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they/them, she/her. use what you want. I can't speak English. Nevertheless, I wrote in English because I hope that my interpretation will be implanted in your brain. You can use what I wrote without citing the source or anything like that. If it's not allowed, I'll post it in Korean, so there's no need to make a mistake.
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dlatl98 · 7 days ago
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I’ve seen DA:I tarot cards inspired art in the silm tag lately and decided to join the fun 8D (more to follow probably)
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dlatl98 · 7 days ago
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dlatl98 · 7 days ago
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dlatl98 · 7 days ago
WIP below the cut
i dont know if anyone remembers but i started a series of Dragon Age inspired "tarot cards" for the sons of Feanor (my icon is a snippet of the card i did for Celegorm)
Guess who decided to finally get to these loose threads 8D I'm eager to finish the set one day but i struggled with the card for Caranthir. Mainly because he is one of my favorites and the huge pile of headcanons i have for him. Its difficult to transport any symbolism fitting for his canon character.
ANYWAY. Here is a very rough WIP of my boi
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(any form of constructive criticism is welcome at this stage)
Also, somehow a WIP of Finrod turned out to be very DA-ish... guess he'll have a guest appearance in the series 8'D
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dlatl98 · 7 days ago
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dlatl98 · 8 days ago
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Witch Cat & Wedding Cat
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dlatl98 · 8 days ago
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dlatl98 · 10 days ago
At Nirnaeth Arnoediad, another concern is possible. His bravery in holding the line could be another expression of despair. The dragon went to Maedhros' side. It is reasonable to assume that Maedhros was already dead. It is a miracle that all of Feanor's sons retreated alive, so according to Occam's Razor, it is reasonable to assume that Fingon would have thought Maedhros was roasted. Well, Maedhros was roasted in the end, just from a different perspective…. Or, according to my headcanon about Elessar, Fingon could have been relieved that he was alive at least. until the end, Maedhros was his reward except death. There are many ways to imagine it.
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dlatl98 · 10 days ago
Hi! Doing this anon because I'm not really brave enough on tumblr to not, but I was hoping you could maybe share your resources that you use when writing in the world of Tolkien? Especially for languages? Thanks :)
great ask anon! i'll compile as many as i can here for you! i'll include only the websites that i use the most when doing my research for tolkien writing projects, because my bookmarks are honestly crazy full and a tad unorganised, so i'll link the ones that i find the most useful and visit the most often, but if you want anything else that's not listed but can't find i'll see if i have anything and/or i'll help you find it :) truly people, if you need a website and don't know where to start let me know, i've got over 5 years worth of bookmarks and research under my belt here lol.
this post under the cut will be massive and comprehensive and will include links to websites for: languages, maps, transcripts of the peter jackson movies, timelines, and other generally useful information! enjoy!
https://realelvish.net/ - this website is my lifeline when it comes to the languages of middle-earth 🙏 it includes phrasebooks, word and name lists, pronunciation guides and much more, in quenya, sindarin, adûnaic, and even orcish! i should also mention that this website has a lot of information on the calendars of arda as well, which is super useful as it includes that of the elves, hobbits and men!
https://www.elfdict.com/ - similar to the previous website, but this one is far more useful as a dictionary rather than a phrasebook and full sentence finder and i spend a lot of time on here as well! bonus is that this website even includes a large amount of dialects and outdated words from the early era of tolkien's writing as well
https://ambar-eldaron.com/telechargements/quenya-engl-A4.pdf - this pdf is an english-quenya (and vice versa) dictionary
https://eldamo.org/content/words/word-3213625509.html - this glorious but simple website explores numerals in quenya, something i did not realise i needed until i started writing a diary for golweneth, my oc erin's mother. it includes ordinal numbers, fractions, large numbers, and a means of combining numbers too
https://www.dwarrowscholar.com/library.html - for your khuzdul needs!! i adore this website and it's by far the most comprehensive khuzdul dictionary and translation site i have found. and, if like me you still play lotro, there's language plugins available here too! stunning website and i highly recommend it for your dwarven writing needs
https://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/ryan/Linguistics/Dictionaries/Dwarvish%20Dictionary.htm - another khuzdul site, far simpler but also very useful for quick searches and basic dictionary usage
http://lotrproject.com/map/#zoom=3&lat=-1315.5&lon=1500&layers=BTTTTT - this is probably the most well known and most generally useful map available online that it known to most fans. you can choose between the map of middle-earth and of beleriand, which is awesome, and it includes paths of the fellowship and the company of thorin and some characters from the first age, such as tuor's journey to gondolin
https://imgur.com/highly-detailed-map-of-new-zealand-not-just-some-other-islands-that-look-like-i-promise-NrgFc4C - funny html i know, but it's a highly detailed map of middle-earth, probably the best one i've found (and the prettiest). super handy to use for your writing or to reference
https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Category:Maps_of_Gondolin# - the page in the tokien gateway for the maps of the city of gondolin. i highly recommend the tolkien gateway in general for research purposes and you'll find almost anything and everything you need to know on the website, including more maps! i'm including this here purely because it took me a little while to find and i like to reference specific places in gondolin when writing stories in the city so i thought it would be useful
https://www.glyphweb.com/arda/maps.html - again this is not a singular specific map link, but rather an index of maps in middle earth. this website is also a core website to use in your research of arda and the legendarium and i come to it a lot for area specific maps and extra information, often condensed to an easy to understand synopsis. i highly recommend this website for your research!
