#it’s such a shame that’s the case bc it’s absolutely gold
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a-stars-art-blog · 2 days ago
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Icky 💔
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years ago
Brooo this Bad Art Friend situation puts such a bad taste in my mouth. Both of these women sound insufferable in their own way, but there's something really uncomfortable about the way race dynamics entered the equation. I think I understand the direction Larson was taking with her story, and in another context it would be an amazing subject, but I find it really disingenuous of her to claim that she was writing about something "bigger" than Dorland when her comments in the group chat suggest that she projected this whole white savior thing specifically onto Dorland's self-congratulatory, but ultimately race-neutral organ donation. (Then again, I'm white, so I might be doing the exact thing she was talking about where white people and people of color essentially talked past each other in her class.)
I was pissed off by Larson's comparison of being "inspired" by Dorland's posts about her kidney donation to being inspired by a neighbor watering petunias. That's such obvious bullshit to me -- the two things, a life-altering surgery versus a household chore, aren't at all equivalent. Obviously aren't equivalent, because no one writes a fucking cringe letter to their geraniums whenever they turn on the hose. Like, I get it, I know exactly the kind of obnoxious Dorland was probably being on social media, but it doesn't excuse Larson's weaseling around the plagiarism issue. I understand the resistance to having a white person claim an artist of color somehow "owes" credit to them -- broadly, that's a really good point and important concern, but in this case, there would have been no story without Dorland, and especially Dorland's letter.
She's all "It's not about Dawn, I don't care about Dawn," but Larson was obviously hashing out some intense feelings and ideas using Dorland as her punching bag. Which would be absolutely fine...except then she went and published it, and to me the inherent spite undermines what could be valuable messages about race and class. This shit is just embarrassingly petty.
Oooh yea fully agree! I think Sonya knew exactly what she was doing too bc some of the stuff she tells the article author directly contradict stuff she said in the group chat (brilliant writing on the authors part to arrange that the way he did, side note). Like she knew Dawn was "kooky" and called her a gold mine!! Like she knew she wanted to mine this specific vaguely unhinged woman for content and even the other writers in the GC were like "I'm glad you worked your dawn takedown into something that can actually mean something" but dawn starting a private FB page for what she thought were friends and colleagues so she could share her journey, like as kooky as that is, it isn't like "classic white women TM" and was clearly very specific to dawns bizarre schtick of empathy obsession. (also side note i hate that a lot of conversations miss that whiteness behaviorally doesn't exist, you can't act white! It's in how other people react to you. Anyone can play the victim but white women are the ones who have that victim complex nourished. It's weird to me to see anything in dawns actions getting framed as like an Inherently White Thing lol).
I definitely wouldn't wanna meet either woman though. Dawn fully went into online stalker mode, sued for a ridiculous amount of money, and was the one who had this article written instead of heading to r/AITA lol. I think Sonya and the group chat are meanspirited and disingenuous though and that if Sonya had just had a smidgen of shame when dawn was messaging her frantically about the fiction piece- like enough to maybe...delete the fucking plagiarized letter from the piece!- then this could have been avoided. Also could have been avoided if dawn didn't feel the need to message people who didn't like her FB posts! There was never a point in the whole article where I was like "ah yes a decision that makes sense" it was just constant escalation lmfao.
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olivetreehugger · 4 years ago
SnK Warriors as Health Care Workers
I’m an ICU nurse, and I’ve come across a tonnnn of different types of healthcare workers in my line of work. These are just my hc’s for what kind of HCWs the Warrior unit would be. These are totally my opinion! Also, real healthcare is NOT the same as TV healthcare, not every doctor is a surgeon (and they’re not the best, either). Anyway, here we go :)
Warnings: mentions of blood, medical procedures, opioids, death
-Zeke: he’d be a fourth year neurosurgery resident. Neurosurgery residents are either cold, arrogant assholes or fun bros. No in-between. They’re always on the move or in surgery honing their skills. They don’t sleep and they’re on call 24/7. 
Zeke is always carrying a strong, black Starbucks coffee and reeks of cigarette smoke. He’s always exhausted because he's covering all the neuro patients in the hospital overnight and then rounds with the attending (Magath? idk) in the morning til like 2pm. It’s a miracle he doesn’t kill anyone. He’s wicked smart and super talented in the OR, but kind of a dick with the nurses. He shows up at the bedside to do a quick procedure, doesn’t tell the nurses ahead of time. He grabs all the supplies on his own because “the nurses don’t know what I like” and then when he’s done he’ll leave the leftover dirty gloves, removed drain, stray bloody gauze, and empty boxes all over the room. He has a somewhat asinine attitude towards patients, poor bedside manner. He doesn’t order pain  medication for the intubated patient before removing a drain bc “they’re sedated, right?” No, Dr. Jaeger, neuro patients don’t get heavy sedation. Please order a small dose of pain meds. You’re hurting them. “Oh, right. I’ll order that.” No, he won’t. Zeke always promises to throw in orders, always forgets. 
You’ll spend your shift paging him for orders, cleaning up after him and getting rude comments over the phone. He’s gonna make a fantastic neurosurgeon, though. He’ll save your life.
-Porco: An ER resident for SURE. He loves the chaos of the emergency department. A typical male in healthcare-he loves the trauma, the blood and guts, the crazy. He tries to avoid pregnant women and kids, they freak him out. BUT, that didn’t stop him from holding a woman’s hand when she gave birth right there in the ER lobby.  Great bedside manner. So smart. And he’s super sweet, actually??? He also creates secret handshakes with the kids and sweet talks the old ladies to make them more comfortable. He tells them to call him Pock or Porco, not Dr. Galliard.
Unfortunately, When he first started, he got a little too cocky and claimed he didn’t need to scan a patient after getting hit in the chest with a hockey stick. Patient suffered a ruptured vessel and almost died right there. After a very rigid monitoring program, he was able to practice again. He’s also a giant flirt. He dated most nurses in the hospital and they ALL talk about his dick game.
Porco rides his motorcycle to work and sometimes skips his helmet. All the nurses shame him for it, reminding him of the horrible head injuries that come in through the trauma bay because of motorcycle crashes. He comes in double fisting Monster energy drinks and jamming to whatever his air pods are playing probably Hamilton. ER residents are chaotic and funny and Porco is no different. During a code blue (a patient’s heart stopped) he kept calm and hummed “stayin’ alive” while they performed CPR. He runs a code like a goddamn CHAMP. He has ACLS memorized to a T and intubates better than most attendings. The nurses will tell him the patient’s labs look better after the medication he ordered and he’ll be like “Hell yeah, let’s keep it goin’” or “A’ight let’s get crazy” before an emergency procedure. If the nurses can’t place an IV, you bet your sweet ass he’s grabbing the ultrasound and throwing a few in for them <3
Pieck: She’s an infectious disease PA. She’s very soft-spoken, patient and intelligent. Orders and notes are always flawless. Apologizes whenever she orders blood cultures and even offers to draw them for the nurses if they’re busy. She buys everyone pizza when she’s on the unit. All the nurses love her. She’s perfect. 
Annie: A nightshift CVICU nurse. There’s a joke online that cardiovascular/cardiothoracic ICU nurses are the biggest bitches ever.  And it’s true, most are. BUT. Annie is probably the best nurse to have if you’ve just come out of open-heart surgery or had a lung transplant. She knows exactly what to do when a patient is crashing and is a BEAST when it comes to chest compressions. She is a pro at putting in IVs and troubleshooting pumps/machines when they don’t work. She has every single lab value, test and medication stored in that brain of hers and can pull it out before you can finish asking a question. 
She gives a quick, concise report on all her patients and expects the same. If you don’t, she rolls her eyes at you and rushes you. “I don’t need useless information. What drips are you running?” She gets in trouble sometimes because she makes her student nurses cry, but “why don’t they know how to zero an arterial line? it’s not my fault they don’t know their stuff.” No, Annie. You’re supposed to teach them. “Oh.” 
She wears the newest, cutest scrubs and has an ivory and rose-gold stethoscope. Don’t tell her it’s basic, though, she’ll put you on her shit list lol. She also hates being floated to the medical ICU because “they don’t know what they’re doing”. 
Reiner: Our king is a medical ICU nurse who started in the ER. He loved the wild west that was the ER but started to feel burnt out after seeing so many child deaths and cases of abuse. When he finally realized what it was doing to him he applied for a medical ICU position on night shift and transferred right away.
Baby, he thrived there. This guy is so compassionate with his patients and knows how to advocate for them well. He has a great rapport with all the physicians (except Porco, when Reiner was working ER they would butt heads frequently) He’s great to give report to, never gives the previous nurse a rough time. When he reports off to the next shift, his rooms are a little messy sometimes but he ALWAYS has extra supplies for you and the patient is clean. He learned so much from the patients and his peers that he was eventually promoted to charge RN. He’s the best charge nurse. Knows all the protocols and will call any doctor for you. Anytime you need help doing a procedure, he’s your man: IVs? “How many you want?” Blood draw? “I’ll grab the tubes”. Patient’s about to code? “I got compressions”. Call security for the violent patient down the hall? “I AM security”. 
His scrubs are a little snug around his shoulders and chest and he knows this. Baby likes to show off. He likes to flex his muscles for anyone watching, but he’s not a douche. Reiner is an absolute gentleman with his female coworkers, never complains when they ask him for lifting help. In fact, he loves being of use. It’s why he’s a nurse in the first place: he loves helping people <33
Bertholdt: He started with Reiner in the ER but wanted something more stable so he transferred to the burn unit (get it?). Reiner still hasn’t forgiven him. 
Colt: He’s in nursing school but loved the idea of being a trauma nurse. Then he did a clinical rotation in the trauma ICU and fainted when a confused patient ripped a screw out of his fractured arm. After that he decided to do pediatrics lol.
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period-dramallama · 4 years ago
Spanish Princess Episode 5: many many thoughts
Strap yo selves in 
-WHERE WAS THE APOLOGY?? Lina’s just back with Catherine like nothing happened?? 
-Katherine, I get why you’re upset, but you kind of should be unsurprised?? Your dad was unfaithful to his wife, most kings were. Henry VII and Richard III were the exceptions, and even they had illegitimate sons before their marriages. Many kings also had official mistresses that everyone knew about, so by the standards of the time Henry and Bessie are actually being pretty tactful in at least trying to keep their affair out of sight. (Sexy dancing aside). 
-Honestly it would have been so much more moving if KoA was like “I know kings take mistresses...but I thought...I was so sure... he would be different...”
-”they gave me a purse of gold!” It’s expected that you give the monarch lavish presents, lmao Ursula and Stafford would do that even if they hated each other and you
-”everybody loves a masque” the only sensible thing Henry has said so far in this show. Also court probably had way more masques than we see in the show, and it would standard to have a masque every holiday. 
-”she is not a boy” hurry up with your character development and learn to love Mary already i am so TIRED of this miserable BS
-seems a rather depopulated masque? If the Chateau Vert pageant is anything to go by putting on a masque was a court activity, with most of the ladies performing.  
-Bessie Blount in her cute masque costume... sweet mother i cannot weave Aphrodite has overcome me with GAAAAAAAAAAAAY
-”I never enjoyed carousing...my mother scolded me” look i love the Neville sisters with my whole heart but a) Margaret was 3 at most when her mother died, how does she remember her? She’d have clearer memories of her double-uncle and double-aunt, Richard III and Queen Anne b) Isabel Neville in the White Queen was established as very prim and proper, a well-bred girl who cared about enforcing decorum, she refused to ‘carouse’ and she certainly would never bring a 3 year old to a party c) we saw little Margaret as a girl at the end of the White Queen and she didn’t seem at all shy. 
-”she died young, didn’t she” ...yes? most people did?
-”they both did” understatement of the year. Isabel Neville died young because she was ill, George died young (in the universe of The White Queen, at least) BECAUSE HE WAS FORCEFULLY DROWNED IN A VAT OF MALMSEY WINE. THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME! I do at least trust the writers of this show that the understatement was intentional, I’m sure even Emma Frost couldn’t forget a major character getting violently drowned.
-So the court only noticed the plague when one of their own got it so obviously and then died? Yes, plague could move fast, but if there was a whiff of plague the court would flee with the speed of the Looney Tunes road runner. If an acquaintance of an acquaintance of a cook had a cousin who saw someone with the plague, the court would flee to the country. How have these people not died of terminal stupid?! Like Compton was in the same building as the heir to the throne
-To be fair, it makes sense that they’re surprised Compton’s dead. Because the real Compton died of the sweating sickness. In 1528. Also he was involved in Buckingham’s downfall so... you just wrote yourself into a corner.
-Oh wow an actual good reason for More and Pole to be quarantined together i am amaaaaaazed
-”attend the queen” Boleyn, what do you think your daughter’s been doing all season if not attending the queen? Playing tetris?
-Katherine helping Anne into the wagon...I actually like that little moment. Like it does make sense, because the two have no reason to hate each other yet. (And who couldn’t like Anne? She’s such a babby!)
-Thomas More in the Tudor equivalent of casual clothes... much better. Shame about the 1930s lady’s wig.
-”what else should we do?” Maggie, this cannot be the first epidemic you’ve ever lived through. Have you forgotten the sweating sickness of 1485? You’ve probably lived through more epidemics than Oviedo has, you should know the protocol better than him.
-Oviedo continues to be the only man with rights. I wish we could see him crying and missing his wife and babies, but then my lil heart would break so maybe it’s for the best.
-They burn Maggie’s weird blue hood AS THEY SHOULD! IT WAS UGLY AND STUPID! I NEVER HAVE TO LOOK AT IT AGAIN NOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH! yes they also burned her nice dress with the strawberries on it but honestly it’s worth it, bc now i can rest easy, knowing the evil hood has been defeated.
-”you were a plaything” Katherine is so obviously insecure. I’m getting second-hand embarrassment. Like if she really was certain Bessie wasn’t important, she wouldn’t need to say it, would she? Except to rub it in. Which this KOA would absolutely do. 
