#taekook fluff
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" Taehyung, who is gazing at the endless galaxies in Jungkook’s deep brown eyes, answers him in whispers. “I love the stars as well.” Jungkook, unaware that Taehyung didn’t speak of nature's stars but those of his, looks up at Taehyung."
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Vampire!Taehyung
Genre: established relationship!AU, polyamory!AU, Slice of Life Fluff
Warnings: Tae tries so hard and it's reciprocated!, they're actually so in love :(, idk man this entire polycule just hits so hard whenever i write for them, a cute date, and Tae being an excited bean, and Kook being a cutie, goodness this is so cute and romantic :(
Wordcount: 2.7k
a/n: i cry into my pillow each night. i love this family so much :(
Taehyung and the others have returned from The Plains two days ago. Life at the estate didn’t change during the days they spent far away in the other realm. The plants still grew, the rooms were still homely and the sun still felt the same on the skin. Jimin was already at home again after going on a trip with Hoseok where they visited Seokjin and Emma in Gordes. The entire family had dinner together on the first night reunited. Conversation was amazing and laughter was great.
But this story is neither about the wonderful dinner nor the reunion. This story is about Taehyung and his unbearable desire to see Jungkook.
It has been five hours since he last saw him in the home gym and Taehyung is going mad without him. Such intense feelings are still unbelievably unfamiliar to him. Truly, Taehyung isn’t used to being so needy for a person. Not in a sexual way, but an emotional way. All Taehyung craves is to hear Jungkook’s laugh, to experience his scent, to gaze at his face and feel his hug. He also craves every story Jungkook could possibly tell and needs every single word this man could ever utter. Oh, he craves this man so very much.
The door to Jungkook’s wing is unlocked and Taehyung sees it as his consent to go in. He takes off his shoes by the door, using the audible cues as his guidance. He has music playing and judging by the pungent scent of paint in the air, he is repainting walls.
It was very easy to return to his real self after coming home from The Plains. Being human was fun and a new experience, but Taehyung must admit that he prefers to be a vampire. He enjoys his heightened senses and how invincible his body is again. The only thing he misses is his pulse and how real his body warmth felt. It was so utterly exciting to feel both of these things rise whenever Taehyung found himself close to Jungkook.
Speaking of Jungkook, Taehyung finds him in his living room. Well, his living room to be. Jungkook is still in the midst of renovating the room. Taehyung knocks on the opened door. He was incorrect about the walls. Jungkook is actually painting the ceiling. He chose a dark blue to contrast with the white walls.
Jungkook lowers the paint roller, studying Taehyung.
“Hello”, Taehyung says, waving his hand shyly.
“Hey there.”
“The, uhm, the ceiling is already looking very good.”
“Yeah, right? It’s coming along nicely. I’m really liking the colour.”
“Yes, it is a very beautiful colour.”
“At first I was worried that it would be too dark, but I like it now.”
“Indeed, it fits the room very well.”
Jungkook sinks the roller into new paint and spreads it on the ceiling. He thinks that Taehyung merely came here to chat, unaware that the vampire wants to ask him for a date. Taehyung doesn’t take it to heart, watching the younger vampire with a fluttering stomach. Now that he is in front of him, Taehyung forgot every single word he ever learned.
Jungkook manages to cover quite a lot before Taehyung finally feels courageous enough to ask.
“Jungkook, may I ask you something?”
“Hm? Yeah, sure. What’s up?” Jungkook says, placing the roller aside and climbing off the ladder to hurry to Taehyung.
“You, uhm, you have paint on your face.”
“I do? Crap.” Jungkook wipes his face blindly. “It’s the position. It’s getting everywhere.”
Taehyung takes the cloth from Jungkook’s overalls and licks a corner of it to wipe his face with it.
“May I?”
Jungkook lets him with bated breath, eyes racing over his features. He misses how much his heart raced in The Plains. Now it stays still eventhough Jungkook doesn’t feel calm. He feels giddy. Really, really giddy. Like a person who can’t believe that their crush likes them back.
“There. Now you are clean”, Taehyung finishes the job, stuffing the cloth back into Jungkook’s pocket.
“Thank you, chèri.”
Their eyes meet briefly. Jungkook grins. Taehyung flusters.
“How did that sound?”
“Nice”, Taehyung whispers and tugs Jungkook’s into a kiss by his hips.
“Mhm”, Jungkook lets out, keeping his hands away from Taehyung in order not to get him dirty.
The kiss breaks because Jungkook broke it, chuckling fondly as he does.
“Nice, it feels so nice”, Taehyung murmurs, snuggling into the crook of Jungkook’s neck.
“I’m dirty, you know.”
“I don’t care.”
“You’ll care when I accidentally put paint on your expensive shirt.”
Taehyung laughs with Jungkook, fingers playing with his belt loops mindlessly.
“What’s up? You wanted to ask me something.”
“Ah yes! Do you perhaps want to come to my wing later? I want to show you my atelier.”
“Uh, atelier tour. Yeah, I’d like that. Am I gonna see your star painting then?”
“Yes, it will be the first thing I will show you.”
“Neat. Is it okay for you if I finish the ceiling first? I don’t want it to get patchy.”
“Of course, take your time. I shall wait for you in my wing. Please take your time.”
“I’ll be quick. Promise”, Jungkook says and turns to return to his task.
Taehyung leaves his wing as well, bursting in giddy excitement. He will be able to show Jungkook his stars ceiling and his secret room. Jungkook will be the second person after you to know of the room’s existence (Taehyung isn’t aware that Yoongi knows the room as well after he once found you sulking in it a long time ago).
Taehyung is in the atelier, doing the last finishing touches, when Jungkook calls out for him. The older vampire hurries outside, speeding up when his eyes fall upon Jungkook waiting by the front door. He dressed up, body hued in blue jeans and a red button up. Taehyung feels his stomach flutter. He is so beautiful.
“Look at you. You are so handsome”, he gushes, greeting Jungkook by taking both his hands and kissing his knuckles.
“You’re handsome too”, Jungkook says, gazing at him fondly.
Taehyung straightens up, touching Jungkook’s waist. Truly, he cannot keep his hands to himself.
“Please, come in. I am so happy that you are finally here.”
“Sorry it took me a while. I had to shower and everything”, Jungkook excuses himself as he slips out of his house shoes.
All of you mostly wear house shoes when you hurry around the estate, but take them off once you are in each other’s wings. It is cleaner this way and less cold on the feet.
“No worries, I told you to take your time and I meant it. I prepared wine and chocolate. I hope you like them.”
“I love wine and chocolate.”
They intertwine their hands as they wander to Taehyung’s atelier. Jungkook has already been in Taehyung’s wing before, having spent his time in his bedroom and bathroom, so he is familiar with the artful hallways the older vampire curated over the centuries.
“I am very happy to hear that. I find wine and chocolate to be a wonderful combination.”
“Yeah, right.”
They reach the atelier. Taehyung stops and turns to take both of Jungkook’s hands.
“Do you trust me?”
“I do.”
“Close your eyes.”
Jungkook follows with a giggle, squeezing Taehyung’s hands in excited anticipation.
Taehyung leans in and steals a kiss, eliciting another giggle from Jungkook. Only once the kiss was stolen and Jungkook properly charmed, does Taehyung finally lead him inside.
“Keep them closed.”
“I am.”
Taehyung places Jungkook in the middle of his atelier, right underneath the moon and endless stars. He lets go of his hands and steps aside.
“Open them.”
Jungkook opens his eyes, gasping in delighted surprise.
“Wow, it’s beautiful here”, he says softly, looking around the room. The artful murals, the countless canvases, the scattered art supplies and well-preserved antiques. The love Taehyung has for this room and which he also poured into his art in this room is felt greatly by Jungkook.
“This is the most beautiful studio ever. I love it so much” he gushes, “is the stars painting one of those paintings?” he asks and steps closer to the huge canvases Taehyung keeps leaned against the wall.
“Look up”, Taehyung tells him, almost bursting in excitement.
Jungkook lifts his head. His face falls, his eyes widen.
“Holy fuck.”
Taehyung giggles and cackles, bouncing on the spot as his face contorts into the brightest smile.
“Woah. Yo, holy shit. Wow.”
Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s arm, shaking it in excitement. The latter looks at him, unable to hide his true bafflement.
“This is blowing my mind. This is the most beautiful ceiling I have ever seen.”
“I, I painted it myself.”
“You did what?!”
Taehyung steps closer, shaking Jungkook’s arm harder. He might burst in giddiness.
“I painted it. I spent three years of my life watching the sky and painting what I saw.”
“Holy fuck, Tae. This is the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. Wow”, Jungkook says, looking up at the ceiling again to take in the beauty of it, “wow…”
“I had hoped that you would like it.”
“I love it. It’s seriously baffling to me. You painted that, like, holy fuck.”
Taehyung giggles and cuddles Jungkook from the side.
“You make me so giddy.”
Jungkook chuckles, wrapping his arm around him. He cranes his neck to kiss the crown of Taehyung’s head.
“You’re cute and fucking talented. Wow, I can’t stop staring. Wow.”
“Do you want to know how I was able to watch the sky?”
“Of course. Did you go outside on the balcony?”
“No, better.”
Taehyung tugs Jungkook with him by his hands.
“Follow me. I want to show you something very special. It is my place of tranquillity. Only ___ knows of it.”
“Yes. Really.”
“Wow Tae, seriously this room is amazing. Did you paint the murals too?”
“I did.”
“Damn Tae, just wow.”
Jungkook has to exclaim yet another round of “wow”s, when Taehyung shows him the entrance to his secret room. He follows him with even more exclaims of wonder on his lips, meeting his crescendo when he finally stands in the octagon shaped library. Taehyung, bursting in giddiness, lies him down on the mattress and tells him to keep his eyes on the ceiling. Then he hurries to the lever, opening it with his eyes not once leaving Jungkook’s face. He wants to take in his first reaction.
“Wow!” Jungkook gasps and then becomes silent as the view steals his words. All he can do is stare and gaze in wonder as the ceiling moves aside to make space for the endless night sky.
Taehyung hurries to him, lying down beside him. He cuddles into him in a way which still allows him to look at his face.
“What are you thinking?”
“This is so beautiful”, Jungkook whispers, tearing up, “I love the stars so much.”
Taehyung, who is gazing at the endless galaxies in Jungkook’s deep brown eyes, answers him in whispers.
“I love the stars as well.”
Jungkook, unaware that Taehyung didn’t speak of nature’s stars but those of his’, looks up at Taehyung.
“I can’t believe that I lived here all these months without knowing that this room exists.”
“I keep it well hidden. I find great healing in this room and only people most special to me get to know of its existence.”
Jungkook blinks away tears, “thank you so much for trusting me.”
Taehyung kisses his lips. Softly and with love.
“I will always trust you”, he whispers, caressing his cheek slowly.
Jungkook flusters, lowering his eyes shyly. He might still be far away from perfect control, but at least with Taehyung, he can experience gentle love already. Jungkook feels at peace in his presence. And uncontrollably giddy. He lifts his eyes again so he could look at the face which makes his stomach flutter so very much. Jungkook thinks that he is even more beautiful with the stars as his backdrop.
“Do you want to see something else? And then we can finally enjoy the wine and chocolate under the stars”, Taehyung asks with sparkling eyes.
“Of course, show me”, Jungkook whispers.
“Follow me”, Taehyung drags Jungkook to one of the shelves.
“Is it by the books?” the younger follows with a fond smile.
“Indeed, yes indeed. I have books you could enjoy. I, I gathered them here for you”, Taehyung says and takes out a big heap of books, putting them on the floor.
He and Jungkook sit down cross legged and while Taehyung stares at him in anticipation, Jungkook takes one of the books.
“Really?” he gasps, eyes lighting up and racing over the other books as well, “all of these books are about the stars and the universe and, and astronomy!”
“Indeed. Yes, indeed”, Taehyung giggles, bouncing on the spot, “do you know any of them already?”
“No. I don’t know any of them yet. Oh my god, this one! I wanted to read this for so long, but I could never find it anywhere!”
“It is first edition. I knew the author and they gave me a copy when it was first released.”
“Wow, oh wow this is so cool, wow”, Jungkook wipes his eyes quickly, giggling, “I can’t believe I’m holding these books.”
“You can have them.”
Their eyes meet. Jungkook has widened his eyes so immensely that they appear almost round.
“You can have them. I want to give them to you.”
“But. No. No, I can’t take them. They’re yours and they’re expensive and, and valuable.”
“And I want them to be yours”, Taehyung assures him, “they would catch dust up here with me. Knowing that they could find a worthy home with you, would mean so much more to me.”
“I can’t take them, no.”
“Yes, you can. They are yours. Truly.”
“No buts. I insist”, Taehyung shoves them closer to Jungkook, “they are yours.”
“Are you really sure?”
“I am. So very sure.”
“Oh god. Thank you”, Jungkook falls around Taehyung’s neck, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Taehyung smiles, hugging him as tightly as possible. The sweet scent of true happiness radiates off of Jungkook. His squeaky giggles are yet another indicator of the immense happiness Taehyung makes him feel.
“Thank you so much. Thank you so, so much.”
“I’m so happy to know that they found a new home. They will be well taken care of.”
“They will, oh god”, Jungkook sits back on his heels, beaming at Taehyung with glassy eyes, “you have no idea how much I dreamed of having more astronomy books. I, I only have a few and, and they are either very modern or really ruined already. I, I read all of them so many times already and, and now I have new things to go through, oh god. I want to cry, oh god”, Jungkook hides his face in his hands and sobs a little.
“Goodness, don’t cry”, Taehyung gasps, rubbing his arms soothingly.
“I’m just feeling overwhelmed. I appreciate this so much. How did you know I would like all of this?”
“I truly hoped that you would. You told me about your love for astronomy and so I wished for all of this to be of your liking.”
“It is. All of it. Oh god”, Jungkook sobs softly. He is being seen and therefore loved. If this is what dating a man feels like, Jungkook is so glad that he can finally experience it. It feels so good to be treated so well.
“Are these happy tears? I cannot tell anymore.”
Jungkook nods his head, “I’m happy.”
“Yes? Oh, mon amour I’m happy to know”, Taehyung gushes, dropping his hands to Jungkook’s thighs.
Jungkook lowers his hands to hold Taehyung’s, smiling at him even if he sniffles.
“I’m so happy. I’m so, so happy.”
Taehyung smiles, feeling incredibly warm in his chest.
“This means more to me than you might think. All I want is your happiness, my north star.”
“Oh god”, Jungkook giggles, falling around Taehyung’s neck again, “oh god, Tae. I love you.”
“I love you too, mon bel amour.”
#jungkook fluff#taehyung fluff#bts fluff#bangtan fluff#taekook fluff#jungkook romance#taehyung romance#bts romance#bangtan romance#taekook romance#jungkook fanfic#taehyung fanfic#bts fanfic#bangtan fanfic#taekook fanfic#jungkook fanfiction#taehyung fanfiction#jungkook scenario#taehyung scenario#bts scenario#bangtan scenario#taekook scenario#jungkook drabble#taehyung drabble#bts drabble#bangtan drabble#taekook drabble#jungkook x taehyung#taehyung x jungkook#fanfic: sanguis duology
45 notes
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Hi I've been reading tk fics for the past two years and at this point i'm looking for a comfort fic that I can read when i'm really missing them or when i'm feeling very down .. something like pure love between them, when they are with each other from the very start or best friends to lovers/enemies to lovers when there's no third person involved and definitely a happy ending with top taehyung I know it sounds very sappy but I read to relax my mind tk fics are only thing I read I respect everyone's preferences but i'm really looking for a comfort book angst can be there but not too much please recommend me something like that Thankyou
16 notes
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ ↝ Taehyung was painfully aware of the truth; life was never free. Every decision he made had a consequence, and it seemed clear what price he would have to pay if someone got to know about the true character of his and Jungkook's relationship. However, he had come this far and there was no turning back or throwing it away. Sadly, he wasn't too brave either.
↝ Taehyung's and Jungkook's relationship right under the nose of obviousness.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ ↝ taekook, idol⥏ taehyung x idol⥏ jungkook ↝ idol⥏ taehyung x original male character ↝ straight namjoon ↝ namjin, idol⥏ namjoon x idol⥏ seokjin ↝ idol⥏ seokjin x original male character
ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ ⥏ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ↝ mature 18+ ↝ angst, homophobia, explicit sexual content, self-realisation
ᴛᴀɢꜱ ⥏ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ ↝ secret relationship, slow-burn, awkward first times, awkward romance, complicated friendships, taehyung forgets he should play a detective, ↝ idolsAU, BTS 2016
ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ
ᴊᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ 2016
Taehyung wasn't sure for how long he was eyeing the opposite wall while his hands, raised in front of his face, were marking the abstract shadows on the white paint spread in multiple layers over the imperfections under it. As the last rays shone in through the setting sun, the paint appeared to glow in shades of orange and red. He opened up his palm, stretching his fingers so wide that the dry skin around his knuckles, red from the cold, harsh weather, threatened to break, and closed them right away, watching how the thin string of a spider web drew patterns on the back of his hand, reaching past his sleeve and ending in the bending where his forearm met his elbow.
If Taehyung had to list the pros and cons, how strictly professional had Namjoon named them, about their new place with the same set of doors and the colour of their sofa matching the kitchen counters, he would copy Hoseok’s enthusiasm seeping through his big bold letters on the plain paper and drag his pen above the faint lines, writing the word ‘bigger’ right at the begging of the first column. But as soon as everyone would nod, peeking in between his fingers, and looked away, too busy with their own lists and minds, he would place the sharp tip of his pen until the ink wouldn’t leak through, and write, ‘but I liked the small cosy more’.
Taehyung took a deep breath in, filling his nose with the smell of novelty coming from the plastic bags stuck with an easy-to-tear tape to the furniture pilling behind the door of his shared room with Namjoon and reached out his hand even more, until the sleeve of his pyjama top wasn’t brushing over his wrist, showing off his favourite bracelets. If he did the same while surrounded by the paper boxes instead of shelves and cabinets, and pillows instead of chairs, in his old room with two bunk beds, the tips of his fingers would brush past the wood planks over Jimin’s old bed and if he stretched out his legs, snapping the bubbles in his knees, his toes would touch the blankets hanging off the mattress. Taehyung felt an indescribable feeling jerking his legs and arms while he was counting the distance between his and Namjoon’s empty bed.
"At least fifteen Mario figures," thought Taehyung as he ran his eyes over the red shine of the hat the plastic man in blue overall was wearing, while kissing the floor, lying by the leg of the wardrobe that was rattling every time someone in the apartment above decided to run instead of walking. He had never thought the distance of furniture could make him feel so lonely.
The unexpected knock cleared the wrinkle of concentration pulling Taehyung’s eyebrows together in a frown and he turned his head, squinting at the gleam dusting of the night under the gap of his closed door. He let his hand fall, hitting his side before bouncing on the mattress. Taehyung grasped the bed sheets, scratching at the soft fabric with his nails, as if they could send strength to his tired muscles and sighed when his bare soles came into contact with the coldness of the floor.
Another soft knock resonated through the room, pulling a huff out of Taehyung’s mouth before a quiet, but loud enough, travelling on the waves of streaming air, “Hyung?” fell on his ears.
Taehyung was standing at the other side of the wood, blinking at the shadow pushing from the hallways and almost touching his toes, while he stared at his arm, pleading it to lift up and set on the handle under his eyes.
“Are you sleeping?” came a muffled voice and once Taehyung’s sleepy mind recognised its familiarity trying to wave away the fog from his awareness, a lazy smile raised up his cheeks, melting the confusion away.
He pushed open the door, jerking in an alert at the loud creaking jumping from the empty hallways and blending with the swoosh of air that tickled his toes. Taehyung’s eyes fell on the figure preventing him from seeing how the opposite walls kept trembling from the powerful snores escaping from the Seokjin’s room.
