way to befriend someone.
But I think that after marrying you/beginning to date you he realizes that his actual love language is words of affirmation.
While Physical touch and quality time are still very important to him, being with you makes him see that he really does like being praised.
Like whenever you say that he has done something well, or that you like something he has done his heart flutters as if he were a teenager again.
Especially when it comes to his magic
Like I feel like the townspeople aren’t really fond of him
And they never thank him for the things that he does whenever they actually need him for stuff
Like the haunted maze
Like they’re just talking about how weird he is and how he got it done
But they never stop and say anything that’s positive like WTF
So I think he would appreciate whenever you thank him or praise him and it would go straight to his head (which one idk 👀)
With quality time I feel like you get a lot of it after he moves to the farm
Like unless he’s working in his tower, or you’re off somewhere like in the mines
That you’re like together even if it’s spent in silence
And he loves that
Like he was super lonely before even if he doesn’t want to admit it
So just being in the same room as you counts as quality time for him.
And if you’re doing an activity that’s particularly domestic
He’s in heaven like he doesn’t wanna make it a big deal
But baking and helping you around the farm makes his heart soar.
I think in terms of how he shows love i think he would show it in acts of service and gift giving
Like oh you don’t feel well?
Don’t bother going to the clinic he’s just going to create a potion that stops you from getting sick
You’re afab and you’re having bad cramps during your period?
Consider them gone
Look at this thing he got for you
And while yeah this might seem like either a lot of insincere
In his mind and heart this is how he shows that he appreciates you and wants you to live a good and easy life.
If he can make things easier and less stressful for you
That’s exactly what he’s going to do
He loves you and while he loves receiving attention and love he’s kinda crap at giving it in the same way because he just doesn’t really know how
So this is how he does
He’s VERY romantic sometimes and shows it through gifts and services.
Very cute and a good significant other when you get past his rough exterior.
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yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
4, 6, 12, 19 please tell us about Minah, 27, 30, 37, 49, 61 and 65 for Concubinage, and 74
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
ig it depends on how obsessed my brain is with the random plot bunnies hopping around in my head? When I start thinking up narration sentences, that's when I know a particular idea wants to be written. Doesn't mean I always do it, though (in an ideal world with infinite free time, maybe...)
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
I haven't written in so long I don't even remember 😭
Looking at one of my latest wips, probably this one because it's incomplete lmao:
The room was as dingy as the rest of the inn and smelled vaguely of stale tobacco, but at least the bed was soft and the sheets were clean. He collapsed on the bed with a sigh of relief, head swimming from all the
(wtf was I trying to say? it's a mystery 🤷‍♀️)
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Usually not, and then it comes to bite me in the ass when it's ten months since I plotted the idea and I don't remember what I was planning to do 😅
There's one fic that's an exception cuz it's a fusion AU type of thing so I'm planning carefully how it follows (or not) the original's plot. Well, idk if I'll actually write the fic actually, maybe in this case the outline will be all there is, as a fun exercise for myself XD
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
I love creating OCs, but like, they need a purpose. An OC just for the sake of having an OC or self-insert isn't my kind of thing (no shade to those who do, I'm just not wired that way), but depending on the story I might need to flesh out a supporting cast. And I love it when they slowly take life and develop.
Minah was a really fun case because she was supposed to be a kind of "throwaway" role, only there for a scene or two. She wasn't even planned like she turned out to be (I originally imagined her younger, for example). But then she... just happened lol. Within a few lines of her dialogue I was in love with her and she was just so fun to write, in a way she wormed her way into a bigger role than intended and I'm really glad she did because it works out so well in so many ways. Funny how things go sometimes 😂
honestly my OCs often end up surprising me in one way or another haha. rare are those who stick to the plan
(rest under cut cuz it's getting long)
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Battle scenes, apparently 8)
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I actually... don't edit that much 😅
ig in a way I edit in my head before I write? I've always been like that tbh, even at school--what I write down (whether fic, essay, translation...) is often very close to the final version. Of course I go over it a couple times once I'm done and tweak a few things here and there, but it's usually minor stuff. Sometimes I end up redoing entire scenes/chapters because I feel something's not working, but it's rather rare when it happens.
37. What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
Probably Fractured Lives? There's a reason it's only gotten five updates in nine years so far. I have to be in a very specific mood to write it, which doesn't happen often. A pity, cuz I liked the concept...
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
I'd say The Best Laid Plans. It's got my particular brand of humor, and also some kickass battle scenes :p
Another one would be Strong Currents, cuz worldbuilding (plus getting Gaius and Wingul to have emotional talks lolol)
61. In Concubinage, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Probably Lin and Arst's first kiss. It's such a significant moment<3
65. If you wrote a sequel to Concubinage, what would happen in it?
I am actually vaguely planning a sequel if I can finish it. Basically it'd be the events/plot of the game, but with all the changes in settings brought about by the events of Concubinage. I'll have to think carefully about what will change, what will stay the same, and what will be a slightly different spin on things that'll still happen. I think the main difficulty will be to juggle Milla's journey with Gaius&Wingul being the main characters without them overtaking the plot. And also how close or different it should be to canon...
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
Among my least kudosed ones, I'd say Chaos in the Ballroom (my Tales Big Bang fic). I know it's a bit different from my usual stuff, and relies heavily on knowledge about Agria's side story, but I put a lot of thought in that one.
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king-minyard · 2 years
the way it's canon that Rhysand is 28 years older than Tamlin has me cracking up
#acotar#a court of thorns and roses#sarah j maas#tamlin poking fun at him for being a cradle robber and a decrepit old man#rhysand saying shit like 'when i was your age-' and 'respect your elders!'#tamsand#it's all fun and games until you remember that the canon couple has a FIVE HUNDRED YEAR AGE DIFFERENCE#with tamsand it's a joke because for all intents and purposes both of them are consenting adults when they become friends#in fae terms they're both equally young - what's 20 years difference when you're going to live for a millennia more?#they're both trained warriors at this point and although rhysand has more lived experience on and off the battlefield#it doesn't make a meaningful difference in their respective statuses as adults#remember that the main issue in age difference pairings is a power imbalance that's directly tied to their agency#in our universe someone who is 23 might already have a stable job and live alone whereas someone who is 18 is fresh out of highschool#and that's with a five year age difference#the reason it's not a good relationship is because there is an imbalance of power and life experience as an adult#the same age difference is no longer meaningful when you remove it from that context:#say 38 and 43#these are adults who have been adults longer than they've been kids and they have that life experience#at this point you can widen the gap and still (usually) be fine - they've already established their sense of self#so in the case of tamlin and rhysand they're both warriors and leaders in their own rights#whereas in the case of feyre and tamlin or feyre and rhysand... well.#mine
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firstofficerwiggles · 4 years
Chapter 5: How the Paintball Battle Was Won
Links to Chpt. 4 , Chpt. 6
Pairing: The Mandalorian x female reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Canonical violence, PTSD for the reader, angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: ~6400
Author’s note: So this chapter gets more angsty, but I promise it is sandwiched in there between some humor and some serious fluff along with some Domestic!Din thrown in there for good measure. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! (Also, smut is coming in the next chapter for those of you who are thirsty for it.)
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“Paintball?” You look up at Mando in surprise, “Isn’t this a game for teenagers?” He’s brought you to a dusty town on Baros with a few hole-in-the-wall cantinas and a sleepy looking marketplace in the middle of nowhere to play paintball?
“I wasn’t sure if it would still be here, but they’re open,” Mando sounds chipper. “I haven’t been here in years.”
“You used to come here and play paintball?” The idea seems ludicrous, that Mando, a seasoned warrior and top bounty hunter, would be playing a game that requires shooting brightly colored balls of paint at your opponents.
“When I was younger and first in the Fighting Corps, we trained here on Baros for a time. We used to sneak out when we had breaks between training sessions to come and play with the local kids.” Mando’s voice sounds nostalgic and happy as he remembers his youth. “I’m sure now that our commanders knew what we were up to, but it gave us additional fighting practice, so I don’t think they minded.”
You try to imagine Mando as a teen boy stealing away with his friends from a probably rigid training schedule to play fake war games with other kids. It’s a charming thought, but it’s hard to picture when you look at the man now. But he’s right, it would have been decent training too… oh, now you understand.
“This is so I can practice shooting live, moving targets.” You’re on to his plan.
“What?” Mando is all innocence, “I just thought since we’re here, we ought to have some fun.”
“I know you think I can’t tell, but I feel you smirking at me under there.” You tell him pointing towards the helmet.
Mando simply chuckles at you and gives your hand a tug towards the entrance.
“What about the baby?” You ask, hoping to stall a little, “He can’t play paintball.”
“He’ll be safe in his pram, and you’ll have a chance to practice protecting him too.” Mando replies. He’s clearly thought this out.
“That might be too advanced for me to focus on shooting targets and guarding the child,” you tell him.
“Yes, but I’ll be here to help you.” His voice sounds warm as he tells you, “You’re going to be great, c’mon.”
The owner of the paintball place seems delighted to see Mando and tells the rest of the patrons in the prep area that they are in for a real treat today. Most of the other people here are teenaged boys, but you’re surprised to see a couple of adults here too including a few other women. Perhaps you were too quick to judge. The teen boys are in sheer awe of Mando and after they openly gawk at him for a few minutes, they’re pestering the owner to find out if they can request that Mando be on their team.
“Teams will be by random draw as always, although people paying together will automatically be put on the same team unless they request otherwise.” The owner tells everyone waiting. “Now, please enter the locker area to suit up and stow away personal belongings.”
You’ve been given protective gear and a helmet to wear to ensure your safety during the game. While the paintballs aren’t lethal, they can still hurt quite a lot without protection. Mando watches as you gear up, and when you’re done you can’t help but goof around and strike a model pose.
“How do I look?” You can still manage to make flirty eyes at him, as although your helmet covers most of your face, the visor only has light tinting so your eyes are still quite visible.  
“You’re adorable,” he tells you. It’s been a little over a week since your trip to Canto Bight and your first Keldabe kiss with Mando, and he’s been growing more affectionate with you, particularly with compliments. He’s still rather shy about physical affection though, almost as if he thinks he’s limited to only a certain number of touches a day.
“Ok, everyone, let’s go over the rules.” The owner calls everyone to his attention and reviews the rules of the game, which are basically, if you get shot three times in a ‘critical target area’ as indicated on your protective gear, you are out of the game.
“Today’s game is your basic brawl. The last team with the most players remaining when the buzzer sounds will be the winners. However, we have a special guest and special rules that will add to the challenge!” The man gestures towards Mando, “If you want to take out the Mandalorian, you need three hits somewhere not on the armor, and good luck with that!” The man says it in such a way that he’s confident no one will be able to get Mando out of the game.
Before the game begins, you check on the child to make sure he’ll be ok. He has his favorite silver ball and a couple other toys with him in his pram, and you’ve tucked in few snacks that he likes in case he gets hungry.
“Ok, sweetie, you’re going to play with your toys and keep the pram closed until Mando or I open it,” you tell him. He coos at you in response and you give his nose a little boop before securing the pram.
“Here, put this on,” Mando hands you a metal wrist cuff with various buttons, “It’s linked to the pram like my vambraces, so that way the child will follow you wherever you go.” He quickly shows you how the buttons operate.
You and Mando get assigned to the red team and are issued paintball guns filled with the appropriate colored balls. There are three teen boys, a man, and another woman on your team. The teen boys are vibrating with excitement at being on Mando’s team; they keep calling him ‘sir’ and asking for ‘battle advice’. Mando is very kind to them, and answers all of their questions in a serious manner. It’s quite sweet really, how nice he is to them, but you’ve noticed that’s generally who he is, so long as that person cannot be perceived as a threat. With your team agreeing on Mando’s plans for the battle, followed by a loud war cry whoop from the boys, you head out to your designated starting positions.
Your adrenaline is pumping and when a loud bell rings out to indicate the start of the game, you’re almost as keyed up as the teenagers around you.  Mando’s plan calls for your team to be on the defensive and wait for the other teams to come to you, allowing you all to maintain better positions and hold on to better cover for as long as possible. It’s a good plan and fairly soon, some of the teen boys from the green team have charged over to your area recklessly, making them easier targets. You get off a couple shots, but your nerves get the best of you and you miss wildly. Fortunately, only Mando seems to notice as your other teammates are on target and dispatch the boys without anyone on your team getting hit.
“It’s alright, just breathe,” he tells you, “Remember you’re a good shot, I know you are.” He places a hand between your shoulders and rubs lightly to help calm you down. He points towards something moving in the bushes to your right and taps your shoulder. You can see another player advancing towards your position.
“Aim your weapon, take a deep breath,” Mando instructs you, “and shoot.” You pull the trigger and watch as your paintball splatters bright red on the other player’s chest plate. You remember quickly that you need two more shots to eliminate your target and so you shoot again. It ends up taking you five more shots but in the end, you’re victorious.
“I actually did it!” you squeal a little in delight and Mando gives your waist a small squeeze.
“Great job, cyar’ika!”
Hmm, there’s that foreign word again. It’s the second time he’s said it to you, and you think it must be Mando’a but you haven’t thought to ask him about it yet. You’re about to say something when a yellow paintball suddenly bursts on Mando’s left pauldron. You instantly whip your head around and fire off shots in the direction of the shooter. A sudden fierceness overtakes you in your determination to take out the player. You channel all your focus into your aim and once again, you are successful, only faster this time.
“That was even better,” Mando tells you, and your heart soars at his praise. He hasn’t even bothered to take a shot yet, he just seems content to watch you.
The game continues and it seems that the other players have caught on to your team’s plan, which leads to a break in the action. Everyone huddles together for a moment, and you realize the rest of your team are waiting for Mando’s instructions.
“So, Mando, what do we do next?” you ask him.
“What do you think our strategy should be?” he counters.
“Well, it seems like we’ve taken out quite a lot of the green team, so I say we head towards the yellow team’s area and try to lower their numbers more.” You figure this is the best way to ensure that your team will have the most active players in the end.
“Why don’t we finish off the green team first? You know, get them while they’re weak,” one of the other players suggests.
“No, her plan makes the best sense,” Mando says in support of your idea, “If we want to be the winners, we have to make sure the yellow team has more casualties.” There’s something about the way he says this that gives you a sense of pride. He’s not just going along with your suggestion because he likes you, it’s because he trusts your judgement and he agrees with it.
You set out in an attack formation as directed by Mando in search of the yellow team. He’s stationed you towards the rear of the group allowing the child’s floating pram to stay behind you, meanwhile he’s positioned himself at the front as an attractive target. You don’t love the idea of Mando making himself the bait, but you recognize that his strategy is logical as the challenge of taking out the Mandalorian will be too tempting for the others to pass up on and thus it should be easier for the rest of you to hit them.
The plan works perfectly and as a barrage of paintballs are launched in Mando’s direction, your team begins methodically targeting the yellow team. You try not to watch as more yellow paint splashes onto Mando’s beskar, because each time it does you feel a spike of irrational anger, how dare they shoot at your Mando. As for himself, Mando is finally shooting off paintballs of his own, but you get the impression that he’s doing so rather leisurely, like he’s not really putting in too much effort. Must be taking it easy on everyone.
Things seems quiet for a moment and you turn to check on the little guy’s pram. It’s still closed up and he’s safe and sound. You’re just turning back to look over your shoulder when a green paintball hits you in the side, right where there’s no padding. It’s surprisingly painful and you double-over, grasping at your side. Mando’s reaction is swift. He quickly dispatches the green shooter and then rushes over to you.
“Are you hurt? Do you need help?” His voice is full of concern.
“I’m fine,” you wheeze out, “just stings.”
“Take a moment and breathe,” he says as he tucks his left arm around you to hold you close to him while he proceeds to keep shooting with his right. It suddenly strikes you as incredibly attractive how he’s managing to comfort you and still fight at the same time.  
You can’t keep yourself from telling him, “Maker, you’re hot.”
“What?” He looks down at you for a second, a little surprised.