-literally all Bessie said was good morning?? Like Bessie is doing her best?? The masque was Henry’s idea, not hers, she hasn’t shown off about her affair, she hasn’t demanded money or titles, she hasn’t demanded any status to rival Katherine’s, she doesn’t flirt with or even speak to Henry when Katherine’s around, she acts like they’re strangers, she doesn’t even react when Katherine loses her temper...someone please please stick up for Bessie!
-”the rocking of the cart is unsettling to the stomach” is Anne naive, or is she covering for Bessie? I hope it’s the latter, in which case Anne is the one person looking out for Bessie...the babby is Soft, I repeat the babby is Soft!
-the irony of Mary being cold to Bessie when she’s next in the firing line...
-”it is not the rocking” Thank you Lina, where would we be without your gift for stating the obvious?
-”where did Wolsey get his money”...He’s a churchman...at the top of the church hierarchy...how do you fuckin think he got wealthy. Have y’all not been in the sixteenth century for five minutes? Why do you think Luther is so mad at the church?
-”I know of no other man in her bed most nights” Honestly wow I’m surprised KoA wasn’t like “well :/ a girl like that :/ who knows how many men process in and out of her bed :/” KoA gets half a point for being less bitchy than usual. Also Bessie looked so uncomfortable with Henry groping her stomach in front of Katherine. I pray the next man in her life treats her right and that Fraham don’t prematurely kill her off like they did with Compton.  
-”the future king” if you’re regent on his behalf, then he’s already king! “Civilised companionship” back at it again with the Scots-are-barbarians.
-Laura Carmichael is utterly stunning this episode, with her hair down. The cinematography was beautiful in general this week.
-”freedom to speak and licence to speak are two different things” hey look at that one of Thomas More’s actual beliefs. I am giving all the credit to the historical advisor for that, I don’t believe for one second Fraham knew that beforehand.
-Maggie I love you but no, God does not sanction adultery. For any reason. 
-KOA smirking and gloating about Bessie’s pain...she has never been so punchable. I would understand, if not condone it, if Bessie was manipulative, or greedy, or ambitious, or trying to supplant Katherine. But Bessie’s been betrayed by Henry too, and there’s no concrete evidence she ever gloated about her affair, to anyone let alone Katherine.  
-”You think only of your own fate while London is struck down with plague” Earth to Katherine?? What concern have you shown for the Londoners?? Also calling Bessie selfish...Bessie’s not the one who lashed out at Lina, was jealous at Lina for having twin boys, and who wanted to continue a war for personal reasons. And then Bessie proves KoA wrong 5 hot seconds later by sticking up for Mary. Bit rich of KoA to be all “how dare you leave my daughter unattended” when she herself won’t even hold Mary. 
-”Louis didn’t last a year” What! Is! The Timeline!
-Meg in that cloak reminds me of the Scottish Widow adverts. Georgie is so greedy- she steals every single scene she is in! Even when she’s raging she has more dignity and more presence than KoA ever has.
-”YOU LYING SOD” i burst out laughing it’s really not the little two-timing shit’s day, is it?
-Mary receiving Charlie B in the most Extra way possible. A++
-Why does Wolsey look like he’s about to cry?
-”thoughts are not actions” Lina I love you but... that is NOT what the New Testament says. Jesus said evil thoughts are very very much sins. I’ll give you a pass because maybe you haven’t been Catholic as long as Katherine has? Idk your backstory.
-Aaand now she’s wishing death on Bessie and her unborn baby and Lina isn’t disgusted? At least Katherine is feeling guilty. AS SHE SHOULD.
-”must it always fall to me to be magnanimous?” Katherine, you think only of yourself, for 23 out of every 24 hours. 
-”God wants me to be compassionate to Bessie because of my sins” God wants you to be compassionate because that’s how Christianity is supposed to work. It’s not very selfless of you to decide to be selfless so that you can get what you want. 
-oh wow look at that! She’s getting some self-awareness, i never saw that coming.
-”you betrayed Bessie” 5 points to Katherine of Aragon for standing up for Bessie when Henry screwed her over. Finally, some positive character development.
-is henry so dumb he thinks that baby is Katherine’s? Katherine was so obviously not pregnant
-When a baby’s born his skin needs to touch his mother’s skin so they can bond. They should have at least an hour’s cuddle time. Katherine of Aragon is literally traumatising a baby the very minute he is born. For her own selfish, selfish desires. 
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hobidreams · 5 years ago
Moonlit Throne historical clarifications/references
i want to accurately represent the history from the joseon era, but sometimes for the sake of story/ease of accessibility, things had to be minorly changed. the following is a list of creative choices/changes i make in the writing of Moonlit Throne, as well as further information about the history/culture that i’ve found through my own research 💓 i hope this can also provide some more context for those interested. this list is to be updated as the series progresses so i always recommend you read the latest drabble before checking for more info here for risk of spoilers. please correct me if i get any info wrong!!
for even more information about the world, check out the tag #moonlit history!
last updated: after drabble 43!
new information for the latest drabble will be under the moon.
king gwanghae - as mentioned in the line “gwanghae flow” & in the rest of the MV, Daechwita was inspired by this historical king & the movie about him. Moonlit Throne is not inspired by any king. any event that is similar is purely coincidental!
topknot - various sources state that only married men were allowed to wear their hair up, though this is often not the case in popular korean media. even though Yoongi is unmarried, i chose to pay homage to the daechwita MV & give him a topknot throughout the series. *** same goes for the blonde hair color!
months - traditionally, they followed the lunar calendar in the Joseon era. but i thought that that would be a bit difficult to explain for modern audiences so i am choosing to use the months/modern equivalents of dates.
yoongi’s scar - i am aware that Scarlet Heart Ryeo depicts the facial scar as a reason that someone could not become king. i haven’t found much on this in the way of historical sources, so it’s not a factor in my series!
uinyeo - aka. reader’s mom, and eventually reader herself. at the time, it was believed that women could not be treated by male doctors due to the shame of showing a man their body, even in a medical context. this position was generally occupied by a woman that was ranked below middle-class & commoner (think merchants/fishermen/etc.) as it was not a very desireable role. reader’s mom, Eun-a, is the head uinyeo, which is why she is called “su-uinyeo-nim” by others.
***i haven’t found any information that says men couldn’t be treated by women due to the Confucius beliefs, so at least in this story, reader helps out the male physicians from time to time.
eunuch - eunuchs were impotent or castrated men (had all or part of their genitals removed) who worked within the palace walls, serving and attending the royal family. they had their own hierarchy, like head eunuch, etc. it was possible for eunuchs to marry & have families of their own.
***Eunuch Kim has a 🍆! it’s just his testicles that were removed.
yoongi’s name - technically kings use temple names that end in jo or jong instead of their given names, but i’m keeping it as Yoongi!!
age - it’s revealed in the march 1858 drabble that Yoongi is officially turning 10 years old that year, but this is in Korean age. his birth year is 1849, which would make him 9 years old in age as we know it internationally. Korean tradition dictates that people age up at the start of the new year (Jan 1), not on their actual birthday. traditionally, they also add an extra year as they consider the baby 1 year old at birth, not 0 years old. to do the math, reader is two years older than him, which would make her born in 1847 & turning 12 that year!
*** the average life expectancy around that time was ~35-40, so their understanding of a teenager would be very different than ours, at least in terms of maturity. thus, even though the main characters are relatively young by today’s standards, i’ve written them to come off as older. UPDATED INFO: it seems court ladies could live up to rather elderly ages, even up to 70, so i’m not sure if the earlier statistic was just mainly for men.
birthdays - i couldn’t find any information about whether they celebrated the actual day of birth as well back then, only about 100 day milestones, etc. but it is part of Korean culture to celebrate the birthday in modern times, so i kept it in.
jeonha - similar to mama, this is how you refer to the king as an equivalent to “Your Majesty”. wangseja-jeonha is the full title for the crown prince. usually people just call him seja-jeonha.
women’s rights - how much freedom you have kind of depends on what rank you are. most of the upper court/noble ladies (yangban) are born & raised within the palace. they were very, very rarely allowed to leave (& if they were married off, then they would have to leave with like guards/people with them). it’s unfortunate but they were treated like property, passed off from father -> husband. from what i can gather, the lower ranked women (like the uinyeo) had a bit more liberty about going into town (or at least ive seen in media), mostly bc no one cared about them.... sad truth but truth nonetheless.
king’s authority - even though the king is the ruler of the entire land, he doesn’t have absolute authority over everything. generally kings in the joseon era had to listen to the advice of the court officials if they thought he was making the wrong choice.
Minister Choi’s execution - so actually there were several types of executions for people of different ranks. someone of Minister Choi’s status likely would have been given a less gruesome death via. poison (sasa or 사사). but i’m keeping it as a beheading to pay homage to the daechwita MV!
***i also came across an article that said only royal blood could be spilled on the palace grounds so i’m not 100% sure where the public execution square was located, only that there was one & it was separate from the palace. also a lot of dramas seem to ignore this rule, so i’m not sure.
perfume - this existed back then! along with cosmetics. they were a luxury item for mostly the upper class, but they definitely existed.
Queen Jeonghui’s birthday - fun fact! i borrowed this real life queen’s name first, for drabble 3. then i found out, it just so happens that her real birthday falls in November as well. it was a total coincidence haha. 
OC’s outfit/hairstyle - this is what she would have worn!
palace - the layout of the series setting is loosely based off Gyeongbokgung Palace! if you look at the map, i’ve set the private gardens at #24 (though the position of the island is different than how it looks in the map. it’s instead from the right side going towards the left), Yoongi’s private residence is #25. reader is moved into #23. #26-28 are libraries, which includes the crown prince’s private library.
*** also the palace is much bigger than you might imagine so to get anywhere takes some time & a bit of walking!
jipgyeongdang (집경당) - #22 on the map. along with #23 (below), were traditionally houses for concubines & palace maids before Yoongi moved them.
hamhwadang (함화당) - #23 on the map. where reader lives post December 1868.
sanggung - the highest rank available for women who served the palace/royal family. a woman could become a “favored sanggung” if she slept with the king, but not a proper concubine. normally from the “commoner” class.
sangmin - “commoner” class. made up about 80% of joseon’s people. were the farmers, fishermen, laborers, etc. these were the people that paid taxes and were ruled over by the nobles!
cheonmin - the rank below commoner, described in English as “vulgar commoner.” the upper classes considered these people “unclean.” among their numbers were butchers, sex workers, performers, shoemakers, and yes, uinyeo. they were normally given little to no respect at all within society.
concubine - women that had the honor of sleeping with the king. concubines had their own ranks within them as the king usually had many (think around a dozen). more info.
town - from what i can gather, directly outside of the palace is a small town. if you think of the Daechwita MV, it’s like the town that Yoongi walks through when he has black hair. this is where mostly people of the middle/lower class, like sangmin & those below that, live.
chuseok - Korean harvest festival! it means “autumn evening with the brightest moon”. it’s usually celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar. that would put it anywhere around sept 9-oct 2 in our modern calendar depending on the year!
yangban - these are the “ruling class” or gentry of the joseon era. generally means their families own land, are somewhat (or very) wealthy, and they are well-educated. (think Mr. Darcy, for a British equivalent)
why does no one recognize the prince in town? - with a lack of access to pictures & internet, it was common for the normal citizens of the country to not know what their monarchs looked like. generally to identify people & rank, they had to rely on appearance. gold was a color only reserved for royalty, so only the king & his sons could wear the royal robes with gold embroidery. once Yoongi takes off those robes, it’d be hard to identify him from among regular yangban!
jeon - these are bits of shrimp/vegetables/fish/other small things that are deep fried in egg batter!
nokdujeon - this is like a small, savory pancake made with, you guessed it, mung beans!
Chun-ja calling Eunuch Kim “Kim-nim” - look. i’ll be straight with you i have no idea how a commoner would refer to a eunuch. i’m flip-flopping between his title (which i also cannot figure out bc idk which of the 18 political ranks he would be, but not for lack of trying y’all T_T) & his name with the respectful -nim. so just to be safe, i’m going with it.
***i also am not 100% on this, but i believe Eunuchs rank higher than commoners because they work in the palace? which is why Eunuch Kim uses “-ssi” for her.
hangul & hanja - so the Korean alphabet as we know it is called hangul, and it was invented in 1443. in the past, they used to use hanja, Chinese characters, to write documents.
female literacy rate - as related to above, it was rare for women to be able to read/write even up until the late 19th century. they weren’t allowed to learn hanja at all & only around 4% could learn hangul. of those 4%, it was mostly noble women, who received good education to be better wives.
***books were then thus read aloud by those literate to crowds, so people could still enjoy stories.
face - the concept of “face” is very much rooted in Asian culture. in Korea, it’s called chemyon, & is basically related to your reputation + how others see you. you can lose, build, or gain face through your actions or what rumors of you spread. for example, if parents have children with bad grades, they + the child lose face. people should strive to do things to build their family’s honor & face up. i’ve experienced firsthand how people go to sometimes extreme lengths to “save face” as the term goes. basically, if you’re going to do something shameful, it’s better to do it where no one can see. (this concept isn’t going to have a huge influence in the series, at least not so far & i use it rather lightheartedly in October 1865 but i just thought that it’s really interesting + important to know about Asian culture!)
French expedition to Korea (Byeong-in yangyo) - in October 1866, the second French empire tried to invade Korea (or Joseon as it was called at the time) because the king at the time executed seven French missionaries. after several months of fighting, Korea won with only four soldiers killed & 3 wounded (compared to France: 3 killed, 35 wounded). Joseon was able to stay relatively isolated from all the other countries, continuing the practice of isolationism.
gossip - i couldn’t find any laws prohibiting people from talking about court going-ons/battles, though i would assume that it’s punishable if you’re doing it to talk badly about the king. but even if there were laws in place, word gets around, as word tends to do. therefore, i’ve given Eunuch Kim a bit more freedom in his letters.
royal funerals - it could actually take up to 5 months for the coffin to begin its journey to the resting tomb, but i’ve expedited the timeline for plot purposes!
coronations - these actually weren’t super common in Korea or Asia in general, but it did happen once in the 1700s for King Yeongjo. i’m using that as inspiration for Yoongi’s crowning.
