#Red Bull Salzburg U19
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fortheredbullboys-blog · 2 years ago
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I really love the UEFA Youth League
Because it’s not only about the competition
It’s very educational
You get to learn about other teams academy, how
did they do recent years, what young players are
promoted, what the team have done to protect
the rights of these young men, any technology or
equipment they update, any junior coaches doing
well, etc.
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realmadridnews · 2 years ago
Real Madrid U19 - Red Bull Salzburg U19 3:1
Juvenil A won the match against Red Bull Salzburg U19 and will play in the quarterfinal of the UEFA Youth League.
scorers: 0:1, Konate (p) 30′
1:1, Fortuny 46′
2:1, Jacobo 62′
3:1, Iker Bravo 94′
Real Madrid U19: Pineiro; Obrador, Serrano, Jacobo, Tobias (84′ Edgar); Chema, Angel (74′ Yeray), Paz (84′ Jimenez); Fortuny (63′ Iker Bravo), Gonzalo, Palacios (84′ Mesonero)
Red Bull Salzburg U19: Krumrey; Gevorgyan, Baidoo, Wallner, Pejazic; Sahin, Yeo (84′ Paumgartner), Sadeqi (91′ Lechner), Reischl (63′ Zeteny); Konate, Havel (63′ Crescenti)
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gudatv · 4 months ago
++(UŽIVO@TV) RB Salzburga Dinama Prijenos uživo na TV kanalu 23. listopada 2024
Dinamo večeras od 21.00 igra utakmicu 3. kola Lige prvaka protiv RB Salzburga u Salzburgu
Dinamo Zagreb – RB Salzburg uživo, gdje gledati nogometne utakmice UEFA Lige prvaka
NOGOMET UŽIVO | Red Bull Salzburg i Dinamo, njihovi U19 timovi, igrat će susret 3. kola Lige prvaka mladih u srijedu, 23. listopada 2024. godine | Gdje gledati prijenos?
Red Bull Salzburg i Dinamo, njihovi U19 timovi, igrat će susret 3. kola Lige prvaka mladih u srijedu, 23. listopada 2024. godine. Ova utakmica će se igrati u Salzburgu, u istom gradu gdje će prva momčad u 21 sat snage odmjeriti s austrijskim istoimenim predstavnikom. Podsjetimo, u prvom susretu Dinamo je u Münchenu izgubio od Bayerna 2:1, dok je u drugom dvoboju u Zaprešiću svladao Monaco 1:0. A dan uoči utakmice dvoboj je najavio trener Ivica Banović, koji je odmah otkrio kako je momčad kompletna i na okupu: “Nitko ne nedostaje, svi su zdravi i to nas veseli. Ali nam i daje optimizam pred ovu utakmicu.”
“Salzburg u prva dva kola ima dvije pobjede uz osam zabijenih golova. Oni su fizički i posebno trkački jako moćni. Strahovito su brzi, poput Monaca i igraju jako okomito. Uvijek gledaju prema naprijed s puno utrčavanja u dubinu pa ćemo na to morati posebno pripaziti. Također, vole igrati visoki presing i naprijed idu čovjek na čovjeka. S obzirom na to očekujem vrlo otvorenu utakmicu”, dodao je trener Banović.
Pred nama je novo Dinamovo europsko izdanje, večeras igraju protiv austrijskog Salzburga, kluba koji također kao i zagrebački plavi nije najbolje otvorio Ligu prvaka.
Utakmica će se igrati na Red Bull Arena stadionu u Salzburgu, gradu uz samu njemačku granicu. Podsjetimo se, Dinamo je u drugoj utakmici igrao neriješeno sa Monacom (2:2), a prvu utakmicu protiv Bayerna ne moramo posebno spominjati. RB Salzburg iz prve dvije utakmice nema niti jedan bod, tako da se nadaju kako će uspjeti uknjižiti možda i tri boda protiv Dinama.
Trener Dinama Nenad Bjelica na raspolaganju ima sve igrače, nitko nije bolestan, tako da će nastup Dinama biti na visini i nemaju nikakvih izgovora. Atmosfera je odlična, igrači su motivirani, a nadamo se kako ćemo to vidjeti i na terenu. Utakmica će biti prilično teška jer RB Salzburg je najmlađa ekipa u Ligi prvaka, tako da se očekuje kako će biti puno trke, no nedostaje im iskustva te im baš ne ide najbolje u austrijskoj ligi tako da u otme Dinamo traži svoju priliku.
Dinamo nije uspio protiv jakog Salzburga: Mladi Modri poraženi u golijadi
Mlada momčad Dinama, momci U-19 godina nisu uspjeli ostvariti pozitivan rezultat u Ligi prvaka mladih protiv domaćeg Red Bull Salzburga, koji je pobijedio s 3:2 i tako ostao neporažen u novom formatu najelitnijeg UEFA-inog natjecanja.
Dinamo se nadao pozitivnom rezultatu, nakon pobjede protiv Monaca, no već u četvrtoj minuti igrači Red Bulla izigrali su obranu Modrih, a za vodstvo domaćina zabio je Verhouing. Utakmica se malo primirila nakon ranog gola Salzburga, da bi Dinamo počeo napadati krajem poluvremena, što je rezultiralo izjednačenjem.
Modri su izborili jedan prekršaj na 20-ak metara od gola Salzburga s lijeve strane, a na udarac se namjestio Sven Šunta, koji j ciljao i pogodio suprotne rašlje gola domaćina za izjednačenje Dinama.
Dinamo je pao na početku drugog poluvremena, isto kao i na otvaranju prvog, a i strijelac je bio isti pa se tako Verhounig po drugi put upisao u strijelce u 53. minuti. Modri su opasno živjeli privih 15-ak minuta drugog dijela, da bi utakmica opet pala u tempu.
I onda kao i u prvom dijelu, Dinamo se budi 10-ak minuta prije kraja utakmice, da bi Jakirović srušio Adejenughurea u 16 metara, a Jano zabija za 3:1 domaćih. No u drugoj minuti sudačke nadoknade Šepić krasnim golom s 20 metara smanjuje na 3:2, ali malo prekasno, jer je kraj brzo došao.
RB Salzburg tako ima čiste tri pobjede na startu Lige prvaka mladih, dok je Dinamo upisao dva poraza i pobjedu, te će Modri morati pojačati gas žele li dalje u Ligi prvaka.
RB Salzburg – Dinamo 3:2
SALZBURG: Zawieschitzky – Gadou, Schuster, Zabransky – Bendra, Jano, Striednig, Trummer – Aguilar – Baidoo, Verhounig
DINAMO: Rajić – Mikić, Zebić, Jakirović, Šepić – Pavić – Miljak, Baković, Šunta, Horvat – Rimac
Ovim putem obavještavamo navijače o tome da su za utakmicu 3. kola UEFA Lige prvaka RB Salzburg - GNK Dinamo rasprodane sve ulaznice za gostujući sektor za navijače Dinama.
Klub je na raspolaganje dobio 1500 ulaznica za gostujući navijački sektor. S obzirom na to da su sve ulaznice rasprodane, prodaja je završena. 
Utakmice možete gledati na HRTi online te na Arena Sport kanalima i to na svim platformama – TV prijemnicima, smartfonima, tabletima, stolnim i prijenosnim računalima, Android TV Box uređajima i Smart TV-ima. Ako pronađemo negdje live stream, postavit ćemo ga niže.
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genialcamisa · 5 months ago
Los fichajes del Ipswich son mediocres
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Noticias recientes sobre transferencias informan que Unasi vale 12 millones de euros y está cedido por el Marsella al Panathinaikos con una tarifa de transferencia de 500.000 euros. Al mismo tiempo, Pellistri del Panathinaikos Football Club abandonó el equipo y pagó una tarifa de transferencia de 6 millones de euros al Manchester United. Al principio hubo rumores de que dejaría el equipo. Osimhen, que vestía la camiseta Napoli, estaba cedido al Galatasaray.El Galatasaray Aktur Klug pasó al Benfica por 12 millones de euros, y Gadu del Paris Saint-Germain U19 pasó al Red Bull Salzburg por 10 millones de euros.
