#it’s so sad that she can’t speak Spanish!!! she doesn’t understand me !! she looks like she should speak Spanish !!
totopopopo · 1 year
Visiting my grandparents who are very tiny adorable withered old Mexicans with late stage dementia and they don’t remember me or know me at ALL but my grandma tried to speak to me in Spanish and I had to be like I’m sorry I don’t speak Spanish and she was fucking AGHAST
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lily-fics-11 · 3 months
Je Vous Aime (Robin Buckley, Stranger Things)
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Je Vous Aime//Robin Buckley, Stranger Things
I haven't written about my pookie Robin in so long so I had to fix that
You say goodbye to Robin after school and put on your headphones. You walk out to the bike rack together every day. Before you play the music on your Walkman you hear Robin whisper “Je vous aime.”
“What does that mean?” you question, wondering why she was speaking to you in what you think is French. She knows you don’t speak it, that you have always taken Spanish. 
Robin’s freckled cheeks flush instantaneously. “I thought you were listening to music.”
“Not yet. Was that French? What does ‘je voo em’ mean?” You interrogate her, trying to get to the bottom of this strange interaction.
She breaks eye contact to stare down at her converse. “It means… see you later. So uh, see you later, I gotta go.” She doesn't even look back at you before leaving on her bike, she just takes off.
Robin always looks at you, her stone blue eyes staring deeply into yours. The only time she doesn’t is when she lies. “I can stay late, my parents won’t mind. I finished that essay too, so I can hang out tonight. Steve is probably running late, I can stay for another few minutes.”
Back home you pour over your homework without making much progress. 
Why would Robin say something to you that she knew you couldn’t understand?
When she didn’t think you could hear her? 
Why the hell would she lie about it? 
Did you upset her? 
Is she sad? Mad? 
Clearly you had done something wrong. Robin is far from confrontational and avoids problems until they go away. Even though conflict between you two is rare, you are tired of her dealing with it this way. She isn’t going to just let things go this time, it’s not fair to either of you. 
You check the time and the library closes in a half hour. If you ride your bike fast enough you will have enough time to get there and find a French dictionary to borrow. 
Upon arriving at the library you are tired, sweating, and red in the face from racing there against the clock. You ask the librarian where to find what you need, quickly locate, and check it out.
You can’t wait until you get home to figure this out, so you sit in the grass outside the library and start searching through the book.
The first word was definitely “je”. Flipping through the dictionary you find out that it means “I”. I what? I want you to leave me alone?
“Voo” came after “je”. Unfortunately, you discover that “voo” itself is not, in fact, a word. It isn’t spelled the way it sounds, so you move on to words that have “vo” at the beginning. The word that sticks out is “vous”, for which the English translation is “you”. 
There is the ABBA song called Voulez-Vous, which is “do you want”, if you aren’t mistaken. You must be on the right track then. “I” and “you”. I hate you?
Turns out that “to hate” is “détester”, and not the word she said. That’s a relief, but you are still desperate for an answer. But “em” isn’t even a word and neither is “im”. 
You don’t actually know how vowels are pronounced in French. How they are pronounced in English is different from Spanish, so French is probably the same way. Pronunciation basics is naturally the next section you look at. You discover that different vowel combinations were definitely the right direction to go in. “Ai” could kind of sound like the “e” in “em”. So “aim” or “aime” is probably the right word.
You can’t believe your eyes when you read the translation of “aime”. 
I love you? Your friendship with Robin could certainly be categorized as very close, but not in an “I love you” way. 
You would never say it to her, that’s for sure. 
Not because you don’t love her, but because you don’t love her like a friend. 
You are in love with Robin. 
You would without a doubt say it back if she were to say it directly to you, even if you meant it in a different way. 
Why wouldn’t she just say it? Is she worried you don’t feel the same way? Now that you are actually thinking about it you do have a tendency to distance yourself at times, and avoid physical affection when it comes to Robin. In your defense you only do it to avoid letting yourself live an impossible fantasy. 
Robin Buckley is a girl. 
Robin Buckley doesn’t love you the way that you love her. 
However, to anyone with a single notion of your same sex attraction, your feelings for Robin would be crystal clear, like her pretty blue eyes. Your eyes can find her in the most crowded room and from just about any distance. And once you spot her? You can’t bear to look away. Why would you pass up an opportunity to admire such a physically and mentally appealing girl?
You would drop just about anything for Robin. If she calls, you are there. Family dinner, studying, the best book or movie, doesn’t matter. Robin is always a top priority. As long as you are in a good place to give her your best you will absolutely give it to her. 
You wear her favorite color whenever you can, you seek it out when you go shopping. If she mentions a book or movie you completely engross yourself in it until you can discuss it with her at great length. You even spend extra time studying Spanish so that you can carry conversations with her. Robin is extraordinary, she speaks English, French, Spanish, and Italian. 
There is no obvious reason why she would do this, and you have no intention of waiting for an answer to this unshakeable question. 
You shove the book into the woven basket on your bike and take off at a steady pace in the direction of Robin’s house. You don’t want to look like a mess when you get there. You can feel frustration building up inside you. Why does she have to be so avoidant, why can’t she just say what she is feeling? 
You knock on the door and Robin is the one to answer it. She looks excited to see you until she realizes how upset you are. 
“Is everything ok? Is something wrong? Did I do something?” Robin panics and then groans “fuck, I did do something, didn’t I,” when your expression doesn’t soften. 
“Well yeah, you kind of did,” you sigh with a twinge of guilt, realizing how much you are stressing her out.
Robin starts fidgeting with the chunky silver rings on her fingers. “I’m not always the best at, you know, the social cues, so I’m so sorry to ask this because it makes me feel like a jerk, but what did I do?”
Robin Buckley really can’t read a room, can she. Remembering this only creates more remorse for acting on your emotions instead of taking your time to find the best approach. 
“What you said after school today,” you explain. “‘Je vous aime’.”
“I hate to ask another stupid question,” Robin says while making deep eye contact before looking away and asking "but what’s wrong with ‘see you later’?”
“Robin, have you forgotten how well I know you? I can tell when you are lying. I went to the library and found a French dictionary, so I know what you actually said. ‘I love you’? Why wouldn’t you just say it? We are friends, aren’t we? Have I made you uncomfortable or upset? I’m sorry if I have made you feel that way. But if I did, why wouldn’t you come to me about it? You deserve to feel heard.”
“We are friends.” Robin mumbles. 
You run a hand through your hair in exasperation. “Then what the hell is going on?”
“I just didn’t want to make things weird.” She bites her chapped lips. 
“Rob, we are friends, I want you to feel safe to talk to me. I would never judge you.” 
Robin sits down on the ground like she is trying to get away from you, without actually going anywhere. “That’s the thing. You wouldn’t judge a friend who says I love you. But you might not feel the same way when someone means it as more than friendly. Especially when you are both girls. It’s not fair of me to lie to you and I really should be honest so you can just kick me out of your life for being the weird girl that’s in love with her friend. So je vous aime, I love you. Like in love with you. And you never have to speak to me again if you don’t….”
You had sat down next to Robin while she was talking and now you cut her off. “You are so oblivious, and to be quite honest, I'm offended.”
“Fuck!” Robin groans before covering her face with her hands. “I know you probably think it’s gross, and you hate me, and…”
You pull her hands away from her face. They had been covering her sad puppy dog expression. “Shhhhhh Robin,” you try to soothe her before putting an arm around her shoulders. “It’s not gross. It’s the opposite of gross. You are like gold, you know. Precious, but dense. I’ve always been in love with you. I try not to make it obvious but I still feel like it is.”
“Y-you?” She stutters, her voice sounding afraid, though her eyes are starry and filled with wonder. “In love with me?”
“Je vous aime, Robin.”
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1dontc4re · 2 years
In which Jacob overhears a phone conversation
This is sort of a part two (?) of that little thing I wrote a couple of days ago. Hope you like it! I haven’t been so inspired to write like this in a while. Jacob and MC are giving me so much to think about it’s crazy.
CW: Jacob is a gross little pervert and has a wank while MC is talking on the phone. Nothing too explicit though.
A/N: The dialogue in italics is meant to be in Spanish, written in English for clarity’s sake. This means that Jacob can only understand a couple of words here and there, if any at all. (My brother said I should just write in Spanish and let people figure it out by themselves. While funny and accurate, I don’t think I’ll do this but I will keep it in mind lmaoooo.) Also the tense might be all over the place, sorry about that.
The smell in here is going to burn his nose hairs clean off.
Jacob hadn’t expected her to come home so soon. He was snooping on the upper floor of her home when he heard the jingling of her keys at the front door. He quickly snuck into the supply closet in the hallway. The one almost directly across from her office. The closet itself was small and cramped, even more so now that she had unpacked her linens, towels, and bought cleaning products. The result is a pungent stench of bleach, moth balls, and laundry soap. He can feel her brand new vacuum digging into his lower back. But he’s willing to put up with that if it meant existing in the same space as her (and escaping undetected, of course, of course.)
She shuffles about her kitchen, placing her shopping bags on the counter and putting her groceries in the fridge, all the while humming to herself faintly. She bounds up the stairs and quickly passes in front of his hiding spot. He had carefully, carefully opened the door a crack, so he could see her pass by. From the small glimpse he got, she was carrying so much in her arms she had to hold her phone in her mouth. She ducked into the office and came back out with her mouth unoccupied (he would give her something to fill it with later if she let him.) She had gone into her bedroom to put down what she was holding when they were both startled by the sound of her phone ringing. Jacob almost bumped his head against a shelf. He catches her running to her office and leaving the door ajar.
She answers the phone and puts it on speaker. “Hello, dear! How have you been? I was just calling to check in on you.” Jacob hears an unknown female voice coming from across the hall. Too bad she’s speaking Spanish and he can’t understand a word.
“Not too bad Mummy, thank you for calling. I just came back from doing some shopping, getting ready for when I start fostering. How’s dad? And the cats? Do they miss me?” He can hear her doing an exaggerated baby voice in those last questions. The voice on the other end laughs brightly. The conversation keeps going and Jacob can feel himself starting to sweat. He can’t help the pang of envy at her having a good relationship with her mother. If only it were like that for him. He wishes for something easy. He pushes the feeling deep, deep down.
“Yeah, yeah”, she continues, “dad can call or text me too, y’know? He doesn’t need you to make all his phone calls.”
“You could call him too! He’s been really sad ever since you went away. He misses you terribly.”
“I know, of course I miss him too. Speaking of, I should send him a picture of my neighbor’s aquarium, I think he’ll really like it!”
“Oh, that guy, what did you say his name was? You’ve been to his place?”
“Yeah, Jacob.” Jacob’s hair stands on end, he’s sweating profusely, his heart is going a thousand miles a minute. “He invited me over for dinner the other night. He’s a really good cook by the way. We just watched a movie and then…” he hears her trail off, hesitating, “then I went home.”
“Oooh, it must be going well then! You haven’t told me what he looks like, is he handsome? Tall?” She laughs out loud and it’s heaven, heaven, heaven. He snakes a hand down to his crotch and starts massaging himself through his jeans.
“He’s short actually! Taller than me still, but yeah, he’s good looking. You know I don’t really care about height. He can be a little intense, I suspect he’s on the spectrum, actually, like Tomi, but I haven’t mentioned it cause I don’t wanna be rude…” He recognizes that name from her contact list, one of her brothers. The call goes on for a little while longer, but he has ways of keeping himself very entertained. Jacob can get off to the sound of her sweet voice any day, if it were up to him he wouldn’t let her stop talking, looking him in the eye, holding on to her small waist and delicious hips, tiny tits-
He shudders violently and reigns his moans in as best he can. He swore he saw stars for a moment there. Hopefully she was too distracted by the call to notice he was there. She hangs up and leaves her office, heading for the bathroom. If she’s in for one of her hour-long showers then he’s in luck. The water starts and the closet door creaks open. He sneaks off to the kitchen and out the back door he goes. Jacob makes a mental note to oil the hinges in every door next time he drops by. He’ll do her a little favor, she deserves that much.
The next time she goes into her closet, there’s a smell she can’t quite place.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
could i please request a stefan fluff where the reader is like spanish or smth, but she speaks ij english with everyone. and her and stefan are dating. so one day she gets upset over smth so she starts ranting in spanish and stefan can't understand a thing. and he's like "oh- ok-" even though he didn't understand anything. if not thats ok! have a nice day!!
have a nice day too <33
pairing - stefan salvatore x spanish speaking, fem!reader
type - fluff, angst
note - i put the reader as a spanish speaker and not just spanish, so it could be more inclusive :). and i'm so sorry that this is so bad. i couldn't come up with a better plot like i wanted to, but i hope you enjoy anyways!
warnings / includes - language, kissing, food and alcohol mention, cute couple stuff, you getting upset (duh), kissing, stefan trying to be supportive but also being really confused lol. you all are like in your late 20s for this lol. for those who aren't spanish speakers, i will put translations in little text under each sentence/paragraph
"Sí. Bueno, lo retomaré más tarde. Gracias," you hung up the phone, setting it down with a smile on your face.
["Yes. Okay, I will pick it up later. Thank you."]
"Hey, who was that?" Stefan come over to you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
"That was Lucas's friend. He was able to get the cake and the cupcakes made early!" You squealed, jumping up and down in his arms.
"Oh, that's awesome! Looks like Caroline won't be bugging you anymore," Stefan chuckled.
"Oh, I know. Man, am I happy to finally get this party planning over with," you sighed, turning around and leaning against the counter.
You smiled as you came face-to-face with your boyfriend. You hung your arms around his neck lazily, twirling the hair on the nape of his neck with your first fingers.
"Tired?" Stefan raised a brow, settings hands on your hips.
"Exhausted. And to think the actual party is tonight," you chuckled. "Well, that's the easiest part, right?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah, watching over twenty-to-twenty five eleven years olds is easy," you rolled your eyes.
"You'll have help. Caroline, me, Bonnie, Ric, Elena, Matt. Even Damon has volunteered to watch them!"
"Or lure them in a back corner and fed on them," you scoffed. "Hey, Damon's a lot of things, but he is not a child-blood-sucker," Stefan defended.