*** also i couldn’t find info on the exact wording that King Yeongjo used when he announced his succession to his deceased brother’s body so... i took some creative license there.
gama - how yangban & up women travelled, carried by their servants. here’s a visual!
the royal engagement - actually, Beom-su would not have lived within the palace walls. she would have lived in a detached palace that was further away from the main palace, and there would be a whole procession where the king goes to her during their wedding rites. however, i’ve seen several dramas have the bride-to-be hang around a lot, which seems to be true because she would have had to learn the customs of the palace, so i’m not sure how much she would have been around realistically. i’ve just chosen not to address it, like the dramas do.
Beom-su’s name - i chose this name for her because of one of the possible hanja for beom: “犯”, which i would pair with the hanja “秀” for su. her name would basically mean excellent invasion, which i thought was a bit cruel, slightly humorous, & overall fitting. it is normally a masculine name though! 
why are Beom-su’s father’s actions such a scandal? - so all the unmarried women living/working in the palace were considered the king’s property. he could sleep with them if he wanted to, but essentially they belonged to him. by laying hands on the maid, the minister committed a double sin because he not only was he assaulting someone, but he was infringing upon the king’s territory. 
civil service exam (gwageo) - this is an exam issued every 3 years that any man, commoner rank & above, could take in order to enter into civil service. it’s what Jimin takes to enter into the court! i’m not sure what month these were held or if it was just at the king’s discretion (could not find much info)
more on eunuch kim & the re-marriage process
royal tombs - these were often quite far away from the actual palace but looking on maps, i found that there were a few tombs rather close to the palace that people could have conceivably travelled to within a day, over several long hours on horseback!
on natural disasters - yes, in history, natural disasters like floods/earthquakes/eclipses were said to be the king’s fault because he wasn’t a good enough ruler! things like this could seriously derail the people’s trust in the king and was a big cause of concern.
on Queen Jeonghui being in court meetings - i couldn’t find actual evidence that said the queen couldn’t be at these daily meetings between officials. in fact, the real life Empress Myeongseong in the ~1870s was pretty involved in politics and was quite interested in matters of law, etc. so, i’ve decided to allow Jeonghui to be present and address the ministers alongside Yoongi!
Chunaengjeon - i kind of explain more about this already in the drabble itself but if you’re curious, it’s the only solo court dance in the Joseon era and the highlight of the dance is a moment where the dancer mimics a bird perched on a flower and smiles :’) i thought it was fitting for these two. here’s a video of a performance that i used as reference!
janae - there were quite a few different terms for couples to call each other during this time. “janae” was meant to represent wife and is kind of their equivalent to our... “honey”? it was mostly used among the commoners/lower classes to convey affection and closeness. (aka eunuch kim continues to be the cutest)
on adopting a child as a eunuch - the readings i found say that eunuch kim’s children must be eunuchs themselves if he adopts them directly, but they don’t mention anything about this particular case of a eunuch marrying a widow, aka the child is not directly adopted by Eunuch Kim himself. so Han-jae will not be a eunuch when he grows up!
american invasion of korea (shinmiyangyo) - this is a true historical event, as i’ve mentioned in my author’s note for “June 1871.” Americans repeatedly violated Korean soveriegnty and invaded their land, resulting in many, many deaths for the Korean side. they were hoping this destruction would force Korea to accept the trade treaty. Korea did not, and eventually were able to chase the Americans out of their land a month later. the wikipedia page goes into greater detail if you’re interested, and is a quick overview of the situation.
seong-min’s living situation - as i’ve mentioned earlier with the whole Beom-su situation, i’ve chosen to not use the detached palace again for this engagement as dramas tend to do.
the wedding ceremony - similar to my reasoning about the detached palace, i’ve chosen to focus on only a few parts of the marriage rites while only briefly mentioning the rest. why? well, while i would LOVE to explain all the details and intricacies of such an incredible process, i feel like that would take a lot away from the heart of the story and be distracting, especially at such a critical stage. so i’ve explained what i can, and given brief overviews where i am able. ofc i adjusted the parading ceremony because of the change of the detached palace custom. if you’d like an easy-to-read source on the whole process, please check out this link! basically the MLT chapter depicts a tweaked vers of steps 5 and 6. 1-3 happened behind the scenes, and i mentioned #4 in the “summer 1871″ drabble.
chungin - our equivalent of “white collar” workers, or the upper-middle class. this rank was made up of low-level bureaucrats, accountants, physicians, etc. some royal servants would also be part of this rank because they’re allowed to enter the palace. there is an exam (chapkwa) to become this rank!
conception dreams (taemong) - as uinyeo-nim explains in the drabble, these dreams were often seen as omens of impending pregnancy. depending on what you see in your dream, there are different interpretations. possible symbols are animals, fruits, elements of nature, children, and jewels. eg. if you dreamed of fruits, it was often considered to be a sign of having a baby girl.
other conception myths - i know from my own experience that Asians often have a lot of superstitions regarding conception and pregnancy and medical things in general. however, i couldn’t find any specific conception myths for the time period in question (most of my research only uncovered superstitions for after you’re already pregnant), so i’ve taken some creative license here, using the conception dreams and current beliefs as inspiration!
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on Queen Jeonghui calling oc “dear” - since I prefer not to use Y/N, ___, etc. for reader’s name and just generally avoid mentioning it, it’s nearly impossible for me to convey the tone with which Queen Jeonghui would’ve been calling OC in this chapter. in Korean, she would be saying “[name]-yah/ah” depending on the ending syllable of the name. adding that suffix to the end of a name conveys closeness and intimacy between people. I’ve chosen to substitute it for “dear” to make things sound more natural in English. it’s not an exact match, but it’ll have to do!
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aileysmirnov · 4 years ago
Loki x Ailey hc! part 1
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I was watching Thor Ragnarok with some friends (over zoom ofc) and then It popped up in my head a conversation that I had with @melyaliz and Alex (ig: shir.0_guru) a while back, and I couldn't shake it off my brain as I was trying to write some other thing. So hopefully writing this down would apace my mind.
TW: Arranged marriage, depictions of emotional/psychological abuse
Summary: Eris and Odin find a solution to what's been threatening their domains, an alliance between 2 of the most powerful families, but Ailey and Loki don't seem so keen about it.
Disclaimer/notes: Ailey is my OC! You can learn more about her in here!
Ailey has finally been reunited with most of her family and entered the realm of gods in this AU.
Samaras is the last name of the Eris family, they are rulers of Thera (Eris kingdom) and each member bears a royal title.
Ailey is the only demi-goddess in her family, Demigods are seen as shameful in this AU and usually they have a birthmark and a weakness that distinguishes them as such. In Ailey's case is her golden rose hair once she transforms in her god-form and her weakness is her allergy to gold, it practically burns her skin, debilitates her magic and herself, is like kryptonite for her.
The only reason they even know about the other, is because of their parents: Eris had been in conflict with Ares lately, and one of his recent attacks greatly debilitated her army and Odin had trouble with a few of the realms under his command forming complots against him and the safety of Asgard.
Both rulers found themselves in need of the other: Odin had the greatest warriors and military at his service, and Eris being the goddess of discord could easily rise or disipate any conflict that may come her way (except for Ares ofc), an easy way in or out of war.
And so, they decided to form an alliance; But Odin being the wise men he is, knew better than to trust blindly in the goddess of chaos, after all...Eris was known for being a backstabber who acted only to beneficiate her own interests.
To prevent that, Odin decided to make the alliance under the condition that one member of the Samaras family must marry the second son: Loki, God of mischief. And so, Eris agreed and offered her youngest daughter: Ailey goddess of ruin and folly.
God it was an absolute mess since the beginning!
Frigga was the one to inform Loki, who immediately went to Odin to protest, but like always his father ignored him, shutting him down by comparing him to his brother and how he would do anything to protect Asgard but Loki was being selfish.
Ailey in the other hand was kept ignorant of such decision and only knew about it a few hours before the engagement party began and only because a servant accidentally told her.
She was furious and much like Loki tried to protest but Eris couldn't care less about her daughter's opinion.
Ailey could rage all she wanted, Eris wasn't even paying attention, the only thing she was accomplishing was in making her angry.
—Child, I think you tend to forget your place in this world, you see: among humans you might be...special but in here... you're just an idiot with too much privilege—Eris had a way with words that could make them feel like poison, creeping in to the insecurities of one's heart.
—If it weren't for me and your brothers, you would be Hera's new toy, so please remember, dear. You not only owe me but to your brothers and this kingdom as well.
Ailey headed back to her room feeling ashamed and angry, she felt her mother's words had some truth in them, seeing as how different she was viewed here in comparison to the human realm.
When the time came for the engagement party and for Ailey and Loki to meet for the first time, is fair to say neither of them were in a good mood.
Even though deep inside they knew both of them didn't have any say in the matter and were pretty much in the same situation; they still felt irrationally mad at each other, that's why since the moment they met to the end of the ceremony they would throw little passive-aggressive remarks at each other.
She viewed him as a pretentious asshole, and He saw her as a spoiled brat.
Almost near the end of the celebration and no announcement had been made so Eris took it upon herself to throw them into the spotlight.
—I believe you two have something important to share with all of us—her face was smiling but her eyes were threatening.
Ailey bit the inner side of her cheek, rolled her eyes as she turned to face Loki who only gave an exasperated sigh before speaking in a monotone voice
—Do you want to marry me?—he didn't even bothered to get on one knee and just extended the ring for her to take.
Ailey felt tempted to say "no" and walk away gracefully but doing that would probably have a negative impact on Thera, so after a long pause she answered.
—Whatever—and put the ring on, herself.
Clearly a good start :) .
I think they didn't saw each other that much afterwards and when they did it was mostly for wedding arrangements in which they continued with the passive-aggressive comments but this time about everything the other would pick.
The mood was so uncomfortable every time they were together everyone around them was like:
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I think that sometimes they would have moments where they realize they had been too harsh with the other and would tone it down a little but treating each other like that was the only way of protest that was allowed for them.
Specially for Loki since he constantly had to travel to Thera bc for some reason unknown to him Ailey refused to go to Asgard, which only made his negative opinion on her grow.
In his mind, it was probably because she thought she was too good for Asgard but the reality was: Asgard is practically a death sentence for Ailey since 90% of every building in there was made of gold.
But she will never tell him that.
I think their first "moment of closeness" came to be purely out of the realization neither of them had any option other than get married or see their domains destroyed.
So, they decided to call it a truce: both would play along with the whole marriage fiasco for a while until things died down and then they could divorce and pretend they never even met.
And so, the passive-aggressive comments slowly died down, not that they started acting like lovers all of a sudden, instead they acted like they were just... co-workers or something.
They would greet each other in a formal manner and then only talked about the arrangements and left, nothing else.
But then, inevitably they started to get closer.
It was something so gradual none of them really knew how it happened.
It started off with small comments about decoration ideas for the venue, it turns out they both had quite the interest in interior design.
Eventually those small comments became lengthy conversations about which combination of colors would look the best.
When it came down to learning about the nobility attending the wedding on each side, both would spend a little more time together. Studying the proper way on how to address them and their interests all for the possibility in forming new alliances.
But I feel like instead they would roast the hell out of them, like they would be going through a list of the Asgardian nobility that were to attend and Ailey would just point at a picture of a random Asgardian noble and go: "Oh. My. God. what is he even wearing?"
And Loki would try to force back a smile or a laugh but eventually he would just give in and start joining Ailey in the roasting.
They also have a very similar sense of humor, but Ailey is just more blunt and open about it while Loki isn't, I feel like most of the time he has genius comebacks to stupid comments people make but he's a gentleman and normally just keeps it to himself or would only say it in a polite but slightly aggressive manner, so when Ailey just bluntly says something similar to what he was thinking he can't help but laugh a bit (he won't admit to it though)
Other things Ailey and Loki have in common is their love for drama and spectacle, while Ailey is more of a ballet/dance-based plays person, she understands Loki’s enthusiasm for theater and books even sharing some of it herself.
Not only they enjoy these things, but they also found comfort in them: For Ailey ballet began as something her mother forced upon her but transformed in an outlet for her emotions and a way to connect and control her powers.
For Loki theater was a form of escapism since he was a child, every time he felt like he didn’t belong he found a safe place in countless stories of the misunderstood heroes.
This only makes their bond grow deeper; up until this point they never had anyone to talk to about their interests in such depth, so now they talk all the time about it, sometimes they would surprise themselves looking forward to the next meeting just to gush about a new play or book they just saw or read.
I feel like Loki might’ve even lend Ailey some copies of his favorite books and Ailey as a “thank you” decided to sneek out with him to the human realm to watch "Tristan und Isolde".
Everyone is able to notice the change in attitude of these two, especially Thor who only had heard about the girl but could tell how happy she made him every time Loki would mention her.
And he was happy for his brother but felt curious about his soon to be sister-in-law.
So, it was only natural when Thor asked Loki if he could tag along the next time he went to Thera.
He said no.
Thor went anyways.
When Ailey met him, she could only think about one thing: "he himbo" which she thought was cute btw.
Thor could see why Loki liked this girl so much, they were practically the same, which he found sweet yet amusing.
—Lady Ailey, a pleasure to meet you, mi brother has told me a lot about you!—he stated.
—Really?!—Ailey questioned directing an incredulous glance at Loki. 
—He asked­—Loki tried to defend himself by downplaying his brother statement. 
—No, I didn’t.—Thor retaliated with a mocking smile, he could tell his brother felt embarrassed so he decided to tease him a bit more. 
—In fact, he won’t shut up about you. 
—That’s not true, he’s just.. 
—No, he’s all the time saying Ailey this, Ailey that. It peaked my curiosity and so here I am… 
—Brother, Could you shut up?—Ailey could only smile and hold back a laugh at the brothers spontaneous quarrel. 
Truth is she thought it was sweet of Loki to talk about her with his brother. And teases him about it afterwards.
I think Thor might talk privately with Ailey and would ask her to take care of his brother. 
—I know Loki can be a bit…difficult, but have patience with him, I can tell he really likes you. 
