#it’s like. It makes total and complete sense despite having little to no evidence
yuttikkele · 4 months
the constant of nines and gavin dating in the dbh fanon is so funny to me because despite these two never even learning of each others’ existence, of COURSE they’re madly in love
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paradiseprincesss · 2 months
my random jonathan crane headcanons 🦇☕️🩺
i’m bored at work so i decided to jot down some of my personal headcanons & thoughts of our favourite little psycho doctor :] im talking about nolanverse!jonathan crane in these also <3
warning: nsfw themes/18+ MDNI
• i think he's a scorpio sun, capricorn moon, and a virgo rising because it just...makes sense
• if we're on the topic of astrology, he'd definitely think it's bullshit - like i know he'd roll his eyes as soon as someone starts to talk about astrology because where's the scientific evidence proving this stuff is legit?
• he drives a mercedes prove me wrong; and i know he'd always pick you up because he insists on doing it. just got off work? he's there. need a lift to class? you best believe he's driving you and picking you up after
• for safety reasons too, of course
• and its tinted like im talking completely blacked out so nobody can see him because he values his privacy or whatever
• despite what everyone thinks, he drinks his coffee with cream and sugar just not overly sweet. he dislikes black coffee because it's just too bitter and i think he wouldn't even bother drinking something that doesn't taste that good if u know what i mean?
• if you brought him coffee AND you remembered his order he would pretend to not care but deep down, his cold heart is melting lol
• he wears mont blanc cologne. no i will not elaborate any further — but he does. specifically mont blanc legend
• he gets flustered when you compliment him on how good he smells i can definitely see him having a hard time accepting compliments from you
• i also think when he compliments you, it's a little stiff or awkward at first because he doesn't really know how to show genuine love because he rarely ever feels this way
• if he was to move in with you, even if you were the girliest girl ever with all the shoes, clothes, and handbags you could dream of... his suit collection would still take up more closet space than your things to the point where you'd probably have to have two walk in closets or separate closets
• he will NOT compromise getting rid of any of his suits to make space for your things, BUT he will buy you another closet/get your place renovated and pay for it so you have more closet space
• he would want a girl who is smart — intellectual stimulation to jonathan is extremely important. you simply cannot be with him unless you're willing to talk about theories, psychology, anatomy, etc with him because who else is going to be able to share his thoughts with?
nsfw themes below
• i think he'd much rather give than receive because he strikes me as a little insecure — if he's eating you out you're focused on the way he's making you feel and he gets to focus on your body, rather than his own
• his stamina is fucking WILD because the self control this man has... like it's insane? could go round after round and will let you have your pleasure before his own, not a selfish lover despite what people think
• i think he's one of if not the most selfless lover in bed because i just know he'd fuck you so good, leave you a mess and make you come over and over again first before letting himself go
• i also think if you aren't into the whole "fear play" thing, he wouldn't force you. he would want you to be kinky and he'd totally experiment with you, but he'd never ever make you uncomfortable or push your limits if you didn't want to or agree to it
• he would 100% pay for your hair, nails, etc whatever is is you want because he thinks it's even sexier when you're all dressed up and done up for him before he ruins you
• especially the whole manicured nails thing...he'd pay for you to have them done because he likes to see them while your hands are wrapped around his cock and you're taking him in your mouth, looking up at him desperately
• buuuuut him actually letting you give him head is kind of...rare? because like i said, he's a lil insecure so he really has to trust you if he's going to let you in like that? and we're not going to talk about how long it takes for him to actually fuck you without any pieces of clothing on
• literally would rather you be naked and him fully dressed for obvious power dynamic reasons, but also because HE LITERALLY IS A NERD LOL he's not confident in his body
• even though you'd die for him and kiss the ground he walked on he's like :[
• lowkey...he's into body worshipping. everyone's like oh he's into bondage, punishment, fear play, all the extremes and stuff - ok sure. yes, but also BODY WORSHIPPING. i already know he falls more in love with you every time you do it to him
• but there's a fine line between body worshipping and letting you take the reins for real. he would rather die than be a sub :]
• lowkey after care is giving!!!
• towels, warm baths, glasses of wine and if you don't feel like drinking, maybe some hot tea and lots of gentle love after
• sigh, you love your little psycho nerdy doctor
• come at me for making him soft but i believe he's like this due to 1) his actual canon backstory and 2) nerds lowkey do it best sorry i don't make the rules
• ps, the glasses STAY on
@girlinterrupted505 @ciriceimpera @jordyn-yeager @thevelvetvampyre @galactict3a
@xanaxiii @nocturnest @psylrd @bloodandglitter207 @humbuginmybones
@oceanstem @futurefamousdeadmusician @jonathancraneslittlepet @esotericdoe
@ll4n4 @ilovetoxicfictionalmen @the-buddy-things @ellebelleshelby @wiseyouthinfluencer
@abprill @minedofmoria @strangeobsessed @5tud10-54r4h @franzine-xii
@stsrfujid @psylrd @eyraaaaaae @nyxxie-pooh @momoewn
@fauxcongenialite @ceruleanrainblues @o0laura @fiona-my-love
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bimbosanddolls · 2 years
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Diana was pleasantly surprised when she opened her door and saw a trail of rose petals leading her into the house. Her girlfriend, Lea, had never been much of a Valentine's Day person so Diana didn’t expect much of anything beyond maybe a cheap box of chocolates. At first, she thought maybe the roses would lead to the bedroom but they quickly went towards the stairs to the basement. As she followed the roses down, Diana’s mind was running through all the things this could be. Had Lea finally given in and done something extravagant for Valentines? Was there going to be a basement full of flowers? Or maybe a giant teddy bear? 
When she got to the bottom of the stairs, however, she was greeted by something very different. On the pool table, a person was kneeling with her back to Diana. The lack of tattoos immediately told Diana it wasn’t her girlfriend, but Diana couldn’t help but get a sense of familiarity from the girl. 
“Um, hi?”
Her greeting was met with silence at first. She tried again, speaking a little louder this time, but it was Diana’s girlfriend that emerged from the guest bedroom with a smile on her face. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Di,” the raven-haired girl approached her lover. “Hope you like your present.” 
Diana tilted her head slightly as the smile on Lea’s face shifted to a more mischievous grin. She approached the pool table and couldn’t believe what she saw as she came face to face with her present.
Kneeling on the table was her ex-girlfriend, Molly. Her face was staring straight ahead, eyes blank and completely expressionless. She was wearing nothing but skimpy red lingerie. Her hair and makeup were both impeccably done. Molly looked so perfect that Diana barely noticed the cheap Valentine’s Day balloon floating beside her.
Despite her eyes lingering on Molly’s ruby red lips, which hung open ever so slightly, Diana managed to blink herself back to reality, “Wait, Molly? What are you doing?”
Lea giggled softly, “She can’t hear you, silly. She’s just a doll.” 
“Well, you know that spellbook I found at the thrift store last week? Turns out it has some pretty kinky stuff in it.” 
Diana didn’t know what to say. Lea doing magic was nothing new to her, but it had ever been anything like this before. A love spell here, an obedience spell there. But turning someone into a doll? It sounded completely unbelievable, yet the evidence was literally right in front of her face. She tried to wrap her head around it, “But… Molly… I mean, how?”
Lea giggled, “That’s the best part! It was complete luck! I was actually going to try it on myself. I had even started writing you a note explaining everything but then the doorbell rang and there she was. I guess she found some of your stuff and came to drop it off. She was a total bitch about it, as usual. Anyway, I decided to try the spell out on her instead!”
“How long is she going to be like that?”
“I’m not sure,” Lea admitted, “the spell didn’t really say. Could be a couple hours, could be forever. Who cares, really? Magically, she doesn’t exist anymore. Like, no one remembers her but us. She’s just a toy, Di. And a pretty hot one if I do say so myself.”
Diana quivered slightly as Lea came up behind her and put her arms around her. Lea kissed the back of Diana’s neck and shoulders as her hands gently explored her chest.
“Stop worrying, babe. It’s going to be so much fun. I know you’re still attracted to her,” she whispered into Diana’s ear. Her hand reached down into her skirt, making Diana moan softly. “I can feel it. And you know I’ve always thought she was sexy, even if she was a total bitch about it. It’s Valentine’s Day, Di; let’s just have some fun and worry about everything else later.”
Her knees beginning to give out from Lea’s teasing, Diana couldn’t resist it anymore. The dollified Molly looked amazing, and Lea was pushing all the right buttons right now. She bit her lip as she gave into the lust and moaned, “Ohh-okay, let’s do it.” 
Lea giggled again, “Mmm, I knew you’d come around. C’mon, let's get her to the bedroom. I’ve wanted to play with those tits for years.”