"Awe, you're defending him. How cute," you booped his nose.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. We are goals. Or whatever the kids are saying these days."
You giggled at his words, turning back around as you heard the front door open. You looked to see Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena carrying the twins, a bunch of presents, and at least five boxes of pizza.
"Damn. I wish you guys bought me this many presents!" You exclaimed.
"Oh, shut up. We give you a bottle of champagne and you're already over the moon," Elena snickered.
"Well, what can I say? I'm a simple gal," you grinned.
"Hey, Stef, can you help, please? Put these next to the window sill," Bonnie ordered as she was carrying most of the presents.
"Yeah, of course," Stefan nodded. He ran over to her with his vampire speed, picking up the presents at lightening speed and laying them out in towers.
"Thank you," Bonnie sighed. "Yeah, no problem. Hey, why didn't you just use your magic to carry them in?" Stefan asked.
"I need to save my energy for the kids," Bonnie explained.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I didn't know we were letting the world know our secret," you frowned.
"We aren't! They're just a bunch of kids. Plus, we can just compel them to forget. Josie and Lizzie really want to show them tricks, too," Caroline bounced the twins in her arms.
You looked to the two girls who were giggling and smiling. You sighed, "Fine. Anyways, guess who was able to get the cake and the cupcakes."
"Oh, my God! You?" Caroline gasped. "Yep. Call me Santa Claus 'cause I just delivered!" You grinned.
Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan cringed at your joke.
"Not your best work, Y/n," Elena shook her head.
"What! Hey, that was pretty good," you frowned. "You'll get 'em next time, babe," Stefan smiled, going over to you and patting you on the back.
"Okay, you guys are just jealous because you're not as funny as me," you scoffed.
"Oh, yeah, we're jealous all right," Bonnie smirked.
You opened your mouth to retort back, but your phone started ringing. You looked at the Caller ID, seeing that it was your brother, Lucas. You gave them all a death glare, picking up your phone and going into the other room.
"Hey, amigo, what's up?" You asked.
"Uh, bad news, chica," Lucas sighed. "Oh?" You raised a brow.
"Yeah, turns out that Darryl can't make the cake or the cupcakes today."
You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Your eyes were wide as saucers as you thought of what to say.
"Y/n? Please say something," Luca begged.
You turned your head, your face screwing up in guilt and anger as you saw Lizzie and Josie playing with Bonnie and Stefan. You turned back and focused on the conversation you were having with you very trusting brother.
"¿Qué quiere decir Darryl no puede hacer el pastel o cupcakes?"
[What do you mean darryl can't make the cake or cupcakes?"]
"I mean that he can't make them. Do I need to explain to you what those words mean? And why are you speaking in Spanish? Afraid someone will —"
"En realidad, lo soy, Lucas. Dios, eres tan poco confiable. ¡Y ese amigo tuyo! Espera, ¿podría recuperar mi dinero?"
["Actually, I am, Lucas. God, you are so unreliable. And that friend of yours! Wait, am I going to be able to get my money back?"]
"Um… probably not. But it's okay, I'll pay you back!"
"Ah, ¿cuándo? ¿Después de sacar dinero del fondo universitario de su hijo? ¿O se lo van a pedir a mamá y papá esta vez?"
["Oh, when? After you take out money from your child's college fund? Or are you going to ask mom and dad for it this time?"]
"Hey, don't blame me! Blame Darryl. All I did was hook you up with him!"
"Y probablemente sabías que era un gilipollas mentiroso y que robaba dinero. Llámame de vuelta cuando seas capaz de no mentirme, ¿sí?"
["And you probably knew that he was a lying, money-stealing asshole. Call me back when you're able to not lie to me, yeah?"]
"Wait, Y/n, I-"
You hung up the phone, throwing it on the chair next to you. You groaned quietly, the bridge of your nose burning as tears welled up in your eyes.
"¿Cómo puedes ser tan estúpido, Y/n? Confiando en él después de todo lo demás que ha hecho. Estúpido, estúpido, estúpido!"
["How can you be so stupid, Y/n? Trusting him after everything else he's done. Stupid, stupid, stupid!"]
Stefan, who was throwing up Lizzie and Josie in the air, heard your mutters in the other room. He frowned and put the girls down, promising them that he would be back in a second after checking up on you. He walked into the next room slowly, putting his arm around you lightly.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
You jumped at his voice and touch, sniffling and wiping the tears from your face. "Y-Yeah. Just some um, family stuff."
"Want to talk about it?" Stefan asked.
You sighed, turning around to him. His hand intertwined with yours, squeezing it for support.
"It's just… Lucas. He's just so… jodidamente molesto," you sighed. "Él simplemente no piensa en otras personas y las consecuencias. Quiero decir, trata de ayudar, lo que es agradable, pero siempre termina por pagar dinero a la gente, o termina por tener un ojo negro."
[“He is just so… fucking annoying. He just doesn't think about other people and the consequences. I mean, he tries to help, which is nice, but he always either ends up owing people money, or ends up having a black eye.”]
"O-Oh, yeah," Stefan nodded, his brows furrowed as he tried to understand. But you were speaking so fast and with so much anger, he barely picked up a word.
"Y como su hermana mayor, sé que probablemente se supone que voy fácil con él, pero es un hombre crecido. ¡Debe saber estas cosas! Ugh, sabía que debería haber ordenado a ellos como, Target o algo, pero el amigo de su “aparentemente” es capaz de hacer diseños realmente lindos y hacer arte fondant en tiempo récord, así que tomé mis mis oportunidades. ¿Y adivina dónde estoy ahora?"
[“And as his older sister, I know I'm probably supposed to go easy on him, but he's a grown man. He should know these things! Ugh, I knew I should've just ordered them from like, Target or something, but hsi friend "apparently" is able to do really cute designs and make fondant art in record time, so I took my chances. And guess where I am now?”]
"Right, right. Wow, I'm sorry, babe, I —"
"Ciento cincuenta dólares cortos con dos niñas que van a estar tristes cuando no consiguen su pastel de sirena barbie y cupcakes con temática de Minecraft. ¡Argh!"
["One hundred and fifty dollars short with two little girls who are going to be sad when they don't get their Barbie Mermaid cake and Minecraft-themed cupcakes. Argh!"]
You stopped your rant when you noticed Stefan looked at you with a confused expression on his face. You thought for a moment to yourself, beginning to laugh at yourself as you realised you were speaking in Spanish.
"I'm sorry, Stef. I didn't realise you couldn't understand me."
He smiled and shrugged. "No worries. At least you were able to get it all out, right?"
"A little. When I punch Lucas, I'll be able to get it all out," you grinned.
"That's my girl."
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chocochipsgirl · 3 years
salutations !!! i saw your native language was spanish AND you had your asks open? gold. anyways idk if you do like the little head cannon bullet boards but if you do (dont feel like you need to it's totally ok if you dont want to) could you do a (platonic) irl! tommy, (romantic for everyone else) karl, sapnap, and wilbur where their s/o(best friend in tommys case) is on the phone and they start speaking spanish???? and they boys didnt know so they're all like "hello????"
Platonic!tommy x reader / karl x reader / sapnap x reader / wilbur x reader
Notes: Hi!!! okay, this is such a good concept, hope you enjoy. i had fun writing this.
Request: yes!! :D
Summary: unknow from the others, you have some mexican relatives meaning that you are very fluent in spanish. they suddenly know that when you start speaking a perfect spanish in the middle of a call
tw: swearing a bit
tommy (platonic)
okay so
you and tommy have been friends for a while, but there’s a lot of you that he doesn’t know yet
he is fascinated with you, in his eyes, you’re so cool
not like he ever said that out loud 
and one day, he was streaming with you when you recibe a call from quackity
“ayooo, que tal estas mi persona enana favorita?”  (ayoo, how are you, my favorite dwarf person?)
“la puta madre quackity, no soy tan peque, todos ustedes son gigantes” (fucking hell quackity, I’m not that small, you are all gigants)
and tommy is like :0
after the call he yells “ y/n!! you speak spanish?! pog!”
of course, he ask you to teach him insults in spanish
you have a great time teaching him a lot of that
but also trick him into compliment people in spanish
let’s just say, you guys have a lot of fun
you have been dating this guy for very little time
but felt very inlove anyways
you were snuggling him like usual when you get a call from your aunt
“tía Guadalupe? que pasa?” (aunt guadalupe, what happened?)
he is kinda shocked of how he didn’t know sooner
“no tía, solo estoy con mi novio viendo películas” (no, I’m just with my boyfriend watching some movies)
suddenly your face heats up
“wh-wha- no! nada de eso! de verdad solo vemos películas” (no! nothing like that! we are really just watching movies)
he wonders what could possible said the person on the other side of the line to get you like that
when you finally end the call, he just looks at you
“love, who was that?”
“my aunt guadalupe, she invited me to spend holidays at her place”
“didn’t know you could speak spanish”
“oh, yeah, i have some mexican relatives”
from that day, he tries his best to learn some spanish so he can say how much he loves you in a way he knows you’ll love
“hey y/n!”
“te amo~” (i love you)
like Tommy, he was in the middle of a stream, but you were chilling in the background
you got a call, and you picked trying to keep your voice low so you don’t disturb his stream
“oh! javier! wey, tanto tiempo sin hablarte” (oh! javier! dude, so long since we last spoke)
now, sapnap wasn’t the type of dude to get jealous easily
or that’s what he wanted to belive
but hearing you speak so bubbly even though he didn’t know who you were talking to or what were you speaking about made him kinda insecure
“si... el me hace realmente feliz” (yeah, he makes me really happy)
that was it, loking at you with that blush in your face was the last straw, he needed some cuddles and some love to remind himself you’re his
“hey guys I’m gonna end the stream here, I’m kinda tired”
however, his friends realizes his upset tone, so after stream they asking him about it
“dude, you okay? you sound mad”
“yeah, yeah, I’m gonna go now” and before they could said anything else, he left
seeing him come to you, you quickly end the call
“ hey, me tengo que ir, te llamo luego ” (hey, i gotta go, call you later)
“ love, who was that? “
“ my friend javier, he is from mexico and his english sucks so we talk in spanish ”
he throws himself on the bed next to you and starts cuddling
“hey, what’s wrong? yo look sad ”
he groans “ I didn’t know you could speak spanish, I though you always lived in the usa ”
“ yeah, but my parents still taught me, and also I spend summer at my grandma’s, now baby, what’s wrong? ”
he hesitates for a second, but comunication is the key, right?
“ it’s just... it kinda makes me jealous when you talk to other boys and I don’t know what are you talking about... I know, it’s a bit toxic and- ”
you shut him up with a kiss
“babe, don’t worry, it was just a friend, and we were talking about you and how much I love you ”
“ oh ”
he doesn’t gets jelaous anymore when you talk to javier
you were just hanging out, him playing you some of his newest songs when you recibe a call
“hello? oh, hola lucas! como esta mi primo favorito? ” (hello? oh, hi lucas! how is my favorite cousing doing?)
he looks surprised
you speak spanish? and also, you speak fluent spanish?
is there anything you don’t do perfectly?
he let’s you speak for as long as you want
when you are done, he stares at you
“ when did you learn to speak so fluently spanish? ”
“ since I was a child, I got a lot of mexican relatives ”
he asks you to sing in spanish, he just really loves your voice and likes when you speak spanish, it’s like a siren song
his favorite is songs are the ones from cuco, cause he gets to hear both english and spanish and although he can’t fully understand what you are saying, he gets context and is really happy about it
this man is just so in love.
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katberk · 4 years
Headcannons for a Deaf Reader Part 2
💚This man would already know a lot of sign language
💚’Asking’ you if you need anything before he streams/records a video
💚He doesn’t mind if you hang out in his room with him (no face cam=cuddles)
💚Tea kettle laugh is definitely a must so once again your dream is to hear that laugh (I mean like who doesn’t!)
💚Getting into fights he sometimes forgets to sign, also when he does it’s probably to fast to even comprehend
💚George and Sapnap being the absolute best people
💚Drista days! (She really cares about you and you teach her sign everyday for a class)
💚Drista thinks that you’re the best thing to happen to her brother
💚Cuddles and snuggles and just soft Dream
💚Protecting you no matter what
💚Kisses before and after long streams (he lets you sit on his lap though so...A LOT OF KISSES FROM THIS MAN)
💚Patches always on your lap
💚Dream doesn’t really see any problem with signing all the time! He actually thinks it’s pretty fun
💚Thank god you can’t hear him scream at the top of his lungs when something doesn’t go his way
💚Kinda on the idea for you to participate in the war
💚Calming him down when he gets accused for staging his videos
💚This man is Robin hood! Stealing your heart the first time you two made eye contact
💚’Why do you think I’m Robin hood?!’
💚’Because you stole my heart! You’re the thief that I fell in love with silly!’
💚Love him like he loves you
💙This man is SUPER soft for you
💙Sleepy cuddles all day
💙Rarely fight with each other
💙If you do fight it’ll be for petty reasons
💙Like Dream he probably knows a lot of sign already, but he needs a refresher
💙His voice is already soft so hopefully one day you’ll be able to hear his voice
💙’I love you’s’ back and forth
💙Sometimes he gets confused with some stuff you teach him so it’s a pretty slow ‘class’
💙He talks to you about his colorblindness while you explain more about being deaf
💙quite mornings
💙He’s your little magic boy
💙Building that little mushroom house with you while the war was ablaze definitely happened
💙You guys probably argued a lot over which wood to use or where an item should go
💙He lost after you slammed yourself on him and started squeezing him to death
💙’I believe we should have dark oak Y/N!’
💙’I think spruce would look a lot better!’
💙’Spruce?! Are you insane!’