this next one is straight up a png, but it's the most detailed and easy to use map of aman that i've found and i reference it often for my silmarillion research and writing, especially when writing for the elves of valinor or stories about the valar
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once more, this next map is a jpeg, but a highly detailed map of both beleriand AND middle-earth as it would have looked when the earth was still whole (a detailed númenór is also there as a bonus!) super handy, super detailed, i use it often
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https://www.reddit.com/r/lotro/comments/ra90cg/oc_complete_map_of_lotros_middle_earth/#lightbox - bonus map of middle-earth from the lotro game which i also enjoy referencing
the following links are for the peter jackson films of lotr and the hobbit, but i find them immensely useful for my writing as the base for much of it is rooted in this universe, though i personally make use of all canon lore and material as well as the film-verse material. these are especially useful for people that wish to examine the scripts and the language used within
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WSLu9yYZZk55wi4PgZ904qC2eaHMw-e3jhpGjNGWJMs/edit?hl=en&forcehl=1&tab=t.0 - this link is to the transcript of the hobbit: an unexpected journey on google docs. within this, you'll also find links to the desolation of smaug and the battle of the five armies, what a bargain! unfortunately, these are the transcripts for the theatrical editions only, but fear not, i have you covered for the extended editions too!!
https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=841103 - this is the link to the comparison between the theatrical and extended edition of an unexpected journey. it contains all the missing scenes and dialogue that you see in the extended editions. highly detailed and well organised. because it can be hard to find the other movies on the same website if you're unfamiliar with the layout, i'll include their links beneath this one too :)
https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=841103 - dos
https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=781094 - botfa
http://www.fempiror.com/otherscripts/LordoftheRings1-FOTR.pdf - this absolute blessing of a pdf is the full extended edition script (trust me, it took a while to find one that wasn't for the theatrical only) of the fellowship of the ring. thank me later. it's in screenplay format and is 173 pages long, and i find it immensely handy to reference when writing specific scenes and comparing it with the books. what's also wonderful is that all the elvish and non-english text is translated. i'm fairly certain it even contains scenes that did not make the final cut (i say this only because when scanning the document i found a scene in cerin amroth that does not appear in the theatrical or the extended edition, so, bonus material!!)
http://www.fempiror.com/otherscripts/LordoftheRings2-TTT.pdf - same as above, but for the two towers. this pdf is 222 pages long and gloriously filled with every scene (and as before, possibly with cut material, i have not read the thing in entirety yet!)
http://www.fempiror.com/otherscripts/LordoftheRings3-ROTK.pdf - once more same as above, but i've only managed to find this particular one today so i have not had the chance to check if it's the extended edition, but as it's the same website as the previous two (and 152 pages long) i think it's safe to assume that it is, but just in case it isn't, i will include one final link to a site that is DEFINITELY the extended script
http://www.ageofthering.com/atthemovies/scripts/returnofthekingscript.php - this website is particularly handy as it splits everything into scenes. unfortunately, not all the movie scripts work or i would have included them also, but feel free to check the website in more detail regardless!!
https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Timeline - a singular link for a change, because everything is included. as mentioned before, the tolkien gateway is your best friend when it comes to research in tolkien's legendarium relating to everything arda. this is the link to the timeline page, which splits into the ages from days before days, to the later ages after the events of lotr. immensely useful for anyone who loves history timelines and getting dates right like me!
here are links to things i often reference and use, and i think are generally just quite useful to have on hand. this is the mishmash section! enjoy some random but hopefully handy to have links to a bunch of different things in middle earth :)
http://lotrproject.com/timedistance/ - a graph of the journeys that bilbo and frodo take in the hobbit and lotr. includes distance travelled and time taken, as well as more detailed information of where the companies are in their journey when you click the graphs themselves
https://tolkienlibrary.com/press/images/fishesofmiddleearth2008willink.pdf - a lovely field guide to the fishes of middle-earth! when i said it would be random, i meant it! believe it or not i use this document when writing cooking scenes because i like knowing whether or not the characters could feasibly get their hands on perch or cod, or if it's entirely out of the question for where they are. also just a very interesting read if you like knowing about fish species and location
http://www.istad.org/tolkien/healingStudy.html - a slightly outdated, yet no less interesting page on the examples and details of healing in middle earth (the link to the newer page does not work, hence why i am including this link instead)
https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Poems_in_The_Lord_of_the_Rings - a list of all the poems that appear in the lord of the rings, who they are composed by, and where in the books they appear
https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Poems_in_The_Hobbit - and here is a list of poems for the hobbit too!!