“Nothing, I’m just impressed by you.” You laugh a little and pull away so you can go back to the game.
The game continues for a while longer and you’re astounded by how much you’ve gotten into it. You no longer feel nervous about shooting at other people and you’re caught up in wanting to help your team win. You get hit a couple more times, but luckily they manage to miss the critical targets so when the buzzer sounds, you’ve managed to be one of the ‘survivors’. You run over to Mando to assess his ‘damage’ and while he has yellow and green paint splotches all over his beskar, he has only one green spot on his arm in the unarmored section near his elbow, which means that no one managed to successfully remove him from the game either. After a brief count, your team is announced as the victors by just one player. Your whole team cheers and exchanges high fives as you congratulate each other.
“See, I told you it would be fun,” Mando leans down close to you, “You were great, I was impressed too.” He brings his helmet down to touch the crown of yours.
You don’t have a chance to say anything back as the teen boys are at Mando’s side begging him to take a holophoto with them. Mando dutifully poses with the boys as you help out by acting as the photographer. You pull out your own holopad and snap a few holos too for your own enjoyment later.  
You return to the locker room to get cleaned up and back into your regular clothes. You’re securing your holster belt with its real blaster when you realize again how thankful you are that Mando’s gone out of his way to help you learn so much about fighting, even to the point where he found a way to make sure it would be enjoyable.
You head over to where he’s cleaning the paint off his armor with a bucket of water and some rags. It must be a bit hard to do though because there’s no mirror to help him see all the areas that need to be cleaned. You pick up one of the rags.
“Have a seat and I’ll help you get cleaned up,” you say as you motion to a bench.
“Thanks, it’s hard to do without being able to take it off,” he tells you.
He sits with his legs akimbo and you step between them to get better access to the beskar. Fortunately, the paint washes off without much effort, but there’s so much of it and you want to be sure to get it out of the small ridges and furrows of the armor.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” you tell him as you clean, “It really was fun and I think you’re right, it was good training.”
“You’re welcome,” Mando says warmly, and he brings his hands up to your hips to pull you in a little closer. He leaves his hands there as you move to clean his helmet and begins tracing little patterns with his thumbs. His touch is simple, but it makes you feel so fluttery inside. You look down at his visor and give him a little smile as you wipe a streak of gloopy green paint from the crown of his helmet.
“It drives me crazy when you look at me like that,” he tells you with his hands tightening on your hips.
“How am I looking at you?” Your smile widens.
“Like you have a secret and you’re daring me to find out what it is,” he says, his voice sounding deeper.
You chuckle, and as you finish cleaning his helmet you drop your lips down and give it a kiss, “Is that so?” you ask in a coquettish tone and you give him a wink.
Mando groans at you and pulls you in closer, “I’ve had enough being in public, let’s get back to the Crest,” he says. His words and the timbre of his voice fill you with dark excitement, and you nod your head in response.
You bid goodbye to your teammates and hurry out into the street, heading in the direction of the ship. You’re only a short distance from the Razor Crest when you hear a laser bolt whiz past you. You draw your blaster and turn towards the source of the bolt where you see five armed men bearing down on you, Mando, and the child. “Hunters!” Mando shouts to you as he returns fire.
Another blast comes from behind you and you whip around to see three more shooters trying to box you in. Like Mando, you shoot back, your fight mode coming out in full force. You manage to shoot one of the hunters in the chest and you see him fall. You don’t dwell on it though as you scan the area for a possible escape route. You feel Mando tug on your sleeve as he gestures to the left where you can see a small side street. You rush towards the street as fast as you can while Mando provides cover. You’re still wearing the wrist cuff from before so the baby’s pram is following after you. You feel a sharp burning sensation in your side and it almost knocks you to the ground, but your determination to get away is stronger and you push your legs to keep you running.
The narrow street spills out into a broader avenue that is now bustling with activity. You bump into people as you try to get away and it makes you stumble. You look around wildly for help but everyone seems oblivious to your distress. The baby’s pram is still right with you and you’re relieved to see it’s still closed up tightly. But where is Mando? You thought he was right behind you but now you don’t see him anywhere. You turn back to the narrow side street when you see one of the hunters come barreling out of it. He fires several bolts in your direction, one of which ricochets off the pram. People scream and scatter. A primal protectiveness surges within you as all you can think about is how you won’t let this man hurt your child and so you raise your blaster and shoot him twice in the chest. He falls to the ground, but something in you won’t let you stop. You keep moving toward him until you’re standing over him and then you shoot him in the head to make sure he can’t hurt either of you. You should probably feel guilty about killing him, but you don’t. You look down the street, worried that you’ll see another hunter heading your direction, but it seems quiet. You pant as you try to catch your breath and now you realize just how badly your side is hurting, you think it must be from before where the paintball hit you but when you look down you see your shirt is soaked with blood. You sag against a building as you realize you’ve been shot. A woman sees you and hurries over to help,
“We have to get you to a doctor right away,” she’s saying.
“Wait, I need Man-, I need to find Man- Mando.” The pain is making it hard to speak.
“It’s alright, your child’s pram is right here.” She doesn’t understand.
You sway on your feet and she quickly places an arm around you to help you walk. “Don’t try to talk, dear,” she’s telling you as she drags you towards a medical clinic. Everything is getting blurry and you fight to stay upright. When you make it inside the clinic, someone immediately pushes you towards a gurney and you collapse on it just before you black out.
Din is desperate to find you and the child. When he sent you down that side street, he succeeded in taking down most of the hunters. But one particularly large man, a Clawdite, had managed to tackle Din. That allowed another hunter to slip by and head down the street in pursuit of you. After stabbing the Clawdite, Din quickly trails the other man. His head is filled with worse case scenarios but when he finds the body at the end of the street, a sense of relief comes over him. It’s short-lived, however, when he realizes neither you nor the child are anywhere to be seen. Din can feel true fear rising in him that perhaps there were others and maybe you were both captured, when he remembers the wrist cuff he gave you and the tracking device he installed within it. He breathes a sigh of relief again when he pings your signal and realizes you’re nearby.
Din tracks your signal to the medical center, the sight of which makes his blood run cold because if you’re here that means that one of you must be hurt. He rushes inside but before he can ask anyone about you or the baby, he hears a frightened scream and then your voice shouting,
“NO! NO! Get away from me! NO!”
Din is back in full combat mode as he hurries towards the sound of your terrified voice. He finds you in a room with a round floating medical droid trying to administer an injection. You are curled up on the floor in a corner of the room with your hands over your face as you cry out in fear. Din shoves the droid out of the room forcefully before carefully approaching your huddled form.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright, it’s me, it’s Mando,” he says as he tentatively reaches out to you. “The droid is gone, and I’m here.”
You sob something that sounds like ‘Mando’ and launch yourself into his arms. You’re still crying hard when you get out the word, ‘baby’. Din looks around the room and thankfully he sees the child’s pram. He manages to reach the open button on his vambrace and the pram’s dome opens up to reveal the little one safe inside. The baby looks concerned at your distress and he lets out a sad-sounding coo.
“He’s alright, cyar’ika, the baby is safe, you did so wonderful protecting him.” Din holds you and runs a hand over your back, and he continues to whisper soothing words trying to calm you. A noise at the door causes him to look up and see two nurses there who are trying to figure out what all the commotion is.
“Sir, who are you and why is this patient out of her bed?” one of the nurses asks indigently.
“She’s terrified of that droid, you can’t let it near her again,” Din says, scooping you up in his arms and helping you back to the bed.
“Alright,” the other nurse says in a kinder tone, “but you can’t be back here unless you’re family.”
“I’m her husband,” Din snaps, knowing they won’t argue with that, “Now can someone tell me what happened?” His voice is demanding and rough.
“I’m sorry, sir, your wife was shot in the side,” the kinder nurse explains, “She’s lucky because the bolt missed her vital organs but she will need some time to heal. The droid was only going to give her a bacta shot.”
“She’s scared of that droid,” Din repeats, “Can’t one of you give it to her?” His tone of voice makes it clear that it’s a demand not a request.
“Maybe she’s just scared of the shot,” the indigent nurse says, a slight scoff to her tone.
“The shot is fine, just please not the droid,” you manage to say in a weak voice. You look at Din as you explain, “The Empire used medical droids for torture.”
Din remembers how you told him you were punished by the Imps when they discovered your sabotage, but you’ve never gone into details about that punishment. He has some idea now what they must have done to you, and why seeing another droid like that would cause such a negative response.
“No more droids are to come into this room,” Din instructs the nurses.
“Of course, sir, I’ll give her the shot myself,” the kinder nurse tells him, “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Din turns back to you and reaches up to smooth the tears from your cheeks. “It’s going to be okay, I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you.”
“Will you please stay with me?” you ask and you grip his hand tightly as if he might disappear.
“Nothing could make me leave you,” he says as he caresses your face.
A soft whine floats over to Din and you from the pram as the little one wants to know what’s happening. Din steps away from your side to quickly pick him up and bring him over to the bed with you. At first Din tries to just hold him close to you, but the child isn’t satisfied with that. Instead, he quickly climbs out of Din’s arms and onto the bed to nestle up against your chest, he then reaches up to touch your face with his little hand.
“Hi, buddy,” you say softly, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
Din watches the two of you as a vast sense of gratitude washes over him; he’s so very thankful that you both are safe now and no lasting damage has been done. He holds your hand again and brings his helmet down to your head allowing him to watch over you and the child as close as possible.
Several hours later, you are doing much better after the bacta shot has done its work and the medical center releases you to go home. Din swipes a hoverchair and quickly steers you back to the Razor Crest; he insisted that you shouldn’t walk all the way back to the ship. Once on board again, he gets you safely tucked into your bed still with the child cuddled up against your side. The little guy refuses to leave you alone and even demanded to ride in your lap on the way back to the ship instead of returning to his pram.
With the three of you safely in space, Din returns to the hull. He’s pleased to see you’re resting comfortably as you talk softly to the child and he sets about to prepare some dinner for the three of you. It’s been hours since any of you have eaten and he’s sure you must be hungry. Din’s not as good a cook as you are, but he tries to add the little touches that you do for him like cutting up the fruit and arranging it on a plate, and adding honey to your tea the way that you like. When he brings your dinner over to you, he notices that the child has managed to use his powers to bring several of his stuffed toys over to your bed and he seems to be arranging them around you for additional snuggling.
“You’re doing a great job as a caregiver, buddy,” Din tells him chuckling.
“I keep telling him he’s being so sweet sharing his plushies with me,” you respond with a soft chuckle of your own.
Din helps you sit up, before handing you the dinner tray.
“Do you need help eating?” He asks concerned.
“Nah, I’m fine, Mando,” you tell him, “Really I feel much better; I don’t think I need to be in bed anymore.”
“You’re staying in bed for the rest of the day, and probably tomorrow too,” Din replies pointing his finger at you the way he does when he disciplines the child sometimes.
“Yes, Nurse Mando,” you reply cheekily.
“That’s right. Now eat your dinner before I feed you myself,” he says with a nod of his head.
After you’ve eaten, you’re still sitting up in bed and now you’re playing a little with the child and his plush toys as you tell him a story. Din can hear in your voice though that you’re tired and even though he knows you are doing better, you need your rest.
“Ok, kiddo, I think that’s the end of story time.” He comes over and picks up the child despite his little whines of protest.
“It’s alright,” you say softly.
“No, you need to get more rest,” Din tells you, “Besides, it’s time to get this guy cleaned up before he goes to bed.”
You can hear the sounds of water running in the fresher and Mando saying “Don’t look at me like that, she needs to rest so she can get better,” and it makes you smile. Both of your guys are being so sweet as they take care of you. You stretch back out against your pillows and close your eyes, and before you know it, you’ve drifted off to sleep.
When you awaken a while later, you see Mando sitting on a crate near your bed reading something on his holopad. He’s taken off his armor and is now more relaxed in his undershirt, trousers, and helmet only.
“Mando, is everything alright, what are you doing?” You’re surprised he’s not in bed himself or up in the cockpit where he’d be more comfortable.
“I didn’t want to leave you alone in case you needed something,” he tells you.
“That’s very sweet, Mando, but you must be getting tired,” you say.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” he replies. You know he can go for long stretches without sleeping, but it’s really not necessary now. Maybe there is a way you can get him to rest at least.
“You could come lie down with me,” you suggest and give him a small smile.
“There’s nothing I’d like better, but you’re hurt and you need to rest,” he says, but it’s clear from his tone that he’s tempted by your offer.
“I won’t do anything more than just cuddle with you, I promise,” you counter, and you give him the flirtatious look that you know he likes. It works like a charm and although he lets out one of his long-suffering sighs, he’s standing up and moving towards the bed.
“Alright, we’re just going to cuddle and you are going to rest and try not to move too much.” Mando may be trying to sound stern, but there’s an eagerness to his movements that gives away how much he wants to join you in the bed.
He lies down next to you on his back and puts his arm around you pulling you close to his side. You shift your position so that you can place your head on his chest and rest your hand on his stomach lightly. This way you can lie on your good side and take any pressure off the side that needs to heal. As you settle into him, Mando lets out a sound of contentment making his chest vibrate beneath you.
“Thank you, this is nice,” you tell him, “Plus, you’re so warm and cozy.”
He chuckles at that and rubs his large palm across your back, “It’s getting to where I can’t say no to you.”
“I see no problem with that,” you reply and you give his chest a kiss through his shirt.
“Mmm, I bet you don’t.” His chest rumbles again pleasantly against your cheek.
“Mando, I didn’t get a chance to really thank you earlier, but I want you to know you really helped me back at the med center.” You hope he understands how important he was for you in that moment.
“You don’t have to thank me for that, I could see how terrified you were and I knew you needed me.” Mando says softly and pulls you tighter to him. He pauses and then asks you, “When you said you were punished by the Imperials, did they… torture you with the droid?”
“Yes,” you tell him in a flat voice, “It would give various shots to induce different types of pain. It was horrible. Seeing that droid today felt like being back there, back in that terrible place. I- I don’t want to talk about it too much.”
“I understand,” Mando tells you, “I hate droids… well, there was one once who wasn’t so bad, but mostly I hate them.” His voice is gruff as he tells you this.
“Why do you hate them?” you ask.
“My home was destroyed by droids,” he says, “Everything was gone, my town, my friends, my parents, all killed.”
“Oh, Mando, how awful,” Your heart breaks for him, “That’s devastating. I’m so sorry for you.”
“I was only a child, and I would have been killed too if not for the Mandalorians who rescued me,” he explains.
“You were a foundling too,” you say softly.
“Yes,” he replies.
You’re quiet for a bit as you stroke his chest in a soothing manner. You know he’s supposed to be comforting you, but you want Mando to know that you’re here for him too. He brings his other hand up to cover yours. You realize that his glove is off and for the first time you are touching his bare skin. Your breath catches in your throat at the sensation and you revel in each tiny movement that he makes as he slowly explores your fingers with his. His hand is large and warm, and you marvel at how delicate and gentle he is as he touches you.
“You skin is so soft, cyar’ika,” he murmurs to you.
“Thank you,” you say softly, but then you can’t help but ask, “What does that word mean, cyar’ika?” He’s called you that a few times now and your burning curiosity can’t wait any longer.
Mando chuckles lightly, “Aren’t you the code-breaker? What do you think it means?”
“Oh, I see, a linguistic challenge, hmm?” You’re willing to play along and you take a moment to think.
“Well, you’ve used it in place of my name, so it could be a nickname, but based on context, I’d say it’s a term of endearment.” You lift your head up to look at him as you propose your theory.
“What do you mean?” He questions, intrigued.
“Well, if it were a nickname, I think you’d use it more frequently, and by my count you’ve only said it four times, which makes me think it must be more special than just a nickname. Plus I know you’ve said my name more often than that.”
“Oh?” He sounds amused.
“Yes, and when you said it was important too,” you explain, “Twice you said it when I was very distressed and you were sure to use a calming tone, but then, the other two times were when you gave me a compliment, and those times, you had a more romantic tone.”