And Thor was correct, Loki really did like her. But it might take a while for him to come to terms with his feelings, and would only manifest in small gestures towards Ailey, like: tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, subconsciously offering his arm for her to take as support when walking down the stairs, placing a hand on the small of her back as guidance whenever they were in a crowded space, sneaking small glances at her, etc.
Overall, he starts acting a lot softer with her, a lot more caring.
Ailey might be a bit oblivious to this (since she’s only used to overly sexual advances and has a difficult time understanding genuine affection), but she appreciates it none the less.
And both might even find themselves thinking that maybe…just maybe spending the rest of their lives together isn’t a bad idea after all.
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years ago
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@walkinstars​ asked: i gently suggest to u... and hear me out...❤️(romantic ship) hiiro/josuke, aira/okuyasu, hiyori/mista... 💔(slow burn) himeru/abbacchio... and ofc 💛(platonic ship) madara & mista...
@henshyne​ asked: and over here... i am politely asking ❤️ bruno/abbacchio... (accepting)
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oh man there’s so much good shit here,,, hiiro/josuke fools with hearts of gold that can and will beat the problems away, especially if it’s for their friends... also josuke helping teach hiiro as much as he can about adjusting to city life is simply a given, but josuke also being perhaps surprisingly interested in what life was like back in hiiro’s village. not without blatant hate for the way hiiro was treated there ofc but. perhaps he’d just like to know everything about the kind of life hiiro comes from... also josuke isn’t all that versed in idols or anything but he would absolutely vibe to alkaloid music, i think. rock vibes... and also going to like every alkaloid live he can and bordering on being that Annoying Fan but it’s okay he just loves his boyfriend and supports him!!
and if josuke borders on being the annoying fan at lives to support his bf, okuyasu goes way beyond. probably to aira’s embarrassment but! okuyasu is just an enthusiastic foolish puppy. like a golden retriever except... considerably less brain cells SDGKDHK also he’d get super into idols because of aira, to a point that he does enough research (some of it being simply by listening to aira’s adorable geek talk) and becomes basically a mini aira. mini in the sense that his idol knowledge isn’t nearly as vast, of course, but he’d still put most everyone else to shame. hyperfixation?? maybe!! but out of love and support!! also okuyasu is basically the scary attack dog. can and will literally erase you if you fuck with aira. but also could hold him gently in one hand.... cute....
hiyori and mista has my full attention too bc i think they probably keep each other on their toes, at least at first, and not in a bad way. mista initially struggles a bit to keep up with hiyori’s eccentricities at times (even despite his time with passione’s own eccentric types), and sometimes mista’s violent acts might catch hiyori off guard just in how casually he’ll commit them... but they’re things they both come to accept about each other. and frankly in mista’s case he’d enjoy how hiyori catches him off guard. keeps things exciting!! he’s not immune to that sunshine personality either, even if he has his doubts about how genuine it may or may not be sometimes... also scary dog privilege again bc if you so much as look at hiyori the wrong way, mista Will do something about it. maybe. if hiyori’s not looking kslfdmklfm
slowburn himeru/abbacchio too.... quiet/reserved types hiding but not so well a certain bitterness bc they lost someone so important to them and it left them jaded and nihilistic, at least more than before... and also growing past that bc of the people around them (read: crazy ass found families) and perhaps finding solace in each other along the way... oh i’m having so many thoughts and i’m just [screams into the abyss]
also mista and madara would be best friends. crime best friends who commit casual violence. ride or die but they’re not the ones dying, bc this duo is something to be feared. and also they’re both goofballs too. absolute dorks. mista might not take well to the mama bit bc he’d rather encourage madara to be real with him, considering he’s seen just about everything in his time as a gangster. would like to stress that he, to some level, Gets It and wants to support his friend as he is. all around goodness despite, you know. the pain inherent to being a couple of criminals.
as for bruno/abbacchio. i don’t even need to explain. hell yes give me the mom and dad units. these bitches gay and we love to see it.
0 notes
kahidlaws · 4 years ago
READ: This is a repost of the original ask from my sfw blog.
anon asked: Can you write headcanons about ningguang, beidou, and lisa coming into the bedroom and seeing their s/o wearing lingerie they bought for them? as well as headcanons about what kind of lingerie they like seeing their s/o in?
*:・゚✧ i almost nearly made this f!reader bc im so gay for them but i changed it to gn just in case!
tw: sexual content! minors dni!!
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✧ Ningguang
• What the Tianquan wants, the Tianquan gets. The finest brocades? She has it. The most expensive cut of gems? She’ll use them as catalysts. The most beautiful lingerie for her beautiful partner? She’ll buy out the whole store.
• She wants only the best for you and who do you ask for a more discerning eye than Lady Ningguag? She doesn’t even let you pick out the lingerie, she personally picks them out because she knows how your body would fit with them. It’s a bit perverse to say that out loud, but Ningguang knows your body like the back of her hand.
• Her most favorite of the week (yes. week) is the brocade-looking lingerie that she bought for you. The base color was black, with golden accents just like her clothes. It’s kimono-like sleeves draped over your arms like curtains as the colors of black and gold drip down to the floor like a golden waterfall. The cups were mainly black, with golden accents swirling so perfectly as the see-through, silky chemise went down to your hips. The underwear was almost like modal underwear, with it almost literally making your crotch area have a black bar covering it. But it didn’t look bad. It made you look elegantly sexy that you were taken aback.
• You had to give it to Ningguang for choosing such a fancy getup. You practically gulped when you first saw it, wondering how much Mora she had to spend for this. You carefully put it on, and you marveled at the sight of you looking so… regal.
• In your marveling at the sight of you, you didn’t notice the throaty purr that came from your lover’s throat. With a cough, you whipped around to see Ningguang, a smirk already on her painted lips as she raked over your body without shame.
“As expected. You look absolutely ravishing.”
• Her fingers, which still had the clawed jewelry, skim across your exposed thigh before circling near your inner thigh. You tried to hold back a shiver from just her touch but you caved in when she placed a kiss on your neck, letting the lipstick stain your neck as you sighed. Her clawed hand continued to circle, not even touching you where you need it most.
“In due time. I want to savor my little present just a bit longer.”
✧ Beidou
• Honestly the worst one to look at lingerie because she’s barely seen any good ones and it wasn’t like Beidou was actively seeking boutiques. She’ll even find a ratty tank top and not matching underwear sexy.
• You literally have to try and find a boutique because like absolute hell are you going around in a ship at sea, smelling like salt, and higher chance of getting scurvy. Your chosen set was hard to hide among the treasures that the Crux possesses, but thankfully you made it back to your shared cabin room safely.
• The set was of dark purple hues, with golden trim hugged your body snuggly. It was a lace babydoll with the lace fluttering about your skin softly. The underwear was comfortable, not irritating your thighs as the dark purple thigh-highs rubbed against each other. Honestly, with how delicate this lingerie is (and how it made a dent on your wallet) You were currently trying to fasten the garter straps on the underwear but a wolf whistle caught you off guard.
“Well, ain’t this a pretty sight to see.”
• You could practically hear the wide smirk on her face, her single eye raking over your form like you were a whole damn meal. You turned to her, not the whole way though, as you posed provocatively in front of your lover. She clicked her tongue, licking her lips as she prowled at you like you were her prey.
• Her one eye stared at your body with no shame. She returned your provocative smirk as she hauled you up, her arms going under your thighs as you sat against them. Immediately, your hands found purchase to her shoulders as you let her carry you to her bed. With a springy bounce, Beidou trapped you underneath her. Your heart beat under your chest and you were sure that Beidou heard it.
• Her hand went under the babydoll, smoothing over your skin before picking the lace up and tickling you slightly. She smiled softly at your giggles before she parted them more, showing more skin. She looked at you fondly, her eyes practically having hearts but her smirk betrayed her intentions. With a barely heard ‘sorry’, she ripped apart the lingerie in one swoop.
“Sorry, babe. I can’t do delicate, but I promise you I’ll get you more just so I can rip it apart.”
✧ Lisa
• Lisa is a woman of class and as such, she buys you the best set anyone can have. She has the money, even if most of that money goes to beauty products and buying specific food for her diet, but like hell is she going to do her job as the librarian and look ugly while doing it.
• She spoils you a bit too often. So if you see a box on your bed with a lavender note attached to it, assume that Lisa is in the mood and she expects you to wear it when her job is done. Making sure your nighttime routine is done, you opened the box and whistled at the sight.
• It was a lavender corset with dark purple, almost black, accents stretching across it. The corset had dark purple roses embedded on the cups and the stem and leaves swirling down the left side. The lacy underwear was of the same hues, with the garters attached to it already with the black thigh-highs. Lisa really outdid herself this time as you attempted to put the thing on. You were struggling with the corset, your arms not going all the way to try and tie it but a delighted hum made you pause.
“Having trouble, cutie?”
• You don’t even need to turn as you felt Lisa’s fingers weave and tie your corset together. With the ensemble now complete, you turned to your lover with a shy smile. You asked her if she liked it and she could only give out a purr. Her naked fingers trace along the flower pattern before travelling down to your garters. She smoothed over the exposed skin of your thighs before plucking the garters and releasing them like a rubber band.
• The yelp you emitted was something Lisa just eats up. She leaned in, kissing your lips as you taste the lip gloss that she used. Her tongue pushed in, massaging with yours as you moaned from the kiss. Her hands continue to snap the garters against your skin before settling on the swell of your behind.
“I hope you know that you’re in for a long long night, darling.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years ago
okaaay so this is a kind fo teaser of this fic idea i’ve been thinking about for days now and im posting it bc i want to see how you’d like the story, if you are interested in it, so please leave feedback on it! im not going into another work with my other WIPs if yall don’t dig the idea, so let me know what you think!
warning: please don’t read this if you can’t handle talking about murders and weapons and all... this is a maffia/mob au, this is literally gonna be filled with all of those lol
maffia/mob au teaser:
Have you ever dreamed about having an arranged marriage on your twentieth birthday with the son of the man who is the head of Toronto’s biggest mob? No? A bunch of bad guys with guns in their belts standing in the room, watching you with hawk eyes, ready to kill anyone any minute, even you as well, because no life matters to these men.
You are wearing a white lace dress that brings out your curves perfectly, makeup on point, hair in an elegant, low bun as you stand a few feet away from the registrar you supposes is about to shit his pants knowing damn well what kind of crowd he is in. Your uncle at the side, excited for this day to come, because he has been planning on it for over a decade. You are being sold to a Mob and quite frankly, you are not even mad about it. You knew this would be your life, you were told at a very young age that this is your destiny and you knew nothing else than this, so you feel even excited because it’s like your fate is finally reaching you… Have you ever dreamed about this? No? That’s a shame, because for me, this is reality.
The sweet taste of revenge in my mouth is intoxicating as my hand is holding onto the ridiculous bouquet in my grip, something we picked up on our way here to make it look like it’s a real wedding, when it’s as far from being normal as it can.
I glance over at Kevin for a second and he nods at me.
We’ve been waiting for this day for a long time, Kid. It’s finally happening. I can almost hear him say it.
The double doors open and I don’t have to think twice about the identity of the man who walks right in with confident steps. Manny “The Scalpel” Mendes is a ruthless criminal and boss, head of the Mob that runs all dark businesses in the city of Toronto. I’ve seen the man only once in real life but his face is burnt into my mind forever. This was the face my parents last saw before they were brutally murdered by the man who is now heading in my direction with a satisfied grin on his face that I want to wipe off with your own fists, but instead, I smile back at him.
“Joana, you look amazing,” he compliments stopping right in front of me, two of his guards standing close behind him.
“Thank you, Sir,” I nod politely.
“Are you ready for your big day?”
“Absolutely,” I nod with a small smile and it’s clear he likes what he sees. An obedient piece of arm candy, just perfect for his son. Wives aren’t really part of the businesses around here, women are seen as objects, pretty decorations, toys in the bedrooms for the men that run everything. Little does Manny know, I will not be the angel I’m appearing to be now.
“In this case, let me introduce you your soon-to-be husband, my son, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes.”
Stepping aside he turns to the door and moving my gaze from his satisfied grin to the entrance I finally see him.
Shawn Mendes definitely inherited the best genes of his parents. The tall, muscular guy I watch walk in is surely the favorite of women and I wonder why he really need an arranged marriage. I can’t imagine him having trouble to get himself a wifey, but it’s a luck to me. The fitted suit must have cost a fortune and I wonder if his hair is the creation of a very talented hairstylist or those curls are just as bouncy in the morning as they are now. He seems focused, maybe a little worried, but he is doing a great job hiding his emotions, only that I’m excellent in reading people. His honey eyes move over to me and as they meet with my glare, my ears start ringing for a moment. It’s the moment I’ve been thinking about every day in the past fourteen years and now that it’s really happening, I can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed. After all, this is my wedding day and he is my future husband.
It’s a bad thing I’m already planning on killing him.
Shawn stands right in front of me, eyes glaring down at my slim figure and for a moment I think he is about to say something, but he remains silent.
Manny orders the registrar to start and I stand next to Shawn in front of him as he say his usual speech, talking about love and uniting two souls for the rest of their lives.
His life is going to be short, I think to myself and almost even smile at the thought, but manage to keep a straight face.
“Now Joana and Shawn, please join hands and face each other,” the officiant croaks out and I can feel all eyes on me as I turn to face Shawn who does the same. He moves his hands and they meet mine in the middle, the warmth of his touch almost causing me to shudder. His eyes are intensely burning down on my face and I wonder what he is thinking about me.
Does he think I’m pretty? Is he mad he has to marry me? I force myself to focus as the officiant continues his speech.
“Joana, do you take Shawn to be your husband?” he asks and I say my answer loud and clear so everyone in the room can hear it.
“I do.”
“Shawn, do you take Joana to be your wife?”
His answer arrives a little slower than mine, for a second I even think that he is about to say he doesn’t, but then he finally speaks up.
“I do.”
The lack of enthusiasm in his answer would be hurtful to any bride, but not to me. I couldn’t care less if he wants to marry me or not. I won’t cry into my pillow all night long because he didn’t seem happy saying I do.