Nápoles tiene 25 jugadores transferidos y 18 jugadores transferidos en la nueva temporada. La alineación ha sufrido grandes ajustes y el gasto total en transferencias supera los 115 millones de euros. Ipswich, de la Premier League inglesa, en el puesto 17, gastó hasta 112 millones de euros en el mercado de transferencias de verano, pero los resultados en la nueva temporada no son ideales, con 2 derrotas y 1 empate, Travis vistiendo la Camisetas de fútbol baratas, en buena forma.pero incapaz de llevar al equipo a la victoria.
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dermontag · 3 years ago
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"Neidisch" auf RB und Frankfurt BVB macht klare Kampfansage an FC Bayern 29.04.2022, 13:55 Uhr Borussia Dortmunds Trainer Marco Rose bekräftig, sich nicht an einen Serienmeister aus München "gewöhnen" zu wollen. Sein Ziel sei es, zukünftig ganz oben anzugreifen. Erstmal will der Coach aber etwas ausprobieren in den nächsten Spielen. Und er schaut "neidisch" nach Leipzig und Frankfurt. Trainer Marco Rose von Borussia Dortmund hat die Kampfansage an Fußball-Serienmeister FC Bayern München erneuert. "Die Bayern sind im zehnten Jahr deutscher Meister. Daran möchte man sich nicht gewöhnen", sagte der BVB-Trainer. "Wir wollen uns so ausrichten, dass wir nach und nach die Chance haben, ganz oben mitzureden und anzugreifen." In dieser Saison sei in der Liga aber längst nicht alles schlecht gewesen. "Um bei der Konkurrenz Zweiter zu werden, die Punkte musst du schon erst mal einfahren", sagte Rose: "Aber das Ziel ist ein anderes." Deshalb wolle er auch im tabellarisch wenig bedeutsamen Saisonfinale nichts verschenken. "Wenn wir in irgendeiner Form nachlassen, werde ich einspringen", versprach Rose vor dem Revier-Duell gegen den VfL Bochum am Samstag (15.30 Uhr/Sky und im Liveticker auf ntv.de): "Der letzte Eindruck ist kein unwichtiger, den nimmt man mit." Beim Personal will Rose in den verbleibenden drei Spielen auch für nächste Saison etwas ausprobieren, aber dosiert. "Natürlich denkt man schon an nächste Saison", sagte er. Wegen der Verletzungssorgen stelle sich die Mannschaft "aber derzeit auch fast von alleine auf". Den Talenten, die zuletzt dabei waren, wolle er "weitere Chancen geben, sich zu zeigen". Er nehme aber auch Rücksicht auf die U19, die im Pokal und der Meisterschaft um den Titel kämpft. "Es ist wichtig, dass sie dort ernten, was sie das Jahr über gesät haben." Leipzig und Frankfurt "machen es hervorragend" Gegen Bochum absolviert Rose sein 100. Bundesliga-Spiel auf der Bank. Der Job sei wahrscheinlich für das ein oder andere graue Haar verantwortlich, "und nicht nur für grau, sondern auch dafür, dass sie weniger werden. Das sieht man von oben. Aber in der Summe bin ich sehr privilegiert und schon ein glücklicher Mensch." Rose hat derweil den Erfolgsweg von Eintracht Frankfurt und RB Leipzig in der Europa League mit Freude, aber auch etwas Wehmut verfolgt. "Beide machen es hervorragend", sagte der BVB-Coach: "Leipzig spielt auch noch im DFB-Pokalfinale. Da gucken wir aus Dortmund schon ein bisschen neidisch rüber. Aber das haben sie sich verdient und erarbeitet. Da muss man auch gönnen können." Insgesamt sei er ganz "ganz froh, dass die beiden zeigen, dass die Bundesliga im internationalen Vergleich nicht so schlecht dasteht. Wir konnten das dieses Jahr leider nicht." Der BVB schied in der Champions League in der Gruppenphase und in der Europa League dann direkt in der ersten K.-o.-Runde aus. Dass er in einem möglichen Endspiel für Leipzig sei, bestätigte der gebürtige Leipziger, der vier Jahre für Red Bull Salzburg arbeitete, aber nicht. "Ich würde mir ein deutsches Finale wünschen. Beim Rest bin ich raus. Der Bessere soll gewinnen", beteuerte Rose. In Frankfurt freut ihn auch die Entwicklung von BVB-Leihspieler Ansgar Knauff. Diese sei für alle "eine Win-Win-Situation, weil Ansgar zum Spielen kommt und sich weiter entwickelt."
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fortheredbullboys-blog · 2 years ago
UEFA Youth League 2002/03/16
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realmadridnews · 4 years ago
Red Bull Salzburg U19 - Real Madrid U19 1:2
Juvenil A advanced to the final of the UEFA Youth League! It will be Real Madrid’s first final in this competition. They will play against Benfica Lisbon U19, which was the finalist in 2014 (lost vs FC Barcelona U19) and in 2017 (lost vs Red Bull Salzburg).
The final will be played on the 25th August at 6:00 PM CET.
scorers: 0:1, Latasa 9′
0:2, Gutierrez 32′
1:2, Sucic (p) 50′
Red Bull Salzburg U19: Antosch, Dedic, Affengruber, Okoh (46′ Aigner), Gazibegovic, Pokorny (82′ Sesko), Seiwald (65′ Stosic), Sucic, Kjaergaard (46′ Reischl), Adeyemi (86′ Prass), Adamu
Real Madrid U19: Fuidias; Santos, Ramos, Chust, Gutierrez; Blanco, Arribas (85′ Carrillo), Morante; Marvin (59′ Aranda), Dotor, Latasa (71′ Pablo Rodriguez)
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gudatv · 4 months ago
+>[UŽIVO@UEFA]]**RB Salzburga Dinama Prijenos uživo na TV kanalu 23. listopada 2024
Dinamo večeras od 21.00 igra utakmicu 3. kola Lige prvaka protiv RB Salzburga u Salzburgu
Dinamo Zagreb – RB Salzburg uživo, gdje gledati nogometne utakmice UEFA Lige prvaka
NOGOMET UŽIVO | Red Bull Salzburg i Dinamo, njihovi U19 timovi, igrat će susret 3. kola Lige prvaka mladih u srijedu, 23. listopada 2024. godine | Gdje gledati prijenos?
Red Bull Salzburg i Dinamo, njihovi U19 timovi, igrat će susret 3. kola Lige prvaka mladih u srijedu, 23. listopada 2024. godine. Ova utakmica će se igrati u Salzburgu, u istom gradu gdje će prva momčad u 21 sat snage odmjeriti s austrijskim istoimenim predstavnikom. Podsjetimo, u prvom susretu Dinamo je u Münchenu izgubio od Bayerna 2:1, dok je u drugom dvoboju u Zaprešiću svladao Monaco 1:0. A dan uoči utakmice dvoboj je najavio trener Ivica Banović, koji je odmah otkrio kako je momčad kompletna i na okupu: “Nitko ne nedostaje, svi su zdravi i to nas veseli. Ali nam i daje optimizam pred ovu utakmicu.”
“Salzburg u prva dva kola ima dvije pobjede uz osam zabijenih golova. Oni su fizički i posebno trkački jako moćni. Strahovito su brzi, poput Monaca i igraju jako okomito. Uvijek gledaju prema naprijed s puno utrčavanja u dubinu pa ćemo na to morati posebno pripaziti. Također, vole igrati visoki presing i naprijed idu čovjek na čovjeka. S obzirom na to očekujem vrlo otvorenu utakmicu”, dodao je trener Banović.
Pred nama je novo Dinamovo europsko izdanje, večeras igraju protiv austrijskog Salzburga, kluba koji također kao i zagrebački plavi nije najbolje otvorio Ligu prvaka.
Utakmica će se igrati na Red Bull Arena stadionu u Salzburgu, gradu uz samu njemačku granicu. Podsjetimo se, Dinamo je u drugoj utakmici igrao neriješeno sa Monacom (2:2), a prvu utakmicu protiv Bayerna ne moramo posebno spominjati. RB Salzburg iz prve dvije utakmice nema niti jedan bod, tako da se nadaju kako će uspjeti uknjižiti možda i tri boda protiv Dinama.