He’s laughing openly now and shaking the whole bed as he does. Oh no, you’ve nerded him into hysterics, “Sorry, am I being too analytical?” you ask him sheepishly.
“No, no, I love how logical you’re being, cyar’ika,” he emphasizes the word again and his voice is caring as he tells you, “I’m impressed and entertained by how you think. I had no idea how much thought you’d put into it.”
“Well, am I correct though?” You’re still dying to know.
“Yes, you are,” he says between chuckles, and you smile up at him in response. He calms down a bit and then tells you, “It means sweetheart.” His voice is deeper as he says the word in Basic and you feel your stomach flutter in delight.
“I like that, Mando, I like it a lot; it’s such a beautiful word,” You wish you had a term of endearment for him that would sound even half as beautiful.
“Din,” he says to you.
“What?” you reply confused.
“My name is Din, Din Djarin,” he introduces himself to you, “I’d really like for you to call me by my real name.”
“It’s an honor to know you, Din Djarin,” you reply in as warm and loving a tone as you can, trying to show him how much it means to you that he’s sharing something so personal.
“The honor is all mine, cyar’ika,” he tells you and he squeezes your hand to punctuate his words, “You mean so much to me, I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
“I feel the same about you, Din.” Lying in his arms, it’s easy to tell him how you feel, and you realize how much you want him to hear it. “I was so worried when we were separated today, but when you found me, and I knew you were there, it just felt right, like I knew everything would be all right.”
Din pulls you in closer, hugging you as tight as he can without hurting you. He feels your arm snake around his waist to hold him tighter too and he feels a sense of true serenity. It’s a new emotion for him or at least one he hasn’t felt since he was very young. The two of you stay like that for a long time and as he listens to your breathing, he thinks perhaps you’ve fallen asleep. He relaxes his hold on you and thinks that maybe he should try to slip out of the bed so that you’ll rest properly, when he feels you stir.
“Din, will you teach me more Mando’a?” you ask, your voice sounding dreamy.
“Yes, but not tonight, you need to sleep,” he says softly but firmly.
“Ok, good,” you reply with a small yawn.
You settle back in to the bed a little and pull up the blankets around you more. Din starts to pull away from you little by little, but you’re having none of it and you grip him tighter.
“Are you trying to leave?” you ask, sounding only a little pouty, “Don’t you want to stay and cuddle?”
He sighs, “You need your rest, and I’m distracting you from that.”
“I’ll rest better with you here,” you insist.
“I’ll stay if you promise to go to sleep now,” he replies.
“Ok, I’ll go to sleep.” You’re quiet for a few seconds, but then you whisper to him, “Din?”
“Goodnight,” you whisper, “I hope you sleep well.”
“Stop talking.”
Thank you so much for reading! Continue to Chpt. 6 Where no Mando Has Gone Before. If you’d like to be added to the tag list, just let me know!
By the way, do you all remember that droid from a New Hope that gave Leia the shot? That’s the one I was thinking of when I came up with how the reader was punished by the Empire. That thing gave me nightmares for weeks when I was a child.
Tag list:  @overtly-cuteashell @grogusmum @imabeautifulbutterfly @wellofeternalthirst @idreamofboobear @theamuz @fangirlalexia @callmekane @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @theravenreads @nicotinebirds @boomtownboy @nova646 @wandering-storm-lost-shadow @becks-things @sleepwithacommunist @mackycat11 @som3thingcr3ative @punkdalek @pinkninja200 @s-unflowxr @ladyjenny19 @peppywitch​ @haley7242​
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crow-in-a-teapot · 4 years
tower of nero spoilers
i have just finished the tower of nero. and before i go searching for other people’s thoughts and art and more of the characters i love so much, i want to write down some of my own thoughts because i know as soon as i delve into that ‘ton spoilers’ hashtag there are going to be complaints and criticisms and so much that i don’t want to hear, or essays that’ll make me upset, or things that’ll change my perception on the book (because on this website people really love to hate the trials of apollo).
i want to start with: i loved it. it didn’t feel earth-shattering or huge and momentous like some of my favourite riordanverse books (house of hades, the blood of olympus, the last olympian and maybe some of the magnus chase books take those pedestals for me) but it was satisfying. and i think it was satisfying because it in no way felt like an ending. whether because eventually rick will write that will-and-nico-go-through-tartarus-and-save-bob novella, or because we (or at least i) will continue writing and imagining and creating for this world i don’t know. he didn’t wrap up the story in a perfect little bow like ‘nineteen years later’, he simply put it on pause. gave us a glimpse of where every character was at at the end.
the only thing that makes me so angry and upset is that i did manage to get some spoilers for moments that i know would have been so good to experience for the first time if i hadn’t been spoiled for them. the moment where rachel mentions penguins in a mansion near her house, nico getting mental health advice from mr d, the fact that will and nico were going to be in the book for so much of the story, but the big thing was literally spoiled for me two days ago, it was the reason i sat down to read it as fast as possible because i was terrified of getting more spoiled and not being able to experience the moments for myself, was that piper had a girlfriend. i know that reading that for the first time would have been so cool and surprising, and the fact that when it came up for a moment in the last couple pages all i felt was disappointment because it was spoiled for me and because it was now tinged with whatever that person was saying about her having a girlfriend.
but i still had some warm fuzzy moments, the two parts where apollo thinks he’s going to die but nico comes up behind him - so good. impeccable. 
Leader Guy spat. ‘Now, I kill you.’
He raised his sword... and froze. His face turned pale. His skin began to shrivel. His beard fell out whisker by whisker like dead pine needles. Finally, his skin crumbled away, along with his clothes and flesh, until Leader Guy was nothing but a bleached-white skeleton, holding a sword in his bony hands. 
Standing behind him, his hand on the skeleton’s shoulder, was Nico di Angelo.
Nero raised his hand, ready to give the kill command, when behind me a mighty BOOM! shook the chamber. Half our enemies were thrown off their feet. Cracks sprouted in the windowsand the marble columns. Ceiling tiles broke, raining dust like split bags of flour. 
I turned to see the impenetrable blast doors lying twisted and broken, a strangely emaciated red bull standing in the breach. Behind it stood Nico di Angelo.
gods. poetic brilliance. i can’t believe i’m still a nico di angelo stannie in the year 2021. in five years i have not changed (ever since the tv show announcement last summer i have managed to morph into myself from 2017)
from here i’m not sure where to go next i kind of want to go through everything, except it’ll be more difficult than my tyrant’s tomb reaction because i wasn’t reading on a kindle and thus can’t just do funny little reactions to screenshots of quotes, so i’ll just skim through the book page by page and see what i can comment on (i’m not planning on doing analysis today, no thank you, just enjoying the end of my childhood and trying to squeeze as much out of it as possible)
i have an emotional attachment to mr. snake from the very first chapter, and am very upset that he’ll never get off on his baltimore stop and get to see his wife, lu had no reason to shoot and kill him like that.
that brings me to lu, i liked her, it was interesting to see how rick kind of brought in not only the overarching theme of abuse, but also people who let the abuse happen, i have more i could say on this i’m too lazy to right now, and i promised no analysis - or the fact that Lu had conspired to make the show non-lethal to spare Meg’s feelings rather than - oh, I don’t know - refusing to do Nero’s dirty work in the first place and getting Meg out of that house of horrors. 
And are you any better? taunted a small voice in my brain. How many times have you stood up to Zeus?
Okay, small voice. Fair point. Tyrants are not easy to opppose or walk away from, especially when you depend on them for everything.
the parallels to meg and lester heading to percy’s apartment, and then to camp half blood to the hidden oracle was so cool to read, every callback to the hidden oracle just there to remind us readers exactly how far apollo has come and how he’s changed; the entire chapter with sally, paul and estelle just felt sickly sweet, it just didn’t seem real how wholesome and good that family is, like i get why apollo broke down and just sobbed in that shower.
also rick really saying acab again in toa, i thought he was done after that elf cop chapter in magnus chase (the magnus chase series is a masterpiece) but apparently not, with A ‘good cop’ is still a cop... still a part of the mind game.
the grey sisters, i forgot about them completely but this threw me back into was it the sea of monsters when annabeth summoned them? i’m not sure, it could have been the lightning thief either, they really remind me of the disney hercules movie. the whole ganymede paragraph was gold, i love gods being canonically confirmed lgbt in the riordanverse. i also love the whole eye-tossing part - 
‘He will crush our eye,’ Anger cried, ‘if we don’t recite our verses!’
‘I will not!’
‘We will all die!’ Wasp said. ‘He is crazy!’
‘Fine, you win!’ Tempest howled.
also, the explanation for why dionysus chooses to look the way he does was perfect, because it was something i often wondered about and wasn’t expecting to get an explanation for, and i imagine the whole mythological dionysus to look like.. well like a more feminine apollo i guess, beautiful in a gender non-comforming way.
Other Olympians could never comprehend why Dionysus chose this form when he could look like anything he wanted. In ancient times, he’d been famous for his youthful beauty that defied gender.
In retaliation, Dionysus had decided to look and act as ungodly as possible. He was like a child refusing to tuck in his shirt, comb his hair or brush his teeth, just to show his parents how little he cared.
every scene with nico at camp just BREAKS ME, i would throw in screenshots of every damn quote but unfortunately, as said above, cannot and would rather not type every one; we’ll start with, obviously apollo confirming to him that jason is dead. 
He didn’t look angry exactly. He looked as if he’d been hit in the gut not just once but so many times over the course of so many years that he was beginning to lose perspective on what it meant to be in pain. He swayed on his feet. He blinked. Then he flinched, jerking his hands away from Meg’s as if he’d just remembered his own touch was poison.
ugh then will talking about how nico’s doing, confirming that he’s suffering with ptsd, mr d giving him advice, helping him sort though what voices in his head are real and which ones aren’t, then the paragraph that just recounts every horrific thing poor nico has been through, how will has to reassure him that he’s okay and ‘with friends’ when he wakes up after shadow travel
will’s kindness to apollo, buying him clothes, and apollo finding seymour the leopard’s head in his bed, put there by mr d aaaa AAAA A A A A A THE ORDINARY, EVERYDAY CAMP HALF BLOOD THINGS..
i could go on for years and years about how much i appreciate rachel having a big role in this book, and the visit to her apartment, everything, her art, the fact that she got what she wanted, she’s going to PARIS to study ART, she isn’t forced to be someone she’s not by her dad, and gets to be a big part of a demigod mission and not stand on the sidelines for once.
i love that her landscapes are still visions, that she still paints the quests demigods go on - the burning maze, jason’s funeral pyre, caligula’s ships; and how nico ~appreciates art~
‘And, hey, di Angelo -’ she pushed him playfully away from the canvas he’d been ogling - ‘don’t brush against the art! I don’t care about the paintings, but if you get any colour on you, you’ll ruin that whole black-and-white aesthetic you’ve got going.’
i. love. rachel.
I AM  OBSESSED WITH THE TROGS, I LOVE THEM, THEY ARE GREAT, not gonna lie, i was expecting something more dramatic and spooky with how worried will was and how dionysus was going.. visiting the cavern-runners isn’t ♫ good for your mental health  ♫ but the little hat frog gremlins were a good addition. i like them very much and their funky little soup shenanigans. quoting the ghost king himself: trogs good. nice hats. (IM SORRY I KEEP MENTIONING HIM BUT I JUST) also how apollo starts wishing for breadsticks a s ajoke and theY STRAIGHT UP HAVE BREADSTICKS? HUH? WHERE DID THEY GET THE BREADSTICKS FROM??
yeah, i’m also still very much upset by every mention of jason grace, it’s funny how ever since his death in the burning maze i have grown to love him more and more and that’s not fun for me, for that boy to become one of my main comfort character’s and have his death and sacrifice and nobility mentioned every few chapters. i’m pretty sure i cried when he appeared to talk in apollo’s dreams, and this time the tears weren’t from the effort of keeping my eyes open and working for hours straight reading this book (i remember staying up until 2am to finish the sequel to beautiful, broken things, it was very much worth it)
‘All right, Jason. We miss you, though.’
as @couldnt-think-of-a-funny-name said: ‘thinking about how ghost! Jason didn’t seem to understand why Apollo was so upset about his death because he’s been raised to believe a hero’s sacrifice is noble and his life doesn’t matter in the grand scheme and also if he doesn’t understand why the person who watched him get horrifically killed is so torn up over his death he probably doesn’t even realize his other friends are grieving him..’
the entire python battle was pretty grim, there is a part of me that's like because this is the last book series i would have loved say the magnus chase and kane chronicles gang in a giant battle with everyone like the battle of manhattan but even more dramatic, but even so, i did appreciate that python battle and the whole almost-falling-into-the-depths-of-tartarus thing.
him talking to artemis was cool, but JESUS: 'I turned and strode out of my room, trying to recall how the god Apollo walked.' like that HURTS. it was such a huge culture shock for apollo to go throught this huge character arc and be so human and understand the pain of others, to be around gods again who are so.. apathetic. also, zeus. 'Interesting how he put that: I had done him proud. I had been useful in making him look good. My heart did not melt. I did not feel that this was a warm-and-fuzzy reconciliation with my father. Let's be honest: some fathers don't deserve that. Some aren't capable of it.'
okay quick word on the reunions at the end: funny little elephant visitation program with livia and hannibal. love that for them. calypso and leo's relationship seems rocky and complicated, but that's to be expected, i think even if they do get properly back together again it might not last long, because it does pretty much feel like a teenage relationship where the two aren't very compatible, but we'll see. hazel and frank are so funny with their gold plated necklaces. lavinia - tap-dance icon. almost cried at the mention of jason's temple-extension plan again. percy not being sure about what he wants to do in college is accurate and i like that that's left to be up-for-interpretation (rick does THE MOST for the fanfic writers pfsjsj). i am OBSESSED with aeithales, like i hate deserts so the burning maze setting is not my favourite but GOD that HOUSE, the vibes are off-the-charts. i'd love a house made of living trees that's also a greenhouse filled with dryads. meg gets a unicorn. that is so great.
i kind of wish the book hadn't ended with 'Call on me. I will be there for you.' because every time I imagine the friends theme song and i don't think that's the vibe he was going for, BUT i do love him talking to meg, that was genuinely emotional - 'You'll come back?' she asked. 'Always,' I promised. 'The sun always comes back.' ; i really wish it had ended with that, but i guess apollo does tend to break fourth walls and talk to the readers, like a lot of the protagonists of riordanverse books.
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detectivesofty · 4 years
staking your claim | j.h.
Summary: Natalie has problems with Nina and you’re helping out, like the good future sister (in-law??) you are
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Doctor!Reader / Natalie Manning x Will Halstead / Nina Shore x Will Halstead
Song I listened to while writing: Bust Your Windows by Glee (cuz it’s a fucking bop)
Author’s Note: I literally wrote this in one sitting bc I got inspired lmao. This is very heavily centered around Natalie and Reader’s friendship, because I feel like Nat needs someone in her corner. This takes place in Season 2, Ep. 19 of Chicago Med and I know Jay and Reader’s relationship doesn’t make sense canon-wise, but this is a fanfic after all, so let’s just pretend that Jay and Reader have been in a commited relationship with each other for a while. Happy reading!
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1,9k
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“Hey Y/N,” Nina greeted you and you barely glanced up to greet her back, your focus entirely on your notes. Nina then turned to Natalie, who was standing right next to you.
“Hey Natalie. Can I ask you a favor?”
Natalie, held a finger up. “Uhm, one second,” she said, turning back to April. “Hey April, can you try and track down Connor for me?”
“Thank you!” Natalie turned back to Nina, the stress written all over her face. “Sorry. What’s up?”
“I was going to give this to Will, but he’s busy. Can I leave it with you?”
That suddenly got your attention. Why would Nina ever ask Natalie for a favor regarding Will?
Natalie paused as well. “Sure,” she then replied, reaching a hand out for the jersey.
“He’s going to watch the game with his brother tonight. I slept in it last night and when he left this morning I was still in bed,” Nina added with a laugh and you furrowed your brows, while you kept your head down. 
