#it’s like watching a bunch of students having field trips
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I really love the UEFA Youth League
Because it’s not only about the competition
It’s very educational
You get to learn about other teams academy, how
did they do recent years, what young players are
promoted, what the team have done to protect
the rights of these young men, any technology or
equipment they update, any junior coaches doing
well, etc.
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buryustogether · 1 year
lilac - chapter 4
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miguel o’hara x f!reader
summary: you accidentally overhear a conversation between miguel and his ai at work.
wc: 4.5k
warnings/tags: domestic lifestyle, mentions of violence, mentions of choking and death, swearing, mentions of office sex, strippers, sex workers, strip club, private dances, cuddling
author’s note: he’s so lana del rey coded guys
Anybody with experience knew that trying to keep twenty third graders together was like herding cats. Anybody with further experience knew that keeping twenty third graders together in a sharp, sleek, trillion-dollar facility like Alchemax was like herding cats who were soaking wet and high on all the catnip they could have stuffed their stupid little faces with in the span of five minutes.
“Alexander,” you snapped as you helped your coworker count little bodies as they piled off the bus. “If I have to tell you one more time to keep your hands off James, I’m going to drive this bus myself back to school and give you a fifty-page packet while everyone else here has fun.”
While your words had the effect you hoped they did, you wouldn’t exactly classify a field trip to Alchemax as fun. It was a megacorporation that dabbled in exploits from clean energy to genetics to god knew whatever else they did in there between those fancy metal walls. The building looked as though it should have come straight from a sci-fi film compared to the other foundations on the block, all floor-to-ceiling windows and fifty-some floors and armed guards that stood at the front doors. Certainly not a place to take a field trip with a bunch of nine year olds. Again, you would have thought some place like the zoo or even an interactive museum would have been better, but when the principal wanted something, she got it.
To be honest, you had a suspicion she was hooking up with one of the guards here, but you had nothing to prove your theory.
Like the pack of raging little animals that they were, your students filed across the front way of the building and up the stone stairs to the doors, where they waited in a mass of wiggles and excited spasms. Each of them held their partner’s hand, a rule you pressed with each field trip. Going into a freaky building like this, you almost wished you had a hand to hold yourself.
“That’s all of them,” said your coworkers, one of the three teachers who had come to chaperone the trip. She looked up from her clipboard of names, double checking each kid as you both followed the crowd of children up the steps. “Christ, this is going to be a shitshow. I just know we’re going to be escorted out of here after… I don’t know, a molecular leveler gets demolished by tiny, sticky hands.”
You snuffed out a little snort, reaching up to adjust the necklace perched about your collarbones. In your free hand, you carried a coffee cup that still had the tab in; it wasn’t for you. “I think it’ll be alright,” you said, but not nearly as confidently as you would have liked. “We had an entire assembly over this.”
“And since when has that ever helped?” She followed your movements, her eyes trailing over your form. You blinked at her. “Are you wearing lipstick?”
“Hah! No…!” Quickly, before she could ask any more questions, you turned away and pressed your lips to your sleeve, trying to wipe off some of the excess lipstick you’d applied right before leaving the school. Fuck, it was too much, wasn’t it?
Definitely too much for popping in to visit during a school field trip when you should have been watching your kids.
After passing through multiple tall, sleek-looking metal detectors (and scolding a few kids for bringing their phones when they were specifically told to leave them at school), you met the man who would be giving the tour of the facility in the lobby. Overhead, modern-art-classified light fixtures hung from the ceiling like someone had captured starlight and crammed it into bulbs. A cafeteria filled with scientists and researchers and everyone in between stood to your left, each of them donned in a stark white lab coat. Some of them spoke on phones, others clacked away on laptops and futuristic-looking tablets with such an intensity you would have thought they were taking a test for their lives. A few of them spared a glace or two at your group, but they didn’t last long. Apparently field trips to designated areas in the building were normal.
You heard the tour guide talking animatedly to the kids, but his words didn’t quite register as you kept your head on a swivel, searching out something specific. After a moment, when you leaned back on the heels of your feet, you found what you were looking for; the elevators.
“Hey,” you said to your coworker as the kids began to move deeper into the lobby, “will you cover for me? I’ve got to run to the restroom real quick.”
After they had moved along to where they couldn’t see you, you grasped the coffee cup tighter in your grasp and made a beeline for the elevators. Your footsteps against the polished marble seemed deafening as you quickened your pace, realizing the cup wasn’t as hot as it had been earlier. How fucking humiliating would it be if you brought him cold coffee? There was a part of you that knew, really, he wouldn’t mind, but the larger, more insecure bit insisted he would mentally cringe and throw it out the second you left.
Fuck, you thought. This man had you whipped.
You had just reached the elevators, reaching out to tap the call button, when a voice called out to you from your left. “Excuse me,” said a woman sitting behind a large metal desk you hadn’t seen in your haste. She eyed you from behind thick lenses, brow quirked over the top of her monitor. “We do ask that you stay with your group, if you’re here for a tour.”
“Oh! Uhm…” Gripping the cup tight enough that you felt the cardboard bend ever so slightly against your fingers, you padded closer to the desk and put on your best tight-lipped smile. “I’m sorry. I was just bringing a drink to someone who worked here. He’s, uhm… he’s -”
Before you could force your tongue to get out some kind of excuse, some kind of title, the woman was pulling out a small paper sheet from a drawer beside her leg. “Are you a significant other?” she asked, pulling a visitor sticker from the sheet and leaning forward to press it to your shirt. She didn’t seem to want to wait for an answer before sitting back down and clicking away at her screen. “Just a security question before you go; name and floor number?”
Goddamn; suddenly you were so fucking glad some people sucked at their jobs.
Taking a breath, you inhaled and plastered on a grin. “O’Hara,” you replied. “Floor seven.”
“Alright,” she said without looking up again. “You’re free to go up. Please stay in the public hallways.”
The entire elevator ride up to the third floor, you were unable to keep a goofy, surely stupid-looking smile from your face. You liked the idea of being called Miguel’s ‘significant other.’ It made your stomach clench, made your pulse race and your heart thunder and your core throb with a dull ache. For just a moment, you allowed yourself to imagine that kind of role, being deserving of such a title.
Coming home from your teaching job not to immediately race to do your makeup in loud, flashy colors, but to stay in the warm, basking glow of a house or a roomy apartment each evening. The keys would always fit just right in the lock, never click or jump. The air would be filled with the sound of a little girl’s quiet giggles from her bedroom, along with the smell of dinner cooking on the stove. Small soccer cleats by the door. Trinkets and photographs and everything else that made the house a home strewn about the rooms. And a tall, sinewy figure that towered over you there to greet you when you walked inside, all warm smiles and wide, calloused hands on your hips and full lips to press against yours with enough gentleness and passion and adoration to keep you on your toes the rest of the night.
A bed big enough for the both of you, with enough blankets and comforters that you wouldn’t be cold even if you couldn’t afford to keep the heat on. Sheets and pillows that knew your white-knuckled grip, that would mold to your hands as you laid out bare for him and allowed him to worship the very ground you walked on with his mouth, his fingers, what lay beneath his slim, narrow hips…
By the time the elevator reached the seventh floor and the doors opened with a gentle chime, your cheeks were hot and your palms were sweaty enough you were sure you’d heated the coffee back up to steaming.
Wandering through the halls of Alechmax’s third floor and feeling incredibly out of place amongst the scientists flipping through reports and chattering on calls, you shuffled from office to office, searching for that familiar name that made your stomach flip. It seemed an awkwardly insane amount of time before you finally spotted his name on a plate beside a door left slightly ajar. You approached and smoothed out your shirt, preparing to present the coffee, when you heard voices inside.
“This isn’t like you, boss,” a woman was saying, her voice slightly warped from speaking over a computer. “You’re always preaching to the others that messing with canon events and triggering changes that aren’t meant to happen is wrong. You know it’s wrong.”
From across the room, a voice you recognized as Miguel’s scoffed. “This one is different. I’m balancing out the changes. I’ve got it under control.”
“Some control you’ve got. You do realize you’ve already altered enough canon events that even this universe itself doesn’t know where it’s going anymore? The bad guys here aren’t supposed to be in jail. Things aren’t supposed to get better. You know why? Because here, there is no Spiderman.”
Spiderman? Your gut clenched slightly as you inched closer to the gap between the door and the frame. If they were talking about Spiderman, then surely - he must have come from here. Some of those conspiracy theorists were right.
“Like I said, Lyla,” Miguel replied, his voice a touch deeper than it had been just a moment ago, “I have it under control.”
The woman named Lyla went on despite the dangerous rumble in Miguel’s throat you’d never heard before. “Here’s another one. That friend of yours? She was supposed to be engaged by now to her boyfriend. Her actual boyfriend. They’re supposed to have the whole angsty proposal thing, go back and forth for another three months, then end things. When he ends her. Asphyxiation by choking for approximately seven minutes, by the way.”
For a long, long while, there was silence. You realized you had been holding your breath, trying desperately to connect these pieces that just refused to fit together. What on earth were they talking about? Universes? Spiderman? Someone getting choked to death by their fiance? It sounded like a bad movie plot.
“Lyla?” came Miguel’s voice.
“Yeah, boss?”
“...Shut down and mute all alerts.”
Again, there came that horrible, palpable silence. Lyla seemed to be in some kind of shock. “Boss, I’m not sure that’s really what you want. You’re in a state of denial. Maybe you should take a break there, come back to headquarters. Jessica’s tried reaching out. Peter and Ben, too. I advise spending time with friends to decrease levels of -”
“Shut down. Now. I’m not going to tell you again.”
“...Yes, boss.”
When you heard his footsteps crossing the room, you took a small step back and clutched the surely-lukewarm coffee to your stomach. You’d never heard him take such a tone before, always used to that warm, content baritone that rumbled comfortably from deep within his throat. This kind of voice you’d just heard was cold and emotionless, without an ounce of feeling in a single one of his words.
You took a breath and exhaled it softly.
Then, as if he heard it from inside his office, the door was opened at an alarming rate to reveal Miguel on the other side. His brow was furrowed and a line had appeared at the corner of his mouth with his frown, obviously expecting one of his coworkers to be intruding at his door. Yet when his gaze met yours, when his frame towered over your smaller one, he realized just who you were, recognized that gleam in your eyes when you locked stares. His gaze softened like an airbag deflating. That line by his mouth disappeared. His tensed figure slowly relaxed, his shoulders coming down from where they’d been set.
For a short moment, you simply stared at one another. You were forced to admit to yourself that tone he’d spoken with had intimidated you.
It reminded you of the one Ferris used when he cornered you and threatened to take off for good.
Finally, Miguel’s lips parted. “Hey,” he breathed out, like he was trying his damn fucking best not to let that tone leak through to you.
You swallowed and slowly allowed yourself to relax. He wouldn’t ever speak to you like that. You didn’t know how you knew. You could just sense it in the warmth that poured from him, from the gentle honey of his dark eyes, from the way he held himself and carried his weight and set down each step like he knew the outcome of each and every movement he made. “Hi.”
Miguel inhaled, as if he were relieved you decided to speak. “Sorry about that,” he said and gestured over his shoulder into his office. “We’ve been testing out some new AI lately. Throwing it curveballs to see if it can keep up.” A small smile graced his face, close-lipped and sweet. Again, you realized - he never smiled with his teeth. “It hasn’t been going well.”
Like a dam breaking and letting a flood of water into a canal, relief rocketed through your systems and worked to ease your stress. Of course he had been talking to a computer. You doubted he could ever speak to a woman like that, much less anyone else. And that also explained all the wild things they had been discussing. Universes? Some poor chick getting murdered by her fiance?
Just the complicated workings of an out of sorts AI.
“I have to admit, I was wondering,” you let yourself laugh. “But, you know… who am I to question Alchemax’s best geneticist?” You watched in fascination as the corner of his mouth quirked upward and one eye squinted with the smile. God, you could watch him do that all damn day. Suddenly remembering the coffee in your hands, you held it up to him with an embarrassed grin. “I meant to bring you this while it was still hot, but I guess you know how hellish it can be getting a bunch of third graders on a bus.”
He took the cup with a rather confused expression.
“The field trip,” you said and folded your hands in front of you, because you knew if you didn’t, you would surely reach out and touch his face. “It’s today. You signed the permission slip about a month ago.”
Miguel blinked a few times, then took a breath and lifted his face. “Right. Right, sorry. Must have slipped my mind. I’ve - heh.” He shook his head and reached up to scratch at the delicate skin of his throat in that way he did when he spoke to you. “More going on than you would know.”
“Believe me,” you said softly, looking down at your shoes. You thought of dishes still in the sink, and band practices in your living room, and threats of leaving you all on your own because, really, that was truly your worst fear. “I know.”
You thought from there you would smile and turn, say something like, ‘Well, just thought I’d stop by,’ and leave him in the doorway of his office so that he wouldn’t see the yearning swimming in your irises. Maybe if you were feeling bold, you’d reach out and touch his wrist for just a moment before pulling away and practically sprinting back to the elevators.
But when you went to turn, he beat you to all of that. He reached out to touch your upper arm, the tips of his calloused fingers brushing along the fabric of your shirt, and he asked if you’d like to come inside, sit down for a minute. And inside his office, he told you what his department was working on, explained it in ways he knew you would understand. He spoke of a molecular collider that, in theory, would open a doorway to parallel universes.
You could have spent hours sitting in that office that smelled like his cologne, listening to him talk.
But life moved on. You were forced to pull yourself away, travel back downstairs and hold Gabriella’s hand like you hadn’t just thought about Miguel folding you over his desk, hushing your desperate cries, and gripping onto your hips with a hold that would bruise. You were forced to drive home and argue with Ferris about dirty laundry and his new keyboard girl constantly texting him. You were forced to land in the dressing room at The Menagerie, carefully dotting rhinestones to your collarbones in the mirror while the other girls buzzed around you.
“And he brought you flowers, too?” asked Shawna from where she was spread out on the couch across the room. She sighed deeply and hung her head over the armrest. “Girl. When are you going to stop playing and give that little girl of his a new mom?”
“You know why I can’t,” you replied as you pressed a small plastic rhinestone to your skin.
Zara met your eyes in the mirror as she grabbed the back of your chair, already dressed in her colorful, skimpy outfit and her mask. “We know why,” she hissed, but not at you. “That Ferris dude has got you held under the water, babe. Serious ball and chain kind of deal here. You really need to do something.”
If you could have found the strength to, you would have rolled your eyes at their words. But you really couldn’t. You were nothing short of exhausted after the field trip today, so much that you wouldn’t be surprised if you were unable to keep your eyes open while you were on stage. God, you loved your teaching gig, but sometimes it was so, so stressful. And so was this job. Teaching, dancing, disciplining, teasing. They all collided into one big, neverending hurricane of fatigue.
“Maybe in another universe,” you found yourself mumbling under your breath, remembering everything Miguel had told you about this morning, “I could have been a flower shop keeper.”
Behind you in the mirror, a few of the girls looked at you with strange expressions.
Before you could go back to applying your rhinestones, one of the newer girls entered the room and pushed her mask up so that her face was visible. She looked to you. “Boss said you’re canceled on the stage,” she said, and you hoped for a moment you were going to go home early, before she added, “Guy paid for a private dance in Room 7.”
“Goddammit.” You groaned and leaned forward to rest your forehead on your arms. You were way too fucking tired to do a private dance right now.
“M’sure he won’t be that bad,” said Shawna as she let herself slip further over the arm of the couch.
Grumbling beneath your breath, you stood, finished off your rhinestones the best you could, and slipped your cold porcelain mask over your features. At least like this, your customer wouldn’t be able to see your exhausted eyes and lost expression.
The beating, thrumming music of the club seemed to vibrate your very soul in your chest as you wound your way past patrons and around the stage, sure to throw half-assed smiles at the people you were forced to wiggle past just a bit too close. The short corridor leading to the private rooms were lit with neons, playing with shadows across your costumed form as you found Room 7 and gently knocked on the door. You blinked a few times to clear the blur from your eyes, then cleared your throat and stepped inside.
“Hi, handsome,” you said as you turned to shut the door - your classic line, no matter who the buyer. “How are you doing tonight?” You turned around to face your customer, then came to a complete stop. Even your heart jumped a beat or two.
The man you’d seen in the shadows that night of the robbery, the man with the little scar on his collarbone, had gotten to his feet from his chair when you entered the room. He wore that same spider mask, still had his dark hair slicked back over his head.
You swallowed thick as you felt his eyes traveling over your form behind the gaps in his mask. “Hello… Spiderman.”
He hesitated for a moment, like he was lost on just what to do. “Hey,” he said in an equally soft voice. It was muted in the same way it was behind his spandex mask.
You placed your hands behind your back as you leaned up against the door - and locked it. “I didn’t think you’d come.”
“...You asked.”
“Did I?” Putting on your best flirty, coy smile, you slowly crossed the room to meet him. “I thought all I said was… if you stopped by, to ask for me.” You reached out to touch the edge of his shirt, past his dress jacket, and skim your knuckle over the tan skin of his exposed collarbone. That scar sat just where you’d seen it before. “But you’re here.”
“...I’m here.”
There was a soft lilt to his voice, one that you had not heard before. Then again, you hadn’t spoken to him much, just in the bank and on the rooftop. But it seemed long enough to know that it wasn’t normal.