It’s silent in the room as the registrar finishes off his speech, but I could swear I hear a round of relieved sighs following Shawn’s answer.
Shawn pulls a black diamond ring on my finger, the rock so big and heavy I’ll surely feel the weight difference between my hands from now on. Then you put the subtle white gold ring on his finger and sign the papers, making the wedding official.
“And now, you may kiss the bride,” the officiant finishes, but Shawn’s answer comes so fast, I’m sure he has been planning on saying it the whole time during the ceremony.
“No kiss. The ceremony is over.”
His hands let go of mine fast as if I had the plague and he walks away, joining a group of congratulating men, leaving me stand there just a tad bit hurt, but mostly excited that the plan is officially on.
From now on I will be working on making the Mendes family pay for what they did to my parents while they won’t even know who is trying to ruin them from the inside. Because who would be suspicious of a gorgeous, stupid little girl when Toronto’s number one Mob is collapsing right in front of the eyes of the man who has killed so many? That’s right.
No one.
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sapphistryyy · 4 years ago
Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)
first, i want to say that i do not like the term “gold star lesbian” bc it is used to shame lesbians who have been with men in the past before realizing they’re lesbians, which is absolutely wrong. that said, yes I am a “gold star lesbian”
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naferty · 5 years ago
Avengers x IT au. i mean honestly stevetony fits so well as reddie. natasha is bev, sam is mike, thor as billy (bc loki as Georgie) bruce as Ben and Clint as Stanley. Haha. Yeah idk why I like to make myself cry either QvQ
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Oh, ooh, ohhhhhh, okay, on one hand - YES - on the other…. omg that would be so painful! 
Like, Steve as Richie. Closeted, trashiest mouth you’ll ever see, puts sailors to shame, dreams of one day having an exhibit filled with his art and when he’s grown, is only known as famous artists Captain America because he ended up on the news as the guy who hit a loud nazi sympathizer and ever since can’t escape the name so he goes along with it and his fame eventually earns him that exhibit, but his art isn’t the reason for his fans. It’s crappy art and he knows it, but he can’t find his muse. The crappy art is still enough to justify any exhibit under Rogers. All the fans only go to see Captain America. 
Tony as Eddie, not exactly a hypochondriac, but he absolutely hates it when others touch him or hand him things. He can never have his back turned on someone, always believing they’ll get him with something. He’s always wearing gloves. Has a fear of taking them off. Scarred hands to show for his anxieties and panic attacks and undiagnosed ptsd. He grows to be a famous engineer, ironically, and is both married and works for Sunset Bain and her company. Years under Howards’ care lead him to marry someone who treats him just like his father had. No love. Just pain. 
Thor as Bill. No stutter, just a heavy accent he can’t seem to shake off no matter how long he’s lived in america, and he has adhd. His impulsiveness and hyperactive mind often get him in trouble and push the patience of others. His mind is the reason he doesn’t tag along with his little brother Loki on that faithful day and ever since it’s all his mind ever focuses on. Needing to find his brother. When grown, he receives treatment. He manages his impulses better and can focus on tasks longer, but his thoughts continuously jump back and forth. It’s the reason why his scripts are always hard to follow sometimes. He jumps scenes, events happen in different orders, but his endings always turn out great. Part of the reason why his work gains traction. In movies, in tv shows, hell, he’s even published books. “The start and middle are hard to follow, but the endings never disappoint!” He’s also an alcoholic and divorced. He doesn’t know the reason for why he started drinking. Can’t remember it, but alcohol seems to be the only thing that numbs the pain for it.
Natasha as Beverly, living under her psycho aunt who acts sweet and caring but is not afraid to teach Nat how ladies properly behave in unorthodox ways. She tries to teach Nat how to manipulate, how to con, how to pleasure. She also locks Nat in a small, closet-sized room, a room she lovingly calls the ‘red room,’ when Nat misbehaves. Nat is dysfunctional because of all this. Can never settle down with anyone for long. Can never trust. She has four marriages under her belt, has stolen, lied and cheated her way to the top. Only knows to be a trophy wife for the rich and famous but is by no means helpless. Is often called a golddigger and in a way, yeah, she is, but to her it’s survival.
Bruce as Ben. Smart, the embodiment of nerdy, has baby fat and has an uncontrollable temper, often violent because of it. His relief is escaping to the forest and breaking what he can find. When calm, he’s always in the library. Reading science books, studying formulas, making ground-breaking discoveries, and occasionally learning about history. He’s more interested in science and studying the properties of near anything, but the selection in the library hardly has what he wants to learn. As an adult, he’s a very successful scientist. A nuclear physicist with more PhDs to count than in one hand. He has counseling for his anger problems. Has routines and exercises to help. Has done very well when it comes to his health. Has kept the nerdy look and even made it attractive, but for all his groundbreaking words and vogue inclusions he lives alone and miserable in his large home. 
Clint as Stan. A deaf kid with a large case of abandonment issues. Bullied and mocked for his hearing aids. Raised by his brother, Barney and his only friend being his dog, Lucky, for the longest time. He doesn’t have any social skills, is known for doing things not considered normal, and doesn’t speak much, but if he has to say something he will say something. Grown up, he becomes a famous archer, has won many gold medals under the field, is often used to model with motion-capture and is in a lot of popular video games and is also a well-recommended stunt performer. His gig is performing truly risky and dangerous stunts and bouncing back with only scratches. His face is covered in bandaids. One day, one self-inflicted stunt just proves far too deadly.
Sam as Mike, living in a farm with his grandfather and tending to the animals. He’s bullied, attacked and nearly killed because of the racism in the town. He’s constantly haunted about his past. About what happened to his parents. About what could happen to him with every new day the sun brings. He’s always thinking about the future. About what will come. When it will end. Even out of school he’s smart as a whip, an incredible carpenter and growing up with his head down has taught him how to survive and fight back as an adult. Living in a hell has only toughened his skin. He might stay behind and continue to live in their small town, but even the townspeople have to admit he’s good at his job and always call him first when fixing and remodeling their homes. He’s famous in his own right.
Let us all suffer. 
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anythingtrxsh · 6 years ago
do you know any lengthy, well-written taekook fics? preferably not so well known because i’ve read the most popular ones :)
okay! so finding fics that you haven’t read is gonna be so hard though? but i’ll try. (also: i’m gonna list the fics from not-so-long to really-really-long)
I’d flex, but I like this shirt [25k] by RNA {gym au– taehyung loves hamburgers, jeongguk is his trainer. this one’s mostly crack with a bit (read: lot) of pining and lowkey flirting}
Freesia [25k] by mintsoda {vampire au– the most !! underrated !! vampire au !! ever !!!!}
i wanna come put your lips on mine [27k] by locks {college au– listen!! i love hyungsik and seojoon! and theyre so dorky and the cutest big bros taehyung could ever had. also taehyung’s character is really entertaining. honestly theyre all so dumb here. its hilarious}
you’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be [27k] by aeterisks {friends with benefits au– i actually think that not many people know about this fic bc ive never actually seen it around blogs or anything? but idk that might be just me. it’s pretty great though}
Shark in the Water [30k] by mindheist {mermaid au– ok i’m aware that this one is pretty well-known but just in case you’ve never read this before lmao. jimin in this one is absolutely soooo hilarious. honestly i love me some fed up jimin}
(thought you knew) you were in this song [31k] by expplipo { soulmate au– so i don’t think this fic is that popular mostly bc people dont usually read fics with that much angst and honestly i don’t either but this fic was so beautiful? i really really cried like a baby with this one}
we made these memories for ourselves [32k] by thestarsabove {friends with benefits au– honestly anybody would’ve guessed that thestarsabove was going to make it to this list. if you find the justin bieber cameo on this one, you win.}
Local Pen Pal Looking for Romance [34k] by Mntsnflrs {college au– okay listen here buddy. they meet through post-its on their doors and its literally the cUTEst thing ever ok. dont @ me}
can you be (mine?) [34k] by melonnim {college au– jeongguk is so dumb that he literally doesnt realize that he’s in love with taehyung until somebody screams it at him. in other news. chanyeol and baekhyun show up and its everything ive ever needed}
Lucky strike [35k] by expplipo {mundane superpower/luck au– i really think this is a really underrated fic? like not many people know about it?? this one comes with a bonus post-ending scene that you can read here. jeongguk has bad luck and its kind of hilarious? and also really annoying at times. but thats life i guess}
always meant to be; destiny [37k] by madeliefie {idol/boxer au– this one came out like pretty recently (like a month ago or smth) so you probably havent read it but like everybody should???they get married. its beautiful. I CRIED A LOT OK}
Our Red Scarf (Keep Me Warm) [42k] by MirreRover {friends with benefits au– as much as i try not to read fwb aus (bc theyre so predictable u know) somehow i always end up reading them anyways and they always destroy me. this one really is beautiful and the ending is so fluffy?? it has everything you could have asked for}
Serve & Protect [42k] by neptune_scar {police au– the slow burn on this one really fucking hurts. also the suspense is really intense sis}
The Geographical Cure [43k] by atechamcham {backpacking au– words cannot describe how much i love fics like this one}
but all your flaws and scars are mine [44k] by misanthrpic {college au– ok they’re kind of rivals at the beginning and i love it???? this one also comes with a follow up bonus post-ending scene that you can find here!}
make it to me [51k] by thestarsabove {pride and prejudice au– i dont really know if this one is well-known or not but it is one of my favorite fics ever and i really love everything thestarsabove writes so yeah}
Maybe we can be (each other’s company) [57k] by foolishbangtan {idol/fan account au– these kind of fics always crack me up bc there’s always one of them who obviously doesnt believe that the other one is their idol (!!!) or whatever and its pretty hilarious when they meet so… }
Meet Me After Dark [58k] by parmejeon {sports au– literally everything by parmejeon is gold!!}
ok there are exactly 18 fics here so surely there are hopefully some you haven’t read?? (i really worked my ass off to find some not-so-popular long good fics so it’d be a shame if it was all for nothing lmaoo) anywaysss if you have read all of these fics or most of them– feel free to let me know and I’ll keep looking!!
happy reading!
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sharkmobster · 5 years ago
spider verse coffee shop au??
Anon im sorry i wanted to draw the coffeeshop au but ive been so tired lately so imma just overshare about what goes down bc this au is just (thick tombstone voice) : “everybody’s traumatized bitch lets get you a latte”
 • this au is incredibly villain centric bc uhhhhh all i do is think about villains
 • its also very aaron davis centric bc time to project my anxiety onto a grown ass man babey!!
 • anyway this takes place in a normal world where there’s no superheros or avengers or what have you, everyone’s super average 
• like i said this is more or less aaron centric and focuses on him readjusting to society and making connections with other people, and just healing in general. Aaron’s whole deal is that he was wrongfully arrested for defending himself against an off duty cop who was harassing him and ended up with a 10 year sentence  (but was let off a year earlier for good behaviour). He’s got a lot of guilt bc of this if only for the fact that he feels like he let down his brother and Miles (who was a small lad at the time).
 • Fun Fact! Jefferson was the one that picked up Aaron at the jail when he served out his sentence! The ride back to brooklyn was awkward! but also jefferson loves his brother and even tho they’ve had their falling outs he never once stopped believing that his brother was innocent. Jefferson also made sure to pull some strings and ended up getting an apartment set up for Aaron (even though jefferson and rio were 100% down to open their home to him for as long as it took him to get back onto his feet but of course aaron denied them bc he didnt want to be a burden) Aaron’s grateful but he tends to avoid his own family…a lot….
• it’s ridiculously hard to find a job bc nobody wants to hire an ex convict no matter the circumstances and Aaron’s legitimately about to lose hope when he spots an expensive looking shop nestled in between an old arcade and a knick knack shop
 • ‘Vanessa’s Cafe’ is neatly printed above the door in fancy gold lettering. it’s obvious that the owner has serious cash bc the shop looks too damn good and too well maintained to be a regular mom and pop shop. there’s a help wanted sign hastily scribbled on a piece of notebook paper in the middle of the window which is odd since it off sets the professional vibe of the place. But hey it’s worth a shot so Aaron walks in ready to be denied another job only to find the weirdest looking group of people he’s ever seen.
 • The first guy that catches his attention is the very large albino man who looks way too stressed out and manic to be working in a coffeeshop, but the job must pay well because he’s very well dressed.
 • “Liv, for fuck’s sake! Clean your goddamn station!” he’s whisper shouting? Is that even a thing? oh look at that he’s got a full set of razor sharp teeth. huh. that’s a hell of an aesthetic he’s going for.
 • The lady in question isn’t even giving him the time of day, just enthralled by her phone with a smile that looks too peaceful given what’s happening around her. She’s got wild hair tied up messily in a knitted bandana, weird glasses (custom made??) and when she glances up at aaron, her eyes widen in interest like he’s some anomaly to be cracked open. aaron looks anywhere that isnt the wild eyed lady at the counter.
• Theres another big guy that’s hanging around the back, heavily tattooed and lifting stacks of heavy boxes. Aaron takes notice of his prosthetic hand and the tattoo guy takes notice of Aaron. 
• “Lonnie. Customer.” The Tattoo guy seems nonplussed about Aaron and walks into the back. aaron assumes that he’s offended him by staring at his prosthetic for longer than necessary which yeah….yeah he’s probably not happy about the staring. 
 • lonnie’s got a bad case of resting bitch face so he’s glaring at aaron without actually glaring and he’s just rough around ALL the edges so his tones got that nice bite to it as he shouts from across the counter (which is not something you do to a customer but it’s lonnie…..)  "Hey! Ya looking for a job, skinny jeans?!“
 • Aaron blanches at the idea of working with these people but he is absolutely desperate for a job at this point.