Trener Dinama Nenad Bjelica na raspolaganju ima sve igrače, nitko nije bolestan, tako da će nastup Dinama biti na visini i nemaju nikakvih izgovora. Atmosfera je odlična, igrači su motivirani, a nadamo se kako ćemo to vidjeti i na terenu. Utakmica će biti prilično teška jer RB Salzburg je najmlađa ekipa u Ligi prvaka, tako da se očekuje kako će biti puno trke, no nedostaje im iskustva te im baš ne ide najbolje u austrijskoj ligi tako da u otme Dinamo traži svoju priliku.
Dinamo nije uspio protiv jakog Salzburga: Mladi Modri poraženi u golijadi
Mlada momčad Dinama, momci U-19 godina nisu uspjeli ostvariti pozitivan rezultat u Ligi prvaka mladih protiv domaćeg Red Bull Salzburga, koji je pobijedio s 3:2 i tako ostao neporažen u novom formatu najelitnijeg UEFA-inog natjecanja.
Dinamo se nadao pozitivnom rezultatu, nakon pobjede protiv Monaca, no već u četvrtoj minuti igrači Red Bulla izigrali su obranu Modrih, a za vodstvo domaćina zabio je Verhouing. Utakmica se malo primirila nakon ranog gola Salzburga, da bi Dinamo počeo napadati krajem poluvremena, što je rezultiralo izjednačenjem.
Modri su izborili jedan prekršaj na 20-ak metara od gola Salzburga s lijeve strane, a na udarac se namjestio Sven Šunta, koji j ciljao i pogodio suprotne rašlje gola domaćina za izjednačenje Dinama.
Dinamo je pao na početku drugog poluvremena, isto kao i na otvaranju prvog, a i strijelac je bio isti pa se tako Verhounig po drugi put upisao u strijelce u 53. minuti. Modri su opasno živjeli privih 15-ak minuta drugog dijela, da bi utakmica opet pala u tempu.
I onda kao i u prvom dijelu, Dinamo se budi 10-ak minuta prije kraja utakmice, da bi Jakirović srušio Adejenughurea u 16 metara, a Jano zabija za 3:1 domaćih. No u drugoj minuti sudačke nadoknade Šepić krasnim golom s 20 metara smanjuje na 3:2, ali malo prekasno, jer je kraj brzo došao.
RB Salzburg tako ima čiste tri pobjede na startu Lige prvaka mladih, dok je Dinamo upisao dva poraza i pobjedu, te će Modri morati pojačati gas žele li dalje u Ligi prvaka.
RB Salzburg – Dinamo 3:2
SALZBURG: Zawieschitzky – Gadou, Schuster, Zabransky – Bendra, Jano, Striednig, Trummer – Aguilar – Baidoo, Verhounig
DINAMO: Rajić – Mikić, Zebić, Jakirović, Šepić – Pavić – Miljak, Baković, Šunta, Horvat – Rimac
Ovim putem obavještavamo navijače o tome da su za utakmicu 3. kola UEFA Lige prvaka RB Salzburg - GNK Dinamo rasprodane sve ulaznice za gostujući sektor za navijače Dinama.
Klub je na raspolaganje dobio 1500 ulaznica za gostujući navijački sektor. S obzirom na to da su sve ulaznice rasprodane, prodaja je završena. 
Utakmice možete gledati na HRTi online te na Arena Sport kanalima i to na svim platformama – TV prijemnicima, smartfonima, tabletima, stolnim i prijenosnim računalima, Android TV Box uređajima i Smart TV-ima. Ako pronađemo negdje live stream, postavit ćemo ga niže.
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belldenise · 4 years ago
Champions League Youth / table, results and statistics
Youth uefa champions league table - UEFA Youth League - Wikipedia
Dinamo Minsk U Ludogorets U Olympiakos Piraeus U Manchester City U Midtjylland U Chelsea U Salzburg U Viitorul U Dinamo Zagreb U Rosenborg U Genk U Internazionale U Sevilla U PSG U Olimpija U Celta de Vigo U PAOK U Hammarby U We do not limit only to the results. Below the table, which is also updated in real time. No need to refresh the page to check the current position of your favorite team.
Just use the table youth uefa champions league table, which is divided into sections Table, odds, Form, Goals Matches. Any statistics you can share at home matches played at homeaway matches played awayas well as in general.
By youth uefa champions league table on the icon you can easily share the results or picture with table Champions League Youth with your friends on facebook, twitter or send them emails with information.
Don't show this again. The teams with the highest number of scored goals. Overall Home Away. The teams with the highest number of conceded goals. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Youth uefa champions league table portal Recent changes Upload file.
Download as PDF Printable version. Europe UEFA. Real Madrid 1st title. Barcelona Chelsea reference titles each. List of broadcasters. Official website. Real Madrid. Schalke Shakhtar Donetsk. Paris Saint-Germain.
Red Bull Salzburg. Manchester City. Baltic countries Estonia Latvia Lithuania.
Champions League Youth 2020/2021
RSC Anderlecht Youth. SK Sigma Olomouc. FC Basel PSV Eindhoven. GNK Dinamo Zagreb. FC Midtjylland. FC Minsk. IF Elfsborg. Maccabi Tel Aviv F. Hamilton Academical Football Club. Football Association youth uefa champions league table Norway. Red Star Belgrade. Football Federation of Kazakhstan. Archived from the original on 21 Website Retrieved 21 November HJK ry. SSE Airtricity League.
Retrieved 29 April Men Ken Galluccio Cup. Hidden categories: Pages using sports table with possibly ignored parameters. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history.
Soccer, Europe: UEFA Youth League 2020/2021 live scores, fixtures, standings
Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. The Colovray Stadium in Nyon hosted the semi-finals and final. Porto leagie title. Charlie Brown 12 goals. Chelsea —18 U18 Premier League [6]. Montpellier —18 Championnat National U19 [8].
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welcomebet · 7 years ago
Red Bull Salzburg U19 vs Sporting Lisbon U19, Feb 07, 2018
Red Bull Salzburg U19 vs Sporting Lisbon U19, Feb 07, 2018 http://ift.tt/2BFqgLx
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wincatcherses · 5 years ago
El wonderkid ghanés Dwomoh extiende su trato con Genk después de estar vinculado con Chelsea y Arsenal
El joven de 15 años había sido vinculado con una partida, pero ahora está programado para permanecer en el Luminus Arena en un acuerdo que se extenderá hasta 2024. Genk ha revelado que el equipo ha extendido el contrato de Pierre Dwomoh, manteniendo al joven de 15 años. en el Luminus Arena hasta 2024. El wonderkid recibió su primer contrato profesional en 2019, después de haber impresionado con el equipo U19. Sin embargo, continuará con su desarrollo con los Pitufos a pesar del interés de la Juventus, el Chelsea, el Arsenal y el Bayern de Múnich. Ha sido promovido al primer equipo, lo que significa que tendrá la oportunidad de competir por un lugar en el XI inicial de Hannes Wolf junto a Dries Wouters, Bryan Heynen y Eboue Kouassi de la próxima temporada. "Pierre Dwomoh aún no ha cumplido 16 años, pero está listo para dar el paso ", decía una declaración del club. Elecciones de los editores "Vino de Anderlecht a los 12 años, firmó su primer contrato el verano pasado y ya hizo su debut en un juego de exhibición en preparación para la temporada pasada". Dwomoh es un mediocampista versátil que también mostró en la campaña pasada en el pasado. Liga Juvenil. "A pesar del interés concreto del gigante europeo como la Juventus, Pierre ha extendido su contrato en Genk con cuatro temporadas hoy". Con esto, se convierte en el quinto escuadrón africano en el equipo de Wolf junto con su compatriota Joseph Paintsil, Stephen Odey, Paul Onuachu y Eboue Kouassi que está prestado por Celtic. Nacido en Bélgica pero de ascendencia ghanesa, Dwomoh se unió a los Pitufos a los 12 años de Anderlecht, y ha crecido a través de las filas juveniles de Genk debido a su versatilidad. Formó parte del equipo del equipo belga que participó en la Uefa Youth League 2019-2020, donde no pudieron clasificarse del Grupo E, que comprende Liverpool, Red Bull Salzburg, Genk y Napoli. El artículo continúa abajo Dwomoh participó en cuatro juegos, pero los muchachos de Kevin Van Dessel no pudieron avanzar más allá de la fase de grupos al haber acumulado ocho puntos en seis salidas. En la escena internacional, Dwomoh ha representado a Bélgica en los niveles U15 y U17. Con 14 años y ocho meses, debutó como goleador para Bélgica U15 en su empate 2-2 contra Holanda el 3 de mayo del año pasado. Después de cinco juegos y dos goles, fue promovido al equipo U17 donde ha aparecido ocho veces con un gol. En el futuro, es elegible para representar a las Estrellas Negras en el nivel superior.
from Noticias Wincatchers https://noticias.wincatchers.com/2020/05/21/el-wonderkid-ghanes-dwomoh-extiende-su-trato-con-genk-despues-de-estar-vinculado-con-chelsea-y-arsenal/
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jordstyle · 6 years ago
Bundesliga Season Preview Part One: Mid-tablers, strugglers and newcomers
VAVEL UK takes a look at nine of the teams hoping for big things this year.