💙’Yes Gogy....now drop the dark oak planks’
💙”Help chat....please”
💙You won btw
♥️I can see Sapnap over exaggerating his hand movements
♥️Hugs and soft pecks on stream (If the relationship is out)
♥️During fights his hand movements definitely do something
♥️Apologizes super fast (comprehending it is again super difficult)
♥️I can see him brag to everyone about you (he’s just that kind of man)
♥️You want cuddles now?! Well grab those blankets and pillows because he’s gonna probably kill you with love
♥️Dream is to definitely hear this man’s voice (I don’t really have to explain why)
♥️Is he your knight in shinning amour?! YES
♥️Doesn’t care if you’re deaf or not
♥️Lilly would always be on your lap purring so you would feel the vibrations
♥️The man is soft, but strong
♥️He’ll protect you with his life
♥️Again kinda glad you can’t hear him scream in fear/anger when he’s doing a video/stream
♥️Everyone gets hate so comforting each other is very important in this relationship (I don’t understand why people hate on Sapnap?!)
♥️Sometimes he forgets that your deaf and whispers “I love you” or “good morning/good-night” (😂🥰)
♥️Jokes all around
♥️Shows you around the SMP with signs (yes, he would do that)
♥️*Welcome to the SMP Y/N*
♥️’Why are you writing on a sign?!’
♥️*I don’t wanna take my hands off the keyboard*
🌼Wilbur Soot🌼
🌼Already knows sign language
🌼 Still asks you to teach him
🌼Makes you feel his guitar when he plays so you can feel the vibrations
🌼Nice streams with jokes and laughs
🌼Definitely dreams to hear his singing
🌼Calm days
🌼Singing on stream
🌼Tommy being annoying to both of you
🌼Making a cute house where both of you would live with signs that have quotes
🌼Having a great time ‘talking to you’
🌼Walks on the beach where he describes the sounds to you 🥺
🌼Sad that you can’t hear music
🌼Tries to make you as comfortable as he can
🌼You guys don’t really get into fights, but when you do it’s pretty hard (Don’t worry though)
🌼Glad to learn about this disability so he can help and understand more
🌼I can imagine you putting your fingers on his throat to feel the vibrations (closest thing to this man’s BEAUTIFUL voice)
🌼’What are you doing?!’
🌼‘’Listening’ to music’
🌼”Smart Y/N....smart”
💜He’s pretty decent at sign
💜You can’t stop me from thinking that he’ll ask for you to sign bad words for him 🥺
💜I see him joking about it, but not to the extent of being hurtful
💜Chat loving you and believing that you two being together would be the end of the world
💜Just like Wilbur I can see him putting your hand on his guitar to feel the vibrations
💜Fights would probably have one person speaking angry Spanish and the other doing some angry sign language (😂)
💜His laugh, voice, singing! (I would miss this so much)
💜Karl being your best friend (Karl is just so wholesome)
💜Watching Mexican Soap Operas
💜Him translating for his chat and signing to you at the same time (stupid sub titles)
💜Always seen with him and vice versa
💜Jackbox is chaotic (All of his videos with him are chaotic)
💜When you guys are together in Minecraft....no one’s safe
💜Late night talks
💜He believes that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to him
💜”Yo Mamacita!”
💜’You said something?!’
💜’oops! Sorry, no’
Hope you guys enjoy! This took awhile lol

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the-phoenix-heart · 3 years
10 Amazing Futurama Comics
There is a severe lack of Futurama content on this and other sites (seriously, the Night at the Museum movies have more fics than Futurama). And, nobody posts about the Futurama comics. So I’m posting 10 of my favorites.
10. Attack of the 50-Foot Amy (Issue #33)
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It’s actually not as sexual as the cover makes it out to be. The basic premise is that Amy mistakes the can of growth spray (that Cubert and Dwight want to use for their science fair project) for hair spray and sprays waaaay too much before her anniversary date with Kif. Meanwhile, Bender teaches Fry the wonders of video piracy, but after he gets scared by a movie home alone style he eats his disc of pirated movies and starts uncontrollably acting them out. You can probably guess how these two plots connect.
While I do list this one as one of my favorites, it’s far from perfect. The artwork is good, but the scaling on Amy is very wonky so she looks more like a twenty-foot Amy (also Dwight’s eyes are drawn weird in this comic, he looks blazed out the entire time). But I cannot help but be charmed by this comic. It’s got some sweet Bender and Fry friendship moments and actually makes me believe Kif and Amy’s relationship for a little bit. They are very sweet in this comic, although Kif does go through some pain in this comic.
Best moments: They way they resolve the plot is actually pretty funny and clever, plus Bender hopped up on pirated movies is a joy. At one point Fry gets shoved by Steven Spielbot (don’t ask) and Bender goes all Rocky on his ass saying “No one talks to my gal, Adrian, like that!” It’s very sweet and...subtextual if you understand my meaning. This one also has anti comic book piracy message at the end which was ironic for me to read.
9. Doctor What (Issue #32)
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The Professor creates a time traveling port-a-potty so that you can pee in whatever time and space you want, although it’s completely random. However, Zoidberg accidentally breaks the potty, so him, Leela, Fry, and Bender have to keep randomly flushing to get back home. On each of these new worlds Zoidberg keeps accidentally saving the citizens, getting medals, and ends up becoming addicted to the fame he keeps winning. Which leads to them getting stuck in a post apocalyptic New New York.
This is the infamous Leela-Bender-Fry fusion comic, Leelan von Fry-Bot. His backstory is actually a little sad, but I won’t spoil it here. This one is pretty good, because it has Zoidberg as the hero. Actually quite a few of these feature Zoidberg as a fourth member of the delivery crew which is weird, but not entirely unwelcome. It’s also fun to see these other worlds, and now that I think about it it’s actually a little similar to The Late Phillip J. Fry, what with the time travel to different interesting worlds.
Best Moments: I actually liked Leelan’s backstory, and his interactions with his “parents” (you’ll understand when you read it) are actually pretty funny and a little cute. Fry really wants to be a dad you can tell.
8. The Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis II
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The professor creates a device that takes characters out of their stories into the real world. Trouble is, he tells the mayor that this invention is useful because you can get slave labor out of the characters because they technically have no constitutional rights. The Simpsons end up working with the Planet Express crew, but an accident leads to the release of ALL FICTIONAL CHARACTERS EVER.
This is a sequel comic to the Futurama Simpsons Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis (fun fact: a reference to several famous comic book arcs). I chose this one above it though because I think it understood the assignment better. The original is funny, but I just don’t think that Springfield is a good setting for a Futurama crossover. Springfield for all its zaniness, is not the future. New New York, however, is great for this crossover. We get several scenes where we see the Simpsons going through space and fighting off monsters. We even get to see the other residents of Springfield in the future, Mr. Smithers becomes a space pirate and Mr. Burns falls in love with Mom, it’s great.
Best Moments: Some of them I already mentioned, but I cannot stress enough how hilarious the Burns-Mom romance is, it’s especially good when you can hear their voices in your head. I also like the friendship the Simpsons have with the Planet Express crew.
7. Six Characters in Search of a Story (Issue #14)
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This is a very interesting comic. The Professor falls asleep, so to pass the time the crew decides to look through his old failed inventions, and well, that’s a very bad idea. The most interesting thing about this comic is it’s designed so that if you want you can only read certain panels to follow one person’s story. The Futurama comics do this a lot of the time and it’s always interesting.
The shenanigans that occur in this one are really funny, and there are some great looking pages in this. Also the Futurama crew clearly took ideas from the comics, and this is one of them. You can tell from the cover art that this does have elements of “Benderama” in it, what with Bender cloning himself ad infinitum. I also really like the climax, it’s a little schmultz-y for Futurama, but I don’t mind.
Best Moments: Fry gets stuck with a Spanish speaking Bender and I don’t know why but it’s really funny to me. The professor also gets some funny moments in this one. And Scruffy. Scruffy is always a delight.
6. Igner-ance is Bliss! (Issue #63)
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Yeah this is the infamous robot Leela and Fry comic. Don’t worry, like the cover says, it’s not as dramatic as it looks. The crew has to go to a world that’s too dangerous for humans, so Fry, Leela, and Zoidberg all have their consciousnesses put into robot doubles so they can make the delivery. However, it turns out this planet is a sort of getaway spa for robots, and the crew decides to party it up there, at least until Bender discovers that this is a front for an evil plot by Mom. The subplot is mostly about how Igner is not respected by his brothers.
This one is fun, and I love a comic where Bender has to be the voice of reason. It is clearly killing him to be the responsible one, but I love it. Also, I have a soft spot for Igner, so it’s nice to see him get thrown a bone for once. This also has some really fun jokes with everyone, but Zoidberg in particular gets some bangers. I think my only problem is it ISN’T as cool as the cover makes it out, but like I’m happy with what it is.
Best Moments: Fry beats up Bender at one point and wins, I think he deserved it. Also, y’all know Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars? He makes some cameos in this one. Also all the robots (sans Bender) make a Japanese style mecha and it’s the coolest thing ever. Plus everything I’ve said about Igner I love in this one. Oh also Fry beats Calculon at poker and I really love that.
5. Who’s Dying to be a Gazillionaire? (Issue #5)
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This one is sweet. The IRS is threatening to bankrupt Planet Express, and if they can’t think of a way to make a million dollars they will go out of business. No one really has any ideas and doesn’t even really care, except for Fry who is determined to save Planet Express. He gets the idea to go onto Who Wants to be a Gazillionaire to make the money, even though it’s a trivia show and if he loses he will die.
This one really warms my heart, it’s Fry at his best, just doing what he can for the people he loves. Even the professor is great in this one. I don’t want to spoil it, but trust me when I say it’s good (god I hope I’m not building this up too much).
Best moments: The end panel. But also the resolution of the story is great, and I really appreciate this comic for Fry as a character.
4. Rumble in the Jungle (Issue #38)
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This is a fine comic. Leela is mad that she’s not being respected by Fry and Bender, and it’s bad enough that they don’t believe her when she says they’re going to crash into a planet. They end up parachuting down and getting separated. Leela ends up as queen of some workers in the “Amazon,” meanwhile Fry finds Bender’s corpse and goes off to avenge him.
This one is fun, and another fun one for Fry, because he’s determined to avenge Bender and works hard for it. This also includes the original Frender, not the ship but fusion. Leela and Fry even have a fight scene against each other and it’s honestly great.
Best Moments: Fry is great throughout the entire comic, and Leela spends most of her time beating up random animals. Bender also using a lead parachute he made out of toys he stole from children is funny, especially because I’m always a sucker for Bender doing dumb shit.
3. Don’t Go Taking My Heart! (Issue #69) (nice)
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Mom only has a couple weeks to live, unless she can get a heart transplant. It’s revealed that Mom uses the cryogenics lab to get new body parts for herself, and that Fry was supposed to be her heart donor! Unfortunately, because he was unfrozen she now has to get him to work for Mom Corp to make sure his heart stays intact for the procedure.
If you can’t tell I love the Fry-centric comics, and I also like the comics where Mom is the villain. Of course this comic doesn’t go completely how you expect it to go, it’s actually REALLY sweet. I also love the fact that in this comic Fry actually makes a great intern. He basically has the job of a secretary and he’s GOOD at it. And I love seeing when Fry is good at things. The reason why I put this at only 3 is because it doesn’t really have a subplot. Bender gets a job at mom corp to but it’s only there for a couple pages, and Leela’s new crew gets two panels and that’s it.
Best Moments: The moments with Mom and Fry, but also guess who Mom’s doctor is? I’m actually not going to reveal it because it’s so random but also hilarious.
2. Boomsday! (Issue #58)
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The Professor builds Bender his own parents, as a way to placate/discipline Bender. However, these parents decide that Fry is a bad influence on Bender, leading to them kicking him out. Meanwhile, the Professor’s doomsday devices are all stolen, and he has to go find them.
Both of these plots are funny and good. Bender’s plot is also really sweet what with his friendship with Fry, and his wish for parents. Meanwhile the Professor’s plot is just really funny and I do love seeing the Professor in his element. The ending is mostly heartwarming.
Best Moments: Everything with Fry and Bender, and Bender has a sweet relationship with his fake parents. Also, the Professor uses Issac Asimov candles on the robot mafia which I found a great joke. Oh, and the Professor’s first doomsday device was made when he was four years old and I love that. The end of the comic also has very nice message.
1. Rotten to the Core (Issue #27)
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The world’s weather has gone kerflooey, and the Professor has figured out that his invention that can drill into the center of the Earth has been used. It conspires that Bender sold it at a yard sale to some aliens call the magmoids. The magmoids are trying to steal magma from the Earth’s core and the crew has to go and stop them.
This is my favorite because it’s a great character comic. All of the main three have great moments, and it’s also a great science comic. The Earth’s core is incredibly magnetic so of course Bender starts spouting out folk songs, and also SECRETS. I can’t believe no one has used the fact that canonically magnets make Bender incapable of telling lies. Anyway, it’s just really fun.
Best Moments: Way too many to count. Bender and Fry are told to cut out the “Brokeback Moanin,’“ Leela and Fry are bitter at the end, Fry tells story about his childhood, Bender has some great secrets to tell, the Professor gets a really fun ending, Bender has a rare moment of generosity, and the entirety of the climax is all kinds of fun and sweet.
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natashxromanovf · 3 years
I want to see you smile
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff × fem!Stark! reader
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: swearing (I think that’s it? If not, please let me know)
Type: fluff, friends to lovers
Summary: What happens when one friend falls in love with another? Are feelings mutual?
A/N: If you haven’t already noticed, I’m in love with friends to lovers trope. So yes, that’s what I’m writing. Again. In this fic, Thanos doesn’t exsist and everyone is alive. Just for clarification, Jenna is supossed to be Morgan’s babysitter. Also am I passing my obsession with Soy Luna to Morgan here? Yes, I am. This song is just so beautiful, yet sad at the same time. I don’t really like this, but oh weel, not everything can be amazing. Enjoy <3
Here's the link to the song
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“And don’t forget to turn in your essays tomorrow!” yells the teacher, right before the bell rings, dismissing you from your last class. You pick up your backpack and look at Peter, who just stood up from his chair. “Are we hanging out today?” you ask. “Yes, we have to go to the compound, remember? Everyone will be there, there’s some important meeting, even we have to attend,” he explains. “But Steve said it’s not going to be long, so we can hang out after,” he says and you nod. Peter and you were best friends, ever since junior year of high school. The first time your dad introduced him to you (not knowing you two already know each other), was hilarious.
