#it’s fun to shout in the void abt this but it’s just as fun to see ppl interact and agree <3 or disagree in a tasteful and interesting way
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stargazet · 2 days ago
it pisses me off to no end that most readers need to be coddled and begged for just a SPECK of a reaction. You wanting to leave more kudos on a fic does NOT keep fandoms alive. your "i would comment but" does NOT keep fandoms alive!! you keep giving us excuses upon excuses as to why NONE OF YOU can type up 5 coherent words, but you want longfics and you want well-written fics and you want consistent updates on fics and PLEASE just keep bringing us the fics. I dont care anymore if you're shy or feel stupid, GUESS WHAT?? I'm putting my art, my soul, my joy out into the world for you to see and you think you can excuse your silence with being shy and scared uwu🥺🥺
You know what they tell every artist of any kind when they just started their craft and are not good at it??? To practice, that's right. So get your heads out of your lazy asses and practice. I don't care how many comments keep sounding similar, ao3 is not the mindhive of an individual, WE WILL NOT NOTICE IF YOU SAID THE SAME THING TO 5 DIFFERENT AUTHORS, BUT WE WERE ONE OF THOSE 5 AND WE WILL NOTICE THAT.
And if you hit me with the "But if it's from the same author-" well that's the perfect time to practice making different comments, isn't it?!
Yall get HUNDREDS of posts encouraging you to do this time and time again, even posts that TELL YOU WHAT TO COMMENT, do you realize how embarrassing that is for you as a readership??? Artists not just giving you the art but having to fucking teach you how to respond to that art?? can't you people do nothing but mindlessly consume?? We work our asses off FOR FREE, hoping to inspire others, wishing to connect with our art, our fics, and you are nothing but a void. A black hole. It's frankly not just so disheartening and frustrating, it's quite disgusting if you think about it. Am i just feeding a machine? You sorry lot of gawkers can't even say fucking "thank you for making this." the 5 coherent words in question.
I'm SO tired of seeing you bitches give me excuses and empty promises and SO tired of not even being heard when i yell and scream and shout like I do now. The commenters are keeping you husks and ghosts fed for now, but one after the other, your artists will get fed up or discouraged and they'll stop posting. If you only want fandoms with 3 big creators, then ig you'll get exactly that. I bet it will be fun and not at all stagnant or turn into a mini cult where one guy keeps shaping the collective! But I hope when this happens, and it will if yall don't change your approach real fucking quick, that you'll at least remember that you all snuffed your artists little lights out, one by one, with your haunting silence.
And now open ao3 and get your greasy fingers onto that comment section or so help me god
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butchvamp · 3 months ago
sorry im really not a dragon age blog in any official capacity i just love talking to myself on here
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romionarry · 5 months ago
I’m so incredibly insane about this ship it’s taking me over like a virus and I’m so glad someone else is also rereading the series with romionarry goggles. They make me ill in the best way and I just found this blog but I already love it, keep doing what you’re doing it’s great
so glad to be of service 🫡
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cc-kote · 2 years ago
God I am so insanely proud of this gd novella of a fic I've been writing for the last month or so. I have the whole thing mapped out (3 acts, but the third act is separated into 2 parts) and act 1 is nearly finished. I just can't believe how much I have done already. For the last 5 years I've been struggling so hard to write anything consistently, like I had my own original stories planned and bits and pieces of them written but I struggled so hard to make the plot coherent and the characters dynamic and it was making me feel so sad and unenthusiastic abt writing. And then I fuckin watched TROS and got so pissed abt how dirty they did my faves that I was suddenly inspired to write my own self indulgent af fix it fic 😂😂😂
It's just so funny to me that the driving force behind me getting back into the swing of writing stories was being so deeply unsatisfied with the fates of my favorite characters that I felt the overwhelming need to take matters Into my own hands and rewrite it in a way that panders to what I want for them.
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my-own-walker · 2 years ago
im so sorry it wouldn't let me answer you abt the tate langdon ask, pre death please and thank u
I Can't Handle Change
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note: it's been so long since i wrote anything tate. this should be fun!!
summary: pre-death tate gets comfort from the reader after a fight with his mom 🥺
warnings: sad angsty tate, kissing lol,
Little things wore Tate down over time.
