#it's actually a redraw of an older picture..
woolmasterleel · 1 year
Dropping Kisaki all over the place, he's like a beaker of danger shattered in the lab sink
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I would like to redraw some of these someday ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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lesliemeyers · 1 month
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+ extras ↴
first here's each of them a little closer/right side up
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and second, this is SORTA a redraw of a much older piece of mine, but less in a 'this is an exact redraw' way and more in a 'as if in-universe they years later recreated the picture at a different time of year' way. here is that older piece from 2017:
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and THE ABOVE PIECE was actually a redraw of an EVEN OLDER thing I had done in 2012:
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ralibo14 · 1 month
TPN Brainrots part 1:
Another TPN manga panel redraw, but this time everyone goes down with me (because it's sad).
Also part one of my 'wonderful' tpn theories and head canons. It'll be long😅. There will be manga spoilers so please, read at your own risk😊.
First character I go through is... Ray.
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He is one of the most complicated characters I ever saw (all tpn characters are, tbh). I always thought that people who have photographic memory are so lucky. Ray showed me that it's both a blessing and the curse.
Like in the picture above. You can clearly see that the first 2 kid waving at his direction. It's strange to know that there was a time when the Trio were one of the young kids and not the older ones. My first head canon is that Ray tried to save more kids, not just Emma and Norman when he was younger. When the blond haired boy leaves (first panel) he looks like he is about to cry (also the Trio is around 4 or 6) but when the other kids get 'adopted' Ray keeps his head low most of the frames (I'm convinced that when the second kid left he was already working as Isabella's spy.)
Ray coloration explained:
Purple eyes are self explanatory to me. I started draw him with purple eyes as soon as I found out he is Isabella's son. Purple in the hair and freckles? Well... I'm still very, very convinced that Leslie didn't die (at least not when he left the House). I always think about his situation, like what Norman got into with Lambda. The Ratri-clan is big but they need outsiders, to be soldiers, scientists, etc. And since girls from the Houses can only become Sisters and Moms... maybe some boys can become scientists and soldiers. (I can't believe I'm writing this but think about Andrew🤢... he was 100% not Ratri yet he could become an adult). So by this logic I believe Leslie could grow up too and (because I'm a sucker for happiness) he met Isabella again at some point.
Ray turning away:
On the second frame he is not looking at the girl who is leaving, but to the opposite direction. Why? Notice something else? Yes, Norman is missing too. Gilda has her winter jumper on so I figure Norman got sick again. Ray priorities his friends safety over everything else.
Also notice how Emma and Norman slowly get into the middle of the frame while Mom/Isabella get out of it? Pretty strong metaphor. It's the perfect example of 'Blood related family ≠ real family'. And while I'm a RayEmma shipper (obviously aged up version) I would never forget about Norman. He is as important to Ray as Emma. This Trio sticks together no matter what.
(older manga colouring ⬇️)
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Now onto the hearth breaking stuff:
Ray's relationship with Isabella:
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This deleted scene with Ray and Ayshe lives rent free in my head. Like there are two people with similar family situations and the one who lived int the middle of nowhere with a demon parent thinks positively about their parent, while the other, who grew up in a comfortable home like space with a human parent, thinks the opposite.
"But to me, she was always a monster"– Ray.
Like ufff... This sentence hits real hard. And it's low-key true from Ray perspective. He studied and read all the books in the House, not because he was interested, but because he had to. Norman is a genius, Emma learns real fast, Ray does everything he can to always get max points on his tests. But he also secretly planning his friends excape. Collects scraps of technology to build the device which makes them able to excape, plans his own 💀 carefully, so no one else will get hurt and on a top of that he is 'spying' for Isabella. Sacrifices people he wanted to protect. I can't imagine that inside panic when he didn't get max scores to that one test. I'm sure he was happy because Norman and Emma got their regular scores, but deep down he felt like he failed.
My head canon here is that Ray always gets nightmares if he is alone or in an unsafe place. And 'thanks' to his perfect memory his nightmares build up from actual memories (like we see that in the Seven Wall Arc). Also he doesn't get sick often but when he does... it's like a memory fuelled fever dream, with hallucinations and etc.
Ray's healing journey starts after the Jailbreak Arc. As soon as Mom is not around anymore, he ever so slowly starts to let down his guard and starts to show more and more emotions. His relationship with Yuugo/Mister is like a greatest archivment in his case. The playful, sarcastic 'arguments' and the way he openly said his opinion on things in front of Yuugo and Lucas. Shows how much he changed and opened up.
Isabella on the other hand... her change of heart and feelings were a mistery almost to the very end. To be honest I hated her most of the time, until the Back to Grace Field Arc. (Older manga colouring again⬇️😅)
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Two things in this page which are very important.
1: Ray's guard is up again in no time, when he sees Isabella, while her emotionless mask is cracking. This is the first time we get a little inside of how she really feels about Ray.