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ananke-xiii · 4 months
"The Born-Again Identity" is one of those SPN ep that I like despite the fact that there are so many things in it that drive me a little bit insane (truth be told, in part it's only my fault cause I can never completely turn up the "suspension of disbelief" volume and I go to a default "but why?" mindset everytime I see something on screen, so okay it's a *just me* problem). However, I do think that S7 was not that bad and it had some quite intriguing and original ideas while the execution was... well, let's say clunky. So, all in all, I think this episode is kinda cool.
the things that drive me a little bit insane:
the imagery of sam desperately running alone in the night along some tracks in a supposedly dangerous part of town. The "derailing" and "going off the tracks" symbolism was a bit on the nose; him buying drugs from the "tweaker" and sleeping with the guy in his car: mmm I feel like that was, like. a lot. to be just thrown away like that.
sam being admitted to the hospital with no mention of said drugs use and the whole scene with the doctor telling dean that they had to put sam in the locked psychiatric floor. I don't know, it also feels like.a lot. and.all of a sudden. they could ease into that way better, it's too ham-fisted as in: we have to find a way to put sam in an horror asylum-like facility in less than 5 minutes for the ep to make sense. so that what feels like to me.
daphne. everything about her drives me insane. I have a whole story where she has to clean up the mess dean has made and hide the body of the demon or something. she'll later start her own private hero's journey to find emmanuel and bring him back to their white picket fence life so perfect and so based on manipulation and stockholm syndrome.
the demons showing up at the grocery store. like what? it was established just a few scenes before when dean told the demon that he was "hands-off" or something and that the demon was actually looking for emmanuel. so why oh why would the other demons look for dean when there's emmanuel.alone.in.the.car. nonsense.
that one demon torturing sam with the electroshock. what was the point? why were demons there anyway? weren't the brothers hands off? maybe i missed something here but to me just felt like "asylum ep= electroshock scene is a must" and meh.
sam leaving the hospital.just.like.that and "swapping place" with cas. i'm sorry, what? i won't even comment on meg being suddenly hired as a nurse cause okay i want to give the writers that, but wtf? oh okay, this guy that has just showed up here (and has definitely possibly murdered 4 or 5 people at the entrance) is maybe not okay, let's not call his wife or someone, let's just lock him up. whaaaaat?
the quite intriguing and original ideas:
the cas/sam parallel: they are both evidently mentally unstable for very different reasons. cas has, in a way, "left the life" and dean, of all people!!!, is not 100% cool with him regaining his memories because what if he leaves???? sam is quite literally very close to leave life in general because the trauma is affecting his body in an irreversible way. they are both "born" again identities at the beginning and at the end of the episode. Very cooooool.
sam and lucifer interactions: the actors really did their job well in this ep cause everytime I watch it I'm exhausted, like I can't bear to hear Lucifer talk and talk and taunt and I definitely feel worn out like sam. I think Jared works very well with Mark Pellegrino, too bad that the whole Lucifer storyline was a mess in later seasons cause the actors had great chemistry.
meg. every scene with meg is just joy for me. and her storyline? left alone looking for "friends"? sure, she totally plans to use cas as her ally but what's new? (jokes aside, there's a whole pattern of women manipulating and using cas, am i the only one seeing it???).
marin. first of all, hello abigail????? (hannibal memories flooding in). second of all, cool MoTW-Not-So-Much-MoTW story. ofc she's a sam's mirror used to basically explain what happened to sam but the ghost who's tormenting her is also her brother and he must die-die-die because he won't let her go. hello??? paralleling sam's hallucinations with sam's issues with dean was super intriguing and too bad that the MoTW was Not-So-Much-MoTW cause marin's story was maybe not even 8 minute long.
bonus: "Peace of Mind" from S14 echoes this ep brillianty, they even cast one of the same actors (the doctor/the mayor) and they used the same surname for sam (sam smith/justin smith). cool cool cool (although unrelated to s7).
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ohanny · 4 months
what kind of drunks would the pit babe characters be
babe - the hot girl. he acts all cool and sits there in his leather jacket, being hotter than anyone. his drinks also aren't half as strong as he let's people believe because there's nothing attractive about a sloppy drunk. if he's forced to take multiple shots, he will quietly walk to the bathroom to give himself a drunk girl pep talk in front of the mirror.
charlie - the sober one. he doesn't drink, period. he actually hates the taste. he was destined to be the designated driver (yay, cars!) and the mom friend (sometimes this makes him wish he did drink because fucking hell, he is friends with actual gremlins).
way - the professional. he's on his tenth shot of vodka at the bar, chasing them with a whiskey and coke, mumbling “weak” at the people who started acting up after their third drink.
pete - the crier. he's a nice guy working in a high stress environment, okay? on the rare occasions he gets completely wasted, he will see a particularly artfully arranged napkin dispenser and burst into tears because life is just so beautiful, you know? and it really is unfair how much shit all of them have had to endure!
north - the social butterfly. drunk north knows the lyrics to every song ever written. at the end of the night he has like 50 new instagram followers, he's helped a girl through a break up in the women’s bathroom, he's learned the dj’s mom’s name and might have accidentally agreed into a threesome with a married couple (not that he knew what exactly they were suggesting). he's just pure vibes.
sonic - the instigator. drunk sonic has opinions and no sense of self-preservation. he will walk straight up to the enormous bouncer, get right in his face and go “wow. you're like… really ugly.” on an average night out, he should have died around five times but always gets away unscatched because, like a princess, he gets rescued by people who think he is way too cute to die.
kim - the sappy one. also a total lightweight. will declare his love for you after three beers. give him a shot and he will earnestly look you in the eyes while clutching the hem of your shirt and tell you what a great job you do and how he has always secretly admired you.
kenta - the horny one. he wants, okay? he downright needs. is he going to do anything about it? no. he will sit in some corner, vibrating, stewing in his hormones and if anyone dares to ask him how he's doing, he will look at them and go “do you have any idea what i would let him do to me?” and his smile is so terrifying no one wants any details.
alan - the slutty one. yes, there is a difference. see, alan is a man of action. alan will make it awkward for everyone by sloppily mouthing at jeff’s neck and trying to shove his hand down jeff’s pants on the sidewalk while they wait for charlie to pull up.
jeff - the houdini. he just… disappears. one minute he's there and the next he's gone, only to be discovered three hours later on the roof of a supermarket, feeding chunks of bread to pigeons. either needs a helium balloon tied to his wrist so you can easily spot him in a crowd or an ankle monitor. (was once found in a car, the morning after a frantic search. gave them a sleepy little smile and said “the gps knew where i was.”)
dean - the mute. once he hits his limit, he goes totally nonverbal. just trails behind everyone with a big happy smile and nods his head when asked if he wants to dance / have another drink / make out. super happy to be there.
winner - the big shot. tells everyone he's like the best racer ever and when people who still have critical thinking skills ask for evidence, distracts them buy buying everyone a round of the cheapest shots the bar has to offer. keeps challenging people to arm wrestle despite having noodle arms. finishes the night pissed off, buys two portions of street food and sits down next to a homeless person to share. they always let him talk uninterrupted.
tony - never goes past one glass of wine or whiskey, a lesson he learned the hard way. the first contract he lost back when he was just starting out? he hit the post meeting cocktails a bit too hard and drunk performed whitney houston’s “i will always love you” in karaoke. the humiliation was too much and i fear it really affected his behavior negatively.
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[ Full video: https://youtu.be/5Ad77jEdZDY ]
The scenes from before the festival radiated love and kindness. That 10-second clip of Shani Louk dancing, you watch it and you think, this is what they fought for.
And then there's the image of Shani Louk on the back of that truck and the one of her being dragged through the streets of Gaza, thousands cheering and running after her desecrated body. Can you even imagine a starker contrast of good versus evil? It was joy, love, life versus violence, rape and death. Surely, I thought in my naivete, the left would see themselves reflected in these music-loving young people who looked like they had stepped out of the Haight Ashbury in the 70s. Surely Noa Argamani begging for her life as the butchers ride off with her would Inspire in the left a sense of identification and a corresponding sense of fear and anger. How could it not?
Friends it did not. Leftist women found nothing in their hearts to say about it for months. There was a total failure of the international feminist community to stand up for the Israeli women who had been brutalized by Hamas in a particularly sexual way. Despite the preponderance of evidence, there was a code of cilence from the usual suspects. Some would even deny it. YouTube personalities formed what I like to call an "Our Hamas Would Never" Brigade to defend the butchers and the rapists from the evidence of their crimes, insisting it was all war propaganda.
Now this would be bad enough. But you have to remember, these women, these publications, these YouTube personalities, you have to remember who they are. These aren't people who, in general, feel that one should have a high standard of evidence before making an accusation of rape. The exact opposite is true. These are the people who demanded that all standards around evidence for accusations of sexual assault be completely suspended. These are the people who demanded that a standard of affirmative consent be deployed to judge whether a woman had consented to sex, and without that affirmation, any sexual encounter was to be deemed rape.
These are the people who recoded bad sex as rape, sex one regretted as rape, flirtation as harassment, regrettable kissing as assault. And then they turned around and said, well does shooting nails into a woman's vagina truly count as rape? Does chopping off a woman's breasts really count as a sexual war crime? Would our Hamas, who after all are very religious people, ever rape anybody?
Never mind that Hamas had filmed themselves committing these atrocities, had bragged about themm had GoProed them and sent the images to these women's families, never mind that they had little booklets with helpfully translated phrases into Hebrew like, take off your pants. The left was silent, the feminists were AWOL.
How could this possibly be? How could it be that just six years after the MeToo movement, which gave voice to the outrage women felt at being sexually harassed at work, which upended gender relations and wreaked havoc on workplace after workplace because men had complimented their female co-workers, how could it be that these same women who demanded "believe all women" could turn around and say, actually don't believe the confessions of terrorist rapists? The same women who demanded men be fired for asking women out and driven from public life for having consensual sex with underlings, were now defending, with their words or with their silence, the mass rape of Israeli women, siding with men who had driven nails into women's vaginas and cut off their breasts to play with them. The same women and organizations who turned flirting at the office into the civil rights issue of our time, when presented with evidence of the mass rape of Jewish women immediately began to say, we need more context, we need more evidence, remember the plight of the true victims here, who it turned out, were the perpetrators.