He once told me that he spent a whole afternoon picking fresh lilacs and daffodils out of his mother's garden, arranging them into the prettiest bouquet for her. He was 11. If you truly let that sink in, it's astounding that an 11-year-old boy was sweet enough to do that for his mom. Her response to the gesture was to shout at him about ruining all the hard work she'd put into the gardening.
She threw the handmade bunch into the trash right in front of him. Held his head straight to make him watch and all. The pretty purple and yellow petals crashed down into the can with a thunk.
Their relationship didn't change. Especially when Larry came into their lives. Constance was an interesting woman. She was in no way fit to mother the children she birthed. Her narcissistic tendencies drew her to do things to the children that made them resent her. It seemed she resented them right back.
Tate and Constance were constantly at war with each other over the whole Larry thing. He didn't know what he wanted, but it for sure wasn't a new dad. Nothing could truly fill the void inside of him. If anything, his mother and Larry were working in tandem to dig even more out of his soul, shoveling heaps of it out of him and discarding it right before his eyes. Just like Constance did with the flowers.
When I came along things changed for Tate. We met in school. I'd spend afternoons at his place. Somewhere along the way we started dating. He possessed this all-encompassing love within him. Since he was a child, its tendrils reached out, longing for someone to latch onto to disseminate the intense feeling. He was a lover, but also the child of someone with no room for real love in her life.
I embraced his need for connection. His intensity. Tate was emotional and strong-willed. The love he gave me was the warm embrace that you crave on winter's coldest nights. It was slippery quicksand, pulling me in with no regard for my control.
She hated me, Constance. She didn't like my presence. My effect on her 'beautiful boy.' It was a game of cat and mouse. She didn't want his love, but she wanted him to keep trying. The thrill of rejecting him intoxicated her. When I came into Tate's life, he stopped trying to connect with her. He finally found someone that would accept him.
On a rainy day in November, Constance and Tate went at it again. She expressed her intent to keep Larry in his life.
'He's your new father and you have to DEAL with it!' she screamed.
Larry watched from the corner as she slapped Tate across his face. The coward didn't even say a word. No mother should be hitting her son. Instead, Larry wore a smirk so devilish he could be a minion of Satan, for all anyone knew.
Tate didn't even say a word. He stormed out of the door and straight in the direction of my house. I lived two miles away. He trudged all that way in the pouring rain. When he arrived at my doorstep, he was soaked right through to the skin, shivering from the cold. He broke down on my front porch. Body-wracking sobs left his lips as he crouched down into a ball. I pulled him up by his armpits and guided him inside.
When we got to my room, I immediately stripped him of all his wet clothes and gave him some of the stuff I had stolen from his room. A sweater, some loose-fitting jeans, and a cardigan. I wrapped him in the layers, shushing him as he cried through the process. He collapsed into a heap on top of my duvet cover, face in his hands. Still shivering, he let out another heart-wrenching sob.
I hurried over to the bed and wrapped him in my embrace. His head rested on my chest and his body rested in between my legs. I sat up against the headboard, running my fingers through his hair, letting him cry it out. After some time, his cries became softer.
'Nothing I do is ever good enough,' Tate sniffed.
'You know that's not true,' I tutted. 'You are good enough.'
'No,' he whined, 'With her. In her eyes.' I knew he meant his mother. I didn't even have to ask.
'What happened, love?' I asked softly.
'It's just that ugly motherfucker again,' he sighed. 'She keeps saying he's my dad. She wants me to call him dad.' I stared off for a second not sure what to say. I kissed the top of his head.
'You shouldn't have to call him that,' I decided. He sobbed loudly again.
'She hit me, Y/N.'
I gasped and grabbed his head, turning it to make him look at me. And there it was, clear as day. A welt forming over his eye. I couldn't believe I didn't notice it earlier.
'I ignore him now. I don't insult him. I stay away. But now she wants me to call him dad,' he cried. 'Nothing I do is ever good enough. She knows I can't handle change.'
'Oh, baby. I am so sorry,' I whispered. Looking into his glassy eyes, I saw a brokenness I had never seen before. She went too far, as she always did. I kissed the tip of his nose. 'I'm sure that feels great, huh?' I half-laughed, sardonically, running my thumb gently over his swollen face.
His hand reached up and wiped my cheek. I didn't even realize I had started crying, too. I loved him so much and hated to see him hurting.
'Please, don't worry about me,' I said softly. 'I just cry when you cry. I'm a big dork.'
'I love you so much, Y/N,' he rasped.