2: Flashback of the two most important things that connects them. The song and the way they were forced to sacrifice others to stay alive.
The lullaby is very important, because it's calming and feels very intimate (like a normal parent-child relationship should be).
You also can't convince me otherwise that Ray didn't hummed this lullaby at least once in the B06-32 shelter to help the youngest kids fall asleep.
And now... onto the last picture. Their goodbye.
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Saddest part ever! Never forgiving for this decision.
Ray and Isabella were never allowed to talk even two short sentences with each other without any consequences. In the House they had to play their assigned roles. Then they didn't see each other for almost 2 years. Finally they had to save half of the team from getting unalived... And they moment they would have time the last twist happens... leaving us with a sad ending.
Epilogue and Human World Arc...does little to compensate. Although I can't get over the fact that Yuugo's, Conny's and Isabella's 'ghosts' helped Ray found Emma in the Human World.
Speaking of finding Emma. My last head canon for Ray is the following;
When they found out that Emma lost all of her memories from the Demon World. Ray couldn't help himself but whisper a "I wish this happened to me". And everyone looks at him with an understanding smile thinking he blames himself for this... But in reality he really just selfishly thought (only for seconds) that he could forget everything happened on the other side.
Okay. That's all. Sorry for the supper long post and I'm forever thankful if you read through my brainrots 🥰😘. Also let me know if I should cover more characters like this. I'll obviously do Emma and Norman but if there any other characters you want to see please let me know🥰🤩💖.
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kinmokusei-stars · 2 months
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Inuyasha and Kouko's first and only child, Kurohyo! °˖✧◝(*´︶`*)◜✧˖° It's her in all her cute baby glory! 🌱
I've wanted to draw baby Kurohyo for a while, and I'm so happy with how she came out! She's absolutely stolen my heart. o(≧▽≦)o She's a mischievous lil goober in her toddler years, and grows into a tall, scary looking stoic lady when she's older, but she was a very cute and squishy baby. Very sleepy and silly.
The only reason I didn't draw Inuyasha with a shirt is purely to show off her little tail, since otherwise his sleeve would cover it LMAO Her little outfit in his doodle is probably not period-accurate, but it was too cute to pass up LMAO
The picture of Kouko holding Kuro is actually a redraw from my original original concept drawings of Kuro! (Which I won't share because they were really low quality lol) It was really nice to revisit after so long! (o´▽`o)
If you wanna read more about her, I have a lot of info about her and who she is in her first post!
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crescentpaws · 4 months
Any art tips for aspiring artists?
practice!!! i know that’s what everyone says but that’s bc it’s true… practice is the best way to get better (as is true for a lot of things). a lot of the time i end up improving without even realizing it which is crazy
other tips that can help with practicing:
- use references! ppl who say using references is cheating are lying to you. even experienced artists use references all the time. plus, the more you practice this way the easier it will be to draw without references later on :) (i used to have to use references for every single hand i drew but now most of the hands you see in my art were drawn without references). also sometimes i just like looking up references when i need pose ideas or whatever (though if you heavily reference another artist’s work it’s best to give credit, especially if the resemblance is noticeable. at the same time, pose theft and color theft are not real. that is not a thing. but i’d still be careful with heavy referencing actual art vs things/pictures that were made to be used as references) you can also take pictures of yourself if you need a specific reference photo but can’t find one you’re looking for. i’ve definitely done this with hand poses a few times
- look at/watch tutorials! whenever i see a tutorial on instagram that seems like it might be useful i save it for later 👍 keep in mind that a lot of them are stylistic preferences but they can still help a lot if you’re unsure where to start
- tracing! controversial maybe but tracing can actually help a lot (it can help with practicing hand movements/improving muscle memory, proportion/anatomy study, and just overall figuring out how to draw things :)) DISCLAIMER: this should only be used for practicing purposes, not for sharing or posting. i do not condone tracing another person’s work and then sharing it online as your own. that is a form of theft <3 (even if you do give credit, most artists do not like having their work traced. you’d think that most people would know this but…)
- don’t be afraid to take inspiration from other artists! this isn’t really the same as referencing imo, especially if you’re only taking inspiration from a specific part of someone’s style. this is how i’ve developed my style over the years! if i like how a certain artist draws noses, i might try that out! if i like how they draw hair, i might take some inspiration from that! same with shading and coloring processes:) this is a good place to start imo because even if you start by referencing these things they will eventually develop into your own unique style over time
- this one might be a bit obvious but: draw what you want! art is so much more fun when you’re actually… you know.. enjoying it. if there’s a fandom/show/anything you’re interested in, draw things from that! i’ve improved a lot because of various hyperfixations i’ve had LMAO. also, draw because you enjoy it, rather than for the sole purpose of sharing it online and getting likes/comments/etc. if you’re just drawing as a hobby, have fun with the process and don’t worry too much about the result :) i like sharing my art because i want other people to enjoy it as much as i do!