They took their standard of "believe all women" and turned it on a dime to "don't believe the bragging of rapists" because their victims were Jews. And this isn't just on the leftist fringe unfortunately. On CNN Dana Bash asked Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, who I believe is the head of the progressive caucus, she said to her, "I have seen a lot of progressive women generally speaking that are quick to defend women's rights and speak out against using rape as a weapon of war, but downright silent on what we saw on October 7th and what might be happening inside Gaza right now to these hostages."
"Why is that?" she asked Pramila Jayapal. To which Jayapal replied, "I think that rape is horrific. Sexual assault is horrific. I think that it happens in war situations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas obviously are using these as tools. However, I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against the Palestinians. 15,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air strikes, three quarters of whom are women and children," she said. Because "Our Hamas Would Never" lie about such a thing.
Meanwhile, the New York Times, which had an extensive article outlining the mass rapes, then shelved an episode of its popular podcast "The Daily" about the rapes due to internal pressure from its leftist newsroom, which apparently is chock full of members of the "Our Hamas Would Never" Brigade. the New York Times refused to stand by its own reporting when its sociopathic woke employees demanded that their audience be protected from knowing about this.
How is this happening? It's easy say this is just antisemitism. And I want to be clear: of course it's deeply fucking antisemitic. There's also the political calculation of trying to satisfy multiple constituencies and the fact that, and I think this is very important, the women's movement has been severely weakened by the transgender agenda, which has gotten women used to being asked to defend transgender rapists, for example in prisons, or transgender athletes beating up women in sports. I think that being forced to defend this has had a huge impact on the women's movement.
But it goes beyond that to the core of leftist ideology, which is built on a belief system that has erased the difference between right and wrong. Now, this belief system is one you will know well if you have been to a university in the last 40 years, or an American newsroom or on Tik Tok or in a meeting with any cultural institution in America, or any progressive organization including any liberal Jewish organization, or if you're on the board of a museum, or even in a writer's room in Hollywood.
People call it Critical Race Theory or Marxism or Social Justice. I call it Wokeness. Wokeness is when you take a worldview that was once based on the difference between right versus wrong, virtue versus evil, and you replace it with a worldview that does not distinguish between right versus wrong, but instead suggests that the world is built on the primary binary of powerful versus powerless. They ascribe inherent virtue to those they see as powerless and evil to those they see as powerful and they superimpose some characteristic onto the binary, whether it's race or gender or sexuality or national origin or religion, rendering all people, for example who they see as "people of color" powerless and oppressed and thus virtuous, and all white people powerful oppressors who are inherently evil and compromised.
This woke worldview absolutely dominates the left which means it dominates the cultural and intellectual output of the United States these days. Once our Elites were eager to offend the powers that be with their art and their scholarship or their journalism. Now they will conform at all costs. And the thing they conform to is the view that "people of color" are inherently virtuous no matter what they do, because they have no agency and are oppressed and marginalized, while white people are inherently evil, the root of everything bad and responsible for any ills that befall us. This is the source of 21st century leftist antisemitism. Every Jew is is coded as white, and thus they are the oppressors and thus they are bad, and every Palestinian is coded as a "person of color" and thus oppressed and thus inherently virtuous.
And that includes Hamas. Every Palestinian outranks every Jew on the oppression scale, and thus any Palestinian in conflict with any Jew is the one the left must side with. The Jew has all the agency and is the oppressor and the Palestinian has no agency and is the oppressed. Anything bad that happens between them must ergo be the Jew's fault because you cannot blame someone with no agency for anything. They are an innocent, like a child. To the woke, the less powerful has no responsibility to act ethically because their rank on the oppression scale means they cannot act at all. And thus they are inherently imbued with virtue no matter what they do.
Their abjection is their virtue and that goes for the terrorists among them as well. Because to the woke, "people of color" have no agency, when a so-called "person of color" commits a heinous act against a so-called white person, the agency of their actions must be reassigned to their victims, who have agency.
What this means is that when a Palestinian rapes a Jewish woman, the agency was her. It was not his. She remains the oppressor. His act was her fault and her suffering does not release her from the burden of her status as oppressor, even in death. That is why leftist feminists cannot side with raped Israeli women. To do so is to betray everything they believe.
They truly see the Israeli women as deserving of everything that happened to them and having brought it on themselves. Like the conservatives of yore who blamed rape on the miniskirt worn by the victim, the left today blames the fact that Israel has more power than Hamas for everything Hamas does. They simply cannot think their way out of seeing Hamas as virtuous, because to do so would be to admit that their entire worldview is not only wrong but is fucking disgusting.
"There's nothing more delicious than pretending to be good while acting in a sadistic manner." -- Nina Power
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zazzander · 5 months
Dosgred Disappoints: Character Bloat
One of the biggest downfalls of this manga is the sheer number of characters. The author loses sight of the main cast very quickly, to the point that it gets really confusing what’s going on in the story.
I’ve spoken about Chapter 1 already. In that chapter, we meet: Rou, Haruna, grandpa, Keiichi, and Koichi. This is, presumably, our main cast. It makes sense that they are all introduced in the first chapter.
As I said in my previous post, the story fumbled it’s introduction of the cast. By the end, we don’t know much about Rou and Haruna. We know even less about Keiichi and his brother, Koichi.
Chapter 2 gives more information. The brother’s dynamic is solid. They're on good terms, nothing much to see there. As for the twins, Haruna blogs about her brother which is lowkey kind of weird. She seems to have no hobbies outside of this – again, weird. Like she says ‘Rou’s going to a local middle school’ even though they are twins. Surely, they would both be going. So this blog is seemingly for the benefit of Rou's fans back home.
Everything going fine... until Page 22. Things start falling apart from here.
On this page, we are introduced to Rou’s middle school ice hockey team. Despite Rou and Keiichi both being walking distance from the same lake, they apparently don’t go to the same school. This isn’t crazy, it happens all the time, but it was a little confusing because it seems unlikely they live close to two middle schools considering this is supposed to be Hicksville.
(The author is inconsistent with the size of this town. For example, there isn’t any major shopping location nearby. It’s primary industry focuses on a single large factory. Yet we have evidence of multiple middle schools and apparently four skating rinks.)
The entire middle school team is introduced all at once – yikes – and here begins the character bloat. There are four main guys on this team. Their role in the story is basically to convince Rou to play a game of Ice Hockey. That wouldn’t be a big issue but for the fact that their story completely takes over the plot.
Considering that this is the first time Rou and Keiichi play agaisnt each other, you’d think that would be the priority. He’s the rival! Rou and Keiichi are the main characters and should be the focus. Instead, at the start of chapter 3, we meet even more characters. This time, some guys on Keiichi's team (but not Keiichi's friends).
Now, in chapter 3 we have a total of 11 "important" characters. I have to class these new guys as important because they get flashbacks. You heard me, these random kids get flashbacks but actually important characters like Rou and Keiichi don't.
It's a really strange choice. Yes, it explains why the match means something to these boys, but it feels like a waste of time for the overall story. Rou and Keiichi should be the most compelling characters right now! This kind of minor character exploration is something that should happen much later.
We get hints at Rou-Keiichi conflict in chapter 4. The members of Oino high’s team, including Keiichi’s brother, show up. Oino's coach watches the game. He’s got this unreadable expression. Considering how often we see him, and his involvement later, we probably have to call him relevant character #12.
Basically, he’s watching the game and he should be watching Keiichi BUT he's actually focused on Rou. Rou plays weird but he’s clearly got talent. This is potentially such a big deal for Keiichi and a means of solidifying their rivalry. If this coach expressed an interest in this random newbie over him, Keiichi could get all huffy about it. He might try to play better to get the Oino coach's attention.
That doesn't happen. The coach's commentary is unknown to the players themselves.
By chapter 8, we are introduced to yet more characters. This time it’s several guys on the Oino team. Plus, we get reintroduced to a figure skater who had been Rou’s rival before he quit. I didn't call this guy important before, but since he's here again and gets a speaking role, he gets upgraded. "Important" characters: 15.
Dogsred gives us no time to breathe as it mostly ignores Rou yet again to depict high school championship finals. Now, I do understand why we need to show this game.
Oino loses here. Suddenly, there’s a team even better than they are! And that’s crucial because this is going to be Rou’s team soon.
Rou makes the choice to go watch this game rather than the ice skating. This symbolises how invested he’s getting in the sport.
However, the choice to depict the entire game is where the story suffers. Hears an alternative way to present the same plot information but without losing sight of our main characters:
Haruna tells Rou about this ice skating tournament and he seems like he might go, missing out on watching the championship game.
POV switch to Keiichi, there’s a break in the game and he’s gone to get snacks with/for his friends (does Keiichi have friends? I assume so, he’s the captain of his middle-school team there’s so many characters it’s hard to keep track).
Suddenly! Rou shows up. He's here to see the game, after ditching his sister and the ice skating tournament.
The boys argue. This is a good chance to really establish why they hate each other.
Then, while they were distracted, the final part of the game starts. Oino is losing!
Keiichi ignores Rou in favour of cheering on his brother. The game ends in a loss.
Keiichi gets huffy at his brother. “I can’t believe you lost! It’ll win us the championship next year!”
Basically, we focus the story on the character interactions because the two main characters aren’t on the ice. We don’t know the people playing (outside of Koichi who is by-and-large just Keiichi’s older brother at this point).
Regardless, this choice can be forgivable. Chapter 12 however… cannot.
In chapter 12, the author decides to completely ditch the main plot to focus on the rival high school, Sameoh. We meet several members of the team. That's twenty characters with names, personalities, and the makings of a plot. Twenty!!!