 •"Yeah. I just got out of-”
 •"Great, you’re hired! We’re speed running this whole introduction thing, string bean.“
 •and that’s all i got other than like small details like:
 •Peter B Parker owns a ”“’'cafe”“” across from Vanessa’s and its literally just a burger joint that h a p p e n s to sell coffee and Parker will fight you if you call his place a deli ahdhdj
 •Liv and May are dating (big shock) and peter b has to constantly deal with seeing his competition over at his place all the time and it’s yikes
 • Tombstone and Noir will 100% throw hands on contact. They don’t hate each other tho??? Its weird they just like to fight. gives them a chance to work on their banter i guess. Noir works the coffee machine at Peter’s “'cafe”’ so i guess he’s the “”barista”” of the joint but he drinks the coffee more than the customers do
 • Miles and the rest of the spider kids “”“”“"intern”“”“” at the cafe which basically translates to free labor
 •  spider ham works there but he isnt a pig he’s just john mulaney. i know its weird. nobody actually sees him tho so he’s a complete mystery as to what he looks like so he could be john mulaney you never know. the only person who’s seen him is noir and that’s only bc they’re  a thing???
 •oh speaking of everyone being gay:  everyone’s gay
 • Lonnie and Gargan (tombstone and scorpion) are 100% dating but everyone legitimately thinks that the both of them are straight old men despite the fact that they live together, go to work together, hang out afterwards together, and they’re just always together
 • lonnie’s  daughter (janice)  visits every other week (def the product of a divorce he went through years ago) she’s alright with gargan but she’s very distant towards her dad and def has that teen angst phase that she’s going through
 • (lonnie can and will talk to you for hours about how much he loves and supports his daughter despite the fact that their relationship is very estranged)
 • you can find janice hanging out with the cute blond punk girl at that weird burger/coffee place across the street
 • oh gargan’s big and strong despite the fact that he’s missing three limbs, liv works in robotics on the side and constantly tweaks and repairs his prosthetics when they start acting up which leads to them having this weird friendship where they both borrow each other when they need something and dont really expect anything in return (like gargan’s good for getting her supplies and doing heavy lifting when she needs it and liv’s always down to run check ups on gargan)
 • oh yeah liv used to be a scientist but immediately lost her license and phd when she started going above some board members heads to buy less than legal things through super illegal sources
.• that’s another thing, kingpin tends to just hire ex cons and criminals to work in his cafe just bc he believes that a person willing to work hard to better themselves deserves a chance to re enter society again.
 • like they’ve all done bad things but still ended up with a job at the cafe. aaron fought a cop, liv did some shady deals for an illegal experiment, gargan used to run a drug ring years ago due to personal reasons but once he was free from jail he never dealt with the stuff again, and lonnie killed a dude (allegedly. he never went to jail bc they couldn’t prove anything but hey word spread around quick and everyone knew not to go anywhere near this guy)
 • kingpin is in this au btw he’s just……a very depressed man who’s still grieving over his wife and son dying in a car accident
.• he rarely shows up to run the cafe bc its too much for him being in the place that his wife loved and built up from the ground. he used to be the manager after she died but couldn’t handle it and mostly left lonnie to take care of it
• which holy fuck lonnie is trying his best to keep this cafe alive and well and there’s only two other people working there so like its enough to have him scrambling all over the place trying to find more help (thanks aaron)
 •miles doesn’t know aaron’s working at the cafe across the street and aaron def wants it that way bc even tho he’s out of jail he hasn’t actually……visited miles yet….. it’s the shame that’s keeping aaron from reaching out to him which is….sad bc miles doesn’t care what happened he just wants his uncle back.
 • oh oh one more thing RIPeter used to run the deli across the street but had to leave brooklyn to go volunteer at homeless shelters across the states indefinitely so theres no telling when he’ll be back, so he left the cafe under the guidance of pb parker (peter b parker voice: my cafe now)
 •and uhhh thats all i got, like i said this au is just found family trope + the healing we all want + bad people getting redemption which is all the tropes that i love all compacted together in the most cliche au you can imagine!
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asmodeusmorelikeassmodeus · 6 years ago
Shadowhunters 3x11 Commentary
I really do enjoy seeing them in the field
That’s a really cool fight sequence but also…axes?? They must be so unhandy
Oh THERE’S his sword
This whole series is so dark I’d actually think it was a black screen if there weren’t noises
Why did it take them so long to go after him??? This is ridiculous
Jace feeling guilty for something and being (self-)destructive in the process this is a completely new thing we’ve never seen before
Okay say what you want but this montage of them grieving clary with THAT song in the background actually almost made me cry, it’s so emotional and so well-done by everyone involved
yOu mEaN sHe’S nOt dEaD????? Colour me shocked
ADORE Luke Baines as Jonathan
And also I actually feel really bad for him, I mean…he was brought up by Valentine, sent away by his father to literal hell, was tortured by Lilith when he was just a little boy. It’s only natural that he has no idea what family, love or anything means. He’s basically a boy in the body of a grown man who’s never had someone genuinely love him without using him for their own profit. And yeah, he did a lot of messed up sh*t but…can you blame him?? Nobody ever taught him about morals or whatever. I mean…he definitely has to be stopped but pushing him away and showing him that everyone thinks he’s a monster probably isn’t the way to go.
Okay now, Clary running away is just plain STUPID. I mean…she doesn’t even know where exactly she is, just somewhere in Siberia which is…not exactly a town. And of course Lilith wouldn’t send them near the next bigger city in the country, she’ll have them land somewhere in the middle of nowhere. So all Clary is achieving here is getting frostbite and probably dying. She is not that stupid. Stop writing her like that for dramatic purposes.
Everyone shut up my boys are back.
Magnus not knowing how to put on eyeliner manually is just bullsh*t. I bet he sometimes did his hair and makeup by hand, just like he sometimes takes a shower instead of using magic.
I am L I V I N G for domestic malec. Alec back at it again with casually dropping wedding vows, leaning down to get his well-deserved cheek kiss, babysitting Madzie. I LOVE IT
Couldn’t you have given us at least 20 seconds of Cat-Magnus one-on-one?? Please??? I bet with you, they actually filmed one but cut it out bc it looks like Cat’s about to say something.
Someone give Simon a tight, long hug please
Annnnnd round one of people shaming Maia for needing time away after suddenly seeing her abuser again!!!!!
Wow, Clary’s hair and eye makeup look pretty amazing for running around in the cold for who knows how long!!
The Clave??? Torture??? Breaking the Accords??? Unheard of!!
Okay I actually like the sibling scene between Jace and Izzy but did you HAVE to throw that comment about not having someone she loves as much as he loves Clary?? Like…that’s wrong on so many levels. a) Izzys storylines are ALWAYS linked to boys. Can you NOT??? b) platonic love is just as important as romantic love, if not more. Izzy clearly loves Clary and I’ve seen more sincere, loving scenes between those two than between Cl*ce. So stop.
Now THAT’s an “I’m gonna marry this man” look right here. And also, Alec reading to Madzie? Too cute.
I LOVE bantering boyfriends!!! And also Alec’s face practically spells out “oh, how WE get, huh?”
And once again people keep us from having our cute scenes of Malec cuddling
Man do I HATE Iris
This looks like they filmed it in a ski resort. Like. No snowy mountain has such a wide field of suddenly tree-less ground with perfectly arranged snow.
I mean, I already guessed that Magnus’ wards would have stopped working but…in THIS time nobody thinks of putting new wards around Magnus’ apartment (like…Catarina??) AND the institute which is also unprotected at the moment??? I mean…I hope they at least had someone renew the wards around the institute tbh…
Taking Jace off duty is a good call. Alec is head of the institute and he has to make the decisions that are best for everyone and in this case Jace is a liability and a danger to others and himself
And they’re back at it again with the big parabatai quotes without ever giving us scenes where we actually SEE this great bond they’re supposed to have
Round two of shaming Maia!!! I really, really hate this scene and Izzy is absolutely out of line. If you’re gonna do Sizzy like this, don’t do it.
Magnus with that sword is GOLD
Well for the fact that they were after Iris and wanted to capture/fight her, they did an awful job of doing that. Even without Magnus there to be kidnapped they wouldn’t have stood a chance which is stupid since they’re supposed to be the best people in the institute.
I still laugh about the fact that she stabs Jonathan with a BUTTER KNIFE.
Luke…. .____. Someone (Maryse) give him a hug too, pls
Oh how I hate Iris
This dialogue is so…flat.
Even without his powers I wouldn’t mess with Magnus tbqh
Well, Raphael’s regret comes a bit late
It’s still kind of stupid that Simon goes to see Raphael just for him to tell him there’s a vampire in New York who can help him, so Simon goes back to New York to look for him
Stop hurting my baby T^T
So you’re trying to tell me Magnus actually thinks that Catarina thinks Madzie would be better off with Iris and they’re going to give Madzie to her??? You’re not serious, are you?
Iris leaving Magnus there unsupervised and walking towards an obviously fake Madzie is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Combined with her hands up at just the right time for Izzy’s whip to chain her and then her conveniently turning to Alec for him to pin her with an arrow.
I really hope we won’t see more of that b*tch.
Oh Jia is SUCH a GOOD person. Sadly, that only lasts for a second or so.
Alec has lots of fans out there
Pretty sure that Jia isn’t actually lying. The Clave doesn’t do torture. But they’re outsourcing it.
Okay, I like that they had Malec actually talk about things for once but I really hope this wasn’t it. Magnus is clearly still struggling and it’s not just about not being able to do magic anymore.
Alec is right. And also, in love.
Foreeeeeeeshadowing to the Malec training scene!! Even if I’m pretty sure they won’t get much actual training done.
Maia for pack leader 2k19
Saia deserves a better ending.
Time for Clary to stab her brother with a butter knife!!!
WhAt??? They are bOuNd tOgEthEr??? *Phoebe voice* This is totally new information!!!
Luckily Jonathan died slowly enough for him to heal both of them I guess
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tsaritsa · 7 years ago
the end is the same (for everyone)
hi guys. here’s the 6k fic i wrote for day 1 of royai week. i incorporated all 3 themes bc i’m that Hoe
warnings: allusions to child trafficking (but it has a happy ending)
“He knew we were on a lead! But sure, let’s just drag us out of that because of some third-rate mobster-”
It was late afternoon at Central Headquarters, with the sun lazily hovering in the sky, drenching the Western Wing in deep hues of orange and pink. The majority of the administration personnel had already turned in for the day; instead leaving the night staff flitting around the building like moths around a candle. Edward had only been inside Central Command a few times in the short years since he became a State Alchemist, but it still gave him pause when he considered just how vast the place was.
They certainly weren’t in Resembool anymore.
He threw up his hands in frustration as they rounded the corner and opened the door to the office they’d been given direction to. “Al, he knew! Next time he asks for my help-”
“I can’t think of a time when I’d be asking for your help Fullmetal, but I certainly wouldn’t be complaining about it as much as you are,” Mustang answered smoothly, standing up from the desk he had been hunched over, ink stains all over his hands. “You have been ordered to join this mission and you will perform your duties as such.” He turned to Lieutenant Hawkeye, who Edward realised wasn’t in the familiar navy of the military uniform – none of the occupants in the room were, actually. Blues had been replaced with blacks, uniforms with formal suits, and for the Lieutenant – a slinky black number that was practically dripping in what he could only assume were diamonds. It almost looked like armour, with the way the fabric was sewn, and how the gems laid on top of on another, interlocking in a complex pattern.
Mustang cocked his head to the side as he considered the Lieutenant. “Do you need more diamonds?”
Hawkeye hummed and stretched her arm out to inspect her shoulder better – the diamonds glinted and dazzled with every movement. “I think we should be fine now, sir. Anything more and I wouldn’t be surprised if Bobby suspected we were there for him.” She turned to face the brothers properly, an expectant look on her face. “You have received the dossier we sent to Eastern Headquarters, correct?”
Edward and Alphonse nodded.
She gestured to the couch, accepting the file the Colonel handed her. “Then tell me your role. This operation has to go smoothly, and the last thing we want is for you to get caught in the crossfire if something goes wrong.” Hawkeye settled herself neatly by the low table, adjusting her dress as she knelt down. It was a far cry from how he had seen her before – Lieutenant Hawkeye wasn’t someone Edward would personally call scary…but her no-nonsense attitude left Edward with the impression that she didn’t have the time to suffer fools. How Mustang made himself an exception to that rule was a mystery.
“We’re acting as decoys, right?”
The Lieutenant nodded. “Us two, as well as Colonel Mustang will be acting as a lure for Bobby Carlsberg. The event we’re attending tonight is a charity function that’s actually a front for a black market auction. The man has done far worse than peddling illegal goods on the side, but we need to arrest him with an actual crime to ensure we can make all the other charges stick.”
“What has he done?” Alphonse asked.
Hawkeye’s lips thinned. “It doesn’t need to be repeated,” she said firmly, shaking her head. “In any case I’m sure more will be uncovered once we have jurisdiction over his financial records and can do a through sweep of his townhouse apartment. But those aren’t details necessary for tonight. What I need from the two of you is absolute compliance with any orders I give, or that the Colonel gives tonight. This isn’t an operation where you can just fight your way out-”
Edward scoffed. “We’re not that bad-”
“Tell that to the expense reports the Lieutenant is continually filling out on your behalf,” Mustang said pointedly from one of the desks, not looking up from his work. “I’m not in the mood for a tantrum tonight, Fullmetal. This is our only chance to get this guy and I will not have you screwing it up for me.”
“Please, Edward. We know you and Alphonse are capable – but in this instance you’re simply playing the role of a child.” Hawkeye’s tone was less acerbic, but no less insistent. “Working as a team is the best way to catch this man.”
Edward crossed his arms over his chest. “Then why aren’t we including Al in this? If it came to blows, then-”
“Alphonse is a civilian. We are not endangering his life when there are plenty of soldiers to spare first.” Mustang pushed himself away from his desk, passing the Lieutenant a small bracelet that glinted in the office light similarly to the gemstones attached to her dress. “Is that too gaudy for Mrs Phillips?”
Hawkeye shook her head, a small smile curling up her lips. “Such a shame you won’t let me keep these diamonds – I could afford to rent a better apartment if you kept me supplied. I doubt the lapidists would notice you transmuted them.”
“Knowing you, you’d only adopt more dogs. The economy would crumble overnight as you bought out every breeder in the country.” Mustang’s tone was teasing, and this annoyed Edward for reasons he couldn’t quite explain.