“Y/N, come in here honey!” yelled Tony from the common area. You were doing your homework, minding your business when you heard your dad calling you. “Coming dad!” you answered back. Once you got to the dining area, your father immediately started to speak “I want you to meet someone.” he said, gesturing to the boy beside him. As your head turns, you recognize this boy as none other than Peter Parker. “Peter?!” 
“Y/N?!” you both scream at the same time. “What are you doing here?” you asked, your eyes wide, surprise lacing your voice. “What am I doing here? The better question is what are you doing here?” he squeaked, his expression matching yours. “Woah, Woah, Woah, you two know each other?” Tony asked, just as confused as you were. “Yes we know each other, he’s basically my best friend,” you explained, Tony’s jaw dropping to the ground. “So that’s why you never let me come to your house,” chuckled Peter, finally putting all the pieces together. “Yea, that’s why.” you gently smiled. “Let’s introduce again, shall we? Hello, I’m Y/N, Y/N Stark.” you introduced yourself, making Peter laugh slightly. “Hey Y/N, I’m Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man.” now it was your turn to be surprised. “You’re Spider-man?!?” you asked. “And you’re a Stark! We’re even.” 
“I guess we are.”
Once you got to the compound, everyone was already there, even Morgan, to your surprise. “Mom, what’s Morgan doing here?” you question. “Wait a second, mom what are you doing here??” you now almost scream. “Didn’t Dad tell you?” she says and you shook your head no. “Oh, well, I told him to tell you, but what can you expect from Tony Stark?” she sighs. “Last mission went wrong and now a HYDRA base knows the addresses of all the Avengers, including ours, that’s why I’m here. And about Morgan... well we couldn’t reach Jenna, so we took her with us.” she frowns. “Oh, okay-” you were cut off, by none other than the famous Captain America. “Okay, so, I know you’re probably asking yourself ´What the hell are we doing here on our free day?´ but I have a good explanation for it. It has come to our attention that while we were on our last mission, fighting off HYDRA agents, some of them snuck into our jet and stole some information, including our home addresses. Now, since more than half of us lives here, or is from another planet,” he says, gesturing to Thor, “it’s not so serious, except for Tony, Pepper, Y/N, Peter, and Bruce. Your addresses have been compromised, so I would suggest for you to stay here for a couple of weeks, just to be safe.” he ends his long explanation, and all of you agree to stay here. “Wow, I need to call Aunt May,” says Peter, and you nod, gesturing for him to go. After you shoo Peter away, to go and talk to May, Pietro appears behind you, his usual smirk printed on his lips “Hey, printsessa.” he greets and you wave. “Hello Pietro, how are you?” you smile, his presence always making you happy, no matter how hard the day was. “I’m good, you?" he questions. “I’m okay, it just sucks a little, all this not-going-home thing. But at least I get the time to hang out with my favorite speedster.” you chuckle, Pietro joining. You make small talk, just usual things. Somehow you end on the couch and the next time you look at the clock, it’s already time for dinner. Today is Wanda’s turn to cook, and to say you are starving is an understatement. You couldn’t wait for her famous paprikash.
It’s been a couple of days since the meeting and you and Peter just came back from school, to a very unusual scene. Before you, there are all the Avengers, looking at something on the big screen. You and Peter look at each other confused, as to what could leave them in such a state. As you get closer, you see what they’re all so interested in. It’s a show called Soy Luna and you burst out laughing, now all the attention focusing on you. “Y-you’re watch-watching Soy Lu-Luna?” you say through giggles, making some of them blush. “Well, as a matter of fact, it really sucks you in.” defends Natasha, receiving hums of agreement. “Sure, whatever you say.”
“On which episode are you?” Peter asks. “I think it’s season 3, episode 25,” answers Wanda. “Oh my god, I love this episode, scoot over,” you say to Bucky, gesturing for him to move. He moves a little to the right, making space between him and Wanda. You sit in the middle while Peter sits on the ground, besides Steve. “Morgan wanted to watch it, right?” you ask, a smirk still playing on your lips. “Yea.” Wanda sighs defeated, and your smile widens, just a little. Right as you were about to turn your attention to the screen, Morgan appears in front of your eyes. “Hey bubba, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be watching the series?” you question, your brows furrowed. “Yea, I just wanted to be with you!” she exclaims and turns around, sitting into your lap. “Awwww,” you whisper, overwhelmed with her cuteness. 10 minutes in, Morgan screams that your favorite song is coming. “Look Y/N, Matteo is about to perform your favorite song!”
“You’re right Morgan,” you say, trying to calm her down from her excited state. “Will you sing it? Pleaseee,” she demands, looking at you with puppy eyes. Oh, damn it, not her puppy eyes, you think, agreeing, because c’mon, who can say no to those pretty eyes of hers. “But only because you asked nicely,” you add, making Morgan smile. Soon enough, the first tunes of Quiero verte sonreir start to play. She looks at you expectantly, as do all the others. Right before you start singing you make eye contact with Pietro. 
“No lo puedo evitar,
yo no te dejo de pensar,
y las noches son frías si tú no estás.
No lo puedo entender,
como no te has dado cuenta...”
(I can’t help it, I can’t stop thinking about you, and the nights are cold, if you’re not here. I don’t understand, how you haven’t noticed...)
There’s something in his eyes, that makes you not look away, not wanting to look away. Finally, your stare breaks, as Morgan bumps you, wanting some attention. “...Pero tengo miedo de pensar,
que no te vayas enamorar...”
(...But I'm afraid to think, that you’re not going to fall in love...)
You bump her nose, making your heart feel loved, because you made your little sister happy, even if just for two minutes.
Your eyes are back on Pietro, decided to dedicate the chorus to him, even if he doesn’t understand you.
“... Quiero verte sonreír,
quiero verte junto a mí,
no puedo ya no quiero,
no es fácil ocultar mis miedos...”
(I want to see you smile, I want to see you next to me, I can’t take it anymore, I don’t want to, it's not easy to hide my fears...) 
But you forgot there’s someone else in the room, who speaks Spanish fluently. As the song comes to an end, you know what’s coming, so right when you finish with your singing, you quickly scream: “Someone cover Morgan’s eyes, she’s too innocent to see what’s coming.” as a joke, not expecting for Bucky to actually cover her eyes. “Oi, Barnes, I was kidding!” you say while laughing your ass off. You spend the rest of your afternoon with your team, binge-watching Soy Luna, completely falling into trance. The duty of cooking dinner falls on you and Peter, others still not turning their eyes away from the screen. You decided to cook Mac and cheese, the only thing you both actually know how to cook. “How long have you been into Pietro?” he suddenly asks, making you choke on your water. “Wh- what?” you struggle while coughing, Peter tapping you on your back, helping you to regain your breath again. “C’mon, you don’t have to pretend with me.” he smiles, reminding you just how of an awesome friend he is. “Is it that obvious?” you ask, looking at him like you just swallowed a spider. “No, but I notice these things, the way you look at him, the way your lips always form a smile, the second you lay eyes on him, the way you speak to him like you’re gonna melt any second. Besides, I speak Spanish, so that right there,” he gestures to the living room, “tells me enough.” he finishes with a light chuckle. “Shit, I forgot you understand Spanish,” you exclaim, joining him. “Soo, you like me?” you hear someone say, his thick accent lacing his voice, knowing who he was. “Fuck,” you whisper under your breath, slowly turning around. “How much have you heard?” you carefully ask, scrunching your nose and closing your eyes. “Enough,” he says, that adorably annoying smirk playing on his lips. “I’m gonna just slowly go, because, well, this is awkward.” Peter quickly exits the kitchen, making you angry at him for leaving. “Is it true?” you hear him say, and you focus your attention back on him. Oh, fuck it, you think before speaking “Yes, it is. But I know you don’t feel the same, so can we just pretend this didn’t happen, because I don’t want to make things akw-” he crashes his lips onto yours, guiding them into a sweet yet passionate kiss. His hands are on your waist, yours travelling up his body till you reach his hair, slowly playing with his blond curls. Cheers erupt from the door, making you look at them. And there they are, the whole team clapping and cheering, a “Finally! I couldn’t take the tension anymore!” escaping Wanda, making you chuckle. “I hate all of you, I swear to god,” you say, looking away from them and into those beautiful ocean eyes of his.
Taglist: @voidmalfoy @cunningambitousdetermined @crazy-beautiful @rorybutnotgilmore
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beann-e · 4 years
hi I was on u-tube and saw a bakugou playlist for when he can’t sleep and I thought well , since I just hit 200 followers ( tysm;3 I love everyone who even took the time out of their day to press follow ) why not bring them this idea of y/n not being able to sleep & bakubabe lending his beautifully different services
also abt the sero line I have in here— I personally think it’d be cool if he just learned Spanish because, he has an interest in other cultures and languages but I don’t really see him being actually hispanic
also I really like writing baku bc he’s so rough with everything he says & I kin him so he’s the easiest so, I hope no one thinks I write him too much
Reader with bad mental health & bakugou lends a hand in his own way
No one cares and no one ever asks. Or at least that’s how you felt while standing here in your last period class your hands balled up in fist tightly held at your chest
Your head was pounding and body was aching you couldn’t describe why you were feeling so horrible all of a sudden but
you just were
maybe it was from all the nights you couldn’t fall aleep due to overthinking
maybe it was the way you got stuck on your phone or even your head dropped low eyes trailing over words in a book just trying to find something to take your mind off the fact that you were struggling
whatever the case was
right now in this last period class this wasn’t helping
“ look shitty woman “ you heard the boy huff “ I want to get a good score on this paired project and right now your fucking this up for me “
his anger was visibly present even if his voice was low to where only you could hear the annoyance that sat in it had everyone looking around for the culprit of the sudden change in the air
“ and I don’t like fuckups so get whatever you have going on together and let’s do this —ok? “
you shook your head and let out a soft ‘ok ‘
the fight ending quickly with bakugou staring down on you his hands on his knees face made up in anger “ you keep finding a way to fuck with me “
“ I didn’t even do anything to you “ your voice was soft and tired
his eyes squinting before sighing
“ I didn’t do anything to anyone “
“ cut this shit out right now “ he pulled you up off the ground hands in fists gripping at your shirt standing you up with his muscles alone “ get to your room — sleep off whatever the fucks going on with you “
His eyes dead set on you as you walked off everyone from the class watching as you failed to gain the strength to open the big doors that led you to your shared dorms
“ sero plea— “
“ got it hermosa “
“ really dude “
“ look it’s hot — and just cause we’re in japan doesn’t mean I can’t show off my online spanish lessons “
“ whatever “ denkis voice whined as he shook his head holding the other door open for you “ gonna get some sleep y/n ? “
you ignored the two boys head hung low as you walked to your room door
the strength appearing in your body as you opened it but, quickly dispersing when you found your bed.
Your face hitting your favorite pillow hand coming up to cradle underneath it as you sat on your knees butt high in the air tears coming out pouring into your blankets “ I won’t show — I won’t show it — I won’t get bad again “ you repeated like a chant
The light from outside disappearing as the day grew into night
several footsteps heard departing from your door when you didn’t answer the knocks . Their low calls of dinner was done , lunch was in the microwave , that you’d missed movie time , that you missed denkis attempt of asking jirou out , and todorokis miss understood question of what ‘ cuddles ‘ were when denki offered her his body to do so
“ and you assholes didn’t just think to open the door? ”
your bedroom door swinging open in a crash as the knob hit the wall behind it creating a hole
“ fucking assholes bothering me with this shit “
“ we didn’t even call you out of your room “
“ you came over to her room on your ow— “
bakugous hand moved swiftly to slam the door in their faces
“ bakubro we’ve been trying to get in there all day and your just—“
“ gonna close the door on us “ denki finished in annoyance “ seriously I just know y/n needs my charm right now “
he pouted behind the door “ it always cheers her up and I like her lau— “
“ didn’t ask to hear your fucking crush story charger base “
“ ass — kiri let’s go “
“ so no sleepy boob pics?“
bakugou stiffened hearing the purples freaks voice
“ so I came with you guys because you said she was sad and usually when girls are sad they don’t dres— “
bakugous voice was guttural as he put his forehead to the door voice loud enough for the boy to hear
“ hey — hey purple nurple “
“ I-uh — yes bakugou “
“ come here “ he could hear the small shuffle of feet to the door as he smirked softly
“ put your tiny head to the door — actually press your whole body up to the door —all the way “
“ are you trying to help me get one of y/n’s bras god —- of all people to help I never thought it’d be bakugo—“
“ hey just shh ok — you don’t want to ruin it right and make her wake up right “ he groaned inside his mind
“ she’s slept this long and through all of this— I can’t get you her bra if your loud right purple zit “
“ so so smart “
“ ok so here it is “
the room grew silent as bakugou pressed his palm as low as he could placing it on the door away from his standing body breathing in to suppress his anger so , he didn’t let out a major blast due to his mood
sighing before he felt his hand grow sweaty tiny pops coming out
“ hey bakugou —is my princess ok ? sounds like popcorn in there are her tit—“
it was quick as the door had a hole in it the newly created circle having black burn scratches on it as mineta laid burnt on the floor once purple body now black and smoke wafting off it
Bakugou squatting as he put his left hand above the hole to steady himself and his right one reaching out through it as he grimaced in pain at the stretch his fingers finally wrapping around minetas short body fingers interlocking around his neck as he looked through the new hole in the door eyes piercing into the boy he held
his voice low and dominating “ you ever come back to her room on some creep shit — and I blow your fucking brains out do you hear me “
“ y-yes sir “ mineta let out dazed “ I will stick to yao-“
“ that goes for all the girls you hear me — guys included I know your a little pervy fuck you can’t get your hands on girls underwear you’ll move on to dekus shitty tidy whities”
mineta was silent as bakugou threw him back on the floor watching as he crawled off
his body relaxing as he shook his mind burning.
head in his hands before wiping his face in exhaustion and standing up and turning to you when he felt the air in the room shift , his hands out in jazz hands and a fake smile on his face.