Then for all of chapter 13, we focus on these guys as their hometown get hit by a tsunami. This is a big setback for them – and completely derails any tension that was set up by them ending that 19-year streak the main team, Oino, had going. LIKE WHAT. I’m so serious right now, that undercuts all the tension.
It is only now, in chapter 14, that we finally arrive at Oino high school and Rou signs up for the actual team he will play for. That’s so late, guys. Arguably too late.
I’ll use an example of a hugely popular sports manga that started the characters in middle school too: Haikyuu!! Do you want to guess what chapter Hinata arrived at Karasuno High? Chapter 1. That manga covered Hinata's entire middle-school journey in less than a character. Now, Dogsred doesn't have to be that quick, but at minimum this moment should have come within the first five chapters.
This is what I mean by character bloat. The plot has been bogged down by all these unnecessary characters.
The good news is the next few chapters focus on the try-outs.  We meet no new characters and the reader has a chance to get their heads around what's actually happens. That ends in chapter 18, when we get the backstory of random two defence players on the team. Relevant character count #22.
That being said, after trawling through all of this, the story has several great moments. There’s a lot of potential here – I just think the manga needed some serious reworking before it got picked up for publication.
What do I mean by that? Typically with sports manga, the introduction has three main plot points to hit: why does the MC love this sport, some kind of set-back in middle school, and them joining up for their high school to achieve their goals. Now, Dogsred didn’t have to hit every one of these beats. Big Windup, for example, skips the first one.
In Big Windup, we start with the MC’s “set-back”. Mihashi was hated by his middle school team because he was a terrible pitcher. He signs up to his high-school team and is allowed to be the pitcher because they don’t have an alternative. Mihashi really wants to play baseball though, despite his shy demeanour. It's clear he loves baseball, even if we aren't given an exactly "why".
Within the first few pages, Big Windup jumps into it's MC joining his new team and fills in backstories later. Dogsred could have done the same. Start with a flashback of Rou’s decision to change sports and jump forward to him walking onto the field to join the ice hockey team. Everything else can be elaborated on later. To hint at the past, a couple characters could recognise him as “the Rabid Prince” but Rou brushes off their questions.
We could even have Keiichi recognise him from the lake and him go “but you’re a figure skater!” and have a brief flashback to their fight on the lake.
All in all, my point is that this manga meanders and runs breakneck at the same time. It tells us about all these random characters who don’t matter. Because of that, it got lost.
The good news is - Dogsred seems to have finally gotten back on the path! Now that Rou is in high school the plot is moving forward at a much more standard pace. I guess we’ll see where it goes from here.
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beloveddawn-blog · 9 months
The Course of True Love
Dedicated to @minnieposting who I was discussing this idea with.
This is based on the fact that when Lucius became a romanceable character, Teleri went from like seven hearts with him to two. I didn't even do anything! But Teleri isn't the farmer romancing this elf, Zari is.
2200 words
Rated T for some language and implications.
Zari grinned as Lucius laughed, pleased to be making her new friend happy. He had been the first person she’d met when she was new in Nel’Vari and what a welcome he had been! Her favourite part of him at first had been his clear dislike of shirts, though it had quickly been overshadowed by his dry sense of humour and easy-going demeanour. He was reserved, for sure, and obviously had gotten so used to being ‘the strange one’ that he didn’t even try to make real friends anymore, but Zari had persisted. He hung out most often on the bank of one of her favourite fishing spots in Nel’Vari, so it hadn’t actually been that hard to strike up conversation with him.
It had not escaped her notice that he hid from the citizens at the very edge of the city, any more than it had escaped her notice that they had managed to stick her even further out.
Their casual camaraderie had slid quite easily and unstoppably into a crush that Zari could no more halt than she could halt breathing, making her heart race and her palms sweat every time he was near. She always scanned for his name on the notice board, searched for his striking hair wherever she went in town, and swooned the days she was lucky enough to see him. She kept her wild heart a secret, however, and never spoke of it. He had made it clear, in a thousand little ways and a hundred bigger ones, that his attention, devotion, and zeal was reserved for the Moon and only the Moon. As he adored the moon, so too did Zari adore him: near (but not near enough), true (yet unwantedly different), and steadfast.
Then, one day, something changed.
Lucius was not at the riverbank as expected.
Lucius was not anywhere he could normally be found.
Zari had fretted herself into a total state before finally working up the nerve to question Opal about it. She was the only other person Lucius really interacted with… which made her the only person who ever could spill her secret to the man in question. It was enough to make Zari unreasonably wary of the other woman, despite the fact that Opal… actually didn’t seem to care too much about what was going on around her.
As evidence, her complete disinterest in the strange behaviour of her coworker.
“He’s apparently ‘working through some things’.” She replied, doing full air quotes and rolling her eyes. “Which is fine, but do it on your own time. Nel’Vari doesn’t run itself, you know. The moon attendants are vital to the health of the city and all who live in it. It is not a duty that can be shirked.”
“Is he alright, though?” Zari asked, even more worried than she had been before she got her question answered. Opal sighed longsufferingly.
“Ask him yourself tomorrow when I drag him out of the Temple by his ear and make him work.” She replied, glowering in a way that made it clear to Zari the conversation was over.
Only… It turned out she didn’t have to go looking for him. There, standing next to the path to her farm, was the exact person she was looking for.
He had come looking for her.
The usual butterflies that took root in her stomach when she saw him went on a rampage, with all of her worry and love coiling together like a nest of snakes in the very core of her. All of this together put her on the very edge of her last nerve, and she couldn’t help the grating giggle or high-pitched squeak she made as she called out to him.
“Lucius! Hi! I haven’t seen you around lately!”
He broke into a heart stoppingly sweet smile when he noticed her, though one ivory brow winged curiously upwards.
Even that made her swoon.
“Zari!” He replied, stepping forward and gathering one of her hands in his. She flinched, entirely startled and too on-edge to hide it.
They had never touched before.
His face pinched in with concern at her unusual reactions. He’d seen her arm in arm with Sass or Helios plenty of times, and even all over Char as the two giggled and raced through the woods together. He knew Zari wasn’t leery of contact. She smiled reassuringly at him, though from the way his lips turned down she assumed it must have come out rather sickly.
Those beautiful lips…
Zari gave herself a full body shake and focussed her attention back on Lucius, who was now looking rather concerned. “I haven’t seen you in days! I was worried something might have happened to you.” She confessed, noting how that simple admission caused him to relax so swiftly.
“I have been… preoccupied.” He admitted, glancing down momentarily and rubbing a thumb contemplatively over her knuckles. “I needed time with just the Moon and myself to understand exactly why.”
Time without you. Zari heard, clear as day. There was no one else to avoid. There was no one else who sought him out the way she did. No one else that cared like she did.
“Oh.” She replied softly, pain lancing through every nerve as her heart broke. She offered him whatever pitiful remains of a smile she could muster up, and charged right through this conversation without pausing to note the way concern laced his face as he seemed to recognize the agony in her. “Oh, I see. It’s… It’s fine, I get it. I’m glad you enjoyed your little sabbatical, because let me tell you, Opal is pissed that she’s had to do all your work for the last week.”
“And I wouldn’t want to piss her off, she seems like the sort to take it personally, you know? So I’m sure you’re going to be really busy this week as well…”
“And I’ll miss my favourite view coming into town, of course, but you do what’s best for you…”
“And I know the whole chest thing isn’t about me! I promise I know that…”
“Favourite… View…”
“It’s just most people who hang around the edges of town dressed in as little as you dress in are looking for company rather than avoiding it, and sometimes a girl thinks a few things before knowing better, you know?”
“Company.” He repeated with distaste, obviously getting the reference, before leaning in closer to take a better look at Zari, who was full on panicking now.
“It’s just that you have such nice shoulders and such a striking colour and it hits like a punch to the face…”
Both of them stilled, the sound of bone splintering echoing through the trees around them. Lucius let go of her to raise his own hand to his face, carefully catching the first drops of too-bright red to mar his cool colour palette as they ran down his face, the contrast emphasizing just how out of place they were.
Zari laughed, high and hysterical. “That was meant to be a mime.” She blubbered through her maniacal giggles. “It was supposed to be a mime of a hit, you weren’t actually supposed to be that close to me.”
Lucius’s eyes shuttered as he took a step back, still cradling his face. “I see. I’ll make sure I do not encroach again.”
Zari’s wings flared with power. She couldn’t stop her hysterics, she’d been wound too tight for too long, but that didn’t stop her from healing what she’d done.
Well, healing the physical, at least. She watched in despair, still cackling, as Lucius turned on his heel and disappeared into the forest.
Her laugher turned to tears, and eventually to quiet as she lay there, no one else coming by to check on her. No one ever came this far out except Lucius, and now even he wouldn’t.
And it was all her own fault.
It was Helios that had grabbed her off the forest floor, of course it had been. He’d come thundering through the woods like he was perusing the hounds of hell, mounted of his own hellhound, and scooped her right up to ride with him. He scolded her all the way back to the Nel’Vari house about losing contact and staying out past bedtime, but subsided when she burst into a fresh set of tears when he mentioned inconveniencing the elves.
He just sighed, promised her they would talk the next day, and yanked her at full sprint through the house. They collapsed on the single bed (so reminiscent of the first season her friends all came to visit her, back when all four of them would squish into one tiny bed) and he almost immediately passed out. Zari had just a moment to appreciate just how good her friends were to her before she followed him into oblivion.