“I thought State Alchemists weren’t meant to use their abilities to create personal wealth.” The words were careless and thrown out, and he knew he had overstepped as soon as he had uttered them.
Mustang’s jaw tensed, and he knelt down next to the Lieutenant as she extended her wrist towards him. He was quiet for a moment as his fingers worked over the catchments. “And I thought you had been told before that I won’t have any backtalking when we have a job to do. We ordered you here because you are beholden to, and I will use any advantage in my arsenal to ensure this operation goes smoothly. If you do not follow my orders tonight, you will be court-martialled Fullmetal.” His hands dropped from the Lieutenant’s wrist and he looked squarely at Edward, eyes hard. “Do I make myself clear?”
Edward sunk further into the couch. “Yes sir,” he mumbled.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that-”
“Yes, sir,” he said louder, irritation as clear as a bell. Mustang’s eyebrow lifted slightly, before he sighed.
“Lieutenant, I can trust you to get Fullmetal ready?”
Hawkeye nodded shortly, watching as the Colonel strode away towards where Havoc was preparing some handguns, hands shoved deeply into his pocket. “I wouldn’t try my luck if I were you,” she admonished, standing up and dusting off her knees. “There’s a lot riding on tonight.”
Hawkeye shook her head, signalling him to follow her. “We’ll be back in a moment, Alphonse,” she said, opening the door and waiting for Edward to pass through.
He kept quiet as he followed her down the hallway. It was…strange seeing her out of her uniform, truth be told. The idea of her having a life that existed outside of the military – one that didn’t revolve around tailing Mustang – still seemed like a foreign concept, like those old adventure movies with the fantastical creatures that he and Al would watch when Mr Smith brought his projection box to Resembool.
The Lieutenant stopped before a door, and unlocked it, glancing down the hallway as she did so. Inside was what Edward could only describe as a costume closet and he found himself wedged between boxes marked ‘shoes’ and a rack of black suits. Hawkeye ran her hand over the selection, her tongue poking out as she peered at tags. “I guess you could always do some alterations if the pants don’t fit well,” she said, selecting one of the coat hangers and holding it at length. She passed the suit to Edward before stretching up onto the balls of her feet – as her arms lifted to pull back a box on the highest shelving level, he noticed the shoes she was wearing. The dark fabric of her dress had hidden them before but now, even in the dusty yellow light of the supply-closet-cum-undercover-outfit-storage, the diamond embellishing covering the nude satin of the heel glinted and sparkled.
“The Colonel really goes all-out for this stuff, doesn’t he?”
Hawkeye nodded as she rifled through the box. “It takes a bit of time – I spent most of the afternoon with him sewing all these diamonds on – but we’re mingling with the highest that society has to offer in Central and they’re very good at sniffing out those who don’t belong.”
Edward frowned. “Why not use alchemy? I do it with my coat all the time.”
Hawkeye laughed – a proper one, that caused her lips to stretch widely across her face. “The Colonel is very talented when it comes to alchemy, but we agreed it would be easier to simply do it by hand, rather than risk ruining the dress if he calculated a part of the transmutation incorrectly.” She handed him a tie – a deep burgundy one with flecks of gold thread woven in the silk – and pushed the box back into its place.
He adjusted the suit and tie in his arms as she shifted next to him, peering into one of the boxes labelled ‘shoes’. “I didn’t realise the Colonel could sew.”
“How did you think he managed with his gloves otherwise? I taught him the basic skills when we were younger-” she abruptly paused, hands hovering over another box before she sighed. “It goes without saying, Edward,” the Lieutenant said quietly, voice barely carrying over the hum of the heating pipes overhead, “but in the same way that we carry you and your brother’s secret – you will carry ours as well. Is that understood?”
Edward nodded quickly. There was no mistaking the ‘we’ – both on the level of the inner team themselves, undoubtedly entertaining his brother with jokes while they waited for the two of them to return; but also, the deeper meaning. It wasn’t hard to catch wind of the rumours, not certainly when he was still seen by most of Eastern Command to be something of an oddity and not truly considered part of the Colonel’s men. The most salacious ones were whispered in the mess hall with an air of incredulity and exaggeration – but there were little comments thrown his way, ones that he sometimes didn’t understand and sometimes wished he didn’t. He might’ve only been fourteen, but Edward wasn’t that unobservant.
The two of them reminded him a bit of binary stars – the theorised phenomena where the gravitational push of each affected the other in a constant, ever-shifting dance. It was easy enough to argue that was simply a result of the Lieutenant’s skill as a bodyguard, but even in the environment of his office, where danger was supposedly at its lowest, the two of them still shifted and adjusted, seemingly unaware of their actions. A shared history made a lot of sense, he supposed, accepting the shoes she passed him, still deep in thought. But it also raised questions of just how long they had known one another, and he had remembered the Colonel making a comment about the trials of trying to flirt with girls when he was a teenager and learning alchemy at the same time –
Yes, perhaps there were secrets better left untouched. Mustang’s alchemy was legendary with good reason, and men had killed for less.
He blinked rapidly as Hawkeye rested her hand on his shoulder, head cocked to the side in concern. “Are you okay?”
Edward nodded. “Yeah. Where do you want me to get dressed?” He followed her out of the small closet and waited as she locked the door.
“There’s a bathroom just around the corner. Come back to the office when you’re done.”
He shuffled into the office twenty minutes later, the tips of his ears burning with shame. The pants had been fine – one quick transmutation later and the fabric no longer bunched embarrassingly at his ankles. But the tie – the bloody tie! It wasn’t something he had ever learned how to do – there were no fancy school uniforms when he and Al were kids, and even if he did wear a military uniform, the need was only if you were a cadet. The fabric was crumpled tightly in his automail hand as he shut the door as quietly as he could manage, not wanting to attract any attention towards himself, but it was too late: as if on cue, everyone in the office turned their heads towards him expectantly.
Second Lieutenant Havoc grinned at him brightly from where he sat, his hands full of ammunition clips. “Looking good Chief!”
Mustang looked up from the desk he sat at. “Havoc’s right – you don’t scrub up too badly at all, Fullmetal. But where’s the tie?”
Edward sullenly held up the offending fabric. “I’ve never had to do one of these before.”
A small smile pulled at the older man’s lips – one that Edward was surprised to recognise not as unkind, but sympathetic. “Lieutenant, can you-”
“You know how to tie a tie better than I do, sir,” Hawkeye answered, in a manner that Edward felt was a bit more pointed than it necessarily needed to be, not looking up from a clipboard Sergeant Fuery had given her. “And I daresay you know more than just the Windsor knot.”
Mustang nodded, chastened. He beckoned Edward over, pushing himself away from the desk, which he realised was covered in blueprints and diagrams as he neared. Exits had been circled in thick red marker, with the Colonel’s familiar handwriting spread across the paper, scratched out furiously in places.
“I couldn’t do my own tie for the longest time either,” Mustang told him, flicking up the collar of his shirt and smoothing down the fabric of the tie to lie flush to his shoulders. Edward shifted awkwardly at the contact but said nothing. “My mother had to tie them all for me and then I just loosened them enough to get them over my head. But it’s bad form for the fabric to be twisted continuously.” His hands were sure and methodical as he worked the fabric. “Let me know if it’s too tight for you – can’t have you fainting in the middle of all this.”
“I thought a black tie dress code meant a black tie.”
Mustang nodded. “True. But you’re a child, and children are allowed to break the stupid rules that adults make up. It’s also so my men can identify you quickly in case of emergency.”
Edward snorted. “Would’ve thought you’d be basing that on my height-”
The knot was pulled up against his throat firmly, but not uncomfortably as Mustang drew back to admire his handiwork. “No, that would be unprofessional, Fullmetal, and I don’t have time for mucking around tonight.” He smoothed the collar back down and dusted the tops of his shoulders quickly. “And now you’re all set. We’re moving out in ten, so keep close by.” He tossed some white gloves his way, and Edward caught them easily.
“What’s wrong with my gloves?”
Mustang gave him a sceptical look, sitting back down. “Mine aren’t stained with oil.”
Jerk. Edward turned on his heel, and walked to where Al was perched, hilariously oversized on a chair that somebody had brought him. He rested his bare hand on his brother’s head, absorbing in the cool steel. “You’ll be okay without me?”
Alphonse nodded energetically, armour clinking. “Yeah! Mr Fuery is going to be in the building over handling all the communication, so I’ll be hanging out with him. It won’t be as fun as what you’re doing though.”
Edward laughed, rubbing the helmet. “At least you’ll be safe if things go sideways tonight.”
Alphonse scoffed. “If you’re going to be there, something is going to go wrong, brother.”
He flicked the top of Alphonse’s head, wincing as pain bloomed briefly across his finger. “I don’t think the Colonel has left any space in the plan for me to muck up. Anyway, you should have more faith in me! I’ve been in plenty of situations where things could’ve gone badly but didn’t.”
“Only because things were already bad enough by the time you came onto the scene,” Alphonse muttered.
Edward opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted by the door to the office opening once more.
“Hughes,” Mustang replied in a bored fashion, standing up. “Everybody’s ready on your end?”
Hughes nodded, winking at the boys as he crossed the room. “We’re good to go on your order. Team Arthur and Bruno are already in position.” He turned to Hawkeye and placed a hand dramatically over his heart.
“First Lieutenant, I’m sure Roy has already told you numerous times how wonderful you look tonight, but truly, you will outshine every guest there.”
Hawkeye tucked some hair behind her ear. “I hope you don’t mean that literally, Lieutenant Colonel Hughes. The plan rides on our ability to identify our target.”
He held up his hands in defeat. “Right, right, we have a job to do, and there’s no time for dad jokes – by the way, have you seen the latest-”
“Later, Hughes.”
The subsequent briefing had been quick and to-the-point: they couldn’t arrest Bobby until after lot number two-hundred and fifty-two, and the little radio headsets that Fuery had kitted them out with would only work within a certain range in the building – if they strayed too far from the main floor they’d run the risk of losing the signal and his team would be unable to forewarn them of any issues. The earpiece felt uncomfortable in his ear but there was no point – nor time – to complain. Within minutes he was being escorted into a flash-looking car and sitting opposite the Colonel and Lieutenant.
“I still don’t understand why you needed me on this mission.”
“Bobby has a thing for blonds,” Mustang replied darkly after a beat and Hawkeye sent him a furious look.
“We weren’t going to tell him-”        
“He’s going to find out anyway Lieutenant-”
Edward frowned. “I don’t get it. Lieutenant Hawkeye is blonde, so-” Realisation dawned on him and he felt the contents of his lunch churn dangerously in his stomach. “I see.”
Hawkeye was staring daggers at her superior officer, who in turn was watching the city lights flicker by as they made their way down West Avenue. “It is insulting that you don’t think me capable, sir.” The title was thrown out bitterly, and Edward shrank back into his seat as best he could. This was a conversation he had no wish to be involved with.
“You’re more capable than any other person in the military, dear,” the Colonel answered finally, as the car slowed down in front of the glittering Heritage Hotel, “but we have a job to do and I need my wife-” he stressed the word as Havoc opened the door for him, “to be supporting me as best I can tonight.”
The Lieutenant stared at him, stony-faced as he offered her a gloved hand. “Of course, sweetheart,” she responded, a practiced smile forming on her face. “Come along, son,” she said to Edward as she accepted Mustang’s hand. “We have an auction to attend.”
Two hours into the evening and Edward was near ready to tear his hair out in frustration: auctions were the most boring thing he had ever attended in his life, and he had been subjected to some frankly inane military ceremonies before. Lieutenant Hawkeye stood out in the crowd in her bejewelled dress, but not by far – Edward was sure he had seen the entire wealth of his hometown on many a neck tonight. The numbers being tossed towards the auctioneer were absurd too – but he had long given up on his game of calculating just how much money was being transferred, instead busying himself with arranging his string beans by various qualities; first by length, then by shade, then –
“Bobby en route.” Fuery’s voice crackled in his ear and Edward felt himself stiffen despite the fact that he needed to appear as uncaring as possible. The Lieutenant had sat up straighter as well, though she masked it well by leaning to whisper something in the Colonel’s ear, who smiled after a few moments. The two of them seemed completely at ease in the roles of new money banker and ditzy socialite wife – it didn’t quite make sense to Edward why nobody was questioning his presence there: he hadn’t seen anyone near his age and he’d spent a good portion of the night people-watching from the second floor while his superiors blended in with the dancing couples below. He had noticed Bobby skulking at the edges of the dancefloor and had made a mental note to keep his distance while he wasn’t within shouting distance of either of his ‘parents’. Alphonse was right: he did have a unlucky habit of trouble finding him, and the fight that he had witnessed in the drive over put to rest any ideas of sorting the problem by himself. Trouble was sure to find him tonight, in the form of a man who boring name belied the monster within, and Edward was more than happy to delay the inevitable for as long as he could manage.
Bobby Carlsberg was a thin man with thinning hair and an even thinner moustache that only served to make the man look as sketchy as his report indicted him to be. There was an oily, slippery aspect to him too: and when he spoke Edward felt the revulsion slide down his spine unpleasantly.
“I must say sir, I have been admiring your wife all night and I’ve only just gathered up the courage to come say that.”
Everything about the man screamed sleaze and dishonesty – Edward shifted in his chair, adjusting the way he rested his head on the back of the chair so Bobby would be obscured by his fringe. The less he had to see him, the better.
Hawkeye’s laugh was airy and almost as disturbing as the man who stood before them. The auctioneer droned on in the background – some dusty old vase depicting a field of wheat was being frantically bid between two old men who looked to both have one foot in the grave already.
“You’re far too kind sir! Victor told me I had been turning heads, but I was terrified it was for the wrong reasons!”
Oh. That was why the dress had been sewn with what looked like a million diamonds – it wasn’t as a method of blending in with the society here – but to be seen, even amongst a dense crowd. For him to be seen.
“Nonsense! Your husband has an excellent eye for the latest fashion. Bobby extended his hand, and ‘Victor’ rose to shake it, a charming smile on his face. “You’re a very lucky man. The name is Bobby Carlsberg.”