Hertha BSC Team Photo. | Photo: Ottmar Winter/Bongarts/Getty Images.
After a long wait, the Bundesliga finally makes its return this summer and it will be a welcome relief for German football fans after the failure of the Germany squad at the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
Many will be wondering if this is the season that someone finally manages to topple the supremacy of Bayern Munich. The rest will laugh off such delusions. But even if the status quo at the top remains, there’s European places to be won and the dreaded drop to be avoided.
In the first part of our season preview, we look at last season’s lower-half finishers – Hertha BSC, Werder Bremen, FC Augsburg, Hannover 96, 1. FSV Mainz 05, SC Freiburg and VfL Wolfsburg, as well as the newly-promoted pair of Fortuna Düsseldorf and 1. FC Nürnberg.
Hertha BSC
Last season: 10th                       
Manager: Pál Dárdai
Pre-season friendlies: RSV Eintracht 1949 (7-0 W), SC Westfalia Herne (2-0 W), MSV Duisburg (1-0 W), MSV Neuruppin (9-1 W), FK Dukla Prague (3-2 W), Atalanta (3-2 L), FC Liefering (4-1 W), Aiginiakos (7-0 W), Hallescher FC (4-1 W)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 2-1 win vs Eintracht Braunschweig
Opening game: Home to Nürnberg (25 August)
Transfers in: Valentino Lazaro (Red Bull Salzburg), Javairô Dilrosun (Manchester City U23), Lukas Klünter (1. FC Köln), Pascal Köpke (Erzgebirge Aue), Marko Gruji? (Liverpool, loan)
Transfers out: Mitchell Weiser (Bayer Leverkusen), Julian Schieber (Augsburg), Genki Haraguchi (Hannover), Nils Körber (VfL Osnabrück, loan), Maximilian Pronichev (Aue, loan)
The pressures of a failed campaign in Europe helped to stop the upward moment of die Alte Dame under Dárdai, but they rarely slipped much lower than their eventual finishing position of tenth, sitting comfortably in mid-table for the majority of the season.
It’s difficult to foresee things being any worse this time around. Their new signings have been unspectacular but all have the potential to be big hits, with the signings of Dilrosun and Gruji? particularly interesting. The latter, on loan from Liverpool, may even start the opening game against Nürnberg despite only joining training this week. Klünter has also shown promise for Köln whilst Köpke provides another option up top, especially with Davie Selke out for the first couple of months of the season.
Weiser is the only notable departure, meaning that Dárdai will be under no pressure to bed in the new faces straight away, and that should stand them in good stead, especially in the early stages of the season, to push for a third top half finish in four years, provided that last year’s plateau was only a temporarily blip.
Werder Bremen
Last season: 11th         
Manager: Florian Kohfeldt
Pre-season friendlies: FC Eintracht Cuxhaven (8-0 W), OSC Bremerhaven (5-0 W), 1. FK P?íbram (1-1 D), Duisburg (1-0 W), Köln (1-0 L), Rot-Weiss Essen (1-0 L), Huddersfield Town (1-0 W), Arminia Bielefeld (1-0 W), FC Groningen (0-0 D), VVV-Venlo (1-1 D), Villarreal (3-2 L)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 6-1 win vs VfR Wormatia Worms
Opening game: Home to Hannover (25 August)
Transfers in: Kevin Möhwald (Nürnberg), Yuya Osako (Köln), Martin Harnik (Hannover), Felix Beijmo (Djurgårdens IF), Jan-Niklas Beste (Borussia Dortmund U19), Davy Klaassen (Everton), Claudio Pizarro (Köln), Stefanos Kapino (Nottingham Forest)
Transfers out: László Kleinheisler (FC Astana), Sambou Yatabaré (Royal Antwerp), Zlatko Junuzovi? (Salzburg), Leon Guwara (FC Utrecht), Thomas Delaney (Dortmund), Jérôme Gondorf (Freiburg), Justin Eilers (Apollon Smyrnis), Ulisses Garcia (BSC Young Boys), Robert Bauer (Nürnberg, loan), Lennart Thy (Büyük?ehir Belediye Erzurumspor), Niklas Schmidt (SV Wehen Wiesbaden, loan), Fallou Diagne (Konyaspor)
Last season took an almost clichéd feel. An awful start, which resulted in the current boss being replaced by the young coach of the under 23. He did enough to earn a permanent appointment, and Bremen flourished in the spring to turn attentions from battling relegation to dreams of Europe that never quite came to pass. That was the story of 2016-17 just as much as it was of 2017-18, although the revival wasn’t quite so dramatic this time around.
But can Kohfeldt succeed where Alexander Nouri failed and take Bremen to the next level? There are reasons to be optimistic on the Weser. No matter how much he struggled in England, Klaassen was a glamour signing suited to an upwardly-mobile club, whilst they are so bursting with attacking options that the re-signing of Pizarro is more a sentimental luxury than a necessity.
If they can avoid the early-season blues that have seen both of their previous head coaches, than a return to Europe after nearly a decade could well be possible. They are more reliable at the back then they have been in recent years, with Ji?í Pavlenka a top class goalkeeper. Further forward meanwhile, there will be goals if they can find the right combination around new skipper Max Kruse. All being well, this will be their best season for some time.
FC Augsburg
Last season: 12th
Manager: Manuel Baum
Pre-season friendlies: SC Austria Lustenau (1-1 D), Würzburger Kickers (2-0 W), Middlesbrough (2-1 W), Sportclub Olching (3-0 W), Borussia Mönchengladbach (2-1 L), Newcastle United (1-0 W), Athletic Club (1-0 L)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 2-1 win vs TSV Steinbach Haiger
Opening game: Away at Düsseldorf (25 August)
Transfers in: Schieber (Hertha), André Hahn (Hamburger SV), Felix Götze (Bayern Munich), Fredrik Jensen (FC Twente)
Transfers out: Ioannis Gelios (FC Hansa Rostock), Gojko Ka?ar (Anorthosis Famagusta), Marwin Hitz (Dortmund), Moritz Leitner (Norwich City), Daniel Opare (Antwerp), Marcel Heller (SV Darmstadt 98), Takashi Usami (Düsseldorf, loan), Tim Rieder (Darmstadt, loan), Shawn Parker (SpVgg Greuther Fürth)
Augsburg seem perennial pre-season contenders to go down, but it’s been a while since they’ve been in a genuine relegation dog-fight. Last year was little different, and if they had won more than two games in their last 13 games, they would have ended up a lot higher in the table than they eventually did.
Losing Hitz is of course a blow, leaving Andreas Luthe and Fabian Giefer to battle it out over who plays in goal, but much will be unchanged in front of them this season. Philipp Max is one of the most dangerous players in the league, despite being a left-back, and will have a point to prove having been snubbed by Joachim Löw so far. Further forward, Alfreð Finnbogason will hope to add to his tally of goals last season, despite currently being injured. He’ll have plenty of support too, especially with Hahn returning to his spiritual home.
There is little cause to believe that Augsburg will struggle this season, and if some of the bigger clubs struggle there could even launch another challenge for European football, but mid-table seems to be the most likely destination once again for Baum’s men.