The next day Helios was off like a shot, apparently having forgotten he’d promised to talk to her. She smiled into her pillow, charmed by how adorably eager he was to go see his wife, then her mood fell as her own abysmal failure to communicate with a person she liked struck her again. She melted back into her bed, suddenly feeling like even moving was going to be too much for today. It was unusual, she was always so energetic, but today she just… couldn’t.
Char came to find her around noon, apparently having been tipped off by Helios that she wasn’t feeling well. Zari hadn’t moved.
The fire elemental curled up next to her, using her whole body like a heating pad, and ran her fingers softly through her short black hair. They stayed like that, lost in the act of giving and receiving comfort. Finally, Zari felt strong enough to speak. “I messed up.”
Char hummed thoughtfully. “I’m sure we can fix it. You fixed it when I fireballed the fence, and I fixed it when Sass accidentally took out the daisies at the end of Hive Row. And Helios didn’t even actually ban you from Sustainable Forestry when you messed up planting trees in rows. We can help. Fixing things is what we do. Except Sass, who I’m pretty sure is actually trying to start her own Zoo.”
Zari snorted. “This isn’t just about us, though. I… may have been mean to Lucius?”
She could just feel Char narrowing her eyes, even though she couldn’t see it. “... I doubt that. You’re head-over-heels for him. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
That got Zari’s attention. “How did you know???” She hissed, shooting up to sitting and accidentally knocking Char onto the floor. The other girl glared at her from her new prone position.
“It’s not like it’s a secret.” She replied, obviously peeved. Her expression softened into shock at the panicked look on Zari’s face. “By the Flame, did you seriously think it was? Everyone knows, Zari! Please, please tell me you didn’t actually think that was a secret?”
Zari buried her face in her hands as her wings snapped out and vibrated in distress.
“Oh, Flame.” Char cursed. She ran her hands down her own face with an exasperated groan. “Okay. Okay. This is still manageable. What did you say to him?”
“... I… said it was fine he never wants to talk to me anymore..”
“See? That’s manageable.”
“... Then I implied he dresses like a whore.”
“... Not ideal, but still manageable.”
“Then I punched him in the face and broke his nose.”
“It was an accident! He was holding my hand and I panicked!”
“And you broke his nose? He’s going to think you don’t want him to touch you!”
“What did you do?”
“I, ah, I flinched? When he grabbed my hand? I wasn’t expecting the motion!”
“Why are you like this?”
“I don’t knowwwwww!” She wailed, throwing her hands in the air.
Char sighed expressively, but before she could say anything the door was flung open, echoing through the house.
Char pouted. “That’s really unfair. Zari is the one that messed up!”
“YOU MISSED YOUR FIRST DATE WITH DOCTOR WORNDHART BECAUSE YOU WERE BUSY FIGHTING OUR OWN SCARECROW.” The indignant voice was getting closer, and both other girls sulked back from it. “THEN YOU WANTED TO SHOW UP AT HIS HOUSE AT 6 AM IN A WEDDING DRESS AND HOLDING A DIAMOND AS AN APOLOGY! HELIOS HAD TO SIT ON YOU IN THE BOUTIQUE!” The demon stormed into the room as she continued to shriek at them, pointing an accusing finger before her. “THIS APPLIES TO YOU TOO.”
“I, on the other hand, am married, so I actually am exempt.” Helios commented, strolling in behind her with a shit eating grin on his face. “Suck it.”
Sass turned her accusing finger on him then. “Not. Helping.”
“Of course I’m not. Char has somehow wooed her paramour through repeated hospital visits and blue roses, and Zari has charmed Lucius enough for him to initiate physical contact. They don’t actually need help, so instead I’m going to laugh at them.” He grinned, sharp and sharklike, “Serves them right for making fun of me first!”
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seriousbrat · 5 months
the implication that james never changed and/or tricked lily into marrying him pisses me off, not for james but for lily.
we have so much evidence that this girl was stubborn and headstrong and not afraid to call james out on his shit. what you’re saying about her when you say she married james despite him not maturing is you implying that she’s a silly woman who prioritizes romance and attraction over morals and would gladly go against something she is firm in her stance about for a man.
or that he tricked lily into marrying him- what does that even mean? lily isn’t stupid, how exactly would he trick her? at this point you’re putting more work into creating these nonsensical theories just to validate your dislike for a character when you can just dislike him because you can. you don’t kneed to grasp for straws trying to justify why you hate james, you’re allowed to just not like him.
but these weird theories are just silly and make no sense. and they really do lily’s character a disservice.
for real!!! I agree. We dont know much about Lily but what we do know is she wasn't shy about telling James exactly what she thought of him. For her to do a total 180 on that makes no sense and is completely out of character for her, which is impressive given there's relatively little character to be out of when it comes to Lily.
to be blunt the idea that James manipulated Lily into a relationship, based on what we know, is objectively so... so. unlikely in terms of just the base text and authorial intent. and in my opinion, a pretty overdramatic reading; purposefully backflipping into the worst most dire explanation based on very flimsy non-evidence. people are free to have their headcanons obv but that's what they are in the end.
also, like you said, it does feel unnecessary because there's already so much to hate about james (or love, if ur galaxy brained and enjoy a good character flaw) in canon so what is the point. the exact same goes for snape. idgi personally.
the "he tricked her" thing is utterly absurd on many levels imo, peak jamespiracy thinking, but also funny because personally my hc is that's what Sev believed at first, or wanted to believe anyway. He was the original jamespiracy theorist but I think he was smart enough to eventually realise that this was massive cope and untrue in the end. It's just so much more likely that jily were simply 2 young people who liked each other.
I understand relating to Snape and that it's hard to be objective about something you personally feel very emotionally invested in; but I think it's helpful to try, especially when dealing with others who may have differing viewpoints. It does seem like ppl are automatically determined to believe the very worst of James no matter what, and refusing to hold my poor flawed fucked up Sev to anything even remotely close to the same standards; it's perhaps worth being aware of that. the same is def true of many james stans/snaters i'm sure but anyway, the jamespiracy lives on!
edit to add: its not that I dont believe that strong/smart people can be manipulated. it's that it's (imo) out of character for lily to suddenly decide that she's okay with james's behaviour, implying there was a change of some sort. and I think it's more likely for him to have just matured but still been imperfect than it is for there to be some horrible dynamic of manipulation and abuse going on the entire time, which we would have seen evidence for.
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years
Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My 8bitdo Pro 2 Review - Part 10 (Recorded Video) [Nov 9, 2022]
Hello! Here’s Part 10 of my new 8bitdo gamepad, the Pro 2 Bluetooth Gamepad/Controller! 🎮😁
It's been a while now since May of this year, and my Pro 2 controller surpassed my old SN30 Pro+'s lifespan. Man, I really missed my old one, but then again they're very identical, in terms of design albeit my Pro 2 has bells & whistles.
So, for this part, I'm attempting to re-download the firmware updater from 8bitdo because they released a new update version for my recent Pro 2 controller. ⬆️⚙️➡️🎮 Yeah, I lost my firmware updater, so I have no problem getting it another. And damn, I didn't get a chance to show ya my macro test while playing retro games, so maybe I'll attempt it next year (2023).
BTW, if you haven't seen my posts from May 2022, then I'll provide some links down below:↓
• Part 9 [May 26, 2022]
• Part 9.5 [May 26, 2022]
So without further ado, let’s get started:
BTW: Watch my record video first.🎦🖥️
• Alright so, here I am going to this website where I download the aforementioned software. When I checked the Pro 2's update log, I noticed that there's only one firmware version 2.00. That's odd, usually that there is only 3 firmware I've seen (evidence? → [CLICK ME!]), and as of March of 2022, I've updated the v1.07 firmware for my (Pro 2) controller. Anyways, I've already downloaded the firmware update & open it. Now, this part is quite confusing, as my current firmware update was v1.08 instead of 1.07. When did I get the v1.08 when my current firmware update was 1.07? 🤔 8bitdo probably made some little bit adjustment, I suppose? 🤨 Anyways, I decided to update their recent update, which is v2.00. Feel free to read the listing patches. And once it's done, my Pro 2 will automatically disconnect & reconnect after the completion of the firmware update. I could double-check the current firmware, and I noticed that there's literally one version, it used to have 3 firmware updates. So yeah, that's pretty strange to me.😕
• Nonetheless, let's go straight through our trusted gamepad-tester website. I reconnected my Pro 2 via my included USB type C cable to work properly. 🖥️🎮 All the buttons are functional, including my current mapped-out back buttons, and finally the analog sticks. The latter is no longer random numbers when they're centered. Even when I try to move slightly with my two thumbs, the analog joysticks are patched from the firmware version 2.00. Then again, the deadzones for the joysticks are literally the same accuracy as before. And when I tested GTA V online, nothing much to say.
(Little) Overall:
• `I'm quite happy with their firmware update 2.00 for my Pro 2 gamepad, but at the same time it riddled me where are the other firmware versions at? 🤔 It'll be better if they have different firmware versions to choose from, much like my old SN30 Pro+ gamepad. 🎮 Here's hoping, that the company itself will get to fix.
#1 - Did you know the Pro 2 had released two new colors albeit transparency? They're totally rad, and you should check them out right here → [CLICK ME!].
#2 - Also, new controllers are also available such as the Lite 2, the Lite SE, and two configurations of the Ultimate Controller. The Bluetooth & the 2.4 GHz variant (aka Windows version). To check out the entire products by 8Bitdo, then please [CLICK ME!].