“ ta da “ he was met with your sitting body your pillow covering him from seeing you .
your face dropping in shock moving from his tall figure that stood inching over to the now huge hole that he was trying to hide from you
“ k-katsuki “
“ I told you about that “
“ s-sorry “
“ again I told you about that shit “ his gaze was hard on you
“ do it again and i’ll tell shitty hair to harden in the next hug he gives you — since you and that crappy puppy boy are always touching “ he mumbled
“ bakugou why are you — why does my door have a hole in it “
“ don’t worry about it “
“ h- w-how can I not worry about it my doors black“ you screamed in confusion “ it used to be brown bakugou “
“ bakugou it used to be this — bakugou — katsuki oh my gosh i’m sorry — god do you ever shut the fuck up and just be thankful “ he mocked you soon converting back to his anger ridden voice
“ and whats with this pillow take it away from you — I wanna see your fucked up face “
you sighed bringing the pillow from in front of your head his eyes having a look run through them that you couldn’t figure out but you knew it had something to do with how puffy your eyes felt . Even if they weren’t puffy or couldn’t get puffy you’d never known for a fact because it still felt like they were .
You two stared at each other as the silence grew louder him shoving his hands in his pocket before taking out the packet of pills he’d gotten for you shaking them to show you it wasn’t a weapon like Mr.Aizawa thought after finding him returning to school late and shaking him down like a police officer
his hand putting them on your desk
His other one throwing the water he found in the kitchen to your bed “ not throwing you the pills — need you to move around so you gotta come get em‘ “
your face showed no emotion as he nodded understanding the new tense and uncomfortable emotions thats were present “ ... ok — well got a green headed vegetable to go bully so “
you watched as his hands gripped the door swinging it open as you dropped your head eyes moving to the water in front of you “ why can’t I do anything right “
you cried “ why can’t the world — the days — the stars fucking align for me to feel good for once huh “
you felt even more tears prickle your eyes as your voice grew louder “ why can’t I talk to people without having this voice in the back of my mind screaming — raging like its having a party — why can’t I sit in silence without having to stand up every five seconds and move around because my body screams for attention — for movement because i’ve been sitting still for 5 seconds “
you heard the faint click of the door mouth still moving as if he were still there
“ why can’t I speak what I feel when people ask me“ you laughed shortly “ not like they do — because they can’t tell I just mask so well “
you let your face start to feel heavy and tense as you continued your crying rant into the empty room “ and most importantly why was I so bad at everything “ your eyebrows furrowed
“ why am I so bad at today ? “
“ just a day really ? “ you heard the taller males voice came out questioning
“ just today that’s what your worried about “
“ well I “
“ tch “ he shook his head before turning to face away from you his face dropping into a look he didn’t want you to see.
“ I-i’m sor— “ you knew he didn’t like you saying sorry or even using his first name you two had established that when he finally accepted your friendship or in his words
‘ you can hang around —like shitty hair but one sniff of blabber mouth and your gone ‘
“ I didn’t mean to spill to you I just — I — you can go —no one gives a shit anyways “
“ I will “
your body grew sad at his quick response
“ tell me what your most upset about “
your answer came quick as you let your brain take over “ I wake up in the middle of the night and can never fall back asleep when I do “
he moved to your door for a second time opening it to leave before pausing for a second speaking something to where you couldn’t hear much less make out
“ just knock “
he shook his head before closing the door softly to rival his usual mood.
Your body shaking when you finally realized you’d spilled out your mental thoughts to bakugou letting your body calm down before you grabbed the pills and silently thanked your friend before feeling yourself at some time finally fall asleep
It’s been days since you last felt that horrible it never stopped but you were able to hide it even more and live out your life the happiest you could
until one night you found you beating yourself up surprisingly not in real life but in your dreams
a loud gasp leaving your mouth as you sat up calming down only to bring your knees to your chest arms wrapped around them in a hug
your back moving to the wall to feel comforted after only feeling your cold hands and body wrapped around yourself
“ what I would give to have something warm “
‘warm ‘
your mind raced to bakugou trying to push the thoughts out your mind of him actually being a caring boyfriend who could help you like he did nights ago with bringing you medicine, a boyfriend who would let you snuggle into him and take all his warmt—
stop the track cause that song will never play you thought as you started to think about him again face made up in determination and focus as you tried to remember what he said that night feeling stupid when you finally remembered your quirk
the quirk that brought you pain and contributed to your mental health
your quirk allowed you to take pictures of everyone’s last moments you’d spent together with your thoughts
it was good in some aspects like right now when you could finally remember where sato helped you hide your candy bars from yourself so you wouldn’t indulge in them 2weeks ago
at the same time you can see your problem with it when the last moment you had of your mother was her kissing you goodbye before shapeshifting into a fire extinguisher and landing in your fathers hands as he screamed at you to run out of your home and get more help the last image you seeing of your father was him spraying the fire extinguisher all over the stove in hopes to calm it down before it spread but he couldn’t
it didn’t help when the pictures replayed in your mind like video home movies that you didn’t want to watch
whenever your quirk was used everything spun in your head like a movie reel the downside was it made you watch every single picture you’d taken until you found the one you were looking for
it didn’t take long before you finished your mom and dads memory and got to bakugous last moment you two spent together
you zooming in reading his lips turning up the volume on the moment as he spoke “just knock “
“ just knock ? “ you sat confused in your spot on the bed shaking off your quirk taking as long as needed to process his words only to be even more confused and just knocking on the wall twice between your two shared dorm rooms.
You never paid much attention to him being your neighbor it’s not like you needed him for anything so right now you were a bit curious in why he reminded you that you two shared walls
Eyes closing while you waited for whatever was supposed to happen
“ guess he didn’t mean it like th—“
your body softened when you heard music fill his room and overflow into yours
You heard the drums kick in as the lyrics played muffled through your wall
‘I listened to the cure
I listened to the cure
I listened to the cure
and then I cried ‘
your eyes widened before you felt your body relax against the wall eyebrows made up in content
eyes watering when you heard your two soft knocks returned on the wall behind you
you let your body go tenseness leaving as the song played moving to grab your phone with shaky hands seeing his name light up on your screen
Godzilla wannab
‘ no one gives a shit about your life right ? ‘
you cried even harder when you saw the message fit the song perfectly the words you spoke a couple days ago as if your were singing the lyrics
you looked around your room before falling on the dent he left in your wall grabbing your phone and zooming in on it to take a picture and sending it to him
Godzilla wannab
sorry your room was just so ass you needed some redecorating be thankful people tend to cry when I redecorate—just ask deku
you laughed as you seen him prepare to send a new message your heart swelling when you read it
Godzilla wannab
look this is gonna sound sus as fuck but
you bit your lip at the new message
‘ if you can’t sleep come over — your rooms cold as fuck and I know that pillow your hugging’s not doing shit ‘
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moccawithsugar · 4 years
Few random notes about The Tower of Nero
(Spoilers ahead)
Nico. My poor boy Nico. Getting therapy from Mr. D was something I did not expect, but I’m glad he’s doing it. My baby deserves happiness.
The brotherly relationship between Dionysus and Apollo was something I did not expect either. I think I can finally understand better the god of wine and I’m glad for that.
Rachel and her brush will always be iconic.
Will is adorable. And the way he shines and then Apollo’s like “I’m so proud” and Will is there too flushed like “it’s not that I graduated med school with honors” and Apollo being a good dad for him like “I’ll be proud when you do that too” and I’m here like aawwwwww. But really, the fact that Apollo is proud that his son can shine is everything.
Will and Nico. They are so different and get along so good like wow. It’s amazing how they’re so perfect for each other. They know each other so much and they love each other so much and I love them so much.
There were two battle at camp Jupiter? Well, Percy and Annabeth are gonna stay in NYC. The battle is in NYC this time? Then Percy and Annabeth are going to San Francisco 😅 My babies deserve a rest.
Stelle is going to rule the world some day.
The cows... That was... so weird...
Also they mentioned Venezuela and I’m so happy for it.
Nico can kill just by touching people... WOW.
Meg is a little queen.
Her encounter with Nero was so heartbreaking but she was so brave...
Poor Lu.
“Nobody hits my boyfriend and nobody kills my dad”. Again: I love you, Will.
Apollo being sweet with his children was adorable. The compliment to Kayla and the cute little talk with Austin made me cry.
Also the other three new kids in the Apollo cabin meeting their dad. And Austin introducing them to Apollo like “they are the children you sired years ago, you probably don’t remember but now you do, you’re welcome” 😅 Also how do they know they’re Apollo’s children? He couldn’t have claimed them. Another god did for him? They’re just too good with arrows or medicine and make it too easy to deduce?
The other gods can watch him in a proyector in the hearth’s fire... Like, since when have them been watching him and laughing and betting against him? Since his trials started? That is so cruel, they’ve known Apollo for thousands of years. Hermes disappointed me so much, I really liked him. I expected no less from Ares tho. Also Poseidon was just there bored to the core and yawning like... You had that punishment before once too! And with Apollo! You know how it feels, you should care. I want to think maybe he was just too tired (if gods can get tired) because of the rebuilding of his palace but honestly what are the odds? The decline in Poseidon’s character is very sad.
Apollo walking to Python almost unarmed and alone was so brave. He couldn’t have gone like that in the first book and I’m so proud of him, he has grown so much.
“I missed the shot. Don’t even pretend to be surprised” I was not, Lester. At least you tried.
Ehh did I mention Artemis? No? Well... ARTEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS!!! The best goddess!! She was so worried 🥺 begging Zeus to forgive Apollo 😭 and screaming to Aphrodite... She’s so awesome I just can’t.
The description of how Apollo and Python fall to chaos was amazing. I never thought Rick would touch the subject of Chaos but it was great. The perfect end for Python and (of course) the perfect timing for the goddess of Stix to appear. At least she saw that Apollo has really learned the lesson. He must be true to all his promises from now on, specially the most important ones. He will remember. And the fact that Zeus can’t see to the Chaos? Sweet.
The way Apollo wept in his sister’s shoulder broke me. Poor guy, he has been through too much. And Artemis was there just so happy that he’s back and well and alive :’) she’s the best. “Not a cuddler, my sister. But she allowed me to hold her hands” aaawwwwww. Also the way she dressed him up into a dress was the most sibling-relationship-thing I’ve ever seen in a god/goddess 😅
“The gods awaited” is such a good phrase. Almost as good as “Release the Kraken!”.
I can’t stop thinking about the image of the tiny gods with Mickey Mouse voice “Welcome to Olympus!” 😂😂😂
“Wisdom, comes in handy” omg Athena.
If I thought before that Zeus was bad well now he seems even worse.
Why was Hera crying over Jason? Was she really grieving? Why? Doesn’t she hate every one of Zeus’s children? What did I miss?
The fact that Zeus doesn’t care about his son’s death 😒
Apollo visiting every single one of his demigods friends :’)
Hazel and Frank are finally free of their curses and living life like never before :’) I’m so happy for them.
Reyna seems so happy now with her bff Thalia hunting that damn fox. Also “no puedes decirle mamacita a una mujer, ¿entendiste?” was perfect 😅 I need more of Reyna and Leo speaking in Spanish.
Calypso enjoying school? Adorable :3
How doesn’t Apollo know if Georgie is his daughter or not? He’s a god now, he should now. He knew Thalia’s age just by looking at her, just saying.
I need lots of stories about the Hunters of Artemis, specially about what happened at the end with that fox.
The fact that Apollo knew Artemis was the only one there actually happy to have him back... And the wink at the end... I’m just obsessed with these twins ok?
Apollo bringing blue cookies to Percy was adorable. And Percy doesn’t know what to study, he just knows it has to be something with the ocean. I’m glad to see he doesn’t think about his phobia anymore. And Apollo’s concern about if Percy and Annabeth were going to share a bedroom or no 😅 hilarious. But that’s none of your business, Apollo. Annabeth told you herself.
Piper is bi! 😱 She’s finally happy (even missing Jason tho, don’t misunderstand me) with her partner and Apollo is so happy for her and she’s so happy for him and wow :’) too much cuteness.
The part with Meg was the most emotional. He even appeared a unicorn for her. “Will you come back?” “Always. The sun always comes back” and that’s the last sentence he says and it’s so beautiful 😭
The last paragraph killed me. It does every time I re-read it. Apollo I want you to know that I’m smiling on you too. Specially on sunny days. I’m very proud of you. We’re friends now indeed, and I’m glad for it.
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korra-the-red-lion · 3 years
Supergirl 6x18: Truth or Consequences.
Hey y’all, it’s your girl Korra! There is only one week of Supergirl left and I’m not coping well with it, haha. This show...sigh, this show. I will always have a soft spot for it. I’m really going to miss it, warts and all. Alright, so how did this episode fair? Let’s find out, and as always, SPOILERS AHEAD.
The episode opens up with William telling the Superfriends about his secret meeting with Otis. This is setting up a few things right away. 1) William’s story this episode which we all know isn’t going to end well. 2) Alex’s story about her feelings about Esme. Not a bad way to start the episode.
Andrea leaked Lex’s journal to the media and put William’s name on it 💀. Understandably, Lex and William are both very upset. I did laugh when Nyxly said “they don’t even know me” when the reporters called her a psychopath haha. Girl, they don’t need to know you. You’ve caused so much damage to the city already.
William storms into Andrea’s office and rightfully chews her out for it. I think it was a little mean of him to compare her to Lex. William didn’t like working for Andrea, that’s been obvious since the beginning of this season, so I never understood why he didn’t just leave. Anyway, this speech right here...yeah, it’s his last hooray, so to speak.
I did love that Andrea spoke Spanish though. Points for that.
The Superfriends go to get the Totems from Nyxly and Lex. The action looks good but the CGI was a little wonky. Looking at this, I realized something. Brainy and J’onn both have been in make up more the last few episodes. I guess they’re using the budget for that instead of the CGI, which is fine lol. Just something that came to mind.
Brainy is talking to Winn but they didn’t want to pay Jeremy for voice work so instead it’s a bunch of moving lines lmfao. But Brainy’s face when he receives the news? OUCH.
Yet another Lexly scene. There are a lot of them this episode.
Alex and Kelly are cleaning Esme up after she blew up paint at the school because Chelsea was being rude to her. Girl, blow that paint up. Alex handles the moment really well and then we see the Love Totem mark on her skin. Uh oh. This is not a good thing.