Hannover 96
Last season: 13th
Manager: André Breitenreiter
Pre-season friendlies: Eiderstedt-Auswahl (14-0 W), SV Ramlingen-Ehlershausen (7-0 W), TSV Havelse (4-0), FSV Wacker 90 Nordhausen (2-0 W), PEC Zwolle (3-1 W), Wolfsberger AC (3-2 L), Udinese (5-1 W), Udinese (2-1 W), Athletic Club (2-0 W)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 6-0 win vs Karlsruher SC
Opening game: Away at Bremen (25 August)
Transfers in: Josip Elez (HNK Rijeka), Leo Weinkauf (Bayern II), Takuma Asano (Arsenal, loan), Kevin Wimmer (Stoke City, loan), Genki Haraguchi (Hertha), Walace (Hamburg), Bobby Wood (Hamburg, loan)
Transfers out: Elias Huth (1. FC Kaiserslautern), Felix Klaus (Wolfsburg), Salif Sané (Schalke 04), Charlison Benschop (FC Ingolstadt 04), Kenan Karaman (Düsseldorf), Harnik (Bremen), Sebastian Maier (VfL Bochum), Florian Hübner (1. FC Union Berlin), Manuel Schmiedebach (Union Berlin, loan), Jonathas (Corinthians, loan)
Making their return to the Bundesliga after a year away, a strong start last season gave Hannover the credit in the bank they needed to avoid any serious concerns over possible relegation. Their strong home form helped as way but an unremarkable squad did struggle at times, including a five-game losing streak in the early spring.
Klaus, Sané and Harnik are all big loses, and a lot of their new faces all struggled with their old clubs last season, including the Hamburg duo of Walace and Wood, plus Stoke’s Wimmer, with all three suffering relegation with their clubs. They have kept last season’s top scorer Niclas Füllkrug though, despite strong interest from Gladbach, with speculation that he’s on the verge of signing a new deal.
Any sort of drop off from last season will see Hannover fighting to avoid a return to the 2. Bundesliga, meaning Breitenreiter will face a big test of his coaching skills to get the best out his side. Another 15 goals from Füllkrug would serve them well and they will hope young talents like Ihlas Bebou can take off as well.
1. FSV Mainz 05
Last season: 14th
Manager: Sandro Schwarz
Pre-season friendlies: DJK SV Phönix Schifferstadt (12-0 W), Rhein-Nahe Auswahl (10-0 W), VfB Ginsheim (5-1 W), KFC Uerdingen 05 (2-1 W), Royal Charleroi Sporting Club (2-0 W), Köln (5-3 L), West Ham United (1-1, lost on penalties), Athletic Club (0-0, won on penalties), Fiorentina (0-0, lost on penalties), Celta de Vigo (2-1 W)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 3-1 win vs Aue
Opening game: Home to VfB Stuttgart (26 August)
Transfers in: Phillipp Mwene (Kaiserslautern), Jean-Philippe Mateta (Olympique Lyonnais), Pierre Kunde (Atlético Madrid), Moussa Niakhaté (FC Metz), Aarón Martin (Espanyol, loan)
Transfers out: Jonas Lössl (Huddersfield), Suat Serdar (Schalke), Leon Balogun (Brighton & Hove Albion), Marin Sverko (Karlsruhe, loan), Abdou Diallo (Dortmund), Kenan Kodro (FC Copenhagen), Nigel de Jong (Al Ahli SC), Yoshinori Muto (Newcastle), Aaron Seydel (Holstein Kiel, loan)
Mainz were perhaps fortunate that there were worse teams than them in the league last season. They spent most of the Rückrunde in the play-off spot, and couldn’t string two wins together until the matchdays 32 and 33, although those wins over RB Leipzig and Dortmund were enough to keep them up, although they finished with their worst points tally since they went down under Jürgen Klopp in 2007.
Nevertheless, they didn’t panic into sacking Schwarz and they clearly thing enough of him to give him a second crack. It won’t be any easier though. Serdar, Balogun and Muto will all be missed, whilst there are several injury concerns already. They will be hoping their new players will take off, although Niakhaté couldn’t have had a worst start, getting sent off in three minutes in the cup against Aue.
Alexandru Maxim had one of his better days in that game, scoring twice, and a good season from the Romanian will help their cause. 20-year-old Ridle Baku will be one to watch after he burst onto the scene late last season, scoring twice in his first three league games for the club. It will be tough for him, and the other youngsters, to thrive if Mainz struggle though.
SC Freiburg
Last season: 15th
Manager: Christian Streich
Pre-season friendlies: FC Waldkirch (15-0 W), SC Lahr (8-2 W), Kehler FV (7-1 W), TuS Efringen-Kirchen (14-2 W), FC Ravensburg (9-1 W), Swansea City (3-0 W), Regio-Auswahl (2-1 W), RC Strasbourg Alsace (3-2 L), Real Sociedad (1-1 D)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 5-3 win on penalties (after 2-2 draw AET) vs Energie Cottbus
Opening game: Home to Eintracht Frankfurt (25 August)
Transfers in: Mark Flekken (Duisburg), Dominique Heintz (Köln), Luca Waldschmidt (Hamburg), Philipp Lienhart (Real Madrid), Gondorf (Bremen), Brandon Borrello (Kaiserslautern)
Transfers out: Julian Schuster (retired), Marc Oliver Kempf (Stuttgart), Georg Nierdermeier (Melbourne Victory), Fabian Schleusener (SV Sandhausen, loan), Mats Møller Dæhli (FC St. Pauli), Rafal Gikiewicz (Union Berlin), Jonas Fohrenbach (SSV Jahn Regensburg¸ loan), Aleksandar Ignjovski (1. FC Magdeburg), Mohamed Dräger (SC Paderborn 07, loan), Karim Guédé (Sandhausen), Lucas Hufnagel (SpVgg Unterhaching), Vincent Sierro (FC St. Gallen, loan), Patric Klandt (Nürnberg), Jonas Meffert (Kiel), Caglar Söyüncü (Leicester City)
After surprisingly qualifying for Europe in their first season back in the Bundesliga, last season was always going to see a drop-off, especially after losing several key players. In the end they did well to stay up, finishing just above the relegation play-off place, with the goals of Nils Petersen crucial for maintaining their Bundesliga status.
There was never any question of replacing Streich, a cult favourite and the longest-serving coach in the league. It is easy to see last season as a hangover from the one before, and with some canny new recruits brought in over the summer to freshen up the team, they will be confident of being closer to mid-table security this time around.
To do so though, they have to tighten up at the back, and handle the departures of Kempf and Söyüncü at the same time. They cannot depend entirely on the goals of Petersen, with Waldschmidt, Janik Haberer and the fit-again Florian Niederlechner needed to take their share of the responsibility. If they fail in those key goals, as well as rectifying their awful away form, they could very easily drop out of the league again.
VfL Wolfsburg
Last season: 16th (won play-off)
Manager: Bruno Labbadia
Pre-season friendlies: Veltins-Auswahl (8-1 W), KSV Baunatal (7-0 W), Lupo Martini Wolfsburg (3-0 W), Norwich (1-1 D), Lyon (2-1 L), AFC Ajax (3-0 W), Napoli (3-1 W)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 1-0 win vs SV Elversberg
Opening game: Home to Schalke (25 August)
Transfers in: Marcel Tisserand (Ingolstadt), Klaus (Hannover), Pavao Pervan (LASK Linz), Wout Weghorst (AZ Alkmaar), Daniel Ginczek (Stuttgart), Jérôme Roussillon (HSC Montpellier)
Transfers out: Max Grün (released), Daniel Didavi (Stuttgart), Landry Dimata (RSC Anderlecht, loan), Victor Osimhen (Charleroi, loan)
With Hamburg out of the way, Wolfsburg are in prime position to become the league’s biggest perpetual crisis club. It is still only three years since they finished second and won the DFB-Pokal, two since pushing Real Madrid all the way in an UEFA Champions League quarter-final, but they finished the last campaign facing a play-off for their Bundesliga survival for a second year in a row.
Labbadia guided them to victory against Kiel, but beforehand he hadn’t been much more effective than Andries Jonker or Martin Schmidt before him. Above him, Jörg Schmadtke and club legend Marcel Schäfer have been installed in administrative roles, and between the three of them it will be interesting to see if things will be any different this year.