- at the same time, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new! (admittedly i have trouble doing this sometimes lol…) also, don’t be discouraged if your art looks ‘bad.’ everyone has to start somewhere, and without the bad art there will never be a chance for the good! i’d also recommend not throwing away/deleting old art, because it’s fun to look back and see how much you’ve improved :) i personally really like doing redraws of older pieces as well
hmmm this was longer than i planned on it being but whatever!
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bosskie · 4 months
Be My Next Product
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I felt like redrawing one of those older Molluck drawings I have done since I really like this one!
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Even I know that it doesn't look so good as coloured, I still felt like doing it, making them look more similar. But yes, I also added the same filters there. You might have noticed how I like to add filters to my drawings... It's also the way how I can make those photos of my drawings this clean and good-looking. But frankly, the main reason I tend to put those filters is to kinda make the drawing more messy and hide my drawing... Yeah, it can sound odd but it's just me hiding my flaws... Though yes, I also like those filters in general. Dunno if it interests but I'm using over two decades old Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 to edit images. (Y) No need for any newer one.
But yes, the whole idea to this drawing came from this text you can find from Abe's Oddysee:
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A readable slideshow I hope. (I have no idea how people actually make GIFs... I just take the pictures myself and use my Photoshop.)
But I really love that text, especially when Molluck (I assume) calls his own products as disgusting; yeah, he knows it! Oh, and well, now it comes to my mind that there was also a text 'you are what you eat' at RuptureFarms, so is Molluck saying that the ones who eat his products are disgusting... Probably something like that, considering the egoistic nature of the Gluks. I just like to play around with some thoughts, made they sense or not. Like, it made me laugh when I heard that one of those reasons why there was is no SligStorm game is that they thought that a Slig would be a too ugly protagonist... Like, the reason why Sligs have a mask is basically because Glukkons find them ugly... Seems that it's not only Gluks then who think so... I don't find Sligs ugly though, I really like their design! Oh, and if the protagonist being good-looking is important, Molluck should be one next!
Yeah, I did play Abe's Oddysee to that part for that GIF and I have been wondering if it's actually my favourite Oddworld game... But it might be just 'some tricks' my love for Molluck does... I just cannot help myself but I also love that AO Molluck! I love that murmur he does during the opening cutscene, when Abe introduces him 'the meanest boss in the world'... I bet that Abe must think that after seeing his plan but it was probably nothing personal, Abe! But yes, I see that it was better that Molluck failed, even I do not wish anything bad to him... I love to see Molluck being happy, no matter what was the reason for his smile. I also just love a certain 'crazy gaze', like this another older sketch pictures:
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I just love that expression! Been thinking drawing more stuff like that... Oh, and I remember some people wondering why Gluks lick their teeth... Well, my answer is that I guess that it's just a part of their behaviour. Like, I also do that for no reason... It was before Molluck! So yeah, honestly, that's yet one more reason why I see myself in him, he does the same odd stuff as me...
I just gotta say that I love that certain 'nastiness' of Molluck. I have seen people calling him nasty but I cannot really find him nasty... Though yes, I see that certain 'nastiness' but I only love it... That's why I wanted to make that redrawing somewhat nastier too. Oh, and that '💛Molluck' is a part of that too since it means 'with love, Molluck'. Heck, I get yet more associations... Just seen some ads where companies say that they make food with love, so at RuptureFarms, you are butchered with love! Yeah, what a sweetheart, making the favourite meat treats with love. (I'm not saying everything seriously, you know.) I still cannot help myself with that I find him so adorable and just love him so much...
Oh, and while getting the stuff for the GIF, I also remembered these odd Gluk heads.
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I suppose that they are cameras or something, making you feel like being watched.
Man, looking at those crate piles makes me wonder how Molluck's business was going down... I guess that it might have been about quality, not so much about that there was not enough meat... Yeah, this makes me remember that review from one customer you can see in New 'n' Tasty about Paramite Pies... Yeah, it makes sense now... Like, in Abe's Exoddus there are even more RuptureFarms products introduced, like 'Slurg Sundae with extra rot'... And I have also seen there being products that are just made from some random meat stuff that was found... It's sweet of him to use all the possible stuff and parts but the quality... This makes me wonder if his investors wanted him to make that rotten crap or was it just him being desperate... It just sounds like none of those products were actually good... Man, this just makes me have much questions and wish to have a talk with Molluck, like sit down with him and hold his hand...
I just cannot help myself with him... I wish him all the best. Like, I really wish that his injuries/scars from the hit don't cause him (too much) pain, making him more irritated too... Man, I'm just giving all my love to this Gluk...