“I’d leave it in his locker but I wanted to make sure he gets it.”
You rolled your eyes, but put on a smile when Nina looked at you. She wasn’t the best actress and you could see right through her act, even if Natalie didn’t.
Natalie seemed a bit lost as she held the jersey, glancing at you briefly. “... Okay?”
“Thanks. You’re the best. Bye Y/N, see you later!” Nina called over to you before leaving the ED. 
You forced a smile and waved at her, before turning to Natalie. She was still staring at the jersey in her hands and you nudged her gently. 
“Hey you okay?” 
Natalie nodded quickly, putting the jersey away. “Yeah, I am fine… But Nina was acting weird, right?”
Chuckling, you shrugged with your shoulders. You didn’t really like Nina with Will, if you were honest. She seemed nice enough, but you never clicked with her, despite her constant efforts to spend time with you. In your eyes, Natalie was the perfect one for Will. Especially because you knew of Will’s feelings for Natalie, you know, before the thing with Nina started. 
“Duh. She’s trying to mark her territory, it was so obvious.”
“I am pretty sure that she sees you as a threat, Nat. And the other day-”
“Doctor Manning, Doctor Y/L/N! Incoming, vehicular accident, two girls and their mother!”
Natalie gave you a look, which meant she was in no way done with this conversation. But for the meantime, you took care of the two hurt girls. Unfortunately, the day didn’t progress as you had expected it to go. The hospital’s server got hacked and you had to resort to old-fashioned blackboards, without knowing patients’ medical history. 
At the end of the day, you were completely exhausted and just wanted to fall in bed. You threw your jacket on and grabbed your purse, when Natalie came into the lounge. 
“Hey Y/N, are you going home?” 
You gave her a tired smile and nodded. “Yeah, I am beat.”
“I wanted to talk about the thing you mentioned this morning…?”
Frowning, you thought back to earlier until you finally remembered. “Oh yeah, uhm. Do you maybe want to come over? Jay’s watching the game at a bar with Will so I’ll be alone tonight.”
“Yeah, sure. That sounds nice. I’ll just swing by Helen real quick to check on Owen, and then I’ll come over, yeah?”
Nodding, you gave her a thumbs up, rubbing her shoulder. “See you later, Nat.” With that, you left the ED and drove home to an empty apartment. The moment you stepped into your home, you let out a loud sigh at the sight of Jay’s shoes being all over the place. Moving in together was Jay’s idea. Your jobs ate up a lot of your time and when Jay was on a hard case, you often had gone days without seeing each other. Living together had a lot of pros, but that was before you knew Jay loved leaving his shoes where he took them off, which could be basically anywhere in the apartment. 
But you loved that man, so you’d put them away for now and kick his ass later. 
Dropping off your purse on its designated place, you headed to the shower straight away. After a refreshing shower, you ordered pizza for you and Natalie, when a text from Jay came in.
Jay: hey babe, you home yet?
You: yeah, just got out of the shower
Jay: Without me?😜
You: First of all, ew You: second of all, you’re too old to be using emojis
Jay: 😭
You: nat’s coming over now and I just ordered some pizza
Jay: okay, have fun, love you Jay: save me some slices!
You: Love you too. And no!
At that moment, the doorbell rang and you put the phone away to open the door, expecting either Natalie or the delivery guy. But instead, it was Natalie, the delivery girl. 
“I bumped into the delivery boy on my way up and paid him,” Natalie said and you beamed at her, ushering her in. 
“You didn’t have to do that. Come in!”
You grabbed a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, then situated yourself on the couch with Natalie. The two of you devoured a couple of slices before Natalie spoke up. 
“So. About what you said this morning… Why would Nina see me as a threat? I don’t see Will that way.”
Pouring yourself another glass of wine, you gave Natalie a look. “Really? I see the way you look at him, Nat. The two of you have always been dancing around each other. Nina has eyes, she can see that.”
Natalie opened her mouth, frowning, before she closed it again. 
“I never did anything while they were dating, I swear,” she insisted and you gave her a smile. 
“I know, Natalie. No one thinks that, I promise.”
“It’s just…” She sighed. “At first, I didn’t want to rush into a relationship, because I haven’t worked through my grief yet. And then Will wanted to move on, which I totally understood. And with Jeff, I thought he was the right one, considering his history with my Jeff. But then he turned out to be the complete opposite. And now… Will’s with Nina and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
“At this point, I think you should just let their relationship run its course. I know it sounds kind of mean to say that, but I don’t think that they’re a good fit. You and Will are. You challenge each other, but also make each other better. I can see how you look at him when you think no one is watching; Will looks at you the same way, Nat.”
You could see the hope glimmer in her eyes and while you didn’t want your friend to get hurt, since Will and Nina are in fact still dating and even living together, you knew how right you were. You spent endless hours talking to Will about Natalie and you knew that feelings like that didn’t disappear overnight. 
“I just don’t want Nina to think I am trying to step on her toes and ruin their relationship, you know,” Natalie added. “The way she acted today kind of intimidated me.”
“Yeah I totally get that. She was acting a bit crazy,” you laughed and Natalie grinned at you, nudging you with her shoulder. 
“Enough about me and my problems. How are things with Jay?”
“Oh, things are good.”
The rest of the night passed in a blur while you and Natalie talked about everything and everyone. Nights like these were much too rare and you enjoyed spending time with your friends outside of work. It was nearing one am when you heard keys jangling at the front door, you and Natalie instinctively turning to the door. 
As the door opened, Jay stilled in the doorway, like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Hey Jay.” 
“Hey babe.”
Jay waved, slightly abashed as he took his shoes off. “Hey guys, thought you were already in bed,” he mumbled, walking over to the couch to press a kiss on your head and high five Natalie. “I am just going to go to the bathroom real quick,” Jay told you and disappeared into the bathroom. 
“I think that’s my cue to leave,” Natalie said, yawning loudly. “Don’t want to be too tired for work tomorrow.” 
You walked her to the door and leaned against the doorway while she collected her things.
“Thanks for today, Y/N. I really needed that.”
Smiling, you pulled her in a tight hug. “Anytime, Nat. That’s what friends are for. Get home safely, okay?” 
“I will. Say bye to Jay for me,” Natalie answered and you nodded, waving before you closed the door. With a yawn, you locked it and trudged over to the coffee table to clean it up, throwing the pizza cartons in the trash and putting the wine glasses in the dishwasher. You looked up when Jay came out of the bathroom, looking around. 
“Nat already left?”
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Yeah. It’s late and we have work tomorrow. You okay?”
“Mhm,” Jay nodded, leaning in to kiss you. The kiss was short and sweet, which made you smile against his lips. You pulled away after a while, observing him. His cheeks were flushed and it was obvious he’s had a few beers. 
“What did you guys talk about?”
You snorted out a laugh. “Uh, about Will.”
“What about Will?” Jay raised a confused eyebrow. 
“You know. Will and Nat. Nina came up to her today, trying to stake her claim. Waving around Will’s jersey like it was a prize. It was ridiculous.”
Jay laughed, shaking his head. “She did? Nina’s crazy.”
Shrugging with your shoulders, you pursed your lips. “I kinda get her. I mean, if anyone would even think about getting with my man, I’d whack them.”
“Yeah?” Jay asked, smirking at you in amusement. “You’d be willing to go to prison for me?”
“As if you’d let me go to prison,” you snorted and he chuckled, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“Yeah you’re right. Can’t let anyone hurt my girl.” 
You felt warmth spreading in your chest, just like it did everytime Jay called you his girl, even after all this time. 
“You wanna go to bed?” Jay asked softly and you nodded, looking up at him. 
“Carry me?”
He groaned out, but complied anyway, hooking his arms under your thighs to hoist you up, carrying you into the bedroom. The two of you quickly got changed and slipped under the sheets, cuddling up. 
“You know,” Jay murmured, nosing along your neck. “I think you’re right about Will and Natalie. He’s still got that look in his eyes when he talks about her.”
“Yeah? I thought so. He should stop leading Nina on, then. It’s not really fair.”
“Tell him. He listens to you more.”
You rolled your eyes and swatted Jay’s hands away, reaching for your phone to text Will.
You: Get your head in the game, Will. If you still have feelings for Natalie, you should end things with Nina. It’s not fair for either of them. 
Unsurprisingly, ellipses popped up a minute later.
Will is typing…
Will: You’re right. Thanks.
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heimeldat · 2 years
fandom ask for 80s Who, please! (Or all of DW if you like, I just like to break it down for these asks bc otherwise it gets overwhelming)
Ok, 80s...that's the tail end of Four up through Seven. (I have trouble with dates.)
Favorite character: Five.
Least Favorite character: Adric. He feels like a little kid tagging along trying to be part of the big kids' games, and (idk if this was a deliberate choice or just the actor's natural voice) he has a whiny/pushy tone of voice that grates on me even when I otherwise like his role in the story.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Four/Romana. Um...hm, I don't really ship a lot of people. Delta and Billy were fun, in a ridiculous sort of way?
Character I find most attractive: I'm not usually attracted by physical appearance, but personality-wise, Five.
Character I would marry: As much as I love Five, I'd have to go with Nyssa. Everyone else (including lots of side characters) has way too much chaotic space-hobo energy for a stable relationship.
Character I would be best friends with: Nyssa again. She's got a calm intelligence that I both admire and relate to. She'd be good company.
a random thought: I want the new show to do a follow-up episode to Battlefield where the Doctor first takes the role of Merlin to close the loop on Seven's shenanigans.
An unpopular opinion: I'm glad Adric died. Not in a "he got what's coming" way, but in a "that was a good narrative choice" way. It actually made me like him a lot more retrospectively. He always seemed like more of a problem than a solution, but ending his arc with a noble self-sacrifice made him feel valuable to the team just in time for them to lose him, which was unexpectedly poignant (and opened the door for plenty of drama and character growth for the survivors too).
My Canon OTP: Well...kind of canon? Assumed by most people to be canon even if never officially confirmed? Four/Romana.
My Non-canon OTP: I would have loved to see Romana stick around. Her no-nonsense force of personality would have been an interesting contrast with Five's calmer take on things, and she and Six would have been a freaking badass power couple. They would have argued and snarked at each other nonstop at high volume and freaked out the other companions until they realized that was their version of flirting. Then they'd suddenly switch gears to perfect unison back and forth one-liners that come within an inch of insulting the villain to death. Dang it I have to write a fic about them now.
Most Badass Character: Five. Everyone seems to remember his sweet/cute/bumbling moments, but he was unstoppable when he wanted to be. I mean: Androzani, enough said.
Most Epic Villain: In concept if not quite in execution, the Great Vampires. I'm also rather fond of the Mara. And an honorable mention has to go to the Black Guardian and the surprisingly cool-looking bird on his head.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Five with any of his space-kids. Just no. Of all TARDIS teams, this is the one that most deserves to be called "fam." I can't say I'm a fan of Nyssa/Tegan either; I love their friendship and it kind of bothers me how often people interpret really close friendship as romance.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Well, Six kind of goes without saying. Mel never really got the development she deserved, either.
Favourite Friendship: Nyssa and Tegan. I also really like the development of the Doctor and Turlough dynamic, one of the rare situations where they really develop a Doctor and companion friendship instead of it just -- happening.
Character I most identify with: probably Nyssa.
Character I wish I could be: Um...none of them, really. I'm a homebody who likes to play it safe. I don't want to run off and see the universe, I don't want a life of adrenaline and danger, and no offense to the Doctor, but I don't want to be part of anything that would bring him to town.
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faustonastring · 4 years
Hello! How the main 6 (especially Asra) would react if MC recover their memories?
Thank you for requesting hopefully you like it!
Request are open :)
How the main 6 react to Mc recovering their memories
(Also another fun disclaimer: I feel like this really depends on what terms your mc left off on with each of the Li’s I also feel like your apprentices past definitely would effect this depending on how you imagined it, so for the sake of this head canon I’m going to be using the in game canon as a reference, but if any one wants something more spefic lmk!)
Immediately checks you for headaches, nausea, anything that could be hurting you, and when he sees that your okay?
I can’t begin to describe the amount of diffrent emotions that goes through his head.
He’s happy! Of course he’s happy this is all he’s ever wanted, this is what he’s been looking forward to for the past three, four years? But then it hits him like the bus that hit Regina George, you remember everything
You remember that he left you to die during the mist of the red plague, that he wasn’t there for you, that he left you to die
He shuts down for a minute, dropping to his knees In the middle of the shop, clutching his heart, uncontrollably crying, what has he done what has he done what has he done what has he done
Please just run over to him and hold him, let him ride it out, tell him you still love him, that you’ll never leave him (like he left you) that its gonna be okay, no matter what terms you left off on, you’re still here, none of that matters any more
When he calms down he makes you both some tea and you talk over everything, before the plague, during the plague, even after the plague, while he holds you in his arms playing/braiding your hair
And afterwards, you both feel kind of refreshed, you head off to bed early that night, tired from crying, laughing, other things
And when he wakes up? You’re still there next to him, you don’t care about what happened in the past, you’re here now, and asra is finally realizing that, and now he’s just happy, happy you remember the old, and you get to remember the new
But if things didn’t go that smoothly? Asra would run off to nopal for a couple days to blow off some steam, to have some time alone to comprehend what the hell is going on, and when he comes back, he’s better....but things don’t seem to be the same.....
Cancels all her plans, all her meetings, hell, she even considers canceling the masquerade even though it’s months away the only thing that matters right now is you
Asks you how you feel, do you need anything? Water, tea, maybe some golden goose? Anything you need will be at your hand within seconds of you asking for it, and now that you have everything.... tell her everything
She wants to know everything to your family, your realtor ship with asra, your opinions on Lucio, and more importantly if she’s a better leader or not, she won’t directly ask you (maybe she’ll ask if there is a couple things she still needs to improve on) but please let her know she’s doing a much better job now, and a better job than Lucio could EVER do, (countesses get self conscious too guys)
She’ll ask if you want to get back in touch with your family, and if you do, they’ll be at the palace by sunrise, if you don’t, she’ll ask why, then ask if you’re sure, then tell you to forget she ever asked in the first place (but does bring up inviting your family to the winter ball or masquerade)
The rest of the day is spent cuddling in bed, while eating fancy foods and talking about your family, your childhood, your old crushes, and trash talking Lucio, because now you remember even more about him, and you really wish you didn’t
He freezes for a moment, unsure on what to do- you remember everything? How? Are you okay, are you hurting, do you need to lay down?
Tells you to sit down while he makes you some tea and asks you some “very important” questions (as he calls them) like the basics; “does your head hurt? Are you dizzy, nauseous? No fever right? That’s good that’s good...”
Then starts asking more serious questions, like “what’s the earliest you remember. What’s you’re favorite memory? Your least? What was the latest memory you have, up until.... you know...”
And when you tell him it’s you, dying at the Lazaret, poor man goes paler than he already was, going uncharacteristically silent, then sputtering out every apology in the book (no matter what happens, I headcanon that asra, Lucio, and Julian still feel a tad bit responsible for your death.... I mean trauma doesn’t just go away over night...)
You have to constantly tell him that it’s okay, that it wasn’t his fault, and try to coax him out of his anxiety attack, and when you do get him out, he starts to realize that you forgive him, you remember and you forgive him. For everything he’s done. For lashing out on you, for leading you to you’re death (and anything else that happened in your canon) and you still forgive
He breaks down sobbing clutching in to you for dear life, now muttering thank you, not fully understanding why you still love a sapsucker like him, but here you are, holding him, petting his hair, telling him you love him, that it will be okay, that you’re hear for him. And he falls asleep in your arms, wherever you are, the clinic, the raven, his house, hell even mazelinkas, and doesn’t have any nightmares about your death, and after that day never does
But let’s say things didn’t go as planned? You didn’t comfort him, still holding a grudge or just uncomfortable at the ‘doctors’ sudden out burst,he starts to distance himself more, drinks out at the rowdy raven more, more overtime at work, more time at mazelinkas, more time away from you, not because he doesn’t love you, because he does, and you deserve better
“Wait really?! How!? Tell me everything thing- wait wait wait let me get comfortable first...”