Jungkook’s socked feet were stomping a step away from the threshold, blowing away the crumbled up polystyrene, rolling from the boxes full of fragile glass, with every thump of his heels, while his knees were shaking, despite the blanket thrown over his shoulders reaching up to his mid tights. Jungkook pulled the edges of the thin fabric closer together as soon as the draught hit him, they were now touching under his chin and stretching over his back while showing the hard bumps of muscles under the smooth surface.
“Hey,’ Jungkook whispered, ‘Can I go in?” he sniffled and looked at Taehyung’s room wrapped in dark.
Taehyung, pouting at the red tint of Jungkook’s scrunching nose, stepped away and pulled the boy inside, covering him in the familiar night ruling over the safety of his asylum, before closing the door behind them.
As soon as the click of the lock drew a smile on Jungkook’s lips, Taehyung pushed him towards his empty bed until the back of his knees didn’t hit his mattress, prompting him to lose his balance and fall between his messy sheets. A soft laugh resonated in the background of the sharp breath as the air stuck within the confines of Jungkook’s lungs, but before it could reach its full potential and scare the spiders undisturbedly spinning their webs, Taehyung plopped down over his body and trapped the sound inside his own throat as his lips moved against Jungkook’s in a shy peck. He could feel Jungkook’s raising chest under his and the quivering of his abdomen muscles as another laugh pushed past his teeth, slamming against Taehyung’s mouth. Soon, both of them were biting on their lips to restrain their giggles from escaping and waking up the other members sleeping in their rooms.
“Kook,’ Taehyung hid his face in the juncture of Jungkook’s shoulder, kissing the point where the joyful rhythm of his life was pulsating erratically against his cheek, ‘you really need to stop showing up in the middle of the night like this,’ he sighed and hoisted up on palms placed on either side of Jungkook’s body, searching for the maknae’s eyes, ‘You're going to get us caught one day. And you know, the price we pay may be too high.”
“But it's the thrill of it, hyung,’ grinned Jungkook, seemingly unfazed, ‘Besides,’ Taehyung could more feel than hear a hand rising on the side of his body, struggling to keep straight, supported only by his weak arms on the wiggly mattress, ‘being with you is worth it.” Something cold touched the sliver of Taehyung’s skin peeking between his pyjama collar and hair tickled his nape. The shiver didn’t even have time to run down his spine, when that something freezing pressed on his neck and his arms gave up under him. Taehyung fell on Jungkook’s chest, knocking his nose against the sharp bone of his chin.
“Almost,” joked Jungkook and the hot air blew on his exposed forehead. Then two strong arms encircled his waist and lifted him up until their lips didn’t meet once again in the dance they were no longer shy to perform.
Taehyung hummed into the kiss, enjoying the warm feeling spreading in his chest, contrasting with the cold fingers boring into his cheeks, reminding him that their inner peace didn’t walk hand in hand with their bodies subconsciously reacting to the low temperatures portraying the pillows and blanket in a welcoming light.
“You are unfair,” it wasn’t clear if the whine was meant to support his words or if the noise chortling in his throat was a reaction to the lack of hot slicked lips forcing his own to part.
“But you like it. Don’t gimme that look,’ uttered Jungkook, ‘I will leave before Namjoon hyung comes,” he said and stole one last kiss, its wetness squelched not only in Taehyung’s ears but also made him pull away and bring the back of his hand to wipe the saliva dripping down his chin while the hit on Jungkook’s shoulder followed the disgusted grimace pulling the corners of his mouth down.
“How was your evening, Kook?” yawned Taehyung and grabbed the pillow fearing to fall down the edge to let his head bore into the plush softness reminding him of his exhaustion ticking towards the late hour with the fog spreading over his consciousness. He reached for Jungkook’s hand moving up and down on his stomach to the rhythm of his regular breaths and pulled it over his body, only to frown when it didn’t bring him the warmth he was hoping for despite where the naked skin of his palm pressed on his uncovered hip a sweat was forming from the heat. Taehyung wished to pull the offensive top protecting Jungkook’s chest over his head and dive into the tropical waves.
“Good,’ mumbled Jungkook, his eyes rolled back to find his face, ‘Busy, as always, but,’ with a sigh he lifted his legs until they were no longer touching the floor and threw them over Taehyung’s - Taehyung could feel his heels sinking into bed under their weight, ‘now I am with you,” he whispered close to his ear - borrowing the corner of the soft pillow to rest his head on - as if Taehyung’s simple presence could lift the strain of his shoulders.
Taehyung turned his head, the sound of his hair rubbing against the pillow case buried his heavy sigh, “Hey, guess what, Kook-ah?’ he began softly, his lips moving close to the tip of Jungkook’s nose, if someone turned the blinds falling over the window, he would be able to count the freckles rising up as the faded brownish spots on the slope of Jungkook’s nose, they were lying that close, ‘Hyungu hyung invited me over to his place tonight, he cooked some delicious tteokbokki just for Jin hyung and me. Trust me, you missed out on a culinary masterpiece! I wish I could save you the leftovers, but we ate everything,” as he proceeded, his voice carried an exciting tone, almost as if he could imagine himself sitting in the savory filled kitchen.
“Oh?” the dark brush of eyebrows lifted up over Jungkook’s eyes in what had to be a surprise. Taehyung had never mentioned why was he pulling the zipper of his winter jacket up sooner than the others still sweating in front of the mirror tonight.
“How's that going?” Jungkook asked simply, but barely masking the curiosity in his voice. It wasn’t rare for Jin’s boyfriend to call him over dinner, if anything, he liked to push in the gaps of Taehyung’s and Jin’s free period to sneak a chocolate bar or not-so-innocent bag of his favourite snacks into his diet while busying himself with the familiarity of Jin’s presence. Taehyung wasn’t stupid, he was well aware that he served as a cover-up, skipping behind Jin’s back like a wiggly tail every time the familiar ringtone of Jin's phone was followed by a photo of Hyungu's freshly shaved face, gleaming on his lit-up phone screen. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t feeling like a small kid whose mouth could be shut up with a sweet stop to his hunger pangs, that were hitting the walls of his empty stomach, while he was glaring at the couple embracing under the brightest lamp.
“It's…,” Taehyung took a while to think, his excitement suddenly gone. He brought his hand close to Jungkook’s face and traced the curve of his nose, prominently sticking out between his cheeks until he didn’t find the narrow dip close to his cheek bone under his fingertip, “Different,” he said at least.
“I am so glad for them, although maybe not quite as much as Hyungu hyung when he looks at Jin hyung. They look so happy together… But you know, here’s the thing,’ after his finger returned to the middle of Jungkook’s face, copying his nose shape, probably to engrave it into his memory, Jungkook’s eyes met in the middle, watching his hand with a new interest, ‘he told me that Namjoon hyung, that he has been urging him to come out to the company, about their relationship.” Taehyung pressed on the squishy tip until it didn’t lay flat, touching the spot beneath, just above the gentle curve of his lips, and Jungkook’s mouth opened to take the air in. They both were following the movement of Taehyung’s digit hovering over Jungkook’s open mouth and a short stroke of tension ran over them before they coughed and hid their burning cheeks behind their palms.
“Uh… complicated,’ said Jungkook eventually, taking over the line of embarrassing closeness they have not yet chosen to cross, ‘Do you think he will?”
“I am clueless, Kook,’ huffed Taehyung, shaking his head, back on his pillow, ‘Jin hyung is… I guess he is torn. It may be not just about them, he's afraid of what it might mean for all of us, especially,’ he rolled his eyes before finishing, ‘uh, what will be Bang PD-nim's reaction.”
“It's tough, hyung,’ Jungkook was slow to nod, ‘Coming out is never easy, and the industry,’ it seemed that the gulp that bobbed with his throat pushed out the words he had carefully thought about before, ‘can be unforgiving.”
Taehyung sighed, “Who wouldn’t be worried about the consequences?” as the last word rolled out of Taehyung’s tongue, his heart thumped against his ribcage with a striking force, if it wasn’t more careful it would imprint its shape there temporarily.
Taehyung’s ears were ringing in the silence they both fell into, meaningfully filling the gaps with their thoughts, louder than their sealed mouth could ever dare to reveal, muffled by a new feeling, heavier than they were familiar with.
“It's tough, isn't it, hyung?’ Taehyung wondered how Jungkook could speak through the lump in his throat, ‘All this hiding and pretending."
Taehyung felt as if someone had stepped in the middle of his chest and with every breath he tried to take, the sole of the stranger’s shoe had only bored deeper, until the liquid swaying inside wasn’t bumping against its unevenness.
The gaze felt begging, tingling on the side of his face and when he answered it, staring right into the wetness of Jungkook’s eyes, expecting his own self to reflect there, however instead he was flooded with sudden waves of memories falling over his mind. He remembered those days characterised by his self-doubt and insecurities, when his fears built up barriers between his desires as he would steal glances at Jungkook but was quick to punish his heart racing towards dreams he had forbidden himself from seeing. He didn’t like returning to those dark times, especially when they were only a knock of the last hot summer away, when he fought with his identity, struggling to the point it felt like he was drowning. He preferred to hide his face behind a facade, put a mask in front of his true emotions, but it became impossible to conceal them from his mind. More than battling with the fear of societal judgment, he was stabbing his own inner turmoil, but instead of vanishing into non-existence it bled, bled so much it poured into the truth.
Taehyung still felt guilty for pushing Jungkook away, wiping his lips, but they continued to ooze the screaming red. But Jungkook had never given up on himself - if Taehyung felt selfishly daring, he would say on them - coming clean and risking a heartbreak. Now, as they lay together in the quiet of Taehyung’s room, he couldn't help but feel a relieving sense of gratitude for the love that had brought them under his blanket.
Their relationship started as a delicate one, catching Taehyung off guard every time he spotted Jungkook’s eyes in the mirror, communicating through the gentle blinks brushing past their cheeks in the mass of other faces, blind to the blush rising on their skin. It all bubbled inside his stomach like the first love, and maybe it really was, on the background of stolen kisses in the dimly lit corners of their practice room, or hidden behind the door of a cubicle, breathing in the sickly reek of toilets, while busy lost in each other’s eyes. But as their love had grown, so had the challenges they faced. The entertainment industry was unforgiving, and the pressure to conform to its expectations weighed heavily on their shoulders. Taehyung knew that Jin’s dilemma about coming out to the company was just a reflection of the larger struggle they all faced.
“Yeah, Kookie, it is. But you know what? It is the path we've chosen, at least for the time being.” Taehyung rubbed his eyes, clearing the sleep filling their corners with his fists. He was momentarily enjoying the lack of grey shadows seeping through, while the wetness spread behind the eyelids eased the itching sensation painting the milky surface faint red.
When Jungkook’s hand grazed along his covered belly, he jerked, not anticipating it, but nuzzled closer until his bent knees didn’t poke the curve of Jungkook’s waist. “I just,’ he could hear Jungkook smack his lips, they had to be just a thin line dipping the corners of his mouth now, ‘wish we didn't have to sneak around like this. It's exhausting,” the whisper sounded on the border of a cry, coping his exasperation.
As Taehyung’s fingers gently stroked Jungkook's hair, he spoke softly, 'I know,’ he spoke more bravely than he felt inside, ‘But remember why we're doing this. We're protecting our love and the group."
Jungkook's sigh filled the room and his voice carried a familiar longing, "I get it, hyung, I do. It's just... sometimes I wish we could be open about us,” he confessed, his grip on Taehyung's fingers tightened, as if not wanting to let go.
Taehyung felt his heart swell with affection and concern, wishing he could offer Jungkook a solution rather than more worries. "I am with you on that, Jungkook,’ he nodded, his voice strained with the weight of their shared burden, ‘But we can't risk it. What if someone catches on? What if they already have?"
Jungkook's arm wrapped around him, drawing him closer, their bodies once again finding comfort in the closeness of their embrace. "Hey, don't worry,’ Jungkook reassured him, his nose tracing the contours of Taehyung's shoulder. He pulled away slightly, allowing a cool rush of air between them. "We've been careful, and Jin hyung is on our side. And if someone does suspect anything,’ his voice gained a newfound strength, as if he was trying to convince both Taehyung and himself, ‘we'll deal with it together, just like we always do."
Taehyung remained silent for a long moment. His fingers were lightly tracing the lines on Jungkook's palm as if he could uncover their future lying in the complex of webs spiralling and tying together into others, but it stayed the same, uncertain. The dread of exposure weighed heavily on him.
“I wish it was a truth,” Taehyung’s lips wrapped around the words but no sound vibrated within his throat.
Taehyung found himself too caught up in the approaching storm, roaring behind the mountains of the future. He stretched his neck to see how far were the fortresses built of pretence that the thunderbolt was setting ablaze, before it hammered on the front door and unleashed where the peace in his life was currently ruling. However, he was only met with the same uncertainty in two eyes watching him, sliding down his cheek. Taehyung’s heavy breath of non-spoken wants spread before their senses of perception, perhaps fogging into the hard-to-see-through mist falling over the room’s midnight shadows, playing with their memories responsive to new-found desires for the alone time together, that they have forgotten about the second bed’s empty mattress and the pillows fluffed against the headrest, winking at them just behind it.
The next time Taehyung reached to rub the sleep away from his eyes, to continue strolling towards what looked to be an infinite night, he found them swollen with a satisfying rest, same as the state of his mind, while lying on the pillow that impressed the fabric lines into the pliant skin of his cheek, with the half of Jungkook’s body thrown over his, in the new day’s rays absorbed room. And his heart dropped with the sound of huffing coming from his left. Taehyung’s chest felt tense and the muscles in his neck screamed the protests, even going as far as pulling at the sensitive nerve ending, making him to hiss in pain.
Taehyung felt caught red-handed staring right into Namjoon’s eyes, watching him from behind the glasses set on his nose, while he was sitting on his bed. Namjoon brought his index finger to his mouth and stuck out his tongue to wet its surface before the dampness glued it onto the page of the book he was reading. The quiet rustling of a paper must have visited Jungkook’s dreams because he stirred in Taehyung’s arms.
“Hyung?’ gulped Taehyung, ‘Good morning?” he wasn’t sure why the tone of his voice kept rising into the questions. He tried to understand Namjoon’s expression, but it appeared unreadable, hardening around his mouth corners yet with an empty glint in his eyes. As Jungkook shifted again, blowing a snore over his bare neck and raising a panic slowly climbing up from behind Namjoon’s eyebrow raise, he quickly came up with an excuse, ‘We… uh, we were just playing some games last night,’ the way a drop of sweat shone on his forehead had presented him in a guilty light, ‘and I guess we fell asleep?”
The second eyebrow, resting low over Namjoon’s eyelids till now, joined the first one, pulling at the skin, high, close to his hairline. Taehyung attempted an awkward smile but inside he was freaking out. Were they too obvious?
Namjoon’s pursed lips enhancing his noticeable silence continued to play on Taehyung’s anxiety. His mouth opened subconsciously while his teeth found sank into the plush of his bottom lip, tugging at the old habits in nervousness.
Namjoon’s gaze shifted once again between Taehyung’s flush rising on his pale face and Jungkook’s furrowed eyebrows while his dreams were slowly meeting their end. He closed the book with a loud thud, spreading the musty smell of old pages, and nodded simply before getting up and leaving the room without saying a word.
As soon as Namjoon’s wide bare back disappeared behind the closed door, Taehyung’s head fell. He ran his eyes over Jungkook’s black tangled strands, seeping the aroma of shampoo all over his pyjama top, while his hand fisted the creased loose fabric around the hem.
“Jungkook-ah,’ whispered Taehyung, his voice still hoarse, brushing over Jungkook’s hair, ‘wake up,” he tapped his shoulder, but the boy’s fingers only tightened around his T-shirt, baring his stomach.
“Mmm…’ grunted Jungkook, ‘five mo-ah,’ his mouth stretched around a yawn and his hot breath tickled Taehyung around his navel, ‘five more minutes, Tae,” he mumbled, forgetting about honorifics in the state of half-sleep. Jungkook turned his head so his nose was boring in the gap between his ribs now.
“Jungkook-ah, it’s important,’ Taehyung spoke louder this time, sounding more urgently, ‘Wake up, now!” he shook him by his shoulders.
“Huh?’ Jungkook’s lips parted before his eyelids raised, smoothing the skin over his rolling eye whites, ‘What’s going on, Tae?” he yawned again and squinted lazily at Taehyung’s face.
“It's about Namjoon hyung, I think he knows something,’ he hurried to answer, checking the closed door after he thought he heard a movement somewhere close, creaking on their floor.
“Wake up.”
Jungkook ruffled his hair, combing his finger through the knots around the crown of his head. “Namjoon hyung?’ he asked, sounding confused, ‘What do you mean?” a painful hiss escaped between his teeth when he pulled at the untamed hair more harsher than he intended. Taehyung reached out and even if overwhelmment spread into his arm as hot blood traveled to his numb from disuse fingers, he ran them through Jungkook’s messy locks.
“You shouldn’t have stayed here last night,” Taehyung began but before he could voice out his concern, he was stopped short by a voice just a few steps away from where they were lying under the sheets, “Hyu-, oh… um,” Jimin mumbled, his foot lingering between Taehyung's room and the hallway. Taehyung watched the slipper slipping off Jimin's toes in the same awkward manner as his eyes were shifting between Jungkook's guilty face and his.
“Jimin hyung,” Jungkook smiled nervously while his fingers circled around Taehyung's wrist trying to pull his hand away from his hair. Jimin's chin jerked as his eyes followed the not so subtle movement.
“Jungkookie, good morning,' Jimin nodded curtly in acknowledgement, pointedly ignoring Taehyung's burning gaze, 'Have you seen Namjoonie hyung?” his words carried an underlying tension that seemed to fill the air around them.
Taehyung noticed Jungkook's chest lifting as he expanded his lungs with the answer, but before it could bubble on his tongue, Taehyung spoke up, “He's not here,' he said sternly, 'Maybe check the living room,” his tone was icy but he couldn't deny the annoyance that rose up his throat as he watched Jimin's head twitching towards him but never meeting his eyes.
Despite the smoke of irritation spiralling out of his fuming nostrils, Jimin couldn’t pretend he had plugs stuffed inside his ears. His face was twisted with frustration and his jaw tightened as soon as Taehyung cleared his throat. He grunted a reluctant, “Thanks,” before kicking into his slipper until it didn't slide back on his foot and he stomped out of the room. The obvious scoff bounced from the walls seconds after he left, among other voices bowing him a greet in the hallway.
As soon as Jimin vanished from the sight, Taehyung became aware of the unvocalized words gulped down by Jungkook’s throat or bitten down by Jungkook’s tongue and one sharp intake of air was enough for him to cut through the possibility with a swish of raising hand to let them be heard.
“Hyung, talk to Jimin already,’ however, Jungkook's voice was a wrecking ball that tore down all of Taehyung's flimsy attempts, like a hurricane breaking down all of his efforts, ‘You’ve been avoiding him for too long.”
‘Too long’ perfectly described the passed time since his last year’s late night New York escapade, maybe too perfectly, sighed Taehyung. He couldn’t remember when was the last time Jimin’s smile didn’t turn bitter when he caught Taehyung’s gaze during the group meetings held to discuss their ‘America success- winter 2015’. It was not a secret, at least not for Jungkook, as Taehyung spent the majority of their late night talks complaining about Jimin and Jimin only, that when Jimin turned his back towards the open door and rather had chosen the already crowded room, Taehyung took it personally. “Hyung can be pretty petty if he wants,” Jungkook gave him a look.
“I know,’ Taehyung lowered his eyes, ‘but I'm scared, Kook,’ he hesitated for a moment, ‘Scared that it might be too late.”
Jungkook stared intensely, a mix of emotions on his face, from frustration to concern and sadness. "The longer you stay quiet, the harder it'll be, Tae hyung," he said firmly.