“Victor Phillips. And yes, I am lucky. More than I will ever know,” Mustang said proudly, glancing back at his ‘wife’, his eyes passing over Edward as he did so. A warning. He sat up a little straighter and fiddled with his beans.
“Can I ask what interests you in this auction tonight, Victor?”
Mustang signalled a server to being them another chair and placed an order for some whiskey. “Well,” he began, casting the most obvious furtive look Edward had ever seen before leaning in closer to Bobby. “There have been a lot of very interesting auctions, but one has really caught my eye. Do you know about number two-hundred and fifty-two? I hear there’s a surprise included by request of the seller. I have a hunch I know what it is, but I’m dying to find out.”
Bobby’s eyebrows shot up. “A surprise?” His gaze slid to Edward, who grinned as toothily as he could manage before shoving all thirty-two string beans into his mouth.
“Alexander!” Hawkeye’s voice was playful as she leaned over the table to bat at his arm, but there was an undercurrent of sharpness woven into his ‘name’. “Don’t make me send you back to etiquette class.”
Victor laughed loudly. “Ah, boys will be boys, my fair-faced friend! As soon as a girl as pretty as you comes along he’ll change his tune.”
“Nobody will ever compare to my sweet Violet,” Mustang replied, his eyes glittering as he took the Lieutenant’s hand and kissed the ring on her finger. She smiled benevolently, before rising from her seat and leaning close to kiss the Colonel on his cheek.
“You’re too kind, sweetheart,” she said softly, her hands resting lightly on his shoulders. “But I must dash for a moment.”
They watched her leave, and Roy waited until she had passed through the ornate stained-glass doors before leaning in conspiratorially. “I have an inking the surprise in two-hundred and fifty-two might kick my wife down to second place.” It was incredible how well Roy could change the tone of his voice to mimic that of Bobby’s. The other man’s eyes were wide, glancing quickly between him and Edward.
“Do you mean-”
Mustang tapped the side of his nose, smirking. “I thought you might be a kindred spirit because you were one of the few who hasn’t bid on anything yet. I fear I’m not well-versed in the language here in Central but-”
“Not to worry my good man,” Bobby responded easily, his body relaxing as he accepted the whiskies from the server, passing one to Mustang with a lecherous grin. “We’re a little more refined than other places but I assure you the sights are even more pleasant than you could possibly imagine.”
It took everything in Edward’s willpower not to vomit his dinner as auction number two-hundred and fifty-two took to the stage. It was a necklace – even more ornate than the one the Lieutenant was wearing. Hawkeye flipped through her programme and gasped audibly as the auction house employs set up on stage.
“Oh – ! Victor! You must get that necklace for me. Bethany will go positively green with envy at Monica’s garden party next month!”
Mustang and Bobby shared a knowing smile. “Of course dear. But our good friend Bobby here also wishes to buy the necklace for his wife. We may be out of our depth, love.”
‘Violet’ pouted. “I guess we’ll have to see,” she said, disappointed. Her hands rested in her lap, fiddling with her fingernails. The tension was palpable as the auctioneer stood behind the podium and cleared his throat.
“Tonight, our last piece up for auction is the priceless Louiban set – a dazzling necklace that can be taken apart to make three more stunning necklaces. Ladies, this is a piece that only comes up for auction every blue moon, and it’s unlikely to be sold again for another sixty years. Can I get the bidding started at thirty million cenz?”
Edward choked on the water he was drinking, and the Lieutenant shot him a sharp look. Her entire posture had changed in a single moment; no longer was she a vapid socialite, but the woman he knew as the ‘Hawk’s Eye’ – and with good reason too. Other servers had slowly put down their trays – Team Arthur and Bruno were preparing too for what had every possibility of becoming a bloodbath.
A literal one.
Bobby looked back at Edward, before winking deliberately and he raised his hand. “Sixty million!” he called out in his oily voice.
What happened next was utter chaos.
The Lieutenant leapt across the table to pin Bobby down; Edward felt his chair being pulled back violently by some unknown force and then a pair of strong hands grab onto his upper arms. Shots rang out and they echoed loudly in the ballroom; there was a second of silence while everyone looked for the source of the original commotion, and then screams erupted as the high society of Central began to scramble for their nearest exit. Edward briefly caught sight of the Lieutenant wrestling with Bobby on the ground, a gun flung out of her reach while Mustang was dealing with his own mystery assailant.
Edward realised very quickly that the person dragging him away was not from Team Arthur or Bruno – and he roared as he clapped his hands together before slamming his palm onto this automail forearm as best he could manage. The scream behind him told him his aim had been true, and he fought off off the other arm that went to wrap around his neck.
He didn’t recognise the man who fell back to the ground, clutching at his shoulder that was bleeding profusely, but decided that it wouldn’t be a good idea to let him escape. The sound of his automail arm shattering the man’s jaw was immensely satisfying. Dimly, he could hear Fuery’s voice yelling frantically in his ear about something –
More shots rang out across the ballroom and Edward whipped his head to the front of the stage, breaking into a run. The crowd was thinning now, and he could see Mustang running towards the front of the ballroom too. It was probably only a matter of seconds before he caught sight of Hawkeye, standing over the twitching figure of Bobby Carlsberg with a gun firmly aimed at his head. Her dress had ripped: a thousand diamond crystals were scattered around the two of them, sparkling in the growing pool of blood despite the wound Bobby was desperately trying to staunch.
“Get the medics here, sir,” she said firmly, shrugging off the hand that tried to lower her gun. “We’re not risking him dying out on this floor so his operation keeps going.”
Mustang sighed and nodded, turning towards one of the approaching undercover servers. He looked pale – almost as pale as Bobby, who was busy swearing black and blue that he’d get her for this, the cocksucker –
Edward stood next to her, and she shook her head, gaze and gun still firmly aimed at Bobby. “You don’t need to see this,” she told him firmly. “Havoc and Breda will be here in a moment to escort you out-”
“That is an order, Fullmetal,” she said tightly. “Go.”
A warm hand clapped on his back. “We’ll be alright here Edward,” Roy’s voice came from his right, his hand steering him away from the situation before him. “Simon here is going to deliver you to where Sergeant Fuery is. He’ll bring you back to Headquarters after you’ve been checked over.”
“The Lieutenant-”
“She’ll be fine.” The Colonel’s tone was worryingly hesitant. “We’ll see you back for the debriefing soon.”
Said debriefing took a lot longer than the briefing had: Edward was sure he had started to doze off towards the end as leaders from Team Arthur and Bruno recounted their version of events for the record. As far as he could tell, the operation had gone as smoothly as could be expected: Bobby, most importantly, had been captured alive, and so had a number of his associates. The child who was to be sold off had also been successfully located in a separate sting that happened elsewhere at the same time.
Edward recounted his own version of events quickly: “Some guy tried to pull me away but I stabbed him and then punched him to make sure he didn’t run off.” Hughes sat next to him on the couch, writing away furiously in a notebook. After what felt like hours, he closed it and stretched his hand.
“The rest can happen tomorrow. The details are all accounted for,” he told Mustang. “Your job is done, and Central Headquarters thanks you for your service.”
Mustang nodded and waved his hand in a dismissive fashion. “Everybody get some rest tonight,” he called out as they began to shuffle out of the office. Edward blearily opened his eyes – when had he shut them? – and spied the Lieutenant sitting opposite him, curled up with a dinner jacket resting loosely on her shoulders.
“You did some quick thinking tonight,” she told him, pride evident in her voice. “I’m sorry it came to that.”
Edward shrugged. “We caught the bad guy,” he said simply.
“Hardly a good reason,” Hawkeye replied, standing up and stretching her arms above her head. He could see the need for the jacket now – in the fight with Bobby, a whole section of the dress had torn down the side. Diamonds were hanging on by mere threads, and Edward quickly ducked his head when he realised he could see the skin stretching over her ribcage, already marred with dark purple bruises. She nodded at Hughes, before wrapping the jacket tighter around herself, and slipped into Mustang’s office.
Edward let himself doze once more and was dimly aware of a blanket being draped over him.
Later, he woke to the smell of takeaways and low chatter and got himself a plate, sitting next to his brother and hearing his versions of events. From what he gathered, it had been very boring with Sergeant Fuery for Alphonse; it was only within the last five minutes before all hell broke loose that he could pick up on anything exciting.
However, there had been a friendly stray in the alleyway behind their building and so Alphonse had spent most of his time playing games with the cat and talking to the soldiers positioned there. Edward let himself drift off while Alphonse continued to talk, watching the remaining soldiers talk in low tones to each other over heaping piles of chips and fried rice. It struck him as strange that he hadn’t seen neither the Colonel or the Lieutenant since the food had arrived – glancing towards the door that led to the inner office, Edward made up his mind to let them know, if nobody else was going to. Almost everyone had gone home by this stage; the outer office was nearly empty as he walked towards the door that was left slightly ajar.
In hindsight, that should’ve been his first warning.
His hand was raised ready to knock as he pushed on the door – the heavy wood gave way under the pressure of his hand slowly, and Edward paused as he took in the scene before him.
The light was low in the office, as the two of them sat on top of the desk, looking out over the parade grounds. Hawkeye had discarded the jacket – which Edward realised was Mustang’s dinner jacket and was resting her head on his shoulder. In the dim light, he could almost make out their hands intertwined as they spoke to one another in low tones.
It was hard to look away, and even harder when Mustang turned and pressed a soft kiss onto her bare shoulder.
A hand reached out from behind Edward and pulled back the oak door. He twisted jerkily, so tired at this point he didn’t have the energy to cry out in surprise.
Hughes raised his eyebrows deliberately as he shut the door with a definitive click. “Not now, kid,” he said quietly, guiding Edward back towards where the remaining men were, dealing out cards and promising to go easy on Alphonse. “That’s a story for another time.”
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i-want-my-iwtv · 7 years ago
What do I do when my parents say I talk about VC too much?
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(The temptation to drop this image and post is pretty strong but I’ll go on just a little more in the remote chance that you’re being serious.)(But really when you look at him, there’s pain there, in addition to the humor he’s trying to cover it up with, what he’s actually saying here is pretty flippant “We’re lucky to have such a home,” No honey, it’s not luck and you know it, but that’s a discussion for another time.)
I’ve been there, Anon, and at least in my case, I’m an adult and I don’t live with my parents, so I don’t need them to also like what I like, and I don’t need their approval to like the things that I like, but I remember feeling so validated when they DID like what I liked. I had a very good relationship with my parents over and above the fact that I admired them and respected their opinions on pretty much everything.
I talked about VC when I lived with them and they were receptive when I needed them to clarify things for me that I didn’t understand at 11 years old. But this is the case with every piece of media and every new thing that I came across as I was growing up and all the way to currently, they were and are a valuable resource and sounding board for my developing ideas.
Sometimes I brought up VC to illustrate a point. Like Armand’s line in the movie was pretty motivational and helped me immensely when I was a bullied kid and needed confidence:
~We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret.~
^Which Louis rejects bc he knows that regret absolutely does have value, especially to him in that scene. But I think, isolated, I took it as: 
“You’re carrying too much regret, wallowing in guilt is not working for you, and you need to let go of those things that are out of your control now, past mistakes are in the past, try to learn from them and do better, move on and you can be happier.” 
And I think that while my parents may not have been thrilled that I loved a series that centered around murderers, they had no issue with it as long as I wasn’t taking inspiration from it out in the backyard sacrificing rats to Louis or whatever! We would watch reruns of the Twilight Zone, Unsolved Mysteries, the X-Files, plenty of shows with crazy shit happening, we liked the thrill of monster stories, murder mysteries, all that stuff that takes you to dark places safely. Stories that didn’t shy away from exploring the various aspects of crime, accidents, monsters, and we talked about all of it! As we did then and still do, the lively debates about these things were and are very intellectually stimulating.
I don’t know how old you are, but do you agree with your parents that you talk about VC too much? I think it depends on what you’re saying when you talk about VC. It’s a work of fiction, if it’s making you unhappy you can chuck it out the window. If it’s making you happy, then keep talking about it. 
There are those who have asked Anne Rice to denounce the VC. When she returned to religion, there were Christians who felt that writing about ghosts, witches, and vampires was very wrong and bad, with no consideration as to the actual content of her books. There are so many more reasons for censorship out there. Some ppl might want to censor her books for daring to suggest that the same gender person can love the same gender person, and I know from conversations with other fans that it was a heartbreaking epiphany, to find fictional characters who could do that, that simple and natural thing, those readers who identified with that felt validated and relieved that someone was writing about it, someone was finally accepting them. It helped some of them realize that they were not alone. 
VC brought people together for what it contains, it continues to bring people together, I have met some of my best friends through VC. One of them I have driven my claws into and will not release has stuck with me for over 20 years, my first Real Life VC friend, and we met because I saw her reading QOTD on the bus to school. How dark and miserable my life would be without her.  
Censorship, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. 
I have to bring it up for the millionth time, #sorry not sorry. I’ll bring it up until my dying breath.
Censorship has become a bat some fans use to bludgeon other fans. I can’t support the crusaders who on a daily basis want to shame other fans for liking fictional characters. Despite their flaws, there are characters that have inspired readers. There are characters who have saved lives by opening readers’ eyes to the beauty of living.
Knowing what I know now, I think it would be hard for me to decide whether to let a child of mine read these books at the age that I did, and yet, I started to read them when I was 11 and I loved them. I think as long as a reader of any age has someone(s) they can rely on for clarification, then the books can be read. They can be discussed. They can inspire.  
What is storytelling? In so many forms, whether it’s sculpture, painting, music, theatre, TV, movies, books, cave-painting…  It’s sharing one’s own experience, trying to spin straw into gold, trying to find the silver lining, trying to tell one’s story to exorcise one’s own demons, and maybe, to try to give others the tools to exorcise theirs, too.
I hope your parents can see that when you talk about it, you’re looking for a connection with them, whether to share your impressions or get their feedback and clarification as they have more life experience than you do. Many parents miss out on the best part of having kids, which is the mutual sharing of ideas and perspectives. Mine knew it. I hope you have the kind of parents who know that, too.
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