INSTANITYLY builds a pillow fort, and starts barking orders at you (lovingly of course) to make some banana bread pudding, hot choclate or tea (what ever you prefer she’s not picky) and to bring her, her Good sweater, you know the one
Better get comfortable because you’re gonna be there for an hour or two, or three... you know what make that four or five- but all jokes aside She’s just so excited to finally be able to know your past! “Any past lovers I need to know about? And abusive ones, you can tell me babe, because next time I see them I promise I’ll whoop their-“
Wants to know about your family, and definitely would love to meet them, but if you left off on bad terms with your family, that’s okay! She’s waaaaay more interested in what Vesuvia was like before she came in the first place! She want to know about the flooded district, the shop, how bad of a ruler Lucio was- you know the basics!
She’ll also tell you about her past! About how stupid Ilya was as a kid, how she was in a kid gang, how she used to eat soap because it smelt nice-(and yes this is canon, via one of the old ask the arcanas) she’ll also ask you to teach her some Magick tricks you used to do as a kid, or some recipes you used to bake, or what ever your aprentince used to do (deffiently the most excited out of all of them)
Oh cool
Has a VERY delayed reaction, sometimes it just slips his mind that you can’t remember your past (and honestly prefers it that way) but none the less,He asks you if you want to talk about it, and you at no means have to, but I would be lying if I said he wasn’t the least bit interested, Muriel would be lying too.....he wants to know, he just doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
If you are comfortable tell him EVERYTHING, your past crushes, your past friends, the goods, and the bads, he’ll sit you in his lap and listen to everything, and I mean EVERYTHING you have to say, and he will remember all the tiny details, including but not limited to: your first pets name, what you had for lunch nine years ago, your first crush who went to jail for horse theft and who is now a musician. He IS paying attention, even though you can SWEAR your starting hear him snore...this man hears everything. EVERYTHING
If you don’t bring up your family, he will ask about it, as of why you didn’t mention them? Did something happen? Do you want to talk about it? He won’t pry to much, and has a very good sense that your uncomfortable, and will leave it be, but it never really leaves his mind, so he might ask asra about it, and if something BAD happened definitely tells you he knows, and that he’s here for you.
But he does want to know this one thing more than anything else: how much do you remember from the coliseum? Now being that as of now atleast we don’t know how much the apprentice knows about the coliseum prior to them... y’know so this really depends on your apprentices back story so this conversation could go one of three ways
The first way is, you simply tell Muriel that you knew it was there but you never really participated in it, you never saw the fights, you never wanted to see the fights, and your glad you didn’t. And he can’t help the smile that forms on his lips
The second way is you tell Muriel that you did see the fights and you regret it, you wish you never did and your sorry. He doesn’t know how to react at first, but when he realizes your crying because of the guilt, he holds you a little tighter, kisses the top of your head, and says he believes you, and he still loves you. And you tell him you still love him
The third option,is your try to avoid the topic. But Muriel knows. And you know Muriel knows that you remember that you had to fight him on the coliseum, and that you barley escaped with your life, (if your apprentice didn’t die in there that is, and if they did? That’s angst for another day ;) ) you spend the night in each others arms crying, clutching on to each other and muttering apologies, telling each other that you still love eacother, that you never want that to happen again, and it won’t
Well first thing he wants to know is how good of a ruler he was...”c’mon don’t be shy, you won’t hurt my- I WAS NOT A BAD RULER. I WAS THE BEST! I JUST MADE SOME.....SOME OOPSIES”
When he’s done throwing a ‘playful’ tantrum after you said he was a bad ruler...(I know it’s true, you know it’s true, even deep down Lucio knows it’s true, we need to stop sheltering him, he’s like ATLEAST in his early 40’s) he asks you what you remember, yeah yeah sure sure, your family and friends seem cool but do you remember all the awesome parties he threw! Which one was your favorite, and you have to pick only ONE (1) and list off your top ten favorite things from said party and THEN at THAT MOMENT you can move in and tell him about all the boring stuff
And if you tell him you never went to any of his trashy tacky flashy parties, you will NEVER forget the drastic look of disappointment that crosses his face “like do you really not go to any of them-“ but you may continue, but you have to promise him you’ll go to ALL of his new parties okay? They’re gonna be WAY cooler anyways
When you’re trying to tell him about all the cool adventures you had as a kid, or growing up or all the bad relationships you’ve been in, he makes it sort of a game to one up you, each story that HE tells gets a little more drastic and a little more....how do I say this nicely....unrealistic? He’s trying to listen he’s trying really hard, but he has the attention span of a golden retriever and honestly could care less about the boring stuff
Doesn’t remember much but buys you some of your old childhood toys that you mentioned (if your apprentice didn’t have any of that he’ll buy you some anyway “to make up for the lost time”as he puts it) but in reality it’s because he wants to try them out for himself (mama Morga didn’t let him play with toys as a kid she said it would make him weak) he finds most of them boring but for some reason is STILL trying to make the square block fit in the circle hole and won’t listen to you when you try to tell him otherwise
Thanks for reading!!!!! I tried to make sure every one could use their apprentice despite their past so hopefully I got close! Also to everyone who sent in arequest: thank you! I plan on doing one a day in the order that they got requested so the older ones don’t get buried in the void, but I just want you to know that I saw in and I’ll get to it in the next couple of days! Just please be paitent! Also...
Request are open :)
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
YouTube Challenge!
Request: Ok so I’ve been watching a lot of youtube couples (not the cringey ones lol) and I reallyyy wanted a head canon for maybe bakugou, shoto, and kiri with a s/o who is a youtuber, and they shoot a couple video like those “my boyfriend rates my outfits” or “chapstick challenge” videos. Could the prompts (42)“(58)(18) Also boys to be pro heroes already...if that’s ok. 
A/N: I hope you enjoy this hun, @pletopliito​ and also as each one is written it gets shorter and shorter lol IM SO SORRY
Prompts: 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader
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Katsuki Bakugou!:
“Hey guys, QueenExplosion here! And I have a surprise! Drumroll… It’s King Explosion, as a guest!”
You excitedly pulled your boyfriend into the chair next to you, laughing as he grumbled about the name.
“Right, right! Sorry Mr. Pro Hero, I meant Ground Zero is joining me today!”
“Against my will, might I add.” 
You smacked his arm without looking for the snide comment,
But knowing your boyfriend,
This video was bound to be full of them
“Alright, so today I look a little bare don’t I? That’s because this hunk is going to be doing my makeup.”
“Get ready to look like shit.”
“ANYWAAAAYS, let’s just jump right in, yeah? So I have all my makeup set out on the desk here, I’m not telling him what does what-”
“Like I need to know, this shit isn’t rocket science.”
“And it’s his job to make my look as fine as I always do.”
You watched as Katsuki faced you, grabbing a random brush and your highlighter.
“This is like the base coat for your foundation crap, right.”
He huffed to himself as you stifled a laughter, side eyeing the camera
He brushed it all over your face before picking up your stick foundation,
“Now this just kinda goes.. Fucking everywhere.”
He narrowed his eyes in concentration and you thought he was adorable,
“What are you doing Katsu?”
“You put dots all over your face. So that, stupid.”
He grabbed the beauty blender and you were shocked to try to see him dab it all over your face
He lightly grabbed your neck to maneuver your position,
Making it easier to blend in the makeup
“Do you think I need this much makeup?”
“You need a fucking crap ton.”
You smacked his arm again at the rude comment,
But you knew he was kidding with the way he was smirking
“Now that your face is done or whatever the hell, guess it’s the eyes.”
He picked up one of your newer palets and your heart skipped a beat,
“Oh man I just got this… Don’t mess it up please.”
“Yea, yea shut up.”
“I’m serious Katsuki-”
“Shitty woman I won’t mess it up. Now quit talking so I can make your eyes fucking pretty.”
“Haha okayy~”
He grabbed a small brush and opened your eyeshadow pallet,
Staring intently at the colors
“What are you glaring so hard for? Just pick one, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“You use these two the most. Let’s mix them.”
“Wait, what-”
You watched with wide eyes as he dipped the brush into one color,
Roughly grabbing the powder onto the brush before-
“Have you lost your damn mind, KATSUKI!”
“EH!? WHAT!”
You watched as he selected another color,
Lighter than the first,
Blending them together on the pallet instead of on your eye
“So.. Like this?”
He brought the brush up to your cheek and smeared the makeup all over
“Whoops. Missed.”
Laughing and whining you tried to push him away but he kept sneaking makeup all over your face,
Grabbing your hands and holding them so you couldn’t stop his onslaught
It was all fun and games till you heard a crash,
Looking down you saw your pallet on the ground,
Face down
“... Bakugou Katsuki…”
At the tone of your voice he stopped,
Looking down to where he saw you gaze on your fallen makeup.
“Oh fuck.”
Let’s just say that video ended with a bunch of cut scenes until you said goodbye,
Smiling face full of misused makeup and Katsuki with a smug look on his face,
Even if he did have matching makeup stains where you wiped your cheek against his.
“Fellas, if you’re asked to try this, just don’t-”
“Ignore him!! Thanks for the stopping by and watching the explosion duo! See you guys soon! ”
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Eijiro Kirishima!:
“Hi beautiful people, and welcome back to my channel! It’s your host, RockkStarr here with my own, rock star- Red Riot! And today we are going to be doing the Chubby Bunny challenge!”
“Yosh!! I’m hyped up to eat some delicious sweets, oh, and the marshmallows too.”
Winking at the camera Eijiro pulled you in close,
You laughed and tried to squirm away as he left playful bites along your shoulder
“Oh stop! If you guys are unfamiliar with the challenge, it’s a winner-loser game-”
“That I’ll definitely win.”
“That you win by seeing how many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth while still being able to say, ‘chubby bunny’!”
“Oh then I’ll definitely lose, you see these cheeks? Made for this.” 
Eijiro laughed as you swatted his hand away while he pinched your cute cheek.
“Let’s get onto the marshmallows!”
The first few times didn’t go so well since he kept eating them,
“Ei babe you gotta keep it in your mouth!”
“That’s what she-”
After a few more failed attempts you were both up to five, and you both could still talk pretty clearly,
But Kirishima was not making this easy for you,
“What was that??”
“You heard me!!” 
You covered your mouth as you tried to hold back laughter,
Making it even harder to do so as you saw your boyfriend's cheeks puffed out so wide,
With a pursed smile to make him look funnier
“Say it again!”
After another 4 more you were getting to the limit,
Eijirou was tearing up in laughter about how cute you looked with puffed cheeks,
And every time you opened your mouth to talk they would almost fall out,
“Why don’t you just kiss me already?”
He teased with an almost clear voice,
You rolled your eyes at his smugness but did it anyways,
As soon as your lips touched you couldn’t hold back the giggles,
Spitting out wet marshmallows all over your boyfriend you began dying of laughter,
His shocked and disgusted face made you laugh even harder as his own came out of his mouth
You both ended the video,
Your chin slick with drool and Eijiro covered in soggy marshmallows,
But you were both smiling and laughing nonetheless
“Thanks for tuning in! See you beauties next time, RockkStarr-”
“And Red Riot!”
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Shoto Todoroki!:
“Hello friends, it’s me, IceeBaby! Don’t be alarmed, I know it may be hard to recognize me behind all this Gucci-”
“That’s a store brand tee-shirt, don’t lie.”
“Aaaaaand I’m here with my ice ice baby, Shoto! Thanksforruiningtheintro.”
“Anything for you, love.”
“Thanks babe..  today we are going to have a fashion show of sorts. I'll be trying on my closet for you all to see, and he is taking time out of his busy day to rate them for me!”
“She looks good in anything, so you’re going to get 10/10s everytime.”
“Oh my gosh. Are you flirting with me?”
“I most definitely am.”
“You do know I am dating a top pro hero right?”
“What is he going to do?” 
You giggle as Shoto pulls you onto his lap from, squeezing you tight while he did.
“He can try all he wants but he can't have you back.”
“You’re such a dork-Oh no!! You’ll wrinkle my clothes, let me go!”
“Wrinkled or not this outfit is still a 10 for me.”
You wiggled out of his hold, messing his hair up as you stood.
You tried on a few different outfits, explaining where you got them and why you liked them so much.
“Oh and this shirt-”
“Is my favorite actually.”
“Ohh?? Why is that?”
“This is the shirt you were wearing when we went on our first date.”
Your jaw dropped and Shoto swears there were hearts in your eyes,
“Shoto.. You remember that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? It was one of the best days of my life, you were wearing that shirt and that one pair of jeans that makes your ass look fat-”
“aahhhHHHHHHH! you know about my butt enhancing jeans!?”
“Well, then I didn’t but I know which ones they are now.”
“Kya, you’re so embarrassing~!”
“You were the one wearing them, trying to impress me.”
“Well of course! I was on a date with an up and coming hero, who has tons of pretty heroes who could snatch you from me.”
You pouted looking away from him,
He once again pulled you onto his lap,
“No one is more beautiful than you. I want no one else.”
You looked over to the camera with a smug smile,
“Hear that? Sorry thirsty guys and gals, this man is all mine!”
“Uh yeah, you know how many people thirst over you?”
“Do you know how many thirst over you?”
“Not as many as you, sweetie pie.”
“Whatever you say love, in that case,”
Shoto glared at the camera, shielding you with his body,
“You thirsty people cannot have her either.”
You look up at the camera the best you could, a big smile on your face,
“That’s it for today’s video! Go find other people to thirst over!! But I really hoped you enjoyed this! Comment down below if you’d like more content like this! Thanks a bunchies friends! Icy Hot 1 and 2 reporting for outro! Bye!”
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sandu-zidian · 4 years
Blabbing about this Musician!au I started last summer that has now also turned into a marching band!au because I got sad and nostalgic because despite how shitty it could be, marching band defined my high school life and social life and I couldn’t had asked for anything else.
I also don’t have every single prequel character (because this au is surrounding the prequel characters) in Star Wars smacked into here, and I gave up halfway through a couple of months ago in terms of brainstorming. Anyways, this is hella long so check everything out under the line if you’d like! don’t want to spam everyone with something that’s like, 4 pages long
Now, you might be asking. What instruments are these characters playing, or what are they doing in marching band? well, boy oh boy do I have some lore for you.
Anakin Skywalker: alright lets start of with the “Chosen One”. Now, I gotta say. He’s got some intense brass vibes, specifically high brass. But I don’t know. He didn’t really mesh well. And given his natural talent with the Force in canon, I thought that Anakin would be a sort of prodigy. And we all know the two instruments associated with that: the piano and violin. He’s more of a piano dude, so here we go! piano prodigy Anakin Skywalker. He also gives mad drumline vibes, and I can see him as either the lead snare, setting the tempo, or the main quad player. He’s brash, slightly obnoxious, but damn is he fucking good at what he does.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: I literally started this AU on the idea that Obi-Wan would play the cello. One of the defining quotes for him is that fucking “infinite sadness” quote. And we all know that cellos play some of the saddest pieces out there. (see: Elgar cello concerto) However, I can’t see him as a marching band dude. He doesn’t really give off color guard vibes (since that’s where most non-band people go to) so I have him as the resident student helper who everyone tolerates because he brings ice cream after band camp.
Ahsoka Tano: Ahsoka is a flute player. As a flute player, I have intimate knowledge on this. She’s like the chill flute player who’s competitive enough to keep her position as principal, but is also chill enough to not have a big ego that butts heads with everyone. She also gives mad color guard vibes. Also speaking about that from personal experience (am I lowkey projecting my own experiences on her? you didn’t hear that from me). She seems like the type to love swing flags and sabre, and is 100% captain by senior year.
I have Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka as siblings in this AU because I say so. Qui-Gon is around here somewhere as the resident hippie dad who lowkey smokes pot and will support his children while giving a big ‘fuck you’ to Dooku. 