“What’s wrong, Spiderman?” you asked gently, taking a step closer. Your knees brushed against his, and when you gave him a gentle push on the shoulder, he sat back in the chair positioned in the center of the room. You gingerly climbed up so that your knees rested on either side of his thighs, so that your center was just inches above his. You didn’t miss the slight hitch in his breath, the way his eyes widened ever just so behind that spider mask. “Have a bad day? Some criminals get the better of you?”
You knew, in a way, that he wasn’t going to do it himself, so you took his wide, warm hands in your own and rested them on your hips. They stayed there for a long, long moment. Then they moved not down, toward your ass and your core, but up. They felt tentatively along your middle, his thumb tickling your stomach just a bit, and stopped just below your breasts before sliding back down again.
“No,” he replied in a low, raspy voice. He paused when you slowly lowered yourself so that you were seated on his lap now, your hips pressed against his. You felt his thigh twitch beneath your ass. “Pretty good day, actually. Just… heard some bad news.”
You hummed, letting your fingers drag along the delicate skin of his throat, just barely shaded with stubble. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
You expected him to hesitate, then make a request. Strip for him. Dance. Whisper in his ear all the things you wanted to do to him.
But there came none of that. Instead of touching you like you were used to, his hands - which were still respectfully resting against your middle - slowly slid across to your back and gently, gingerly, pulled you against him so that you were lying against his front. So that your chests were pressed together. So that you were slumped comfortably in his lap. He held you there against him, one hand on the small of your back and the other on the base of your neck.
“Just this,” he murmured.
You were stunned, to say the least. This was not the first time a customer just wanted to hold, or be held, or anything of the sort. But even then, those touches were desperate and needy, clingy and awkward. But this was everything they were not. This was gentle and considerate, kind and… romantic. Like he didn’t just need to be touched, he needed to be touched by you.
When you inhaled you thought you recognized the scent you breathed in. But with his body so close and his hands holding you so securely, you dismissed it like a runaway thought.
“Here.” Spiderman pulled you back for just a second, raising his fingers up to pull at the ribbon keeping your mask on your face, mindful not to catch any hair. Your breath hitched when he set the monarch mask aside, your face now bare as you stared down at him. This was against the rules. You were not supposed to do this. Customers were not supposed to see your face, know you like this.
But this?
This was far beyond any rules.
Your lips parted and your heart thundering in your chest so loud you were sure he could hear it, you found your own fingers slowly reaching up to graze at his porcelain mask. Your fingertips grazed the edge, began to hitch it up…
He caught your wrist in a hold that was so gentle, yet so commanding, that you immediately let your hand drop. But there was no venomous feeling there, no edge. Just a warning. A soft, quiet warning.
Exhaling, you wrapped your arms around his neck and settled yourself against his wide, powerful frame. Your face nestled itself into the crook of his neck, your chin resting atop his shoulder, as his hands came back to hold your form against his. One of his thumbs glided across your shoulder blade, sending goosebumps rising across your skin.
Gripping onto his jacket collar, you opened your eyes to look at yourself in the mirror that faced the back of the chair. Here you couldn’t see the mask over Spiderman’s face, just his slicked-back hair and his broad shoulders keeping you caged against him. His head tilted toward yours, your temples resting together.
For a moment, in your exhaustion and fatigue, you thought he resembled someone else you knew. But you let the thought pass, instead shutting your eyes and basking in his soft, gentle, perfect touch.
tags: @mooomeadows @twentysomethingwereyote @screamforyani @fangirlreice7 @axdjelx @ornamentalnecromancy @faust-pda @ilikethemoon28 @mrm-pachypoda @wadafrick @natthernandez @bakgoktski @soupsexsunsalutationsss @roxannarichie @lovagirlxxx @soggyeyeballsss @yoyoyoyoyo55555 @sophipet @quaintii @lavnderluv @cookiezxx @euphorica @its-a-polyglot @nicalysm @maxi-ride @exzidss @crappwr0m @femme-is-dead @bitch-onthemoon @hier—soir @takayomi @kirke-is-my-name @d1lf-loverrr @might-be-a-rat @brooks-lin @maki-z @bookfreakk @act1839 @dollscircus @sleepingaway @anxietybutterfly @bioticboot @mxkn @freeingrebels @digitalcreature404 @aimee777 @hunnaye @blahbahed @cyanide-mustard @impettywhenyouare @mental-illness-is-my-friend @bobfood
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pikihachu · 2 years
IN THE RAIN — wilbur x reader
- pairing : highschool!wilbur x gn!reader
- genre : fluff
- summary : in which wilbur lends you his jacket through the rain
- warnings : none! mentions of tubbo’s real name
a/n : first post on this acc! wilbur will be the same age as tommy and tubbo in this!
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not my gif!
It seemed like such a good day not too long ago, but all of that was replaced with the gloomy grey skies, and clouds so full they were threatening to spill over. Eventually, they did, and just in time for your arrival back at the school. You had been out with your grade for the annual school field trip. This year, it was to the zoo… again. And you had no problem with it! Being face to face with exotic animals of all sorts was something you preferred over being at a desk for the next 8 hours, anyways.
It was quite sunny earlier; sun beating on you till you were fanning yourself to keep cool, type of sunny. So it was odd how the weather suddenly did a 180 on everybody. The rain was beating down and as you and your peers glanced out the window, complaints rang through the bus. While some were prepared than others, you were part of the many that weren’t. You frowned before turning towards Tommy, who was deep in thought, carefully strategizing his route. “Did you bring an umbrella?” You questioned, causing the boy to face you. 
“Hell no. But! Toby’s got me, don’t you buddy?” The blonde smirked, wrapping an arm around the shorter boy who was minding his own business with his headphones in.
The said boy, simply hummed and nodded, unaware of anything his friend just said. You groaned, merely accepting the fact that you were going to get wet. Eventually, the bus came to a complete stop. The teachers were quite prepared, a small umbrella in hand as they began to get up. “Students, because it’s raining we must be careful. We’ll all head to the gym and have free time there. In the meantime try not to slip and fall.” Your English teacher spoke, earning an inharmonious ‘okay’ from the students. The doors opened, and one by one, students and teachers poured out. You let the others leave first, watching them as they booked it through the downpour, getting completely and utterly drenched.
The majority of your classmates didn’t seem to mind the weather, in fact, they seemed to be enjoying it as they were seen dancing under the rain. The other bunch hurriedly sprinted to the gym, which was an unbelievably long walk to try to avoid being showered upon. You belonged to the latter group, trying your best to not get as soaked as the others; you hated getting sick.
Tommy who was previously next to you was already out and about with his “buddy,” hopping around in the puddles to stir up a reaction from the poor boy.
Eventually, you decided it was your time to go. After all, you would get wet regardless.
As you thanked the bus driver and began to climb down the few stairs, you paused in hesitation. However, as you were about to step down from the bus, you felt a small nudge on your bag. You were quite surprised and looked to whoever was trying to get your attention but were suddenly met with a school jacket draped around your head and firm arms gripping both your shoulders.
The smell of men’s cologne filled your nose. Who could this be?
“On the count of three, we run, okay?” A sudden voice murmured into your ear. You had no time to look back and as shocked as you were, you still managed a small nod.
It all happened at once as you and the mysterious figure sprinted towards the sheltered hallway. The boy’s arms never left your shoulders as you bolted towards the gym.
Eventually stopping in front of the entrance, the both of you halted to take a breather. At this point, you were finally able to turn around and see who your savior was.
Lifting the jacket to see in front of you, fluffy brown hair greeted you first as the boy was slightly hunched over to catch his breath. Soon, he peeked up, his warm brown eyes greeting you as he gave you a sheepish smile.
It was Wilbur, the “gentle giant” of the school as many of your peers would put him.
You had never directly interacted with him. Mainly, you knew him as being a mutual friend of Tommy’s, and one of his closest ones at that. And though he’s in a few of your classes, you were never really able to get close with him.
“Are you alright?” he asked, running his hand through his soaked hair simultaneously. You were caught off guard with the action but you nodded quickly with no words escaping your mouth. He was definitely attractive, and had the personality deserving of the popularity he had at your school. The brunette then motioned towards the gym with a small nod, “Let’s head inside before you get sick.” With that, you followed behind him meekly.
Once inside the gym, the sound of the rain was drowned out by the screeching of sneakers against the floor and the bouncing of basketballs flying everywhere. It was dark since the power had somehow gone out, leaving only the gloomy light from outside to illuminate what it could through the large windows overseeing the room. The two of you found a spot on the bleachers and sat down. Wilbur carefully took the now soggy jacket he had put over you and folded it before messily setting it off to the side. Wilbur himself was still quite wet as his hair lost all the volume it had before, and it was safe to say that you were definitely drier than he was.
“You and your jacket seem to be in the same condition.” You spoke to bring down any lingering tension, “Sorry about that.”
Wilbur, who was looking at the courts, twisted his head to your direction and chuckled. “No, it’s no need. My jacket was bound to get wet either way. I might as well put it to good use.” he shrugged. “Yeah but you could’ve used it for yourself.”
“Well from what I saw on the bus, I think you needed it more than me!” You rolled your eyes at his remark and smiled.
“Whatever. Thanks anyway. But I wanna repay you somehow.” You said with genuine eyes. Wilbur tilted his head to the side like a puppy as you suddenly pointed at his jacket. “I can wash this for you! Really!” you exclaimed, though the boy only scoffed and shook his head. “Y/N don’t worry, it’s really not a big deal.”
“If it’s ‘not a big deal’ then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind me taking this home and washing it for you.” You retorted, reaching past his lap and grabbing the jacket. Wilbur looked off to the side, as if he was thinking about it and held his hands up, “You know what, by all means go for it. It’ll give me a reason to see you again anyway.”
You froze, speechless with the soggy jacket still in your grasp, “Wait what-”
“Wilbur! Come play!”
The both of you snapped your heads at Tommy with a basketball, and Wilbur tilted his head up, letting his friend know he’ll be there in a bit.
“I think that’s my cue to play with the boys.” Wilbur said, standing up from his spot. You nodded, looking up at his full length. God was he tall.
You could never admit it but you were a bit disappointed that he wouldn't be staying a little longer.
“You can guarantee that your jacket will be as good as new when I see you!” You beamed. He gave you a warm smile, and naturally patted your head and it was as if butterflies erupted in your stomach.
“Then I’ll see you until then, Y/N.”
And with that, the tall boy jumped down from the bleachers and headed towards his friend group, who was waiting for him in anticipation. He turned around to make eye contact with you and gave you an ecstatic wave, to which you responded with a lighthearted giggle.
Safe to say, Wilbur’s jacket wasn’t a match against the rain as the both of you didn’t show up to school the next day. Though this time, instead of dreading the fact that you were sick, you were quite happy since you spent the day texting your new friend who was in the same situation as you.
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forjongseong · 2 years
hasta los dientes // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut, office!au // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; a bunch of 4th gen K-Pop idols make an appearance (as staff); making out; unprotected sex; creampie // wc: ~5.3k
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: your team are out for a team building trip, three nights camping in a location that is actually much more romantic than you thought. of course your beloved secretary would go out and wear his favorite sleeveless tee to spite you. or entice you?
author’s note: this is part 3.5 of the secretary!Jay series, make sure you have read all the parts above (there are references to previous parts). this part just serves as a filler, everything here happens after the third part, and the events here might be referred to in future episodes. (yes, episodes, I haven't decided how long I want this series to be)
you've all seen that one weverse live with Jay, Sunoo, and Jungwon right? thanks to his looks in that live, I got so hot and bothered I decided to abuse my eyes by typing this in one sitting. thank you, sleeveless Jay.
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the title of this fic is a Camila Cabello song! her album FAMILIA is such a bop tbh.
taglist: @duolingofanaccount @jaylaxies @aminatalks @hee-pster @thots4hee @neo-weareone
(send an ask if you want to be tagged!)
I don’t want to share you
I want you only for me
I’m sucking the air between my teeth
The sun had just risen and you were squinting your eyes, regretting your decision not to bring a pair of sunglasses with you. You watched as Yeji diligently called out the names of all your staff, them standing in line beside the bus that was going to take you all to your location of retreat.
Fixing the duffel bag resting on your shoulder, the strap almost slipped out of your fingers. Of course, someone was quick enough to catch your bag before it falls.
“You shouldn’t be carrying heavy stuff,” Jay tutted, opting to carry your bag himself. He only brought a backpack for the trip.
“I can handle heavy weight,” you pouted, deciding to tie your hair up in a ponytail.
“Don’t forget that I have your medical records and I know that you went to the doctor to check your spine and you have light scoliosis.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, turning your head to look at Jay. Jay had a serious expression on his face that only looked funny to you.
“I’m your PA. I’m supposed to know everything.”
Sighing, you cracked your neck left and right. “Okay, Doctor.”
Jay’s heart does a flip whenever you call him something that is not his name, but he wasn’t going to let you know about this. He stayed in place when you walked up to Yeji as she called the last of the names on her list, watching as all the staff hop on the bus.
“Did everyone make it?” You asked Yeji, leaning in to take a look at her list.
Yeji nodded, smiling. “Yes, Miss. We’re ready to go.”
“How long is the ride again?” You eyed all your employees who were busy fighting for seats in the bus. This really felt like a field trip with teen students.
“Four hours, three and a half if we’re lucky,” Yeji checked her itinerary on her phone. “I’ll go tell the driver to drive safely.”
“Thanks, sweetie,” you smiled at her and she beamed back at you before boarding the bus.
Jay creeped up next to you and leaned into your ear. “I wanna be called sweetie too, please.”
You elbowed Jay in his ribs and he winced as he chuckled.
“Look pretty like her and maybe I will,” you walked away from Jay and up the stairs of the bus entrance.
Jay shamelessly ogled your ass before following you, surprised to find all eyes on you as you stood by the front seat.
“Miss, where do you want to sit?” Beomgyu yelled from the middle of the bus, hovering over his seat with Yeonjun.
You noticed that your staff had kept a couple of seats empty in the front, the middle, and way at the back. You chose a bigger bus to make sure your staff would have much more wiggle room, so you knew it wasn’t going to be full anyway.
“I’ll sit way at the back to keep an eye on you all,” you announced. The rest of the people nodded and some of your staff made way for you as you walked to the back. Jay was about to sit right next to you, and you found it weird since there were plenty of other empty seats.
“Don’t sit next to me,” you lowered your voice. “Go sit somewhere else.”
Jay frowned. “Why?”
You clicked your tongue and that was enough to make Jay listen to you. He sat in a seat that was diagonally in front of you, so he wouldn’t strain his neck so much if he wanted to check on you. The bus took off as soon as Yeji announced it and the travel with your team began.
It was as chaotic as you expected. Beomgyu and Yeonjun were in charge of music, and they came up with all the most karaoke-able songs anyone could ever think of. Jiung and Soobin carefully distributed snacks and drinks to the whole bus, while Keeho and Theo were busy snapping pictures on their DSLRs.
About two hours into the journey, the energy sort of died down, and the chaos turned into muffled chats between people. Some were even sleeping, or watching stuff on their phone with their headphones on. You were also planning to catch up on your sleep, since you were always restless the night before a trip. You forgot to bring your neck pillow with you, or maybe you were just too lazy, but you did end up sleeping anyway with your head tilted uncomfortably to the side.
The bus made a turn and you were about to fall to your left side if it weren’t for Jay who swiftly made his way to the seat beside you. Your head hit his shoulder but you didn’t wake up. Jay carefully adjusted his position, gentle enough to not wake you up but also decent enough for him to feel more comfortable. Keeho, who was making his way to the back of the bus, saw the two of you.
“That’s cute,” he whispered, bringing his camera to his face and snapping a picture of you sleeping on Jay’s shoulder. Jay decided to just pose for it, smiling widely while holding up a peace sign.
“You’re a good assistant, Park,” Keeho praised Jay as he took his seat beside Jiung. Jay just threw him an appreciative smile.
You didn’t wake up until you reached the location, and that was after you noticed everyone had emptied the bus, except for Jay. He was standing by his seat, putting his backpack on as he smiled affectionately looking at you stretching your arms.
“Good nap?” He asked, waiting for you to stand up.
“Did I miss the rest area?”
Jay nodded. “I didn’t want to wake you up.”
You pouted and stood up from your seat, taking a few steps to meet your secretary and lovingly pat him on his cheeks.
“Thank you, Park,” you whispered, still gathering your thoughts after waking up from a deep sleep.
To say that your staff was thrilled is an understatement. When they found out that the venue was actually a legit resort, and that when you said they were going camping you actually meant glamping, all the people shrieked and cheered, making noises you didn’t even know a human could make.
Hwiyoung brushed his long hair back with one hand as he walked up to you, taking it all in. “Damn, Miss, this looks like a lot. How much did we spend?”
You chuckled and nudged Hwiyoung’s shoulder with yours. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know. You were in charge of the whole thing.”
He then smiled his charming gummy smile before raising his hand to give you a fist bump, proud of your work together. You then started walking over to your tent, or in this case, glamorous tent that looks like a room. Jay kept carrying your bag with him even after you basically hissed at him, insisting that you could do fine on your own.
“Since when are you all buddy-buddy with Hwiyoung?” Jay asked, letting your duffel bag fall to the floor with a soft thud as he entered your tent before you.