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art by em year in review 2023!
for the fourth time, i present to you a selection of the art i did this year! this definitely was the Year of Understanding Procreate, and i think it paid off. as usual, reflections under the cut.
january: i saw @malcolm-f-tucker tag a picture of abigail thaw with a comment about a theresa faceclaim and it left no survivors, i.e. i decided that theresa should have greying hair and did not look back. this was from when i was still trying to figure out what brush to use for lineart in procreate. luckily i had learned my lesson from the sketchbook learning curve and realized that what i liked for lineart would most likely be in the pencil section. however i wasn’t a huge fan of the brush i used in this one, so i didn’t use it again. instead, for later pieces, i decided to customize the 6b pencil brush to my liking, and…
february: …this came out of it! this is still one of my favorite things i have ever drawn, and it’s my favorite thing i’ve drawn yet for herc and linda. this piece really convinced me to use overlay layers more in my art, and the amount of detail i managed to capture in this one still amazes me now. and before anyone asks, yes, they are doing specific things in the startup procedure for an airbus a320-family aircraft, except linda is doing things off the CM1 checklist and herc is doing something off the CM2 checklist, which i learned later is not really something that is done. let’s just say herc is not the tightest stickler to convention.
march: one half of an intended two pieces centered around the f1 au (which, regrettably, i have yet to continue… i just reread what little of the second part is on ao3 and god, it slaps actually, i really need to continue it so bad) depicting a pivotal scene from around the outside, where theresa and linda decide to put aside a childhood feud at the top of the banked curve at monza. at sunset. on theresa’s birthday. i know, very meaningful, incredibly homoerotic. read the fic to see how well that turns out!
april: i always knew i wanted to redraw the first filipino!hercolyn thing i did back in 2020, the one that completely solidified in my mind the notion that These Characters Are Filipino, Actually, and when i got comfortable in procreate i quickly jumped on that. (if you notice, a lot of the stuff i did this year were redraws of old pieces i really liked but wasn’t fully satisfied with.) of course i wanted to draw them in the traditional clothes in my parents’ and grandparents’ wedding pictures. the implication of this being, of course, that this is the soft shoe shuffle wedding. i have a fic planned centered around that, from douglas’ perspective. now that grad school apps are basically done, if my honors thesis doesn’t kick me too hard, i’d love to get on that as soon as i can.
may: YOU JUST GOT COLINED! SEND THIS TO A FRIEND TO TOTALLY COLIN THEM! ah, colin fairbairn: the figure whose presence haunts all of newcastle but is never actually. named. (much to the chagrin of a lot of people who genuinely thought linda’s dad was named colin bc i Wouldn’t Shut Up About It) i just love him so much and i love this piece, i wanted to depict the wistfulness of an older colin whose airline is on the verge of collapse, who has been secure in his job as chief pilot of air cal, who looks out over glasgow airport (that’s glasgow’s runway in the background) and wonders if it’s time to put himself out to pasture. wondering what he could have done differently. it’s okay bby. there’s no way that you could have prevented this. but he’d never believe it. he’s too duty bound. he lives in my head rent free.
june: another redraw, this time of a piece from 2021. i was so happy with this one, and i am very happy with it still! everything about the older piece i loved was improved massively by this redraw: the poses, the proportions, the line work, the coloring. honestly, just thinking about the two of them just existing in the airport, overlooked by bustling passengers, just part of the landscape, but having such a rich history and relationship between them… it’s something i think about a lot and i love it.
july: this comprises the third part of an unofficial trilogy of drawings i did centered around douglas/martin/theresa. in each one, i centered a different member of the ot3: i did one centering martin last year, one centering douglas in the spring, and this one centers theresa between douglas and martin. i really enjoy how i did the expressions in this one: martin, looking out toward the planes; theresa, following his gaze, eager to share in the passion they both have; and douglas, looking down at both of them (yeah i think they’re both shorter than him. i think it’s cute). i feel like when i draw these three, where they look and how they look is very important to me.
august: can you believe before this point i had never drawn herc and douglas together? yeah, me too. anyway, them 🤍 i’ve literally only ever drawn them as older men so trying to draw them younger was. lowkey kind of hard. i’m hoping to revisit air england herc and douglas in the future, especially since i didn’t intend for this to be anything more than a quick bit due to those bisexual divorcee brackets (which i don’t know what became of them in the end except that douglas got through and herc didn’t, lmao)
september: unposted self-portrait done as a part of my aerospace fellowship application i wound up getting rejected from because they required me to do a creative component. not much to say here. anyways.
october: yet another redraw, this time of a portrait of herc, carolyn, linda, and arthur i did a year prior, in october of 2022. i like to think that lfeu!herc carries pictures of linda, arthur, and carolyn in his wallet: he had never wanted to be the family man for most of his life, but in his new life, this new form, he can play it well. something about the coloring seems a little off to me: i think i may have to go in and adjust arthur’s skin tone because i think it doesn’t look 100% right. but i love this one too. i hemmed and hawed for ages over what they should be wearing but in the end i put them in what they’d wear for work bc i couldn’t think anymore. but it turned out super cute and i think it emphasizes what brought the four of them together in the first place: aviation.