#taekook#taekook vkook#taekook au#taehyung#jungkook#kpop idol#fanfic#ao3 fanfic#ao3 writer#taekook fanfic#vkook fanfiction#canon#taekook canon#taekook 2016#taekook fluff#taekook angst#taekook smut#taehyung angst#jungkook angst
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Hi lovelies, I planned on posting today at 3:30 cst but I’m a bit behind on schedule. I don’t want to rush and give you a sh!t story so it’ll be posted a bit late. Idk what time maybe around 4-7:30pm cst. Have a wonderful day I hope you like it. -dubu

#bts fluff#bts fanfic#bts#bts imagines#bangtan#bts army#bts rm#bts angst#bts one shot#bts suga#taekook#taekook smut#taekook fanfiction#taekook fic#taekook fluff#bts v#bts vkook#bts jungkook
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V Characters: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V Additional Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, Love Confessions, Military Summary:
A conversation between Taekook taking place the night of their enlistment announcement.
— or —
(My Prompt VIA TWT)
A comforting talk between Taekook about leaving one another during enlistment, holding each other, giving comfort kisses and wiping each other’s tears away, then falling asleep in each other’s arms.
#taekook#bts fanfic#taekook fic#taekook fanfiction#kim taehyung#jeon jungkook#bts fluff#taekook fluff
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Hotel California (Ep. 1/11) ♡ Spicy Route || Taekook || BTS Universe Story
"I'm Tae. This is my hotel. And I think maybe, you might be in need of one."
Driving late one night through the empty desert - Jungkook comes across an elegant, lively hotel that he knows was never there before. More mysterious is the enigmatic owner, Tae, with eyes that shouldn't be real and a tempting question: "If you could have anything in the world. Down in the blackest part of your heart. What would you wish for?”
♡ Spicy Route: This version chooses only the ♡ options to unlock the sexier scenes and the later events resulting from them.
To see the full playlist, click here: Hotel California Spicy Route Playlist I’m currently up to episode 8.
#taekook#taekook fic#taekook fanfic#taekook fan fic#taekook fanfiction#taekook fan fiction#bts fic#bts fanfic#bts fan fic#bts fanfiction#bts fan fiction#bts#taekook fluff#bts fluff#taekook smut#bts smut#taehyung x jungkook#jungkook x taehyung#kim taehyung#jeon jungkook#be careful what you wish for
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Invisible String (Tying you to me)
Going to the same university and sharing their group of friends, Taehyung and Jeongguk are forced to navigate the urgent attraction burning between them while getting to know each other. Or: the one where Jeongguk and Taehyung's wolfs are absolutely horny for each other and they try to deal with it. ~Mutual pining, fluff and hot, hot smut~
#taekook fic#taekook fanfic#taekook fan fic#taekook fanfiction#taekook fan fiction#taekook smut#taekook fluff#taekook#bts fic#taehyung smut#jungkook smut#taehyung fanfic#jungkook fanfic#bts fanfic#taehyung x jungkook#jungkook x taehyung#bts fan fic#bts fanfiction#bts fan fiction#bts smut#bts#my writing#mine#smut#jjk smut#college au#omegaverse#abo fic#ao3#ao3 tags
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Peace, love and sleep 😌🤟🏻💗
#bts#bts jungkook#bts v#taehyung#taekook#taetae#bangtan#bangtan taehyung#vkook#kim taehyung#taekook icons#taekook fluff#jeon jungkoooook#bangtan jungkook
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tb to when no one knew it was his voice! 🔥
Nishimura Riki - 05 line!
#enha#enhypen imagines#enhypen niki#enhypen scenarios#heeseung x reader#enhypen x you#2000s kpop#engene#enha fluff#kpop bg#enhypen nishimura riki#ni ki#nishimura riki#niki x reader#park sunghoon x reader#enhypen sunoo#kpop moodboard#1st gen kpop#kpop layouts#kpop wallpaper#kpop#niki nishimura#japan#japanese#japanese bios#j idol#kpop aesthetic#enhypen#enha imagines#taekook icons
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tojbnuy’s masterlist 🪽
- coming soon
jujutsu kaisen
- toji disciplining baby megs
- toji getting cockblocked
- toji trying crumbl cookies
- toji x selectively mute reader headcanons
- toji and megumi trick or treating
- toji when you randomly get your period
- bestfriend satoru headcanons
- bestfriend satoru headcanons pt.2
- bestfriend satoru headcanons pt.3
- bestfriend satoru headcanons pt.4
- satosugu x their ill gf
- coming soon
- coming soon
- coming soon
#jjk#jjk x you#toji x reader#gojo satoru#jjk smut#jjk toji#jujutsu kaisen#toji fluff#jujutsu kaisen toji#toji fushigro x reader#tojbnuy#finatalks#finarecs#masterlist#wip#jjk headcanons#jjk drabbles#jjk fic#jjk fic rec#bts fic recs#jungkook fic recs#jungkook smut#jungkook x reader#bts x reader#taekook#satoru gojo x reader#gojo fluff#gojo smut#toji headcanons#toji smut
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Before I Leave You (Pt. 80)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: “Come on hyung, fuck her like you mean it.”
Tags: Groupsex, Mating cycles/in heat, fivesome, exhibitionism, voyeurism, slight Jungkook x m/c focus, praise kink, Knotfucking, dumbification, mind-break, Namjoon calls Yoongi a bitch once in like a sexy way, omegaspace sex, lactation kink, false pregnancy, some good ol' tiddy sucking, omega x omega content, scissoring, pussy spanking, excessive squirting, size kink, breif mention of monstercock dildos, overstimulation kink, forced orgasam (but not in a cnc way), knot milking, mommy kink, daddy kink, trans characters, discussion of girl knot/cock, girl on top, feral sex, biting, humor, this is soft and horny and funny and sweet.
W/c: 12.7k
A/n: Ahhhh i'm sorry it took so long for me to write this chapter- the good thing is the next one won't be that far off! Until then if you like this story and want to read a different version of the beginning that has like 5+ additional chapters of how yoongi and the m/c got together you can read it here.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
As you can expect, there is some clamoring around Yoongi.
Everyone reaches to feel, to touch, to check. Your hand is among the others tangling with Tae's fingers then Hobi's. Every touch is exploratory, curious, and coming to terms. Shocked and happy, weirded out and displeased. There are so many emotions that everyone's scents are all over the place. Surprised, excited, and scared.
Jungkook starts to tip his head, eyes open, leaning into Namjoon's space and falling, like he can't figure out which alpha to please with the scent of a new knot in the air. Jin lets out a shocked noise, not entirely upset but still.
“Wow is he bigger than Minnie and Hobi?” “I don’t know, but you should definitely measure.” “It feels so much less firm than a normal knot,” “Like squish mellow” “And he’s got that vein! I can see it pulse!” "Wow what the fuck, it’s so pink."
"Am I dreaming it's like my dream for everyone to have a knot."
"Even the pup?"
"Especially the pup. Have you seen Tae's dick? Girl knots are like- so ugh."
Until it gets too much, until Yoongi’s hips splay, and his head tips back, breath ragged. “Guys I’m-”
"Alright." Namjoon snaps, loudly. "Everyone back off. Give him some room."
You do not back up, you curl up around your mate's body protectively, still barely conscious of the fact that you're dripping into the nest below you. But you don't really think that Namjoon was talking about you and he doesn't make you move once you snatch your hand back. Resting it loosely on Yoongi's hip, clutching at his shirt like you think someone is going to take him away.
Namjoon eyes your hand and then your face. You tip your chin down demurely like there can't possibly be any way you'd missbehave. Namjoon huffs, shaking his head before he ducks down.
The pack alpha examines Yoongi’s knot under an appraising eye. His big hands turning it this way and that, Yoongi’s eyes roll back no one gives him shit for rocking up into Namjoon’s touch, needy.
Does knotting always feel this way? There’s pressure in his lower stomach, a tightening that makes no sense. That sort of feels like his self-control is spiraling away or dangling on the edge of a very precarious edge. Like all of him is about to break or perhaps be made whole.
Yoongi doesn't like thinking of sex as something necessary for love. But knotting certainly feels like a cross between the two.
No wonder why alphas are such knotheads. If fucking always felt like this, like the sex equivalent of a full body hug that lasts for hours, instead of a singular moment of euphoria and closeness. Yoongi would never want to fuck any other way. No wonder why they're so possessive too.
This feeling- Yoongi’s not addicted, not yet.
You hook your chin over his shoulder to watch, sniffling. And Yoongi is a little too aware of you. The way your body lies against his arm, the dewy brush of his wrist on your stomach as you set your body against his. He must be going insane; he must have bit you again and given you a fresh mating mark. Because it feels like he can feel the mating mark wrapping around his cock.
You're a little more lucid because the pack’s sour scents cut through the breeding haze.
“Is Yoongi like- presenting?” Your voice sounds so small, so fragile. Yoongi bares his teeth at it. He tips his head into yours, nosing at the side of your face. Trying to reassure you. Trying not to bite. Hissing when Namjoon once again pulls at the skin of his knot.
“I don’t think so,” Namjoon says carefully, slowly. Reaching for Jin's glasses on the edge of the nest (because they're roughly the same prescription) so that he can take a look at the underside of Yoongi’s cock and the scent glands just below it.
They’re not puffy and not swollen like an alpha's. Alpha's knot to scent mark, not just breed. It's surprisingly a relief knowing that not all of Yoongi's biology has changed.
"He’s like still a beta? Right?”
“As far as I can tell yes.” Namjoon hesitates, poking at Yoongi’s knot harder. Eyes flicking up to measure his response. Yoongi does not snap at him, doesn’t do anything but lean against the column of Namjoon’s arm like he’s having a hard time holding his body up. When Namjoon puts his hand on the base of Yoongi’s throat, he doesn’t do anything but close his eyes.
"No- if you were an alpha you'd be biting my head off right now. You're definitely not presenting" Namjoon decides, begging that it's true. His own instincts are just a hum beneath his skin.
Namjoon might be a man of science, but he does trust his instincts more than he’d ever willingly admit. Namjoon's inner alpha is not chomping at the bit for a show of dominance and is not threatened by the sudden muskiness of another foreign knot. A shock in itself. Any scent of an unfamiliar knot combined with the smell of their omega in heat would make any of the alphas, even hoseok the tamest one, go feral. Packs work that way.
Beyond an extra layer of horniness, Yoongi’s thick chocolate scent has not changed. Not even a little bit once Namjoon sniffs and rolls the taste of it around on his tongue.
Namjoon presses the side of his face to Yoongi’s neck and closes his eyes. You can feel Yoongi’s heart flutter with how you’re holding onto his arm. After a moment namjoon pulls away. “You’ll be fine.”
You sag, a bit in relief. Yoongi? An alpha? If Namjoon says he’s not you believe him. Your brain is too hazy to think straight. But you decide you’re glad he’s not. Yoongi’s perfect- you’d hate it if something changed without his say-so. You babble, say it. And your mate covers his face.
“If I had to bet, I’d say it’s the mating mark. I’d like to take tests but-” Jin’s head jerks up, scent souring. Sensing a trip to the hospital before it’s even been said. Jungkook’s eyes on Yoongi don’t blink, grinning down at that knot with his hair in his face, already excited and dopey. As if talking about the hospital is enough to summon another seizure.
“After maybe. If it’s still a problem.” Namjoon caveats, pausing to rub down Yoongi’s arm, soothing him. Yoongi is still trembling. Still shaking so hard that he can't really move with any coordination.
“Has anything like this ever happened before?” Seokjin asks, carefully. Pillow over his bare lap. Namjoon has the good sense to at least put on some shorts. Jimin looks at Tae quickly and Tae does not return his gaze. Some secret soulmate conversation going on between them that you can’t read.
When you look up at Hobi- he’s watching your face. He doesn’t look away but after a moment he shrugs as if to say ‘Our beta has a knot- so what?’
“I’ve never heard of a beta popping a knot. I’m not sure. I think this might just be us.”
You groan, hiding your face under Yoongi’s chin. His breath heaves, and he turns back to you, nuzzling back.
“Is it my slick? Or the mating mark? Did I do this to him?” your eyes are wet, tears already threatening. You are already generally sensitive, and even more so in heat. Yoongi eases away your worries with a quick kiss to the side of your face. Cutting off your guilt before it has a chance to build.
“None of that now. If I had to change for anyone I’m glad it’s you.”
The pack is quiet around you, all in varying states of nudity. Quiet at the truth of what he says, how suddenly deep this has gotten. But he's right, you'd change for any of them. You wouldn't mind either. Yoongi rubs your cheek and you pull yourself half into his lap for a cuddle. Needy, too worn down to let it go. Yoongi’s hands go around your waist keeping you close. You melt into his arms, still sniffling.
"Your dick was perfect before though-"
"Sweetheart " he groans. You pull back from him, glancing down at his lap.
"What? I'm just saying-"
“Don’t look at it!”
Hoseok chokes back a laugh and tries to keep it in, but before you can help it everyone's laughing and covering their faces with their hands to keep from smiling.
“You didn’t cum at all. Did you?" Namjoon asks, eyes dark. Yoongi starts to lift the hem of the shirt you wear, showing.
“No, I didn’t.” Yoongi can feel a bit of skin at the base of his cock, still loose, still half popped. If you weren’t more preoccupied with holding your mate and controlling your weepyness. You’d be more curious about the knot pressed between your legs.
Maybe this is just resource-guarding. Classic omega in heat, of course, the most valuable resource is your mate.
“You know” Namjoon hesitates, looking from Yoongi to Jin. “Popping a knot without ejaculating sperm is kind of medically dangerous-”
“Namjoon-” Jin scolds.
“Sorry- without Cuming is actually kind of dangerous. Especially because it’s like, not typical for you to have a knot.” Namjoon licks his lips, "We should probably make sure that it's like- working."
You don’t know if it’s hornyness or just Namjoon being concerned for Yoongi’s health (probably a little bit of both) but you perk up. Blinking at the pack alpha who looks a little strained. A little like he’s trying not to look too much.
Across the nest, Jungkook shuffles forward, blatantly eyeing Yoongi’s knot like he’s just found his new favorite toy. But no sooner is he putting his hand on the beta’s tight before Jin is pulling him back the collar. "No no no pup, that's not yours yet."
He lets out a little bereft whimper but you hardly notice. Eyes bright and directed up at Namjoon. Like it honestly hadn’t occurred to you that now that your mate has a knot that means he can use it. Yoongi can knot you now. Pack Alpha is so smart! You don't know how it didn't occur to you yet but-
Oh, you really want that. You really want Yoongi to knot you.
The self-consciousness Yoongi felt earlier is entirely forgotten. You’re a little dumb in heat. A little floaty. Yoongi doesn’t mind. This is why you have packmates, to make these complicated decisions for you.
Yoongi’s hands are still firm around your waist. If Yoongi does have a knot now, for the time being, then you should get first dibs.
You whine, he was perfect without it really but you really really really like knots, your squishy omega brain is convinced that you need it. That it’s yours and your packmates are suddenly keeping it from you. You bare your teeth. No bite, all bark. You'd actually growl at them if Yoongi’s hands didn't clamp down around your waist. Hard. Harder than he usually touches you. It jogs you out of your reverie.
Marks. Kis fingers hold you hard enough that you could have bruises. Good. You want marks on you and on him. Your mating mark isn't enough. Not now, not with Yoongi having a knot.
“Should I, should you-” The pack settles in, ringing both you and Yoongi, as you stare each other down, both of your scents spiking wildly as you take each other in. Seeing each other in a new light.
Yoongi laughs, deep and rough. And you get shivers down your spine. Your voice is high-pitched and squeaky from the strain. "Don't tease me."
He nudges the underside of your jaw with his nose. "Come on, it's sorta easy" his teeth brush your mating mark and you gasp, the threat of a bite but not a bite at all. "and you like it."
The pack looms closer so close they can reach out and touch, can reach out and feel. "Should we watch? I think we should watch" “Yes. Definitely yes.” “Yes, I think we should, yes please.” "they're so pretty when they fuck."
But Jungkook huffs, a little bratty, a little bit upset that there's a knot he's not allowed to ride. "Can't I get one lick?"
"No Koo" Jungkook jerks against his hold.
"If I lick it, is it mine? While she rides it does it count if I lick it?” Jungkook gets dragged over Jin’s lap for that one, completely happy with it as the other omega lands several swats over his behind. Giggling as he goes.
The slapping sounds are distant. Jungkook's skin glows from the force of the hits but his cheeks are round from his smile sweet. A Spanking? You'd like one of those. Maybe you can provoke it from one of your packmates sometime later. You might need a settling after this.
Your brain is a mess of wants and instincts. But a spanking can wait. Yoongi's knot presses just under your pussy and you grind onto it experimentally. Tingles of pleasure filling your whole body. Good. It's so good. You snarl.
“No. No Jk- pup”
You are not paying attention as Jungkook tries to claw his way over to you; laughing, making a game of it. You and Yoongi are not speaking but you are communicating. Every grit of his teeth says mine, and every twitch of his hands on your hips says keep going. You look down at your mate and lick your teeth, polishing your canines as you eye him. The line of his throat. The pinkness of his nose. His chest- everything.
As Yoongi huffs, half fond. Cheeks slowly warm the more your eyes roam, the more you look and hunger.
It’s not that you’ve never been a sexual creature and it’s not that Yoongi has never seen you want him. But too often have you been like Noodle. Too frequently has he been the steward of your lust, carefully encouraging it and letting you be fickle and safe. Every time you've had sex you've been timid. he’s always letting you know through every breath that you’re not too much and that you can have it in any way that you want.
But now- now you’re eyeing Yoongi like you want to eat him.
Your brain is too syrupy and slow to do more than grind against his knot (like I said, all bark, no bite) your pussy dribbles onto it. The glide of your slick hole so much against such sensitive skin, pressed between your body and his. An omega possessed. An omega on a mission.
He’s been on the business end of many knots but this- this is different. Your eyes are open hardly blinking, Jungkook’s hands trail up Yoongi’s thigh to his hip.
"You're hiding it-" he whines, bratty. But gets snapped back into the alpha's waiting jaws. More spanks. until someone, Jimin maybe is tugging at Jungkook's cock between his legs while he gets plugged up by Namjoon's knot. Namjoon's the only one out of all of them that can truly distract Jungkook. Can possibly stop him from trying to covet Yoongi.
Yoongi's knot doesn’t belong to him. As his mate you have rights.
You push him back to lie in the nest and Yoongi lets you. It’s instinct to straddle him, to get him under you where he can’t move. Even though you don’t usually fuck like this with you on top. You don’t know why this in-heat version of yourself seems preoccupied with riding or not riding, maybe it’s a control thing or vulnerability.
Your body is unused to the heat, unsure of quite what the edge of want and don’t want to meet. Unsure if you want all the control or the complete lack of it. You are weak to your instincts. Weak, even though you know if you just lied back Yoongi would take care of you.
Your instincts give you neither choice nor reason nor want for anything, anything but this. Hoseok's hands slide up Yoongi's knees, touch your lower back, everything. Everyone everywhere touching both of you. Egging you on with their bare teeth and wildly sweet scents.
The head of Yoongi's cock slides up and through your slick, catching on your hole for a moment before it pops away,
You don’t know who guides Yoongi’s knot to your fluttering hole, only that it’s there. It’s easy to sink back, eyes furrowed as you concentrate on the feeling of getting Yoongi’s knot inside of you, cheeks warm at the eyes of the pack on you.
Beside you Tae paws at Jimin’s knot he makes a nose in his throat, but Tae’s all smiles. “Minnie likes it.” She croons in a singsong tone. Hooking an arm around his waist and sliding her hands under the elastic hem of his boxers to toy with him.
There is breath on the back of your shoulder, condensation turning your skin dewy. A hungry alpha ready to swallow you whole. Looming. You don’t look to see who it is, who's looking over your shoulder watching Yoongi’s face as you ride him.
You have a sinking suspicion it might be Hobi.
You fall into a slow rhythm appreciating the way that it feels, nudging at your entrance. Filling you routine. You’re getting better at this setting the pace on your own. Moving at a steady rhythm. A rhythm that makes you sigh and squeak. Your body feels so far away. The ache in your knees, the soreness in your hole, and the tiredness in you are all impermanent compared to the pleasure.