“I’ve told you this,” you checked all the amenities inside the tent and even the built-in bathroom. “I’m making him my second assistant. He’ll be asking you a lot about things.”
“What? When? How? What?” Jay was flustered. He babbled all the question words he could think of as he glared at you, demanding an explanation.
Of course you laughed, seeing him puzzled and also annoyed. “That one night you stayed at my place after dinner with your parents.”
“So when I made you cum three times?” Jay asked, sitting on your bed.
You slapped Jay’s arm and it made him stand up, partly because you didn’t want him to dirty the bed. “You keep losing focus when you’re working with me so I decided to take some workload off of your back.”
“How would it work?” Jay insisted on finding out more about this affair. He stood by the door this time, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Hwiyoung is in charge of schedules, booking tickets and trips, secretarial work,” you explained as you unpacked the toiletries from your bag. “And you, you run errands.”
Jay had this weirded out look on his face and it took you seconds to realize he wasn’t replying.
“Basically she’s Emily and you’re Andy,” you explained, referring to one of his favorite movies. Yes, his.
“Doesn’t that make him the first assistant then? I should be the first one. I should be Emily,” Jay sulked, looking everywhere but your eyes.
“Oh my God,” you walked over to Jay and put both hands on his face, making him look at you. “I’m doing this out of love. I’m keeping you by my side without having to burden you too much.”
“But I don’t mind. I want to be the only secretary. Wait. Does this mean we’re splitting the pay? Am I getting half of what I used to get??” Jay started spiraling and panicking. You threw your head back laughing, your hands covering your mouth.
“You’re both getting paid full, okay, now calm down and go check the other staff for the itinerary, will you?”
Jay sighed in defeat. He had his head down and you pouted, feeling bad that you made him feel bad. He then leaned in to kiss you on the cheek before leaving and you wondered how the simple gesture could still make you feel so many butterflies in your stomach.
You stayed in your tent for a couple of hours to catch up on work and to let your staff let loose without you. You knew they liked you but you weren’t sure to what extent, so you thought it would be better to join them when the time is right, and not hover around all the time.
As you stepped out, you saw Hwiyoung and Jay coming out of their shared tent. Hwiyoung had his hair up in a man-bun, and he looked handsome as hell, but your eyes were glued to your first secretary.
Jay’s hair was fluffy and he kept pushing it back with his hand. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and the white sleeveless tee he had on showcased his biceps in a way that, if other women see, they would drool, and if other men see they would wish to have those arms. You didn’t even care if Jay was wearing shorts or just normal pants.
The sight of Jay’s skin wasn’t exactly new to you. Hell, you’ve lost count how many times you’ve been naked with him, and you’ve also lost track of how many places you’ve gotten naked with him. So why was this view of him in a sleeveless tee making you more restless than usual?
As soon as all your staff started gathering, with your female employees flocking over to Jay for some reason, it clicked. It was bothering you because everyone else gets to see him now, and everyone else was used to his formal-look, the button-up or long-sleeve tee Jay, not this sexy, rich-guy-who-owns-an-island type of look. Once you identified your feeling to be jealousy, you took a step back and decided to calm down and stay composed because that is what your whole persona is based on.
But, boy, was it hard.
When you joined your team, you were welcomed with cheers and friendly hugs by your staff. You didn’t know if it was on purpose or not, but Jay kept his distance. He made sure not to hover around you too much, and he interacted more with your team than you. He interacted too much with the female staff, in fact.
After a series of activities during the day, the night fell and eventually you all gathered in front of a huge bonfire. It definitely would not feel like camping if there was no bonfire, and although the thought of sitting in front of the fire made you hot and bothered, it was nothing compared to seeing Jay sat between two female staff, while you were sitting over on the other side, across him, sandwiched between Keeho and Hwiyoung.
Beomgyu suggested a game of truth-or-dare and immediately got shot down by the whole team, claiming that they were no longer teenagers with raging hormones. You were proud that your staff felt that way, and you thanked Jiung for his initiative to bring out his guitar, turning the whole night into a jam session. Lucky for you and everybody else, a lot of your staff were very good at singing and playing instruments, so you sat and smiled as you listened to their performances.
The jam session quickly turned into a dancing scene, with several people leaving their seats to go closer to the fire, swaying to the music. Jay made his way to you, noticing that Hwiyoung and Keeho had left you to sit on your own. He smiled before sitting down next to you, brushing his hair back.
“Stop doing that,” you muttered under your breath, keeping your eyes on the dance battle in front of you.
“What?” Jay looked at you, pretending to be oblivious. “This?” He ran his fingers through his hair again, this time flexing his muscles too. You scoffed and rolled your eyes at him. It only fed his ego even more.
“Is there a reason you’re so irritated tonight,” Jay sat forward and leaned in closer to speak in a lower voice. “My queen?”
You raised one hand to shut him up and he immediately fixed his position, straightening his posture. You didn’t want your jealousy to get the best of you, so you distracted yourself with the fun happening in front of your eyes. Cheering for Hwiyoung, who surprisingly started to dance against Jiung, you took your silk scrunchie off of your hair and started waving it around like a flag.
Jay was surprised at your wild and enthusiastic support, and he honestly wanted to be in the spotlight too. So, he stood up to join the fun.
You weren’t sure if Jay had mentioned it before, but the guy actually had moves. The crowd immediately roared and started cheering for him the moment he entered the dance circle, challenging your other male staff and earning the shrieks of your female staff. You shook your head to yourself, smiling as you watched the show that was basically made for you. Once the bit was done, and after receiving a thunderous applause, Jay looked at you.
As if he was asking for your approval, his eyes widened like a puppy. You merely rested your chin on one hand, slightly biting the end of your pinky finger. He looked at you full of anticipation, and you merely winked at him before deciding to stand up. As you were about to turn around and head to your tent, a voice stopped you.
Of course it was Beomgyu.
“You need to help us pick a winner,” he said as you turned back to face your team. They all looked at you with hope.
“I don’t want anyone to feel bad for not winning,” you said, refusing to choose because the moment Jay joined, your eyes were glued to him and him only. You didn’t even remember who else danced.
“Oh, come on, Miss,” this time Keeho was whining. “We won’t feel bad. We just badly need your approval.”
Theo slapped Keeho in the chest and the rest of your staff laughed at him.
“Just name one person, Miss,” Yeji sweetly smiled at you as she nodded her head.
“Alright, fine,” you sighed, this time you were brushing your hair back. “Jay.”
Jay perked up as he heard you call his first name.
“Park. Park Jay did a great performance,” you continued, clearing your throat as you felt more eyes on you.
You could see the way some of your staff wanted to protest and accuse you of favoritism, but it turned out they agreed and actually thought that your decision made sense. Even though it was biased as fuck.
“Ayeeee Park!” Keeho high-fived Jay, followed by the rest of the team. Jay was smiling so wide that the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes were showing. He was enjoying it a little too much.
It was getting fairly late and you excused yourself. You made Keeho in charge of the bonfire and told him to make sure to clear out everything before leaving. Your staff waved you goodbye and you quickly made your way to your tent.
Almost like that night of the welcoming party for your interns, Jay was already waiting for you in front of your door. You looked around and found nobody, so as you walked up to him you crossed your arms in front of you and clicked your tongue.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” You inquired, slightly tilting your head to the side.
“Just open the door, please,” Jay took a deep breath, seeming impatient.
“Go back to your tent, Park,” you shoved him away from your door, letting yourself in, but of course he trailed behind you because he knew you were joking.
You went straight to the bathroom to wash up while Jay just stood there, talking to you while he raised his voice to make sure you could still hear him.
“What if Hwiyoung finds out?” You asked in the middle of washing your face.
“Yeah, I think he already knows,” Jay scratched the back of his head.
You walked out of the bathroom with a towel in your hands. “You think he already knows or you know he knows?”
Jay opened his mouth to reply to you, but left it open as he stared into nothing, thinking. You exhaled and Jay walked over to you.
“If he knows, isn’t that a good thing? We can make him keep it a secret and then there’s one less person to worry about.”
You stopped to think and Jay just stared into your eyes.
“It’s okay if he knows. Hwi knows.”
You scoffed at Jay’s pun and he smiled with you, teeth showing. You find it ridiculously attractive so you retracted, moving back to the bathroom to finish your skincare routine. When you were done, Jay was sitting on the side of your bed, scrolling through his phone.
“Are you finally gonna tell me what’s bothering you today?” He asked, setting his phone on the side table to fully focus on you.
You frowned. “I’m not bothered.”
“Lies,” Jay snapped. Not in an angry way, though.
“You’re really gonna make me say it?”
Jay shrugged. “I’m honest with you all the time, so I’d like it if you’d be honest with me too.”
You laughed softly and walked over to him, making him look up to you.
“Not saying anything is not lying, you know,” you lowered your voice and tilted his chin up with your fingers. Jay immediately brought both his hands up your waist, stroking your sides gently.
“If it’s about me lending my shoulder for you to sleep on, causing unintentional public display of affection, I’m sorry,” Jay leaned in to kiss your stomach, which was now bare because you were only wearing a bra as your top.
“I slept on your shoulder?” You asked, oblivious.
“If it’s about me not being subtle about our relationship sometimes, I’m also sorry,” Jay looked at you before kissing your skin around your ribcage. “I tried to keep a distance so people won’t see us hanging out the whole time.”
“That’s what bothers me.”
“I fucking knew it.”
Jay’s instant response to your confession made you laugh, and he responded by blowing raspberries on your tummy. You laughed even harder because it tickles, and after a slight wrestle with Jay, he gave up and let you go, still sitting and looking up to you.
“Tell me more,” he encouraged you, now stroking the small of your back with his fingers.
“Ugh, it’s you!” You exclaimed, grabbing both his biceps with your hands. “You, with your sleeveless tee and your gorgeous smile. Your luscious hair and your veiny hands running through it. Your charming personality and sheer talent that makes people hover.”
Jay blinked as he listened to you, his smile growing bigger and bigger with each compliment you throw at him. He then bit his lower lip and started pulling you closer.
“Whenever you say something funny and the girls laugh at your joke, and when you’re always ready to assist the guys with literally everything. Cooking, carrying stuff, and fucking dancing? I didn’t know you could dance.”
Jay chuckled and rubbed your sides with his hands. “I didn’t know you could dance either. Remember the party?”
“I wasn’t dancing. I was just copying moves.”
“Take the compliment, my queen,” Jay took one of your hands and kissed your knuckles. “Is there anything else?”
“I don’t like it when they look at you different,” you sulked. “I don’t want to share you.”
Jay smiled as he stood up to meet your face. “Who says anything about sharing?”
He leaned in to kiss your lips and you sighed at the contact, finally feeling his warmth this close to you. He tightened his embrace around your waist and your hands were flat against his chest as you kissed him back.
“Tell you what,” Jay spoke to your mouth.
“What?” your voice was almost gone from all the kissing and Jay just pecked your lips again before he continued.
“Why don’t we fuck, and you can sing my name for others to hear?”
You blushed at Jay’s straightforwardness, something that you were still getting used to. You quickly composed yourself and challenged him.
“You really think you can make me scream that loud?” You looked into his eyes and you swore that they shine brighter than any galaxy.
“Hmm,” Jay pretended to think. “Night of the gala, when you were jealous of that PA, remember?”
“I remember,” you smirked.
“Wanna do it again?” Jay’s hands traveled down to your ass. As he squeezed your cheeks, you could feel your core pressed to his hard on and you almost whimpered.
You shook your head and Jay frowned, confused at your reaction.
“Let’s just get comfy,” you gently poked Jay’s forehead with your finger and he slowly fell to the bed, bringing you down with him.
You made him move to the center of the bed before you completely straddled him, letting him roam his hands all over each surface of your skin. You kissed him the whole time, hungry for his taste with your tongue fighting for dominance. Jay bit your lower lip a little too hard and you whimpered.
“Fuck,” he muttered, bringing a hand up to caress your cheek. “Sorry.”
You shook your head and started kissing him again, your hands reaching for his to help you unclasp your bra. When he did, you chucked your bra away and he lunged in to put his mouth around your boob. You were now grinding on him, and his ministrations on your breasts were just increasing the desperate need you have for him.
He propped himself up to take his sleeveless tee off, and you gladly helped him undress. He then carefully slid your shorts and your panties down in one go before getting naked completely too. You made him lie back down as you started grinding again, this time your folds coming in contact with his dick. You whined as he put his hands on your ass, guiding your movements and making you grind on him harder.
You adjusted your position and with the help of Jay’s hands, he was now perfectly aligned with your core. You were already dripping way before the two of you started making out, so Jay was able to slide into you effortlessly. You let out a shaky breath as you felt him enter you, and he kissed you through your soft whimpers. You sat up and rested your hands on his chest, continuing to grind into him. He lifted his legs slightly, creating an angle where you can feel his thighs against your ass. He created more friction by thrusting upwards, matching your movements and keeping you steady on top of him with his hands on your waist.
Jay seemed like he had more energy than you tonight and it showed from how forceful his thrusts were. You were a moaning mess, your voice starting to croak from all the whimpering and groaning. He could feel your speed slowing down, but he knew he had to chase you to your high, so he propped himself up with his elbows until he was also sitting down. He then crossed his legs underneath you and made you bounce on his cock with his hands on your side. This position was new to you, and you couldn’t help but call out his name repeatedly with every thrust.
“Jay,” you muttered under your breath. “Fuck, you feel so good…”
Jay grunted in response, not letting your moans slow him down. If anything, it fueled him to go faster. Your voice became higher and he knew you were close.
“You’re letting me cum inside,” he spoke in between his breaths. “Right?”
You nodded and closed the distance between your mouths with a kiss. Jay squeezed your ass once and you came, clenching your walls around him. Just seconds after, he followed, his breath hot against your cheek as he filled you up with his cum. Jay then straightened his legs and you carefully let him slide out, his cum dripping out of you and staining the sheets.
“See?” He said, still panting while you brush his hair back and his sweat off his face. “I made you sing.”
You were out of breath so all you could do was lightly flick his forehead with your finger. Jay chuckled and collapsed to the bed, almost making you fall down with him.
“You need to wash up,” you said, climbing off the bed. “And go back to your tent.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he saluted you while lying down. “In a minute.”
Seeing him sprawled on your bed made you feel soft in a way, so you leaned into him and kissed his jawline. He closed his eyes and smiled really wide.
The next morning at breakfast, you came to the dining area earlier than almost everybody else. You spotted Keeho and Yeji sitting together and decided to join them.
“Good morning, Miss,” Yeji greeted you happily, smiling so wide her eyes disappeared. Her signature smile.
You mouthed ‘morning’ before sipping the orange juice in your glass. You winced as you found it a little too sour for your liking.
“Did you sleep well?” Keeho asked, biting into his toast. Yeji gave him a look and he reacted by giving her another weird look.
You sensed the awkward interaction and sighed, putting your glass back on the table. “I feel like that’s supposed to mean something more.”
“Keeho, don’t.”
You threw a questioning look at Yeji, who was sitting across you, and then at Keeho on your left side. “Why ‘Keeho, don’t’?”
“Keeho, I swear,” Yeji’s eyes widened at Keeho but turned soft as she shifted her gaze to you.
“Oh my God, what is it? Just tell me!”
At that very moment, Jay appeared wearing the same clothes he had on the night before. He joined your table, sitting next to Yeji and across Keeho, his plate full of different breakfast menus. The portion was of a shocking amount to both Yeji and Keeho, but not to you.
“What are we talking about?” Jay asked nonchalantly, sipping a glass of milk. A milk mustache formed on top of his lips and you gestured for him to wipe it off.
“Before anybody else comes into this area,” Keeho lowered his voice and also his head, as if he was going to reveal a huge secret.
Yeji sighed and buried her face in her hands, expecting the worst. Jay was already getting into his meal and you were just leaning in towards Keeho, mimicking his movements.
“We heard some of your staff fucking,” Keeho said in one breath.
Jay choked on his mini croissant and Yeji helplessly stared at him as he gulped more of his milk. You tried to keep yourself composed as you waited for Keeho to continue.
“I don’t know whose tent it was because it was so dark, but Yeji and I were strolling, just you know, patrolling because we both couldn’t sleep, and legit, we heard moaning. And slapping of skin. And…”
“That’s enough!” Yeji almost screamed. “Miss, I know it’s none of our business, but like, is there some sort of policy in our company that we should know about?”
Jay looked at you expectantly, shoving more food into his mouth so none of them would make him talk.
“No, you’re all free to fuck whoever you want,” you said, playing with the cereal in your bowl. You weren’t going to let yourself choke like Jay.
“Oh, so you’re not going to like, reprimand us or anything?” Keeho asked, confirming.
You sighed. “You know,  you’re all adults and you can tell what’s right or wrong. If the fact that you’re fucking each other is hindering your work then yes, it will be a problem.”
“If it makes us more motivated wouldn’t that be good?” Keeho asked again.
Yeji facepalmed again. Jay chuckled as he continued to eat.
“Probably,” you smiled at Keeho before you decided to start eating. It was silent for a while and the four of you indulged in your breakfast.
“But Miss,” Keeho spoke again, breaking the silence. “Aren’t you curious who it was?”
Before you could answer, you see Hwiyoung and a couple of other staff entering the dining area. Hwiyoung immediately walked over to your table and greeted Jay.