Excluding Tiseerand, who are already been on loan, Ginczek is the only new signing that isn’t an unknown quantity in German football, and they will be hoping he will give them the goalscorer they so desperately lacked last season, even before Mario Gómez left, despite his injury problems and modest recent record. Others, most significantly Maximilian Arnold, will know more is expected of them as well. Will they avoid the bottom three this year? Possibly, but not many are convinced.
Fortuna Düsseldorf
Last season: 1st (2. Bundesliga)
Manager: Friedhelm Funkel
Pre-season friendlies: Sportfreunde Eisbachtal (9-1 W), VfB Wissen (10-0 W), TSV Meerbusch (9-0 W), FC Wegberg-Beeck (5-0 W), Watford (3-1 L), Al-Hilal (2-0 W), Fiorentina (1-1 D), FC Remscheid (8-0 W), NEC (3-0 W), VfL Benrath 06 (13-0 W)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 5-0 win vs TuS Rot-Weiss Koblenz
Opening game: Home to Augsburg (25 August)
Transfers in: Benito Raman (Standard Liège), Alfredo Morales (Ingolstadt), Jean Zimmer (Stuttgart), Karaman (Hannover), Diego Contento (Girondins de Bordeaux), Kevin Stöger (Bochum), Aymen Barkok (Frankfurt, loan), Marvin Ducksch (St. Pauli), Davor Lovren (Dinamo Zagreb II), Matthias Zimmermann (Stuttgart), Dodi Lukebaki (Watford, loan), Takashi Usami (Augsburg, loan)
Transfers out: Kemal Rüzgar (Altinordu), Jerome Kiesewetter (released), Julian Schauerte (KAS Eupen), Axel Bellinghausen (retired), Lukas Schmitz (Wolfsberger AC), Marlon Ritter (Paderborn), Emmanuel Iyoha (Aue, loan), Justin Toshiki Kinjo (Thespakusatsu Gunma)
Not many people were tipping Düsseldorf for promotion last season but Funkel and his team got the balance right as, along with fellow Bundesliga newcomers Nürnberg, they proved to be one of the best and most consistent teams in the league to return to the top flight after five years away. They won the second-tier title in dramatic fashion though, beating Der Club in the final day showing with a stoppage time goal from Kaan Ayhan.
It is little secret that they are operating with one of the smallest budgets in the league but they have strengthened their side smartly. Raman, Zimmer and Lovren have now signed permanently after loan spells last year, whilst Usami is back for another. They have signed some of the best performers in the 2. Liga last year in Stöger and Ducksch, the league’s top scorer whilst on loan with Kiel. Lukebaki looks a promising performer for them as well.
Do they have enough to survive though? They certainly have flair, and a strong team spirit, and often the latter can be enough. Most sides who survive in their first season in the Bundesliga are those that bounced back within a year or two, and it will be a big step up for side without huge amounts of Bundesliga experience. Düsseldorf look as likely as anyone to go down, but they have the talent to avoid that fate.
1. FC Nürnberg
Last season: 2nd (2. Bundesliga)
Manager: Michael Köllner
Pre-season friendlies: FSV Erlangen-Bruck (5-2 W), SV Seligenporten (3-0 W), Halle (2-1 L), Regionalauswahl (4-0 W), Würzburg (4-0 W), TSV 1860 Rosenheim (4-1 W), Bologna (1-0 L), Real Valladolid (1-0 W)
DFB-Pokal First Round: 2-1 win vs SV Linx
Opening game: Away at Hertha (25 August)
Transfers in: Törles Knöll (Hamburg II), Kevin Goden (Köln U19), Christian Mathenia (Hamburg), Timothy Tillmann (Bayern II, loan), Bauer (Bremen, loan), Klandt (Freiburg), Yuya Kubo (KAA Gent, loan)
Transfers out: Möhwald (Bremen), Laszlo Sepsi (released), Miso Brecko (released), Enis Alushi (released), Thorsten Kirschbaum (Leverkusen)
Nürnberg are back in the Bundesliga, again. Germany’s ultimate yo-yo club are back after a four-year spell in the second tier for a ninth separate spell in the top flight. They suffered the usual blip after losing the Relegation play-off with Frankfurt two years ago, but after Köllner came into ensure they avoided going the other way, he proved to be the man to lead them back to the promise land as they finished second in his first full season in charge.
Unsurprisingly, many are tipping them to suffer a record ninth relegation, and there does seem to be doubt over whether they are equipped well enough to survive, especially as they are not financially strong enough to have been able to make any high-profile signings. Mathenia and Bauer do add some Bundesliga experience though, whilst Ond?ej Petrák is the sole survivor from the 2013-14 relegation season.
Most of the squad have been solid performers in the 2. Bundesliga, and if Enrico Valentini can prove as effective on the wing, Mikael Ishak can rediscover the scoring form he had before getting injured in February and the entire squad can prove to be greater than the sum of the parts, they’ll have every chance of staying up. It’s likely to be an almighty scrap, however.
Der Beitrag Bundesliga Season Preview Part One: Mid-tablers, strugglers and newcomers erschien zuerst auf XBET.TIPS.
Source: https://www.xbet.tips/bundesliga-season-preview-part-one-mid-tablers-strugglers-and-newcomers/
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realmadridnews · 4 years ago
Inter Milan U19 - Real Madrid U19 0:3
Juvenil A won the quarterfinal and will play the semifinal against Red Bull Salzburg U19 on Saturday 22nd August.
scorers: 0:1, Marvin 64′
0:2, Gutierrez 76′
0:3, Morante 83′
Inter Milan U19: Pozzer; Ntube (72′ Cortinovis), Kinkoue, Moretti, Burgio (46′ Persyn), Vezzoni, Schiro, Agoume, Gianelli (68′ Casadei), Fonseca (57′ Oristanio), Satriano (72′ Bonfanti)
Real Madrid U19: Luis Lopez; Santos, Ramon, Chust, Gutierrez; Blanco, Marvin (74′ Sintes), Morante; Arribas (84′ Salazar), Pablo Rodriguez (65′ Aranda), Latasa (84′ Peter)
red card: Vezzoni 58′
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gudatv · 4 months ago
(=UŽIVO=) RB Salzburga Dinamo Prijenos uživo na TV kanalu 23. listopada 2024
Dinamo večeras od 21.00 igra utakmicu 3. kola Lige prvaka protiv RB Salzburga u Salzburgu
Dinamo Zagreb – RB Salzburg uživo, gdje gledati nogometne utakmice UEFA Lige prvaka
NOGOMET UŽIVO | Red Bull Salzburg i Dinamo, njihovi U19 timovi, igrat će susret 3. kola Lige prvaka mladih u srijedu, 23. listopada 2024. godine | Gdje gledati prijenos?
Red Bull Salzburg i Dinamo, njihovi U19 timovi, igrat će susret 3. kola Lige prvaka mladih u srijedu, 23. listopada 2024. godine. Ova utakmica će se igrati u Salzburgu, u istom gradu gdje će prva momčad u 21 sat snage odmjeriti s austrijskim istoimenim predstavnikom. Podsjetimo, u prvom susretu Dinamo je u Münchenu izgubio od Bayerna 2:1, dok je u drugom dvoboju u Zaprešiću svladao Monaco 1:0. A dan uoči utakmice dvoboj je najavio trener Ivica Banović, koji je odmah otkrio kako je momčad kompletna i na okupu: “Nitko ne nedostaje, svi su zdravi i to nas veseli. Ali nam i daje optimizam pred ovu utakmicu.”
“Salzburg u prva dva kola ima dvije pobjede uz osam zabijenih golova. Oni su fizički i posebno trkački jako moćni. Strahovito su brzi, poput Monaca i igraju jako okomito. Uvijek gledaju prema naprijed s puno utrčavanja u dubinu pa ćemo na to morati posebno pripaziti. Također, vole igrati visoki presing i naprijed idu čovjek na čovjeka. S obzirom na to očekujem vrlo otvorenu utakmicu”, dodao je trener Banović.