Well, that’s all for now. If you haven’t seen my previous parts of the same item, as well as my previous 8bitdo review items, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
My 8bitdo USB Wireless Adapter ‘PS Classic Edition’:
• Opening parcel [Aug 27, 2020]
• Part 1 [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 2 [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 3 (Recorded video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 4 (Recorded Video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 5 (Recorded Video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 6 (Recorded Video) [Oct 20, 2020]
• Part 7 (Recorded Video) [Oct 28, 2020]
• Part 8 (Recorded Video) [Nov 14, 2020]
• Part 9 (Recorded Video) [Nov 14, 2020]
• Part 10 [Final] (Recorded Video) [Nov 16, 2020]
• Extra Part / Final Plus [Nov 25, 2020]
My 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ gamepad:
• Unopened parcel [Nov 3, 2020]
• Opening parcel (Recorded Video) [Nov 3, 2020]
• Part 1 [Nov 19, 2020]
• Part 1.5 [Nov 19, 2020]
• Part 2 [Nov 27, 2020]
• Part 2.5 [Nov 27, 2020]
• Part 3 [Dec 1, 2020]
• Part 4 [Dec 3, 2020]
• Part 5 [Dec 8,2020]
• Part 6 [Dec 11,2020]
• Part 7 [Dec 20, 2020]
• Part 8 [Jan 19, 2021]
• Part 9 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 10 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 10.5 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 11 (w/ 8bitdo’s Ultimate Software ver. 2.0) [May 11, 2021]
• Part 12 [Jun 3, 2021]
• Part 12.5 [Jun 3, 2021]
• Part 13 [Jul 31, 2021]
• Part 14 [Aug 17, 2021]
• Part 15 (Macros mapping - 1st attempt) [Oct 9, 2021]
• Part 16 (Macros mapping - 2nd attempt) [Oct 9, 2021]
• Part 17 (Serious problem after testing) [Oct 10, 2021]
• Part 18 (Equipped w/ Panasonic Eneloop AA Batteries) [Oct 18, 2021]
• Part 19 (Final) [Nov 9, 2021]
My 8bitdo SN30 Pro 2 gamepad:
• Unopening parcel [Oct 28, 2021]
• Opening parcel (Recorded Video) [Oct 29, 2021]
• Part 1 [Dec 2, 2021]
• Part 2 (Recorded Video) [Dec 4, 2021]
• Part 3 [Feb 21, 2022]
• Part 4 [Feb 26, 2022]
• Part 5 [Mar 4, 2022]
• Part 6 [Mar 6, 2022]
• Part 7 [Mar 22, 2022]
• Part 8 [Mar 22, 2022]
• Part 9 [May 26, 2022]
• Part 9.5 [May 26, 2022]
Tagged: @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant
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calumhoodgoss · 2 months
Hihi Lighter anon back (I’m gonna have to announce myself like this all the time right, even when I’m not talking about the song?)
Been catching up on posts and omg girlie, you’re my favourite blog 🥰 this little corner of the internet is so great!!
Your review is so valid!! Luke’s voice is just incredible and the way you described it is perfect, I never would have thought of putting it that way but that’s just so true.
I really agree, the visuals in the video really suited the vibes, idk you put it so eloquently.
As for why it was just Luke 🤷🏼‍♀️ no clue. But that man crumbles into peer pressure so easily (see shoey at Brisbane NFATTNE show as main evidence) so I just want to assume they told him he that he absolutely had to and he just did it.
But we can hope and pray for some promo from Ash and Cal but I feel like maybe the ship has sailed slightly on it?
But I wanna get everyone’s opinions on the self-titled 10th anniversary stuff. Cause like everyone on twitter and reddit where being so awful about it. IMO just be happy they’re acknowledging it and we’re getting anything at all. I definitely think I’m in the minority when i say that I actually liked the merch (even ordered some despite the shipping cost) because it’s simple and wearable. I feel like it’s an if you know, you know vibe and I’d rather that than an outlandish huge design. But idk, thoughts?
Hope all is well xx
hahah you can totally give yourself a different nickname thats not lighter anon if you prefer 😂 whatever bbbbbbbb
THANK YOUUU and omgosh he totally could of just been peer pressured in lmao i didnt even think of that 😂 but its certainly a possibility hahahhaha oh lukeee
as for the self titled merch i totally agree. at least its wearable and pays homage to their early merch designs. its not out of line for what they used to produce so ?? it makes complete sense to me
on the other hand though, i do feel like it was an obvious choice and quite lazy (for lack of a better word). if we got an interview or some other kind of content along with the merch i dont think people would of been nearly as mad. but because it was just the merch, and it was the most lack lustre and obvious design choices, i feel like fans are just feeling a bit under appreciated. i dont personally mind, but i can see how many people would feel like that. especially not having gotten any content from them all year, people are thirsty lmao
side note, isnt friends of friends meant to be happening?? its 'august' - whatever that means
0 notes
tartrazeen · 1 year
I added this to my other post about Angus probably having his own magic, but since there's so little content on here about Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog, I might as well make it its own post. :) Don't wanna bury it in a reblog.
So to pick up from what I was saying about Angus probably having magic and Cathbad knowing about it, part of my evidence comes from Cathbad putting so much emphasis on him being a thief. And - yes, he is one, but Cathbad takes it like it's a personal slight. Like "You aren't living up to your full potential," building off that time when Angus even admits that Cathbad doesn't think much of him.
There are so many episodes where he refers to Angus as 'a common thief' or 'a petty thief'. It's the emphasis on the adjective - like, "Being a thief is one thing, but being a common or petty one is supposed to be beneath you." Torc says it once too, but it's in that fully disparaging way 'cause Enemy™ - so it's totally different from when Cathbad goes on to get pissed at one point that Angus is "running around like the village thief." There's a sense of disappointment from Cathbad that's even highlighed by that little note for when Angus tries to steal the bravery powder.
So I am in love with the idea of it all being because Angus is magic, knows some magic, or is trying to learn more magic from Cathbad (and probably did!)... just to use it to steal shit. Completely squandering the 'true' talent Cathbad thinks Angus should have.
Like - when that bratty little prince showed up and showed Angus how to put his hand through stone, that might as well have been screaming "JACKPOT." Cathbad mocking who he thinks is Angus (but is really Midar) for getting shrunk and being stuck that way? It's definitely 'cause he assumed Angus only did it to sneak in somewhere. The extra-tickled amusement from Cathbad in the scene could've come from how he was at least impressed Angus had learned enough to even be stuck that way.
It's also probably why Cathbad looked willing to say Angus was innocent during that trial, since despite the evidence and an obvious reputation, it was too much like common theft for him to fully believe Angus could stoop so low.
I feel like the stakes were higher than 'just' jail that time. It seemed to putting their relationship directly on the line, and as happy as everyone was to find the real thief, Cathbad must've been the most relieved person in the room. A guilty verdict would've shattered something between them that I don't tooootally think they even realized existed to shatter ('cause while I'm all here for "I Have Two Sons Actually 😌" Cathbad, I'm delighted by the idea that Cathbad has no goddamn idea what to really do with kids and has never wanted to admit why he puts up with this one, eVeN iF Angus happens to be very damn smart. And Angus sure as shit doesn't think Cathbad likes him, beyond occasionally being able to talk the druid into doing Angus a favour now and then.) For Cathbad to casually go like, "Oh wow I guess we'll never know if I thought you were guilty" after that is the biggest fuckin' tell for "I was praying you weren't, you would've broken my heart :'(" there is.
So yeah, Angus wastes his life picking pockets, probably a little more for fun than any honest need at this point, but Cathbad seems to think (mostly despite himself) that there's something in there destined for more. They've just gotta... kinda... get to it somehow. :/ And every time they don't, Cathbad just sees Angus slipping further away.
🤣 No wonder he shuts Angus down so hard near the end when he asks about creating illusionary walls. Think of how much Angus could take if he could also conjure walls as cover.
I'm happy enough with where the show ended, but I'd like to think that in a future episode, there would've been one with Cathbad and Angus where it was all about that. Like Cathbad would finally snap over Angus throwing his potential away to just steal again, get caught again, go to jail again. He could actually try to cut Angus off or force Angus (somehow) to give the thievery up. Maybe it starts by trying to reason with him, then with (poorly) attempting to have a heart-to-heart, and then in a fit of anger and frustration, almost definitely because Angus steals some important potion to play around with it, actually casting some sort of spell that's supposed to 'fix' the problem of stealing. And it works! Angus suddenly becomes very well-behaved and polite.
But it also saps Angus' motivation and creativity. He has to be told what to do every step of the way, because he can't even conceive of doing something out of order anymore. He loses his ability to fight effectively, maybe even loses the ability to summon his armour (because the part of him that earned it is gone), and he stops going anywhere at all because he doesn't 'technically' belong anywhere. He doesn't have his own hut, he's not royal, he's presumably an orphan, and Cathbad doesn't ever permit him to be around. And he just gets quieter and more miserable until Cathbad agrees to reverse the spell, but the damage is done: the message was sent when it came to using magic to 'cure' him.
(Yes, this could fit into 22 minutes. The pacing of that show's quick, and going from 'Angus is in jail again' to 'We have to do something about Angus' to 'Well, that's just how Angus is, Cathbad' to 'Fine, I'll do something about Angus myself' to 'bad attempt to talk' to 'Angus steal more shit anyway' to 'Magic anti-steal' to 'Angus is sad' is like... six scenes.)