'I love you more,' I replied. He sat up more so his face was level with mine. Leaning in, he kissed me delicately. He always kissed me so tenderly, his soft lips caressing mine so beautifully. Tate truly meant his kisses. They had intentions behind them. It was his way of saying 'thank you,' or 'I love you.' None of his kisses were meaningless.
The tenderness dissolved into a passion. We had this insatiable need to be closer to one another. We stayed like this for what felt like forever. Kissing in our mutual bliss. His ever-present need to give love and be loved in return was being fulfilled.
And with that, the broken parts of him began to heal again.
Quickie but a goodie! Thank you for this request. I like writing Tate. He's a moody lil boy.
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mcl39 · 11 months ago
they haven't quite turned on vcarb the way they did mclaren but from what i've read that seems to be bc daniel keeps saying "it's not the same problem as mclaren" when like idk dude if the only time you've finished a race ahead of yuki was bc you got put on softs at the end of the race it is smelling very shades of mexico '22 to me. just without the having to make up a time penalty bc u punted yuki off the track.
i can say yuki is already getting the lando treatment though. "hOW MANY RACES HAS HE WON AND YOU DARE SAY HES PERFORMING BETTER THAN AN 8 TIME GP WINNER?" (ya i'll go to the top floor of my apartment and shout it into the void through a megaphone too what are you going to do about it) only this time there's a heavy dose of racism added in. the amount of people i have seen calling yuki a "pokémon" derogatorily and refusing to admit the racist connotations there are wild. not to mention the ableist terms i've seen be used to refer to his height. it's all very gross and yet again daniel says nothing to even try to prevent it. it's wild how someone always has to get harassed by his fans regardless of if he fails or succeeds.
ok so like first of all yikes. i rly rate yuki but im v selective w my online (especially my tumblr)
experience so i rly almost never venture out of my mclaren-centred bubble, which means i never rly see what ppl say abt him. 'pokemon' is actually vile like thats so clearly racist bc its not even a pun of his name at all or any sort of reference to his personality?? AND the fact that its a cartoon w the infantilising implications of that... ku's essay on the infantilisation of east asian drivers u will always be famous.... like u guys ever noticed how nyck is also rly short and has a youthful face and nobody ever talked abt him in the way they talk abt yuki? much to think abt
now. permission to be mean here but even if its 'not the same problem as mclaren' is the problem not STILL the fact that daniel in his 10+ year career hasnt bothered to understand the way the engineering of f1 cars works in like any material way and thats the reason he always struggles to identify his driving issues / has a disconnect with his chassis unless its tailored exactly to what he already likes and knows how to drive? i saw that bit from newey's book about how max and checo give rly good feedback and so did webber and vettel and it was kind of subtly implying that during the bit in between (the daniel era) he designed less effective cars be he wasnt getting enough precise feedback.... i genuinely havent been able to sleep at night since. like it felt like smth slotted in my head like aaaah this has been the problem all along. if only daniel wasnt so busy going on podcasts making fun of the idea of women in motorsport and actually spent some time to do some way overdue physics homework... lol. Imao even
the truth of the situation is yuki is in the best form of his career and also wiping the floor w daniel. like factually so. EVEN with team orders favouring daniel so his fans cant say its bc of that like they did with mclaren. i genuinely think its quite sad the amount of personal stock daniel fans have clearly invested in this mans career and how much it bothers them when he doesnt perform to their expectations - like he's ur driver, swallow it and accept it, because thats what he's been doing to try to move on. doing all this intense online hate bullshit only makes him look bad bc it highlights how badly and for how long he rly has been embarrassingly underperforming. but by this point it feels like they WANT him to underperform bc they crave that martyr underdog victimised figure to root for and fight for - which is why ur totally right anon, that someone always inevitably gets harrassed regardless of if daniel is failing or succeeding. 