Yoda’s also in here somewhere, and I love the idea that he’s an old Chinese/Asian man who refuses to speak english and will only do so with the most backwards grammar so his grandchild (Qui-Gon) and great-grandchildren (the trio) are forced to speak Mandarin/Cantonese to him (pick your poison). He just spends his days cutting up fruit and also might pull out his erhu if everyone asks nice enough. (I want to say he was a Peking Opera musician, but immigrated during Mao’s reign after he lost opportunities during the cultural revolution)
So, I know that it doesn’t make sense for a family to have 3 sets of twins and one triplet set, but fuck that I do what I want.
Cody Fett: okay so, Cody 100% plays the french horn. I don’t know, he just, he does. He’s got that air of sophistication because he can play the hardest brass instrument, but at the same time, he’s incredibly good at it and is matter-of-fact about it. He also would be the mello section leader (I was playing with the idea of drum major, but for now, leaving him as a section leader for now). He’s a bit uptight to be a low brass player, but cool enough to still be associated with the general brass group.
Rex Fett: I got Rex and Cody as the eldest Fett twins. Rex feels like a string player, so I have him on violin. I can see him be very hardworking and practicing diligently to the point where he easily sweeps through to concertmaster in high school and the local youth orchestra. He also gives of mad drum major vibes. I can see him copying music, handing out drill charts, and hauling the met around. Also, just think about Rex doing a fancy ass salute at competitions. Yes.
Next round of twins lets gooo
Jesse Fett: You could say Jesse has brass vibes. I see him as a reed person though. In concert band, he’s on clarinet. I used to think clarinets were as stuck up as us flutes but no they’re literally balls of chaotic energy ready to be unleashed. Just imagine Jesse blaming everything on his reed. I see him as the guy who switches to saxophone for marching band, though. He’s got the energy of the clarinet and the saxophone harnessed. Also, wouldn’t be surprised if he knows how to play the sousa.
Kix Fett: Y’know, when I originally made this AU, I had Kix as a musician as well. I’m gonna scratch that. He’s going to medical school, or at least, he’s planning to. He’s on the pre-med track and is dying in organic chemistry and wishes there weren’t so many pre-requisites. However, in high school, he definitely played the oboe. Of course Kix chose one of the hardest instruments to play. Also, just imagine him trying to make his own reeds. I don’t see him as a guy who’s in marching band. He’ll come to competitions and maybe football games if he’s bullied into it. Kix is the guy who’s classes are all AP and he’s dying inside.
Next round of twins yeet:
Fives Fett: shit, I forgot I gave them all real names. If I remember correctly, Fives is Frank. Anyways, trumpet vibes. Need I say more? He’s on the trumpet in marching band as well and he’s the dude who’s obsessed with DCI and always tries to play as high as he possibly can and absolutely demolishes his chops. I would say he’s section leader as well. He also hangs with the drumline at the back of the bus and always plays meme songs on blast and sends weird pictures to people’s phone via open airdrop.
Echo Fett: I think his birth name is Ethan??? I’m spitting thoughts not checking my old documents. Anyways. Echo feels like a string person. Specifically, low strings. So, he plays the bass. Upright bass. Whatever. You get what I mean. He sleeps in the case after school and hates hauling it everywhere. He was in marching band as a mello player (the easiest brass instrument to pick up for the activity so) but he was in a car crash that left him paralyzed from the hip down, and had to quit to recover. He never stopped playing, and found ways to adjust. (I do not know how exactly this would work, since I’m able bodied and also don’t play the bass, but I know he’d at least have a stool to sit on in order to lean his body on. let me know if you have other ideas i’d love to hear them!)
Finally, we got the triplets:
Dogma Fett: Dogma plays the bassoon. He’s a low reed kinda guy and between the bari sax, bass clarinet, and bassoon, he fits the last one the best. He and Kix moan over making reeds and he’s on the quieter side. He just vibes and plays all the low notes and has fun whenever he’s got some moving part. I see Dogma as someone who is only casually into marching band. He uses Jesse’s old student clarinet as his instrument and he’s always on time, knows his sets, and his technique is on point. He always finds himself roped into his brothers’ shenanigans though.
Tup Fett: Tup plays the harp. I like to think he met Shaak Ti (we’ll get to her in a bit) when he was young, and she was playing with an orchestra. He met her backstage and she offered to give him lessons. Tup’s not really a part of high school orchestra but sometimes he’ll be brought in. He’s more involved with solo work and the youth orchestra more than anything. Tup’s another on where I don’t think he’d be into marching band. Though I can see him being in winter guard as the dude who just shows up and is lowkey rip and therefore is a hunk on the rifle. His technique’s good but they’ve never been able to saddle him into fall guard.
Hardcase Fett: (i’ve given up on remembering the birth names so i’m just gonna not) Hardcase is 100% low brass vibes. He can’t be anything but a low brass. I see him as a tuba player. He’s chill, laid back, but also reliable for being the foundation of the band sound. He plays the sousaphone in marching band and always blasts either Seven Nation Army or some other popular show tune right after rehearsals. Hardcase also can play the bari sax and no one knows when he learned how to. 
OKAY we’re done with the Fett’s! Jango and Boba are in here somewhere but honestly I don’t have enough brainpower to come up with what their roles are. Jango’s gonna be a good dad though. Maybe he was a musician and that’s why most of his kids are going into music. Or maybe he’s just a supportive father. Boba’s the youngest though, that’s for sure. And he’s a little shit. Don’t know if he plays an instrument (probably) or what it might be.
Now lets get into some other characters! There’s a lot. And I wasn’t even halfway done with the characters I wanted to include. What the hell was I on last summer?
Padmé Amidala: Padmé is a flute player who quit after freshman year of high school and started taking music production and music theory classes. She loved it so much that she decided that composing was her jam. Now, she’s highly successful and often works with well known pianist, Anakin Skywalker, on piano concertos. Also, she may or may not be dating said pianists but you didn’t hear that from me.
Satine Kryze: twosetters don’t shit on me but Satine feels like she’d play the viola. She and Obi-Obi-Wan definitely dated in high school but after a year broke up on mutual terms and are just good friends now. A lot of people feel like she’d have been a better political science/international studies major than a music major but she’s good so no one complains (until she gets into a fighting match with someone and wins smugly)
Bo-Katan Kryze: shes Satine’s younger sister and is a mad athlete. She doesn’t play any instruments but she’s deeply active and is on scholarship for college, on the pre-med track with Kix. She’s very scary and most people are too intimidated by her to approach.
Plo Koon: I originally had him as an asian man, but I can see Native American as well. He plays the euphonium and he’s just a sweet man. He helps out a lot with private lessons at local high schools and is often brought in to help with low brass during marching band.
Wolffe Koon: Wolffe and Gregor (get to him in a bit) were both adopted by Plo when their parents died when they were very young. Plo was their godfather and he took them in like they were his own. They’re cousins to the Fett brothers (though don’t ask me how I have no idea). Wolffe is an engineer and works close to home.
Gregor Koon: Gregor is Wolffe’s younger brother and had a short stint of musical interest in middle school but quit after he entered high school. Gregor was in a serious car crash during college that left him amnesiac for a year before some of his memories returned. He now owns a restaurant and sticks close to home. Wolffe often comes around to check up on him because his brain injury still impacts his current life in small physical and emotional dips
Kit Fisto: Kit gives off mad trombone vibes and it’s mostly because he seems incredibly laid back. He’s one of those brass players who’s just a nice guy and while jokes around, never got pulled into jokes as a student.
Shaak Ti: like I said above, Shaak Ti is most definitely a harpist. She has that ethereal quality I think is common in harpists. She’s a tall Indian woman and she loves her job! She’s a private lesson teacher and instructor at the conservatory on top of her job in the orchestra since she’s not called in often to play. She loves all her students and gives good hugs.
Mace Windu: Mace is the director of the Jedi Symphony, the orchestra which almost everyone is involved with. He is a bass player and he likes his more classical pieces over contemporary music. He’s good friends with Yoda and sometimes the old troll has to wack some sense into Windu and have him take on newer pieces. Windu 100% gives off unhinged director vibes because mistakes and lazy musicians definitely don’t end after high school/college is over.
Quinlan Vos: this lil shithead definitely is the obnoxious, slightly arrogant, but kind of deserving of that, percussionist. He loves his snare drum and is also in the drumline. He’s the same age as Obi-Wan and the two are close friends. Quinlan is definitely slightly unhinged and is always at the back of the bus causing havoc after competitions. He’s the guy that I (OP) hate but also can’t help but respect cuz yeah he’s annoying but at least he’s good.
Aayla Secura: Aayla is Quinn’s half-sister, and plays the French horn. Again, like Cody, she’s got this air of professionalism that I associate with French horn players and like, we gotta represent the girls in brass somehow. She just fits it really nicely.
I feel like now is the time to list who’s still in conservatory and who isn’t: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex, Cody, Jesse, Quinlan, Padmé, and Satine are all recent graduates. Ahsoka, Aayla, Fives, Echo, Tup, Dogma, and Hardcase are still in conservatory (at varying years of course). Kix and Bo are entering med school/frantically applying and banging their heads cuz MCATs. Wolffe and Gregor are older and have been in the field for quite some time now. Plo, Kit, Shaak, and Mace are all faculty/seasoned professionals.
Somehow, I was gonna bring in The Skiratas (with proper research cuz I know very little about them), Dooku, Ventress, the Oppress siblings, rest of Domino Squad, Cut Lawquene, the other CCs, and more. I designated a page out of my sketchbook for this and my oh my the flow chart was hella confusing. How I thought I was gonna handle that in the summer before my first year of college, I have no idea. Maybe I’ll brainstorm more in the future but for now, this is all I have :]]]
Also excuse some of my slightly unhinged language I started writing this a few days ago while slightly unfocused and tired and stressed so my language is a product of that
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chkristae · 4 years
My thoughts on the leaks and the possibility how SNK will end
First - if you haven’t seen the leaks and don’t want to get spoiled what is happening, don’t read this. It’s a warning for spoilers.
Okay, this might get long, but I don’t care. Also, probably this is all for nothing, because there are only few leaks, that probably are not even five pages of the whole chapters, so who knows what’s really going on in the story and all the assumptions that we are getting might be wrong, or right, we will find the truth after the chapter is released.
But, I just have to write this.
I hope, actually pray, that SNK won’t end like many stories these past few years. For example - ending of Tokyo ghoul was really dissatisfactory. The story, as SNK was tragedy, from the starting point. We even have a quote from Ishida Sui - “If you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be... a tragedy.”, but in the end... it wasn’t. I would say it’s like someone tells you and promises you some things, but in the end it is the exact opposite and you feel really disappointed, almost betrayed. In SNK form Isayama we have similar quote like from TG, that Eren said himself - “ I don't have time to worry if it's right or wrong, you can't hope for a horror story with a happy ending! “
Another story is Voltron, the whole show was a mess and I watched it till the end only to see if my favourite characters will make it out alive or not, I actually watched the last season only for one character, which was Keith, that was all. So if SNK goes down like Voltron, where the romance part was totally unnecessary and I will be bitter about it until my last breath in my life, I will probably read it to the end only for my favourite characters, which are Armin, Levi, Jean, Annie and even Historia.
The next story is the infamous tragic ending of the last Star wars movies, if you had seen it, you probably know what I mean, because the death scene was for me unnecessary and as in Voltron, the romance didn't have to be there, but I didn’t mind it (except for Voltron where I didn't like it, because it didn't make sense to me and the show would be better with no romance at all)-
So from this examples I hope, that SNK does not end the way which totally does not fit the theme - tragedy, loss, fighting for your life and freedom, because Eren running away is so out of his character? So why he did all of this? Why he joined the survey corps? Why did he started the rumbling? Even that the rumbling is really twisted way to achieve freedom, it was still in Eren’s character - for freedom, not only his, but those he loves and cares about (not meaning the romantic way, but for his friends, family and Paradis).
I’m Erehisu stan, I won’t hide it, but for me, if they don't became canon, so what? I don't need it, they have pretty nice connection, romantic or nor. They saved each other and Historia had a big part in his life, so for me I don't care if they become cannon. If they do? I will be happy. If they don't? I will be happy too.
And now for Mikasa, oh boy. I’m sorry, but for the whole show I just couldn't bring myself to like Mikasa. Like I don't hate her either, I just don't care much about her. If she is your favourite character, fine, I have nothing against it, your favourite character is your favourite character. Like I hoped there will be something that makes me like her and not me neutral about her, but that didn’t happen. Also, in the beginning I didn't see why people loved Levi so much, and before you hunt me down and kill me for this, let me say that through the story I started really liking him, he is one of my favourite characters. But this didn't happened with MIkasa, I don't know why, I just cannot bring myself to like her, but I don't hate her either, I just don't care.
Now, for Eren running away with Mikasa. Well, if they become cannon then let it be, even though the romance came out of nowhere, at least for me, I always saw them as friends and family, not romantic partners, but them running away? That is just out of character for both of them. Even though I’m neutral about Mikasa, her just leaving? This is just weird and probably it would ruing her development. In the beginning of the story she only cared about Eren, would follow him anywhere, as we know she almost died when she thought that Eren “died”. And through the story for me she learned to fight also for others, not just Eren, so just leaving everyone behind? Weird. As for Eren, he learned to care about others too. And remember when he went crazy and also threatened Levi himself, when Armin was on the edge of death? Why he would leave him? His best friend who showed him the book that started it all? That started Eren’s desire to see the world, join the survey and fight for freedom? Even when he learned the truth about Marley and Eldians, he still fought for it, but now run away? What freedom lies in running away?
I know I’m contradicting myself with the romance, that I would be fine with Erehisu but not much with Eremika, this just comes from my favourite thing in stories, when two people end up together and I didn’t expect it. In some stories you have this forced obvious couples that most of time don’t make sense, but when suddenly the protagonist ends up with someone else? I just love this twist, because like in real life, the person you are close with you probably wont end up with, but with someone else, who came to your life almost unexpectedly. This is just my favourite, lets say “trope” in fiction and stories (one of my most favourite couple is Isabelle and Simon from Shadowhunters) . But honestly, I would like to have no romance story at all, because SNK is NOT romance genre. Don’t get me wrong, I’m shipper and have many ships in SNK, but I don’t need them to become cannon, just let me ship them in peace, that’s what everyone wants, isn’t it?
So, in the end, I hope SNK gets ending that makes sense and doesn't become another Tokyo ghoul and Game of thrones (I haven't actually watched game of thrones, but I heard that the ending was worse than disaster). Leaks are leaks, not the whole chapter. Only Isayama and those who worked with him on the chapter know what is going on and as we know Isayma loves to make fun of us and see us suffer. Probably the leaks mean nothing and so this article in the end. I will still hope for the “right” ending and believe in Isayama. As Levi has said -  “No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong until you arrive to some sort of outcome from your choice." So let me suffer with my choices and it’s consequences. Until now Isayama wrote amazing story, that I love for now. If this hope gets ruined? Well, I will suffer in silence.
If you had read all of this, I bow to you. Sorry for grammatical nonsense and mistakes, English is not my first language.
Feel free to discuss in the comments, or message me. For another point of view, or to be bitter with me about the possible ending.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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rueitae · 4 years
Writing Roundup 2020
This is a writing reflection I’ve been doing for myself every year for the last four years. Its a positive boost to myself see how far I’ve come and look back on my progress for the past year and look forward to the new year. 
Everyone is welcome to use this same format if they’d like to do the same! 
Words written:
330,000, which is nearly half of all the words I’ve written on Ao3 in the last three years. 
One Shots Posted (all fics plance unless otherwise stated):
In the Arms of the Ever(pink?) Tree (4463 words)
For the Plance Secret Santa exchange. Post s8 date/not date on a snowy moon. Love confession. 
Birthday Treats (2129 words)
For Pidge’s birthday this year! Domestic family fluff, breakfast in bed, plance kids.
Begin Again (Together) (4805 words)
Canon divergence from before episode one! Pidge and Lance are established dating when alien intervention brings them to where they are supposed to be: with the Blue Lion. Just a brief look into what the AU would look like. 