You focus on the feeling of your hands on his chest and the pleasure that comes with fucking yourself down on his knot. It’s a good knot. Not too big, not too small, just right. Everything about Yoongi is just right for you. You mewl as you speed up your pace. Instincts burning for more more more.
Sweat bleeds down your back and Yoongi’s jaw rolls, unblinking below you. Someone wipes away a bit of drool on your jaw and you can’t find it in yourself to be embarrassed. Tipping your head back.
“Does it feel good pup, the way his knot feels in your little hole?"
"Not so little anymore," Tae snickers, "she's practically bouncing on it."
Yoongi’s knuckles are white with how hard he holds your hips, doing his best not to guide your rhythm or disrupt it. Someone's hand is in your hair, tugging and tangling with it, pulling you up and down.
Namjoon leans down to whisper in Yoongi’s ear. “Good huh? Pussy fucking you up hyung? Gonna be a little bitch and make a mess in our pup? Gonna put your little knot where you want and breed her?”
Yoongi lets out an achy moan. And hope that you didn’t hear that. Or feel how it makes him twitch and pulse. Knot seconds from popping. Already mostly popped from before. He’s not going to last. Yoongi knows it will be quick.
"Bet you can feel how I fucked her open for you huh?"
Yoongi does not pause to push Namjoon’s face away as the alpha bites his shoulder- his ear- his everywhere. Namjoon's not nearly as unaffected as he pretends to be but Yoongi is too focused on you.
Yoongi has always been the perfect fit, not quite as long as Hobi or as thick as Jimin or the type of knot that makes you feel it for days after like Tae and Namjoon. It’s a good thing you’re a size queen because now you can fuck yourself down on Yoongi’s knot, regardless of the size it threatens to swell too.
Yoongi’s knot is about as thick around as Namjoon’s cock is normally so you still struggle to go all the way down, but stretching yourself around the wideness is good, feels nice. Sates the fire inside of you. His knot presses all nice and hot snug against that spot inside of you. You babble it, saying how good good good your mate is, how you can feel his cock stretching you out and breeding you. Almost mindless from pleasure.
Almost but not yet.
Yoongi slides his palm from your stomach up to your sternum, under the black shirt you wear, stroking over your skin lazily before his fingers tangle in the material, pulling it. using it to guiding and goad you into fuck him faster. Saying nothing. Eyes on you. Dark and heavy-lidded.
To shut you up (not because he wants you to shut up but because he wants to hold off from cumming for as long as he can). Yoongi gets his feet under him and drives his hips up. Fucking up into you. Faster and faster until you can tell you're almost taking all of it. All of it. As much as you can.
“That’s it, there you go baby. Fuck her like an alpha. She wants to take it, you just have to help make her.”
“Come on hyung, fuck her like you mean it.”
Beside you, Tae's hand works underneath the waistband of Jimin's boxers, a thumb hooked there lazily. Stilling for a second. Her knuckles wrapped around his knot probably. Hobi is tucked along Jin's side, hips stuttering working. Watching you and Yoongi. Namjoon grins, showing his teeth.
You have almost all of his knot in you now, everything but the widest bit, just a little more, just a little and you’ll have it. You bounce up and down on it experimentally. You grin, very very convinced that you don’t have to wait for Yoongi’s knot to go down to continue.
Your mate's hands circle your wrists, holding them hard, pulling you down hard every time you pick yourself up, trying to keep you stationary. But Yoongi’s needs are very very far away in his mind.
It’s almost better this way, looking down at him, working your body down his knot. Testing the give and breathing through it the way that Namjoon has taught you to breathe through taking his knot. The pack all around, watching you and encouraging you. They're so close, it sort of feels like they're all fucking you this way.
Tae’s fingers dimple in your thighs and Jk rests his head along Yoongi’s tummy so he can watch his knot sink inside of you as a treat when he takes his spanking like a good pup. A strong hand in his hair to keep him from moving forward a few inches to lick. Pout on his face. When your pace stutters, body overtired from heat, Hobi's hand goes under your thigh to help pick you up, taking the weight of your body for you.
You finally get Yoongi’s knot inside of you, but it doesn’t stop there, you put your hands on his chest and pick yourself off of it again. It tugs but slips past the rim of muscle after a second, slick sliding down the big swollen curve of it. It takes some finesse, but your body gives way and his knot is once again hovering just on the precipice.
Then you sit yourself back down.
Jimin’s breathless curse against your throat feels almost guttural. You hardly hear it too focused on fucking Yoongi’s knot like a cock.
“Fuck, omega's knot fucking is-”
“It’s hot,” Jin says, leaning down to brush Yoongi’s sweaty bangs from his forehead. “How does it feel honey? Feeling your mate around your knot? All good? All nice and snug?”
“She’s-” Yoongi pants through it breath ragged, close to cumming, knot pulsating. “Warm” his voice is strained and he scrambles to reach for you. Yoongi’s lap, his whole stomach really, is covered in your slick. The slide is almost too slippery. If you weren’t concentrating so hard on keeping rhythm you’d tell him you love him.
“Overwhelming, feels like- feels like- fuck-”
But you know he already knows, can feel it in the way he touches you. The way he looks at you. Everything.
You squirt, wet noisy, little dribbles of cum flicking up across his chest, clamping down around his knot so hard that Yoongi has no choice. Your pace stutters and you sigh. You hardly notice the pleasure rocking through you, hardly notice as you start to tremble. Little ‘hng’ noises pushed from your throat with every sweet jut of Yoongi’s hips. Still fucking his knot all the way in and all the way out.
Yoongi fucks the same way he talks, sweet but firm. He cums that way too. Warm and slow. You feel every syllable and every drop.
But Yoongi has no words for the ecstasy of knotting you. Groaning deep, more guttural, more animal than you’ve ever heard him sound. Cumming, knot popping fully. Finally. Your legs shake and your head drops as it throbs and swells.
You finally stop riding him but he keeps pulling you down at the same second he sits up quick, until he's sitting with you in his lap. Wrapping his arms around you. Whipping your hair from your face, cupping your cheeks, forehead to forehead.
A bit of your squirt drips down the seam of his hip, the place where his thigh and stomach wrinkle. Staining the nest a darker shade of pink.
But there are hands to settle your giggles, his knot pulsates, and you feel wet and warm inside. You ease up and he holds you for a moment. Skin to skin. Breath to breath. Both of you panting through your comedown.
The others fall upon you.
Jin's hand cups your stomach, and Jungkook's teeth drive into Yoongi's shoulder with a quiet yelp and a 'yah jungkookie'. you love how grumbly yoongi gets when he's feeling sensitive but safe.
Namjoon tilts your chin up and kisses you, messy and filthy. When you part you feel dizzy from lack of oxygen. You can't yet register that you're panting, breathing heavily. Still sort of cumming. One orgasm blends into another. Having them around while Yoongi’s inside of you is so much. Good, but a lot as Tae strokes down your spine.
“Did good alpha?” You ask Namjoon.
“Did so well, so so so well taking Yoongi’s first knot.” Now he'll understand how possessive we can get of you. Now he'll get it.
Yoongi ignores him, but around you, the air is thick with the scent of the pack's pleasure. Hoseok ruffles Yoongi's hair than yours, you nuzzle into his wrist. Tae's hands are hungry, and exploratory.
(They watched you through all of this but never once did you wonder if you were pretty, never once did you worry about how it looked, if it was enough. There is a simple love that's here. A simple love between all of you. Through your heat- you've never once been self-conscious. With Yoongi’s knot snug in your pussy, and everyone praising you, you can't find it in yourself to be nervous or worried or feel anything but bliss).
There are familiar hands everywhere- reaching down, feeling where you and Yoongi are connected. The wet slick glide of an omega properly seated on a knot. Tae’s lips pressed against your tit while her delicate fingers paw at your pussy, not a kiss, not a suck, but a pout.
You let her until Yoongi hums, overwhelmed, and then lean down to bite her. Popping back, licking your teeth, echoing a soft "sorry" when you've realized what you've done.
Yoongi shivers as Jin runs a hand up and down his stomach, knuckles brushing yours. Namjoon crowds in behind you. Pushing you both down into the nest. His pack alpha herding tendencies are at play but he’s a warm and reassuring presence behind you. They all settle in to cuddle you and keep both of you safe until Yoongi’s knot goes down long enough to make sure that you’ve been adequately bred.
Everyone's sort of lying on top of each other. Namjoon behind you, Jin behind Yoongi, Hobi trying and sort of succeeding in squirming his way in between Jin and Yoongi. the pack are noisy. but you sort of love the noise.
"You're pinching my skin hyung." "Wait wait wait, this will be more comfortable." "Namjoon she needs room to like-breathe." "Ow my knee like- cannot stay in this position." "Jungkook!"
The older omega lets Hobi muscle his way in. Pressing a kiss and a nibble to the back of his neck in admonishment. Jungkook sprawls across all of your stomachs and Tae rings the top and Jimin the bottom, guarding you and Yoongi against the door. Classic alpha.
Tae runs her hands over your hair, scratching at your scalp with her long fingernail. You push into her touch like a cat. She does it to you, then Yoongi. Yoongi’s hands skim up and down your hips and he’s breathing heavy.
“Love you,” he says.
he closes his eyes first but you just watch him. A chorus of voices join but you lean down, pecking him over his eyelids. Covering his body with yours. He doesn’t need to worry about anything.
Yoongi wraps his arms around you. Mumbling something into your ear quiet enough that the rest of the pack doesn’t hear. But let it remain a mystery. Let it remain for just you and him.
You rest and cuddle. And Yoongi keeps twitching inside of you. Every time you think that he’s done and that his cock can’t possibly give you anymore he starts to twitch again. Cuming just a little bit more.
It almost feels like Namjoon, who cum's a proportional amount to the size of his cock. Yoongi never normally cums this much, but you can't say you're complaining. One hand resting protectively over your tummy.
You hear Jin's familiar 'tsk' and fingers are at your hole. They guide a bit of spend back up into it. But your eyes are already closed.
You were already tired before and your heat still rages. It's not fire anymore. Something in you satiated. It's not a raging inferno but the kind of warmth that glows from coals, that sizzles on the edge of your skin, like deep-seated honeying of suns and far away stars teeming with wishes and life-giving warmth.
Yoongi decides that he wouldn’t mind doing this, just when you go into heat. He’ll get tests done later; Namjoon will drag him to the hospital after this week to take his blood and measure his hormones.
Dr.Pearl and another beta specialist will come to the conclusion that it’s both your mating mark and your slick that caused a momentarily biological shift that’s temporary at best and a one-off probably (it won’t be a one-off, Yoongi will grow a knot through every one of your heats after this). They’ll prescribe Yoongi less of your slick and a bit of distance from your scent during your pre-heat (both professional opinions that Yoongi will opt to ignore because seriously what the fuck?)
For now, you settle down atop him, keeping his knot safe inside, and go to sleep. Not before feeling each one of your packmates press a kiss to the place between your shoulder blades. Surprisingly sensitive, surprisingly ticklish. You feel it all. The brush of Hobi’s nose, the skim of Tae’s long hair. The plush feeling of Jimin's lips more like petals than skin. The brush of Jin and Namjoon’s stubble. The nibble of Jungkook's teeth.
Yoongi’s lips remain planted to your forehead, he sleeps that way through the rest of the afternoon. The little huffs of his breath tickle your baby hairs, and you can’t say that you mind.
Being the lowest member in the pack’s hierarchy means different things for each pack. Especially with two older omega’s in heat, and you below them in the hierarchy.
As the days drag on, you feel like a bit of a chew toy (not that you’re complaining).
As the lowest packmate in the hierarchy, you bear the brunt of it when their instincts shift from hungry to nesty. The breeding’s mostly done (mostly, but not quite) now is time for nesting, for preparing. It takes time for seed to take. That time that you spend cuddled close. Safe between Jin and Jungkook. Walled in on either side, safely tucked between their chests. Both of their heartbeats beat through either ear.
At least until you wake up.
You omega’s are a conspiratory little bunch. The nest is deep and colorful with many spots to hide. You do not try to hide from Jinnie or Jungkook, there is no need to. the alpha’s are who you hide from, peaking over the edge of an inner nest, the walls built up a bit like an igloo. The three of you playing a pretend game of hide and seek.
Hiding from them and the pleasure that they give you. Because they want to get in the way of all your fun.
It’s not getting in the way of the fun so much as it’s partaking in it, sticking their knots where you need them- but where is the fun in simply fucking? Foreplay is where all the fun happens anyway. Bouncing on a knot can get so boring.
Unless it’s Yoongi’s knot of course. You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of that. His refractory period is a lot longer than the other alphas, even Namjoon who tends to knot for a good 30 minutes. You’ve had him 4? Maybe 5 times since the first? And now he slumbers, hips ringed with hickeys, cock lying limp and pretty pink against his stomach, utterly spent.
You’d ridden Yoongi until he was trembling, until his breath came out as gasps and not growls. Until his knot couldn’t even pop anymore and Namjoon had quite literally scruffed you to get you off of him. Too sensitive for anymore. Twitching duly when you’d popped off for the final time, a glob of cum leaking down your hole to your other one.
And yet, you could tell by the smell of him that Yoongi was drowning in ecstasy, nothing about his scent in pain or discomfort. You did a good job. Your pack had told you, you did.
But still, your mate needs his rest, in the meantime, the omegas can play.
The morning is thick and heavy, sunlight slow moving like honey when the alpha’s start to wake to the sound of soft breathy moans. the alpha's don’t immediately register that none of them are awake and that it’s purely omegan whines and whimpers that coat the air in the sound and smell of sweet pleasure.
Honey, cake, and cream.
Jungkook giggles softly, looking down and you can’t help but smile too- dopey. Fucked out. Fucked dumb. They’re not exactly surprised that you’ve gone non-verbal. Babbling only for Tae and Yoongi when they seriously prod you for a question.
This is just another spike of your heat only… you didn’t bother to wake your alpha’s up for it. You don’t really need your alpha’s knot when Koo is so soft and when Jinnie is- honestly very big for an omega, perfect enough for a bit of comfort in your hole.
But putting the pack omega’s cock all up inside you would not be good. You want to be good for Jungkook, your nestmate who has bitten you so thoroughly your skin aches from his teeth. From your chest to your shoulders and neck. To your hips and backside. Everywhere he’s bitten you up. So that anyone who sees you will know.
The three of you giggle and rub. What started as cuddling and a bit of grinding has become something different.
You and Jungkook hover above Jin lying down, Jungkook teased him a little bit ago for his grandpa's behavior, for not wanting to move and being too cozy. His omega cock stands hard and proud. Not terribly big, but not as small as Jungkook either. You and Jungkook seem not to notice the difference.
You and Jungkook sit perched above Seokjin, the pack omega’s hands roaming without care. His face is pink and his eyes are half closed, sleepy, and happy to let you and Jungkook take what you need.
At least Jin’s heat is near ending. Your and Jungkook’s roar in the meantime. You grind into each other, tummy to tummy, Jin below the two of you left to lazily rock up into the drippy sweet cleft between your pussy and Jungkook’s cock. It’s all very slick as you move against each other. Rubbing and grinding and giggling.
Hoseok blinks awake in the nest, picking himself up with a jerk.
A combination of your slick soaks Jin’s lap, and turns the grind sudsy, almost soapy as he slides up through your pussy kissing Jungkook’s cock. Omega’s do love to scent and rub and grind; you’re doing some mixture of the two. Not scissoring, but it would be scissoring if Jungkook had a pussy instead of the little nub he calls his cock. Jungkook reaches down, tapping his cock against your clit. You purr and squeak at it.
You’re… a bit of a mess, after having been fucked by every available alpha and Yoongi so hard like that earlier- your hole is a bit of a wreck, you're leaking slick and globs of alpha cum that Jin and Jungkook are only too possessive over. Pink when Jungkook reaches down to part your pussy with his hands and sees your wrecked entrance. He's too happy to smear it all over.
You can hardly blame Koo for his fascination, dragging his own little cock and forth between the mess. Putting his cock in (not that you can even close around it, small as Jungkook is) just to feel the heat of your body and what the alpha’s did to you.
It’s a good thing that most of Jungkook’s knot collection is locked safely away in the closet. Otherwise he might be tempted to see if you can take the largest one. The one that’s larger even than Namjoon that Jungkook's only managed to take on occasion when the pack feels like devoting multiple days into opening him up. The one that often leads to multiple days of aftercare because it actually is a little medically questionable for Jungkook to take.
Jungkook might have a bit of a thing for it; a size kink. thats never more apparent than when you're close. when he puts his hands around your waist and his hands almost meet. Watching you take things that look too big, that fuck you dumb like this is jungkook's favorite.
Now that the alphas aren’t making him feel so…so omegan, so fucked out. He’s sorry he missed most of it. He wants to see it again, wants to watch you get fucked open on namjoon's cock.
Jimin lifts his head from the nest, doing a double take and cursing when he realizes that it's not a wet dream just- just real. Namjoon rubs a hand across his jaw, sitting up on his knees in the half-darkness. Clearly he's been awake for a while. His hand goes ridged on Namjoon’s wrist but the pack alpha doesn't look down at him- he doesn't tear his eyes away from you three.
Namjoon’s cock presses up between his boxers, put on for modesty- and because normally omega’s in heat can’t be trusted not to get a little handsy. Hard, insistent. Now, Namjoon wishes that you'd get a little handsy. That would be better than just watching.
“You didn’t?…” he asks, trailing off. Namjoon swallows hard shaking his head. Namjoon already has his hand hooked into Hobi's collar, keeping him in place. Keeping him from interfering. Hobi lets out a lupine whimper. More a puppy than a man.
“Jin asked me not to intervene.”
The pack alpha’s restraint is legendary, especially when Jin giggles at the way you’re bouncing or trying to bounce on Jungkook’s cock. The pack omega tuts, and slips in besides Jungkook, half pushing him out of the way. Jimin starts, but there’s no reason to.
After fucking Namjoon there is more than enough room in your pussy.
The sight of you and Jungkook rubbing your used holes together is something that should honestly be recorded for the communal pack spank bank. The three of you pink-cheeked and healthy, and-
Knocked up. The three of you look like you’ve just been knocked up even though they know you haven't. Your skin glows healthy, your bodies supple and fed. Relaxed and loopy, showing the signs of the care the pack have lavished you with.
Jinnie's glowing too- skin smooth and blemishless, lips puffy and glossy from being kissed so much (as they should be). Although his glow is softer and less harsh. Jin’s heat is already ending, just another ten or so hours now. The fever quiets to a soft hush, a gentle need instead of a rabid one.
Was it the pack omega that dragged you and Jungkook to get off on top of him? It won’t be long now. Namjoon can tell you’re both close to cumming from the way you're shaking and the way Jungkook's breathing.
The slick glossy look of your thighs, your hiccups, the sight of Jin’s cock pressing between your slick folds, peaking out, rubbing against your clit, and the head of Jungkook’s little cock. The pack omega’s hands are hungry twitching as jin cranes back and inarticulately tucks his hands into both your holes. stroking both of them. Jin’s cheeks look round, pouting as he concentrates.
“Want pups, my pups, gimme,” you and Jungkook giggle, pressing sloppy kisses to each other’s mouths, Jinnie’s too- although the pack omega does little but pout and rock into the warmth. Into the wet.
The alpha’s watch and it’s torturous to keep themselves back. But they're good alpha's. When your and Jungkook's rocking reaches a fever's pitch and then quiets. Trembling and overwhelmed. Clinging to each other, threatening to topple.
When you’re finished there is more than one available knot, hard and aching, ready to sit on.
That’s not the last time that Jungkook seeks you out during his heat. far from it.
You’re not surprised that both his and yours have lasted longer than Jin’s (probably by a day or so). Your and his hormones spike and feed off each other, your heat spikes syncing until your packmates have to handle both of you at once. Your hand remains knotted with his, whining every time one of your alphas tries to cajole you gently away from him. Unwilling to be parted from him during knotting for comfort.
The lulls between Jin’s heat spikes get longer and longer while yours and Jungkook’s remain the same. Jungkook’s even speed up a little if anything.