“Hey, man,” he tapped Jay lightly on the shoulder. “You didn’t come back last night and I ended up using some of your toiletries. Hope you don’t mind.”
Jay smiled and nodded. Hwiyoung then took off to fix himself a plate. Yeji and Keeho looked at each other, and then at you and Jay.
Keeho cleared his throat. “Miss…”
“Mm-hm?” You answered, head facing down at your plate, your mouth chewing the last of your food before swallowing.
“I think your secretary is fucking someone in your team.”
You and Jay exchanged glances, and Yeji just had enough that she excused herself from the table, taking her empty plate away with her.
“Park, is this true?” You held your gaze at him, smiling when you could see the gears in his head shifting.
“Of course not,” Jay scoffed. He then looked at Keeho. “What, you got that just because Hwiyoung said I didn’t come back to our tent?”
“Then what was… Why did he… Where were…” Keeho started stuttering because of the questions that popped up in his head all at once.
“I was helping the boss with some work,” Jay finished the milk in his glass and exhaled. “Right, Boss?”
You nodded as you patted Keeho’s back. “He’s right, I can vouch for him. You need to gather the team now.”
Keeho sighed for no reason as he nodded. He then stood up and walked away, leaving you and Jay sitting on the table alone.
“Shame,” Jay whispered. “I wanted him to find out.”
You shook your head, laughing softly. Then you lowered your head, leaning in to him and speaking in the lowest volume as possible. “I’ll make sure to scream out your name next time, and not just moan.”
Jay quickly put a finger to his mouth, shushing you as he sensed your voice was still a little too loud. You cackled as you stood up and walked away, greeting the rest of the team while you were at it.
© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
SECRETARY!JAY will return…
read the next part: vente conmigo
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
Giant Mer Siren questions
Do guppies go to school? If so, do they eat Livyatan (large prehistoric whale) and megalodon(prehistoric shark) for lunch? I’m using these big prehistoric animals because I’m convinced a swarm of guppies can make a whale disappear in less than a millisecond like piranhas. 
Or, do guppies eat during lessons? Like say teachers leave a pile of fish near each student in case they get hungry. (a cute little idea i had is the guppies swimming around like a school of fish for field trips and such. Or, they ride on a giant mer sirens back like in finding nemo)
Do teen mer sirens still eat every 5 minutes or do they eat regularly? I’m asking because teens grow a lot as it is and I know giant teen sirens are still growing to be full grown. 
Do giant sirens keep some creatures as pets? Like Julieta has clownfish, Bruno has sea horses, and pepa has tiger fish? Or do they keep large creatures as pets like Livyatan, Megalodons, giant squid, etc? 
Do you mind if I do some world building around your au? Most of it has to do with the different types of sea people. 
I got you⁉️⁉️
So school isn’t really a thing. If there’s guppies gathered in one place, it’s more like a daycare. Usually one of the teenagers or adults stick with the guppies and kinda follow them around, make sure they don’t wander off or something. And yes. A group of guppies, even only 4, can easily take down something as big as a whale in a matter of minutes. Mind you the daycare can last for a few days, because most the time the guppies are only there because the adults are hunting and can’t watch them. So whoever is watching gets to deal with a bunch of hungry guppies 👹👹
Also fun fact that I never mentioned by siren guppies are. Freakishly strong. It’s terrifying tbh. It's worse when they're hungry, cause despite being somewhat weak in terms of stamina, physically, they are way too busted 😭
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Yes they do eat. All the time. Whoever is watching has to constantly have a source of food or has to be able to quickly supply food. Consequently, if they don’t, the guppies will take matters into their own hands. And trust, that’s not something you want to happen <333
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Kind of? The teens eat a lot still, but not nearly as much as guppies do. They can hold off longer, and usually they’re fine if they don’t eat, they don’t lose that much energy and aren’t weak. Nor are they in danger of going into their human forms.
Yes, they can have pets! They can be just about anything that can be tamed. Bruno does keep several sea horses around, and the other family, it varies. They can have big pets, but they’re kind of uncommon. They’re hard to tame, except ones like whales and all that. It’s not uncommon, however, for full schools of fish be something like pets. Just keep them away from the guppies 💀
And yes! Go ahead and world build, I don’t mind :)
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sim-ply-lilacs · 1 year
My dearest friend Irene,
In the months that have passed since my wedding, I have been surprised time and again by what it is to be a wife.
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To my unending delight, I have discovered that what the bitter old gossips said is not true. My husband not only tolerates, but actively enjoys my company. Dear Josef would be outraged, I think, to hear I'd once been told that I would do well to find a deaf husband, so I could chatter on without driving him to distraction. Many days, we find ourselves distracted from work in the fields by our own good humor. I must confess—I find a great deal of enjoyment in making him laugh!
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Lest you think us to be a lazy bunch, I must tell you we work quite hard on the farm! Mother and I have set ourselves to learning many new skills, so we might be useful to the running of things. There is no room for the lazy here! After all, when most of one's income is dependent on infrequent harvests, one must find ways to supplement one's income in the interim.
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Josef has taken to helping the local fishermen with their catch in exchange for a few coins to keep us in ribbons and shoe polish, and I am proudly selling some of our milk and eggs every day to the general store. The grocer is kind enough to charge less interest on our account in exchange, and his wife and I get on nicely.
Mother, however, has made the most surprising shift of all! She has always done her little fancy things—she used to win those blue ribbons for her embroidery, you know. Lately, however, she has become a student of woodworking! Her knife blocks and little figures take in tidy sums at the market we travel to in neighboring Henford once a week to sell our wares, and I'm thrilled to see her getting recognition. At the least, it keeps her mind off of Father's passing. That is hard to do most days.
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As for me, you'll be pleased to know that I am no longer the sad little wretch who could not boil an egg that I was when we met on Papa's business trip to San Myshuno. I am learning to cook! I have baked bread without poisoning Mother and Josef several times now, scrambled eggs without dropping in their shells, and stumbled my way through a passable stew or two that my dear man ate without complaint.
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He never intended to be a farmer, my Josef. Before his father died, he'd intended to be a professor of music in Austria, but to care for his mother and brother, he took over farming the land from his father. When his mother also passed, he came here. As I understand it, an uncle of his and his brother Franz operate the property now. He still regrets not finishing his education, but he is a marvelous farmer. As if it were knowledge granted to him from God, he plants things together that grow better than they would apart. Some may say it's because we are blessed to have good soil, but I know it's more than that.
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I am impressed watching his keen mind at work most especially in the quiet moments. Sometimes, we fish together in Henford when we go to market, and he tells me all about the composers he studied.
Papa took me to the opera, once. Did I ever tell you that? I thought there could be nothing more beautiful this side of heaven. Nothing was—until I listened to my love tell me about Schubert, about Bach, and of Mozart. Sometimes, he will sing to me. Josef has a beautiful baritone. It is rich like the honey our bees make and just as sweet. I am convinced I must cajole him to join the church choir, but for now I am content to keep him to myself. Perhaps that is selfish of me, but is it not a wife's prerogative to keep her husband to herself?
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Even more than our fishing and our singing, I enjoy our time alone in the evenings—not in that way, you cad (though I do now enjoy that quite a lot, thank you very much. Your advice on the subject was invaluable).
Every night, we sit by the fire in our little parlor area after we eat a dinner whose quality varies by the day, and talk about any and everything we desire. Mother retires early in her grief. I am saddened by this, but choose to be optimistic. You see, friend o' mine, this means we are free to be true newlyweds and sigh and dream over the future, whispering our sweet nothings, or merely gazing at each other like cow-eyed courting youths at the parish picnic. Having done so little of that in my own schooldays, I like to think I'm making up for lost time. It is so much more delicious to be silly and love struck when one no longer requires a chaperone!
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Oh, how I love this man! He loves every bit of me, even the absurd little bits that I should discard as the respectable matron of Idyllwind Farm (the fanciful name I have christened our patch of earth with), and together we love this life of ours. Do write back, and tell me you and your family will move out here to Brindleton. You must! Leave that horrid city behind and come work this good land. I swear to you, I have never been so happy in my whole life as I am right now. You and yours must come and share in my joy. Only one, small blessing could make me any happier.
(I pray we shall be blessed with one soon.)
Yours, Mrs. Beatrice Moody
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junostwistedworld · 2 years
RSA Staff Headcanons/OCs
Some characters I feel would be fitting at Royal Sword Academy. I'm not really great with picking names, so there probably won't be much sense or reasoning to them.
Arnold Rennison
Twisted from Roger Radcliffe (101 Dalmasions). Music teacher.
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Hobbies: Writing sheet music
Every time I try to remember the movie, the first thing that comes to mind is him stomping the floor playing the piano and trumpet as loud as he can while Cruella's downstairs. I can just imagine, if he gets word of Crewel visiting the school for whatever reason, he always makes sure band practice is in the parking lot so he gets an earful when he gets out of his car.
Don't ask me what those two have against each other, maybe something went down while they were still attending their respective schools. Either way- they don't like each other.
Claude Archambault
Twisted from Clopin Trouillefou (Hunchback of Notre Dame). Theatre director.
Homeland: Shaftlands
Hobbies: Flower gardening
The man literally narrates the entire movie and pretty much hosts the Feast of Fools. If anyone qualifies to direct a theatre, it's him. And even if he's got a darker side, he's warm with kids and his family. Spread some joy and watch out for the kids (adults...?) enrolled at the school, it doesn't sound too outlandish for someone based on Clopin.
Professor Moreau
Twisted from Maurice (Beauty and the Beast). Science teacher.
(I couldn't find a first name I felt would fit)
Homeland: Shaftlands
Hobbies: Tinkering in the school basement
Maurice was literally called crazy for all the weird things he was inventing, if anyone could teach kids science and make it interesting, it's this guy.
Students learn early on to stay out if the basement- no, not because it's haunted, not even because it's staff only. It's because Moreau turned half of it into his personal workshop and it is anything but safe. He's happy to share his work with the students... just be ready to run if something goes wrong.
Murphy Heinrich
Twisted from Milo Thatch (Atlantis: the Lost Empire). History teacher.
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Hobbies: Battle reenactments
In charge of all the 'socials' like Trein is. If anyone can make a history lecture interesting, it's him. The excitement, the theorizing, he enjoys teaching all of it- not just the bare minimum and you have to fill in the blanks (I had one too many teachers like that). Oh, everyone's falling asleep? Rather than hand out more homework, why don't they have a historical costume party to liven things up a bit! Or take a field trip to one of the reenactments he attends!?
He's the odd one out in a long line of adventurers: teaching history rather than making. And he enjoys his job... but there's still plenty of time to hold up the family legacy.
Coach Aegis
Twisted from Philoctetes (Hercules). Athletic coach.
Homeland: Sunset Savanna
Hobbies: Antique collecting
Who better to whip a bunch of greenhorns into shape? An older centaur (referencing Charon from Greek mythology) that sort of got arm bent into the job as a favor. If there aren't centaurs or the like in Twisted Wonderland, I guess a big horned ram beastman. He has a giant list of rules when it comes to training: they worked for the professional athletes he used to train, they'll work for the students too!
Just a few ideas, feel free to add to this or make a better suggestion- I'm sure there are characters that would fit these rolls better. There were some characters I considered that I just wouldn't be sure how to write for.
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Mr Evershed x Student!reader - run the town
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Part 4:
A few days had passed, and you stood in front of your fathers grave, setting down some flower, you crouched down, resting your arms on your legs.
“I haven’t a clue what to do father. I cannot possibly keep everyone safe and handle this, can I?”
You didn’t expect a response, because of course he couldn’t give you one.
But you wanted to know what to do, but you couldn’t speak to him, and you were lost.
You could run this business, you could make deal and order people around sure. But how did you protect a whole bunch of people against something you had no idea on?
It was impossible.
Standing up, you sighed and placed your hand in your trouser pocket, staring down at the grave.
“Maybe a little insanity is the way to go? Maybe it isn’t. I’m not sure what the best course of action is anymore.”
You took a deep breath and walked down the path, falling in line with Harry as he led you back to cars.
“We’re getting closer to finding the mole. What do you want us to do when we find them?”
You thought carefully for a moment.
“Tell me where to find them. I wish to personally deal with them myself.” You said lowly.
“Of course. You’ll know as soon as I do.”
You nodded your head and climbed into the car, and Harry got in the other side, handing you a glass which you took, sipping from it.
“I never got my fathers obsession with whiskey. But I suppose he had good taste.” You said.
“You don’t have to drink it.”
“Maybe not. But it was his drink, and since it was his drink, I’ll make it my drink.”
Harry nodded his head and looked over at you.
“You know you’re not alone right? Even if you have no one else in here for you.”
You looked at the man.
“I know Harry, and I thank you for that. But.. well… somethings we must face on our own.”
He sighed and watched as you turned you attention back to the window, watching as the streets passed by.
Harry’s phone rang, and he answered it, and you looked at him raising a brow.
“It’s Owen and Lewis. They’re your mole’s.”
“Where are they?”
“Field trip right now, just on the outskirts of the town. Arron overheard a conversation between them both, Ethan can also confirm this.”
You nodded your head, leaning forward in your seat.
“Bailey, let Harry drive. Can you alert the others to follow behind us?”
“Yes of course.”
The cars all pulled to a stop, Bailey and Harry swapped places, Bailey had a brief conversation with the other two, and you were off again.
As you passed the streets more and more cars fell in line with yours, and you pulled up, one long convoy alongside of the bus as it drove.
The bus slowed to a stop and you had it surrounded.
Getting out of the car, you walked around and stood in front of the bus doors as they opened.
Liam and Theo were both standing at the front and gestured for you to come up.
“Seriously (Y/N)?!” Mr Evershed snapped.
You looked at him.
“Be quiet, this is none of your business.”
You looked around the bus and located to two teenagers you were looking for.
“You two. Out. Now.”
They nodded and got up, following you off the bus.
It was surrounded by men and women stood in suits, cars lined up blocking all the exits possible, and Liam, Theo and Arron stood in front of the bus.
“Is everything alright?” Owen asked.
You held out your hand to them.
“Phones. Now.”
The two complied, passing you their phones and you handed them to Bailey who easily unlocked them and began to go through them.
“What’s this about?” Lewis asked.
“Keep you mouths shut.” Harry said.
“You have no right talking to us like that!” Owen snapped.
You pointed.
“Shut up the pair of you.”
Bailey tapped your shoulder and you looked at him.
He handed you one of the phones and you read through the text thread with an unknown number.
You hummed a little, holding the phone in your hand, you dropped it on the floor and slammed you foot into it, shattering it.
Then you took the other and tossed it in your hand a few times.
“You must have been paid a handsome amount to make such a foolish mistake.” You said.
“What are you talking about?” Lewis asked.
You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t play coy with me Lewis. That was your phone I just broke, you really didn’t think you would be able to double cross me and get away with it did you?”
“We didn’t do anything.”
You looked at Liam and Theo, and they pushed the two teenagers to the ground, pinning an arm behind their backs to stop them from moving.
“(Y/N)! This is getting out of hand!” Mr Evershed yelled.
You looked at him and watched as he came around.
“These two have been telling my previous family where I am and what I am doing. They’re nothing but dirty rats.”
You took your blazer off, handing it to Harry, and loosened your tie, doing the same thing with that.
You rolled up your sleeves, and stretched your arms a little bit as you looked at the teacher.
“Do you know what we do to rats Mr Evershed?”
“Don’t.” He warned.
“We teach them a lesson.”
You walked over to him and stood next to him, staring out into the road.
“I suggest you get back on that bus, and don’t look at what is going to happen.”
Mr Evershed placed his hand on your shoulder, and you held your hand up, stopping the few people that were going to come over.
“Do not do anything you’re going to regret.”
“Oh I’m not going to regret a single thing. They are.”
“(Y/N), don’t do this. Okay? Don’t hurt them.”
You flicked your eyes up to him, and he looked down at you.
“They betrayed me. My father. They deserve what’s coming to them.” You said lowly.
You turned around and he grabbed your wrist to stop you, and you spun around grabbing his in return. You held it in a death grip.
“Remove your hand from me.”
“Do not hurt them.”
“I will hurt you if you do not remove that hand in the next two seconds.” You growled.
He let go and you let go of him.
“Make a mistake like that again and I will break that hand of yours.”
You turned around again and clenched your jaw, looking down at the two boys you once trusted with your life.
They looked up at you.
“You’re not fit to run anything.” Lewis said.
“We know.” Owen said.
“You know what?” You growled.
Owen smirked a little bit.
“That you’re dying. Your sick, weak. That’s why your parents hated you.” Lewis growled.
“They are not my parents.”
“They’re going to find you, they’ll get rid of you, and then we’ll take over this family and we’ll turn it into what it’s supposed to be!” Owen yelled.
You hummed a grabbing Owen by the back of his shirt, you threw him to the ground behind you and stalked over.
He sat up and you raised your leg, kicking him in the face sending him back down.
Blood ran down his down, and he held himself up with his hands.
“You’ll die either way!” He yelled.
You kicked him in the face again, and you stepped on his hand, placing your other foot on his stomach.
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.”
You looked down at him.
“But I can sure as hell make you suffer.”
You raised your heel, slamming it on his hand and he screamed in pain, and you smirked, stepping off.
“You seem to forget something.”