Common Ground (4521 words)
A treat for my friends who introduced me to Magic Knight Rayearth and pointed out some fun character parallels. There is this beautiful art Arya made to go with it because we’re all trash for both series. Plance meet up with Fuu and Ferio post series for both couples. 
Bonded To You (1808 words)
For the Langstron Halloween Exchange! Established plance with a baby Lance is trying to keep safe from a witch who would take advantage of the child’s heritage. 
It Tasted Good (6785 words)
Pikelavar for Pikelavar Month! The premise is crack, but it's mostly treated seriously. Pike ate the Jewel of Jitan by accident and doesn’t realize it until Haggar finds them. Meklavar gets Protective.
The Remainder of Days (3188 words)
Part of my Bad Things Happen Bingo. Fantasy AU where Pidge is a minor forest goddess and Lance is her neighbor mortal farmer. 
I Love You a Lily More Each Day (3232 words)
Another of the Bad Things Happen Bingo. Canon compliant where Lance is undercover at a flower shop and knee deep in an illegal smuggling operation. 
Lease on Life (4978 words)
This one was also part of Bad Things Happen Bingo and was an experiment. It’s POV of an oldest plance kid, canon verse. Her parents’ Paladin days come back to haunt them one night. Some cute family stuff too in there. 
Ready to Dance (4135 words)
For the Valentine’s Day exchange! Post series. Lance tries to get back into the party scene and Pidge rescues him from a disastrous night. 
Loopholes (5476 words)
Technically I didn’t write this fic this year, but a very kind reader asked if I would post this to Ao3, so it was my first fic of the year on Ao3. It’s Lotura! Originally a gift for a dear friend I’ve had since elementary school. It’s a fantasy AU where Lotor stumbles into Allura’s kingdom needing help. 
Next to Me (7311 words)
Also for Bad Things Happen Bingo, this is probably one of my favorite fics of the year. This is the canon verse AU that went all wrong in s7, and Sendak succeeds in destroying Earth. Lance and Pidge end up not only his prisoners, but also two of the last humans in the universe. Ends open ended, but it became a series in the end!
Into Me (14248 words)
The sequel to the above fic. There are two versions, this and the one below. The title tells all. Lance and Pidge come to terms with their new life aboard Sendak’s flagship and do their best to keep the other comforted.
Into Me (non-explicit version) (7228 words)
Exactly the same as the fic above, only this one is SFW
Sunshine (3831 words)
A Bad Things Happen Bingo! One of my favorite concepts. Canon verse. Pidge gets sick while she and Lance are on a scientific mission. 
Showoff (635 words)
A really short fic for a friend on their birthday, featuring their plance kids!
Respite of the Heart (4181 words)
A fic I have been wanting to write for a very long time. I love the concept of Pidge as a Disney Princess in the sense she has the forest guardian theme and all these animals love her. So there’s some play on that as the Paladins stop for lunch on their journey back to Earth in early s7. Lance comes to a realization and they have a chat surrounded by the animal friends. @anchoredtetherart did a phenomenal piece to accompany it. Please look at it in awe here.
The Hardest Part (3960 words)
For Bad Things Happen Bingo! An AU of the episode The Reunion where Pidge doesn’t return when she’s supposed to. 
A Planned Sacrifice (4988 words)
Another Bad Things Happen Bingo. Canon verse. Pidge assumes that being a sacrifice for the ‘forest god’ is strictly ceremonial and at worst a wild animal. It’s actually Sendak, who no one has seen since Shiro shot him out of the Castle. He remembers Pidge and is far too pleased to see her again, tied up on a silver platter. 
Almost Forgotten, but Not Gone (3946 words)
Bad Things Happen Bingo. AU sometime in s1 where Haxus isn’t as dead as Pidge thought. 
Touch (7519 words)
Written for the Lance Goes Boom bang! It was inspired by @fenixseraph ‘s amazing art here! It’s a different take on The Way Forward, where Pidge and Lance are separated from the rest of the team and placed in their own cell. And the Red Lion causes issues. 
Chaptered Fics started/added to:
Wolf In Thieves’ Clothing (4516 words)
An AU of The Castle of Cagliostro from Lupin the Third series. Lee, you have my thanks forever for making me watch this finally. Pidge is a literal princess whose kingdom is in the middle of an internal coup. Lance is a gentleman thief who rides with his best buds Hunk and Matt. Their paths are destined to cross again when Lance goes back to the castle he used to call home. 
Game of Love (4593 words)
The most crack of the bunch. AU of Fall the of the Castle of Lions where Sendak and Haxus get away with it all. Pidge and Lance are prisoners on Haxus’ new ship, and Lance finds an opportunity for eventual escape when he learns that Haxus has a crush on his second in command. Operation matchmaker begins. (happy ending planned for all)
What Tides May Bring (20704 words)
Collab with the fantastic @anchoredtetherart for MerMay! Established plance as mermaids and guardians of their elements with adorable mer child. Then angst because they are all captured by a ‘research’ institute. 
Seasons of Magic (16546 words)
I actually added a chapter this year! Ongoing collection of one-shots with mage Pidge who lives in the country and cultivates her plant magic and makes potions with the assistance of her dragon familiar, Lance. Mostly domestic fluff. 
Too Soon and Not Soon Enough (11438 words)
Added another chapter this year to my Keith-centric AU. It’s basically VLD but five years early and they’re all literally child Paladins. Keith gets to meet Krolia earlier and its fun to go into tween friendships as they try and navigate the reality of their situation. 
Seeds (48833 words)
Added a ton earlier this year. A collection of plance fics all or mostly under 500 words. All meant to be adopted by others if interest strikes. Covers many genres.
Chaptered Fics Finished:
Resolve to Fly (75799 words)
Written for the Pidge Angst Bang. My artist @alchemie0 did an outstanding job capturing the feel of the fic. Look at the art here! Canon verse AU where Pidge encounters Haxus, who has crashed on Earth. She helps him repair his ship in excitement and good faith, which he pays back by kidnapping her. For two years she survives as little more than a housepet on Sendak’s ship. Gen.
Who's Protecting Who? (28989 words)
Also technically not written this yeah, but posted. A collab with Hush waaaay back in 2018. It's a plance Altean AU with Pidge as distant royalty and Lance as a bodyguard.
A Dish Served Cold (21533 words)
Finally finished this one! Canon verse in which Pidge accidentally runs into Sendak on an isolated planet. Sendak takes advantage of this encounter and tries to return to the Empire with her in tow. Much Pidge whump. Gen
Best title 
I still really really love Too Soon and Not Soon Enough (11438 words). Because it's too soon for the Paladins to be Paladins, and for Keith it's not nearly soon enough for Krolia to return. It just feels like it has a lot of heart to it. I hope I can keep it going, but my ideas are incredibly scattered for it. 
Worst title 
Touch (7519 words). Yeah it’s a play on ‘Don’t you touch her’ but it feels soooo dry. 
Best/worst last line
Best: This was really, really hard choice this year, but ultimately, making up for the terrible title, its Touch (7519 words) 
“It feels good to escape the ship with all of his teammates, secure in the knowledge that he has a way forward not just as a Paladin, but also with Pidge.” 
- Not only did I manage to fit the title of the episode in there, it's got that hopeful tinge to it and reflects on personal growth both internally and with Pidge. 
Worst: This one isn’t necessarily bad from Begin Again (Together) (4805 words), but it could be better. It didn’t get quite the epic sense I was hoping to pull from it.
“Okay,” he smirks, hand firmly on the throttle. “Operation save Earth starts now.”
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Definitely wrote way more. Even with posting two fic that are essentially the exact same, I still ended up writing nearly half of my total Ao3 word count this year. (330,000/670,000). Doing Bad Things Happen Bingo was a bit part of that - I was very inspired at the beginning of this year - but also there were many events I participated in (8 total!!) on top of my personal projects. 
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
A really hard decision this year, because there are several that make me really happy. I think oddly enough though, it’s Game of Love (4593 words) because of its potential and how much crack it is. It has such whacky rom-com energy to it but also that underlying angst of the situation I can fall back on. My favorite trope to explore is what happens to the characters when they’re captured. I just really enjoy the concept and the challenge to make such a concept believable with minimal suspension of belief. 
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Using kudos as my gauge (and not counting the chapter fics), the winner is: 
Respite of the Heart (4181 words)
Not surprising because Ivy’s art is STUNNING.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
I think that’s It Tasted Good (6785 words), the pikelavar fic. Pikelavar is underappreciated in general
Story that could have been better?
For all I was excited to write Sunshine (3831 words), it didn’t quite fall the way I had imagined in my mind. I don’t know if it was the structure or I was running out of steam or what. All i know is that I wanted more but all I could concentrate on was that scene where he’s caring for her in bed. Maybe I was just too ambitious.
Sexiest story?
No brainer it's Into Me (14248 words). Literally. Which really shocked me that it happened. Didn’t think I’d write any smut at all, let alone this year. This particular fic just kinda called out for it 
Saddest story?
The prequel to the above fic: Next to Me (7311 words). How much more sad can you get than Earth being destroyed, being Sendak’s prisoners all while trying to tell each other ‘i love you’ without seeming weird because you’re the last humans in the universe. 
Most fun?
I think it's Ready to Dance (4135 words). Just Valentine’s fluff and impromptu slow dancing in the park at night. 
Story with single sweetest moment?
I’m picking What Tides May Bring (20704 words). Listen, mer Lance and mer Pidge playing with their mer baby in their domestic paradise is probably one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. Dad Lance has my heart. 
Hardest story to write?
The last chapter of A Dish Served Cold (21533 words) was like pulling teeth. I’m pretty happy with it in the end but at the time man it was so hard. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote smut. It was...weird? But also strangely calming. I wrote more for another fic but it's still a WIP. I definitely need to be in the mood to write it. 
Proudest Achievement:
The Pidge Angst Bang. Resolve to Fly (75799 words). Look at that word count. I only wanted something under 3k at first, so it was just going to be Pidge meeting Haxus. But by the time I finished that part it was already 10k. So even though I was going through a rough part of my life, I just kept going and it ended up being my therapy. I’m really proud of the fic and I love my artists’ pieces. It really lifted my spirits. (You should all really go check out the Ao3 collection of all the bang stories and art they are AMAZING you won’t regret. If you love Pidge angst they are all must reads.)
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
I’d like to finish my Bad Things Happen Bingo card and then focus on my current WIP, that includes the Seeds collection. There are days I still feel a bit overwhelmed, and I’m still trying to find a routine after moving. I’d like to do more events too, but I think I need to be more selective about which ones I do. I don’t want to burn myself out. 
Apart from that, I’d really like to try and give back to the community more. I’d like to start consciously writing fics for others without an event to go by. 
Past Years:
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
001 - Kingdom Hearts
Favorite character: On the villain side: VEXEN IS BEST ORGANIZATION XIII MEMBER. Shoulda stayed evil, though. I like it when he complains and screams about everything and hates everyone. He's one of my favorite villains, just, like...in general. So fun to write. Also attached to Demyx, but I actually liked him more in III than II because it reminded me of my rawr lolspeek weeb days when I f/o'd him without knowing what f/o'ing was and then transitioned this to shipping VexDem like heck. On the hero side: MY GIRL KAIRI! But honorable mentions go to Sora, Riku, Aqua, Ven, Terra, Xion, Roxas, Lea, Ienzo, any Disney character I loved beforehand (this is way too fuckin many to list), Merlin (OKAY I WILL SINGLE HIM OUT), Yen Sid (I'LL SINGLE HIM OUT TOO), you know what let's also single out the Mickey+Donald+Goofy power trio...just...any KH hero who isn't part of the Yozora stuff or the KHUX stuff. ...Except I also LOVE Strelitzia, and she is the only KHUX-exclusive kiddo I care about but I care about her MANY. (Oh, and there's a least fave I have who's a "hero" but that's a debatable label). I would go on about why I love all of them but...that's too many characters to elaborate on
Least Favorite character: See, I think the real answer is Yozora, but the thing is I just tend to forget about him or not care (unless I'm doing a weird AU where he's Noctis' bratty Nobody, don't ask). He kinda represents the Shark Jump and I don't like watching that scene where he literally petrifies Sora for not being strong enough. But again, I can just kinda forget about him if he's not fed to me through a social-media unit. The one I LOVE TO HATE is Master Eraqus. The man actually triggered me back in the day. He is purity culture. He is the overbearing parent who will not accept you unless you are perfect. He is by and large the reason VAT didn't communicate with each other properly. He was the one who taught Aqua to think in absolutes. He lied to Ventus for years and then insisted to kill him was the only option, and then, when Terra tried to defend his brother figure/friend without knowing WHY Eraqus was doing such a thing, Eraqus didn't offer an explanation and instead switched targets to Terra citing that the problem was Terra's lack of OBEDIENCE. Eraqus is just very "my way or the highway" and uses his moral high horse to justify doing things that utterly lack compassion in any regard, which is something that GETS to me on a deep level, and let me tell you, I hated him for so long until I realized he was actually a super fuckin fun guy to imagine as a Bigger Bad in AUs that either have the KH protags teaming up or have villain protags needing a "greater good lawful evil" figure. And I just have found too many good memes about him cheating at chess and killing children. I have to laugh. Making fun of him is fun. He's a ridiculous character. That said, this recent trend of "erase everything bad he ever did and paint him as the ultimate hero of the saga" makes me raise eyebrows for SEVERAL reasons
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): VexDem, SoRiku, Kairi x Jaune Arc (RWBY), Aqua x Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy) x Bayonetta, IsaLea, Ventus x Papyrus (Undertale), that was six but they all needed to be mentioned
Character I find most attractive: Ienzo. HOO BABY he is adorable. I saw someone make a Valentine's Day gifset of KH and FF characters shortly after III dropped and seeing his smiling face paired with a romance quote made my heart FLUTTER
Character I would marry: Probably Ienzo, see above. He's also a very kind guy. Favorite redemption in the modern era.
Character I would be best friends with: I hope the Destiny Trio would adopt me into their friend circle the way they've tended to do with every other inter-world denizen they've come across. I would love to have them as my positivity squad. Or, y'know, two positivities and one "it's okay to screw up" guy. Just. I would love to hang out with them. I often worry that I'm unlikable to my faves, but even though I would usually prefer to hang with the villains, I can pretty much guarantee these three would be open-minded about me. (Do I kiiiiinda wanna be friends with Vexen though? Of course I do. He'd hate me but maaaayyyyybe he would see me as one of his pet idiots who makes him look smarter, and we could bond over our fragile egos?)
a random thought: You ever think about that one NPC lady in Traverse Town who refused to tell you where she was from because it was none of her business? You ever wonder where she WAS from? What her world was like? How she ended up being the survivor of the Ansem Apocalypse when it hit her? All I know is that when I read her lines out loud (I used to read KH speech balloons out loud all the time), I gave her a Southern accent for no discernible reason and I stand by it. That woman has a twang.