i will say one thing which is that i rly dont think daniel is at all aware of whatever the fuck his fans do on twitter and instagram (and deffo not tumblr lmao). so i dont think this is an issue of like him telling his fans to chill out - and it doesnt work anyways, bc lando literally has made talking abt how much cyberbullying sucks a part of his personality and theres still some rly mean and hateful lando fans (not in a fun way like me<3 lol) (i hate on my own blog and in discord groupchats). so like thats not necessarily on him, its more on netflix for making him the lowest common denominator guy to like, ykwim? also the unfortunate reality is that despite the tshirts and the kneeling (or no kneeling) no one rly seems to stand up to defend the drivers of colour who literally constantly get SUCH vitriol thrown towards them w any occasion. im not expecting daniel of all ppl to say anything abt it ngl
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xxxg0ryygurlll13xxx · 1 year ago
school and other things
UGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH i have to go back to the educational prison that is my high school tomorrow >:/ luckily afterward tho i get to visit my auntie and uncle to drop off some soup. i rlly hate that i cant wear fun tights to school, i have to wear my boring black ones instead of my stripey ones or new cool af skeleton ones! just in general i hate that i have a stupid uniform. only upside is its a great excuse to continue making kandi. welp back to eating lunch in the library and accidently eavesdropping on ppls drama. only good thing abt highschool is everyone has drama and they loooooove to tell it to/around me for some reason. ig i look like i wont tell anyone. i mean theyre right tho i tell my best friend (shoutout to him cause weve been friends for 10 years now, a full decade!) everything but he doesnt kno any of these ppl and neither do u dear follower, at least i hope not. I like the idea of imortalizing my highschool experiance on the internet just shouting my grievences out in the void of 0s and 1s that is the internet. its fun. ill look back on it later in life and maybe cringe but i hope not lol. welp at least im not peaking in highschool! god thatd be so much worse ive heard those ppl never turn out well and seeing the obvi peaking girls in my school i can tell why. i recently got into Class of 09 and its made me think of my high school career, how its going, how it started, how itll end etc etc. kinda want it to end already like cant i just graduate already! its only been a year and a few months but that has felt like decades. "best years of ur life" my ass. only thing worse was middle school. wouldnt do that again for all the love or money in the world!!!!! anyways this blog post has kinda gone off the rails and i kno yall dont read my longer posts so ill end it here lol
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dreamofbona · 1 year ago
just hung out w my irl bestie and we watched kpop vids together and it was so nice. she's actually the person who introduced me to kpop and more recently she's not as into it but we fangirled over enha and criminal love together and watched vids of each others' faves (she doesn't stan wjsn or tpst; i don't stan blackpink or itzy) and it was so fun and i just want to shout into the void abt it cuz watching old and recent enha vids (yes we rewatched chamber 5 and iland flicker) was so fun and i'm so happy rn
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timmie-p · 1 year ago
now that i caught up on work i’m finally going to put out my thoughts abt the new alien stage videos lol (i’m doing top 3 first and then i’m probably going to not do mizisua at least for another few days (or weeks) because i procrastinate like that)
stuff that stuck out to me immediately:
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the coins: obviously this is really just a game show to the aliens, and a profitable one at that. they’re making money off of the humans, and presumably the winner takes the big prize for their owner? general consensus is that mizi’s owner is rather decent; they wouldn’t just randomly put her in a death game so i think the reason she was chosen could be for the money
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interesting shot: at first i thought it was the throne upon a pile of bodies of the losers, but when i went back to screenshot they look less like humans and more like aliens? could be body bags too, idk. the thing on the bottom right looks kinda like a microphone so i’m leaning towards dead humans
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human terrorists: definitely hyuna’s group. we know that she and luka were close; i think they were at anakt together before? the background in the picture featuring them looks like anakt and they’re wearing the same clothes with the collar. they were probably there a generation or so before mizi sua till ivan. ivan found a way out — maybe hyuna did too earlier on (fun hc maybe he simply found the escape that hyuna made before him). im thinking she made it out and established/joined the terrorist group. luka definitely knows something; he wasn’t surprised at all when hyuna saved mizi
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aliens protesting/debating: not all aliens consider humans inferior slaves? there seems to be a push for human rights or at least a stop to alnst
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ad for anakt for sure: google translate says “institution specialising in human development” and the clothes the child is wearing are very much reminiscent of the anakt garden uniform. anakt advertises itself as a place for nurturing humans, although it looks more to be a feeder to alnst. ivan was sold/given to anakt by his previous owner and everyone else basically grew up there from young. i think aliens send their pet humans to anakt to be trained and if they do well with their singing training ig they go into alnst?