You turned around to Lewis walking you took his face in your hand, holding it in place.
“I’m a little bit insane.”
You whispered.
Bringing your hand back, you balled it into a fist and swung, hitting him in the side of the face, kicking him to the ground.
You swiftly kicked his side and he doubled over in pain, and you grabbed his arm, pinning it behind his back, you knelt on him.
“You’re getting in my way…” you whispered.
“They’re going to kill you.”
“I’d love to see them try.” You said.
You pulled his arm back a little bit and he grunted in pain.
You heard sirens approaching and you looked up, looking to Mr Evershed who had his phone in his hand.
“You know they’re not going to arrest me, so why call them?”
“Maybe if they see this they will. You’re out of control.”
“I was never in control in the first place.” You said.
You swiftly moved you hand and there was a loud crack and Lewis screamed, Mr Evershed covered his mouth and looked away.
You stood up, wiping your bloodied hand on your shirt.
“I promise I can feel your pain boys. Really, I can. My birth parents did the same thing to me once you know, snapped my arm clean in half.”
You grabbed your blazer and pulled it back on.
“Maybe I enjoy it a little too much, seeing you two crying like babies on the floor.”
You walked over to Mr Evershed and stood in front of him, and he refused to meet your gaze, and you hummed a little bit.
“Take those two away.” You said.
“Of course.” Someone said.
You stood next to Mr Evershed, hands in your pockets as you looked at the bus.
“I did warn you to stay on the bus.”
“You snapped his arm! And Owen’s hand!”
“I know, and I would do it all over again.”
“What is wrong with you?”
You looked up at the teacher.
“They betrayed me, I can’t be accepting that. It’s a warning to anyone who thinks they can try pull the same stunt.”
You looked away from him.
“If I say jump, I expect these people to jump. If I sat get on their knees, they get on their knees, if I say run, they run. It’s as simple as that. I hold the power here Mr Evershed, no one else.”
“You’re a kid.”
“I was never a kid Mr Evershed, no once was I child. I was a soldier, nothing more, nothing less.”
You sighed heavily.
“Stop trying to protect me from my own destiny Mr Evershed, it’s not worth your time or effort.”
With that you left, and the cars all vanished and Mr Evershed sighed, waiting for the police to turn up so he could speak to them.
Of course, they refused to do anything about it, and they were just going to leave you alone.
And he refused to accept that.
So he decided to to go and see you at the bar a couple of days later, and he found you sitting in your office, feet up on the desk, glass in your hand.
“Why are you so persistent?” You asked.
“Because I know somewhere, deep down I know there is a shred of human decency inside of you, that feels bad for what you’re doing.”
You watched as he sat down, and you downed the rest of your drink, setting the empty glass on the desk and looked at him.
“If I’m being honest, no. Like I said the other day, I was raised to be a soldier, no emotions, no feelings. Just pure strength and aggression.”
“But you do show emotions. You were sad when your father died.”
You narrowed your eyes a little.
“It’s okay to feel things, you understand that, right?”
You said nothing and he sighed softly.
“Feeling emotions is what makes us who we are. There’s nothing wrong with that, but what you did? There was something wrong with that. You intentionally hurt those two boys. Broke their bones. And that’s not okay.”
“You’re not my father.”
“Would your father approve of what you did?”
You took feet from the desk and slapped them on to the floor, banging your fist against the table as you glared at him.
“Do not speak of my father as if you knew him.” You snarled.
Mr Evershed raised his hands.
“Okay. Okay I’m sorry.”
He lowered his hands and you slowly sat back down as you glared at him.
“Is it true what they said? That you’re dying?”
“We’re all dying. It’s just part of the chain of life.”
“That’s not what I’m asking and you know it isn’t.”
You sighed and leant back.
“Not that it is anything to do with you, but yes. I am dying. Something to do with my kidneys I can’t remember what. I’m a rare blood type so they can’t help me.”
“Then why are you doing all of this?”
“Why not? Either way I’ll die like I said. So it doesn’t matter much does it? I’m aware there’s a space in hell reserved just for me.”
Mr Evershed shook his head.
“I don’t think you’ll go to hell.”
“You don’t even know a fraction of what I have done. Believe me, I am. I know I am.”
“What have you done.”
You stayed quiet and he nodded his head.
“Okay. But seriously (Y/N), you’re a kid, you’re like what, 15?” He asked.
“Don’t you have any hobbies?”
“What like football and stuff like that?”
“Yeah. Yeah exactly.”
“No. No I don’t do that kind of stuff.”
He sat forward, resting his hands on the desk.
“Why do you insist on being the bad guy? What makes this so great?”
“I don’t mind being the bad guy Mr Evershed, someone has to be the bad guy.”
You looked at the door as it opened and Harry stepped in, but you paid him no mind.
“The most painful thing isn’t a broken heart Mr Evershed, or a broken bone. It’s loosing the only person who has ever loved you so deeply and so carefully. Because in the end, when you loose somebody, nothing goings to make up for a fact that there will never be anything that can replace that.”
You turned to Harry.
“Your brother is here.”
“Brother? There’s two of you?” Mr Evershed asked.
“My twin. Yes. Except he left to go back to our birth parents.”
You stood up and left the office and the two men followed you outside to where your brother was stood dressed in a hoodie and some jeans.
“Felix really did change you huh?”
“Why are you here Paul?”
Your brother smirked a little, shuffling his hands into his pocket a a little but as he looked at Mr Evershed.
“For a chat.”
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alienducky · 1 year
I am once again over thinking things and getting ramble-y about them, and this time it's the Fire Emblem Three Houses Academy Gronder fight, and also a little on traveling
We see in the cut scene that we have more or less a small army of generic NPC's for each house. Which is fine, makes sense, we are recreating an actual war. The students are learning how to be army officers and effectively direct others, we need them to have people to boss about. Besides their personal battalions
There's also Rhea and Seteth and a bunch of random Seiros guards standing at the top of a cliff watching the battle...
Actually I'm going to get sidetracked a moment, because wtf is up with that cliff they stand on? Pretty sure Bergliez territory, aka the bread basket of Fodlan, is "a fertile area near the Airmid River that is well-suited for agriculture". Giant fucking cliffs are not generally conducive to plant farming. Sheep or goat farming, sure. But not crops like wheat. And watching the scene again, there's pretty steep cliffs to the north as well, and I just... Sigh. I know Bergliez is a big territory and probably has multiple terrain types in it, but given what we see in the Houses scene, it's difficult to imagine the majority is nice and flat and plough-able and this is the only cliffy bit. I think I almost prefer the Hopes version of the map...? Actually that's pretty hilly too, though I don't immediately remember background cliffs. Do remember someone saying the Alliance are nice for not torching fields as they left, so maybe this fight area is the one odd spot surrounded by fields? Eh. The game has dragons. Guess I can live with fucked up geography.
Anyway. Back to my original points.
First part is the three colour armies. Who are they? Does each country send some of their own soldiers to help with the mock battle, temporarily lowering their own defenses? Or are they all Serios knights getting to play dress up for the day, meaning a huge chunk of the church army is here? Or are they even the other house students, since we see hundreds of those wandering around, and in Hopes we meet people who say they were in our class/year at the academy (which leads me down a tangent of how I think the academy works, but I can talk about that if anyone's interested). And how long have the houses had to get to know these people, to learn quirks and go over orders and strategies and sneaky plans? Or is it a "You won't always know who you're commanding in a war, tell these people you've never met before what to do in the next five minutes"?
Secondly, there really is a fair few people here for the fight. I'd say at least 100 per colour. At least. And they all had to somehow get there. And we know the students and Seiros lot at least had to come from the Monastery, and the route they take goes through the Alliance and across the bridge at Myrddin. And I could work out the specifics of how long that would take thanks to the amazing sevarix-blogs doing some pretty neat maths, but I'm going to generalise and say several days to get there, and then several days to get back. Because that's definitely not a "there and back in a day" trip. And you lose time setting up and breaking down camps when you travel, especially for that many people.
Which means they're going to clog up the roads. Like. A lot. There's several hundred people all plodding along with their mounts, plus probably supply wagons and healers and other assorted people not involved in actual fighting. This whole thing has got to be so annoying for anyone who lives along the route and needs to use the road while they're on it. Because the procession of people and mounts and vehicles is gonna be long and bulky and noisy, and generally speaking Fodlan roads dont look that great. I can easily imagine any merchant caravans going the opposite way being "encouraged" to move off the road so they can all get past so Rhea isn't inconvenienced
(Though I admit, that's just my take on the Church people. I think Rhea would probably be pretty cool about it, and not want others inconvenienced on her behalf. Her cultfollowers though? Icky)
Or is long distance large group warping a thing that Rhea allows for this yearly event, and possibly the weekend missions where we go to bloody Sreng (which is a whole other thing, because when we go kill bandits do we go through Faerghus, or up to Derdriu and hop on a boat? I have so many questions), but conveniently isn't available post time skip when we need to move our army around? Or maybe it is, since there's no other logical reason to come back to Garreg Mach each month when we'd just need to immediately turn around and leave again
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Last Day, Best Day! + Some Updates (Part III)
Hey everyone! Here is Part III of the camping trip, what you all have been anxiously waiting for 😉 On Friday, the last day of the trip, we all woke up, packed up pour things, and had breakfast. The kids had hot chocolate and tostados (toasted bread with butter and jam- a classic Uruguayan breakfast), and I drank some very-much needed coffee. The students then had the opportunity to refine their lyrics and choreography for their team song and dance so that the counselors could judge and award tokens to the group with the best performance. I helped the green group again, and I suggested that they add a more “complex” line in English to impress the judges. They thought of “we are win”, and I had to explain to them how it would be “we will win” because it’s in the future tense. This proved difficult for them to wrap their heads around because they had not learned the future tense in class yet. When they finally performed, they all forgot the phrase and instead cheered “we are win”, but I had to laugh.
The first activity of the day was called “Scavenger Hunt”. The students were given a sheet with things that they had to find and collect, such as an open pinecone, a smooth stone, etc. After gathering all the items, they had to ask me in English how old I am, where I’m from, and what my favorite food is. The first team to present all the items to a counselor and write down my answers to their questions would win tokens. They had the most trouble finding a four-leaf clover, so most of them just drew a four-leaf clover and showed me the drawing.
After the scavenger hunt, the students had free time. All of the boys rushed to the futból field, and the girls played four square. We then had a quick lunch before completing the last activity of the day, which was a group reflection. The kids passed around a large poster board and had to write a word or a phrase in English that described their favorite part of the camp. Most of the boys said “futból” which didn’t surprise me one bit, but I was surprised at how reflective a lot of them were. It was then time for what everyone had been waiting for… the final token ceremony! The counselors counted the tokens, and we announced the teams in third and fourth place before declaring the winner… it was the green group! They won a huge box of alfajores (like a whoopie pie), and the other groups each got a bag of sweets. We all then boarded the bus to head back to Montevideo, and I slept like an angelito that night.
Although it was challenging to counselor a bunch of fifth graders and encourage them to speak in English, by the end of the camp, I could tell that they were less timid about talking to me and that they lit up when they could get their point across. I’m glad that I could give back to the community in that way, and I hope that I left the students with the realization of how fun and enlightening it is to interact with people who come from distinct countries and speak different languages.
I also wanted to give some updates about what I’ve been up to recently:
Constantly going to the supermarket and buying water. In Uruguay, it’s generally safe to drink the tap water, but because there has been a historical lack of rain recently, the country is experiencing it’s first drought! Instead of distributing water from their reservoirs, providers are taking water from the Riverplate and adding salt to purify it. As a result, the tap water is extremely salty! Everyone has been buying gallons of water from the stores, but most stores have now placed a limit that one person can only buy at most 4 gallons of water at a time.
Playing voleibol! I joined ORT’s club volleyball team at the beginning of the semester, and I’ve been going to practice every Wednesday. It’s been a great way to meet locals and work out!
Checking things off the bucket list. In the past few weeks, I’ve been to the zoo, saw a movie, watched people dance tango in the street, and played pool with friends! I always try to do at least one new thing every weekend so that I take a break from studying and discover more about Montevideo.
That’s all for this post! Nos vemos pronto!
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ofdrivensnow · 6 days
Open to mutuals & non mutuals. / Set in modern day america, coriolanus snow is the son to president crassus snow. And your muse is apart of a college field trip to the white house or the alternative; a teacher's assistant to the elementary children who are also there on a field trip. (Left that open for you to decide.) They have gotten lost along the way and coryo is first to notice them.
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A college field trip occurred every end of spring at the White House and it was his duty to be a guest, a participant to the students in the background for one part of their trip. Although, his mind was caught in the gutter, straying off elsewhere. He had hoped the entire thing would just be canceled, after weather conditions had became a predicament. But the grey skies had cleared back into a blue sky day, there was no longer inclement weather holding back an excited bunch of kids to frolic around excitedly in an environment that he was well used to by now as he watched small children run by him down the halls. Crouching down at one point to hand back one's belongings they had dropped on his own race to somewhere he could be hidden.
He forgot it was also the same field trip day to the White House to the younger elementary aged children. Still, maybe if he strayed off his coordinator wouldn't notice and it seemed to be working... he hadn't been collected yet, standing off in the empty art museum by himself before he heard the door open. Standing in black dress pants, a neat white button up under a black vest and a tiny American flag pinned to the chest. The rose in his hand held behind his back suddenly drops to his side, turning to face who had wandered in. Initially, assuming he'd finally been found, preparing himself to act like he hadn't purposely strayed off until brows creased at the person he caught... noticing it wasn't what he thought. Of course, he had no choice but to speak up, "Are you lost?" Because surely, they are aware this part was off limits.
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vgckwb · 1 year
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 136: Drifting
The next day, Ren, Ann, Ryuji, and Lena were gathered in the lobby of the hotel. “Say, is it just me, or is this field trip not what you expected?” Ryuji asked. “I mean, outside of a few places, I’m seeing mostly Japanese people.”
“Well, Hawaii actually has a fairly high Japanese population,” Lena pointed out.
“Really?” Ryuji wondered. Lena nodded. “Huh. I thought we’d be getting Alohas left, right, and center.”
“Well, that kind of atmosphere costs money that the school doesn’t have,” Ann said.
Makoto approached the group. “You can say that again,” she moaned.
“Are you alright, Makoto?” Ren asked.
“Yeah, what’s with the low energy?” Ryuji added on.
Makoto sighed. “I had to listen to the taxi driver complain for half an hour. It was exhausting.”
“Yikes!” Lena said.
“That must have sucked,” Ann said.
“Tell me about it,” Makoto said. “I’m used to listening to student’s complaints, but this was something else entirely.”
“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” Ren asked.
“Well, after this, nothing,” Makoto informed them.
“WHAT?!” Ryuji yelped. “Isn’t the school supposed to plan things to do? I wanna go diving!”
“Apparently, things have been so chaotic that they couldn’t really plan anything,” Makoto said. “Same goes for the fact that they scrambled to get a bunch of third years to chaperone.”
“Ugh!” Ryuji groaned. “If we’re not doing anything, why are we here? We should be back in Japan kicking ass as the Phantom Thieves!”
“Um, you might want to keep it down,” Lena said. “I’ve heard people talking about the Phantom Thieves.”
“Really?” Makoto wondered. “They’re talking about us?”
“Yeah,” Lena said. “They’re saying all sorts of things too.’
“Well, we did just win a fight against an international hacking organization,” Ren reminded them.
“That’s what I’m sayin’!” Ryuji said. “We should be given’ these people more to talk about! Not wasting our time doin’ nothin’ halfway ‘round the world.”
“I know how you feel,” Ann said. “I’m anxious to get back and figure this out too. But as long as we’re here, we should enjoy ourselves. I mean, yesterday was fun, wasn’t it?”
“Hm, yeah,” Ryuji agreed. “It’s just so hard. Having the ability to help so many people, and not being able to use it.” Ryuji looked at Yusuke. “Isn’t that right, Yusuke?” Everyone was surprised that Yusuke had suddenly joined them. “Yusuke?!”
“Traveling abroad gives way to new insights,” Yusuke said, nonchalantly. “I’d prefer if we took as much in as we can.”
“What are you doing here?” Ann asked.
“Yeah shouldn’t you be in Los Angeles?” Ren asked.
“Apparently, they couldn’t land the plane due to a storm brewing on the west coast,” Yusuke answered. “Since it showed no sign of stopping, they changed our destination to Hawaii on the spot.”
“Huh,” Lena said.
“Do you just bring rain with you wherever you go?” Ryuji asked.
“Come to think of it, do you think what happened at the fireworks festival was Yusuke’s fault too?” Makoto wondered.
“Oh, when it got rained out?” Lena asked.
“Were you there?” Ren asked.
“My mom wanted to go,” Lena said. “She likes watching summer fireworks. It was the happiest I’d seen her. Well, until…you know…”
“Right,” Ren said.
“So, does Kosei have any plans for you?” Ryuji asked.
“Not really,” Yusuke said. “This was an impromptu visit, so there was no real time to make any plans. Although, I would like to sketch a few things as long as I’m here.”
Ren smiled. “Well, our school is in disarray, and as such, we don’t have any solid plans. Wanna join us?”
“By all means,” Yusuke said.
“So, what should we do?” Ryuji asked.
The group thought about it for a moment. “Oh, I know!” Lena said. “We should maybe look for souvenirs. I know my host mom wants something. And I might get something to send to my real family too!”