Pred nama je novo Dinamovo europsko izdanje, večeras igraju protiv austrijskog Salzburga, kluba koji također kao i zagrebački plavi nije najbolje otvorio Ligu prvaka.
Utakmica će se igrati na Red Bull Arena stadionu u Salzburgu, gradu uz samu njemačku granicu. Podsjetimo se, Dinamo je u drugoj utakmici igrao neriješeno sa Monacom (2:2), a prvu utakmicu protiv Bayerna ne moramo posebno spominjati. RB Salzburg iz prve dvije utakmice nema niti jedan bod, tako da se nadaju kako će uspjeti uknjižiti možda i tri boda protiv Dinama.
Trener Dinama Nenad Bjelica na raspolaganju ima sve igrače, nitko nije bolestan, tako da će nastup Dinama biti na visini i nemaju nikakvih izgovora. Atmosfera je odlična, igrači su motivirani, a nadamo se kako ćemo to vidjeti i na terenu. Utakmica će biti prilično teška jer RB Salzburg je najmlađa ekipa u Ligi prvaka, tako da se očekuje kako će biti puno trke, no nedostaje im iskustva te im baš ne ide najbolje u austrijskoj ligi tako da u otme Dinamo traži svoju priliku.
Dinamo nije uspio protiv jakog Salzburga: Mladi Modri poraženi u golijadi
Mlada momčad Dinama, momci U-19 godina nisu uspjeli ostvariti pozitivan rezultat u Ligi prvaka mladih protiv domaćeg Red Bull Salzburga, koji je pobijedio s 3:2 i tako ostao neporažen u novom formatu najelitnijeg UEFA-inog natjecanja.
Dinamo se nadao pozitivnom rezultatu, nakon pobjede protiv Monaca, no već u četvrtoj minuti igrači Red Bulla izigrali su obranu Modrih, a za vodstvo domaćina zabio je Verhouing. Utakmica se malo primirila nakon ranog gola Salzburga, da bi Dinamo počeo napadati krajem poluvremena, što je rezultiralo izjednačenjem.
Modri su izborili jedan prekršaj na 20-ak metara od gola Salzburga s lijeve strane, a na udarac se namjestio Sven Šunta, koji j ciljao i pogodio suprotne rašlje gola domaćina za izjednačenje Dinama.
Dinamo je pao na početku drugog poluvremena, isto kao i na otvaranju prvog, a i strijelac je bio isti pa se tako Verhounig po drugi put upisao u strijelce u 53. minuti. Modri su opasno živjeli privih 15-ak minuta drugog dijela, da bi utakmica opet pala u tempu.
I onda kao i u prvom dijelu, Dinamo se budi 10-ak minuta prije kraja utakmice, da bi Jakirović srušio Adejenughurea u 16 metara, a Jano zabija za 3:1 domaćih. No u drugoj minuti sudačke nadoknade Šepić krasnim golom s 20 metara smanjuje na 3:2, ali malo prekasno, jer je kraj brzo došao.
RB Salzburg tako ima čiste tri pobjede na startu Lige prvaka mladih, dok je Dinamo upisao dva poraza i pobjedu, te će Modri morati pojačati gas žele li dalje u Ligi prvaka.
RB Salzburg – Dinamo 3:2
SALZBURG: Zawieschitzky – Gadou, Schuster, Zabransky – Bendra, Jano, Striednig, Trummer – Aguilar – Baidoo, Verhounig
DINAMO: Rajić – Mikić, Zebić, Jakirović, Šepić – Pavić – Miljak, Baković, Šunta, Horvat – Rimac
Ovim putem obavještavamo navijače o tome da su za utakmicu 3. kola UEFA Lige prvaka RB Salzburg - GNK Dinamo rasprodane sve ulaznice za gostujući sektor za navijače Dinama.
Klub je na raspolaganje dobio 1500 ulaznica za gostujući navijački sektor. S obzirom na to da su sve ulaznice rasprodane, prodaja je završena. 
Utakmice možete gledati na HRTi online te na Arena Sport kanalima i to na svim platformama – TV prijemnicima, smartfonima, tabletima, stolnim i prijenosnim računalima, Android TV Box uređajima i Smart TV-ima. Ako pronađemo negdje live stream, postavit ćemo ga niže.
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x12biz · 7 years ago
Sunday fixed 1x2 matches. Free prediction service on soccer tennis an more ...
Shimizu S-Pulse - Vegalta Sendai 1x (1.15) 1-1 Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors - FC Seoul 1x (1.15) 2-1 Melbourne Victory - Central Coast Mariners (1.15) 5-2 Formosa Dreamers - Singapore Slingers x2 (1.05) Sanfrecce Hiroshima - Jubilo Iwata 1x (1.15) Istanbul Basaksehir U21 - Beşiktaş U21 x2 (1.15) Talent ROBSTAV-M.A.T. Plzeň - Hbc Strakonice 1921 1 (1.05) Fenerbahçe - Darüşşafaka 1 (1.18) Fiorentina U19 - Pontedera U19 1x (1.10) Bothwell P. - Davidovich Fokina A. 2 (1.15) Neuchrist M. - Ortega-Olmedo R. 2 (1.15) CSKA Sofia - Levski Sofia 1x (1.25) Real Valladolid - Almería 1x (1.15) Buriram United - Navy FC 1x (1.05) Spartak Noginsk - MBA Moscow 2 (1.15) Oleksandria - Karpaty Lviv 1x (1.22) Borussia Dortmund - Hannover 96 1x (1.12) 1. FC Nürnberg - Darmstadt 98 1x (1.25) Viborg FF - HB Køge 1x (1.25) 1.SC Znojmo - FK Ústí nad Labem 1x (1.20) TuS Koblenz - Waldhof Mannheim x2 (1.15) Hansa Lüneburg - SV Drochtersen/Assel x2 (1.33) FC Altona 93 - Germania Egestorf/Langreder x2 (1.20) KF Shkupi - FK Skopje 1x (1.28) Pribylova A. - Scholsen H. 1 (1.15) Cuevas M. - Dellien H. 2 (1.15) Burnett N. - Kostic N. 2 (1.15) Sparta Rotterdam - Ajax x2 (1.06) NAC Breda - Roda JC Kerkrade 1x (1.20) Red Bull Salzburg - Austria Wien 1x (1.07) Trapani - Bisceglie 1x (1.15) Akragas - Sicula Leonzio x2 (1.10) Crotone - Roma x2 (1.15) Milan - Chievo Verona 1x (1.08) Racing - Patronato de Paraná 1x (1.07) Apollon Limassol - APOEL Nicosia 1x (1.40) BATE Borisov - Isloch Minskiy Rayon 1 (1.22) 1. FC Köln - Bayer 04 Leverkusen x2 (1.22) FC Basel - FC Sion 1x (1.10) FC Vaduz - Schaffhausen 1x (1.22) Pasching/Lask Juniors - Union Vöcklamarkt 1x (1.25) Rayo Vallecano - Reus Deportiu 1x (1.10) Ankaragücü - Eskişehirspor 1x (1.22) CD Nacional - SC Varzim 1x (1.18) Barcelona - Athletic Bilbao 1 (1.18) Reggiana - Gubbio 1x (1.10) Monopoli - Paganese 1x (1.16) Midtjylland - SønderjyskE 1x (1.10) Brøndby - Hobro 1x (1.07) Fastav Zlín - Viktoria Plzeň x2 (1.22) HNK Rijeka - HNK Cibalia Vinkovci 1 (1.25) Leeds Force - Leicester Riders 2 (1.15) Vrljic A. - Gerlach K. 2 (1.15) Raith Rovers - East Fife 1x (1.12) Etar Veliko Tarnovo - Ludogorets Razgrad x2 (1.05) Fraport Skyliners Frankfurt - Oettinger Rockets 1 (1.08) Legia Warszawa - Wisła Kraków 1x (1.22) Kapfenberg Bulls - UBSC Raiffeisen Graz 1 (1.15) Bryde T. - Rodríguez R. 2 (1.15) Celta Vigo - Málaga 1x (1.12) Dynamo Kyiv - Vorskla Poltava 1 (1.25) Hapoel Be'er Sheva - Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv 1x (1.05) Patriotas Boyacá - Envigado FC 1x (1.20) Liverpool URU - Torque 1x (1.18) Real Madrid - Girona 1 (1.18) Napoli - Genoa 1 (1.25) Lazio - Bologna 1x (1.08) Olympique de Marseille - Olympique Lyonnais 1x (1.25) Federer R. - del Potro J. 1 (1.35) Sporting CP - Rio Ave 1x (1.07) Limón FC - Municipal Liberia 1x (1.16) Sanarate FC - CD Marquense 1x (1.22) Santos de Guapiles - Municipal Grecia 1x (1.18) Sunday fixed 1x2 matches. Free prediction service on soccer tennis an more ... Shimizu S-Pulse, Vegalta Sendai, Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors, FC Seoul, Melbourne Victory, Central Coast Mariners Formosa Dreamers, Singapore Slingers,Sanfrecce Hiroshima, Jubilo Iwata,Istanbul Basaksehir U21, Beşiktaş U21 Talent ROBSTAV-M.A.T. Plzeň, Hbc Strakonice 1921, Fenerbahçe, Darüşşafaka, Fiorentina U19, Pontedera U19, Bothwell P., Davidovich Fokina A., Neuchrist M., Ortega-Olmedo R., CSKA Sofia, Levski Sofia, Real Valladolid, Almería, Buriram United, Navy FC, Spartak Noginsk, MBA Moscow, Oleksandria, Karpaty Lviv, Borussia Dortmund, Hannover 96, 1. FC Nürnberg, Darmstadt 98,Helsiborg FF,HB Køge, 1.SC Znojmo, FK Ústí nad Labem, TuS Koblenz, Waldhof Mannheim, Hansa Lüneburg, SV Drochtersen/Assel,FC Altona 93, Germania Egestorf/Langreder, KF Shkupi, FK Skopje, Pribylova A., Scholsen H., Cuevas M., Dellien H.,Burnett N., Kostic N., Sparta Rotterdam, Ajax, NAC Breda, Roda JC Kerkrade, Red Bull Salzburg, Austria Wien, Trapani, Bisceglie, Akragas, Sicula Leonzio, Crotone, Roma, Milan, Chievo Verona, Racing, Patronato de Paraná, Apollon Limassol, APOEL Nicosia, BATE Borisov, Isloch Minskiy Rayon, 1. FC Köln, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, FC Basel, FC Sion, FC Vaduz, Schaffhausen, Pasching/Lask Juniors, Union Vöcklamarkt, Rayo Vallecano, Reus Deportiu, Ankaragücü, Eskişehirspor, CD Nacional, SC Varzim, Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao,Reggiana, Gubbio, Monopoli, Paganese, Midtjylland, SønderjyskE, Brøndby, Hobro, Fastav Zlín, Viktoria Plzeň, HNK Rijeka, HNK Cibalia Vinkovci,Leeds Force, Leicester Riders, Vrljic A., Gerlach K.,Raith Rovers, East Fife,Etar Veliko Tarnovo, Ludogorets Razgrad,Fraport Skyliners Frankfurt, Oettinger Rockets, Legia Warszawa, Wisła Kraków,Kapfenberg Bulls - UBSC Raiffeisen Graz, Bryde T., Rodríguez R., Celta Vigo - Málaga, Dynamo Kyiv, Vorskla Poltava, Hapoel Be'er Sheva, Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv, Patriotas Boyacá, Envigado FC, Liverpool URU, Torque, Real Madrid, Girona, Napoli, Genoa, Lazio, Bologna, Olympique de Marseille, Olympique Lyonnais, Federer R., del Potro J., Sporting CP, Rio Ave, Limón FC, Municipal Liberia, Sanarate FC, CD Marquense,Santos de Guapiles, Municipal Grecia Be a winner with best winning tips on sport. 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salzburg12 · 5 years ago
Youth League: Offensivgala beschert wichtigen Dreier gegen Napoli
Neuer Beitrag auf https://www.salzburg12.at/red-bull-salzburg/2019/10/youth-league-offensivgala-beschert-wichtigen-dreier-gegen-napoli/
Youth League: Offensivgala beschert wichtigen Dreier gegen Napoli
Den „Youngsters“ des FC Red Bull Salzburg ging es gegen Napoli besser: Die Mannschaft von Frank Kramer feierte gestern Nachmittag gegen die U19 des SSC Napoli nach frühem Rückstand einen verdienten 7:2-Erfolg, lieferte dabei eine richtig starke Performance ab und begeisterte mit einem temporeichem Offensivfeuerwerk. Kramer schickte folgende Elf auf’s Feld:
Antosch Wallison – Oroz – Okoh – Dedic Sucic – Pokorny – Prass Luis Phelipe – Sesko – Adeyemi
Spektakulärer Start in Grödig. Die Partie war noch keine 18 Sekunden alt, als sich Luis Phelipe mit einem perfekten Haken freispielte und den Torhüter zu einer Glanzparade zwang. Die Gäste hingegen nutzten in der Anfangsphase ihre erste Chance und trafen nach einer Ecke durch Davide Costanzo zur Führung. Unbeeindruckt verfolgte die Mannschaft von Frank Kramer ihren Matchplan und glich nach toller Vorarbeit von Karim Adeyemi durch Benjamin Sesko verdient aus. Und es war erneut der Offensivspieler, der nach knapp einer Viertelstunde trocken zur 2:1-Führung abschloss. Die Jungbullen blieben weiterhin giftig und stellten die Hintermannschaft der Italiener mit schnellen Kombinationen und effizienten Dribblings vor große Probleme. Nach etwas mehr als einer halben Stunde versuchte Wallison per Weitschuss sein Glück, doch das Spielgerät strich hauchdünn am langen Eck vorbei. Mit einer knappen, aber verdienten Pausenführung ging es die Kabinen. 
Der Beginn in Durchgang zwei hätte nicht besser laufen können. Nach einem abgewehrten Kopfball von Benjamin Sesko staubte Tobias Anselm, der in Hälfte eins für den verletzten Karim Adeyemi ins Spiel kam, zum 3:1 ab. Wenige Augenblicke später erneut ein starkes Dribbling von Luis Phelipe und ein überlegter Abschluss von der Strafraumgrenze zum 4:1. Auch nach der komfortablen Führung zogen die Jungbullen ihr Spiel knallhart durch und wussten mit starkem Tempofußball zu überzeugen – weitere gute Einschussmöglichkeiten waren die Folge. So scheiterten innerhalb weniger Minuten Luka Sucic, Tobias Anselm und Luis Phelipe per spektakulärem Seitfallzieher, ehe Alexander Prass das Spielgerät an die Querlatte hämmerte. Kurz darauf trug sich auch der gerade eingewechselte Junior Adamu mit einem überlegten Kopfballtreffer in die Torschützenliste ein. Von den Italienern war bis auf einen fragwürdigen Elfmetertreffer zum 5:2 in den zweiten 45 Minuten wenig zu sehen. In der Schlussphase sorgten Luka Sucic per Weitschuss bzw. Nicolas Seiwald aus kurzer Distanz und aus spitzem Winkel für den 7:2-Endstand und besiegelten einen hochverdienten Dreier gegen den SSC Napoli.
Stimmen zum Spiel
Frank Kramer:
Man hat heute gesehen, dass die Mannschaft richtig Bock hatte, Fußball zu spielen. Wir haben in der Pause etwas nachjustiert, da trotz der Führung noch nicht alles gut war. Wir wollten es zu Beginn der zweiten Hälfte gleich berichtigen, das ist uns super gelungen. Wir konnten unseren Fußball mit der hohen Intensität mit und auch gegen den Ball sehr gut auf den Platz bringen und richtig konsequent agieren. Es wirkte so, als ob das Napoli heute überrascht hat. Heute können wir das Ergebnis genießen, aber wir wissen es richtig einzuschätzen, wissen, dass es im Rückspiel in zwei Wochen erneut eine schwierige Aufgabe wird.
Spielinfo UEFA Youth League
FC Red Bull Salzburg
  SSC Napoli
7:2 UEFA Youth League 3. Spieltag Anpfiff Mittwoch, 23.10.2019, 16.00 Uhr Austragungsort Untersberg Arena, 680 Zuschauer Schiedsrichter Aleksei Matiunin (RUS) 
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