#it’s just really tough sometimes
insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
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jeeaark · 8 months
If Greygold was a companion, what would be the best way to initiate a romance with them? Would they go for the “L” word early or an Act or two later?
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The "L" word was lube, right? Right? Else showering Durge/Tav with kisses Gomez-Addams-Style is the alternative.
Maybe the Nat 20 romance isn't the best way for Tav/Durge, but it sure is for Greygold. You just know Greygold scared that Dream Guardian away the first time and has been low-key obsessed with that armor since
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recycledraccoon · 4 months
I have evolved into Scuttlespring anon, just say anything about them. I love them so much
Ok so. Gorgug likes Mary Ann because she absolutely infuriates him but also, and perhaps more importantly, because she has a type of confidence I think a younger Gorgug would have deeply envied. She's so weird, but entirely sure of herself. She likes what she likes and anyone who would have a problem with that is absolutely beneath her notice. She has friends not despite her oddities, but because she refuses to bend about them and that confidence is incredibly attractive in a person. Mary Ann Skuttle see's something she wants and she just...goes and gets it, easy peasy. Tiny little kobald strides, but when she puts her foot down with force, Gorgug thinks she could crush a mountain under with nothing so much as a blink or falter of her stride. She's certainly physically strong enough for it, and while Gorgug is undisputedly the better fighter, Mary Ann has a physical strength hidden under soft pastel pink hoodies and can, has, and will knock Gorgug on his ass. Gorgug got THRASHED at those Bloodrush field tryouts, and I'm certain he probably got his ass handed to him more than once during the year while at practice but before he quit the team. She made him so damn mad, everything that year was, and endlessly kind Gorgug got real mean to her over it. She was better than him, more casually confident, and didn't blink ONCE at his outburst. And later? When she was resurrected and freed from possession? He talks to her, acknowledges that it was just a game but he had been actually mad to be so easily knocked aside. He never really had to work at Bloodrush to be good at it, he just was, until suddenly she proved herself better.
And yet, without flinching, Mary Ann, famous for not giving a shit but listening to Gorgug say how much he had, just....asks if he has a girlfriend. Unparalleled confidence, shooting a shot he was unprepared for. Planets aligned even as his own orbit was knocked off course. And then, when he admits he doesn't even know where to get a quokki pet, something its been explicitly known to be something she really cares about? She writes down her number, letting him see that folded paper. She initiated this, and he got swept up in it, but instead of just handing over the number and allowing him to be swept up- Mary Ann Skuttle puts the number away and tells him shes gonna put it where you get quokki pets, and if he wants her number he's going to have to go get it. He's not allowed to just be swept up in the force of her, she wants him to put in effort, prove to her and himself that this isn't just a moment but a starting point. He cant be swept up by the tide, he's gotta swim. Gorgug liked Zelda, but their relationship started because they thought she was in danger and Gorgug had the best in. He stumbled into that relationship unsure and off balance, he never would have had the confidence to pursue Zelda without his friends hands on his back and their advice in his ears. Later on he gets more serious, he did love her and he put in the work to maintain that relationship, but it didn't work out and that's ok. Ever confident Mary Ann tho? She doesn't want unsure stumbling steps into this relationship. If Gorgug doesn't make the active decision to chase her, to WANT to be with her and putting deliberate effort to get there, then she doesn't want him at all. Gorgug, confused, asking where you even GET a quokki pet? And she smirks, calls him a loser, and walks away leaving him reeling and dumbfounded. Mary Ann Skuttle wants Gorgug to work for this. And who is Gorgug Thistlespring, but someone who puts in the work for things he wants? He did the seemingly impossible by creating his own subclass of Barbaficer, even if he had to take four years of schooling all at once. He puts in the work and makes the impossible possible, the greatest wizard of this age. So yeah. Yeah. Gorgug Thistlespring likes Mary Ann Skuttle because she makes him work for it.