THIS SCENE. F*ck. Last week I said I was worried that Brainy might be leaving at the end of the season to go back to the future and this happens!! UGH. I DIDN’T WANT TO BE RIGHT. I really, really, really, hope that they find a way that he can stay because I can’t handle Brainia breaking up in the finale. That would be way too sad. Jesse Rath also absolutely demolishes this scene. Ngl people, I cried. It was a lot. His “I AM A PART OF SOMETHING GREATER!!” hurts so damn much.
Not that I have a lot of hope for it, but there is a parallel between Supercorp here. Brainy looks at his phone in despair after future Brainy tells him he has to go back, and it’s a picture of Nia. Kara (or Lena, my memory is a little fuzzy on this) also did that at some point during s5.
Another Lexly scene. They go get the Truth Totem, which is hidden in the archives of the SG prop department lol. I honestly feeling like they were careful with the budget this episode because of the finale. Or at least I hope so.
Another parallel between Kara and Nyxly: Nyxly says she doesn’t want to be alone, not to be afraid that those who are close to her will betray her. Kara doesn’t want to be alone anymore and wants to be able to be herself. 
Danvers sisters are fighting. The thing is...Kara is only trying to help. This fight felt a little forced, in terms of I don’t think Alex would have been so defensive about this. I think this fight was supposed to be a build up for Kara’s identity reveal in the finale. Anyway, Kara and Alex both make some fair points, and again, I do feel like for the most part Kara is trying to help, but Alex gets angry and leaves, leaving Kara feeling guilty for her actions.
Nia is trying to locate Nyxly and the Totems, but ends up seeing Brainy’s time is coming to an end. You may have heard this a few times, but Jesse kills this scene. Nicole does too. This whole scene hurts. It was so well done.
So we’re 16 minutes into the episode and we’re having another Lexly scene. My biggest issue with this episode is exactly this. I don’t mind them. I even like that Lex isn’t taking over her as the villain. My problem is just that too much of the episode is focused on them, and building up their love story. You could have done this earlier in the season or something. It was just too much.
Andrea calls Lena, because the writers remembered they were friends lmao. Lena answers even though she’s supposedly busy. So they have a good conversation about why Andrea did what she did, and it was a good one to have. It just sucks that they could have been building up Andrea’s story this whole time but now it’s gonna be shoved into the last couple of episodes.
J’onn listens to Kara about why she is down about Esme and Alex. I’m glad that he does agree with her, but gently reminds her that they (Kelly and Alex) are her moms. I think this is good because it shows us that Kara did have good intentions and how hard it was being an alien.
I feel like Alex is a little short with Kara in this scene for no real reason. Like Kara is just saying not to cancel something because of this. Not a shining moment for Alex.
Kara and J’onn go the ship to get the Totems. Kara gets blasted by Lex and used TWO of her powers. I couldn’t believe it. She was a super badass this scene. Mitch attacks J’onn and he owns Mitch’s butt in like 10 seconds lol. Kara causes the ship to explode and they get the Totems! J’onn, who can fly through space, takes Kara back to Earth.
Esme wins the competition! William offers to babysit her so the others can party and I knew it was coming after this. My stomach dropped. It’s not a good feeling.
Alex and Kara make up and I’m glad. I still feel like the conflict was a little forced but overall it was well done. This conversation is really great and Melissa and Chyler kill it. I’m glad they had a heart to heart.
Lexly. Again. Nyxly realizes that she cares for Lex in this scene and they discover the Love Totem. I thought they were going to kiss and I’m so glad that they didn’t. Anyway, so they go to get the Totem.
So there’s a really fun Bachelorette party scene that doesn’t last very long. I did love the conversations they all had though, and the dancing was super fun. I just never want anyone to complain about the Flash Bachelorette episode to me every again lmfao. At least Iris and the girls got to be the focus.
Okay, before I really get into this, but why did J’onn not notice that they were at the Tower? So much for psychic overview. And William recorded this whole thing instead of calling for help??
Alright. So here is my biggest problem of the episode. We all knew William’s death was coming. Between the writing and BTS stuff, we knew. But I don’t care. I had no feelings when he died, and that’s on the writers. They introduced him as a douchebag at first, and claimed it was because he was undercover. Then had to turn around and make him into a nice guy. Then he was forced as Kara’s LI for a bit, which was horrible. That was all in s5. So s6 rolls around and I found him to be tolerable. He has a girlfriend now, and he’s just overall trying to be helpful while doing his job. But William had no real personality outside of that. With his skin tone we knew he was probably half Indian, but that was never mentioned until this episode. He was just the British baker who wanted to help. I’m not sad over his death. I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated that they killed him off, killed off yet another person of colour, when they could have just made him leave the show. His death was a plot device to motivate someone to finally get rid of Lex once and for all. William was a wasted character. All this time spent on him to make us feel bad really didn’t do much, so that was wasted time as well. Nothing about his death makes me happy or sad. I’m just angry at the writers.
The ending of the episode is good though. I do think they did a good job showing that the Superfriends cared about him. And obviously they’re worried about Esme as well. High stakes for the next episode.
Okay, so that’s it. I rewatched the episode and liked it a little better the second time. I still think that Lexly was just too much this episode, and William’s death was unnecessary. But overall, it sets some stuff up for the finale. It wasn’t a terrible episode, just not my favourite. Part of that is probably because I’ve been pissed about William’s dying for weeks now. Anyway, let’s see if the finale can pull this off. I really want SG to have a good ending. I think this season has been pretty fun for the most part. Way better than s5. If they stick the landing, I think SG will have a good rewatch value for me at least. But let’s see how it goes. Also, I’ll be doing episode 19 and 20 in separate posts because that’s gonna be a lot. 
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achliegh · 3 years
Olive and Otto
Olive and Otto
Masterlist :)
This is an AU still set in the SW universe but a little to the right and maybe down the block. I want Leo to have a little secret!
This is the 22nd chapter of this little series I have and it's a little spicy. Enjoy!
FAMILY SKATE! Part 2 and Final Chapter!
I just wanted to say thank you all for reading this, it makes me so happy because my writing feel like garbage to me but y'all treat it like its precocious and I have cried happy tears over things y'all have said. I just can't thank y'all enough.
TW/CW: Smut, Drama, Arguing, Questioning Sexuality, Food, Panic attack
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Family Skate was booming, everyone was a little taken back at the two hurricanes with adorable old timey names. Those kids tore up the ice, for only being three those kids could probably out skate most the team. Remus’ little brother, Julian, Loved Otto. Like he didn’t leave his side the entire time they skated. Olive would skate around with Kuny, she was so fascinated when he would speak Russian to her. She was absolutely taken by the giant Russian and she wanted to understand this new language so bad that Kuny taught her some bad words and Sergei told him off for it.
Sometimes the kids would be talking to someone and just randomly switch to either French or Spanish without even realizing it and then get upset when Leo or INK would tell them to “Speak English, Sweetheart”. Otto and Marc were skating together when Otto had a dizzy spell and fell over, everyone froze for a second remembering what Leo said about the little boy earlier.
“You okay?” Marc held his hand out and was looking at Otto worried because his new friend just fell over for no reason. Yeah he was younger than him but Marc had never seen someone just drop like that. Otto nodded and used Marc’s hand to stand up.
“I want to sit” They skated over to where INK was sitting on the bench talking with Eloise and Celeste, Otto was very good at knowing when he hit his limits for the day and today was the first time since his surgery that he had been on the ice for more than a few laps with his dad. He crawled up between Eloise and Celeste, he kicked his skates a little as he watched everyone skate. “Ma-maw, why can’t I live here? I could have friends.” He looked up at his grandma who was stunned by what he said and so was Celeste. “No one likes me at school at home.” He didn’t understand why it was a big deal that he didn’t have many friends. He did enjoy all the kids here though.
The Weasley kids were fun and had treated him like he wasn’t a downer. The Dumais' treated him like a little brother and some of the other kids whose names he didn’t remember played tag with him and didn’t go easy. He didn’t want to go home.
“Oh honey, you’ll be up here all summer. Then you can play with all the other kids then. Just enjoy your time here, you have three more days with your daddy before he has to work and your mama has to go to work back home.” Eloise was just trying to talk him into enjoying his time now but she wasn’t expecting him to talk about friends, he never did. He was like Leo in that sense, kept to himself but was very observant.
“If you want I can give your maman my phone number and you can call Marc anytime after school.” Celeste petted his hair and he leaned into her touch. He nodded, having a big ole smile on his face and his cheeks were a little red, he thought Celeste was so pretty.
Olive was racing Charlie and beat him for the third time, he looked exhausted but she was still revving to go. She was incredibly fast but she was also very small, she skated around the outside and caught up with Leo. She somehow got between Leo and Finn, she grabbed each of their hands and let them pull her.
“Daddy, did you see how fast I was! I beat Charlie!” She got listed up by them and laughed as they put her down, not noticing the absolutely lovesick expression Logan was watching them with. “I want to play hockey someday! I want to be just like you! Oh, daddy do you have a boyfriend yet? Mama wants to get married to June!” She looks up at him when he laughs at Finn's face who is firetruck red. She really doesn’t want her daddy to be lonely anymore, it makes her sad. She was really angry when he left but when he facetimes mama the first time crying, she wasn’t angry anymore, she was scared. She can’t take care of him so who will.
“Olive, what would you say if I had two boyfriends?”
“Whoa! That would be so cool! You would never be sad!” She smiles flashing those incredible dimples and hears Bill calling for her. “I gotta go race, by Daddy!” She skates off leaving a laughing Leo and a red Finn to call Logan over.
After the Pick-up game Olive was watching the entire time while Ott had fallen asleep with his head on Celeste's lap. Everyone got changed and showered, after they piled into cars and drove to Dumo's. INK can’t cook for shit so she was sitting on the couch chatting with the team while Leo and his mother cooked in the kitchen with Celeste. Wyatt was talking to Pascal and Arthur in the dad way, with a few signatures on his shoulder.
She was watching everyone when a pregnant redhead sat neck to her, she groaned a little and looks at INK.
“How far along are you”
“About 6 months” She smiles at INK and rubs her stomach. “I’m Lily by the way, Pots is my lover.” She nods towards said lover who is being cheered on as he chugs some kombucha. INK snorts at him and laughs. “How did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Have twins, I can’t even imagine the strain it took on you.”
“I had to drop out of school and was bed ridden for the last three months of my pregnancy. It was really hard but Leo never left my side, the stupid idiot sweetheart.” She smiles and rolls her eyes. “I never wanted kids when I was younger because I was afraid I would end up like my parents, then Leo and I did some stuff and it was probably a less than 1% chance that I would get pregnant and it happened.” Olive ran past them with her Daddy's Jersey on her that was much to big, she almost trips on it and laughs as Adele chases her playfully. “I can saw that those three definitely saved my life.”
“Yeah, Olive, Otto, and Leo. I couldn’t have done anything without him. He is the best dad, and he supports those two with everything he has. We also don’t want to put them into the public eye until they can choose for themselves if they want to be followed like that.” She takes a sip of her wine and looks at Lily. “I don’t really have any advice to help you because the last few months I mostly slept and cried. If you need me to get anything for you I will though.”
“I just want to get to know you, you’re someone who has raised two adorable children and you’re still smoking hot!” That surprises a laugh out of her and Lily join in the laughing after a minute.
Leo walks out of the kitchen. “Let's eat y’all!” Finn and Logan kiss his cheek as they walk into the kitchen to eat, Pots and Nado also smack big wet kisses on his cheeks as they walk past. He shoves them and follows everyone else.
“No, Otto you know you know you can’t have that.” He takes a peanut butter bar away from him and shakes his head. “I don’t feel like going to the emergency room tonight.” Otto is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, he seems to forget how serious it is to eat stuff that might kill him. Usually no one has any form of nuts in the house, but this isn’t their house.
The child he just took a treat away from starts to cry and he sighs, walking over to where the treats are he asks celeste what's in each one and grabs a double chocolate brownie for Otto and hands it to him. “Don’t eat it until your plate is empty, okay?” Otto instantly stops crying and nods running off to join his sister. Shaking his head he feels arms wrap around his shoulders.
“You’re so good with them” Leo smiles and looks over to his dad. He looks so proud of him, he kisses his son's head and pats his shoulder. “I’m gonna go eat with Pascal Dumais” Leo snorts as his dad giddily goes to sit next to his teammate.
As he looks around he has never felt more at home, INK and June were talking with Lily and Natalie. Olive and Otto are eating and talking at the kids tables, Finn and Logan are openly flirting and stealing cute glances at him. He felt so calm and like he could breathe.
Suddenly Pots jumps up.
“They are the picture in your stall!”
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Betty, My Betty! Part 2
Okay as I'm writing this I'm rewatching this scene over and over to make sure that I'm picking up the vibes correctly.
After all the entire point of my commentary is to digest what the writer, Fernando Gainta, the director and actors wanted us to know.
We're still in the same time frame of Armando finding out Betty has a boyfriend, though to the audience we are fully aware that Nicolas is just Betty's friend and the person she used to disguise her crush on Armando, in other words, Betty's true love is Armando and he doesn't know that but believes that Nicolas is which feeds the cycle of paranoia this man has.
The day between Marcela and Armando started off estranged due to their argument the night before. Though at first they seemed to tolerate each other when Marcela went to yell at Betty for the checks not being in cash, like she said she had told her, Armando went to Betty's aid and yelled at Marcela(in the hall before she made it to Betty's office) and then he got the worse news of his life and has been on a rollar coaster of emotions.
In this first scene I'll be talking about: Marcela enters Armando's office, pissed off. Her eyes are shooting bullets at Armando and his voice is.. how do I say nonchalant but annoyed? It's mostly an oxymoron.She's asked about the money. He does have a sharp tone as he tells her "My love, I just signed the papers for her to do that." His eyes aren't behind as he too is shooting bullets at his fiance.
I have a love hate relationship with Marcela. One moment I really like her and the next I could strangle her, not enough to actually do it but enough to imagine it.
Marcela has her arms folded in front of her looking apprehensive while shifting on her feet and shaking. Not only does her tone of voice allow us to pick up on her mood, so does her body language. She truly dispieses Betty.