Anyway, I'd want it to end with Cathbad actually doing the heart-to-heart properly. He apologizes for going so far to control Angus like that, and then moves right into "But I can't have you running around as a thief!" And it'd be over to Angus to basically say, "It's all I'm good for around here," which - hopefully - would snap a bit of shit into focus for Cathbad. With all of the insults and teasing and unsolicited lessons, Angus really has been left with the idea that being a thief all he is. Is it a good thing to be a thief? Maybe not, but Cathbad's always declared him as one, so Angus is pretty confident in that identity. And it's challenging and fun, and when it wasn't fun, it was necessary - for him and Rohan both (hint hint starving orphans).
Because I'd like that to set the stage for Cathbad to finally list some positives about him: Angus is smart, and he has a talent for seeing opportunities no one else can. He wishes it was more respectable, but the fact that Angus earned his mystic armour should've been proof enough that he was worthy. It wasn't like he stole that armour, after all. And part of his ability to see things makes him uniquely talented at combining magic powders. Something happens when he does. It's rarely ever less than chaotic, but it's always something, and that's a sign that there's magic in him that simply needs to be focused properly. (And Angus sees there's that 'focused'/'controlled' thing again 🙄 - so Cathbad's going to have assure them both this has nothing to do with casting another spell on Angus. I want him to have to earn back a little of Angus' trust for once).
It wouldn't go on and on for hours, but eventually Cathbad would say that if it's a challenge Angus is looking for, then perhaps it's time to have a proper lesson in magic. It might be even be overdue. And as a show of goodwill, Cathbad agrees to show Angus what that potion he stole even does. He goes to get it. Just to find...
... nothing. 🫠
And Angus looking like 😬
And Cathbad going like, "... okay. That's... We'll have to make another one then, won't we?" Really, really trying here. Then saying he needs certain ingredients and has to find them in the slow mess that his inventory's become without Rohan to (badly lmao) tend to them.
And Angus is like, "oh I know where everything is :) here here here here and here :)"
And Cathbad's actually really impressed by this, because he's realizing Angus has always been an oddly precise thief when he goes through Cathbad's stuff - because he's stolen so much of it that he has an even better inventory in his head than Cathbad does.
But then Cathbad says, "Now we just need one last ingredient. I know I had some yesterday."
And Angus is like 😬
And Cathbad just picks up his herb basket and says, "At least you're aren't simply a common thief" (or something like that, whatever the kiddies would understand :P)
From there, I'd want episodes to reference Angus getting some lessons from Cathbad. He's like a weirdly unofficial apprentice - actually more like an unofficial student - and we start having him be the one to explain magic stuff that the knights run into rather than Rohan as much. It'd be a great set up for another Rohan versus Angus fight, where Rohan starts to feel like he's being replaced (and maybe ungratefully throws a lot of shit into Angus' face that cuts deep). I hope that'd end with blah-blah-blah the three of them are a family pretty much, everyone makes up, Rohan feels secure in his place again and Angus gets some actual approval from Rohan about anything for once lmao
Importantly, it'd set the stage for Angus to be practicing magic, and then very suddenly fucking revealing he's got his own. Or if it's not a reveal to him, it's a reveal to the others, because he's never been able to use it for things that aren't related to theft and he's never been consistent enough or experienced enough to want to test it in an actual battle. But the fact that he's learning from Cathbad at all would be the foundation of him being his own full-fledged magic user on the show.
As a bard. :3
A bard who knows a lot of Druid spells. :3
'cause that's my damn head canon and I'll be as self-indulgent as I pleeeeaaaaassseeeeeeeee
(also keeping a Magic-Using Angus away from Maeve is important, but imagining Nimaine finding out about it?! Maeve would force a wedge between Angus and Rohan, but Nimaine would drive it between Angus and Cathbad. Both of them, though, I can see trying to trick Angus into being afraid of himself or what others think, not really being lured in by being promised more power. That's more of a Rohan plot 😅)
But I'd also love to see some sort of treasure-hunting episode. Imagine an ancient temple or ghostly cave that Cathbad needs something from or gets trapped in. The only one with the right mix of skill, magic and experience - more than even Cathbad's as a druid - is Angus, who explicitly knows how to sneak around and disable the various traps that these kinds of places have. As in, he's been to other places just like this all over Ireland to swipe shit. Very Tomb Raider, basically. 💖 And being able to get into those places to find the hidden secrets of magic thought to have been lost generations ago is something that could instantly bring the two of them closer together.
:( and since I heard that Vincent Walsh supposedly wasn't gonna come back for a second season (THAT'S WHY I'M HAPPY IT ENDED WHERE DID, SORRY, I'M SELFISH, HE NEEDED TO BE THERE), it would've been a great handwave te explain his abscence.
'Cause they were not gonna recast him 😤 My eight-year-old self would've fuckin' refused.
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missing-wires · 1 year
But I thought you couldn’t save Discord convos?
Technically, you can’t and it’s against TOS, but I used a third party app that extracted everything to html.
Ah, I see, how does it look?
Kinda shitty, tbh. Some of the images don’t load, but text wise everything is there. But maybe you could find a really good html viewer, that’ll make it look really good!
Haha, maybe, I’ll have to see what I can find. So what’s with these stalking claims? How did you find out where she lived?
Well, she initially she told me her name “Elizabeth,” haha so that much was never a secret. Later on, she sent me an unedited Venmo screen shot of a guy we referred to as Staff Sgt Scotty, who was this Navy aircraft mechanic, who enjoyed luring her off live streams.
White knight type of thing?
Exactly, he would pay her like $50 per hour to talk on the phone with her. One time, he wanted to talk to her for free, because he was being deployed again and asked for my advice.
Haha, what did you say?
Haha, I don’t even recall, to be honest. Maybe “Fuck that shit, charge him double” but I’m sure it’s in the convo. Anyway, she had 4 friends on Venmo, all of whom were publicly visible. I literally just typed in her ex’s name on FB, and searched “Elizabeth” on his friend list and her name popped up. I was concerned about how easy it was to find, so I told her.
Ahhh I see! And what about the pizza and the address?
Well for starters the pictures she sent me via text message were geo-tagged, so it was p obvious where she worked and lived. But even then, I wasn’t like 100% sure or anything until she confirmed it when she posted the pizza on FB.
Yeah, I mean, despite all the evidence, it was possible she could have like slept somewhere else and just been hanging out at certain place?
Haha, I mean of course. I never really cared to know her daily schedule. But like the geotagged shit was blindly obvious, why pretend like I don’t notice that shit?
Haha, bet, say how much did you pay this little bitch?
Haha, good question. First and foremost, everything I paid towards her streaming was completely refunded. Then I paid her $60 for 1 month of Snapchat access, but she cut it short after getting mad at me. My bank covered me the amount lol. I don’t know if it was a chargeback, but I told them what had happened and they covered it.
Aw that’s cool.
Yeah, so the first time i actually gave her any money at all was in early November. I sent her $100 to help with an unexpected tire/tow expense. I felt bad because she had literally just got a new car, and tried calling some “friends” but nobody would come out to help her. Left stranded, she turned to her mom, who’s always been there for her. She just sort of broke down and dropped some childhood trauma shit on her and I wanted to give her a little something to show her that I still cared, even though I had known what was going on, at that point
You knew at that point?
Haha, of course, I really just wanted her to admit it. I tried dropping hints about it, but had a hard time disguising my frustration.
Ah, that makes sense. So what, you only gave her $100?
No, I also sent her a $50 Amazon Gift Card as an early X-mas present, as well as a surprise donation of $6.66 to celebrate her reaching 666 IG followers
Aww, that’s a nice touch! Did she thank you for it?
Haha of course not, but by that point, I was never doing it for the thanks, haha. Or honestly, I don’t think I ever was doing it for the thanks. I just decided that I liked her and that was that.
Haha, I see, so in total you gave her $156.66 over the course of a year or so?
That is correct.
That’s not a big return for a year plus
Haha, no, it’s not
0 notes
caveworlds · 2 years
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@chmerical said: ❝ slow down, start from the beginning. ❞ from dani !
Even for someone like Benji, it's hard not to freak out in a situation like this; then again, he doubts this is a situation many other people have experienced. It feels like he's going crazy. How is he meant to explain himself when he hardly knows the truth? How can he slow down, when it feels like everything is slipping through his grasp faster than he can reach for it, losing footing with each stake he tries to put in the ground?
He knows the woman in front of him, but he doesn't. He knows his name, his past, and everything that brought him here, but it seems nobody else does; not even the hospital's computer system. The white bracelet he'd ditched on his way here read John Doe plain and simple, because they couldn't find his birth record, couldn't find any evidence he ever existed at all. He can't stop thinking about it.
His surroundings are almost familiar, the sum of their parts something he could recite in his sleep — and yet, when he looks at all the individual pieces, when he tries to put them back in the order he expects, he finds himself staring in the face of something entirely new. Something he's never seen before, somewhere he doesn't fit in. At this point, the only thing Benji can be certain of is that he is totally, completely and irrevocably lost.
Worst of all, there's no sign of Max anywhere.
Still, he's not going to get any help if he keeps rambling as frantically as he has. If he carries on like this, he's more likely to be sent back to the hospital he's only just escaped; the mere thought of it is enough to have him taking a step back. He tries to control his breathing, to make himself appear more reasonable despite the fact that nothing makes any sense at all — despite the fact that not even Dani remembers him, that she's looking at him with the eyes of a stranger despite everything they've been through. Maybe he's beyond help.
"I'm looking for my little brother. He didn't come home from school the other day," Benji finally says. It's sort of the beginning, but it's also just the most important mystery he has to solve. "His name is Max, and he's thirteen years old. I just want to know if you've seen anyone who looks like him. Everything else — that can wait."