“Aww, that’s sweet of you,” Makoto said. “I bet sis would like something as well.”
“Yah, I should get something for my mom too,” Ryuji said.
“We also should get something for Futaba, Morgana, and Jose,” Yusuke said.
“Well, it sounds like we have a plan,” Ren said.
“I’ll message Shiho to see if she and Mishima would join us,” Ann said. The group got ready to go out for the day.
Soon, they were joined by Shiho and Mishima, and they went looking through the local shops. They spent time looking for just the right things for the people on their list. From time to time, Yusuke would find a scene, take out his sketchbook, and make a quick sketch. They didn’t find souvenirs for everyone, but they made some progress.
As they were walking around, Ann said “All this walking is making me hungry.”
“Same,” Ryuji said.
“Well, we have been walking around for a while,” Makoto said. “I think we should take a break and get something to eat.”
“Where should we eat though?” Shiho asked.
“Let’s see,” Lena said, taking her phone out.
Ren looked around. “Huh. I think we can stop looking.” Everyone else looked over to where she was looking at.
“There’s a Big Bang Burger out here?” Ann wondered.
“Well, it’s pretty big in Japan,” Ryuji said. “They probably wanted to branch out.”
“Oh yeah,” Makoto said. “I recently read an article about the success of Okumura Foods.”
“Ah, the parent company of Big Bang Burger,” Yusuke said.
“Hm,” Lena said, impressed. “They seem to be doing well for themselves.”
“Okumura…” Ryuji said. “Isn’t that the guy on top of the rankings of the Phansite?”
“Ah, you know your stuff Sakamoto,” Mishima said.
“Really?” Shiho said.
“Yeah,” Mishima said. “Apparently, they’re involved in some shady stuff.”
“How shady?” Makoto asked.
“Well, I’m not sure,” Mishima said. “From what I can tell, they do a good amount of unsavory things, but then again so do a lot of companies. Okumura foods might just be one that the people are dogpiling on at the moment.”
“Hmmm,” Makoto wondered.
“Something on your mind?” Ren asked.
“Well, I’ve heard some rumors,” Makoto said.
“Like what?” Ren asked.
“Well, almost all of Okumura Foods’ overseas competition pulled out suddenly,” Makoto said.
“Do you think that they did something to make that happen?” Shiho asked.
“Well…like Mishima, I’m not sure,” Makoto answered. “I could just be overthinking things.”
“Well, it sounds like we shouldn’t eat here then,” Lena said. Their stomachs collectively grumbled. “Well… Maybe just this once…”
“Yeah,” Ann said. “I mean, if we do end up changing this guy’s heart, it’ll be fine, right?”
“I hate to admit it, but…” Makoto said. Their stomachs growled again. “Let’s just go eat.” They went into the restaurant.
As they were eating, Ryuji asked “Do you wanna continue shopping after this?”
“We have a lot of things with us as is,” Ann said. “Maybe we should drop some of this stuff off in our rooms after this.”
“We’ve also been walking around all day,” Lena moaned. “I kind of want to relax.”
“That’s fair,” Ryuji said.
“I want to hit up the beach again,” Shiho said.
“Me too,” Mishima said.
“I’d also like to go,” Yusuke said. “I want to see the marine life for myself.”
“You did seem to really like those lobsters,” Makoto said. “Where are they now anyway?”
“They’re back at Kosei,” Yusuke said. “The school agreed to let them live in a tank in the common area of the dorms.”
“Why am I not surprised?” Ryuji said.
“It’s fascinating, really,” Yusuke said. “Since I’ve been taking care of them, I’ve talked with more students than I ever had before.”
Ren smiled. “Well that’s nice to hear.”
Makoto nodded. “Well, we didn’t get everything, but we did get a good amount of stuff.”
“Eh, I’m sure we can find something before we go,” Ryuji said.
“What makes you say that?” Mishima asked.
“Eh. Just a feeling, really,” Ryuji answered.
“I see…” Mishima responded. They finished eating and dropped their stuff off in their hotel rooms.
They met up by the beach soon after. “Is everybody ready?” Makoto asked.
“Oh, hang on,” Ryuji said. “I need to get some more sunscreen. I ran out. Yusuke, Mishima, wanna come with me?”
Yusuke and Mishima looked at each other, slightly confused. “Uh, sure,” Mishima said.
“Lead the way,” Yusuke said. The three boys left.
Ren smirked. “Do you want to start without them?”
“I think we should wait,” Makoto said.
“But what should we do in the meantime?” Ann asked.
The girls began thinking it over. “Oh hey!” Shiho said. “I’ve been hearing people mentioning thieves from time to time. Do you think they’re talking about you guys?”
“Oh yeah, I’ve been hearing stuff like that too,” Lena said. “Maybe we should ask around quick.”
“Ooo, sounds like fun,” Ann said.
“Well, I guess it could be interesting,” Makoto said. The girls went around the area to ask about what the people here know about the Phantom Thieves. Some of them were unsure, but some of them were aware of the Phantom Thieves and their crusade for justice.
Ann giggled. “That was more than I thought.”
“I’ll say,” Shiho said. “Who knew you guys were so well-known?”
“I know we talked about it at the hotel,” Makoto said, “but hearing it is a whole other thing entirely.”
“I know!” Lena responded. “Just hearing someone mention the Phantom Thieves outside of Japan makes my head spin.”
Ren nodded. “They all seem to be fans too. When we get back, we shouldn't let them down.” Their eyes landed on a girl around their age reading a book. Ren recognized her as the girl from the gardening club she kept bumping into. “Hey Makoto. Do you know who that is?” Ren asked.
Makoto looked at her intently. “I think she’s another third year student. But I don’t know too much about her.”
“I see,” Ren said. She walked up to her. “Hi there.”
Haru looked up from her book. “Oh, hi. So you’re a second year, I see.”
Ren nodded. “That’s right.”
Haru looked at everyone else in the group. “Oh. Hi Niijima-san.”
“Hello,” Makoto replied.
“I take it you’re watching them,” Haru said.
“That’s right,” Makoto said. “Um, forgive me, but what is your name?”
“Oh, no need for apologies,” Haru said. “My name is Haru.”
The girls seemed confused. “Haru…?” Makoto asked.
“It’s no use boss,” Hiroki said. The girls turned to look at him. He approached the group. “Haru’s even more tightlipped than I am when it comes to last names.”
“I see…” Makoto said.
“Hiroki-kun!” Haru shrieked.
“Eh heh, sorry,” Hiroki apologized. “That may have been a little blunt.”
“So, you’re friends with her then, Hiroki?” Makoto asked.
Hiroki nodded. “That’s right. I keep her company from time to time when she’s gardening.”
“Hiroki really is a kind soul,” Haru said. “Very diligent too.”
“Eh heh, you’re making me blush,” Hiroki said.
“I see,” Makoto said. “So, how are you two enjoying the trip?”
“I find it very relaxing,” Haru said. “I have a lot on my mind at the moment, so this is a nice reprieve.”
“I’m having a good time too,” Hiroki said.
“Well that’s good to hear,” Makoto said.
“OK! We’re back!” Ryuji called out. He, Yusuke, and Mishima approached the group. “Um, what’s going on?”
Haru giggled. She stood up. “Well, we should get going. Make sure not to stay out too late.”
Makoto chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about that.”
“Yeah, Makoto’sreally good at keeping us on track,” Ren said.
“Well, I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Hiroki said. “Well, see you later!”
“Take care!” Haru said. The two of them left.
The group watched them go off. Ann turned to Ryuji. “So, did you get your sunscreen?”
“Huh?” Ryuji said. “Oh yeah. We’re good to go!”
“Then let’s GO!” Shiho cheered. The group headed for the beach to have some fun and relax.
Meanwhile, Miss Kawakami was in her room looking at herself in the mirror. She was making various poses. “Hm hm, still got it!” She made a few more poses before her mood soured. “Oh, what am I doing? This is silly. I’m a teacher for goodness sake.”
“I don’t think it’s silly at all,” Maruki’s voice said. Kawakami was alarmed. She turned around to see Dr. Maruki sitting in the chair in her room. “It’s good to feel positive about your body.”
“DR. MARUKI?!” Kawakami shouted. “Wh-What are you doing here?”
“I’m just helping you out,” Maruki said. “Is that a problem?”
Kawakami was confused. “No… I mean… Wha?”
Maruki chuckled. “You look simply stunning.” He stood up. “Now, I was wondering if you could judge me for a minute.” He started taking off his clothes. “I’ve been a little busy, so I haven’t had as much time to work out. I might not be at my best, but I want a second opinion.”
Maruki kept undressing. When he took off his shirt completely, he was jacked. He had rock-hard abs, and bulging biceps. He took off his pants and revealed he was wearing a speedo underneath, as well as thighs thick enough to withstand the weight of the world, and more defined than a word in a dictionary.
Kawakami was beet red. “So Miss Kawakami, what do you think?” She was speechless. Maruki was confused. “Huh? Ah. Perhaps you’d have a better understanding if you felt it.” He walked over to her. He put one hand on her back, one hand on her waist, and pulled her in.
There was a knock at the door. “Miss Kawakami?” Haru asked.
Miss Kawakami was shocked. She looked at the door, and then to where Maruki was, only to see Maruki had vanished. She rubbed her eyes just to confirm. He still wasn’t there. Or rather, he was never really there to begin with. She turned to the door. “Come in!”
Haru walked in. “Is now a bad time?”
“No, it’s fine,” Kawakami said. “What do you want?”
“I just want to go over the post-beach plans,” Haru said.
“Absolutely,” Kawakami said. They proceeded to go over said plans.
Meanwhile in Japan, Futaba was looking over the information Makoto had gathered from Sae’s computer. “Ooooo. What’s this?”
Morgana was in the room with her. “Found something?”
“Maybe,” Futaba answered. “I may need to look some more.”
“You want some help?” Morgana asked.
“Nah, I’m good,” Futaba said. “But thanks for asking, kitty.”
Morgana pouted. “I am not a cat.”
“I guess that’s true,” Futaba said. “So, what would you like to be called?”
“Well, I mean, yeah,” Futaba said. “But aside from that, you know?”
“My codename is ‘Mona’,” he continued.
“I mean more informally,” Futaba said. “Like how I sometimes call Yusuke ‘Inari’.”
“Do you do that out of love?” Morgana asked.
“I think so,” Futaba said. “I’m sure we’ll think of something that could work.” She went back to clicking away.
“Hmmmm,” Morgana said. “If you say so.”
There was a knock at Futaba’s door. “Who is it?” Futaba asked.
“It’s me! Jose!”
Futaba nodded. “Come in!”
Jose walked in. “Hi! How are you doing?”
“I’m making some progress on the data I got from Makoto,” Futaba said. “I may need some more time.”
“Oh,” Jose said. “Did I come at a bad time?”
“Quite the opposite,” Futaba said. “I’m getting in the zone, but that would leave Morgana lonely. So maybe you can keep him company.”
“Yay!” Jose said. He walked over to Morgana. “So, what do you want to do?”
“I dunno,” Morgana said. “I usually let Ren lead the way.”
“Hmmm,” Jose pondered. “Well, since we’re here, maybe we could watch a show Futaba has.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Morgana said. “Oh, but we need to go through what she has. Futaba gave Ren some recommendations, and we’ve been watching them, and I don’t want to watch anything we’ve been watching without her.”
“Aww, that’s sweet of you,” Jose said.
Futaba nodded. “Have a look around. My collection is over there.” She pointed them to a stack of DVDs and Blurays. “I have more stuff, including some things on VHS, but you’d need to ask.” The two went over to have a look.
“Hm?” Jose said as he perused Futaba’s collection.
“Found something?” Morgana said.
Jose pulled it out. “Yeah.”
Morgana looked at it. “Compumon?”
“Oh, I LOVE Compumon!” Futaba said.
“Yeah, some people at Kosei told me I should watch it,” Jose said.
“Huh,” Futaba said. “That’s a little odd. It’s kind of an old show.”
“Really?” Jose said.
“Why did they tell you to watch it?” Morgana asked.
“Well, I heard them talking about anime,” Jose explained. “And so I said ‘Excuse me. I want to get more into anime as well. Do you have any recommendations?’ And then one of them said ‘The kind of anime we’re talking about isn’t suitable for you.’ Then the other said, ‘Yeah, you should watch something like Compumon.’ And I said ‘OK. Thanks.” And I walked off.”
“Grrr. Those Jerks,” Futaba said.
“Yeah, I don’t think they meant that in a friendly way,” Morgana informed him.
“Really?” Jose said. “Well, joke’s on them, I guess. Because I’m going to watch it, and have a good time.”
“Well, that’s one way to go about things,” Futaba said. “You know, I could learn a thing or two from you.”
“Oh?” Jose said.
“Whenever people did that to me, I just didn’t watch it out of fear,” Futaba said. “At least, not for a while.”
“Futaba…” Morgana said.
“Well, I mean, I didn’t understand what they were doing until you explained it,” Jose said. “So maybe I still need to learn.”
“Well…that may be true…” Morgana said. “But I don’t think learning something like that would be all that helpful.”
“Well, if it happens again, I could try to figure out a way to counter it,” Jose said.
“If you figure it out, maybe you can tell me,” Futaba said.
“Hmmm,” Morgana pondered. “Well, I don’t know if this is a 100% solid defense, but I think having others to lean on helps.”
“That’s true,” Jose said.
“Huh,” Futaba said. “Well, maybe these things take time.”
Morgana nodded. “It’s not an overnight fix. But it helps a lot. Believe me.”
Futaba nodded. “Good to know.” She went back to going through the information.
“So, Compumon?” Jose said.
“Yeah!” Morgana said. Jose and Morgana set things up and began watching Compumon while Futaba continued looking through Sae’s data. Futaba enjoyed having the background noise, while Jose and Morgana were engrossed with the anime. From time to time, Jose would usually pet Morgana. Morgana didn’t put up a fuss, as he enjoyed it, although he wouldn’t admit it so easily.
Back in Hawaii, Ryuji was wandering around the halls of the hotel, and he was a little frustrated. He was grumbling to himself when he ran into Mishima.”Oh. Hey Sakamoto,” Mishima said. “Why are you out and about?”
“Oh. Hey Mishima,” Ryuji said. “Well, uh, my roommate is having someone over, so I decided to leave them be.”
“Huh,” Mishima said. “Well, as it so happens, my roommate is also off with someone. I guess we’re in the same boat.”
“He’s taking up your room too?” Ryuji said.
“Nah, he went off,” Mishima said. “But I got kind of lonely with me just by myself.”
“I see,” Ryuji said. “Well, I was going to see if I could hang out with Yusuke, but those Kosei teachers are strict. They wouldn't let me through like at all!”
“Huh,” Mishima said. “Well, wanna come to my room?”
“Uh, sure, I guess,” Ryuji answered.
“OR,” Hiroki interjected, “You could come to my room, and the three of us can hang out.”
“Wha?! Hiroki?!” Ryuji yelped. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, you are outside my door,” Hiroki explained.
“Oh,” Ryuji said. “Well, sure, I guess. It could be fun.”
Hiroki nodded. He turned to Mishima. “How about you, um, what’s your name again?”
“Oh, uh, sure,” Mishima said. “And it’s Mishima.”
“So, who are you rooming with?” Ryuji asked.
“No one,” Hiroki said. “We have an odd number of boys in our class. And since I’m on the student council, the teachers figured I’d be responsible enough on my own. Which to be fair, I am.”
“Oh,” Ryuji said. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Hiroki said. “But I am glad to have some company tonight. Come on in.” Hiroki held the door open. Ryuji and Mishima walked in. Hiroki walked in soon after. “I brought some games with me for just such an occasion. Wanna play?”
Ryuji smiled. “Sure. Sounds like fun!”
“Alright then,” Hiroki said. They started playing some games.
In the middle of a game, Mishima asked “So, Hiroki, was it?” Hiroki nodded. “What do you think of The Phantom Thieves?”
Ryuji was a little shocked. Hiroki smiled. “Personally, I’m a big fan.”
“Huh,” Mishima said.
“I mean, what’s not to love? They go around helping people,” Hiroki continued. “Plus, they give me courage.”
Ryuji was a little surprised. “That seems odd, coming from you. I mean, you’re on the student council, right?”
“Yeah, but I can be kind of a coward sometimes,” Hiroki said. “I want to help people, but…I sometimes fear what others might think if I were to do something.”
“Ah, who cares about what others think?” Ryuji said. “The Phantom Thieves do what they do because they believe it’s right, not because of what others think of them.”
“Hm. How astute,” Hiroki said. “Truth is, I want to get to a place like that, but it’s slow going.”
“Well…these kinds of things take time,” Mishima said. “But I’m sure you could talk to someone if you want help.”
“Yeah, like that girl we saw you with earlier,” Ryuji said. “By the way, how do you know her?”
“Oh, Haru?” Hiroki said. “Well, she’s in the gardening club. One day I noticed her gardening, and I began chatting with her.”
“Hey,” past Hiroki said. “You like gardening, huh.”
“Um, yes,” Haru responded. “Do you like gardening?”
“Well, theoretically, yes,” Hiroki answered. “But every time I try gardening, all my plants die before anything can happen.”
“How terrible!” Haru explained.