november: a cute little doodle of young!colin with baby linda, from a bigger piece. something i generally feel like i’ve gotten stronger with this year has been drawing a larger variety of poses. i discovered that procreate allows you to import reference images in a smaller window that can be very easily dragged around and resized, which was a massive improvement over my previous strategy with sketchbook, which had been to import reference images as their own layers. often, moving it around or resizing reference images resulted in some loss of quality. anyways there’s something just so tender about colin and linda and i love to revisit them.
december: last but not least, we finish off the way we started, with theresa (and an added douglas lol). and boy, how different does december look from january? granted, it’s a different angle, but i personally think there is so much more dimension at the end of the year compared to the beginning. i was less afraid of using overlays to enhance the coloring. and the brush i wound up settling on for lineart really ended up serving me well this whole year, culminating in this piece. not much to say on this one, i like it a lot :)
overall thoughts: i didn’t think i drew as much as i wanted to this year, but looking back i still think i made really good progress and improved a lot from last year, so i’m still happy. definitely want to draw more next year, explore new subjects, and maybe work on redrawing more pieces from previous years because those projects have been very fun to undertake.
once again i want to say a big thank you to everyone who’s ever shared or commented or left a like on anything i’ve drawn: it will have been 10 years next year since the end of the show i primarily create fanwork for, and to still have people out there who like what i do is such a gift. yes i create for myself, but i do also like receiving feedback from others and sharing it with others, so thank you thank you thank you. and happiest of new years to all :)
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Wow my first post on this sideblog and its fucking Sollux, no one is shocked lol. At least if you are my friends who know how much I adore this troll.
This tech actually a redraw of an old Sollux picture I did on my old DeviantArt back in...2017? Soo a good 7 years or so. Fun fact the reason he looks older is because as a kid i was CONVINCED Sollux was like 18 or 19 years old, guess this could also double as an adult Sollux design (if like he never went through the horrors of sburb lol).
Anyway! Enjoy!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Heck I don’t actually remember if Pure Vanilla/Dark Cacao was a request or if it was something I just planned to do on my own. I know it started out as my own idea, but sometimes that happens and then before I get to doing it, someone requests it and I just make it a request, and I don’t remember if that happened here
But regardless, this was a drawing I made of the idea for a purecacao fankid on it’s own, and I’m posting it as such
Now you’ll notice that this isn’t my usual format. This is because this isn’t her official design, it’s just that last night, I had this idea for a design of her as a young child with Dark Cacaoian clothing, and so I just wanted to make a quick doodle to show you
It was just going to be that picture in the middle, as it’s more sketchy and rough, and clearly not how I usually do these fankid requests. However when I finished, I realized that I made her too small. See, if I may explain some things, for my poorly drawn comics and other things that use that particular brush (it’s the Narinder Pencil if you want to know), and I don’t like enlarging pictures drawn with it because the lines get all blurry and it loses its texture. Prior to the Charcoal Cheese comic, for my poorly drawn comics I tended to enlarge the sketch to fit the screen, and then I’d completely redraw the lines. But here, I had already colored the whole thing, plus it was multiple layers to redraw, so I didn’t want to. But I couldn’t just crop down the canvas to fit it because my square canvases are already 500x500 pixels, they’re very small (and also I think the small size might account for why they may not show up in the best quality, but I’ve been using this size for over 2 years and I’m set with it, and I feel like changing would be too much effort). And I feel like making it even smaller would just tank the quality even more
Though to be honest, I’m glad I made a second version with my proper sketching process, as I was better able to figure out her colors and design
Speaking of her design, yeah this is sort of what I’m thinking for her look, at least in terms of hair, dough and eye color. She’s not gonna keep the braid though, that’s just a kid thing
I feel like maybe I should give her streaks, but I’m not sure where to put them or what color
Also I realize that I forgot to put KitKats on her design. I wasn’t planning to originally since this is a little kid’s outfit, but also in some of the artbook drawings, young Dark Choco had small Oreo shoulderpads, so maybe she should have something similar. I had an idea for her wearing tiny KitKat shoulderpads, but I forgot them. Ah well
Hmm, does she look like a purecacao kid? I’m looking at her and I feel like she looks more like her own character than related to them. Maybe it’s the lack of streaks
Oh yeah, and one more thing I want to add, I’ve decided she’s a post-canon kid, as in Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao got together after the events of the Dark Flour War and canon in general. The story in my head goes that Dark Cacao developed feelings for Pure Vanilla, but was hesitant to tell him about it, maybe because he’s socially awkward and wasn’t sure how to, maybe because Pure Vanilla and White Lily had something going on and he didn’t want to stir up drama between them. But regardless, Dark Cacao felt that it wasn’t so much of a big deal since they were immortal, he could tell him when he felt it was right. But then the Dark Flour War happened and Pure Vanilla seemingly died, with Dark Cacao never telling him how he felt. But then years later, Pure Vanilla came back, and while Dark Cacao was of course overjoyed, it also caused him to realize that even being immortal, they don’t have all the time in the world, and he needed to tell Pure Vanilla how he felt, and so during the events of Odyssey, he confessed to Pure Vanilla, and then likely sometime after Dark Enchantress’s defeat, they got together, and later had this girl
Also this means she has a (probably) 30+ year older brother in Dark Choco, but it’s all good
I feel bad just keeping her unnamed, but I don’t know what to call her. *sigh*
Any suggestions?