Jungkook loves going into heat with you- he really does, it feels like he’s always reaching, always craning his neck to watch you. The tender nape of his neck is bruised from the number of times that the alphas have had to scruff him docile. All of him feels Bitten and nibbled at every available opportunity.
Really, Jungkook's sort of in heaven.
The alphas never throw him around the same way they do when he's in heat. They don’t treat him like he’s delicate, like he’s precious, especially with you around to dote on and fuss with. You take the brunt of Jin’s protective instinct too.
Jungkook can be as bratty as he wants, bite whichever alpha he wants, and chirp as long as he needs to. Outside of heat they rarely ever hold him down and make him take it. They always hold back. Only in heat at his most vulnerable do the alphas really stop treating him like he's fragile.
He likes pushing their buttons and making them bite. Now, Jungkook does it because he can't stand it.
Cute aggression? It must be cute aggression.
He wants to squeeze and nibble and wreck you, Watching as jimin tucks his face into your neck as his knot twitches, your entrances stretched tight around it and your legs wide open so that Yoongi can gift tortuously small touches to your clit, all but torturing it as you seem to squirt and squirt and squirt.
So much until you’re dripping around the hollow of his wrist. Your petal pink lips parted, ready for a nibble. He'd barely satiated his desire to mark you up earlier. The haze of hormones is thicker than smoke in the air, turning his brain mushy as he listens to Yoongi beg.
“One more, just one more for me. You made me cum until I couldn’t anymore so now it’s your turn.”
You sob, but thats not a no. Your knees get brought up. Cute, plush, like a fucking stuffed animal. Jungkook once again, gets the inexplicable urge to squeeze you.
The alpha's have you both pressed chest to chest. Underneath you, Jimin continues to drive his cock in smooth efficient bunches, a knot already popped inside. You'd asked him to be mean with it and sob you do. Begging and pleading for more more more at the same time you say you can't take another orgasam.
Jungkook remains above you on his hands and knees. Namjoon lies along Jungkook's spine. Punching a groan from Jungkook’s chest with every impossibly long and thick drag of his cock. Making the omega feel all of it.
A fresh wave of your slick squirts against jungkook's chest and Jungkook's arms buckle. He sort of falls half on top of you. Yoongi hums and puts Jungkook back on his hands and knees so that he can keep touching your pussy. Jungkook rests his body against Yoongi's arm to keep himself up. Mouth open.
Jungkook thinks he might imagine it. He must, because he can feel Namjoon’s cock pressing against his tummy, feel it as the bulge kisses your skin the give of your belly button.
Your giggle feels like a punch to his gut. As your hand slides up his slick stomach to palm at the belly bulge, touch him the same way he touched Namjoon's cock through you. He loves it. He presses his forehead against yours, your eyes just as dilated and as gone as his. Rubbing his face against yours in a half kiss- half scent mark.
There's a lot of squirting, mostly from you. Jungkook likes watching you squirt. It's so pretty.
Jimin yanks his knot out of your hole, a move that he wouldn’t be able to pull if you hadn’t been knotted by Namjoon recently. Perhaps inspired by watching you knotfuck Yoongi. Pulling at you so hard that it honestly to god looks like it hurts, it looks mean. It makes you squirt violently again against Jungkook's straining abdominal muscles.
Jungkook bites your cheek. Hmm, squishy.
He bites the other side, and it blooms under his teeth.
You tremble and almost seem to pass out of a second. And then- really do pass out once Namjoon pulls back, reaches around Jungkook, and says something to Yoongi, who pulls his fingers away from your clit, you jerk trying to chase the pleasure. Only to run headlong into Namjoon’s hand, landing hard over your clit.
You gush through Namjoon’s fingers, soaking the place where he and Jungkook join. At the same moment Namjoon shoves his slick-coated knot into Jungkook’s hole.
Your head lols back against Jimin's shoulder and you let out a single broken whimper. they're pushing you to your breaking point. (But you have a gut feeling that once you break and they put back together, you'll finally feel whole).
Across the nest, Jin perks up a little horrified. He's being fussed over by Tae and Hobi, happily doted upon while Hobi's knot rests safe inside. knot warming. Comforting Jin through the end of his heat. Hobi turns and Tae starts to get up to intervene but then-
Jungkook giggles at your sobs, lapping at your tears. Clenching wildly and grinding back against Namjoon’s knot, the pack alpha moves him so that Jungkook can press his lips to your slack mouth.
You blink, dazed, look up at him.
“Meanie Joonie” Jungkook giggles, the omegaspace haze so thick he can hardly string a coherent sentence together. “Meanie Minnie! Meanie Yoonie! Again! Wanna see!” Jungkook moves, trying to get his hand in between your legs to spank your clit again, but his swats don’t do anything, too gentle.
Jungkook is literally getting the daylights fucked out of him right now, he hardly has the energy to lift his own head, let alone spank your pussy the way he wants.
oh, after this heat, after this, he's going to have so much fun figuring out how much you can take.
Yoongi's teeth look incredibly sharp, a little feral at being asked. But Jimin nods and fuckes his knot out of you and Yoongi spanks your clit again. You've never squirted so many times in a row but you leak like a faucet now.
The next flood of your slick lands on Jungkook’s cock. Jutting against your stomach with the force of Namjoon’s thrusts. He giggles again. Shifting closer away from Namjoon- hissing at the tension around his knot. So that Jungkook can press your slick stained and swollen tummies together better.
When he cums too seconds later, from another brutal press of Namjoon’s knot to his prostate and a mean pinch to the head of his cock- he giggles and uses his hand to spread his spend over your stomach.
You’re already lost to exhaustion. But Jungkook pecks your nose, tucks his face under your throat, and goes right to sleep.
When Jungkook wakes, he's still like that. He's not being filled, and things are calmer.
The freshly fallen night is a hush on the edge of the nest, There is a different need coursing through him. A different sort of wanting. A physical hunger. His body is exhausted, sore, and bitten.
Your chest smells like Tae's lipstick, like her kisses. Jungkook’s pretty pretty pretty alpha, the prettiest alpha that is on the other side of the nest, talking with Jin and sharing soft kisses. She must have come over earlier to check on you, must have kissed you here.
Jungkook is dimly aware of her soft words, “Do you want a knot Jinnie? Some food? Some water? A cloth? How are you feeling? Does anywhere ache my love?”
Jin's answering hum is exhausted but happy. After a second he quietly admits, “My thighs hurt.”
Yoongi is summoned, Hobi too. To squeeze and help relax the pack omega. The sound of his squeaky laugh and shy moan a welcome return.
Jungkook dozes while you and Jinnie rest, his body over your body, lined up chest to chest, nuzzling first at your throat and then lower when Jungkook's instincts tug at him. The pack is not as worried about him being snappy. They've long since decided that whatever happened at the beginning of the heat was just that- an anomaly at the beginning. Both of your instincts settling.
But now, Jungkook crouches over you like an alpha might. Protective.
There is something syrupy sweet in the air, just below your skin. Jungkook couldn’t smell it until he started nosing at your throat, but now he can. Something laces through your veins, something that smells divine, something that he can almost taste, like sugar only sweeter.
He begins to move lower.
Your breasts smell like Tae, like alpha, they’ve been given so much attention, teeth marks and bruises line your areolas, Tae has sucked your nipples pink and sensitive and stiff puffy already. Imprints of Jungkook’s pretty alpha and her pretty teeth stay there like a shadow, a bruise. There is a word you call her, 'mommy.' He likes it when you call her that. It has Jungkook’s pretty alpha smelling muskier and impossibly prettier.
Jungkook’s mouth is perilously empty, it's starting to bother him. Jungkook lips his lips. Dry.
Her voice comes distant now, your hands push at Jungkook’s shoulders when he noses, but only briefly before Jungkook’s pretty alpha tuts, holding you still and keeping you from squirming as he noses, pushing through your sweet skin, searching for something. Girl omega’s are so soft. So soft everywhere.
Jungkook loves it. Is this Omegaspace? Or pupspace? Or some combination of the two.
Something starts squirming underneath him, a chest rising and falling, a heartbeat beating rabbit prey fast. But the squirming stops as quickly as it begins. Jungkook's pretty alpha looms closer, coming to see what you're fussing for and cooing at your quiet squeaks and chirps.
Tae's wrist is close, close to Jungkook's teeth as she grabs your wrist and holds you steady. Restraining you gently. “Let Jungkook have at you pup, he’s been a very good omega, don’t you want to help soothe him?”
Of course, Tae does not notice that Jungkook's going after something new, and does not notice that this isn't normal soothing. Sucking at your chest is her favorite thing. She doesn't think anything strange of Jungkook's hungry licking and desperate sucking.
There is some sweet whining on the edge of Jungkook’s senses. Independent of the sweetness beneath his nose, the warmth reaches his lips and he opens his mouth to suck. His breath going ragged.
Closer, closer still, warm and soft against his face, like a nest made flesh, like Jungkook’s nest in one person.
Jungkook sucks at your chest, lips pressing once they find the source of it- of that smell. Your nipple on the roof of his mouth is exactly what he'd been missing. Comforting. You are so soft, so soothing. He likes it. There is no fire from heat with you here at his front and yet, Jungkook still burns. The sweet smell under your skin is closer this way. Jungkook needs it, needs you like water. Clinging.
His taste buds spark with something, just a little at first then more the more that he sucks. Jungkook makes a soft sound and Tae just shushes him. Alpha, he wants to speak, alpha found it! His squishy Omegaspace brain wants to tell Tae. The urge to show and tell is quickly overridden by the need for more.
It's so sweet. So fatty that Jungkook's head spins. Mouth filling with liquid that tastes like you, but a bit like Jinnie too.
You taste Milky.
Jungkook's eyebrows come together and Tae teases, her fingers running against his cheek slowly filling. throat bobbing Her voice sounds like it does when she's grinning. Tae can be forgiven for not immediately realizing what’s happening because Jungkook is swallowing it down before any of it has a chance to make it to open air, gasping and sucking wildly. Hungry.
"Oh, tasting something good bunny?" Jungkook's sure she must be smiling even though his eyes are still closed. Still half asleep but waking up.
A little more, something hot and sweet fills his mouth, and Jungkook sucks it all down, more with every tight press of his lips. Your squirming stops and you sigh, going rim rod straight for a second and then relaxing.
You're staring up at Tae all dazed and cute, letting out sweet babbles of "mommy mommy-alpha mommy please." Your toes curling in the nest. But who knows what you're asking for.
tae reaches down and puts her fingers in your mouth, giving you something to suck at, quieting your desperate whimpers.
Jungkook doesn't like it, doesn't like her touching you. this milk is his- it belongs to him. The milk sweet and fatty fills his mouth, slowly at first, then more. You stop squirming below him, sighing in relief body going slack. Jungkook's arms go firm around your waist, holding you still, holding you close.
It's good, yummy even. Jungkook sucks more and more and more without really understanding. His heat-fried brain not sorting through the facts of the situation.
"Does Jungkook feel good little pup? Is he making you feel all tingly?" Tae teases, softly now, like she's conscious of the idea of waking everyone else up. She leans down crouching over to nip at your throat. Settling you. But there's nothing to settle, your head lol's to the side, staring blankly ahead. Whimpering. drooling around tae's fingers, she takes them out and slips them down your throat. stroking gently.
"Hopefully he doesn't bite you too sensitive because it's my turn once he's done, gonna squirm and cry for me gonna-" Tae breaks off, inhaling jagged.
Jungkook's tongue rolls against your nipple, keeping a small dribble from slipping down your body. Lips parted in ecstasy, a single drop drips from his tongue onto your skin, just a little.
But it's enough.
There is something pearly, dribbled down around your sternum. Almost translucent, but still white and cloudy.
Tae blinks like she can't really believe it.
Then she growls, loud, shocked. violent enough to wake the others. Whereas before she'd been stroking through Jungkook's hair, now her hand goes vicelike and tries to pull him off. Jungkook whines and squirms, unwilling to be parted from you until Tae growls again in warning.
Namjoon picks up his head from the nest at the sound. Jin blinks awake against his throat and Yoongi shifts and shuffles awake. Rubbing his eyes with a closed fist when he sits up.
When Tae finally succeeds in pulling him off of you, he looks almost hurt, pouting up at her. Tae's gaze eviscerates him. Their eyes narrow at the spill of it, the glimmer of milk on his lips. A bit of milk dribbles down Jungkook's cheek. Traveling down his collar bones to his pectorals and abs, gathering in his belly button, in the little furrow of skin between his lap and tummy.
Tae's finger gathers it on her fingertip and guides it back up to Jungkook's mouth, a breathless growl. Incredulous, near worshiping.
"Messy puppy."
How many more biological surprises could the pack possibly have in store for them? They're a little too tired to be particularly alarmed, and yet, they drag their bodies over. To make sure, to see.
To taste.
Hoseok hangs his head, his whine supine. "Jesus fucking Christ, you-" Namjoon looks away then looks back again. Like he can't quite bring himself to watch and can't quite tear his gaze away.
“I’ve only just gotten used to the idea of Yoongi knotting and now-"
Jin wordlessly rubs a hand over his face, Jimin doesn't say anything, trying to muscle Yoongi out of the way, looking down at you with something indescribable, at Jimin's movement, Namjoon's hands go to your elbow, your wrist, and Jin snaps.
"No, everyone behave. She is not a chew toy."
Everyone goes quiet, admonished. Tae continues to hold you, still looking down, and Jin realizes that if he's not careful, everyone is going to snap. Tae is going to snap. He can see it in the tremble of her body, the curl of her teeth over her lip, her control is seconds from snapping. Her scent spikes climbing higher and higher, almost smelling like she's in rut.
but you're his pup. jin bends under the force of his instincts, checking on your first. Jin leans over you, brushing the hair out of your eyes, and revealing your glassy fuzzy gaze.
"Daddy?" you ask, confused. Jin hasn't heard that name in a little while, not that he's complaining.
"Sweet little puppy, my sweet little pup, are you alright, is it too much?"
Your hand's press and release in the nest. "No just- just hurts- aches, Koo.” Your eyelashes flutter, “Koo makes it better.”
Jungkook is a possessive little thing, hisses and splutters and clings to your front. even as yoongi and namjoon try to get him off of you You squirm looking up at Tae and Yoongi and Jin, the haze cuts for a moment and they recognize your franticness as more than just overstimulation.
"Do you want us to get Jungkook off of you?" Yoongi asks, voice husky. Namjoon holds Jungkook prepared to wrench him off of you if you say so. Jungkook isn't in his right mind, but Yoongi can't help but watch as he sucks like a man starved, throat bobbing with every swallow. His cheeks warm and round-looking. Oh, oh this is-
Yoongi is getting hard. The skin around his new knot tugging. He really really thought that after this morning when you rode him like your life depended on it- that would have been that.
You nod then shake your head. "Want Mommy to choose- want Tae-tae."
Namjoon uses the hand in Jungkook’s hair to pick him up off of you for a second. Jin has to pinch the back of his neck to get his teeth to release. Your nipple is pink and bitten when his mouth finally leaves you.
They watch for a second, but it barely takes a moment before the milk is back, dribbling out, trailing down the curve of your breast. Jungkook is still half asleep. Shifting downward happily when he realizes the pack don’t mind it if he licks up whats spilled. Bending down to lap up what’s trailed down to your tummy and navel.
Tae's nostrils flare and her eyes are all pupil, dark and brown, and glassy. Yoongi jogs her out of her reverie.
"Tae." he asks, an edge of dominance to his voice that wouldn't have sounded the same yesterday, not before Yoongi had a knot. Yoongi shakes his head, wordlessly. And he sees Tae return to herself, just a little.
You squirm under Jungkook. Upset, lower lip wobbling. "No, I want, want Koo- it- it aches-" Tears bead at the edge of your eyes and Yoongi is not thinking, not truly, when he reaches down to feel.
You whine as Yoongi toys with your chest, fingers rubbing gently over your wet peaks, rolling them until more milk beads. Mesmerized. Slowly at first and then more aggressively, tugging at them until your back arches.
"Tae," Namjoon's voice is stressed, Jimin shuffles up beside her, offering a comforting touch on her shoulder. "Tae" Namjoon repeats, a bit more command in his voice, her gaze jerks up in his direction.
"Can you handle this without going into rut?"
"Yes alpha." Namjoon watches her for a second longer. Judging the haze in her eyes, and then tips his head down. Permission. But Namjoon is nearby, Namjoon is watchful and wont let any of them go too far.
It’s gentle- how the alphas manhandle you, placing you square in Namjoon's lap, reclining there for your mommy to have her turn. He can hold your wrists this way, you want to squirm, need to squirm. The ache is overwhelming. You just want to full feeling to end. Jungkook was so close to making it go away.
“Be still little treasure, sweet sweet pup, let Taetae have what’s hers.”
Jungkook tries to go back. But Tae doesn't let him, muscling him out of the way until she growls and nips. Speaking with snarls and whines and not with words. But Jungkook is but a pup beneath Tae's play wrestling. She's always been stronger than him and after a brief scuffle of push and pull, he whines. Resting his head on your shoulder.
Tae can hardly think through it. Her pup, her sweet little pup, chest swelling from her attention. Was it her sucking that did this? Was it her sucking that tugged your biological impulse until it shifted into real change?
You are so perfect she could cry, she could knot the air with how horny it makes her.
Tae looks at your face, your tears spill down your cheeks and your voice cracks, "Mommy?” you think if Tae checks, if she makes sure that you’re okay, everything will be fine.
Tae lowers herself gently over you, hair tickling your skin, and connects her mouth to your chest.
Tae is immediately gone, milk filling her mouth that tastes like ambrosia, like the heavens made liquid, like home. she grinds her popped knot against the nest as she sucks and sucks and sucks. immune to your squealing. Hand reaching down to paw uncaring of your overstimulation. You're as wet between your legs as you are on your chest. Her brain is a mess of more and more and more.
For a second, Tae's alpha convinces her that she's actually done it, she's actually pupped you. Why else would you be sweetening so much? Why else would you be like this, sweet and swollen on her tongue.
You're getting slick all over the nest again, Tae can feel slick gathering around her wrist, fingers losing their concentration, so focused on getting more milk in her mouth, sucking that she forgets to finger you properly. Your chest is so sensitive you feel like you could scream. Every suck makes you sob in overstimulation.
Above you, Yoongi curses.
Each packmate must have their turn with you, once they all rouse and confusion quickly melts away into downright giddiness. It's dizzying, your eyes are closed half the time, and the other half you're not sure you can make sense of what's infront of you either.
Brain settling into that place where everything feels good, where nothing matters but the pleasure and the soft praises falling from their mouths. Namjoon muscles Tae out of the way for a taste after she's turned slack-jawed and milk-drunk. And his spiky head pressed against your skin makes you feel- makes you-
Obey obey obey. You lose track of what’s happening, but your pack does give you what you want, what your body needs. You don’t have to squirm too much before someone, one of your alpha’s or is it Yoongi? Shuffling between your legs to bury his head in your chest.
Having them feed from you is a flurry of sensations. They bury their faces in your chest, hair tickles skin, stubble pressing. Someone giggles, Tae maybe. She presses a kiss to your button mouth. Eyes furrowed as you cry and cry and cry.
You don’t understand why you’re crying, why you’re overwhelmed. But you don’t need to think too hard about it or anything. Any needs that you do have are taken care of.
The pack always know what you need, that you need to feel steady, held and kept. the second you start to push. They restrain you.
Why would you even need a breeding bench when you have your packmates to keep you still? There are hands holding you down everywhere, your wrists, your ankles. Your knees. You push against their touch just to feel them put you in your place.
And as much as you struggle to admit it, you do feel better, and less tense. Less full. Less like a rubber band poised to snap when they pull back.
You cum like that, fingers in your pussy, mouth around your nipple. You don't know how much you have or how much milk they're taking from you but it's enough to leave the alpha's milk drunk and dopey. Even Jinnie is a little dazed from it when he has his turn.
It shouldn't surprise you that Yoongi is the gentlest, pushing Namjoon away after you've come, kissing him, cursing low at the taste in his mouth.