“Yeah…” Hiroki said.
“Well, if you’d like some pointers, I’ll gladly help,” Haru said.
Hiroki smiled. “I’d like that.” Haru smiled back. “So, what’s your name?”
“Oh. I’m Haru.”
Hiroki was confused. “Just a first name?”
“Well… If people knew my last name, they’d treat me differently,” Haru explained. “So, I’d rather limit how many people know it.”
“Gotcha,” Hiroki said. “You know, I’m kind of in the same boat.”
“Really?” Haru said, surprised. Hiroki nodded. “I didn’t know there were others like that at this school.”
“Me either,” Hiroki said. “Hiroki.”
Haru nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hiroki.”
“And that’s how we became friends,” Hiroki said, back in the present.
“Woah,” Ryuji said.
“So, did you earn your green thumb?” Mishima asked.
“Well, you see…” HIroki said. “It turns out I wasn’t doing anything particularly wrong. My asshole brother was just sabotaging my efforts.”
“He sounds like a jerk,” Ryuji said.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Hiroki said.
“It almost sounds like I don’t want to know,” Mishima said.
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Hiroki said. He smiled. “But I’m having a good time with you guys.”
“Same,” Ryuji said.
“Ditto,” Mishima added. They continued playing games. A little while later, Mishima stood up. “Well, it’s getting kind of late. I should maybe head back to my room.”
Hiroki nodded. “Sounds good.” He turned to Ryuji. “What about you?”
Ryuji thought about it. He and his boyfriend probably don’t get many opportunities like this. I think I’ll give them some space. “Eh, I feel like I’ll just sleep here for the night.”
“You sure, Sakamoto?” Mishima asked.
“Yeah,” Ryuji said.
Mishima nodded. “Well then, take care.” He turned to Hiroki. “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
Hiroki smiled. “Likewise. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Mishima said. He left for his room.
Hiroki turned back to Ryuji. “So, do you want to go to bed now, or are you up for a few more games?”
“I think I could do a few more games,” Ryuji answered.
“Sounds like a plan,” Hiroki said. The two of them played together some more, and then went to sleep for the night.
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vampyrekorkie-sims · 2 years
Finished Mukuro, Junko, and my simself. Not perfect, but good enough for now. I’ll likely redo the outfits for myself and Junko later, and once I find an accurately colored uniform set I’ll redo all the uniforms. Until then, there will be 2 uniforms for every student: a brown/black set and a gray/black set. I prefer the brown one for accuracy and vibes, but I cannot find any maxis match uniform sets in the right color for all genders.
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Mukuro and I live in a separate apartment from Junko, who has more money and a nicer place because it fits. At some point I will turn the apartments into dorms and every apartment in San Myshuno will be dorms, some being shared.
(By shared I mean separate dorms built on the same apartment lot.)
Once I fill up all the apartments, I might “make my own” in Newcrest. I don’t know how I will do it, but I want an entire save for just Danganronpa (a non-despair au because I like being happy but I could duplicate it once done and make it closer to canon ig).
I’ll probably grab characters from the mangas or light novels if I can find enough information on them, or some from the DR3 anime (as much as I dislike it and refuse to watch it). If I grab anime-only characters then they will be townies most likely, or live in one of those “apartments” in new crest I make maybe. This save us going to look weird but I look forward to the long term goal.
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I have no clue what I’m going to do with Willow Creek or Oasis Springs. I’ll also be ignoring Forgotten Hollow and Glimmerbrook until I figure out what to do with them. Especially since they are occult-centric. Oh! I just remembered Sulani exists.
Maybe I’ll turn Glimmerbrook into Novoselic? Since it’s widely not important and has few lots. The magic doesn’t fit but we could ignore it since it’s a portal to another realm anyways.
Sulani would make sense for Jabberwock Island then, but if I’m doing an in-school timeline then it wouldn’t be anything but a resort so maybe it doesn’t fit.
I could also try to fit in Towa City, though it wouldn’t make sense in a non-despair AU. Unless that’s where I put a bunch of lots for outings and stick Hope’s Peak Elementary along with the WoH. Then I could maybe play as another character adopting them from their parents! Ooh that would make great storytelling! Maybe Junko could persuade them to run away and then Nagito can find them alone in Towa City and he lets them stay with him? This would be an adult Nagito I suppose, and maybe he moves to Jabberwock with Hajime and some of the sdr2 crew. (Him and Hajime can meet on a field trip gone wrong and they start dating from there.) I imagine Mikan, Gundham, Kazuichi, Nekomaru, Akane, and Mahiru would be there too for starters.
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here’s why they would be there in a non-despair au where a lot of jabberwock and the surrounding islands are known for resorts:
Nagito: his health (fresh air and sunlight to help his body heal)
Hajime: to be with Nagito, take a gap year before university to decide what exactly he wants to do, and find himself
Mikan: a job as a nurse at the resort, helps Nagito with his health, and also an escape so she can heal her mental health too
Gundham: to study the wildlife (He doesn’t stay long and probably moves to see new creatures)
Kazuichi: for that beach life! Actually he works on boats, planes, and any form of transit as a well known mechanic. He’s making connections for work, catching some rays, and getting to see guys and speedos to feed his little gay brain
Nekomaru: to spend time with friends before starting work as a team manager. He and Akane still train on the beach
Akane: she wanted to try someplace new, and maybe if it’s nice and this new gymnastics team that’s located here works out, she can use the money earned to bring her family over here. Wouldn’t growing up on the beach be nice? Plus her friends are here, a bonus!
Mahiru: the islands are beautiful subjects for photos, and seeing people be relaxed and happy would be great for her personal pictures.
Maybe lives there: Teruteru, Imposter
Teruteru could work as a chef at the resort, or live in the Spice District of San Myshuno
Imposter can retire early and be on vacation permanently, spending time with friends and people who care about them for themself. They deserve it <3
People that would visit often are Sonia, H1yoko (if I even make her), Fuyuhiko (owns a villa through the yakuza. Peko can stay with Nazumi to run it while he’s gone. Or Peko comes as bodyguard. He likes to hang with “the boys”)
Peko doesn’t care much for the beach, and Ibuki comes over when she can but has tours pretty often or is busy with music.
I think some of the thh cast would come over too! Since as adults in this universe they could move there or go on vacation there. Aoi would definitely go, Junko would go on vacation or have a villa, and Toko/Syo would take Komaru on vacation there <3
(What if Toko/Syo and Komaru adopt one/some of the woh?)
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tom-holland-parker · 3 years
Lets get Married
Summary: On a class trip to Vegas, Peter is determined to make this trip a memorable one, even if it means doing something crazy. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word count: 2911
Note: If you’ve never heard Lets get married by bleachers you are missing out.
Taking a bunch of 17/18 year olds to vegas probably wasn't the best idea. Between Flash's constant suggestions on going to a strip club and being stuck on a crowded bus in 90 degree weather, it was already turning out to be terrible.
"Well someone doesn't look too happy" Peter joked as you rested your head on his shoulder. You could feel a headache forming in your head and the heat was only making things worse. "If Flash doesn't stop talking I'm going to stab him" you groaned trying to block out his loud voice.
Peter chuckled, giving you a kiss on your forehead, "sorry to burst your bubble but it's my job as Spiderman to make sure you don't do that"
You rolled your eyes, "but it's your job as Peter AKA my boyfriend to let me get away with it"
"You do realize you're joking about murder" Mj interrupt as she poked her head above her seat in front of you. "I know you're thinking the same thing Mj". She shrugged before returning to the book.
"I’m very glad we finally got a peaceful field trip I don’t think I can handle another Europe or Washington" You joked looking up at Peter. He chuckled, “Don’t jinx it. I don’t want any sort of trouble to happen”
"Well we could always cause some trouble" you smirked, "I've been researching some casinos"
"Since when do you know how to gamble" He laughed. "I'm Tony Stark's daughter doing risky stuff is in my blood. Plus my dad left me with his credit card" you opened your wallet showing Peter the shiny black amex that was tucked in the pocket.
“I don’t know about this,” He said nervously. You scoffed, “You’re telling me that I made all of us get fake IDs and you’re not even going to let me gamble” 
Peter rolled his eyes, remembering the exact day you were talking about. It was almost a month ago when you tricked him and your friends into taking photos that they thought were for the yearbook but turned out to be fake IDs that you needed to get into a party. “I never wanted that fake ID” 
“Yeah but you’re beautiful girlfriend got you one anyway” You leaned over placing a soft kiss on his neck, “Please baby let have some fun. You know what they say What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”
"If you guys are planning on sneaking out, count me in" Mj interrupted, not bothering to wait for a reply before ducking her head back over the seat.
Peter sighed as he shook his head, "Fine but only because Ned has been studying the art of poker for weeks". He pointed to the row next to you where Ned sat reading The Poker Players Bible
“He’s learning poker from a book?” You shook your head in amusement, “He’s gonna lose” 
Peter chuckled, “Have some faith in him. I think he’d make an excellent poker player”. You rolled your eyes, glancing at Ned again before looking back at Peter. 
"Wanna make a bet?" You smirked sitting up from your slouched position. Peter smiled and nodded. "We'll let Ned play three games of poker. If he wins at least twice I'll do whatever you want but is he loses twice then you have to do whatever I want"
He hesitated trying to figure out whether or not you were joking. He rolled his eyes when he realized you were serious, "deal". He shook your hand, "I need to talk to Ned''. You rolled your eyes and put on your headphones as Peter got up and walked to the row besides you.
You didn't notice but Peter had been nervous ever since the plane had landed in Vegas. He knew you'd always wanted to come here and he wanted to make your first trip here a memorable one. "Hey Ned" he whispered, glancing towards you to make sure you weren't paying attention, "I need your help"
"I thought you said you wouldn't have to do Spiderman things on this trip" he replied in a worried tone.
Peter shook his head, "no it's not that" he reassured, "Y/N and Mj are going to come with us tonight to the Casino, but I've made a bet with Y/N and I need you to win two of three poker games tonight"
Ned smiled, "don't worry I've got this I spent the whole plane ride playing in small online competitions and I've won a few games so I'm pretty much a pro"
"great" Peter chuckled nervously, "I'm just nervous. I still don't know what I'm going to do to make this trip memorable for her" he glanced at you watching as you stared out the window.
"Why don't you just cross out number 4 on her bucket list" Ned said as he looked at his book again.
"What are you talking about?" Peter questioned. Ned sighed putting down his book again, "do you remember last summer when we all hung out at her place and she stole a bottle of her dads tequila and she started talking about her bucket list"
Peter nodded waiting for Ned to explain, "well number 4 was get married in Vegas even if it's just a joke"
A burst of laughter exploded from Peter, "are you insane? I can't do that. Her father will kill me" he whispered trying to avoid the strange looks he was getting from his sudden outburst.
"Oh come on I'm sure he'll find it funny" Ned smiled.
Peter nodded, “Ok yeah I’m gonna do it. I'm gonna marry her”. Ned chuckled, "Great. Now I need to study or else you’re going to lose this bet” He returned back to his book as Peter, who was now lost in his thoughts returned back to his seat, letting you rest your head on his shoulder for the rest of the bus ride. 
“Ned if you don’t quiet down we’re going to get caught” You whispered as you and your friend piled out the hotel room. It was nearing 11 and all the teachers had forced the students to stay in the rooms for the rest of the night. “Your heels are making more noise than me” Ned joked as you all entered the elevator. 
You rolled your eyes grabbing Peter wrist to look at the time on his watch, “Alright we all need to be back by 4:30” 
To your surprise the casino wasn’t crowded, then again who is going to a casino on a Monday night. “Ok babe, me and Mj are gonna play craps. I'll leave Ned to practice before you lose this bet” You kissed his cheek before grabbing Mj’s hand and guiding her to the dice table. 
“Don’t you think your father is going to question why there are charges to a Vegas casino on his credit card?” Mj asked as you took money out of the ATM. You shrugged, “That’s a problem for another day”. She chuckled as you moved to the table and placed your bets on the game. The dealer handed you your chips as well as the dice signaling to you that the game had started.
It was only an hour later when Peter met up with you and Mj. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you placed your betting chips in their spots, “Are you winning?” He whispered as you grabbed the dice from the table. 
“I’ve done pretty good so far. I need a 7” You shook the dice in your hand before turning to him, “Kiss for good luck?”
He chuckled and gave you a quick kiss, watching as you threw the dice. He could sense your nervousness as the dice moved down the table hitting the wall before landing on the lucky number 7. 
Everyone at the table shouted cheerfully, happy that they had won the round. You gather your chips from the dealer, “Alright Jerry it's been nice playing with you I hope to do it again sometime” you waved goodbye as you all walked to the poker table where Ned sat waiting for the group to join him before he started another game. 
“Alright Ned three games I betting on two loses but Peter thinks differently” You teased as he rolled his eyes, “Prove me right”
If you were being honest you didn’t exactly know what was going on. You’d seen you father and the other avengers play poker before but they never let you in on the game so you hardly knew anything about it, but so far you could tell that you were losing the bet. 
Ned was in the middle of the second game and according to Mj, who didn’t have a biased opinion on this bet, things were looking good for Peter. Ned had won the first game and it looked like he was going to win this one. You sighed in annoyance, hating that you had to admit you were wrong. 
Peter smiled, wrapping his arms around you, “Don’t worry babe I think you’ll actually like that i have planned”. You rolled your eyes watching as Ned cheered clearly happy that he won the game. You sighed, “Ok what do you want” 
“Give me 3 minutes. Stay here” He smiled, grabbing Mj’s arm, leaving you alone at the table with Ned. 
“Ned what does he have planned?” You smirked hoping to wean out whatever Peter was going to do. He shook his head, “Y/N I love you but Peter’s my best friend and I can’t just give away the surprise” You rolled your eyes, turning around at watch as Peter talked to Mj. 
“Please Mj” Peter begged, “I want to make this trip memorable and i'm only asking you because her father doesn’t know” 
“You’re insane” her eyes widened at the thought of you and Peter getting married this young, “You guys are 18 do you seriously think getting married is the best idea” 
“It’s been on her bucket list for years” He pointed out trying to justify his plans. “Please Mj if not for me then do it for the happiness of your best friend” 
She took a deep breath, “Fine I will walk Y/N down the aisle”. Peter smiled pulling Mj into a tight hug. “You’re the best” 
“Guys I don’t appreciate surprises” You joked as Ned guided you through the crowded sidewalk. “Don’t worry we’re almost there” He reassured you. You sighed and kept walking as all your friends laughed. 
You came to a sudden stop as Peter grabbed your hand, “Ok Ned you can uncover her eyes” he chuckled. Ned took his hands off your eyes stepping back as you looked around in confusion. Peter was on one knee with a nervous smile plastered on his face. “Y/N I love you”
“Peter what are you doing?” You looked up noticing the small chapel you all stood in front of, “Please don’t tell me-”
“I love you and I know this is on your bucket list so” he kissed you hand, “Will you marry me?”
You stood silent for a moment, shock taking over your body, “Peter-” His face dropping, thinking maybe this was completely ridiculous. You smiled through as sigh, “Yes I will marry you” 
He stood up quickly, pulling you into a hug. “Alright well we better hurry because it’s already 3 and we need to be back at the hotel soon” 
You nodded your head as everyone walked into the small chapel, “Hi I made an appointment online” Peter said nervously as you walked to the front desk hand in hand, Mj and Ned trailing close behind you.
“Peter?” The short lady said. He nodded, grabbing his ID and handing it to her. You did the same as she typed the information in the computer. “Ok boys you can go through there and stand at the altar, girls you can come with me” 
She smiled guiding you and Mj into a separate room, “Ok so we have different dress and veil options for you to pick from but you don’t seem like an extremely flashy girl so I'm going to suggest the little white dress option” 
She handed you a hanger that held a body con white dress with glitter details, it actually looked like something you had in your closet at home. You nodded your head moving to the dressing room to put in on. You locked the door behind you taking this time as a moment for you to take everything in. You were about to get married. Even if it was just a joke it was still a crazy thing to do. You weren’t nervous that you’d regret it, you loved Peter with all your heart, but you were nervous about everyone else's reactions. I can do this, You whispered to yourself putting the dress on before walking out the small room.
“Alright here goes nothing” You smiled nervously and you grabbed Mj’s arm. The song over the speaker began to play as you slowly walked down the aisle. Peter turned to look at you, shocked at how good you looked in all white, a color you rarely ever wore. 
"Wow" he muttered as you stood in front of him, handing your bouquet of fake flowers to Mj as she stood behind you. "You look amazing" You smiled grabbing his hand. 
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Peter Benjamin Parker and Y/N Y/M/N Stark, in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife" the short lady read from the thin book in her hands. "Do you Peter Parker, take Y/N Stark to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
Peter smiled, looking you in the eyes, "I do"
"Do you Y/N Stark take Peter Parker to be you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part"
You nodded your head enthusiastically, "I do"
"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" the room filled the applause as you pulled Peter into a quick passionate kiss. Only pulling apart when you realized your empty fingers, "wait we don't have rings"
"Oh i got that covered" Ned said cheerfully as he pulled out two contained of rings, the ones you usually get from the quarter machines, "they were the only ones I could find on short notice"
"they're perfect Ned", you chuckled, pulling out the pink and purple rings, "Dibs on pink"
Peter rolled his eyes forcing the small ring onto his finger, "I don't think I'll ever be able to take this off" he joked
"That's the point of a wedding ring" you grabbed his hand, "you can't get rid of me that easily"
"Alright time for pictures and then certificate" the short lady appeared with a Polaroid Camera snapping pictures of you and Peter.