But yeah, I just wanted to show y’all this idea. Don’t know when I’ll be finishing her, but I’ll draw her officially at some point
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punkxcalibur · 1 year
personal mphfpc recap since i finally finished reading all the books
spoilers for the entire mphfpc series ahead. this will mostly be me talking about the book's imperfections, because when i love a piece of media, i also love criticizing it to its core
so, i first read the books 1-4 in 2020 and i was SO obsessed!!?? i wasn't really into social media and fandom culture back then, so i didn't really have anyone to talk to about mphfpc and i remember being very sad about that. i also remember trying to make fanart of the characters, but i REALLY sucked at art back then and to this day i find old mphfpc drawings and cringe at them. maybe it's time to redraw some of those...
anyways, i read the fifth book when it first came out in germany and i kind of hated it lol. i was really rushing through it, because i couldn't wait for the fugh reunion. so i kind of missed out on the whole plot because i only cared about fiona and hugh.
basically, i recently finished rereading the books, because nostalgia or whatever and i'm kind of obsessed again. so...i'm just dumping some thoughts on the whole series here because on tumblr i can actually find ppl with mutual interests.
first of all there's literally SO MANY inconsistencies and plotholes?? what the actual fuck ransom riggs. idk how much of this is prevalent in the og books, because i mainly read the german translations, but sometimes riggs just forgets who hugh is i guess?? he mixes up his and horace's peculiarities once and at some point he is referred to as howard. who the fuck is howard. these are literally the most easiest mistakes to fix. does he not have an editor?
i'm not even gonna talk about the movie. i have a whole seperate post for it
it sometimes bothers me how only certain characters seem to serve a purpose. in every novel emma, enoch, millard and bronwyn are clearly the focus (besides jacob) despite the fact that the other characters are equally interesting and likeable. hugh, horace, claire, olive and obviously fiona are just NOT THERE for like the entirety of AMOD. are you kidding me
the entire second trilogy...is kind of a cashgrab. of course i'm happy we got more books and i liked them, but it's kind of obvious that the author simply had some pictures left and saw an opportunity to make some more profit out of them. that's not bad, but these books weren't necessary for the overall storyline.
the thing with the prophecy in DODA...the entire book was dedicated to finding the other lighteaters, but they don't really do anything in the end?? i kinda get why noor has to be the *main character*, but why introduce julius and sebbie when everything could have played out the same way without them?
julius and horace...is it really that hard to age julius down? it would've made that a lot less creepy. there is literally no reason for julius to so much older than horace. not sure if this could be considered queerbaiting, since i don't know a lot about that topic. would be grateful if anyone elaborated more on that.
hugh and fiona are still my favorite thing about these books THEY ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND DESERVED SO MANY MORE SCENES UGH. i don't need another jemma kiss i need FUGH. there is just so much potential and plus, we never really get to learn about their backstories?? like we know that they're from the 1840s, so how did they get into a loop a century later?
how was fiona able to *whisper* to hugh in DODA, she literally had her tongue cut out, hello?
so many characters with lots of potential either die or just disappear. lilly, sam, althea, peter-and-joel...ring any bells??
why is horatio kinda
ok i'm sorry
the photos are so funny sometimes, because at times there will be a photo of, say, emma and in the next book there will be another picture of her and she just looks like a different person. because,obviously, that's a photo of a different person. but apparently, ransom thinks we're too dumb to notice that.
i would just love it if there'd be storylines that focused on each character individually, because again, WASTED POTENTIAL
ricky deserved to have a comeback, i feel like this is general fandom consensus
introducing v, just to kill her off? idk man
despite all of these criticisms i just made, i fucking cherish these books
since pjo gets a new awesome reboot i think we deserve one too
i also wish the fandom was bigger but maybe it's a good thing that it's kind of niche. i don't know.
uhh i guess that was my not-so-little rant and yeah...enjoy this post i guess
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kimberlyandcotv · 3 months
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I was looking through some of my old drawings trying to find a particular picture. While leafing through, I found this old traditional piece I did of the original Janett design. She was initially going to be the main female lead in a book idea I had, but I stopped working on it and then later revived/revamped/reskinned the character for this series concept instead.