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ultimateyakazoo · 1 year
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chapter 1 trial
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palant1r · 2 years
"anything that is kinky or inspires lustful thoughts shouldn't be out in public in front of minors!" babygirl that is literally a clause in an anti-drag bill that just passed my state's legislative house, you are a reactionary authoritarian who just can't join the authoritarian club because you're gay
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citricacidprince · 14 days
Sometimes I see the way certain people in a fandom treat a ‘tough love but well meaning and trying his best in the only way he knows how’ Dad and I can only think “You have a horrid relationship with your father, don’t you? 🫵👁️👁️”
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Part 2 of the little comic
Moon really does not like the situation but Y/N can't just not do their work.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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softerhaze · 1 year
idk if it was the venus retrograde or what, but july 2023 was quite literally the worst month i've ever experienced in my life like.....every single day? awful? worse than the last? it's more likely than u think
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nekosoda · 3 days
A normal day for Charlie,based off of an old ask for @jencilthepencil @lemonlysunny
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cherry-treelane · 22 days
everytime i feel bad and stressed about my life i remember that i might be in a troubling situation and having a bad time but im not season 4 fiona gallagher in the clink after leaving crack on the counter which my 3 year old baby brother happened to ingest resulting in a fatal near-death experience thats wracked me with never-ending guilt and forever altered my life
#this storyline was stupid you expect me to believe two-apples-tall liam gallagher came close to the crack AND managed to ingest it?#the crack which is lined up on the kitchen counter?#Also i don't believe that fiona would be irresponsible enough for liam to have been able to be close to the crack#that was an ooc moment and not like “its ooc cause thats the point shes going thru a tough time”#morelike “so ooc that it seems like a discrepancy that was overlooked for the sake of drama and shock value#as an older sister i feel like being watchful of your younger sibling if crack is in their general vicinity is an unstoppable instinct#its just not a plausible situation sorry like this is coming from someone who wholeheartedly embraces the realistic idea#of fiona falling short sometimes and being very human by struggling to consistently maintain her doting attentiveness#but anyways it's complicated cause Fiona clearly put it somewhere he cant reach#so how did he get access to it????#its like getting mad at a parent for putting a glass of wine on the counter#not comparing that to literal cocaine obviously this whole situation was nonetheless messed up#but just for some perspective... the writers were clearly doing cocaine themselves if they thought that#liam was bungee-jumping onto the counter and showing off his skills as an apparent budding olympics gymnast#not justifying anything but. listen.#the fact that it was on the counter FOR A REASONNN shows that fiona was careful to keep it out of reach and NOT do something insane like#putting it on the table#liam somehow magically having access to it defeats the purpose of it being on the counter.#if they really wanted for it to be believable that liam managed to snort it they should've put it on the table#but we already know that situation wouldn't be believable in its entirety cause we know that fiona would literally never leave it there#WHICH IS MY POINT. LIKE THIS SITUATION IS JUST ANNOYINGLY UNBELIEVABLE. FIONA WOULD NOT DO THIS AND HOW DID LIAM EVEN GET TO IT??#theres like 39482939 overlooked discrepancies just for the sake of getting to the shock#just to circle back Fiona would literally never let liam go near crack no matter how far gone and fucked up she was#I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I AM AN OLDER SISTER.#its just so UGHHHHH anyways obviously i still think in canon yeah Fiona was at fault shouldve been more careful and watchful#no matter how you look at it its clear that a risk like this just cannot be taken and she had to be blamed to an extent#but me personally? i reject it because it didnt feel natural to me at all there were 394939 other ways to frame a Fiona downfall#And i loved all the other ways her spiral was shown like getting messed up and ending up in Sheboygan#all the shit she got into with robbie + the impulsive urge to ruin the good thing she had going with mike#so human and believable and deeply flawed unlike the liam situation which was horrifically OOC and unrealistic
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cheekblush · 2 days
finally got myself out of the rut i’ve been stuck in the past few days and went for a walk. got an açaí bowl and the owner of the place gave me a free drink 🥹 then i went around the lake and all the trees were covered in golden hues of sunlight. summer is coming to an end but i’m glad i got to enjoy one of the last warm september days and soak up the sun. nature is truly healing 🫶🏻💘🌤️
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featheredadora · 1 year
i love your pride birds, but i will say that it does make me feel a little sad to see the exclusion of the lesbian flag. :(((
Hi! I'm sorry to make you feel excluded! As I mentioned in the post, the plan was to do more (in fact, the original plan was to post two designs a week during pride month) but I am disabled and have been really struggling to make art (or do much of anything tbh!) for several weeks now.
Unfortunately that meant that the lesbian flag, nonbinary flag, pan flag, and aro flag, all didn't manage to get done. In fact, this ask makes me a little sad because the lesbian flag one was actually next on my list, to the point where I had finished the lineart but not the colouring (for what it's worth, it's a tiel with carnations)
I hope this clears things up a bit - I wasn't actively excluding a flag, it's just been a rough few weeks disability-wise. I hope you had a good pride month, and I hope you feel seen by other lesbian representation! (I also have some other lesbian pride art from previous years!)
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danieyells · 2 months
Was thinking about Alan having his first time(with Leo not the PC although with who isn't really relevant) and realized. . .I can't imagine Alan's ever like. Watched porn.
Maybe he's incidentally seen some like someone in the garage showed him pictures or something, or he saw a porn ad while using his phone but like
He would have 0 knowledge of what to do with his head between anyone's legs. He just has no knowledge there. He barely paid attention in school, he probably just barely understands 'you put the penis in the vagina' anything beyond that is new. He operates purely on instinct and where he's pushed and pulled and told to touch. He might touch somewhere because of curiosity alone but he had 0 idea what he's doing.
He can probably count the amount of times he's jerked off in his life on both hands. Like he's just not fully aware of that kind of thing at all. He's not a pure innocent baby or anything but he's just. Clueless. He thinks about other stuff.
Like if you ask him what he jerked off to it'd be half innocuous things like "your hair feels soft when I pat you" and "that time you looked up at me and smiled" and "how nice your smell" and "the way your body felt against mine when you hugged me that one time" and "the way your wrist felt when i held it on the mission". And less innocuous things like "your chest and legs" and "the time i got you to work out with me and you were sweating and gasping and shaking at the end".