0 notes
cyclonesyndicate · 2 years
Nighteyes | Niflheim | Trial 3.1 | Re: Alphard
The recent investigation had been harrowing to say the least. And honestly, The Demon of Niflheim didn't have any strong leads or ideas. A lot of the evidence didn't seem to add up to him but he couldn't find the words to actually put his feelings together. He'd always been bad at that.
What he did have though was a deep sense of frustration when Aleister implies Fantasia deserved to die for the simple act of following a note that was left for him. He takes no action, makes no move, says not a word, but he sure does give the guy a Look. What the hell, dude. He's not wearing his mask despite the mandate on full villain gear because he can't wear his glasses under it and he wants to see. 
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Anyways, not the time. It's not worth it. Even if he really wants to throw a snowball at the guy's head for being a rudeass during a really emotional trial. He's got other things to worry about, like the idea put forth by Alphard. To fill in the circle of secrets. He's already writing things down, though he seems to pause for a moment as Princesa speaks, trying to interrogate Tony. Hrm. He finishes writing and slides it over to Beowulf. There... Hopefully that would suffice, even if it wasn't totally complete. 
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He has no idea about the pink stuff honestly, He didn't even realize it was pink. A bit of a slip up on his part and so he can't comment on that, but there's something he does want to bring up to the group because it's been bothering him a little. 
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"Speaking of the note, I had noticed something odd about it. Well two odd things. First of all, the time was changed, for whatever reason that may have been. Secondly, the way the time was noted is most odd. At least to mine own eyes. 'Twas written as N07. Usually times art noted in 12 or 24 hour clocks, and not... That? What does the N0 stand for? Doth anyone know?"
0 notes
I still see the misconception that Vanitas is pure darkness and/or the Darkness from KHUX only sometimes, and that drives me a bit feral as your local Vanitas enthusiast, so for your conveniance I have compiled a handy list of evidence to the contrary. As always, there may be more factors we are not yet aware of, but I still feel confident in the assertion that Vanitas isn’t pure anything.
**Side note, I am fully aware of the fact that darkness is not inherently bad, but it is instead too much of light or dark that causes problems. This is not an ‘uwu i want my baby villain to be light because light is Good’ argument. This is a ‘hey this is kh and the characters are a lot more complicated and layered than some seem to think’ argument.
So. Let’s start with the beginning, shall we?
Well, kind of. We’ll get to khux in a bit. BBS first.
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The initial light is easily written off as being Ven’s own light as the split takes place, however;
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The light continues to rise, right into the ball of darkness that creates Vanitas. honestly I’d say right there makes it pretty indisputable that there is at least a small part of Vanitas at his very core is light.
(edit: as of the kh4 trailer it’s been pointed out that the way Vanitas uncurls and the way the Darksides uncurl as they appear is basically identical. i dont know what that means either in canon or wrt this essay but i do sure think its INTERESTING)
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POV: you are ventus about three inches from death looking up at a severed piece of your own heart.
is it visual smybolism or is it Ven’s perspective being too-bright due to his own split related trauma? you decide. (both? both.)
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But again, when Vanitas gives up (and yes, he just.. gives up, and it breaks my heart), he turns to light as he falls, just like Ven (who, tellingly, rises instead)
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Vanitas’ fall also reveals Ven’s heart station, again by way of a circle of light. I still do not beleive that they completely re-integrated, but I do think it’s a very nice way of showing how they still need each other, despite their divergence.
(whether that need is healthy or not is a matter for debate)
To contrast this, I turn your attention to all the nobodies defeats, and most importantly of all imo, repliku’s.
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(i do think it interesting to note how many of the nobodies have touches of gray light in their fading too, though some are more noticable than others. They’re all a little bit unique, which I like. i could definitely metaphor on main on these guys if i wanted to. except luxords. which is totally black? for some reason? hey luxord what is uuuuuup)
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Anyway, repliku. who also fades with darkness, and a little bit of blue lights (which along with purples seem to often be like, darkness tangential, presumably for visual design/contrast reasons).
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It’s important to note here that the GBA version came out in 2004, and the PS2 remake in 2007. BBS was released in 2010. There was visual precedent for a darkness based non-nobody character fading out of existence, and they tellingly did not use it.
Okay, so what about Xion then?
Xion is pretty solidly light based imo, which makes sense considering how strongly she is connected to Roxas (who is basically light incarnate going by kh3 lol) and sora (who is also pretty strongly connected to light), as well as memories of kairi (PoH) and riku (light cloaked in darkness).
and also there’s the whole ‘memories erased from existence’ thing. I can only assume that fucks with like... everything.
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in kh3 we see repliku fade again, this time a mix of his current and past selves which... is a mix of light and dark.
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So there’s plenty of examples of characters fading with darkness attached to them, which begs the question.... why not vanitas? The character we are told over and over again is only darkness?
As MoM told us, the truth is what we see, not what we hear.
Which means the answer is that he isn’t.
He’s definitely part darkness, that much is without question, even without the presence of KHUX’s darkness (which i’ll get to in a second), everybody has darkness in their hearts whether they like it or not, with the sole exception of the Princesses of Heart (and possibly ventus. maybe. given the conceit of this whole post though i’m willing to bet not as much as we’re told he is).
anyway. KHUX. let’s look at that shall we?
because i think this is where people get confused. Or simply assume that the previous lore is being retconned. while kh can and does occassionally retcon things, it rarely does so in a way that actively contradicts itself (sometimes it may look like it does, but eventually is shown to only be missing context that made it make sense)
So that being said, I don’t beleive any of my previous points are or have been retconned by khux.
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We all know Darkness did a big old possession of Ventus and did a Bad Thing (murder) with him as a host- Ventus himself is a bit of a mystery here since its uh. kind of implied he was a Big Light even before this? and uses that to trap Darkness? kind of unclear. Ven still has some mysteries around him that could certainly turn things on their head again.
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So here’s the thing about Darkness. It wants nothing, MoM says their thought processes are utterly foreign to people, it’s excellent at mind games and lying, and it mostly just seems to do things because it was foretold, no real personal connection to anything. From what we see of Darkness in khux, this appears to be more or less accurate. It didn’t care about OR hate anything about ven, or strelitzia, or anything around them; Ven said he wanted power, so the Darkness gave it to him (in the most Monkey Paw’d way possible).
Look at this, now back to Vanitas, now this, now back to Vanitas, he’s on a horse (yeehaw).
Doesn’t sound the same at all, does it? Vanitas definitely has a tendency to lie, but that has as much to do with how he’s been manipulated as with an actual concerted effort to do so. A little bit of mind games? sure, mostly with Ventus. Not sure I’d call him great at it or anything. But that’s kind of where the similarity ends, because Vanitas definitely wants things, and he has a lot of feelings- literally so many that his broken heart can’t contain them.
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now of course I must mention that the novels are what I would classify as Canon-Lite, meaning that they do occassionally contradict the games, though usually in small, not terribly significant ways. That said however, Vanitas’ ENTIRE conceit through the entire novel is how much pain he is in. Constantly. I find it extremely unlikely that such a major part of the story would be discarded without acknowledgement- maybe in any other series, but not this one. Nomura has outright said that he assigned the writing of the novels to Tomoco because she understands the series in a way no one else does. I also find it unlikely the novels don’t pass through Nomura’s hands to review at some point either. This series is his baby after all.
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You cannot read this and honestly tell me you don’t see a child in pain. I won’t beleive you. Xehanort tells him the only way to be free of his pain is to forge the X-blade with Ventus, and from there it all makes sense. Literally every single thing Vanitas does is with that goal in mind, to be free of his pain, and can you blame him? To be in that place, constantly taunted by Ven’s happiness and friendships, told there’s only one way out, constantly in pain and then further abused by your supposed Master on top of it... Is it any wonder a lot of people relate to the abuse/chronic illness vibes?
All of which to say none of that sounds like the Darkness of KHUX. Like... at all.
You know what does sound like the Darkness of KHUX?
This guy.
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Now, Sora assumes this is Vanitas, and honestly to him this is a perfectly logical conclusion to come to. He’s in Ventus’ heart, which he knows to be connected to Vanitas, there’s a great big dark blotch there, and it says it’s Darkness, which is the last thing that Vanitas told them in the KBG (”What I am... is Darkness.”).
But here’s the thing.
He’s wrong.
Now I’m not going to pretend I did not also have a big “OH MY GOD IS THAT MY SON? IS THAT MY BOY?” moment when I first saw this scene. I very much did. But the more I think about it the more I’m certain that this is not Vanitas, but the OG khux Darkness, and if I haven’t been clear so far, I fully beleive Darkness and Vanitas are two completely seperate beings- ones who have certainly influenced each other, as is inevitable when you share a heart, but are not the same. To say they are I think would be the same as saying the same of Roxas and Sora, or Ventus and Roxas. Namine and Kairi. Xion and... well, a lot of people tbh XD. They are all strongly connected to each other, have influenced each others hearts in so many ways, but are not at all the same.
Honestly even Sora himself seems uncertain of his conclusion, saying Vanitas’ name as a question rather than a statement. It doesn’t really talk like Vanitas either, and the fact that the lines are conspicuously unvoiced (why create a mystery if the answer is as obvious as most people seem to think?) leads me to beleive Vanitas has no part in this interaction.
Which begs the question... Where is Vanitas? How much of his darkness is his own, Ventus’, Sora’s? How have things changed for him since he fell into Ven’s heart, which then fell into Sora’s? I don’t know for sure but...
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I do think we’re going to find out.
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