I want to add here that the previous night when Marcela insulted Betty as she was leaving you could tell Betty was upset and not only because of the insults towards her and Marcela insulting her work ethics and role in the company but she stared dead at Armando as if also upset at him. I placed myself in her shoes and my inner monologue was "If only this dude could keep it in his pants and stop being such a whore so I wouldn't get told that I don't do what my father paid for me to study and instead I'm his pimp that would me great! I hate this and you." because we do see Betty being level headed and understanding where Marcela is coming from though Marcela also never makes Armando take accountability for his infidelity which is annoying on both their parts.
Back to this scene.
Armando glares at her and says "Can you give me a second, my love?" he mocks at the end. In the next frame we see Marcela rolling her eyes, arms folded in front of her and our dear and sweet(this is sarcastic) Mario Calderon sticking to the shadows observing and inspecting everything silently. This is important to take into account as this is what allows him to be such a good manipulator because you're not even aware that he's doing it.
Armando without taking his eyes off of Marcela then yells for Betty, twice and Betty runs towards him and in her very sweet and calm voice says "Yes Sir?". I've seen this scene one too many times because I often rewind to study certain scenes, even before I started to write these post and it wasn't until now that I paid attention to Marcela's reaction.
Once again Armando has eyes on Marcela the entire time. Not even when Betty enters the room does he turn to look at her. His tone continues to be strong, allowing us to know that the frustration or anger he's feeling is not directed towards Betty here but Marcela.
However Marcela(Let me just say the actress is so pretty) is now playing her neck, and rocking on her feet. As Armando says "Tell me, did you get the money for the lady?" Marcela's body language is very interesting. As she goes to rub her chin and sports a smirk on her face.
I'm trying to understand why she would react that way as just a second ago she was fuming and then annoyed because Armando was yelling.
These are my two conclusions:
1) Since her back is towards them she could be assuming that he is directing that tone of voice and anger towards Betty, which would make her happy that Betty is paying the price for their argument.
2) That it brings her joy to anger Armando. In a previous post I talked about how Marcela always seems to be looking for an excuse to lash out at Armando and it could be that she enjoys to get him riled up as she says in some episodes back (the make up seggs is always good) or she just likes making him miserable.
Betty goes to hand her the money and asks her if she'd be kind to sign the papers. Betty, even when Marcela had insulted her, her profession, and her role in the company, speaks to her with respect and kindness. Marcela doesn't even look at her. Instead she just grabs the money and starts counting. Mario is in the background taking it all in.
When Marcela laughs at this and tells her "Ha! Are you suspicious? (insinuating that Betty was calling her a thief) or what?"Mario's eyes grow big as he panics(remember that he is worried that if people yell at Betty she'll turn against them(he too isn't that bright as he later leaves a letter that does just that))
Now Armando's reaction is different as his expression softens and he shifts from being annoyed or angered to now trying to buffer the situation. He goes to say "My love you know perfectly well that's just formality. Stop bothering so much" his eyes are wide, his tone of voice shifts from annoyed to apprehensive and Marcela yells and tells him "Don't scream at me!" and he hisses her "You are unbearable."
Betty is really just standing between the both of them uncomfortable as I would too.
Marcela reminds Armando of what they talked about the previous night and how he hasn't done neither one thing or the other. We get a brief frame of Armando, lips tight in a line in anger to then softening them a bit to stare at Betty. This allows us to know that it is an unpleasant idea, in a sad way, for him to fire Betty or even think about it and not because she's the owner of Eco Moda.
Marcela proceeds to tell him not to expect a different Marcela or for her to be kind and we get music that sounds like the jaws song as she exits the office.
Now Mario has been there the entire time. He hasn't said a single thing or done anything to aid the situation. All he has done is read the room, hear and observe everything and everyone.
This is reminiscent of what we come to see of Armando and Marcela's relationship. This is the day where it is solidified that their relationship is doomed and over with. At least the side of their relationship that kept them off each others throats for long. Where Armando would at least make the effort to talk to her and be open, even when she always turned it around to make it about herself and he always had to swallow down his feelings and comfort her when it was him who needed it. Their relationship had some sort of fighting ground. That's what kept them fighting but if we're being honest here their relationship was mostly based on two people who just enjoyed screwing each other. It wasn't based on love, respect, honesty, or loyalty but based on the commitment to their parents and family and seggs.
When I was in middle school I had this teacher talk to us girls about lust and love and how at our age, which was emotional immaturity, we could assume that because we felt attraction it was love but that they were two different things.
Lust is based on physical wants and needs whilst love is based on emotional and spiritual wants and needs. Love is the desire to give while lust is the desire to receive.
Armando and Marcela have never been in love with each other instead they've been in lust with each other except one mistakes this lust for love and mistakes love for possession.
Knowing to tell these things apart in our romantic life helps us establish a healthy relationship and sadly Marcela hasn't learned to tell these two things apart and this scene shows us that very well. Their relationship is doomed and there is no going back because she asked for the head of the person who is changing the life of Armando Mendoza and not just professionally and economically but in a mental and emotional way and though he isn't aware of that yet his subconscious is and it's made up its mind.
As Mario proceeds to ask him what she's talking about he[Armando] tells him that Marcela asked for Betty's head. We then see Betty standing by her closed office door listening in.
Mario asks shocked "What?" because of course, how could he allow Marcela to ask for the head of the secret owner of Eco Moda?
Again our dear and stupid Armando is in another planet, or solar system, point is he isn't in the same wavelength that Mario is in. He goes to explain that Marcela thinks Betty is his accomplice and fixes him up with his dates which then leads to Mario frantically telling him that she's crazy and he can't contemplate that option.
Armando again is biting his thumb nail, he's nervous but agrees and his mood changes drastically. He looks determined as he tells Mario "I know, I know. Look, no one is going to touch Betty!"(in spanish he says "Nadie me va a tocar a Betty" making it possessive that no one will take Betty from him) and we get a cut to Betty hearing him say that.
Here's the important thing to note throughout this scene. Armando's body language and his reaction is shown directed towards Marcela, not Betty. While Mario directs the topic to Betty being the new owner of Eco Moda, therefore shouldn't be yelled at or fired, Armando is sticking to the emotional aspect of it all. How could he fire the girl who is unconditional and loyal to him? How can he fire the girl he likes? and most importantly that no one is taking his Betty away from him. Be that Marcela asking for her head(he's willing to pay the price and whatever Marcela throws at him but he isn't firing her) or Nicolas Mora being her boyfriend.
What makes this concrete? When he tells Mario that Marcela is just taking advantage of the situation with Claudia and that she's always wanted Betty out it shows us hIS thought process. He isn't concerned over Betty being the new owner. If he were he'd mentioned it, just like Mario has. He would say "Marcela isn't aware she's the new owner but we are and I can't fire her." but those words never escape his mouth, even in secrecy with Mario. However, Mario does say those words even when Betty is in the room over or at least insinuates it.
Fast-forward a bit we get a scene of Claudia picking up a bottle of an alcoholic beverage and we get a clean cut to Armando pouring himself a drink. The parallel would be Claudia is drinking because she is heartbroken due to Armando kicking her out of his office so angrily the previous night and then we have Armando pouring himself a drink in the same time frame, he is stressed and he has started to drink more in the past few days but the back to back scenes with the same music tell us that he's also drinking due to a broken heart.
Armando can't catch a break right now.
Again this isn't speculation as when Mario point that out and tells him that it's too early to be drinking Armando gives him a list of excuses saying "Don't you think I've got a pretty sinister day today? Marcela and I are at each other's throats and today is the new[collection] launch. Plus! In that hotel there's a crazy model waiting for me and I don't know what she's going to do when I get there" The problems go escalating little by little as he list them and then he says "and on top of that, on top of everything-" when we say that phrase it means that we've already established we've got problems but what makes all those problems worse, what makes your situation worse is the next problem you're about to list which is the worst. His tone goes from being frustrated like he was naming the other problems to bringing his voice down and in a solemn tone saying "My Betty, has a boyfriend." he then proceeds to say that they are in his[Nicolas aka Betty's eternal love] hands.
Now one again could argue that his concern is Eco Moda because now he is untrustful of Betty and Nicolas with Eco Moda and I will argue back that the writing tells us otherwise.
[Read my two previous post regarding this because it makes it clear that the writer wanted us to know that Armando did trust Betty and Nicolas previous to the knowledge that Nicolas is Betty's eternal love.(I like to say that because I imagine that's what Armando hears in his head when he thinks of Nicolas)]
Had that been his concern he would have said this: 'Don't you think I've got a pretty sinister day? Tonight is the launch for the new collection, there's a crazy model waiting for me at the hotel and I don't know what she's going to do to me when I get there and plus we're in Betty and Nicola's hands now because I've lost the company and on top of that Marcela and I are at each other's throats!' but he continues to hang onto the fact that Betty, his Betty, has a boyfriend which is his biggest concern next to Nicolas existing.
His anguish is that: Betty has a boyfriend.
His concern is that: The boyfriend works in Terra Moda.
His pain in the butt is: Marcela is at his throat asking for Betty's head.
Mario then tells him that he won't deny that he is worried about Betty's situation but that they need to handle the situation delicately and that Armando cannot judge her for it. Cut to a frame of Armando staring at his glass of whisky to squinting his eyes at Mario; who then tells Armando not to criticize Betty's personal life. Again Mario is trying to keep Armando from pushing Betty against them in turn taking away the company.
"You can't question her for not telling you about the boyfriend. You can't take away your trust!" he hisses at the end.
Armando's eyes are the main reaction we get here as the rest of his face is covered by the whisky glass he had in hand. His eyes narrow. He is concentrating on what Mario is telling him and is paying attention to him.
This is setting ground for the later manipulation as Armando begins to do this a lot.
The music changes to a more intriguing one. Mario stands up and leans towards Armando on the desk and whispers "you know what we have to do? What we have to do is to really figure out who he is, what he does and what kind of person he is before we start to panic."
Now who is Nicolas?
We know he is Betty's oldest friend and longest friendship and that he cares about Betty. He went to defend her against Roman and his friends even when he got hit for it. We know that he is protective of her and besides having a crush on a woman we know and he knows bullies and mistreats Betty, he is a good friend to Betty.
He prioritizes her feelings and he does anything to make her happy. Even going along with Betty's lies and schemes.
He tries to advise her to put everyone in their place when they abuse her for her looks when she becomes the owner of Eco Moda, once again showing us that he wants Betty's best interest and doesn't like that people treat her poorly. He is naive and somewhat dumb when it comes to real life problems like dating and social interactions.
Personally I find Nicolas endearing and I think Nicolas has always been very kind to Betty and always done his best to put a smile on her face.
He does let himself get distracted with the idea of riches and he brags about what he doesn't have but even then Nicolas is still morally and ethically correct. He has those tendencies and desires but he never goes through with them because his love for Betty and his loyalty to her keep him from it.
Nicolas is a good person flaws and all.
We know this, Betty knows and Armando knows this.
How are we sure he knows this?
Betty herself said to him "He is my other me" I don't have to breakdown what that means because we know she means that he is basically the same person within that she is therefore, Armando knows who Nicolas is and his distrust isn't based on Nicolás taking the company away. When he said that they were now in his hands he could have meant "Betty is in his hands".
It's important once again to understand this because it isn't until later that day that he finds out about what Mariana told Betty, again we know that Nicolas is the alias Betty uses for Armando, but he doesn't know this.
Right now his true anguish is that Betty has a boyfriend and that boyfriend is Nicolas Mora, an object of disdain to him now and we understand his mistrust isn't based on Eco Moda and what they could do to it but that Nicolas is Betty's boyfriend and he can take her away from him.
It isn't until after Bertha tells him everything Mariana said about Betty and her eternal love(I am referring to the real one being Armando) that he begins to distrust Nicolas as an individual(without Betty) who can "manipulate" Betty with love to turn against them and this then shows the true disgusting nature that two egocentric and selfish people will show.
Armando did use Betty to secure Eco Moda and it is wrong. Mario thought that the only way a girl like Betty could ever get anyone interested in her or get someone to love her was only on interest of money. However and I need to remind you of this, Armando had another reason to go with the plan and it wasn't just that he is a disgusting human being at this point of the novela, but he subconsciously already liked Betty. He already had feelings for her that he didn't understand and he tried to justify for other things.
My personal theory regarding this topic is that Armando in a sense thought he was saving the company and Betty. He thought that by going along with this plan to make Betty fall in love with him he was saving her from Nicolas, who didn't truly love or care about Betty in his opinion and was only going to use her for the money but unlike him [Nicolas] Armando did care for her even if he didn't understand how and the depths of his feelings towards Betty. So he killed two birds with one stone.
He would secure that Nicolas wouldn't convince Betty to take away Eco Moda by promising her love and that Nicolas didn't take Betty away from him therefore saving Betty from pain.
I still haven't gotten to those episodes, I have seen them so I'm going off by memory but again, these three minute or five minute scenes give so much information. Fernando Gaitan did a tremendous job with foreshadowing and parallels(also the actors all have so many ticks that identify their moods that it's so fun to watch!) that it's really fun to pick apart these scenes because they have later consequences in the following episodes.
This post is already long enough lol so I will make another post about this same episode.
