#it'll get better eventually
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confinesofmy · 1 year ago
hey so with my parosmia a lot of ingredients that are essential to all my recipes taste yucky disgusting now so am i supposed to:
a.) completely change how i cook everything, resulting in a lot of energy (and money) spent, a lot of disappointment as i discover new ingredients that taste like shit, and a lot of food waste when i can't eat the "weird" "foreign" food i cooked and no one i know is willing to even try it, nevermind take it, especially when i can't honestly answer a question like "is it good?" in the positive because, well. it tastes like sewage to me. :/ but also i'll find new safe foods, probably.
or b.) just keep cooking the recipes i always have but taint them forever with the memories of having to air out the house after i sautéed the onions and garlic so i wouldn't THROW UP. while also receiving the nice balance of nutrition i'm accustomed to without a bunch of finagling which triggers my ed symptoms. with the added benefit of not further affecting the monthly grocery bill in any way during our current grocery prices crises. also maybe i'll get used to eating stuff that tastes rotten? idk.
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bl4ckbox · 1 year ago
there's an assumption I think that detransition allows you to regain the social standing of someone who has never transitioned when in fact it makes it twice as difficult to navigate any world as you find yourself set apart from both trans and cis communities 👍
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soupedepates · 1 year ago
POV you probs had an other episode™ yesterday cuz there are an empty bottle of vodka in your flat, new scars on your arm and cryptic messages on post-it on your wall
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wasyago · 11 months ago
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not drawing for others. not drawing for myself either. playing video games. okay? yay
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owlbaron · 6 months ago
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avoidmint · 9 months ago
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Careful Infinite, this is a one way ticket to him just putting you in the cute little white dress I did my playthrough of him in.
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inkclover · 2 months ago
haugh... little creechura...
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sentrysapper · 1 year ago
learning how to sfm. decided to make my first posters engiespy.
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kosmogrl · 1 year ago
very personal post but I was walking and thinking about something that has been driving me crazy lately and it hit me how much ocd has damaged my life and it makes me so upset.
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milolovesbmc · 10 months ago
Sometimes I will be drawing Whizzer and I'll be like "Oh this looks terrible" but then I remember it could be worse. I could be making him look like a twink.
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mamath · 1 year ago
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I've been interested in block printing this year so I made a two colour lino cut print for my Xmas cards this year. It was hard work!! I made a lot of mistakes (including...cutting my second layer backwards...) and didn't have a good way to align my two colour layers lol so there was a bit of guesswork involved. I managed to make about a dozen decent cards to send to friends and family at least! I think it turned out cute and I learned a lot! Feels like it's been forever since I made my own cards... I used to do it every year though. ^^
Merry Crimbas!
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makelovenotlemonade · 2 months ago
I know the world of news is scary; I don't wanna deny that. And maybe being optimistic that things will be better immediately is being naive. But I hate seeing my friends in despair over something out of their control, and if I could help it, I would change the world so that no one would have to feel that way. Unfortunately, I can't do that right away, so the second best thing is to lift their spirits up. If I could just improve their day, even by a little bit, it's a win over despair, and that's a win in my book.
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ihateornithologists · 4 months ago
somehow the incredible combination of starting taking pills + having a super fucked up sleep schedule already + a total lack of energy to get up and make food has lead to an outcome that the only thing i can do now is lying in bed and reading vampire chronicles. WHICH IS SO BAD
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fivespicepowder · 1 month ago
Twitter has some interesting headcanons on Shannon. Harmless headcanons but......I think her death made the narrative better. And if she had lived, she would not be amazing friends with Buck and happily coparenting with Eddie.
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marinsawakening · 3 months ago
Unpopular opinion but I actually really like LOZ's approach to its lore and continuity. LOZ games take whatever elements from previous games they like, transform them to suit the needs of the current game, and discard the rest. I think this approach is perfect for a long-running series, because it makes the games to feel connected without being beholden to previously established lore and plot. Playing earlier games enriches the experience of playing later ones, but most entries are perfectly standalone and very much do not require you to have played earlier games, making the series easily accessible to newcomers yet rewarding for veterans.
This approach also allows the series to evolve without being held back by previously established canon, yet allows room for appreciation of earlier games. Ocarina of Time is clearly based on the backstory established in A Link to the Past, but it would not have been a better game if it'd faithfully adhered to it. Its willingness to contradict ALTTP canon by establishing the Kokiri, Zora (or rather changing them), Sheikah, Gorons and Gerudo enriches the world and story, and not killing off Link at the end to 'preserve continuity' was obviously far better than the alternative. Yet using the backstory of ALTTP as its base enriches OOT's story and gives added depth to both stories by allowing you to have more context for the ending of OOT and the story of ALTTP.
Whenever I see people talk about LOZ's continuity, it's near-exclusively to complain about how nonsensical it is. To each their own of course, but I strongly prefer a series that prioritizes the quality of its individual games over canon consistency. I think LOZ's approach to its canon, of allowing previous canon to affect and inspire new games while being perfectly willing to contradict it, has much more staying power than perfect canon consistency could ever allow. This doesn't mean I agree which what exactly each individual game decided to use, change or discard, but I believe overall that this approach makes the series better. The fact that LOZ games are next to impossible to place into a coherent timeline as a result is unimportant compared to the benefits.
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icecreamchick45 · 7 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Allison Argent, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant (Teen Wolf), Nolan (Teen Wolf), Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Teen Wolf (TV) Season 6B, Resurrected Allison Argent, Allison Argent Lives, or at least, now she does, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Body Horror, in the sense of reserection being painful, Canon-Typical Behavior, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, i wanted to make a no beta we die like allison joke, but this was beta read, shout out spikeface, Resurrection, The Nemeton - Freeform, Attempt at Humor, Canon Compliant Summary:
The last thing Allison sees is Scott. She’s looking him in the eyes, pleading with him to understand what she was saying. It’s silver; the way to kill the Oni is with silver. He has to tell her dad, or they will all be dead.
Like her.
That last thought must have made the universe laugh.
Allison is brought back. She just doesn't know the how or why. All she knows is that it's way more traumatic than it looks for all parties involved.
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