"Really hyung, your mate, fuck-"
"Fuck." Yoongi agrees. Nosing at your chest before he latches, lips sucking your nipple into his tongue, waiting for that first spark. And oh- oh- drinking from you feels like cuddling. You could call him a sap and you'd be right but there's something so instinctual about it. He knots and you give milk. Round and round your instincts go on the merry-go-round until both of you get off.
Who knows maybe your body stopped and waited to make the shift until Yoongi's did.
You only really squirm when Jin guides Hoseok down. He's blushy and tries to pull back, But the pack omega doesn’t take his shyness for an answer without a no. All pups need to eat, all pups need to get their fill. Your milk smells so sweet, so filling. Lifeblood and love and satisfaction made sustenance. Your body wouldn’t be milking up so nicely if it wasn’t for your alpha’s. They should taste the result of their efforts.
Hoseok only lets himself take one mouthful, shivers rising up and down his body before he moves aside and lets Jimin have a taste.
Jimin- who almost immediately tries to bite and snarl. Nipping at your skin when tae jerks him away from you by his hair maw open. He's barely had a sit but that's enough for Jimin to turn feral. Immediately straining, immediately pulled in your direction. A dark purple bruise is already forming around your nipple. Too rough, Jin fusses, pulling a blanket over to you, building a nest around your body.
"No Jiminie- bad!"
Namjoon takes Jimin from Tae. The alpha snarls and splutters but whines when Namjoon snaps at his throat.
You are not lucid, not really. Eyes closed and reaching for your packmates. Someone touches you, hands frantically checking your body- but you want to tell them that Jiminie really- he just got a little teethie. It's okay. You're fine!
Tae bends to kiss it better. They guard you while the sound of snarls sound from the other side of the nest. Namjoon dealing with Jimin. They guard you. Their sweet milky pup, who could possibly be more precious?
After Yoongi has another turn, you decide dimly that it's a good thing, your body moving the edge of its tolerance and doing this. Lactating. Swelling with milk. Maybe it's because it's been so long since you've gone into heat.
After a few minutes, the bellies of your pack are warm nourished, and full. It’s okay, you can sit here like this, open and still for each of them to take a taste. Sucking your nipples pink and puffy.
“Is it permanent?” Jungkook slurs when he’s woken up a bit, yawning until his jaw pops, milk-drunk and sleepy. Nuzzling into your shoulder while Jimin gives you so much attention that you’re squirming (this time wearing Namjoon’s collar since someone needed to hold onto him and keep him from biting).
His ass glows where he sprawls and every time he so much as threatens to growl Namjoon leans over and pinches his sore behind. A warning that everything, all that sweet sweet milk in his tummy. Belongs to Alpha. Jimin can only have it if he's good.
“Is it gonna be like this all the time?"
There is a computer-cracking light on the edge of the nest, a square of light that Namjoon clicks through. Licking his lips again, although your milk no longer coats them. He brought it out earlier when Jin had questions about Yoongi, but now he’s glad to have close access to it.
“It’s fairly common with female omega’s, something about the extra glands and phantom pregnancies.” Namjoon’s voice has gone from hoarse to strong. Your milk on his throat.
Namjoon looks at you, then blushes and looks away.
You don’t know if you’ve ever made Namjoon blush like that. You still lay prone, blinking up at Tae. Wordless. Your brain is small under the feeling of so much attention. A tension in you is released easily.
Jin gets up from the nest, so quick that he goes dizzy, he’s wearing boxers now, boxers, and a big shirt. Jin too had tasted you. A few swallows. Good, it tasted so good. But your head lolls in the nest to the side, letting out little shallow breaths as Jimin sucks at your chest, your other breast still swollen looking.
Oh, Jin's little pup. You're being so good.
Jin’s instincts bear down on him. An impressive weight that makes him buckle. “I need to go cook something. If everyone's going to eat but her- that’s- I-” Jin huffs and makes to leave the nest in a huff. determined and not the least bit wobbly.
Hoseok trails after. Lips glossy from milk, too flushed to think straight, tripping on the edge of the nest and hitting the door on the way out. Embarrassed a little- but then again everyone is paying attention to you so it goes without teasing.
Huh, the pack omega is leaving the nest. Does that mean the heat is over?
No not quite, you and Jungkook still burn with fever. It's just Jin's heat that's ended. Who knows, maybe one sip of your milk had his body reacting, reassuring him that the work is done, at least one omega got pupped during this heat (you certainly did not get pupped, the contraceptive did its duty, but your confused body has Jin's confused as well).
Although you squirmed initially, the fact of the matter is that once everyone's had a sip, your nipple sucked hard and glossy- it’s a little hard not to need it. The release of pressure, the tension. Your body makes more the more they suck.
You try to enjoy breakfast once Jin's made it, feeling warm and sleepy, bites fed to your mouth. Chewing and swallowing obediently. But it’s hard, you’re so tired. Unable to hold yourself up no matter how much they try and get you to. Limp propped against Yoongi's chest, Namjoon's, your body so heavy and so tired and now sore the second someone stops sucking.
No sooner has Yoongi slipped one of Hoseok’s shirts over your head than has wetness started to gather at the front and an uncomfortable pressure began to build. They give up and take it off because Tae is eyeing you hungrily and really. Your whines of displeasure and teary eyes are too much for them to handle. Simultaneously denied and overstimulated.
Tae sets you back against Jimin’s chest, the alpha holding around your middle. She may have had one sip earlier but now that they’ve established that yes feeding from you is something you need she’s going to hog you.
She ducks low, kissing your nose, your lips, your chin before she buries her head where you’re softest.
“Mommy mommy please.” You whine as she teases, using just her lips to mouth there, waiting until milk beads, sensitive, slip down your skin to lap it all up.
“Oh little pup, don’t want to let any go to waste? We can’t have that. You’re so sweet like this. How good you are- how lucky we are. Alpha’s fucked you so good you can’t help but milk up huh? Wanted a pup so bad that your body caught on before a pup did huh? How cute. Aren’t we so lucky Minnie?”
“So lucky,” Jimin groans, holding around your middle, hands pressed to your stomach. Slipping lower as Tae sucks.
There is some hushed whispering, a rustle of bed sheets, you blink up at the ceiling, and then a vibration sounds, and you let out a broken, “oh.” as it starts.
You turn, look, and Yoongi grins, tears bead at the corner of your eyes, but it’s hard not to rock up into it. You remember- the alphas putting a collection of vibrators and knots and dildos on the edge of the nest, in case they needed them. But it's a good reward now, an easy orgasm that hits you warm.
Your body is hungry for pleasure, endlessly hungry for it in heat. Tae laps up the center of your chest while she switches from tit to tit, both milk and sweat. Feral as she does it, a look down at her says her eyes are dark, teeth sharp.
But she’s so careful, so gentle as she sucks. Yoongi turns the vibration up higher, and you jerk, or try to. Sandwich in on all sides. Surrounded by them, carried to the precipice of pleasure by the vibrator pressed to your clit, keeping you pinned there beneath the waves of pleasure. So much. Too much. Your body is so sensitive from the last three days of this. You can’t possibly handle it.
“Can’t cum again, can’t Mommy, too- too little. Too much.” You babble, but Tae tuts. Pulling off of you, a bead of milk on her pink lips.
“Good pups cum as many times as their Mommy wants them to, come on pup, make a mess all over Mommy’s dress for me."
You obey her with a broken whimper.
namjoon is so fucking horny when he's talking about yoongi's knot and i lowkey love it, how kinda like- obviously guided by hornyness he is.
also it is 1000% the mating mark that's making yoongi have a knot like- his biology is all fucked up because beta's aren't supposed to mate, the hormones in his body that keep him neutral are being kinda 'adjusted' by the m/c's slick and mark and hormones.
me 🤝 the m/c, wanting to bite yoongi's nose.
i really wanted the scene with yoongi and the m/c to kinda be like- a final opus and like super intense, how did i do?
i struggled with writing some of the dialogue in this initially- which is so /not/ how writing usually goes for me, usually the dialogue is very easy to me but i worry that i'm getting a bit repetitive with my kinks.
honestly why do i feel the need to make the smut poetic like??? is this only for me or is this a thing???? "Yoongi fucks the same way he talks, sweet but firm. he cums that way too. Warm and slow. You feel every syllable and every drop." like thats so pretty.
the m/c bites tae because she's making yoongi overwhelmed and that's the m/cs job 😠.
okay but the reason why i describe yoongi as breathing heavy is because i personally may have...stumbled uppon a audio of his breathes and him breathing heavy and fuck if that isn't hot.
part of yoongi's smutt scene was inspired by badoobee's 'real man' so yeah, i don't really really really like the message of her song, but it is sexy so 🤷♀️
yoongi with the life fucked out of him: 😵💫 mc: i did a good job 🥰 honestly though in my mind he has trouble being in the same room as her after she litterally rides him until he can't cum anymore.
honestly jk and her holding hands while they're both getting fucked is such a cute image like fuck i love them so much. i love this version of jungkook so much- i'll always be happy with his charecter in bily.
dang, i really did make jungkook's parts super super horny.
i feel like everyone who reads this should know it's completely possible to make yourself lactate just from nipple stimulation like- even if you're male. lowkey when am i going to write a normal non-abo total power exchange fic with cisswap taegi turning the m/c into their little milksub, and they decide (because the m/c's mommies know best) that they'll put her through a sucking schedule to see if they can make her chest turn milky as an experiment! only to offer her milk up to all their friends ie the rest of bts, bonus points if she starts leaking when they're at a normal friend gathering and it turns into everyone trying it.
Similarly to how yoongi always pops a knot after this, i think the m/c also lactates through every heat after this. and then one day in the distant future after one heat it just...doesn't stop. And the pack realize it's a sign that she actually /does/ want to be knocked up or at least her inner omega has decided she's ready to actually be bred.
is this self indulgent? yes. do i care? no.
even i have to admit that i'm a little bit tired of writing smutt at this point tbh...but luckily we have just one chapter after this with smutt! and it's mostly aftercare and a lovely little spanking scene <3
#jeon jungkook x reader#taekook x reader#bts omegaverse au#bts a/b/o#bts x reader#bts poly au#bts gang au#bts mafia au#bts polyamory au#bts au#bts fluff#bts hurt/comfort#bts werewolf au#bts angst bts omegaverse fic#bts hybrid fic#min yoongi fic#kim namjoon fic#kim seokjin fic#kim taehyung fic#park jimin fic#jeon jungkook fic#jjk#pjm#myg#knj#kth#ksj#jhs#jung hoseok fic#min yoongi x reader
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Lee Heeseung - 01 line!
#heeseung#enhypen jake#lee heesung x reader#enhypen hard hours#enhypen hard thoughts#heeseung smut#jake sim smut#jake sim x reader#jay smut#jennie x g!p reader#enhypen#enha fluff#engene#enha#enemy smut#enha smut#kpop layouts#enhypen heeseung#enha imagines#enhypen au#kpop wallpapers#kpop girls#kpop icons#kpop#1st gen kpop#taekook kook bios#2000s kpop#kim jennie bios#kpop aesthetic#kpop multifandom
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ ↝ Taehyung was painfully aware of the truth; life was never free. Every decision he made had a consequence, and it seemed clear what price he would have to pay if someone got to know about the true character of his and Jungkook's relationship. However, he had come this far and there was no turning back or throwing it away. Sadly, he wasn't too brave either.
↝ Taehyung's and Jungkook's relationship right under the nose of obviousness.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ ↝ taekook, idol⥏ taehyung x idol⥏ jungkook ↝ idol⥏ taehyung x original male character ↝ straight namjoon ↝ namjin, idol⥏ namjoon x idol⥏ seokjin ↝ idol⥏ seokjin x original male character
ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ ⥏ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ↝ mature 18+ ↝ angst, homophobia, explicit sexual content, self-realisation
ᴛᴀɢꜱ ⥏ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ ↝ secret relationship, slow-burn, awkward first times, awkward romance, complicated friendships, taehyung forgets he should play a detective, ↝ idolsAU, BTS 2016
It was official, Jimin wasn’t speaking to him. Not even acknowledging Taehyung’s desperate looks and gestures to talk it out. Jungkook had been right all along; the longer they avoided talking about it, the harder it would be to resolve their issues. The situation was already complicated enough, and Taehyung couldn't help feeling guilty for being frustrated with Jimin's silent treatment.
And Jungkook’s reassures that Jimin was too shit-faced, as if that was the right way how to speak about his hyung, to remember anything, weren’t helping at all. Because why else would Jimin scoff every time Taehyung as much as mentioned Jungkook’s name even if it was something as innocent as answering who he thought was the cutest member among them?
Taehyung just didn’t understand Jungkook’s calmness, as if it wasn’t him with his dick out and lewd expression spread across his face while his hips were moving in the rhythm of Taehyung’s hand, when Jimin’s voice pushed into their intimate space all of sudden.
He didn’t believe his friend was fighting with the headache that came as an outcome of his poor drinking habits, as Jungkook suggested, either. Because whose hangover lasted for over a week?
Taehyung was about to look over his shoulder, but stopped at Jungkook’s low grunt when his head, resting on his chest, moved, but his eyes remained closed, only a wrinkle between his eyebrows deepened and his lips pouted, as if the middle of Taehyung’s chest wasn’t as comfortable as the place right under his left collarbone. Taehyung could feel the sharp metal, he knew was adoring Jungkook’s ears, as a hard stud pressing against his sternum and he smiled when he noticed the second earring from the pair glistening in the glow of the setting sun.
Taehyung liked to lose track of time watching the grey-blue sky changing into bright orange, waiting patiently until the stars weren't visible above the city, but experiencing the performance while caressing the clouds was his most favourite so far. Surrounded by the shaky walls of the plane cabin, the time surely stopped making sense. What if they were stuck in the never-ending second?
He could have left his eyes on the hills of white and his mind tasting the imagination, yet the sound hitting the back of his seat again painted everything in ashen tones, falling on his ears like intrusive hues of electric blue and red. Distracting. Taehyung didn’t know since when he could sense colours behind the tones, but they felt like a halo glowing around the sound. Most of the time, Taehyung felt frustrated with his own world, or more with the inability to explain and lack of understanding. He always deserved, or that was what society made him feel, a double look when the words that made someone stop to think, left his mouth.
Taehyung noticed Jimin's eyes narrowing as he peered into the dim corners of their cramped surroundings. He couldn't tell if Jimin was watching him through the gap between their seats, or inspecting the way the light faded into shadows. Either way, it reminded Taehyung of Yoongi's judging gaze, more than Jimin's usual cold, unimpressed stare. The slight clucking noise Jimin made with his tongue added to Taehyung's nerves as he shifted in his seat. It seemed like even without words, the disapproval in Jimin's eyes was enough to make Taehyung feel fidgety. Jimin usually craved resolution after his stubbornness faded into the loneliness of a passing time.
Their gazes met and even before the white flickered between the brown of Jimin’s pupils as he rolled his eyes, Taehyung could sense the same vivid hues of intense blue, glowing through the tension, locating the guilt inside his soul. It was the tension itself. Sensing the opportunity, Taehyung could feel his lips parting.
He thought this was also what Jimin was waiting for, the peace and place, and the quiet cabin of the plane, kidnapping them from the time they could spend with their families during this holiday season, where everyone’s snores were the sounds of their exhaustion, seemed to be the right time.
But a low sleepy hum, vibrating through his chest and down to his stomach, where it spread the warm brown comfort, slammed his teeth together before the emotional whisper of “-min,” could get Jimin’s attention.
Taehyung looked down at where the seed of safety and love was planted and found Jungkook moving his head, nuzzling under his chin for relief after waking up.
“Are we there yet?” he grunted lowly, the rasp of his voice sent chills down Taehyung’s spine, before his eyes opened and he pulled out an eyebrow over the blemish white on the grey fabric of the hoodie Taehyung was wearing. “This is mine,” Jungkook said, but his tone was lacking the accusation. He fisted the thin material around the zipper and let it go again. Distracting, the way Taehyung could feel Jungkook’s nails scrapping on his skin through his clothing, was distracting.
When Taehyung turned his head to look at Jimin’s face through the gap again, he found him with a sleeping mask over his eyes, resting his head on the backrest of his seat. Taehyung sighed.
Taehyung was happy to have Jungkook’s eyes and touch on him again, after the phone, glued to the boy’s attention during the morning, had stolen him from his arms. It was nothing like Taehyung to wish they could turn off the aeroplane mode on their devices, so Jungkook could busy himself with whoever’s messages were competing with his quick responses again. All the pettiness, coming from neglect and resulting in him throwing Jungkook’s favourite piece of clothing over his shoulders for attention, forgotten in order to speak to Jimin.
“I have been wearing it since morning,” even if Taehyung’s voice wasn’t tinted with disbelief and a sprinkle of annoyance, the remark had to be strange enough as Jungkook’s head was no longer a weight over Taehyung’s heart.
“Have you?” Jungkook wondered aloud and as soon as his curious fingers got lost on Taehyung’s clothed body, probably smoothing out the creases his head had left, Taehyung pushed Jimin to the back of his mind.
Something about the silence surrounding his and Jimin’s relationship provoked him to argue loudly to fill out the void with noise and distraction. Taehyung was chasing the neon red, not noticing it substituted for anger.
“I am serious,’ he said, crossing his arms over his chest only to pull at the same fabric Jungkook was running his eyes over, ‘I’ve stolen this from your closet, and you notice now?”
Taehyung watched as the corners of Jungkook's lips twitched, biting down the traces of amusement, he leaned his head against his seat, mimicking Jimin's gesture without knowing, he chuckled softly, “You are jealous,” Jungkook said as if he could read through the memories active at the front of Taehyung's brain. Jungkook's hand reached out. It felt flat on Taehyung's belly, right under his folded arms and he drummed his fingers, testing Taehyung's weak abdomen muscles under the stolen hoodie. “My mum would be flattered,” Taehyung saw how a laugh bobbed with Jungkook's throat but before it could spread his mouth wide and show his teeth, it blended with his subtle teasing.
The digits knocking their own rhythm on Taehyung's most vulnerable place stopped, to think about another melody. This new one seemed to play on the background of Jungkook's heavy sigh, “I promised mum to visit them on the eighth. She said hyung with her are already there.” Jungkook's shoulders slumped as soon as he mentioned his brother along with his long-term girlfriend.
Taehyung knew better than anyone else how draining and not worth it felt for Jungkook to compete against the mental shadows his older brother, the favourite child in his parent's eyes, was casting. Junghyung seemed to be everything Jungkook was not; a model student, constantly striving for the greatest, proudly wearing the shiny batch pinned to his sweater in the least subtle way. He was also a devoted son, softly kissing his mother's cheek every holiday season or in between. And now, from what Jungkook had told him, he was prepared to marry the love of his, and his mother's life.
“I left a text before going to bed last night, that I wouldn't be able to make it, hoping she would read it when we are on the plane. But well...” the laugh he was restraining for so long finally found its way out in a burst of something that tasted bitter in the air. The underlying pain in Jungkook's voice awoken a regret pushing Taehyung’s words and actions under the shameful light. He should have known, the atmosphere of the approaching New Year (Seollal) could be sensed in everyone’s mood for weeks now; ever since January started to bend down its last days.
The holiday season had always been the hardest for them, as nothing could brighten up the reality better, or maybe worse, than fireworks of celebrations hammering their colours behind their back and on photographs where longing was present in their families' eyes. Not even the best editors could fill up the hole their absence had left, no matter how convincing the photoshopped pictures looked.
“Kookie, I am sorry,” started Taehyung.
“Hyung, it’s fine. It’s not your fault you have a loving family. Your mother probably wouldn’t even mind if you introduced,” suddenly he halted, looking down at their intertwined fingers on Taehyung’s stomach. Taehyung followed his gaze, wondering if the warmth of his palm and grip of his fingers was Jungkook's silent seek for comfort and reassurance. Without thinking, Taehyung gently squeezed Jungkook’s hand, holding it tighter in his own. “Me, when we are as old as Jin hyung.”