"Are you happy?" You looked up and smiled. "I'm married to my favorite girl in the whole world. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Peter smirked before giving you a quick kiss.
Time flew by so fast. After the certificate was signed, a bottle of champagne was popped leading you to get extremely tipsy. By the time you all got back to the hotel it was already 5. Peter carried you up the stair bridal style watching as you moved sleepily in his arms.
"What the hell" Flash said loudly startling everyone. You all turned around watching as Flash stood in the hallway in his bathrobe surrounded by two girls who definitely weren't students. "Go to bed Flash" you mumbled, cuddling further into Peter's arms.
"You guys snuck out?" He said in a shocked voice, "Oh I can't wait until you guys to get caught"
Mj chuckled opening the door to the hotel room you shared with her, "Flash do those girls know that you're 16" she lied. The girls gasped quickly walking away from the angered boy. He took a deep breath before stomping back into his room. "Gosh I hate that dude" Ned said as you all walked into the hotel room.
Peter placed you in bed, taking off your shoes before tucking you in, "I'll see you tomorrow morning Mrs. Parker"
You smile tiredly, "I love you Mr. Parker"
"Well well well if it isn't the newly weds" Your father said angrily as you walked through the elevator doors. You kept your composure not wanting to give you and peter away
"What are you talking about?" You said through a smile
"Don't act dumb" you father said as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, "I'm the one who gave Peter the emergency credit card I can see everything he buys"
Your eyes widened, Peter took a deep breath, "Mr. Stark-"
"Im gonna give you ten seconds to run" Your father said as he threw down the paper. 
"I'll talk to you later babe" Peter quickly kissed your cheek before rushing out the room. You father quickly trailing behind
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malfoysstilinski · 3 years
flower crowns | draco malfoy
draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: it’s the first sunny day of the year and you want to spend it outside with draco. he wants to make you a flower crown.
a/n: shout out to everybody else in the uk rn that’s had to deal with this shitty weather since september and is now in a third lockdown :))) these are the vibes we all need rn i think
It felt as though it hadn’t been sunny in years. You were used to the bleak weather that Britain provided nearly all year round, but it didn’t stop you from jumping out of your bed as soon as you saw nothing but sunshine peeking through the high windows of your dorm room.
“It’s sunny!” You gasped, “Oh, Merlin— Hannah, please tell me it’s as warm as it looks outside!”
Hannah Abbott glanced up from her book where she’d risen early. “I think so. It’s been getting warmer all week.”
You squealed, your roommates exchanging glances with each other as you rushed into the bathroom to get ready for your Saturday off from classes. You did have homework that needed to be done, but it could wait. You were not wasting the first nice day cooped up in the castle.
After showering and changing into one of your favourite summer dresses, you bounded back into the dormitory room and found your friends all slowly starting to get ready for the day.
“Anyone fancy going down to the Black Lake?” Susan Bones asked, “I heard a bunch of the Gryffindors are going down if the weather turned out nice today and Ernie mentioned joining them.”
A chorus of excited replies came from everybody else, but you smiled politely.
“I’ll have to ask Draco what he wants to do. He doesn’t really get along much with some of the Gryffindors,” you said, applying some makeup and then slipping on your shoes.
Hannah huffed. “Fine. I don’t know what you see in him, Y/N. You’re way too soft for someone like Draco Malfoy.”
Raising your eyebrows, you smiled. “There are many sides to Draco you’ve never met. I can assure you that there are billions of reasons why I’m with him.”
None of the girls said anything as you bid them a farewell before pulling open the door to your dorm. Wandering through the bright common room, which seemed to thrive with the sunshine pouring through it, you waved and greeted some of your peers, the smell of sunscreen filling your nose and making you excited.
You bounded through the corridors of the castle, saying ‘hi’ to Ron, Harry, and Hermione as you passed them. They seemed slightly taken aback by the bounce in your step, Hermione hitting Ron before he could make some sort of sarcastic comment.
You made it down into the dungeons, finding the bare wall you’d come used to staring at. Whilst a huge majority of the school would never be able to catch a glimpse of the Slytherin common room, as the girlfriend of Draco Malfoy, you’d been given the password and was updated of the change fortnightly.
Whispering the new one, you were thrilled when it opened to reveal the green and silver room. It was much darker and drearier than the Hufflepuff common room, perfect for when you were in a cozy mood, but today wasn’t one of those days.
“Hey, Y/N,” Blaise greeted you as he looked up from the leather couch. “Draco’s in the dorm room.”
“Thanks, Blaise!” You replied, waving to Pansy and Theo as you walked by them, making your way to the fifth year boys’ dorm.
You knocked once before you entered, finding it empty. You frowned as the door closed softly behind you, but your ears pricked upon hearing the steady rushing of water coming from the attached bathroom.
You settled down onto Draco’s bed, eager for him to hurry up in the shower so you didn’t have to waste anymore time inside. Who knew how long the good weather was going to last for? British spring was unpredictable— tomorrow it could go back to jumper weather and stay like that for weeks, with nothing to do but watch the rain drip drip drip.
Water dripped from Draco’s broad shoulders as he finally left the bathroom, a white towel wrapped around his torso. He looked gorgeous— in platinum hair soaked and pale skin slightly flushed from the temperature of the water. His face lit up when he saw you on his bed.
“Let me guess,” Draco hummed, “You want to spend the day outside?”
“Please?” You sent him the same very pout that always allowed you to get your way with him.
Outsiders often believed that Draco was as cold as ice and as hard as steel, that, even for you, he would never be soft. However, it seemed like only you, him, and his friends knew the truth-- all you had to do was breathe and Draco was putty in your hands. You could probably ask him to jump off of the Astronomy Tower and he’d just ask if you wanted him to do a run-up or not. 
He tried to keep up his tough exterior around you at first, but with every laugh that escaped your lips, every excited gasp you gave when you learned something new, Draco felt his walls crumbling and he had to admit that he was hopelessly in love with you. Soft Draco was your favourite Draco, and it was the one he had reserved for you and you only. 
When people teased you, whether it be for your naive nature or because they were taking your kindness for granted, Draco was always the first to defend you. He’d ended up in countless detentions for hexing multiple other students who even looked at you wrong. You were his sunshine and he swore to preserve you and keep you safe from any harm. Even if he was your opposite.
“Fine,” he sighed as if it was a chore, but the corner of his lips twitched up at the idea of spending the entire day whilst you were out in your favourite weather.
“Hurry up and get dressed then,” you said, bending down to reach into his trunk and chucking him some clothes.
Draco caught them, sending you a look. “You sure? We could just stay here all day, I could just wear this...”
He watched you blush and shake your head. “Another time. Right now, it’s sunny-- so we have to go outside.”
Draco didn’t bother delaying you anymore. He knew you’d been hoping for good weather for a long time now. It felt like you hadn’t seen sunshine since the very start of September, and now it was early April. The cold, dark evenings always got you down a little unless you were wrapped up warm in the arms of Draco.
Within a few minutes, he’d dried off and chucked on the clothes that you’d thrown at him, slipping his shoes whilst you practically bounced up and down on your heels by the door. As soon as he was done, you grasped his hand and tugged him away. 
“Can we pick somewhere with a bit of shade?” Draco asked once you’d made it out onto the fields, finding multiple other students who had the same idea as you two. “I don’t want to burn.”
A group of first year Gryffindors ran by, nearly knocking Draco over. He let go of your hand and went tug out his wand, his nose scrunched up in disgust, when you grabbed his wrist.
“Draco!” You scolded him, “You don’t need to hex the eleven-year-olds for nearly knocking you over.”
He huffed, rolling his eyes. “They should watch where they’re going. I would have only done a tripping hex, anyway.”
Shaking your head at your boyfriend, you felt his slender fingers intertwine with yours once again and he led the way this time. It felt surreal to be outside without having to stuff your hands in your pockets or complaining about rain water seeping through the small hole in the sole of your school shoes.
“Here.” Draco stopped beneath a tree and settled down, his back against the trunk. 
“I’m going to sit in the sun,” you said, moving a few feet away so you were no longer under the shade.
Draco knew you wanted to make the most of it on your skin. He saw it glow on your shoulders, light up your hair and relax your mind as you lay down on the grass, nose pointing towards the sky. He smiled, simply watching you from the shade. 
He grabbed the book he’d managed to pick up before you’d forced him out of his dorm room, burying his face in it for a few moments as you sighed happily, sunbathing nearby. He’d glance up every now and then and become distracted by your beauty, his brain having to force his eyes back down to the pages in front of him. 
Eventually, he gave up, settling the novel beside his legs and moving over. He found you lying on your stomach, plucking daisies out of the grass and arranging them into a pile next to you. 
“What are you doing?” Draco asked, lying beside you, facing the sky. 
“You’ll burn,” you protested, “You wanted to be underneath the shade, Draco--”
“I don’t care,” he murmured, “Just let me be next to you for a bit, yeah?”
You smiled softly, shaking your head a little as you blushed. Draco turned his head to continue watching what you were doing. He saw that once you had a pile of maybe twenty or so daisies, you began to pick them up one by one before piercing a hole through the long stems with your thumbnail. 
He watched with furrowed brows, studying the way your hands delicately began to thread each daisy through another, tying a knot on the end so they couldn’t slip back through. He realised you were making a daisy chain, and quite a large one at that. Eventually, you closed it off and tied it back around to the first daisy. 
“What is it?” He stared at the circle of plants.
“A daisy crown,” you chirped, moving across and straddling him, his hands moving to your hips as you placed it on top of his head. “For my Prince of Slytherin.”
Draco grinned, reaching up to adjust it on his head. “How does it look?”
You beamed as you peered down at him. “You look like a dashingly handsome young prince.”
You leaned down and kissed his nose, watching his own cheeks blush a little. He managed to sit up, your body moving back a little so you were sat in his lap with your legs around his waist, one hand on you to adjust you and the other to keep his daisy chain on his head. 
You decided your words were nothing but the truth. He looked adorable with the white and yellow daisies in his platinum hair, which was fluffy from the shower he’d just had. He looked like the epitome of soft, his silver eyes melting as he stared at you in a mixture of complete adoration and love. 
His hands circled your waist and he managed to pull you even closer. Your sunscreen filled his nose, as well as the shampoo you wore, the sun beating down on the two of you as he moved to meet your lips in the middle. He hummed against you, enjoying the taste of your lip balm and the way you felt against him. 
One hand reached to stroke your cheek, the slightly calloused pad of his thumb brushing at your jaw. His lips worked against yours softly in an attempt to pour every inch of love and appreciation into you, his touch feeling like fire on your warming skin. You wished you could stay like this forever; just you, Draco, and the sun in the sky.
“If I’m the prince, I want to crown you my princess,” Draco murmured against your lips when he pulled away. 
“Do you know how to make a crown?” You asked.
“I can try,” Draco offered, “I watched you.”
Smiling, you climbed off of his lap and watched as he turned to look at the grass. He plucked a few more from the ground until he estimated that he had enough. Draco’s face scrunched up for a second. The boy was clearly deep in thought. 
“You pierce the stems next,” you whispered in his ear.
“I know, I know,” he played it off, grabbing one.
He inspected it for a few moments before trying to stab a hole through it with his thumbnail like you did. He groaned when it ripped all the way through, leaving him with half a stem. Draco tried again three more times before throwing his latest destroyed daisy to the grass in a fit. 
“I can’t make the holes!” Draco complained. 
“I’ll pierce them for you,” you suggested gently, “You pass them to me, and I’ll make the holes. Then you can tie them up as you go along.”
Draco didn’t reply but handed you your first daisy, watching intently as you made a hole with your nail and passed it to him. He grabbed another daisy and handed it to you and you did the same thing, and then he looped it through. 
“Good, now you need to tie it up,” you reminded him. 
Tongue poking out slightly, Draco did as you had said, creating a knot in the stem of the daisy. He grinned when it worked, his pearly whites on display as he practically threw it in your face.
“Good-- you have one chain. Here’s your next daisy,” you beamed, passing him another with a hole in it.
Draco took longer than you had, his eyes focused and his nose scrunched in concentration as he created you your very own daisy crown to match his. When he was done, he sighed in relief but, overall, looked quite pleased with himself.
“Here you are, my love,” he murmured, placing it on top of your head. 
His fingers adjusted it and moved some of your hair out of the way so it sat perfectly. Draco moved backwards a little and smiled at the sight.
“How do I look?” You teased.
“Like the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid eyes on,” Draco promised breathlessly, kissing you hard on the lips again. 
You kissed him back. Maybe your roommates would never understand because they never saw this side of him, but this was one of the million reasons you loved Draco Malfoy.
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bestjeanistmonster · 3 years
I may never be your hero but I think I’d like to try AU
(aka the Melizabeth hero x villain au that I talked about a few times but never shared any details about because I like procrastinating)
Basically this a universe where the majority of people are totally normal but there are a few people who have superpowers, whether they have it from birth or they acquire them through other means like chemical accidents, explosions or even magic
London in particular had many of these people. At one point the entire city was filled to the brim with crime because some of these powers were in the wrong hands, specifically the hands of a man they called ‘the Demon King’. He ran the streets of London with an iron fist, spreading fear and chaos wherever he spread his influence, soon it was likely that he would take over the entire country.
Then one fateful day, a great hero rose up, calling themselves ‘The Supreme Diety’. They alone were able to chase The Demon King back into the shadows and begin a new era of heroes.
(40 year time skip)
New hero ‘Seraph’ is incredibly nervous about her big official debut. Her main goal is to join Heaven Inc. and help as many people as she possibly can along the way. It’s rlly hard to join the league so it’s imperative that she gets noticed by doing a lot of crime fighting. She’s been training a very long time for this, years even, trying to be the image of a perfect superhero. I mean why shouldn’t she, Seraph has always wanted to help people, and it just so happened that she was born with two pairs of giant wings so why not.
She makes her big debut by defeating a bunch of crooks who was robbing a bank, there were no casualties and it was a very clean rescue, she got her first interview and made her intro on live tv. She’s so soaked up in the glow of the moment she doesn’t even notice someone walking away, rolling his eyes at the scene.
An hour later Elizabeth Liones finds herself running late for a lecture at Camelot university, she’s running as fast as she can struggling to keep the files in arms from falling. Then just her luck to not focus on where she was going, trip and crash into another student who has AirPods in and bowling them over.
She pushes herself onto her hands with a groan, and locked eyes with dark green eyes that chilled her to the core, then she took note that he also looked quite handsome with his messy blonde hair. Elizabeth only registers that she’s staring until the guy growls at her to get off of him, the she jumps back onto the pavement (she was on top of him) and profusely apologises as she tries to gather her stuff. He groans a little and sits up properly, picking his glasses off the ground as she stands up and arranging the files in her arms so she can offer him a hand to help him to help him stand up. He ignores the hand and stands up by himself and tells her to watch where she’s going.
Elizabeth looks at the time curses and then runs off to class without getting his name.
Yeah this is seraph. Elizabeth had been training under her mother to be a hero since she was 10 and she’s had her powers since she was a kid. Her mom was the retired hero ‘the Supreme Diety’, the current leader of the most elite hero organisation, the Heaven Inc., and the one who formed the the team ‘the Archangels’. The all four of archangels are like family to her because of it.
They said that they know that she’s worthy to join, but they have to prove it to the public or else there will be protests. Besides it’s good to get some experience in the field before jumping straight to the top, which is understandable, but it feels like they’re underestimating her, like they’re treating her like she’s a child which is endlessly frustrating for her to deal with. But she puts up with it to make her mother proud!
That night she was going on her first solo patrol. With her wings, scoping out crime should be easy as pie. After stopping a few petty criminals, she sees a bunch of people breaking into a science facility. She sneaks in after them, watches them for a while and seeing that they’re stealing a few chemicals and science equipment. Seraph steps out and tells them to stop where they are in typical hero fashion.
The obvious ring leader freezes, and turns around. She shivers as she looks into cold black soulless eyes, seemed to stare right through her, his wild blonde hair was parted at the front, showing off the large black tattoo on his forehead. His bottom half of his face was obscured from view by a face mask with a sharp teeth pattern on it. He was frowning, but other than that you could really tell what he was thinking it was impossible to read him. The man in front of her radiated murderous energy, it was admittedly terrifying.
He spares a cold look to his goons and they all vacate the room immediately. He widens his stance and tilts his head to the side, as if it daring her to come at him.
She charges at him, he dodges her punches with little effort. After a couple more failed attempts, she resorts to using her offensive power ‘arc’. His eyes widened slightly but he still managed to dodge. They fight for a few more minutes before the goons call out they’ve gotten everything, their leader side glances her as she shoots another beam of light at him, he grabs a pen that was on the desk and slices down in the air just as it hits him, deflecting the attack back at her and throwing her back in through a wall and into another room.
When she flies back, the man and his goons are gone without a trace. She groans in frustration and hears a slight beeping sound that getting faster by the second.
She jumps out the window just as it finishes beeping, but the shockwaves of the explosion end up throwing her into the River Thames below.
And she didn’t realise it yet, but she would be seeing this strange man again very soon.
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