An unpopular opinion: I don't want KHUX to be canon because I feel it's smaller-scale and takes a lot of mystery out of the worldbuilding. I always assume that the KHverse just includes ALL worlds in fiction, and that includes their thousand-year histories, meaning the Age of Fairy Tales should've happened long long long LONG LONG LONG ago and not five generations. And whatever screwed up the world should've been more than just five people having a fight, and whatever saved it should've been more than just five people getting along, and Daybreak Town really suffers from having to stick to mobile-friendly graphics and therefore is the least aesthetically attractive KH town ever, and I don't like that Lauriam and Elrena used to be such selfless people. I do still love Strelitzia because she's shy and relatable and quirky (sitting on the roof) and she questions authority and if you go with shipping subtext she's probably bi (or pan?), but I don't like the "Lauriam's dead sister for his arc's drama" bit. I liked when Marluxia was angry because he wanted to run Organization XIII but it was in the hands of an idiot who wasn't him. And more than anything I just like imagining that the Age of Fairy Tales was something bigger, further in the past, and more mysterious than something designed for a mobile game. Scala ad Caelum, however, I like a lot better because there IS a lot of mystery there and also it's a very pretty town with an amazing design.
my canon OTP: I really only count the Disney couples as the "canon" ones, so this is a question of picking my favorite Disney couple that shows up onscreen. I hope I'm not forgetting an important one, but I think the title has to go to Aladdin/Jasmine, which is always perfect in everything. (This would be an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY if KH had ever adapted Treasure Planet, and if it ever gets the mind to adapt Treasure Planet then even if I don't care about that game I will immediately declare that Amelia/Doppler takes the KH canon OTP crown. *taps watch* Get on it Squenix)
Non-canon OTP: SoRiku, which I counted as "basically canon" after DDD until III decided it wasn't sure. But I'm just a sucker for how DDD is the two of them all "HE'S GOT MY BACK AND I'VE GOT HIS AND I'D DO ANYTHING FOR HIM SO LONG AS HE'S HAPPY." It's just the best kind of Friends-to-Lovers, except when you take all canon into account it's Friends-to-Rivals-to-Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers and that's a very juicy dynamic. BUT ALSO: VexDem, which is a nostalgia ship SO STRONG I had to accept that it eclipsed my former Vexen ships by a mile and I wanted to go back to my roots. That one, I have a much longer essay about that I'll just have you refer to so I don't repeat myself for pages. To make a long story short, their scene in III was JUST DELICIOUS.
most badass character: OOF THEY'RE ALL BADASS but in the end it's between Sora and Aqua, because Sora gets the widest RANGE of abilities across the series that he masters while Aqua gets the most POWERFUL abilities due to her Mastery (Command Styles seem like they'd be the most OP things ever in-universe and I'm here for it because flashy battle moves make brain go brr).
pairing I am not a fan of: SOKAI, Xehaqus, RikuNami, Vanitas/anyone not evil
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): OH BOY. KAIRI THE MOST. YOU ALL KNOW WHY: lack of screen time, Fridging for drama, forced romance to invite death flags (they really wanted to milk that death to get people talking didn't they?), giving Alyson Stoner ZERO direction to actually follow up on Hayden Panettiere's performance. But then I remember that they made Vexen redeem and lose his entire personality and I just...uuugghhhh. I can't believe he died twice in this series. And then Demyx is FUN but also I know he's flipped sides as well, which means he won't be fun much longer! Xehanort seems to switch motivations to whatever makes him the biggest threat (and several of Eraqus' old flaws seem to be mysteriously glued onto him), Sora isn't a motormouth anymore, Riku just doesn't get anyone who cares about him anymore because everyone's distracted by Sora and Kairi, IS ANYBODY GOING TO ADDRESS THE ACTUAL ISSUES THAT DROVE THE WAYFINDER TRIO APART, oh God Marluxia and Larxene you're good guys now what have they done to you
favourite friendship: I really like each of the trios. But you know what's even BETTER than the trios? If you put...all of the trios together...meaning Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Aqua, Terra, Ven, Roxas, Xion, Lea, Hayner, Pence, Olette...and then you added Isa back in there...and you gave them Ienzo...and you brought back Naminé...and you say that Subject X is Strelitzia and you have her turn back up so she can have justice done...AND YOU HAVE AN ULTRA KEYBLADE GROUP OF FRIENDS. As for Vexen, any purely platonic relationship I have for him is a crossover but trust me I have many crossover pals for he
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: See everyone I listed above in the friendship question. They can either mentor me or let me be their big sis/mom. But also, I will GLADLY be Merlin or Yen Sid's daughter. (But also would I kiiiiinda wanna be a VexDem daughter? This is the worst idea. Still wanna try)
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burningdarkfire · 3 years
tagged by @saturdaysky​, thank you! always very happy to talk about writing 🤠
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
36 on ao3, with many others left in the past on livejournal or ffnet
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
162k. it’s kind of a shame it doesn’t have the majority of my pre-2011 output as i never ported over my top four or five longest fics. i would’ve loved to see some genuine lifetime totals!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
9 on ao3 (critrole, nier, hetalia, overwatch, trc, voltron, no. 6, star wars, tiger & bunny). if you expand trc to include anything clamp and throw in code geass then that covers everything i’ve ever published, though homestuck is by far the fandom i have the most WIPs for despite never finishing a single one and deserves a shoutout
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
take my hand / take my whole life too: critrole, 9k, how essek and caleb’s relationship evolves through touch
blue sky, warm sun: critrole, 3.5k, six mornings caleb wakes with essek
dark night, bright stars: critrole, 3k, six nights caleb spends with essek
kitty love: star wars, 1.5k, kylo ren forms a bond with hux’s cat millicent
the walls kept tumbling down: critrole, 2k, caleb spontaneously visits essek after a hard day
commentary and further answers are below the cut!
spots 1-3 on the list are gladly accepted, given that i also think they’re some of my best and most broadly-appealing shadowgast. kitty love gets its spot despite being pure, pointless crack because it’s for a huge fandom, which is fine and fun but i don’t have a lot of personal attachment to it
the walls kept tumbling down is a surprise! it was a self-indulgent “i want a fic exactly like this to fix my mood and instead of digging through the internet for one i’ll just make one up” that i only worked on for a couple of days. i’m glad it clicked for other people!
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i always try to respond to comments, although sometimes a week or two pass by before i can find the energy to sit down and do it
admittedly comments have gone unanswered during months or years when i’m not writing fic and then it feels too awkward to a) go back and respond, and b) respond to any further comments on the fic even if they come in when i’m active. so instead those comments haunt my ao3 inbox forever (oops)
i do appreciate every single one though, and there are some comments that i go back to read if i need a pick-me-up just because they were so nice 😊
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i’ll link my no. 6 fic forgive me because it still dominates my top fics in terms of hits despite being 387 words long. i wrote it in 2011 in less than half an hour, if i’m remembering correctly, and there are a few clever bits in it that i’m still quite proud of
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i don’t usually write or read “pure” crossovers but i do like fusion AUs where characters from one work are imported into the setting of another work
but it’s fandom-dependent. critrole has been an outlier in that i can count on one hand the number of AU fics i’ve read and liked enough to remember. some of my favourite canon-adjacent fics veer off wildly, but they’ve still got their roots in the universe
i’ve published 17 critrole fics myself and they’re all canon-adjacent. i’m only now working on my first fusion-type AU 🤷‍♂️
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i have one distinct memory of receiving criticism on a fic. in hindsight, it was constructive and pretty fair, but i was a young teen and so it still haunts me
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do!! and i’m excited about it because it’s fairly new to me!
i write to the characters, and what kind of relationship i think they’d have, but it’s probably true that my interests tend towards certain relationship dynamics
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i’m aware of!
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, actually! this was about about a decade ago so sadly the details have been lost in the haziness of memory and the inaccessibility of ffnet. i tried to dig it up last night but couldn’t find it again 😔
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i don’t ... think so? my current roommate and i tried co-writing when we were teenagers but none of that got published. it’s possible i’m forgetting something from my livejournal/early tumblr days because i remember doing a lot of ask games and challenges with other writers and fandom friends
now i’m just an introvert who avoids invites to discords because i feel like i simply Do Not Have Time so 🤡 not sure it’s anywhere on the horizon
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
i used to have shipping walls and pairing lists until 2015 or so but i have since accepted that i am changeable like the wind. my interests come and go!
i am a multi-shipper though as a general rule. i’ve never had such a loyalty to a pairing that it would bother me to pair one half with someone else, and i also don’t care at all whether or not a ship is canon. it’s just about what’s interesting!
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i’ve had remarkably sequential focus for my critrole fics and finished nearly every idea i’ve had so far. however, this ACME AU is testing me lol and i’ve spent so much time on it that my list of other ideas to write is only getting longer and longer. nothing is abandoned yet, because not much else has even been started, but i am starting to sweat a little
15) What are your writing strengths?
i love my writing style! i value simplicity and clarity: no flowery descriptions, easy words, few similes, little variance in sentence structures, etc. it can vary, based on my mood or the characters i’m writing, but i like doing more with less
i’ve spent years working at my own style and it is so satisfying to read something i wrote in 2011 and feel how familiar it still is while being able to pick out what i would change
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
recently, it’s been plot. if it can’t be conveyed by 2-4 characters talking to each other then i don’t know how to do it anymore 😭 i’m most invested in emotional resolutions, but it’s probably a good idea to have things happen sometimes!
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i really do not enjoy this when it’s used as a “character quirk”. this includes nicknames, common phrases even if they are spoken that way in canon, and .. everything, really, that’s in a different language
i’ve spent a lot of time in spaces where it seemed widely agreed that doing so was not welcome, and i’ve had considerable fandom “culture shock” reading critrole fics. there are plenty of reasons to have caleb speaking “zemnian” or to emphasize his accent, and those reasons don’t need to be lofty or deep, but i do think there should be a reason beyond “haha this guy says ja instead of yeah”
i promise, absolutely pinky swear, that i don’t judge anyone on an individual basis for doing this. it seems to be a deep-seated fandom trend in this case and i just wish it wasn’t
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
tsubasa reservoir chronicle (trc) all the way back in 2010. tsubasa, my beloved, how you changed my life 💕
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
i like different ones for different reasons, but the top contender might be such is the endlessness for nier automata. it’s a vampire/werewolf enemies-to-lovers fusion AU where i put 2b and 9s in an original universe of mine that i wrote about a lot when i was a teenager
i feel like i did a spectacular job of adapting the universe for nier and i thought i conveyed a lot about the world in a relatively short number of words (the entire fic is just under 5k). i’ve considered more than once that i should use this version of the universe going forward because i enjoy it so much!
thanks again for the tag, sky, and i’ll leave this open to anyone else who wants to try as i think most of my mutuals have already been included. don’t be shy about tagging me in your answer if you take my open invite as i love reading these! 💖
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veldian · 4 years
tell us more of ur think tank hcs i personally am at the edge of my seat
HELL YEAH ALRIGHT HERE WE GO. some of these might be against canon in some way but that's your fault for trusting me with this
ALSO, AS USUAL, I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE. THIS GOT VERY LONG. when i think about the tanks i go fuckin wild with it
starting with pride headcanons to get the ball rolling
all the tanks are nonbinary, but additionally, dala is a trans woman and 0 is a trans man
8 hates gender he fucking hates it. every day he wakes up and says "today i will make gender my bitch" and then he does. he says this in the game too you just don't know cuz he only speaks in static (don't factcheck this)
if you ask 8 what pronouns she uses, they will shrug and give you a "i dunno" noise. sometimes it'll make a non-committal hand movement and some unintelligible noises. good luck
god this bitch (borous) is gay! good for him! good for him.
he's also intersex! i don't remember where we got that hc but i like it and im holding onto it
okay but borous calls himself bi because yeah Men, but he also loves dala very much and doesn't want to misgender her. also as previously stated, 8's main goal is to confuse everyone about their gender so the tanks all stick with mspec labels to be on the safe side. you never know what'll happen. gender is a ticking time bomb
bi gang: klein, borous, 0
pan gang: dala, mobius
don't ask her about any of her identities she doesn't know the answer either: 8
have i gone off about polytank dynamics enough? i don't think so
8 and dala started dating first because horny bitches gravitate towards each other. they can also "pass" as a "straight couple" so hopefully no one at work will look at them and call them slurs. hopefully
klein and borous knocked things out of the park for being the first gay scientists ever
8 and dala became polyam icons and pulled 0 in. trans bitches gravitate towards each other
klein and borous did the same with mobius. bitches with facial hair gravitate towards each other
idk and then all six of them started dating somehow. the end
somewhere along the way klein and 8 were like "i like you a little too much" and now they're inseparable
okay anyway. misc hcs
ive mentioned this before but when i pretend everything is in modern times, 0 is a tiktokker and he thrives on the attention and making fun of his coworkers on the internet
"watching steven universe repeatedly when i felt even slightly bad transed my gender" - doctor 8 old world blues
i just remembered i made a carrd for the tanks as if they were kinnies in their early to mid 20s
8 kinned pearl su. borous kinned werewolf cookie. 0 kinned rimmer red dwarf. mobius kinned... morbius forbidden planet. obviously. klein refused to put his kins on it. DID DALA KIN FROM DANGANRONPA
i think at one point we had a half-joking hc where klein gets nauseous if he sees blood
and then that changed to he can't see others blood, only his own
while borous can't see his own blood, but he's fine seeing other ppl's
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i know borous said that gabe barked at everyone, but i think gabe trusts the other tanks because he knows borous does
borous set up a kissing booth with gabe. the crowd goes wild
when the tanks get together they usually go to klein's. he's the leader or something. also he has a fucking bar in his house.
he complains about them the whole time but you can really tell he loves having people over. why else would he deck his house out like that? he LOVES hosting stuff. house husband
if you saw my chart where i said klein would rather die than do dishes, i was so wrong. his house is pristine. its easily the cleanest
klein's love language is acts of service. he goes over to his partners' houses when they feel awful and clean stuff up for them when they can't. he also makes them food if they want it. he only complains a little, but you can tell he's mostly teasing
did you know klein has five mugs in his kitchen in-game. he's literally prepared to host his partners at any given moment.
the group have learned that letting 8 come over when their house is a mess is a Huge mistake. it goes from 8 trying to help "tidy up" to "im going to put your books and albums in alphabetical order by artist also your clothes are going to be hue-sorted"
"8 why are there only 8 books on each of my bookshelves"
"it looks better"
"it literally does not"
8 can no longer stomach going into 0's house
on the other hand, 0 hates staying in 8's house. the ticking of all their clocks is sensory hell
on 80 date nights they have to do rock-paper-scissors for which house they go to. or they go out. they love each other but their houses drive the other fucking nuts
oh speaking of their houses. yes dala said she didn't like Literal Teddy Bears but that is null and void considering she has teddies in her house
and she has 5 on her bed. five of them :)
she named all of them after her partners! its mostly cute but there is a slight bit of concern because they know what she does with them <__<
not that 8 has any place to judge. mobius found batteries under its pillow once. all 8 said was "they can vibrate." mobius regrets touching them.
i don't know what to say about dala's mannequins i don't have anything funny im just scared
mobius and 0 are both into robotics, and they worked together to make muggy, so they've had date nights where they mainly tinker with electronic things.
0 gets very excited when he makes a breakthrough, and seeing that warms mobius's heart. mobius made a habit of kissing 0 on the forehead or squeezing 0 into a hug when they figure things out.
(0 remembers he likes men.) 😳
dala/klein date nights are essentially just them drinking and gossiping chatting
i asked polycule for some more, so here are ones from your local think tank kinnies
borous -
"klein and borous both like classical music in very different ways. klein mostly likes it to feel smart (see: wheatley) but he just started associating it with the others so it felt nicer And borous just likes it bc hes borous"
klein also likes jazz, but so do all the rest of them
8 has a cochlear implant
"dala likes dressing up to look pretty (see: runway) but is personally embarrassed by it (until she gets encouragement) bc she feels like the others dont support that"
"0 loves collecting and reading those stupid magazines with the birthday party products and themes that ud wanna buy from as a kid but are way too expensive"
"mobius has a secret love for puppetry and will try to bring it up sometimes whenever he can. hes made 3 separate sets of the other tanks as puppets and they freak 0 out"
"borous, in an attempt to better his faults, has started learning from dala and 8 on how to take care of plants instead of what he did before. his basement turns into a cool little green house cozy cuddle area"
"to add on: 8 gardens to cope whenever hes alone bc (projects onto ur kin) he mood drops very fast when alone"
"mobius likes dressing in cozy sweaters and fancy stuff"
0 -
"0 doesn't like anal that much" (thanks.)
dala -
"their new rap album called boyz in the tanks" (THANKS.)
and to top things off, :) here are the normal names for them all, created primarily by our borous kinnie
klein - Ernest Klein (nicknamed ernie)
mobius - Wilbert Mobius (nicknamed bert)
borous - James H. Borous (nicknamed jamie)
8 - Emmett Handley (nicknamed 8 + emmy)
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