It was at that moment, with their hearts beating in sync, that Taehyung suddenly realised the true reason behind Jungkook's undying desire to come out. Namjoon would be the first step.
“Jungkook-ah,’ called Taehyung and straightened his back, looking right at the younger's face, ‘don't tell me, all this time, you wanted to come out just to win this nonsense fight with your brother.”
He searched for answers in the depths of Jungkook's eyes, in his gaze fixated on their hands and on Taehyung's rising belly. And there, behind the lack of concern and what Taehyung understood as nonchalance in his posture, he saw vulnerability. Jungkook looked desperate to prove that he was not worse than Junghyung, that he too could bring someone home and be loved by his family.
Jungkook didn't respond for a while. He brought his bottom lip out, only to bite down on it right away. His eyes seemed to be flickering between the truth and the words of conviction he could offer to Taehyung.
“Kookie?” Taehyung murmured softly, his voice barely a whisper against the background hum of the plane cabin.
Finally, Jungkook let out a breath, he regained the strength in his voice hinting at protection, “Hyung, you don't have to worry. Have you forgotten what I told you? If you're not ready, I no longer want us to come out.” Only this time, Jungkook misread the crease between Taehyung's eyebrows or the dampness of his palms coated in cold sweat. Taehyung wasn't worried about himself.
“But the question is, hyung, would you do the same for me?”
For a moment, Taehyung allowed himself to return to his old fears, only to find out they had never quite faded. The ignorance only made them more radiant, blazing to the point he could feel them on his skin, melting the walls of protection, the truth of untold. Taehyung could never bring a boy to his parents’ house, lead him through the threshold of their acceptance.
“I...” he didn’t mean to hesitate, but he couldn’t let the truth free either.
Jungkook's fingers spread wide, he turned Taehyung's hand over and returned the squeeze; his grip gentle yet firm. “It’s alright, hyung,” he said simply, his eyes filled with love.
The weather over Japan’s largest islands seemed to be made for today’s evening event. Taehyung remembered the encouraging blinks of stars wishing him the best of luck when he pressed gently on his ear to secure the in-ear monitor and with the countdown of the collected voice of the audio engineer, he took the first smooth step to open tonight’s performance. Jungkook’s hand, hidden in the shadow of his back, patted his butt slightly, stealing his breath but pushing the flush over his make-up, bringing a bit of colour to his whitewashed face. Taehyung looked around but Jungkook’s jacket was already swishing past him, the cold wind filled Taehyung’s lungs with fresh cheering. Hoseok by his left squatted down as soon as Jungkook sneaked a thumb-up behind his back pointing towards the sky with his readiness all while Taehyung’s heart was soaring, filling his chest with pride. He loved him with such intensity that it felt almost physical, every fibre of his being was becoming stronger just to endure the feeling. Witnessing Jungkook's confidence grow with each of their show charged him with such joy that he wanted to scream from the rooftops. He could do so now, the manifestation of his happiness would be covered by the audience. He chose to smirk instead and pushing one knee forward he sat on the heel of his other foot lowering himself to Jimin’s level who was already leaning over his bent knees, heels on the floor. When darkness faded into light, hugging Jungkook’s alone figure in the middle of the big stage, the boy’s back reflected on the surface of Jimin’s eyes before it switched into determination with one blink. Jimin’s fingers flexed, a subtle betrayal of his restlessness that didn’t go unnoticed by Taehyung’s attentive eye. He knew Jimin wanted tonight to go smoothly, just as everyone else.
Two songs in, everyone noticed but they chose to ignore when Jin’s voice broke in the middle of the verse. His cheeks turned pink and his hand shot up to scratch his neck, but as the melody of their song continued to push the excited screams out of the people’s throats, he had to swallow the burning ache scraping inside his neck. When Jin’s fingers brushed past Taehyung’s in the midst of the spin, Taehyung’s hand lingered, longer than the fast rhythm allowed him to, longer than when he felt at the top of his spirit to tease. A tight supporting squeeze stretched a tired smile on Jin’s lips, but left Taehyung three steps behind.
In the corner of his eye, Taehyung saw Jimin lifting up his hand to fix the microphone hitting his chin with his every jump. He stuck out his tongue to wet his lips before he opened his mouth and as the rehearsed lines made the teenage girls in the front row put a hand over their hearts over Jimin’s sweet angelic voice, he hovered his foot over the stage floor, his arms followed in a graceful, elegant sweep, as if tracing an invisible arc through the air, the palm of his right hand was meant to connect with Taehyung’s over their hands to form a heart shape. Taehyung was already late, throwing his body while his legs took a jump, he wasn’t sure why he suddenly hesitated, throwing off the carefully choreographed harmony. Jimin, expecting the presence of fingers curling around his wrist, found himself alone in the spotlight, their movements out of sync. Taehyung’s misstep was subtle, almost unnoticeable to an untrained eye, but within the dynamics of the group, it spoke volumes.
The big smile turning Jimin’s eyes into two lines wavered and when he turned around, curling his body until it didn’t disappear behind Yoongi’s confidently approaching figure, already spitting out his powerful words, the shape of Jimin’s teeth became visible under his skin as he pursed his lips. Taehyung couldn’t chase away the grimace for the rest of the song.
Taehyung could not only feel the buckets of hot sweat pouring down his back and front, but as it seeped through his clothes and stuck them to his flushed skin, he could smell it in his nose. He needed to sit down, a minute would be enough, his body was whispering to him, but at the same time, he knew if he let his knees bend, feet rest and lungs exhale, he would not be able to finish, not even continue. So he kept on pacing, walking in a circle, with his hands on his hips and head resting low on his neck, making the life of the girl they had hired as a make-up artist impossibly harder.
“Don’t overdo it,” warned them Namjoon five songs before, pulling his tank top up to hide his collarbones, before the eruption of excited screams under the light had sent them to their routine. However, as Taehyung glanced at Namjoon now, leaning over his trembling knees while another girl was jumping frantically around him with a hand fan, Taehyung felt a sudden need to scoff.
“Hyung, slow down,” Jungkook had whispered to him when they met in the middle of the stage, moving like one man. Taehyung remembered throwing him a half-reassuring smile before the next tones of a song had separated them again. But Jungkook was on his knees now, only his shaking shoulders were keeping him from kissing the dirty floor. Taehyung could hear his breathy whimpers while Jimin, purposefully maintaining eye contact with Taehyung; the screams of their fans seemed to fade into the background as Taehyung and Jimin held each other's gaze, was gently pressing ice packs at the back of his neck and forehead.
It had been quite some time since Taehyung’s legs had given up under him, turning his previously functional limbs into long, useless tubes flailing helplessly around his body. He didn’t plan to faint tonight, he was confident that even if his mind shut off, his muscles would continue to guide his footwork flawlessly.
A small and fluffy, but powdery, bristles of make-up brush were patting at his nose, masking the natural glow of his skin and a mole at the tip of his nose under the matted layer of something creamy and skin-toned. Taehyung lifted his hand, attempting to wave it away, but another one, slim, cold and somehow shaky grasped him around his wrist.
“V-ssi,” sighed the make-up girl impatiently, pinning his arm back to his hip. She let out a tired exhale, dragging her feet from the sofa to the wall and from the wall back to the sofa, following Taehyung's back. “Can you please stay still? I can't work properly if you keep moving around like that,” she scolded him, her frustration seeping through the gentle tone they advised her to approach the idols with.
“This is taking forever. Just finish up quickly,” Taehyung muttered, his impatience breaking through. The makeup girl paused, looking at him with a mix of surprise and irritation. Only Taehyung couldn't, he ran a hand through his hair, damped with sweat, hesitating before an uncalled anger, coming as a product of exhaustion, could snap at the innocent girl trying to earn good money any further. He knew he would be bathing in toxic guilt while the sheets of his hotel bed would be trying to bring him comfort a few hours later.
“Taehyung-ah!” Namjoon called out, his voice tinted with a hint of relief as he finally gained control over the sweet unconsciousness hovering with a threat above him. Taehyung’s expression remained annoyed, he couldn't even force a smile on his lips as he jerked his head towards the sound of the voice.
Namjoon was sitting on the floor, his knees bent on either side of his body, his ankles moving in half circles, letting free a quiet pop every time they reached their range limit. “Can I talk to you real quick?” Taehyung noticed the white traces of saliva, dried with water around Namjoon's mouth, breaking into cracks as he spoke.
The girl still dancing on her tiptoes around Taehyung fell on her heels in defeat. She pulled at the corner of the black cloth she threw over his shoulders earlier, and it slid off his body. Taehyung let her leave, collecting her make-up products, before he reached for the nearly empty plastic bottle and squatted down to his hyung, balancing close to the floor unsteadily. Namjoon's expression turned grateful as he tightly gripped the bottle, it made a sharp crunching sound under the pressure of his fingers wrapping around the plastic. He took deep gulps of the refreshing liquid, some of which dribbled down his chin.
“Hyung, I didn’t mean to be rude, but I won’t say sorry when she,’ Taehyung’s body followed the sharp jerk of his shoulder, pointing towards the girl looking around the chaos if someone didn’t need her help, ‘doesn’t know how it feels. You understand me hyung, right? I can’t sit down or else... or else.” It felt odd turning his thoughts to the voice-out words already past his tongue.
Taehyung nearly missed the lingering gaze Namjoon had left over his shoulder and even if a surprise prodded his curiosity when Namjoon said, “This is not about Wooyeong noona,” (because since when was Namjoon not only familiar but also close with the staff, Taehyung was sure he had never seen the girl’s face before), the next words falling on his ears made it irrelevant, “You need to get it together, Taehyung-ah,’ Namjoon was speaking with an impatience blended with disappointment in his tone, ‘Whatever is going on between you two, you are both professionals for fuck’s sake.”
Taehyung's muscles tensed, it was a primal reaction, he built up his defence with attack locking his body. He glanced over at Jimin, still uncomfortably close - as if he was provoking him - to Jungkook who was holding himself on his elbows and toes. The fabric of the dark blue bag resting close to Jungkook’s hairline had to be warmed up by now, as Taehyung could not spot a single droplet running down his skin and to the collar of his jacket. But Jimin's palm was pressing down on the round white plastic lid sewed at the top nevertheless in his desperate attempt to keep Jungkook's overheating body under control.
Namjoon continued, “We've all been through tough times, personal or otherwise. But when we're out there, on that stage, we need to be a unit, Taehyung.” Jimin shot Taehyung a look, there was a distant glance in his eyes as if he was piercing through his physical form made of flesh, blood and bones and could see something beyond him. Taehyung turned around quickly to catch a glimpse of what Jimin saw, but only Namjoon's intense gaze met him.
“ARMYs look up to us, and it's our responsibility to give them our best. Whatever it is, sort it out later. Right now, focus on the performance.”
Taehyung could see Jungkook's lips moving, probably a breath of soft 'Thank you,' teased the bared skin of his own forearms while his eyelids fluttered, fighting to stay open. Straining against his own weight, he shifted onto his one arm -the sharpness of his elbow bored a mark in the exact shape into the rubber yoga mat- and reached for the blue ice pack pressed against the protruding bone of his neck, muttering something again. Jimin finally leaned backwards, sitting on his heels, he lightly tapped Jungkook's back, but hesitated at the sight of the skin exposed by his rolled-up shiny top. While Jungkook was using the playtime with blue creases of the ice bag as a distraction from the ache, Jimin said something with a gentle smile causing his eyebrows to rest on either side of his eyes. Taehyung noticed him gesture towards where Namjoon and himself were standing. Jungkook tensed at the motion, his tired shoulders becoming stiff...
“Are you listening at all?” Namjoon sighed with impatience, frustrated by Taehyung’s lack of focus.
Taehyung blinked, his mind snapping back to the present where Namjoon’s dry fingers were rubbing against each other in a loud snap in front of his face.
“Sorry hyung,” Taehyung murmured, subconsciously mirroring Jungkook’s movement of rubbing the back of his neck. “One unit, no fighting,’ he repeated, ‘I’ll try my best, hyung.”
Taehyunng swore he did his best. He could cover the left side of his chest with his palm, even pat it while the hollow sound of his palm meeting his body would be used as emphasis. He could yell the same if his throat didn’t feel so raw and his tongue too big for words to make any sense. He knew Namjoon would listen, he had already been watching Taehyung’s feet stomping their way down the stage stairs, stopping him on the last one with a hand on his shoulder. Taehyung remembered how his eyebrows lifted up but before he could voice out the question, the other members were hurrying them up, all of them ready to get rid of their sweat-drenched clothes and to crowd the cars taking them to their hotel.
“I tried!” cried out Taehyung, bending down to pick up the single pillow from his bed and burrow his face into the subtle floral scent of clean sheets in frustration. The whimpers of his stubborn truth could be heard along with another set of angry stomps.
Maybe the sound muted by the rug caused Hoseok to pop out his head from the bathroom door with hair still bubbly from the shampoo.
“Taehyung-ah, you alright?” he asked with a mix of concern and confusion. He brought his hand to scratch the side of his cheek, but suddenly paused and furrowed his brows. “You've got to be kidding me,’ Hoseok exclaimed, ‘I just shaved this morning!”
Taehyung’s head snapped up, the movement so sharp and unexpected that his hands were too slow to catch the pillow falling to his still lifting feet. Hoseok’s eyes looked too red from the hair product irritation, glistening as a white creamy substance on his eyelashes, to notice something rushing through the air, but a thud got his attention again and he squinted at the blurry figure standing a few feet away from him. He repeated the same words.
“Yes, hyung,’ Taehyung's lips stretched into a forced smile, but a genuine one raised his mouth corners once he realised Hoseok could probably hardly recognise his nose from his eyes, ‘Go wash your hair. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” He waved his hand dismissively, gesturing to the bathroom. “Just need a quick shower and some sleep.”
I am tired was an answer to every wonder or concern. I need a bath or hot water will do me good was an accepted form of solution, not questioned by anyone. Everyone knew it as a temporary band-aid to all the problems. While all of them were aware of its true excuse origin, they continued to use it, trapped in the circle of avoidance.
“Ah,’ chuckled Hoseok awkwardly, patting his hair full of white foam, ‘this may take a while. Noona said I should let it sit for ten minutes before washing it out,” he bit down on his bottom lip apologetically, careful not to collect the purple shampoo on his tongue.
“But I heard Jungkookie already took a shower before dinner. He has room to himself, remember?” Taehyung didn’t think Hoseok noticed the way his shoulders slumped nor how his lips pushed forward in a pout, but that was just who Hoseok was - always good at reading emotions and offering solutions. “I don’t think he would say no to you.” The wink Hoseok gave him was most likely a reaction to more shampoo gathering at the corner of his left eye.
Before the heat in Taehyung’s cheeks, threatening to paint his face in the colours of secret, could give him away, he quickly bent down. He was aware Jungkook had already let hot water and a pair of precise hands, massaging the shower gel into his red sweaty skin, clean him. Those were Taehyung’s own hands after all, working the younger’s body up and bringing it back down from the high at the same time in the hot passionate steam. Burning down the adrenaline with desperate touches easily became Taehyung’s favourite type of release. However, he couldn't let Hoseok find out about it.
“Oh really? How could I know that?” he laughed awkwardly, still preferring the flower petals embroidered with golden tread on the pillow case over Hoseok’s eyes. He could feel his hands sweating as he traced the round shapes of the patterns.
“He uhm... he said that?” Hoseok finally wiped away the slimy fluid from his eyes, studying Taehyung’s face. “Weren’t you blushing the same way when he did so though?”
Taehyung didn’t blame Hoseok for his confused tone, but he wished to punish his own mind for running wild with thoughts of Jungkook. He quickly shook his head, hoping the images of the naked torso, glowing in its whiteness in the dim light behind the shower curtain, would dissolve into thoughts that felt more faded compared to the pink embarrassment.
“No, no,’ Taehyung’s voice cracked slightly, ‘It was just food. You know I can't tolerate the spicy,” a nervous chuckle was back.
Hoseok raised an eyebrow sceptically, clearly not convinced by his weak attempt to excuse the crimson that could rival a ripe tomato.
“If you say so,” he shuddered. He seemed to decide not to press any further. Instead, he reached behind the door and grabbed something, “Well, if you need that shower,’ Hoseok’s voice was coming muffled by the walls and closed door, ‘Go ahead and use Jungkook’s room.” When Hoseok returned, he had a towel in hand, Taehyung noticed how the snowy-white cotton was wet around the edge and it seemed to absorb some of the purple pigment. Hoseok pressed the dry and still fluffy part to his hairline and then slid it down across his face. When his eyes came to light over the fabric again, they were watching him with expectation.
A mirror was fixed on the wall next to the flimsy wardrobe, showing Taehyung’s secrets as the creases of his muscles and the hues on his skin. Taehyung knew he had to leave before Hoseok set his gaze on the same reflecting surface.
Taking a deep breath, Taehyung nodded, whispering a quick bye to the elder, leaning against the doorframe and keeping an eye on his back. He walked towards the entrance, accompanied by the sound of Hoseok's slippers squelching as he made his way back to the bathroom to rinse out the shampoo before his hair lightened too much.
Taehyung couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation but also guilt at the same time. Guilt clung to him like a suffocating fog, threatening to consume him whole if he didn't stop lying to his friends.
His hand was already on the handle, the sound of creaking door as they opened after a light press, died away in a splash of water hitting the base of the bathtub.
“Taehyung-ah, wait!”
Taehyung froze mid-step, yet his heart refused to stop pounding; his chest began to ache. As he looked behind his shoulder, opening his eyes wide in an effort to see through the bathroom light, he tried his best to keep up the facade.
“Can you check if Jungkook has any shaving cream?”
Taehyung's shoulders sagged with relief.
“Of course, hyung.”
Taehyung was aware his memory usually didn’t walk hand in hand with his orientation sense, but to walk into the wrong room was too much even for him. As if the keycard Jungkook had given to him disappeared from his hand and slipped from his mind; and maybe it really dropped to his feet, the moment his eyes adjusted to the halo of lighting surrounding the single bed in the far corner.
Jimin was curling into himself on the top of now messy sheets. Despite the blanket he was pulling up to his chin by the tight grip of his trembling fingers, Taehyung recognised the stiff fabric of jeans he was wearing during dinner peaking where the blanket was too short to cover his ankles and feet. His hair looked to be stuck with a white layer of product that was crusting exactly the way when was worn for too long and the black mascara rolling dried to his cheeks was staining the pillow lacking the white-golden pillowcase. Jimin brought the back of his hand to wipe his swollen eyes when the sound of beeping announcing Taehyung’s entrance startled his peace. He raised his head, showing the marks deepening into the red pliant skin of his face and his lips parted either to mute the hiccup pressing on the muscle of his diaphragm or to voice out his surprise, but instead, his eyes bulged out of their sockets.
“Oh, I am sorry.” Taehyung hands were already high in the air, emphasizing his apology by the pinkness of his palms. He was not that obvious to not understand the quiet sniffing and Jimin’s raw bitten bottom lip meant he was crying. And while he knew Jimin hated drowning in his misery alone, Taehyung thought he was probably the last person Jimin wanted to see right now.
He turned around, feeling how his sock twisted on the bottom of his heel, bowing his head in shame at what their friendship had become, however, a familiar bag that looked to be thrown carelessly by the leg of the desk caused him to freeze. His arms were still pulling the bottom of his pyjama top up, revealing the hem of his underwear above his sweatpants, when he turned back to face Jimin stretching for his phone on the bedside table.
“What are you doing here?” He pulled an eyebrow up, recognising Jungkook’s Bluetooth speakers that he liked to carry around, placed all around the room and an empty camera case hanging from the handle of the wardrobe by the strap and pulling the door open.
The bottom of Jimin’s phone, crushed in his fist, was pressing against his hip when he stood up, as if he didn’t want to stay any longer. “I should go,” his voice was trembling the same as his knees he was bending to walk past Taehyung.