And so I thought just for fun, why not redraw this picture, but in the cartoon style she's part of now?
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she actually kept a few characteristics with the original drawing, like the eye shape and the older style fashion choice. a few things have changed though, like her cleft palate scar and heterochromia eyes; and because the original is supposed to be her in high school, I gave her the shorter haircut she would have had back then. I also played a little bit with textures to reminisce the paper and colored pencil look. just a little.
Either way, what do you guys think of the style change?
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livewireprojects · 3 months
Old sketches of young Shadow & Sonic from 2015
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Here's some old sketches I drew back in 2015 according to the description of the pic on the left & according to the picture on the right these were scanned onto a computer February 7, 2015. I put the date it was last edited(which in this case was when I scanned it onto a computer) on the second one so I could remember it due to having to finding it interesting & the date would change on the file because I needed to edit this cause it was originally a little too light looking.
Left pic:
Just an old version of Shadow & Sonic as kids, I dunno what led to dressing Shadow. I have no idea if I even knew what his boss looked like as a kid back when I drew this cause my only thoughts is that he looks like he wore his boss's old clothes from when Towers was on the ARK.
Right pic:
I thought it'd be cute to draw Maria & Chris(man when was the last time I drew him?) with their respective hedgehogs as babies.
I also forgot Maria was 12 years old(actually I was likely unaware when I drew this) & apparently forgot Chris's hair changed when he got older. I should redraw this one day with some corrections.
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raincoonparade · 4 months
Pierrot (ピエロ) | Hatsune Miku
Another redraw for the Me As Vocaloid project! This time of the song "Pierrot". Posts might be slow for a while as we haven't figured out the internet situation… Also, I know the smol me is different from the older version BUT that's cause this time I actually looked for a picture of tiny me to draw her right
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fossilized-honey · 9 months
Hey!! I saw your YGG brainrot post and OMG I HAVE THE EXACT SAME THING.
I have so many dumb headcannons for these little goblins and its so nice to see other people who have the same admiration :D
I'm dying to hear more about this camp AU i adore it. I can imagine gooble playing in the creek with Brobee
So I’m gonna leave my master HC list below the read more so my mutuals dont have this gibberish on their dash
Muno is a ten year old blonde boy with an eyepatch. He wears a chew necklace in the shape of a red ladybug. He has different patch stickers he likes to wear and they all have different bugs on them. Plex is a friend of his older sister Cheebo.
Foofa is an eight year old girl with braided hair, she keeps pink flower clips at the end of each braid. She wears overalls with muddy boots. For some reason in my head she has a strong religious life (absolutely no clue why). She has a crooked smile.
Brobee is a little older in this universe, being 6 years old instead of his cannon 4. He is still shorter than the rest of his gabba friends. He has a buzzed head and keeps his signature brow. He wears green striped braces on his arms.
Toodee is an 11 y/o Inuit girl with straight black hair and pointed bangs. I thought this would be a nice idea because of the common themes of indigenous culture in some of her segments. She’s got a very lovely tooth gap. She loves the ice skating field trips they take every summer.
Originally, Plex was around 18-20 years old. Knowing he’s canonically 15, I’ve decided to make him 17. Plex has a prosthetic arm that the kids like to watch “stretch” (he just changes the fit settings). He is deaf and received a coclear implant in childhood. Plex is also Native American and is Lakota Soix and wears a t shirt with the Lakota medicine wheel on it where his “speaker” is on his character. Has been working for lance since highschool.
DJ Lance
DJ Lance Rock runs the childcare facility “gabba land” he looks basically the same as he does in the show but a bit older. Trusts Plex almost completely when it comes to the kids.
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scottyartz · 1 year
Verse of the Week James 4:7
Y’know just because I and other Christians are Christians doesn’t mean we’re exempt from temptation. As a artist in the culture I partake in, I definitely fall into it a lot and lately, I’ve been taking bigger strides to live for Christ better! The Spirit is willing but the flesh is so weak so I encourage everyone to do your best to abstain from anything that will make you lose your way and ask God to hep guide you. For if we were perfect, we wouldn’t need Christ’s sacrifice. Only living in him can we live the best we can!
”Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
New Items on sale in the online store!
Some of you may be familiar with my chubby trucker bunny, Indiana. I decided to finally make some merch with her! If you wanna rock with Indiana, head on over to my store to be the first to grab her! I only have 25 in stock for each product! I also renewed some other products in my store, specifically the Isabelle sticker group and the RougexJuri poster which now has a new awesome variant!
Art of week! I decided officially that I will give you all Bi-weekly updates with these posts. Like I said in the previous update, most of the time, I’m not that active in a week so I will give you guys more art in 2 week intervals! My favorite piece here is definitely the giant bear illustration which is actually a redraw of an older picture I did a few years ago and requested by my patron, and friend, Calvin! The beer bunny design, like said above, is a new sticker and keychain that you can purchase from the store! Next update, I’ll reveal the subscriber to get a free sketch from last month!