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luka: i don’t have much to say on ivan and till’s introductions but luka’s i find is really interesting. he’s alone at the top, the winner of the previous season after he’s eliminated his opponents. the steps leading up to him are labelled with the anakt garden symbol and he’s stuck in a black void, contrasting with the caption “living his endless glory days” — no matter how far he goes, he’s still trapped in alnst and anakt. his interview that we got previously shows that he chose to return to alnst and thinks of it as a chance to “repay” the aliens for the love and support they’ve given humans. how much of that is true? he’s good at talking and keeping himself alive for sure, so why return to the death game? i don’t believe his words about repaying aliens a bit; he definitely has an underlying motive. is he that confident that he’ll win? (theory: maybe he’s helping hyuna?)
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announcer: i think this girl is an announcer or something on the show — she’s shown more shouting and hyping up the crowd. her design seems too detailed to be just another throwaway npc; i think she’s going to come into play later
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very cinematic shot of sua’s death. i like how it’s framing the mic. i don’t have much to say other than that lol although i might come back to this
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mizi as centrepiece: interesting how this shot zooms in on mizi at the centre of all of them, freaking out. till and ivan are placed side by side — of course, given their relationship and the fact that they’re going against each other next. + nice contrast of white and black. hyuna and luka are side by side after — there’s definitely something going on with them (theory: luka is a mole for hyuna’s group?). that leaves mizi alone at the centre (alone without sua, mind you). they’re all interconnected in some way, mizi having connections to all of them. she’s till’s obsession, ivan’s “rival”, competed against luka, saved by hyuna. she’s finally broken away from alnst and anakt, taken in by hyuna. she’s in a lot of turmoil, still traumatised from losing sua and a bit unstable because of luka. she’s left behind everything she knows and is probably facing a huge choice about whether to join hyuna’s rebellion. im guessing she’s going to play a huge role in the future; probably coming in last minute and collapsing the whole thing. i just noticed too, i think hyuna is holding a mic? last minute contestant perhaps?
overall, good tidbits, lots to read into.
i’m definitely thinking that luka and hyuna are somehow working together, and if not then at least he knows something about what hyuna is doing
mizi is going to come back big time, probably more towards the end
the aliens protesting alnst might come back later on as well, although idk how much they’ll influence the plot. i don’t think most people really noticed that part in comparison to the other scenes so doubtful that they’ll suddenly be inserted with huge impact
the big one: i think ivan is going to win the round against till. i was wavering a bit before but with all the emphasis on ivan being the fan favourite i do think he’s going to win. till is very much an outwardly rebellious character as well that i don’t think the aliens want going far, and honestly i don’t see him going up against luka. luka v ivan is the more dynamic matchup, with luka being the previous winner while ivan is the favourite. they’re both very smart as well (not that i’m trying to talk down till he’s my wet little guy) so it’ll be an interesting (sorry i keep using interesting my vocabulary is small) battle of wits as well as skill. their musical styles also fit together well; it would be hard to write a song fitting both luka and till’s styles, but between luka and ivan they share enough similarities. also, the white/black contrast again. till’s motivation has been mizi the whole time, but now that he thinks mizi is dead i think he’s going to struggle, probably lash out, ultimately die. sad moment for ivan, drama, grahhh im sad abt my bf, grahhhhhh i want to beat luka, drama, etc
that’s all for now, may or may not come back to this. mizisua next (the next round will probably be out by the time i even start writing)
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tradetobest · 1 year ago
For the Fanfic Writer Ask Meme - ghi
Please & thank you 🐧
G: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
id probably write a bennguin sequel to one more glance tbh…. im an absolute sucker for soulmate aus and idk what more i would do with sid and geno’s stories (im more of a ‘happily’ writer than an ‘ever after’ one if you know what i mean) so!! yeah. boston era tyler meeting jamie at the asg and saying maybe it could work but it Doesnt. then he gets traded. ooooo
H: How would you describe your writing style?
really interesting question!! we talked abt style in class and how like. you rlly develop one as you grow and learn as a writer and tbh atp id say my style is like. dialogue-heavy banter-comedy type things. love that shit. even when i write porn they still bicker and giggle.