And he'd apologize for that stuff because none of it is sex so it's weird to think about it when he's horny right? It's not like it aroused him [much?] in the moment but for some reason it came to mind when he was hard and couldn't sleep--
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ratatatastic · 2 months
its finally luosty turns last but not least eh? his topic? cranky sasha 🤣🤣🤣 (whoever came up with these topics wanted to get sasha riled up oh my goddddd)
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ofc the way he chooses to show off cranky sasha is through his spartan hockey huh and OF FUCKING COURSE he gets lundy to come up and help him because who else but lundy does sasha crack the good ole whip for IM DYING
he also makes sure to mime in the goal posts too so everyones on the same page that this is of course about hockey because this has turned into an improv exercise mama hes a star hes a THEATRE kid
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luosty is very good at mimicing cranky sasha must have lots of time watching him get fussy with lundy huh i can imagine the only directions given to lundy here was act like yourself and somehow that makes this funnier
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he has this whole couch bewitched by his antics oh my fucking god... kicking the bench...throwing the water bottle...cranky sasha indeed
THE WAGGING FINGER AT LUNDY hey man whyd you move your hand to your crotch did that incite any revelations in you do you need to cover something that had unfortunate timing huh do you understand why mikksy cant stand them do you understand now
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on another episode of i genuinely dont think anyone else could do this and get sasha this giggly in the midst of it of making fun of him luosty has really charmed them all
Sasha Cup Party | 7.31.24 (x)
#eetu luostarinen#anton lundell#aleksander barkov#niko mikkola#florida panthers#luosty could absolutely get away with murder and the finns would be like noooo you didnt do it not youuuuu#he has the charm of a siren WHAT IS THIS#apparently boyish does work on sasha and all is forgiven if you have it#while i think the humour runs a little dry and sharp in the finn group which means sometimes someones gets a little bristled in the process#luosty has such joyous slapstick comedy that its impossible to feel offended even if he is teasing you#hes like a rodeo clown to me#like sometimes mikksy and sasha go a little hard while lundy runs a little sensitive and luosty is the perfect bridge between all that#does that make sense? am i making sense right now?#like luosty can end up making everyone laugh#like in the NHLWAP series while luosty made a jab at mikksys goal production it wasnt in a way that felt malicious in any wY#mikksy has tough skin but even then hes aware hes a defensive minded dman whos priority is not scoring so when luosty says “when you score#less goals than mikksy THEN you worry“ (in regards to his personal lack of production in the 2324 season) hes diverting the attention in#a comedic way while also kinda pointing out how ridiculous the notion is like yeah he hasnt had the same production like the previous seaso#but thats nothing to worry about personally. mikksy also giggles and goes “why am i suddenly being attacked?”#its just such a perfect way to jump to the next topic where no ones feathers are ruffled and everyone wins#i didnt like the q either and i wouldve answered a lot more snarkier but luosty does it with such grace and humor its really admirable#sorry this turned into a luosty splurge but i just think its important to point out#there IS a reason why he charms people so much and i feel like this and the prev thing i said is a good few reasons why
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honeyvenommusic · 6 months
#glass animals#honestly i wore out dreamland sm my brain took a lonnng break from expecting anything from them?? idk i’m just huh????#like….. when i say wore out#i cannot describe how much i listened to it#i usually have some vague idea even if it’s a ridiculous number#like 52 times in a month for an album or something (has happened)#i cannot recall w this#gonna say bc 2020 & they were Literally the last band i saw live. next morning everyone found out about everything annd lockdown. no joke#so it was big dreamland time when it dropped and revisiting their past albums when i broke out of its spell lmao#(pretty sure before that like january was when i listened to déjà vu 100+ times in a row tho so oop. it was a tough day lol)#anyway seeing this aww man. i really have had this band with me for a long long time. 🥹 i remember hearing gooey on the radio one night#driving home from work late @ night in 2014. the drive was so short i couldn’t be arsed to fish out my ipod & plug it in#sometimes so just popped on a good station i had preset. started the car and heard this *voice* and i was like who????#had to check the station bc it was an alt station and i thought i had it on another one which was fine i was just v confused#it was in the middle of the song & i was immediately anxious to know the name hoping i’d hear it & it wouldn't just flow into the next song#then the dj would pile the names together after x number of songs played bc i was tiired (but woulda stayed in the car ngl). got lucky &#ran inside to find it then yelled at my roommate the next day that she HAD to listen to it during a smoke session after work#(i was right & it blew her miiind)#god. what a fucking time. what a fucking band. idk what the disc horse is surrounding them now since they blew up via tiktok#i’m sure people are v quick to say they’re overrated bc of that but idk & i’m glad i don’t know. they’ll always be this#highly inventive incredible band i stumbled upon for the perfect night drive home after a long long shift#a band that came back from a Horrible accident that should have ended 1 of their lives & somehow didn’t & should have ended them#as a band (like still cannot believe Joe was drumming in 2020 & i saw it with my own eyes like how tf???!?)#a band deserving of all of its successes. glass animals forever
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dreamstar-moonlight · 3 months
What was I just saying about putting people up on pedestals?
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