#it’s the WORST
frownyalfred · 8 months
Just thinking about the absolute chaos and gaslighting Bruce and Oliver put Lex Luthor through when they’re all together and Bruce and Oliver are both playing the “ditzy billionaire flirting with everything they see while being dumber than a box of rocks and also won’t shut up” role at the same time.
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for fuckin real :/
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Why do I hold onto clothes that I won’t wear? If I have them hanging in my closet, does it mean that I am still connected to the time and place I wore them last? They’re washed. Surely the dirt and sweat and tears and cake and ash from the birthday candles have all gone out of them. Surely only my memory remains. And yet, the shirt is still here. The one I stole from the bottom drawer in my friend’s dresser, the girl who isn’t my friend anymore. The shirt I got from the 5k that kicked my ass; the one that taught me that even after a year of personal training, I should return to my mantra — temet nosce. Know thyself. But not knowing as in funfetti is my favorite, even though I’ve never had it on my own birthday. Not knowing as in when I go to target for a pack of tampons, I’ll leave with a cart full of bags. Don’t worry it was a sale. Full to the top of that red basket of snuts and trinkets and oh so important necessities that I’ll find at the bottom of my bathroom vanity by Christmas. A closet full of singleton socks and novelty headbands that I’m not manic pixie enough to wear. The coat from when my father was in Korea. Not for the war. For something else. Who knows what? It’s a memory that isn’t mine. And yet still it takes up space here on the rung, forcing me to confront it every time I open the door. Knowing it’s there. Being able to feel the cheap chocolate brown silk and the quick embroidery. But the thought of a sudden fire, bright flames melting it away to nothing, literally makes my eyes burn with tears. The unbearable loss of a memory that isn’t mine. And all of the sweaters that I hoped would get their mileage, forgetting somehow that I live in east Houston, the land of concrete and strip centers, flattening anything that could even pretend to be a tree, an easy bake oven of a place, garish and scorching even in November. Is nostalgia the Marlboro of my generation? Did we get a peek at that exploitive heaven of the nineties only to discover that we do indeed reap what we sow. The reaping is a nasty business. The loss of houses. Hurricane Katrina. Temperature spikes. Snow in March. The sweater I bought from a beach front shack because I had nothing else to wear. How do you tell a fourteen year old that she should pack clothes when she has pictures and burned CDs and video games that she can’t live without? And if they were washed away, somehow their loss would be her fault. I should throw out these dresses. The one I wore to my grandmother’s funeral is too black. Too specific. The nylon body con hugged me as I read my trite eulogy, a love letter she will never read. A woman full of memories. Of finer clothes than mine. All of her socks had pairs. Where did she find them? Or did she banish the lonely ones? Did she have a heart to say goodbye to something when it served her well, it’s time on earth fleeting and yet eternal. Nothing leaves this blue speck, does it? And yet I cling to this screen-printed Gildan like it’s my own skin. If I put it on, will any part of me come rushing back?
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simple-persica · 2 years
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It’s getting warmer, so it’s shedding time. Philzer is not a fan of finding what are essentially little daggers everywhere.
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lavsnz · 1 day
having allergies during cold & flu season is so embarrassing like i promise i’m not sick my nose just likes to torture me especially when the seasons start changing
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bbloveseevees · 12 days
Turns out: I’m sick!
Time to watch people romance Eldridge Gods and get smooches
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gretagerwigsmuse · 4 months
okay but why is having your period as a house guest so embarrassing? like please don’t investigate why the bathroom trash is filling up so quickly, i’m irregular okay?
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inyri · 4 months
hey, about your kiddo with the cavities. Genuinely that can happen for any number of reasons, don't feel bad. You can do various preventive things for it but there cash be anything from their individual mouth chemistry to genetics going on. You're an awesome parent just for bringing them in on time! you'd be shocked how many people don't even do that. source: family in dental.
Thank you (and @jadesabre301 and everyone else who indulged my mom guilt pity party) for the kind words :)
My background’s also in medicine, of course, so rationally I know Q probably just inherited her dad’s teeth/saliva chemistry/bad dental luck. I had a lot of orthodontia but no cavities until I suddenly needed a root canal in my late 30s- and even that wasn’t from a cavity, apparently- but my poor husband’s got a mouth full of dental implants after a lifetime of bad teeth.
I do watch her more closely now with brushing, but it’ll be what it is- thankfully I think the experience was Not Fun enough that she understands better WHY we fuss at her so much about toothbrushing now…
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artsy-starfish · 2 years
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when you finally get the lil salmonid sniffer who’s been spawn camping ur team for a whole minute
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reverecurrent · 12 days
lying in bed awake staring at my walls and ceiling… funny how if you’re wired to be a night person you could spend your whole life trying to reset to sleeping early and it like- works for a few weeks after trying for 3 whole months but then if you stay up too late one night you eventually find yourself unable to sleep at 5am
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kisumitenderly · 26 days
——🌹 first day back at work and the a/c isn’t working. I’m drenched in sweat 😓
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edalynn · 1 year
Have you actually seen people/blogs that only make h/l content and not any Lumity or Raeda? Because that sounds awful holy shit
Y e s. It’s fucking batshit like. People have main art blogs where they only draw hunt/low. Maybe once or twice there’s been some raeda or lumity in the background of a piece of art, but the majority of their blog will be dedicated to hunt/low and drawing super well done, horribly out of character pieces of them. And they’re like machines, they post constantly, so unless you block all of them there’s a constant stream of ppl with lovely art styles only drawing the worst, most stale bread ship ever. I actually screenshotted about 8 blogs that I have blocked’s top three posts but I feel like that’s going too far so I won’t add them like I want to, but it’s so fucking many- and there’s way more that I have blocked, those are just my most recent blocked blogs. Like, please show me you have some kind of interest to the show itself rather than just a noncanon ship with a toxic af fanbase.
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Short people problem: being strangled/ throat being slit by your seatbelt
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shybreadgarden · 4 months
I can’t find my own goddamn fucking post with my own goddamn fucking tags
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thedreamingsofem · 6 months
i woke up so violently unwell, like i do not have time for this please
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blowflyfag · 6 months
My day be so fine then boom every single bad memory at once
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