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
i have written in 25 (ish) fandoms!! a lot of my old works are on different sites (ff dot net, wattpad, deviantart, quotev) so they are sort of. lost to the void. and younger me purged them bc i got embarrassed. whoops. and my favourite is hrpf tbh… if you asked in the past itd probably be whatever fandom im currently in as well. every new fandom i grow to love its specific tropes and customs and everything and its just so fun every time. shout out to hrpf writers for giving me a good base to start with haha!! and the dynamics here. OUGH. 1000/10
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time-is-restored · 25 days ago
been quarantining all my t!piper posting to my priv twitter* but woke up this morning and realised that's literally what tumblr is for. i have a tag for her and everything. like i was worried about talking about her too much but wait this is my house. i can do whatever i want! so im gonna dump a collection of thoughts here <3
*(couldn't be bothered to censor my username but im assuming no one here's interested in twitter anyway. it's a bad website it's just also good for shouting into the void)
immediately post thaya's death:
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post being named corn's heir (that discord message excerpt is me talking about all the different things that could happen next session and how piper would react LOL):
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and then a strong fucking contender for the worst aged tweet in thursdaysmp history:
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LIKE. OH NO. OHHHHHHHH NO. also darkly funny because technically her desire to be with willow over anyone else did stay intact for a while there. just uh. for very different reasons!
post ancient city:
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post dot break up:
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^ this has aged interestingly bc i while i do think there's a shred of anger still in there for piper (which mostly came out during her ghort interaction), it's veeeeeeery weighed down by how tired she is of fighting against anything. her sole drive was to give others closure before dying, and now that she thinks that's just about accomplished (she's still holding out for one last talk with PB, eventually) she doesn't want to pick anymore fights. they'll just lead to disappointment, y'know? being shitty @ zero + vigil whenever they piss her off is just a sad way to spend what little time they have left together,,,
and then post dot-reunion:
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(for the record the worst ending in my mind is the one where she dies immediately post city without any chance to be reassured or even just like. understood by the others abt Why She Did That. physically AND emotionally alone oh no!!!!!)
but i really do love how bad piper is at accepting things she can't control. it came up AGAIN with the fucking
and then my realisation from the last session:
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part of this is ofc emotional bleed where i am having fun playing minecraft with friends, so piper's also having a pretty good time, but like. she genuinely is able to regulate herself so much more if she has something to do (TASK <3) and someone to do it with (FRIEND <3). it doesn't even have to be a productive or important task. herding sheep with lynx was easily the calmest she felt in that nightmare 48 hour period,,
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discord-real · 1 month ago
I love pony town sm
Me n a bunch of other ponies r just standing around shouting excitedly abt the void we made
This is way more fun than dealing with online drama
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cylixil · 1 year ago
I'm not really a polytheist (I mostly just chill with Apollon) but from my experience, they're very subtle. I've had years of practice but even so I'll probably miss like 50% of his messages/signs lol, and even then I'll be wondering if it's just my imagination most of the time when I do hear* him.
*A lot of people post things that make it seem like gods are having full conversations with them (myself included, mostly bc it's fun and I like shouting into the void abt him along with telling a friend. I mainly just do the latter tho). I won't get into my own experiences bc it got too long lol but to sum it up they're all super subtle and very easily missed, even when I've been speaking to him for more than a decade now
I can't really offer advice on how to hear them but if they do talk to you, you'll have to learn to trust yourself and learn to discern what is and isn't them. The "listening" is a skill you have to hone and can come in many forms, though, but I'm sure people have already given examples.
for all my fellow hellenic polytheists who like... are able to talk to the gods or at least feel their presence in a tangible way... h o w am i doing something wrong? am i not offering the right things? i know i stumble across posts saying that it's completely normal not to feel the presence of the gods or hear them speak to your heart but like... i wanna hear them at least once :(
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thosch3i · 4 years ago
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I was rewatching this episode, and Xiaoge is almost certainly watching Wu Xie in this scene (his gaze is directed toward the direction where Wu Xie was sitting at that point in the episode), and...he probably expects to die soon. And he may have lost all his memories, but he still knows, at least, exactly how much Wu Xie means to him (like how he recalled Wu Xie’s name immediately upon meeting him again for the first time, like how he instinctively jumped to shield Wu Xie from the threat of an explosion).
And Xiaoge also knows they’re not safe yet. So not only does he think he will die soon, he likely thinks they all will die soon. Does he think about Pan Ma’s warning? That if the two of them are together, sooner or later one will bring about the death of the other? Does he think that prediction is coming true, that he wasn’t able to keep Wu Xie safe until the end, that Wu Xie will die here at the hands of the Miluotuo, all because of himself?