https://www.silmarillionwritersguild.org/reference/references/nerdanel.php - a wonderful and interesting short essay by dawn felagund on the character of nerdanel both in canon and fanon, a great and interesting read for anyone into character analysis and the role of women in tolkien's writing
https://www.namegeneratorfun.com/elf - a highly detailed and useful name generator for elves in both sindarin and quenya! the same website also has generators for dwarves, hobbits, and many more fantasy creatures. the names are compiled from the realelvish website (which is the first link in this post) and i use it all the time when creating characters or for finding inspiration in name meanings
https://craparchery.blogspot.com/2015/07/kili-dwarf-from-hobbit.html - this blog corrects and talks about all the mistakes in archery seen in popular media. this link is specifically for kíli in the hobbit, but if you go through the blog archive you'll also find legolas and tauriel, as well as many other characters from other media. super fun to read, and very interesting for those like me interested in archery and how to correctly write and use bow and arrow
https://bearmccreary.com/project/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-rings-of-power/ - and now for my final link! this is bear mccreary's website (which is a treasure trove for music lovers like myself), in which he talks in depth about the music of middle-earth in the rings of power, of which he is the composer. now, this may be controversial to some fans, but i personally love the rings of power show and i think it captures a lot of the essence of tolkien's writing. you don't have to like it, but by god, i love it! is it perfect? nope, but neither are the peter jackson adaptations, but they are loved regardless. the way bear mccreary writes about the world of arda is sublime, and the details he puts into his music are well thought out and incredibly fitting. a very interesting read, and well worth a look if you love music analysis and language both
i hope that someone finds this useful!! please feel free to reblog, this took me over an hour to compile and sort, but i loved doing it and i truly hope fellow fans and writers get some use out of this list. many of these websites are very popular already, thankfully, but if you're new to the fandom or writing in this world, it can be super intimidating to find information, so i hope this sets you on the right path!! if you need any help finding something specific, or maybe you're looking for something that i have not mentioned, send me an ask and i will do my best to help you out!! it doesn't even have to be specific to middle-earth, because i have a lot more in regards to archery, medical, medieval cooking, and other fandoms such as star wars and the witcher. if you also want help finding information on specific topics but aren't sure what to type in to find it, maybe i can help with that too (eg, things like ósanwë, epessë, the ages of characters)
thanks for reading, and happy writing!
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dlatl98 · 11 days ago
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“Now fair and marvelous was that vessel made, and it was filled with a wavering flame, pure and bright; and Eärendil the Mariner sat at the helm, glistening with dust of elven-gems and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow.” - the Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien
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dlatl98 · 12 days ago
The first question Celebrimbor asked to Annatar, who was prepared
Annatar: No, not at all. Maiar do not grow up to become Valar. Maiar are not weak Valar, nor young Valar. Valar are not strong Maiar, nor adult Maiar. In fact, we Ainur do not have the concept of being young, nor the concept of growing up. Valar and Maiar are not a distinction between species and subspecies. To use an analogy, Valar is a scale, and Maiar is like a major and minor scale. Maiar is not completely subordinate to Valar, so this is even stranger. Forget it. Valar is a pure tone, and Maiar adds variations to create harmony… that's not it either. Anyway, to answer your strange question from earlier, I, Úmaiar of Melkor, do not grow up to become a dark lord! If I had known you would ask such a strange question, I would not have told you who I am!
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dlatl98 · 12 days ago
Hi! I've been active in the fandom on tumblr for a couple years now and I noticed that Feanorian Week has been in March both this year and last year. I was wondering, is it always in March? and if so, why? (no problems with it, just wondering about meaning/symbolism)
Yes :D It's always been in March, for the March of Maedhros! It's kind of a play on the lore, if that makes sense.
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dlatl98 · 12 days ago
The reason the Valar responded to Earendil's rescue request is probably because he was a man. The Noldor, Sindar, and Nandor, from the Valar's transcendental perspective, do not need to be saved. They can rest in the Hall of Mandos when they die and then be resurrected. The Eldar can all be resurrected after they die. Given the Valar's indifferent attitude toward Middle-earth - In the end, the Silmarils seems to be Eru's grand plan to bless Middle-earth with the light of the Tree - they may have thought that was a good option. After all, the Elves' rescue request is weightless - "Just die!" - and mortals cannot come to Valinor. I wonder why they couldn't send a rescue request remotely before that, but let's think about that later… In the end, by a combination of luck and fortune, Earendil called for rescue, and the Valar agreed that it was a problem that could not be solved by the Hall of Mandos and came to the rescue. And strangely enough, among the many coincidences… would it have been successful without the third Kinslaying?
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dlatl98 · 12 days ago
New photo refs for the paleo artists out there, courtesy of Knuckle Bump Farms' naked emu chicks.
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Like seriously, look at these guys and their stupid little arms.
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dlatl98 · 12 days ago
alright so Pangur got her claw stuck while rolling over in bed, and then just GAVE UP, which led to her being horizontally flattened in a way that gives her impossible girth and...... I'll share, but just know that it's an optical illusion. please. I swear to god she's a healthy weight. I mean, a little chubby, but not like this.
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dlatl98 · 13 days ago
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Huevember Day 15.
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dlatl98 · 13 days ago
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Huevember Day 20.
He is still definitely allowed to take that flower...
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