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having a really hard time rn and just need to rant so i’m posting below the cut
having my worst couple weeks in a good 6 months or so. my anxiety is off the charts, and when my anxiety is bad, so is my depression. i’ve gotten into at least 1 argument per day with my mom, and a couple days ago got into 4. i feel like she’s suffocating me. i love her, but she’s always been overly protective and has strong opinions. college has given me the opportunity to dress how i want and do what’s best for me with my schedule without worrying that she’ll judge me or get angry with me for whatever reason. i’ve cried myself to sleep more nights than not. i’ve only been home a week and a half.
i also just feel very alone and not cared about right now. i’ve barely seen my sisters since getting home, and i was so excited to see them. they still have school, but i hardly spend time with them after they get home or on the weekends. with my youngest, it makes sense. she has final projects and tests right now, so she’s been busy with work. but any down time she has is spent with friends instead. like today, she obviously wasn’t going to do homework on a friday when she has a long weekend. but she invited her friend over to watch stranger things instead. i love stranger things and would have loved to watch it with her, but she chose her friend that she sees every day over me, her sister that she hasn’t seen in months. my middle sister still has to go to school, but she’s done with classes because she’s a senior. she has no homework, and still, i barely see her. she’s either in her room doing god knows what, or hanging out with people from school. mind you, this makes no goddamn sense because she hates her grade. she’s jumped around more friend groups than i can count, and can’t wait to go to college. it doesn’t make sense. i have friends from home, but not everyone is home this summer. everyone who is works, and the distance makes it even more difficult to see anyone. i went to a private school 30 mins away, so my friends live all over the place. i don’t know anyone from my home town really
basically, with my high anxiety and depression, i can’t function well enough to motivate myself to do anything that might help alleviate some stress, like drawing or reading or music. so i sit around, and try not to get into arguments with my mom, which just means doing a shit ton of work around the house. washing dishes, doing laundry, more dishes, walk the dog, make us all lunch, more dishes, talk to my grandma (who berates me about “not speaking spanish well” even though my spanish is very good, despite some mistakes, and claims that my youngest sister speaks better spanish than me even though her spanish is crap, AND says that my cousin can speak and understand spanish even though he doesn’t understand A SINGLE WORD i kid you not), go to the grocery store, pick up my sisters, help make dinner, walk the dog, do more dishes, and then spend the rest of the night alone.
to top it all off, i’m turning 20 on monday and i don’t think we are doing anything to celebrate. a lot of attention has been on my middle sister, and rightly so! she’s graduating high school on saturday, her prom is on thursday, she went to another prom yesterday, today she did the senior 6 flags trip, etc etc. but it also hurts. my senior year of high school was 2020. i didn’t get any of this stuff. i left from spring break and that was the last time i saw my grade. we had a graduation, but it was social distanced, and not everyone could be there. only my parents were allowed to come. i missed all of the senior year traditions that i was so so so looking forward to. i’m not jealous or angry, i just feel a little sad and some longing for what was lost. i’m just feeling very vulnerable and no one seems to notice or care. and the sting is worse because, like i said, it’s my birthday on monday and hardly anyone has given it a single thought.
idk. i feel stupid and lost and alone and i don’t know what to do.
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Imma be real in this ask, but ummm can you do the main 3 reacting to their s/o writing a letter to their father in Spanish for their father’s birthday when they barely see their father after their father left them at a really young age and their s/o can’t finish writing the birthday card without breaking down in tears?
So my fathers birthday is tomorrow and I can’t visit him at his house due to him sending me and my sister back home and me being such a daddy’s little girl I was when I was younger I had trouble time adapting to not seeing him everyday like I used to. He left at a really bad time in my life when I needed him, he wasn’t there. He’s a workaholic and an alcoholic. I wasn’t a mommy’s little girl but my sister was so she got along much better with my mom instead of me. Please don’t cry if you read this
I get you <3 I paused my requests to answer your first.
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Izuku doesn’t really know much about you and your father’s relationship
So when he can’t find you in the common room Saturday morning with the others he goes back upstairs to check your room
He does not knock when he sees your door is slightly ajar
He peeks in and sees you writing on your desk
You were there attempting to write your father a letter
Emphasis on attempting because you kept stopping
You didn’t want to but everytime you wrote, tears threatened to spill
Izuku noticed that the minute you stop writing.
He walks in and softly speaks, “Y/N? Is everything okay?”
You quickly wipe your tears and look at him
“Everything is fine!” You lie
Izuku frowns, “what’s wrong?”
You sniff before answering
“Its- my dads birthday is almost here and I wanted to write him a letter, but I can’t seem to finish it” You give him a weak smile.
He approaches you and leans over your shoulder to read it but finds himself confused at the writing
“It’s in Spanish” you explain, “I, I always write him a birthday card... but this time, I can’t bring myself to finish it..”
Izuku frowns, he hates seeing you sad and hugs you.
You hug him back letting your tears fall, “I miss him so much... He may have left me at a young age, but I really miss him.”
Izuku fully understands how you feel and comforts you. “Come on, lets lay down and cuddle... You can write it later when you feel better”
You wipe your tears and follow him to your bed, “Thank you Izu.”
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Shoto goes about 2 hours before he notices you aren’t with the others in the common room.
Don’t blame him, he isn’t always aware of his surroundings
Anyways, He gets up to look for you and he finds you on your bed surrounded by crumpled up birthday cards.
He tries to remember who has a birthday but comes up blank
You look frustrated and about to cry as you try again to write to your father.
“Y/N, is everything okay?” Shoto asks
“Yeah! Everything is fine, I can’t fucking seem to know what to write to my dad. Everything is fine and dandy.” You say not meaning to be harsh
Shoto knows you are annoyed so he walks over, “How about I read it”
“I doubt you will understand it, it is in Spanish” You say gripping your pencil
Shoto remembers that you only speak Spanish with your parents.
“Right.” He says he sits beside you and you continue to write
After a while he hears a quiet sob and looks at you
You were trying to muffle your sob but was unsuccessful as Shoto pulls you in
“I, I just don’t understand why he chose work over me! His child. I want to hate him but I can’t. I can’t. Why, Shoto... Was work more important? Was I not good enough? I mean I was just a child...” You whimper into his shoulder.
Shoto understands, his own father didn’t even care about him, just his quirk.
He tightens his hug as he answers, “Nothing is wrong with you. You are the most important person to me. You are fucking good enough, Y/N. Don’t you ever forget that.” He says, “It’s okay if you can’t think of something now, you can finish writing it when you feel better.”
You nod and hold him close, “Thank you. Thank you for being here for me Sho.”
Shoto just holds you closer, “Never forget, I will never leave your side, Y/N”
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Bakugo instantly knows something is wrong when the moment he exits the elevator to the common room, Your laughter is not present, He instantly turns around and gets back on the elevator heading to your room
He approaches your room quietly when he hears annoyed mumbling
Alert ready to blast someone he stays outside
Hates to admit it, but he is always hyper aware of your presence and seeks out your presence when he cant find it
He pushes the door open and you look up from the floor and stop your writing
“What’s going on?” He asks in his usual aggressive tone
You look up with tears forming, “nothing.”
He instantly feels bad, “Why are you about to cry?”
You grip the card and don’t answer.
“Answer me, Y/N.”
You look at him as a tear falls, “I’m writing a birthday card to my father.”
“That’s it? Really? I doubt writing him a letter is supposed to have you this worked up.”
You glare, “It is if he fucking left you at a young age.”
Bakugo regrets his words and approaches you to hug you, “I’m sorry... I didn’t know”
You sniff, “Its fine. I just want to get this over with.”
You look down at the paper and remember that day he left. You look up at him with tears as he walks away from your life not looking back once.
“I dont even know why I continue to write to him. I know he cares but it just hurts remembering how he left me every fucking year.”
Bakugo not knowing how to answer just pulls you into a bear hug
“Can I read the letter?” Bakugo finally asks
“You won’t be able to understand it, because it is in Spanish. But I can read it to you.”
“No that’s fine.” Bakugo tells you and encourages you to finish the card so you can send it as soon as possible.
Later in the day you both are in the common room, “Y/N?”
“Yes Bakugo?”
“I hope you know, and I hope you never think I will ever leave you. I will stay by you side as long as you want me to.”
You smile and hug him, “ Same with me, I will be by your side.”
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A/N- I hope you like it! I relate to your story a bit, except my dad is a workaholic but lives with me. Heh, he may live with me but he acts like I don’t exist, yet expects way to much from me. So, I did tear up a bit reading your request as well as writing it :)
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andromedia5 · 4 years
What’s in a Dance
They’re speaking.
The ballerinas are speaking with their bodies, so over exaggerated that she understands everything and it takes nothing. None of the words that have to fight through her mind to get to her mouth. Just pretty dresses and quick feet and music without words and it’s . . . beautiful.
She reaches for Bruce’s hand and squeezes, letting him anchor her to the world as the colors and the light and the life wash over her. He’s smiling at her; happy, calm, nervous.
Always nervous around her, but different nervous, hopeful nervous.
Hopeful nervous again, when she opens the ballet studio door to see him, sitting there waiting for her. He gets up, folding his newspaper under his arm.
“How’d it go, Cassie?”
She’s flung her arms around his neck before he can get another word out.
Bruce knocks at her door a few weeks after she starts ballet lessons with Madame Naomi while she’s lying on her bed listening to Tom Petty. Not just listening, listening with both headphones in and the volume up and her eyes closed letting Wildflowers wash over her and block out the rest of the world because she’s safe. He sits at the foot of her bed when she motions for him to come in and tugs at her feet teasingly, so her knees drop back down onto the bedspread. Cassandra pauses her music and takes her earbuds out, pushing back the hair that had gotten tangled in the wire.
“Good morning,”
“It’s not morning,” he points out, tilting his head towards the clock on her bedside table proudly displaying that it is in fact 2:25 and therefore; not morning.
“Happy see today,” That isn’t right, she knows it isn’t, it’s not complete and her mind starts to chase after the right words. Bruce runs a thumb over her knuckles soothingly.
“Take your time, sweetheart,”
Cass tries to slow down the words running through her mind so she can see them clearly. “Happy first time seeing me today,”
His eyes crinkle at the sides and he kisses her forehead “That, I am. Can you come down to the library with me for a second?”
She nods and swung her legs off the bed, following him out the door. Last time they had gone down to the library for a second it had been when he had given her that pair of his mother’s earrings. They had belonged to her grandmother before her and he had thought she would have wanted her granddaughter to have them but if she didn’t want them it was completely fine and they were old anyways and she didn’t even have her ears pierced so- at which point she had stopped listening to his rambling in favor of staring at the delicate gold flowers with the sapphires in the centers. Dick pierced her ears in his apartment a week later with a sewing needle and an ice cube and while he argued with a livid Alfred over the phone about how “It’s completely safe” and “That’s how I got my ears pierced at the circus,” Kory helped her put in the earrings and that glorious sense of belonging had washed over her, again.
The library smells of almond and old paper, sunlight drenching the leather armchairs and bouncing off the old grandfather clock. Cassandra lingers at the doorway watching as Bruce strides over to the old record player, carefully lowering a record onto it and turning to her. “You said you wanted to come to the gala this Saturday?” Something in her brain clicks as she realizes why they’re here and rushes over to him eagerly. “You don’t have to go if you changed your mind” he continues, “But I thought you might want to learn,”
“Different dancing,”
“Alfred made me go to lessons when I was your age but the last teacher filed a restraining order after I tried to send Jason when he was fourteen and he . . . well, you know your brother, you can imagine,” he turns and sets the needle on the record. Piano notes begin to play, simple and elegant like the way Tim’s fingers move across the shiny white and black keys.
“Clair de Lune, it’s a waltz but a very slow one, it’s easier to learn.” Bruce extends one of his hands and she holds it. Their hands look funny together, one tan and small, with uniform circular calluses and the other large and scarred with a thin dusting of hair up the back of his palm. “Now you put your hand on my shoulder,” he instructs as he rests his other hand on her waist and lower back, a bit like a hug.
She does so, albeit a bit impatiently “This isn’t dancing,”.
Bruce laughs and she pokes his shin with her toe as if it would wake his feet up and make them move. “We’re getting there. Now a waltz is mostly just a box step. There can be other elements but at its core it's just a box step. So we move back,” he gestured for her to take a step backward and then followed her with a step forward. “To the side,” they both side stepped in unison, “Foreword for you, back for me. And then to the side again and we’re back where we started.”
Cassandra looks up from where she had been tracking the movement of their feet in an attempt to memorize. It was surprisingly like a kata, or the five positions in ballet, simple. Maybe it was just that what she had seen had looked more like dancing than it actually was.
“That’s it?” she asks, trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice. He rolls his eyes and begins the box step again but faster this time, and this feels like what she’s seen other people do, the almost rise and fall of it, like a carousel. She trips over her feet a little but he holds her, not letting her fall until she’s memorized the rhythm of the steps. The same rush of euphoria she always gets from dancing comes swooping in as her father spins her into the light shining through the curtains.
They’re whispering, always whispering.
Cass has learnt a lot since leaving Cain. She’s learnt to speak English, she’s learnt to speak. She’s learnt that people don’t like her. Not for the bad things she’s done, not for Cain. Just don’t like her.
That’s what she’s told causes it, first by Alfred, who merely pats her cheek and makes a passing remark about the green eyed monster coming after kind, pretty girls.
She can tell he’s lying.
Then again by Steph, “Bruce is rich, Cass. All rich people want to be richer. Well, except your dad, but maybe he’s so rich it skips him. That’s why those harpy faced bitches with earrings that could pay my tuition don’t like you. Ignore it,”.
She isn’t lying. But Steph hasn’t seen.
Jason doesn’t say it’s jealousy. Jason doesn’t really answer, just laughs that laugh where he doesn’t really think it’s funny and mutters something in Spanish.
“Gringo cabrones. They never fucking change, do they, Cassie?”
She learns the way she learns a lot of things that no one could even begin to explain to her; a combination of TV and Tim. An episode of Boy Meets World and now she at least knows what questions to ask, which he answers. Cold anger and no small amount of what’s either sadness or guilt (it might be both) in his pretty eyes as he does his best to explain. He has the same look now, knuckles white as the old women sitting at the table near them get drunker and louder. Like birds on a tree branch, but the birds that like to sit outside her bedroom window don’t say her name quite so often or so mockingly. Tim stomps away while one of the board members she and Steph have christened “Mr. Suckup With The Sex Offender Mustache”  is in the middle of saying something and walks straight to her.
“Dance with me?” he asks, much louder than he needs to. Tim’s hand is cold in hers but it’s there and he follows her into a waltz, the four corners of the invisible handkerchief marking out the box step. “Can you let me lead?” he whines and this is that thing Barbara says about the elephant. When people don’t talk about something they both see. But it doesn’t feel like lies and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore. It feels like that pushing at her chest; the growing pains because she’s still adjusting to loving someone this much.
“Little brother,” she reminds him just in case he wasn’t getting ‘not a chance’ from her face, and Tim grins and squeezes her hand. Cass isn’t sure if the whispering stops or if she just can’t hear them anymore.
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