This was also the only time an insert song was subbed in an episode, and there’s a line in this song: “If I disappeared from this world, only your gaze would see”. First of all, Xiaoge, on the brink of death, on the brink of “disappearing from this world”--where does his own gaze land? Of course, on the man who once vowed to remember him, who told him that their burdens are shared, who swore to walk with him until the very end of the journey (is the journey’s end here already, he wonders). And Wu Xie sees him, like the song says, like Wu Xie promised.
And again, Xiaoge’s own gaze--it’s that familiar, fixed, intensity that he’s looked at Wu Xie with in the past. The light in his eyes is for one person alone right now, and he keeps his gaze riveted on Wu Xie, despite how much pain he must be in. He endures the pain (like he’s been trained since he was young), fights it, to watch Wu Xie, like he’s looking at his “only connection to this world”, if only for a few moments longer. Does he think to himself, that he’s finally beginning to find that “connection”, find his place in this world, only to be on the verge of losing it all?
But what can he do now? Nothing, not anymore, and he knows that very well--from the weakening rasp of his breath; from the way the stabbing pain in his abdomen that had shocked his thoughts into momentary lucidity is dulling to a distant, pleasant numbness; from the flickering of his vision in and out of an almost comforting darkness...
So he watches Wu Xie, the one person who he can still see clearly, who he has always seen clearly (though how much of that clarity is only imagined now, he doesn’t know).
Pan Ma’s warning rings like a death knell in his head; shreds of an almost-forgotten promise (”If you disappeared, at least I would know”) begin stir at the desolate corners of the foggy labyrinth that makes up his memories, and he thinks--I wasn’t able to protect him.
But selfishly, he tells himself--if there is nothing else in this world he is allowed to want, then he at least wants to see Wu Xie, as long as he can still keep his eyes open, just this one last time.
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slytherinshua · 1 month ago
honestly a goal of mine is to play in church IM JUST NOT READY YET. i know a bunch of hymns and i've played for like my family's lessons and carols on christmas eve but playing in front of the church is just nerve wracking (even tho everyone is super sweet and forgiving and there's not more than 20 ppl there on a good day). awww a band sounds so fun <33 i really don't have any friends who play instruments irl (not that i have any friends irl that's another problem) but i've rarely met ppl on tumblr who play too so i always feel like i'm shouting to a void when i complain abt music LMAO
lmao I’m abt to go to sleep but just answering your ask and being able to yap abt lucy again I MISS IT and I’m so glad we’re back to talking pretty regularly rn (at least I hope) EVEN THO LUCY ISLAND IS A BIT EMPTY RN we are still reminiscing moments from last yr and finding infinite things to talk abt AND ITS SO FUN excuse my emo (im listening to colorless SO ITS SANGYEOPS FAULT IM 2 SECONDS AWAY FROM CRYING RN FRFR) but I rly love being friends with you vi!! talking abt lucy with you just fills a spot in my soul and i don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it :)) anyway was gonna send a cute pic of wonsang but u don’t have media asks on LMAO but just imagine a very small cute wonsang who escaped my pocket and is now in yours <3
AHH I'm so glad to hear that, I really love being friend with you too!! Yapping about Lucy is so much fun and it is amazing to do it with someone who feels the same! I love getting all emo and sentimental (my friend always laughs at me when I do though lol)
I'm so sorry that we haven't been yapping as often recently, I wasn't really online. I was also just sorting of living in a bit of a haze, it's so weird to explain lol. I wasn't quite with it, but I'm definitely locking in this year lol
I didn't realise that it wasn't on?? I'm devastated 😭 thanks for letting Wonsang escape into my pocket, I'll keep him safe ahaha (although if you could give me Yechan too, I need to play violin in church tomorrow so he could definitely help lol)
I can't wait to yap with you more <3
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handdrawnfantasma · 7 years ago
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i can’t remember starting, and i’m never done | a circular mix for time loopers
01. anais mitchell ft. the haden triplets - nothing changes | 02. ghost quartet - i don’t know (live at the mckittrick) | 03. regina spektor - a cannon | 04. the submarines - 1940 (section quartet mix) | 05. lights - ...and counting | 06. saycet - we walk fast | 07. first aid kit - stay gold  | 08. stars - the 400 | 09. ghost quartet - tango dancer | 10. earlimart - it’s okay to think about ending | 11. johnette napolitano - the scientist | 12. the books - we bought the flood | 13. nik ammar - glass walls | 14. rachel macwhirter - temporal shenanigans | 15. scntfc - the beach, 7am | 16. lia;maya - mary's fictional world
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