Commission Info
Commissions will be open again next weekend, Saturday, September 23rd on national Rabbit day!
Stream commissions start the following week on Tuesday, Sep 26th to Thursday on the 28th! But I might do a commission stream or 2 next week!
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cfrog · 1 year
OC-tober Day 4: Redesign
[full prompt list]
A continuation of yesterday's, let's talk about the Sages' many redesigns! But first: some redraws :3c
[2018 -> 2023]
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Full ramble under the cut. Read more at your own risk, it is long.
The Sages got their most recent redesigns in 2021. My main focus was making the Sages more unique in their looks, so it's not entirely just recolors of Sage. This is also when I made them all non-human. Lets go down the line.
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[same picture as yesterday, i only have the one]
Again, theyre supposed to all be vaguely matchy. They all have bangs on the same side, they've all got some extra color at the ends of their hair, and they all have details under their eyes (freckles for Red, eyebags for Grey, scars for Yellow, blush for Blue). Aside from that, I kinda went wild with these versions.
The primary Sage's (Red Yellow and Blue) are all supposed to look very similar to Sage. Grey is the black sheep of the group, that should be clear on first glance. Red, though, is supposed to look the Most like Sage, because they have the most in common. The two are from similar time periods and, with the addition of Red being a werewolf, similar situations of hiding themselves. Being a werewolf also draws more attention to Red's anger issues, her original defining trait. It's really easy to tell when she's angry. Because she turns into a big dog. Older Red design had a red scarf across her midsection like a belt, because that's where her killing wound was. When I moved her wound to her heart (because its more poetic <3), the scarf came with! Technically, that dangling section is supposed to always cover her left side. I don't do that tho. ALSO as you may have noticed: Red used to be continually covered in blood. Her new design is less murderous, so that got removed, but I kept a subtle reference to it in her hair. Like really subtle. Here's a close up.
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[red's blood-patterned hair, usually covered up by shading]
Anne (Grey's past life) was only given a design in 2019, for the Labyrinth OCT, based off of Grey's old design. Then when I redesigned Grey, I actually based her more off of Anne. Real telephone game going on. Stuff like the wrist/ankle scars just came from Anne's design. For this version of her, I flattened out her hair near the top to better resemble Sage and the others' hairstyles. It also looks pretty :3 Her full lore about what she is is.... so complicated. It's not important. She's a special type of ghost that makes her grayscale ok. I only made her skin pale instead of pure grey because it helps her stand out from Anne. Anne for reference:
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[part of Anne's transition to Grey involved cutting off those dress sleeves]
Yellow got the most emo hairstyle of them all, which I think is funny, because she's also the oldest and most well-adjusted. This is when I moved her eye injury to her right side, so I can cover it up and not draw it. I generally just had a lot of problems with Yellow's eyes. I hated drawing glasses realistically, it was the main thing that kept me from drawing Yellow more on previous designs, so I decided to go full cartoon this time. And man I love it. Yellow is an elf btw, specifically from a modern fantasy 1960s-ish. Her main design inspo has always been "librarian" and I love to lean into it, BUT. This design was where I started letting her be a badass too. Hence the mysterious scars. Plus her conspiratorial streak and her wedding ring? God I made her so cool. Best redesign of the set.
And finally, a robot!! Originally, Blue was my excuse for memes and references. They were a gamer. They were a 4th wall breaker. I changed that last one for this design, meta powers revoked. But I let them keep the gamer references by making them from the future. Blue used to be just Some Teen Ghost, which was boring and realistic. I wanted them to have a full job and backstory. So I made them a fnaf reference. To emphasize the roboticness, I started drawing their hair goofy and blocky. I also switched their method of death from hanging to gunshot, to match all the others. Plus, I don't think hanging a robot would work. This moved their wound to their head, but again, hey I don't wanna draw a fucked up eye wound all the time. Solution: robot-based memory problems! Blue already had a thing for ignoring negative emotions, so it only makes sense they'd block out their own death. Their eye's still not entirely functional, though.
Hey, they weren't in yesterday's post, but let's talk about Violet too! Violet has always been a thing with the Sages, and funny enough, their name was always Violet. What exactly they are, though, has changed so many times. With this redesign, I offically made them Blue's "alter ego" (it fit with the fnaf references). Think of it as Blue but with all of those nasty memories. That means you get to see the eye wound on this one! They're also missing their ear on that side. And a solid chunk of their head.
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[this Violet is from a meme redraw but I cut out the context]
These are my oldest ocs and I care about them so much. I put so much thought into these. I'm happy I finally get to type this all out. Here's a direct comparison of their hair and skin colors, look at the detail i put into this.
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Blue's is technically just desaturated cause that's what mixing blue with orange does.
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