It was right then and there when Jimin’s left hand, sizing up the device so their bodies wouldn’t have to touch, swished past him that Taehyung had decided. He had never been like his grandma, believing in faith and reading too much into innocent signs, but as Jimin tripped over the bag Taehyung left thrown on the floor of Jungkook’s hotel room before going for dinner, he could no longer see Jimin’s tears dried on the pillow as a coincidence. Taehyung suddenly felt glad Jungkook’s shoulder had the best bones to cry on, even if on another day, jealousy would be felt tensing his muscles.
“Jimin, wait!” Taehyung breathed out sharply, his legs were already spinning him around. Looking at Jimin’s back, he stretched his arms in front of his chest, feeling the thick air around his fingers while he continued to bend them as if the movement could pull Jimin into his arms.
Jimin didn’t turn, but he wasn’t trying to escape anymore either. By the light shifting of the collar of his T-shirt from left to right across his shoulders, Taehyung could guess he was playing with its hem. Bowing his head until a hump above his neck wasn’t showing between strands of his hair, a breath seemed to get caged in his throat. “Yeah?” he couldn’t hide the surprise behind his whisper.
Maybe the room could sense the seriousness of the situation, so it tried to keep its always there buzz to a minimum, or Taehyung wasn’t aware of how attentive he had become.
“I...” he began swiftly, saliva bubbling the future words, only to gulp down. He often felt like he needed a manual on how to navigate through life. How to wake up just moments before his alarm went off so the furious beeping wasn’t present in his ears until late noon. How to find the right balance between the food he ate and the energy he gave away. When to put on a smile, let out a laugh, scream in frustration, or shed some tears. And most importantly, how to ask for forgiveness when the weight of his mistakes became too much for him to bear alone.
“I am sorry, ”as he hung his head in shame with his arms falling helplessly at his sides, Taehyung whispered an apology.
Jimin remained silent, his blue T-shirt highlighting the sharp angles of his shoulder blades. The room felt suffocating, as if the walls were hurtling towards Taehyung at great speed, cutting off any thoughts of escape. He swallowed hard, feeling guilt scratching at his throat.
“You’re sorry?” disbelief was slipping past Jimin’s tongue like venom, poisoning Taehyung’s blood, running through his veins with quickly dissolving naivety. “Taehyung, I thought we say everything to each other. We promised to not keep secrets after what had happened last year. And yet-” Jimin’s eyes were glassy with unshed tears he tried to blink away. He rubbed his forehead with his fingers and shook his head before speaking again, sticking out his tongue between his teeth like he needed to push out all the weight on his soul. Taehyung realised that maybe their friendship wasn't as fragile as it seemed, and that Jimin had been carrying some of the burden himself. "I thought you needed time," Jimin continued, voice strained. "I thought you weren't ready to talk about what happened that night or that hyung had forbidden you from telling anyone. But then I found out Jin hyung knows more about you than I do." Taehyung winced, hearing echoes of broken promises that tortured Jimin every day as he looked at Taehyung's face full of lies. He was too humble to point fingers at Taehyung, but too proud to continue walking down a path they had paved with pillars of the shared opinions.
“Jimin, I...,’ Taehyung took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words, ‘I screwed up, okay? I messed up so badly, and I didn't know how to face you. I was scared, Jimin, scared that if I told you the tru-”
"You think hiding it from me would hurt any less?” Jimin's voice suddenly rose in anger, no longer a hushed frustration but a loud roar of blame. “That finding out from someone else,’ he gestured wildly with one hand behind himself, pointing at no one and everyone at the same time, ‘would somehow be easier to handle? Taehyung, we promised each other.”
“I know,” Taehyung's voice was strained, his emotions threatening to spill over if didn't bite his tongue soon. But he couldn't care less, if the flood had destroyed the mask the fear was offering for free for Jimin to see, he would let himself drown, even without guarantee Jimin would again fight the waves for him. “I know we did, and I can’t explain why I did what I did back then. It was...’ Jin’s words suddenly pushed from his memory, ‘dumb, careless, dangerous. I never meant to hurt you.” Tears welled up in his eyes as he took a shaky step closer, watching his leg trembling indecisively but with desperation to bridge the distance he could feel only growing between them. However, Jimin turned away, burying him under the surface of cold water with wooden planks and splints.
Taehyung took notice of the conflict screwing the muscles of Jimin’s face before his hair hid his eyes. “But you did hurt me, Taehyung. You left me alone, wondering where you were, what happened. You can’t just disappear like that without a word. I was worried sick. And then...” Jimin's hands balled up into tight fists, a clear sign of an attempt to restrain the betrayal washing over him. “Seeing you with Jungkook... it felt like a punch in the gut.”
Taehyung's hand trembled as he reached out, his fingers hovering in the air before finally brushing against Jimin's shoulder. His eyes were hopeless, avoiding the pain in Jimin's gaze. “I am sorry,” he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper, but with each repetition, his words grew in meaning. “With you, with us.” Yet, when he looked back up at Jimin, there was desperation fighting back. “I should've talked to you, explained everything. I was just too scared.”
Jimin’s shoulders tensed under Taehyung’s touch, but he didn't pull away. Jimin finally turned to face him, tears glimmering in his eyes. “Sorry for what?’ he asked, ‘For pushing me away? For not talking to me? Scared of losing me? Because, Taehyung, you're doing a pretty good job of that on your own.”
“I regret it every day,” Taehyung hurried to explain, his own eyes mirroring the pain in Jimin’s.
Silence sat heavily between them. It left a bitter taste in their mouths, the aftermath of an argument. It could be broken only by the sound of Jimin’s heavy sigh, “Taehyung, I need time,’ he said slowly, ‘You think saying sorry will make everything okay? Do you think it erases all those weeks you ignored and lied to me?”
With a final glance at Taehyung, Jimin turned and walked away, leaving Taehyung standing alone in the room lit only by the lamp on Jungkook's nightstand table.
“Fuck.” Taehyung sank to the ground, bringing his knees to his chest, only his arms didn't feel strong enough to hold them in the pose he felt the most miserable in until Jungkook didn't return to his room an hour later, mumbling something about bad camera's quality. Taehyung raised his head, he could barely see the figure leaning towards his curled self through the swollen skin of his puffy eyes pushing into his vision. Jungkook squatted down, combing his fingers through Taehyung's hair.
“Hey,’ Jungkook whispered gently, ‘What happened? Are you okay?” his voice soothing but cautious at the same time, wrapping Taehyung with support and understanding for whatever would come.
With a sniffle, Taehyung's lips wobbled, “I just... I don't want to lose him, Kookie. He’s my best friend,” Taehyung exhaled a shaky breath, the weight of his mistakes still heavy on his shoulders.
Taehyung pushed Jungkook’s hand, tickling his side or belly when he shifted in his sleep, off his body. It joined the crumpled blanket, the only divider between their heats, on the mattress. Sizing the fabric in his fingers, Jungkook’s breathing became more laboured, perhaps he could sense the absence of Taehyung’s skin under his palm even in his sleep. Maybe he could still feel the phantom of his dreams, but Taehyung let himself wonder if Jungkook ever returned to their shared memories behind his closed eyelids.
Looking at the wrinkles pulling his eyebrows together, Taehyung thought Jungkook was going to wake up, but then he cleared his throat and his forehead smoothened again. Turning on his other side, he brought the blanket over his torso.
Taehyung pushed his chin up, boring his head into the pillow squashed against the headboard until he couldn’t feel the protesting strain, he let the unknown sounds of the hotel, sleeping but being awake simultaneously, lure him back to the kingdom of no worries.
Taehyung sometimes became fleshly in the fantasies his mind was making; he was more than a feeless observer sensing everything physical through the memories of his awake self. Just as the handle of tonight’s promises came into contact with his hand, a sound from the outside world made everything disappear.
Hobi hyung, thought Taehyung wearily, listening to the steps creaking where the rug was too short from the next room. He recognised the rhythm of Hoseok's stride, the way his left foot dragged slightly and his right foot landed with a soft thud. It was a sound that Taehyung knew too well, having spent countless hours dancing in the same practice room.
He suddenly remembered Hoseok asked him to look for shaving cream. With a sigh, he threw his legs over the edge of the bed and pushed his upper body up. He faintly remembered the schedule looming over their early morning and knew Hoseok would not stick his head out of their room until his cheek would not be baby-smooth again.
As he pushed open the bathroom door, a faint scent of lavender mingled with the steam from the shower they had taken together, wrapping him in an atmosphere of peacefulness.
The room itself was flawlessly organized, every item was placed carefully just as Jungkook preferred it. Toothbrushes stood upright in a holder on the sink counter, their bristles pristine and untouched. A stack of neatly folded towels lined the shelf next to the shower, each one folded into a crease-less tower. The clothes he had nearly ripped from Jungkook's body earlier were hanging over the ladder radiator next to the socks Taehyung recognised as his.
Taehyung glanced around the bathroom, his eyes landing on a bag sitting next to the sink counter between the plastic tube of soap and a razor. It was a small plain white cosmetic bag. Even if Jungkook was a simple man, Taehyung thought it didn't look like one he would use.
The material felt smooth and sturdy under his fingertips as he hurried to unzip it. Rummaging through a variety of skin products; bottles of toner, moisturizer, and face masks - their labels gleaming under the soft bathroom light, all of sudden, his eyes widened and a crimson red spread across his cheeks. Nestled within the bag were condoms and a bottle of lube.
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He’s got that dangerous charm, impossible to resist.
Park Sunghoon - 02 line!
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Hotel California (Ep. 8/11) ♡ Fluffy Route || Taekook || BTS Universe Story
Episode 8: A Lovely Place "What would you pay? Would you stay here forever?" Enjoy the unique scene only unlocked by picking ◇ choices! Want to start from the beginning? Try the full Playlist!
This video shows all the dialog scenes for each character character Jungkook can select mid-episode. ♡◇♤♧ ❤ If you liked it, please support me on ko-fi if you can!! It would mean a lot to me ❤ https://ko-fi.com/shikiobscura
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That Night Was Different
paring: richclubowner!Jungkook x lonely reader
genre: one night stand au smut
summary: looking for excitement you unexpectedly found someone who gave you everything you had wished for.
warnings: smut, n*pple play, coochie eating, praising kink.
This month was no doubt one of the most difficult for you. You maintained a stable position in retail that provided you with a satisfactory income, just enough for taking care of your bills. Unfortunately, it was announced to you that due to some financial struggles, the company had to let some employees go, including you. As a strong and resilient woman, however, you refused to give up and started looking for other jobs. But no luck seemed to be on your side, and to make matters worse, your landlord raised the rent. So, overwhelmed by all the stress, you decided to head to a young upscale club called "Dionysus." in Central Seoul, South Korea. To have some drinks to forget all your worries for a while. You've been coming here everyday for a month. The same night every night.
On a cold Saturday night you were sitting alone at the bar. "Alone yet again." Y/n muttered under her breath to herself. Being an introvert for so long has had its benefits but right now you were met with the down sides. In such an uplifted environment you couldn't help but feel drained. You didn't know why but you suddenly didn't want to be there anymore. Your eyes advert to the sixth shot glass you ordered and just been placed in front of you. For a moment you only stare at the alcohol. "You'll be the death of me." You say before gulping the bitter substance down your throat. It burns your esophagus and makes a quick disgusted face before slamming it down on the rough wooden table.
Your eyes gleam with wonder as you observe the recently developed nightclub. With its large dance floor shining brightly in neon lights and illuminated by spotlights and a shimmering disco ball, the atmosphere practically oozes excitement. All around, drunken and flushed bodies move along to the beat of the thumping music; jumping and swaying in a joyous and carefree manner. You can't help but smile along with them. The vibrant, pounding sound resonates within your body, making your heart beat faster. You don't know what it is, but a sudden urge compels you to take a leap of faith and join the others on the dance floor, letting the infectious music guide your body.
The rhythm of the song shifted into a captivating, slow melody. Deliberately, you began to move with a seductive grace, allowing your hips and legs to sway freely, independent of any outside influence. Your arms glided slowly down your body, accentuating every curve. Suddenly, you could feel the presence of another body behind you. His hands lightly gripped your waist, subtly indicating his presence without interrupting your movements. In perfect synchronization, his hips matched your pace, creating an unspoken harmony. Your gaze was drawn to his muscular arms, belonging to a handsome man with an olive complexion. He pulled you closer, intensifying the connection, inviting you to feel his undeniable presence. Maintaining a steady rhythm, you bit your lip, longing for increased tension. His hands on your hips guided you as he turned you to face him.
It was like a fantasy come to life, as you gazed upon this breathtaking man. With long, black locks framing his chiseled features and captivating doe-shaped eyes, he exuded an aura of charm and allure. His tight-fitting shirt showcased his sculpted chest, the muscles beneath emphasizing his strength. Utterly captivated by him, you were unable to look away. Sensing your reaction, he smirked, radiating confidence. His right hand glided from your hip, up along your side, until it reached the nape of your neck, holding you gently but with purpose. Leaning close, he whispered in your ear, "Come with me to my table."
Before you can even consider, your involuntary movements had agreed for you. You nodded your head, following closely behind him amidst the sweltering crowd of flushed bodies on the dance floor. The sensation of being amidst the flurry of the dance floor was something you had suddenly yearned for. The anticipation of what the night would bring fueled your excitement. A magnificent gold and velvet stanchion rope stood as a barrier at the entrance of the elevated section. Swiftly, the security personnel removed the rope, granting you both access. As you stepped into the new setting, you felt a sense of liberation. The section was occupied by individuals most likely of a similar age. Their closed and self-assured expressions hinted at their elevated status. You felt out of place amidst them. Jungkook found an unoccupied seat on the lounge chair and graciously offered it to you. In a relaxed posture, he placed one arm on the headrest of the couch while the other remained nestled in the space between his spread legs.
You settled down beside him, avoiding eye contact. In fact, you instinctively stiffened your posture on the couch as you sensed his piercing gaze. There was a slight eerie silence between you. "May I get you a drink, my dear?" he smoothly inquired, his gaze filled with thoughtfulness. "Pleasure meeting you I'm Jeon Jungkook." He removes his hand from between his hand and offers it to you. You take it. "Y/n." You say with a charming smile. "Y/n..." He holds your hand and kisses the back of your hand. "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." The intensity in his eyes was undeniable. "I see something exceptional in you," he replied in a suave, charismatic tone. "To the extent that I believe you are the most stunning being I have laid eyes on in a considerable time." "Don't I feel like a rare gem amongst the ordinary?" you chuckled, amused by your own remark. "How do you justify deeming me special?" He smirked and playfully winked at you. "You are more than just a rare gem, my dear. You are the brightest star illuminating the entire night sky; your radiance is so captivating that it becomes impossible to look away. You are a true masterpiece."
Unimpressed you chucked, "Is this how you're gonna win me over?" Y/n scoffed shaking his head at the lame small talk. He smiles confidently in response. "I'm going to treat you to every wish of yours and to everything you could ever want. I want to show you the time of your life." He gives you another confident smirk. So you're a genie?" You sarcastically asked.
He chuckles confidently, not deterred by your sarcastic tone. "If I am, what wish would you make if I could grant it?" He asks as he leans forward slightly, his eyes twinkling with interest. She backs up a bit at his closer contact but remains quiet. "Oh come on, love," he says mischievously, giving your arm a squeeze. "Let me win you over." He smiles at you. "I know you like me already. So let me prove to you that I'm serious." "Oh. Such rumors don't exist." You turn looking away. He chuckles. "Oh you don't?" Jungkook asks with a sly smirk. "I know you're playing hard to get." His demeanor becomes confident once more. "You're playing this little game of cat and mouse as if I don't know exactly what you're trying to do." He gives you a playful wink to show that he knows you're playing along with him. "Let me be your man i know I can treat you like a princess. Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you." She gets up all close and personal to his beautiful face, "You know what I want." He looks at her with a mystery to her answer. "A night where I can have blissful fun and forget about my life, just for one night. I wish for the best night of my life."
He looked at her with a sad expression for a moment, a pause before answering. "I've been watching you for a while, y/n, I watch you come into my club every night for the past month. At the same time every night. I don't want you alone in your hard times." You stopped talking and just listened to him. He twists lip ring before continuing, "I'll give you an offer." You immediately shake your head. "Oh I'm not like that. No Thank you, sir."
You get up to leave but he pulls you back down. "Before I can tell you, Let me give me your wish, y/n." Y/n thinks for a moment. Wondering if this is the right thing to do? Who knows what she is getting herself into. Jungkook smirks at the kiss that you place on his hand. "I told you I'd make you feel something," he purrs. "This is just the beginning, love; I plan to show you many nights like these." He gives you a flirtatious wink and holds you closely against him. "Follow me," he says as he leans in close before pulling away. He motions with his hands to follow him and begins to walk out the door, motioning for you to follow him with his hand. Jungkook leads you from the bar and into what appears to be a private suit in his club guarded by security his best men. Before coming to a halt. The security grants him and you access. He unlocks the door with a key. Opening it to a grand suite. You are awfully impressed. "Close your eyes," he commands. "Trust me. You'll love what I have in store for you."
You close your eyes with hands unsure of this was safe. He doesn't waste time before he's kissing you sensually, licking your bottom lip asking for entrance. You open your mouth his tongue swirls around yours and fights for dominance as you let him have it. Spending some time making out, getting to know each other with your mouths he begins to kiss down your neck leaving open mouth kisses down your neck behind your ears occasionally nipping at it. He rips your dress and your bra and attacks your left boob. Sucking on your nipple and palming the other one in his other hand. “Hmm? You like this don't you?" His tongue begins to swirl around the nipple. You bite your lip and you have to force your eyes to look at the ceiling. Jungkook’s inked hand reaches down your lower back. His subtle touches leave a trail of shivers, until his pads brush over the slope of your ass. He squeezes your cheek, firm fingers kneading into your skin.
Leaving you breathless Jungkook's hand graze the sides of your body. As you continue kissing, Jungkook’s hands creep bare body up your thighs until your panties are revealed. His hands press further toward your inner thighs, and you gasp into the kiss when his thumb pushes against the seat of your underwear.They have been damp for a while now and you know he knows this, so you aren’t surprised when he breaks the kiss to smirk. With hon many times you see him smirk tonight it makes you want to punch him. "All for me?" He chuckles before removing your panties. He pushes you to the nearest wall and begins playing with your pussy. He spreads your wetness with his finger. Your hand on Jungkook's shoulder squeezing it when he brushes past your clit. His finger dwells there, putting pressure on your swollen clit. Then Jungkook’s hand is reaching for you again. He brushes a finger over your hole, and your body twitches from the sensitivity. He slides that finger through the wetness and then uses the lubrication to push only the tip of his finger in. he dips it in and out, teasing the nerves at your entrance. Your hips impulsively start to rock, a shaky whimper rolls past your mouth.
Then quickly transitions to his tongue is on your pussy. Using both his spread your cheeks open for better access. His tongue dives between your folds, inciting breathless whimpers from you. His head nudges your entrance. You inhale sharply ready for him inside you. He pulls out his cock out of pants and sdjust the tip to your entrance. Brushing the tip against your quivering hole. Jungkook pushes his cock inside "You can take it.” Jungkook’s hand finds your tit, firmly palming the smooth flesh. “You’re gonna take my cock like the good girl you are, right?” You only cry out in pleasure. He continues to thrusts deeply in you. “Damn, you feel so fucking amazing,” he grunts, a harshness surrounds his tone. Jungkook loses himself. He finds his rhythm and thrusts inside your pussy with sharp motions. “So fucking pretty.” A hand travels over your ass to your spine and back. “The prettiest girl,” he rasps. A smack on your butt was given. The pain leaving your walls clenching around his thick cock. He grops your breasts as you both reach your climax. Collapsing in your shoulder. He whimpers in your ear.
a/n: alot of mistakes and im not sure if i like it too much so i will be editing it alot tmrw but enjoy fkr now
#bts angst#bts army#romance#yandere bts#bts reaction#jungkook angst#boyfriend jungkook#bts fluff#bts imagines#bts smut#jungkook smut#jimin smut#taekook#bts oneshot#jungkook oneshot#jungkook x reader#bts au#jeon jungkook#namjoon smut#bts icons
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